What to apply to a cold on your lip. The fastest way to get rid of herpes - ointment for a cold on the lip What to put on a cold 0 on the lip

Data Apr 20 ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor Maria Nikolaeva

During the off-season or after suffering a cold on your feet, whitish blisters appear on the lips, which not only spoil the appearance, but are also very painful. This is how the herpes virus manifests itself. It takes a certain amount of courage to show up at work with such an appearance. We paint over, cover up defects and walk briskly into today. But tomorrow and the day after tomorrow the same thing awaits - distortion of the external appearance, soreness and a long healing process. Is there a radical remedy - a universal ointment for herpes on the lips, which will get rid of this problem?

Blistering rashes on the lips are caused by the herpes virus, which infects most people on the planet. Once it enters the body, it is in the spinal cord in a “dormant state”, without disturbing its owner in any way. But as soon as the immune system weakens, it appears on the surface of the skin and most often manifests itself in the form of rashes on the lips.

It also develops on the mucous membrane of the eyes, hands, and genitals. When the blisters are squeezed out and the infection spreads, it can settle in other parts of the body. After 7-10 days, the virus will disappear without a trace, it will lie “at the bottom” until the body’s immune barrier weakens.

Gels, ointments, and creams help with colds on the lips. Ointments are most often used, since they have a fatty base, due to which their effect is longer. The ointment should be applied to damaged areas, selectively treating the sore spot on the skin. It does not affect the body as a whole, which helps to avoid side effects.

Advantages of drugs for herpes:

  • antiviral components enter the affected area;
  • are an obstacle to the further spread of the virus throughout the body;
  • it is possible to combine them with other medications in complex treatment;
  • good tolerance;
  • herpes remedies help in advanced stages, relieving pain and relieving inflammation;
  • There is no need to adhere to the exact dosage, nor is there a clear application schedule.

Ointment against cold sores on the lips can be used every 3 hours as the previous dose is absorbed. It is advisable to approximately stick to this time in order to quickly stop the infection or apply the product as needed.

When tingling, itching, pain begins on the lip area and an increase in size is felt, you should immediately use ointment for herpes on the lip, which will help stop the development of the infection.

If herpes infection is a “frequent guest”, then what ointments against herpes are best to use? They differ in the main component; the original drug or its analogue is also offered. The cost of the drug is determined by the manufacturer. It is important for the buyer to purchase an inexpensive but effective product, which would include the main component - acyclovir.

Features and rules for applying ointment

Applying ointment for a cold on the lip is not a particularly complicated procedure. But certain rules still need to be followed:

  • To prevent infection from getting on your hands, wash them thoroughly or use hand sanitizer;
  • you can smear herpes on the lips with your fingers, cotton swabs or cotton swabs;
  • after use, a cotton swab or other improvised means should be thrown away and under no circumstances reused, as viruses remain on it;
  • the product should be carefully spread on the skin without rubbing: the ointment should be absorbed on its own;
  • ointment against colds on the lips is absorbed slowly, so the procedure must be carried out in advance, the day before going outside;
  • You should wait until it is completely absorbed; washing or rinsing it off is not recommended.

Before going to work, they try to cover up a cold on the lips with foundation, powder, or lipstick. This clogs the wound and harms the skin, allowing the herpes virus to develop fully.

How to smear herpes on the lip - types of ointments

Ointments for colds on the lips are classified according to the main component in the composition. It is their effect that determines the duration and calmer course of the disease. They are divided into:

  1. Ointments containing Acyclovir or its derivatives. Acyclovir has a powerful antiviral effect, the mechanism of which is associated with the destruction of the hereditary material in the cells of the virus, leading to its death. Preparations based on this compound are non-toxic, safe, shorten the treatment process and relieve pain.
  2. Ointments based on herbal ingredients relieve herpetic manifestations and successfully fight infection. They are absolutely harmless, since their effect is based on medicinal herbs.
  3. Other medications for herpes. They contain different components, for example, interferon, and are aimed at restoring the body’s defenses (immunity) to independently combat “viral attacks.” They are more of an auxiliary nature.

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the virus multiplies in the internal environment, affecting its reproductive system. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as fetal pathology may develop.

Video - “Acyclovir”: choice of form and tolerability of the drug

List of ointments for herpes on the lips

Ointments for herpes on the lips, according to their therapeutic effects, are divided into two main groups:

  1. Therapeutic drugs, which are designed to destroy the virus and suppress its development. Their main effect is antiviral and immunomodulatory, that is, in parallel they are aimed at strengthening local immunity.
  2. Restorative or auxiliary, which have a wide spectrum of action, relieving the main symptoms of herpes. They are good antiseptics, relieve pain in areas of inflammation, and dry the wound.

Treatment should begin when the first signs of herpes appear, otherwise you will have to wait longer for the positive effects of the product. So, what to apply to a cold on your lip?

Ointments and gels with Acyclovir and its derivatives

Ointments for herpes on the lips based on acyclovir cope well with the infection and are considered the most effective. They eliminate acute forms of the disease: swelling, itching, burning and shorten the recovery period. The most effective include:

Cheap drugs include Vivorax, which acts on strains of viruses that are resistant to the action of Acyclovir. Another Indian-made drug, Acigerpin, has a positive effect in the initial stages of the disease. But the product is not safe; it has many side effects.

As an ointment for herpes on the lips, “Herperax” and “Gerverax” are used, which have a similar effect. In addition to the therapeutic effect, they have a preventive effect, stopping the relapse (return) of the pathology. They have good healing properties, drying out weeping wounds and forming dry crusts on the surface.

The duration of treatment with any drug should not exceed a week, since viruses develop resistance to a certain drug, which ceases to affect the multiplying strains.

Preparations based on herbal raw materials

Most of them are safe because they contain herbal ingredients. They have a gentle effect on the affected areas of the skin, helping the patient to alleviate the condition. These include:

Safe and mildly active herbal preparations also include Helepin-D and Giporamin. The course of treatment is standard – 6-7 days.

Antiviral ointments should be used during pregnancy with extreme caution and under medical supervision. Some of them (plant-based) are safe, others are prohibited for use because they may cause complications.

Ointments and gels with other active ingredients

There are a variety of chemicals that act on viruses, which are the basis of medicinal ointments and gels. Gel "Viru-Merz" contains tromantadine, which is active against virus types 1 and 2. Increased sensitivity to its effects is possible.

The Viferon cold cream contains interferons - protective proteins that “work” on the immune system. The drug stimulates the immune system so that it independently begins to fight viruses. The ointment is not absorbed during processing, acting directly on local immunity. The price is affordable and is 150 rubles.

To restore the skin, healing ointments are prescribed. They are used in the last stages of the development of the disease and relieve redness and tighten wounds, drying the skin. Dexpanthenol, Bepanten, and Panthenol are used as such ointments.

They also use drugs with an antibacterial effect, which prevent secondary (bacterial) infections from entering the wounds, especially if the blisters are touched or squeezed out. Also, during the healing process, open areas appear on the surface of the epidermis where infection can occur. In this case, a drug called “Levomekol”, troxevasin ointment, is prescribed.

If the antiherpes drug turns out to be ineffective and the effect is minimal during treatment, it should be replaced with another one, since this strain of the virus may be adapted to it.

Rules for choosing an ointment

Consumer reviews will help you choose an ointment for colds on the lips. There are the TOP 5 most frequently used remedies in this situation:

  1. "Acyclovir".
  2. "Zovirax".
  3. "Fenistil Pentsivir".
  4. "Panavir".
  5. Natural essential oils.

The most effective ointments include Zovirax. But effectiveness is a relative concept, since ointments remove only the external manifestations of the disease, without affecting the internal ones. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • with frequent relapses or lesions of a large area on the lips or body tissues, the use of systemic drugs that suppress the activity of the virus inside the body is necessary;
  • with strong immunity, which is possible only with a healthy lifestyle, you can forget about the virus altogether, it will not be able to manifest itself, remaining in a symbiotic (inhibited) state;
  • if rashes of blisters on the lips or body are a common occurrence, then the first aid kit should contain ointments for herpes and antibacterial agents so as not to cause a secondary infection.

When choosing a specific drug during treatment, consult your doctor, since no one has yet canceled the individual factor. In any case, the reason for the appearance of the virus on the surface of the skin warns the person that the immune system is not in the best shape and requires careful attention.

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Approximately 50% of girls suffer from such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cold on the lips. Herpes is a disease that cannot be completely cured. But there are methods by which you can remove the external signs of the disease, as well as reduce the likelihood of its re-exacerbation.

How to quickly cure a cold on your lip

It is important to begin treatment for herpes in the first few hours after its onset - then the likelihood of symptoms worsening is minimal. The initial stage of the disease can manifest itself in different forms.

The most common primary signs of a cold on the lips:

  • Redness and itching. Redness and slight swelling are noticeable within 6 hours after the “activation” of the virus;
  • Increased body temperature. In most cases, it does not rise above 37.5 degrees, but in some cases it can reach 39;
  • The appearance of small whitish spots. These are future bubbles. This symptom is a sign that the early stage is turning into acute.

To begin treatment, you need to understand the causes of colds on the lips. This could be hypothermia, ARVI, influenza and other diseases. Herpes often appears in people who are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and during pregnancy (even if it was not previously detected).

For example, if the cause of the disease is severe hypothermia, then the first thing to do when an infection occurs is take a warm bath, warm up. Then, perhaps, the immune system itself will cope with the disease.

If a cold has popped up in the corners of your lips, as in the photo, then you can dry it quickly iodine. You need to lightly wipe the affected area with alcohol, then apply a small amount of iodine. It is important not to overdo it - you don't want a dark brown spot to form. This may develop into a burn. It will be enough to lightly blot the wound several times with a cotton swab.

Colds on the skin are always accompanied by severe itching. This causes particular discomfort. It will help to reduce it soda with salt. Minerals are combined in equal parts, after which they are carefully applied to the herpes. The powder will help reduce inflammation, remove some redness and forget about itching.

An excellent remedy for colds that almost every home has - zinc ointment or paste. It will disinfect the wound and help dry its surface. Apply a thick layer of paste onto cleansed skin and leave. After a few hours, the treatment is repeated.

Applies similarly oxolinic ointment. It is used to treat the external surfaces of the nose to avoid infection with various colds. Oksolinka is universal. It can be used by children, during pregnancy and feeding. It is applied in the same way as zinc.

If you don’t have any ointments or pastes on hand, and you have a cold on your lip, then this will help quickly remove the beauty and reduce itching. toothpaste. This method works best at night (at this time active regenerative processes take place in the body). You need to spread a thick layer of paste on the wound and leave until completely hardened. Repeat as needed.

At an early stage, disinfecting and cauterizing the site of inflammation of a cold on the lips helps a lot tea tree oil. Let us immediately note that you cannot use it for a long time - you can get burned, but as an emergency aid this remedy is ideal. Apply a few drops of oil to the treated area affected by herpes and gently rub it into the skin. Repeat every 3 hours.

Creams and ointments for colds on the lip

The described remedies will help remove external symptoms in the early stages, but they will not kill the virus. To finally get rid of colds on the lips, you will need to buy special antiherpes drugs.

Drawing the right amount of ointment for colds on the lips

Popular quick-acting medications for colds on the lips:

Treatment at home

At home, you can provide not only the first “anti-herpes aid”, but also successfully cure a cold on the lips without the use of artificial drugs. For example, a clove of garlic can replace any antiviral ointments, and honey will help restore local immunity.

Folk remedies for colds on the lips

Will help to quickly cauterize a cold onion or garlic juice, which should be smeared on the lips. Don’t worry - the smell will disappear very quickly, and the symptoms of herpes will disappear after 3 such procedures.

If you need urgent relief from an illness, you can even take a clove of garlic, cut it in half, apply it to your lips and stick a patch on top. The dressing should be changed every few hours. You can't sleep with her.

A very effective folk remedy - fir oil. Even if the initial stage of the disease has long passed, fir will help to quickly and effortlessly cure herpes in 2 days. The product is applied in generous quantities to the entire lip area. The layer is renewed after complete absorption.

If a cold on the lips does not go away for a long time, then it is recommended to prepare a homemade miracle mixture:

  • spoon of honey;
  • Two cloves of garlic.

The components are mixed together and this paste is applied to problem areas. You don’t have to cover it with anything (plaster or film). Renew the layer every 4 hours, like any antiherpes ointment.

But there are other situations. For example, when herpes constantly pops up, although it is easily treatable. In this case, it will help mixture with sea buckthorn:

  • Aloe leaf (it should yield about half a teaspoon of pulp);
  • Half a white onion;
  • Spoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • Half a spoon of baking soda and the same amount of salt.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which 1 spoon of sea buckthorn oil is added to it. If you find sea buckthorn juice, the remedy will be even more effective. Apply to lip morning and evening.

If a blister or many blisters appear at the site of the herpes, then you need to start using a special cream (at most, you can try to anoint the area with Valacyclovir). Piercing the formations is not an option. In their place, painful ulcers form. Treatment can be supplemented with Chlorhexidine.

Causes of the disease

Treatment for colds on the lips directly depends on the cause of the disease. First of all, it is a weak immune system. This virus is unremarkable among thousands of others. It manifests itself only in moments of weakness of the body. Therefore, one of the main reasons is low immunity.

Video: Cold on the lip. How to prevent and treat herpes

But besides this, herpes is very contagious (colds on the face and lips are easily transmitted if you kiss or drink from the same container with a sick person). Moreover, it is not only transmitted, but also “settles” in the body, filling the nerve ganglia.

Reasons why a cold appeared on the nose or lips:

  • Changes in hormonal levels (herpes appears during menstruation, menopause, the first months of pregnancy);
  • Stress. The nervous system is the first to be affected by the virus, so it also cannot remain aloof. Overwork, constant lack of sleep, hysterics - all these are the reasons for the appearance of herpes;
  • Severe hypothermia of the body;
  • Diseases of the lymph nodes, oral cavity;
  • Frequent change of sexual partners;
  • Presence of another infection. During illness, the immune system is suppressed and is maximally “open” to the manifestations of herpes.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

During an “interesting” situation, genital herpes is especially dangerous, but it has little to do with the problem of the face.

To cure herpes on the lips or colds during pregnancy (in the first and second trimester), you need to use the most natural remedies possible (smear with vitamin E, oils). This will protect the expectant mother and child, and will also help boost immunity.

Good reviews about treating lips with garlic and onions. If this option does not suit you, you can buy soft ointments for herpes:

  • Miramistin;
  • Herpex.

Doctors often prescribe Interfron solution for external application (treating wounds in the nose and lips) and its tablets. Please note that they can only be prescribed by a specialist who has examined the body. Do not self-medicate.

Many people had to look for ways to quickly cure a cold on the lip at home. She pops up unexpectedly and often ruins plans. It is especially unpleasant when the ulcer becomes active on the eve of a special event, date or important meeting. The problem causes physical and psychological suffering, making people self-conscious about their appearance. If you take action when the first symptoms appear, you can reduce the lesion and speed up the healing of the ulcers. In some cases, it is possible to stop the disease before blisters form.

Antiviral drugs

People whose herpetic infections often get worse know how to quickly get rid of colds on the lips. They carry effective antiviral drugs with them and use them immediately after the first signs of relapse appear.

Most often, an acyclovir-based cream (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Acigerpin, Gervirax, Virolex) is used to treat fever on the lips. With its help, you can get rid of symptoms for 5–6 days. A crust on the lesion will form on days 6–8, and complete recovery will occur on days 7–9. The drug is used up to 5 times a day. Preparations with bromonaphthoquinone (Bonavir, Bonafton) act similarly.

To quickly achieve the desired result, it is better to use a more effective cream with penciclovir (Penciclovir, Fenistil Pencivir). It will eliminate the symptoms of the disease in 3–4 days and achieve complete recovery in 4–6 days. The cream is applied to the affected area every 2 hours.

Already on the second day there is a noticeable improvement after using the gel with tromantadine (Viru-Merz Serol). It helps not only to quickly cure lip fever, but also to prevent exacerbation for a long time.

  • it has an antiseptic, drying and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • the ointment is applied to the affected area several times a day for 3-5 minutes, and then it is removed.

During the first day after the appearance of the harbingers of the rash, you need to apply a little streptocide to the affected area. If you do this in time, bubbles will not appear. You need to use streptocide very carefully. The substance often causes an allergic reaction, nausea or vomiting.

You can quickly cure a fever with the Zvezdochka (Golden Star) balm. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. If you apply the balm three times a day, the ulcer will disappear in one day.

Valocordin drops can prevent the development of fever. A cotton swab is immersed in the liquid and the lesion is treated with it several times a day.

If treatment is started late, medications with dexpanthenol (Panthenol, Depanthenol, Dexpanthenol, D-Panthenol) will help speed up the healing of ulcers. They have a regenerating, metabolic (normalizes cellular metabolism) and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment with available products

Many housewives know how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip. They use products that are available in any kitchen. If you don’t have an antiviral drug at hand, you can use baking soda:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Pour soda into a glass and fill it to half the volume with boiling water.
  2. The liquid is stirred and cooled.
  3. Dip a cotton swab into the solution and treat the rash with it.
  4. After the liquid dries, a soda crust will remain on the lesion. It is advisable not to remove it; if possible, stay at home.
  5. The procedure must be repeated once every 2–3 hours until the symptoms of the disease decrease.

You can treat colds at home with finely ground salt. During the day, you need to apply salt to the cold 3-4 times. To enhance the effect, the affected surface must be pre-moistened.

After the procedure, place a little salt under the tongue and wait until it is completely dissolved. It is recommended to make a salt compress at night. To prepare a saline solution for a compress, 1 tbsp. l. salts are dissolved in a third of a glass of warm water. Gauze folded in several layers is dipped into the solution and applied to the rash. The compress is secured with adhesive tape. Salt treatment is continued until the signs of the disease completely disappear.

Treatment at home can be done with ice. The virus is not afraid of low temperatures. He is able to withstand them for a long time. The therapeutic effect of cold is associated with a slowdown in blood circulation and metabolic processes in the affected area. Ice slows down or stops the development of pathology, accelerating recovery. It is applied several times a day.

Treatment with hygiene products

Toothpaste can cure a cold. You need to use a white hygiene product, without additives. Gels and colored pastes do not have the necessary properties. Toothpaste should be applied immediately after the characteristic tingling sensation appears, which indicates the activation of a herpes infection. In some cases, it is enough to apply the product only 2-3 times to stop the development of the disease. If it was not possible to prevent the appearance of bubbles, toothpaste will help reduce the area of ​​the lesion and speed up recovery.

Antiperspirant deodorant works similarly to toothpaste. A small amount of the product should be applied to the affected area as early as possible. If aerosol deodorant is used, spray it on any surface and use a small amount of liquid to treat the cold.

Treatment of colds on the lips is successfully carried out using laundry soap. It dries the skin, reduces swelling and relieves inflammation. The affected area is treated with soap until bubbles appear or during their formation. The soap should be left on the skin for as long as possible. After its removal, the treatment is repeated. You should use only brown solid soap. Other hygiene products do not have the necessary properties.

Uses of garlic

Garlic is an effective remedy for treating cold sore lips. The tooth is cut in half and the cut is wiped over the affected area. You can use the juice of the plant. The cloves are ground in a meat grinder or blender, the pulp is placed on cheesecloth and the juice is squeezed out of it. The treatment should be repeated 4-5 times a day, as well as at night. After applying the garlic juice, spread a little honey on the bubbles. The disadvantage of this treatment is the strong smell of garlic.

You can treat colds on the lips at home with garlic-based ointment. Fill the glass halfway with natural yogurt. Then add 1 tsp to it. ground coffee, 2-3 chopped garlic cloves, and 1 tbsp. l. flour and honey. Mix the ingredients well. The mixture is applied to the cold and allowed to dry. When the crust disappears, the composition is spread again. The procedure is repeated until the symptoms disappear completely.

A paste of chopped fresh apple and garlic cloves can be applied to the affected area. Products must be taken in equal parts.

An effective remedy for colds on the lips can be prepared from garlic, honey and wood ash. 6 cloves of garlic are ground in a mortar, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. ash. The ingredients are mixed and the mixture is applied to the cold several times a day.

Popular methods

Traditional healers know how quickly. They advise lubricating fever with aloe juice, Kalanchoe or aspen leaf juice. You can use not only aloe juice, but also the pulp of its leaves. The leaf is cut lengthwise and the cut is applied to the cold. It is secured with adhesive tape. If you do this procedure daily, the signs of the disease will disappear after 3 days.

Treating the bubbles with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice gives good results. If you don't have lemon, you can use lemon oil. It has a mild antiviral effect.

Ginger helps cure colds on the lips. Rub a thin slice of ginger thoroughly with your hands to release the juice. Then the slice is applied to the rash for 10–15 minutes. You can secure it with adhesive tape. The procedure is accompanied by a slight burning sensation. However, with its help you can quickly achieve a cure. Ginger is applied every 3-5 hours.

To treat the disease, you can use propolis tincture. It is applied to the blisters, and after 10 minutes the affected area is treated with baby cream. The procedure is repeated 5–7 times a day. Before treating colds on the lips with propolis, you need to make sure you are not allergic to it.

The affected area should be wiped with a cut onion immediately after itching sensations appear. Each time you need to make a new cut. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

At the stage of healing of ulcers, sea buckthorn oil is used. It accelerates the restoration of the skin.

Effective. If you treat the affected area with oil before the bubbles appear, they will not appear. Tea tree oil has a similar property. In the later stages of the disease, it will speed up healing.

To get rid of fever on the lips quickly, you can prepare an ointment from calendula juice. Fresh flowers are ground in a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out of them through cheesecloth. The juice is mixed with medical Vaseline in equal parts. The ointment is applied to colds several times a day.

At the earliest stage of infection activation, when a characteristic tingling sensation appears on the skin of the lips, use. If you manage to detect a sign of the disease in time and immediately apply earwax, bubbles will not appear. Already after the first application, a noticeable improvement is observed.

The appearance of a cold on the lips is always unpleasant and at the wrong time. It is impossible to completely recover from a cold sore or the herpes virus. It is present in the human body and can appear against a background of weakened immunity at any time. The first signs of a cold on the lips will be an unpleasant tingling or burning sensation, followed by the appearance of one or more fluid-filled blisters. If you take the necessary measures at the first sign of herpes, you can be cured in 2-3 days. The virus on the lips is contagious, so proper hygiene is necessary.

How to smear a cold on a child’s lip

When a child complains of the first signs of a cold on the lips, you should immediately anoint the area of ​​the cold with antiviral ointment or cream. Nowadays there is a large selection of such drugs in pharmacies. These include Zovirax, acyclovir, herpevir. Itching and burning can be relieved by applying frozen chamomile infusion to a cold. The appearance of bubbles can be prevented by using lotions with camphor alcohol. A child's cold on the lip can also be treated with tea tree oil. During the treatment period, do not give your child chocolate, citrus fruits, or smoked products.

How to smear a cold on the lip during pregnancy

The appearance of herpes in a pregnant woman is not uncommon, but requires special treatment. In such cases, doctors prescribe smearing the inflammation on the lip with aklovir, oxolinic or alpizarin ointment. These drugs should be used 5 times a day for a week. Additionally, you need to take vitamin E. If pregnant women have a weakened immune system, immunoglobulins are prescribed - eleutherococcus, ginseng or echinacea. It helps a lot if you smear the inflamed area with sea buckthorn oil.

How to smear a cold on the lip at home

You can get rid of colds on your lips at home. You just need to smear the affected area with earwax. You can also use toothpaste. It needs to be applied 4 times a day. Herpes will go away in 2 days if you moisten the blisters that appear with Valocordin. If you need to get rid of a cold in a matter of hours, prepare a medicinal ointment. To do this, you need to mix a teaspoon of coffee, 2 teaspoons of honey, half a teaspoon of flour and two crushed cloves of garlic. Apply the prepared mixture to the affected area in a thick layer. Leave until it dries. When the resulting crust falls off, repeat the process. We do this several times. After this, the cold blisters will be almost invisible. For women, the appearance of a cold on the lips is doubly a nuisance. They begin to mask the emerging bubbles with foundation, not realizing that they are thereby delaying the process of their disappearance.

Many people know firsthand about herpes. This viral disease can affect almost everyone, and no one is really immune from it. Already at the first onset of rainy and cold weather, the arrival of infection can be expected. Herpes not only spoils the appearance, but also creates discomfort on the lips. Then you have to immediately fight for health and beauty.

Colds on the lips - causes

It cannot be said that a specific reason is needed for the appearance of such a virus. The fact is that almost every person has herpes, it’s just not always in active form. There are only a few factors that could influence its external manifestation:

  • contact with a sick person who has active herpes;
  • hypothermia;
  • viral diseases;
  • constant exposure to the street during wet and cold weather and many others.

In addition to the fact that there are many special ointments against herpes in pharmacies, this viral disease can be overcome at home using the following products:

  1. You can lubricate the inflamed wound with fir oil three times a day.
  2. Make a compress of onion juice for 15 minutes.
  3. Apply lemon juice to the wound twice a day.
  4. Use a tea bag soaked in warm water as a lotion.
  5. You can apply a cut aloe leaf to the wound three times a day.

If folk remedies do not help, then, naturally, you need to turn to medications. And here a huge selection of various ointments for herpes comes to the rescue. Today, pharmacists will be able to offer you many drugs. Just which one to choose - let's figure it out. Here are the two most common and effective remedies for herpes. These are Zovirax and Panavir.

Zovirax ointment against colds on the lips

A fairly effective and well-known remedy for herpes from an English manufacturer. Sold in every pharmacy. The packaging is small, and the price is quite impressive. This is, in a way, an alternative to simple acyclovir ointment. It is recommended to use this ointment for colds on the lips immediately after the first signs of herpes. You can apply no more than five times during the day. As a rule, treatment lasts no more than five days. If the infection does not disappear, you should consult a doctor for help.


  • a quick and effective remedy for herpes;
  • duration of treatment is no more than seven days;
  • convenient packaging;
  • no side effects observed;
  • dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription.


  • continuous use is not permitted;
  • small package (only enough for two courses of treatment);
  • high price.

Panavir for herpes and colds on the lips

This drug has proven itself well. Its use is safe and the ointment itself is non-toxic. The drug acts as follows - it dries into an invisible shell on the wound and prevents the virus from further spreading.



  • small packaging;
  • overdose is observed in large quantities;
  • high price.

But, before purchasing medicine and smearing a cold on your lip, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the ointment. After all, there are situations when the drug is not suitable for one or another indication. The delicate skin of the lips is very sensitive and therefore prone to severe irritation. Another reason to carefully choose an ointment for cold sore lips is the possibility of an allergic reaction.

What to urgently apply to a cold on your lips?


End of the world))

It is necessary for the blood to begin to actively circulate on the lips, ointments such as stars, warming, menthol will help, you can apply lipstick to enlarge your lips, it also has the same effect


Gray from the ears. I also read a scientific explanation about this - a natural antibiotic is produced in the ear, which affects exactly the microbe (virus) that has currently infected the body! You need to smear it several times a day and the next day nothing will happen! No two weeks! ! But apply it starting from the first day you notice it!

gently green at dawn...

Acyclovir cream or Zovirax are the same thing, the only difference is the price

Svetlana Knyazeva

The most effective thing is toothpaste.


If “it’s really urgent!” then add salt




Fir oil helps a lot.


Try Vaseline.

~Promiscuous boy~M.F 95~

there was such axolinic ointment


Alcohol tincture of calendula or propolis.

Lidia Yakovlevna


if you just got a cold, then you get gray from your ears

Fakhia Nechiporuk

Malakhov advised: apply a hot spoon of tea to a cold. Previously, I used propolis tincture, Zovirax.
The most important thing is that it helps at the initial stage!

Tatyana Novikova

As soon as the burning begins, apply ice.

Marina Luzhetskaia

Apply Corvalol on cotton wool.


The best Acyclovir Hexal!!! or Fenistil-Pentsivir! Try it!

Olya Bogomolya


Olga Babina



You can use Zovirax ointment....


Earwax is truly a panacea. You just need to catch the moment of the rash. new bubbles are not formed, and existing ones do not inflate further

What can I put on a cold on my lip so that it goes away quickly (within a day) and doesn’t get worse?


™just Katya™

Chinese toothpaste!! checked for myself!!!

Yulia Shiralieva



BORO PLUS helps me personally in such cases))

Moose is just Moose

it's called herpes. The pharmacy has ointments/pencils. acyclovir is not bad (if it is German)


We tried it on ourselves: Sinaflan ointment. One time is enough


Acyclovir - cheap and cheerful. Zovirax is more expensive.


It won't go away within a day. acyclovir, BORO PLUS - but this is also two or three days. Don't believe the advertisements.)


Use corvalol to cauterize powerfully.


earwax! ! Burn the table rag you use to wash dishes on the tile and slowly apply it to the sore so that it burns too! This is what my grandmother advised and it helped me!


As soon as a cold spot on the lip begins to itch (which usually happens at night), you need to apply toothpaste to this place, it helps not to develop herpes and it quickly collapses, if there is already a blister, only acyclovir, but it will quickly bloom the lip, and Heals faster! Good luck and stay healthy!

Tatiana Shchegula

Acyclostad helps me - this ointment is sold in pharmacies, dries quickly and does not allow it to grow..


A home remedy will just help the disease go away! You need to start taking Acyclovir tablets and lubricate with Acyclovir ointment (or Viferon ointment).

I got a cold on my lip (((what should I do?? please tell me))


Yura Smirnov

There is one very effective, but quite cruel way. However, it helps better than any ointments! Take a cup of very hot water. Not boiling water, of course, but hot enough. Dip a teaspoon into it for a couple of seconds and then apply the convex side to the herpes that has popped up. I warn you - it will be quite painful, especially the first time. First, because this will have to be done several times, and not with just one cup of water. A miracle will not happen - external manifestations will remain, but the virus itself will be killed inside, because it does not tolerate high temperatures. and in the future I recommend that as soon as you feel the sore beginning to ripen in your lip, do it preventatively and you will always look good. And also, for the future, this virus appears only in weakened organisms. Sleep more, less stress and drafts. This is the detailed answer I got. I will be glad if you take all this into service. I do this myself, and live happily ever after. For this I remain yours, practically Doctor Pilyulkin!!!


acyclovir ointment


Apply peroxide to the most powerful remedy.

Princess Augustine

Acyclovir ointment + acyclovir tablets + periodically cauterize with vodka

Evgenia Petryakova (Barsukova)

Zovirax! It really helped me, in 2 days the cold disappeared. From folk remedies - anoint with sulfur from the ear

Anastasia Smertina

buy the cream -BORO PLUS costs about 20 rubles -30 __)))) at the pharmacy...my cold immediately went away in 2 days...super cream...really helps...spread it on your lips in a thick layer before bed and in the morning it’s thin... so 2 days and it’s noticeably removed))


Yes, they already advised correctly - acyclovir ointment, an inexpensive but very effective thing. buy for the future. and as soon as the cold begins to appear, anoint this area several times. and nothing will pop out. get well!

Genina's joy

acyclovir, zovirax, finistil


acyclovir and cauterization with corvalol


We also used Acyclavir and so on. ointments, but by chance they suggested: cauterize herpes with cotton wool with Corvalol and more often! It may sound crazy, but it helps! Herpes disappears before our eyes!

Dreams come true

Not a cold, but herpes.
The main thing is not to kiss, it's contagious. Ointment and tablets.

Ernesta Khonin

Just spread toothpaste, it’s best if it’s mint

What to apply to a cold on your lip?


Joan of Arc

From personal experience, I can recommend Zicovir. This is a gel. Very effective for colds on the face.

Dauren Balgabekov


Alexander Ionov





There is a special lipstick, ask at the pharmacy.

Nina Yaroniko

There is an excellent solution, a gel with silver and green tea that heals, relieves itching and inflammation - zicovir.

Tatjana Zaika

It’s herpes.. I’m infected.. I need to buy a special cream and prescription pills at the pharmacy...

Kristina Gavrilova

Well, I’m for Zikovir. Zovirax, penzvir, fenistil - they are all much inferior to this remedy.

MARIA Reichert

Apply Zikovir 2-3 times a day and everything will go away quickly, without traces and without the desire to scratch and pick :)

big girl

cauterize with alcohol - hold a piece of cotton wool or bandage for 15-20 minutes. Fruit chapstick also helps - it no longer appears in this place


Acyclovir! ! plus the pills are the same at the same time!!!


Zovirax and the sooner, the faster she will die.

Elena Zakharova

Acyclovir, generic! The effect is the same as Zovirax, only it costs much less! And my grandmother always tells me that my ears are gray!!!


Gray from the ear! Seriously!

Cold on the lip heeelp, what can you use to anoint a cold? I just jumped out this morning, there’s still time: DDD


Her Koslik

Avlaak'x Mage



Acyclovir, if it is not there, then lubricate it with toothpaste.


No matter how crazy it sounds, earwax helps. Spread a little on it. You will see the result by evening.

Unknown ***

Acyclovir in tablets and ointments
Good luck!)


wax from ear (one's own)

Professional massage in Moscow


Dmitry Tikhonov

Acyclovir and its derivatives, ribavirin, which stop the multiplication of the virus in the body's cells.

big girl

Apply alcohol cotton wool and hold for 10-15 minutes. Several times during the day. Fruit lipstick dries well

Yana Ivashchenko

lubricate with alcohol. acyclovir ointment, or an analogue of herpevir, or Zovirax.

Ivanova Anna

If acyclovir has been used frequently before, it is unlikely to help. It is better to replace it with Viferon ointment. It specifically helps with herpes, it helps quickly, I really like it.

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