Favorable climate for asthmatics. Where can an asthmatic relax abroad? Where to live for asthmatics

(archive) / Crimea

Dear forum visitors and Crimean experts! Please tell me where better go rest with child 2 years old? I myself don’t know Crimea well and, reading the reviews, I’m already a little confused - the South Coast, steppes, pebbles, narrow beaches... I know what is traditionally advised for recreation Evpatoria with children, but I was criticized for it..((although I haven’t been there myself. That is, first I want to decide on the climate and landscape (we plan to go in June) - where better?? If you can also recommend a good boarding house where they take such kids, I will be very grateful))) thanks in advance!

IrinkaK Quote: That is. All the same, it’s not necessary that the South Coast is possible, but Evpatoriya is possible? You watch the discussion recreation With bronchial asthma you'll figure it out right away Where rest with all ENT diseases. Only the South Coast, Egypt and Bulgaria (not the sea). Evpatoria is not suitable, there is more humidity there. Both Turkey and our Caucasus are not suitable due to humidity. The main thing is dry air. We took a trip to a boarding house in Alushta. And you don’t need any clinics with procedures, the main thing is sea water and air. But in boarding houses there are the same salt caves and, by the way, for a small fee.

Let's look at countries with ideal climates for asthmatics. Every metropolis is saturated with the smell of harmful substances that are dangerous for people suffering from asthma. Against the backdrop of a polluted atmosphere, such people are often forced to change their place of residence, which reduces the risk of dangerous attacks and generally strengthens the immune system.

When choosing a state to move to, it is important to consider some factors: air purity, temperature, humidity level, etc. An ideal climate for asthmatics exists in some resort towns, near the seas and mountains. In our article we will tell you where it is better for a person suffering from bronchial asthma to move for a safe stay.

For people diagnosed with asthma, experts recommend moving or taking a temporary vacation to mountainous areas, as well as to populated areas where clean sea air prevails. For patients who have an inflammatory process in the respiratory system, the smell of coniferous trees is very useful, therefore, with this course of the disease, it is better to choose a small settlement surrounded by coniferous forests.

The forest air is dominated by phytoncides, which prevent the development of inflammatory processes. When oxygen is inhaled, the human pulmonary system is nourished, which can dramatically reduce the number of asthmatic exacerbations. This climate is absolutely suitable for all people suffering from bronchial asthma. Doctors strongly recommend traveling to the territory of coniferous forests as often as possible to cleanse the respiratory system. It is very good if the patient has the opportunity to move to a city where such air prevails. As practice shows, living near a forest practically eliminates the risk of dangerous asthma attacks.

Mountain air enhances the functionality of the pulmonary system, favorably eliminating oxygen starvation. In populated areas surrounded by mountains, a rarefied atmosphere with low pressure and cool, clean air prevails. This climate is also considered ideal for asthmatics.

What other climate is suitable for people diagnosed with asthma? Of course, seaside! If a patient is looking for a country with a sea coast to move to, doctors recommend choosing resort cities characterized by warm weather within 25-30 degrees.

Sea air effectively prevents mucus from clogging the respiratory organs. Good weather and pleasant oxygen containing useful particles of salt and iodine are the best conditions for asthmatics!

Statistics of mortality from asthma in the world

Each climate has its own characteristics and unforeseen changes. Some countries experience frequent changes in temperature conditions, while other cities experience instability in humidity levels or atmospheric pressure. There is no ideal place on our planet in all respects, but there are still several favorable regions where there is the most comfortable climate for people diagnosed with asthma.

So what is the ideal country for an asthmatic? For many years, experts have studied the climatic characteristics of different countries of the world. Today, the following cities, regions and countries may be ideal for asthmatics:

  • Crimea (sea coast);
  • Altai (mountainous area);
  • North Caucasus and Abkhazia;
  • Krasnodar region;
  • European countries: Germany, France, Spain, Greece.
  • Israel (Dead Sea);
  • Chilean coast;
  • California (San Diego);
  • Australian South West Coast;
  • South African Cape Town.

When choosing a city for moving or temporary vacation, it is important to take into account not only climatic conditions, but also personal preferences. If a person feels uncomfortable staying in a particular place, it is unlikely that any benefit from such prevention will be expected. The main thing is to avoid traveling to regions where a dangerous microclimate for asthmatics prevails.

Experts advise avoiding travel to areas with low clouds, high humidity, frequent movement of air fronts and clay soils. Living in regions with tropical and cold climates is undesirable.

Bronchial asthma is one of the life-threatening allergic diseases, since another attack without proper medical care can result in suffocation and even death. Moreover, an exacerbation of the disease, as well as an improvement in the patient’s condition, often occurs when air and temperature parameters change. Therefore, many people think about the need to change their place of residence or at least a long vacation at special medical resorts. What climate is best for asthmatics?

Is it necessary to change the climate?

Patients with bronchial asthma often ask doctors whether they should move to an area with different climatic conditions, but they rarely get a definite answer, since this largely depends on the form of the disease and the reasons that triggered its development. For example, some people notice an improvement in their condition almost immediately after they leave home. As a rule, this happens if their asthma attacks are caused by household allergens.

Asthmatics with an infectious-allergic form of the disease feel much better in areas with warm, moderately humid air, devoid of the pungent odors of gasoline, nicotine and other harmful substances that literally permeate megacities. Therefore, attacks occur less frequently, even if the patient simply leaves the city, and when moving to mountainous areas, improvement is facilitated by a change in the composition of the flora and a decrease in atmospheric pressure.

Thus, climate change can still significantly help asthmatics. But in order to determine how drastic measures are needed, you should definitely consult a doctor and listen to his recommendations.

Where should you go?

Since exacerbations of bronchial asthma are provoked by sudden changes in temperature, increased humidity and atmospheric pressure, it is impossible to completely protect against them in more than one corner of the world. Nevertheless, there are certain regions whose climate seems to be specially created for asthmatics. These are the resorts:

  • coast of Crimea;
  • Mountain Altai;
  • Krasnodar region;
  • Central Asia;
  • North Caucasus;
  • Germany;
  • Israel;
  • France, etc.

Dead Sea

But when choosing a specific resort, it is worth taking into account not only the climatic zone in which it is located, but also the season, since at certain times of the year in certain regions the air humidity increases noticeably or solar activity increases significantly. But even if ideal meteorological conditions remain for asthmatics, insolation should be limited, because large doses of ultraviolet radiation can act as additional sensitizing factors.

Of course, the real Mecca for allergy sufferers is Israel with its healing climate and the waters of the Dead Sea. But since you need to stay there for at least 1–2 months, not everyone can afford such a pleasure. Perhaps that is why Gelendzhik and Anapa are the most popular among our compatriots. Recent studies have convincingly proven that the effectiveness of treatment at local resorts is in no way inferior to stays at foreign ones, including the Dead Sea coast. Moreover, it is worth giving preference to your native places, if only because any move to another climatic zone requires adaptation of the body, which can take several days or months.

For example, Anapa is ideal for asthmatics, since its mild, moderately humid, warm Mediterranean climate, rare precipitation and air saturated with phytoncides of coniferous trees are the best way to cleanse the respiratory tract of mucus, improve blood circulation, eliminate foci of chronic infections, etc. There are many medical sanatoriums here, the special programs of which help reduce the intensity of allergy manifestations and significantly ease breathing.

Gelendzhik also offers similar conditions for asthmatics. Anyone who cares about their health can afford a holiday in this resort in the Krasnodar region, which combines all the advantages of the mountain and sea climate. Therefore, patients with bronchial asthma are recommended to make every effort to get the opportunity to spend at least 1 month a year on the coast of, if not the Dead Sea, then the Black Sea.

The best medicine for an asthmatic is a natural oxygen cocktail. And nature “mixes” the healthiest cocktails on the seashore, so whenever possible, people suffering from respiratory disorders should try.

Read about where it is better for asthmatics to relax, which domestic and foreign resorts have the best effect on the respiratory system and how long you need to stay there to get noticeable results, read on this page of the women's website “Beautiful and Successful”.

What climate is good for the lungs and bronchi?

As already mentioned, for a person who is a regular patient of a pulmonologist, sea air will be useful, since it is saturated with ozone, oxygen, iodine and salts. All these elements effectively fight pathogens living on the surface of the respiratory mucosa.

Staying at sea can be compared to round-the-clock salt inhalations, which are especially indicated for atopic form.

People suffering from chronic diseases of the respiratory system benefit greatly from staying in the mountains.

The air in them is clean and has a low oxygen concentration, due to which the lungs and bronchi have to work more intensely. This perfectly trains the respiratory system, as a result of which its functioning improves.

For a long time, people suffering from asthma have been advised to take more frequent walks in coniferous forests. Coniferous trees secrete active phytoncides that can destroy entire colonies of pathogenic bacteria. American Indians used coniferous trees to treat their sick fellow tribesmen from bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma. They generally settled people suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis in juniper thickets for several years, and they were often completely healed. Therefore, where an asthmatic will rest, ideally coniferous trees should grow. Fortunately, there are quite a few such places at a variety of resorts.

Walking along the river also has a beneficial effect on the lungs and bronchi: moist air improves the condition of the mucous membranes. Therefore, in the summer, in order to improve their well-being, it is enough for asthmatics to go out of town to the river from time to time.

And the ideal vacation spot for an asthmatic is a resort where sea, mountain and pine air is mixed into a healing cocktail. Fortunately, there are many such places both in our country and abroad. The website suggests choosing such a place among several classic options.

Where is the best place for asthmatics to relax: foreign resorts

Those who can afford a trip to an expensive resort can consider the following destinations:

  1. Dead Sea. The air on the shore of this unique natural reservoir is a mixture of bromine, iodine, ozone and oxygen atoms. Its inhalation has a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the respiratory system, but also on the condition of blood vessels, heart, nerve endings and brain. Swimming in the salt water of the Dead Sea helps improve immunity, improves skin condition, and supports all body systems. A trip to any seaside resort in Israel is the best answer to the question of where to relax with an asthmatic child: after treatment in local sanatoriums, many children are completely cured. The clinics accept patients of all ages all year round. Ein Bokek is considered the most suitable city for asthmatics. The course of treatment in Israeli sanatoriums can last from approximately 7 to 14 days.
  2. Karlovy Vary. This famous European balneological resort has been popular among people with various diseases for more than a hundred years. There is excellent service, excellent living conditions, a high level of medical care and established traditions. Live here for about 10 days, and your bronchi will begin to work much better.
  3. The Polish city of Wieliczka is attractive to asthmatics thanks to its salt mines. You can get treatment here all year round. The resort offers an excellent therapy program for both adults and children, lasting 7-14 days.
  4. The Bulgarian balneological resort Sandanski is one of those places where you can have a good rest with an asthmatic child. There are not only mineral springs here, but also wonderful sanatoriums where children suffering from respiratory diseases are offered a range of effective treatment procedures. The standard treatment time is about 14 days.
  5. The Igalo Institute in Montenegro is one of the largest tourist centers treating not only respiratory diseases, but also pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, reproductive organs, and nervous system. However, the climate of Montenegro makes almost all of its resorts attractive for asthmatics. It is better to spend at least 2 weeks there.

Many tourists who have traveled half the world in search of the best resort for respiratory organs spoke positively about their holidays in France, Spain and Italy. Staying in Cyprus and Greece also has a positive effect on the health of asthmatics.

However, unfortunately, not everyone can afford a trip to Europe. Some are simply frightened by the need to leave their homeland for a vacation. Those who for some reason cannot visit a foreign resort can go on vacation in their homeland.

Holidays for asthmatics in Russia and the countries of the former USSR

On the territory of our country there are wonderful places with a wonderful climate and beautiful nature, where asthmatics can relax both comfortably and inexpensively. After all, many of these resort towns and villages can be reached by personal transport, and accommodation there can be done in the private sector.

The most suitable vacation spots for people suffering from respiratory diseases include:

  1. Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan. This high-mountain body of salt water has long become a favorite vacation spot for people suffering from respiratory diseases. One of the most pleasant aspects of a holiday on Lake Issyk-Kul is the wide range of price options: if you cannot afford a luxurious holiday, you can stay in a private boarding house and live in comfortable conditions throughout the entire treatment for only 6-8 dollars per day.
  2. Crimean resorts. If we talk about where it is better for asthmatics to relax in Crimea, then first of all we should name Feodosia, Evpatoria and Sevastopol. On the Black Sea coast, coniferous forests grow in these cities and their surroundings, so the air here is extremely healthy. Crimean resorts are also considered the best place to relax with sick children.
  3. North Caucasus. There are balneological resorts here, where the aristocracy treated pulmonary disorders in past centuries. Mineral springs useful for asthmatics are located in Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, and Minvody. Staying in Gagra, Batumi, Sukhumi and other resorts of Abkhazia, where the clean mountain air is filled with iodine ions hovering over the sea, turns into a healing mixture for inhalation, has a beneficial effect on the lungs and bronchi. These places are also home to coniferous forests, which make the air cocktail just perfect.
  4. Krasnodar region. Asthma is best treated in Gelendzhik and Anapa. It’s easy to breathe here, which cannot be said about Sochi. This city is not the best holiday destination for asthmatics, as it is too humid.
  5. Altai. Many mountain resorts in this region specialize in the treatment of asthma and other respiratory diseases. Among the most famous places are Belokurikha, Kulundinskoye Lake, Zavyalovsky and Biysky districts.
  6. Ukrainian Carpathians. The world-famous Truskavets sanatorium is still accepting patients. In the local salt caves, asthmatics are able to breathe deeply.

In other words, people with respiratory diseases can profitably relax at many resorts. Which one to choose is up to them to decide, based on their financial capabilities. However, they must take into account that the course of treatment should last at least 7 days.

If your wallet is so thin that you can’t go further than the countryside, well, there’s no need to be upset. Our distant ancestors did not have the opportunity to travel to the sea at all. They treated diseases of the lungs and bronchi in the swamps, inhaling their vapors on foggy mornings. This method still works today.

However, our site in no way encourages you to conduct such experiments. You can try simpler rest measures. For example, try in the summer to go to some quiet village located not far from a river or a coniferous forest, and live there, in the clean air, for a couple of weeks. It is desirable that this locality be located in the Belgorod, Volgograd, Orenburg or Astrakhan regions. You will probably soon feel that your health has improved significantly.

Bronchial asthma is an incurable complex infectious-allergic disease. The danger is that without the necessary help, any attack can end tragically.
Exacerbation of the disease often occurs due to changes in temperature and humidity. Therefore, I, like other people suffering from asthma, often thought about climate change, traveled a lot and listened to my condition.

What climate is suitable?

In the treatment of asthma, there is such a thing as climatotherapy. Often, climatotherapy promotes remission of asthma, but much depends on the form of the disease and the causes that caused it.

If a person leaves the house to go outside and the intensity of asthma symptoms decreases, then most likely asthma was triggered by household allergens. In the case of an infectious-allergic etiology of the disease, a noticeable improvement in the condition occurs when visiting places with moderately humid and warm air, especially in the absence of exhaust fumes, nicotine and other pollutants (for example, a trip outside the city).

Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that climate change has a positive effect on the condition of asthmatics.

Where to go?

It is impossible to fully protect yourself from changes in temperature and humidity. However, there are areas in which you can feel especially good. These include Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, North Caucasus, Altai, Egypt, Israel, Tunisia.

When choosing a treatment location, you should take into account not only the climate zone, but also seasonal changes in air humidity and sun activity, as well as the flowering period of plants. Many regions have their own characteristics that alleviate the condition of asthma patients:

  • the climate of central Russia has a beneficial effect on patients: in the taiga air there is an increased concentration of phytoncides, which help improve well-being and normalize blood pressure;
  • subtropical areas (in particular, Crimea) are characterized by an optimal degree of moisture, which is so necessary for patients;
  • the mountain climate with its low pressure makes breathing easier;
  • Ionized sea air is also useful for bronchial asthma.

In the eighties, evidence was obtained of the effectiveness of treatment and preventive measures at resorts located in the climatic zone of the patient’s residence. By giving preference to one’s native places, a person reduces the time required for the body to acclimatize. If there is no positive effect, then more remote regions are recommended for climatotherapy.

Krasnodar region

Russian citizens often choose Anapa sanatoriums. This is a justifiable choice. The mild, dry climate of the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory is an ideal option for people with respiratory diseases. The positive effect is further enhanced by the beneficial substances released by coniferous trees. The season starts in May and ends at the end of September. For those who can't stand the heat well, I recommend September. In addition, there are fewer people at this time. Vacations end, schoolchildren are taken to school.

From the end of August to the end of September 2016, I lived on the Black Sea coast, 20 km from Anapa. I will say this, after that I didn’t have a cold or cough (for me) for 1.5 years!

Big Utrish (Anapa)

It is not at all necessary to buy a ticket to the Sanatorium. For example, I just bought train tickets, arrived in Anapa, then took a minibus to the village of B. Utrish found himself a room in 15 minutes from private owners. I lived 50 meters from the sea, and at night I could hear the beating of the waves. Eh, beauty. Nearby is a juniper forest, a protected area. Breathe and heal, as they say. Anapa is not even close.

If you are planning to go to improve your health, then be sure to settle close to the sea so that it is within walking distance. No further than 1 km. It is important to constantly breathe sea air. In this regard, I advise you to live in villages. If we talk about Anapa, then these are: Bolshoi Utrish, Sukko, Supsekh, Varvarovka.

Big Utrish is a wilderness, no supermarkets, only small shops. No restaurants, only cafes on the beach and not very good ones. We cooked ourselves. But, as I said above, the sea is 50 meters away, the air is clean and nature is beautiful. If you need to go to the supermarket or for entertainment, then go to the minibus, which runs every 15 minutes and in 20-30 minutes you are in Anapa.

Sukko - already bigger. Here you can find more comfortable accommodation, supermarkets and restaurants.

Sukko village, Krasnodar region

Gelendzhik, Sochi, Adler

Sochi and Adler are less favorable places for asthmatics due to high humidity. The same applies to Abkhazia and Georgia. Gelendzhik is somewhere between Anapa and Sochi in terms of humidity. If the purpose of the trip is to treat asthma, then choose the Anapa or Crimea region.


There are many resorts designed for asthmatics in Crimea. For them, sanatoriums located on sea coasts and low mountainous areas are recommended. The therapeutic effect of the latter is due not only to the purity of the air and low humidity, but also to low blood pressure. This promotes deeper breathing. The best time to stay in Crimea is May-June or September.

Unique opportunities for the treatment of asthma exist in the sanatoriums of Yalta, Sudak, and Alushta. Decent institutions can be found in other regions of Crimea.


If more remote countries are chosen for climatotherapy, then the duration of stay in the sanatorium should be at least a month. Particularly favorable foreign resorts include Egypt, Tunisia, and Israel.

Hurghada, Egypt

Spa treatment in Israel is at the highest level. The success of treatment and preventive measures is due to the mild, warm climate and clean sea air.

You don't need to be a scientist to know that living in polluted cities where factories are present has an adverse effect on all human organs. Exhaust gases also pollute the atmosphere greatly. If possible, move outside the city, even better to the village.

As for the climate, it is better for patients with bronchial asthma to avoid areas with high humidity. These include Turkey, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Georgia, etc.

Climatotherapy, in combination with therapeutic treatment, helps prevent the development of extreme forms of the disease and significantly alleviate its symptoms.

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