Frequency of the fourth negative blood group. What is the rarest blood type and why? Classification of blood groups by rarity. Which Rh factor is considered rare? Blood type, which is the most common and best for health. Most inquired

Blood has not been fully studied, so research is still ongoing. Nowadays, it is customary to determine it by group and Rh factor. According to the AB0 system, proposed at the beginning of the last century by K. Landsteiner, there are four varieties that differ in composition:

  • 0 – first;
  • A – second;
  • B – third;
  • AB is the fourth.

Distribution in the world

According to statistics, approximately 40% of the world's population has type I blood, 32% have type II, 22% have type III, and the rarest blood type - fourth - is found in only 6%.

In addition, it can be Rh positive or Rh negative, depending on whether an antigen, called the Rh factor, is present on the surface of red blood cells. On average, 85% of people are Rh positive, 15% are negative. To be more precise, this ratio is true for Europeans; as for representatives of the Negroid race, 93% of them have Rh-positive blood, among the Mongoloids there are the most such people - 99%.

Blood groups are unevenly distributed among representatives of different races. It is believed that Europeans most often have the second one, the inhabitants of the African continent have the first one, and Asians mostly have the third one.

Sometimes they say that there is a predisposition to certain diseases depending on the group. However, these are just observations and not supported by scientific evidence.

Theory of origin

There are several theories about the emergence of different groups. According to one of them, at first all people on Earth had one, the rest appeared as a result of mutations, which is associated with a change in lifestyle.

The oldest is the first. The ancient people who hunted had it. Today it remains the most common on the planet.

The second appeared when a person’s diet changed: they stopped eating raw meat and added greens, roots, and plant fruits to their diet.

The third originated in Asia. Her education is also associated with the diet in those regions: milk and meat from livestock.

The youngest and rarest blood group is the fourth. It is believed that it appeared not due to changes in human conditions, but as a result of the fusion of species A and B in mixed marriages of Indo-Europeans with Mongoloids. Supposedly, she is only 1000 years old.

The rarest blood

Thus, group IV is the least common. Which blood type is the rarest based on the Rh factor? Again, the fourth one is negative. On Earth, approximately 0.4% of people have such blood, that is, one person out of 200 thousand. It is unevenly distributed across the planet. For example, in China such people make up only 0.05% of the population.

The youngest and rarest group in the world is the fourth

The fourth positive is much more common than the negative. If we talk about the prevalence in the world, then its carriers are about 5% of the population. This figure may be different in some countries. About 7% of residents of Turkey, China, Israel, Finland, and Poland have such blood.

Rare ones include the third negative - about 1.5%, the second negative - 3.5%, the first negative - 4.3%.

Bombay phenomenon

This name was given to a very rare variety that was first discovered in a resident of the Indian city of Bombay (nowadays Mumbai) in 1952. In the world it occurs in 0.0001% of the population, in India in 0.01%. It does not have A and B antigens and is defined as I, but at the same time it also lacks H antigen.


In addition to the above, there are other rare varieties that are still being researched. The rare species does not affect human life or health in any way. Difficulties may arise if blood transfusion is required. The ideal option is to donate your own blood in advance, in case a transfusion is required.

If we talk about which blood group is considered the rarest, then, of course, it is the fourth negative. This is due to the fact that this type of blood is difficult to inherit from parents, since even if the mother and father have the fourth group, the chance that the baby will have this type is only fifty percent. As for the negative Rh factor, everything is simple: only fifteen percent of the world's population can boast of it.

The term “blood group” refers to the presence or absence of a certain type of antigen protein on the membranes of red blood cells. It is worth noting that red blood cells are cells whose main task is to transport oxygen through the plasma to the cells and remove carbon dioxide to the lungs.

There are many antigens on the membranes of red blood cells. How many exactly has not yet been established, but the main ones have been determined: these are antigens A and B, as well as the Rh factor. They do not affect health, but information about them is important during transfusions, as well as during pregnancy, in order to assess the risk of incompatibility between the blood of mother and child. The fact is that if these antigens enter human plasma, which does not contain them, the immune system recognizes them as foreign bodies and produces antibodies (agglutinins).

This leads to red blood cells sticking to each other, resulting in large blood clots that are unable to pass through the capillaries and clog them. As a result, the blocked area of ​​the body, which small vessels supply with oxygen and nutrients, begins to starve, then tissue necrosis occurs, after which in most cases death occurs.

Antigen compatibility

Such incompatibility at one time turned out to be the cause of the death of many patients after blood transfusions or the development of severe complications, which prompted scientists to begin to find out the cause. This is how antigens A and B were discovered, and then an interesting fact was established: some people may have both of them (which is rare), but in most cases they are completely absent. There are also people who have only one of the antigens in their blood.

As a result of research, it was determined that a biomaterial containing one or both antigens should under no circumstances be infused into a recipient who does not have this protein. Based on this, the AB0 system was created, where A and B are antigens, while 0 means “zero,” that is, their absence (to facilitate the work of doctors, a special compatibility table was created).

The fourth group is considered the rarest: it contains both antigens. This is the reason why it cannot be infused into people whose blood lacks these proteins or only one is present: the immune system will instantly produce antibodies. People with the fourth group are ideal recipients: they can be infused with any biomaterial according to the AB0 system, since they do not develop antibodies to proteins A and B.

The only thing that needs to be checked is the Rh factor: any type is suitable for those with a positive Rh factor; any biomaterial is also suitable for recipients with a negative Rh factor, but the Rh factor must be negative.

The most common is the first group, in which both antigens are absent. For this reason, it is designated as 0 and is considered the best donor blood, since it can be infused into any person: immunity to it does not develop antibodies, which is why the owner of the first group is considered a universal donor. But since he lacks A and B antigens, his immune system is capable of producing alpha and beta agglutinins. Therefore, you can only infuse him with the first group.

The second group is rarer than the first. It contains antigen A and agglutinin beta. For this reason, it can only be transfused to groups where there is protein A, that is, people with the second and fourth groups. Recipients with the second group can only be given blood that does not contain antigen B, that is, the first and second.

The third group is not as common as the second, but more common than the fourth. It contains antigen B and agglutinin alpha. This means that it can be infused into owners of the third and fourth groups, who also have antigen B. But the first and third groups can be infused: they lack protein A.

What will the baby inherit?

The fourth group is considered the rarest precisely because of the presence of two antigens in it. It is inherited from the parents, and if one of them or even both has blood of the fourth group, it is not at all necessary that the baby will have the same. With the combination of the most popular (first) and the rarest (fourth) groups, the heir will not receive the blood of his parents at all. This is due to the fact that this combination combines blood in which both antigens are present with blood in which they are absent.

As for the combination of the fourth with other groups, you can calculate the baby’s group using the following data:

  • II + IV: 25% – fourth and third, 50% – second;
  • III + IV: 25% – fourth and second, 50% – third;
  • IV + IV: 50% – fourth, 25% – second and third.

Based on these data, it is obvious that it is impossible to accurately predict the baby’s blood type if one of the parents has the rarest group, even using a table. The difficulty is caused by the fact that it is impossible to say exactly what antigen will be on the membranes of red blood cells. If it turns out to be A, it will be the second, B - the third, if both - the fourth. Therefore, it often happens that brothers and sisters have a different blood group, and the children’s blood does not match the parent’s.

What is antigen D

The second most important system for determining blood groups is the Rh factor, by which doctors mean the presence or absence of protein antigen D. According to statistics, it is present on the membranes of red blood cells in 85% of the population, so they are considered to have a positive Rh factor. Those who do not have D antigen are negative. For this reason, people who have the fourth negative group have the rarest blood type.

As in the case of AB0, the immune system of a person with negative Rh is capable of producing antibodies to the D antigen, which causes red blood cells to stick together. Therefore, under no circumstances should positive blood be infused into a person with a negative Rh factor.

Information about the Rh factor is also needed during pregnancy. If the mother has a negative group, and the child has a positive group, if the child’s blood enters the maternal plasma, the immune system begins to produce antibodies, after which it directs them to destroy the baby’s red blood cells (this can also be observed when groups are incompatible according to the AB0 system). This can cause the death of the baby, premature birth, or hemolytic disease after the baby is born.

Doctors have solved this problem, so if there is a suspicion of incompatibility between the blood of mother and baby, even before the body produces antibodies, a special injection is given. If agglutinin has already been produced, the injection cannot be given, so other treatment methods are used and the health of the mother and child is monitored throughout the pregnancy.

The defining component of blood is the Rh factor or antigen. It is located on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes). More than 85 percent of the population have this Rh factor and are classified as Rh positive.

Those people who do not have it are considered Rh negative. The present and future of a person depends on his blood type. Each group has its own type of immunity, which to a certain extent determines a person’s life resource.

How to find out your blood type

So, there are four blood groups in total, each of which differs in certain biochemical characteristics. This fact has been established by science a long time ago - around the beginning of the twentieth century.

Throughout the world, these groups are designated by the following symbols: I(0), II(A), III(B), IV(AB). The first is the most common throughout the world, since approximately 45 percent of the inhabitants of our planet have it.

The blood of the second group belongs to the majority of European residents, and almost 35 percent of the population have it. The third group is not very numerous, since it is found in only 13 percent of the world's population.

Well, the fourth blood group is the rarest, because only 7 percent of the planet’s population are its carriers. And if owners of the first blood group with a negative Rh factor are quite common, then Rh-negative owners of the fourth blood group are very rare.

Donate blood for donation

It is worth saying that positive blood can be transfused with negative blood, but the opposite should not be done under any circumstances.

The first blood group can be transfused to any group, but it is important to remember that under no circumstances should blood of another group be transfused to it - only the first.

Blood of the second group is suitable for the second and fourth, but for her only the first or second.

The third blood group can be transfused to the third or fourth, but the first or third is suitable for it.

The fourth blood group, the rarest, is allowed to be transfused only to people who have a similar blood type, but for the fourth, any blood type is suitable.

Most common blood type

The most common first blood group

This group is the oldest, which appeared a long time ago. Those with the first blood group usually have a predisposition to allergies, arthritis, decreased thyroid function, and also a tendency to blood clotting disorders. In addition, such people often suffer from stomach ulcers and other diseases directly related to the gastrointestinal tract.

As for personal characteristics, those with the first blood group are, as a rule, leaders in life. They are quite successful in sports and are often workaholics. These are very purposeful people who always try to achieve their goals.

The rarest blood type

The rarest blood type is fourth negative. The fourth positive is much more common. The fourth group is generally a mystery, because it appeared as a result of the merger of two completely different types - A and B.

This is a young group, and people who have it have a flexible immune system. This group is unique in that it appeared not due to the influence of the external environment, but as a result of mixed marriages. It is worth saying that this group is the most biologically complex.

Antigens sometimes make it similar to the second, and sometimes even to the third. Sometimes it also happens that this rare group is something of a combination of both of these groups.

It is believed that the fourth blood group appeared later than all the others - about a thousand years ago as a result of the mixing of Mongoloids and Indo-Europeans. There is also another version of the so-called “bohemian” blood group, which says that after a person was able to simply provide shelter and food for himself, he was “drawn to the beautiful” and he had a desire to express himself in creativity.

Indeed, representatives of the fourth blood group are considered the most creative individuals. The lives of such people are dominated by fantasies, emotions, love of beauty and intuition. They have a rich mental organization, a subtle perception of reality and impeccable taste.

The positive qualities of such people are kindness, compassion, selflessness and altruism. Such a person will always listen, reassure and sympathize. But at the same time, the sensitivity of such people can be considered their disadvantage.

Due to the fact that those with the fourth blood group take everything too seriously, they sometimes get carried away. These people often go to extremes. They, as a rule, act under the influence of feelings that are so intense that the mind is simply unable to curb them.

By the way, there are many fanatics among such people. But even if it doesn’t come to the point of fanaticism, the owners of the fourth group most often look like people slightly “not of this world.” They are impractical, absent-minded, often completely unsuited to solving everyday problems, and they are also very touchy about all this.

The craving for beauty in those with the fourth blood group can also manifest itself in different ways: from the creation of works of art in the most developed representatives, to psychological dependence on romance, sex and pleasure in the more primitive ones, which sometimes leads them to a vicious lifestyle.

It cannot be said that those with the 4th blood group are quite multifaceted and spiritual. They often rush from one extreme to another, and can be both harsh and indecisive. Such people can often be seen in lists of the most talented and remarkable personalities.

In general, despite many advantages, owners of the fourth blood group would still benefit from some qualities that are characteristic of people with the first blood group - discipline and fortitude, for example. But even if the named character traits were not inherited by a person from birth, he may well develop them throughout his life, because habit, as they say, is a second character.

Blood groups are important not only when transfusing blood from a donor to a recipient and when planning pregnancy. Scientists in the field of hematology have long identified a connection between the category of blood flow and a person’s lifestyle, nutrition and behavioral factors. It is known that each of the four blood groups was formed as a result of changes in habitat, nutritional structure, or due to interfaith marriages. Depending on the predominance or paucity of a particular blood group, one can judge what is the rarest blood group?

How did the AB0 blood classification system come about?

Many people probably know that the classification of blood fluid into groups began only a century ago. This event occurred thanks to the scientific research of the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner, who discovered differences in the blood of the patients he examined.

During his observations, he identified the main differences that allowed him to classify blood flow into three groups:

  • I (0)
  • II (A)
  • III (B)

The features of the blood substance were the absence, as in the case of the first blood group, or the presence of antigenic properties of red blood cells, as in the second and third categories. But years later, a colleague of the famous scientist discovers another group of the bloodstream with the presence of both types of antigens A and B. This category was also included in the AB0 system as the fourth type of bloodstream.

The process of evolution of blood substance

To figure out which blood group is the rarest, you will need to consider the sequence of changes in the bloodstream from the first to the fourth category. Initially, according to scientific researchers, all people had the first type of blood, in which erythrocyte antigen was completely absent. This race lived in conditions of disunity and survived, like many representatives of the animal world, by hunting.

After about 15-20,000 years ago, people switched to an alternative type of diet by taking up agriculture. Due to the change in diet to predominantly cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries, the composition of the bloodstream has changed, which now belongs to the second type. His behavioral style also underwent changes - from wild and aggressive he moved to more flexible and sociable.

But the rarest blood group in the world, the fourth, was formed largely as a result of a reaction to marital relationships mixed in groups. That is, as a result of the combination of the second “agricultural” and the third “nomadic, pastoral” categories of blood flow. The fourth type of blood substance is not only rare, its number is about 7% of all inhabitants of the planet. But it is also a mystery to scientists and doctors to this day due to its biological complexity. Partly because it combines the antigenic characteristics of red blood cells A and B. Researchers are still continuing to study this category of blood.

Features of the fourth blood flow group

It is generally accepted that the emergence of the rarest blood group in humans occurred only a thousand years ago as a result of incestuous marriages between the Indo-European and Mongoloid races. There is another version of the formation of the fourth variation of the blood flow. It lies in the fact that when humanity resolved all its everyday issues with shelter and food, people began to develop creative abilities. And this theory is not unfounded, because those who have the rare fourth blood category really stand out among their fellow tribesmen.

Rare personality traits of representatives of the fourth category:

  • pronounced creative abilities;
  • extraordinary spiritual organization;
  • sensitive perception of reality;
  • craving for everything beautiful;
  • developed intuition;
  • impeccable taste.

Carriers of the fourth type of blood flow are altruists, distinguished by kindness, compassion and selflessness. They take everything to heart and are always ready to help. But it is not only psychological qualities that group IV blood plasma is so remarkable for.

It is reliably known that it provides its owner with a special immunity, capable of exhibiting the properties of both types II and III blood flow, and less often unique ones.

The weak points of the fourth category of blood substance include the cardiovascular system; in addition, there is a risk of developing various oncological pathologies, “slow” infections and other abnormalities. In case of need for blood transfusion, this type stands out for its versatility. But you will need to take into account its compatibility with other types of blood fluid.

Compatibility table of 4 blood flow groups:

Group name Recipient Donor
AB (IV) 0 (I), A (II), B (III), AB (IV) AB (IV)

As can be seen from the table, people with the rarest blood group - the fourth category of blood substance - are considered universal recipients, even if they themselves are capable of being donors only for people with the same group as theirs. Along with the type of blood, the Rh factor is also important, whether it is negative or positive. Therefore, if you answer the question what is the most exclusive category of blood flow, then the answer will be that this is the fourth group of blood substance, which has a negative Rh factor.

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Blood type is one of the individual genetically determined characteristics of the human body. It is determined at birth and does not change. The generally accepted systems are ABO and Rh (Rhesus). The most common blood type makes life easier for its owner. The more rare it is, the more difficult it is to find a donor and the longer this process takes; even with the development of transfusion services, this problem is still acute.

What is the most common blood type?

The ABO system is a system of antigens (agglutinogens) and antibodies to them (agglutinins). Agglutinogens are A and B antigens located on the outer surface of the erythrocyte membrane. They are encoded by genes A (encodes antigen A), B (encodes antigen B), O (encodes the absence of antigen).

Agglutinins are antibodies a, b that are found in plasma. In structure, they are proteins and belong to the class of immunoglobulins, representing a component of the immune system. In children of the first months of life, due to the immaturity of the immune system, they are absent. They are produced gradually during the growth and development of the child, reaching adult levels by 10-15 years.
When antigen A binds to agglutinin a, agglutination occurs—precipitation of red blood cells. Similarly for the interaction of B and b. Therefore, the human blood group contains opposite agglutinogens and agglutinins.

The ABO system is represented by 4 groups:

  • The first one does not contain antigens, but both types of antibodies are present - a and b.
  • The second - can be encoded by the AA genes and the AO genes, contains antigen A on erythrocytes and agglutinin b in plasma.
  • The third - can be encoded by the BB and B0 genes, contains the B antigen on erythrocytes and agglutinin a in the plasma.
  • The fourth is encoded by genes A and B, contains antigens A and B, and does not contain agglutinins.

Previously, there were transfusion schemes between groups. In peacetime, only blood of the same type is transfused; the concepts of universal donors and recipients are outdated. Whole heme is transfused only in one situation - in case of Rh conflict, or using one’s own whole blood taken from cavities during operations or obtained and prepared by dilution.

How often do you get your blood tested?

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    Only as prescribed by the attending physician 30%, 949 votes

    Once a year and I think that’s enough 18%, 554 vote

    At least twice a year 15%, 460 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 344 vote

    I take care of my health and donate once a month 6%, 197 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 135 votes


But there are exceptions - people with blood group I can become universal red blood cell donors (their red blood cells do not contain antigens on their membrane), and people with group IV are universal plasma donors, since their plasma does not contain anti-A and anti-B antibodies (provided that the donor is also Rh negative).

The prevalence of blood groups corresponds to their numbers. The distribution of blood in the world is not equal. Each territory has its own genotype predominant. The most popular all over the planet is group I - its owners make up approximately 55% of the population. The next most common is II, then III, the rarest is IV. According to the latest data, group 2 is the most common in Russia.

It is believed that people with group I have the highest resistance to physical activity and a strong immune system; the downside is that they are often diagnosed with atopic (allergic) diseases - dermatitis, asthma, etc. These people are also susceptible to diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis.

People with heme group II are more likely to have coronary heart disease, joint diseases, tumors, and diabetes mellitus. Persons with positive groups I and II have fewer problems when transfusions are required—Blood Centers have large reserves of this group.

The most common blood types are I and II positive, and the rarest is IV negative. People with this genotype, in the absence of pathologies and infections, are valued as donors.

Important information: How to find out your blood type and determine the Rh factor without tests at home

Which Rh factor is more common?

The Rh blood system is one of the groups represented by the Rh antigen and antibodies to it. The Rh protein is found on the surface of red blood cells in Rh-positive individuals; those who lack it are considered Rh-negative. Normally, there are no antibodies to the Rh protein, but if an Rh-negative person is given a transfusion of Rh-positive blood or red blood cell mass (erythrocyte concentrate), his immune system will react and anti-Rh antibodies will be synthesized. If Rh-positive blood is retransfused, agglutination (clotting) will occur.

Inheritance of the Rh antigen is recessive-dominant - positive Rh is dominant (suppresses), negative is recessive.

The Rh antigen can be represented by genes C, D, E (dominant) and c, d, e - recessive. The presence of at least one dominant gene (CDE, CDe, Cde, cDE, cdE, cDe) means the presence of Rh protein on the erythrocyte membrane, i.e. Rh+. The Rh negative factor occurs only in individuals with the recessive genotype - cde, which explains such a low prevalence.

More than 80% of people in the world have Rh-positive blood. Rhesus status is especially important for women - this matters not only during transfusion, but also for planning pregnancy. If a woman with Rh- blood is pregnant with an Rh+ fetus, during childbirth (or miscarriage, abortion), immunization occurs, and her immune system produces anti-Rh agglutinins. Thus, if in the next pregnancy the fetus is also Rh+, the mother’s body will reject it. To prevent Rh conflict, the mother is given anti-Rh serum during the first pregnancy.

Important information: Which blood group is suitable for all people (recipients) for transfusion and is there a universal one?

Knowledge of statistics on blood groups is necessary for donor services and obstetric care. Also, using these data, one can indirectly judge the structure of morbidity in the country and develop measures to prevent non-infectious pathologies, such as coronary heart disease, diseases of the digestive system, and oncology.

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