What not to do with a lumbar hernia. We treat the back from hernias and protrusions. General restrictions for spinal hernia

In order to avoid complications, you should carefully follow the recommendations of your doctor and strictly remember existing contraindications.

Only careful attitude to your health and a competent approach to therapy will prevent even greater damage to the spine that has been damaged.

What is a herniated disc?

Hernia of the spine called the pathology of the musculoskeletal system of the human body. It is characterized by displacement of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc, which leads to rupture of the fibrous ring.

A person should suspect a hernia when sharp pain appears while lifting weights, making a sharp turn, or while walking. Soreness occurs due to the fact that the substance, which has spread beyond the intervertebral space, begins to irritate the nerve endings, forcing the person to remain in a forced, fixed position.

With the development of this pathology, complications are possible in the form of:

  • paraplegia (muscle weakness);
  • paralysis (loss of mobility) of the limbs.

Such complications appear in the later stages of the development of the disease and are characterized by penetration of the cartilaginous disc into the spinal canal area. In advanced cases, this process prevents the full functioning of the spine and nervous system. Negative consequences also manifest themselves in the form of disturbances in the acts of defecation, urination, and numbness of the genitourinary system.

Classification by localization

Depending on the location of the substance found outside the intervertebral discs, several types of pathology are distinguished: in the cervical, lumbar and thoracic regions.

Hernia of the spine in the cervical region is considered the most dangerous for humans due to its close location to the blood vessels of the brain. It is in this zone that the main vertebral artery is located, the functions of which are to supply up to 20% of the tissues of the cerebral cortex with blood.

With any, even slight, displacement of the vertebrae, which can be observed with a hernia, this artery may be partially or completely blocked, which is dangerous by impairing the blood supply to the vessels.

Symptoms of a hernia in the cervical spine: Symptoms of a hernia in the thoracic region: A hernia in the lumbar region manifests itself as:
  • pain radiating to the upper extremities;
  • loss of sensation in the hands;
  • dizziness and migraine;
  • decrease in general activity, sleep disturbances, brain function and blood circulation processes in it;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • frequent pressure changes inside blood vessels.
  • constant pain;
  • loss of sensitivity in certain parts of the chest;
  • pain in the heart area.
  • poor sensitivity of the lower extremities, impaired coordination of movements;
  • pain in the lower extremities, including individual fingers;
  • pain in the groin area;
  • lower back pain, where blood supply is disrupted, muscle spasms, which leads to general stiffness of movement.

According to the size of the hernia, it is distinguished by the volume of prolapsed substance:

  • prolapse – from 6 to 15 mm;
  • protrusion – from 1 to 3 mm;
  • hernia – from 3 to 6 mm.

General restrictions for spinal hernia

At the first stage of treatment, the doctor sets the goal to exclude further development of the inflammatory process and reduce the severity of the painful syndrome. Therefore, one of the most important rules during this period is the maximum restriction of movements in the event of acute attacks. Only this will help prevent further displacement of the spinal discs.

For this reason, the main contraindications for this disease include:

  • refusal to perform active movements;
  • maintaining a healthy diet and switching to the right diet to avoid the danger of gaining excess weight, thereby increasing the load on the spine;
  • Avoid exposure to drafts and hypothermia;
  • do not use warming ointments, especially during the acute phase of the pathology;
  • do not get carried away with home treatment methods, carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations;
  • Do not use potent medications without the prescription of a specialist.

In addition, the following actions should be excluded:

  • lifting and carrying heavy objects, as well as increasing any other load on the back;
  • lifting weights with outstretched arms;
  • prolonged stay in a bent position;
  • bends;
  • sitting in one place for a long time;
  • running, jumping, cycling;
  • any sudden movements, turns of the body and head, especially from an inclined position.

It is best that restrictions for a hernia are introduced immediately after the diagnosis is clarified. This will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent further progression of the disease.

General absolute contraindications

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A patient who has been diagnosed with a herniated disc, The following actions should be avoided, which can have a negative impact on well-being and provoke an acceleration of the development of pathology:

  • warming up the spinal area at the site of the hernia, as well as any steaming, for example, in a bath or sauna - despite a slight reduction in pain during such procedures, the overall condition of the pathology will only worsen;
  • avoid hypothermia, being in drafts, which can cause muscle spasms;
  • do not rub or knead the hernia in any way;
  • avoid blows;
  • Intensified vertical stretching of the spinal column, for example, hanging on a bar, which, due to increased muscle overload, will cause a reverse reaction, is prohibited;
  • during exacerbations, massage is prohibited, which can increase tissue swelling;
  • painkillers can be used only in cases of extreme necessity;
  • smoking is highly discouraged for patients suffering from a hernia due to the destruction of the cartilage tissue of the discs from the action of nicotine due to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood and deterioration in the nutrition of the intervertebral discs;
  • Frequent consumption of coffee also worsens blood circulation in tissues;
  • Obesity significantly increases the load on the spine, so weight gain is extremely contraindicated;
  • it is necessary to avoid situations of conflict and stress, because a depressive state does not have the best effect on the condition of the muscles, in which spasm and soreness intensify;
  • Women should avoid wearing high heels.

Restrictions on physical activity and sports

Patients suffering from a spinal hernia should follow the following rules when performing physical exercises: avoid fast, hasty movements; do not increase the load, even if signs of improvement appear.

The following restrictions are also necessary when engaging in physical education::

  • blows;
  • jumping;
  • pushes in the back;
  • twisting the torso;
  • a strong increase in the load on the spine;
  • sudden movements.

Among sports, restrictions should be introduced on the following types: bodybuilding, power squats, deadlifts and lunges, running and jumping competitions.

When engaging in other sports permitted by the attending physician, preliminary warming up of the muscles and wearing a special corset is required.

At what stage should you not exercise?

In general, experts believe that patients who have been diagnosed with a herniated disc can engage in certain sports. It is important that classes are carried out exclusively during periods of remission, provided that the patient’s history does not contain concomitant pathologies, which may also be contraindications to exercise.

When engaging in gentle sports, they will have a beneficial effect on the body for reasons:

  • uniform distribution of loads on all muscle groups, providing a mild training effect on the affected area;
  • improving blood circulation and enhancing metabolic processes in tissues, which will launch restoration processes in all systems of the body;
  • relaxing spasmodic back muscles when performing slow, stretching exercises, concentrating breathing, helping to return the vertebrae to their original position;
  • the formation of positive mental attitudes that, as a rule, accompany the process of training the muscular system.

What types of exercises are contraindicated for a hernia?

When performing a set of exercises, patients suffering from a herniated disc should avoid the following types of exercises:

  • deep body tilts, the angle of which is more than 90%;
  • twisting, especially around the central axis of the spine;
  • movements in which only the back muscles are involved;
  • jumping elements;
  • running and high leg swings.

Video: "Advice from Koklyaev: what to do in case of herniated discs?"

Consequences of severe overloads during spinal hernia

In the absence of sufficient attention to the well-being and sensations in the back caused by irritation of the nerve endings during the progression of the intervertebral hernia, the patient's condition may deteriorate sharply, causing such negative signs as:

  • numbness;
  • paralysis of the limbs, especially the lower ones;
  • painful spasms in the muscles of the legs and buttocks;
  • progression of other concomitant pathologies of the spine, for example, with damage to the lumbar region, the development of radiculitis cannot be ruled out;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system.

The fact that the development of pathology is not proceeding according to the best scenario will be indicated by the appearance of acute, aching pain, a state of discomfort, and difficulties when trying to make a turn or straighten the torso.


Education hernia in the spine is a rather unpleasant and dangerous disease.

A hernia is the penetration of the substance of the spinal column into an area beyond the intervertebral discs. By irritating the nerve endings, painful sensations can occur, the nature of which is often sharp and aching. In this case, the person experiences discomfort and restrictions in physical activity.

Spinal hernia is distinguished by location: It may appear in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region.

Warming up and hypothermia, rubbing and kneading are contraindicated. affected area to avoid progression of inflammation.

For patients suffering from this disease, Avoid carrying heavy objects and playing strength sports, fast and sudden movements, deep bends, twisting of the body, jumping elements and running.

A complex of physical therapy, as well as gentle sports, can be permitted provided that a person takes care of his health and carefully monitors his well-being. They will allow you to relax muscles that are in spasm, evenly distribute physical activity and strengthen the muscle corset.

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region is a diagnosis in which you should be very careful about any physical activity. There are many reasons why it can occur, and a careless and frivolous attitude towards this disease can significantly aggravate the condition of the intervertebral disc and increase its displacement. Therefore, it is necessary to know which exercises are recommended to improve the condition of the spine, and which should be strictly avoided.

What exercises should you not do?

Below is a list of exercises that should not be done with:

  1. 1 Hanging on the bar. Unlike treating herniations in other parts of the spine, vertical stretching of the lumbar region will only worsen the situation.
  2. 2 Long jump or high jump.
  3. 3 Quick turns from side to side. They put a strong sudden load on the spinal column, which is undesirable for this disease.
  4. 4 Exercises involving blows and jolts to the lumbar region.
  5. 5 Crunches. They are allowed to be performed only in the last training sessions, but in no case among the first exercises.
  6. 6 Lateral tilts of more than 90 degrees.
  7. 7 Any exercise that requires sudden movement. Even elements intended to heal a lumbar hernia are recommended to be performed slowly and smoothly, avoiding instantaneous loads.
  8. 8 Intense massage and strong rubbing of the muscles in the area of ​​the hernia.

In addition, a patient who plays sports or goes to the gym will have to give up:

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Hockey
  • Athletics and weightlifting
  • Bodybuilding

It is prohibited to engage in professional skiing, however, calm skiing without heavy load will only strengthen the muscles of the back and lumbar region.

Also, do not overcool or overheat the hernia area. You should avoid sitting in one place for a long time, lifting heavy objects with outstretched arms. If you need to lift something heavy, you first need to sit down and, from a sitting position, lift the object, holding it as close to the body as possible.

Permissible physical activity

After so many prohibitions, you may feel that any physical activity is contraindicated. However, it is not. Excessive relaxation of the spine during a hernia will only weaken the muscle corset. There are entire sets of exercises designed to train and strengthen the muscles of the lumbar region and reduce tension on the intervertebral tissues. Among these:

  1. 1 Swimming. This sport is recommended for almost all types of intervertebral hernias, as it has a beneficial effect on the spine.
  2. 2 Pilates. The trainer must be informed about the patient's condition. This will help you choose exercises for each specific case.
  3. 3 Deflections of the spine. Performed from a stance on the elbows and knees.
  4. 4 Alternating leg raises. Performed lying on your side.

Starting training in the early stages of the disease is strictly prohibited. At first, doctors prescribe only light exercises so as not to provoke further enlargement of the hernia. Before performing any exercises, you should consult your doctor. It should be remembered that careless actions can cause irreparable harm to health.

If you have a herniated disc, then you probably ask yourself many questions. What can and cannot be done?

Is it possible to cure a lumbar hernia without surgery?

Yes, lumbar disc herniation can be treated without surgery. In Russia and the CIS countries, there is an unspoken medical practice: everyone who has an intervertebral hernia is recommended to undergo surgical treatment. Meanwhile, this is an absolutely illiterate and unprofessional approach. Surgery is a last resort. This is the most radical way. In Europe and the USA, there are a number of absolute indications for the operation. Basically, they are associated with the threat of loss of motor function or lack of effectiveness of conservative treatment.

When agreeing to surgery, you need to be aware of all the risks:

    Any operation is associated with significant stress on the body: anesthesia, postoperative period.

    The operation to eliminate intervertebral hernia is very difficult. It all depends on the professionalism of the surgeon. If the doctor does not have sufficient qualifications and experience, there is always a risk of unforeseen consequences: for example, spinal cord injuries and complete loss of motor function, etc.

Therefore, you should agree to surgery only if all previous treatment has had no effect.

The main thing is that you should not neglect methods of conservative treatment: there are a lot of medications, methods of physiotherapy, and physical therapy. If you start treatment on time, when the process has not reached its peak state, you can put the hernia “under control”. After this, all that remains is to adhere to a number of recommendations. Then you will be able to forget about the hernia once and for all.

What loads are allowed for intervertebral hernia?

Unfortunately, the presence of an intervertebral hernia imposes significant restrictions on the patient in terms of physical activity. Of course, there is no need to give it up at all.

It is worth knowing which types of load pose the greatest threat:

    activity associated with axial load on the spine. It is necessary to exclude weight lifting, training in the gym with equipment (lifting dumbbells, barbells, etc.).

    activity associated with a long stay of the body in an upright position (long running, playing football, hockey, skiing).

In case of a hernia, it is better to give preference to water aerobics, swimming, and water sports. It is also recommended to perform a set of specialized physical therapy exercises. Such a load will have a beneficial effect on the body: the back muscles will be strengthened, and with increased muscle tone, the stability of the hernia can be guaranteed.

Is it possible to heat a herniated disc?

It is strictly forbidden to warm up or take a steam bath in the bathhouse. When warming up, the back muscles weaken, the muscle corset that holds the damaged intervertebral disc loses its tone. As a result, the hernia may be displaced and further pinched, with all the ensuing adverse health consequences: pinched nerves and the spinal cord. This is extremely dangerous.

Is it possible to run with a lumbar disc herniation?

Running places a lot of stress on the spine. As was said, it is best to eliminate the stress associated with prolonged stay of the body in an upright position. It is better to replace running with therapeutic walking.

Is it possible to repair a herniated disc?

The practice of reducing intervertebral hernias was common 10-20 years ago. Now this method of treatment is reasonably recognized as dangerous. The fact is that the nucleus pulposus, together with the entire structure of the affected intervertebral disc, can become deformed or displaced under physical influence. Displacement will most likely result in pinching of the nerve roots and spinal cord.

To exclude the development of complications, under no circumstances should you resort to hernia reduction.

Is it possible to do CABG for a herniated disc?

There are no obvious contraindications for coronary artery bypass grafting in the form of intervertebral hernia. However, surgeons performing the operation should take this pathology into account when performing the operation.

If the doctor has at least minimal qualifications and experience, CABG can be done without fear.

Can a herniated spine cause pain in the stomach or leg?

With an intervertebral hernia in the lumbosacral region, pain radiating to the leg (or radiating to the leg) can not only be felt. In 95% of cases they are part of a specific symptomatic complex. Moreover, the leg may not just hurt, it may burn all over. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends on the degree of nerve entrapment and the individual pain threshold. The cause of the manifestations is infringement of the nerve roots and sciatic nerve.

Abdominal pain is not specific to the pathology, but can still occur. To exclude pathologies of the abdominal organs, additional diagnostics should be performed. It is quite possible that abdominal pain accompanies an independent disease: gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.

Is it possible to hang with a herniated disc?

In no case. Any axial load is strictly prohibited. It can lead to herniation and damage to the spinal cord. (Spinal traction - is it effective? What are the consequences?)

The most dangerous thing in the development of an intervertebral hernia is the patient’s inaction. The fact is that if not treated in a timely manner, one of the most unpleasant consequences of this disease is radiculitis. When the nucleus pulposus is displaced, an inflammatory process in the nerve fibers may occur. The result is a herniation that puts pressure on the nerve roots that exit the spinal cord at the site of the disc displacement.

Important! The main symptom of radiculitis is the presence of severe pain when turning the body and physical activity.

With late treatment of an intervertebral hernia, a number of more dangerous complications may arise. These include:

  • Paralysis.
  • Paraplegia, which is a muscle disease. The main symptom of the disease is severe muscle weakness.

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Paralysis can develop due to long-term damage to nerve fibers. As a result, muscle damage can become so severe that they no longer perform their functions correctly. The effects of paralysis can be observed in any part of the body, but most often they are reflected in the muscles of the face and limbs.

If a hernia in the lumbosacral spine is ignored for a long time, the pathology increases in size and can affect urination and defecation, sometimes causing numbness of the genitals.

Indications and contraindications

After diagnosing the disease, the doctor determines the range of acceptable and unacceptable actions for the patient. For a complete cure, the patient needs:

  • Rest. Muscles need as much rest as possible. Also, the patient must comply with all contraindications for lumbar intervertebral hernia, which will be discussed below.

  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. They help reduce the load on the spine.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Nonsteroidal medications help reduce inflammation and reduce pressure on compressed nerves.

Important! All medications in the treatment of intervertebral hernia should be used only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

A very important technique in the treatment of intervertebral hernia is physical therapy. However, such exercises should be used with great caution. In particular, in case of aggravated symptoms of the disease or the presence of severe pain during exercise, this technique is canceled.

Let's consider the main contraindications for hernia of the lumbar spine:

  • Lifting weights. Patients are not recommended to lift weights exceeding 3-5 kg. But even when lifting small loads, you must follow the rules by keeping your back straight. This is especially true for lifting loads off the ground.
  • Mobility and swimming. Sudden movements and any activities associated with increased activity are prohibited.
  • Physical exercise. General physical activity is also contraindicated.

Important! In some cases, contraindications depend on the specific part of the spine in which the pathology is detected. Therefore, contraindications for each patient are determined by the doctor individually.

Intervertebral herniation is a very serious disease, the symptoms of which cannot be ignored. When you consult a doctor, be sure to follow all his recommendations, only in this case you will be able to forget about the disease once and for all.

Important contraindications for a hernia of the lumbar spine include a ban on heavy physical exercise and axial loads on the back. This disease is accompanied by severe pain and, if not treated promptly, can lead to disability and immobility. You should pay close attention not only to prohibitions in exercise, but also to lifestyle, rest and nutrition, which also greatly influences recovery.

Why does it appear and what are the symptoms of hernia pathology?

The main provocateur of the problem is lifting a heavy load when a person is in a bent back position. - a disease in which a disc bulges between the vertebrae. Often the place of their localization is hernia of the lumbar region, less often - the cervical and thoracic region. Spinal hernia is typical for people between 30 and 50 years old. It does not appear immediately, but as a result of the accumulative process of “depreciation” of the spine over the years. Main reasons:

  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • errors when sitting, walking and standing;
  • improper exercise;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • heredity;
  • sedentary work mode and lack of physical education;
  • poor diet and alcohol abuse.

The main symptom is pain at the site of the disease and virtually immobilized injured area. The patient finds it difficult to exercise and his lifestyle becomes less active due to the inability to fully perform habitual movements. The pain can be sharp and sharp, or aching. This is especially true when the body is in an awkward position.

What should you not do if you have an intervertebral hernia?

With this disease, it is strictly forbidden to lift heavy objects.

With a lumbar hernia, there are a number of restrictions that can reduce the risk of worsening the situation. Lifting heavy objects and any intense axial load on the spine should be completely avoided. Also, contraindications for hernia of the cervical spine and other areas include types of physical activity when the body remains in an upright position for a long time. A person suffering from this disease should carefully consider changing the type of sport, food, and lifestyle. Not all work is permissible when there is a hernia of the thoracic spine or other parts.

What exercises should you not do?

Prohibited exercises for spinal hernia or their elements:

  • blows;
  • jumping;
  • pushes in the back;
  • twisting in the initial stages of treatment;
  • exercises with high load on the spine or with sudden movements.

It is contraindicated to overload the body. The consequences of improper physical exercises greatly affect the course of the disease. A hernia should be treated comprehensively. If prohibited movements are avoided, the quality of therapy will be higher. When exercise causes pain, you should stop immediately.

Contraindicated sports

People with this diagnosis should not jump.

If yoga and therapeutic exercises are considered the best solution in treatment. But other sports are not allowed. Contraindications for lumbar disc herniation include bodybuilding training: power squats, lunges, deadlifts. It is worth completely abandoning team competitions where there is running and jumping, and also when the degree of injury is high. Any sport with a hernia requires preliminary muscle warming and wearing a special corset.


You need to monitor the amount of liquid consumed. For an adult, the minimum volume is 2 liters. It is necessary to enrich the diet with healthy foods containing large amounts of vitamins and minerals necessary for the spine. It is better to exclude unhealthy and fatty foods in order to prevent weight gain and worsening of the situation. You should eat vegetables, fruits, dairy products, fish, nuts, seeds and grain products. Salt and sugar are allowed in small dosages; if possible, it is better to exclude them. Before going to bed, it is useful to consume fermented baked milk and kefir. The daily menu should be balanced and not overload the body. It is better to eat small portions, but often.

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