What do you need to become an honorary donor? Benefits of an honorary donor to Russia. How to become an honorary donor? Benefits for Honorary Donors of Russia

The state encourages citizens who decide to regularly donate blood on a voluntary basis, offering such people special benefits and payments.

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You can become an honorary donor in Moscow after donating blood and plasma a certain number of times.

Becoming an honorary donor is not only about gaining respect from others. This can also be a profitable activity.

The state supports such citizens at a high level, rewarding them with a variety of social benefits, including free use of public transport, discounts on utility bills, etc.

Important information

The title “Honorary Donor” involves receiving a special badge. Only those people who have donated their blood for free several times can receive such an award.

The bearer of such a badge stands out for his high moral qualities. This is an honorary award, which now provides an opportunity to receive a large number of benefits and payments.

Necessary concepts

Donation has always been an honorable activity, which can only be done by selfless people who know that their help can save the life of another person.

The popularization of donation among young people, schoolchildren and students also plays an important role.

And this is among today's youth, who are credited with lacking the necessary moral qualities.

As the number of donors increased, the number of donors increased, making this award less special.

For this reason, the legislation has changed some of the rules that govern the receipt of a special badge.

Who is awarded this title?

Any adult can become a donor if his health allows it. A person's blood will not be accepted if:

  • he has contagious or chronic diseases;
  • its weight is less than 50 kilograms;
  • if a person has recently had the flu, ARVI or tonsillitis;
  • if a person has a tattoo, piercing, or has recently had surgery, then he will need to wait from six months to a year before donating blood (the same applies to women after childbirth).

To obtain complete information about whether a citizen can become a donor, he should contact a blood transfusion station. Specialists from this organization must give a detailed answer.

What regulations governs

Regulates the issue of the relationship between the donor and the institution that accepts blood.

At the same time, the norms of the Labor Code, which regulates the relationship between the donor and his employer, are simultaneously applied.

The application occurs because the employer of an honorary donor is obliged to provide him with certain benefits and privileges during the period when the volunteer donates blood or plasma.

The federal law clearly states all the requirements for donors. There is a special law for honorary donors of Moscow, which was issued by the Moscow Government under number 52.

It spells out the measures and methods by which events are organized and other measures are used to promote donation as a social norm.

Amendments and changes have already been made to this law many times, which relate to the procedure for registration or conditions for obtaining an honorary donor badge.

How to receive the title of honorary donor of Moscow

Some privileges are provided for honorary donors in Russia. This:

  1. A citizen holding this title is free every year.
  2. Honorary donor IDs allow them to receive payments. They are not large in size, but are a good addition to the main income.
  3. If the donor is a donor, then his employer is obliged to allocate him additional vacation time every year.

To obtain the right to such privileges, it is enough to follow the laws and fulfill a few simple conditions.

Who can become a giver in Russia

In order to become a donor you must meet the following requirements:

The citizen must be an adult This means that schoolchildren and junior students do not have the opportunity to donate their blood. This allows young people to think carefully about their decision and come to blood collection points confident in their actions
A volunteer cannot weigh less than 50 kilograms This is done to ensure that people with poor health do not further compromise their health when taking blood. Very often, people who are so thin have a hard time even getting tested.
The citizen must not have any chronic diseases Any such disease affects the composition of the blood
The donor should not travel outside the country in recent months On some continents (Africa, Asia, South America) outbreaks of dangerous infections are observed in certain regions
For the fair sex there are also restrictions that relate to the menstrual cycle You cannot become a donor during its onset and for 5 days after the end of menstruation. At this time, hormone surges occur, which in some way affects the composition of the blood. Also, young mothers should not become donors for a year after the birth of the child.

What to take with you

To donate blood at a transfusion station for the first time, you should have your passport and fluorography with you. Men are also required to have a military ID.

If donation occurs for the second or subsequent time, then you only need to have your passport with you.

The employees of the transfusion station need to show your passport, and also write, indicating your health in it.

In some cases you may also require . If donation occurs for the first time, doctors must take blood from a finger and check the hemoglobin level.

Already in the treatment room the blood or plasma donation itself takes place. This is a rather lengthy process that takes about an hour.

If doctors offer to choose between manual and automatic blood sampling, then to save time you need to choose the manual method - it is faster.

The blood donation procedure is virtually painless. The person only feels a small prick.

Depending on the physiological state, a person may feel slightly dizzy or nauseous at the end of the procedure.

There are cases when people even lost consciousness. Therefore, at the first signs of poor health, you should tell your doctors about it.

How many times should you donate blood?

To become eligible to become an honorary donor, you must donate blood the following number of times:

  • Donate blood or its components (not plasma) 40 times;
  • Donate blood 25 times or more and plasma 40 times;
  • donate blood less than 25 times, but donate plasma 60 times.

After donating so many times, a person is given a special badge, which indicates the high moral qualities of the citizen.

Where is the award issued?

A transfusiologist accepts documents from a citizen. He also issues rewards to citizens.

After all the conditions and requirements of the law have been met, it is he who will need to apply to receive a badge and certificate.

List of documents to be collected

To obtain the title of honorary donor, you must collect the following documents:

  • make a copy of your passport (all completed pages);
  • bring your original passport with you;
  • a certificate stating that blood or plasma was donated in the required quantity.

The certificate can be obtained from the Code of Criminal Procedure. It should contain the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the blood giver (without abbreviations);
  • confirmation that he actually donated a certain amount of blood or plasma;
  • the periods during which blood donation took place must be indicated;
  • the name of the organization that accepted the blood or plasma;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the person who is responsible for issuing the certificate;
  • information about the responsible person;
  • signature of the station manager.

Where to go

If a citizen has already donated the required amount of blood or plasma, then he should contact a transfusiologist to receive an award.

After submitting all necessary documents, a decision will be made within 4 months.

Such a long time to make a decision is explained by the fact that the relevant authorities must carefully check the authenticity of the certificate and all the data specified in it.

What benefits and payments are provided to awarded persons?

If a citizen has received the title of honorary donor, then he has the right to receive various types of government benefits.

One of them is to reduce the cost of utilities by half. In addition, there are also the following benefits for honorary donors:

The only downside is that all these benefits are valid only for a year from the date of receiving the title “Honorary Donor”.

You can obtain such a document only at the transfusion station where the blood donation took place.

If in 2013, payments for donation were completely abolished throughout the Russian Federation, in Moscow they are still in effect.

Their size ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles for donating a certain amount of blood or plasma. All payments are made from the local budget.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of donation include:
  • moral satisfaction from a useful deed done;
  • a large number of government benefits that are available to honorary donors;
  • Donors have a much higher chance of surviving complex injuries than other people, since their body, when donating blood, has periodically encountered a shortage of blood and has already learned to quickly restore it;
  • the condition of the body as a whole improves, as the blood is constantly renewed
The disadvantages include:
  • possible weakness, dizziness after the procedure;
  • After donating blood, the body needs to recover for some time;
  • There is an opinion that regular bloodletting leads to addiction over time.
  • state benefits are valid for only 1 year, after which they constantly need to be renewed

The procedure for conferring the title “Honorary Donor” in Russia is regulated by Federal Law No. 125-FZ of July 20, 2012 “On the donation of blood and its components.”

Conditions for obtaining the title

In Russia, any citizen of the country whose age has reached 18 years, but does not exceed 60, can become a donor, that is, a person who voluntarily donates blood or its components for medical purposes. In this case, of course, the potential donor should not have any contraindications for delivery, of which there are more than 50.

At the moment, at blood transfusion stations in our country, blood itself is collected from donors, as well as one of its most valuable components - plasma, which is used in situations where a sick person has a lack of its own vital proteins in the blood.

In order to receive the title of honorary donor, a citizen of the Russian Federation must fully fulfill one of the following conditions:
- donate blood or any of its components, with the exception of plasma, 40 or more times;
- donate blood or any of its components, including plasma, 25 or more times, with blood plasma - 40 or more times;
- donate blood or any of its components, including plasma, less than 25 times, while blood plasma - 60 or more times;
- blood 60 or more times.

Thus, if a donor simultaneously donated both blood and plasma 25 times or more, to receive the title it will be enough for him to have a total number of plasma donations of at least 40. If there were less than 25 such complex donations, plasma, including donating simultaneously with blood, you need to donate at least 60 times.

Benefits of obtaining a title

Article 23 of Federal Law No. 125-FZ of July 20, 2012 “On the donation of blood and its components” establishes that persons awarded the “Honorary Donor” badge are entitled to a number of social support measures. Thus, these include the provision of annual paid leave exactly during the period of time that is convenient for them, while in other cases the current Labor Code requires that the time of taking leave be determined by agreement with the employer. In addition, they have the right to receive medical care in the amount guaranteed by the compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as priority provision of vouchers to sanatoriums at the place of work or study, if available.

In addition, persons with the title “Honorary Donor” annually receive a fixed monetary payment from the state for their services.

Donation has always been equated to an honorable matter in Russia, since it is carried out by selfless and responsible people who are not indifferent to the fate of others. Currently, blood donation is being actively popularized - social advertising is being distributed among young people, students, and schoolchildren, calling for blood donation at donor points. Young people are convinced that their help can be invaluable, and that with a sufficient amount of donor blood it will be quite possible to cope with many serious illnesses and injuries among our compatriots.

Active informing of schoolchildren and students is bearing fruit: the number of voluntary blood and plasma donors has recently increased significantly, and their number is only increasing every year. This is one of the most clear examples of the activity and responsibility of modern youth; yet many people continually criticize the current generation for the lack of these qualities.

Along with the active expansion of the circle of donors in Russia, there is also an increase in the number of honorary donors. Accordingly, this award is no longer so privileged. In this regard, the legislation has changed somewhat - the government has amended the bill regulating the receipt of an honorary badge.

In this article, we will tell you in detail not only about changes in the legislation on blood and plasma donation, but also about how to receive an honorary badge. You will also learn what the current legal framework is for mixed blood donors. Especially for new donors, we will tell you:

  • what are the requirements for blood donors?
  • under what conditions can you donate blood?
  • what benefits are provided to blood donors on the day of donation.

You will learn all the basic information about blood donation, but the main focus in our article will be on the honorary donor badge: how to become an honorary donor, what privileges this title provides, and so on.

Legal regulation of blood donation

The legislation that regulates the relationship between the donor, the receiving organization, and the volunteer’s place of work is both the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Donation of Blood and Its Components.”

The Labor Code is involved here primarily because the organization in which the volunteer is employed is obliged to provide him with some privileges during the donation of blood or its components (plasma, red blood cells, and so on). We will talk in more detail about the privileges that are provided to the donor from his organization a little later.

The federal law regulating the legal status of blood donors prescribes all the requirements for volunteers quite clearly and unambiguously. In the next section of the article we will analyze in detail all the requirements that are currently imposed on blood donors.

Who can become a blood donor in the Russian Federation in 2018-2019

The official website of the blood service presents a very convenient algorithm that allows you to determine whether you can become a blood donor in our country. The algorithm is quite simple, but converting it into text form is extremely difficult, and it will take up too much space. Therefore, we will simply briefly list the basic requirements for volunteers.

  1. The most basic requirement is age. Unfortunately, citizens under eighteen years of age cannot become participants in such a program. This is why schoolchildren who receive information about donation are so disappointed when they learn about this requirement. But when they reach adulthood, the desire to become a voluntary donor of blood and its components turns into a completely conscious desire, which pushes them to take this important step.
  2. The volunteer's weight should not be less than fifty kilograms. This is due to simple concern for the health of Russian citizens. If an adult weighs less than fifty kilograms, then taking such an amount of blood can have an extremely negative impact on his well-being. As a rule, thin citizens have an extremely difficult time even with simple blood tests from a vein - what can we say about donation, which involves donating a fairly large amount of blood.
  3. The absence of any chronic diseases that affect the composition of the blood or the immune system. This is a completely obvious requirement and there is no need to explain it.
  4. It is necessary that the volunteer has never left our country within the last month. Abroad - especially in such exotic countries as the countries of the African continent, South America, southern Asia and so on, there are a huge number of different infections that our body, unadapted to them, is simply not able to tolerate. These infections enter the blood and change its composition, and therefore blood service employees are obliged to make sure that the citizen is not infected with any such infection. Of course, no one will require any documentary evidence of this fact from you. However, keep in mind that if you have been abroad within the last month, you will have to delay submitting the material. This period is set so that the infection (if any) has time to manifest itself. If within a month after returning home a person does not experience any ailments, then everything is in order with his health.
  5. There are some special rules for girls and women. First of all, donating blood depends in part on your menstrual cycle. You cannot donate blood during menstruation and for five days after. This is due to hormone surges and some changes in blood composition that accompany each menstruation in girls. Therefore, donating material at the blood collection point must be coordinated with your women’s calendar. The second “female” rule concerns young mothers. You cannot become a voluntary blood donor within a year after giving birth.

When you hand over the material at the collection point you will receive:

  • one paid day off from your organization;
  • free food;
  • monetary compensation (this must be waived if you want to receive an honorary badge).

Announcement. Who is an honorary donor in 2019? The assignment procedure and where to apply.
Human life is the most precious thing anyone can have.

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That is why all those who help people live are worthy of respect and encouragement. These include those who donate blood to support the lives of others.

What you need to know

Previously, this status was assigned only to those citizens who excelled in work. Now, several legal amendments have been made that make it possible to obtain this status.

In this case, it is not necessary to expect the arrival of a pension. The title can be obtained immediately after receiving the appropriate certificate.

But there is also a condition - the insurance period is at least 25 years and 20 years for men and women, respectively.

Such citizens receive social support only after reaching retirement age.

Advantages and disadvantages

This procedure has several positive and negative aspects.

Positive sides
  • You can donate blood for money if you already have honorary donor status. There is not a lot of money - 150–3,000 rubles. It all depends on the specific region of the Russian Federation. If this is urgently needed assistance, then this is the maximum amount. It also depends on what exactly is being donated - Rh factor, component or blood;
  • issued in the established form, according to which you can demand from the employer two days off with pay;
  • a person becomes a priority when allocating various vouchers and sanatoriums. A person also has the opportunity to pay for a certificate of incapacity for work for any type of disease. Payment will be equal to full salary;
  • if a student becomes a donor, he has the right to receive a 25% increase in the scholarship within six months;
  • if this is an honorary donor, then he can count on receiving various benefits - a monthly and one-time allowance, treatment in medical institutions free of charge, vouchers and vacation at any time
Among the shortcomings we can highlight
  • strict requirements for donors;
  • You can donate blood only on certain days and only during working hours;
  • some citizens cannot donate blood because they do not meet the minimum weight threshold;
  • sufficiently high conditions to receive the title of honorary donor





Honorary donor of Russia - how to become?

Lately, have you been thinking more and more often: “”? Do you want to do something that would be truly useful for society? But don't know where to start? Then learn more about donation from this article.

What is blood donation?

Donation of blood, as well as its components, is an exclusively voluntary blood donation by a person. In addition, we are talking about various activities aimed at organizing and ensuring the safety of the procurement of material that was taken from the donor. This practice was actively used during the war years.

How can people become honorary donors to Russia?

How to get an honorary donor to Russia? What does it take to become a blood donor in Russia? Nowadays, there is a special legal act that regulates legal relations in the field of management, implementation and organization of blood donation in Russia.

To become honored donors to Russia, you must complete one of the following points:

1) donate blood plasma free of charge at least 60 times;

2) donate blood or its components free of charge at least 40 times;

3) donate blood or its components at least 25 times, as well as plasma, free of charge. The total number of these two procedures should be at least 40;

4) donate blood components or the blood itself at least 25 times and plasma free of charge (the total number of these two procedures must be at least 60).

Here's what you need to do to become a blood donor.

To obtain the desired title of honorary donor, a person must undergo a specific procedure consisting of certain stages

So, how do you get the title of honorary donor?

What documents are needed to become an honorary donor?The following is submitted to the territorial social protection authorities:

- documentation confirming identity (passport for citizens of the Russian Federation, residence permit for foreigners, as well as stateless persons);

- certificates provided by blood transfusion stations (indicating the type and quantity of blood that was donated);

- application for awarding the title “Honorary Donor”.

Within 95 days you must receive notification of refusal or granting the status of “Honorary Donor”.

Receiving federal payments and benefits

A citizen who has the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge may be provided with the following payments and benefits:

1) annual leave paid by the state in a convenient season of the year in accordance with labor legislation;

2) extraordinary medical care in a medical organization of the municipal or state health care system;

3) priority purchase at the place of study or work of a discounted voucher providing for sanatorium-resort treatment;

4) an annual cash payment that is not taxable (in 2019 the payment is 13,041 rubles).

About regional benefits and payments

In addition to those described above, others may also be provided that were awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge. To do this, citizens must reside in the territory of certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

For example, honorary donors of Russia who were registered in Moscow can ride for free in city passenger transport (except for minibuses and regular taxis). The basis for this is the Muscovite’s social card. Honorary donors can also enjoy free production and repair of dentures, a fifty percent discount on medicines and housing and communal services.

In addition to the listed benefits, blood donors who registered in the city of Moscow, if they have a certain insurance period, can receive the title “Veteran of Labor”.

From July 1, 2017, honorary donors of Russia living in Moscow receive a cash payment in the amount of 1,162 rubles (provided that these people have retired and are no longer working).

Now you know how to become an honored donor to Russia, and what benefits this can bring to you.

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