Allergy to cats: rules for living together. Characteristic signs and symptoms of allergy to cats in adults: treatment methods and rules for living together with an animal Allergy to cats manifestations on the skin

Any allergy is an unpleasant phenomenon, limiting a person’s life in many ways. Each of us once wanted to taste exotic dishes, enjoy the smell of fresh flowers or have a pet, but allergies do not allow everyone to do this...


An allergy to cats becomes a huge problem for a person, because even being in a room where an animal lived can result in an unpleasant reaction from the body. And even buying a short-haired cat does not solve the problem. The reason lies in the fact that there is no allergy to cat hair as such. The reaction is caused by a special cat protein that gets into the air with dead skin cells and particles of saliva from these animals. However, wool, of course, also plays a role, because it absorbs these substances and carries allergens.

In this case, the animal does not even have to be nearby all the time. Particles of his skin, tiny drops of his saliva and urine, settling on surfaces and absorbing into the fabric parts of the interior, can make staying indoors unbearable for an allergy sufferer.

Symptoms of a cat allergy

Each allergy sufferer reacts differently to contact with cats, but there is a list of common symptoms that indicate that we are talking about this type of allergy. Mild or pronounced symptoms can make themselves felt either immediately after contact with the animal or after a few hours. The following symptoms will indicate an allergy:

  • Rash;
  • Tearing;
  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Shortness of breath, wheezing, cough;
  • Swelling of the nasopharynx or runny nose.

Many parents are interested in what is different from the manifestations of this disease in adults. In fact, you shouldn’t expect a child to have any specific symptoms, because his reaction to allergens will be the same as an adult’s. However, the immunity of children is weaker: bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis may develop. Therefore, it is better for such children to avoid contact with cats.

Neighborhood with a cat. Ways to relieve symptoms

Those who decide to be close to the source of allergies should follow the following rules:

Demarcate the territory. When it comes to allergies, you have to become a really strict boss. It is necessary to prohibit the cat not only from getting into your bed, but also from entering the bedroom.
Get rid of dust collectors. Pillows, soft toys, carpets and woven interior items should be kept to a minimum, because allergens can settle and accumulate on them.
Limit your contacts. All games with a cat should exclude tactile contact. It is very important to minimize all your contact with the animal, and if necessary, wash your hands thoroughly.
Clean your room daily. Wash floors and ventilate rooms more often.


Many people wonder how to cure cat allergies, but it is impossible to get rid of allergies once and for all, it’s only about getting rid of the symptoms. Despite this, drug treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of an allergy sufferer. Of course, the treatment must be comprehensive, and the medications must be selected for you by a doctor. Each of the drugs performs its own function:

Antihistamines stop the development of allergic inflammation and get rid of it by blocking the action of histamine.
Decongestant drops relieve redness and inflammation of the eyes.
An ointment or cream for skin irritation will help get rid of the rash and ensure safe healing
remove allergens from the body, eliminating the very cause of the allergy.


The drug Polysorb is one of the most effective modern absorbents. It comes in powder form that must be dissolved in water. The effect is noticeable within four minutes after its application. The sorption capacity of the drug is 300 mg/g (Dr. Sc., Prof. Lutsyuk N.B., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor N.N. Kevorkov. Materials of the scientific and practical conference. Perm, 1994.)

Polysorb is not absorbed into the blood and acts exclusively in the intestines. The drug does not harm the gastrointestinal mucosa. These qualities make the drug absolutely safe, practically depriving it of contraindications and allowing it to be sold without a prescription. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children from birth.

Let us explain the principle of action of Polysorb. Everyone knows that from the venous and lymphatic vessels surrounding the intestines, harmful substances from the entire body constantly flow to the surface of the mucous membrane of this organ. A gradual increase in their concentration in human blood causes the development of various diseases. This is exactly the problem that this drug solves. The smallest particles line up around allergens, toxins and viruses, after which, glued together with an absorbent, harmful substances are removed from the body. The improved mechanism of action allows it to collect particles of different sizes, which makes it head and shoulders above porous absorbents.

For effective and its prevention is sufficient to take a two-week course of the drug every three months. Polysorb should be taken three times a day, dissolving the amount of powder calculated by weight in a quarter to a half glass of water. But in case of acute allergies, the dose is increased to two tablespoons of medicine in half a glass of water for an adult. In this case, the course of treatment lasts from five days. The use of Polysorb will bring several pleasant side effects: due to the release of toxins from the intestines, the skin and well-being noticeably improve. In addition, it is useful to have this device in the first aid kit in case of illnesses or ailments that require deep and safe cleansing of the intestines.

Life without allergies

It should be said right away that it is impossible to get rid of allergies completely. Unfortunately, science has not yet reached a level sufficient to defeat allergies forever. However, the complex effect of several drugs at once, which includes Polysorb, can help you live without worrying about this problem. A preventive course every three months will make you forget about allergies and their manifestations. And following the above rules of living together will make it possible to live a comfortable life with your furry pet, and no illness will become an obstacle to your happiness!

Application of Polysorb


Why Polysorb MP?


Polysorb MP does not contain any additives or flavorings, so the drug does not have a toxic effect and does not cause allergies. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and does not pass through the liver and kidneys, due to which it has virtually no contraindications. Enterosorbent Polysorb MP is highly safe and is prescribed to children from birth and pregnant women.


The sorption surface of Polysorb MP for internal use is 300 m2/g, which is significantly higher than that of most enterosorbents available on the Russian and foreign markets. The drug is able to bind any harmful substances.


During treatment, the first minutes of illness play a special role, when it is necessary to quickly provide assistance to the victim, relieve intoxication, and improve overall well-being. Here Polysorb MP comes to the rescue again, which, thanks to its unique spatial structure, begins to act immediately after entering the intestines and is able to radically change the situation in a matter of moments.

Operating principle

Harmful substances such as allergens, toxins and all kinds of pathogenic bacteria provoke the development of diseases and a general deterioration in well-being;

Polysorb, entering the intestines, surrounds harmful bacteria and removes them from the body;

Polysorb absorbs toxins and allergens of different sizes, which makes it possible to cope with various poisonings and allergies equally effectively;


Directions for use and doses

Indications for use

pharmachologic effect

Side effects and contraindications

Polysorb - dosage and method of application

Firstly, Polysorb is always taken in the form of an aqueous suspension, that is, the powder is mixed with 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water, and is never taken dry orally.

Secondly, the amount of powder to take depends on body weight, that is, you need to know the approximate weight of the adult or child who will drink it. There cannot be an overdose, which eliminates concerns when determining the dose.

Patient weight Dosage Water volume
up to 10 kg 0.5-1.5 teaspoons per day 30-50 ml
11-20 kg 1 level teaspoon per serving 30-50 ml
21-30 kg 1 heaped teaspoon per serving 50-70 ml
31-40 kg 2 heaped teaspoons per serving 70-100 ml
41-60 kg 1 heaped tablespoon for 1 serving 100 ml
more than 60 kg 1-2 heaped tablespoons per serving 100-150 ml

Patient weight

The specific dosage of Polysorb is calculated depending on the indication for use (see below), the patient’s weight and symptoms. In case of difficulty with the calculation, you can get a free consultation by phone: 8-800-100-19-89 , or in the section .

1 heaped teaspoon of Polysorb contains 1 gram of the drug.
1 gram is the most recommended single pediatric dosage.
1 heaped tablespoon of Polysorb contains 2.5-3 grams of the drug.
3 grams is the average single adult dosage.

Method of use of Polysorb for main indications

Disease Mode of application Reception features Number of receptions Duration
During meals or immediately after
3 times a day 10-14 days
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water 3 times a day 10-14 days
stomach with 0.5-1% Polysorb solution ((2-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water)
Next, take the Polysorb suspension orally depending on body weight 3 times a day 3-5 days
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water: 1 day - take every hour.
Day 2 – dose four times a day.
3-4 times a day 5-7 days
From the first days of illness
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
3-4 times a day 7-10 days
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water 3 times a day 7-14 days

Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water Reception as part of complex treatment 3-4 times a day 25-30 days
Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water One hour before meals or one hour after meals 3 times a day 10-14 days
Day 1 – take 5 times a day every hour.
Day 2 – take 4 times a day every hour.
Drink more fluids 1 day – 5 times.
Day 2 – 4 times.
2 days

Take 1 dose: before the feast, before bed after the feast, in the morning. 1 per day 3 days


Food allergies

Mode of application:
Reception features: During meals or immediately after
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 10-14 days

Chronic allergies, urticaria, hay fever, atopy

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: One hour before meals or one hour after meals
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 10-14 days


Mode of application: Gastric lavage with 0.5-1% Polysorb solution (2-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water)
Reception features: Next - oral administration of a suspension of Polysorb MP depending on body weight
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 3-5 days

Intestinal infections

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water: 1 day - take every hour. Day 2 – dose four times a day.
Reception features: Reception as part of complex treatment
Number of receptions: 3-4 times a day
Duration: 5-7 days

Viral hepatitis

Mode of application: From the first days of illness. Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: Reception as part of complex treatment
Number of receptions: 3-4 times a day
Duration: 7-10 days

Cleansing the body

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: One hour before meals or one hour after meals
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 7-14 days

Chronic renal failure

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: Reception as part of complex treatment
Number of receptions: 3-4 times a day
Duration: 25-30 days

Toxicosis of pregnant women

Mode of application: Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water
Reception features: One hour before meals or one hour after meals
Number of receptions: 3 times a day
Duration: 10-14 days


Mode of application: Day 1 – take 5 times a day every hour. Day 2 – take 4 times a day every hour.
Reception features: Drink more fluids
Number of receptions: 1 day – 5 times. Day 2 – 4 times.
Duration: 2 days

Polysorb is a modern sorbent with a wide spectrum of action that binds harmful substances and removes them from the body. Polysorb is used for diseases such as,. Polysorb is also used to remove toxins and harmful substances. Approved for use from birth.

If you have difficulty calculating your individual dose of Polysorb, you can getfree consultation by phone:8-800-100-19-89 , or in the sectionconsultations .

You can purchase Polysorb at any pharmacy in your city. For your convenience, you can use the , which will deliver the drug to a conveniently located pharmacy.

A powerful new generation sorbent based on natural silicon, effective for the treatment of diarrhea, poisoning, allergies, toxicosis, hangover syndrome and for cleansing the body.

Indications for use:

Acute and chronic intoxications of various origins in adults and children;

Acute intestinal infections of any origin, including food poisoning, as well as diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis (as part of complex therapy);

Purulent-septic diseases accompanied by severe intoxication;

Acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances, including drugs and alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, etc.;

Food and drug allergies;

Viral hepatitis and other jaundices (hyperbilirubinemia);

Chronic renal failure (hyperazotemia);

Residents of environmentally unfavorable regions and workers of hazardous industries, for the purpose of prevention.

What are the main advantages of Polysorb?

The highest sorption surface among sorbents is 300 m2/g.

High safety profile - 18 years of experience in using Polysorb in Russia.

Instant speed of action immediately after entering the gastrointestinal tract, relief occurs 2-4 minutes after administration.

Storage conditions: At a temperature not higher than 25°C. After opening the package, store in a tightly closed container. The shelf life of the aqueous suspension is no more than 48 hours. Keep out of the reach of children.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Without a prescription.

Telephone free hotline for consultations:8-800-100-19-89

Inorganic non-selective polyfunctional enterosorbent based on highly dispersed silica with particle sizes up to 0.09 mm and with the chemical formula SiO2.

It has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract the drugbinds and removes from the body endogenous and exogenous toxic substances of various nature, including pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, alcohol.

It also absorbs some metabolic products of the body, incl. excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.

It has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug binds and removes harmful toxic substances from the body, including pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, alcohol. Polysorb, like a magnet, also attracts some metabolic products of the body, including excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolic products responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis. The drug is not broken down, not absorbed, and is excreted unchanged.

In comparison with the old generation sorbent activated carbon, the powder is a new generation enterosorbent with a high speed of operation - it acts within 2-4 minutes after administration (no time is required to dissolve the tablets). 1 tablespoon of Polysorb powder replaces 120 tablets of activated carbon in terms of the volume of its sorption surface, envelops the gastrointestinal tract as thoroughly as possible and collects all harmful substances, accordingly, the quality of its work is much higher. In addition, drinking a small amount of powder with water is much more pleasant than swallowing dozens of tablets several times a day, which is why patients prefer an aqueous suspension of Polysorb. Over two decades, Polysorb has “settled” in every third family. Doctors know the drug well, thanks to its long experience of use in Russia and the CIS countries and the maximum qualities by which enterosorbent is evaluated.

Rarely- allergic reactions, dyspepsia, constipation. Long-term use of Polysorb for more than 14 days may impair the absorption of vitamins and calcium, and therefore prophylactic use of multivitamin preparations and calcium is recommended.

Interaction with other medications. The therapeutic effect of medications taken simultaneously may be reduced.

Contraindications: 3 gram sachet Cans of 12, 25, 35, 50 grams

Bag3 grams– a single dose in a convenient pocket package.
12 grams– the volume of the full course of treatment for the child.
25 grams– a necessary product in the home first aid kit for any occasion for the whole family.
35 grams– a three-day course for the treatment of diarrhea in an adult.
50 grams– a complete course of treatment for adults in economical packaging.

Allergies to cats are common, and are very upsetting for those people for whom their four-legged furry friend is a full member of the family. Limiting contact with a small “allergen carrier” in everyday life is very difficult, but rearranging your life so as not to part with your pet is quite possible.

First of all, you need to figure out whether you really are allergic to cats. A negative reaction can also occur to dust, insects, and molds hidden from view. How to determine if you are allergic to cats? An allergist will help you find the cause of the allergic reaction, who will conduct an examination and also give a qualified answer to the question of what to do if an allergy to a cat actually provokes the appearance of malaise or more alarming symptoms.

A negative acute reaction occurs when a certain foreign protein enters the body, in response to which the synthesis of antibodies begins and the release of histamine by mast cells. This protein, Fel d 1, which causes an inadequate response in many people, is produced by the salivary, sebaceous and anal glands of animals and, accordingly, is found in saliva, urine and feces, as well as on the skin and fur.

It often happens that a pet has been living in the house for a long time, and suddenly one of the family members has an allergy to cats. Why does this happen?

Animals surround us everywhere, and maybe it doesn’t make sense to get rid of a pet, but should we look for other ways to solve the problem? Experienced allergists know how to recognize allergies and whether there are ways to get rid of them.

Many people simply cannot imagine life without a little pet, but what if a person is allergic? Can he, having a tendency to allergic reactions, get along under the same roof with an animal?

What you need to know to make the right decision:
  • Allergies to cats occur more often in humans than to dogs;
  • male cats are more “allergenic” than females;
  • kittens and old animals are less likely to cause allergies than cats of reproductive age;
  • neutered cats pose a much less “danger” to allergy sufferers than non-neutered ones;
  • signs of an allergy appear in response not to the cat’s fur, but to its saliva, urine, excrement, and skin particles that are spread through the fur;
  • all breeds of cats can pose a danger to allergy sufferers: a reaction can occur to both Angora and British cats and even Sphynxes;
  • the length and thickness of a pet’s fur does not affect its “allergenicity”: sensitive people may be allergic to a hairless cat;
  • animals with light coat color are less likely to cause unpleasant symptoms than dark ones;
  • if a family has more than one animal, the risk of allergies increases significantly;
  • Sensitized people may exhibit cross-allergy to other members of the cat family or completely different mammals (dogs, pigs, horses, rodents).

How dangerous is a cat allergy? Symptoms of an allergy to cats can be very severe: up to anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema, and bronchial asthma can become a complication. In pregnant women and infants, the course of allergies can also be unpredictable.

Before taking a little friend into your family, you should think many times, so that later you don’t have to look for new owners for him, causing moral trauma to yourself and a living creature.

If a four-legged friend already lives in the family, and someone in the family has felt alarming symptoms of an emerging allergy, only a qualified allergist can provide effective help. In most cases, it is possible to solve the problem without getting rid of the pet.

Allergy to cats in adults and children is manifested by various symptoms from the respiratory system and skin. When allergen molecules enter the mucous membranes of the eyes, signs of allergic conjunctivitis may appear.

How does an allergy to cats manifest itself, and what symptoms does it manifest? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the concentration of antigens, the route of entry into the body and the type of allergic reaction.

Most often, signs of an allergy to cats appear 5-15 minutes after contact with the animal, or entering the room where it is located. Allergies from cats primarily cause symptoms in the form of allergic rhinitis.

With allergic rhinitis the following are observed:
  • nasal discharge;
  • sneezing, itching;
  • nasal congestion, swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • difficulty breathing.

In the case of an allergy to cats, the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are characterized by the following phenomena:

  • pain appears in the eyes, there is a feeling of “sand” under the eyelids;
  • the mucous membranes of the eyes and eyelids swell and make it impossible to open the eyes;
  • clarity of vision is lost;
  • there is profuse lacrimation.

Dangerous is the manifestation of an allergy to cats in the form of swelling of the face and respiratory tract - throat, bronchi, trachea.

The face looks swollen and feels:
  • sore throat;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dry cough;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
On the skin side, symptoms of an allergy to a cat will appear in the form of:
  • skin itching and rashes on the hands, face and neck;
  • skin redness, peeling and dryness.

Most often, skin manifestations occur upon contact with a pet on surfaces in contact with it. In some cases, an allergy to cat fur manifests itself in the form of hives or eczema. If an animal scratches the skin, the tissue at the site of injury may swell and turn red.

If we compare how cat allergy manifests itself in an adult and a child, then in children the symptoms are more acute.

Pets accompany people everywhere, and for allergy sufferers, even contact with the animal’s owner can trigger a reaction.

How to get rid of an allergy to cats, can it be cured and how:
  1. A consultation with an experienced allergist will help answer the question of how to cure an allergy to cats. The doctor will conduct an examination and will be able to identify the true cause of the allergic condition.
  2. The specialist will determine, based on the patient’s condition and the intensity of the symptoms, whether there is a danger to the person’s life, and whether it is necessary to look for another family for the pet.
  3. Treatment for cat allergies will include medications, preventative measures and, if possible, modern therapies that can cure the allergy for good.

It is worth remembering that eliminating contact with an allergen is not always possible, so it is worth paying attention to the method of specific immunotherapy (SIT), which really allows you to overcome allergies.

Allergy to cats: how to get rid of symptoms with medications?

The attending physician will select individually for the patient:
  • antihistamines in tablets;
  • external agents in the form of ointments and creams to relieve skin symptoms;
  • nasal and eye drops;
  • hormonal drugs if necessary, if symptoms do not go away with other drugs.

How to treat cat allergies using modern methods? Is it possible to cure allergies forever?

Allergen specific and immunotherapy (ASIT) is a method of combating the root cause of the disease, which allows you to adjust the patient’s immune system. A certain very small dose of the irritant - an “allergy vaccine” - is introduced into the patient’s body over several months, thereby “accustoming” his body to this antigen.

With the help of ASIT, both congenital and acquired allergies are treated. This technique really allows you to save a person from the disease and enjoy the company of pets.

If you are allergic to cats, what should you do first? Do not buy a kitten at all if there is no one in the family, because it is not a toy!

If a living creature has already become part of the family, and one of the household members suddenly develops a negative reaction that did not exist before, it is necessary to urgently undergo diagnostics at the clinic and find out what the allergic reaction that has appeared may be.

How to deal with cat allergies using elimination therapy methods?

It is necessary to follow some rules so that the symptoms of the disease do not appear for as long as possible:
  1. It is necessary to remove carpeting from the floor, soft toys that collect dust particles, insects, wool and other allergens.
  2. It is necessary to regularly ventilate, purify the air and carry out wet cleaning.
  3. Restrict pet access to the bedroom of a family member who is allergic to cats.
  4. You need to monitor the condition of your pet’s skin - bathe it with special shampoos and comb out excess hair.
  5. The nutrition of a small family member must be of high quality.
  6. The animal should be kept strictly at home and should not be allowed outside.
  7. The male needs to be castrated in a timely manner (while he is still a kitten).
  8. The pet must be vaccinated and under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  9. Due to the fact that allergies occur to animal protein, allergy sufferers should not come into contact with pet toiletries and dishes.

It is worth remembering that an allergy to cats in most cases is not fatal, and in particularly sensitive people, a dangerous attack can just as easily be caused by any other allergens.

The main thing is not to neglect the advice of a specialist, know where and how to check for allergies to cats, and act for the sake of your own health and harmonious communication with your pet.

More than one family fought for their little friend and successfully passed this test.


Treatment of irritated mucous membranes can be carried out with the help of drugs that reduce the amount of fluid - diuretics. Also, for irritation of the nasal mucosa, you can use drops or sprays with xylometazoline, and for irritation of the eyes, special ointments. If the allergy is very severe and is accompanied by suffocation, immediately call an ambulance; a series of emergency resuscitation actions is necessary.
Taken from here [link-1]

03.10.2016 15:48:48, RuslanaTina

Comment on the article "Everything you need to know about cat allergies"

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Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At my next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of fur from both cats, and during skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At my next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of fur from both cats, and during skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. Can a cat allergy be cured? Those. It is necessary - if not everything is done - to urgently do all the tests for intolerance and allergies.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At my next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of fur from both cats, and during skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

According to the World Health Organization, about 15% of the world's population suffers from cat allergy to one degree or another. How does this condition manifest itself, why does it occur and what are the most effective methods to combat it? Let's figure it out.

Causes of allergies

Many people, mistakenly believing that they are allergic to cat fur, think that if they get a short-haired animal (the Sphynx breed, for example), all the unpleasant symptoms will stop bothering them. In reality, the reaction is not provoked by the pet's fur, but by the protein contained in dead skin cells, in the pet's urine and saliva.

People suffering from allergies have reduced immunity. Therefore, their body perceives external stimuli very sensitively. It triggers a protective reaction to any allergen. If the immune system is weakened, the main symptoms of allergies occur, which are a side effect of the body's fight against irritants.

Even if a person does not suffer from allergies to a pet, they can easily bring it. Thus, a furry pet often brings mold, pollen and other allergens into the house from the street.

Allergy symptoms

In order to be sure that an allergy to a cat has occurred, it is simply necessary to know how this condition manifests itself. It is worth noting that each person, due to his individual characteristics, reacts to these pets differently, and therefore one or several of the following reactions may be observed:

  1. Nasal congestion and runny nose.
  2. Tearfulness and irritability of the eyes.
  3. Constant sneezing.
  4. Asthma-like attacks (shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing).
  5. Redness of the area of ​​skin that has been in direct contact with the animal.

So, a person assumes that he is allergic to a cat. How does this disease manifest itself, after what time period can the first symptoms be observed? Signs of the organism can occur immediately after contact with a furry pet, or several hours after it.

An allergy to a cat in an infant manifests itself with all the same symptoms as in adults. However, due to the fact that the immunity of newborn babies is very weak, the consequences can be extremely dangerous: the development of bronchial asthma or

Ways to detect cat allergies

If a person is unfamiliar with such a condition as an allergy to a cat, how this disease manifests itself, he cannot say with certainty, then if suspicions arise, before saying goodbye to your pet forever, it is worth visiting a doctor. Perhaps the pet has nothing to do with the owner’s allergic reaction.

In order to make sure of this, the specialist will suggest conducting allergy tests. However, it is worth considering that standard tests are not always informative and effective. This is explained by the fact that the allergens used for them are taken from an “average” cat (mongrel animal), while the allergens still have minor so-called “breed” characteristics. In more modern allergy centers, it is possible to conduct a test based on an individually prepared reagent, which can be pet fur, urine or saliva.

Mistakes when diagnosing allergies at home

If, after the appearance of a cat in the house, one of the household members has signs of conjunctivitis, dermatitis or rhinitis, before passing a verdict of “animal allergy”, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation and make sure that there are no other causes for the appearance of these symptoms.

First of all, you should check whether your beloved pet has an invasive or infectious disease that can occur in both animals and humans. Thus, diseases such as toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis or chlamydia are often disguised as conjunctivitis. Redness and itching of the skin can be caused by a mite infestation known as scabies or a fungal infection called lichen.

It is worth considering that in most cases the cat itself may not have external manifestations of the disease. Thus, an animal that has had chlamydia may not experience clinical manifestations of conjunctivitis in the form of minor discharge from the eyes, but at the same time the pet, being a carrier of the infection, can infect its owners.

Another common mistake when “home diagnosing” allergic reactions to a cat is incorrect identification of the allergen. So, it is likely that the cause of allergic disease is not the pets themselves. In modern times, people are increasingly faced with such phenomena as allergies to cat food, pet cosmetics, litter, toys and other accessories.

Allergy treatment: highlights

Getting rid of allergies forever is an almost impossible task, and we can say with a high degree of probability that from time to time this illness will remind itself. But at the same time, it is quite possible to significantly alleviate a person’s condition and prevent the occurrence of new rounds of the disease with even more acute symptoms.

So, if you are allergic to a cat, what should you do? First of all, it is necessary to completely limit any contact with your pet. It is also important to control your emotional sphere and try to prevent the influence of various stress factors on the body, which arise mainly due to separation from your beloved animal.

The main question that most allergy sufferers are trying to find an answer to is: “Where should I put my expensive pet, without which it seems simply impossible to live?” Parting is certainly very difficult to bear. But if a person suffers from an advanced allergy to cats, then this is extremely necessary. But it is better at this time to think about where the pet will be comfortable. For example, you can give your cat to relatives or close friends to ensure that the animal is taken care of.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to avoid prolonged close contact with the cat: pick your pet up and stroke it less often. It is recommended to find an alternative to tactile communication. So, for example, this could be conversations, games using “fishing rods”, balls, watching the animal from the side.
  2. The territory of an apartment or house should be strictly “shared” with your four-legged friend. It is forbidden to let a cat into the bedroom of an allergic person, especially into his bed.
  3. After interacting with your pet or its accessories, you should thoroughly wash your hands and even change your clothes. Things should be washed with powder with special additives.
  4. It is recommended to remove from your home items that can collect allergens: upholstered furniture, carpets, down and wool bedding.
  5. Every day it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment using anti-allergenic agents, use a vacuum cleaner with special filters and air purifiers.

The importance of proper nutrition and regular washing of your cat

American studies have proven that washing a cat can significantly reduce the number of allergic irritants. However, over time, the level of allergens is restored, and therefore the animal must be washed every week. To do this, you can use both professional or anti-allergenic shampoos and plain water.

It is very important to feed your pet properly. This is due to the fact that poor-quality feeding can negatively affect the cat’s skin, causing shedding and other damage, which, in turn, increases the concentration of allergens in the environment.

Drug treatment

On cats using medications? The doctor will first advise you to take antihistamines that block the action of allergens. Some of them (the drugs Claritil and Benadryl) can be purchased at the pharmacy independently, while others (the drug Zyrtec) are available only with a prescription.

If you are diagnosed with a cat allergy, what does traditional medicine advise to do in this case? Decongestants, which include the drugs Allgra-D and Sudafed, have proven themselves to be effective in solving this problem. Their task is to reduce swelling and prevent mucosal stagnation.

Other medications can also help relieve allergy symptoms easily. For example, Nasonex and Flonaz sprays, traditionally used to eliminate allergic reactions, are especially effective.

One of the options for getting rid of allergies is a course of injections. But it is worth noting that such treatment, which is also not always effective, can last more than one year. This method of combating allergies is unsafe, and therefore it is prohibited for children under 5 years of age.

It has been proven that cats, compared to cats, spread significantly fewer allergens. Also, the younger the pet, the less irritants it produces. Spayed and neutered four-legged friends are less allergenic than full-fledged cats.

Studies have found that, regardless of breed and gender, allergic reactions to these pets of a dark pattern or color occur in people much more often than to light-colored cats. The allergenic properties of saliva, urine and skin of animals do not depend on the length of the coat and the breed.

Knowing how to cure allergies to cats and following the given recommendations for keeping a pet, you can get rid of unpleasant allergic manifestations without parting with your beloved four-legged friend.

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