Analysis of complex USE tasks in social studies. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: reviewing assignments with the teacher

Almost summer greetings everyone! For many, the “last calls” have already died down; the time has come for the home stretch of preparing for the Unified State Exam. And social studies is no exception. Many are just starting to prepare, it’s generally tough. But what can you do, everyone’s head works differently.

However, on the eve of the exam, I want to give you a small gift: my questions that I usually ask about society. Many will ask: “Why questions when there is a codifier for KIM Unified State Exam topics?” I answer immediately: questions are the basis of our thinking. The ability to ask a question and answer it is a serious art. And if you answer all these questions without fail, you can be sure that you will write the first part of the test without errors.

Because the first part of the Unified State Exam test in society tests your knowledge, and the second tests your test-solving skills. If you have any problems with the questions, then it’s not too late to take our video course on society and with its help not only fill in the gaps, but also get a clear idea of ​​how to solve Unified State Exam tests. Ok, here are the questions.

Questions about society

Human and society

  1. What is a worldview?
  2. What is an activity?
  3. What is the structure of the activity?
  4. What is development?
  5. What is progress?
  6. What are the signs of a traditional society?
  7. What are the characteristics of an industrial society?
  8. What are the signs of a post-industrial society?
  9. What are needs?
  10. What is culture?
  11. What is art?
  12. What is cognition?
  13. What is science?
  14. What is religion? What are the forms of religion?
  15. What theories of social progress do you know?

Social sphere

  1. What is social?
  2. What is a social fact?
  3. What is social stratification?
  4. What is socialization?
  5. What is a social group, what are its characteristics?
  6. Describe the types of social groups?
  7. How do the concepts of social role and social status relate?
  8. What types of socialization do you know?
  9. What are the causes of social stratification?
  10. What is social mobility?
  11. What is personality?
  12. How do the concepts: individual, individuality and personality relate to each other?
  13. What is deviation, what are its types?
  14. What are the reasons for deviant behavior, what theories are there?
  15. What forms of social interaction do you know?
  16. What is social conflict?
  17. What theories of social stratification do you know?
  18. How do the concepts relate: social group and community, group and social institution?
  19. What is the difference between the social group “family” and the social institution “family”?
  20. What is an ethnos, an ethnosocial community?

Political sphere

    1. What is politics?
    2. What is power?
    3. What is the difference between the legality of power and legitimacy?
    4. What is a crisis of legitimacy, what are its symptoms?
    5. What theories of politics do you know?
    6. Is politics more of a social phenomenon or a uniquely political one?
    7. What is the political process?
    8. What does a political system include?
    9. What are the characteristics of a state?
    10. What are the features of a totalitarian state or political system?
    11. What are the characteristics of an authoritarian state or political system?
    12. What are the characteristics of a democratic state and political system?
    13. Name all the classifications of forms of state and characterize each?
    14. What is civil society?
    15. Give examples of civil associations.
    16. What is a party, what are the characteristics of parties?
    17. What are interest groups, pressure groups, lobbies?
    18. What is the political elite?
    19. What theories of the political elite do you know?

Economic sphere

  1. What is profit?
  2. How does money function?
  3. How do the concepts of supply and demand relate?
  4. What is: inflation, denomination, nullification, devaluation, revaluation, deflation - give examples?
  5. What are costs? Explain and illustrate with examples: explicit costs, implicit, accounting economic?
  6. Name the types of markets and illustrate each with an example?
  7. Name the types of management and illustrate them with examples?
  8. What are securities, give types, examples?
  9. Explain what business cycles are and illustrate them with examples?


  1. What is a source of law? Name the sources of law that you know?
  2. What is law?
  3. What types of laws in the Russian Federation do you know?
  4. What is a legal fact?
  5. What is legal personality?
  6. How are legal capacity and legal capacity related?
  7. Name the object of law: civil, labor, administrative, criminal, family?
  8. What is emancipation?
  9. What is the statute of limitations? What three main words do you know?
  10. What are the key signs of an offense?
  11. What are the key signs of a crime?
  12. Name the parties to legal proceedings in law

By the way, questions about history, I already

In social studies with a high score, or become a prize-winner (winner) of the Olympiad in this subject. The goal in both cases is the same: to ensure the child’s admission to a prestigious university in a current specialty.

According to schoolchildren and many adults, social studies is not the most difficult subject. For this reason, today every second graduate chooses the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. Indeed, thanks to general erudition and good knowledge in the field of history and literature, you can pass the Unified State Exam in social studies above the minimum threshold. However, it is impossible to achieve high results (75 points and above) without careful preparation. Every year, only in Moscow, 5% of graduates fail the social studies exam.

So, how to choose a Unified State Exam tutor in social studies? What questions should he ask at the first meeting?

QUESTION ONE: What is your education? And where do you work?

Definitely, this is a specialized education, preferably pedagogical. For example, a diploma in the specialty “Social Studies”, or “Social Studies and Law”, or. Certificates of advanced training in the following profile: “In-depth preparation of students for creative tasks of the Unified State Exam” or “Solving Olympiad tasks” are welcome.

Now let's figure out the place of work. A school teacher will be better able to prepare for the Unified State Exam: he knows the weaknesses of students, he has more experience working with audiences of this age, he understands child psychology, and he regularly prepares schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam in social studies.

To prepare for the All-Russian Olympiad in Social Studies and “listed” Olympiads, it is better to contact university teachers. Such a tutor, as a rule, teaches several related disciplines, for example, political science, history and social studies. He has higher qualifications and a broad outlook, so such a tutor will have more practical benefits. But the child with whom the university tutor will work must understand and love the subject very well and not be afraid of the workload. After all, Olympiad tasks go far beyond the school curriculum.

QUESTION TWO: What difficulties exist in the Unified State Examination tasks in social studies? What are the criteria for evaluating long-form answers?

The more nuances and pitfalls a tutor can describe, the more he knows about the Unified State Exam in social studies.

For example, tasks Ch1 are somehow related to choosing an answer from several proposed options. But this is not just a question and answer options. In tasks №4-9; №11; №13-20 Ch1 there may be several correct answers. But exactly how much: 2, 3 or all 5, the examinee must understand on his own. Moreover, it is important to know the nuances of assessing such tasks. If the answer contains one extra digit or, conversely, one digit is missing, 1 point is deducted. If 2 or more incorrect answers are indicated, all points are deducted.

In task No. 21, the answers may be scattered throughout the text; it is important to read the text carefully. Many people make a mistake in the structure of the answer; it is important to formulate the answer in the format of a question.

Or, answering the last question, graduates use the Draft, but forget to write the topic of the essay into it. And this is spelled out in the terms of the assignment. When checking an essay, the expert has every right to remove point(s) for this “error”.

QUESTION THREE: What teaching materials and additional materials will be used to prepare a graduate for the Unified State Exam in social studies? (What materials do you use when preparing a student for the Social Studies Olympiad?)

As teachers and Unified State Exam experts in social studies themselves admit, not a single modern school textbook on social studies is capable of fully preparing a student for passing the Unified State Exam. Why? But because the Unified State Exam in social studies is an interdisciplinary exam that includes sections of several related sciences, such as law, philosophy, economics, political science and sociology. For this very reason, to help graduates, the management of some schools often introduces additional subjects or special courses, such as law, economics, political science, sociology and even philosophy.

Textbooks, manuals, encyclopedias offered by the tutor should not only be on social studies. These could be additional textbooks on law, economics, sociology, and necessarily the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Textbooks and manuals must be recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. It is very important to prepare using new books; old manuals often use concepts and terminology that have gone out of use.

Practice in solving tests can be gained from assignments from previous years of the Unified State Exam in social studies. The open Unified State Exam task bank is the official source of Unified State Exam tests from the developers of KIMs (FIPI). Answers and solutions can be found in textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies. As in the case of textbooks, it is necessary to use high-quality solution books published by large publishing houses (Drofa, Prosveshcheniye, etc.).

QUESTION FOUR: How will the lessons be held?

Experienced tutors note that during classes it is necessary to devote a lot of time to practice, namely:

  • develop test-solving skills;
  • analyze more tasks of an advanced, specialized level, since on the Unified State Exam there are often more difficult questions than in manuals and training papers;
  • preparing for a social studies essay.

We wrote above about the nuances with test tasks. Let's focus on the second point - extremely complex tasks. In the tasks of the KIM Unified State Exam in social studies, there are questions, the answers to which are studied by students of humanities already in the 2nd-3rd year. For example, a question from the “Law” module touches on the topic of types of legal entities, namely a limited partnership.

Further. Every year, the appendix to the specification lists the legal acts from the Russian Constitution that the graduate must know. But social studies teachers, who have been preparing children for the Unified State Exam in social studies for many years, advise reviewing, or better yet, learning all 137 articles of the Constitution.

You cannot score a high score on the Unified State Exam in social studies without paying due attention to preparing for the last task - a social studies essay. And although experts write that works “written outside the box, creatively, and imbued with interest in the subject” receive the highest score, it is important to adapt to the exam format and not be too clever. The Unified State Exam has its own specific topics and solution methods, and in order to ultimately receive the required score, the student’s answer must correspond to these methods.

Firstly, the work must correspond to the stated structure of the essay: quote - the problem raised by the author - the meaning of the statement - the point of view of the examinee - theoretical argumentation - at least 2 examples from history, literature, personal practice that confirm the correctness of the above judgments - conclusion .

It is also important to follow the basic rules of writing an essay: highlight paragraphs and follow the red line, use short, simple, but varied intonation sentences, composed according to the scheme: “I believe that ...”, “I share the position of the author ...” or “In conclusion, we conclusion…".

QUESTION FIVE: Will there be homework?

Homework with a tutor is required when preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies. This is not only solving tests and problems, but also writing detailed answers, plans and a social science essay on a topic given by the tutor.

The work is checked by two experts in a short time, often using vague evaluation criteria. Here, for example, is one of these criteria: “other examples of similar meaning may be given.” If the expert considers the given example to be “close in value”, the points will be awarded; otherwise, you may undeservedly fall short of the intended threshold. The assessment for this part of the work is very subjective. During the social studies appeals, graduates managed to score as many as 12(!) extra points by defending and arguing their point of view.

Also, experienced tutors advise starting every day by reading the news. The sources must be serious: federal publications, such as Rossiyskaya Gazeta, news agencies, for example, Interfax and RIA Novosti, as well as regional media. For graduates, news from the following sections is relevant: education, society, culture, politics, religion and international relations. Regular viewing of the media will help you give good examples in the tasks of Part 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies. And also be more interested in history, literature and geography, because facts from personal social experience and one’s own observations are welcome as examples and arguments. And for this you need that same broad outlook that we wrote about at the very beginning of the material.

Is it difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in Social Studies? This is the question asked by everyone who decides to choose this subject. At first glance, the subject is not difficult, which is why the vast majority of those graduates who have not yet fully decided where they will enroll choose it. Also, according to statistics, social studies is chosen by all weak students, that is, those who have problems with most other subjects. They don’t even suspect that in reality it is very difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in social studies and get high scores. Why? Because there are specific difficulties here, which we will talk about in this article.

The first difficulty. High passage threshold. Competition.

The passing threshold for social studies has become very high since 2016. In 2018 it is 41. Therefore, there are a lot of twos. Parents and graduates are shocked. They came as a complete surprise to them. Moreover, even the guys who studied with a tutor get bad marks.

The problem is that the USE in social studies is chosen 10 times more than, for example, the USE in physics or the USE in chemistry. Social studies is required for admission to most humanitarian universities, and even for the most popular legal or economic education (and this is despite the overcrowding of these professions in the labor market!). Hence the high competition. That is, in order for the test to be successful, you must score at least 75-80 points. And this is already a difficult task.

The second difficulty. A huge amount of information.

Social studies, as a school subject, consists of five main sections, each of which includes an entire science. That is, you need to study five sciences at once. Here they are:

  • Philosophy
  • Sociology
  • Political science
  • Economy
  • Right

And when studying the spiritual sphere, they also partially study

  • Cultural studies
  • Art history
  • Religious studies
  • Aesthetics

All these disciplines are studied in universities as separate subjects and are studied for years, and even in different faculties and even in different universities. So economics is studied at the Faculty of Economics, and law at the Faculty of Law. Hence the mountains. And all of them must be mastered in two years, or even one.

Difficulty three. Traps in the first part.

Out of twenty test tasks, there are always two or three tasks that baffle even experienced teachers and tutors. These are so-called double-answer questions.

For example. What type of society should the parliament be classified as: pre-industrial, industrial or post-industrial? The correct answer is the second one. But did parliament exist in pre-industrial society? After all, in England and France it arose when there was no sign of industry. And in post-industrial society it has not gone away either. Where can you guess the logic of the authors of the question? It's easy to make a mistake. You just need to know the answer.

Difficulty four. Cases and typos.

As soon as you change the case in a word or phrase, the computer will immediately generate an error. In addition, he may make an error if he does not understand the letter. And this happens. Scanners are very capricious.

In one case out of five, graduates make mistakes simply due to inattention, which is a consequence of mental and nervous overstrain.

Difficulty five. Subjectivity of the inspector in the second part.

The person checking the second part is a person. Social studies is a humanitarian subject, and therefore variable. There may be incompatibility between the thinking of the reviewer and the writer.

The inspector may be given a setting. They can give the installation “ Check very strictly!", can give the setting " Check very loyal O". Do you think such installations are not given? They still give it.

Difficulty six. Ignorance of definitions, concepts and meanings.

In the second part, it is very important to know definitions, understand terms and concepts, and use them when writing an Essay.

Now we see that passing the Unified State Exam in social studies is quite difficult. And the preparation must be the most thorough. All means of preparation cannot be neglected here. High-quality work in school lessons, tutoring.

A natural question arises:


In order to prepare well (especially if the preparation comes from scratch, and, as a rule, 80% of high school students have zero knowledge at the beginning of the 11th grade, believe my twenty years of teaching experience), you must first master the basic knowledge. But here is another difficulty! What is important and what is secondary in this sea of ​​information and mountains of textbooks? Who can help figure this out? Who will reveal the most complex theory and who will give practice?

Any person who occupies a high social position in society strives to live up to his status and behave appropriately. From a person with the status of a banker, others expect very specific actions and do not expect others that do not correspond to their ideas about this status. Therefore, status and social role bind people's expectations. If expectations are formally expressed and recorded in any acts (laws) or in customs, traditions, rituals, they have the character of social norms.

Although expectations may not be fixed, this does not make them cease to be expectations. Despite this, people expect a holder of a specific status to play a very specific role in accordance with the requirements that they place on this role. Society prescribes the requirements and norms of behavior for the status. For the correct performance of the role the individual is rewarded, for the wrong one he is punished.

A model of behavior focused on a certain status includes a set of status rights and responsibilities. Rights mean the ability to perform certain actions determined by status. The higher the status, the greater the rights its owner is endowed with and the greater the range of responsibilities assigned to him.

A model of behavior focused on a certain status also has external insignia. Clothing is a social symbol that serves three primary functions: comfort, decorum, and conspicuous expression.

The function of status symbols is also performed by housing, language, behavior, and leisure.

(R.T. Mukhaev)

21. What, in the author’s opinion, connects social status and social role? What is this connection expressed in?

22. What two conditions are necessary for role behavior to become a social norm? How does society support the correct implementation of social norms?



Tasks 21–24 are a mini-test, including a fragment of a source and four task questions for its analysis and interpretation. The first two task questions (21, 22) are scored from 0 to 2 points, the next two (23, 24) - from 0 to 3 points. Thus, for completely correctly completing a mini-test with a text fragment, the examinee can receive 10 points.

When completing tasks 21 – 24 it is important:

2) Read the questions and underline in them the key words necessary to formulate the answer; determine the number of assessed elements in the task (What Andin what quantity required to be included in the answer).

3) Structure the response record.

If you can only answer part of the question, be sure to write down the answer within the scope of the question. Remember that elements of the answer can be given in the form of quotes from the text, as well as wording that is similar in meaning.

Task No. 21 requires the reproduction of information contained in the text in explicit form. When answering a task, you can use the question to record your answer.

Our example:

What,in the author’s opinion, connects social status and social role ? What is this connection expressed in?

There are two assessed elements in the task:

1) indicate what connects social status and social role

2) reveal what the connection between social status and social role is.

Because It is most convenient to formulate an answer using the question itself; we can form the following sentences:

1) Social status and social role, in the author’s opinion, bind people’s expectations.

1) The connection between social status and social role is expressed in people’s expectation that the ownerspecific statuswill play a very specific role in accordance with the requirements that are presented to this role.

Task No. 22 is aimed not only at identifying the awareness of text perception, but also at interpreting the text. The answer can include both a quote from the text and a brief retelling of it.

Our example:

Whichtwo conditions are necessary to consolidate role behavior as a social norm ? How does society support the correct implementation of social norms?

1) Two conditions necessary to consolidate role behavior as a social norm:

Expectations must be formally expressed

Expectations must be recorded in any acts, customs, traditions, rituals.

2) The ways in which society supports the correct implementation of social norms:

For the correct performance of the role the individual is rewarded, for the wrong one he is punished.

Task No. 23 involves both text analysis and the use of additional social science knowledge. When answering, you do not need to use a direct answer in the text, but formulate the provisions yourself based on social science information.

Our example:

What three main functions of clothing as a social symbol does the author highlight? Using social science and historical knowledge, illustrate any two of them with examples.

Three main functions of clothing as a social symbol:

1) providing comfort

2) maintaining decency (the introduction of a school uniform makes it possible to avoid unusual clothing within the educational process - a shirt, trousers and a sweater are more acceptable than shorts, wrestling shoes and flip-flops in a mathematics lesson).

3) demonstrative expression (each caste in ancient India wore clothes of a certain color, which made it possible to determine a person’s social affiliation to a particular class).

Please note that the examples provided must have a fairly high degree of specificity.

Task No. 24 built onindependent formulation and argumentation of judgments related to the problems of the text. You must be able to evaluate social science processes and events and competently prove your assessment.

Our example:

Give the position of the text that reflects the relationship between the status of an individual, on the one hand, and the range and scope of rights and responsibilities that he or she has, on the other. Based on social science knowledge, give two arguments to substantiate this position.

1) The position of the text, reflecting the relationship between the status of an individual, on the one hand, and the range and scope of rights and responsibilities that he has, on the other:

the higher the status, the greater the rights its owner is endowed with and the greater the range of responsibilities assigned to him.

2) Arguments justifying this position:

A person occupying a high position in the social hierarchy has the opportunity to make decisions regarding third parties (dismissal, signing a decree).

A person occupying a high position in the social hierarchy is responsible both for himself and for third parties (ensuring the activities of the enterprise and the employment of workers).

Task No. 25 requires revealing the meaning of a social science concept, as well as making two sentences to it.

Our example:

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “political regime”? Using knowledge from a social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the criterion(s) for identifying types of political regimes, and one sentence revealing the features of a democratic regime.

1) Definition of the concept of “political regime”:

A political regime is a set of methods for exercising power and achieving political goals.

The task does not require memorizing complex terms, which are sometimes not even always clear to the graduate:

A political regime is a way of organizing a political system that reflects the relationship between government and society, the level of political freedom and the nature of political life in the country.

The task requires revealing the content of the concept specified in the task.

2) A proposal containing information about the criterion(s) for identifying types of political regimes:

The criteria for identifying types of political regimes are the scope of human rights and freedoms, methods of exercising state power, the nature of relations between the state and society, etc.

3) A proposal revealing the features of a democratic regime:

The democratic regime is based on the principles of democracy, freedom and equality of citizens.

The determining factor in the answer is the definition of the concept. If the meaning of the concept is revealed incorrectly with any number of other elements of the answer, the task is scored 0 points.

In conditiontask No. 26 contains a requirement to illustrate any social object with examples. Please note that when answering, you should first write down the position/concept, and then the corresponding example.

Our example:

Name and illustrate with examples any three grounds for acquiring property rights provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1) processing and collection or extraction of things generally available for these purposes (Konstantin Ivanov collected blueberries in the forest near Nizhny Novgorod).

2) creation (manufacturing) of a new thing (Petr Martsev painted a picture of one of the most picturesque places in Nizhny Novgorod - the arrow).

3) acquisition of ownership rights on the basis of an agreement or other transaction on the alienation of a thing (Yulia Soboleva purchased a laptop at the Tekhnosila store).

Task 27 represents a task task.

Our example:

According to the UN, about 113 million children in the world do not attend school for one reason or another. 97% (about 110 million people) of them live in third world countries: 48.5 million people in the countries of South and Southeast Asia; 42.3 million people are in African countries. Draw two conclusions based on the analysis of the data provided. Based on social science data and media materials, indicate one of the possible reasons why the countries of these regions are leaders in the number of children not attending school.

Elements assessed:

1) Two conclusions based on the table

1) Two conclusions based on the table:

A) The majority (97% of students) of students in developed countries attend classes.

B) Among the “third world” countries, the countries of South and Southeast Asia lead in the number of those who do not take part in training.

C) The number of people not attending school in third world countries is higher than in developed countries.

2) A proposal about the reason why the countries of these regions lead in the number of children out of school.

A) In third world countries, schoolchildren from early childhood have to work to provide their own food.

B) The low level of socio-economic development does not allow the governments of the “third world” countries to create a wide network of educational institutions financed from the state budget and free for the population of these countries.

Task No. 28 assumes:

1) drawing up a detailed plan

2) disclosure of the content of the topic on its merits

To successfully complete the task, you must adhere to the following steps:

2) Remember the content of the topic

3) Divide the content of the topic into semantic parts and title them. In headings (points of the plan)should not similar formulations are repeated.

4) Detail at least two points

5) Check if all the main ideas are reflectedsequentially in the plan (if necessary, make adjustments).

6) Write down the answer in answer form No. 2.

Our example:

You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Taxes and their impact on the country’s economy.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

1) Definition of the concept of “taxes”.

2) Functions of taxes:

A) fiscal

B) distribution

B) stimulating

D) social and educational

D) specific accounting

3) Tax systems:

A) proportional;

B) progressive;

B) regressive.

4) Direct taxes

A) tax on personal income;

B) corporate income tax;

5) Indirect taxes

A) excise taxes;

B) value added tax;

6) Federal taxes

A) value added tax;

B) excise taxes;

C) personal income tax;

7) Regional taxes:

A) tax on property of organizations;

B) gambling tax;

B) transport tax.

8) Local taxes:

A) land tax;

B) tax on property of individuals;

B) trade fee.

9) The impact of taxes on the economic activity of market entities

10) The role of taxes in creating a positive investment climate

The absence of points 2, 3 and 9 of the plan in this or similar formulation will not allow us to reveal the content of this topic on its merits.

Assessment criteria for assignment No. 28

K1. Expanding the topic – 2 points

The plan must contain at least two mandatory points specified in the expert’s criteria for testing the Unified State Exam in social studies.

K2 Number of plan points – 1 point

As stated in the condition, the plan must consist of at least three points, two of which are detailed in subparagraphs.

K3 Correctness of wording – 1 point

The wording of paragraphs and subparagraphs of the plan should not contain errors or inaccuracies.

Task No. 29

When choosing a statement for your mini-essay, you should pay attention toa number of conditions:

1) is the meaning of the statement clear, is the problem associated with this statement clear?

2) the opportunity to express one’s attitude to the statement

3) knowledge of terminology

4) the ability to give examples from history, public life, and personal experience

The task is assessed according to several criteria.

K1 - Revealing the meaning of the statement – ​​1 point

Please note that if the meaning is revealed incorrectly (not disclosed), then the answer is not checked further.

K2 - Nature and level of theoretical argumentation – 2 points

The topic should be covered not only on individual concepts, but also on reasoning, conclusions and theoretical positions.

K3 - Correct use of concepts, theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions – 1 point

Each of you can receive an additional point for a mini-essay in 2018 if there are no errors in the theoretical argumentation.

K4 – Factual argumentation – 2 points

The mini-essay must contain at least two examples from different sources (media reports, educational materials, facts of personal social experience and own observations).

Our example:

Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised). When expressing your thoughts about the raised problem (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life and your own life experience.

One of the options for constructing a mini-essay

1. Quote

3. The meaning of the statement

4. Own point of view

5. Theoretical argumentation

6. Factual argument

7. Conclusion

“The beginning of personality comes much later than the beginning of the individual.” (B.G. Ananyev)

B.G. Ananyev in his statement crushes the problem of socialization and the formation of personality throughout her life. This problem is relevant in modern conditions, since the process of socialization and the entry of a new generation into the system of social relations will never lose its significance. In addition, even today, discussions about the relationship between the biological and social components in humans continue.

The author believes that a person (a social being with reason and consciousness, as well as a subject of socio-historical activity and culture ) is born as an individual (a single representative of the human race, a specific bearer of all social and psychological traits of humanity ), and only in the process of socialization (the process of assimilation by an individual of social norms, cultural values ​​and patterns of behavior of the society to which he belongs ) he becomes a person (a human individual who is a subject of conscious activity, possessing a set of socially significant traits, properties and qualities that he realizes in public life ).

I support the author's opinion. To support my position, I consider it appropriate to cite the hero of R. Kipling’s novel “Mowgli”. Since childhood, the boy, being brought up in an animal community, was unable to accept the rules of behavior, morality and ethics of his contemporary society, and therefore could not become part of it.

This is confirmed by R. Kipling's novel and media reports. In 2007, media attention focused on the life of a Cambodian girl, Rochom Pyengeng, who went into the jungle at the age of 8 and saw her parents 18 years later. After spending a huge amount of time in the jungle for 18 years, the girl was unable to adapt to living conditions in the human community and went into the jungle. This example confirms that both the biological and social aspects of a person’s essence are important.

Another example of the opinion of B.G. Ananyev is the life of Imanuel Kant. Not having naturally good health, thanks to his determination and fortitude, he went down in the history of world philosophy as one of the greatest philosophers, which would not have been useful to him in the wild.

To summarize the above, it is worth agreeing with the opinion of B.G. Ananyev and his opinion on the formation of man in the system of social relations.

The Unified State Exam in social studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 29 tasks.

First part contains 20 tasks with short answer.

The answer to the tasks of the first part is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word or phrase or a sequence of numbers written without spaces or separating characters.

Tasks 1–3 – basic-level conceptual tasks – are aimed at testing knowledge and understanding of the biosocial essence of a person, the main stages and factors of personal socialization, patterns and trends in the development of society, basic social institutions and processes.

Tasks 4–19 of basic and advanced levels are aimed at testing the development of skills:

  • characterize from a scientific point of view, the main social objects (facts, phenomena, processes, institutions), their place and significance in the life of society as an integral system
  • search social information presented in various sign systems (text, diagram, table, diagram)
  • apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on current social problems

The tasks in this group represent the traditional five thematic modules of the social science course:

  1. man and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture (tasks 4–6)
  2. economics (tasks 7–10)
  3. social relations (tasks 11, 12)
  4. politics (tasks 13–15)
  5. law (tasks 16–19)

Second part contains 9 tasks with detailed answers.

In the tasks of the second part, the answer is formulated and written down by the examinee independently in a detailed form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates with the highest level of social science training.

The tasks of the second part (21–29) together represent the basic social sciences that form the social science course in high school (social philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, jurisprudence.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination paper

Parts of the work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Type of tasks
1 part20 35 Short answer
part 29 27 Detailed response
Total19 62


The examination work is allotted 3 hours 55 minutes.
Recommended time to complete various tasks:

  • for each of tasks 1–3, 10: 1–4 minutes
  • for each of tasks 4–9, 11–28: 2–8 minutes
  • for task 29: 45 minutes

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