Bashkir State University (BSU). Institute of Law, Bashkir State University. Bashkir State University (BashSU, Ufa)

On March 26, students of the Bashkir State University took part in one of the events held as part of a visiting meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights, which takes place in Ufa from March 25 to 28. The program of this meeting includes meetings of human rights activists with representatives of human rights and other public organizations, law enforcement agencies of the republic, visits to medical and social institutions, as well as lectures in educational institutions. As part of a meeting with Bashkir State University students, Kirill Kabanov, a member of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, gave a lecture “Regional Features of Public Participation in the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Policy.” “This topic is serious and difficult for any state and for any political system. Corruption seems to me like a cancer that has different forms and for which there are different treatments,” he reflected, “but this negative phenomenon is characteristic and natural for any country.” The meeting was also attended by other high-ranking guests, who, at the end of the lecture, maintained a dialogue with the student audience. This is Alexey Kasyanov, Secretary of the Interdepartmental Council of Public Security of the Republic of Belarus; Viktor Butyrkin, Head of the Office of the Head of the Republic of Belarus for Anti-Corruption of the Office of the Interdepartmental Council of Public Security of the Republic of Belarus; as well as First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Ildar Mavletberdin. Representatives of the university were Ilgiz Garifullin, head of the Research Center for Combating Extremism, Terrorism and Corruption of Bashkir State University, Candidate of Legal Sciences, and Azat Galimkhanov, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work of Bashkir State University, Candidate of Legal Sciences.

Rector of the Bashkir State University Nikolai Morozkin takes part in the International Forum “Universities, Society and the Future of Humanity,” which started on March 25 at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The event is dedicated to discussing the role of universities in the harmonization of the global scientific, educational, technological and humanitarian space in an era of great challenges. More than a thousand rectors of leading Russian and foreign universities, representatives of scientific organizations, innovative companies and government bodies take part in the forum. Among them is Viktor Sadovnichy, rector of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, President of the Russian Union of Rectors, President of the Eurasian Association of Universities, academician; Andrey Fursenko, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation; Grigory Trubnikov, First Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The fundamental report of the rector of Moscow State University, Academician Viktor Sadovnichy, which opened the forum, was dedicated to the history, today and tomorrow of the world intellectual tradition, which gave rise to classical science, systems and institutions for the accumulation and transmission of knowledge. The academician analyzed global trends in the development of higher education, outlined the role and place of Russian higher education in the global educational process. Bashkir State University Rector Nikolai Morozkin noted: “The international scientific forum brought together heads of Russian universities, providing a good opportunity not only to take part in the program of this grandiose event, but also to communicate with each other. We have something to discuss, this is a good opportunity to exchange experiences and contacts. Moscow State University Rector Viktor Sadovnichy reminded all those present about the mission of universities in society, emphasizing that they push the boundaries of knowledge, bring the joy of human communication, and actively change the world and us in this world.” At the end of the speech by the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Antonovich, a series of memorandums were signed on the organization of scientific and educational consortia within the framework of the Vernadsky program initiated by Moscow State University - the creation in the regions of scientific and production clusters focused on the development of scientific schools, applied research, the development and implementation of comprehensive reserve development programs mineral raw materials, socio-economic growth of territories. Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug N.V. took part in the launch ceremony of the Vernadsky program in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Komarova, Head of the Republic of Udmurtia A. V. Brechalov, acting head of Kabardino-Balkaria K.V. Kokov, Governor of the Kemerovo Region S.E. Tsivilev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan L.R. Fazleeva, First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Education of the Moscow Region O.S. Zabralova, Deputy Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory M.L. Peshev, head of the National Nuclear Center in Sarov (Nizhny Novgorod region) V.E. Kostyukov and many others. According to the organizers, the forum program includes several discussion panels: “The historical role of universities in scientific, educational and cultural development”, “Universities and global challenges of the modern world”, the purpose of which will be to discuss the historical role of universities in the scientific, educational and cultural progress of society, prospects for their development taking into account current trends in the global world. The forum includes the Congress of the Russian Union of Rectors and the Congress of the Eurasian University Association.

On March 22-23, 2019, the International Scientific Forum “Unity. Citizenship. Patriotism" (to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Bashkortostan). At the end of the scientific forum, invited guests and organizers had the opportunity to attend a gala meeting and a gala concert dedicated to the anniversary of the republic, which took place at the State Concert Hall “Bashkortostan”. The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District Igor Komarov, Acting Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov, President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov, Governor of the Samara Region Dmitry Azarov, Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuyvashev, ambassadors of Belarus, Vietnam, UAE, Turkey, representatives of federal and republican authorities. A special exhibition was organized in the foyer of the State Concert Hall "Bashkortostan" telling about the achievements of Bashkortostan. It included photographs, paintings, and art objects that clearly illustrate the rich history of the Bashkir region from ancient times to the present day. Before the start of the celebrations, the guests of honor also got acquainted with the exhibition of Sarmatian gold from the collection of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the UFIC RAS. The performance, held at the Bashkortostan State Concert Hall, featured masters of art and famous groups, including opera singer Askar Abdrazakov, finalists of the TV show “The Voice. Children", folk song and dance ensemble "Miras", State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble named after. F. Gaskarova. In the foyer there was an exhibition telling about the achievements of Bashkiria. For the 100th anniversary of the republic, an illustrated postcard, an envelope and a special postmark were issued to commemorate the event. The exhibition also presents plans for the development of the region for the coming years as part of the implementation of national projects. A kind of slogan for the scientific forum and festive events is “We are a hundred years old, but we are young.” We are united, we are hardworking, our dream is a prosperous Russia! Alga, Bashkiria!

On March 23, an Open Day was held at the Institute of Economics of Finance and Business. The meeting of the guests began with a greeting from the acting director of the Institute K.E. Grishina. In his speech, he touched upon the history of the creation of the Institute, spoke in detail about the achievements of the educational institution, the state of its material and technical base, the teaching staff, social support for students during their studies and the bright events of student life, and answered questions from those present. The schoolchildren were introduced to the departments in the format of a game. Teachers and students prepared thematic assignments for schoolchildren within the framework of the Institute’s specialties. The formed teams of children answered questions from the field of finance, personnel management, government, regional economics and probability theory with interest and excitement. On this day, applicants received the maximum amount of information in order to make the right professional choice in the future. “Open Day” at the Institute has become a traditional event. We invite everyone to the Open Day on March 30, 2019. We will help you identify your professional inclinations, decide on the future direction of your professional activity, teach you to think creatively and earn money with your mind. Come, it will be interesting! ​​​​​​

According to the European Chamber of Science and Industry, Bashkir State University entered the Top 100 of the Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard (ARES) for 2019, taking 52nd place among Russian universities and strengthening its position in comparison with the past year. It is worth noting that the classical university was ahead of all universities in the republic, and, in addition, a number of national research and federal universities in the country, such as Perm National Research Polytechnic University, National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, South Ural State University (national research university), Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogarev, Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky, Northern (Arctic) Federal University M.V. Lomonosov, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, etc. The ARES rating is formed according to the standards of the European Union. The main indicators for determining the position of a university in the ranking are: the results of scientific activity, the level of international cooperation, employment of graduates in leading companies, the use of modern technologies in the educational process, awards and international recognition of the teaching staff, etc. Bashkir State University is characterized by reliable quality of teaching and effective scientific activity and the demand for graduates by employers. Among the universities of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the ranking also includes USPTU (59th place), BSPU (83rd place), BSMU (103rd place), USATU (149th place), BSAU (181st place). It is noteworthy that only 2 universities in the republic were able to improve their last year’s results, namely Bashkir State University and Bashkortostan State Medical University. The current status of Bashkir State University in the rankings can be tracked by following the link.

On March 23, the results of the All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren of the current academic year were announced in Ufa. A solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad took place in the conference hall of the Green Grove sanatorium. It was attended by the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District Igor Komarov and the acting head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov. “Today is an important event, which, I hope, will be a serious prologue for your future successes and victories,” said Igor Komarov. - I would like to thank everyone who prepared you for this Olympiad and who organized it. Thank your parents, teachers, teachers, expert specialists, jury members - all those who allowed such a wonderful event to take place. Congratulations on your participation in the Olympiad and I wish you great success in life! The Presidential Envoy presented diplomas of the Olympiad winners to 11th grade students. They were seven schoolchildren from Moscow. Radiy Khabirov also congratulated the finalists and thanked the guys for their perseverance and work. “You are the future of our great country,” noted Radiy Faritovich. - It is you who will make it what we imagine: a high-tech, developed, advanced, the most powerful power in the whole world. I am sure that each of you has a great future ahead of you!” The acting head of Bashkortostan presented the winners' diplomas to 10th grade students. These included schoolchildren from Moscow, Tatarstan and the Chelyabinsk region. The diplomas of the winners of the Olympiad among 9th grade students (they were children from Moscow, the Vologda region and Mordovia) were presented by the chairman of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad in Chemistry, the president of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Lunin. He wished success to the schoolchildren, thanked the organizers for the warm and welcoming welcome and congratulated the residents of Bashkortostan on the 100th anniversary of the republic. The award ceremony was attended by: First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Liliya Gumerova, acting Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Aibulat Khazhin, Rector of Bashkortostan State University Nikolai Morozkin, Chairman of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rail Asadullin. Representatives of the organizing committee of the Olympiad and members of the jury also presented diplomas to the winners. 103 schoolchildren became winners and prize-winners of the 55th All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren. For reference: The final stage of the 55th All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren was held from March 17 to March 23, 2019 in Ufa, on the basis of the Bashkir State University. 230 students in grades 9-11 from 55 regions of Russia took part in three rounds - two theoretical and one experimental. Among them were six schoolchildren from Bashkiria (from Ufa, Sterlitamak and Salavat), all of them became winners of the Olympiad. The founder and organizer of the Olympiad is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Co-organizers of the final stage are the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Bashkir State University, Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The partners were the Green Grove sanatorium, Transneft Ural JSC and Krasny Klyuch LLC. The Olympics were held with the support of the government of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

As part of the second day of the International Scientific Forum “Unity. Citizenship. Patriotism" dedicated to the centenary of the Republic of Bashkortostan, on March 23, 2019, a scientific session of students and graduate students was held at the Institute of History and Public Administration and the multimedia historical park "Russia - My History". The youth part of the forum included a master class on current issues of Russian history of the twentieth century, which took place in the multimedia historical park “Russia is my history,” as well as the work of 7 thematic sections. The second day of the forum was as rich in content as the first. During the breakout sessions, students and graduate students discussed the state and legal status of the Bashkir people in historical retrospect, the experience of nation-state building in the Soviet Union, the role of industrial modernization in the destinies of the peoples of the USSR, the spiritual and cultural development of the peoples of Russia in the 20th century, Bashkortostan in the military history of Russia XX century, socio-economic realities and prospects for the development of Bashkortostan at the turn of the millennium, national policy as a tool for strengthening civic identity in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Students and graduate students of Ufa universities and their republican branches presented bright reports, accompanied by presentations. The work of each section was assessed by a professional jury of teachers, who determined the winners of I, II and III degrees. All participants received certificates. Based on the results of the scientific session of students and graduate students, a collection will be published, including about 250 articles by full-time and part-time participants of the event.

On March 24, 2019, on the basis of the Sibay Institute (branch) of Bashkortostan State University, the School Olympiad “Cup of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Mathematics” was held for 11th grade students of general education institutions. About 50 schoolchildren from the Baymak and Abzelilovsky districts, the cities of Sibay and Baymak took part in the Olympiad. The contingent of participants mainly consisted of children planning to enter higher educational institutions in areas of training related to mathematics and information technology. Before the start of the Olympiad, Deputy Director of the Sibay Institute of Bashkir State University S.N. spoke. Chernov, who briefly told the guys about the institute and wished them successful completion of their assignments. The procedure for holding the Olympiad was provided by the technical secretariat of the selection committee. Upon admission to all faculties and all branches of Bashkir State University with the entrance test “Mathematics” based on the results of the Olympiad, additional competitive points are provided for the following individual achievements: for participation - 1 point; for a winner's diploma - 3 points; for the winner's diploma - 5 points. The winners of the Olympiad who entered any field of study at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies of Bashkir State University, or the Sibay Institute (branch) of Bashkir State University in the field of study “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” are awarded a scholarship in the amount of 5,000 rubles for the first semester of study. Information about the results of the Olympiad, winners and prize-winners will be posted on the Bashkir State University website before May 1, 2019.

Dear colleagues, students, teachers and staff of the Bashkir State University! I sincerely congratulate you on this significant date - the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Republic of Bashkortostan! On March 23, 1919, an Agreement was signed between the Bashkir government and the Soviet government on the formation of the country’s first autonomous national republic - the BASSR, which secured the rights of the peoples living on its territory to self-determination and laid the foundations for the formation of Russian federalism and the formation of national-cultural policy, strengthening the country's economy. There are many glorious and heroic pages in the history of our region. The Bashkir land has always been generous with talented people - famous writers, artists, famous scientists, whose creative heritage has become the spiritual heritage of the whole world. And we can rightfully be proud of the names and achievements of our fellow countrymen, labor and cultural traditions passed on from generation to generation. 100 years is an important date that marks a new stage in the development of our republic, rich in natural resources and significant production and intellectual potential. Bashkortostan today is developing dynamically and looks confidently into the future. Large-scale investment projects are being successfully implemented. I am convinced that initiative, energy and determination will help us continue to achieve high results for the sake of the prosperity of Bashkortostan and all of Russia. For this, we have the most important resource - people full of ideas and desire to make Bashkortostan better! And the Bashkir State University makes a significant contribution to the strengthening of the domestic economy, education and culture, to the formation and further development of our native land. In Bashkortostan, people of different nationalities live in friendship and harmony, and we are proud of this. The peoples of our republic carefully preserve the original traditions and culture of their ancestors. And today our common duty, the duty of each of us, is to contribute through our labor to the prosperity of our small homeland. On this significant day, I wish everyone good health, happiness, prosperity, energy and optimism, which we need for the common movement forward and prosperity of our Fatherland! Sincerely, Rector of Bashkir State University N.D. Morozkin

Year of foundation: 1909
Number of students studying at the university: 16461
Cost of studying at the university: 28 - 56 thousand rubles.

Address: 450074, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Zaki Validi, 32


Email: [email protected]

About the university

Bashkir State University is the oldest university in the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is the legal successor of the first university in the republic - the Ufa Teachers' Institute (1909), on the basis of which the Institute of Public Education was organized (1919), and then the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute (1929). In 1957, on the basis of the Bashkir Pedagogical Institute. K.A. Timiryazev founded the Bashkir State University.

Today BSU is not only a leading university, but also an intellectual, spiritual, educational, scientific and cultural center of public life in our republic. It includes 15 faculties, 3 branches located in the cities of Sibay, Sterlitamak and Neftekamsk. More than 27 thousand students study at Bashkir State University in 115 specialties and areas. Educational, scientific and educational work is carried out by 2,000 scientific and pedagogical workers, including more than 300 doctors and about 900 candidates of science. 42 doctors of sciences were elected full members and corresponding members of scientific academies. 88 university professors bear honorary titles of Honored Scientists of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, 47 teachers were awarded orders and medals. Among the Honorary Doctors of Bashkir State University are: Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Sergei Mironov, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Russia and Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy, President of St. Petersburg State University Lyudmila Verbitskaya and many others. And certificate No. 1 was awarded to Mustai Karim several years ago.

The university makes a significant contribution to the social and cultural development of the republic. Over the course of a hundred years, they have trained more than 115 thousand specialists. More than a thousand graduates were awarded honorary titles of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan, more than 70 members of the Russian Writers' Union. Tens of thousands of university graduates work at school as teachers and educational organizers, many of them bear honorary titles of Honored Teachers of Bashkortostan and Russia.

To improve the quality of specialist training, the university is actively introducing new teaching technologies. For this purpose, 30 computer classes and 4 video rooms were introduced and re-equipped. Thanks to the Internet Center, created in 1997 under a joint program of the Russian government and the Soros Foundation, Bashkortostan University is included in the world information system. The center has a free access hall with 65 seats.

In recent years, Bashkir State University has become a major center of postgraduate education, where postgraduate studies in 56 and doctoral studies in 8 scientific specialties are successfully functioning, where more than 500 graduate students and doctoral students study annually, which makes up a third of the graduate students and doctoral students in Bashkortostan. 10 doctoral and 3 candidate dissertation councils have been opened, defending and awarding academic degrees in 23 specialties.

The university actively participates in international integration activities in the field of education and science. More than 30 cooperation agreements have been concluded with universities in the USA, Germany, Turkey, France, Italy, Egypt, Hungary, Japan and China, as well as with the embassies of Iran and Egypt in Moscow (for the training of teachers of Arabic and Persian languages). Thanks to these agreements, 88 undergraduate and graduate students of Bashkir State University are currently studying at foreign universities.

Bashkir State University is a cultural multinational center. The university Folk Dance Ensemble “Irendek” and the folklore ensemble “Tausen”, which recently celebrated their 30th anniversary, are very popular in the republic.

At Bashkir State University, physical education, recreation and sports activities with students and staff are actively developing. Student teams take an active part in the Universiade of Universities of the Republic of Belarus. Athletes take part in republican and all-Russian competitions, where they become winners and prize-winners. Thus, teams of student boxers became winners of the Universiade of Universities of the Republic of Belarus, winners of the Cup of the Republic of Belarus, and champions of Russian universities.

A lot of health work with students and teachers is carried out in the summer at the Nagaevo health and sports camp, which is located on the picturesque bank of the Belaya River.

Bashkir State University celebrated its 100th anniversary and today is a dynamically and steadily developing educational institution and has every opportunity to implement the Program for the Modernization of Higher Education, ensuring high-quality training of specialists for the Republic of Bashkortostan and the country as a whole.

The rector of Bashkortostan State University is academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Mustafin

An excellent educational institution for applicants who cherish the dream of a legal education is the Institute of Law of Bashkir State University.

History of BashSU

Bashkir State University is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Russia. It boasts a rich and interesting history, famous alumni and much more. The motto of Bashkir State University became telling: “First among equals.” In many respects, this university was truly able to stand out.

Bashkortostan State University became the first university in Bashkortostan. Ufa began to attract the attention of young people wanting to study in 1909. Then this educational institution was called Ufa Teachers' University.

Three years later, employees and students of this institution were able to celebrate their first graduation. That year, 24 people completed the full course of study. Each of them found a good job.

Under Soviet rule, agricultural specialists began to graduate from the walls of this educational institution. For those who wanted to study, but could not because of work, evening and correspondence departments were opened.

In 1957, the educational institution received the name by which it is now known. The Pedagogical Institute turned into the Bashkir State University.

Faculties of Bashkir State University

Nowadays Bashkir State University produces a wide variety of specialists. In total, the university has 4 institutes and 12 faculties. Many people are attracted to Bashkir State University. The faculties that are here provide the opportunity to choose what the heart really strives for.

Applicants who cannot imagine their life without the exact sciences and who like to spend time solving complex problems should take a closer look at the Institute of Physics and Technology. Those who like the study of laws, who want to make life honest and just, will be interested in the institute of law. Those who want to learn all the secrets of such a science as economics will not remain indifferent to the Institute of Economics, Finance and Business. And those who want to take a management position, comprehend all the nuances of modern business and help it develop in Russia should submit documents to the Institute of Management and Business Security.

One of the oldest faculties of the university is the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology. Graduates of this faculty will always be able to find a job in their profession. Especially these days, when information technology penetrates all areas of life.

The Faculty of Chemistry is one of the most interesting. This is where you can become a real scientist, learn chemistry as well as possible, get a basis on which you can make your own discovery and go down in the history of chemistry.

The biology department is no less interesting. It attracts those who are interested in living beings, their development and life. With an education received at the Faculty of Biology, it will not be difficult to find work in various fields.

The Faculty of Geography attracts romantics who are in love with our planet. It is here that those who, as children, read stories about the adventures of travelers study. Graduates of the Faculty of Geography are in demand on the labor market; they will always be able to find work.

Book lovers who want to know the past, people who admire famous personalities will be attracted by the history department. It is here that they will be able to learn a lot about the history of their native country, the principles of its development and the main milestones.

Lovers of the Russian language and literature will be happy to connect their lives with philology. The Faculty of Philology of Bashkir State University trains excellent specialists in this field.

Those who like foreign languages ​​and who dream of seeing the world will be interested in the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology.

The Faculty of Bashkir Philology and Journalism is of no less interest. Its graduates work in a variety of media not only in their hometown, but also beyond its borders.

The Faculty of Engineering is very popular and in demand nowadays. It gives a start in life not only to young men, as is commonly believed, but also to girls. Engineers are in demand in different parts of our country.

Those who are interested in society, who want to work with people, learn more and more about life in their country, should turn their attention to the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology.

Well, who is interested not in society, but in an individual, who wants to get acquainted with the inner world of other people, learn to understand them, and also teach them to understand themselves and look for ways out of the most difficult situations, will be comfortable at the Faculty of Psychology.

Branches of Bashkir State University

Like any large university, Bashkir State University has branches in other cities. Applicants who live far from Ufa and cannot afford to move to this city can choose one of the branches.

The advantage of this method is that you do not have to leave home in order to receive a diploma from a prestigious university.

The education provided in each of the branches is in no way inferior to that offered at the parent university. You should not be afraid that something will pass by, remain unfamiliar and unexplored. Only the best teachers work both at the university and in its branches, and therefore real specialists receive a diploma.

Bashkir State University has branches in Neftekamsk, Sterlitamak, and also in the city of Sibay. In addition, applicants will be able to find a representative office of a well-known university in Uchaly.

Institute of Law

The Institute of Law of Bashkir State University is currently one of the most popular and prestigious institutions in the republic. All those young men and women who want to stand guard over the law and justice flock here. There is a place here for those who want to solve crimes like the heroes of their favorite films and books, and for those who love foreign languages, and for those who want to study the history of their state, and for those who want to protect human rights. Even those who love nature and want to protect it from the barbaric invasion of man will not remain on the sidelines.

Every applicant who came to the university in order to gain knowledge and create a foundation for his future happy life will be able to find a place for himself here. BashSU attracts a wide variety of students. Ufa and nearby cities and villages are rich in talent.

Departments and directions of the Institute of Law

A large number of departments are offered by the Bashkir State University Institute of Law. There are 10 of them in total.

The Institute of Law of Bashkir State University is of great interest. The departments pay special attention to their students. Every few departments supervise one area. Among them we can highlight, for example, the criminal law direction. It is supervised by the departments of criminology, criminal law and procedure.

The state legal direction is supervised by the departments of environmental law, theory and history of state and theory and history of state and law, financial law, department of human rights and political and legal doctrines.

The civil law direction is no less popular. It is supervised by the departments of civil procedure and civil law.

Such a direction as “International Relations” is very interesting. It is supervised by the departments of business foreign language and translation, as well as international law and international relations.

Passing scores

Of course, every applicant who has already passed the Unified State Exam or is just preparing for this important procedure is concerned about the question of what the minimum scores are at Bashkir State University. In order to find out what the threshold is this year, you need to wait until Knowledge Day arrives. And only after students begin studying, information will appear on the institute’s website.

At Bashkir State University (Institute of Law) the passing scores are quite high. To qualify for a budget place, you will have to score at least eighty points in each subject. The competition for places at the Institute of Law is great, so you should not naively believe that getting a budget-funded place at such a university will not be difficult.

Postgraduate education

Like any other university, Bashkir State University initially offers its students to complete a bachelor's degree. As a rule, it will take the student 4 years. After this, you can go in search of work, or you can stay within the walls of your home university to continue your education.

After a bachelor's degree, things become much more serious. During the years of study, masters are encouraged to gain experience in scientific activities. Those who have worked hard can continue their education in graduate school.

As a rule, graduate students become university teachers and pass on their knowledge to a new generation of students. There are a large number of different directions in which you can develop.

In addition, Bashkir State University conducts candidate exams.

International activities of the university

BashSU trains specialists in a variety of industries. Among them are those who will have to work with foreign languages. And it has long been proven that no amount of cramming the rules of grammar and foreign words can replace at least a month of living in a country where the language being studied is official. In addition, this is the best opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and rules of conduct of a given country. Such an obvious fact could not hide from Bashkir State University. That is why the university has established connections with foreign universities.

Partners of the Bashkir State University are located in the USA, Hungary, Germany, Turkey, France, Egypt, China and Japan. Bashkir State University students can undergo an internship in one of these countries. The same offer is also valid for graduate students. About a hundred people are already doing internships in another country. And any student who studies well and speaks a foreign language can apply for participation in this program.

Creative activity

Of course, college years are a fun time. Therefore, Bashkir State University students not only actively gnaw on the granite of science, but also engage in various types of extracurricular activities.

The university regularly hosts various events, among which are “Student Spring” and “Freshers’ Week”.

Concerts are organized by the students themselves. Anyone who wants to learn to dance, sing, or become a member of the KVN team will be able to reveal their talents at Bashkir State University.

Sports events

Very often, Bashkir State University takes part in various sporting events of the republic. Among the participants, a prominent place is always occupied by students who chose the Bashkir State University Institute of Law.

The Spartakiad is especially interesting for students. Both athletes and lovers of mental work will be able to show themselves here. Various competitions are offered, including running, football, basketball, volleyball, chess and much more.

Another sports event is a boxing tournament. Not only children from all over the republic, but also from the whole country come to compete for the honor of the university.

Other extracurricular activities

Students of such a prestigious university as the Bashkir State University Institute of Law very often show themselves at meetings of the student scientific community. It is here that they can show off their knowledge of their chosen profession, gain recognition and new experience. And also a pleasant reward for your work.

The student council plays a major role in the life of the university, in which there are also many students representing the Institute of Law of Bashkir State University. Ufa offers a large number of options for self-development. You need to choose what you like.

Bashkir State University is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the republic. Applicants who want to become real experts in their field in the future, reaching career heights, should pay attention to it.

, Neftekamsk, Birsk, Sibay and Uchaly

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Coordinates: 54°43′17″ n. w. 55°56′01″ E. d. /  54.721389° s. w. 55.933611° E. d.(G) (O) (I)54.721389 , 55.933611

(Bash State University; bashk. Bashҡort dәүlәt universities (BashDU)) - a classical university in the city of Ufa. The first university in Bashkortostan, one of the founders of the Association of Classical Universities of Russia. It ranks 39-40 in the ranking of classical universities in Russia.


1905 - July 1909

Lisovsky Alexander Nikolaevich

Order of A. N. Schwartz


Bashkir State University

  • Mustafin Akhat Gazizyanovich - Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Chemistry. Sc., professor ( - present time)
  • Kharrasov Mukhamet Khadisovich - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sc., professor (-)
  • Raghib Nasretdinovich Gimaev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (-)
  • - d.i. n, professor (-)

Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute named after. Timiryazeva

  • Shaikhulla Khabibullovich Chanbarisov - Ph.D. n, associate professor (-)

Teaching staff

Over the years, outstanding scientists worked at the university: physicist and mathematician, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences N. N. Bogolyubov; mathematicians, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. M. Ilyin, corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. F. Leontiev and V. V. Napalkov, doctors of physical and mathematical sciences, professors L. I. Rubinshtein, A. B. Shabat, K. P. Krause, E. N. Gribanov, V. I. Romanov; linguists and literary scholars, doctors of philological sciences, professors G. Kh. Akhatov, D. G. Kiekbaev, L. G. Barag; historians, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences R. G. Kuzeev, doctors of historical sciences, professors Sh. Kh. Chanbarisov and I. S. Kisselgoff; biochemist, academician of VASKHNIL V. G. Konarev; Botany, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yu.3. Kulagin and G.V. Zabluda; physiologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor A. S. Dmitriev, physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Professor M. M. Farztdinov, chemists, Doctors of Chemical Sciences Professors E. F. Zhuravlev and Yu. V. Svetkin; geologist, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor D. G. Ozhiganov and others.

Over 1000 teachers work at Bashkir State University, of which 161 are doctors of science, 477 candidates of science, 111 professors, 283 associate professors. Almost 27 thousand students study at the university.


The university includes 12 faculties, 3 institutes, as well as branches in the cities of Sibay, Sterlitamak, Neftekamsk and a faculty in Uchaly. The educational process is carried out by 105 departments.


  • Institute of Law
  • Institute of Business Management and Security


  • Biological
  • Geographical
  • Historical
  • Economic
  • Philological
  • Romano-Germanic philology
  • Engineering
  • Philosophy and Sociology
  • Psychological

Academic buildings

Today the university consists of eight academic buildings. All of them, except for the building of the Academy of Integrated Business Security, are located in the central part of Ufa.

Main building


  • Biological
  • Historical
  • Philological
  • Philosophy and Sociology
  • Bashkir literature and journalism

Physics and Mathematics Building

Physics and Mathematics Building of Bashkir State University

Humanities Corps


  • Economic
  • Geographical
  • Psychological

Chemical faculty

Institute of Law

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology

Institute of Business Security Management

Postgraduate studies

The main form of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the system of postgraduate professional education is postgraduate study.

During the period from 2003 to 2008, 725 people were admitted to graduate school at the university (including 554 for full-time study, 171 for correspondence study). To increase efficiency, master's degree graduates, that is, specialists with experience in scientific activities, are admitted to graduate school. Thus, the percentage of master's graduates enrolled in 2007 was 42%, in 2008 - 21%.


In December 2008, Bashkir State University received state accreditation and has the right to conduct postgraduate professional educational activities in the following specialties:

  • 01.01.01. Mathematical analysis
  • 01/01/02. Differential equations
  • 01/01/07. Computational Mathematics
  • 01.02.05 Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma
  • 01.04.02 Theoretical physics
  • 01.04.04 Physical electronics
  • 01.04.07 Physics of condensed matter
  • 01.04.14 Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering
  • 02.00.03 Organic chemistry
  • 02.00.04 Physical chemistry
  • 02.00.06 High molecular weight compounds
  • 03.00.04 Biochemistry
  • 03.00.05 Botany
  • 03.00.12 Physiology and biochemistry of plants
  • 03.00.23 Biotechnology
  • 05.13.18 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages
  • 07.00.02 Domestic history
  • 07.00.03 General history
  • 07.00.06 Archeology
  • 07.00.08 Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology
  • 08.00.01 Economic theory
  • 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy
  • 08.00.10 Finance, money circulation and credit
  • 08.00.12 Accounting, statistics
  • 08.00.13 Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics
  • 09.00.01 Ontology and theory of knowledge
  • 09.00.02 History of philosophy
  • 09.00.05 Ethics
  • 09.00.11 Social philosophy
  • 10.01.01 Russian literature
  • 01/10/02 Literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation
  • 10.01.03 Literature of the peoples of foreign countries
  • 10.02.01 Russian language
  • 10.02.02 Languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation
  • 02/10/19 Theory of language
  • 02/10/20 Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics
  • 12.00.01 Theory and history of law and state; history of legal doctrines
  • 12.00.02 Constitutional law; municipal law
  • 12.00.03 Civil law; business law; family law; private international law
  • 12.00.06 Natural resource law; agricultural law; environmental law
  • 12.00.09 Criminal procedure, criminology and forensic examination; operational-search activity
  • 13.00.01 General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education
  • 13.00.02 Theory and methodology of training and education
  • 19.00.02 Psychophysiology
  • 22.00.01 Theory, methodology and history of sociology
  • 22.00.03 Economic sociology and demography
  • 22.00.04 Social structure, social institutions and processes
  • 22.00.08 Sociology of management
  • 23.00.01 Theory of politics, history and methodology of political science
  • 23.00.02 Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies
  • 25.00.01 General and regional geology
  • 25.00.10 Geophysics, geophysical methods for searching for minerals
  • 25.00.23 Physical geography
  • 25.00.24 Economic, social and political geography

Applicants are trained in the same specialties as graduate students and doctoral students.

Candidate's exams

Candidate exams in history and philosophy of science, foreign language and special discipline are held in the spring and autumn sessions: from May 15 to June 15 and from October 15 to November 15.

University sports life

Bashkir State University annually hosts a large number of sporting events at various levels: from interfaculty to all-Russian.


Every year, a sports day is held between the university faculties, which includes competitions in football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, chess, cross-country skiing and cross-country athletics. It takes place in several stages, from September to May. After each stage, intermediate results are summed up. The final results become known at the end of the year, after all stages have been completed.


Both republican and all-Russian boxing tournaments among students are held within the walls of the Bashkir State University sports complex.

Sports “What? Where? When?"

One of the centers of the Ufa sports ChGK is the Bashkir State University Intellectual Games Club. Thanks to this, both All-Russian (OVSCh, ROC, etc.) and international synchronized tournaments (Haifa Cup) are regularly held within the university’s walls. In addition to tournaments, Bashkir State University hosts weekly training in ChGK, Brain Ring and Own Game (from September to June).

The first pedagogical higher education institution was founded in 1905, after the center of the Orenburg educational district, serving the Orenburg, Ufa, Perm provinces, as well as the Turgai and Ural regions, was transferred from Orenburg to Ufa.

Order of A. N. Schwartz

Official opening



Bashkir State University

  • Morozkin, Nikolai Danilovich - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sc., professor (2013 - to present)
  • Mustafin, Akhat Gazizyanovich - Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Chemistry. Sc., professor ( - 2013)
  • Kharrasov, Mukhamet Khadisovich - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sc., professor (-)
  • Raghib Nasretdinovich Gimaev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (-)
  • - d.i. n, professor (-)

Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute named after. Timiryazeva

  • Shaikhulla Khabibullovich Chanbarisov - K.I. n, associate professor (-)

Ufa Teachers' Institute

Teaching staff

Over the years, outstanding scientists worked at the university: physicist and mathematician, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences N. N. Bogolyubov; mathematicians, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. M. Ilyin, corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. F. Leontiev and V. V. Napalkov, doctors of physical and mathematical sciences, professors L. I. Rubinshtein, A. B. Shabat, K. P. Krause, E. N. Gribanov, V. I. Romanov; linguists and literary scholars, doctors of philological sciences, professors G. Kh. Akhatov, D. G. Kiekbaev, L. G. Barag; historians, corresponding member of the RAS R. G. Kuzeev, doctors of historical sciences, professors Sh. Kh. Chanbarisov and I. S. Kisselgoff; biochemist, academician of VASKHNIL V. G. Konarev; scientist-biogeographer Noskov Alexander Kupriyanovich, botany, doctor of biological sciences, professor Yu.3. Kulagin and G.V. Zabluda; physiologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor A. S. Dmitriev, physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Professor M. M. Farztdinov, chemists, Doctors of Chemical Sciences Professors E. F. Zhuravlev and Yu. V. Svetkin; geologist, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor D. G. Ozhiganov and others.

Over 1000 teachers work at Bashkir State University, of which 161 are doctors of science, 477 candidates of science, 111 professors, 283 associate professors. Almost 27 thousand students study at the university.


The university includes 12 faculties, 4 institutes, as well as branches in the cities of Sibay, Sterlitamak, Neftekamsk and a representative office in Uchaly. The educational process is carried out by 105 departments.

Institutes and faculties

Institute of Business Management and Security

The Institute of Management and Security of Entrepreneurship (until 2011 - the Bashkir Academy of Integrated Security of Entrepreneurship at Bashkir State University) was created in 1998 as a new structural unit of the Bashkir State University in accordance with the Federal Target Program for Retraining and Employment of Military Personnel (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 1992 No. 153).

The Institute operates on the basis of the Regulations on the Faculty (Institute) of BashSU, adopted by the decision of the Academic Council of BashSU (Minutes No. 1 of 08/30/2013) and approved by Order of the Rector No. 837 of 09/02/2013.

The highest body of self-government is the Academic Council of the Institute, acting on the basis of the Regulations on the Academic Council of the Faculty / Institute of BashSU, adopted by the decision of the Academic Council of BashSU (Minutes No. 2 of September 27, 2013) and approved by Order of the Rector No. 1012 of October 16, 2013.

The highest body of student self-government is the Student Council of the Institute, acting on the basis of the relevant Regulations (Minutes of the Academic Council of IUPP No. 1 dated 08/31/2015)

Direct management is exercised by the director of the Institute, acting as a result of election by competition at the Academic Council of Bashkir State University (minutes No. 5 of December 29, 2015) and approved by order of the rector No. 11-ok of January 13, 2016.

The Institute of Management and Security of Entrepreneurship includes the directorate, departments, educational and methodological department, department of information and distance learning technologies, and the administrative and economic sector. The structure of the Institute also includes educational and methodological, certification and admissions committees, a council of curators and a council of elders of academic groups. All structural divisions of the institute operate on the basis of the relevant Regulations adopted by the decisions of the Academic Council of Bashkir State University and the Academic Council of the Institute of Management and Security of Bashkir State University.

Institute of Law

The institute dates back to 1949, when on December 9, in accordance with the order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 10/09/1949 No. 15877-R, the Ufa branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute was created. In 1964, the branch was transformed into the Ufa Faculty of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. In January 1972, the faculty became part of the Bashkir State University. This was a new significant step in expanding the network of legal education in the republic as a whole. At that time, the faculty of the faculty consisted of 37 people, 24 of whom had academic degrees. In 1999, the Faculty of Law was transformed into the Institute of Law of the Bashkir State University. Currently, it has become a major scientific, educational and intellectual center of the Republic of Bashkortostan, training highly qualified legal specialists in full-time and part-time courses. Currently, more than 3,000 students are studying in the 8 departments existing at the institute, with more than 150 qualified teachers working with them.

Institute of Economics, Finance and Business

When the Faculty of Economics was opened at Bashkir State University, a significant contribution was made by the oldest (she was 65 years old) department of general economic theory at the faculty.

Separated as an independent unit in 1947 from the Department of Marxism-Leninism, until 1991 it existed as a university-wide department of political economy, and with the creation of the Faculty of Economics it became part of it. The transition to market relations radically changed the content of the curriculum, areas of scientific research and, accordingly, since 1993 the name of the department changed - it became known as the Department of General Economic Theory.

The department has traditionally been strong, as it has always cared about the quality of its teachers. In the first years of its formation, the best graduates of the university’s history department were involved in the work (associate professors S.F. Gots, L.V. Rosenzweig, M.R. Daukaev, A.V. Chuvashaev, G.I. Yakupov).

In subsequent years, the department was replenished and updated by graduates of Moscow and Leningrad universities who studied in graduate school at Moscow State University: Professor Kh.A. Barlybaev, associate professors A.V. Nafikov, P.N. Chernov, R.Kh. Allagulov, L.I. Gull.

Associate Professors M.B. Rossinsky (Honored Economist of the BASSR), K.S. Kidrasov - graduates of the Moscow Institute of Economy. Plekhanov; associate professors F.M. Galieva, A.V. Gulyaev – graduates of Leningrad State University, Professor A.Kh. Makhmutov, associate professor L.A. Akhmedzhanov - graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences in Moscow. These scientists raised the educational and scientific activities of the department to a qualitatively new level.

The heads of the departments since 1947 were: Ph.D., Associate Professor S.O. Zakharin; Ph.D. Associate Professor A.I. Karimov; Honored Worker of Sciences of the BASSR A.M. Yangurazov. For a quarter of a century he headed the department, Doctor of Economics. prof., academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Honored Worker of Science of the BASSR, Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR, member of the editorial board of the multi-volume encyclopedia "Bashkortostan", subsequently the first rector of BAGSU, the first editor-in-chief of the journal "Economics and Management" A.Kh. Makhmutov. The period of leadership of Prof. OH. Makhmutov can rightfully be considered the “golden age” of the department. During this time, more than 25 collective and individual monographs were published. The department coordinated scientific research throughout the republic, actively took part in the development of regional programs for socio-economic development, and trained teachers in university departments of political economy. The staff of the department was repeatedly awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR and the RSFSR, the Bashkir Regional Committee, the Ufa City Committee, and the Kirov District Committee of the CPSU. The department was even awarded a Certificate of Honor from the CPSU Central Committee.

From 1995 to 2000 The department was headed by Doctor of Economics. prof., Honored Economist of the Republic of Belarus, later deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 3rd convocation, member of the editorial board of the multi-volume encyclopedia "Bashkortostan" Kh.A. Barlybaev; then the department was headed by Ph.D. in Economics, associate professors R.Kh. Allagulov, A.N. Kuzyashev, S.R. Sibagatullina. Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Economics and Management” G.M. Rossinskaya.

For many years, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, and Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th convocations M.E. worked fruitfully here. Bugera, Doctor of Economics, prof. Sh.H. Bikbulatov; Ph.D., associate professors M.E. Mirkin, V.M. Rezbaev, G.M. Yulchurina, M.I. Vershinin, st. teachers K.M. Dobrogost, V.P. Oreshin.

When creating the Faculty of Economics at Bashkir State University, it was also taken into account that the Faculty of Geography employed the specialists necessary for training economists: experienced Sh.V. Shikhman, who has significant experience in the State Planning Committee of the Republic, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor T.Kh. Kuzbekov, graduate of Moscow State University, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor V.A. Lobanova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor G.L. Fadeeva. Candidates of Science, associate professors M.F. successfully worked at the intersection of geographical and economic sciences. Khismatov, M.Kh. Valeev, G.A. Gafarov and others.

Taking into account the available opportunities, the rectorate of Bashkortostan State University, in agreement with the leadership of the Republic of Bashkortostan, addressed the Ministry of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation with a proposal on the need and possibility of training economists with higher education who are able to work in economic organizations at the macro level. The proposal was accepted and the Ministry of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation allowed to begin training economists at the Bashkir State University in the specialty “Economic and Social Planning” and “Economics and Sociology of Labor” with an annual intake of 25 people for each specialty.

A huge role in this process was played by the first dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan Marat Nugumanovich Suleymanov.

Institute of Continuing Education

The Institute of Continuing Education is a structural unit of the university, the main goal of which is to meet the needs of citizens for additional professional education, retraining and advanced training of personnel in current, including innovative areas of development of science, technology and production.

The main activities of the Institute of Continuing Education are:

  • pre-university preparation of schoolchildren and citizens who served under contract for military service to pass the unified state exam;
  • providing training for students in additional educational programs;
  • intensive training of schoolchildren, students, graduate students and teachers in foreign languages;
  • teaching Russian to foreign students;
  • advanced training and professional retraining of managers and specialists in the university profile;
  • participation in the republican program “People’s University of the Third Age for 2011-2013”

The Institute of Physics and Technology is the oldest in the structure of the Bashkir State University and is the same age as the university.

The teaching of academic disciplines is carried out by 73 teachers, including 24 doctors of physical, mathematical and technical sciences and 41 candidates of science. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPSM RAS, IPMK RAS), as well as leading specialists from OJSC Bashinformsvyaz, NPO Bashneftegeofiziki, etc., take part in the training of students.

The faculty successfully operates 3 specialized councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations.

The Faculty of Physics has a full cycle of education: undergraduate, graduate, master's, postgraduate, doctoral.

Department of Biology

The Faculty of Biology is one of the oldest faculties of the Bashkir State University. The beginning of the professional training of biologists should be considered 1921, when the first intake of students was made to the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Institute of Public Education. Should [ to whom?] to note that at that time the Institute of Public Education was the first and only higher educational institution in the republic. Somewhat later, in 1929, it was transformed into a state pedagogical institute. As an independent educational and scientific unit, the Faculty of Biology has existed since the transformation of the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute named after. K.A. Timiryazev to the Bashkir State University.

Currently [ When?] Faculty of Biology of Bashkir State University is one of the leading educational and scientific centers of the Russian Federation in the field of biology. Its teaching staff ensures the training of highly qualified personnel for scientific, scientific-production and production enterprises of biological, medical and agricultural profiles. They are in demand in state management and control bodies (State Service for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, State Committee for Ecology and Rational Natural Resources Management, other state and public environmental organizations), as well as in expert laboratories of law enforcement agencies [ and besides all sorts of supervision and other useless organizations, does anyone need them? ] .

Educational and scientific activities at the faculty are currently [ When?] is carried out by 4 departments.

The Faculty of Biology has a zoological museum, a laboratory of phytodesign and landscaping with a greenhouse, and a vivarium.

Faculty of Geography

The faculty trains specialists in the following areas: geography, applied geology, cartography and geoinformatics, hydrometeorology and tourism. Geographers are trained in specializations: physical geography, economic and social geography, hydrology, environmental management and geoecology, tourism, local history and ecological tourism. The specialty “Geology” trains specialists in general geology.

Currently, 39 teachers work at the faculty on a permanent basis, including 7 doctors of science, professors and 21 candidates of science, associate professors. Another 27 specialists from various sectors of the republic’s economy are involved in the educational process, including 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences - director of the Institute of Geology of the Ural Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 doctors of sciences, professors, 9 candidates of sciences, associate professors and 13 highly qualified specialists - geographers, hydrologists, soil scientists, ecologists, chemists, surveyors, hydrogeologists, meteorologists and physicists.

The faculty's curriculum provides for the study of almost the entire cycle of natural sciences, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, soil science, computer science and the main disciplines of the humanities - psychology, economics, statistics, philosophy, history, foreign languages ​​and the Russian language, etc.

Currently, a gradual transition to a two-level system through bachelor's and master's degrees is being successfully implemented, which allows graduates to find employment not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad.

Educational and practical training for students is constantly carried out. The traditional areas of educational practice are Uchalinsky (with an ascent to Mount Iremel), Abzelilovsky, Baymaksky, Beloretsky, Meleuzovsky, Chishminsky, Tuymazinsky, Arkhangelsky and other areas, where theoretical knowledge is reinforced by practical skills in research activities in geology, soil science, meteorology, hydrology and other branches of science. Industrial practices are organized in organizations and institutions for environmental management and the social sphere, including geological exploration organizations, research and design institutions, city and district administrations and others. In recent years, the practical training of some students has been carried out in the Altai Territory. Documentation is being prepared for organizing practices in Abkhazia and Turkey, and for geologists in Crimea.

Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering was created in 2011 on the basis of the Faculty of Chemical Technology. About 800 students study in the full-time and part-time departments of the Faculty of Engineering. Classes are taught by professors and associate professors of the Faculty of Engineering and six other faculties of the university. The departments of the Faculty of Engineering employ more than 40 full-time teachers, including 9 doctors and 28 candidates of science. Leading scientists from Bashkortostan, Russia and foreign countries give review lectures.

The peculiarity of training specialists at the Faculty of Engineering is the combination of fundamental and technological knowledge. This corresponds to the global trend of strengthening the role of technological disciplines, especially in the field of hi-tech (high technology) development, production and use of new materials.

The faculty has its own five-story building. The laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering are equipped with modern equipment, including a number of state-of-the-art instruments. There is a computer class with Internet access. Students can use not only the central library of Bashkir State University, but also their faculty library.

The faculty has basic departments at various enterprises in Ufa and other cities of our republic, the Saratov region and the Republic of Tatarstan. At these enterprises, students not only undergo internships and complete theses, but also undergo training directly on the job, which is very important for students studying engineering specialties. Therefore, graduates of the Faculty of Engineering are especially in demand at industrial enterprises.

The Faculty of Engineering actively conducts research work in close contact with the Institute of Organic Chemistry, the Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis, the Institute for Problems of Superplasticity of Metals of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, with other research institutions, as well as with industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

The high level of bachelor's training allows graduates to successfully continue their studies in master's programs at other educational institutions in engineering specialties, not only in Ufa, but also in Moscow and other cities in Russia and abroad.

The Faculty of Engineering conducts postgraduate admissions every year.

The specialists produced by the faculty are in demand. As the results of the distribution of graduates in recent years show, due to the insufficient number of graduates at the faculty, many enterprises cannot meet their needs for them.

History department

The Faculty of History of BSU brings together a large creative team of professors, teachers, staff, graduate students and students. One of our traditions is the unity of this team, the earliest possible inclusion of students in scientific work. We train professional researchers and teachers in the field of historical sciences. The faculty works closely with leading Russian universities, research institutes, archives, museums, and provides patronage assistance to schools. Our graduates work in many higher and secondary educational institutions, research institutes, government agencies, the media, archives, museums, publishing houses, and libraries. Many go to graduate school. A classical history education opens up broad prospects in the labor market. These opportunities are ensured by the fundamental and systematic nature of education.

Currently, the faculty has the following departments: History of Russia, historiography and source studies; History of the Republic of Bashkortostan, archeology and ethnology; Foreign history.

The structure of the faculty includes the Ethnographic Museum named after. prof. R.Z. Yanguzin, archaeological laboratory, scientific laboratory of South Ural urban studies. In the reading room of the Faculty of History there are more than 55 thousand copies of educational, educational, methodological, periodical and scientific literature.

Faculty of Bashkir Philology and Journalism

The Faculty of Bashkir Philology and Journalism provides training in a number of areas within the framework of the specialty “Philology” and “Journalism”.

48 teachers work in 5 departments of the faculty: of them - 13 doctors of science, professors, 27 candidates of science, many teachers were awarded the high titles “Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Belarus”, “Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Worker of Public Education of the Republic of Belarus”, “Honored teacher of the Republic of Belarus”, “Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Belarus”. Professor M.V. Zainullin is a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus. Professor I.G. Galyautdinov and G.S. Kunafin are corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus. A number of teachers are members of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus (R.B. Akhmadiev, G.D. Ibragimov, M.H. Idelbaev, T.A. Kilmukhametov, G.S. Kunafin, Z.Ya. Sharipova).

Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies

The Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies is one of the largest faculties of the Bashkir State University. It was formed in 1972 by dividing the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics into the Faculty of Mathematics (since 2011, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology) and the Faculty of Physics (future Institute of Physics and Technology). Currently, the faculty employs more than 60 teachers. Of these, 20 are Doctors of Science, including 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences: M.A. Ilgamov, V.V. Napalkov, 40 candidates of physical and mathematical sciences.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies is located on a separate floor of the Physics and Mathematics building. Its classroom fund includes 14 classrooms, 5 computer classes, a workroom, and a supercomputer. The supercomputer is implemented as a high-performance computing cluster, each node of which has a hybrid architecture based on 086x processors, Tesla K20 graphics processors and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.

Our faculty is a fundamental education with deep traditions in such areas as complex analysis, spectral theory of operators, nonlinear analysis and optimal control, on the other hand, the faculty does not lag behind the requirements of new times, teaching the most modern information technologies: “Interval analysis in information technology” , “Design in the Internet environment”, “Internet technologies”, “Neuroinformatics”, “Theoretical foundations of information security”, “Parallel programming technologies”, “Artificial intelligence systems”, “WEB programming”, “Operating systems administration”, “ Corporate information systems", "3D modeling", "Software in scientific and engineering research", "Mathematical methods of pattern recognition", "Financial and economic analysis", "Mathematical models of financial and actuarial mathematics", "Insurance and actuarial calculations" , “Mathematical methods in jurisprudence.”

Psychology faculty

Faculty teachers conduct active research work, prepare and publish monographs and textbooks. The faculty provides great assistance to practical psychologists of the republic (seminars and trainings are held). Professional retraining in practical psychology is carried out on the basis of the Faculty of Psychology. Thus, a group of psychologists was prepared at the request of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Republic of Belarus (GUFSIN).

The Faculty of Psychology also provides scientific and methodological assistance to educational institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Through the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Faculty, through the Ministry of Health, free psychological support is provided to HIV-infected patients.

The faculty employs highly qualified teaching staff: graduates of the departments of psychology of Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University, as well as those who received postgraduate training in the capital's psychology centers.

The main directions of research work: “Quality of life and well-being of the population in changing socio-economic conditions: problems of diagnosis and provision of psychological assistance”; “Understanding and intelligence in the information space of the individual”; “Formation of stress resistance and health-saving technologies in industry, sports and medicine, railway, road and air transport.”

Graduates of the faculty are employed in psychological assistance centers, in educational and healthcare institutions, as HR managers in the banking system, and in law enforcement agencies.

The work of a modern psychologist cannot be imagined without the use of computer psychological diagnostic tools. The modern computer class available at the faculty allows future specialists to develop diagnostic skills.

At the Faculty of Psychology, a Student Psychological Society has been created, implementing 3 areas of activity: research, practice-oriented, and creative workshops.

Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology

The Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology originates from a two-year teacher's institute of foreign languages, founded in the 1938/1939 academic year. Later he joined the BSPI named after. K.A. Timiryazev. Initially, the faculty included two departments – the Department of English and the Department of German. The main goal of the departments was to train foreign language teachers for schools in the republic. Over the years, the deans of the faculty were philologists D.G. Kiekbaev, Ya.I. Gelblu, G.Z. Zelyaletdinov, G..N. Klassen, A.B. Koshlyak, R.S. Shutnikova, A.S. Nikishin, historians R.M. Yangirov and P.A. Kopyev. From 1992 to 2015 the faculty was headed by R.Z. Muryasov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus.

The development of Germanic and Romance linguistics at the faculty in the late 60s - early 70s is associated with the names of major philologists: Yu.M. Skrebneva, G.I. Bogina, R.R. Kaspransky. Comparative studies of foreign and Bashkir languages ​​with a methodological bias were carried out by N.Z. Diarov and R.O. Schenknecht.

The training of specialists in three European languages ​​and linguists-translators is carried out by four departments: the Department of English Language, the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication, the Department of German and French Philology, the Department of Linguodidactics and Translation Studies.

Today, 13 doctors and 37 candidates of philological and pedagogical sciences work at four departments. The faculty is rightfully considered not only a large educational institution, but also a leading research center in the region.

Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology

The organization of the educational process is carried out by the dean's office of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Federal Agency for Education, the Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State University", decisions of the University Council and the Council of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology.

The organization of the educational process at the faculty is regulated by the working curriculum in the areas, the academic calendar and the schedule of training sessions for each form of education.

The academic year for full-time students begins on September 1 and ends in accordance with the working curriculum of each specialty.

Classes at our faculty are conducted in the classrooms of the Main Building of Bashkir State University. They start at 8.30 and end at 20.30.

In each group, the dean of the faculty appointed prefects from among the most successful, active, responsible and disciplined students. The head of the group reports directly to the dean of the faculty and ensures the execution of his orders and instructions. The group leader directly interacts with the dean’s methodologist who supervises the relevant course or study group, form of education and deputy deans, and carries out their instructions. The orders of the headman, within the limits of the above functions, are mandatory for all students in the group. Each group maintains a log of students’ attendance and progress in the established form, which is stored at the faculty. Meetings of the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs are held regularly with group leaders.

The Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology trains highly qualified specialists in the following areas: “Philosophy”, “Sociology”, “Social work”, “Political science”, “Public relations”, “Cultural studies”, “Organization of work with youth”.

Faculty of Philology

The Faculty of Philology is one of the academic divisions of the Bashkir State University. Philology is one of the universal humanities that provides rich opportunities for the self-realization of modern man and the disclosure of his creative potential. The word “philology” literally means “love of the word” (Greek phileo - “love”, logos - “word”). It is this love that unites students, teachers and researchers of Russian language and literature, foreign languages, world artistic culture in its current state and historical development.

Philology is a sphere of knowledge that seeks to reveal the essence and ways of implementing words; it is addressed to the verbal existence of a person in its diverse manifestations: in how a person verbally realizes himself in language, literature, folklore, culture, journalism, advertising, business, communication with other people.

Chemical faculty

The Faculty of Chemistry (founded in 1963) is the leading faculty of Bashkortostan State University, the only place in the Republic of Bashkortostan where bachelors, specialists and masters are trained in perfect fundamental and applied chemical knowledge.

The Faculty of Chemistry is located in a separate modern building and has the necessary educational and scientific areas for conducting classes and research. Laboratories for research work are equipped with a fleet of modern instruments that are constantly updated. The faculty has 4 scientific departments: analytical chemistry; organic and bioorganic chemistry; physical chemistry and chemical ecology; high-molecular compounds and general chemical technology.

The faculty has about 500 students. The teaching of academic disciplines is carried out by more than 60 teachers, including academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, 28 professors, doctors of chemical sciences and 37 candidates of chemical sciences. A number of teachers of the Faculty of Chemistry have honorary titles of Honored Workers of Science and Education of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, laureates of the Government of the Russian Federation. Leading specialists from the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences take part in the training of students.

Students are trained according to higher professional education programs in the following areas and specialties.

University departments

Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Humanities Faculties

The interfaculty department of foreign languages ​​of Bashkir State University in 1982 was divided into the department of foreign languages ​​of the humanities faculties and the department of foreign languages ​​of the natural faculties. In 1996, the first of them was reorganized and a new department of business foreign language and translation of the Institute of Law of Bashkortostan State University was formed.

Since 1990, the head of the department of foreign languages ​​of humanities faculties is Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Z.B. Mulyukov. The department employs 5 candidates of science, 5 senior teachers, 10 assistants who teach practical courses in German, English, and French.

The Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Humanities Faculties provides educational process at the Faculty of Philology and History, the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology and the Faculty of Bashkir Philology and Journalism. Newspapers are published annually in German and English. Educational and methodological material is published by rotaprint in the amount of 20 printed sheets allocated to the department. These are mostly methodological instructions and tests for OZO students, texts and exercises for independent work and development. The dictionaries and textbooks of associate professors Z.B. saw the light of day. Mulyukova, G.F. Khakimova, L.O. Tymoshenko.

The department carries out scientific work on the topic: “Optimization of the content, system, forms, methods and conditions of teaching a foreign language. Contrastive linguistics". Teachers take an active part in interuniversity, republican, regional, and international conferences, and annually make presentations at the traditional “Validov Readings” and conferences dedicated to the memory of Professor J.G. Kiekbaeva.

Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Natural Sciences Faculties

The scientific and methodological topic currently being developed by the department’s teachers is “Innovative technologies and techniques in teaching intercultural professional communication.” Under the leadership of the head of the department, Professor N.P. Peshkova at the department are working on the scientific topic: “Research of psycholinguistic mechanisms of understanding and text generation using the integrative method of “counter text” and associative techniques.”

Of all types of speech activity, oral professional and business communication is currently a priority. Much attention is paid to the development of teaching materials on innovative methods of teaching written professional communication. Every year (≈ 30-40 pp) textbooks and a series of guidelines for teaching various aspects of intercultural communication are published. The department continues the tradition of holding the annual International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Intercultural - Intracultural Communication: Theory and Practice of Teaching and Translation” with the publication of materials in a collection of scientific papers. Professor N.P. Peshkova, associate professors: Vinogradova take an active part in the scientific and methodological work of the department R.I., Kulyeva A.A., Akubekova D.G., Motina O.P. Ichkineeva D.A.; senior teachers: Afanasyeva G.A., Akhmedova G.H., Popova V.N., Ishmuratova L.M., Nechaeva O.S., Rezun O.B., Yuzlikbaeva D.Sh. Young teachers of the department Kuznetsova Y.I., Titlova A.S., Moiseeva A.V., Migranova I.Kh., Davletova Ya.A., Sablukova M.A. are successfully working on dissertation research on linguistics and methodological problems of teaching a foreign language at a university.

Department of Physical Education and Sports

The University's Department of Physical Education and Sports was founded in 1947.

From 1947 to 1968 he headed the department Dezenko Iosif Efimovich, from 1968 - Honored Worker of Culture of the BASSR, Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation Vasily Ivanovich Krivoshein, from 1985 - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Martyanov Boris Ivanovich, From 1989 to 2001 - Klochkov Evgeniy Petrovich, Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Republic of Belarus, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

The Department of Physical Education and Sports is staffed with highly qualified teachers. The department is headed by Professor, Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation and the Bashkir SSR, Honored Trainer of Russia Sagit Tukhvatovich Aslaev.

The organization of work on physical education and sports consists of the following: training sessions in the discipline physical education; mass sports and recreational events and classes in sports improvement groups.

During the course of studies, already in the first year, we identify students who were involved in sports. Physically trained boys and girls are transferred to sports improvement groups, where they improve their sports skills. We form university teams from them.

The development of sports is promoted by: holding an interfaculty Spartakiad of students in 9 sports, these are: table tennis, chess, checkers, women's volleyball, men's volleyball, women's basketball, men's basketball, athletics and mini-football. Faculties and institutes, as well as faculty and staff, are provided with a gym for training sessions.

Also, the “Health” Spartakiad is held among the faculty and staff in five sports.

Based on the results of the interfaculty Spartakiad, we select the best student-athletes to participate in the Universiade of universities of the Republic. Today, according to the preliminary results of the Universiade in the 2015-2016 academic year, our university ranks third overall as a team.

The Department of Physical Education and Sports carries out extensive career guidance work in sports schools and republican sports federations, inviting leading athletes of the republic to enter our university, where conditions are created for students to successfully combine study with sports.

Also, the department pays great attention to mass sports, so that the number of students involved in sports is as large as possible, although sports of the highest achievements are at a high level at the university.

Small Academy of Public Administration

The Russian higher education system represents the most significant social group of young people, which has specific characteristics of consciousness and behavior, including in public life. Students in the modern world represent a potentially powerful political force. A significant part of university youth is interested in politics, but their consciousness does not have clear orientations.

In this regard, with the support of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, the project “Small Academy of Public Administration” was developed.

Bash State University College

The college at Bashkir State University was created by the decision of the Academic Council in December 1999 on the basis of the Bashkir Academy of Integrated Security of Entrepreneurship. The first admission to the college was carried out in September 2000. The new structure was supposed to ensure the preparation of students for further studies at Bashkir State University. The majors chosen for study at the college were Finance, Law, Economics and Accounting. Subsequently, additional specialties were opened: Law and organization of social security, Management, Land and property relations, Law enforcement, Documentation support for management and archival science. Subsequently, the college becomes a structural unit of Bashkir State University itself.

The college was created to implement the concept of lifelong education in order to train qualified mid-level specialists for the Republic of Bashkortostan and surrounding areas, the shortage of which is especially felt in a variety of sectors of the national economy, in small and medium-sized businesses. Currently, the teaching staff of the college is replenished with well-known teachers of the Bashkir State University with academic degrees. The college has and continues to develop connections and contacts with city enterprises, organizations and banking structures, whose leaders and qualified specialists meet with college students, give lectures, and share their accumulated experience. According to agreements concluded with enterprises and organizations, college students undergo internships according to the curriculum in the chosen specialty. The quality of college education is improving year after year, which allows college graduates to find employment in the labor market. College graduates are in demand in various government and non-government institutions and organizations, which is confirmed by numerous reviews and letters of gratitude.

To organize, plan and improve the quality of the educational process, to coordinate educational and methodological work in the college, there is a methodological council and a pedagogical council of the Bashkir State University college. In its activities, the college implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic and advanced levels.

Opening a College at a university has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • maximum use of the existing educational and methodological base (research potential of university departments, publishing houses, laboratories, library collections, etc.);
  • maximum involvement of the university’s personnel and intellectual potential in educational, scientific and methodological work;
  • development and testing of integrated curricula and programs

The college sees its task as better training of specialists who can withstand competition in a market economy. Currently, the college employs 44 highly professional teachers.

Graduates of the College are issued a state diploma of secondary vocational education.


Sibay Institute

The Sibay Institute (branch) of the Bashkir State University was created by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by merging the branches of the BSPI and BSU that existed in the city since 1990 and 1993. Today the institute has 5 faculties:

  • legal with specialties “Jurisprudence” and “History”;
  • philological with the specialties “Philology” (“English language and Bashkir language and literature”, “German language and Bashkir language and literature”), “Philology” (specialization “Bashkir language and literature”);
  • natural-mathematical with specialties “Applied mathematics and information technology”, “Biology”, “Physical education”;
  • pedagogical with the specialties “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education”, “Music Education”;
  • economic with specialties “Accounting and Audit”, “Organization Management”, “Taxes and Taxation”;
  • technological with a specialty “Technology and Entrepreneurship”.

There are 185 teachers working at 27 departments, among them 10 doctors of science, 107 candidates of science - that is, more than 60 percent of the teachers of the BSU SI have an academic degree. The Institute actively cooperates with many universities in the country. Today, 27 doctors of science from leading Russian universities, under contracts with the Sibay Institute, give lectures to students. In total, more than three thousand students study full-time at the institute, and 1,700 part-time.

All necessary conditions have been created to ensure the educational process. The institute has 3 libraries, 8 computer classes equipped with modern computing technology. The quality training of students is also facilitated by the existing specialized laboratories, in which both educational and scientific work is carried out. The existing material and technical base is constantly replenished and modernized. Today the institute has three academic buildings. In them, along with well-equipped classrooms and offices for teaching staff, there are sports and dance halls, a swimming pool, a museum, a massage room, a salt mine, physiotherapy and denture rooms.

The first specialists with higher education were graduated in 1994 at the Faculty of Education. In total, the Sibay Institute has trained more than 4,000 thousand specialists.

All 27 departments and three problem laboratories at the NIS are engaged in scientific research of SI at BSU. The obtained fundamental and applied results cover various problems of botany, population genetics, soil and pasture ecology, industrial ecology, plant introductions, mathematics, philosophy, jurisprudence, economic problems of the Ural region of Bashkortostan, sociology, pedagogy and psychology, history, physical culture and sports, linguistics , teaching methods and others.

Scientific research of the Faculty of Natural Sciences is carried out on the territory of the student scientific and experimental complex “Tuyalyas” with an area of ​​about 30 hectares, equipped with the necessary infrastructure. This complex contains a herd of horses of 70 heads, and has its own apiary of 60 hives.

Sterlitamak branch

The Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University is one of four branches that are part of the structure of the oldest university of the Republic of Bashkortostan - Bashkir State University, which celebrated its centenary in 2009. It began with a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in 1995.

In 2012, the Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Academy named after Zainab Biisheva became part of the Bashkir State University.

The priority direction in the development of modern society is the movement towards globalization, which extends to all spheres of social life, including the higher education system.

Therefore, the unification of two large scientific and pedagogical teams in the south of Bashkortostan, in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Convention, should significantly improve the implementation of educational activities and provide an opportunity to actively participate in international integration activities in the field of education and science.

In recent years, new specialties and areas that meet the needs of a market economy have been actively introduced into the educational process of the Bashkir State University. Among them are: state and municipal management, crisis management, mathematical methods in economics, applied mathematics and computer science, software and information systems administration, biology, physics, chemistry, chemical technology, taxes and taxation. At the Northern Branch of Bashkir State University there is a college where, on the basis of incomplete secondary education, students are trained in the specialties “Law and organization of social security” and “Economics and accounting (by industry)” under secondary vocational education programs.

The united branch includes 8 faculties:

  • physics and mathematics;
  • natural science;
  • historical;
  • philological;
  • Bashkir philology;
  • pedagogy and psychology;
  • economic;
  • legal.

Students are trained by teachers from 38 specialized departments and 7 university departments, where 39 doctors of science and 272 candidates of science work. The branch has created a Council of Young Scientists.

Training is conducted in 62 educational programs for training specialists and bachelors within 6 enlarged groups of specialties.

Currently, the branch has more than 9 thousand students.

SF BashSU has 10 educational and laboratory buildings, 2 sports complexes, a student canteen, a forensic laboratory, a courtroom, a library, and reading rooms. It offers preparatory courses for schoolchildren of various directions and durations.

New teaching technologies are being actively introduced. Students have free access to Internet resources, including the information library system “Bibliotech”, “University Book Online”, a virtual reading room of the electronic library of dissertations of the Russian State Library. information and legal systems “Garant”, “Kodeks”, “Consultant-Plus”. The branch is equipped with 35 computer classes and 9 Wi-Fi access zones. The branch's library collection includes 453,872 items.

The branch has created an Innovation Center that carries out professional retraining and advanced training of specialists on the basis of higher professional education in 14 areas, conducting scientific and practical seminars, which meets modern labor market requirements. Currently, research work is being carried out on 48 topics. Applications for grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Russian Humanitarian Foundation were supported. Methodological work is being carried out in the areas of training teachers in the regions of the south of the Republic of Belarus, on organizing scientific and practical conferences. Sterlitamak, Davlekanovo, Salavat. Training was organized according to the programs of the “University of the Third Age”.

The Bashkir State University branch provides its students with a unique chance to receive a high-quality classical education. Student research work is actively carried out. The branch operates a student scientific society and student scientific circles. Students have the opportunity to participate in various scientific forums, prestigious scientific and practical conferences held outside the Republic of Bashkortostan. Students of the branch traditionally take prizes at All-Russian, regional, and republican Olympiads.

The student government organization is represented in the branch by the Student Council.

Patronage work is being carried out at the social and rehabilitation Center for Assistance to Children “Danko”, educational and labor colony No. 1 of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Republic of Belarus. The branch publishes the newspapers “Bulletin of the SF BashGU” and “Calling”.

The branch's Legal Center employs 76 students (48 consultants and 28 assistant consultants). Based on the results of its work, the branch’s Legal Center twice received gratitude from the City Veterans Council.

The artistic and creative organization of students' leisure time is carried out by the student club, which includes 8 creative teams.

Today the branch successfully operates:

  • folk dance ensemble "Dervish" (director - R.Kh. Askarov) - laureate of international, all-Russian, republican festivals;
  • combined ensemble of kuraists (leaders - I.U. Tuigildin, A.I. Asainov) - laureates and diploma recipients of republican festivals;
  • Tatar vocal ensemble “Navruz” (director – E.Yu. Abzalilova) is a laureate and diploma winner of city and republican competitions;
  • Chuvash vocal ensemble “Savni” (director – O.N. Lukina) – laureates and diploma winners of the Republican competition of Chuvash vocal groups, a festival of creative groups of national cultural associations of the Chuvash Republic;
  • folk folk and variety ensemble “Maryana” (director – M.V. Garbuz), which is a laureate and diploma winner of city, republican, all-Russian and international competitions;
  • pop dance ensemble "Extreme" (director - A.A. Filonenko) - laureates and diploma winners of international and regional festivals.

The KVN team “Goodwin” became the first at the International student competition in Orenburg, and the KVN team “3Ko” confirmed the title of the best KVN team in the region.

A sports club with 19 sections promotes a healthy lifestyle.

There are 4 gyms, a hall for aerobics, boxing and wrestling, 3 gyms and a gym for weight lifting. There is a stadium with a football field and a 400-meter running track. In the annual Universiade of university students of the Republic of Belarus, Bashkir State University takes part in 22 sports out of 28 possible.

The Bashkir State University branch has 2 medical stations. The health of students and staff depends to a large extent on the quality of food provided by the canteen and buffets in each building.

Summer recreation for students was organized at the Sapsan tourist base, located on the Nugush reservoir, in the sports camps Nagaevo and Dubki. Discount vouchers to the Shikhany recreation center are available.

The branch has 4 comfortable dormitories with 1,800 beds. All 4 hostels annually actively participate in city and republican hostel competitions, where they deservedly take prizes.

The branch operates a career and employment assistance center for students, which interacts with the regions of the Republic of Belarus to employ graduates for permanent jobs.

Today, the Sterlitamak branch of Bashkortostan State University is a dynamically and steadily developing educational institution and has every opportunity to implement the Program for the Modernization of Higher Education, ensuring high-quality training of specialists for the Republic of Bashkortostan and the country as a whole.

Neftekamsk branch

The Neftekamsk branch of the Bashkir State University was opened on the initiative of the heads of administration of the city of Neftekamsk and nearby cities and districts of the northwestern region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The need to open a branch in Neftekamsk was due to the urgent need for specialists with higher education to work at enterprises and organizations in the region. According to education departments, from 17 to 40% of the region’s graduates who entered higher education institutions studied outside the republic, and more than 60% of graduates did not return to the cities and regions of the republic after graduation. There was a large outflow of gifted young people, which was detrimental to the development of the economic base of the region. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1605 of April 10, 2001 “On the creation of a branch of the Bashkir State University in Neftekamsk of the Republic of Bashkortostan.” See link.

The Neftekamsk branch of the Bashkir State University is a scientific, educational and cultural center of the northwestern region of the republic, as well as a powerful educational complex equipped with modern equipment and information resources.

In the educational process of the branch there are 11 computer rooms (330 computers in total); 20 classrooms equipped with projectors, plasma TVs, interactive whiteboards; 2 language laboratories; rooms for performing virtual laboratory work in physics. To quickly search for information, all branch computers are connected to a high-speed Internet channel; educational buildings and libraries are combined into a single local network via a fiber optic channel. Due to the rapid development of wireless technologies, all educational buildings are covered by a WiFi network. Information panels are installed in all educational buildings, with the help of which students can find out the class schedule, schedules of the educational process, student ratings, latest news about the life of the branch, etc.

Information services for the educational and scientific processes of the university are carried out on the basis of the library collection, which is completed in accordance with the branch’s curriculum. The total volume of the fund is 113,308 storage units. The book fund numbers 80,696 copies. books. Of these, educational publications - 56,762 copies. (70.3%). The supply of books per student in the branch as a whole is 45.18 copies. In the library, users are provided with access to two electronic library systems of external providers on the terms of a fixed-term contract - the “University Library Online” of Runeb LLC and the electronic library of the Lan publishing house. Based on the software of Bibliotech LLC, our own electronic data system is being created, the main content of which is the works of university teachers, including the works of teachers of the Neftekamsk branch of Bashkir State University. The volume of the total fund of all three electronic banking systems is 152,102 items. All three EBS meet the requirements of Rosobrnadzor for EBS used in higher education institutions. Student access to educational and methodological documentation funds is carried out from the computers of the library reading rooms, computer classes of the branch and remotely through the branch website. Library users are provided with the following information resources:

  • access to electronic catalogs created using the IRBIS and RUSLAN programs;
  • access to Russian academic journals through the scientific electronic library (SEL) portal eLIBRARY;
  • access to the electronic library of dissertations of the Russian State Library;
  • access to the full-text database University Information System RUSSIA (UIS RUSSIA);
  • access to reference and legal systems “Consultant Plus” and “Garant”;
  • access to the electronic catalog of the Bashkir State University library;
  • access to educational and methodological documentation of departments (educational teaching materials, work programs, IGA programs, internship programs, guidelines for writing coursework, tests, etc.).

The degree of novelty of the main educational literature for all cycles of disciplines is 100%. The collection of additional literature, in addition to educational ones, includes scientific, official, reference, bibliographic and periodicals. Scientific literature is represented in the fund by monographs, periodical scientific publications on the profile of educational programs (11,222 copies in total)

One of the branch’s priorities is the formation of a system of guarantees of the quality of education, individual elements of which have been successfully implemented and have become an integral part of the educational process. A point-rating system for assessing students' knowledge in the branch has been introduced. Students of the branch constantly take part in federal Internet exams and International Open Internet Olympiads.

A systematic examination of working curricula is carried out in all areas of training and specialties, the quality of educational and methodological documentation is analyzed: the content of working curricula in all disciplines of the curricula, teaching materials for students, the quality, content and design of academic and course work. Sociological surveys of students are conducted on the quality of conditions for the implementation of educational needs, the quality of teaching and educational activities, as well as surveys of branch graduates and employers on the quality of specialist training.

In the educational process of the branch, in addition to traditional ones, innovative approaches are actively used. Information technologies are used using various resources (Internet, legal reference systems, electronic textbooks, dictionaries, training programs, test shell SunRavTestOffisePro, etc.). The branch's teachers are increasingly using new modern forms and methods of teaching that activate the cognitive activity of students: group forms of work, organizing and conducting scientific conferences, discussions, modeling, business and role-playing games, trainings, solving situational problems, demonstrating educational videos, etc.

The branch pays special attention to organizing students’ independent work. For all disciplines, volumes, topics, deadlines, forms of implementation and control of students’ independent work are determined. The opening of methodological classrooms for specialties, equipped with modern technology, equipped with educational, methodological and reference literature, also contributes to increasing the efficiency of students’ independent work, completing coursework and final qualifying papers.

In order to improve the quality of teaching, exchange experience, and promote new educational technologies, scientific and methodological seminars on current problems of higher education are practiced. The School of Young Teachers provides assistance in the development of novice teachers.

The branch's teachers actively work in various areas of science in resource centers of schools in the city and region. For the population of the city, senior students under the guidance of teachers provide free consultations on legal and financial issues (“Legal Clinic”, “Financial Consultation”).

The branch successfully passed state accreditation in 2007, in 2009, in September 2013 - together with the parent university, and in October 2014 it successfully passed accreditation of individual educational programs. Valid certificate of state accreditation dated November 13, 2013, series 90A01 No. 0000893 (registration No. 0834). State accreditation is valid until November 13, 2019.

Students are trained in two faculties: economics and mathematics and humanities. The Faculty of Economics and Mathematics includes the following departments: mathematical modeling and information security, public administration and finance, economic theory and management.

The Faculty of Humanities includes the departments of philology, journalism and general humanitarian disciplines, civil law and procedure, state law, criminal law and process, history, history of state and law.

Form of study: full-time and part-time.

Personnel training is carried out in the following specialties and areas of training:

areas of training (FSES HE):

  • 03/11/02 - “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems”
  • 01.03.02 - “Applied mathematics and computer science”
  • 03/46/01 - “History”
  • 42.03.02 - “Journalism”
  • 03.45.01 - “Philology”
  • 03/38/04 - “State and municipal administration”
  • 03/38/01 – “Economy”
  • 38.03.02 - “Management”

Training is carried out according to the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education. The attainable level of education is bachelor's degree.

Areas of training (Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education):

  • 10.03.01 - “Information security”
  • 40.03.01 - “Jurisprudence”

Training is carried out according to the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education. The attainable level of education is bachelor's degree.

The standard period of study for obtaining a bachelor's degree is four years. The period for mastering a bachelor's degree in full-time education is 4 years, and in part-time education – 5 years.

Specialties (State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education):

  • 080501 – “Finance and credit”
  • 030501 – “Jurisprudence”

Training is carried out according to State educational standards of higher professional education. The level of education being implemented is specialty.

The standard period of study is 5 years. The period for mastering PEP for full-time study is 5 years, for part-time study - 6 years.

The educational process is conducted in the state language of the Russian Federation - Russian. The variable part of the curriculum of educational programs provides for the study of the native language of the students’ choice.

Conditions for physical education and sports. The branch provides students with the opportunity to engage in physical education and sports. The university has an educational and sports complex (gymnasium, sports gym, hockey court, football field, volleyball court, basketball court, area for general physical training and a running track).

Socio-cultural and living conditions. To form students’ spiritual, moral, professional, aesthetic culture, all the necessary conditions have been created in the branch: 10 sports sections and 7 creative teams operate with the involvement of highly qualified specialist leaders; There is a department of social and educational work, an assembly hall, a recording studio, and a costume room. Agreements have been concluded with sports and recreational camps, sanatoriums, recreation centers, the youth department of the Neftekamsk administration, the Philharmonic, and the Youth Palace.

Conditions for protecting the health of students. There is a medical center for medical care of students and employees. A contract for medical services was concluded with the Central Regional Hospital. First aid kits are available in all structural units of each academic building. The staff has employees who have undergone appropriate training and are capable of providing first aid.

Food conditions for students. The branch has a canteen and buffets. Providing students and workers with food is carried out on their own by enrolling appropriately qualified workers into their staff. The equipment of food points meets sanitary and epidemiological requirements. There are certificates of conformity No. ROSS RU.AYA36.M07600 valid until July 13, 2017. Contracts for catering services have been concluded with nearby cafes and canteens.

Provision of hostel accommodation. Nonresident students in need of housing are provided with rooms for social rental housing according to their applications. 210 students live in residential rooms for social rent.

Birsk branch

The Birsk branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Bashkir State University" is one of the oldest higher educational institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan, founded in 1939.

Today, the Birsk branch of Bashkortostan State University is solving the problem of training personnel for the northern regions of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Over a seventy-year period, the university has trained more than 55 thousand highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the national economy. A convincing indicator of the demand for graduates of the branch is the high rate of retention of graduates in their chosen specialty - 95-98%. Currently, more than five thousand students are studying at the university.

The educational process is provided by about 300 full-time university teachers, of which 68.75% are doctors and candidates of science, including 13.3% professors and doctors of science. In addition, about 40 doctors of science, professors, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus are involved in working with undergraduate and graduate students.

The Birsk branch of Bashkir State University has a sufficient material base for effective work. There are 9 educational buildings, 5 dormitories, 2 sports training facilities, an agrobiological station, an arboretum, an art gallery, a museum of the history of the university, a museum of the Bashkir writer Kh. Davletshina, a zoo museum, a winter garden, etc. Classrooms and laboratories are equipped with modern equipment. There are 20 computer classes. There are 17.8 units of computer equipment per 100 students in the given contingent. Information support for the learning and management process is widely used. There is an editorial and publishing department. The general fund of the library is 500 thousand copies of educational, scientific and fiction literature. There are four reading rooms with 490 seats, a media library, and an electronic catalogue. Students, teachers and staff have access to modern medical care: physiotherapy, dental and treatment rooms.

The branch has 8 faculties:

  • physical and mathematical
  • social and humanitarian
  • philological
  • biology and chemistry
  • foreign languages
  • childhood pedagogy
  • technological and artistic education
  • physical culture.

Educational, scientific and methodological work at the university is carried out by 27 departments.

The Birsk branch of Bashkir State University has a license from the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2012 No. 0240 (registration number 1030203895193) for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher professional education in 23 specialties, 13 undergraduate areas, 2 master’s programs, 2 specialties of secondary vocational education, 12 postgraduate education programs (postgraduate studies) and programs of additional professional education.

Specialty programs: computer science, technology and entrepreneurship, fine arts, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology of preschool education, pedagogy and methodology of primary education, social pedagogy, speech therapy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, bioecology, history, Russian language and literature, native language and literature, physical education, foreign language, document management and documentation support for management, organization of work with youth.

Bachelor's degree areas: chemistry, social work, technosphere safety, applied mathematics, applied computer science, economics, document management and archival science, ecology and environmental management, linguistics, socio-cultural activities, land management and cadastres, psychological and pedagogical education, teacher education.

Master's programs: chemistry, social work.

VET programs: beekeeping, maintenance and repair of radio-electronic equipment (by industry).

The Birsk branch of Bashkir State University successfully operates postgraduate courses in 7 branches of science and 11 specialties of scientists: physical and mathematical sciences (fluid, gas and plasma mechanics; mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages); chemical sciences (organic chemistry; chemistry of macromolecular compounds); biological sciences (physiology); philological sciences (Russian literature; Russian language; languages ​​of the peoples of foreign countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, the aborigines of America and Australia (English); pedagogical sciences (general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education). Currently studying in graduate school at the Birsk branch of Bashkir State University in More than 300 postgraduate students are enrolled in full-time and part-time forms.The average efficiency of postgraduate studies is 42%.Scientific research is carried out on the basis of three Problematic Scientific Laboratories and nine scientific schools.

There is a joint Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations DM 212.326.01 in the scientific specialty 10.01.01 - Russian literature.

Contacts of scientists from the Birsk branch of Bashkir State University with colleagues from other universities of the Russian Federation and Belarus are expanding. In order to support coordination ties with other higher educational institutions and schools, the Birsk branch of Bashkir State University regularly holds international, All-Russian and regional scientific and practical conferences, as well as conferences based on innovative schools in cities and regions of the northern region of the Republic of Belarus.

The university has an “Information Center for Foreign Relations”. Scientists actively collaborate with university teams in the USA, Germany, Australia, Holland, Turkey and many other countries. During the period from 2009 to 2013, university teachers published 82 monographs, 346 textbooks and teaching aids, 109 collections of scientific papers, published 2,625 scientific articles, received eleven patents for inventions, and 29 teaching aids have the stamps “Enlightenment”, “Bustard”, "VLADOS", UMO of the Russian Federation, etc.

There is a laboratory for “Ecological monitoring of physical and chemical environmental pollution”, which has state accreditation from the “Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology” and is equipped with modern certified analytical equipment that allows analyzing the content of harmful substances in soil, water and air.

A laboratory “Technology of Composite Materials” is being created, equipped with modern foreign equipment.

The research work of students of the Birsk branch of Bashkir State University is carried out on the basis of existing scientific schools and laboratories. The results are tested at annual intra-university scientific and practical conferences and published in collections of student works. Over the past year alone, students have made more than 600 reports at conferences at various levels, and published more than 240 scientific articles and abstracts. Within the framework of research work, coursework and final qualifying research are carried out, having elements of both practical and theoretical novelty and significance.

The efforts of the following structural units are aimed at creating optimal educational work: the council of deputy deans for educational work, the department of additional teaching professions, the council of curators, the student club, the editorial office of the newspaper “Vivat, Academy”, the sports club, the psychological center, the trade union organization of students and graduate students.

The branch pays great attention to organizing the life of students; there are 5 dormitories with 1,446 beds. The distribution of places in dormitories is made by a joint decision of the dean's office and the primary trade union organization of students and graduate students. To date, students' need for places in dormitories has been satisfied 100%.

Over the course of a number of years, the dormitories of the Birsk branch became winners of the republican competition “For the best organization of educational work and social and living conditions for students” (in 2005, 2006, 2009 and 2010, 2011, 2013 – 1st place, and in 2007 and 2008, 2012 – 2nd place).

Extracurricular employment and development of students' creative potential is provided by the department of additional teaching professions, which provides students with a wide choice of clubs, clubs and associations. Today, more than 700 students are studying in the department of additional teaching professions.

The organization of varied leisure time and the creative development of students is facilitated by the presence of an academic choir, a brass band, rock groups, a circus studio, a volunteer organization, etc. The pride of the Birsk branch of Bashkir State University is the folk dance ensemble "Biryanochka" and the student theater, which were awarded the honorary title "People's".

Students of the branch actively participate in the popular youth movement KVN. The republican KVN league “Academy”, created on the basis of the branch, has repeatedly won prizes in republican and interregional games.

For many years, students have deservedly taken honorary prize places at the republican competition “Student Spring”, actively participate in creative festivals and amateur art shows of various levels

The volunteer organization of the Birsk branch of Bashkir State University has more than 250 members and is the largest in the northwestern region of the Republic of Belarus. The guys actively patronize war and labor veterans, implement social projects at the Children's Home, Veterans' Home, in public places, work with at-risk teenagers, and organize charity events. The volunteers have many certificates of honor and letters of gratitude.

In 2010, 2011, 2012, the university became the winner of the All-Russian competition “University of a healthy lifestyle”, held within the framework of the United Russia party project - “Russia must live long” among institutions of higher professional education. Today, the university has two effectively functioning student teams - “Fakel” and “Impulse”. The MTR employs more than 270 soldiers. Students work as counselors, club leaders in stationary and school camps in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Russian Federation, and participate in construction work. Construction teams have repeatedly become winners in the competition for the best student construction team of the Republic of Belarus.

In the Birsk branch of Bashkir State University, 19 sports sections are actively functioning, in which more than 750 students are currently involved. University championships, sports competitions among dormitories, inter-university and republican competitions in orienteering, national wrestling “kuresh”, acheri biathlon, powerlifting, kettlebell lifting, track and field athletics, etc. are regularly held.

Every year, university students become prize-winners and winners of major sports competitions. Over the past five years, 1 master of sports of international class, 28 masters and 75 candidates for master of sports have been trained. Currently, 3 current world champions, 2 European champions, 7 Russian champions and 12 World Championship medalists are studying in the branch.

Sports “What? Where? When?" Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Tuymazy; By the decision of the rector, she was also enrolled in the first year.

Time capsule

In November 2010, the Time Capsule monument was inaugurated. It is a granite stele with a metal plate, stylized in the shape of an open book. The capsule, with an appeal to future descendants, is laid under a granite stele. The monument is located opposite the Physics and Mathematics Building, on the side of Zaki Validi Street.

Famous graduates

  • Gazetdinova, Ilsiyar Ibragimovna - People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
  • , Bashkir Soviet poet and literary critic.. TeleUSE results

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