What to do if a tooth grows into your cheek. Wise decision: what to do if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek. Traditional painkillers

Wisdom teeth erupt around age 25. This is a long and painful process, so many people wait for the appearance of “eights” with anxiety. Difficulties in teething arise due to the fact that the growing wisdom tooth does not have a milk predecessor, that is, there is no channel for growth.

If the figure eight begins to grow incorrectly, it can cause severe discomfort, rub the cheek and tongue area, or cause inflammation of the gums. In this case, dentists recommend removing the wisdom tooth - it does not perform chewing functions, so its absence in the dentition will remain unnoticeable.

Causes of improper growth of wisdom teeth towards the cheek

The process of abnormal eruption is called retention, and the tooth itself is called impacted. Impacted teeth can cause pain in the cheek area and discomfort when eating. There is a high probability of improper growth of wisdom teeth if there have previously been problems with the eruption of baby teeth.

The causes of dental growth pathology are divided into 2 groups:

  • individual characteristics;
  • structure of the dentofacial apparatus.

The first group includes:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • problems related to metabolism;
  • infections;
  • lack of minerals (calcium, fluorine);
  • disruption of the hormonal system due to stress or pregnancy;
  • abnormal intrauterine development;
  • malnutrition in infancy.

Anomalies in the structure of the dentofacial apparatus that cause incorrect eruption of “eights” include:

  • insufficient space for the growth of the third molar due to excess teeth in the row;
  • non-standard shape and size of wisdom teeth;
  • defect of the rudiment, causing its incorrect position;
  • crowded dentition;
  • free space created by the removal of several teeth.

The structure of the gums can also affect eruption. For example, if the gums are narrow, the figure eight may not grow correctly.

Signs and symptoms

The growth of any tooth causes pain, but most often it is short-lived and quite tolerable. The eruption of figure eights is complicated by the large size of the crown. If the pain becomes unbearable, and painkillers relieve unpleasant symptoms for a short time, then we may be talking about abnormal eruption. A growth disorder can be determined at the initial stage only with the help of an x-ray, which will show how the tooth grows. What a crooked growing tooth looks like is shown in the photo.

Other signs:

  • increase in body temperature to high levels;
  • malaise expressed by weakness;
  • the appearance of headaches, which can be localized in different parts of the head;
  • increased bleeding of the gums, which increases while brushing or chewing;
  • severe inflammation and redness of the gums, swelling of the cheeks;
  • pain when eating, opening the mouth, chewing solid food;
  • damage to the inner surface of the cheek, opposite the tooth exit site;
  • restless sleep;
  • speech impairment associated with swelling and injury to the tongue;
  • the appearance of suppuration and erosion.

If measures are not taken in time to correct tooth growth, the following symptoms appear:

  • phlegmon;
  • inflammatory process due to the formation of a hood if the crown does not cut through the gum;
  • cyst;
  • crowding and curvature of the dentition;
  • caries;
  • pinched nerves.

An anomaly in the output of “eights” can be:

  • Full. The tooth is located horizontally inside the gum and does not come out. This can only be detected using x-rays.
  • Partial. In this case, the third molar grows towards the cheek and scratches it or puts pressure on the adjacent tooth. In this case, the patient often complains that the tooth has rubbed the mucous membrane. This occurs due to improper formation of the rudiment.

Pain during teething

Pain during teething is explained by injury to soft tissues. The crown of the tooth puts pressure on the gum, cutting it; edema begins to develop.

Because of this, painful sensations of varying degrees are felt. The following methods and means will help you remove them:

  • Rinsing the mouth with soda or saline solution, a decoction of oak bark and sage leaves, and lemon balm infusion. They relieve inflammation and pain and have an antimicrobial effect.
  • Medications. For pain relief, Nurofeen, Nise, and Ketorol are suitable. The drug Etoricoxib can relieve pain for 24 hours. To relieve inflammation, you can anoint your gums with Cholisal or Kamistad gels.
  • Antiseptic procedures.

Heating the site of inflammation is strictly prohibited, as this can accelerate the development of the process of suppuration. Rinse solutions should be warm. All of these measures are temporary methods of pain relief. If you experience severe discomfort, you should consult your doctor to avoid the development of serious complications.

Disturbs, rubs cheek

When a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek and is partially erupted, it can rub and injure the tongue and the inner surface of the mouth (we recommend reading: a wisdom tooth grows into the gum: what to do to fix it, and how to help yourself at home?). Discomfort is associated with the tooth coming out to the side when the crown rests on the cheek. If the tilt of the tooth is slight, the removal procedure is not necessary. Sometimes it is enough to make an incision in the gum so that it grows normally. The decision must be made by the dentist after examining the oral cavity and taking x-rays. If the tooth's growth trajectory is close to horizontal, it should be removed.

G8 extraction is necessary in the following cases:

  • the growth trajectory is directed at a strong angle;
  • injury occurs to the cheek, tongue, and adjacent teeth;
  • caries on teeth with a strongly intertwined root system;
  • abscess, fistula and other suppurations (we recommend reading: what to do if a fistula forms on the gum after tooth extraction?);
  • development of sinusitis due to inflammation of the upper molars;
  • cyst.

You can do without deletion if:

  • a decayed tooth has a healthy root, even if it gets in the way and touches the cheek;
  • there are no other teeth next to the “eight”, and over time it can occupy empty spaces and play the role of a chewing tooth;
  • The structure of the wisdom tooth allows the use of treatment methods.

How to behave after surgery?

The process of tooth removal is called extraction. The complexity of the procedure depends on the degree of curvature of the object, the plexus of its root system and which tooth needs to be removed, from above or from below.

Steps to remove "eights":

  • examination and radiography;
  • performing anesthesia (general or local) to numb the surgical site;
  • cutting the gums if there is no access to the tooth;
  • creating access to the roots using a drill, which removes bone tissue;
  • sawing the partition between the roots;
  • the actual removal (see also: why is the cheek swollen after tooth extraction and what to do if this happens?);
  • washing the wound with an antiseptic drug;
  • placing an anti-inflammatory agent in the hole;
  • applying a simple suture with self-absorbing threads to the gum.

The wound healing process depends on the individual characteristics of the person, as well as on a responsible attitude to caring for the hole. The speed of the recovery period after surgery is affected by the formation of a blood clot in the wound and its preservation. In an attempt to reduce the pain that begins after the anesthetic drugs used during surgery wear off, many people destroy or push back the blood clot. This results in increased healing time. Most often, the operation does not hurt, since the extraction is performed under anesthesia.

To make the healing process faster without complications, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

Possible complications

Complications during the eruption of wisdom teeth occur only in the event of untimely contact with the dentist. The sooner the first symptoms of abnormal growth are detected and the necessary assistance is provided, the less likely there are complications. If you do not take the necessary measures in time, the following unpleasant consequences are possible:

Extraction of the “eight” will help avoid the development of these complications. You should trust the procedure only to a professional dentist, since violation of the removal technique can lead to the following diseases:

  • Alveolitis. This is the name of the inflammatory process in a wound, which begins due to the untimely formation of a blood clot or its removal. As a result, pathogenic bacteria easily penetrate into the open wound.
  • Changes in the sensitivity of the oral cavity or its individual parts (tongue, cheeks, gums), which occurs as a result of the wrong choice of anesthetic drug or failure to comply with the required dosage.
  • Severe bleeding due to poor blood clotting.
  • Long, unbearable painful sensations.
  • Infection of the hole.
  • Formation of pus.

They acquired their unusual name because they grew too late. The scientific name in medicine for such teeth is third molars, which are part of the standard set of 32 teeth in the human oral cavity. The main feature of this type of teeth is that, unlike standard ones, they do not have milk analogues, and, therefore, there is no conductive channel that facilitates growth.

Because of this, the symptoms of the eruption of eights are very similar to the growth of milk analogues in newborn babies. Most dentists believe that third molars are rudiments that are not adapted to perform the chewing function. Moreover, every 10 people on earth have no third molars at all, without causing harm to human health.

Why wisdom teeth grow incorrectly

Due to the fact that eights do not have milk analogues, they do not have pre-prepared conducting channels. In this case, the formation of third molars begins from the age of 5 at an individual rate for each patient. Despite the individual development of pathologies, when teething eights, dentists identify the following most common reasons:

  • inherited jaw structure;
  • incorrect placement of eights;
  • disproportionate size or figure eight shape;
  • problems caused by metabolism or hormonal imbalance in the human body;
  • excess teeth in the upper or lower row;
  • in the case of removing more than one tooth to straighten the jaw, after which free space appears.

Moreover, in each individual case, the process of wisdom teeth eruption is accompanied by a variety of sensations, which make it difficult to independently diagnose their appearance and the nature of the pathologies.

Symptoms of wisdom tooth growth in the cheek

In a situation where the third molars have the wrong direction of growth, that is, they grow into the cheek, the process is accompanied by irritation of the oral mucosa with inflammatory processes on the gums. When does the third molar little space it pushes away neighboring relatives or begins to grow in a horizontal direction.

In the case when a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek, this leads to the formation of gumboil - purulent inflammation of the tissue. Wherein immediate treatment is required, as toxic shock may subsequently occur. I would like to note that the entire process of improper growth of eights can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • formation of suppuration;
  • the appearance of erosions;
  • sharp pain at the site of tooth growth;
  • headache;
  • inflammatory processes on the gums.

In dental terms, inflamed wisdom teeth are called impacted teeth and require mandatory surgical removal urgently.

Consequences of improper growth of wisdom teeth

If the process of improper eruption of wisdom teeth is very advanced, over the course of several years, they may develop serious complications, the elimination of which will require long-term and expensive treatment due to the following pathologies:

To avoid unwanted complications, it is necessary contact your dentist promptly. Only with the help of a comprehensive examination can one predict the development of eruption of third molars and diagnose the removal or treatment of wisdom teeth. Doctors in many countries suggest removing figure eights at the initial stage of growth in order to save a person from possible problems.

Wisdom tooth removal - indications and contraindications

There are many indications for wisdom teeth removal. There are far fewer reasons to treat or preserve third molars. But this does not mean that wisdom teeth are completely useless. Although recently, dental eights are really losing their value and doctors are increasingly inclined to remove them.

And yet, if they grow correctly, they are able to fully participate in the chewing process or serve as a support for attaching bridges. To prevent complications from the eruption of a wisdom tooth, some dentists recommend its removal at the stage of formation. Besides there are other indications to remove eights:

The removal procedure itself is performed only with the use of regional anesthesia, since the process itself is quite painful and lengthy.

Like any other surgical intervention, wisdom teeth removal has a number of specific contraindications. Although in relation to third molars, contraindications in most cases are indirect. For example, a figure eight can replace a removed seven or act as a support for prosthetics. But in the case of a problematic wisdom tooth, there is no point in treating it.

Depending on the degree of complexity of the surgical intervention to remove a wisdom tooth growing in the cheek and the physiological characteristics of the patient himself, the dentist an action plan is assigned on postoperative treatment, which includes recommendations and medications.

In this case, regular visits to the attending physician for examination are of no small importance. To prevent unwanted complications after the removal of third molars, you need follow the recommendations exactly dentist

In no case it is not permissible to warm up the place where the third molar was removed or apply warming compresses to the cheek, and also use hot solutions for rinsing. Such events often lead to purulent inflammation.

Complications after wisdom teeth removal

As it was found out, if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek, then its removal is inevitable. After surgery, the wound heals over time, and the person forgets about the problems, but, unfortunately, this does not happen in all situations. Sometimes during tooth extraction they may certain pathologies occur.

Even despite certain positive functions of the third molar, recently statistics on its removal have been steadily increasing. Moreover, if surgical intervention is inevitable, then this issue cannot be delayed. After the removal of a wisdom tooth growing into the cheek, no less problems remain - this and proper care behind the hole to prevent inflammatory processes and much more.

It is important to remember that in the first time after removing the third painter, you cannot use intensive rinsing, which can lead to washing out the blood clot in the hole, which reliably closes it from the penetration of various infections. In this case, the list of medications for pain relief and personal hygiene should drawn up by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Not every tooth has its own name. For example, some are called incisors, while others are called molars. But there are 4 teeth, which are popularly called “wisdom teeth”. Most likely, they received this name only because they usually appear at a more mature age, and sometimes do not grow at all. But what to do if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek or towards the dentition?

This problem is quite serious and requires urgent intervention from a dental surgeon. The fact is that when a wisdom tooth grows, it already causes a lot of unpleasant sensations: from aching pain to fever and inflammation. Often severe conditions require the removal of such a “sage”, even if it cuts through quite smoothly. This can happen if the hood of gum tissue over the tooth does not completely tear and a kind of “overhang” is formed. Particles of food or liquids can penetrate there and cause serious inflammation, because. It is impossible to clean such a hard-to-reach place.

The operation will take no more than 4 minutes, but if the wisdom tooth grows into the cheek, then the approach to such a situation will be extremely long, and postoperative rehabilitation will also take a lot of time. When a wisdom tooth erupts, if there is not enough space for it, the dentition may shift or the teeth may become crowded. This case is extremely dangerous, because... not only the stability of these extremely important components of the oral cavity is disrupted, but also the gum itself. It is likely that some teeth will soon lose their strong grip on the gums and fall out. And, nevertheless, restoring the bite costs a lot of money, and it will take a lot of time - at least 1 year.

It is important to remember that wisdom teeth grow much longer than other teeth, and you can notice improper placement and determine the possible consequences even in the first stages of growth. However, skilled specialists, using X-rays, or by experimentally examining the gums above the future tooth, are able to predict the problem in advance and advise removing the rudiments even before the first signs of tooth growth appear. This approach to the problem of “wisdom teeth growing into the cheek” prevents damage to the integrity of the cheek mucosa and possible subsequent troubles. In addition, the operation takes place with minimal consequences, and the risk of complications is minimal. The most suitable age for such an operation is adolescence.

The biggest danger that awaits you if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek is damage to the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the cheek.

o extremely dangerous, because can lead not only to inflammation or ulceration, but also to oncological consequences. A tooth with such a pathological location must be removed. Complications are possible after the operation, because its roots are quite large and deep. For some time, problems with nutrition are possible due to pain and the possibility of infection of the open wound. That is why, in the postoperative period, rinsing after each meal with special compounds that disinfect the oral cavity (for example, soda) is mandatory. Also, decoctions of medicinal herbs that will help heal the gums faster and reduce inflammatory processes (chamomile, soda solution, a very weak solution of potassium permanganate or iodine, etc.) will not be superfluous. A course of antibiotics is often necessary to prevent the spread of infection that may have occurred during or after surgery.

And remember that it is better not to wait for a situation when a wisdom tooth erupts and begins to cause a lot of trouble, but to address this issue much earlier to an experienced, qualified specialist. This is the only way to avoid a long and unpleasant postoperative period and prevent possible damage to the gums or tongue.

We wish you to be healthy with a beautiful smile!


Impacted teeth are fully formed. The reasons why they erupt in the wrong direction can be different, including:

    past infections;

  • abnormal intrauterine development and disruption of the nutritional system in infancy;
  • abnormal position of molar buds;
  • presence of chronic systemic diseases;
  • narrow gums;
  • jaw pathologies;
  • heredity;
  • thick layer of gum.

Embryological reasons are of paramount importance. The formation of teeth occurs during the early fetal development phase.

Problems with impaired teething may appear at the stage of changing baby teeth to permanent ones. If retention occurs during this period, then wisdom teeth are highly likely to grow incorrectly.

Features of symptoms

Symptoms of retention are very pronounced. Firstly, it is increased pain. In some cases, the pain is so unbearable that painkillers are indispensable. Secondly, there is swelling in the area of ​​tooth formation. An impacted tooth grows crookedly and stretches the gum, causing inflammation.

Other symptoms of retention include:

Sometimes it is impossible to determine the violation externally, especially at the initial stage of eruption. In such cases, the patient is prescribed an x-ray. Based on the image, conclusions are drawn about the degree of curvature of the molar exit trajectory and its effect on neighboring teeth.

An impacted tooth prevents normal chewing.

The close proximity of a healthy and crooked molar leads to the formation of pulpitis.

Constant irritation of nerve endings causes unbearable pain and requires urgent medical intervention.

Retention can be complete or partial:

  1. When full the tooth remains inside the gum. It can only be detected through palpation and radiographic studies. Complete retention indicates that the wisdom tooth lies horizontally.
  2. With partial part of the tooth comes to the surface. As a rule, this occurs when the molar buds are laid at an angle. In this case, the wisdom tooth grows into the cheek, side or adjacent tooth.

Possible complications

With proper treatment, complications rarely occur. But in an advanced stage, the following processes may take place:

What to do if a tooth grows into the cheek?

Treatment of retention is possible for minor deformities. If the tooth does not erupt well due to the characteristics of the gum, then it is excised, releasing the fully formed molar out. In all other cases, tooth extraction is recommended.

The inconvenient location of the tooth complicates its extraction. Combined with an incorrect growth trajectory, the process of wisdom tooth removal becomes even more difficult.

If there is an inflammatory process, antibacterial therapy is prescribed before removal surgery. The best time to extract a tooth is considered to be the morning - within a day the pain should go away or decrease to an acceptable level.

The affected area is treated with an antiseptic composition and anesthesia is performed. Local medications are usually prescribed, but when carrying out a complex and lengthy removal consisting of several stages, general anesthesia can be used.

Next, an incision is made in the gum and the tooth is crushed into pieces. Removal of individual parts is carried out in stages. After all parts of the tooth are removed, the resulting wound is treated with antibacterial drugs. The gum is sutured.

Modern dentistry uses completely soluble materials that do not require subsequent removal of sutures. The operation is considered complete after the bleeding has completely stopped.

Removing a wisdom tooth is always accompanied by a number of difficulties. Doctors recommend not delaying the removal of eighth molars due to the risk of complications. In addition, with age, the gums become significantly denser, and the roots of the tooth grow greatly.

As a rule, these symptoms indicate the onset of inflammation caused by infection in the socket. Remaining tooth fragments and cystic formations on the tops of the roots of adjacent molars can lead to suppuration of the wound, preventing its healing.

After repeated cleaning of the hole, antibacterial therapy and home rinsing preparations are prescribed, which should be used no earlier than one day after surgery.

Removing an incorrectly located wisdom tooth - details in the video:

The risk of developing inflammatory processes after removal of an impacted tooth is very high. To improve healing, dentists recommend adhering to the following rules:


Causes of improper eruption

Third molars are the medical name for wisdom teeth. They do not have milk precursors, so they do not have ready-made conductive channels for exit. But their formation begins at the age of 5-6 at a speed that is individual for each person.

What causes the incorrect “crooked” cutting of eights? Despite the individual reasons for the appearance of eruption pathology, the most common ones can be identified:

  • hereditary jaw structure;
  • incorrect tooth position;
  • non-standard size or unusual figure eight shape;
  • metabolic and hormonal disorders of the patient;
  • excessive number of teeth in a row;
  • removal of several teeth to straighten the back, which created free space.

In each specific case, the process of eruption is accompanied by numerous sensations that do not allow one to independently determine the main reasons for their appearance and the nature of the pathology.

Symptoms and signs

It is difficult to determine from the first painful sensations whether eruption is proceeding correctly. If a wisdom tooth grows perpendicular to the jaw, the process may be accompanied by slight swelling and a feeling of discomfort at the exit site.

If a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek or crookedly to the side, this can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • increased bleeding of gums, increasing during hygiene procedures;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane under the adjacent healthy tooth;
  • eating food causes severe pain in the mouth and throat;
  • damage occurs to the inner surface of the cheek;
  • swelling or swelling of the cheek, tongue, gums;
  • fever, severe headache requiring painkillers.

If the eruption of wisdom teeth lasts for several years, then this process turns into a constant painful problem that must be solved using accessible methods.

Consequences of the process

A long-term process of improper eruption of third molars can cause serious complications, the elimination of which will require long-term treatment and material costs:

  • destruction of the roots of adjacent seventh teeth, which leads to their premature loss;
  • the appearance of caries and destruction of the enamel of “sevens”;
  • the appearance of a focus of inflammation on the cheek;
  • the likelihood of inflammatory processes occurring in the bone part, in the gum area and base of the tooth (periostitis, ostomyelitis, phlegmon, pericoronitis);
  • compaction of the soft tissues of the gums or cheeks, leading to their modification and degeneration, developing into benign or malignant neoplasms.

To avoid complications, you should contact a dental clinic as soon as possible. Only a comprehensive examination can predict the development of the eruption process and give recommendations on possible removal or treatment of a wisdom tooth.

In many countries, modern dentistry offers the removal of “eights” at the formation stage at a young age in order to save people from possible pain and complications.


Removal of wisdom teeth can occur at the request of the patient or on the recommendation of the dentist. In cases where they grow into the cheek, sideways or inward, removal is inevitable, and delaying the process leads to long-term treatment of postoperative consequences.

It is better to entrust the removal of abnormally growing “figure eight” to an experienced specialist in a dental clinic, where the patient is guaranteed safe anesthesia using modern means and high-quality postoperative care.

Computed tomography or panoramic radiography can confirm the need to remove an impacted or dystopian wisdom tooth. In some cases, due to the structure of the jaw, curvature or intertwining of the roots, a simple removal can turn into a complex operation consisting of several stages:

  • local anesthesia for painless surgery;
  • an incision in the gum that allows it to be squeezed out at the point where it is removed from the bone;
  • drilling out the bone tissue around the roots using a drill, which provides more convenient access to the tooth;
  • sawing the interroot septum, if it is necessary to remove the roots separately;
  • washing the wound with an antiseptic and applying an anti-inflammatory drug to avoid infection of the wound;
  • suturing the wound and cut gum to bring the edges together.

Carrying out a complex removal of a wisdom tooth that grows into the cheek can only be done by an experienced facial and maxillofacial surgeon who uses special instruments and the latest dental equipment. Complex removal is performed under anesthesia and can last from 30 minutes to 3 hours without causing much pain.

It is unacceptable to use a dental chisel to remove a wisdom tooth! This is a device from the last century, when there were no special tools for cutting interroot septa and drilling out bone tissue. Using a chisel can cause physical and psychological harm to the body and the patient.

The following video briefly shows the procedure for removing the figure eight:

Depending on the complexity of the removal, the preoperative condition of the wisdom tooth and the condition of the patient himself, the dental surgeon describes detailed postoperative treatment plan indicating the most effective methods and medications. Dates for periodic inspections are also set here.

Important! Do not heat the wisdom tooth extraction site, apply hot compresses to the cheek, or rinse with hot solutions. Such actions can cause purulent inflammation.

On the day of the operation to remove a wisdom tooth growing into the cheek, you need to give up heavy physical activity, a hot bath, facial movements of the mouth and face, smoking and drinking alcohol. Such activities can lead to suture rupture and bleeding.

If any alarming phenomena occur, you must contact the operating surgeon or a nearby dental clinic. For patients with diabetes, it would be a good idea to have your blood sugar tested - an increase may be caused by post-operative stress.

You can continue therapeutic dental treatment or prosthetics a week after a simple extraction, and after a complex extraction – after 12-14 days.

From all of the above, we can conclude that wisdom teeth growing into the cheek, sideways and inwards are best removed at a young age, before the crown is destroyed and the neighboring “sevens” are not damaged. A young body can more easily tolerate surgery, which often goes away without complications..

The absence of inflammation around the tooth allows you to avoid infection of the wound. If a wisdom tooth erupts without complications perpendicular to the jaw, it is advisable to preserve it.

Sometimes it is the “eights” that become the supporting ones for installing bridges if the “sevens” and “sixes” are missing. In this case, dentists try to preserve wisdom teeth, treat caries and fill them.


Problems that arise during the eruption of wisdom teeth -

How to ease the eruption of wisdom teeth -

If the crown of the wisdom tooth is already close to the surface of the gum, then to speed up eruption and reduce symptoms, the gum above the crown of the wisdom tooth is usually excised. Those. They make a so-called “window”. The decision about the possibility of such an intervention should be made by the dentist, taking into account the X-ray data.

A wisdom tooth grows into the cheek: what to do

When a wisdom tooth grows incorrectly, this greatly facilitates the decision to preserve/remove it. During examination, there are many cases when a wisdom tooth grows to the side (for example, towards the cheek) or lies almost horizontally. Such teeth cannot be used for chewing, they can cause a lot of trouble in the form of periodic inflammation, and can contribute to biting the cheek or tongue. As a rule, such teeth are removed.

If your wisdom tooth is cutting into your cheek, pay close attention to it. Constant chronic injury to the buccal mucosa will first necessarily lead to the development of ulcers and inflammation. But that is not all. Constant injury to the oral mucosa is a predisposing factor for the development of first a benign and then a malignant tumor. The sharp edges of fillings and dentures can have the same effect if they injure and rub the mucous membrane.


Why does a wisdom tooth grow into the cheek?

Wisdom teeth got their name for a reason. They begin to grow much later than the rest of the dentition, at approximately the age of 18-25 years. Until this moment, they are just forming inside the jawbone.
In fact, a person no longer needs an additional pair of molars. Previously, they were necessary for chewing particularly tough foods. Today such food is no longer part of the diet. Even before the figure eight begins to grow, all other teeth can take up the free space in the mouth. It turns out that there is no room left for molars at all.

However, this does not prevent teeth from growing at all. Due to lack of space, they begin to move to the side. Most often, the direction of growth turns exactly in the opposite direction, that is, the molar digs into the bone. It happens somewhat less frequently that a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek. Few people know what to do to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon. In the best case, it is possible to detect this feature of the dental system even before the growth of additional teeth, but this is only possible if a person regularly goes for preventive examinations to the dentist. People begin to take such careful care of their teeth not at the age of 18-25, that is, during the period when eights grow, but a little later. Therefore, detecting a problem before it begins to manifest itself is always difficult.

How can you tell if a wisdom tooth is growing into your cheek?

It is impossible to determine that your third molar is growing into the cheek. Diagnosis of this phenomenon is possible only in a dental office. The specialist conducts an x-ray examination, as a result of which he reveals in which direction the tooth has shifted.

It’s up to you to notice the problem before it starts to have consequences. The very first signs that you should immediately contact a specialist are:

1) Aching pain in the area of ​​the chewing teeth.

The tooth cannot come out, which means you cannot see it. Therefore, it is worth focusing on pain in the chewing teeth area as a whole. It is constant and aching, and when you touch the gum or cheek it becomes acute.

2) Swelling of the gums and cheeks.

When a tooth grows, it touches the mucous membrane and other soft tissues, and they are penetrated by a network of capillaries and nerve endings. The body's first reaction to any injury of this kind is swelling and swelling. At first they are completely invisible, but every day they become more and more distinct.

3) Temperature.

The body may perceive soft tissue damage as an infection. To combat it, the body temperature rises, and very slightly, to an average of 37°C. Yet this is enough for a person to feel apathy and general malaise.
All of the listed symptoms will not tell you exactly about the displacement of tooth growth in the cheek area. They only indicate that there are some problems. Further diagnostics are carried out by a specialist. It should be addressed immediately, otherwise there may be consequences.

What is the danger of wisdom teeth growing into the cheek?

The biggest discomfort for the patient at first is pain. Some people think that it is enough to get rid of it only. Various painkillers are used, which are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription. In addition, some use anti-inflammatory drugs to remove swelling. It would seem that all the problems have been solved, because the temperature can be easily reduced, but not everything is so simple.

Wisdom teeth cause the most damage from the inside. Damaging soft tissues, it not only causes pain, but can also lead to various inflammatory processes. The mucosa has a very developed blood supply system and many nerve endings. If they are severely damaged, they can become inflamed and become infected.
At first it will bring all the same symptoms as described above, but with further development, possible purulent inflammation. Cyst, granuloma, phlegmon, abscess - these are just a few of the possible exacerbations. All of these diseases attack healthy tissue and, as a result, lead to even greater pain and illness. When the immune system is weakened, the infection can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. This is already extremely dangerous. A person risks not only his health, but also his life. You must immediately contact a specialist.

What to do if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek?

We have already found out why a wisdom tooth rubs the cheek and what to do first when this problem is discovered. Now let's talk in more detail about help in case of such a complication.
As soon as you realize that the cause of your discomfort lies in the third molar, you should seek emergency help. All necessary procedures will be performed on you urgently.
If you think that you can hold out until the next free time to see your dentist, you should take care of reducing pain and inflammation. A cold compress will work best here. It will not only relieve swelling, but also dull the pain a little, and also prevent the development of infection as quickly as possible. To more effectively combat pain, you can take special medications. It is better not to fight the temperature, but simply endure it. It is the first action of our body in the fight against defeat, so we should not prevent the body from solving the problem on its own.

A rather unpleasant pathology is when a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek. We will describe the symptoms of this disease below, provide photos and advise what to do in such cases. After all, this situation cannot be ignored, since over time many consequences appear that affect the general well-being and condition of neighboring teeth.

Regardless of a person’s actions, his hygiene habits, lifestyle and health, the direction of growth of each unit acquires its own individual characteristics. Its change usually occurs from natural and genetic predispositions, which are almost impossible to influence.


The structure of the jaw apparatus and the structure of hard tissues are formed during the prenatal period. With age, these features only appear, which are invisible until the eruption of a particular tooth begins. Doctors identify the following causes of growth disturbances in figure eights:

  • the rudiment has an abnormal shape and direction, and therefore develops incorrectly;
  • this happens if the size of the last tooth in a row is too large or it is of some unusual shape, it does not have enough space on the jaw to be positioned correctly;
  • general metabolic disorder, when there are too few minerals for normal natural tooth growth;
  • the influence of the hormonal system on jaw pathologies was also discovered;
  • the appearance of an increased number of units in a row, then there is no longer room for the latter on the arc;
  • There is also the opposite situation, when too much space for the figure eight provokes its incorrect position.

Whatever the reason, it is impossible to influence it yourself at home. Therefore, it is important for such problems to consult a doctor who can correct or remove the unit surgically.


Until the process of eruption of the third molar begins, it will not be possible to guess its natural pathology. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the first signs that appear as it grows:

  • bleeding in this area, increasing with chewing load or mechanical processing;
  • the soft tissues around the already erupted second molar and in the place where the next one should appear become inflamed;
  • increasing palpable pain when chewing and swallowing, which does not go away over time, but only intensifies;
  • swelling of the gums appears, which can spread to surrounding organs;
  • the inner part of the cheek in the figure eight growth zone often begins to be injured;
  • the formation of some kind of compaction, which is felt by a simple touch;
  • periodic intense headaches, high fever and general malaise.

Since the “wisdom tooth” grows more than one day, all the symptoms can appear from time to time over a long period. For some people it lasts for several years. And this picture will not disappear until you visit a doctor.

How to relieve pain before going to the dentist?

It is not always possible to get an appointment as soon as painful or other symptoms appear. What can you do to help yourself during the waiting period? You can soothe the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation, reduce pain and heal emerging erosions with the help of available folk recipes:

  1. Make a soda solution for rinsing. This simple remedy quickly relieves swelling and destroys harmful bacteria, preventing infection.
  2. You can prepare a complex decoction of oak bark and sage leaves. To do this you need to take 5 tbsp. l. both and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. When the broth is infused and warm, rinse your mouth at least eight times a day. These components help restore tissue, relieve inflammation and kill pathogens.
  3. The next version of the recipe is turnip decoction. 3 tbsp. l. chopped root vegetables are poured with water, allowed to boil and boiled for at least 15 minutes. You need to rinse your mouth with this product every hour.
  4. Saline solution is also effective for inflammation and swelling. To prepare it, you only need 1 tsp. table salt and a glass of water. You can rinse your mouth an unlimited number of times at the first sign of pain.
  5. In order to heal erosions on the mucous membrane, applications made on the basis of sea buckthorn oil are very helpful. It ensures tissue regeneration and restores its structure in a short period.
  6. To prepare lemon balm infusion, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. of the indicated leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Leave it for 4 hours and then start rinsing, but do it no more than four times a day.
  7. In the same way, you can make an infusion of chicory root. The proportions and method of preparation are the same as in the previous recipe; you can boil it for an additional five minutes. These last two remedies have anti-inflammatory properties and relieve pain well.

If folk recipes do not help and the discomfort intensifies, and the erosions are very deep, then medications that are often on hand in the first aid kit will come to the rescue:

  • To eliminate intense pain, use "", "Nise", "", "", or other similar painkillers that are freely available without a prescription. But it is worth remembering that you cannot get carried away and take them for a long period, as addiction occurs and intoxication may occur.
  • A stronger painkiller is Etoricoxib, which can be taken only in the amount of one tablet per day, and its effect lasts much longer. In addition to relieving pain, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • For the purpose of antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity, dentists recommend rinsing with the help of well-known solutions "", "Angilex" or "Eludril". The rinsing procedure is carried out at least four times a day at equal intervals.
  • Complex preparations in the form of gels called “” or “” are created using plant substances and medicinal components. Due to this, they fight well against inflammation of the mucous membrane and are local anesthetics based on lidocaine.

We remind you that you should not delay going to the doctor, since the use of all the above remedies does not disappear in itself, the problem simply relieves pain, swelling and inflammation for a while, and erosions and injuries to the mucous membrane heal for a short period. Until the dentist eliminates the cause itself, these symptoms will appear again. You will not be able to correct the growth of a tooth or pull it out on your own.


Having understood the causes of this pathology, it becomes obvious that it is almost impossible to eliminate the problem with the help of any correction. The most common and rational choice is to remove the incorrectly growing “eight”. But only the doctor makes this decision. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Diagnosis is made using X-rays and computed tomography. An accurate diagnosis is made and the degree of anomaly, the location of the tooth or its roots are determined.
  2. Since the procedure is a surgical intervention and can last a very long time, high-quality anesthesia is performed. Local anesthesia is most often chosen, but in some cases it is necessary to resort to general anesthesia. Then the doctor is obliged to constantly monitor the patient’s condition both during the procedure and for a certain period after it.
  3. The dentist makes an incision in the soft tissue in the desired area and gains free access to the roots of the tooth.
  4. In some cases, additional bone removal around the root system is required to reach it.
  5. If necessary, they can also saw the partition if the roots have to be removed separately.
  6. Using instruments, the entire tooth is removed from the cavity.
  7. Next, you must treat the open wound with antiseptics and fill it with special drugs that prevent inflammation.
  8. The edges of the soft tissue are sutured with a simple interrupted suture.
  9. If the bleeding is profuse and does not stop, then a hemostatic sponge is additionally used.

Depending on the complexity of the location of the tooth and its roots, the age of the unit and its formation, depth and other factors, the operation proceeds differently. Sometimes a light incision is enough and the extraction is done quickly. In some cases, this process is delayed and the doctor has to do many complex manipulations.

Video: removal of wisdom teeth.

Features of the postoperative period

Such interference is serious and should not be treated superficially. It is worth preparing for a long recovery period, which assumes that the patient will adhere to the rules and recommendations given by the doctor in order to prevent the risks of complications:

  • Typically, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for 5-10 days. But they should only be used as prescribed by a doctor, strictly according to the instructions. This is done in order to avoid wound infection, suppuration and other complications associated with the increased likelihood of bacteria entering deep open tissue.
  • In the first days after surgery, it is very important not to wash out the blood clot that forms at the bottom of the socket, as it helps block access to infections in the deep tissues and speeds up the healing process.
  • During this period, it is not recommended to eat spicy or hard foods that can irritate or damage the mucous membranes.
  • In this case, there is no need to use saline or other solutions that were effective at the preparatory stage. The doctor will prescribe pharmaceutical antiseptics that can be used to treat the wound for disinfection and rapid healing.
  • Also, do not apply ice to the swollen area. In this way it is easy to catch damaged tissues or nerve endings.
  • For hygienic treatment of the oral cavity in the postoperative period, it is advisable to use a soft brush and avoid the operated area in every possible way.
  • Monitor your condition carefully. If you experience the slightest symptoms of malaise, deterioration, severe pain, increased swelling, or increased temperature, you should definitely visit the doctor again.

If a complication occurs, you should visit a doctor, because chronic injury can lead to other diseases. Depending on the clinical situation and the location of the tooth, the specialist makes a decision on treatment.

Symptoms of a wisdom tooth growing into the cheek

When a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek, the following symptoms occur:

  • pain in the eruption area;
  • painful opening of the mouth, eating;
  • swelling and swelling of the cheek;
  • injury to the mucous membrane;
  • redness and swelling in the area of ​​the third molar;
  • wisdom tooth bites cheek;
  • throat hyperemia and pain when swallowing;
  • bleeding of soft tissues.

The crown of the last tooth may be visible in the oral cavity. There are dental pathologies such as retention and dystopia.

Dystopia is the wrong place for tooth eruption, and retention is difficulty in eruption. Dystopia is the case when a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek. In this case, there may or may not be retention.

Many patients complain that when a wisdom tooth comes in, their cheek swells and they worry about what needs to be done. Very often, general signs of the disease occur: headache, general malaise, enlarged regional lymph nodes, speech impairment.

With complicated eruption, the wisdom tooth cuts the cheek, swelling and asymmetry of the face may occur.


The eighth teeth begin to form in the jaw at 5-6 years of age and are the last to erupt between the ages of 16 and 25 years. There are often cases when molars do not erupt at all or are missing. They do not have milk precursors and appear after formation.

For many people, teeth begin to emerge after the jaws are fully formed, so often there is simply no room for them.

The reasons why a wisdom tooth grows incorrectly and injures the cheek may be the following:

  • lack of space in the jaw due to its small size or large teeth;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • anomalies in the development, location or shape of dental units;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • injury in the area of ​​the rudiment or angle of the jaw;
  • mineral deficiency;
  • presence of supernumerary teeth;
  • Excessive free space.


In 80% of people, the last teeth are positioned incorrectly and do not participate in the act of chewing. In most cases, they are out of contact with the rest of the teeth.

Often, when the wisdom tooth erupts incorrectly, not only does the cheek hurt, but also problems occur in the bone.

If localization is unsuccessful, injury to the nerve of the lower jaw or adjacent teeth may occur, and resorption of the roots of the second molar is often observed. When a nerve is injured, numbness and even paralysis of the lower jaw can occur.

A common complication is the occurrence of pericoronitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the jaw above the eighth tooth. The disease can be purulent or serous, in any case it requires surgical treatment.

If left untreated, the infection can spread and periostitis, abscess, phlegmon, and osteomyelitis may occur. Therefore, when patients often complain that their cheek is swollen.

Many patients may experience dental anomalies: positional abnormalities, rotation of the front teeth, changes in bite. This is due to excessive pressure of the last molar on the entire dentition.

If aesthetic and functional defects occur, removal is recommended. With proper placement and good hygienic care, third molars can last a lifetime.

What to do if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek?

Many people are interested in the question: what to do if a wisdom tooth grows and the cheek is swollen? In this case, it is recommended to visit a specialist as soon as possible. Swelling of the cheek may indicate the presence of an acute inflammatory process or some kind of complication and, therefore, most likely the tooth will have to be removed.

In this case, the body temperature rises, acute pain and other general symptoms appear. If swelling appears, but there are no acute symptoms, this means that the wisdom tooth has grown into the cheek.

If you are unable to immediately visit a doctor, you can take the following measures:

  • drink a pain reliever (Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nurofen, Spazmalgon);
  • carry out hygienic cleaning to remove food residues and plaque;
  • rinse your mouth with a soda-saline solution;
  • carry out oral baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark, mint);
  • take an anti-inflammatory drug (Nimesil);
  • apply cold to the jaw;
  • lubricate the mucous membrane with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ointments (Cholisal, Metrogyl-Denta).

These procedures will help reduce symptoms, but only a dentist can provide complete treatment. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Which doctor should I contact if my wisdom tooth grows into my cheek?

A dentist treats dental diseases. If problems arise when a wisdom tooth rubs your cheek, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

A dentist or surgeon can advise and recommend what to do when a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek. The doctor will conduct an examination and assess the condition of the tooth and tissues. If necessary, provide first aid: make an incision in the mucous cords or mucous membrane.

Dental procedures may include rinsing with antiseptics and disinfectant solutions, treating the buccal mucosa, and grinding the enamel.

The specialist will recommend treatment: therapeutic or surgical. During therapeutic treatment, measures will be taken to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and preserve the tooth. If serious complications occur and it is impossible to save the tooth, surgical intervention is recommended.

In what cases is treatment possible?

Treatment of complications of the last tooth can be carried out if its position is correct. Sometimes the wisdom tooth rubs the cheek even if it is correctly positioned in the dental arch. In this case, you can make an incision in the mucous membrane, prepare the enamel, and remove a small layer of hard tissue.


Tooth extraction is a minor operation, but a figure eight extraction is the most complex extraction in dentistry. This is due to inconvenient location, incomplete eruption, and different anatomy.

What to do if a wisdom tooth is coming out and your cheek is swollen? In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist and carry out treatment. The specialist examines, evaluates the tissue, and, if necessary, removes it.

The removal operation consists of the following steps:

  1. Assessing the condition and position of the tooth using a visual examination and radiographs.
  2. Antiseptic treatment of the surgical field with antiseptics and disinfectants.
  3. Anesthesia using a carpule syringe and highly effective anesthetics.
  4. Creating access. The stage depends on the location and eruption of the tooth. An incision is made into the mucous membrane, soft tissue and bone.
  5. If necessary, sawing of the crown and roots is carried out.
  6. Extraction (removal) of a tooth.
  7. Stop bleeding.
  8. Antiseptic wound treatment.
  9. Filling the free space with bone tissue.
  10. Suturing the wound.
  11. Recommendations for the patient.

Postoperative period

What should you do if your cheek is swollen from a wisdom tooth? You should find a competent and experienced specialist who will provide high-quality treatment or tooth extraction. After the removal operation, various types of complications may occur, so you must follow the dentist’s recommendations:

  • Do not eat food for three hours after surgery.
  • Chew food on the side opposite to removal.
  • At first, it is recommended to eat only warm pureed food.
  • You should not eat spicy or hot foods.
  • Do not touch the wound with your hands or foreign objects.
  • On the day of removal, you should not rinse your mouth.
  • If pain occurs, it is recommended to use painkillers (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ketanov).
  • After several days, you can use local anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs - ointments, solutions, applications.
  • Careful oral care should be taken and the area of ​​removal should not be cleaned.
  • The removal area should not be heated or compressed.
  • You can apply ice or cold.
  • On the day of removal, physical activity should not be allowed.

The occurrence of inflammation, swelling and pain is a normal reaction of the body to traumatic intervention. A soft tissue wound causes an acute pain reaction; you should not be afraid of this and be prepared for the postoperative period.

We can conclude that almost all people face problems with their eighth teeth. Often the wisdom tooth grows outside the dental arch and this causes the cheek to swell. If such a complication occurs, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible and try to save the tooth. If preservation is impossible, the wisdom tooth rubs the cheek, causing constant discomfort and unpleasant sensations, it is better to undergo an extraction operation.

If an incorrectly positioned wisdom tooth constantly bites the cheek, serious diseases of the mucous membrane can occur - scars, leukoplakia and cancer. Therefore, you should not spare the last molars, especially if they are located outside the dentition. They do not participate in the act of chewing food, do not close with other teeth and do not redistribute chewing pressure.

Useful video about wisdom teeth

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