Allergy to cold. Allergies without an allergen: how to overcome. Symptoms and treatment of cold allergy in adults. Signs of an allergic reaction Cold allergy causes

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In short, this is an overly strong reaction of the body to a drop in ambient temperature.

The term cold allergy is not entirely correct, since there is no direct involvement of the body's immune system in the disease process. The mechanism of development of this disease is different from allergic pathology itself. But to avoid confusion, we will still use it.

For some time, doctors did not consider the manifestations of this problem to be a disease, but in recent years this issue has been reconsidered. And now one of the manifestations of cold allergies - cold urticaria - is even included in the International Classification of Diseases.

According to the ICD-10 classification, cold urticaria has code L 50.2 - urticaria caused by exposure to low or high temperature.

First of all, it is worth talking about the mechanism of development of the pathology. An allergic reaction generally develops under the influence of special active substances, mediators, the main one of which is histamine (hence - antihistamines). When an allergen enters the body, it is “attacked” by immune cells, immunoglobulins.

Photo: Itchy rash as one of the most common manifestations of the reaction

If there are too many of them, they seem to “stick around” mast cells, which rupture and release that same histamine. However, you cannot call cold an allergen, it is not a protein, it does not penetrate the body. However, under the influence of low temperature, mast cells can begin to produce mediators on their own, without the influence of immunoglobulins.

Therefore, an allergy to cold is a pseudo-allergic reaction.

The reaction may be associated with exposure to cold air, wind, or cold water.

The symptoms of this disease are quite varied and will be discussed in a separate paragraph of this article. One has only to say that it manifests itself with both general and local symptoms, which increases its severity.

However, if the provoking factor is excluded, all phenomena disappear within 10-15 minutes, which is also a difference from “ordinary” allergies - in the case of the latter manifestation, they can persist from several hours to several days and even weeks.

Causes and risk factors

Among the reasons, it should be noted that allergies can occur as an independent disease or as a manifestation of concomitant diseases.

Photo: Allergy to cold on the hands often manifests itself as a rash

Often, an excessive reaction develops with systematic hypothermia, including:

  • choosing clothes “not appropriate for the weather”, wearing short skirts and nylon tights in winter, avoiding hats and scarves;
  • constant contact with cold water (frequent washing of dishes, being in the pool);
  • addiction to too cold drinks;
  • being in a draft.

Almost always, cold allergies are a consequence of weakened immunity. Thus, long-term, severe diseases (including autoimmune, oncological, endocrine) can provoke the appearance of allergies.

It is worth saying that if a person is “allergic”, then the development of hypersensitivity to low temperatures is more likely.

Most often, this condition occurs due to excessive activity of mast cells that produce histamine.

The problem should be considered comprehensively:

Not just as an allergy to cold, but as a problem for the body as a whole. Perhaps the doctor will recommend some tests.

It is worth paying attention to the medications you take (especially on an ongoing basis): for high blood pressure, antibiotics, antifungals, vitamins, etc.

Also, in cold weather, it is necessary to limit the consumption of histamine-liberating foods: strawberries, wild strawberries, chocolate, etc.

Risk factors

Risk factors for this problem are:

  • Constant systematic exposure to cold air or contact with cold objects;
  • The presence of concomitant chronic infectious and autoimmune diseases;
  • The presence of cold allergy symptoms in close relatives or family members;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics;
  • Constant psychological and physical overload.

Risk group

Most often, cold allergies manifest themselves in adults (but can also occur in childhood and adolescence) in young women 25-30 years old.

Allergy to cold: photo on hands, face

Allergy to cold on the hand in the form of swelling

Refractory cold urticaria

On a child's cheek

Cold urticaria

Ice cube mark on hand

Video: it’s clear about cold allergies from N.V. Ilintseva.

Our consultant, allergist Nadezhda Viktorovna, recorded a video especially for the portal, where she spoke clearly and in detail about cold allergies.

Types and symptoms of allergies to cold

There are quite a lot of options for the development of pathology. Each of them differs from the others in symptoms, severity, and the possibility of developing complications.

The main manifestations of cold allergies will be:

  • Rash on areas of the body exposed to cold.
  • Blisters, ;
  • Obsessive itching, peeling of the skin;
  • Swelling of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Watery eyes, cough, runny nose.

Cold urticaria

Photo: Manifestations of reaction on the hand

Hives are the most common type of cold allergy. It develops, like dermatitis, on open and poorly protected areas of the body.

A very common location is urticaria in the knees, lower third of the thigh and upper third of the leg.

Symptoms differ little from “usual”:

  1. First, swelling (rarely blisters) develops, then they turn red, forming some kind of “islands”.
  2. After a couple of minutes, the “islands” begin to turn white and extremely intense itching appears, which is quite difficult to endure. But if you start scratching, blue-violet furrows appear on the skin - marks from nails.
  3. When the subcutaneous tissue warms up enough, the itching gradually subsides and disappears, but a burning sensation appears, the local temperature rises, this effect lasts for 15-20 minutes. But in the end (if there is no scratching) all manifestations disappear completely.

Urticaria is dangerous due to its complications. Against this background, angioedema may develop (especially when it appears on the face), which is a life-threatening condition.

Pseudoallergic conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is precisely the form of the disease from which it is most difficult to protect yourself, because you can’t wear special mittens over your eyes. The mechanism of development is the same - under the influence of low temperature, histamine is produced, causing the following symptoms:

  • pain in the eyes, feeling of “sand”;
  • lacrimation;
  • temporary decrease in vision, “blurred picture”;
  • itching in the eyes, redness of the sclera;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva.

Very often, this type of allergy develops when engaging in winter sports associated with speed - skiing (especially mountain skiing), snowboarding, and in children - even bagel skiing.

Cold rhinitis

Most people, at the moment of a sharp change in temperature (going from a warm room to a cold one and vice versa), experience symptoms of rhinitis - a runny nose on the street. However, they should not be confused with cold allergies; this is just a normal vascular reaction to a change in temperature.

Here's when they appear:

  • itching and burning in the nose;
  • profuse mucous rhinorrhea;
  • feeling of dry mucosa;
  • prolonged sneezing;
  • soreness and other unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx,

BUT at the same time the temperature does not rise and headaches, a feeling of weakness and heaviness do not appear; allergic rhinitis should be suspected.

Cold dermatitis

Photo: Allergy to cold on the hands is manifested by peeling and flaking of the skin

With this form:

  • a finely blistered red rash appears on the face or pimples on exposed or poorly protected areas of the skin;
  • the skin begins to peel, in some places even peel off. The most common location is on the hands;
  • dryness and irritation appear;
  • an integral part is itching;
  • there is a feeling of “tension,” especially in areas where the skin is thin (for example, on the front surface of the lower leg in the lower third, on the forearms, on the forehead and cheeks).

The peculiarity of thermogenic dermatitis is that it often “layers” on ordinary chapping, and as a result, it feels like it takes a very long time to go away.

Cold asthma

This option is the most unpleasant, because... there is a high probability that cold asthma will develop into “full-fledged” asthma. But at the stage of reactivity to cold, the disease has the following manifestations:

  • a cough with an allergy to cold is dry, barking, accompanied by hoarseness and wheezing;
  • dry mouth;
  • difficulty breathing (especially exhalation);
  • sore throat.

General somatic symptoms may develop:

  • headache;
  • muscle pain (especially in the neck);
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling tired, overwhelmed.

In principle, there are no specific features of the course of the disease in pregnant and lactating women.

Unless an allergy to cold develops more easily during pregnancy, a very slight drop in temperature is enough to react, and the severity of the manifestations increases due to the already weakened immune system.

Complications of cold allergies

Among the complications of this disease, the following should be noted:

  • Swelling of the face and neck develops;
  • Widespread skin rashes;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
    • Anaphylactic shock;
  • Bronchospasm.

The most dangerous complication of cold allergy in children is laryngeal stenosis.. It develops when consuming cold drinks and ice cream. The adult population is usually not bothered by this problem.

Allergy to cold in a child: features

Allergy to cold in children manifests itself somewhat differently. This is due to immaturity and incomplete formation of defense mechanisms.

In children, symptoms may be more pronounced and severe. In addition, there is a high risk of complications.

Therefore, it is very important to avoid hypothermia during pregnancy, so as not to provoke the development of hereditary cold allergies in the unborn child.

Children develop “ordinary” asthma more easily after cold weather, and also develop generalized forms of urticaria.

Often, symptoms of cold allergies in children appear during or after a walk on open areas of the skin - the face and hands:

  • redness of the cheeks that does not go away for a long time;
  • blisters (sometimes itchy);
  • lacrimation.

In children under one year of age, this reaction can occur to what seems like a completely insignificant drop in air temperature. Therefore, being in a cold room or in a draft is contraindicated. Any cold procedures in childhood in childhood, for example, hardening, are also prohibited. And if the child is allergic, then it is better not to sleep on the balcony instead of going for a walk.

Allergies to cold in newborns are rare, but can appear immediately after birth, especially if the newborn’s toilet rules are violated. Babies go from the warm mother's belly to much more “harsh” temperature conditions, and freeze within a couple of minutes if they are not placed under a source of radiant heat.

Speaking about such a problem as a child's allergy to cold, Komarovsky warns: the baby cannot say what is bothering him, so you need to be very attentive to him.

Diagnosis of cold allergies

It is very important to correctly diagnose cold allergy symptoms. Diagnosis of this disease is based on the characteristic clinical picture; a diagnostic test can be done.

Particular attention should be paid to diagnostic tests, since they are very sensitive and allow the correct diagnosis to be made with high accuracy. In addition, you can do them yourself even at home. Evaluating the results of these tests is also not difficult.

Photo: Cold urticaria as a reaction to a piece of ice on the hand

The simplest and most accessible among them are:

  1. Apply a cold object (ice cube) to the skin for 10-15 minutes.
  2. If ineffective, immerse your hands in cold water for 15 minutes. Be careful, the water should not be icy, your feet should remain warm, and there should be no draft in the apartment.
  3. Perform gymnastics in cool air (temperature up to 5 degrees Celsius) for 10 minutes.

If, after performing these tests, characteristic symptoms of a cold allergy arise - swollen hands, skin rashes appear, or general condition worsens - you should consult a specialist to confirm this diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Differential diagnosis

It must be said that an allergic reaction to cold is a very “vivid” disease, and it is quite difficult to confuse it with something else. However, there is another pathology in which the development of symptoms is associated with a decrease in temperature - this.

The mechanisms of development of cryoglobulinemia are mainly due to the precipitation of special proteins - cryoglobulins (cold hemolysins), which occurs at body temperatures below 37 degrees. The presence of cryoglobulins in the blood itself does not cause harm. Problems begin when these substances are deposited in the walls of small vessels and vasculitis develops.

Photo: Rash due to cryoglobulinemia

It is known that the ability to form cryoglobulins can be due to:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • and/or the presence of concomitant infectious factors.

In this regard, cryoglobulinemia can be hereditary (familial) and acquired.

Hereditary cryoglobulinemia is a disease that manifests itself in the first months of life. There is an immediate form, which is characterized by the appearance of hot spots or nodules (not blisters!) accompanied by chills, fever, muscle and joint pain, and headache.

The delayed form is characterized by the appearance of blisters within 9–18 hours after exposure to cold, which disappear after 2–3 days.

Acquired cold allergies can occur at any age. More often it accompanies the following diseases:

  • hepatitis,
  • bacterial endocarditis,
  • tuberculosis,
  • syphilis,
  • Infectious mononucleosis,
  • respiratory viral infections,
  • cancer,
  • collagenoses.

That is, it occurs in an organism significantly weakened by concomitant diseases.

The provoking factor in this pathology, as in cold allergies, can be significant or prolonged hypothermia, but the cause is an infectious disease.

Below we have provided some useful videos:

Treatment of allergies to cold

When treating this disease, you should approach the problem comprehensively. First of all, the cause of the disease, in this case cold, should be excluded. People prone to allergic reactions are not recommended to overcool or stay outdoors for a long time during the cold season. Exposed areas of the body should be minimized.

By and large, an uncomplicated allergy does not require special treatment; its symptoms go away on their own in a short time. But if the symptoms are very disturbing or last longer than an hour, cold allergy treatment is required.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of this allergy is the treatment of manifestations of an allergic reaction, for example, skin rashes, as well as problems with the respiratory system.

All medications for cold allergies are divided into general and local agents.

In the treatment of cold urticaria and cold dermatitis are used. Which cream or ointment should you choose?

If your hands itch, Advantan ointment is a good remedy.

Preference is given hormonal drugs, which quickly relieve the symptoms of dermatitis and urticaria and allow you to get rid of this problem in the shortest possible time. In this case, they can be used even without a doctor’s prescription, since there are no open skin lesions, there is no “material” provoking agent, so the risk of developing infectious complications is minimal.

Systemic medications can be taken for conjunctivitis, rhinitis and other respiratory manifestations.

  • A throat spray would be appropriate.
  • You can use tablets, for example, Suprastin or Tavegil or any other antihistamine.
  • Injections for cold allergies are usually not prescribed, only in case of complications.
  • For dermatitis, use a moisturizing or healing cream. The anti-inflammatory Bepanten, the healing La-Cri, and ordinary cosmetic body creams are suitable.

Cold treatments can be effective

They are carried out as follows: one upper limb is immersed in cold water at approximately 15.0 o C for 5 minutes, every day, for several days, when the reaction decreases, the time the limb is in the water is increased, then both upper limbs are immersed, after a few days the upper limbs are immersed and lower limbs, and last of all they begin to immerse the face.

Do not forget also about the treatment of concomitant chronic diseases.

You should also pay attention to the causes of scarring on the skin due to allergies. When choosing the wrong topical medications or when the patient consults a doctor late, as well as when skin lesions spread significantly, it is very difficult to achieve the disappearance of scar changes without a trace.

What to do if a child is allergic to cold? The treatment does not differ from the generally accepted one. The only thing worth noting is the need to consult a doctor as quickly as possible to make a correct diagnosis.

Treatment with folk remedies

We should also not forget about the traditional treatment of this disease. These are decoctions and tinctures of herbs. The following herbs will have a positive effect for allergies to cold: duckweed, hawthorn, St. John's wort, chamomile, and others. They should also be taken with preventive measures when an exacerbation of the disease is expected.

These products should not be used if you are allergic to their components.

For example, if it has developed, you can wash with chamomile decoction:

  • 1 filter bag of dry grass (1 tbsp);
  • 0.5 l of water.

Brew chamomile, cool. Apply to face (or other affected area of ​​skin). It is best to prepare the decoction before you plan to go out into the cold, so that you don’t have to do it in a hurry when you return.

If you have an allergy on your legs, arms, or throughout your body, you should take a bath with a string. Make a decoction of the herb (the proportions are the same, but you need to prepare 2.5-3 liters of the product) and pour it into a bath with warm water.


The water in the bath should not be too hot, and you should not go in suddenly. First, let your body get used to the heat a little, and then carry out the procedure.

Treatment with unconventional means


Homeopathy can help, but you cannot practice this practice on your own; consultation with a specialist is required. The advantages of this treatment:

  • individual approach;
  • treatment “like”;
  • minimum doses of drugs.

Chamomile and belladonna preparations are prescribed, as well as the medicine Viburkol.


A very specific remedy. It is suitable exclusively for those who unconditionally believe in this technique. Here is one of the conspiracy options:

The words are said over a clean towel:

The Lord told the disciples: “Go, help, heal.” And I say, God’s servant (name), come, help, heal. Just as a deceased person has no colic, no pain, no itching in his body, so I would like to be healthy according to God’s work and word. Amen.

Then you should wash and dry with a charmed towel. You can wash and dry the affected area of ​​the body. The procedure should be repeated for 12 days without a break.

Some people are diagnosed with a condition called cold allergy. This is a fairly serious disease that can cause dangerous complications.

Therefore, when its symptoms appear, it is so important to consult a doctor promptly.

What it is

An allergy to cold is a reaction that appears on exposed areas of the body and resembles a rash like hives.

Symptoms of the pathology appear within a few minutes after exposure to low temperatures on exposed areas of the body.

Despite the fact that this disease is called an allergy, in reality this response of the body has nothing to do with the true reaction.

Frost and dampness are nothing more than physical factors, while the immune reaction is provoked by sensitizing substances.


Cold allergies are the result of abnormalities in the body's defenses.

The appearance of symptoms of this disease may be associated with the presence of chronic pathologies.

The reasons for this allergy may include the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • chronic infections;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • liver and pancreas diseases;
  • stressful situations;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • formation of immune complexes from antibodies.


There are many types and forms of cold allergies. So, this disease can be acute or chronic.

Symptoms of exacerbation of the disease are the appearance of blisters and itching sensations in exposed areas of the body.

Sometimes pain occurs in the muscle tissue and body temperature increases.

In addition, the following varieties are distinguished:

Symptoms of an allergy to cold

Signs of such an allergy can vary from mild manifestations to serious skin rashes.

The most common signs include the following:

  1. skin manifestations– occur most often and manifest themselves in the form of swelling, redness, itching of exposed parts of the body that have been in contact with a cold environment. After a certain time, the skin begins to hurt and itching occurs. These are the symptoms of an allergy to cold on the hands, face and other parts of the body;
  2. general malaise– blood pressure may increase, headaches, shortness of breath, and general weakness often appear;
  3. allergic rhinitis– Allergy to cold often manifests itself in the form of a runny nose and sneezing. The appearance of swelling of the mucous membranes significantly impairs nasal breathing;
  4. allergic conjunctivitis– in this case, swelling in the eye area, lacrimation, a burning sensation in the eyes, and swelling of the eyelids appear. Allergies are often accompanied by increased sensitivity to bright light.


To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor must interview and examine the patient.

After this, the following laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • determination of lymphocytes that are sensitized to cryoglobulin;
  • skin tests.

Carrying out the test at home

The presence of a reaction to cold can be easily assessed independently. To do this, place a piece of ice on the bend of your elbow and leave for 15 minutes.

If symptoms of urticaria are observed, we can talk about a predisposition to cold allergies.

If there are even slight doubts, you should consult a doctor.

Only laboratory tests will help make an accurate diagnosis.


It is necessary to begin treatment of this disease by completely stopping the body’s contact with the cold environment.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to reduce sensitivity to cryoglobulin.

If this protein is absent from tissues for a long time, the body reacts to it to a lesser extent.

To cope with the symptoms of the disease, the following medications are used:

  1. antihistamines- this category includes the following: pills, like Tavegil, Claritin, Suprastin. It is worth considering that some of these drugs have a hypnotic effect.
  2. corticosteroids- These are hormonal drugs that block the occurrence of the allergic process. These include ointments - Advantan, Beloderm. In severe cases, dexamethasone injections are used.
  3. bronchodilators– such drugs affect bronchial receptors and are used for bronchospasms. Typically, salbutamol spray or aminophylline injections are used.
  4. adrenomimetics– have an effect on alpha-adrenergic receptors of blood vessels, help increase blood pressure and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes. During resuscitation, epinephrine injections are used.

In most cases, cold allergies are diagnosed in people who have foci of chronic infection in the body.

This could be sinusitis, cholecystitis, tonsillitis, etc. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to their therapy.

Video: What else you need to know

Reaction to cold water

An allergy to cold water often occurs when there is sudden contact with an irritating factor. For example, this could be a jump into the water.

With sharp temperature fluctuations, a very dangerous form of allergy sometimes develops - anaphylactic shock.

Those people who do not have such a strong reaction to cold water may experience slight redness, rashes, and an itchy sensation on the skin.

Symptoms appear quite quickly and disappear just as quickly after the person finds himself in a warm place.

If you have this disease, you need to be in the cold as little as possible and avoid contact with cold water.

Antihistamines and corticosteroids will help eliminate the symptoms of the pathology.


To prevent the development of such an allergy, before going outside you need to lubricate exposed parts of the body with special cold creams.

Be sure to use gloves, hats, warm underwear, and a scarf.

At the first symptoms of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to reduce the time spent outside.

A good preventative measure is hardening by dousing.

Before going outside, you should not wash your face with soap, as it dries the skin.

Proper nutrition is of no small importance.

You should avoid foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract - especially smoked and fried meat.

The diet should contain foods high in vitamin F - in particular, sea fish and high-quality vegetable oil.

Risk factors for developing the disease

Non-modifiable factors include the following:

  • genetically determined permeability of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • disruption of the innate balance of anti-inflammatory mediators;
  • problems with the enzymatic work of phagocytes;
  • high sensitivity to allergic mediators;
  • features of the immune response;
  • deviations in the deactivation of active substances.

Modifiable factors that contribute to the cold response include the following:

  • high permeability of the skin and mucous membranes associated with the inflammatory process;
  • presence of liver diseases;
  • unreasonable use of immunostimulants;
  • long-term use of ACE inhibitors;
  • consumption of foods with increased histamine-releasing effects;
  • independent mast cell activators.

What to do

To reduce the manifestations of allergies to cold, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. wear warm outerwear with a hood, use gloves, scarves, and hats. In this case, things must be made of linen or cotton. Skin contact with woolen clothing may aggravate the situation;
  2. To prevent chapping of the skin, half an hour before going outside, you should apply a special cream with an ultraviolet filter. Lips can be lubricated with hygienic lipstick;
  3. On the street, breathe exclusively through your nose. In this case, you should cover your mouth and nose with a scarf;
  4. if cold rhinitis develops, it is recommended to perform acupressure of the nose;
  5. drink hot drinks;
  6. include fatty fish, vegetable oil, and nuts in your diet.

If symptoms of cold allergy occur constantly and gradually increase, you need to consult an allergist.

The specialist will make an accurate diagnosis and select antihistamines.

What to avoid

To prevent symptoms from occurring, it is recommended to avoid the following factors:

  • frequent contacts with cold environments;
  • eating foods and taking medications that increase allergy symptoms;
  • stressful situations.

Cold allergy is a rather unpleasant pathology that can be accompanied by dangerous complications.

In order not to aggravate the situation, if symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor who will select effective therapy.

Symptoms of an allergy to cold often very similar to the natural reaction of the skin to hypothermia and frosty weather, to the symptoms of other allergic skin reactions. Usually small itchy rashes, redness, and sometimes even quite large blisters - the so-called “cold urticaria” and “cold dermatitis” - appear on exposed areas of the skin during walks. Primarily on the face, ears and hands. However, later the rash and other skin symptoms of cold allergies can spread throughout the body.

Most often, an allergy to cold occurs at temperatures below 10 degrees. But for some, it also occurs in relatively warm weather – around zero. The whole point is an increase in the blood level of cryoglobulins, special proteins that respond to cooling. It is quite simple to distinguish between cold urticaria or simple dermatitis and hypothermia. The body's usual reactions to sub-zero temperatures (sharp constriction of blood vessels in the cold, causing redness of the skin and sometimes even itching) disappear in a warm room after a few minutes. And for the manifestations of allergies to disappear, it will take from several hours to 3-5 days.

Also, skin allergies to cold can be accompanied (or manifest completely independently of it) by the so-called pseudo-allergic cold runny nose (rhinitis) and pseudo-allergic conjunctivitis, the latter is usually characterized by redness or swelling of the eyelids and increased lacrimation in the cold. In a warm room, all symptoms of such an allergic runny nose or allergic conjunctivitis quickly disappear.

Irina Tokareva

If an allergic reaction occurs, you need to take an antihistamine, for example, based on desloratodine. But there is no cure for cold allergies that would work once and for all. Therefore, the fight against hypothermia and strengthening the immune system come to the fore. Dress warmly. Before going for a walk, apply a rich protective cream to your face. Eliminate pockets of chronic infection. Minimize the consumption of highly allergenic foods. Changes in lifestyle can also be a good way to prevent allergies: exercise, exercise, try to be less nervous.

Skin allergies to cold can make themselves felt in the summer. To do this, it is enough to stand under a cold shower, sit in a draft, swim in a cold pond, eat ice cream or drink some iced drink (when eating cold food and drinks, it is also possible swelling of the tongue and larynx).

At risk for cold allergies are people who have recently had a viral infection (ARVI, influenza), have any allergic reactions or a hereditary predisposition to them, and suffer from chronic diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Also, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other chronic diseases always make the body more vulnerable to allergens.

A simple test will help diagnose an allergy to cold: apply a piece of ice to your hand for 5 minutes and watch the reaction. However, it should be remembered that no “home” diagnostic tools are highly accurate. Only an allergist can reliably diagnose allergies using a special examination.

Cold allergy is one of many types of negative responses of the body to various external stimuli. The very name of this allergy suggests that an allergic reaction occurs under the influence of cold temperatures.

Until recently, medicine rejected such a diagnosis, since there is no allergen that provokes a specific reaction of the body as such, there is only a physical effect - cold. No allergen means no allergies.

But when exposed to cold air, some sensitive people experience a significant release of histamine, which causes reactions similar to other types of allergies - the development of swelling, dilation of blood vessels, redness of the mucous membranes. This is a response to a decrease in the temperature of the skin's thermal receptors.

Causes of cold allergies

Why does cold allergy occur? Medicine does not yet know the exact answer to this question, but with the following factors, particularly sensitive people may experience this strange type of allergy:

  • When there is a sharp change in a person’s presence in an environment with normal air temperature to an environment with low temperature - in winter, especially in windy weather
  • In contact with cold water - in everyday life when washing dishes, cleaning, swimming in open water
  • When drinking very cold drinks or cold food

In a strong, hardened organism with a strong immune system, such temperature changes do not cause any reactions.

However, in the event of a decrease in protective forces, systemic disorders, serious illnesses, or metabolic disorders in the body, this type of allergy may occur. Stress, as we know, is the most important risk factor for immune failure, so stress-resistant people tend to get sick less often and have good health.

Provoking factors for the development of cold allergies

  • The presence of allergic reactions to other irritants - food, pollen (), household allergies
  • Some infectious diseases - mumps, measles (see), mycoplasma, rubella
  • Thyroid diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus, cancer
  • The presence of chronic diseases - sinusitis, various worm infections,
  • Recurrent skin diseases - eczema,
  • Hereditary factor

There are cases when such a reaction is hereditary in nature, that is, it is inherited and most often it is the body’s reaction to windy weather than to cold. The symptom of such an allergy is a burning sensation, not itching of the skin.

How does an allergy to cold manifest itself?

How does an allergy to cold manifest itself? Symptoms of such an allergy can have various forms of manifestation - from mild symptoms that disappear some time after contact with a cold environment, to serious recurrent skin rashes.

Skin manifestations are the most common signs. These include redness, swelling, itching of open areas of the body that have come into contact with a cold environment. After some time, the skin begins to hurt, itch, and may become blistered, similar to hives.

Cold allergies in children can even affect the inner surface of the legs, thighs, knees and manifest themselves in the form of hives. The rash is pink, dense, itchy, but goes away within a few hours. There are cases when, after a cold, the skin not only turns red and itches, but also becomes covered with a layer that begins to peel off, as with dermatitis. Sometimes bruises appear at the site of the allergy over time.

Most often, cold allergies occur on the face and hands, since these places are more exposed to the external environment, they are always open and more vulnerable.

General malaise - increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, headache and weakness.

– the appearance of a runny nose, sneezing when going out into cold air. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose can either greatly complicate nasal breathing or completely block it, and upon returning to a warm room, all allergy symptoms disappear.

- tearing, swelling around the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, pain in the eyes. Hypersensitivity to bright light also occurs. To differentiate the diagnosis, you should definitely contact an ophthalmologist and a dermatologist, since if profuse lacrimation occurs in the cold, this may be a sign of a tick-borne infection () or a fungus, etc.

Diagnosis of cold allergies

If you experience similar symptoms, then first of all you need to visit a therapist and an immunologist - an allergist. After a set of diagnostic and laboratory tests, it will be possible to accurately determine the cause of the allergic reaction. Cold allergies, the symptoms of which are similar to other types of allergic reactions, should be differentiated from a number of other diseases.

When symptoms appear, it is important to make a correct diagnosis, and only after differentiating the signs of allergy can a doctor confirm this disease. Then, the question arises: is an allergy to cold treatable?

How to treat allergies to cold

The inability to eliminate an allergen such as cold makes the fight against such an illness quite difficult. If the patient is diagnosed with an allergy to cold, treatment in this case is purely symptomatic. It is only possible with the help of antihistamines to slightly reduce its manifestations, or to protect exposed areas of the body as much as possible from exposure to negative temperatures. You can reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions if:

  • Before going out into the cold, lubricate your face and hands with baby cream for children, and for adults with any rich cream. Lips should be lubricated with hygienic lipstick. This will partially protect uncovered areas of skin from cold air.
  • Badger fat has a very good effect; it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins B and A, which have only a positive effect on the skin. 20 minutes before going out into the cold, you can lubricate exposed areas of the skin with badger fat (lips, cheeks, nose, hands); if there is no serious liver damage, then you can consume it orally 40 minutes before. before breakfast, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat.
  • Long warm gloves, preferably waterproof mittens for children, warm scarves, it is preferable to have hoods in outerwear - this will effectively protect from the wind and better retain heat.
  • Medicinal herbs, if there is no allergy to them, can also help with the development of urticaria, which appears as an allergy to cold. Very, tricolor violet and walnut leaves. To collect, mix the raw materials in equal proportions, 2 s. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, consume the resulting broth 60 ml 3 times a day.
  • Pine cones (see) or spruce cones also have beneficial properties; 4 cones are required to prepare the decoction; they should be ground in a mill or meat grinder, poured with water and simmered over low heat for half an hour. After straining the broth, you can wipe it on chapped and rough skin every evening.
  • If you have a cold allergy, the symptoms of which are minor, then gradual hardening and rubbing can strengthen the immune system and reduce the body's reaction. But for young children and people with intense symptoms, hardening is contraindicated, as it is fraught with the development of complications in the form of anaphylactic shock,

Allergy in the hands to cold is a rather rare and not fully studied phenomenon, the exact causes of which have not yet been clarified. Doctors only know that the cause of this disease is the human body’s hypersensitivity to cryoglobulin (its own protein), which begins to change when exposed to low temperatures. This process causes the so-called cold urticaria.

This disease is especially active in winter, when the air temperature drops below zero. However, sometimes an allergy in the hands to the cold worries patients even in the summer season (with sudden hypothermia, after swimming in cool water, etc.).

Definition of the concept

Cold urticaria refers to an allergic reaction that manifests itself in exposed areas of the body. These are rashes in the form of red spots caused by exposure to low temperatures.

Although this disease is called an allergy, it has nothing to do with a true allergic reaction. Frost, dampness and cold are physical factors, not substances, of the body.

Causes of pathology

Doctors are confident that hand allergies to cold are not an independent pathology. This is only one of the symptoms of any physical disease. The reaction is manifested by an organism weakened by a latent and prolonged course of the disease.

Another reason that a person is allergic to cold hands is problems with the digestive system in the form of cholecystitis, chronic gastritis or ulcers. But experts are confident that in addition to these, many other chronic ailments can cause the body to react to a decrease in ambient temperature.

As for children, their cold allergy most often becomes a continuation of food allergies.

Causes of urticaria

Allergy to cold on the hands (see photo below) has a rather complex mechanism of appearance and development, which modern medicine is not yet able to fully understand.

However, there are certain factors that provoke the manifestation of its symptoms. They are:

Contact with cold water that occurs in everyday life while washing dishes or when cleaning, as well as when swimming in natural bodies of water;
- a sudden transition of a person from an environment with normal temperature conditions to a windy environment with low air temperature;
- drinking food or drinks that are too cold.

All these factors work only if the human body has a weakened immune system.

Symptoms of pathology

Allergies in the hands to cold are often disguised as dermatitis. That is why it can be very difficult to distinguish it from this disease. An allergy to cold on the hands (see photo below) begins with simple scratching of the skin. Then your hands become dry. The skin on them becomes rough and covered with small cracks. Next, rashes like urticaria appear. After this, the hands swell.

In addition to hives, with its dense pinkish-red rashes, blisters may also appear on the skin. Their formation is accompanied by an unpleasant sensation of burning and itching. Most often, cold allergies on the hands remind us of why, in fact, it got its second name.

The body may also exhibit more intense reactions. This occurs when cold rain or snow hits the surface of the skin. In this case, the hands become covered with red, swollen blisters filled with clear liquid.
All these symptoms become pronounced immediately after warming the cooled areas of the skin. Then they gradually disappear, and after 30-60 minutes the skin becomes clear. In some cases, the rash lasts for a week, and sometimes longer.

Also, a person predisposed to allergies to cold begins to sneeze after going out into the cold. At the same time, he develops a runny nose. Such symptoms are associated with damage to the mucous membrane. All this causes difficulty in breathing.

The body's reaction to low temperatures sometimes manifests itself as an allergy to cold on the hands and eyes. At the same time, the organs of vision turn red, starting to tear and itch. At the same time, swelling of the area around the eyes and eyelids appears. It often becomes painful for a person to watch. He also experiences other uncomfortable sensations that are aggravated in bright daylight.

Cold allergies in the hands are also determined by some additional signs. These include:


General malaise;

Pressure changes.

Such manifestations bring great discomfort to a person and contribute to the appearance of irritability, and also reduce performance.

Cold urticaria in children

Redness of a baby's hands when going outside may well be a natural reaction of the body. Cold urticaria can only be distinguished if the child complains of itching that torments him in the area of ​​the rash. But in any case, you will need to consult an allergist.

Children react to cold:
- during walks in cold seasons;
- when swimming in the pool;
- when in contact with cold water, as well as when eating ice cream.

Types of allergies to low temperature

Cold urticaria can be:

1. Acute or chronic. This form of pathology begins with intense itching of exposed skin, sometimes spreading to the entire body. Further, swelling occurs in the affected areas, manifesting itself in the form of blisters. In acute pathology, individual areas of the skin become covered with intense red rashes, similar to a nettle sting. Severe forms of the disease are accompanied by general malaise, pain in muscles and joints, increased heart rate and severe weakness. Such exacerbations last for several weeks, and sometimes can bother a person throughout the cold period.

2. Recurrent. This form appears only in autumn, winter and early spring. At other times, it worsens when the skin comes into contact with cold water.

3. Reflex. This form of allergy is a local or general reaction of the body to cold. Its manifestations are a rash that occurs in the area of ​​direct contact with low temperatures.

4. Family. This is a rare form of allergy that is passed down through the family. This pathology is characterized by a burning sensation. This reaction occurs 0.5-3 hours after contact with cold. Symptoms of familial urticaria include joint pain and chills, as well as occasional fever.

5. Cold erythema. The manifestation of this type of pathology is accompanied by redness of the skin with pronounced painful sensations in the affected areas.

6.Cold dermatitis. The skin with this form of the disease is very flaky and itchy. As the pathology worsens, swelling is also observed.

Cold urticaria test

All of the above symptoms should not be confused with the body’s natural protection from wind and cold, which do not cause much discomfort to a person and quickly go away in a warm room. But at the same time, it is important for both the patient and the doctor to promptly determine what the nature of the reaction to cold is. To do this, you can undergo a complex examination that uses special equipment. But there are also simple methods that can be used even at home.

So, you can apply a piece of ice to the crook of your elbow for 10-15 minutes. If urticaria appears, this indicates the body’s predisposition to cold allergies. But if you have any doubts, it is still better to consult a doctor. After all, to accurately determine allergies, you will need a blood test.


What should those who have allergies to the skin on their hands do? The symptoms and treatment are well known to specialists. However, the answer that doctors give does not always suit patients. Doctors will recommend completely eliminating exposure to the allergen, that is, frost and cold. And it is almost impossible to do this. But in any case, those who suffer from winter allergies will need to wear warm clothes made from natural fabrics when going outside and try to avoid hypothermia.

You should also take into account the fact that the degree of sensitivity in each person is an individual indicator. Some suffer from an allergic reaction already at minus 8-10 degrees, while others suffer at minus 24-28. There are also people whose skin becomes red when they wash their face with cool water. In addition to precautions, there are many remedies, the use of which will significantly reduce the consequences of pathology.

Use of drugs

If a person is allergic to cold on their hands, the treatment of this disease will be similar to eliminating a true allergy. Among medications, antihistamines such as Claritin, Tavegil and Suprastin are prescribed. It is worth keeping in mind that some medications produce a hypnotic effect, and, therefore, they should not be used before performing work that requires quick reaction or concentration. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe some immunosuppressants, as well as plasmapheresis to cleanse the blood of glucocorticosteroids and cryoglobulins.

Often, cold allergy is a manifestation of chronic infection with sinusitis or bronchitis, tonsillitis or pyelonephritis. Diseased teeth can also provoke its manifestation. In this case, the doctor should prescribe appropriate medications to eliminate these ailments.

People with impaired intestinal and liver function are predisposed to allergies, including cold allergies. In these cases, treatment of the underlying disease will eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.

It is also worth remembering that those who have allergies to the skin on their hands (symptoms and treatment of pathology are the subject of our attention) should be under the constant supervision of a doctor, since the body’s reaction is individual for each patient.

Use of ointments

When diagnosing “cold allergy,” creams sold in pharmacies are sometimes used. However, their use will require prior consultation with a specialist.

How to treat allergies to cold on hands? To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you should pay attention to antihistamines for external use. These include “Gistan N” ointment for cold allergies on the hands, as well as “Skin Cap”. You should only take into account the fact that these products contain a hormonal substance.

With the help of La-Cri ointment, allergies to cold on the hands (symptoms) can be effectively eliminated. And reviews generally characterize the treatment as effective. However, La-Cri ointment also has some contraindications. It cannot be used by those patients who are allergic to the herbs it contains. Some patients benefit from the manifestations of urticaria with regular baby cream or any fatty cream.

When solving the question “How to cure allergies to cold on your hands?” Don’t forget about auxiliary products that will save your skin from irritation.

Treatment of children

For kids, cold allergies cause great discomfort. The red spots and rashes that appear on their hands after a winter walk are itchy and may even become inflamed. Such a child should be taken out for walks less often in cold weather, and when visiting the street, dress him properly and lubricate his hands with baby cream.

As for antihistamines, they can be given to a child only as prescribed by a doctor. In this case, the baby needs not only to be treated, but also to strengthen his immunity.

The use of folk remedies

Nature has given us many natural products that can help eliminate allergies to cold hands (symptoms). And treatment in adults (as well as in children) will be safe and quite effective.

So, raspberries are an excellent folk remedy. Its dry and crushed roots in the amount of 50 g should be poured with 0.5 liters of water, and then simmered for 30-40 minutes over low heat. The decoction thus obtained is cooled and filtered. You should drink the drug 2 tbsp. spoons in the morning, in the afternoon and before bed. The course of treatment with raspberries is two months. This decoction can also be used for prophylactic purposes. In this case, it should be drunk two months before the onset of cold weather.

Red beets and sunflower seeds help against allergies. These products must be eaten in winter in any quantity and in all types. Freshly squeezed beet juice is effective against illness. It should be drunk three times a day, half a glass. Freshly squeezed celery juice will also help with allergies. It is taken 0.5 teaspoon three times a day before meals.

A solution prepared from 1 g of mumiyo and 1 liter of boiling water is an excellent remedy for the symptoms of cold allergies. The raw material, dissolved in water without sediment, is recommended for adults 100 ml in the morning, for children 50 ml, and for primary schoolchildren 70 ml. The same drug, only of higher concentration (1 g per 100 ml), is recommended as an external remedy. They lubricate the skin of the hands.

In order to eliminate dryness, flaking, itching and redness of the skin in children due to cold allergies, prepare a solution from pine shoots in vegetable oil. For this, raw materials are pre-prepared. Pine shoots should only be young. They are taken in a 1:1 ratio to vegetable oil and the mixture is infused for five months in a dark place. The resulting drug is rubbed into the child’s skin.

Allergic swelling is perfectly eliminated by drinking birch sap. This drink is an excellent general tonic, which also regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, while producing a mild diuretic effect. You can consume juice in any quantity, but for an adult it should not exceed one liter per day, and for children - from 200 to 500 ml (depending on age).

If, when returning from a cold street to a warm room, a person is haunted by severe itching, the cause of which is a cold allergy, then hands and other parts of the body can be gently wiped with juice obtained from lemongrass.

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