What are the risks of shortening the cervix during pregnancy? Causes of shortening of the cervix and possible threat of pregnancy

As it turns out, the question of cervical dilatation, the timing and size of the opening in centimeters or transverse fingers and how to interpret this worries all pregnant women. However, many do not know a clear answer. We will try to cover this topic as much as possible and start with the anatomical features.

The uterus is an important organ of a woman's reproductive system and consists of the body of the uterus and the cervix. The cervix is ​​a muscular tubular formation that starts from the body of the uterus and opens into the vagina. The part of the cervix that is visible when examined in speculums is called the vaginal part. The internal os is the transition of the cervix into the uterine cavity, and the external os is the border between the cervix and the vagina. In these places the muscle part is more pronounced.

During pregnancy, some of the muscle fibers in the cervix are replaced by connective tissue. Newly formed “young” collagen fibers are stretchable and elastic; when they are formed excessively, the cervix shortens and the internal os begins to expand.

Normally, throughout pregnancy, the cervix is ​​long (about 35 - 45 mm), and the internal os is closed. This position helps prevent spontaneous miscarriage and also protects against infection entering the uterine cavity.

Only a few weeks before the expected date of birth (EDD), the cervix changes its structure, gradually becoming softer and shorter. If shortening, softening of the cervix and expansion of the internal os occurs during pregnancy, then this condition threatens termination of pregnancy or premature birth.

Causes of premature shortening of the cervix:

Aggravated obstetric history (abortions, miscarriages at different stages, history of premature birth, especially very early premature birth before 28 weeks)

Aggravated gynecological history (infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome and other gynecological diseases)

Cervical injuries (surgeries, ruptures in previous births, large fetus births)

Norms for the cervix by timing

Up to 32 weeks: the cervix is ​​preserved (length 40 mm or more), dense, the internal os is closed (according to ultrasound results). On vaginal examination, the cervix is ​​firm, deviated posteriorly from the pelvic axis, and the external os is closed.

The wire axis of the pelvis is a line connecting the midpoints of all direct dimensions of the pelvis. Since the sacrum has a bend, and then the birth canal is represented by the muscular-fascial part, the wire axis of the pelvis is represented by a curved line, reminiscent of a fishhook in shape.

32–36 weeks: the cervix begins to soften in the peripheral parts, but the area of ​​the internal os is dense. The length of the cervix is ​​approximately 30 mm or more, the internal os is closed (according to ultrasound). On vaginal examination, the cervix is ​​described as “tight” or “unevenly softened” (closer to 36 weeks), deviated posteriorly or located along the wire axis of the pelvis, the external pharynx in primiparous women may allow the tip of a finger to pass through, in multiparous women it allows 1 finger into the cervical canal.

From 37 weeks: the cervix is ​​“mature” or “ripening”, that is, soft, shortened to 25 mm or less, the pharynx begins to expand (the length of the cervix, the funnel-shaped expansion of the uterine pharynx, is described by ultrasound). On vaginal examination, the external os may allow 1 or 2 fingers to pass through, the cervix is ​​described as “softened” or “unevenly softened”, located along the wire axis of the pelvis. At this time, the fetus begins to lower its head into the pelvis and puts more pressure on the neck, which contributes to its ripening.

To assess the cervix as “mature” or “immature”, a special table (Bishop scale) is used, where the parameters of the cervix are assessed in points. Nowadays, the modified Bishop scale (simplified) is most often used.


0 – 2 points - the cervix is ​​“immature”;
3 – 4 points - the cervix is ​​“not mature enough”
5 – 8 points - the cervix is ​​“mature”

The ripening of the cervix begins in the area of ​​the internal os. For primiparous and multiparous women, the process occurs slightly differently.

In primigravidas (A), the cervical canal becomes like a truncated cone, with its wide part facing upward. The fetal head, falling down and moving forward, gradually stretches the external pharynx.

In multiparous women (B), the expansion of the external and internal os occurs simultaneously, so repeated births, as a rule, proceed faster.

1 – internal pharynx
2 – external pharynx

Cervix during labor

Everything we described above applies to the condition of the cervix during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the terms “shortening of the cervix”, “dilation of the internal os”, “cervical maturity” are used. The term “dilation” or “opening” (they mean the same thing) begins to be used only with the onset of labor.

By the time of birth, the cervix, gradually shortening, is completely smoothed out. That is, it ceases to exist as an anatomical structure. The long tubular structure is completely smoothed out and only the concept of the “internal os of the cervix” remains. Its opening is calculated in centimeters. As labor progresses, the edges of the internal os become thinner, softer, and more pliable, which makes it easier for the fetal head to stretch them.

Depending on the degree of opening of the internal pharynx, labor is divided into periods I and II:

I stage of labor This is what is called “the period of dilatation of the internal os of the cervix.” The first period is divided into phases.

During the latent (hidden) phase, the internal os gradually opens up to 3–4 cm. Contractions during this period are moderately painful or painless, short, occurring in 6–10 minutes.

Then the active phase of the first stage of labor begins - the rate of opening of the uterine pharynx should be at least 1 cm per hour in primiparous women and at least 2 cm per hour in multiparous women, contractions in this period become more frequent and occur once every 2 to 5 minutes, becoming longer ( 25 – 45 seconds), strong and painful.

The internal os should open to 10 - 12 cm, then this is called “full opening/dilatation” and the second stage of labor begins.

II stage of labor called the period of “expulsion of the fetus.”

At this stage, the uterine os is fully opened, and the fetal head begins to move along the birth canal towards the exit.

The dynamics of the opening of the uterine pharynx is reflected in the partogram, which is maintained from the beginning of the latent phase and is filled out after each obstetric examination.

A partogram is a method of graphically describing childbirth, which reflects in the form of a graph the dilatation of the cervix in centimeters, time in hours, the advancement of the fetus along the pelvic planes, the quality of contractions, the color of the amniotic fluid and the fetal heartbeat. Below is a simplified version of the partogram, which reflects only the parameters that interest us in this topic, that is, the opening of the uterine pharynx over time.

In order to clarify the obstetric situation, the doctor conducts an internal obstetric examination, the frequency of which depends on the period and phase of labor. In the latent phase of the first period, the examination is carried out once every 6 hours, in the active phase of the first period, once every 2-4 hours, in the second period, once per hour. If any deviation from the physiological course of labor develops, the examination is carried out according to indications over time (the frequency of examinations is determined by the doctor leading the birth, examination by a council of doctors is possible).

Pathologies associated with the process of cervical dilatation:

1) Pathological condition associated with shortening of the cervix and/or expansion of the internal os during pregnancy:

2) Pathology of cervical dilatation in the preliminary period.

The preliminary period is a condition with rare, weak cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, develops with full-term pregnancy and a mature cervix, lasts about 6 - 8 hours and gradually progresses into the first stage of labor. The preliminary period is not observed in all women.

The pathological preliminary period is irregular short painful contractions with a mature cervix, which last more than 8 hours and do not lead to cervical effacement.

3) Pathologies of cervical dilatation during childbirth.

-weakness of the ancestral forces. Weakness of labor forces is the contractile activity of the uterus that is insufficient in strength, duration and regularity. Weakness of labor is manifested by a slow rate of dilatation of the cervix, rare, short, insufficient contractions that do not lead to the advancement of the fetus. This diagnosis is made based on observation of the pregnant woman, the results of carditocography (CTG) and vaginal examination data. The above figure shows the result of CTG with weak labor forces, as we see contractions here of weak strength and short duration. For comparison with the norm, we provide the figure below.

Primary weakness of labor forces is a condition when contractions initially did not become sufficiently effective.

Secondary weakness of labor forces is a condition in which the developed regular and effective labor activity fades away and becomes ineffective.

- discoordination of labor. Discoordination of labor is a pathological condition in which there is no coordination between contractions of different parts of the uterus, contractions are uncoordinated and can be very painful if they are unproductive (the fetal head does not move along the birth canal). For example, the fundus of the uterus is actively contracting, but the cervix (uterine pharynx) is not opening sufficiently, or the cervix is ​​opening, but the fundus of the uterus is not contracting effectively enough. The figure below shows the result of CTG during discoordinated labor, contractions have different strengths and frequency.

A form of incoordination of labor, in which the body of the uterus actively contracts, and the cervix does not have sufficient dilatation due to scar changes (consequences of abortion, old ruptures, cauterization of erosion) or an undiagnosed condition (there is no indication of pathology or trauma to the cervix in the history) is called dystocia cervix. This form of pathology is characterized by painful nonproductive contractions and pain in the sacral area. During an internal obstetric examination, the doctor sees spasm of the uterine pharynx during contractions and rigidity of the edges of the internal pharynx of the cervix (tightness, inflexibility).

- rapid and rapid birth. Normally, the duration of the labor process is 9–12 hours; for multiparous women it may be less, approximately 7–10 hours.

For first-time mothers, a rapid birth is considered to be a birth of less than 6 hours, and a rapid birth is considered to be less than 4 hours.

In multiparous women, rapid labor is considered to be labor of less than 4 hours, and rapid labor is considered to be less than 2 hours.

Fast and rapid labor is characterized by an accelerated rate of opening of the cervix and expulsion of the fetus. In some cases, this is a blessing, since delay can lead to complications (pathologies of the umbilical cord, placenta, and others). But often, due to the rapid pace of labor, the child does not have time to correctly go through all the stages of the biomechanism of childbirth (adaptation of the soft bones of the child’s skull to all the bends of the mother’s pelvic bones, timely turns of the body and head, flexion and extension of the head), and the risk of birth trauma is increased (as in mother and newborn).

Treatment for premature cervical dilatation:

1) Isthmic - cervical insufficiency treated by placing circular sutures on the cervix (from 20 weeks) or installing an obstetric pessary (from approximately 15-18 weeks).

2) Pathological preliminary period. After the observation period has expired (8 hours) and there is no dynamics during a repeated vaginal examination, an amniotomy is performed (opening the amniotic sac). If the cervix remains shortened, but does not smooth out, then oxytocin may be administered to stimulate labor. If the cervix has smoothed out, but there is no regular labor, then they talk about the transition of the pathological preliminary period into primary weakness of labor.

3) Weakness of generic forces. Amniotomy is performed as the first treatment measure for weak labor. After amniotomy, dynamic monitoring of the woman in labor, counting of contractions, CTG monitoring of the fetal condition and obstetric examination after 2 hours are indicated. If there is no effect, drug treatment is indicated.

With primary weakness, labor is induced, with secondary weakness, labor is intensified. In both cases, the drug oxytocin is used, the difference is in the initial dose and the rate of delivery of the drug through the infusion pump (drip dosage administration). If there is no effect of treatment, delivery by cesarean section is indicated.

4) Discoordination of labor (cervical dystocia). When discoordinated labor develops, the woman in labor must undergo labor anesthesia using narcotic analgesics (promedol intravenously in an individual dose under CTG control) or therapeutic epidural anesthesia (single injection of anesthetic or prolonged anesthesia with periodic administration of the drug). The type of anesthesia is selected individually after a joint examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist and an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. If there is no effect of treatment, delivery by cesarean section is indicated.

5) Rapid and rapid birth. In this case, the most important thing is to end up in a maternity facility. It is impossible to stop labor, but it is necessary to monitor the condition of the mother and fetus as carefully as possible. Cardiotocography is performed (the main thing is to clarify the condition of the fetus, whether there is hypoxia), and, if necessary, ultrasound examination (suspecting placental abruption). In the case of a rapid birth, there must be a neonatologist (micropediatrician) in the delivery room and there must be conditions for providing resuscitation care to the newborn. Caesarean section is indicated in the event of an emergency clinical situation (placental abruption, acute hypoxia or incipient fetal asphyxia)

After reading the article, you realized what an important and unique formation the cervix is. Pathologies of the cervix and in particular pathologies of cervical dilatation, unfortunately, do and will continue to occur, but any deviations from the norm can be treated the more successfully the sooner you see a doctor. And then the chances of maintaining your health and the timely birth of a healthy baby increase significantly. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Obstetrician-gynecologist Petrova A.V.

A short cervix during pregnancy is now detected using As a rule, this phenomenon is considered a sure sign of cervical insufficiency.

This pathology often leads to sudden miscarriages, severe and early. The term "insufficiency" itself is a representation of a condition where the main part of the uterus and its isthmus are unable to resist the increasing stress that occurs during pregnancy - and all this leads to early dilatation of the uterus.

A short cervix during pregnancy and its condition depend on quite a few factors. Its anatomical condition should always be known and remembered. preparing to become a mother, consists of the uterine body itself, in which the fetus will develop, as well as the cervix. It is the cervix that is the main part of the birth canal. The shortened one is something like a truncated cone, the length of which is approximately 4 centimeters. From the side of the body, the cervix ends with an internal os, and with an external os it ends at the entrance to the vagina. The neck consists of muscle and connective tissue, where muscle makes up approximately 30% of its total size and is located for the most part in the area of ​​the internal pharynx. In this place, something like a sphincter is formed, which is responsible for supporting the fertilized egg in the uterus.

So, there are cases when the cervical uterus, for some reason, is short in length. This may be genetically determined, but not only. Often, shortening of the cervix during pregnancy occurs for other reasons. For example, due to various types of intrauterine interventions that are associated with forced dilatation of the cervix. This may be the consequences of several episodes of abortion in history, during which the muscular ring of the uterus is injured. Scars form at the site of injury, which disrupt muscle balance and also increase resistance to stretching or contraction. As a result of such interventions, the uterus decreases in size and becomes deformed.

In addition, a short cervix during pregnancy can be caused by serious hormonal disorders, which often manifest themselves between 11 and 11. During this period, the functionality of the child’s adrenal glands significantly increases, and the active release of complex substances such as androgens begins. This type of hormone very actively contributes to the progression of this pathology. It is because of the influence of these substances that the cervix becomes softer, shrinks, and then completely dilates, which leads to miscarriage.

The possibility that a short cervix may be detected during pregnancy for some reason is a reason for examination by a gynecologist. If the results of the examination showed that the deficiency is caused by the work of androgen hormones, then this disorder can be easily corrected with the help of special medications, after the use of which the hormonal level in the body returns to normal. If, after several weeks of treatment, the condition of the uterus has not changed or this is caused not by hormonal imbalance, but by injuries, then it is necessary to use surgical intervention, during which the cervix is ​​corrected by applying several sutures.

The described pathology is dangerous not only in the first period of pregnancy, but also in later stages, as it can cause rapid labor, which, in turn, can cause rupture of the cervix or uterus.

There are plenty of reasons for concern. But it must be remembered that periodic visits to the doctor can significantly reduce all possible unpleasant risks.

Many women learn about pathologies of the reproductive organs only during the first ultrasound examination. Thus, during pregnancy, a short cervix is ​​a risk factor; the expectant mother should be under constant supervision to avoid early labor or miscarriage.

What does a short neck mean during pregnancy?

The cavity where the fetus forms and develops during gestation has three components: the body, the isthmus and the neck. The latter is divided into two parts - the internal and external pharynx, separated by a kind of mucus plug to prevent infection from reaching the child. Any diagnosed anomaly can threaten the course of pregnancy, so women undergo a thorough examination at every stage.

A short cervical canal during pregnancy means that the supravaginal cone-shaped part, which is visible only on an ultrasound, differs in length from the norm, which, as the baby develops, becomes a threat of miscarriage.

The production of progesterone leads to increased blood flow, and estrogen affects the proliferation of epithelium. Under the influence of certain factors, the process may be slow or absent altogether, this means that the uterus has shortened.

Shortening after the 30th week is considered normal, as the body prepares for labor and thus makes it easier for the baby to be born.

Reasons why the cervix shortens during pregnancy

A shortened cervix is ​​more often diagnosed in multiparous women, when the length becomes shorter due to loss of elasticity of the muscle ring. Also, as a result of mechanical damage (abortion, surgery, trauma from previous childbirth), a decrease in the epithelium is observed.

The reasons for shortening may be associated with various pathologies:

  • genetic predisposition - in medical practice, congenital malformation of the cervical canal is rare;
  • restructuring of the hormonal system, with increased levels of androgens, stimulates tone, leads to premature dilatation, the uterus becomes soft and short;
  • complications caused by the development of more than one fetus, the large weight of the child, or polyhydramnios.
If the cervix is ​​shortened, it happens that they find out about it only in the second trimester, when the baby is actively growing and the pressure increases significantly. This situation becomes a deviation, and suspicion of isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI) arises. With this pathology, the genital organs loosen and soften, which increases the risk of miscarriage in the first months or there is a danger of premature birth at a later stage.

What are the risks of a short cervix during pregnancy?

A condition in which the uterus is shortened threatens the development of ICI. The reproductive organ is not able to function normally and keep the fetus inside the cavity. Leakage of amniotic fluid occurs, harmful bacteria are able to penetrate into the cavity, in addition, the baby’s weight quickly increases, which leads to labor before the due date.

Childbirth, if the body is unprepared, can lead to ruptures, various injuries or heavy bleeding. Symptoms often include minor discomfort in the vaginal area, spotting and cramping pain.

The normal length of the cervical canal is from 2.5 to 3 centimeters. In the early stages, the pathology is dangerous for pregnancy, and premature opening of the pharynx leads to miscarriage.

At the beginning of the 9-month period, upon palpation or during vaginal examination, one may suspect that the cervical canal is shortening. The dynamics of shortening is carried out from the second trimester using ultrasound. If diagnostic measures confirm the development of an anomaly, then treatment is prescribed to preserve and prolong gestation until 37-38 weeks.

What to do if you have a short cervix during pregnancy: recommendations

Subsequent treatment depends on what causes the anomaly to form. Medications aimed at reducing the tone of the uterus (Ginipral, Magnesia) help prevent shortening. You can stop the process in case of hormonal imbalance using glucocorticoid drugs (dexamethasone).

If the shortening appears as a result of mechanical action, then surgical intervention is performed using cervical cerclage, when sutures are placed on the pharynx to avoid early labor. If there are contraindications, a special ring is used, which reproduces the function of an internal bandage for the pharynx.

Recommendations for such an anomaly include constant bed rest and exclusion of sexual activity, because orgasm can provoke increased tone. Often, women spend almost the entire period of gestation in a hospital setting under the supervision of medical specialists in order to avoid the threat of failure or to provide emergency assistance during the onset of labor pains and the birth of a child.

And pregnancy is a dangerous tandem. Typically, the cervix is ​​shortened when the female body is preparing for childbirth (in the last months of bearing a child). In this case, the internal os expands, and then labor begins. However, there are times when this process begins ahead of schedule. The reason for this is the pressure of the fetus on the softened shortened neck and its premature opening. We are talking about isthmic-cervical insufficiency - a dangerous condition that can cause consequences such as miscarriage or premature birth, which is extremely undesirable for a woman who has decided to become a mother.

Pregnancy with a short cervix is ​​characterized by complications, and therefore should be monitored more carefully, using special monitoring studies. If a transvaginal ultrasound performed in the 1st-2nd trimester showed a shortening of the uterine cervix to 2-3 cm, there is reason to talk about the presence of ICI.

If the pathology is caused by hormonal changes in the female body against the background of excess androgens, then in most cases the condition can be stabilized with the help of hormonal therapy. In addition, a pregnant woman must adhere to certain rules: stay in bed, reduce physical activity, use a prenatal bandage if necessary, and follow all recommendations of a gynecologist. In particularly severe cases, the pregnant woman is prescribed inpatient treatment, which involves the installation of a gynecological ring (obstetric pessary) to maintain the uterus in a physiologically normal state.

Surgical correction (the so-called “cervical cerclage”) is prescribed in critical situations when the length of the cervix is ​​less than 2 cm. In this case, the gestational age should not exceed 27 weeks. The applied sutures are removed immediately at the very beginning of labor (after the water breaks or during contractions).

The main thing is to identify the pathology in a timely manner and immediately take the necessary measures aimed at maintaining the pregnancy. The expectant mother should take care of her health (rest more often, reduce stress, lead a calm lifestyle, regularly consult with your doctor).

Short cervix and sex

A short cervix is ​​an unfavorable factor that affects the course of pregnancy and often provokes such dangerous complications as the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. A woman with such a diagnosis needs to take care of herself for the sake of the baby. This applies to restrictions in both physical activity and sex.

A short cervix and sex are incompatible concepts if there is a threat of miscarriage. Especially in the first trimester, if the expectant mother experiences the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency and dangerous signs appear: heavy vaginal discharge and bleeding. To avoid complications, partners are not recommended to use oral sex and other forms of sexual gratification. This is due to the fact that if there is a threat of miscarriage, even minimal contractions of the uterus can cause dangerous consequences, i.e. miscarriage or premature birth. Future parents should understand that in such a situation, complete abstinence from sexual activity is very important, since we are talking about the health of the woman and their unborn child.

Alarming symptoms of an unfavorable pregnancy that should alert a woman include nagging abdominal pain, spotting, a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the lower abdomen (may signal hypertonicity of the uterus). When faced with such signs indicating a threat of pregnancy failure, the expectant mother needs to maintain sexual peace and immediately consult her doctor.

Short cervix during childbirth

A short cervix (if it is observed in a pregnant woman during the prenatal period) is a completely natural phenomenon. More precisely, we are talking about its shortening, which indicates the preparation of the uterus directly for the process of delivery itself. However, when it comes to pathology (the length of the organ is less than 2 cm), there is a risk of rapid labor, which can lead to rupture of the vagina and the cervical canal itself.

A short cervix during childbirth poses a real danger to a woman’s health, therefore, in order to avoid problems associated with rapid labor, a pregnant woman should undergo regular medical examinations and strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions.

Obstetricians-gynecologists pay special attention to the issue regarding the length of the uterine cervix, since this indicator is of great importance both at the stage of planning conception and throughout the entire period of gestation. Pregnant women who have been diagnosed with this pathology are registered due to the threat of miscarriage. We must also remember about such a dangerous condition as isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which can lead to premature dilatation of the uterine cervix, and therefore to unplanned birth or spontaneous abortion.

Every woman dreams of an ideal pregnancy, which proceeds calmly, without complications associated with the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. But no one is immune from failure; sometimes things don’t end the way you want. If the cervix is ​​short during pregnancy, the risk of premature birth of the baby increases significantly.

Shortly before childbirth, the body begins to prepare for the upcoming event. The changes do not bypass the cervix - it becomes softer and shorter, so that at the crucial moment it is easier to open and release the baby from the birth canal. Sometimes this process, intended by nature, begins much earlier, and then the woman faces the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Normally, the length of the cervix is ​​3.5 cm, but if we are talking about its pathological condition, then this figure decreases to 2.5 cm or less. It is shaped like a cone. One third of its structure is represented by strong muscle fibers, which reliably fix the fetus in the reproductive organ during pregnancy.

If a woman’s shortened cervix is ​​due to heredity, then this fact can be recognized long before pregnancy. Girls who regularly visit a gynecologist from the onset of puberty are usually aware of their diagnosis. In order to avoid complications, it must be taken into account by the doctor at the stage of the patient’s planning for conception.

If a woman comes to the gynecologist while already pregnant, then the doctor will be able to establish the fact of a short cervix during a routine examination on the gynecological chair. As a rule, in these cases, the specialist additionally refers the patient to a transvaginal ultrasound examination, which can confirm his assumption.

Why is a short neck dangerous during pregnancy?

The greatest danger of a short cervix during pregnancy is (ICN), leading to the threat of miscarriage. If its length is less than 2.5 cm, then it will not be able to hold the fetus for a long time and premature opening of the uterus will begin. Pathology not detected in time leads to pregnancy loss.

During the birth itself, there is a high probability of rapid progress and complications associated with this: injuries, ruptures, etc. In addition, the shortened neck of the reproductive organ does not reliably protect the fetus from infection, since in this case there is no complete barrier against pathogenic microflora penetrating from the outside.

Fortunately, this condition is not an obstacle to motherhood. Even in the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, it is possible to carry and give birth to a child if the necessary treatment and preventive measures are taken in time.


A short cervix during pregnancy can negatively affect the entire process of bearing a child. This pathology is aggravated by such concomitant factors as a large fetus, polyhydramnios and multiple births.

Causes of shortening of the cervix:

  • congenital pathologies caused by genetics: incomplete development of the cervical canal, abnormal structure of the uterus, sexual infantilism;
  • hormonal abnormalities that arise during pregnancy;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • acquired injuries to the cervix of the reproductive organ received during childbirth, abortion or curettage;
  • organ dysplasia.


For the first time, symptoms of a shortened cervix make themselves felt from the 16th week of pregnancy. The fact is that from this moment the fetus begins to gain body weight faster, putting more pressure on the uterine os. The doctor can discover this during the next examination in the gynecological chair. The expectant mother usually does not have any complaints.

In rare cases, symptoms of a short cervix during pregnancy are manifested by minor discharge mixed with blood or copious mucous discharge from the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen. If a woman has these signs, the doctor will definitely refer her for an ultrasound examination. The first symptom of a miscarriage or premature birth is bleeding at any stage.


Diagnosis of the cervical condition is usually carried out before the 12th week of pregnancy, at the moment when a woman comes to the antenatal clinic to register for pregnancy.

A comprehensive examination includes the following stages:

  1. Digital examination of the vagina, during which the doctor assesses the length of the cervix, its patency and the condition of the cervical canal.
  2. Examination in the mirrors, which allows you to clarify the condition of the external os of the cervix.
  3. An ultrasound examination, which not only confirms the presence of pathology, but also allows you to monitor its development in the future.

The doctor will see that the cervix is ​​shortened after the first vaginal examination of the patient. But he will be able to make the diagnosis only based on the results of an ultrasound examination performed transvaginally.


If a woman has a history of spontaneous miscarriages and premature births, or during this pregnancy she is diagnosed with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, then she will have to be closely monitored by a doctor throughout the entire gestation period.

If a short cervix is ​​detected during pregnancy, what should you do? Unfortunately, it is impossible to increase the length of a shortened organ. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at maintaining pregnancy and preventing premature onset of labor.

Doctors use two tactics in treating such patients. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, if the cervix has shortened slightly during pregnancy, a pessary is installed on its sphincter, which reduces the pressure of the amniotic sac, fixes the uterus in a certain projection and prevents the opening of the uterine pharynx prematurely.

If the cervix is ​​seriously shortened or the external os is opened, it becomes necessary to apply sutures that will mechanically prevent the subsequent opening of the cervix until the time of birth. This procedure cannot be postponed: a short cervix can be sutured during a pregnancy of 30 weeks or less.

If the shortening of the organ is caused by hormonal imbalance, the condition is corrected by prescribing hormone therapy to the woman. The doctor should also give the patient a number of recommendations, such as wearing a prenatal bandage, limiting physical activity, and sexual abstinence.


Prevention of premature cervical dilatation during pregnancy should begin long before conception, even from the moment of sexual activity. It includes the following aspects:

  • reliable contraception aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancy and subsequent abortions;
  • regular observation by a gynecologist in order to timely identify health problems and eliminate them;
  • adequate pregnancy planning, especially for women who have experienced abortions, miscarriages and premature onset of labor in the past;
  • maintaining a healthy intimate life (absence of promiscuity, protected sexual intercourse, etc.).

A short cervix leads to serious problems during pregnancy. The health of the mother and child, namely the outcome of pregnancy, depends on its condition.

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