How to fill soap bubbles. How to make soap bubbles with your own hands: colorful, durable, giant

The main secret is pharmacy. A mixture of soap and glycerin produces durable sparkling bubbles: it allows you to create not just round balls, but all kinds of sizes and shapes. As a base, you can use both laundry and regular toilet soap. It needs to be finely chopped (you can use a grater), mixed with glycerin and added to water, bringing it to a boil (the mixture needs to be stirred constantly). Ingredient ratio: 50%-50%. Be careful when working with boiling soap: it can gurgle a lot - don't get burned.

You can use dish detergent instead of soap. Ingredient ratio: 100g glycerin, 200g product and 600ml water.

The most difficult method in terms of technique, but it produces the most durable, unbreakable soap bubbles. Necessary ingredients: hot water (not boiling water - 600 ml), liquid glycerin (300 m), ammonia (20 drops) and washing powder (50 g). Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained, let the mixture brew for 72 hours, then filter and put in the refrigerator.

Also, one of the secrets of the beauty of soap bubbles can be called ordinary food coloring. By first dividing the resulting volume of solution into parts and adding a couple of teaspoons of different dyes to them, you will get soap bubbles of all the colors of the rainbow.

How to make soap bubbles at home with your own hands: recipes

Although we have previously looked at several options for how to make soap bubbles at home, as they say, more recipes are better than nothing: there will be plenty to choose from.

1. Soap bubbles recipe for quick and easy preparation: the base is dishwashing liquid.


100 ml. - dishwashing detergents;
400 ml. - water;
2 tsp Sahara.

Mix thoroughly and “voila” - you are ready to organize a grand show of soap bubbles right now.

There is another similar recipe, but in it we replace sugar with glycerin.


150 ml. - dishwashing detergents;
800 ml. - water;
2-3 tbsp. glycerin.

Mix thoroughly and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

2. Taking care of children: the base is baby shampoo.

Children love to play with soap bubbles, but what to do if drops from bursting soap bubbles get into the baby’s eyes and the game of blowing bubbles turns into a race to the sink to wash out the eyes. In this case, we can only advise using a special soapy liquid based on baby shampoo that does not cause pain or burning when it comes into contact with mucous membranes.


1 glass of baby shampoo;
2 glasses of boiled water.

Stir and let it brew for 24 hours, then add: glycerin (3 tablespoons) or sugar (6 teaspoons). Now you can start a soap bubble show for children without fear for your cute little ones.

3. Recipe for lovers of exquisite aromas: the base is bubble bath.

For half a liter of solution you will need: 380 ml. – foam and 120 ml. - water.

4. Recipe for non-trivial people: the base is corn syrup.


400 ml. – dishwashing detergents;
Liter of water
180 ml. – syrup.

5. Economy option: base – laundry soap.


A glass of water – 200 ml;

40 gr. (2 tbsp) soap shavings;
1 tsp glycerin (can be replaced with sugar or gelatin).

If you don't want to bother with rubbing soap, use liquid soap instead of bar soap. Then the ratio will be as follows: half a glass of soap, 1/4 cup water, glycerin - 10 drops. Let the foam settle (about 2 hours) and put it in the refrigerator.

6. Recipe for people who like to experiment: the base is thick sugar syrup.

The resulting solution will help your fantasy come true: you can put on a soap bubble show for children at home. You will also be able to do various combination figures: to do this, you need to connect inflated, super-strong, unbreakable soap bubbles with each other.

60 ml. syrup (combine water and sugar in a ratio of 10ml/50g);
100 gr. soap shavings;
200gr. glycerin;
400 ml. boiled cooled water.

Soap bubbles delight not only children, but also adults. This fun will brighten up any holiday and give you a great mood. Many people ask the question: how to make soap bubbles at home?

It's simple. The basis for preparing the mixture is: water, soap, sugar, glycerin. Other components are added depending on the recipe. All ingredients can be purchased at any store, except for glycerin, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Making soap bubbles starts with water. From the tap is not suitable for this purpose. The solution is made using bottled or boiled water.

To obtain high-quality and strong bubbles, you must follow the following recommendations:

When choosing a soap base, study the composition. It should contain a minimum of dyes and perfumes. Only in this case the bubbles will be of high quality.

The water should be warm or hot, but not boiling water.

The density of the solution depends on glycerin, so do not add too much of this component, otherwise the bubbles will be difficult to blow out.

Mix the ingredients slowly so that a lot of foam does not form.

The finished solution must be cooled and kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days. The mixture should stand until a solid soap film appears on the surface without puna or bubbles.

By adding food coloring to the mixture, you will get bubbles of different colors.

Blow bubbles slowly so that the film does not tear.

If you are preparing formula for a children's party, use safe ingredients. For example, take a shampoo like “Quack-quack” as a basis.

Security measures

When preparing the solution, you must follow certain safety regulations:

Handle the solution carefully so that it does not get on the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or nose;

If the mixture gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of warm water;

Blow bubbles in the opposite direction from animals and people;

Be sure to wash your hands after cooking.

How to make soap bubbles at home: the best recipes

There are many ways to prepare the mixture. As a base, you can use soap, washing powder or dishwashing detergent.

Option 1. Classic recipe for laundry soap

The most popular and simple recipe for soap bubbles. You only need three components.


half a liter of bottled water;

20 ml glycerin;

50 g household soap without dyes and fragrances.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the soap on a grater.

2. Transfer the shavings into a container, fill with hot water and stir until completely dissolved.

3. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, add glycerin and mix.

Option 2. Based on Fairy dishwashing detergent

To make bubbles for this recipe, use a larger amount of glycerin.


300 ml distilled water;

glycerin – 50 ml;

Cooking method:

1. Pour the indicated amount of heated water into a bowl.

2. Add glycerin. Pour Fairy into the liquid. Stir the solution carefully to prevent foam from rising.

3. Before use, keep in the refrigerator for a day.

Option 3. With baking powder and sugar


300 ml distilled water;

5 g baking powder;

50 ml soap base;

25 g granulated sugar;

25 ml glycerin.

Cooking method:

1. Add baking powder and sugar to the bottom of the container.

2. Add glycerin and dish detergent. Stir everything thoroughly.

3. Pour in water and stir slowly again. Let the composition sit for 12 hours.

Option 4. Based on dishwashing detergent with granulated sugar

A simple and affordable way to prepare a mixture for soap bubbles. Use dishwashing detergent without perfumes or dyes.


400 ml bottled water;

10 g granulated sugar;

½ cup dishwashing detergent.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve sugar in heated water.

2. Pour in dish soap. Stir until smooth.

Option 5. Soap bubbles for the little ones

Droplets of soap solution from bursting bubbles can get into the child’s eyes and ruin the holiday. To prevent this from happening, prepare a solution from safe ingredients that will not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.


75 g granulated sugar;

250 ml of baby shampoo;

half a liter of distilled water.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve shampoo in a small amount of heated water, stirring gently so that foam does not form. Leave the liquid overnight to settle.

2. Add granulated sugar and stir until crystals dissolve.

Option 6. Recipe for huge soap bubbles


25 g each of granulated sugar and gelatin;

400 ml distilled water;

glycerin – 75 ml;

½ cup Fairy dish detergent.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the gelatin and let it swell. Strain the gelatin, discarding any excess liquid.

2. Combine gelatin with sugar and dissolve over low heat, avoiding boiling.

3. Remove from the stove, cool and pour in water. Add detergent and mix gently. Insist for a day.

Option 7. From washing powder

It will take several days to prepare soap bubbles according to this recipe. Therefore, this option will not work if the holiday is scheduled for the same day. When choosing washing powder, give preference to safe products. It is advisable to use detergent for washing baby clothes.


washing powder – 25 g;

10 drops of ammonia;

100 ml glycerin;

bottled water – 300 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Fill a suitable container with hot water. Add the powder and stir until it is completely dissolved.

2. Add the remaining components to the soap solution, stir and leave for two days.

3. The liquid is filtered and placed in the refrigerator overnight.

Option 8. Unpoppable sugar bubbles

The mixture can be used to create shaped bubbles.


80 g granulated sugar;

200 g household soap;

half a liter of glycerin;

800 liters of distilled water.

Cooking method:

1. Three soaps on a fine grater. Pour hot water over the shavings and stir until they are completely dissolved.

2. Add glycerin and granulated sugar to the mixture. Mix thoroughly again.

What to use to blow soap bubbles and how to do it correctly

Using bubble liquid outdoors will depend on weather conditions. If it is windy or rainy outside, the celebration will have to be moved indoors. Blow bubbles slowly, otherwise they will burst.

Suitable bubble blowing equipment:

Factory stick;

Twisted wire;

A tube or straw for drinks. For large bubbles, several cuts are made along the end of the tube;

To blow giant bubbles, use a device consisting of a loop and two sticks. The ropes are dipped in the solution. Then they are moved apart, making horizontal or vertical movements.

As you can see, anyone can throw a party and make children happy. Making your own soap bubbles will delight everyone. At the same time, you will be confident in the quality of the solution, which is important when used for children.

Good afternoon I don’t know about others, but my childhood was bright. And what made him so was the love of his parents, good friends, a sea of ​​funny games, cheerful holidays and balloons with soap bubbles. I remember well that one day my mother showed me how to make it, and since then our yard has become like the drum of a washing machine, it literally drowned in bubbles and foam!

Many years have passed since then, but I know for sure that as soon as my son grows up, I will definitely tell him about this recipe. In the meantime, I’ll share it with you. And not only them, I also have a new tool in my arsenal, with glycerin . I'll probably start with that.

But! First, I’ll tell you about the most important secret for any solution!!!

The prepared solution should “infuse!” It needs from 2 to 24 hours to get the desired stunning effect!
Here's what we got:

The most durable bubbles in the world! Secret ingredient

Intrigued? Believe me, it's worth it! It’s better not to believe it, but check it.

So what we need:

  • Water – 300ml;
  • Detergent (liquid) – 100ml;
  • Glycerin – 50ml.

In order for everything to work out perfectly, let’s take one point into account. The water must be purified. If it is not possible to filter it well, then boiling it will be enough. But we will need water at room temperature, not hot.

Did you guess it? The secret remedy is glycerin. We need it to make the soap balls especially strong, unbreakable . But it also ensures long-term storage of the product itself. It can be done in advance. It will not lose its properties even after a few days.

Stir all the ingredients, but not until foamy, just combine them. All! You and your baby are ready to greet a warm day with balloons shimmering in the sun!

Giant bubbles

This recipe also produces giant bubbles. You can choose the size yourself; mix the mixture immediately in a bucket or basin that will fit your bubble maker.

One condition is that the weather must be calm, otherwise the wind will immediately burst all the bubbles.

We tie a rope, which we tie at the shorter ends to the ends of the sticks, with a long piece of rope we do the same, after first putting a nut on it like a bead. It turns out to be a triangle.

We lower the sticks with the rope into the bucket, carefully slowly take them out folded, and slowly separate the sticks. More details in the video, it’s in English, but everything is clear there:

The simplest and most affordable solution for bubbles

Now the promised secret from childhood without glycerin . It is made in a couple of minutes, and gives impressions for the whole day.

What it needs:

  • Water – 150ml;
  • Liquid detergent – ​​2 tsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tsp..

Let's prepare soap bubbles recipe at home :

  • Mix detergent with sugar.
  • Add water and mix again until smooth.

The same strength that glycerin provided in the first case is now helped by sugar.

Innovative remedy

And one more surprise for my friends! A new method for making a solution. In addition to water, sugar and detergent, you will need:

  • Washing powder;
  • Shaving foam.

Everything is taken in equal proportions.

But besides the solution itself, I’ll share some tricks that help you make a lot of balloons at a time, inflate big bubbles or how to deal with it if you don’t have a special ring at hand for inflating.

Lifehacks for launching soap bubbles

How to replace the ring. You can twist a loop of suitable size from the wire. Or, take apart an old pen and blow bubbles out of a plastic rod.

Many at the same time. Use an elastic band to tie the cocktail tubes together (with the corrugated part cut off). To make the structure strong, tie them on both sides.

Especially big ones. So that the balloons do not burst prematurely, and they can be inflated very large, double strength is needed. To do this, add both sugar and glycerin to the solution. Now let's build a tool with which we can get these bubbles.
We will need:

  • 2 wooden skewers;
  • 2 cocktail straws;
  • Yarn meter.

Step-by-step production:

  • We pass the yarn through the tubes.
  • We tie the ends of the thread. We cut off the ends.
  • We spread the tubes so that we get a rectangle.
  • We insert skewers inside each tube to strengthen the structure. Before doing this, coat each skewer with glue.

Soap bubble generator

What do you think of this idea? Why strain and inflate, you can have a whole party with soap bubbles, a good idea.

Here is the design with the motor:

OK it's all over Now! The secret of my glorious childhood has been revealed! I hope it will serve you well, and with its help you will give happiness to your children. If you know how else you can make a solution, write. And also, tell us about the results if you took my advice. For some reason I thought now that in this way your kids will create a real sensation in the yard. And their parents will ask what is the secret of eternal bubbles. Tell them about the site, let them come and learn about everything in the world that makes us better and happier! And don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss new articles.

That's all, see you again!

Adding a special touch to a children's party is not as difficult as you might think. Create soap bubbles with your own hands, get ready to launch them together with the children at the right moment according to the scenario, and then the most joyful experience for your child and his friends is guaranteed! The instructions and recipes below will help you organize such an event.

How to make soap bubbles at home

To produce such a fun activity at home, you don’t need any special skills or creating complex devices. If the child still has a box of purchased bubbles, the task is simplified: you just need to prepare a solution and pour it into the bottle. If there is no special frame for releasing soap balls, you can simply make one from wire or blow bubbles out of a tube. If you have design skills, from a fan and several molds for bubbles rotating in a circle in front of it, you can even make a generator at home to blow them out.

Before you choose the right solution for the balloons you want to blow, it's important to know a few rules that will help make blowing them fun:

  • It is better to make the solution with distilled water. If you did not buy such purified liquid, you can replace it with boiled, settled water at home.
  • Balloons are easier to blow out in high air humidity, but it is more difficult to do this in windy weather.
  • Once you have prepared the foam solution, let it sit for 12 hours to a day before using it.

Unpopping bubbles

It’s very disappointing when the balloon quickly bursts before it even comes off the frame. The answer to the question of how to make unpopping soap bubbles at home will be recipes for solutions with glycerin and sugar. This mixture will allow you not only to admire rainbow balls of different sizes longer, but also to blow figures out of it on a smooth surface. Try using this solution:

  • Make sugar syrup by adding 1 tablespoon of water to 5 teaspoons of sugar.
  • Combine the ingredients in the following proportion:
    • syrup – 1 part;
    • grated soap – 2 parts;
    • glycerin – 4 parts;
    • water – 8 parts.

You can prepare another solution from which you can make unbreakable spheres at home using this recipe:

  • Mix the ingredients:
    • hot water (but not boiling water!) – 300 ml;
    • liquid glycerin – 150 ml;
    • washing powder – 25 g;
    • ammonia – 10 drops.
  • Let the resulting homogeneous mass brew for 72 hours, then filter if necessary.
  • This mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

Giant soap bubbles

Huge and very beautiful rainbow spheres can be released from the solution to create durable balls. How to make big soap bubbles at home? For this purpose, construct a simple loop for blowing them out.

  • Take:
    • two sticks 30-50 cm long - they should be small, not thick, but should not bend;
    • woolen thread or rope approximately 1.5 m long and no more than 3 mm thick.
  • Tie the ends of the rope and then lay it out on a flat surface in the shape of a triangle.
  • Tie the sticks to the two corners of the figure, then spread them to the sides - between them you will get a loop.

The mixture to create large balls must be diluted at the bottom of a wide basin. Dip a rope into the solution, lift it into the air and begin to slowly move back. Large soap bubbles will be formed by the air flow passing through the loop. The result will be especially good when there is no wind outside. Take note of another solution composition that is suitable for blowing huge spheres:

  • To 500 ml of water, add dishwashing detergent - 200 ml, and glycerin - 100 ml.
  • The volume of the mixture can be reduced by observing the indicated proportions.
  • The solution must be left for 1 day.

Composition of soap bubbles

Having the knowledge of how to make soap bubbles at home, all that remains is to collect the necessary ingredients and create a festive mood. Check out the list of ingredients you may need when preparing your sphere blowing solution.

Ingredient name


You need to use distilled water, purchased at a pharmacy, or from a tap, but boiled.

It is better to use a product with a minimum of fragrances and additives, for example, laundry soap is perfect. This ingredient must be grated on a very fine grater and stirred in water until completely dissolved, and only then add other components to the resulting liquid.

Dishwashing liquid

It is very easy to dissolve in water compared to soap.

Baby shampoo

Thanks to its soft composition, it is suitable for use in the games of the youngest children.

Bath foam

With its help you can make blowing liquid with different rich, bright smells.


This ingredient can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is responsible for ensuring that the bubble solution produces strong and large rainbow balls.


Used in some recipes to give the spheres strength.

Sugar or sugar syrup

Food colorings

In the nearest store you can buy such substances of different colors, and then, dividing the solution into parts, make a liquid for soap bubbles of various colors.

Soap bubble recipes

You have already familiarized yourself with some points explaining how to make soap bubbles at home. There is absolutely nothing complicated about this, but there are some points to consider. Try to do everything yourself before inviting your child to play. This way you can see and correct possible errors or shortcomings in the production of the composition, and then offer children fun fun without any annoying or unpleasant surprises.

Immerse the mold into the solution carefully, do not whip up the foam, as this will cause the balls to burst. Also, before directly blowing the sphere, make sure that there are no small bubbles along the edges of the transparent film on which you need to blow. If these appear, wait until they disappear, because they cause the balloon to burst before it has time to deflate. Try different solutions recipes and choose the one that is optimal for you in terms of ease of preparation and quality. If you learn to do everything correctly, you will always be able to create a joyful atmosphere for children's leisure time.

What child doesn't love blowing soap bubbles! And many adults are not averse to pampering themselves with this exciting activity. But store-bought balloons have a drawback - their solution quickly runs out, and at the most inopportune moment. Homemade soap bubbles, which can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator, will help avoid this.

Secrets of successful soap bubbles

Surely many have tried to prepare liquid for soap bubbles on their own, but these attempts were unsuccessful and the balls did not blow out or burst instantly. The quality of the solution depends on the soap component. This could be regular soap, shower gel, dishwashing detergent, bubble bath or shampoo.

In order for the bubbles to come out well, it is important that such a product has high foaming properties and contains fewer additional components - dyes and flavors.

To prepare the solution, it is recommended to use boiled or distilled water. To prevent soap bubbles from bursting quickly and coming out dense, you need to add sugar or glycerin dissolved in warm water to the liquid. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise it will be difficult to blow out the balloons. Ideally, based on the proposed recipes, you should choose the proportions yourself.

Recipes for making soap bubbles at home

To make soap bubbles at home, you can use one of the following recipes:

  • Combine 1/3 cup dish detergent with 3 tbsp. glycerin and 2 glasses of water. Stir and refrigerate for a day.
  • Dissolve 2 tbsp in 2 glasses of warm water. sugar and combine the liquid with 1/2 cup dishwashing detergent.
  • In 150 gr. distilled or boiled water, add 1 tbsp. sugar, 25 gr. glycerin and 50 gr. shampoo or dishwashing detergent.
  • For large soap bubbles, you can use the following recipe. Combine 5 cups of warm distilled water with 1/2 cup Fairy, 1/8 cup glycerin, and 1 tbsp. Sahara. For greater viscosity of the solution, you can add a little gelatin soaked in water. Let sit for at least 12 hours and then use.
  • Mix 1 cup of baby shampoo and 2 cups of distilled warm water. Leave the mixture for about a day, add 3 tbsp. glycerin and the same amount of sugar.
  • Strong soap bubbles come out with glycerin and syrup. Using the solution, you can build figures from balls by blowing them onto any smooth surface. Prepare sugar syrup by mixing and heating 5 parts sugar to 1 part water. Combine 1 part syrup with 2 parts grated laundry soap or other soapy liquid, 8 parts distilled water and 4 parts glycerin.
  • To make colored soap bubbles, you can add a little food coloring to any of the recipes.

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