American pit bull breed characteristics. Types and training of fighting dogs. Book about raising a pit bull

Those who intend to acquire an American Pit Bull Terrier should be clearly aware that the breed was bred for deadly dog ​​fights and only after a while was adapted for other purposes: hunting, herding livestock, as well as searching, rescuing and protecting people.

History of the origin of the breed

Before dog fighting, the ancestors of pit bull terriers were used in impromptu battles against bulls, boars and bears. In 1835, Great Britain banned bull baiting by law, and dogs were no longer used.

They were useful to the organizers of blood sports in the United States, who did not want to part with their profitable occupation. The American Pit Bull Terrier was the result of a mating between Old English Bulldogs (hardy and powerful) and swift terriers with good instincts.

This is interesting! American breeders managed to create a new breed, named American Pit Bull Terrier. The word “pit” is translated as a fighting pit, and “pit bull terrier” is translated as a fighting bull terrier. The abbreviation “pit bull” translated from English is interpreted as “fighting bull” and is completely incorrect.

The breed is not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), however, the USA is considered to be the country of origin of pit bull terriers.

Description, appearance of the pit bull terrier

There is a difference between working dogs and . Pit bull terriers are also divided into three types: bulldog, terrier and mixed.

They usually don’t find fault with the size of dogs when assessing the harmony of their physique. Height depends on the bone structure and mass, which is used when assessing a dog’s size. Weight varies between 12-36 kg. Males are traditionally larger than females.

Breed standards

The Pit Bull Terrier is officially banned in Australia and the European Union, but there are two structures that recognize the breed - ADBA and UKC.

The second organization describes the American Pit Bull Terrier breed standard as follows:

  • The dry, rectangular head is of medium length, with a flat (but wide between the ears) skull. The square muzzle features prominent cheeks and strong jaws with a scissor bite.
  • The ears are set high: they can be natural or cropped. For almond-shaped eyes, any color is allowed. The nostrils of the nose are wide open.
  • The slightly convex muscular neck widens towards the withers. The shoulder blades (wide and muscular) are set obliquely, the back is slightly sloping, the belly (without fur) is retracted, the loin is slightly convex.
  • A deep chest cannot be called too wide. True ribs are elastic, moderately convex, closely adjacent to each other; false ribs are long.
  • The limbs have strong rounded bones, the pasterns are strong and straight, the thighs are muscular and fairly long, the paws are medium.
  • The step is springy and light. Ambling and waddling are not allowed. The short, low-set tail is raised to the line of the back when moving/excited.
  • The coat is dense, short, hard and shiny, devoid of undercoat. All colors (except merle) and white spots are allowed.

Personality of a pit bull terrier dog

A well-trained American Pit Bull Terrier is peaceful, devoted to family and owner, gets along well with children and patiently withstands their pressure.

If a dog is purchased not for participation in fighting, it is provided with increased physical activity, which gives an outlet to its hyperactive temperament and endurance. The more intensely a pet puts in all the effort in training, the less likely it is to encounter unmotivated aggression.

This is interesting! The Pit Bull Terrier does not need physical exercise (running, jumping, playing fetch), but sports such as weight pulling, agility, bike and skijoring. Periodically weigh down your dog's equipment: this way the training will be more effective, and the dog's muscles will gain beautiful relief.

It is believed that the breed is easy to train, as it receives positive emotions from serving its owner.. When training, the dog is motivated and encouraged without using physical punishment, which usually leads to the exclusion of the dog (downtrodden or embittered) from breeding.

The pit bull terrier has won the trust of American and Russian law enforcement officers: dogs with an excellent sense of smell are used to search for explosives and drugs.


Representatives of the breed live on average from 8 to 15 years. If you get a puppy without characteristic genetic abnormalities, it is quite possible that he will live up to 20 years or a little more.

Keeping a pit bull terrier in an apartment is not a difficult task, but it is responsible.. The most important thing is to give your energetic pet the opportunity to unwind, for which purpose the walk is supplemented with elements of weightlifting.

Care, hygiene

Care is the same as for all smooth-haired breeds. Short hair does not require frequent combing and washing. The Pit Bull Terrier is clean and rarely gets dirty even on walks. After being outside, the dog's paws are washed and given a full bath once every six months.

If an animal runs a lot on a hard surface, its claws wear down on their own. Otherwise, the owner will shorten them. Periodically look into the ears - they should be clean and dry.

Diet - what to feed a pit bull terrier

Your pupil must look lean, not loose, so exclude all cereals (they make the pit bull terrier sick). For the same reasons, the dog is not given bread and crackers. The main emphasis is on animal proteins.

  • chicken, beef or turkey by-products;
  • chicken eggs (1 pc. 3-4 rubles per week);
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetables - to the dog’s taste (white and cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, broccoli, pumpkin, beets and tomatoes).

Important! Meat and dairy products are given in different feedings. Since there is not much benefit from pure meat, it must be mixed with raw grated vegetables, seasoned with a tablespoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive).

You can include fish in the menu, but it does not have enough nutrients, and not every pit bull terrier is able to digest it. Fish mixed with vegetables is recommended for weight loss.

The number of feedings depends on the time of year: in hot weather one feeding (per day) is enough, in cold weather they switch to twice a day.

Diseases, breed defects

Like other breeds, the Pit Bull Terrier is prone to genetically determined illnesses or ailments that are caused by poor quality food or poor care.

Typical diseases include:

  • Heart disease, often accompanied by wheezing and coughing.
  • Malfunctions of the thyroid gland (including hypothyroidism), leading to obesity and other, more serious, pathologies.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Allergic reactions to different types of irritants.
  • Dirofilariasis is a helminth infection that is chronic and has severe consequences.
  • Demodecosis.

The so-called working puppy will be needed by those rare owners who plan to exhibit the dog in contract matches. Such people face a truly difficult task, since the dog’s fighting qualities are revealed no earlier than he turns 2 years old.

Some guarantee of inheriting the will to win (game) will be the championship titles of the puppy's parents, if they participated in such fights. But, regardless of the fearlessness of your immediate family, your pet will need to pass a personal game test.

This is interesting! In a fight between two dogs of the same weight, the loser is the one who retreats first.

The behavior of a dog in the ring gives grounds to classify it as one of the following types:

  • fatal - the dog fights to the last drop of blood;
  • reinforced - the dog fights with all his might, on trembling paws;
  • standard - the dog fights until he feels very tired.

Most buyers are looking for a dog for home keeping, less often for breeding. Such animals will not pass game tests: compliance with the standard, the absence of breed defects and a peaceful disposition are important for them.

Where to buy, what to look for

In the USA, they often buy teenage puppies that are already six months old. At this age, it is clear which class your acquisition belongs to - show (for exhibitions and breeding), breed (for mating) or pet (for home games).

Supporters of buying younger puppies remind us that at 6-8 months a pit bull terrier has not only a character, but also habits that will not be easy to change (especially since the breed itself does not have a superficial attitude).

Important! Before you go to the breeder, collect information about him. Talk to the person who took the puppies from him, find out what problems they encountered in raising them.

As when buying other dogs, it is important to analyze the behavior of the parents and the puppy itself. Dogs should not show aggression or, conversely, be overly timid.

American Pit Bull Terrier price

On free classifieds websites there are offers with a ridiculous price for APBT puppies - 10 thousand rubles. Sellers claim to be purebred, have the necessary documents and vaccinations, praising the parents of the live product. It is clear that such a dog can be taken as a companion without dreaming of exhibitions and contract fights.

The real price for a pit bull terrier starts from 20-25 thousand rubles. The Russian Cynological Federation does not recognize the breed, and all official documents, including pedigree, are issued to dogs by cynological organizations in the USA.

Puppies from a titled father/mother do not cost less than 30 thousand rubles, but more often they ask for 40-45 thousand rubles. In Russia there are not many breeding kennels focused on breeding pit bull terriers: in addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg, kennels can be found in Tambov, Volgograd and Pavlovsk.

The history of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed is interesting because it originated not in America, but in the Old World, but it seemed especially useful to the Americans, who began to purposefully develop and improve it. In England and Ireland in the modern era, dog fights were popular, which were held between bulldogs.

These dogs were also used to guard homes and hunt large animals. Already in the 16th century there were dogs that looked like modern pit bull terriers.

Guard qualities
Protective qualities
Attitude towards children

English laws also contributed to the emergence of the breed. In particular, poor people were not allowed to own large hunting dogs, since only the nobility could hunt large animals. Therefore, less wealthy citizens had to keep small terriers for hunting and bulldogs for protecting property. In order not to violate the ban on owning large dogs, the poor kept the smallest puppies from the litter and used them for further breeding. This is how the first bull terriers appeared, in which the fearlessness and insensitivity of bulldogs were combined with the agility and mobility of terriers. The prefix “pit” appeared later; it meant that the bull terrier was used for fighting, since pit in English is a fighting pit where dogs were pitted against each other.

The exact date when the first pit bull terrier crossed the ocean and came to America is unknown, only that it happened before 1774. Dogs arrived along with emigrants from European countries, especially many of them arrived in the mid-19th century from Ireland. It should be noted that in Europe public opinion had a negative attitude towards dog fighting, as a result of which it began to be officially banned. For example, in England such a law was adopted in 1835. In America, on the contrary, such entertainment was welcomed and remained legal for a very long time.

Therefore, it was in America that there were people who appreciated the prospects of this breed and began the difficult path towards official recognition of its originality. At that time, the breed did not even have a specific name: such dogs were called pit bulls, pit terriers, pit dogs. The purebred line of “Red Noses,” who were called the “old family,” was especially valuable. The mistake of fans of this line was that they zealously guarded its purebredness, not allowing crossbreeding with pit bull terriers of other lines. Sooner or later this would lead to undesirable consequences in breeding.

Photo: American Pit Bull Terrier (Pitbull)

The Irishman John Colby played a huge role in the development of the breed, who in 1900 brought excellent representatives of purebred pit bulls. He also called his dogs "old family", but believed that they should be involved as much as possible in breeding work with other lines. Many contemporaries did not understand and even criticized Colby, holding different views, in particular, they believed that only the line of “red” dogs should be bred, without mixing it with other representatives of the breed.

However, time showed that Colby was on the right track: he managed to get and raise many legends of the dog ring. Before 1900, it is difficult to trace specific statistics and history of the breed: it is unknown how many dogs were brought from different European countries. It is characteristic that they all had a wide variety of colors; in general, it is very difficult to develop a single standard for the breed, since the exterior has always been of secondary importance for pit bull terriers in comparison with their character and qualities as a fighter. After 1900, systematic documentary evidence of the development of the breed already appears.

Many American breeders followed Colby's example and began to breed this interesting breed. Thus, the name American was assigned to pit bull terriers, although, as can be seen from the history of the breed, many European countries could lay claim to it. The first pit bull terriers lived in England, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Spain, but it was American breeders who did the main work in establishing the breed.

The FCI never recognized this breed, but this has never stopped lovers of American pit bull terriers. Back in 1898, the UKC club appeared specifically for fans of this fighting breed. However, later this club ceased to be a monobreed club and officially stopped supporting dog fighting.

Another organization in which breeding work is carried out is ADBA, which appeared in 1909. Now it is an international organization that registers pit bulls from all over the world. US law does not allow dog fighting, so the purpose of this organization is to officially maintain stud books that help preserve the breed, as well as to conduct popular competitions among pit dogs. These are conformation shows where conformation is assessed, and weight-pulling - a weight-pulling competition.

Now this breed is still popular, especially in the USA and Russia, although it has experienced a number of persecutions, which resulted in it being banned in some countries. Thus, in some EU countries the import of pit bull terriers is prohibited, and representatives of the breed available in the countries must undergo a sterilization procedure. In Germany, the state maintains strict control over the owners of pit bull terriers; for example, it is required to obtain special permission from the police in order to own this dog, and an increased tax has been introduced on their maintenance.

The pit bull terrier is officially banned in many EU countries and Australia.

Breed standard

Although the APBT breed is not recognized by the most important cynological organization, standards have been developed for it by two organizations involved in the registration of pit bulls: ADBA and UKC. These 2 standards reflect different views of the management of organizations on the breed. In the first case, the fighting purpose of the dogs is considered to be the main one, and their exterior is subordinated to this purpose. The UKC standard is closer to the show brother of the pit bull - the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Standard from ADBA

The appearance of the pit bull gives the impression of confident strength and good health. Shiny coat, attentive gaze reflecting strength of spirit, athletic smartness - this is the appearance of a real pit bull. Rendered muscles prevent obesity; adult pit bulls are even somewhat thin with slightly protruding ribs.

The head type allows for various options. If you look at the dog from above or from the side, the head is wedge-shaped, somewhat tapering towards the nose. When viewed from the front, the head appears round. The bridge of the nose is well developed, the line under the eyes is wider than the line of the ears. A scissor bite is preferred, the teeth are closed, the lips fit tightly to the jaws. The eyes are elliptical in shape. Ears may be cropped.

The neck is muscular and long.

The skin is elastic, thick, fits tightly to the body, there are folds on the neck and chest.

The chest is deep and moderately wide. The chest tapers towards the bottom and should not have a round or cylindrical shape.

The length of the loin is important and should not be too short or too long, which affects the dog's agility.

The forelimbs have muscular shoulders, the length of which is slightly wider than the chest.

The hind limbs have sloping hips, which are at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. The thigh is well muscled and full. The bones of the hind limbs are thinner, which affects the dog's flexibility, and their muscles are longer, which allows for vigorous movements.

The feet are small and well built with elastic pads.

The tail is set low, thicker at the base, and slightly shorter in length than the hock.

The short and coarse coat should be shiny.

Almost any color is acceptable, except for the following: albinism and merle.

UKC standard

APBT is a powerful dog with an athletic build. Strong bones and prominent muscles are combined with graceful mobility; the dog should not look overweight and obese. The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers. The dog is energetic, shows an interest in life, has confident strength and should not show aggression towards humans.

The head is large, but does not cause a feeling of disproportion in relation to the body. The head has clear outlines, the shape resembles a blunt wedge, the brow ridges are well developed. The length of the muzzle and skull have a ratio of 2:3.

The lower jaw is well developed. A scissor bite is desirable.

A nose with open nostrils, the nose can have different pigmentation.

The eyes are low set and widely spaced. Blue eye color is unacceptable.

The ears are set high and may be cropped or undocked.

The neck is muscular, without dewlap.

The back is strong and solid with a slightly sloping topline. Strong and short loin, slightly sloping croup.

The forelimbs are strong, located perpendicular to the surface. The distance between them is moderately wide. The shoulder blade and shoulder are approximately the same length.

The hind legs are strong and muscular, widely spaced. The hock joints have well-defined angles.

The tail naturally follows the line of the top, tapering towards the tip.

The coat is shiny, smooth, dense. The coat color is varied.

Weight of males – 15.9-27.2, weight of females – 13.6-22.7

The height at the withers of males is 40-42 cm, females are 2-3 cm less.

The painting by Rubens, dating back to the 16th century, depicts scenes of a wild boar hunt with dogs very similar to modern American pit bull terriers.

Character of the American Pit Bull Terrier

Modern public opinion is not very favorable towards fighting dogs, personified by American pit bull terriers. Each person can draw his own conclusion about the character of this breed only when he gets to know it, adopting a small puppy and raising him. For many years, breeders considered the main characteristics of the breed to be the ability and readiness for battle, the so-called “game”. But at the same time, it was unacceptable for humans and was the reason for the disqualification of the dog.

Therefore, the nature of the APBT does not include aggressiveness towards people, although on the other hand, anger in this breed develops quite quickly with targeted upbringing. If the owner of a pit bull sets the goal of getting a reliable companion for an active life, then this breed will perfectly cope with this role. Natural strength and energy makes pit bulls very inquisitive, they are ready to learn and explore the world every second. These are very active dogs who love to be played with in active games, they are ready to follow their owner everywhere and follow his commands.

We can say that the character of pit bull dogs is created by its owner, which is why there are so often opposing opinions about the character of these dogs. From a pit bull terrier you can raise both an angry dog ​​that poses a danger to the people around you, and a peaceful and inquisitive companion who will get along well with everyone. Childhood is especially important for the development of a future character; at this time, factors traumatic to the psyche should not be allowed.

The character of adult dogs is stable. They are aware of their strength, confident in themselves, but do not strive for superiority over the owner; on the contrary, they show their readiness to constantly benefit him. These are cheerful dogs who combine childlike spontaneity and playfulness with the attentiveness and prudence of a wise dog. Of course, pit bulls show their best character traits only if they are properly raised and trained.

A real record holder
The American pit bull terrier champion in white-pulling is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for towing a load 100 times its body weight - 1.7 tons.

Features of training and education of a pit bull

According to the observations of dog handlers and training instructors, the American Pit Bull Terrier easily masters various commands and performs complex tasks. This is facilitated by natural curiosity and liveliness.

To begin with, it is recommended to take a general training course (GCD) to teach your dog obedience. After this, many opportunities open up for the pit bull owner to develop the abilities of their pet. As practice shows, representatives of this breed successfully cope with teams from the ZKS (protective guard service) course. In the process of mastering this course, a very important skill for a pit bull is developed - the ability to manage its aggression, and the owner learns to control his dog.

It should be noted that it is not recommended to pay too much attention specifically to the development of aggression against humans. A pit bull terrier who takes this path poses a great danger to others. He always not only bites, but, like an experienced fighter, instinctively chooses vital places. Add to this the destructive power of its bite, and it becomes clear to you how dangerous a pit bull trained to aggressive behavior is.

There are many scary stories about its aggressiveness, but according to statistics, pit bull attacks make up no more than 10% of the total number of dog attacks on humans. Such a wide public outcry is caused precisely by the devastating consequences of pit bull attacks. Some owners also played a bad role in creating the image of the breed, who purposefully get pit bulls as bodyguards and thoughtlessly poison them on people, intimidating everyone around them.

Fortunately, there are other lovers of this breed who discover a different side to pit bull terriers. They take part in interesting competitions: agility (overcoming an obstacle course against the clock), wait-pulling (towing heavy objects), spring-pole (hanging on a rope), dog-pulling (tug-of-war). These spectacular events are becoming more widespread and serve to increase the popularity of the breed.

Care and maintenance of a pit bull terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is an unpretentious dog that is easy to care for. The main thing is to ensure a balanced diet, on which the formation of the dog’s physique and health depend. A simple feeding rule for active dogs is to choose foods that have high energy value. You don’t need to feed your dog only meat; its diet should also contain plant components, but meat is the main source of proteins, which are necessary for the dog’s growth and development and for the development of immunity.

There are many examples of dog diets that take into account calories and other important features. You can take one of these schemes as a basis. Some owners prefer to use ready-made dry or canned food. This breed may react to some food components.

In order for all the work on creating a balanced menu not to be wasted, it is necessary to give the dog anthelmintic drugs both for treatment and as a preventive measure.

Otherwise, caring for the American Pit Bull Terrier is very simple. You need to bathe him on average once every six months, comb and wipe his ears about once a week. The dog gets along well in an apartment provided there is sufficient physical activity.

Choosing a puppy

Before choosing a pit bull terrier puppy, you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing it. Pet-class puppies that are not intended for further breeding or attending exhibitions are suitable as pets. These are not necessarily puppies without a pedigree; they can also appear in stellar litters.

Breed-class puppies are those with which you can already qualify for prizes in exhibitions and for breeding. Canine aristocracy are show-class puppies that can make a brilliant show career.

The main problem is that predicting the future of a puppy at a young age is very difficult. Therefore, abroad, for example, there is a practice of buying older puppies. At 6-8 months, as a rule, you can already buy with greater confidence a future champion that has been exemplarily raised by experienced breeders.

On the other hand, a puppy at this age has already formed a character and habits that you may not like, and it will not be easy to retrain her to suit your taste. Moreover, this is difficult to do with such a serious dog as a pit bull terrier, which is why most people prefer to buy small puppies.

You can’t give in to a momentary impulse and buy a puppy at the first ad you come across. It is better to compare several litters, look at the general living conditions and health of the puppies. If there are at least 2 puppies in the litter with any defects, this is not in favor of the remaining puppies. It is better to collect as much information as possible about the breeder from whom you are going to buy a puppy. It is best if he has contacts of buyers of previous litters with whom he can contact and find out how their dog has grown.

Pit bull puppies price

If you are offered an elite puppy for a lot of money, then this is an unwise purchase, since only an adult dog that has achieved excellent results at shows and competitions can be elite. Therefore, the price of American pit bull terriers mainly depends on the ambitions of the breeders and the presence of interesting pedigrees registered in American organizations. Average price for a puppy with documents – 20,000 rubles. Remember that the RKF does not recognize this breed, so having a RKF pedigree is impossible, and most pit bulls in our country are sold without documents at more affordable prices - 5-10,000 rubles.

Pitbull photo

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Read the article about an interesting and fearless breed of dog - the American Pit Bull Terrier.

The Pit Bull Terrier is a working and sporting dog. This breed of dog can also be called pit bull or pit. The breed was developed by crossing a terrier and a bulldog.

The Pit Bull Terrier dog is distinguished by good physical strength, it is fearless and strong-willed. What are the purposes of the Pit Bull Terrier dog breed?

  • Such a dog will be an excellent hunter and a wonderful companion during the hunt.
  • With it you can go after small predatory animals and wild ungulates: wild boar, ram, goat, saiga and others. This dog will also be a good helper when hunting game.
  • In addition, pit bull terriers are raised for fighting in the ring, as rescuers, bloodhounds, or simply for exhibitions.
  • This companion breed is a close relative of the Staffordshire Terrier. These dogs will be next to their owner everywhere: you go into the swamp, and she will follow you, you will go to rest in the forest or hunt, and she will run after you along the edge.

Despite its stern appearance, this dog is kind and sociable.

Many people believe that the Pit Bull Terrier breed has several varieties. But there is only one standard for this breed; it is not divided into any varieties. Albanian, French and bulldog types of pit bulls were bred, but among experienced breeders one type of pit bull is valued - American Pit Bull Terrier.

  • Pitbull is a fashionable name for a pit bull terrier that began to be used in the 90s.
  • Since that time, this breed has been considered a fighting dog and a killer., although in fact, if you raise a puppy correctly from childhood, the dog will be kind and sociable.
  • Danger and mental problems can be expected from stray dogs. Uncontrolled and inept breeding leads to this. Therefore, it is important to purchase a purebred dog from experienced breeders.

Pit bull terriers can differ in coat color and eye color.

The color and appearance of a pit bull terrier depends on whether it is an American breed, Albanian, French or bulldog type. Below you will see a photo of a gray, red, black and white, black with blue eyes pit bull. So, what does a pit bull terrier look like, what color is considered good?

  • The Pit Bull Terrier is a short-haired dog. Her hair is hard and lies tightly to her body. There is no undercoat. There is no fur in the belly area. There is “velor” wool on the face, ears and paws, it is slightly shorter than the main coat.
  • There can be any pigmentation near the nose, lips and eyes. But it is important that the color looks harmonious. White spots are allowed, as are completely solid, brindle or spotted coats.
  • Pit bull terriers with a merle color may be rejected. Australian Shepherds usually have this color. This color characterizes the presence of a special gene that is responsible for the coloring of hairs. This color is not welcome in many dog ​​breeds, since the presence of such a gene indicates the dog’s predisposition to pathologies of hearing and vision.

Description and standard of the pitbull dog breed - dimensions, weight, character of the pitbull

Pit bull terriers are generally divided into two classes: worker and show category. When the dimensions of a dog are assessed, the reference point is weight, which ranges from 12 to 36 kilograms. Height can vary and depends on the proportionality of the body and weight. Often, when assessing a dog, no attention is paid to its weight; it is important that it is harmoniously built with a characteristic color.

Below you will find a description and standard of the pitbull dog breed, as well as what its size, weight and character should be:

  • Head- square shape, flat and wide forehead. The cheeks are elastic, slightly saggy, without folds, the cheekbones are wide. There should be a pronounced characteristic curve from the forehead to the nose. The area of ​​the bridge of the nose is smooth, but there may be a furrow between the eyes.
  • Teeth- strong and deep jaw. When closed, it creates a rectangular muzzle shape. The bite is scissor-shaped, the teeth are close to each other and close together in a tight lock.
  • Ears— set wide apart and high in relation to the muzzle. Ears are cropped unless prohibited by law. In many countries, docking is prohibited.
  • Eyes: round, oval or almond shaped. The eyes are set wide apart and low in relation to the forehead.
  • Nose has large and open nostrils. The structure of the nose is dense.
  • Torso- rectangular, the neck is not too long, with well-developed muscles, and has a slight curve. The shoulders are set wide, the shoulder blades are slightly raised, the chest is deep. The back is wide, the groin area is taut. There are no folds on the body.
  • Paws- set wide apart, medium length. Wide paw bones add stability and roundness to the appearance. Thanks to this, the dog’s stance turns out beautiful and confident.
  • Tail- set low, short. In a calm state it is lowered, in an excited state it is slightly raised and continues the line of the back.
  • Wool rough, no undercoat.
  • Height- 43-49 cm.
  • Weight- 20-30 kilograms.

Despite its harsh appearance, a dog can be the best nanny for children. Pitbull loves to play with children in their games, but for this it needs to be properly trained and raised.

The Pit Bull Terrier has its own characteristics in terms of nutrition. If you are just dreaming of owning a dog of this breed, then check out the pitbull menu. What to feed such a dog so that it is healthy, well-fed and cheerful? Here are some tips:

  • Make a choice right away - feed your dog natural food or specialized natural food. You cannot feed pita with waste from your table; he can have natural meat, cereals that are suitable for feeding dogs, with the addition of vegetables and herbs. Every day the dog should be given at least 400 grams of lean beef, lamb or rabbit. You also need to give cottage cheese (40 grams per day), eggs (1-2 pieces) - 2 times a week. The diet must include fish, vegetables and herbs (a little). Cheese - about 100 grams, once a week.
  • Cow's milk can be fed to a puppy weaned from its mother.
  • It is important to exclude flour products, sweets and animal fats (butter, sour cream, etc.) from the pit bull terrier’s menu. Protein is replenished with natural meat. This must be taken into account, since pit bulls have special skin and are prone to the formation of subcutaneous wen. If at least one formation appears, you should radically reconsider the dog’s menu, eliminating fatty and sweet foods.
  • Don't overfeed your dog, she will begin to gain weight and become lazy.
  • Don't starve, the pet will be irritable and restless.
  • Food should be warm - not cold and not hot.
  • When refusing food, show your character. Perhaps the dog is hoping for more tasty food and begins to be capricious. At this time, it is important for the owner to show character and let the pet fast for 1-2 days.
  • You can start feeding your pit bull dry food at 3 months of age. Such food is contraindicated for very young puppies.

Important: After eating, let your pet rest for half an hour. This is necessary to improve digestion.

The dog should receive light food in the morning, and more nutritious meals at lunchtime and in the evening. Thanks to this, she will gain muscle mass well and become a strong and strong dog.

How to raise a pit bull at home? Adviсe:

  • Adequate daily training and training will help turn a fighting dog into a loyal pet. Remember that a cute puppy will turn into an active dog in just a few months, and the sooner you start training him, the better.
  • From the first months of life, instill in your dog skills that will help the pit bull to adequately perceive all external stimuli.
  • A pet must know who is its owner, and he must carry out his commands unquestioningly.
  • In raising a dog of this breed, affection and patience are important. Aggression is unacceptable.
  • Accustom your pet to you: feed him, walk him and play with him. The "whip" method is not suitable for training this dog.
  • Perform initial training from 2-3 months. At this time, the puppy will be able to perfectly master the basic commands: stand, sit, and so on.
  • Control your dog's behavior. Pranks or disobedience must be stopped immediately, and a correctly executed command must be rewarded: with a stroke, a kind word, or something tasty.
  • The dog must feel the dominance of the owner. In the house where a pit bull lives, certain rules must be established: it is forbidden to sleep in the master’s bed, and you cannot bark or growl at household members. Control over aggression must be constant.
  • Constant energy consumption- success in reducing the aggressiveness of the animal. You need to walk your dog at least 2 hours a day. Physical activity and games are important.

Important: If you see that the dog is not trainable and does not obey you, then entrust the training of the pit bull terrier to professional dog handlers. Listen to their advice, and your pet will grow up to be a kind and loyal friend.

How can you call a pit bull a girl and a boy: the best beautiful nicknames

If you have already adopted a pit bull terrier puppy, then you now need to name the pet. You should choose your nickname so that you can pronounce it well. This is important in raising this breed of dog. What can you call a pit bull for a girl and a boy?

The best beautiful nicknames for pit bulls for boys:

The best beautiful nicknames for pit bull girls:

As mentioned above, the name of the breed “pit bull terrier” may have abbreviated versions: “pit bull” or “pit”. Therefore, there is no difference between a pit bull and a pit bull terrier - they are one and the same.

It is important to know: Professional dog handlers and breeders of these dogs argue that representatives of this breed cannot be called pit bulls, since this word translates as “fighting bull”, and this is considered incorrect. Therefore, in professional circles, dogs of this breed should only be called pit bull terriers.

In Europe, a ban on dog fighting displaced pit bull terriers as a breed. In America, they, as combatants, are banned.

  • At the beginning of the 20th century, a new generation of pit bulls appeared - Staffordshire Terriers - Staffords. Dogs of this breed are also called Amstaffs (American Staffordshire Terriers).
  • This breed differs from pit bulls in appearance and other characteristics.
  • Staffords were approved by the American Kennel Club as a standard back in 1936.
  • The Stafford is a larger dog than the Pit Bull Terrier. She has longer legs and a different shaped head.
  • Pitbull aggressive dog, as well as Stafford, but in the fight the last one will lose, since he has no desire to destroy the enemy.
  • Pitbulls intended for official work, A Staffords or amstaffs- This show breed.

Connoisseurs of Staffordshire terriers are still confident that this breed is the future of dog fights.

What is the maximum lifespan of a Pit Bull Terrier?

The average life expectancy of pit bull terriers is 12-15 years. With good care, a dog of this breed can live 3-5 years longer. Therefore, the maximum lifespan of a pit bull terrier is more than 20 years.

The pit bull has the strongest jaws. The bite force of this dog is up to 126 kg/

  • It is believed that it is almost impossible to unclench a pit bull's jaws when it is in a fight. This statement does not exist because this dog is bloodthirsty and cannot let go of the enemy, it has such a peculiarity in the way its jaw works.
  • There are many cases when, in a fight between a pit bull and dogs of other breeds, the pit clings so tightly to the enemy that neither the owner’s blows, nor the gas from a spray can, nor the electric shock can help separate the animals.
  • It seems that nothing will help in such a fight and the enemy is doomed.

But experienced dog handlers have one way that helps unclench a pit bull’s jaws:

  • Place the collar on the dog so that it is not on the neck, but slightly higher towards the head, almost near the ears.
  • Begin to lightly choke your pet. Although this sounds scary, you will not cause any harm to the dog.
  • Tighten the leash until the dog unclenches his jaw. However, keep your wits about you and don't pull too hard as you might choke your dog.

Thanks to this technique, the pet will unclench its jaws and let go of the victim. Watch the video for more details:

Video: How to unclench the jaws of a pit bull or staff in a fight?

If you are just planning to get a pit bull terrier, then you probably doubt whether to take a pit bull terrier or still give preference to a dog of another breed. Reviews from the owners will help you decide whether you can have a pit bull terrier dog at home or not:

Peter, 31 years old

As an experienced pit bull breeder, I can say for sure that it is better for beginners not to adopt a dog of this breed. She needs special training, this is the only way the pet will grow up friendly and obedient.

Irina, 35 years old

We have had a pit bull for 3 years now. But we gave him to an experienced dog handler for training. He showed us how to treat such a dog. He explained that you shouldn’t hit her or even scream, the dog could become aggressive. We have two children who adore Rimbaud (that’s our pete’s name). He is also friendly to them.

Svetlana, 30 years old

I've always dreamed of having a pit bull. This breed attracts with its strength and beauty of exterior characteristics. When I contacted the breeder for a puppy, I was told that it would be better for a novice breeder to take a female dog. She will be kinder and less aggressive. But it will be necessary to deal with mating and offspring, since a female dog that is not taken to mating and does not produce offspring can become aggressive. Naturally, I follow all the breeder’s recommendations; there have already been two litters of puppies. I can’t imagine what I would do without my Bella, a beautiful and kind pit bull. And I also make a profit from selling puppies.

Video: Pitbull dog - a noble lion in dog skin

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed that is considered one of the most aggressive, they are called “fighters” and are rightly feared. Yes, these dogs are dangerous, but with proper upbringing, socialization and a firm hand from the owner, they will not become a threat to society and other dogs.

In some countries, these dogs are considered a weapon, and in order to purchase a puppy, future owners were required to undergo appropriate psychological tests. At the same time, American pit bull terriers serve in the police, work to search for drugs and detain criminals. We will talk about this interesting breed, its history, characteristics and maintenance features today.

In the United States, pit bull terriers have always been popular: they were used as fighters in dog rings. Actually, the name of the breed comes from its “specialization”: translated from English “pit” means “pit for fighting”, “bull” means “bull”. Among the ancestors of American pit bulls are those used for bull baiting, and strong terriers bred to protect people and property. The breeders had one task - to combine power, fearlessness, the ability to overcome pain, agility and anger in the American Pit Bull Terrier.

At dog fights, animals were released into a special pit from which it was impossible to get out. The fight went to the death - until one of the dogs killed the other, the fight was not stopped. Spectators participated in the betting, betting impressive sums of money on the individual that seemed to them the most promising and hardy. Soon the US government became interested in the bloodthirsty type of spectacle, and the fights were declared illegal.

When dog fighting was banned, the breeding of American pit bull terriers also stopped. People who previously bred dogs of this breed were closely monitored, and strict control was introduced over the owners of adult dogs. The press of that time published articles denouncing the breed and talking about the excessive bloodthirstiness and immeasurable aggression of pit bulls. Journalists wrote articles about American pit bulls attacking passers-by, accompanied by scary photographs.

However, over time, it became clear that cruelty and constant readiness to defend and attack are not an innate trait of pit bulls, but solely the efforts of their owners, who drove the dogs into a frenzy in order to make money from them.

Breed standard

Despite the fact that the American Pit Bull Terrier breed is known not only to breeders and connoisseurs, but also to ordinary people far from cynology, the standard has not yet been adopted in Russia, as well as in the International Federation of Cynology. The pit bull is recognized as an independent breed by only two American organizations: ADBA and UKC.

Table 1. American Pit Bull Terrier standard according to UKC

Common parametersWeight of males - 20-27 kilograms, females - 14-22 kilograms, height should be proportional to weight so that the animal looks powerful, but at the same time energetic and dexterous
Head, muzzleDeep, tapering towards the nose from the forehead, well-developed strong lower jaw. Bite – “scissors”, disqualifying defects – overshot (the lower jaw protrudes above the upper) and undershot (accordingly, the upper jaw is longer than the lower)
EyesRound or almond-shaped, set low, any shade of the iris is allowed, with the exception of blue and light blue colors
FrameWell-filled, deep chest, muscular shoulders, well-drawn ribs, short muscular loin, slightly sloping croup. The front half of the body is twice as powerful and wider than the back. Durable strong wide back
LimbsStrong, muscular, elbows tightly pressed to the body, short, flexible and straight at the pastern joints, widely set
MovementsLively, confident, cheerful, ready to break into a trot at any moment. Good coordination, powerful reach of the front paws and drive from the hind paws
TailIt is a harmonious continuation of the top line. When the animal is at rest, it lies down, reaching the hock joint of the hind legs. When running and excited, a pit bull raises its tail to its croup
Wool, colorsDense, smooth, moderately hard, tightly adjacent to the skin. Absolutely any colors are allowed, plain or combined. The exception is the merle color (silver spots on a black or white background)

Character and psyche

American Pit Bull Terriers are dogs with a difficult character. From their ancestors they inherited a strong fighting spirit, a high level of excitability, gambling and a tendency to dominate. Pitbulls crave to be the first in everything: the strongest, the fastest and the bravest. At the same time, representatives of the breed have extraordinary intelligence and often make decisions independently. The only thing that can depend on the owner raising the dog is what exactly these decisions will be.

A pit bull, to which the owner devotes a lot of time, effort, training and socialization, grows up to be an incredibly devoted and reliable protector, who does not hesitate for a long time if a person needs his help.

In general, we can highlight the following nuances in the psyche and character of the average representative of the breed:

  1. Stable nervous system - with faithful and regular communication with the dog handler and other dogs, as well as the constant attention of the owner, pit bulls perfectly assess their capabilities and will not try to surpass the owner or a relative they meet on a walk.
  2. Willingness to serve people - pit bulls are very owner-oriented and are happy to be useful and needed at any time.
  3. Pugnacity - from their fighting ancestors, pit bull terriers inherited a dislike for other dogs. The owner must be prepared for the fact that until his pet learns all the necessary commands and obeys unquestioningly, he will strive to fight with other dogs.
  4. Stubbornness, desire for leadership - from a very early age, the puppy’s owner must show him that the person in charge in the family is the person. Males are especially stubborn, periodically testing a person’s strength for up to a year and a half, trying to establish their own rules. The peculiarity is corrected together with a professional dog handler.
  5. Activity - the American pit bull is always happy to spend time on a walk, preferring long runs, swimming, and running after a toy.
  6. Highly trainable - pit bulls are willing to train if you find the right approach to them. When the owner encourages every correct decision of the dog and gently, without cruelty, corrects mistakes, the training area becomes the most favorite place for the pit bull.

Video – American Pit Bull Terrier

Use and purpose of the breed

Of course, modern American pit bull terriers are not at all the bloodthirsty killers they were originally created to be. Strict selective selection and mental tests made it possible to develop a truly universal breed. The Pit Bull Terrier is, perhaps, capable of any work and any purpose, with the exception of those that involve a long stay in the cold.

American pit bulls are used as vigilant guards - they are trusted with large territories, which they patrol together with humans. American Pit Bull Terriers cannot live in an enclosure or sit on a chain - without close contact with the handler, the dog begins to “go crazy.”

Pit bull terriers are excellent companions and companions for police officers (in the USA this is perhaps the most popular breed serving in law enforcement agencies). A pit bull is able to catch up and detain a criminal without giving him a single chance to escape. In addition, these dogs have an excellent sense of smell, which allows them to pick up a scent or participate in the search for explosives, drugs and other illegal or dangerous substances.

Also, dogs of this breed have a pronounced hunter instinct, and fearlessness helps them not to hesitate when meeting even a large animal and give it a fight. The build and short hair of pit bulls does not prevent them from making their way through thickets; the dogs are excellent swimmers, tireless and energetic, so owners often take them hunting.

If we talk about more “civil” options for using the breed, then there will also be many options. The owner of a pit bull will not be bored with his pet on walks - representatives of the breed are strongly focused on sports and other types of training and entertainment.

Table 2. What to do with an American Pit Bull?

AgilityA sport in which a dog must temporarily overcome an obstacle course consisting of certain equipment. The animal, without the help of the owner (the dog cannot be kept on a leash), goes through such equipment as: slide, swing, boom, barriers, tunnel, fence, tire and others.

How are agility competitions held? Where in Russia can you learn agility and how to start training? Details in

WaitpullingA kind of weightlifting for the dog. The animal must drag behind it a platform on wheels (sometimes another option is allowed, for example, a tire), on which loads of different weights are placed (depending on the weight of the dog). At the same time, the owner cannot influence the pet, only encourage it with praise.
MondioringCompetitions during which the animal must consistently perform the following exercises: jumping over obstacles with fetch, protecting the owner or things, complex obedience.
ObidienceGroup competitions that test the degree of trust and interaction between dog and owner. The task is to complete all the exercises included in classical obedience as clearly as possible. The handler and the dog work without a leash.
SkryjoringA sled sport discipline in which a dog tows a skier. There are also summer variations: the dog accompanies a cyclist or runner.

How to care for an American Pit Bull Terrier?

Pit bulls are an unpretentious breed of dog, so the owner does not have to devote much time to caring for the pet. The most important aspect of keeping this dog is the owner's willingness to go on long walks and the ability to train the pit bull individually or in a group several times a week.

American pit bull terriers are lovers of active games, including with toys, so the owner must provide the animal not only with high-quality equipment (collar, harness, leash, muzzle), but also with durable toys.

Toys for American Pitbull

The modern pet market offers a lot of toys for dogs. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  • items for fetching;
  • items to play with the owner;
  • items for dogs to play independently.

The first group - fetch items - includes various balls, frisbees and flying saucers, rings and pullers. These toys should be selected based on their size (medium or large is needed for a pit bull terrier) and durability. To prevent the animal's powerful jaws from biting through the toy, it is worth purchasing those designed for large breeds. In addition to the toys we have listed, special wooden fetch dumbbells are well suited for pit bull terriers. It is important that the dog retrieves the item without trying to spoil it.

The puller is one of the most popular toys purchased by owners of large dogs. The puller consists of two identical rings. The toy has many advantages: the rings are made of soft foam material that does not injure the dog’s teeth. Pullers do not sink, they jump when they hit the ground, they are difficult to tear or bite through - the dog’s teeth simply fit into the ring without damaging it.

Toys that involve interaction between the owner and the dog, first of all, include ropes and their various modifications. American pit bulls, as they have a strong grip, will appreciate the opportunity to play tug-of-war with the owner.

Some dogs enjoy playing with a laser pointer by chasing the light beam. This type of game can be used in the cold season or when you need to quickly tire the dog, but a long walk is not possible. The main thing is not to let the dog become fixated on the laser, and to alternate such a chase with other games.

Another category of toys are those that do not require intervention from the owner. For the American pit bull, good entertainment options include a Kong toy (designed for chewing, with a hollow hole for treats), a Jolly Egg (an egg-shaped plastic ball that eludes the dog when he tries to grab it) or rubber bones, embossed balls and other figures that allow the pet to brush its teeth.

Video – Educational toy for dogs

Pit bull terrier: hygiene

The owner of an American Pit Bull Terrier must regularly monitor the length of the pet's claws, trimming them once a month with a special guillotine nail clipper, and also check the cleanliness of the pet's ears, eyes and teeth. Pit bulls are not dogs with problem ears, so it will be enough to clean the ear shell once a week with napkins or a cotton pad moistened with boiled water.

The same goes for the eyes: a healthy dog's eyes do not run and do not require daily washing. If the animal has been walking in dust or something has gotten into the eye, you need to carefully rinse both eyes with a gauze swab or cotton pad, poured with a weak solution of chamomile or special eye drops.

As for bathing American Pit Bull Terriers, this can not be done often. It is permissible to wash the dog with shampoo a couple of times a year, not counting cases when the dog is very dirty. The short and smooth coat does not require combing, but during the shedding period it is better to help the pet get rid of falling hairs by passing over the dog’s skin once a day with a rubber mitt with delicate teeth.

From the moment you change your teeth, you need to brush them two to three times a week. Only zoopaste that does not form foam and does not have a strong taste or smell is suitable for a dog. You can clean it with a special soft toothbrush or just with your finger, wrapping a bandage around it or wearing a special latex nozzle.

American Pit Bull Terrier Health

The American Pit Bull is a strong and healthy dog, but this breed is not without a predisposition to certain diseases. Thus, pit bulls often have allergic reactions, especially to poor-quality feeding, as well as diseases related to the hormonal system and the thyroid gland.

Allergies in dogs are a common occurrence that causes discomfort for them and their owners. We'll tell you how to deal with this disease.

Pit bull terriers can suffer from thyroid dysfunction, which causes dogs to accumulate excessive fat tissue and develop pathologies such as cardiovascular disease or liver disease. Veterinarians note that representatives of this breed are more likely than other dogs to suffer from aortic stenosis (manifestations are fatigue and difficulty breathing), as well as pelvic dysplasia.

Pitbull vaccination

At two and a half to three months of age, an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy should receive its first vaccinations. Usually the breeder is involved in vaccination, and only after that he transfers the baby to a new home and allows the owner to go for walks with the puppy.

The vaccine that is given to the dog is called DHLP-P-, and it protects the animal from enteritis (many unvaccinated puppies die from this terrible disease), leptospirosis, distemper and parahepatitis. Separately, the puppy is vaccinated against rabies - this vaccine is given at six months. Before vaccination, the dog is examined by a veterinarian, who also gives the go-ahead for vaccination. An examination is needed in order to promptly identify symptoms of disease in a dog, and only an absolutely healthy animal can be vaccinated.

Important! You cannot vaccinate a puppy while its teeth are changing. At this time, the animal’s immunity is already undermined, and the introduction of a vaccine, even with a small amount of pathogens, is fraught with illness.

After the puppy has received its first vaccinations, it is necessary to quarantine for at least ten days and only then take the pet outside. Adult American pit bulls, like other dogs, are vaccinated at the same time every year. The dog must have a veterinary passport, which will indicate the date of the next vaccination, a sticker from the ampoule with the vaccine will be pasted in, and the clinic where the procedure was carried out will be indicated.

How to feed an American Pit Bull Terrier?

American Pit Bulls are athletic, active and muscular dogs for which a balanced diet is very important. A properly selected diet will keep your pet in ideal condition, help the dog withstand physical and intellectual stress, and also recover from it.

The pit bull must receive not only all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is very important to balance the amount of fats, carbohydrates and especially proteins in the diet, because they are responsible for the growth of muscle mass in a dog.

An adult dog needs to be fed at least twice a day - after a morning and evening walk. You should not give food to an animal that has not yet gone outside, since a full stomach makes jogging uncomfortable; in addition, a walk after eating can result in gastric volvulus, which is fatal for the dog.

The serving size must be selected individually - the dog must eat everything that is offered no slower than five to seven minutes. If the dog greedily eats its portion and licks the plate for a long time, you need to increase the amount of food. If the pet leaves food, next time it should get less.

Dry food or natural products?

The owner of an American pit bull must decide what he will feed his pet - natural products or ready-made industrial food. It is prohibited to mix these types of feeding, since the dog’s stomach is adjusted to a certain type of food. Both “drying” and “natural” have their advantages and disadvantages, we will talk about this below.

Feeding with natural products means that most of the portion will be raw meat. This diet is the most natural for a dog, as it fully meets the needs of a predator and is suitable for the stomach of any member of the canine family. But “natural” is not food from the master’s table, not cereals or soups. The owner should prepare a fresh portion of food for the dog every day, based on the basic principles of feeding.

In addition to raw fresh meat, the dog should receive raw offal and sea fish. There is no need to cook these products, since boiled meat simply passes through the dog’s gastrointestinal tract without bringing any benefit to the body. It is enough to pour boiling water over the pieces, then cool and offer them to the animal.

When purchasing meat for an American Pit Bull Terrier, you need to choose low-fat varieties: rabbit, veal, turkey, chicken. Pork and any minced meat will not work. You need to cut the meat into pieces so that the dog chews them before swallowing - this is beneficial for the pit bull terrier's jaws. By gnawing meat into convenient portions, the dog cleans its teeth, and solid food is also useful for maintaining gastric motility.

Also, the following foods should be present in the animal’s bowl every day: vegetables and fruits (raw, grated or cut into small pieces), herbs, directly pressed vegetable oils, lactic acid products (cottage cheese, kefir), eggs.

Industrial food gives the dog owner much more free time - there is no need to store large volumes of meat in the refrigerator, cut it, add vegetables and other additives. Just open the pack and measure out the required amount of granules. By the way, all manufacturers indicate the dosage of food on the back of the pack - according to the dog’s weight and activity level.

In addition, holistic and super premium food maintains a balance of all substances vital for a dog. The manufacturer adds not only fats, carbohydrates and proteins to the food, but also enriches the granules with micro- and macroelements, vitamins and other necessary additives.

However, there is no food that is suitable for every dog. You need to select the “drying” experimentally. Thus, the American Terrier needs to be fed a diet created for medium-sized breeds, and the specific food is selected according to age. An adult pit bull needs to choose food with a protein content of at least 25% to maintain the animal's activity at the desired level.

If the dog always eats with pleasure, looks cheerful, has a shiny and glossy coat, and has no problems with the toilet, then the food is suitable for it. Individual adjustments to the dosage are possible, since the dog does not always eat the portion that the manufacturer offers for the weight of the animal. Dogs receiving heavy daily exercise should receive one and a half or even double portions.

The owner must monitor the pet’s condition: protruding ribs indicate that the dog is starving (except for illness), excess fat is a reason to change the brand of food to a less calorie one or cut down on the portion.

You should not feed a pit bull by eye - this can lead to obesity in the dog.

What is it forbidden to feed a pit bull?

The American Bull Terrier, like any other dog, must eat on a strict schedule and eat food suitable for its predator. There is no need to feed your pet between feedings, much less offer it harmful and even dangerous foods. These include bread, pastries, sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products. It is forbidden to treat your pit bull even with small pieces of spicy or hot food, smoked meats, sweets, fried or fatty foods.

We will look in detail at what you should not feed your dog, which foods are strictly prohibited for representatives of any breed and can harm them.

How to choose an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy?

A person who is going to become the owner of a pit bull terrier must understand why he is getting a pet. If the animal is destined to become a loyal friend and participate in sports competitions, you can pay attention to pet-class puppies. These are dogs that have minor flaws in their exterior (blue eyes, bite problems, non-standard color). These nuances do not affect the dog’s health in any way, but they significantly reduce the price of the puppy - American pet-class pit bull terriers cost about ten thousand rubles.

Puppies of the “breeding” class are average representatives of the breed, having no flaws, but also not representing elite blood or rare combinations of dogs. Most often, the “breeding” class includes females that are capable of producing excellent offspring if mated with a good promising male. The cost of breeding puppies starts from twenty thousand rubles.

The most expensive puppies belong to the “show” class. These are future winners of show rings, carrying interesting blood and having champion parents. Show dogs are considered the pride of the breed, and meeting a worthy litter is rare. To get such a dog, the future owner must prepare for the fact that he will have to part with an amount of fifty thousand rubles or more. At the same time, there is a high probability that you will have to wait a long time for a suitable litter from show parents.

Seeing this “cute dog,” passers-by are unlikely to want to come closer and pet him; rather, on the contrary, they will try to quickly retreat before the “charming dog” gets the idea to “get to know” them better.

The Pit Bull or American Pit Bull Terrier is a mysterious creature: of unknown origin, frightening appearance, and not a very good reputation. But in reality, is the devil as scary as he is painted?

American pit bull - characteristics and photos


Images of dogs similar in appearance to modern pit bulls were found in Abyssinian and Tibetan burials. In addition, in the 2nd millennium BC. e. similar dogs bred in modern Europe, about which there is also evidence.

Ancient pit bulls were larger than modern ones and their main purpose was to bait large animals - bears, wild boars, etc. In those ancient times, the local nobility was fond of not only hunting, but also dog fighting, for which animals with massive jaws and powerful physique. Pit bull terriers were called “killer dogs”, and their breeders made a huge fortune from this.

In fact, the birthplace of the American Pit Bull Terrier is not the USA at all - the breed was developed in Britain and Ireland for dog fighting, as well as for hunting and sports entertainment. At that time this breed did not have a name. According to British laws in force at that time, only wealthy people were allowed to own large dogs, and poor people were forced to use short bulldogs and terriers to protect their homes.

Over time, the bull terrier breed was formed, and a little later it began to be called the pit bull terrier. During colonization, the animals came to America and were immediately liked by the locals. American scientists have invested a lot of effort and money into improving the breed.

However, the participation of pit bulls in dog fighting, as well as rumors about their incredible aggression and reputation as killers, have taken their toll. Mass unrest began in the country and even rallies were held demanding that the once beloved bull terriers be wiped off the face of the earth. But as soon as people realized that all accidents involving representatives of this breed were due to human fault, passions subsided. Indeed, the behavior of an animal depends on its upbringing - a properly trained pit bull is quite adequate and peaceful. He will always be able to distinguish bad from good and will never attack first.


American pit bulls are divided into two types.

Bulldog. The emphasis is placed specifically on the fighting qualities of the animal: smartness - the dogs are thin, but at the same time they have clearly defined muscles and endurance.

Second type (dwarf pit bull) looks similar to its close relative, the American Staffordshire Terrier.

  • The head is somewhat heavier than that of the first type. The eyes are low set and small in size. The lower jaw is powerful and well developed.
  • The muscles are prominent, protruding from under the thick skin. The backbone is strong and strong. Dogs of the second type are more powerful with a long body.
  • The tail is narrow at the end, thicker at the base. Doesn't stop.
  • The limbs are powerful, there is a moderate gap between the forelimbs, and the hind limbs are widely spaced.
  • Back with a short loin, strong, dense. The croup is slightly sloping.
  • The ears are set high. You don't have to stop it.

Both types of pit bulls can be any color (either solid or with white markings), except merle (merle) and pure white.

Adult weight can be 12-40 kg, but usually 14-28 kg. The height of the animal at the withers is from 46 to 56 cm.


Pit bull terriers are distinguished by high intelligence and good learning ability. They love to participate in all the fun family activities. Even in adulthood, representatives of the breed do not lose their cheerfulness and optimism. Despite the fact that the dog is a fighter, he gets along well with children. But all these characteristics will be true only if the dog is raised correctly.

Fierce-looking pit bull terriers are loyal to both “their household members” and their guests. This confident guard dog, perfectly aware of her surroundings. The dog will warn you every time that strangers are approaching, but the animal’s goal will not be the desire to “scold” the person, but only to greet him.

Although excessive love for people makes the dog not a very good watchman, his courage and courage have no limits, and he will protect his home and family to the last. Like other dog breeds, the American Pit Bull Terrier needs early socialization, which means exposure to different sounds, smells, places and people. A puppy that has undergone socialization is guaranteed to grow into an adequate, well-trained and balanced dog.


Although American pit bull terriers are distinguished by good health, they, like other breeds, are prone to certain diseases. Therefore, if you decide to get a dog of this breed, you need to know about the pet’s possible diseases.

Provided the pit bull terrier is given the opportunity for active and long walks, the dog can be considered an ideal “apartment” dog. Daily physical activity is one of the basic rules of keeping an animal. The duration of walks should be at least an hour a day. Moreover, these should not just be walks, but active activities. Pit bulls will run, jump, and play exciting games with their owner with great pleasure, while being filled with joy and vitality.

From a very early age of pit bull terriers must be taught to obey in order to avoid problems in the future.

Dogs of this breed do not tolerate low temperatures well, so keeping them outside for long periods of time during the cold season is unacceptable. Since pit bull terriers are very attached to people and feel like full members of the family, they cannot be left unattended for a long time - the dogs will feel sad and may even become depressed.


A dog's nutrition plays an important role in the growth and development of the animal. The diet must be balanced and fully meet the dog’s needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and microelements. Because the Pit bull terriers are very allergic, the choice of diet must be taken with full responsibility.

The type of food (wet, dry or natural food) is determined by each owner independently. However, it should be taken into account that natural food is specially prepared porridge (buckwheat, rice) with the addition of meat and vegetables, and not waste from your table, as many people think.

How many times a day should you feed your American Pit Bull Terrier?

The diet of American pit bull puppies is based on age:

  • At 1.5-2 months. - 6 times a day;
  • At 2-3 months. - 5 times/day;
  • At 3.5-5 months. - 4 times/day;
  • At 5.5-7 months. - 3 times/day;

Starting from eight months of age, the dog is transferred to two meals a day. This feeding regimen is maintained throughout the life of the bull terrier; only the portion size changes as the dog grows older.

So, the American Pit Bull Terrier is an easily trained, obedient animal that does not tolerate rudeness or aggression towards itself. If you are careful, consistent and persistent in the process of training your American Pitbull puppy, he will grow into a completely adequate, good-natured and devoted dog, capable of becoming your excellent friend and companion.

Pitbull dogs

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