The healing powers of the practice of cleansing and restoring the body. Olga Eliseeva - practice of cleansing and restoring the body. Gentle cleansing of the liver and gallbladder

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100% +

Option XII – for children (therapeutic)


All chronic diseases are in remission and exacerbation stages;

Allergies, skin diseases;

Joint diseases, rheumatism.


Temperature above 38.5 °C;

Hormone-dependent diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.);

Gastric and duodenal ulcers;

Mitral valve stenosis, congenital heart disease;

During the cleansing process, body reactions (nausea, vomiting, weakness) and exacerbations may appear. Do not interrupt the cleansing; first, I recommend mastering Chapter 4, “The body’s reactions during the cleansing process.”

Scheme of implementation
Additional recommendations for tubage 4
Tubage – removal of contents from the gallbladder and liver.

After drinking the oil, washing it down with lemon juice, tied a heating pad to the liver area for 2 hours, for 2 hours, alternately massage the projection of the liver and gallbladder area on both palms (see Fig. 7, 8) and on the ears on the right (see Fig. 5). In addition, you need to mentally talk to the liver. They talk to the liver like a stubborn donkey, forcing and urging it to cleanse itself, to free itself from stagnant bile and toxins.

Additionally, during the same 2 hours (lying down with a heating pad), massage the liver with abdominal movements: inhale - inflate the stomach, exhale sharply - sharply draw in the stomach. Do this set of abdominal exercises 3-5 times, rest and repeat periodically.

Chapter 3
Cleansing the body with special methods

Special cleansing methods can be used independently, but a stronger effect occurs if they are a continuation of one of the options for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Method of cleansing the body using rice

In the body, soaked boiled rice, eaten on an empty stomach, plays the role of an enterosorbent. The release of salts from the urinary tract and joints begins on the 20th–30th day after the start of taking rice and will continue for another two to three months after the end of the course. You can purchase unpeeled or unpolished rice for these purposes.

1st day. Prepare five half-liter jars and number them (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). You can stick an adhesive plaster on the jars and write with a ballpoint pen, you can glue the paper, but make sure that it does not come off when rinsing the rice with water. In the morning, pour 3 tablespoons of rice into jar No. 1, rinse it with water, then fill the rice with water to the edges of the jar. It is better to use filtered water, spring water, distilled water, melt water, or simply settled (free from chlorine) tap water.

2nd day. Drain the water in jar No. 1, rinse the rice, add water again and place behind the empty jar No. 5. Pour 3 tablespoons of rice into jar No. 2, rinse and fill with water.

3rd day. Drain the water and rinse the rice in jars No. 1 and No. 2, refill with water. Place jar No. 2 behind jar No. 1. In jar No. 3, add 3 tablespoons of rice with water.

4th day. Place jar No. 3 behind jar No. 2. Drain the water and rinse the rice in jars No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. In jar No. 4, pour 3 tablespoons of rice with water.

5th day. Place jar No. 4 behind jar No. 3. Drain the water and rinse the rice in four jars. In jar No. 5, add 3 tablespoons of rice with water.

6th day. So, the rice in jar No. 1 was soaked for five days. Rinse it again with water and cook. The rice is cooked until tender without salt or sugar. In the vacated jar No. 1, pour 3 tablespoons of rice with water and place under number one. In the remaining jars, rinse the rice with water.

Eat rice porridge on an empty stomach in the morning. After eating rice, do not drink or eat for 4 hours. For 40 days, eat 2-3 tablespoons of boiled (without salt and sugar) warm rice daily and add new portions. Try not to confuse the sequence of jars.

Some readers will find it increasingly difficult to wait until 4 hours have passed before eating. Restrain your body, don't overeat. Food during the rice cleansing period should be more vegetarian. Avoid fatty and high-calorie foods. Those who cannot move their usual breakfast to a late hour, get up as early as possible, cook and eat rice. The porridge is cooked for 4–6 minutes. You can cook it in the evening and just heat it up in the morning. Then you can sleep and after 4 hours have breakfast.

If you are inconvenient and don’t have time to bother with five jars, you can cook rice as follows: pour 3 tablespoons of rice for 8–10 hours, i.e. in the evening. In the morning, drain the water and add new water. Boil for one to five minutes. Rinse in a colander with cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Rinse. Do this 4 times. Then cook until tender and eat warm without salt or sugar. Then cook like this for 2 months.

For readers who have cleansed the body using options III, IV, V, I recommend cleansing with rice for 2 months. For readers who have cleansed their bodies using options VI, VII, VIII, IX – within 1.5 months. This cleansing can be done by the whole family.

This method cleanses not only the gastrointestinal tract, but the entire body. During cleansing, introduce into your regular diet more beets, carrots, cabbage (both boiled and raw), apples, raisins, dried apricots, rosehip infusion, wheat porridge boiled in water, and vegetable salads.

You will feel even better if, during the rice cleanse, you help your intestines cleanse with an enema: 2 liters in the evening once a week.

Method of colon cleansing with kefir and apple juice

1st day. On an empty stomach - cleansing enema 2-4 liters. During the day, do not eat anything, but only drink store-bought kefir of medium fat content, but without sugar and not fruity. Other lactic acid products are not suitable. Drink up to three liters, but not less than one and a half liters, one glass every hour. If there is a state of hypoglycemia: weakness, cold sweat, chills, you can drink one glass of hot tea with one teaspoon of honey. Apply a heating pad to your feet. Rub the body with a solution of diluted vinegar, as for food. If there was a state of hypoglycemia, add pieces of dried black bread to the kefir. Don't eat or drink anything else.

2nd day. On an empty stomach - cleansing enema. During the day, drink only juice, homemade, freshly prepared. Any juice: apple, cabbage, carrot, cucumber. Better - apple. Mixtures of them are also possible. Drink one glass at 9.00, 11.00, 13.00, 15.00, 17.00.

Note. If you work and there is not enough time in the morning, you can do cleansing enemas in the evening. And if time and well-being permit, then 2 liters both in the morning and in the evening.

3rd day. Light breakfast. Better than a mixture of juices. During the day, vegetable salads, vegetable soups, vegetable stews without oil.

4th day. The same as on the third day, but with oil. Do not forget to massage your palms to empty your bowels on your own (see Fig. 7, 8).

This cleansing can be carried out regularly 1-2 times a month.

After cleansing the intestines with kefir and apple juice, after 1 month you can proceed to the 1st option of cleansing the body. Then proceed to cleansing with rice and then to a more powerful cleansing - option VII. Remember: all procedures must be carried out under the supervision of an endocrinologist!

Lymph cleansing

For those who have cleansed the body according to one of the options: III, IV, VII, VIII, IX, we recommend continuing cleansing according to option V, i.e. carry out lymph cleansing. I don't know of any other way to cleanse lymph. Lymph - “white blood” - plays a huge role in supplying cells with nutrients and removing toxins. Lymphatic cleansing brings great relief to pulmonary, cardiovascular, kidney patients, sludge sufferers and people with fatigue syndrome.

Method 1 (lymph cleansing with citrus juices) remains expensive and is almost unaffordable for financially disadvantaged families. If you have previously done cleansing using other options, then you can carry out lymph cleansing for one day rather than 2-3 days. That is, you will already start the mechanism of cleansing the lymph and spleen, and if you spend the 2nd day on carrot-beet-cucumber juice (in the ratio of 6 parts carrot, 1 part beetroot, 3 parts cucumber juice) in an amount of 2 liters, you will get a very good prevention of venous stagnation, improvement of blood quality and nutrition of all cells. Exit from purification according to option V.

For those who do not have time to prepare citrus juices, you can use ready-made juices, but remember that you will not get a 100% result, but only a 70% result. Ratio: 200 g lemon juice, 400 g grapefruit juice and 400 g orange juice plus 1 liter of distilled, purified or spring water (do not use mineral water). Continue as described in option V. If at the end of the 1st or 2nd day you feel a headache or just discomfort, do two cleansing enemas in the evening, 2 liters of water with lemon juice (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water).

Cleansing blood vessels

This cleansing is based on the action of garlic juice, which contains trace elements such as aluminum, selenium, and germanium. The integrity of the mucous membranes of the body depends on these microelements. When it is restored, the vessels become elastic and young, as a result, diseases such as atherosclerosis go away, the likelihood of heart attack and paralysis disappears, headaches go away, hearing and vision improve, and dilated veins in the legs decrease. The condition of the gastrointestinal tract improves - helminths go away. The condition of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, bronchi, and lungs improves.

The remedy should be prepared in the fall, when the garlic has just been harvested and is at its strongest. You can cook until the end of January, although his strength is waning. But it’s better to act than to be inactive, so if you started treatment at another time, do it with the garlic that you have, and repeat in September.

Preparation of garlic tincture. Method of use

Finely chop 350 g of selected peeled garlic and grind with a wooden pestle in a clay vessel to a paste. Using a wooden spoon, put the pulp into a glass jar, cover with a lid and a dark cloth - let it “settle”. Then separate 200 g of the liquid mass itself, pour it into another half-liter jar and pour in 200 g of pure medical alcohol (if you don’t have it, you can use vodka). Close tightly. Place in a cool place (not the refrigerator) and cover with a black cap for ten days. After 10 days, squeeze out the mass through a thick linen cloth, and place the squeezed liquid under a hood for another 2 days. After 2 days the product is ready for use. Make yourself a schedule for 10 days of “preparatory” drops.

Drink the rest of the liquid 25 drops 3 times a day until you drink everything. During the preparatory period, be sure to write down the numbers so as not to get confused. Pour any number of drops (according to the diagram) into 50 g of cold boiled milk (preferably natural) or water.

Drink garlic infusion 15–30 minutes (preferably 30 minutes) before meals.

If you go to work, take your lunch dose with you. In the morning, pour the lunch dose into a tightly closed small bottle - 50 g of milk or water and the corresponding number of drops of garlic.

Repeat vessel cleansing after one year.

Joint cleansing

One of the clinical examples: the patient performed body cleansing according to option IX, lymph cleansing, cleansing with rice, garlic juice. I felt excellent: hypertension, pyelonephritis, spinal osteochondrosis, joint pain and other diseases and symptoms disappeared. He comes to the appointment and says: “Everything is very good, but I still can’t walk in high-heeled shoes, my feet hurt and are tired.” I advised her to cleanse her joints, and after 2 weeks she was already dancing in very high heels.

The fact is that gouty, i.e. metabolic, polyarthritis of the small joints of the feet and hands occurs with the deposition and gluing of salts into very dense “bumps”. And the blood supply to small joints is very poor, because the vessels are very thin, they also quickly become sclerotic, and this process becomes almost irreversible. The growth of salt cones is almost painless. Therefore, you do not respond to these changes in a timely manner.

Warning: Before you start cleansing your joints, make sure that you do not have a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Method of use

Pour 5–6 grams of bay leaf into 300 grams of boiling water and boil for 3–5 minutes. Then pour this water along with the leaves into a thermos and keep it until the morning. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink in small sips for 12 hours. You can't drink a lot at once. A substance is released from the bay leaf that sharply expands microvessels, as a result of which metabolism in the joints improves, swelling, inflammation and salt deposition are reduced. Repeat this procedure for 3 days, each time preparing the decoction in the evening. After 3 days of taking bay leaf decoction, take a break for a week. Then repeat the procedure for another 3 days. Take a month break, then repeat the course: take the decoction for 3 days, a week break, take the decoction for 3 days. The food you eat while taking the decoction can be your usual one, which you have chosen for your healthy lifestyle. Drink 2-3 sips of the decoction every 15-20 minutes between meals. Do not mix with food. On the days of taking the decoction, it is advisable to do cleansing enemas of 2 liters of water. If the joints are not completely cleared during this course, repeat again after a month.

Kidney cleansing

If you know from your feelings or ultrasound results that large stones have already been deposited in your kidneys (during previous procedures they could only have decreased in size and become more crumbly), then you need to continue the procedures to cleanse the kidneys of stones.

Methods to cleanse the kidneys

First way Kidney cleanses can be done at any time of the year. It is not recommended only for women during pregnancy.

You should purchase 25 g of fir oil and 50 g of the following herbs: oregano, knotweed, lemon balm, sage, St. John's wort. Mix and chop very finely. The prepared herbal mixture is brewed at the rate of 2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water. Drink 1/2–1/3 glass several times a day as tea, with honey (1 teaspoon). Better on an empty stomach or between meals. Divide the entire collection over 7 days, i.e. 1/7 of the collection is brewed daily.

On the seventh day, 30 minutes before breakfast, add 5 drops of fir oil to 100 g of chilled infusion, stir and drink through a straw (fir oil destroys teeth). Before lunch and dinner - the same. And so on for 5 days. Sand and pebbles, “glued” with fir oil into brown or dark red clots, fall into the urine, therefore, if cleansing is successful, the urine will become very cloudy during the cleansing period.

Second way kidney cleansing – seasonal: during the week you should eat only watermelons with black bread (no more than 300 g), preferably Borodino bread. Watermelons should, if possible, be nitrate-free.

The most favorable time (biorhythm hour) for expelling stones and sand is between two and three o'clock in the morning.

Taking a nap during the day so as not to fall asleep in the bath is dangerous! – sit in a warm sitz bath with water at 38–40 °C and eat watermelon. Frequent emptying of the bladder will remove stones and sand along with urine. Monitor the release of toxins during urination into a separate, pre-prepared container.

The kidney cleansing recommended above is the first stage of working on the kidneys. This cleansing, carried out once a year, can be limited to people who are confident that their kidneys are healthy. This is, so to speak, preventative cleaning. If the kidneys are unhealthy, the “work” on them should be continued.

1. For 10 days or (maximum) one month, drink a decoction of bearberry (“bear ears”) 3 times a day at the rate of 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water, you can hold it for 15–20 minutes in a steam bath. Take 2 tablespoons 15–20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

2. At the same time, take oat gluten (jelly) as food: wash natural oats in the husk (in any quantity), pour them into a vessel (preferably clay), add cold water so that the water slightly covers the mass of poured oats, and put on fire. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat so that it does not boil, but simmers. Or place in the oven on low heat for 3-4 hours. Then, while hot, rub through a sieve or colander. You will get oatmeal glue. Several times a day (the more often, the stronger the effect of regenerating the kidneys) eat gluten as food - without salt and sugar. The food is strictly dietary and vegetarian.

Chapter 4
Reactions of the body during the cleansing process

Possible reactions during the liver cleansing process

Through exacerbations and reactions of the body that occur during the cleansing process, the balance of the internal environment of the body (the level of homeostasis) is restored, i.e., recovery occurs.

Now it is clear why we expect exacerbations during the cleansing process and after it and are not afraid of their symptoms.

I. Weakness

Causes: temporary decrease in the volume of arterial blood arriving to organs and systems.

As a result of cleansing procedures and hunger in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and portal vein, the volume of venous blood decreases. Consequently, the volume of arterial blood is also reduced. Therefore, organs and tissues do not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients, which leads to weakness of the entire body. This situation is temporary, its duration depends on the level of homeostasis in each person.

Self-help methods

1. Massage or injection of the yang point (see Fig. 10). At the yang point, the energy channels of the organs of the stomach and large intestine, gall and bladder, and spinal cord converge. The yang point is located along the midline of the border 2/3 and 1/3 of the distance from the edge of the upper lip to the base of the nose. You can massage or prick this point (without damaging the skin) with a pin, needle, match, twig, or nail. If you puncture the skin, it is not dangerous. It is as if the short circuit at this point is eliminated and the flow of electromagnetic oscillations to the above organs, to the arteries, is restored, and the arteriovenous ratio is leveled. Yang energy controls primarily the arterial network, and yin controls the venous network. Duration of exposure – 1 minute.

2. Indirect cardiac massage on the palmar surface of the middle of the tubercle of the thumb (see Fig. 11).

3. Massage of the ears, the action through the points is the same as the yang points, only less strong.

4. Head massage, resulting in increased blood flow to the head and brain.

5. Wipe the body with a solution of vinegar (food grade, that is, the concentration that is consumed as food, or a solution of lemon juice; apple cider vinegar can be used).

6. If weakness does not go away within 15 minutes, you can drink warm tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Rice. 10. Yang, yin points and organ correspondence zones. Functional diagnostics

Rice. eleven. Areas for heart and lung massage

II. Severe weakness, cold sweat, chills, trembling throughout the body

Causes: decrease in blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in patients with diabetes, latent diabetes and the weakened.

Self-help methods

1. Drink one glass of hot tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.

2. Wipe the entire body with a warm solution of food vinegar, or a solution of lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar.

3. Lie in bed and apply a heating pad to your feet.

4. Indirect cardiac massage, first at the thumb of the left hand, then on the right (see Fig. 11).

5. Massage the yang point on the face (see Fig. 10).

6. Ear massage.

7. Do not interrupt the cleansing. During the day, you can drink apple juice up to 1 glass in small portions.

III. Headache

Causes: narrowing of blood vessels in the brain and narrowing of the bile ducts of the liver. It occurs more often in people who suffer from headaches or migraines.

Self-help methods

1. Massage the corresponding points on the auricle (see Fig. 5). It is better to massage with your own nail.

2. Find painful points on the tips of any fingers and massage them. You can massage with a non-writing ballpoint pen or a pointed match or a fingernail. Massage the ear, hand and foot points within the range of tolerable pain until the headache goes away.

3. If the pain does not go away, it is necessary to puncture the skin with a needle (cleaned with alcohol or cologne) at the most painful point on the finger and release drops of blood until the bleeding stops on its own. Don’t let this procedure scare you; all our patients know how to do it. It is better to do this with a blood sampling needle with a limiter; you can also use a regular needle.

Don't be alarmed, cleansing must be continued despite the headache.

IV. Short-term rise in blood pressure

Causes: during the cleansing process, venous congestion in the abdominal organs and diaphragm gradually decreases. There is a release of venous blood, an increase in the volume of blood flow to the heart through the veins and, consequently, an increase in the volume of arterial blood. This is proven by the fact that the rise in blood pressure does not occur in hypertensive patients, but in people with atonic, poorly functioning intestines and habitual constipation. In hypertensive patients, as a rule, when taking laxative salts and performing cleansing enemas, blood pressure normalizes.

Self-help methods

1. Continue taking magnesium salts and performing cleansing procedures (enemas).

2. Massage the points on the auricle that regulate blood pressure and antispasmodic (see Fig. 5).

3. Perform bloodletting at the point for blood testing on the terminal phalanx of the thumb, middle or ring finger (see Fig. 12). As a rule, these procedures are quite sufficient to reduce upper blood pressure by 40–60 mmHg. Art. Cleansing must be continued.

Rice. 12. First aid points

V. Nausea, vomiting

Causes: manifestation of the protective properties of the stomach.

In the stomach, as a result of cleansing, cleared mucus, dead cells and bile thrown out of the duodenum accumulate. In any case, this is a positive phenomenon, and the stomach needs to be helped. Nausea and vomiting can be caused by laxative salts and herbs.

Self-help methods

1. Drink 2-3 glasses of warm water and, using two fingers (index and middle), pressing deeper on the root of the tongue, induce vomiting. It is advisable to cleanse the stomach to clean water or until nausea disappears completely, for which you drink an additional 2-3 glasses of water and induce vomiting again.

2. Massage the stomach point on the left ear (see Fig. 5).

3. Smell the garlic.

VI. Short-term pain in the heart area (rare)

Causes: changes in the arteriovenous blood ratio, short-term arteriolospasm and changes in the direction of the electrical axis of the heart.

As a result of cleansing the intestines, the volume of the abdominal cavity decreases, the diaphragm lowers and the heart takes a new position, and it takes time for the direction of the electrical axis of the heart to change.

Self-help methods

1. Indirect cardiac massage (see Fig. 11). First on the left palm, then on the right, in a rhythm of one pressure per second.

VII. Heartbeat

Causes: the same as in section VI.

Self-help methods

1. Indirect cardiac massage (see Fig. 11). For tachycardia (pulse more than 68 beats per minute), press once every 2 seconds; for bradycardia (pulse less than 64 beats per minute), press 2 times per second. First on the right palm, then on the left.

2. Place your left hand on the heart area, your right hand on the solar plexus area (palm above the navel in the midline) and gently talk to the heart, ask it to calm down.

VIII. Sore throat (acute tonsillitis)

Causes: exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis as a result of cleansing.

Self-help methods

1. Continue cleansing.

2. At high temperatures, wiping the entire body with diluted vinegar.

3. Gargle with a decoction of one of the herbs: sage, chamomile, linden or soda with iodine. Usually, spontaneous opening of the tonsil abscess occurs within 1–2 days, and the disease quickly passes. There is no need to be afraid of this exacerbation; in our hospital, if cleansing was carried out in winter, patients continued to walk barefoot in the snow and swim in the ice hole.

IX. Stomach ache

Causes: increased intestinal peristalsis, resulting in tension in the adhesions in the mesentery. And also there is a selection of putrefactive masses from diverticula (pockets) with painful manifestations.

Self-help methods

1. Massage the palms clockwise (see Fig. 7, 8).

2. Warm heating pad on the abdominal area.

3. If the pain has not stopped, you can drink 2 ml of no-shpa diluted in 50 grams of water. Continue cleansing.


The above reactions are rare, but nevertheless they can occur, and, as a rule, they are unpredictable. Let me remind you: we expect exacerbations and rejoice in them. This means that the body is still able to fight and heal itself.

Another reminder: to start cleansing you should prepare: 1) honey; 2) diluted vinegar; 3) a heating pad with hot water; 4) garlic; 5) warm water; 6) learn how to do chest compressions (see Fig. 11); 7) study the points on the auricle (see Fig. 5); 8) learn yang point massage (see Fig. 10); 9) master the location of emergency points at the ends of the fingers (see Fig. 12); 10) prepare a needle for pricking or bleeding; 11) 2 tablets of allochol, 2 ampoules of no-shpa.


I introduced you to all kinds of cleansing techniques. They should be considered as a “set of tools” and used depending on the circumstances, the degree of your own health, individual constitution, etc. If you are weak or sick, then you need to start with weak cleansing agents and, as the body strengthens, move on to stronger ones. To help you in the first stage of creating a cleansing program, I will provide several ready-made schemes. You can take them as a basis or make some additions.

Cleansing the body with the help of enterosorbents (according to O. I. Eliseeva)

For very weakened people, when any, even small, cleansing load is very burdensome and heavy for the body, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with the help of enterosorbents is suitable - substances that can bind unnecessary substances in the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract and remove them naturally.

Cleansing with enterosorbents is recommended for severe weakness of the body, a sharp decrease in immunity, for persons over 70 years of age who have hormone-dependent, drug-dependent severe diseases in the acute and chronic stages (bronchial asthma, diabetes, renal failure), severe cardiovascular diseases (coronary disease).

Enterosorbents can be purchased at the pharmacy: polyphepan, enterosgel, carbon enterosorbent or MMC sorbent (microstructured cellulose). One package is enough for cleaning. However, it should be remembered that sorbents can also remove essential microelements and vitamins from the intestinal cavity. Therefore, it is recommended to enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals and help the body remove harmful substances through the intestines, skin, lungs and mouth.

For 7 days, use the following nutrition system (it is recommended to eat at the indicated hours).

1st day from 9.00 to 17.00. Every 2 hours, drink 200 ml of hot water with the juice of 1 lemon (this will promote better oxidation, dissolution and flushing of waste and toxins from the body); 30 minutes after water with lemon - a glass of juice (carrots - 3 parts, beets - 1 part) or a glass of vegetable broth. You need to grate the available raw vegetables, mainly beets and carrots, add various spices and cumin to them, add cold protium water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and leave to steep in a warm place overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion and discard the grounds. Add grated raw vegetables, spices, and herbs to the infusion.

Carrot juice strengthens the mucous membranes, stimulates the kidneys to urinate, and suppresses ulcerative processes. Beetroot juice cleanses the liver and stimulates it. As for the decoction of vegetables, it helps saturate the body with mineral salts, promotes the dissolution of toxins, salts and stimulates the kidneys (parsley).

At 19.00 Eliseeva recommends doing 3 cleansing enemas of 2 liters of raw, settled water (18 ° C), to which add beet juice at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of water. Additionally acidify 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar or any amount of your own urine.

2nd day. In the first half of the day, Eliseeva recommends drinking juices. In the second - juices, salads without oil and without salt. In this case, an abundance of plant foods will not only saturate the body with the purest water, but also greatly stimulate urination. This is exactly what needs to be achieved for cleansing.

4th day. The same diet as on the 3rd day, but lemon whey is added (add the juice of 1 lemon to 1 liter of milk, heat over low heat until curdled); mint and oregano tea with honey

(1/2 teaspoon per 1 glass of tea).

5th day. The same diet as on the 4th day, add lemon curd (heat the milk, but do not bring to a boil, and pour the juice of 1 lemon or apple into it; after the milk has curdled, strain through cheesecloth and hang to remove excess moisture), stewed vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, which should be pre-soaked.

To stimulate the intestines to cleanse, Eliseeva recommends taking 50 ml of buckthorn decoction daily with meals (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain). Buckthorn decoction can be replaced with another natural laxative - take 1/2 teaspoon of senna leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. It is recommended to drink senna infusion throughout the day.

Approximately on the 5-6th day, an increase in hunger is observed. This is a normal response from the body, which indicates that the digestive abilities have increased and the body is able to fully not only digest food, but also burn toxins and waste, that is, self-cleanse. To strengthen the immune system and stimulate cleansing processes at the tissue level, Eliseeva recommends fasting for a day, having cleansed the intestines the day before with 1-2 enemas. After a day of fasting, it is recommended to continue eating from the 4th day.

As for polyphepan, Eliseeva recommends taking it daily for 9 days an hour before meals (meals four times a day: from 7.00-8.00; 11.00-12.00; 14.00-15.00; 17.00-18.00) - 1 teaspoon diluted in 50 ml water at room temperature. It is recommended to drink 50-100 ml with water. First, pour the contents of the package into a jar with a screw-on lid and pour cold boiled water 2 fingers above the enterosorbent level.

To enhance peristalsis, add up to 1 tbsp to porridge and soup. spoons of bran per day.

As healthy spices, add garlic and 1-2 teaspoons of seaweed to salads, porridges, and soups.

Take water more often, but in small portions - every 30 minutes, 3 sips or every hour, 6 sips.

Due to the fact that toxins are intensely excreted through the oral cavity and tongue, Eliseeva recommends sucking vegetable oil every day at 7.00.

Every day at 7.30 and 17.30, wipe the skin of the body with apple or other 3% vinegar at room temperature; at 8.00 and 21.00 take a warm shower. This helps the skin remove toxins from the body and maintain normal “acidic” protective properties.

Eliseeva recommends doing a cleansing enema of 2 liters of water every day at 20.00. This allows waste products released into the gastrointestinal tract to be released and prevent their reabsorption during the night.

As you can see, all additional measures are aimed at helping the weakened body remove waste, toxins and stimulate protective properties.

Approximately on the 6th or 7th day of taking polyphepan (or another enterosorbent), a cleansing crisis may occur - toxins will begin to be intensively eliminated from the body - accompanied by a slight deterioration in well-being. Recommendations for overcoming the cleansing crisis are as follows: do 2 cleansing enemas (4 liters of water in total), rest, eat plant foods, wipe the body with a solution of vinegar (food grade concentration).

After nine days of taking polyphepan, a break of 2 days is required.

2nd stage. At this stage of cleansing, Eliseeva recommends using a stronger enterosorbent - enterosgel. Take 2 times a day 2 hours before lunch and 2 hours after dinner, after pouring 1 tbsp. spoon (without top) of the drug 2 tbsp. spoons of cold water and mix thoroughly for 10 minutes until smooth. The resulting mixture is drunk and washed down with another 100 ml of water. The duration of taking enterosgel is 1 week.

Eliseeva points out that when taking enterosgel, a second mild cleansing crisis is possible - usually on the 5-6th day. You should continue to do cleansing enemas every other day to quickly remove dead cells, waste and toxins from the body. Their quantity is determined by how you feel and up to “clean” water.

After taking enterosgel for a week, you are supposed to rest for 2 days.

3rd stage. Depending on the severity of the damage to the human body, Eliseeva offers several options for cleansing the liver. I was interested in preventive. Contraindications to its implementation are acute and chronic pancreatitis.

On the eve of the liver cleanse, eat your last meal at 16.00. At 19.00, to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, drink any laxative salt - 3 teaspoons per 1 glass of cool drinking water. Wash down with 1/2 -1 glass of cold water.

The next day, drink only apple juice - 100 ml at 8.00, 10.00 and 14.00.

At 20.00, take an antispasmodic drug: grind two allochol tablets, dilute them in 30 ml of water and drink. Or dilute 2 ml of no-shpa (in ampoules) in 30 ml of water and drink. The liver cleansing itself begins at 21.00 with taking 50 ml of olive oil (or any vegetable oil), which should be washed down with 30 ml of lemon juice.

In order for the bile to be more fluid and the liver to be more active, Eliseeva recommends tying a hot heating pad (through a towel) to the liver area. Lie on your right side and lie there for 2 hours with your knees pressed to your stomach.

If nausea occurs, which is often observed when taking olive or other oil, Eliseeva advises sniffing garlic and massaging the stomach projection point.

The next day after cleansing the liver, Eliseeva recommends starting with cleansing enemas. Food – vegetable dishes with a small amount of vegetable oil and salt.

On the 2nd recovery day, the diet should be vegetable with vegetable oil.

On the 7th day after the start of cleansing, you can proceed to the 4th stage of cleansing the body.

4th stage. This stage of cleansing with enterosorbents consists of taking activated carbon. In addition to cleansing the body, it helps in the treatment of people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. Directions for use: Chew 1 tablet of the drug and drink 1 glass of water once a day, 2 hours after meals. Course 10 days.

During this period, continue to follow all additional recommendations and follow the diet suggested for the 1st stage of cleansing.

If during this period there is no independent bowel movement, cleansing enemas are offered according to how you feel.

Activated carbon can be replaced by MMC. The method of use is the same, only instead of a tablet, 1 teaspoon of powder is diluted in 100 ml of water and drunk. Other cleaning recommendations remain in effect.

Production of activated carbon. Grind the walnut shells to a powder. Pour the powder into a saucepan and place on low heat (without water). When the shells begin to burn and charcoal appears, keep the pan on the fire for another 10-15 minutes. Before using the coal obtained in this way, it must be crushed to a powdery state and sifted through a sieve.

Application: charcoal is mixed with water - 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of protium water (it turns black). Drink this water every 15 minutes, 2 tbsp. spoons, gradually bringing the volume of liquid drunk to 400 ml.

It is approximately the same way to make activated carbon from wood (birch).

Clay cleansing for weakened individuals

Clay can be successfully used as an adsorbent. Clay particles are very small and are able to bind and retain various wastes, toxins, and harmful microorganisms.

Practice shows that taking clay internally can successfully cleanse the entire gastrointestinal tract. An additional beneficial property of clay is that it supplies the body with the minerals and trace elements it needs (especially silicon), which enter the blood and begin to influence cellular metabolism outside the digestive tract. This cleanses the blood and connective tissue (joint ligaments, blood vessels).

While taking clay, normal metabolism in the body is restored. This process is sometimes expressed in various crisis phenomena: rapid heartbeat, exacerbation of indolent diseases, some difficulties with urination, general weakness. Soon everything will be back to normal.

What clay is recommended to use for cleansing? It is necessary to use pure fatty clay without sand impurities. A piece of clay should be crushed into powder and sifted through a sieve to get rid of possible impurities. Next, it is recommended to keep the clay powder in the sun for a while to recharge it.

If you are not sure about the sterility of the clay (it is taken at a depth of 2–3 m), then use the one sold in the pharmacy.

Stir the clay with a wooden spoon or stick.

The clay solution (1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water) should be taken only before meals. It can be consumed with other drinks - herbal teas, but without sugar, add a small amount of honey and a few drops of lemon juice.

If constipation appears at the beginning of taking clay water, this is an indicator of severe slagging in the body. It is recommended to slightly increase your clay water intake and take senna.

Quick cleansing scheme: dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of clay powder in a glass of protium water. Take morning and evening on an empty stomach for a week. After a week, increase the dose of clay powder to 1 teaspoon, and after another week – to 1 tbsp. spoons. In the fourth week, it is recommended to take clay balls the size of a medium bean. Swallow 10–15 pieces at one time. The balls can be replaced with a clay suspension, which is prepared from 2 tbsp. spoons of clay and 1 glass of water.

Cleansing the body with clay continues even after you stop taking it. Clay absorbs harmful energy and helps cleanse the human energy body.

It is believed that on average the process of completely cleansing the body with clay can last 2–2.5 months. After this period, you can switch to preventive use of clay balls: 10–15 pieces once a week. People weighing 50 kg are recommended to take 10 balls. For every subsequent 10 kg of weight, the dose increases by 2 balls.

After a week, the amount of clay taken is reduced by half (1–1.5 tablespoons per 1 glass of water). Take in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 2 hours after meals. After taking clay in the evening, do not eat anything - clay binds food and does not cleanse the body.

In the third week, the dose of clay is further reduced: 1 teaspoon of clay per 1 glass of water. This concentration allows you to restore the salt and mineral balance in the body.

A week later, the dose of clay is further reduced: 1/2 teaspoon of clay per 1 glass of water. Take 2 times a day as described above.

A comprehensive method of cleansing the body by Hilda Clark

2) stop the flow of propyl alcohol into the human body;

3) cleanse the body of waste, toxins and other substances.

How to prepare the components of the “troika” yourself?

It’s done like this: finely chop 15 pieces of green walnuts of milky-wax ripeness, pour in 0.5 liters of 50% food alcohol. Cover tightly and leave for 2 days. The criterion for readiness is greenish-brown color. Strain.

In order for the tincture to be well preserved and not lose strength, it is recommended to add 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin C per 1 liter. Use diluted.

If you make it not with alcohol, but with vodka, then there is no need to dilute it. In addition, it will be preserved without any additives - tested in practice.

A good substitute for green walnut tincture is a tincture of dry walnuts in vodka.

If you don’t have walnuts, take Lugol’s tincture (iodine on glycerin), it is sold at the pharmacy, add 5-10 drops per 50 ml of water and take.

Sagebrush Only ripe ones are used - the leaves and seeds are dried and crushed. Take in dry form, as a powder, with plain water. Dose per dose is 200–300 mg (1/2 teaspoon).

Carnation– grind and take, dose – 500 mg, about the size of a pea.

You should take cloves in increments:

Day 1 – one dose; 2nd – two. From the 3rd to the 10th day, take 3 times a day before meals. Then take 3 doses at once for a year once a week as a prophylactic agent.

To make it easier to take wormwood and clove powder, you can make balls from bread crumbs by placing the powder inside. This is especially true for children and people sensitive to bitterness.

Black walnut tincture (taken once a day) – drink and suck for 15 minutes to disinfect the oral cavity.

Day 1: 1 drop per 1/2 glass of water. It is advisable to take on an empty stomach, for example before meals.

Day 2: 2 drops in 1/2 -1 glass of water.

Day 3: 3 drops in 1/2 -1 glass of water.

Day 4: 4 drops in 1/2 -1 glass of water.

Day 5: 5 drops in 1/2 -1 glass of water.

Day 6: dilute 2 teaspoons in 1 glass of water.

7th day. From this day on, you will take the tincture once a week, 2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach.

Wormwood powder (take 1 time per day before meals).

Day 1: 1/5 teaspoon (with water).

Day 2: 1/4 teaspoon (with water).

Day 3: 1/3 teaspoon.

Day 4: 1/2 teaspoon.

Day 5: 2/3 teaspoons.

Day 6: 1 teaspoon.

Day 7: 1 teaspoon + 1/3 teaspoon.

Days 8-12: 1/3 tbsp. spoons.

Days 13-16: 1/2 tbsp. spoons.

Day 17: from this day, take 1/2 tbsp once a week. spoons.

Continue increasing the dose until day 14, when you can take 1/2 tbsp. spoons, dividing the volume into 2-3 doses before meals (in the form of peas in bread crumb).

For 6 days, take 1/2 tbsp. spoons, then 1/2 tbsp. spoons 1 time per week.

Clove powder (taken 3 times a day).

Day 1: 1/5 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

Day 2: 1/4 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

Days 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: take 1/3 teaspoon 3 times daily before meals.

After the 10th day – 1 teaspoon once a week.

Thus, all three components of the triad are taken only once, in the morning. And ground cloves are taken twice more before meals.

Having completed the specified course, you switch to maintenance treatment, which continues all life. All components of the “triad” are taken once a week in the morning on an empty stomach: walnut tincture - 2 teaspoons, wormwood powder - 1/2 -1 tbsp. spoon, powdered cloves - 1 teaspoon.

How to stop the intake of propyl alcohol into the body? This is industrial alcohol, which is widely distributed and used in everyday life. H. Clark does not recommend consuming the following products that may contain propyl alcohol: bottled water, canned juices, toothpastes, carbonated drinks, instant coffee, packaged teas, white sugar.

Clark found that when propyl alcohol is present in the liver, a very harmful substance is also present - aflatoxin B. It is usually found in stale, moldy foods. In her opinion, this substance prevents the liver from breaking down propyl alcohol, and it accumulates in it. That is why it is not recommended to consume beer, nuts (salted, shelled, industrially packaged, moldy), 5-day-old bread, and overripe fruits.

In order to help the liver get rid of propyl alcohol, it is recommended to consume increased amounts of natural vitamin C - concentrated decoctions of rose hips, sea buckthorn and other sour fruits and berries.

Cleansing the body according to Clark

Dr. Clark is strongly against toxic dental fillings, especially those made from amalgam (contains mercury) and harmful plastics. She advises removing all dead and infected teeth - a potential source of toxicity to the body.

As for cleansing itself, she recommends using some herbs and using them to cleanse the large intestine, kidneys and especially the liver. I think that the methods described in my and other books are no less effective, but I will still introduce you to her recommendations.


Dr. Clark argues that to recover from cancer, it is necessary not so much to cleanse the intestines as to normalize the necessary microflora in it and fight pathogenic ones.

Two types of bacteria pose particular danger: Salmonella And Shigella. These bacteria are harmful in that they can be transferred to all weak and injured organs; they are also present in the tumor, delaying its shrinkage even after the carcinogenic properties of the tumor are eliminated.

To get rid of these bacteria, you need to follow basic hygiene rules - wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating.

Black walnut tincture is also suitable. Take 2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water.

Kidney cleansing

1) 50 g of hydrangea roots;

2) 50 g of purple pasconia;

3) 50 g marshmallow root;

4) 4 bunches of parsley;

5) tincture of golden root;

6) ginger in capsules;

7) bear ears in capsules;

8) vegetable food glycerin;

9) black cherry concentrate;

10) magnesia oxide.

Grind the roots of the plants, soak them in 2 liters of clean water in a non-metallic container and cover with a lid. After 4 hours of soaking, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Drink 50 ml as soon as the liquid has cooled slightly. Then strain through cheesecloth, pour into a freezer container and refrigerate.

Rinse fresh parsley and boil in 1.5 liters of water for 3 minutes. After cooling, drink 50 ml. Cool the rest and freeze half.

Every morning, mix together 50 ml of root decoction and 100 ml of parsley decoction. Add 20 drops of golden root tincture and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Drink this mixture in several doses throughout the day. Store the mixture in a cool place.

This kidney cleansing procedure lasts for 6 weeks. Only this period guarantees a good result.

Ginger – 1 capsule 3 times a day with each meal;

Bearberry – 1 capsule during breakfast and 2 capsules during dinner;

Vitamin B 6 (250 mg) 1 time per day (can be replaced with sprouted wheat);

Magnesia oxide (300 mg) 1 time per day.

These doses are believed to be sufficient to dissolve kidney stones within 3 weeks.

If you do not find all the herbs listed, you can still begin the cleanse. The cleansing period will just take longer.

Vitamin B 6 and magnesium prevent the formation of new stones only if the person does not drink tea. Be aware that tea has astringent properties, which promote thickening and interfere with normal heart function. Clark advises switching to herbal teas. You should not eat meat, industrially produced bread, or carbonated drinks.

For preventive purposes, Clark advises cleaning the kidneys 2 times a year.

Liver cleansing

You need to take 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide with any drink during each meal 3 times a day. The main thing is that hydrogen peroxide is evenly mixed with the food you eat. When peroxide attacks bacteria, diarrhea may occur. Once you feel better, increase the dose to 2 drops with each meal. Thus, increase the intake by 1 drop every day and bring it to 10 drops. Stay on this dose until your liver cleanses.

Magnesium sulfate – 4 tbsp. spoons;

Olive oil – 100 g;

Fresh grapefruit (one large or two small) – about 75 ml of juice;

Black walnut tincture – 10 drops;

Hydrogen peroxide – 10 drops;

Ornithine – 4-8 tablets to help you sleep.

On the day of your liver cleanse, do nothing and avoid any medications or treatments. Don't eat fatty foods for breakfast and lunch - some baked potatoes and salted vegetables.

14.00. Stir 4 tbsp. spoons of magnesium sulfate with 300 ml of water and pour into 4 servings. Keep in the refrigerator.

16.00. Drink one serving. You can rinse your mouth with water. Keep the olive oil and grapefruit ready in a warm place in advance.

18.00. Drink another portion of magnesium sulfate.

19 .45. Pour 100 ml of olive oil into a plastic bowl with a tight lid and squeeze in the grapefruit (about 75 g). Add 10 drops of walnut tincture and 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Cover tightly and shake until everything is well mixed.

20.00. Drink the mixture through a plastic straw and swallow 4-8 tablets. Go to bed right away.

Clark claims that if this is not done (not going to bed), then the passage of stones may be delayed.

The next morning, before getting up, drink a third serving of magnesium sulfate. After this, you can empty your bowels. It should weaken greatly - this indicates a successful liver cleansing.

After 2 hours you can start eating. Start with fresh fruit juice. Half an hour later you can eat sweet or sour fruits. After another hour, you are allowed to eat any normal food. Clark recommends vegetable soup, which is very restorative.

After cleansing the intestines, kidneys and liver, Clark recommends taking the following medications to speed up the body’s recovery:

Vitamin C up to 10 g daily. This is necessary in order to quickly neutralize toxins and fungi, to strengthen the immune system (My comments: most of you will not find high-quality vitamin C. An overdose of regular vitamin C is very harmful. I advise you to drink a concentrated rosehip decoction or fresh vegetable, berry and fruit juices, which is much healthier and safer.);

Selenium – at least 400 mg per day to protect cells and the immune system;

Zinc – 100 mg per day to improve enzyme metabolism and immune system.

These microelements are found in eggs, poultry, hard cheeses, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. They are best obtained from nuts and seeds by eating them raw;

Bromelain is a special enzyme found in pineapples. Clark highly recommends it because it breaks down the fibrous walls of the tumor, allowing the immune system to attack cancer cells (a similar effect is observed during fasting for more than 5–7 days - fibrous formations, adhesions, etc. dissolve);

Vitamins A, group B, E contribute to the rapid recovery of the body. It is good to use them for weakness after chemotherapy (It is better in its natural form - drink carrot juice, eat sprouted wheat products.);

Magnesia increases the immune activity of cells. (There is a lot of magnesium in cottage cheese, cheeses, vegetables and herbs; most of all in watermelons.)

Great Witch Doctor Cleanse

The patient must remove all jewelry and watches. A person who wants to sincerely help a patient stands opposite him, crosses himself 3 times (so that the information part of the disease does not pass on to him), and then crosses the patient 3 times. He places a small white napkin, always a new one, on the parietal part of the patient’s head. With the finger of the right hand (index or middle) he circles the patient’s head 3 times, starting from the middle of the forehead, clockwise, along the line of the base of the “cap”. Then he covers the napkin with his left palm, crosses the patient 3 times with his right hand and begins to read the prayer in a whisper (preferably by heart). The left hand is always in the position described above, since it is a conductor of energy emanating from space.

The first prayer is read to the Holy Spirit: “O Heavenly King, Comforter of the soul of truth, who is everywhere and fulfills all things, come and dwell in us and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O God, our souls.”

Angelic greeting to the Mother of God: “O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice. Gracious Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to our Savior.”

Say out loud 3 times: “I renounce (name) from (name of the disease), I save my soul. I opened the coffin, and you, Lord, heal him (her) with divine words.”

Say out loud 3 times: “Lord, open your soul, and I will save a person from (name of the disease). I open 100 gates to the Lord. Dead souls, get out of here quickly. The way is open for you to live and enjoy your destiny.”

One’s prayer to the Lord is said out loud: “Lord God, deliver (name) from illness, from the publican who does not allow him (her) to live a righteous life. Lord God, give (name) reason, turn him (her) to yourself, save his soul. Cleanse his (her) youths from the toll-house disease, cleanse his (her) house from all filth, direct them to the true path, to fulfill Your commandments. Soul (name), I turn to you in the Lord, wake up, wake up from your confusion, remove the shackles that are strangling you from evil spirits, open your eyes, look at all the uncleanness of your house, sweep them away, tighten the holes, smooth out the wrinkles, take out the nails and pins and other flaws. Fill your clean home with yourself. Lord God, drive away the unclean, send him away from (name)’s soul and give her the healing drink of the Lord.”

My prayer to the saints (helpers of the Lord): “Blessed Virgin Mary, you walk the earth, you help people, help (name) get rid of (name of the disease). You know that three stones lying in three seas cannot end up in the same sea and lie side by side, make sure that illnesses leave the house (name) and cannot return, just as three stones from three seas cannot unite together in the same sea and lie side by side.

Blessed Virgin, you know that illnesses die out on the dead, make sure that illnesses on (name) die away, and (name) remains disease-free, begins to live and rejoice in his fate.”

After turning to the Blessed Virgin Mary, you need to turn to God’s Son Jesus Christ, repeating the same thing, and then also to other saints. You can contact each one separately, or you can contact several at once.

Then continue aloud: “I close the house (name) cleansed from illness and filled with the Lord’s pure swill with a cast-iron purse and lock it with seven locks. I throw the key into the sea, no one will find it, and no disease will penetrate through the wallet. I throw the cross, the harvest and three circles to you, publican. Amen".

Next, you should cross the patient 3 times, spit three times over the left shoulder and whisper “Our Father”: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth . Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen".

After reading the prayer, cross the patient 3 times as he removes the napkin from his head. In the evening, at 11 p.m., the patient must moisten it in holy or spoken water, strip naked and wipe himself from head to toe, then get dressed, take a wet napkin in his right hand and silently leave the house. Get to the intersection, stand on it, turn clockwise 3 times with your eyes closed, stop and throw a napkin over your left shoulder behind your back with the words: “Disease, go away and never come. Cross, harvest, three circles for you.” Then silently and without looking back go home. You can start talking only after crossing the threshold of the house.

Do you often feel unwell, but cannot say exactly what is causing it? Or maybe you have health problems that do not allow you to lead a full lifestyle? Nowadays, feeling unwell in the middle of a working day - when a person finds himself as if disassembled into pieces - has already become the norm. Many of us have long forgotten what it means to be full of strength and energy and have given up trying to return to this state. It is necessary to recognize the fact that today people’s attention is focused not on maintaining health, but on the desire to get rid of existing diseases. Focusing on modern diagnostic methods, treating symptoms, rather than striving for a healthy lifestyle, as well as increased media attention to new diseases and viruses, reduces awareness in society and the ability of each of us to listen to our inner voice. This becomes the reason that people ignore the “first signals” that their own body sends them. In a sense, illness can be seen as an invitation to get rid of imbalances in the body at an early stage of the disease without much effort. And even if you feel great, wouldn’t you want it to be that way in the future?

Yoga is the best way to achieve the most positive results in restoring and maintaining human health. The ancient yogic sources “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” and “Geranda Samhita” describe 6 basic cleansing procedures that remove all manifestations of tamas energy in the body, and, therefore, get rid of the disease itself and return vitality to us without using any medicines.

With the help of yoga, deep cleansing of internal organs occurs. Organs in which many toxins accumulate require cleansing with the help of shuddhikriyas (kriyas - a complex, sequence of exercises). Internal organs that come into contact with the external environment must also be cleaned regularly. The trachea is constantly in contact with air, which enters the body from the outside, the organs of the digestive system come into contact with food, and the consciousness comes into contact with information from the outside world.

In fact, cleansing is not part of the daily routine. When there is a need for purification, kriyas can be practiced every day, but when there is no such need, kriyas are not practiced. Below you will find a detailed description of each shuddhikriya, but you must remember that the main ones are not practiced in the same way as asanas and pranayama in everyday life, which can be done every day. Although these ancient methods may seem strange, they are effective means of cleansing and detoxifying the body from the inside.

The following symptoms and signs often indicate that your body needs cleansing:

White coating on the tongue in the morning

· After the main meal you feel tired and want to take a nap

· Any digestive problems, as well as bloating, flatulence, especially after the main meal

Constipation, loose or irregular stools

· Strong desire for salty, sweet or spicy foods

· You don’t listen to your body’s needs (sleep, food, rest, exercise, etc.)

· You feel a lack of energy and inspiration; you are mentally exhausted, there are no fresh thoughts and new ideas

· You have an increased sense of anxiety and react easily to stress

· You have difficulty falling asleep and have difficulty waking up in the morning

· Distracted attention, difficulty focusing on one thing

· You experience a feeling of discomfort; you feel like you don't feel as good as you could feel (or as good as you used to)

As a yoga teacher and someone who has been practicing yoga for many years, I can say that these techniques are quite organic and have great value. For example, we tend to think of vomiting as a symptom of some disease or digestive disorder, but vomiting on the other hand is a vital tool. Once, while traveling in Europe, I felt unwell after having lunch at one of the local cafes. I was camping and remember lying on the bed in a fever with a sharp pain in my stomach, feeling hot throughout my body. Then I remembered kunjal or “tiger cleansing” - a special cleansing for the stomach. I crawled outside, drank several glasses of water in one gulp and deliberately induced vomiting. I was amazed by the result. Within a few minutes the pain disappeared and soon I felt completely recovered and returned to my journey in the Alps. I don’t know how long it would take my digestive system to digest stale food, and what the consequences would be for my body, but I do know that this method worked instantly and served me well. Another kriya that I use all the time is Hrid Dhauti or tongue cleansing. Since ancient times, yogis have used palm branches and scraped their tongue with them to remove plaque and food debris. In combination with brushing your teeth, hrid dhauti gives fresh breath and clean mouth.

Although in addition to the main six cleansing practices described in the texts on hatha yoga, there are many others, those kriyas that we will consider below are the main ones and can be useful not only for yogis, but also for modern people.

Hrid dhauti and Danta dhauti - oral cleansing

Hrid Dhauti is the cleansing of the tongue and Danta Dhauti is the cleansing of the teeth. Since ancient times, yoga has traditionally used flexible branches of the neem tree as a toothbrush. The idea of ​​brushing your tongue, however, may seem unusual to many people. The tongue is like a thick, long-pile carpet that traps food debris and bacteria. To get rid of them, use special steel scrapers. This scraper can be ordered online and delivered to your home. If this is not possible, you can use a spoon or a modern toothbrush (however, a scraper works much better). The cleaning technique using a scraper is quite simple: carefully remove plaque from the tongue. At the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Neti – nasal cleansing

There are two types of neti: jala neti and sutra neti.

Jala neti

How to do it:

    • Fill a special neti pot - a neti pot - with warm salt water. The water temperature should be 38-40° C, the proportions of salt and water should be 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. Tilt your head over the sink and gently insert the neti sweat spout into your right nostril (this will cause the nostril to close with the neti sweat spout). Tilt your head slightly forward and at the same time turn it to the left so that water flows out of the left nostril. Breathing is done through the mouth. Pour approximately half the contents of the neti sweat through the right nostril.
    • After this, carefully insert the neti sweat spout into your left nostril and turn your head to the right so that the water flows out of your right nostril. At the end, you need to blow out the remaining water from your nose using the “Kapala Bhati” technique from pranayama.
    • To finish your nose cleansing practice, take 3-5 intense exhalations through each nostril while pinching the opposite nostril (as if you were blowing your nose). It is very important that your mouth remains open during the procedure to prevent water from getting into your ears.

This procedure can be used as needed. Whenever you feel that your nasal passages need cleansing, you can use this procedure.

Benefit: has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all sense organs located above the neck. Improves vision, relieves eye fatigue (for example, after working at a computer for a long time). Relieves headaches. Improves memory and concentration. Treats diseases of the nasal cavity. Prevention of sinusitis and colds. With regular use it relieves allergies. Removes mucus from the body, reduces the manifestations of kapha, and slows down the aging process.

Contraindications: Do not practice if you have a cold, ear disease, or if you have polyps in the nasal cavity.

Neti Sutra

This type of neti is made using twisted cotton thread coated with beeswax. You can also use a soft rubber probe. For the first time, you can practice this type of cleansing only under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Just like jala neti, sutra neti provides a thorough cleansing of the nasal cavity. The massage effect, which is achieved by touching the rubber probe, is even more effective than rinsing the nose with salt water. This method is suitable for those people who have respiratory diseases, as well as those who have narrow nostrils. If you follow all safety rules, this method can be used every day or every other day.

Nauli – movement of the abdominal muscles

There is a rule in yoga that says: every muscle should make at least one movement per day. This is necessary to relieve tension and allow energy to flow unhindered. Energy is like water. Stagnant water becomes dirty and acquires an unpleasant odor. Water that flows freely, in turn, remains always clean. That's why it's important to exercise your abdominal and intestinal muscles every day. Nauli has a beneficial effect on the process of digestion and removal of waste from the body.

How to do it: Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath through your nose, then exhale completely through your mouth. With your knees slightly bent, place your hands on the sides of your pelvis. Straighten your arms. Keep your back straight and look straight ahead. Allow your abdominal muscles to relax. Now without breathing, quickly and intensely draw in and inflate your stomach 10-15 times. Inhale through your nose and stand up straight. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Benefit: Agnisara Kriya activates the Manipura chakra and awakens the “digestive fire”. This practice improves metabolism, improves immunity, and helps with diabetes.

Contraindications: Do not use if pregnant, during menstruation or after any surgical intervention in the abdominal area. Consult your doctor before performing this kriya to check for gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases. Practice on an empty stomach.

Agnisara Kriya is practiced for several weeks to strengthen the abdominal muscles. After such preparation, you can perform the Nauli technique.


How to do it: Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale through your mouth and lean forward, keeping your back straight. Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on your hips. Tighten your side abdominal muscles and at the same time tense the muscles that run parallel to each other in the central part of the abdomen (rectus abdominis). Thanks to these actions, a vacuum effect is created in the abdominal cavity. When you feel the urge to inhale, stand up straight and inhale. Repeat 5-6 times. You can do it as many times as you have the strength to do and until you feel tired in the abdominal area. After doing this practice for some time, you can move on to doing an exercise where the rectus abdominis muscle moves from right to left and left to right, and then to moving the muscle in a circle.


    • Strengthens the abdominal muscles. This practice involves massaging the intestines and organs of the upper abdomen and lower abdomen. This kriya regulates blood pressure and prevents diabetes. Helps with heartburn and skin diseases (acne). Improves intestinal motility and liver function.
    • One of the best exercises for human health. It stimulates and regulates the functioning of all organs of the digestive system. Many diseases arise due to problems with the digestive system: headaches, skin diseases and even cancer. Toxins and waste products of the body that were not eliminated in time settle inside the body, which is the cause of the above-mentioned troubles.

Contraindications: Do not use during pregnancy, or if you have kidney or gallstones. Practice on an empty stomach. The best time to do this is early morning.

Dhauti – cleansing of the esophagus and stomach

This practice is also called Gaj Karn. "Gaj" means "elephant". When an elephant is unwell and feels nauseous, the animal plunges its trunk deep into the esophagus and thus removes the contents of the stomach. Nature itself taught this technique to people.

There are 2 types of dhauti: Jala Dhauti or Kunjala Kriya

How to do it: Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in two liters of warm water (40°). Stand up straight and drink water quickly, glass after glass. Lean forward slightly, press your left hand on your lower abdomen and place the straightened index and middle fingers of your right hand into your throat. At the same time, point your tongue down to induce nausea. All the water you just drank will come out in half a minute.

This cleansing can be done 1-2 times a week. It is best to do this early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Benefit: Helps with high acidity, food allergies and asthma. Eliminates bad breath. Harmonizes kapha and pitta.

Contraindications: This exercise is not performed if you have high blood pressure or glaucoma.

Dhauti Sutra

How to do it: for this type of stomach cleansing you will need a strip of cotton fabric 3 meters long and 10 centimeters wide. For the first time, this exercise must be performed under the guidance of an experienced yoga instructor.

Benefit: Like jala dhauti, this exercise cleanses the stomach and helps with high acidity. The upper respiratory tract is also cleared, which brings relief from asthma, as well as allergies to dust and pollen. Harmonizes kapha and pitta.

Trataka – concentration on one point

This kriya is performed to purify the mind. Trataka is stopping the gaze at one point without blinking until tears appear.

How to do it:

Sit in a meditation position in front of a lit candle at arm's length so that the flame is at chest level. If you place the candle too high, there will be tension in the center between the eyebrows or a burning sensation in the eyes. The flame should be calm and not swing from a draft. Close your eyes. You can repeat your favorite mantra to yourself, just like during meditation.

Open your eyes and look at the flame without blinking. The flame can be divided into three color zones. The lower part is reddish, the middle is bright white, and the tip is the color of smoke. Concentrate on the top of the flame, where it shines brightest.

Close your eyes again. If you close your eyes and an image of fire appears in front of you, gently concentrate on this image without creating any tension. Try not to cling to the image, otherwise it will disappear.

Repeat three times.

Gradually lengthen the exercise. At the very beginning, look at the flame for no more than 10-15 seconds. You need to increase the time in such a way that after a year you can look at the flame for 1 minute, and then concentrate on the internal image with your eyes closed for about 4 minutes.

You can also practice trataka by holding your gaze on a white dot drawn on black paper or a black dot drawn on white paper. When a person concentrates on a white dot with his eyes closed, he sees a black dot, and vice versa, if he concentrates on a black dot with his eyes open, then with his eyes closed, an image of a white dot appears in front of him.

Benefit: Cleanses the eyes, strengthens the eye muscles, improves vision and memory. Improves sleep, eliminates enuresis. It teaches concentration and is therefore recommended for schoolchildren to practice. Develops intuition, visualization and willpower. Relieves eye strain, headaches, myopia, and helps in the early stages of cataract development. Eye color becomes brighter. Trataka has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves memory, develops mental abilities and the ability to concentrate. Useful for depression and insomnia.

Contraindications: This exercise is not suitable for people with mental disorders. For schizophrenia and hallucinations

Olga Ivanovna Eliseeva graduated with honors from the Medical Institute named after. I.P. Pavlova in the city of Samarkand (Uzbekistan). After graduating from the institute, Olga Ivanovna worked for several years in a regional hospital. And just at that time, an epidemic of an infectious eye disease - trachoma - hit the Bukhara region. This is where the knowledge of the young ophthalmologist Eliseeva was needed! This was the first "baptism of fire." After several years of practical work, having decided to improve her professional level, Olga Eliseeva came to the capital. Here she became an employee of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute. Helmholtz, defended her Ph.D. thesis.

This is what Olga Ivanovna writes about herself and her destiny in the book “Treatment of chronic and oncological diseases. Part 1.”

“Hard work at several positions, stress caused by defending a dissertation, irregular nutrition - all these factors “gave” me disability and led to precancerous diseases at the age of 38. Native medicine was powerless. Injections and hormonal therapy were to become my lifelong lot. In the early 80s, I accidentally met people who cleansed the body according to the ancient method of P. Kurennov. Since I had nothing to lose, I decided to follow their example. I cleansed my body, developed a plant-based diet and... my diseases disappeared within a year, one after another!At 40 years old, I looked and felt 25. I became energetic again, could work creatively, mastering everything new.

Having mastered body cleansing method, I began to recommend him to my family, friends, and patients. The results were excellent. I wanted to help as many people as possible.

With the beginning of perestroika, I, without hesitation, left my position as head of the department at the All-Russian Research Institute of Eye Diseases and in 1988 opened the first hospital in our country for cleansing the body. In those years, there were no domestic books on these issues. Thousands of patients visited the hospital and there was not a single person who did not notice improvement. I developed individual cleansing methods organism in relation to specific situations. My medical experience and knowledge helped me with this. As a doctor, I could foresee and understand the various reactions of the body during and after cleansing the body, which was not in books and textbooks.

Patients urged me to set out in writing methods for cleansing the body and helping myself with possible reactions of the body. “Having such a book, you can help not only yourself, but also your family and friends,” they said.

Thanks to persistent requests from patients, my first book, “The Practice of Cleansing and Restoring the Body,” appeared.

Over the years I have received hundreds of letters from different countries. People write to me who got rid of illnesses thanks to my methods.

As a creative person, I couldn’t stop there. Mastering new methods of diagnosis and therapy: iridology, auriculotherapy, reflexology, the Nakatani method, Riodoraku, working with Amsat, Oberon, Voll devices, I realized one thing. All these methods give an approximate diagnosis.

In all cases oncological diseases When testing ART, pathological loads were detected in patients: geopathogenic, radioactive, energetic, genetic, polarity disturbance. Studying the properties of these stresses, as well as the possibilities of independently eliminating them in my body, allowed me to write the book “The Death of Cancer. Prevention.”

In 1995, I organized the Eliseeva Medical Center. We are approached mainly by patients who have already been examined in other clinics, where they were unable to determine the cause of their illness. Based on the data obtained in our Center, as a result of in-depth analysis and study of scientific medical literature, my next book, “Secrets of Unrecognized Diagnoses,” appeared. Doctors read it with interest. She has helped many people establish the correct diagnosis and “overturn the verdict” given in the form of a standard verdict." cancer"or mental illness.

Thanks to the unique vegetative resonance diagnostics we learned a lot about hepatitis and HIV viruses. My book “New Medicine Against Viruses” is devoted to these topics.

The experience of the Center’s doctors and the equipment of Professor Gotovsky allow the patient to answer the most important questions in the presence of any disease:

- Who?- That is, what viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, worms or their complex caused the disease;

- What? - That is, what process occurs in the organs;

- Where?- That is, in which organ or in which part of it are there changes;

- how? and finally, how to treat a developed disease.

The vegetative resonance testing technique and treatment method are patented by me.

Accurate vegetative resonance diagnostics allows targeted treatment in several stages:

  1. Remove negative influences on the body: geopathogenic, radioactive, electromagnetic loads, correct false polarity, implement energetic harmonization of a person and organs.
  2. Destroy or weaken all pathogenic microorganisms identified in humans using resonance frequency therapy.
  3. Cleanse the body of microorganisms, toxins, sand, stones, according to the methods outlined in the book “The Practice of Cleansing and Restoring the Body.”
  4. Balance weight, develop a diet, adjust the nutrition system.
  5. Restore the structure of the spine and joints.
  6. Restore intestinal microflora.

The use of a complex method of bioresonance therapy and body cleansing allows patients to quickly and efficiently recover from even very severe conditions.

What I dream about. I dream that diagnostic and health centers will be created throughout the country for cleansing the body, clubs were organized healthy lifestyle. Our Center is already taking steps in this direction. We try to bring health to people of all ages. We are ready to do everything possible to establish the correct diagnosis and effective treatment, even in cases where traditional medicine has failed."

Olga Eliseeva is a full member of the International Academy of Integration of Science and Business named after. Lomonosov, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category. She is the author of dozens of scientific papers and inventions on diagnostics in ophthalmology and radiology, patented and received two copyright certificates “Method of refined autonomic resonance diagnostics” and “ A way to cleanse and heal the body».

For significant contributions and high achievements in the field of strengthening Russian healthcare, providing highly qualified medical care to the population, faithful service to medical duty and the Hippocratic Oath, Olga Ivanovna Eliseeva was repeatedly awarded diplomas.

Her contribution to Russian healthcare is highly appreciated. On June 15, 2008, Olga Eliseeva was awarded the Order of the Golden Star “For Merit in Healthcare” No. 0022

Olga Ivanovna Eliseeva graduated with honors from the Medical Institute named after. I.P. Pavlova in the city of Samarkand (Uzbekistan). After graduating from the institute, Olga Ivanovna worked for several years in a regional hospital. And just at that time, an epidemic of an infectious eye disease - trachoma - hit the Bukhara region. This is where the knowledge of the young ophthalmologist Eliseeva was needed! This was the first "baptism of fire." After several years of practical work, having decided to improve her professional level, Olga Eliseeva came to the capital. Here she became an employee of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute. Helmholtz, defended her Ph.D. thesis.

This is what Olga Ivanovna writes about herself and her destiny in the book “Treatment of chronic and oncological diseases. Part 1.”

“Hard work at several positions, stress caused by defending a dissertation, irregular nutrition - all these factors “gave” me disability and led to precancerous diseases at the age of 38. Native medicine was powerless. Injections and hormonal therapy were to become my lifelong lot. In the early 80s, I accidentally met people who cleansed the body according to the ancient method of P. Kurennov. Since I had nothing to lose, I decided to follow their example. I cleansed my body, developed a plant-based diet and... my diseases disappeared within a year, one after another!At 40 years old, I looked and felt 25. I became energetic again, could work creatively, mastering everything new.

Having mastered body cleansing method, I began to recommend him to my family, friends, and patients. The results were excellent. I wanted to help as many people as possible.

With the beginning of perestroika, I, without hesitation, left my position as head of the department at the All-Russian Research Institute of Eye Diseases and in 1988 opened the first hospital in our country for cleansing the body. In those years, there were no domestic books on these issues. Thousands of patients visited the hospital and there was not a single person who did not notice improvement. I developed individual cleansing methods organism in relation to specific situations. My medical experience and knowledge helped me with this. As a doctor, I could foresee and understand the various reactions of the body during and after cleansing the body, which was not in books and textbooks.

Patients urged me to set out in writing methods for cleansing the body and helping myself with possible reactions of the body. “Having such a book, you can help not only yourself, but also your family and friends,” they said.

Thanks to persistent requests from patients, my first book, “The Practice of Cleansing and Restoring the Body,” appeared.

Over the years I have received hundreds of letters from different countries. People write to me who got rid of illnesses thanks to my methods.

As a creative person, I couldn’t stop there. Mastering new methods of diagnosis and therapy: iridology, auriculotherapy, reflexology, the Nakatani method, Riodoraku, working with Amsat, Oberon, Voll devices, I realized one thing. All these methods give an approximate diagnosis.

In all cases oncological diseases When testing ART, pathological loads were detected in patients: geopathogenic, radioactive, energetic, genetic, polarity disturbance. Studying the properties of these stresses, as well as the possibilities of independently eliminating them in my body, allowed me to write the book “The Death of Cancer. Prevention.”

In 1995, I organized the Eliseeva Medical Center. We are approached mainly by patients who have already been examined in other clinics, where they were unable to determine the cause of their illness. Based on the data obtained in our Center, as a result of in-depth analysis and study of scientific medical literature, my next book, “Secrets of Unrecognized Diagnoses,” appeared. Doctors read it with interest. She has helped many people establish the correct diagnosis and “overturn the verdict” given in the form of a standard verdict." cancer"or mental illness.

Thanks to the unique vegetative resonance diagnostics we learned a lot about hepatitis and HIV viruses. My book “New Medicine Against Viruses” is devoted to these topics.

The experience of the Center’s doctors and the equipment of Professor Gotovsky allow the patient to answer the most important questions in the presence of any disease:

- Who?- That is, what viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, worms or their complex caused the disease;

- What? - That is, what process occurs in the organs;

- Where?- That is, in which organ or in which part of it are there changes;

- how? and finally, how to treat a developed disease.

The vegetative resonance testing technique and treatment method are patented by me.

Accurate vegetative resonance diagnostics allows targeted treatment in several stages:

  1. Remove negative influences on the body: geopathogenic, radioactive, electromagnetic loads, correct false polarity, implement energetic harmonization of a person and organs.
  2. Destroy or weaken all pathogenic microorganisms identified in humans using resonance frequency therapy.
  3. Cleanse the body of microorganisms, toxins, sand, stones, according to the methods outlined in the book “The Practice of Cleansing and Restoring the Body.”
  4. Balance weight, develop a diet, adjust the nutrition system.
  5. Restore the structure of the spine and joints.
  6. Restore intestinal microflora.

The use of a complex method of bioresonance therapy and body cleansing allows patients to quickly and efficiently recover from even very severe conditions.

What I dream about. I dream that diagnostic and health centers will be created throughout the country for cleansing the body, clubs were organized healthy lifestyle. Our Center is already taking steps in this direction. We try to bring health to people of all ages. We are ready to do everything possible to establish the correct diagnosis and effective treatment, even in cases where traditional medicine has failed."

Olga Eliseeva is a full member of the International Academy of Integration of Science and Business named after. Lomonosov, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category. She is the author of dozens of scientific papers and inventions on diagnostics in ophthalmology and radiology, patented and received two copyright certificates “Method of refined autonomic resonance diagnostics” and “ A way to cleanse and heal the body».

For significant contributions and high achievements in the field of strengthening Russian healthcare, providing highly qualified medical care to the population, faithful service to medical duty and the Hippocratic Oath, Olga Ivanovna Eliseeva was repeatedly awarded diplomas.

Her contribution to Russian healthcare is highly appreciated. On June 15, 2008, Olga Eliseeva was awarded the Order of the Golden Star “For Merit in Healthcare” No. 0022

Do you often feel unwell, but cannot say exactly what is causing it? Or maybe you have health problems that do not allow you to lead a full lifestyle? Nowadays, feeling unwell in the middle of a working day - when a person finds himself as if disassembled into pieces - has already become the norm. Many of us have long forgotten what it means to be full of strength and energy and have given up trying to return to this state. It is necessary to recognize the fact that today people’s attention is focused not on maintaining health, but on the desire to get rid of existing diseases. Focusing on modern diagnostic methods, treating symptoms, rather than striving for a healthy lifestyle, as well as increased media attention to new diseases and viruses, reduces awareness in society and the ability of each of us to listen to our inner voice. This becomes the reason that people ignore the “first signals” that their own body sends them. In a sense, illness can be seen as an invitation to get rid of imbalances in the body at an early stage of the disease without much effort. And even if you feel great, wouldn’t you want it to be that way in the future?

Yoga is the best way to achieve the most positive results in restoring and maintaining human health. The ancient yogic sources “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” and “Geranda Samhita” describe 6 basic cleansing procedures that remove all manifestations of tamas energy in the body, and, therefore, get rid of the disease itself and return vitality to us without using any medicines.

With the help of yoga, deep cleansing of internal organs occurs. Organs in which many toxins accumulate require cleansing with the help of shuddhikriyas (kriyas - a complex, sequence of exercises). Internal organs that come into contact with the external environment must also be cleaned regularly. The trachea is constantly in contact with air, which enters the body from the outside, the organs of the digestive system come into contact with food, and the consciousness comes into contact with information from the outside world.

In fact, cleansing is not part of the daily routine. When there is a need for purification, kriyas can be practiced every day, but when there is no such need, kriyas are not practiced. Below you will find a detailed description of each shuddhikriya, but you must remember that the main ones are not practiced in the same way as asanas and pranayama in everyday life, which can be done every day. Although these ancient methods may seem strange, they are effective means of cleansing and detoxifying the body from the inside.

The following symptoms and signs often indicate that your body needs cleansing:

White coating on the tongue in the morning

· After the main meal you feel tired and want to take a nap

· Any digestive problems, as well as bloating, flatulence, especially after the main meal

Constipation, loose or irregular stools

· Strong desire for salty, sweet or spicy foods

· You don’t listen to your body’s needs (sleep, food, rest, exercise, etc.)

· You feel a lack of energy and inspiration; you are mentally exhausted, there are no fresh thoughts and new ideas

· You have an increased sense of anxiety and react easily to stress

· You have difficulty falling asleep and have difficulty waking up in the morning

· Distracted attention, difficulty focusing on one thing

· You experience a feeling of discomfort; you feel like you don't feel as good as you could feel (or as good as you used to)

As a yoga teacher and someone who has been practicing yoga for many years, I can say that these techniques are quite organic and have great value. For example, we tend to think of vomiting as a symptom of some disease or digestive disorder, but vomiting on the other hand is a vital tool. Once, while traveling in Europe, I felt unwell after having lunch at one of the local cafes. I was camping and remember lying on the bed in a fever with a sharp pain in my stomach, feeling hot throughout my body. Then I remembered kunjal or “tiger cleansing” - a special cleansing for the stomach. I crawled outside, drank several glasses of water in one gulp and deliberately induced vomiting. I was amazed by the result. Within a few minutes the pain disappeared and soon I felt completely recovered and returned to my journey in the Alps. I don’t know how long it would take my digestive system to digest stale food, and what the consequences would be for my body, but I do know that this method worked instantly and served me well. Another kriya that I use all the time is Hrid Dhauti or tongue cleansing. Since ancient times, yogis have used palm branches and scraped their tongue with them to remove plaque and food debris. In combination with brushing your teeth, hrid dhauti gives fresh breath and clean mouth.

Although in addition to the main six cleansing practices described in the texts on hatha yoga, there are many others, those kriyas that we will consider below are the main ones and can be useful not only for yogis, but also for modern people.

Hrid dhauti and Danta dhauti - oral cleansing

Hrid Dhauti is the cleansing of the tongue and Danta Dhauti is the cleansing of the teeth. Since ancient times, yoga has traditionally used flexible branches of the neem tree as a toothbrush. The idea of ​​brushing your tongue, however, may seem unusual to many people. The tongue is like a thick, long-pile carpet that traps food debris and bacteria. To get rid of them, use special steel scrapers. This scraper can be ordered online and delivered to your home. If this is not possible, you can use a spoon or a modern toothbrush (however, a scraper works much better). The cleaning technique using a scraper is quite simple: carefully remove plaque from the tongue. At the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Neti – nasal cleansing

There are two types of neti: jala neti and sutra neti.

Jala neti

How to do it:

    • Fill a special neti pot - a neti pot - with warm salt water. The water temperature should be 38-40° C, the proportions of salt and water should be 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. Tilt your head over the sink and gently insert the neti sweat spout into your right nostril (this will cause the nostril to close with the neti sweat spout). Tilt your head slightly forward and at the same time turn it to the left so that water flows out of the left nostril. Breathing is done through the mouth. Pour approximately half the contents of the neti sweat through the right nostril.
    • After this, carefully insert the neti sweat spout into your left nostril and turn your head to the right so that the water flows out of your right nostril. At the end, you need to blow out the remaining water from your nose using the “Kapala Bhati” technique from pranayama.
    • To finish your nose cleansing practice, take 3-5 intense exhalations through each nostril while pinching the opposite nostril (as if you were blowing your nose). It is very important that your mouth remains open during the procedure to prevent water from getting into your ears.

This procedure can be used as needed. Whenever you feel that your nasal passages need cleansing, you can use this procedure.

Benefit: has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all sense organs located above the neck. Improves vision, relieves eye fatigue (for example, after working at a computer for a long time). Relieves headaches. Improves memory and concentration. Treats diseases of the nasal cavity. Prevention of sinusitis and colds. With regular use it relieves allergies. Removes mucus from the body, reduces the manifestations of kapha, and slows down the aging process.

Contraindications: Do not practice if you have a cold, ear disease, or if you have polyps in the nasal cavity.

Neti Sutra

This type of neti is made using twisted cotton thread coated with beeswax. You can also use a soft rubber probe. For the first time, you can practice this type of cleansing only under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Just like jala neti, sutra neti provides a thorough cleansing of the nasal cavity. The massage effect, which is achieved by touching the rubber probe, is even more effective than rinsing the nose with salt water. This method is suitable for those people who have respiratory diseases, as well as those who have narrow nostrils. If you follow all safety rules, this method can be used every day or every other day.

Nauli – movement of the abdominal muscles

There is a rule in yoga that says: every muscle should make at least one movement per day. This is necessary to relieve tension and allow energy to flow unhindered. Energy is like water. Stagnant water becomes dirty and acquires an unpleasant odor. Water that flows freely, in turn, remains always clean. That's why it's important to exercise your abdominal and intestinal muscles every day. Nauli has a beneficial effect on the process of digestion and removal of waste from the body.

How to do it: Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath through your nose, then exhale completely through your mouth. With your knees slightly bent, place your hands on the sides of your pelvis. Straighten your arms. Keep your back straight and look straight ahead. Allow your abdominal muscles to relax. Now without breathing, quickly and intensely draw in and inflate your stomach 10-15 times. Inhale through your nose and stand up straight. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Benefit: Agnisara Kriya activates the Manipura chakra and awakens the “digestive fire”. This practice improves metabolism, improves immunity, and helps with diabetes.

Contraindications: Do not use if pregnant, during menstruation or after any surgical intervention in the abdominal area. Consult your doctor before performing this kriya to check for gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases. Practice on an empty stomach.

Agnisara Kriya is practiced for several weeks to strengthen the abdominal muscles. After such preparation, you can perform the Nauli technique.


How to do it: Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale through your mouth and lean forward, keeping your back straight. Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on your hips. Tighten your side abdominal muscles and at the same time tense the muscles that run parallel to each other in the central part of the abdomen (rectus abdominis). Thanks to these actions, a vacuum effect is created in the abdominal cavity. When you feel the urge to inhale, stand up straight and inhale. Repeat 5-6 times. You can do it as many times as you have the strength to do and until you feel tired in the abdominal area. After doing this practice for some time, you can move on to doing an exercise where the rectus abdominis muscle moves from right to left and left to right, and then to moving the muscle in a circle.


    • Strengthens the abdominal muscles. This practice involves massaging the intestines and organs of the upper abdomen and lower abdomen. This kriya regulates blood pressure and prevents diabetes. Helps with heartburn and skin diseases (acne). Improves intestinal motility and liver function.
    • One of the best exercises for human health. It stimulates and regulates the functioning of all organs of the digestive system. Many diseases arise due to problems with the digestive system: headaches, skin diseases and even cancer. Toxins and waste products of the body that were not eliminated in time settle inside the body, which is the cause of the above-mentioned troubles.

Contraindications: Do not use during pregnancy, or if you have kidney or gallstones. Practice on an empty stomach. The best time to do this is early morning.

Dhauti – cleansing of the esophagus and stomach

This practice is also called Gaj Karn. "Gaj" means "elephant". When an elephant is unwell and feels nauseous, the animal plunges its trunk deep into the esophagus and thus removes the contents of the stomach. Nature itself taught this technique to people.

There are 2 types of dhauti: Jala Dhauti or Kunjala Kriya

How to do it: Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in two liters of warm water (40°). Stand up straight and drink water quickly, glass after glass. Lean forward slightly, press your left hand on your lower abdomen and place the straightened index and middle fingers of your right hand into your throat. At the same time, point your tongue down to induce nausea. All the water you just drank will come out in half a minute.

This cleansing can be done 1-2 times a week. It is best to do this early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Benefit: Helps with high acidity, food allergies and asthma. Eliminates bad breath. Harmonizes kapha and pitta.

Contraindications: This exercise is not performed if you have high blood pressure or glaucoma.

Dhauti Sutra

How to do it: for this type of stomach cleansing you will need a strip of cotton fabric 3 meters long and 10 centimeters wide. For the first time, this exercise must be performed under the guidance of an experienced yoga instructor.

Benefit: Like jala dhauti, this exercise cleanses the stomach and helps with high acidity. The upper respiratory tract is also cleared, which brings relief from asthma, as well as allergies to dust and pollen. Harmonizes kapha and pitta.

Trataka – concentration on one point

This kriya is performed to purify the mind. Trataka is stopping the gaze at one point without blinking until tears appear.

How to do it:

Sit in a meditation position in front of a lit candle at arm's length so that the flame is at chest level. If you place the candle too high, there will be tension in the center between the eyebrows or a burning sensation in the eyes. The flame should be calm and not swing from a draft. Close your eyes. You can repeat your favorite mantra to yourself, just like during meditation.

Open your eyes and look at the flame without blinking. The flame can be divided into three color zones. The lower part is reddish, the middle is bright white, and the tip is the color of smoke. Concentrate on the top of the flame, where it shines brightest.

Close your eyes again. If you close your eyes and an image of fire appears in front of you, gently concentrate on this image without creating any tension. Try not to cling to the image, otherwise it will disappear.

Repeat three times.

Gradually lengthen the exercise. At the very beginning, look at the flame for no more than 10-15 seconds. You need to increase the time in such a way that after a year you can look at the flame for 1 minute, and then concentrate on the internal image with your eyes closed for about 4 minutes.

You can also practice trataka by holding your gaze on a white dot drawn on black paper or a black dot drawn on white paper. When a person concentrates on a white dot with his eyes closed, he sees a black dot, and vice versa, if he concentrates on a black dot with his eyes open, then with his eyes closed, an image of a white dot appears in front of him.

Benefit: Cleanses the eyes, strengthens the eye muscles, improves vision and memory. Improves sleep, eliminates enuresis. It teaches concentration and is therefore recommended for schoolchildren to practice. Develops intuition, visualization and willpower. Relieves eye strain, headaches, myopia, and helps in the early stages of cataract development. Eye color becomes brighter. Trataka has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves memory, develops mental abilities and the ability to concentrate. Useful for depression and insomnia.

Contraindications: This exercise is not suitable for people with mental disorders. For schizophrenia and hallucinations

Every day more and more people refuse to eat animal corpses and other products of murder. Along with the ethical side of the issue of non-participation in violence, the issue of one’s own health is considered. Let's see what Olga Eliseeva, a candidate of medical sciences and a practicing doctor of the highest category, says about this.

So what is meat?

1. According to biologists, “meat is a difficult to digest product; the chemical reaction of its breakdown into final products lasts 6-8 hours. And writing chemical formulas for splitting takes up two student boards.”

2. Quickly decaying product.
The weak hydrochloric acid in the stomach is unable to process the swallowed piece of meat, and this piece rots.

3. Fermentation product.
An unprocessed piece of meat begins to ferment in the stomach and intestines, especially in the presence of bread prepared with yeast. Ethyl compounds similar to denatured alcohol are produced. As a result, children develop dyssynesia of the biliary tract of the liver and gallbladder from an early age.

4. Source of toxins.
Unprocessed meat that has turned into toxins is absorbed in the intestines (since the intestines are very long - 6 times longer than the body), and toxins enter the liver, kidneys, blood, joints and all cells. I. I. Mechnikov considered this phenomenon - intestinal autointoxication - the main obstacle to a person achieving longevity.

5. Source of chemical warfare agents.
If the process of breaking down meat is interrupted, for example, by newly eaten food, then the chemical reaction may stop at an intermediate stage, as a result of which intermediate breakdown chemicals, such as puric, uric acids, creatine, creatinine, carnosine and other nitrogenous compounds, enter the blood. Chemical warfare agents, such as sarin, soman, and mustard gas, are obtained from the breakdown of meat.

6. Source of constipation.
The most common cause of constipation is eating small, high-calorie foods without vegetable fiber (sandwiches). This bad habit leads to the fact that little feces are formed in the intestines and the natural urge to evacuate is dulled or completely absent. People get used to this and consider it normal; they often don’t even realize that they suffer from a hidden form of constipation. With constipation, the tongue becomes coated, the breath becomes foul, and the skin emits an unhealthy odor. People suffer from headaches, dizziness, apathy, drowsiness, and feel heaviness in the lower abdomen and bloating.
With such complaints, I always advise patients: “Do 3 enemas of 2 liters each, and you will immediately feel good and sleep normally.” 40 minutes after the procedure I hear in response: “Incredible, but you’re right!”

7. Source of fecal stones.
Constipation leads to stagnation of rotting lumps, the large intestine is stretched, deformed, compresses and displaces other abdominal organs from their places, which appear to be immersed in the fecal sac. The function of these organs is impaired. As a result, various types of colitis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins develop; with prolonged exposure to toxins on one part of the intestine - polyps.

In my radiology practice, I saved two patients from surgery and a diagnosis of bowel cancer. Not because I was the best specialist in this field - radiologically, indeed, there were all the signs of a tumor - but I knew about the possibility of simulating a tumor with a fecal stone. She cleansed the body of the patients, after which the diagnosis was removed, the women felt well. The follow-up period was 8 and 10 years.

8. The source of pathogenic microbes in the intestines.
Like all living beings, microbes beneficial to the body need an environmentally friendly environment. Such a favorable environment for them in the large intestine is a slightly acidic environment and the presence of dietary fiber. The large intestine is home to 400 - 500 species of bacteria necessary for the body. They are involved in the digestive process and produce a number of important vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and other nutrients from dietary fiber (cellulose, pectin, lignin, etc.). Microbial waste products have a regulating effect on the autonomic nervous system and create an immune barrier to pathogenic microbes. Rotting feces create an alkaline environment, which promotes the growth of pathogenic microflora.

9. The source of methane is rotting animal proteins.
Methane destroys B vitamins, as a result of which immunity is reduced, uncontrolled growth of cells and tissues is not prevented - a breakthrough occurs in the anti-cancer defense system.

10. Source of worms and protozoa: pinworms, roundworms, pork, bovine tapeworm, echinococcus, lamblia.

11. Source of viral diseases.

12. Source of tuberculosis.

13. Source of formation of urate sand, urate kidney stones.

14. Source of diseases of other organs. It is known that a certain area of ​​the intestine stimulates certain organs: the place of transition of the small intestine to the large intestine - the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx; ascending flexure of the colon - thyroid gland, liver, gall bladder, kidneys; descending fold - bronchi, spleen, pancreas; bends of the sigmoid colon - ovaries, bladder, genitals.
The small intestine is in close energetic partnership with the heart and spine.

15. The source of cadaveric poison - it is formed 2 hours after the slaughter of the animal.

16. The source of information about the animal killer is a person.
Every animal cell carries this information.

17. Source of nitrates.
If meat for sale is treated with nitrates and other chemicals (bright red color), then we also eat poisonous substances.

18. Source of harmful medications.
To “fatten the masses,” cattle are fed large doses of chemicals; tranquilizers, hormones, antibiotics and dozens of other drugs are used.

19. May be a source of radioactive substances. In environmentally unfavorable places, the heaviest elements settle in the bones and muscles of animals.

20. Source of carcinogens.
Sausages, sausages, especially imported ones, have many different fillers and preservatives that can be carcinogenic. Heat processing of meat products also contributes to the emergence of carcinogens.

Everyone remembers the recent debate between vegetarians and “meat eaters”. Vegetarians argued that it was possible and necessary to do without animal food. “Meat eaters” argued that only meat contains all the amino acids the body needs, including “essential” ones. “Essential” amino acids were those that were not found in plant foods, and it was believed that the human body could not synthesize them. Academician Ugolev and his colleagues, through a series of experiments, proved that there is an organ in our body in which “essential” amino acids are produced. This is the large intestine. In the large intestine, microorganisms, along with other useful substances, also produce amino acids, including “essential” ones.

Meat soups and broths have an adverse effect on the body, since connective tissue collagen, when heated with water, turns into glue-glutin (gelatin). Consumption of food containing large amounts of collagen in the form of gelatin negatively affects the function of the kidneys and joints.

Fragment from the book “The Practice of Cleansing and Restoring the Body” by Olga Eliseeva - Candidate of Medical Sciences, practicing doctor of the highest category

Name: The practice of cleansing and restoring the body.

The book by a candidate of medical sciences, a doctor with many years of practical experience by O. I. Eliseeva, introduces methods of cleansing and restoring the human body, recommends certain cleansing options according to diseases, age and taking into account contraindications.

Environmental problems, the rapid pace of life, poor nutrition, oblivion of the laws of Nature have had a detrimental effect on human health, leading to the accumulation of toxins and the emergence of the so-called self-intoxication syndrome, which is a fertile ground for the development of various diseases. The use of drugs aggravates the “slagging” of patients, leading mainly to the elimination of the symptoms of the disease, but does not eliminate its causes.

For a long time, our sanatorium has been searching for ways to improve the health of patients using unconventional methods, without the use of drugs, technologies for cleansing the body, aimed at stimulating its abilities for self-regulation and self-healing. A lot of material has accumulated and just as many questions.

A meeting with a candidate of medical sciences, a doctor of the highest category, Olga Ivanovna Eliseeva, allowed us to systematize the existing data, enrich ourselves with new ones and get answers to many questions. Fifteen years of practical experience in cleansing the body allowed the author to clearly define methods of cleansing, taking into account the nature of the existing pathology, age and individual characteristics of the patient. These methods are developed in great detail, they take into account all the nuances of the cleansing process, provide an analysis of reactions to treatment, and reflect moments of self- and mutual assistance. The value of the technique is also that it provides knowledge on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Since April 1996, the technology of O. I. Eliseeva has been introduced at the Kivach sanatorium. Analyzing the effectiveness of treatment and long-term results, we can say that this is a super technology that allows you to obtain a pronounced clinical effect in a short period of time.

Instead of a preface
About the author of this book
From the author
Chapter I
Necessary information for self-cleansing the body
Importance of the oral cavity in digestion and removal of toxins from the body
The role of the pharynx in digestion and protection of internal organs from infection
Connection of elements of the oral cavity and pharynx with internal organs
Methods for cleansing the mouth and throat
The esophagus and its relationship with organs
Small intestine
Treatment of the large intestine and maintenance of its normal activity
Liver, its participation in metabolism
Sources of toxic substances entering the body
The mechanism of waste deposition in tissues
Stages of slagging of the body
Chapter II
Options for cleansing the body
Option I. Preparation for cleansing a weakened body using enterosorbents
Option II. Preparing to cleanse a weakened body with rice
Option III (preventive)
Option IV (preventive)
Option V (lymph cleansing)
Option VI (lymph cleansing and liver cleansing)
Option VII (therapeutic)
Option VIII (medicinal, potent)
Option IX (medicinal, potent, with enhanced cleansing of the small intestine)
Option X (high speed)
Option XI - for children (preventive)
Option XII - for children (therapeutic)
Chapter III
Cleansing the body with special methods
Method of cleansing the body using rice
Method of colon cleansing with kefir and apple juice
Lymph cleansing
Cleansing blood vessels
Joint cleansing
Kidney cleansing
Chapter IV
Reactions of the body during the cleansing process
Possible reactions during the liver cleansing process
Reaction in the process of in-depth cleansing of organs and systems
Chapter V
Nutrition system for cleansing the body
Briefly about the essence of the disease
Main functions of the endocrine glands
Microelements in the nutritional system and recommendations for their replenishment in the body
Nutrition system when leaving cleansing
Food Information
General information about types of food
Tips on food culture
1. Technique for performing cleansing enemas
2. Possible reactions during enemas
3. Compositions of herbs for cleansing
4. Nutrition when leaving the cleanse
5. Recommended daily nutrition system after cleansing the body
Lines from letters from patients to O. I. Eliseeva

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