What's best for muscle recovery? Accelerated recovery after training: exercises, nutrition and recommendations

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Full recovery after training is a factor no less important for achieving the desired result than the training itself. Without understanding the basics of the process, it is impossible to progress. Neither proper nutrition, nor vitamins with sports nutrition, nor even medications will help. This article is about how to recover properly and steadily improve your physical performance.

Theoretical foundations of recovery

The human body is a complex self-healing and self-sustaining system. In a state of rest, all subsystems are at a point of equilibrium - processes proceed at a normal pace for a particular organism. Going beyond a stable state provokes the body to turn to reserves. As a result of active physical activity and recovery, a person’s adaptive capabilities increase.

Serious sports results are unattainable without powerful training. The recovery phase must be adequate to the load. The body must “understand” that it cannot survive without adapting to new realities. But he also needs the opportunity to find the strength to adapt to stress - an increase in indicators occurs precisely during this period. One without the other makes no sense.

If you neglect muscle recovery after training, you can very quickly come to a training plateau (stagnation). Least. In the worst case, the athlete will experience overtraining. And hence the decline in results and health problems.

There are 4 main recovery phases:

  • Fast recovery after training. Starts immediately after completing your workout and lasts about 30 minutes. At this time, the body is in “panic” and strives to make up for losses as quickly as possible. It is very important to restore the balance of nutrients.
  • Slow motion. Once metabolic balance is achieved, the body begins to heal damaged tissues and cells. In this phase, protein, amino acid and enzyme synthesis is activated, the water-electrolyte balance returns to normal, and the digestive system actively absorbs substances that serve as building materials for muscles.
  • Supercompensation. The phase that occurs 2-3 days after heavy exercise. The duration of the period is up to 5 days. Super recovery resembles a slow phase, but the difference lies in the fact that during this time an increase in physical indicators is observed. The next training must be carried out before the body leaves the stage of supercompensation, otherwise the training will turn into marking time.
  • Deferred. If you skip training, you can achieve good recovery, but without increasing athletic performance. This stage occurs if the previous one is delayed.

How long does it take for muscles to recover?

The indicated duration of the third phase of recovery after a hard workout is in some sense arbitrary. Training to complete muscle failure may require more time to compensate for losses. Bodybuilding theorists and practitioners (for example, M. Mentzer), using the examples of their students, demonstrate the need for longer rest to achieve serious results.

Recovery abilities are individual and, in addition, depend on the presence or absence of pharmaceutical support. Personal parameters can only be determined experimentally.

The table shows the average muscle recovery time after training.

Recovery rates

It's not just the muscles that are restored. It is important to know about the recovery rates of the body after training in general and the time required to bring biochemical processes back to normal.

Recovery rates:

  • increase in results - only with complete completion of recovery processes;
  • well-being - with a lack of recovery, the athlete may feel unwell, the desire to train may disappear, and there is a decline in volitional indicators;
  • sleep – by recovering correctly, the athlete has the right to count on healthy and productive sleep; otherwise, a constant feeling of drowsiness (especially in the first half of the day) and problems falling asleep are in order;
  • pulse – normal – 75 beats/min a couple of hours after training; at a higher heart rate, you need to think about either overtraining or deeper problems (for example, with the heart).

The following table shows the time it takes for the body to complete restorative biochemical processes after active physical exercise.

Recovery techniques after fatigue

There are different ways to recover. It’s better to do it comprehensively, using various techniques. The greater the load on the body and the factors that negatively affect the ability to recover, the more attention needs to be paid to rehabilitation aspects. About half of sports success depends on how competent recovery after training is. If the results are not encouraging, you need to look for the reason not only in the imperfection of the training approach, but also in problems relating to the opposite phase. Next, we’ll talk about how to reduce rehabilitation time and improve athletic performance.

Active recovery

Lactic acid will leave the muscles faster if you help it with moderate aerobic exercise. A 10-minute jog helps speed up the removal of breakdown products - during this time about 60% of the acid is removed. The next 10 minutes of easy running equates to approximately 25% more lactic acid being removed. Conclusion - aerobic exercise is beneficial after heavy training. A 20-minute run will help significantly increase the rate of elimination of unwanted substances from the muscles.

Complete rest or passive rest

A fundamental need of the human body and the athlete in particular. Intense training forces athletes to sleep at least 8-10 hours a day. This time includes 1-2 short phases of daytime sleep. By robbing himself of sleep, an athlete deprives himself of hope of achieving his physical potential.

Quality is no less important than quantity. Certain aspects must be followed, including:

  • Compliance with the regime. You need to get up and go to bed at the same time.
  • Continuity of sleep. You can’t sleep in fits and starts – 3 “sets” of 3 hours each is by no means equal to 9 hours of continuous sleep.
  • Maintain a short interval between training and sleep. The body needs at least 30-40 minutes to prepare for sleep.
  • Comfort. The process should not cause inconvenience even on a subconscious level. It is recommended to sleep on an orthopedic bed in a room with optimal temperature and other conditions.


(and one of its options is restorative) is a mandatory condition for the training of professional athletes. The effect of working with soft tissues is achieved through mechanical and sensory stimulation.

The mechanical effect is expressed in:

  • reducing swelling of muscle tissue;
  • relieving muscle fatigue;
  • improving lymph and blood circulation;
  • relieving muscle spasms;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  • accelerating the elimination of metabolic products from tissues.

The sensory effect is relatively little studied. “Massage” recovery after strength training helps reduce pain. This is achieved through a gradual increase in sensory influx to the central nervous system. In order to achieve a similar result, you need to massage the damaged (actively participating in the training process) muscle groups slowly and gently.

Light stimulation of the skin promotes short-term capillary expansion. More intense exposure leads to a long-lasting effect.

Restorative massage is performed 10-15 minutes after completion of the workout. This is one of the differences between this type of mechanical tissue stimulation and others. The interval can be increased, but it is not recommended to delay it too much.

The average session duration is 15-20 minutes. An hour after the procedure, it is advisable to repeat it, but in a reduced form - no more than 5 minutes. First of all, the “working” muscles are massaged. If the training involves a load on the whole body, all muscle groups are “treated”. But at the same time, a little more attention is paid to large muscles that require more recovery time.

Heat and cold therapy

The massage is perfectly complemented by thermotherapy - sauna with steam bath, steam baths, hot wrap. Thermal procedures prepare the body well for mechanical stimulation.

If a bathhouse with a sauna is not always available, then it is not at all necessary to deprive yourself of the wrap. Although the procedure has a beneficial effect primarily on the skin, there is also a significant overall effect. If you act on the body for 20-30 minutes, blood will begin to circulate in the muscles much more actively. But sometimes the heating of the skin is excessive, while useful heat does not have time to reach the soft tissues. Therefore, wrapping is best considered as a means to relax athletes and quickly increase body surface temperature.

How can I speed up recovery after training? Low temperature is also beneficial. Cold therapy helps reduce muscle swelling and has an overall positive physical effect. Therapy may include:

  • cold wrap – 10-15 minutes;
  • ice baths – 5-10 minutes;
  • rubbing muscles with ice.

The most powerful effect of ice is achieved during the procedure performed immediately after completion of training.

Diet and nutritional supplements

Nutrition is the most important factor determining the adaptive capabilities of the body. It is important to understand how and what to take to recover after a workout. The general rule of nutrition implies that the intake of nutrients should be approximately equal to their consumption. When gaining mass, they start from greater “income”; during fat loss, from greater energy losses.

Diet is extremely important. In addition to the main building components - proteins, the body urgently needs carbohydrates. If the supply of the latter is insufficient, recovery is much slower.

The frequency of meals is also of great importance. The classic scheme of three meals a day is less effective than the model that implies a more fractional diet. Meals should be at least four times a day. Recommended meal ratio (% of daily intake):

  • breakfast – 20-25;
  • second breakfast – 15-20;
  • lunch – 30-35;
  • dinner – 20-25.

At the same time, the interval between approaches to the table is a maximum of 4 hours, and between extreme approaches is no more than 12 hours. Immediately before training, you should not fill your stomach. After training, it is advisable to abstain from poorly digestible food - at this time, gastric juice is not enough to effectively break it down.

A balanced diet is not enough for athletes who regularly train intensively. Vitamins and mineral supplements cannot be ignored. In most cases, we can talk about a lack of the entire vitamin complex. The only exception is vitamin A, which can be fully obtained from regular food.

The amount of supplements depends on the training phase. Stages of lower intensity are not as demanding on the supply of minerals and vitamins as periods of powerful preparation for competitions.

It is imperative to satisfy the body's need for fluid. During training, athletes need to compensate for the lack of water by drinking small sips. You need to remember that drinking a lot and often after training for recovery is no less important than following a healthy diet.

Psychological recovery

The intensity of training is determined by both physical and psychological well-being. Overtraining inevitably entails a drop in motivation. And this is necessarily followed by problems with volitional qualities. The brain loses the ability to concentrate - the body does not receive enough load.

But it is not enough to rest as much as you need. Problems outside of sports have a similar effect on the body. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn to resist emotional discomfort. The first assistant in this is regular relaxation. Meditation and physical relaxation will help you respond adequately to circumstances and avoid negative psychological outbursts.

How do you know that your muscles have recovered?

Lack of muscle pain, high motivation, a surge of strength - signs that it’s time to go back to the gym. But you can’t always trust obvious “signs.” The most important sign is a combination of these factors with regular progress. The absence of the latter may also indicate an illiterate approach to training. But if you know that everything is in order with the training scheme, and there is no end to the stagnation, you need to think hard.

Training requires constant self-analysis. This is the only way to get a relatively complete picture of the training and individual characteristics.

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

You worked hard and intensely throughout your workout. We loaded our muscles to the maximum. Training is over, what next?

After training, a rapid recovery process is necessary.

Regular fitness and bodybuilding classes allow you to achieve excellent results in a slim and beautiful body. However, the training process in the gym or at home with dumbbells inevitably leads to a certain physical fatigue of the body, the more you load your body with strength loads and do not give it the opportunity to recover, the faster stagnation in training will come to you, the desire to engage in fitness and bodybuilding will disappear. further, as the body will prevent this. Therefore, to avoid this, you need to properly and skillfully restore your strength. The reward will be new results and achievements.

First, let's expand on the concept of what recovery is.

Recovery is the return to normal of the physical parameters of the body’s muscles, as well as adaptation to new loads in comparison with the initial level. After all, at every workout we want to increase the number of repetitions or increase the weight of the equipment. Therefore, in order to quickly and effectively restore muscles and the body as a whole, let’s consider what phases exist in the recovery process.

Medicine in sports distinguishes four phases of recovery of the body after training.

Fast recovery phase. The duration of this phase is about 30-40 minutes after playing sports or fitness. During this period of time, the body returns the spent energy and normalizes the cardiovascular rhythm, a restructuring occurs in metabolism, which requires the restoration of homeostasis. Anabolic hormones begin to enter the blood.

Delayed recovery phase. After the metabolic processes in the body have returned to normal, this phase comes into effect. The body's water balance is normalized, nutrients are absorbed, the synthesis of protein, enzymes and amino acids is activated, helping to restore muscle tissue, or rather damaged cells.

Super compensation. This muscle recovery phase begins two days after training, lasting about five days. The recovery process in this phase is similar to the previous two, but has its own differences. During this phase, the increase in functional and morphological characteristics exceeds the initial level. Catching supercompensation by the tail is a very important process; this phase must coincide with the next workout of a specific muscle group. An excellent phase for continuing to engage in fitness and bodybuilding.

Delayed recovery. The fourth and final phase of the body’s recovery after training is characterized by the return of all muscle parameters to the training level, provided there is no repeated adequate load during the supercompensation period.

Now let's see how you can determine for yourself overwork after training in the gym and muscle fatigue in the body.

muscle recovery after training

  • After two hours of finishing your workout, measure your heart rate (HR). Measure while sitting heart rate , it should be around 75 beats per minute. If this figure is higher, you should think about whether you have heart problems or have suddenly become overtrained. A similar indicator can be used to measure blood pressure. A high heart rate means that you have put too much strain on your body during the training process, trying to quickly get the long-awaited result in gaining or losing weight. Therefore, reconsider the loads, especially when choosing scales.
  • Well-being worsened. I don’t want to go to training, this is a sign of poor recovery. The body needs at least 24 hours, the optimal period is two days, stick to it. Make a training schedule in such a way as to avoid overwork and poor health. If necessary, it is better to increase the recovery time.
  • Bad dream. It is expressed in an unstable period at night, when you cannot fall asleep for a long time or sleep is interrupted at night. You also feel sleepy in the first half of the day. Therefore, adequate sleep also affects muscle recovery after training. Only quality sleep is needed not only for rest, but also for muscles; during the period of “short-term inactivity” the muscles do not have time to return to normal and prepare for new loads in the gym, so you need to sleep at least 7 hours when doing fitness and bodybuilding. athletes prefer 8-9 hours. It is imperative to go to bed before 24 hours; the most important process of sleep occurs in the period from 24 to 4 hours. This time is the most effective time for the production of growth hormone, which in turn contributes to the overall recovery of the body after physical activity.

Accordingly, progress in obtaining results will be really visible only if you follow the correct training schedule, proper nutrition, and rest.

If you want to avoid stagnation in the training process, get results and unleash the full potential of your muscles, listen to basic ways, which guarantee you a quick recovery after training.

Avoid putting maximum stress on your muscles during training., this can lead to complete destruction of muscle cells. If you constantly push your cans to the point of exhaustion during training, muscle damage accumulates over time and the body has to expend energy to eliminate the effects of pain, leaving less energy available to build muscle. You need to move towards your goal gradually, train so that with each workout you go beyond your muscle comfort zone. Do not overload your body with your first workout.

Cool down. After an intense workout, regardless of your goals, such as getting high-quality relief or burning fat, spend a few minutes doing low-intensity exercises. These include walking on a treadmill, moving slowly on an exercise bike, and swimming while making sure your heart rate returns to normal. And of course, if you intensively loaded your muscles, then the cool-down should be long. But on average, 5-10 minutes is enough. In another way, a cool-down can be compared to active recovery; a light cardio load after a strength workout stimulates blood circulation to the muscles.

Constantly maintain water-salt balance. In all training processes, for full and rapid recovery, you need to drink a lot of water. It will be better if you add the juice of a squeezed lemon or lime, an orange and a pinch of salt to plain water. You can add stevia powder to add a sweet taste. This is a better option for the body than consuming energy drinks or sugary juices during quick recovery after a workout.

After training, muscle pain appears in order to eliminate it knead soft tissues. For massage, a foam roller, massage stick, or PVC tube are suitable. By kneading aching muscles, you accelerate blood flow to micro-damaged areas that appeared in muscle tissue during training. This in turn speeds up the process of muscle recovery.

Always do exercises to increase joint mobility. Even if you don’t have problems with your joints, just spending 5-7 minutes a day on these exercises will allow you to effectively quickly restore your body after going to the gym.

Follow light static stretches. Each of us should do exercises to stretch the hip flexors, which will reduce tension in the lower back and pectoral muscles - improve posture and relieve you from slouching. Try to hold the stretch position for 30 seconds. An excellent way to do this exercise is to apply tension, then relax and stretch. To do this, you need to contract the muscle you want to stretch (6 seconds), then relax it and stretch for 20 seconds. During one stretch, you can repeat this technique 2-3 times.

Reduce stressful situations In my life. Only physiological stress is allowed that you allow your muscles to apply. Other stressful negatives are not acceptable. Imagine troubles at work, unavailability of the Internet, a letter of happiness from the traffic police, and physical activity in the evening. This combination can have a very detrimental effect on the body’s recovery after a training load. Try to avoid unnecessary stressful situations. There is a simple and accessible way to do this: smile more often and think only about the positive in our lives.

Walk outdoors more often. Even visiting the gym can be done on foot if it is located nearby. Walking around the house in the evening for 20 minutes is enough to quickly restore muscles and energy.

In the summer, it is perfect for quick recovery from muscle strain after training. sunbathing. Vitamin D, which we get from the sun's rays, helps strengthen bones and ligaments, gives a surge of energy and speeds up the recovery process of all body systems. In this regard, there are research results that have shown that athletes who train in warm countries recover faster than those who train in northern regions.

To relieve muscle pain and remove lactic acid from muscle tissue, doctors recommend cold and hot shower or a bath, so don't neglect this method. A cooled contrast shower improves your well-being and quickly restores your body’s functioning.

If possible, be sure to visit sauna or Russian bath. Spending time in a steam room or sauna is a great way to help you recover due to the increased temperature. This improves blood circulation and relieves muscle pain much faster.

Of course, the most basic way to recover after a workout is. After training, for quick recovery, it is necessary to use a 1:4 technique, that is, with intense physical activity for 1 hour, a combination of proteins and carbohydrates is suitable. This combination is one to four (protein and carbohydrates), the average value, can fluctuate in different directions, 1:1 is also allowed. If your goal is weight loss and you don’t want to gain weight yet, then it is better to take only proteins after training, especially on a low-carb diet and when you spend about 30 minutes in the gym during short, high-intensity sessions. In this case, glycogen reserves will not be completely depleted and will be replenished by the body. So listen to your body and try different combinations of proteins and carbohydrates. From your food intake, select foods enriched with potassium; after completing an intensive training, the reserves of this substance will be negligible, therefore, along with sodium, potassium is a key mineral for rapid recovery. Bananas and potatoes are excellent and affordable sources of potassium. Bananas can be consumed immediately after completing the entire complex in the locker room, mashed potatoes at home. Among the unusual ones, waxy corn is a product with carbohydrate-containing substances with a high molecular weight. Taking this product after training accelerates the synthesis of muscle glycogen by half compared to classic carbohydrates.

Mandatory use of combinations. In the first phase of taking sports nutrition, immediately after training, you need to take 5 grams, this amount will be enough to suppress catabolism and enhance the secretion of anabolic hormones. 3 grams of glutamine will be enough, this is perfect for restoring muscle fibers. A good fact is to drink 5 grams of creatine. After a high-quality and intense workout, creatine is absorbed best by the body.

In the second phase, after 20-30 minutes (the protein-carbohydrate window, the body absorbs nutrients best) after training, consume high-quality protein in the form of whey protein. It will replenish the supply of amino acids and suppress. An average of 30 grams will be enough. After training, for quick recovery of the body and muscles, for people trying to lose excess weight, a gainer is suitable that will fill the “carbohydrate window”.

This is where we can draw a line on the question of how

recover quickly after training,

By correctly adhering to these points, you will receive accelerated energy replenishment after physical activity. Fitness and bodybuilding activities should bring joy, not fatigue and irritation. After all, the better your recovery, the better and more productive your subsequent workout will be and you will continue to exercise in the gym. This will bring you impressive results in the long run. And finally, a little.

What is real fatigue after training? You come from the gym, eat, go into the bedroom, and there is a naked beauty on the bed. You go up to her, undress...throw her off the bed and go to bed.

I look forward to your comments, subscribe to new interesting articles. For today, the topic of rapid muscle recovery after training is completed. Always be healthy, strong, resilient, physically strong, beautifully built with. Best regards, Sergei.

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A process that should be perceived as a natural necessity. Muscles begin to grow only after its completion. In order for this process to go much faster and without consequences, it is important to be able to properly relax and restore the strength necessary for the next workout.

What you need to know about training?

Proper exercise is the key to ensuring that recovery after training will be quick and painless. The basic rules for playing sports include:

  1. Limit the duration of one workout to one and a half hours.
  2. One day a week you need to give your muscles rest.
  3. Alternatively, a minimal amount of exercise may be performed on this day.
  4. Every day it is necessary to give the body rest, not only at night, but also during the day. One hour of sleep at lunchtime will be enough.

Rehabilitation after training

How to properly restore the body after training? The main means of rehabilitation include the following:

  • passive rest;
  • well-chosen diet;
  • massage;
  • bath;
  • water procedures.

Massage for athletes is one of the most effective recovery methods. By removing waste products from the muscles during this procedure, they become more elastic. As a result, their level of performance increases.

You should also pay attention to such a remedy as a steam bath. It promotes muscle relaxation, which is achieved by increasing thermoregulation and activating sweating.

When visiting, you should adhere to some rules. For example, while you are in it, it is unacceptable to douse yourself with cold water. This procedure should be done after the session is completed.

Passive rest is a normal night's sleep. Its duration should not be less than eight hours. This time is quite enough for muscle recovery.

Water therapy makes it easy to relax your muscles. In addition, it relieves muscle tension. The most effective way is to visit the pool.

Post-workout recovery: nutrition

Among the products that have a positive effect on the recovery of the body after sports training, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Eggs. They will always be number one on an athlete's menu. Their protein has the highest value compared to other food products that must be present on the table during the recovery period.
  2. Salmon. Due to the proteins and omega-3 fatty acids contained in salmon, the recovery process occurs much faster. This occurs due to a decrease in protein breakdown products in the muscles.
  3. Water. Impaired fluid balance in the body can reduce the rate of muscle recovery.
  4. Beef. It is an excellent alternative to creatine. Meat contains large amounts of iron and zinc.
  5. Yogurt. This is a product that combines proteins and carbohydrates. For quick muscle recovery after training, this is the best solution.
  6. Almond. It contains large amounts of alpha-tocopherol. It is a form of vitamin E.

Post-workout recovery medications

Antioxidants occupy a leading position among drugs that promote muscle recovery. They are responsible for suppressing free radicals. This reduces muscle pain and suppresses the development of inflammatory processes. Antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E and others.

You should also pay due attention to amino acids. The body does not produce them itself, so it needs help. Amino acids are presented in the form of "L-isoleucine", "L-valine" and other substances. Thanks to such supplements, the immune system will always be protected.

Another drug that promotes rapid regeneration is Inosine. It removes lactic acid from the body, which, in turn, contributes to muscle fatigue.

How else can you stimulate recovery after training? Immediately after its completion, it is recommended to take up to 5 grams of BCAA. This complex stimulates production. In addition, it inhibits catabolic processes.

You also need to take 3 grams of creatine and the same amount of glutamine. Creatine will restore the lack of energy, and glutamine will increase the production of growth hormone.

It is equally important to drink at least a liter of clean still water immediately after training. It will help restore water balance.

Additional Information

Each workout should end with a mandatory cool-down (light exercises). In addition, special attention should be paid to professional massage. By stimulating blood and lymph flow, rapid recovery after training is possible.

Taking anabolic steroids will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

How to define recovery?

Two hours after training, you need to measure your pulse. If the indicator is less than 75 beats/min, it means the recovery process has been successfully completed. An indicator of more than 75 beats/min is a signal from the body about overtraining or about the occurrence of problems in the cardiovascular system.

Sound sleep indicates an intensification of the process of restoring vitality. If an athlete is accompanied by anxious dreams, as well as morning and daytime sleepiness, then the training regime should be adjusted.

Pain in the chest area is a signal that the body has not yet completed recovery processes after past training.

The speed of muscle recovery directly depends on the degree of load, so it may not be the same on different days. If the load was insignificant, the muscles will recover within a day. It will take two days for them to recover from a moderate load.

Full recovery after training is possible only after a week. In some cases, two weeks after heavy physical activity.

Every repetition was difficult! Your muscles were burning from the resulting load and tension! The workout was incredibly hard and intense, but it didn't help build an ounce of muscle tissue!

The opportunity for muscle growth begins when you finish strength training, and this growth cannot occur without a proper recovery “protocol.” Muscles don't grow in the gym - they grow after. When you lift heavy weights, your muscles suffer microtrauma and undergo a process called catabolism. Immediately after stopping physical activity, your body begins to repair itself, but it needs help.

If you want to get the most out of your efforts in the gym, then you need to focus on post-workout recovery. Follow these 8 principles to achieve your desired results - stay on top.

Push the boundaries of what's possible

"No pain, no growth!" is one of the most popular phrases in the gym. Pushing your limits is good practice, but how far can you go? There must be a measure that provides the necessary stimulus for muscle growth, rather than trying to reach a point where the muscle is completely destroyed, resulting in soreness for many days.

The emphasis should not be on the speed of recovery, but on its quality and productivity. If you constantly push yourself to the point of exhaustion every workout, this damage accumulates over time and the body spends more energy trying to repair these effects, leaving less energy for building muscle. Train hard enough to push yourself outside of your "comfort zone" - try to do more than the previous day. By following this principle, you will see lasting and constant progress, rather than taking one step forward and two steps back.

Take Pre-Workout Nutrition Seriously

What you do directly affects the quality and time of recovery. Since absorption is a long process, nutrition before going to the “rocking chair” also plays an important role. The proteins and carbohydrates that you ate before the start of the training will circulate in the body for some time. Therefore, choose your products wisely. Make sure you get high-quality protein from lean meats, and complex carbohydrates if you plan to exercise intensely. Eat food 2 hours before training to avoid digestive problems.

During strength training, it would be a good idea to take BCAA, which will be actively absorbed by muscle cells. And don't forget about a portion before bed.

Don't skip stretching

Stretching doesn't seem all that meaningful when size is the main goal. But it may be the most underrated player in muscle growth. Without the necessary flexibility and muscle plasticity, you limit yourself in many basic exercises. For example, if your ankles are too tight, you won't be able to squat deep enough to get the most benefit from barbell squats.

Stretching is a great way to reduce muscle tension and soreness during recovery. Take at least 15 minutes after your workout to cool down and stretch.

Protein after workout

“Feed your muscles!” Give them fuel to grow and improve. A portion of protein after physical activity is vital. Aim for 20-50 grams of protein after each workout, depending on your weight. For women, 20 grams will be enough, but for men it is better to strive for a higher value.

Whey protein is the most popular protein supplement, and for good reason: it's convenient, easy to mix, and has a fast absorption rate, perfect for taking after a tough workout.

To speed up and optimize your recovery processes, along with fast carbohydrates. These can be foods with a high glycemic index, such as fruits or juices (preferably in large quantities to get 60-100 grams of carbohydrates). They will boost insulin and replenish glycogen and energy levels. Insulin is a powerful anabolic factor that helps restore muscle proteins.

Eat foods rich in potassium

Potassium-fortified foods should be included in your post-workout shake. At the end of intense training, potassium reserves in the body will be depleted. Potassium, along with other nutrients such as sodium and calcium, is a key mineral that plays an important role in muscle energy.

Bananas and potatoes are good sources of potassium. The former go with almost anything, and mashed potatoes in your first post-workout meal are also a good idea.

Quality sleep

Sleep is not just for rest. This is the forced "down time" the body needs to recover. By sacrificing hours of sleep over a long period of time, you make yourself mentally weaker and have a negative impact on the training process. You need to sleep at least 7 hours, and athletes get all 9. Find ways to help make changes to your daily routine - go to bed early.

Active recovery after training

Rest days give your muscles a break. But some light activity, such as swimming or cycling, will stimulate the recovery process and speed it up. This method is known as "active recovery." Also, light cardio after strength training will help relieve pain by stimulating blood circulation and improving circulation to the muscles.

Reducing stress

Physiological stress from exercise is a good thing. Chronic stress from other sources, such as deadlines at work or stress, can significantly impact how you feel on a daily basis, as well as how quickly you recover.

The combination of chronic stress and heavy physical activity in the gym negatively affects the overall well-being and capabilities of your body. Take steps to reduce your stress levels so you can bounce back faster. Do something that you really enjoy or makes you laugh.

Now you know that recovery is an integral component in achieving any goal in the gym. If you want to get stronger, faster and fitter, you must integrate each of these tips into your daily recovery plan to get directly proportional results from your strenuous workouts!

As soon as you leave the gym, the body switches to recovery and muscle growth mode. Optimize these processes to prepare for your next workout!

Many bodybuilders pay close attention to every aspect of training - from choosing the best exercises to specialized training protocols and the smallest details in the process - and then consider it done as soon as they step into the gym. But to get results—or more accurately, to optimize them—you need to treat your post-workout protocol with the same attention as your workouts themselves, otherwise you won't reach your full potential.

“In my opinion, this is the most underrated aspect of the entire mass-building cycle,” says Mike Kundla, competing in the Men’s Physicist category. - Your body needs adequate rest and recovery. He needs to repair muscle fibers damaged during training, replenish muscle glycogen stores, and allow the central nervous system to recover.”

Fitness trainer Brandon Strong says that's not the only reason to optimize recovery. “You want to go into your next workout 100 percent ready, and recovery plays a very important role in preparation,” he says.

We decided to draw on the knowledge of two successful athletes and asked them to share their post-training protocols to determine which recovery strategy was most effective. What steps help them train at their best every day?

1. Start with stretching and cooling down after your workout.

The path to optimizing recovery begins before you even leave the gym. First stop after your main workout: static stretching and cool down.

If you don't work on your flexibility, your muscles will shorten and lose their elasticity over time. Static stretching increases the range of motion in your joints, which is critical to minimizing the risk of injury.

To pave the fastest path to recovery, Strong stretches for at least 10 minutes after each workout and uses a Pilates cylinder on leg days. “I also devote 15-20 minutes to cold water treatments after an intense leg workout; I've noticed that it helps me reduce muscle inflammation,” says Strong.

Kundla doesn't like the cold, although he does ice his knees for an hour after practice to relieve pain from old football injuries. His recovery protocol varies depending on the specifics of the workout. Some days he has purely strength training: he works with heavy weights and combines them into supersets, such as variations and. Other days are auxiliary: the athlete does, for example, and, and at the same time cardio and exercises for general physical training.

“Strength days require more intense recovery, which takes longer,” says Kundla. “I do a lot of stretching using three pieces of exercise equipment that every athlete should include in their recovery arsenal: kettlebells, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball) and a Pilates cylinder.”

On accessory training days, Kundla does more classic-style static stretches. “Also these days I do 100 jumps on two legs, 100 alternating legs, and another 50 jumps on one leg,” he says. “This strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot and ankle, which helps reduce the risk of injury.”

Mike Kundla's Post-Workout Protocol for Strength Days

  • 10-15 - camel to remove stiffness in the back and shoulders.
  • , muscles of the back of the thigh and back on a Pilates cylinder; Alternatively, you can use a barbell for your legs.
  • Working the trigger zones of the shoulder, pelvis and calves with a lacrosse ball: 30 seconds of pressure in 2-3 sets for each zone.
  • 10-15 with your own weight (for each leg).
  • 20 circular movements with your arms in each direction.
  • 3-5 minutes cool down on an exercise bike.

2. Water isn't just for hydration

Water plays an important role in recovery, and both athletes emphasize the importance of water. Not only should you drink water to maintain adequate hydration—which is critical for achieving peak physical performance—but you should also use water for active recovery.

“I train in the pool once a week for active recovery. I either swim or run in shallow water, combining it with pelvic and leg exercises, says Strong. - The resistance of the water helps relax stiff muscles, which is especially effective after a hard leg workout. At the same time, cold water helps normalize body temperature after exercise.”

3. Break your post-workout “nutrition” into two doses

Both athletes use a two-step post-workout nutrition approach that consists of covering immediate needs and post-workout nutrition. This approach not only speeds up recovery, but also begins preparation for tomorrow's training.

Before leaving the gym, Kundla takes care of hydrating the body by adding 1.5 scoops to a shaker of water. “It gives me a great combination of and which helps speed up recovery.” After an hour, he prepares 1.5 cups of egg whites with 30-60 grams of young broccoli or green vegetables, or takes about 40 grams, which contains no more than 5 grams of fat. “If I need to run errands, I stir one and a half scoops of 100% Combat Isolate MusclePharm into water.”

Strong's post-workout fueling starts with MusclePharm products, which he takes right away: Amino 1, which adds 5 grams of glutamine to aid recovery, and a Combat Crunch Bar, which provides 20 grams of protein and 25 grams of carbohydrates. An hour after training, Strong prefers food rich in nutrients: his favorite dish is a delicious burrito salad loaded to the top with protein.

When 24 hours in a day are no longer enough, many people begin to sacrifice sleep. But from the point of view of muscle recovery, we must do exactly the opposite; Its special role in the secretion of hormones and the overall replenishment of the body's strength makes sleep one of the most important aspects of recovery. Both athletes say that getting real sleep is always difficult.

Everyone has developed a specific evening ritual for themselves. Kundla begins by soothing sore muscles. “I often use evening myofascial release by applying ice or warm compresses to specific areas that are painful or inflamed. In addition, after 6 pm I reduce my fluid intake so as not to wake up again at night.”

Strong is an avid fan of a relaxing cup of hot tea before bed. He also takes from MusclePharm, which contains , magnesium and , to support natural levels and improve sleep quality.

According to Strong, meditation is another effective way to relax after a stressful day, and he devotes 10-15 minutes to it every day. “I started meditating in college to help me cope with stress, and I found that calming my mind and focusing on the goals I still had to achieve helped me a lot.”

5. Continue to fuel up in the morning.

Most guys think the recovery mission is complete when they go to bed, but Kundla says proper post-workout nutrition continues right up until you pick up the dumbbells again. This period of time includes further fueling your body with the right foods and nutritional supplements. Immediately after waking up, Kundla has breakfast and takes. “It has an excellent balance of vitamins, minerals and natural substances, as well as probiotics for the immune system and a complex for the heart and blood vessels.”

Then he goes into the hall. But before she tackles any serious weights, Kundla begins a pre-workout warm-up and performs a series of flexibility exercises that are similar to the post-workout exercises, but in a different order. "You should spend time stretching and flexibility both before and after your workout," he says. - This is useful both for the training itself and for post-training recovery. Stretching helps prevent injury and improves the quality of your workouts.”

Mike Kundla's Flexibility Pre-Workout Program

  • 3-5 minutes of warm-up on an exercise bike.
  • 10-15 walking lunges with your own weight (each leg).
  • 10 stretches in the cat-camel position.
  • 20 deep with its own weight.
  • Stretching the quadriceps and back on the Pilates cylinder; As an alternative for your legs, you can use a barbell.
  • Stretching and kneading calves with a barbell.
  • 20 circular movements of the arms (in each direction).
  • with a 13 kg kettlebell.

Strong believes in continuing his recovery the next day, so he starts his morning with a glass of water. "There's a saying that water makes you stronger," he says, meaning that even minimal dehydration can dramatically impair physical performance. After breakfast, Strong uses another pre-workout tool, MusclePharm, a pre-workout energy drink and psychostimulant. “It gives me energy and helps push the pace of my workout,” he says. “I stir 1 scoop into water and drink the drink either while stretching before a workout or during a warm-up run.”

He also takes BCAAs before training - about two scoops - to fuel his muscles and greatly facilitate recovery by providing the body with substances that are depleted during intense training.

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