Sneezing in a cat: causes and treatment. What to do if your cat sneezes often? Cat sneezing and its meaning

Such a cute creature, like a kitten, can bring its owners a lot of positive emotions and smiles. And suddenly they see the kitten sneezing, but the reasons for this remain unknown. Of course, this looks very funny, but in fact it may mean that the kitten is sick and needs help. Let's figure out what to do if a kitten sneezes, what to do in such cases?

Kitten sneezes: causes of the problem

There can be many reasons for a kitten sneezing. Let's look at the most common options.

1. Dust. The simplest cause of sneezing may be dust. So, once dust particles get into the fluffy’s nose, they can cause irritation. The pet will begin to sneeze to relieve it of the irritant. This reaction is natural and there is nothing wrong with it.

2. Allergies. If the kitten begins to sneeze not periodically, but all the time, the cause may be an allergy. The fact is that kittens are very susceptible to allergic reactions, and the allergens can be completely different. So, their role can be food, cleaning products, indoor plants, hygiene products for animals and much more.

3. Asthma. By ignoring allergies in a small pet, owners risk that a protracted illness can turn into a complex chronic disease. So, if you are faced with the fact that a kitten has been diagnosed with asthma, first of all you should remove all possible allergens from the house. Also try to protect your pet as much as possible from perfumes, all kinds of candles or scented candles. So, in case of severe asthma attacks, veterinarians recommend the following steps: prepare a steam bath and hold the kitten over it for several minutes. This procedure will help to somewhat improve his condition and restore his airways.

4. Vaccination. Every breeder who cares about the health of their miniature pets knows about the importance of vaccination. However, it often happens that it is the vaccine, or more precisely, the reaction of the kitten’s immune system, that is the reason for its incessant sneezing. So, if you do not observe the timing between the first and second vaccinations, such a reaction happens quite often and you should not be surprised at its occurrence.

5. Infections. Every pet always has a chance of getting a bacterial, fungal or viral infection at any time. These diseases, in addition to sneezing, are also characterized by the presence of cough, runny nose, and high fever.

6. Dental diseases. Every inflammation that occurs in the oral cavity travels through the nasal canals in just a couple of hours. This situation can be the main reason for the cat’s incessant sneezing.

7. Helminthic infestations. Some types of worms are quite dangerous and can affect the heart and lungs of an animal. They can block arteries, which creates breathing problems, causing the kitten to cough and sneeze. If the appearance of worms is not detected in a timely manner, this can lead to the death of your beloved pet.

The kitten is sneezing, the reason is a foreign object

Sometimes there are cases when a kitten swallows something inedible, it gets stuck somewhere in the middle of the nasopharynx and begins to cause spasms, outwardly resembling sneezing, coughing, or burping. In this case, you should immediately try to remove the foreign object from the pet’s mouth. However, this should be done carefully. If you understand that you cannot do this on your own, you should seek help from a veterinarian.

The kitten is sneezing: what to do, how to cure it?

Before getting a kitten, it is recommended to thoroughly clean your home. Try to remove all dust in the room, outdated items with scuffs, especially tablecloths and scuffs; it is recommended to lay out clothes and hang them in closets.

When your new pet arrives at home, first of all, observe its behavior. Most often they start by walking around and sniffing the area around it. So, if you see how an animal, approaching another thing, suddenly begins to sneeze and snort, it should be removed as far as possible.

After you establish the true cause of sneezing, you must first begin symptomatic treatment. However, it is not recommended to do this yourself, since these can be quite serious diseases, such as toxoplasmosis, microplasmosis or leukemia. What is the best way to proceed in this case, it is better to ask your veterinarian.

During a child’s illness, it is necessary to provide him with everything he needs: food, warmth, peace. If the cause of his suffering is damage to the respiratory tract, try to provide the animal with all the necessary assistance: help in cleaning the nose, discharge from the eyes, and regularly inspect its mouth and throat. It is also recommended to add as many readily available components and vitamins to his diet as possible.

If you observe a kitten constantly sneezing, and its allergy does not go away, but causes its condition to worsen, you should show it to a specialist as soon as possible. You should not hesitate to do this, the sooner he is delivered to the veterinary clinic, the faster he will be healed, fortunately, today the abundance of high-quality and affordable drugs allows you to do this without much effort.

The kitten is sneezing: what to do, preventive measures

Disease prevention is quite simple: pay as much attention as possible to your pet and constantly monitor its health. Do not forget that kittens do not have such a strong immune system, so many of them can react painfully even to conditions that are similar to adult cats.

Therefore, make sure that there are fewer drafts in the apartment, limit to a minimum the contact of a fragile baby with other sick animals and, of course, do not forget to vaccinate your pets on time.

Sneezing is a protective mechanism for cleansing the respiratory system, which can appear in both an absolutely healthy and a sick animal. Let's talk about why a cat often sneezes, what to do about it, and in what cases it is better to consult a doctor.

Why do cats sneeze a lot?

Sneezing is an unconditioned reflex. As soon as any irritant activates special sensitive cells (receptors), the entire sneezing mechanism immediately starts, starting from a deep breath and ending with a sharp contraction of the muscles of the chest and abdomen. In this case, the irritant can be absolutely anything: from cold air to excess own secretions associated with an infectious disease.

Non-infectious causes

A cat can sneeze for physiological, that is, not related to the disease, and pathological reasons. Physiologically, everything is clear, because we all sneeze if something gets into our nose, and cats are not much different from us in this regard. The main causes of physiological sneezing:

  • physical impact (foreign body, dust, cold air, etc.);
  • chemical factors (aerosols, household chemicals, tobacco smoke).

Pathological sneezing occurs due to any internal disorders:

  • anatomical features, including congenital (nasopharyngeal deformities, etc.);
  • dental problems (inflammation of the tooth root can spread to the sinuses);
  • inflammatory diseases, including polyps;
  • neoplasms of the nasopharynx;
  • trauma to the nasal passages;
  • systemic diseases (hypertension, vasculitis, etc.).

If sneezing continues regularly for several days, it is worth thinking about the possible causes.

Cat sneezes due to infections

Cats sneeze heavily due to a variety of infectious diseases affecting the nasopharynx. They can be divided into groups:

Most of these names are obscure and mean nothing to cat owners, but they will tell a veterinarian a lot after diagnosis, because the treatment of the animal directly depends on this.

What to do if your cat sneezes a lot?

If sneezing has become systematic and is especially accompanied by a depressed state of the animal and the appearance of other symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.

At home, you can only provide first aid to the animal by rinsing the nasal passages with saline solution - suddenly a small foreign body gets into the nose, and then there is a chance to wash it off. If there is no improvement, you should carefully examine the cat.

It is better to start the examination with the nose, carefully examining it in bright light for the presence of dried crusts and mucous discharge. Then we also carefully examine the eyes: pulling back the lower eyelid with a finger, we look for changes in the color of the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane - it should not be red and inflamed), accumulations of discharge in the corners of the eye, the appearance of the third eyelid (normally it is almost invisible).

We attract helpers, arm ourselves with a flashlight and open the cat’s mouth, in which we try to discern inflammation and ulcers on the tongue and mucous membrane. We pay special attention to teeth: signs of decay are usually clearly visible.

If during examination any of the listed signs are revealed, you should protect the cat from other animals and contact a veterinary clinic as soon as possible. You need to tell the doctor in detail about the time the symptoms appeared and about everything that has happened to your pet recently - contacts with other cats, being outside the apartment.

You should definitely take your veterinary passport with you; the doctor will look at your vaccination records and, if you did them on time, will be able to immediately dismiss a number of serious infectious diseases. Or, conversely, include them in your list of suspicions if you did the opposite. An accurate diagnosis can be made only after examination and passing the necessary tests.

If a cat sneezes once, then, of course, there is no need to panic, but it is worth watching the animal. When a cat constantly sneezes heavily, and this symptom is accompanied by lethargy, refusal to feed, and discharge from the nose and eyes, a pathological process is evident. Only a veterinarian can tell you what to do in this case.

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If a cat sneezes, there is not always cause for concern. Rare sneezing is a normal phenomenon, necessary to remove irritants in the nasal passages or associated with strong excitement and physical activity. If the symptom does not disappear, becomes more intense and other signs are added to it, you must definitely show the animal to a veterinarian.

Why does my cat constantly sneeze?

Constant sneezing can be caused by various reasons, the most common include:

If your cat is sneezing, you need to take a closer look and pay attention to other symptoms.

  • allergy. If you notice that your pet is sneezing after using air freshener or perfume, he most likely suffers from allergies. Change the product or stop using it;
  • upper respiratory tract infection. This disease is similar in symptoms and origin to the human cold. It often goes away on its own and can only be dangerous for small kittens or pets with low immunity;
  • herpes. Occurs due to frequent stress or is transmitted from other animals. A person cannot become infected with this disease. The disease contributes to the appearance of ulcers in the mouth, sneezing, and in some cases leads to the development of pneumonia;
  • toxoplasmosis. A cat infected with this disease sneezes, its breathing becomes intermittent and frequent. The main danger of the disease is that it can be transmitted from pet to owner.
  • mycoplasmosis. The disease turns an active cat into a lethargic and dull animal. The main symptoms are watery eyes and discharge of pus from them.
  • an eye disease that manifests itself as frequent sneezing and tearing. The disease is contagious to humans.
  • chlamydia. Sneezing can be caused by infections of viral, fungal and bacterial origin.

Do not try to diagnose yourself. This task can only be done by a veterinarian.

How to help your pet?

Only a veterinarian can determine exactly why a cat often sneezes. To do this, he takes a swab of the mouth, eye and nose area and sends it to the laboratory to identify the causative agent of the infection.

If the cat simply inhaled dust or sniffed something too fragrant, sneezed a couple of times and stopped, then it’s okay. But if it is constant, then this is already a problem, especially if there is discharge from the nose and eyes, in this case, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The causes of sneezing are varied. It happens that he has an allergy. This may surprise many, but they are also susceptible to this illness, which is common to people. Perhaps the cat has become intolerant to tobacco smoke if the room is smoky, or maybe aerosols or some household chemical caused such a reaction in him. In any case, you need to determine and eliminate the cause of the sneezing, then it will go away on its own.

Allergies are the most harmless option that can cause a cat to sneeze. It still doesn’t happen that often, and most likely the reason lies in another area, which means that the animal has health problems.

The most likely possibility is that the cat has contracted an upper respiratory tract infection, which can be caused by a fungus, virus or bacteria. It is possible that something else caused the sneezing. If the problem is an infection, then the cat’s temperature will rise, it will become more difficult for him to breathe, and discharge will appear from the eyes and nose.

If an animal has trouble breathing and sneezing, then most likely it is toxoplasmosis. It is activated by intracellular microorganisms; a significant problem is also that it is a disease that is contagious to humans. It can be especially dangerous if there is a pregnant woman in the apartment. Toxoplasmosis causes serious problems and complications if the fetus becomes infected. Therefore, be sure to find out the reason for your cat's sneezing. For healthy people, toxoplasmosis is not dangerous.

A cat can also start sneezing from chlamydia, which is also transmitted to humans. In addition to sneezing, the animal is characterized by discharge from the nose and eyes, fever, coughing and difficulty breathing. Sneezing can cause bortedellosis, also known as kennel cough. This is a bacterial infection that causes your cat to develop a fever, cough, sneezing, and nasal discharge. If an animal, in addition to sneezing, has conjunctivitis and discharge from the eyes, then it is possible that the reason for this is mycoplasmosis.

Another common disease that causes sneezing is infectious rhinotracheitis. Symptoms: sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing. Also in some cases, conjunctivitis, rhinitis and purulent discharge from the nose and eyes are present. There are other symptoms.

It may also happen that a foreign body has entered the cat's nasal passages, and he is trying to get rid of this object by sneezing. If the cat cannot cope on its own, contact your veterinarian immediately, as only he will be able to remove the foreign body.

In any case, sneezing is a serious symptom, and if present, you need to go to the clinic. Only a doctor can determine the cause, identify the infection and prescribe medications. It is impossible to hope that the animal will recover on its own, since the disease can lead to the most disastrous outcome. Human medications are also not suitable for cats, they can only do harm! Therefore, do not even think about giving your animal anything from your own first aid kit.


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Cats, and all animals, have the same health problems as humans. There may be pneumonia, “cat flu” and even allergies. Sometimes owners may notice that their beloved domestic cat is sneezing. How can you tell if your cat is sick?

Why a cat can only be understood by carefully observing its appearance, well-being and behavior. The reason may simply be dust under the cabinet that accidentally got into the pet’s respiratory tract. But if sneezing is repeated, this may be one of the symptoms of an incipient disease.

After this procedure, special drops should be placed between the shoulder blades against fleas. Flea secretions can cause allergies, including sneezing. If, after introducing a new food or immediately after purchasing a chair, your pet begins to sneeze frequently, but no other symptoms are observed, this may be a consequence of an allergy. It is advisable to analyze what has happened new in the cat’s life in the last week, and when exactly he began to show alarming signs. Sometimes it is enough to simply exclude the allergen.

If these measures did not help at all, and the cat continues to sneeze, there is no need to try to find it on veterinary forums. After all, from such advice “blindly” you can lose precious time necessary for effective treatment of the animal. The rule of harm of self-medication also applies here. Danger can threaten not only the pet itself, but also others, and even the owners themselves. For example, feline toxoplasmosis, as well as chlamydia, are a serious threat of miscarriage in pregnant women.

Sometimes sneezing is accompanied by lacrimation and liquid discharge from the nose. At the same time, the animal’s appetite worsens and lethargy appears. Such signs may be present both with the feline herpes virus and with many diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses: toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, bordetellosis, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, etc.

In any case, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. For this purpose, special vaccines are used. It is best to start vaccinating young kittens at six weeks of age. Until the age of fifteen weeks, babies are given several vaccinations at intervals of 3–7 weeks: against leukemia, rabies, cat flu and panleukopenia. Also, do not forget about good animal nutrition and hygiene.


  • why does a cat sneeze

What to do if your pet suddenly starts sneezing? How do you know how serious it is and whether you should contact a veterinarian?

If you notice that your cat has begun to sneeze (not sporadically, but regularly), then it’s worth figuring out what the nature of this phenomenon is and how it happens. There may be several possible reasons, but, as a rule, they all come down to three main ones. Let's look at each aspect in more detail:

1) Irritation of the nasal mucosa (bronchi, trachea). If your pet has not lost its appetite and activity, but regularly, then most likely it has inhaled vapors of salts or alkalis from your arsenal of household chemicals. Perhaps it was nearby when you used insecticides, chlorine disinfectants, washing powder, air freshener, etc. The nasal mucosa is much more sensitive than humans, so direct contact with these substances could cause irritation and, as a result, sneezing. In this case, for treatment it is enough to limit the animal’s contact with substances harmful to it and the sneezing will go away on its own. Otherwise, it may worsen and turn into rhinitis.

2) Allergy. If a cat rubs its nose in certain places or at certain times, it is assumed that this process occurs as a result of an allergic reaction. Think about it: perhaps not so long ago you replaced his litter tray or switched him to new food, after which you began to notice this reaction. Pollen, dust, mold, and tobacco smoke can also become allergens for your pet. This fact should not be neglected, because allergies can often develop into more complex forms of diseases, such as bronchial asthma. Observe your pet's behavior and eliminate the allergen.

3) Upper respiratory tract infections. This is the most difficult and dangerous reason. If your tailed cat has lost his appetite, hardly moves and sleeps a lot, and in addition to sneezing, there is nasal discharge, coughing, wheezing, watery eyes - then most likely these are symptoms of a cold, rhinitis and even more serious diseases such as rhinotracheitis. In this case, it is MANDATORY to seek advice from a veterinarian as soon as possible. Until this point, you can alleviate your pet's condition by using any intranasal drops with an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral effect, such as Anandin. It is also necessary to protect the animal from drafts and cold and switch to a more balanced and fortified diet. As a rule, if all the veterinarian's instructions are followed, colds and rhinitis are cured in 10-14 days.

Be attentive to your pets, because any disease is easier to prevent than to treat! And may your beloved pets be healthy!

Video on the topic

Sneezing and runny nose can occur in a cat for various reasons. This condition indicates a clearly unhealthy state of the animal, so it needs to be given special attention during this period in order to find out the causes of the disease and eliminate them.

If your cat is sneezing irregularly, there may be debris in its nose, and this is not a reason to contact the veterinarian. If sneezing occurs constantly, then you need to determine whether it is an allergic reaction or a cold.

If your cat is sneezing due to allergies

An allergy in a cat differs from a cold in that in this case it does not have an elevated temperature and a lethargic state. In addition, if a cold is not treated, then a cough is associated with it, which also helps to distinguish between these diseases.

In case of allergies, you need to determine which allergen caused the sneezing. This could be house dust or mites, as well as strong chemical odors. Food allergies also exist, but they usually manifest as a skin rash.

For treatment, antihistamines and elimination of contact with the allergen are prescribed.

Colds in cats: symptoms

Cats are very sensitive to drafts and hypothermia. Therefore, if you change the temperature suddenly, for example, if you take someone who is used to warmth out into the cold, then she may get sick.

The first sign of a cold will be general weakness, lethargy and long sleep. Since many owners do not pay enough attention to the cat’s typical behavior and habits, they may not immediately notice that she has a cold. Therefore, the disease is most often detected when the cat sneezes, coughs, or has a runny nose.

During this period, the animal’s temperature rises and its eyes are half-closed, which indicates fatigue.

What to do if your cat has a cold?

First of all, you need to provide the animal with rest. Move his house to a warm place, away from drafts.

Nutrition during this period should be enhanced, and the components should be saturated with vitamins, especially C.

Avoid letting your cat drink cold water or milk. Room temperature liquid is the best option, because warm drinks cannot be given to cats.

To prevent any complications from developing in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases, you need to show your cat to a veterinarian so that he can prescribe medications. Treatment with folk remedies is inappropriate here, because bacteria are quite resilient, and conducting experiments on an animal in the form of treatment with decoctions (which do not kill viruses and bacteria) is dangerous for its life and is fraught with the development of allergies.

Colds in cats: treatment with medications

The veterinarian, first of all, should offer multicomponent treatment, which is aimed at getting rid of pathogens, relieving inflammatory processes and strengthening the immune system.

When a cat sneezes, it can be a more serious illness than a cold - cat flu, which is caused by the rhinotracheitis virus (feline herpes) and calicivirus. They contribute to irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, which causes constant sneezing.

These viruses can be very harmful, so be sure to take your sneezing cat to the vet.

If a sick animal has not been treated for a long time, hoping for its own recovery, then in this case the veterinarian will prescribe not only antiviral but also antibacterial drugs to eliminate the possibility of complications.

Along with this, the animal is prescribed immunostimulating drugs and multivitamins to make it easier for the body to regain strength.

The owner is required to help the cat maintain hygiene: wash its eyes and wipe its nose with sterile cotton pads. This should not be done if the doctor does not advise disturbing her again and believes that she will cope with this task herself.

Some veterinarians suggest vaccinating animals against cat flu. However, this should not be done if the cat is susceptible to frequent colds, since during vaccination there is a risk of developing the disease with a weakened immune system.

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