What to feed your cat with homemade food. Natural food for cats

Ready-made cat food is now easy to purchase at any pet store. They are convenient to use if the owner is at work all day and sometimes doesn’t even have time to prepare food for himself; besides, dry croquettes can be left in the feeder for the whole day without fear that the food will spoil. However, many pet owners prefer to switch their pets from commercially prepared food to a natural diet.

Sometimes the reason is necessity, when ready-made food is not recommended for cats for health reasons. And often the owner or mistress switches the pet to food prepared with their own hands, knowing that it is closer to the natural diet of cats than what is offered in canned form. Besides all that, cooking is a fun activity. You need to study the needs of the cat’s body, find and try to prepare interesting cat dishes.

First of all, you should know what products and in what quantities should be included in the cat’s menu so that it is complete and balanced in terms of substances necessary for its body. You should also learn how to prepare homemade cat food: what can be added to dishes raw, and what must be heat-treated.

A cat is a predatory mammal of the cat family. Like all predators, it mainly feeds on meat. Meat products should make up up to 80% of a cat's daily diet, of which 10% can be in the form of offal. Any meat can be used, only pork in limited quantities - it is harder to digest and contains a lot of fat.

The remaining 20% ​​of the cat's diet should be vegetables, grains, potatoes, legumes, herbs, eggs (2-3 per week, no more). Vegetables for cats include cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower), carrots, spinach, celery, pumpkin, and zucchini. Whatever your cat prefers, put it on the menu. Onions and garlic should not be given to cats - these products are toxic to cats. Homemade food should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, so it is recommended to add vitamin-mineral pills or tablets for cats recommended by a veterinarian to ready-made meals.

It can be difficult for a cat to immediately switch from canned food to a natural diet, so it is wiser to start by giving her wet canned food; they are closer to homemade food in appearance and taste. If there are other animals in your house (for example, a dog), you will have to prepare food for the cat separately, since the composition of the diet for them is different: the cat needs much more protein. There are quite a lot of simple recipes for dishes for cats, at least some of which your pet will definitely like.

Meat dishes

Meat serves as the main source of proteins and fats. Chicken, turkey, and beef are suitable for cats, but it is advisable not to give pork to your cat often.

Raw chicken with vegetable pilaf

For pilaf you will need: 1 cup of brown rice, two large carrots, several stalks of celery and a cup of green peas or green beans. Pre-steam the rice, grate the celery and carrots on a coarse grater. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the mixture of rice and vegetables and cook for 20-30 minutes. Cool the finished pilaf to room temperature, add 2 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). This amount of pilaf is enough for several feedings; it can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Before giving the cat the required portion, you need to add raw skinless chicken fillet cut into small cubes to the vegetable pilaf.

Chicken with mashed potatoes and eggs

Boil 2 potatoes cut into pieces, cool to room temperature. Place in blender, add 1 tsp. butter, 100 g raw chicken, 1 egg. Mix the ingredients until pureed. This dish is great for small kittens and old cats. If you use boiled chicken, this food can be prepared for future use, for a couple of days, and stored in the refrigerator.

Meat with broccoli puree


  • raw beef - 100 g;
  • broccoli or cauliflower - 50 g;
  • vegetable fat - 0.5 tsp;
  • calcium gluconate - 1 tablet.

Cut the beef into small pieces, separate the cabbage into florets, boil and grind in a blender, grind the calcium gluconate tablet into powder. To prepare the dish, you can use canned cabbage from baby food. Mix everything, pour oil on top.

Meat pancakes

Grate a small carrot, 100 g of frozen chicken fillet or beef meat on a coarse grater (you can use ready-made minced meat). Add a calcium gluconate tablet, a handful of finely chopped nettles or lettuce, ¼ cup green peas, 1 raw egg. Form small cakes and bake in the oven or microwave - lightly, just so that they do not fall apart. These pancakes can be stored in the freezer and warmed in the microwave as needed.

Fish dishes

Fish contains minerals, essential amino acids, is rich in fat-soluble vitamins, and, like meat, serves as a source of protein. The following are suitable for preparing cat dishes: pollock, hake, cod, mackerel, pike, salmon, halibut, trout. Low-fat fish is an excellent food option for overweight cats, but due to its low calorie content, it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating cats, as well as kittens.

Salmon with rice and egg

Separate 100-150 g of salmon from skin and bones, cut and stew or cook in a double boiler. Boil ¼ cup of rice until it becomes a mushy porridge, hard-boil 1 egg and finely chop. Mix everything, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable fat, a few finely chopped sprigs of dill or parsley, a tablet of vitamin-mineral complex or calcium gluconate. This dish can be prepared for future use and stored in containers or bags in the freezer.

Fish dish for gourmets

Boil the fillet of sea or river fish and cut into small pieces. Cook the rice like regular porridge, grate the raw carrots. Mix all ingredients, adding sprouted wheat and olive oil. For one serving of the dish you will need:

  • 250 g fish fillet (it can be replaced with a can of canned fish in oil);
  • 4 tbsp. rice;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 tbsp. sprouted wheat;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil.

Shrimp salad


  • 0.5 cups of small shrimp or 4-5 large pieces;
  • 1 medium sized carrot;
  • 0.5 hard-boiled egg;
  • 1 tsp olive oil.

Boil the shrimp for 10-15 minutes, remove the tail part, remove the shell, chop with a knife. Grate the raw carrots and hard-boiled egg or chop in a blender. Mix everything and add vegetable fat. Even the pickiest cats eat such a tender and tasty salad with gusto.

Offal dishes

The internal organs of animals and birds are very useful for cats. They contain proteins, fats, essential amino acids (including taurine, which is so important for the cat’s body), vitamins and minerals. If your cat is reluctant to eat liver, heart or kidneys, these by-products can be included in meat or fish dishes, or their taste can be masked with grains or vegetables.

Tender pate from chicken by-products

To prepare a portion of pate you will need:

  • 200 g chicken giblets (heart, liver, gizzards);
  • 1 tbsp. butter;
  • 1 carrot;
  • several sprigs of parsley or celery.

Lightly fry the giblets in oil, boil the carrots. Pass everything through a meat grinder and add finely chopped greens.

Liver with cabbage and oatmeal

The recipe is for 4-5 servings. The pilaf can be put into bags and frozen, then you can only take the bag out of the freezer and warm its contents.

For the dish you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of liver (chicken, rabbit or beef);
  • 1 cup oatmeal;
  • 0.6 cups of broccoli or green peas;
  • 2-3 tbsp. sunflower or olive oil.

Boil the liver and cabbage and cut into small pieces, steam the oatmeal with boiling water. Mix everything, adding vegetable fat.

Stew from offal and vegetables

For 4-5 servings of the dish you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg of chicken giblet mixture;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • half a medium-sized zucchini;
  • 1 glass of pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal or corn;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Make minced meat from raw offal, grate the vegetables on a coarse grater, and cook the cereal. Mix everything, add oil. This dish can be prepared in advance and stored in the freezer, packaged in bags.


Soups should be an integral part of a cat's natural diet. The body of these predators needs fiber, which is contained in boiled vegetables and grains, and during the cooking process, many useful substances pass from meat or fish into the water. Cats suffering from stomach or intestinal diseases and small kittens especially need warm soups.

Meat soup with semolina and yolk

100 g of meat scraps or chicken, a small washed and peeled carrot, pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for half an hour. Then, stirring vigorously, add 1-2 tbsp semolina, 1 tsp. butter, raw yolk, keep on fire for another 5 minutes. Before serving, the meat can be removed from the soup and finely chopped with a knife.

Diet chicken soup with broccoli

Boil chicken meat (about 100 g) in a glass of water, cook several broccoli florets in a double boiler. Grind the ingredients in a blender until pureed, pour in lukewarm broth, add 1 tsp. butter. This dietary dish is enjoyed by both adult cats and kittens; it is also recommended to be prepared for picky cats who have a habit of eating meat and leaving vegetables in the feeder.

Low calorie fish soup

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 100-150 g of lean fish (hake, pollock, pike);
  • small carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. any cereal;
  • ¼ tbsp. sunflower oil (optional).

Cut the fish, cook over low heat along with cereals and grated carrots for 0.5 hours. Then remove the fish, remove the spinal bones, cut and return to the broth.

Cream soup with meatballs


  • minced meat (any except pork) - 100-150g;
  • rice - 1-2 tbsp;
  • carrots (small piece);
  • green beans or green peas - 2 tbsp.

Method of preparation: cook rice and vegetable soup in 0.5 liters of water, 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add small meatballs formed from minced meat. Remove the meatballs, beat the rest with a blender, then return the meat balls to the soup. There is no need to crush them; the cat will prefer to take out whole pieces of meat from the soup.

Homemade croquettes

If you want to pamper your pet, who is accustomed to ready-made dry food, you can make croquettes yourself. They taste just as good as store-bought ones, but are certainly much healthier and safer, since they do not contain any preservatives or artificial flavor enhancers. This delicacy is easy to prepare: the ingredients are crushed in a blender, mixed, the resulting mushy mass is spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet and baked in the oven at 100° for about 20 minutes. Then the still soft layer of food is divided into small pieces and dried in the oven for another hour. Here are several options for a food kit for making homemade dry food.

Option 1:

  • minced beef - 0.5 kg;
  • beef or chicken liver - 0.2 kg;
  • boiled rice - 1 cup;
  • calcium gluconate - 4 tablets;
  • vegetable fat - 1 tbsp.

Option 2:

  • beef liver - 0.5 kg;
  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • fish oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Option 3:

  • chicken or beef heart - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken liver - 0.3 kg;
  • boiled carrots - 150 g.
  • unsalted crackers - 300 g.

If you feed your cat properly, she will be healthy, active and look good. It is up to the pet owner to decide what to feed it - home-cooked meals or ready-made croquettes and canned food. It takes more time and effort to organize meals at home. But cats, like people, appreciate showing attention and love, and they are often more willing to eat food prepared especially for them. And fresh food made from healthy ingredients, even if it alternates with canned cat food from the store, will be an excellent addition to your pet’s diet.

Delicious homemade croquettes with your own hands: video recipe

What to prefer:

ready-made food or natural food? Neither veterinarians, nor cat breeders, nor owners have yet come to a clear opinion. There is endless debate on this issue. There are many examples of cats who lived to a ripe old age who ate home-cooked food, and no less examples that testify in favor of industrial food.

Therefore, you will have to make the decision yourself, based on the time you have and the money you are willing to spend on feeding the cat. If time is short, then the best option is good ready-made food, in which everything is selected to ensure complete feeding. If you want to give your pet the joy of varied food, feed it natural food, but remember that this requires careful balance, and feeding natural food will not always be cheaper than good industrial food.

Natural food for cats and kittens

Unlike a person, cats do not need a varied diet. They cannot appreciate variety because they have little sense of taste (for comparison, a human has about 9,000 taste buds, a cat has only about 500), and their intestinal flora is structured differently than that of humans, and frequent changes in diet can lead to digestive disorders .

Cats cannot eat most of what we eat: fried, salty, pickled, sweet (in no case chocolate!), baked, spices.

Contrary to popular belief, cats should not be given fish (why? see ""), milk (due to the indigestibility of lactose and causing diarrhea - see ""). Cats are "carnivores".

The main part of their diet consists of meat products (but do not give your cat fatty meat and bones!). For an optimal balance of natural food, it must contain at least 2/3 proteins.

To ensure that your cat receives all the vitamins, minerals and taurine it needs (it is not produced by the cat’s body, but is necessary for maintaining vision), vitamins and vitamin supplements should be included in the diet. During illness, the best food for a cat is shredded chicken breast mixed with rice water.

If your cat constantly eats food from your table, it may develop problems with the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines may arise. This takes a very long time to cure and requires large financial investments.

Holidays are especially dangerous when you really want to treat your pet to some delicacy! For example, .

At home, it is difficult to prepare food that would satisfy all the needs of the cat’s body and contain all the necessary nutrients, trace elements, minerals and vitamins in the right quantities and in the right proportions.

This is what happens if you feed a kitten incorrectly -

It is much wiser to use industrial cat food, specially designed taking into account their needs and characteristics.

Ready-made feed

Remember - good food does not cost less than 200 rubles per kilogram. Several large classes of feed can be distinguished:

Economy class(Kitekat, Darling, Whiskas, Katinka, Friskies, etc.) Cost 50 - 100 rubles. per kilogram, they are replete with numerous additives to enhance taste, dyes, etc. They are made mainly from offal - entrails, bones, skin, feathers. As a rule, they differ only in taste - fish, beef, chicken, etc. For little money you get a product of appropriate quality. There are often cases when cats constantly fed on economy-class food had to be treated for. In addition, due to flavoring additives (most often catnip), cats become “drug addicts”, accepting only cheap food and nothing else, which is why switching to a healthy diet requires a lot of effort.

Middle class(Perfect Fit, Cat Chow, etc.). They cost from 100 - 200 rubles. per kilogram, there are flavoring additives, but in relatively small quantities. They differ not only in taste, but also in purpose - ordinary, for the prevention of urolithiasis, for removing wool. Inside are the same by-products, but of better quality. You can give such food if there is no alternative yet.

Premium and super-premium class(Hill's, Pro Plan, Iams, Eukanuba, Royal Canin, Nutro Choice, Acana, etc.). They cost 300-400 rubles or more per kilogram and do not contain flavoring additives or dyes. Made from meat and cereals (for example, rice). You can feed them constantly; they contain everything a cat needs. The lines of this type of food are very diverse; it is possible to choose food for both an ordinary healthy cat and neutered cats, for cats living in apartments, for long-haired cats, for cats with sensitive stomachs, etc. There are rulers medicinal feed– for urolithiasis, kidney problems, diabetes, after operations, etc. Medicinal food is prescribed only by a veterinarian.

Since premium food does not contain any flavoring additives, your cat may well refuse it, especially if it previously ate economy-class food or natural food. It is best to first take a small amount of new food and let the cat “test” it. Vomiting, diarrhea, and skin itching indicate that this food is not suitable for her (this can happen even with lines of highly professional food), and it should be changed.

It is best to feed a healthy cat 2-3 times a day, while a sick cat should be fed frequently and in small portions. Of course, you should adhere to the daily allowance indicated on the food bag, since high-class food is quite high in calories and therefore more economical to use.

Dry or canned food?

Dry food is suitable for animals that do not have problems with health and drink enough water. Canned food is suitable for almost everyone (you should not store an open can in the refrigerator for more than a day).

Give food at room temperature. Always check the expiration date. Do not buy dry food by weight (it may lose many properties). Make sure your cat always has access to water.

For a number of reasons, dry croquettes are preferable to canned ones. Firstly, canned food loses its flavor and other properties faster and is more difficult to store. Secondly, canned food is 80% water. Therefore, to satisfy the cat’s needs, you will need much more of it than dry food. Thirdly, using canned food is much more expensive than using dry food. You can give wet food from time to time. Hard kibble helps clean and strengthen your cat's teeth.

What are we going to drink?

There should be fresh water next to the bowl of food. It is best to give filtered water. Many cats only like to drink from large containers (for example, from a mopping basin). Therefore, provide your pet with a sufficient water bowl. size. Some cats love to drink tap water. Cats that eat dry food usually drink a lot of water; cats on natural food and canned food may not drink at all (see). Be sure to monitor your fluid intake - if your cat begins to drink more or stops drinking altogether, you should show her to a doctor, as problems with drinking may be a signal that the cat is sick.

About dishes

Cats prefer porcelain or ceramic dishes to plastic or metal ones. Not too deep dishes with a diameter of up to 16 cm are best suited. Tandem bowls (two bowls, one for food and one for water, connected together) are strictly not recommended, since water often gets into the food, and vice versa, and the cat may refuse to eat and drink . And, of course, the dishes should always be clean.

It is no secret for cat owners that good, high-quality food is quite expensive. However, you need to feed the cat every day, and saving money on food can cost the animal its health, or even its life. Sometimes the owner makes the mistake of treating the cat to food from his table. It should be remembered that human food, richly flavored with seasonings, spices, sometimes fatty or too spicy, is not suitable for a cat. What to do in this case, only the owner of the animal must decide, but the choice is not so great: food prepared for the cat with his own hands or purchasing commercial food (dry or wet food). Probably, the first option is better and more reliable, because the owner knows what quality of products he bought and how he prepared them. But in terms of saving time, this option is not the best - a person who is busy most of the day is unlikely to be able to spend so much time cooking for a cat. If you are considering purchasing dry and wet food, you should first carefully study the composition of the product, and ideally, consult a doctor.

Home-cooked food

If the owner gives preference to natural food, then list of foods you can feed your cat:
  • Low-fat (or low-fat) fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt). Such products can be given to a cat if it does not occur. Otherwise, you will have to treat the animal with calcium supplements.
  • Milk can be given to a cat if it does not have an upset stomach after eating it.
  • By-products (liver, heart, gizzards) You can alternate with meat by boiling and cutting into small pieces.
  • Vegetables (cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), spinach, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets). Vegetables are added to meat in a ratio of 1:5 and help the animal’s digestive system work well.
  • Fish (sea fish, boiled, boned) Can be consumed by a cat no more than 1-2 times a week. You should never feed your cat raw and river fish, as this can lead to contamination with microbes. In addition, frequent use can push the animal to develop urolithiasis.
  • Boiled or raw egg yolks(chicken (1 pc.) or quail (3 pcs.)) - no more than once a week.
  • Cereals (rice, oatmeal, semolina), boiled in water and added to meat or fish in a ratio of 1:5. But frequent consumption of cereals is not important for a cat due to the fact that carbohydrates are not vital for the animal.
  • Oil (vegetable or butter) in quantity? teaspoon 1 time per day, which can be used to season a cat's dish.
  • Greens (parsley, dill, barley, oats), it should be added to food or given to the cat to chew on if it likes it.
  • Fiber (for example, ground bran) can be added to meat dishes.
  • Vitamins must be prescribed by a veterinarian, usually twice a year. You should not constantly stuff your cat with vitamins, because when feeding it natural food, vitamins and minerals enter its body. It is preferable to give your cat vitamins twice a year – in spring and autumn.
Foods you should not feed your cat:
  • Fatty meat (pork, lamb) harms the animal’s liver.
  • Food from the table (smoked, fried, sour, spicy).
  • Alcohol.
  • Sweets.
  • Salt.
As you can see, the basis for a natural menu is chopped lean boiled meat along with vegetables. You can also purchase baby food for your animal (canned meat in iron or glass jars). You can also use meat broth cook porridge for the cat, although you should not give it to your animal daily or in large quantities. In addition to meat cat diet you can include fermented milk products daily, if the animal loves them and the body accepts them. You should not buy sausage, frankfurters, or pates for your animal due to the large number of spices in their composition. Home-cooked cat food should never be salted or any seasonings added - this leads to stomach and kidney diseases.

Ready-made industrial cat food

If the cat owner prefers dry or wet canned food, then before purchasing them you should carefully study their composition. You should not rely on beautiful packaging, encouraging advertising and promises from the manufacturer. In a good quality food, meat should prevail over other ingredients. Ideally, the food should not contain preservatives, flavors, dyes, GMOs, corn, that is, those components that are harmful to the health of the animal. It is worth paying attention to the percentage of meat to other components in the composition. The advantage of feeding good food is that it is balanced and enriched with vitamins (that is, you do not have to purchase vitamin complexes for the animal). Ready-made food can be consumed immediately after opening the package; there is no need to spend time in the kitchen near the stove. It is advisable to purchase super-premium food - it contains the largest amount of meat in the absence of chemical additives. When choosing ready-made food, you can pay attention to specialized types of products: for sterilized cats leading an active life, elderly cats suffering from urolithiasis, and cats with sensitive digestion.

When choosing industrial cat food you should not:

  • Constantly change brands of feed.
  • Give the animal natural and ready-made food at the same time.
  • Abruptly switch your cat from natural food to dry or wet food.
  • Limiting the animal to clean water or forgetting to change it on time.
When feeding your cat either homemade natural food or store-bought food, you should always provide the animal with a bowl of clean drinking water. Cats that eat dry food that lacks moisture need water especially badly. An adult healthy animal should be fed 2 times a day. Kittens (they are accustomed to adult food gradually, starting from 1 month of life), pregnant and lactating cats are fed 4 times a day.

The serving size is calculated depending on the weight of the animal, approximately 40-60 g of food per kilogram of animal weight. It is preferable to feed the cat in the morning and evening, and after the meal you should remove the bowl and wash it thoroughly. You should not leave food in the bowl after eating. Firstly, food can spoil and dry out. Secondly, the cat will have no idea when exactly it is time to eat. In addition to a bowl of water, you can put a pot of grass for your cat, which you can purchase at a pet store or sow yourself.

Perhaps, natural food prepared by the owner can be more beneficial for the cat, but in this case the animal may not be given enough nutrients (for example, not all animals like vegetables, herbs, cereals, etc.). Plus, cooking takes time. Purchasing ready-made food can be a good alternative to homemade food only if the food is of high quality and good, and therefore expensive.

Many of us have pets, including cats. Any owner has a question about what to feed the cat at home. It’s no secret that proper nutrition is the key to a pet’s health.

Natural and industrial food

All cat owners can be divided into two camps: supporters of natural food and industrial diets. Each person decides for himself what to feed his cat at home. In many ways, the chosen type of food also depends on the employment of the owners. It is not always possible to prepare balanced meals for pets. But in any case, it is worth keeping in mind that cats are natural predators, and in their natural environment they catch birds and mice. Animal food forms one part of their diet. This means that for proper nutrition, about 80% of the diet should be meat products. In addition, the food must contain essential vitamins that the cat’s body cannot produce on its own.

Industrial feed

When deciding what to feed a cat at home, many owners decide to use ready-made industrial food. They are now presented in a fairly large assortment on the market. And therefore it is difficult to make a choice. After all, all manufacturers claim that their food is the best. In addition, intrusive advertising and beautiful product packaging attract attention. There are also feeds for individual breeds. However, all of the above marketing moves do not reflect reality at all. You shouldn’t make a choice based on expensive commercials and beautiful boxes. All this is included in the price of the product. Unfortunately, expensive food is not always the best for your pet.

The main thing is to know that nutritional mixtures differ not only in quality, but also in properties. Therefore, when thinking about what to feed your cat at home, it is worth studying the range of food offered by stores. Although reading labels does not provide completely accurate information. After all, in the end we have to rely on the honesty of the manufacturer.

Any owner should understand that the main criterion for assessing the quality of food is the condition of the animal that consumes it. The pet must be in excellent shape. Only then can we say that the food is really suitable for him.

When choosing a suitable industrial food, you should focus on the price-quality ratio. Cheap food is never of high quality, since the ingredients themselves, for example meat, are not cheap. The best sign of the right diet is a healthy and happy pet. Since cats cannot tell us about their well-being, it is necessary to focus on their appearance, behavior, condition of fur, mood and other factors. You should always pay attention to the animal’s nose, fur, skin, eyes, gums and pet’s teeth. Because they are the indicators of cats’ health.

Feed classes

There are several classes of cat food on sale: economy, super-premium and premium.

Economy class food is, naturally, made from not very high-quality raw materials. By-products with the addition of soy and low-grade cereals are used. When feeding a pet with such food, a shortage of various amino acids and vitamins occurs in the body. And this can lead to digestive disorders, metabolic disorders, allergies and other ailments. By the way, the digestibility and nutritional value of such mixtures is quite low. Therefore, their consumption is uneconomical. Veterinarians do not recommend this diet for cats, as it can lead to various types of diseases.

Premium feed is made from higher quality raw materials. The main source of protein for an animal is meat. Therefore, such mixtures are easier to digest and at the same time provide much less undigested substances. But these foods are also undesirable for pets.

Of course, the best option among all classes is super-premium. Such nutrition is balanced and has high nutritional value and digestibility. Manufacturers claim that they use good quality meat in the production of feed. There is a fairly large assortment of mixtures, among which you need to choose the right one for your pet.

Nutritional needs of cats and kittens

When thinking about the question of how to properly feed a cat, you need to know the nutritional needs of the animal. The fact is that pets’ bodies are significantly different from ours, and therefore their diet is completely different. The animal's menu should be thoughtful and rational. Cats need food high in fat and protein. By the way, the need for protein in furry pets is twice as high as in dogs.

The diet of an adult cat should consist of 85 percent meat and offal. And herbs and vegetables should make up only 15 percent.

The diet should always contain fresh water, proteins, fats, vitamin A (present in milk, eggs), vitamin B, E and calcium.

Taurine is very important for a cat's body. This amino acid plays an important role in the life of the animal. Typically, a sufficient amount of taurine is found in dry and canned food. If you feed your cat homemade food, you need to make sure that there is no shortage of taurine. Because this can cause diseases of the retina and heart.

Pet diet

Healthy nutrition for a cat is not only the right foods, but also a certain regime. In this sense, animals are very demanding. Diet at different ages is therefore different. How many times should I feed my cat? Of course, cats themselves are able to understand when and how much they need to eat. But sometimes a person needs to control the process.

Kittens, for example, need to be fed three to four times a day from 6 weeks to 3 months of age. And by 6 months, the number of feedings can be reduced to two times.

You can leave food for adults. Then they can eat whenever they want. But in general, they need to be fed several times a day.

There are situations when there are several cats in a family. And each of them has its own needs. In this case, it is necessary to develop a system that would allow them to feed so that they do not eat each other’s food.

Feeding kittens

How to feed a kitten correctly? After all, there are times when a newborn baby has to be fed on its own.

It is worth noting that until 1.5 months, kittens feed exclusively on mother’s milk. If the cat refuses to feed her child, then you will have to do it from a bottle or with a syringe if the baby is still weak. Pet stores sell special formulations for kittens that are as close as possible to mother's milk. They are the most balanced for babies.

Cow's milk is not suitable for kittens, since the mother's milk contains 9 times more protein than cow's milk. Therefore, they practice adding goat milk to cow's milk. Egg whites are also added to the mixture and the mass is heated to 31-36 degrees. The baby needs to be fed every two hours. But at the same time, it is worth paying attention to the kitten’s behavior: if he meows after eating and does not fall asleep, he is probably hungry. This means that the portion should be increased. At the age of one month, babies are much easier to feed, and over time they will even learn to lap up milk on their own from a saucer. If the kitten is a little over a month old, then you can feed it only six times a day. During this period, cottage cheese and other dairy products can be introduced into the diet. And then they give you a chopped boiled egg. But after this point, the baby must have constant access to water.

Adult animals (more than six months old) do not feed as often. And they require much larger portions.

Experts say that animals need large amounts of amino acids. Therefore, meat nutrition is more preferable for them than fermented milk. For cats, an important factor is the amount of protein in their food. The more of them, the more energy and strength the pets have.

There is a stereotype that the best diet for a cat from natural products is milk and fermented milk products. In fact, animals don't like milk that much. And some don't use it at all. By the way, veterinarians warn that milk causes stomach upset in pets.

Several times a week you can give some cereals (for example, rolled oats), liver, boiled eggs. All of these foods contain essential vitamin B.

Quite often, pets are interested in food that is completely unusual for them, for example, fruits, flour or sauerkraut. It is absolutely not necessary to prohibit the animal from trying such food. Most likely, the cat is simply showing interest in something new. And next time he won’t necessarily ask for this product.

The time for eating must be chosen so that the pet receives equal portions two to three times a day. You can feed your cat in the morning, during your breakfast, in the evening and, if possible, during the day.

Your pet should always have water available throughout the day.

If you calculate the amount of food, it is worth noting that adult animals should receive up to 210 grams of protein and up to 55 grams of carbohydrate supplements per day.

Mixed feeding

Natural food remains the most affordable option for feeding pets. If it meets the animal's needs, then that's just great. You should not give your pet raw meat or fish, or fatty meat products. Chicken and red lean meat are good options. In combination with vegetables and cereals, this diet is quite acceptable. It is well tolerated by cats. Can cats have cheese or not? Sometimes you can pamper your animal with cottage cheese, kefir, or a boiled egg. But you shouldn’t make these products the basis of your diet. Practice inexorably shows that the most cost-effective is a mixed diet. During the day, you can offer your pet homemade or canned food, and give dry food at night.

Nutrition for a castrated cat

What to feed a neutered cat at home? The diet of such animals should be different, since they are prone to excess weight and urolithiasis. This is due to changes in metabolism and hormonal levels.

If the animal has undergone surgery, then immediately after it there may be no appetite. But it is worth providing your pet with constant access to water and light food. This could be meat pate, wet food, minced meat. The next day the pet can eat normally. You should not offer cats more food than they need for their weight.

When discussing with your veterinarian what to feed a neutered cat at home, you should find out exactly the full range of products. It is worth knowing that animals should not be given mixtures that are not intended for therapeutic nutrition. The prohibition is associated with sensitivity of the urinary tract. Special food has been developed for cats who have undergone surgery. They do not contain salts that provoke the appearance of stones. This means that such mixtures are not dangerous for your pet. In addition, specialized food is a kind of prevention.

If your pet already has urolithiasis, then a veterinarian should prepare a special diet based on tests.

In general, you should not overfeed your pets. It makes sense to pay attention to their desires. If the animal does not want to eat dry food, then there is no need to insist. It is necessary to offer a worthy alternative in the form of natural food.

What should you not give to cats?

Every owner is happy to give his pet what he asks for. But is it worth doing? Regular consumption of the wrong foods is bad for the health of animals. Therefore, it is worth knowing the list of foods that are undesirable for your pets:

  1. Chocolate causes excessive work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  2. Alcohol provokes loss of coordination and poisoning.
  3. Coffee makes the animal hyperactive.
  4. Avocado causes severe poisoning.
  5. Legumes are not digested properly, causing bloating.
  6. Tomatoes give severe pain in the stomach and intestines.

Cats need a variety of foods. However, many of them cannot be given frequently. In large quantities, some can cause poisoning or allergies. When compiling a diet, it is worth remembering that even an adult animal has little weight, and therefore there should not be a lot of food.

Much has been said about giving cats eggs, but please note that it is recommended to give them the yolks. The fact is that the cat’s body is not able to digest egg white. In addition, you should not give raw eggs at all, so that your pet does not get sick. It is better to use them boiled. Of course, cats are not very susceptible to salmonella infection, but they can become carriers of the infection.

If you are going to feed your pet meat, but you are confused about its quality, it is better to freeze it first.

According to veterinarians, you need to be especially careful with milk and dairy products. They are the ones that cause distress in many breeds. But not everyone does. Liver is very useful for animals, but at the same time it can cause abdominal pain, so it is recommended to give it only a couple of times a week.

Nutrition of British cats

What to feed a British cat? Is his diet different from other breeds? British cats, like other cats, are predators, and therefore should not be forced to eat cereals and vegetables. The basis of the diet should be meat: liver, chicken, fish, rabbit, beef. Proper nutrition for the British is a balanced meal. Don't overfeed your furry friend.

When thinking about what to feed a British cat, it is worth knowing that the diet can include: meat products, cottage cheese, cream, milk porridge, vegetables, offal, canned food according to age, yolks, fermented milk products, cheese, boiled sea fish.

Scottish cat nutrition

What to feed a Scottish cat? In general, the diet is not too different from other representatives of the cat family. The diet must include meat (chicken or beef). Liver can be given only once a week, otherwise a disorder may occur. But the Scots should not be given fish at all. As an exception, once a week you can offer lean boiled fish (hake, carp or perch). An excess of fish leads to the development of diseases in cats.

But the Scots are very fond of low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, and fermented baked milk. This treat can be offered to them several times a week. The diet should also include chicken yolk, vegetables and cereals. Semolina, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal can be mixed with meat. Vegetables should be given boiled or steamed: carrots, cauliflower. Knowing what to feed your Scottish cat, it is not at all difficult to create the right diet.

Instead of an afterword

There are several options for feeding your beloved furry pet. Whatever you choose, you should pay attention to ensuring that the animal receives all the necessary vitamins and substances. Disputes regarding the correctness of home and artificial nutrition have long been ongoing not only between specialists, but also between people themselves. What is the best way to feed your pet? Of course, this issue is up to you to decide. Many owners are inclined to use a mixed diet because they do not have time to cook for their charges. Perhaps this is the best option, thanks to which you can achieve a balanced diet. However, it is worth remembering the animal’s personal preferences. You shouldn't force your pets to eat something they don't like. But you should also not allow the wrong foods to be consumed, so that the cat does not get sick in the future.

People are becoming more and more attached to their pets, seeing them as part of their family. Cats still remain at the forefront of people's choice of pets. In order for a cat to please its owners, they need to spare no effort or money to organize the life of a purring family member. An important point in caring for cats is a good and varied diet. Some people prefer dry food, but others are more accustomed to feeding cats dishes that all family members eat. Below we will find out what homemade food should be included in organizing your cat’s diet.

Rules for organizing homemade cat food

The cat's body has a great need for squirrels. Unlike dogs, cats need five times more. For this reason, foods high in protein are a must in your diet.

If you have both a cat and a dog, then remember that the dishes should be different, since each animal has its own needs for certain substances.

Notice the presence offal in the diet, for example, hearts. They are a source of taurine for the animal.

From vegetables cats can be offered pumpkin, spinach, carrots. You can mix vegetables with meat by first passing everything through a meat grinder or blender. There should be no garlic or onions in a dish for cats, as they can lead to intoxication of the body.

If you want the animal's body to be enriched carbohydrates, then introduce brown rice into your diet, which will perfectly cope with this task.

There are foods that should not be in the diet of cats or their the quantity should be minimal: milk, raisins, sweets, chocolate, baked goods

Concerning dairy products, then the most acceptable for a delicate cat’s stomach are low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream and a small amount of cheese.

Many cats enjoy eating eggs, so offer them to them periodically. The egg can be raw or boiled, it all depends on the cat’s preferences.

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