Warts private parts phone. Is it possible to get rid of warts on intimate places? Treatment of condylomas in intimate places at home

The appearance of genital warts on the genitals is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts in intimate places, like herpes and chlamydia, are a common disease of sexually active people. Men and women who frequently change sexual partners are most susceptible to the disease.

Why do warts appear in the groin area?

Benign skin tumors the size of a pinhead on the genitals and around the anus are manifestations of HPV in the body. The period after infection until warts appear lasts from two weeks to three months. More often it happens that the immune system suppresses the infection and puts it into a “dormant” state.

According to medical statistics, 9 out of 10 adults are infected with papillomaviruses. A carrier of HPV is a source of spread of infection, as is a patient who exhibits external signs. Viruses enter the upper layer of skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, mouth, and nasal passages through various microdamages.

Infection does not occur through intact epidermis, since there is a stratum corneum on the surface where there are no living cells for the virus to reproduce.

At the border of the epidermis and dermis in the basal layer, the virus itself or its DNA infects cells that are capable of constantly dividing. The appearance of warty growths in intimate places is caused by strains 6, 11 and other low-oncogenic types of HPV. When epithelial cells are infected with HPV-16, 18, precancerous conditions of the cervix, vagina, penis, and anus can develop.

Contribute to the appearance of intimate warts (predisposing factors):

  • constant moistening of the vulva with discharge from the vagina, urethra;
  • long-term use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • deficiencies in hygienic care of the perineal organs;
  • deficiency of vitamins A, C, group B and zinc in the body;
  • other sexually transmitted diseases;
  • damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • chronic stress:
  • dysbiosis.

The infection is transmitted through domestic and sexual contact (oral, genital, anal). The papilloma virus can be “caught” by shaking hands, using someone else’s towel, linen and clothes, or in a beauty salon where poorly processed instruments are used. Infected parents are the source of the virus for children.

The risk of infection with genital warts is higher during early sexual contacts and frequent changes of sexual partners. The first visit to doctors regarding warts in the perineal area occurs at the age of 18–25 years. If there are no visible clinical signs, then asymptomatic carriage is possible.

Symptoms of HPV in the intimate area

When the papilloma virus begins to multiply intensively, normal cell division is disrupted. Hyperplasia occurs - proliferation of skin or mucous tissue. Most warts in the intimate area are genital warts. They may coalesce into chicken-comb or cauliflower-shaped growths.

External signs of warts in the perineal area:

  1. pointed, flat, papular, keratinized neoplasms;
  2. flesh-colored, pink, pearl, grayish or brown;
  3. spherical or elongated, with an uneven surface;
  4. tumors are located on a thin or wide base;
  5. sizes from poppy seed to pea;
  6. bleeding when damaged;
  7. pain, itching and burning (not always).

Tumors with a soft consistency consist only of epithelial cells; harder formations have a layer of horny masses on the surface. Such growths appear not only on the genitals, but also on other parts of the body. Condylomas on the lips, oral mucosa, throat, and nasal passages are formed during orogenital contacts.

There is a subclinical form of the disease, in which obvious signs are not yet observed. When treating the affected mucosa with a 3% acetic acid solution or another reagent, the doctor notices colored elements against the background of healthy tissue. Clinical manifestations of HPV on the external genitalia can be detected during self-examination or medical examination. The doctor prescribes additional tests to determine the type of papilloma virus.

The resulting formation most often does not pose a health hazard. If the growth is damaged, inflammation begins, sometimes bleeding, erosion. Condylomas on the cervix in women and on the genitals in men sometimes degenerate into malignant tumors. Such changes are preceded by changes in the size of warts, severe itching, and bleeding.

Only a doctor, based on a medical examination and laboratory tests, will be able to distinguish benign formations from precancerous diseases and cancer.

How to remove genital warts

Laser surgery using a high-energy beam.Removal of small condylomas on sensitive areas in the intimate area (painful procedure).
Radio knife of the Surgitron device.Destruction of condyloma by radio waves of a certain length.
Electrocoagulation.“Burning” of tumor tissue with high-frequency electric current. The pain is average.
Cryodestruction - freezing with liquid nitrogen or diethyl ether.A bubble forms, then a painful wound remains. Healing lasts at least a week.
Chemical destruction.The use of solutions and ointments with substances that cause necrosis of wart tissue and mummification of the formation.
Surgical excision with a scalpel.The removed tumor can be sent for histological examination.

According to medical research, the effectiveness of cryotherapy for genital warts in men is 68%, electrocoagulation - from 35 to 94%, laser destruction - from 27 to 82%. Small genital warts are treated at home with Epigen spray and gel, Aldara and Vartek creams. The effectiveness of conservative therapy for HPV with these drugs reaches 60–80%, with Condilin solution - 47%. After each procedure, a scar remains at the site of the removed wart; relapses are possible.

HPV treatment

It is impossible to get rid of a virus that has already penetrated into epithelial cells. The infection remains in the body for life: in a latent form or in an active state. Doctors prescribe various medications and procedures to reduce the effect of infection on the body.

  • herbal medicine using herbs (calendula, celandine, dandelion, viburnum, etc.);
  • strengthening the immune system with the help of immunomodulatory agents (Viferon);
  • antiviral therapy with ointments (Panavir, Acyclovir);
  • taking medications orally (Isoprinosine, Groprinosine).

To prevent the appearance of condylomas, girls and boys are vaccinated. The drugs Cervarix and Gardasil are used.

With the help of alternative medicine, it is possible to get rid of external defects and strengthen the immune system. The whole process takes from 10 days to several weeks, so you need to be patient. To get rid of warts, ointments made from celandine or calendula juice are used, mixing the mass with olive oil. Other folk recipes suggest using apple cider vinegar for applications, or using diluted propolis tincture.

To strengthen the immune system, take preparations of echinacea, ginseng, eleutherococcus, and lemongrass. Maintaining intimate hygiene helps reduce the risk of infection and spread of genital warts.

In contact with

The appearance of growths on the skin in the pubic area causes discomfort and anxiety. The worries are not in vain: warts in intimate places not only interfere with relationships, but also signal the presence of a virus in the body, and if events develop negatively, they can degenerate into cancerous tumors. It is important to understand the reasons for the appearance of tumors, and if suspicious symptoms appear, immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Warts in intimate places: causes

The culprit behind the appearance of warts is the human papillomavirus. Penetrating into the blood through the skin or mucous membranes, it is able to “hide” for a long time, without outwardly appearing in the carrier. The virus “wakes up” when the immune system is weakened and makes itself known by the appearance of warts in a variety of places - on the face, neck, chest, arms, legs, armpits, intimate parts of the body, mouth and throat.

Ways of infection with genital warts

  1. Sexual – with unprotected sex, including anal and oral. The probability of infection is almost 100% and even a condom does not always provide the necessary protection, since it does not cover all genital warts
  2. Contact-household - in direct contact with the affected area of ​​the body or using shared towels, washcloths, sitting on uncovered benches in the shower, a bath after an infected person - the virus survives well on surfaces, especially wet ones
  3. From infected mother to baby in labor
  4. Self-infection - “migration” of the virus from affected areas to healthy areas

Risk factors for the appearance of warts on the genitals

Genital warts are highly contagious, affecting men and women equally.

Frequent and random changes of sexual partners, neglect of personal hygiene rules and factors that reduce immune defense increase the likelihood of infection:

    1. Chronic diseases and their exacerbations
    2. Sexual infections
    3. Vitamin deficiencies
    4. Stress
    5. Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy or oral contraception
    6. Treatment with antibiotics, intestinal and vaginal dysbiosis
    7. Skin damage
    8. Chemotherapy.

Types and locations of damage

Pubic warts most often belong to one of the types caused by papillomavirus:

  1. Condylomas acuminata
  2. Flat papillomas.

Usually these are benign tumors, their size is from 1 mm to 2 cm, and the color is similar to the color of the mucous membranes.

Condylomas are dense, pointed formations. They often form groups resembling cauliflower or cockscomb, but can also be found alone. Genital warts are usually found in young people - under 30 years of age.

Condylomas in men are concentrated around the head of the penis, less often in the scrotum or groin.

Warts on the genital organs of women are located on the labia minora and majora, the clitoris, in the vestibule of the vagina and on its walls, and the cervix may be affected.

Condylomas are also observed around the anus, in the urethra, and the mouth of the urethra - regardless of gender.

Genital warts are usually painless, but flat papillomas, which look like small bumps, can cause itching and pain.


The appearance of warts on the genitals is usually not accompanied by any special symptoms. They can be detected by examining the genital organs - on the labia, penis, if the growths arise in the external part, and not in the vagina, for example.

Redness, pain, bleeding, itching, unpleasant odor, and abnormal discharge appear due to injury to intimate areas - during sexual intercourse or wearing tight underwear - and the addition of a secondary infection. Against the background of such complications, women may develop cancer of the vagina or cervix.


For timely detection of intimate warts, women need to visit a gynecologist twice a year. For diagnosis, the doctor examines the woman on a gynecological chair using a speculum and takes a cervical smear to determine under a microscope the presence of atypical cells in the wash.

Men with possible infection should consult a urologist or dermatovenerologist.

To exclude the malignant nature of condylomas and according to indications, anoscopy, urethroscopy, colposcopy, histological and cytological studies, acetic acid test and biopsy are used.

Treatment of warts on intimate places

Warts on intimate parts of the body can disappear on their own over time, but sometimes they become inflamed and cause significant discomfort, and in advanced cases they develop into cancerous pathology.

You cannot remove tumors on your own, without examination and examination by a doctor! They can be malignant, in which case the disease is treated by an oncologist.

An effective method of treating or removing condylomas should be chosen by a specialist, depending on the location, number of growths, and the presence of inflammation.


Genital warts are removed:

  1. Laser
  2. Radiosurgical knife - using the Surgitron device
  3. Cryotherapy - freezing single tumors with liquid nitrogen
  4. Electrocoagulation - cauterization with high-frequency current
  5. Treatment with acids - pointwise, in small areas: with Solcoderm or trichloroacetic acid
  6. Surgical excision under local anesthesia. Rarely used to prevent the growth of large tumors.

Inguinal warts in men are removed with a laser, condylomas in the anus with liquid nitrogen, and pubic warts with radio waves.

Drug therapy

After removal of genital warts, antiseptic and antiviral agents and immunomodulators are prescribed.

During pregnancy, only laser or cryotherapy is used; medications are contraindicated.

We treat warts in intimate places at home

You can independently remove intimate warts in accessible places - on the penis, pubis - by:

  1. The drug
  2. Celandine - juice or Super celandine. The product is poisonous, it may leave scars, it is used on the labia without pain, but on the mucous membranes it is very sensitive
  3. Potato juice
  4. Fir oil
  5. Garlic ointment
  6. Castor oil.

You cannot bandage or cut off condylomas - this is fraught with inflammation, spread of infection to other places, or tissue necrosis.

Prevention of warts on the labia

Significantly reduce the likelihood of genital warts and the development of their complications:

    1. Using high-quality condoms for any intimate contact
    2. Avoiding casual sex
    3. Vaccination of girls against highly oncogenic strains of the papilloma virus with a vaccine
    4. Strengthening the immune system, hardening
    5. Good nutrition, vitamin therapy
    6. Compliance with the rules of hygiene of intimate parts of the body
    7. Use of personal accessories when visiting a swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse.

Intimate warts are not so much an aesthetic drawback as a threat of degeneration into cancerous tumors, as well as infection of sexual partners, household members, and the child by the mother during childbirth. If condylomas are detected or suspected, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Self-medication is allowed only for a small number of warts, after confirming their benignity.

Papillomas in intimate places cause a lot of inconvenience, which affects a person’s quality of life. What causes growths, and how to deal with them using medications and folk remedies, modern methods of removal.

Papillomas in the intimate area cause great discomfort

Causes of papillomas in intimate places

Papillomatosis or human papillomavirus can be hidden for a long time. The main impetus for its development can be a significant decrease in the body’s immune forces.

The following reasons influence the awakening of the virus:

  • hormonal disruptions in the body in women after pregnancy or as a result of long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • bad habits – smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction;
  • colds of an infectious nature;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids;
  • venereal pathologies, herpes infection, inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • constant stress, emotional tension, chronic fatigue;
  • disruptions in metabolic processes.

A long-term cold can awaken HPV

The listed factors lead to immunodeficiency, which is a favorable environment for the awakening of papillomavirus.

Are papillomas in intimate places contagious?

The main feature of papillomas on the genitals is their high level of variability. You can catch the disease, which will later manifest itself on the genitals, through sex with an infected partner, as well as through contact and household contact (through bed linen, towels).

Symptoms in women and men

The main symptom of papillomatosis is the appearance of growths in the groin, which look like loose lobules collected in piles, reminiscent of a broccoli inflorescence or a rooster's comb.


  • in men - on the scrotum, around the head of the penis, near the urination channel, in the folds between the legs;
  • in women - on the vulva (on the labia majora and minora, in the vagina, on the pubic part), in the cervix;
  • independence from gender - on the skin in the perineum between the genitals and anus, around the anus and inside the anus (rarely).

The glans penis affected by papillomas

Warts on the genitals are brownish or beige in color. If their integrity is violated (sexual intercourse), they can cause pain and discomfort, and bleeding.

Types of papillomas in the intimate area

Inguinal growths have their own differences and types:

  1. Filiform papillomas. At the beginning of development, small yellowish bumps appear, which over time develop into elastic thread-like formations.
  2. Flat papillomas. Rounded small bumps that blend in color with the skin. They are rare, but can cause inflammation in the genitals, itching, burning, and pain.
  3. Condylomas (pointed). Elastic growths look like a large number of small lobules fused together.
  4. Papillomas of the bladder and urethra. It mainly affects men.

On the female organs, or rather inside them, genital warts most often develop. You can see them during a gynecological examination.

What types of papillomas there are in intimate places and what they look like is shown in the photo.

Papillomas of the filamentous variety

Flat type of papilloma

Acute condylomas

Are papillomas dangerous?

Papillomas of any type can pose a hidden danger.

  1. If the growth is injured, it begins to spread to healthy areas, which leads to the growth of unpleasant formations.
  2. Infection can penetrate into damaged papilloma tissue, which threatens the development of inflammation of the groin area.
  3. There is a high tendency of papilloma to enter the oncogenic stage, especially those that affect the woman’s cervix.

Papillomas in the intimate area can develop into cancer

Very rarely, papillomas develop into cancer among males, but they can provoke other serious pathologies of the genitourinary system (phimosis, paraphimosis).

Treatment methods

Papillomavirus cannot be removed from the body, but it is quite possible to put it into a dormant state.

The following methods allow you to do this:

  • removal of papilloma;
  • drug treatment;
  • use of folk remedies.
Therapy for papillomatosis should be comprehensive and combine several methods at once.

Removal of papilloma on the genitals

Timely detected papillomas respond well to treatment and do not have time to harm a person. You cannot try to eliminate such a problem on your own, otherwise you can provoke serious complications.

Which doctor removes it?

If suspicious formations are detected on the genitals, it is necessary to see a venereologist. In situations where the warts have become large and darkened, it makes sense to get it.

A venereologist will help you get rid of papillomas in an intimate place

The specialist helps get rid of unwanted growths and provides special treatment aimed at preventing relapses.

Should I delete it?

In the early stages of papillomatosis, warts do not cause any discomfort, so doctors may prescribe drug treatment. When the growths are large, often injured, bleed and hurt, and inflammation develops in the genitals due to the addition of other infections, the papillomas must be removed. This will help prevent cancer.

Does it hurt to remove?

Excision of warts occurs under anesthetic. Depending on the procedure, unpleasant sensations are possible: burning, tingling, tingling, slight pain. Most often, papillomas are removed painlessly.

Modern removal methods and their costs

Elimination of papillomas in intimate places can be carried out using several methods. How much removal costs depends on the size of the warts and the type of procedure.

  1. Surgical method– the growths are excised with a scalpel, and the area is treated with a special solution and bandaged tightly. The manipulation takes place under local anesthesia. Price – from 450 to 1500 rubles.
  2. Electrocoagulation. Papillomas are cauterized with high-frequency current. As a result of this procedure, irreversible processes occur inside the growths and they disappear. Price – from 400 to 800 rubles.
  3. Cryodestruction - removal with liquid nitrogen - allows you to painlessly eliminate the tumor. The affected areas are treated with liquid nitrogen, which provokes darkening, drying and death of papillomas. Cost – from 300 to 600 rubles.
  4. Radio wave removal. Warts are cut off using a radio wave scalpel, which acts exclusively on the affected tissue, does not affect the healthy epidermis and does not leave scars. Price – from 500 to 1000 rubles.
  5. Laser treatment– the most popular and effective way to combat papillomas. In addition to cutting off the growth, the laser beam gently cauterizes capillaries and injured areas, which helps prevent inflammatory processes, bleeding, and scars. Price – from 650 to 1600 rubles.
  6. Cauterization with chemicals. To remove flat growths and condylomas, the drugs podofilin and podofilox are used. After treating the affected areas, crusts remain, which disappear on their own after 2-3 days.

Laser removal is the easiest and most popular method

Removal of papilloma should occur only after a complete examination, which excludes the malignant nature of the formations. Otherwise, serious complications can occur.

Drug treatment

Doctors try to treat minor lesions of the genitals by papillomas with pharmaceutical preparations for internal and external use.

The medicine Panavir helps remove growths and prevent relapses of human papillomavirus infection. The product is available in the form of an injection solution and gel, which allows it to act on the virus from the inside and outside.

A good antiviral drug is Viferon (suppositories, gel, ointment). The medicine not only suppresses the development of infection, but also stimulates the body's immune forces.

Viferon is an effective antiviral drug

Another effective remedy against papillomas is Oxolinic ointment. The substance has a detrimental effect on the infection, inhibiting its reproduction.

Acyclovir tablets and cream have a high antiviral effect. The product stimulates the body's protective barrier well and suppresses infection.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the doctor can prescribe several drugs for local and systemic use. Your approach allows you to achieve long-term remissions of the disease.

How to get rid of it using folk remedies

How to treat papillomavirus infection at home? For this purpose, folk medicine has effective and proven recipes.

For 2-3 weeks, injured areas must be treated with castor oil. For best results, the oil should be gently rubbed into the growths for 7–10 minutes. The frequency of procedures is several manipulations per week.

Castor oil is a good remedy for getting rid of papillomas at home

When applying the juice, it is important not to touch healthy areas of the skin.

Iodine for papillomas on the genitals

Wipe the benign tumor daily with iodine solution. The antiseptic substance not only dries, but also disinfects, which stops the development of infection.

Iodine stops the development of infection

It must be remembered that folk remedies cannot overcome the disease on their own. They should be used in complex drug therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment during pregnancy

Papillomas in the intimate area can grow greatly during pregnancy and subsequently interfere with childbirth. To avoid this, doctors prescribe laser excision of growths and treatment with antiviral substances. During pregnancy, Viferon and Betadine are allowed to be used.

Papillomavirus detected during pregnancy must be treated without fail, as it threatens to infect the fetus (most often during the child’s passage through the birth canal) and cause the baby’s nasopharynx and larynx to be affected by condylomas.

Papillomas on the genitals are an unpleasant and very dangerous phenomenon, since if left untreated for a long time, there is a high probability of developing cancer. Therefore, it is important not to hesitate to consult a doctor if suspicious growths are found in the groin.

Warts on private parts are always more worrisome than growths on other parts of the body.

Having discovered such a problem, a person is embarrassed to talk about his problem with family and friends, and is afraid to consult a doctor.

But genital warts or condylomata acuminata (this is the name of this type of wart) are benign and can be successfully treated with adequate treatment.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

It happens that condylomas go unnoticed for a long time.

They can only be detected during examination by a gynecologist or urologist due to their localization on the inner surface of the genital organs.


The cause of warts is the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is infected during sexual intercourse through microcracks in the epithelium.

When the immune system is weakened, protective cells cannot neutralize the virus, which begins to actively multiply in the basal layers of the dermis and mucous membranes.

  • It is easy to become infected by using other people's personal belongings (towels, linen).
  • A wart on the butt may appear after visiting a bathhouse, if you sit on benches naked. Therefore, you should make it a rule to always lay down a towel or any other bedding before sitting down anywhere.

Photo: infection occurs through unprotected sexual contact

Reasons for the growth of warts in the intimate area:

  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • many sexual partners;
  • promiscuous communications;
  • neglect of protective contraceptive measures;
  • lack of personal hygiene.

It can take months, even years, from infection to the discovery of the first signs of condylomas.

Risk factors

Risk factors include people:

  • suffering from concomitant sexually transmitted infections (herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, thrush, etc.);
  • with chronic diseases of the immune system;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time;
  • with dysbiosis of the microflora of the genital organs;
  • weakened by stress, poor nutrition, lack of proper rest.


Localization on the body

Warts on intimate places appear in the area where the virus infection occurred.

  • The localization of growths depends on the characteristics of a person’s sexual life.
  • Most often they grow in maceration areas - damp areas that have constant contact with natural secretions.

In women, condylomas can be located:

  • on the lips major and minor;
  • in anticipation of ;
  • in folds;
  • on the walls of the vagina;
  • on the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • in the urethra.

It is possible to become infected with warts during oral sex. Then growths are found on the surface of the larynx.

In men, the localization is as follows:

  • on the head;
  • on the coronal sulcus;
  • in the urethra:
  • in the perineum;

  • around the anus.

Men who practice unconventional sex often encounter condylomas in the rectum.

Features of inguinal condylomas

  • Inguinal condylomas grow profusely in the folds of the skin, where there is an accumulation of discharge. High humidity creates favorable conditions for the virus to multiply.
  • Also, the growth of tumors is promoted by wearing uncomfortable or synthetic underwear that does not allow air to pass through.

How to recognize

Recognize , What kind of neoplasm has appeared in the intimate area is not easy for a person who is faced with the problem for the first time.

Only an experienced doctor can visually determine its type. This is especially true for condylomas that merge with the skin.

There are several distinctive signs of warts:

  • there is always thickening and proliferation of the epithelium;
  • the shape resembles a cauliflower or cockscomb;
  • flesh color, pinkish or bright red;
  • the size of a single growth is no more than 5–6 mm;
  • condylomas are often multiple and merge with each other;
  • White plaque discharge and pus may appear in the folds of the skin on warts.

Photo: genital warts look like a cockscomb or cauliflower


In order to detect the disease and consult a doctor in time for treatment, it is important to know the symptoms of intimate warts.

These include:

  • mild discomfort, irritation, gradually transforming into severe;
  • sometimes symptoms of a respiratory viral infection or cold are observed;
  • or other discomfort during sex or urination;
  • presence of discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • In case of injury, growths may be released.

In men

Warts are rarely found in the groin and in the area of ​​the folds in men.

  • On the penis, growths are located in isolated nodules or flat conglomerates. The new growths are covered with furrows and are pinkish, beige or light brown in color.
  • Around the anus, condylomas grow in the form of ridges and are most susceptible to injury and bleeding.

Among women

Warts on intimate places in women do not always cause symptoms, but new growths on the skin can be recognized by comparing them with a photo.

Condylomas in the vagina and on the cervix in the fairer sex are difficult to notice on their own.

Only 30% of women can feel minor pain caused by injuries, microcracks and attached.

Video: “Removal of condylomas”

Before you start treating condyloma, you need to make sure that this is it.

People often mistake any growth that rises above the skin for a wart. But this may be an inflamed lymph node, a manifestation of molluscum contagiosum, herpes and other genital diseases.

The main distinguishing features of warts are:

  1. mobility - the growth does not affect the deep layers of the epidermis, but is located on the surface. By slightly pulling the skin in any direction, you can see how the wart moves freely with it;
  2. growths are characterized by clearly defined boundaries, a rough surface, and the presence of grooves;
  3. always located on .

Other diseases manifest themselves differently:

  • local inflammation or abscess - a fixed formation that causes pain when pressed, the skin underneath is bright red, hot;
  • a round and soft pulsating growth may be an aneurysm;
  • the inguinal hernia increases with coughing, and with light pressure it seems to fall into the internal cavity;
  • small blisters with yellow contents that can merge and turn into erosions - this is most likely herpes;

  • formations with a depression strictly in the center - molluscum contagiosum;

  • nodules with asymmetric depression and crust may be epithelioma;
  • condylomas with a wide base are a sign of syphilis;
  • polygonal blue or red plaques with a transversely striated surface may be a symptom of lichen planus or lichen planus;

  • a brown, irregularly shaped neoplasm raised above the skin may well be melanoma.

What is the danger of warts on intimate places?

In most cases, warts on intimate places are harmless and do not cause discomfort to the owner.

Photo: degeneration into cervical cancer

  • But sometimes condylomas grow, forming a warty crust. This happens in advanced stages, when the patient does not see a doctor and ignores the need for treatment.
  • But the main danger of neoplasms is that they can be harbingers of the initial stage of penile cancer in men or cervical cancer in women. The relationship between oncogenic strains of papillomavirus and cancer has been scientifically proven. This is why diagnosing genital warts is so important, even if they do not cause unpleasant symptoms.
  • In addition, a neoplasm in the urethra can grow, obstruct the outflow of urine, and form stagnation. The infection spreads higher into the bladder and affects the kidneys. This is more often observed in women.
  • Microcracks in genital warts are susceptible to infection and the formation of purulent foci. Complications often arise in the form of sepsis - blood poisoning. This is why it is important to remove warts from your private parts.
  • Don't forget about the possibility of self-infection. HPV can spread throughout the body, causing warts to grow on other areas of healthy skin.


Since the culprit of genital warts is a virus, it is impossible to completely get rid of it.

There are no effective drugs that can kill the microorganism.

A person will forever remain a carrier of the virus, but this does not mean that he will pose a danger to other people.

Carriage without manifestation of the disease (warts) is not at all contagious.

All treatment is aimed at removing tumors, comprehensively strengthening the immune system, which suppresses the growth of HPV and its reproduction.

Particular attention is paid to the treatment of concomitant infections and chronic diseases.

Modern methods

After diagnosis, the doctor in 90% of cases will advise removing intimate warts and will opt for one of the modern destructive or surgical methods:

  • laser removal is used even at the stage of inflammation;
  • excision occurs without affecting surrounding tissues, so it rarely leaves scars;

  • freezing allows you to get rid of growths without anesthesia;
  • carried out under the influence of electric current;
  • Surgical removal is rarely used and is traumatic, but is considered the most effective.

Warts on the penis are removed only with a laser, near the anus - with liquid nitrogen, in the vagina - under the influence of electric current, and on the pubic area it is considered most effective.


Condylomas can be treated at home only as prescribed by a doctor, using medications recommended for removal:

  • « Kondilin » - a medicine based on podophyllotoxin, which must be used to lubricate warts. Its analogues are Vartek cream and Podophyllin solution. The product is applied twice a day for three days, after which a break is taken for 4 days. Treatment cycles can be repeated for up to 5 weeks. Podophyllotoxin is contraindicated in breastfeeding women and children under 12 years of age. In order not to provoke systemic poisoning of the body, it is prohibited to simultaneously treat more than 50 condylomas.

Photo: preparations for cauterization of condylomas

  • You can find a natural extract at the pharmacy and apply it to the warts twice a day until they turn black and disappear.
  • Single tumors are cauterized once with means that have a strong necrotic effect. This is trichloroacetic acid (""), a solution of alkalis "". Cauterizing drugs are applied using a special spatula or applicator directly to the wart. The skin around the growth should first be protected by generously lubricating it with Vaseline or fatty cream. You can take a plaster, cut a hole in it, and insert the wart into it. This method of removal can cause severe burns, and subsequently scars and deep scars, so it is better to carry out treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
  • As part of complex therapy, drugs that have antiviral and immune system stimulating properties are effective. These include cream "Imiquimod", "Aldara". Apply the product to the entire affected surface 3 times a week at night. This also prevents the spread of infection.

Photo: medicines to combat growths

The course of treatment depends on the degree of skin damage and the number of tumors, but should not exceed 16 weeks.

Immunomodulatory drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy.

Folk remedies

You can try to remove warts on the skin using folk remedies. To do this you need:

  • lubricate growths with celandine twice a day;
  • drip fir oil onto the warts twice, which has a detrimental effect on virus cells;
  • make compresses from crushed Kalanchoe leaves twice a day, leaving for 5–6 hours;
  • lubricate condylomas 2-3 times a day;
  • mix the crushed powder with the cream and make compresses for 2–3 hours;
  • Apply fresh potato juice to the warts every day for a month.

Photo: celandine juice - a proven folk remedy

These methods rarely give effective results and require long-term use, so before treating warts at home, you should consult with.

It should be used with caution, as allergies, intoxication and other serious consequences may occur.


The main thing in the treatment of warts on intimate places is to start fighting the virus in time to prevent it from multiplying further.

The prognosis of treatment depends on this.

  • Infection with several types of HPV at once somewhat reduces the rate of recovery.
  • Provided that warts are completely eliminated and all recommendations of the attending physician are followed, relapses occur rarely (in no more than 30% of patients).
  • However, everything depends on the individual clinical picture.

A qualified specialist will always advise how to properly treat genital warts in order to minimize the risk of their reappearance.

This can provoke negative consequences such as inflammation, infection of wounds, and blood poisoning.

  • you cannot cut off, tear off, or bandage growths;
  • during treatment and after removal, you should not have sexual intercourse until complete healing;
  • sometimes it is enough to remove the maternal papule, after which small tumors disappear on their own;
  • treatment must include antiviral drugs;
  • it is important to comprehensively strengthen the immune system not only during therapy, but also as a preventive measure (eat well, take vitamins, exercise);
  • carefully monitor the hygiene of the body, hands and intimate areas;
  • wear underwear made from natural fabrics.

Warts on intimate organs are so common in medical practice and are successfully treated that they are not considered a serious problem.

These small troubles are easy to fix, and their reoccurrence can be prevented by observing personal hygiene and doctor’s recommendations.

To regain a healthy life and the ability to fully enjoy relationships with the opposite sex, you need to try to overcome fear and consult a specialist.

Video: “Removal of papilloma of the labia majora”

In intimate places, quite common. Researchers note that one of the reasons for the appearance of such benign growths is viruses, including the human papillomavirus. It is transmitted through sexual contact and through shared objects. The main danger of such formations is transformation from benign to malignant.

Types and causes of appearance

Condylomas are papillomatous or warty growths that appear in intimate areas. They can be localized on the skin or mucous membranes of intimate areas, as well as in the anal area. They are caused by HPV - human papillomavirus. It's highly contagious. There are more than 110 strains of human papillomavirus. They affect the skin and mucous membranes, causing increased and uncontrolled growth of the epithelial or mucous layer. On the epidermis, the virus provokes the formation of warts, and if on the mucous membrane, genital warts.

Condylomas are not harmless; some strains are precancerous forms that can transform into a malignant formation.

It has been proven that the formation of condylomas on the cervix increases the likelihood of developing cancer by 50 times.

There are two forms of genital (genital) warts:

  • Pointed condyloma or exophytic (external) - small single or conglomerate growths on the upper layer of the skin or mucous membranes, in intimate places, on a thin or wide stalk. They resemble cauliflower, 1-5 ml in size, in some cases reaching several centimeters;
  • Flat condyloma is a papillary growth that is located deep in the epithelial layer and is almost invisible. This type of condyloma is called endophytic or internal. These growths are secondary manifestations of syphilis. They are caused by Treponema.

More often, condylomas appear on the outer surface of the genital organs. They cause discomfort, respectively, problems in sexual life, and, as a result, psychological inconvenience. If condyloma is injured, microbes can enter it and cause discharge with an unpleasant putrid odor, itching and pain. The virus can be episomal, that is, benign, and introsomal, which is a malignant growth. The incubation period of the disease ranges from 1 to 12 months, averaging 3 months.

In women, such warts are located:

  • On the labia minora;
  • In the vagina;
  • On the cervix;
  • At the mouth of the urethra;
  • On the clitoris;
  • In the crotch;
  • In the oral cavity;
  • In the anus area and nearby skin.

In men, venereal warts are localized:

  • On the head of the penis;
  • On the foreskin;
  • In the scrotum;
  • In the urinary canal;
  • In the anal area;
  • In the crotch;
  • In the mouth.

The main causes of genital warts include:

  • Sexual contacts with an infected person of a vaginal, oral and anal nature (the virus penetrates during the formation of microcracks and wounds during sexual intercourse);
  • It can get into the vagina with peeling scales of condylomas or when using a tampon on the outside of the labia;
  • Transmitted from an infected mother to a child in utero or during childbirth;
  • Weak immunity, both general protective functions and local ones;
  • The influence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and urethra;
  • Previously suffered STDs;
  • Violation of the vaginal microflora;
  • More than one sexual partner.

A condom is not able to protect against HPV, since the virus can develop in the upper layer of the skin of the intimate areas, located behind the scrotum, which during sexual intercourse comes into contact with the skin of the woman’s genital organs and infects it.

In addition to venereal, there are other types of genital warts:

  • Papular warts are dark red, smooth, and dome-shaped. Localized on the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • Keratotic warts look like cauliflower. Localized on the shaft of the penis, scrotum, labia;
  • Giant condyloma - more common in women during the perinatal period and in people with weak immunity;
  • Endourethral condylomas are localized in the urethral opening, mainly in men.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Most often the disease is asymptomatic. In carriers, the presence of the virus does not cause significant growth, or does not manifest itself at all. Carriers may not get genital warts.

External symptoms include:

  • Visual or tactile detection of tissue growths in intimate areas;
  • Itching or burning;
  • Long, painful cracks in the cervix or perineum;
  • After sexual intercourse, if women have condylomas on the cervix, spotting may appear.

With this problem, women turn to a gynecologist, and men to a urologist. After interviewing the patient and visual examination, an in-depth diagnosis is prescribed. It includes several stages of examination, diagnosis and treatment:

  • Gynecological or urological examination, since other diseases are often mistaken for the appearance of condylomas. To establish all external changes and determine the area of ​​growth, the growth is stained with a solution of acetic acid or Lugol;
  • Colposcopy, urethroscopy to exclude endourethral condylomas;
  • Cytology to rule out cervical cancer;
  • Histological examination to identify the type of tumor;
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing to determine the type of virus;
  • Anoscopy to identify condylomas in the anal area;
  • An immunological test to determine the presence of antibodies to HPV in the blood;
  • Screening for other concomitant STDs.

Unfortunately, today there is no way to completely cure the human papillomavirus. After treatment with any of the methods, condylomas may reappear.

Treatment of warts

After detecting neoplasms in the form of condylomas, you should immediately seek advice and help from a doctor. Treatment aims to relieve the patient of aesthetic and painful symptoms, reduce the risk of infecting a partner and developing a malignant neoplasm. The doctor chooses the method of eliminating condylomas based on the location of the condyloma. Methods include:

  • Chemical therapy- these are various pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations in the form of creams or solutions that corrode neoplasms;
  • Surgical removal— growths are cut out under local or general anesthesia;
  • Cosmetic procedures— laser removal, cryotherapy (nitrogen freezing), electric current;
  • Radio wave removal— impact on the tumor with high-frequency destructive waves.

After the growths are removed from the intimate areas, doctors give special instructions for lifestyle correction and prescribe immuno-strengthening and antiviral drugs.

Pharmacy drugs

Pharmaceutical treatment includes medications in the form of ointments, creams and solutions. Based on the location of genital warts, it is not very advisable to use such drugs, but if the doctor allows, cytotoxic drugs are used.

Solutions and ointments for condylomas “Vartek”, “Kondilin”, “Kondiline Nycomed”, “Superchistotel” prescribed by a doctor, depending on the patient’s condition. The active substance is podophyllotoxin, which is extracted from the roots of the Podophyllum thyroid plant. Such drugs cause necrotic processes of condylomas after cauterization. You can carry out treatment yourself, but after consultation with a doctor and an accurate diagnosis.

Trichloroacetic acid (80% solution)- causes decomposition of condyloma tissue. The medicine is used with extreme caution, as it can cause serious chemical burns in intimate areas. To prevent this from happening, you should treat the skin with Vaseline or a greasy cream.

Solcoderm ointment or cream helps in the treatment of condylomas. The composition includes components that burn condylomas - lactic, acetic, nitric and oxalic acid and copper nitrate.

Folk remedies

You can also get rid of genital warts using traditional methods. But, it should be remembered that the process will take longer and may be ineffective. It is better to consult with your doctor before starting treatment.

A popular method from traditional medicine for getting rid of condylomas and other warts remains celandine juice. Squeeze the juice from a freshly harvested plant and smear it on the wart. Celandine juice is toxic, so you need to be careful when using it. Its synthetic analogue can be purchased at the pharmacy. It's called “Super Clean”.

Treatment is also considered effective fresh potato juice or fir oil. In general, traditional healers suggest alternating juice and oil every other day. They should be applied to the condyloma twice a day for a month.

You can make compresses from the pulp Kalanchoe, if localization allows. They should be applied to the affected area for 6-8 hours. Followers of alternative medicine turn to propolis tincture. It is applied to genital warts three times a day for two to three weeks.

Most types of HPV do not cause problems and are not visible. Or, the emerging condyloma goes away on its own after 2-3 months or 2-3 years without any treatment.

Wart removal

If the examination does not reveal HPV types, then the diagnosis is incorrect and removal is not required. A new examination is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis. Also, if internal condylomas on the cervix do not cause any particular problems, you should undergo cytology and, if everything is normal, then there is nothing to worry about.

Experts resort to removing growths in intimate areas when there are serious aesthetic defects. For example, the appearance of conglomerates of condylomas, which can even block the urethral or anal opening, as well as pain and other symptoms that cause discomfort.

If the neoplasm is small in size, laser removal, removal with nitrogen or electric current is prescribed. Large growths are removed surgically.

Home methods

Of course, there are ways to treat venereal warts at home, but their effectiveness is 20% if you do not seek medical help, and sometimes even 0%. Treatment at home can take a long time from several weeks to several months.

Methods for treating condylomas at home include:

  • Using products containing salicylic acid, which softens warts. This ointment should be applied at night and covered with gauze so that it does not rub off;
  • Paste of baking soda and castor oil. It is recommended to make a paste from the indicated ingredients, moisten a cotton ball and apply to the affected area three times a day, covering it with a band-aid;
  • You can turn to tea tree oil. It is used in the same way as a paste of soda and castor oil. A soaked cotton swab is applied to the affected area for 12 hours, with three changes and used until it disappears completely;
  • Apple cider vinegar can help get rid of genital warts, but it should be used with great caution as it can cause serious burns. The moistened cotton swab should be applied for as long as is comfortable for you, as it can cause an unbearable burning sensation.

Salon treatments

Procedures that can effectively help get rid of condylomas are cosmetic procedures. They are able to eliminate the external manifestations of warts in one or several procedures. These include:

  • Laser therapy. The procedure is painless as it is performed under local anesthesia, which is injected under the skin. The laser beam is directed at the condyloma and burns it out. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the size and number of growths. After removal, a thin crust forms;
  • Radio wave method. This method is not used often, since after its use a wound that does not heal for a long time remains. Exposure of cells to a high-frequency radio wave beam leads to destruction;
  • Cryodestruction method or removal with liquid nitrogen. This is the most popular technique. But the method is painful, because after using nitrogen, a painful bubble appears at the site of the wart. Gradually, the blister hardens and falls off, and new skin appears underneath;
  • Electrocoagulation. The method is highly effective, but quite painful. It involves cauterization with a heated current. Thermal exposure leads to the coagulation of protein substances. The condyloma dries up and falls off.


The most reliable and effective precaution against HPV disease is vaccination. There is a vaccine that is administered in three stages. You can learn about it from your urologist or gynecologist. It refers to paid vaccines.

Naturally, recommendations for avoiding the risk of condyloma infection include maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You should not expose yourself to various stresses. It is recommended to strengthen the immune system with vitamin supplements, wholesome and healthy foods, and exercise.

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