What you need to know about the flu. Signs of influenza in adults Viral epidemic

The number of Russian regions where the epidemiological threshold for influenza and ARVI was exceeded increased significantly in mid-March. Now there are already 8 regions of the country where the incidence rate exceeds the norm. Doctors believe that in the second wave of the epidemic, the population is suffering from influenza caused by the type B virus.

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Trans-Urals

An epidemic has been declared on the territory of Ugra: doctors are observing a sharp jump in the number of people going to the hospital with influenza or ARVI. Only compared to the second week of March, in the period from 13 to 19, the number of cases increased by 21%. Statistics for March 21 indicate that the permissible epidemiological threshold has already been passed and exceeds 17%.

A total of 15,461 patients with identified ARVI are counted, of which 74 are cases of influenza infection. The most difficult situation in terms of morbidity is observed in Nizhnevartovsk, followed by Nefteyugansk, Surgut, and Khanty-Mansiysk in terms of the number of sick patients. Schoolchildren and young children are at risk.

In Nizhnevartovsk, the increase in incidence was 30%, the number of cases of ARVI was 3,759 people, 3,400 of them were children and adolescents. 4 patients are being treated for influenza, 2 of them are minors. In addition, there are 19 people hospitalized in the infectious diseases department.

So far, Olga Elaeva, a representative of the local Rospotrebnadzor, says that the situation remains stable, there is no quarantine.

Kuban and Southern Russia

In the Krasnodar region, there are 60 patients who have been diagnosed with influenza. In the regional capital itself, 44 cases were recorded. The disease develops due to the activity of the type B virus (the same is observed in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug).

Over the past week, 2,500 people with suspected viral infection visited clinics; the number of children under 14 years of age was 44%.

According to statistics for the last 7 days, there is no group incidence of ARVI or influenza in the region. The epidemiological threshold has not been exceeded.

Doctors note that 2 million 579 thousand people were vaccinated in the region, the number of children was 857 thousand.

Tula region

In Tula and the cities closest to it, an increase in incidence was recorded for the period from March 13 to March 19. However, despite the increase in the number of cases of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, the epidemiological threshold was not exceeded, but compared to last week there were 13% more patients. In total, there are 6,944 people who complained of symptoms characteristic of a viral infection.

In almost all municipalities, the incidence rate is normal; only the Plavsky district distinguished itself, where 8% more adults are sick than expected. Previously, local authorities closed 2 schools for quarantine (in the Efremovsky and Volovsky districts).

Moscow and Moscow region

Moscow was distinguished by its stability regarding the incidence of influenza and ARVI in the period from March 12 to 19. Doctors talk about the correspondence of the real picture with the expected level for a given period of the year.

However, it is still noted that during this time, there were more people with symptoms of a viral infection - almost 39%. Children get sick more often than adults. The proportion of children and schoolchildren with ARVI and influenza is about 68%. This was stated by representatives of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Let us remind you that earlier the country’s chief sanitary doctor, Anna Popova, predicted a change in the strain of the active virus. Seasonal H3N2 has changed to group B influenza. It differs in that it does not spread so quickly, since it has a low ability to be transmitted from person to person, but at the same time it can cause unpleasant and very serious consequences. In the absence of appropriate treatment, complications of influenza B can include lower respiratory tract diseases, pneumonia, and bronchitis. That is why Popova emphasized that one should not forget about prevention, and if symptoms appear, do not search for traditional recipes, but go to the hospital.

Along with the first spring floods, a period of influenza outbreak begins. The spring flu wave is very dangerous. Spring already prepares many surprises for the body, but viruses floating in the air can put anyone on a hospital bed! The spring influenza epidemic of 2017 will differ in the type of pathogenic microorganisms, which are increasing in number every year.

Doctors do not advise relaxing this spring, warning that the forecasts are disappointing. Having barely overcome the previous strain, you will have to face another type - the “Hong Kong flu”, a type “A” strain virus. The new spring flu will spread very quickly, affecting large numbers of people; complications can be of any kind; it is difficult to predict and prevent them. Doctors warn that this type of virus will primarily cause lung pathologies. Mutations of pathogenic microorganisms are possible, which will significantly complicate diagnosis, complicate treatment and the choice of medications.


High fever is a symptom of spring flu

To successfully resist the attack of pathogenic microorganisms, you need to know as much as possible about the manifestations of the disease. The influenza virus is classified as one of the types of respiratory infections. Despite the fact that the symptoms and signs of the disease will be similar to those of the previous season, there will also be characteristic differences. The new flu this spring will, in the first stages of development, resemble a common cold, but the condition of patients will rapidly deteriorate, causing complications, and deaths are inevitable.

Signs of spring flu 2017

Doctors distinguish three degrees of the disease: mild, moderate, severe. How quickly the patient’s well-being will deteriorate depends primarily on how high the immunity is, what the general condition is, and the age of the patient. Signs of spring flu, symptoms for which you need to immediately go to the hospital:

  • the patient complains of chills;
  • body temperature rises to 42 °C;
  • there is a severe headache - pressure on the temples, back of the head, frontal area;
  • the muscles and joints of the limbs seem to be twisted or twisted;
  • sweating increases, the area of ​​the neck, chest, and back sweats the most;
  • the eyes fill with tears and turn red;
  • weakness sets in, provoking apathy, indifference to everything that happens;
  • the patient refuses to eat food;
  • a dry or wet cough begins;
  • pain in the throat area;
  • mucus (snot) is released from the nasal passages.

At the most severe stage of its course, the spring influenza virus 2017 provokes seizures, loss of consciousness, and blood may come from the nose. This condition is complicated by other symptoms, signs of other pathologies that occur along with the flu, most often provoked by it.

Spring flu wave: how to treat?

Understanding how dangerous the spring flu can be, there is no need to self-medicate. Today, the latest medications and treatment technologies have been developed that make it possible to relatively quickly alleviate the patient’s condition. If you notice the first signs, you should immediately seek professional help. To alleviate the patient’s condition and suppress the first symptoms of influenza 2017 before going to the hospital, the patient needs:

  • eat only light meals;
  • drink warm drinks (tea, compote, jelly);
  • stay in bed more;
  • Periodically rinse the mouth and throat with decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, thyme, sage, St. John's wort. The same decoctions can be used to rinse the nasal passages.

If you feel very unwell, it is permissible to take painkillers, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and antiviral drugs. However, at the appointment you will need to inform the doctor about all medications that were used for self-medication. The symptoms of spring flu can be suppressed on your own in the early stages of the disease, however, when there is an outbreak of mass infections, you should not be too arrogant.


Medicines for the treatment of spring flu

Many people try to eliminate the spring flu virus by taking antiviral drugs, but this is wrong. The fact is that these funds can only help at the initial stage and are highly effective for prevention purposes. When pathology develops rapidly, you need to use something new, for example:

  • Relenza;
  • Tamivir;
  • Ingavirin;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Remavir;
  • Peramivir.

Additionally, if the spring flu 2017 occurs, it is not recommended to take medications that lower body temperature, however, when the fever is high, you can take it according to the instructions:

  • Nurofen;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Panadol.

When influenza develops, it is completely unacceptable to take aspirin, which provokes damage to the liver and brain, being a powerful anticoagulant. Additionally, if other symptoms appear - sore throat, runny nose, joints, dizziness. In this case, additionally drop drops into the nose, use throat lozenges, and rub with ointments. However, any choice of medications should be discussed with a specialist.

Preventive measures

Folk remedies for the prevention of spring flu

If the flu epidemic begins to gain momentum, you need to play it safe and try to protect your body from infection:

  • Firstly, you need to spend less time in public places with large crowds of people. Spring flu strikes at a distance of 3-4 meters, especially if the body is weak and has low resistance to viral pathologies.
  • Secondly, you need to pay due attention to the rules of hygiene of the oral cavity, hands, and nasal mucosa.
  • Thirdly, there is no need to neglect vaccination; during an outbreak, you can take antiviral drugs.

In fact, the spring flu epidemic can be avoided if you start using special medications in time:

  • Remantadine;
  • Interferon;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Citrovir-3;
  • Kagocel;
  • Amizon.
  • It is recommended to start breakfast with dishes that contain fresh garlic, onions, and horseradish. The pungent aroma and properties of these food products help prevent the penetration of the virus. You can also eat garlic at night by preparing a mixture with honey – combining in equal proportions.
  • Garlic “beads” can be worn around the neck, and peeled, chopped garlic can be placed around the apartment.
  • Chicken broth is useful during this period.
  • Drink decoctions of linden, viburnum, mint, and thyme instead of tea.
  • Include fresh juices and fruit drinks made with cranberries, currants, and ginger into your diet.
  • When drinking tea, add ginger, lemon, honey, milk, rose hips.
  • There are dishes that contain sauerkraut.
  • Rinse your nose with a solution of salt water, adding a tablespoon to each glass. Similar rinses can be done using honey water, dissolving a tablespoon in a glass of liquid. It is recommended to rinse every time before leaving the house.
  • When washing, the nasal passages should be washed with soap.
  • Rinse the oral cavity with solutions of Furacilin and Baking soda.

Procedures can be combined and alternated at your discretion.


Experts say that the forecasts are disappointing - the spring outbreak of influenza 2017 will begin unexpectedly and will develop rapidly. A real epidemic is expected. Diseases are highly likely to first spread to large cities and gradually spread to the outback. Absolutely all groups of the population will be at risk.

Doctors advise not to relax in the autumn. Group outbreaks will be observed starting in October and will last until December. During this period, you need to be especially careful, follow all preventive measures, improve the functioning of your immune system, and lead a healthy lifestyle. At the slightest suspicion of the flu, immediately go to the hospital for professional medical help.

Many people wonder what kind of microbes are present today, and what methods of war against them are available. Are there expected to be a single outbreak of new microbes in 2017? In particular, many are afraid of the recent outbreak of the Coxsackie microbe, which was brought from Turkey.

At the end of last year, a dangerous subtype of bird flu began to spread rapidly. There are fears that this virus will continue to affect residents of our country throughout the current year. It is considered particularly difficult. It is especially dangerous for young children and the elderly and people weakened by disease.

What kind of flu is currently spreading in Moscow 2017 symptoms December: How to overcome the flu

As you can see, in fact, the symptoms of flu and colds are very different, but the reason for their occurrence is the same - a virus entered the body, entered our cells and began to divide. How to prevent this and resist the infection?
There are many remedies, but there are very few that would both treat and prevent viral diseases (flu and colds are viral in nature), but they exist. In Russia, inducers and drugs with interferon are used for this - multifunctional proteins that also have nonspecific antiviral activity. For example, Ingaron, the only drug in the Russian Federation whose active ingredient is interferon gamma.

For a long time, Ingaron has been successfully used to treat infectious viral diseases: not only influenza and colds, but also chronic viral hepatitis B and C, genital herpes, herpes zoster, urogenital chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection and for immunotherapy of cancer.

Read also: What flu virus is expected in Russia in 2017-2018?

But not so long ago, intrazonal Ingaron appeared in pharmacies, that is, nasal drops, for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI. Unlike other interferon drugs, it not only prevents viruses from entering healthy cells and blocking their reproduction, but also kills virus-infected cells, that is, it has a direct antiviral effect. This can be used without any problems at home as a preventive measure to avoid getting sick, and as a therapeutic remedy if you have already caught the virus.

The Influenza Institute recommends using this remedy especially when visiting crowded places - transport, schools, cinemas, work offices. And also during trips to areas unfavorable for morbidity.
But trying to treat flu and colds with antibiotics, at least until a doctor prescribes them (this is possible with certain complications of the flu), is not only useless, but even dangerous. These two diseases are caused by viruses, while antibiotics affect bacteria, not viruses.

What flu is currently spreading in Moscow 2017 symptoms December: 5 symptoms characterize the flu

Since the flu is considered more serious, it is not surprising that its onset is always acute. It is not even difficult for the patient to name the hour when he first began to feel uneasy; it is no coincidence that the name of the disease comes from the French “to seize.”
Unlike the flu, a cold develops gradually, and painful symptoms increase over time. Moreover, the manifestations can look amplitude: then go out, then develop again, and so intermittently for a long time.

With the flu, there is a high temperature, especially at the very beginning of the disease, and can rise to 39-40 degrees.
A cold, as a rule, is accompanied by a low temperature, and even then, it appears after the main symptoms have appeared (runny nose, sore throat).

Read also: Influenza epidemic 2017 – 2018 in Russia: how not to get sick, flu symptoms, prevention

For a long time, people may not notice a cold at all, go to work, play sports - but the fact that a runny nose and a cough are no big deal, they will pass, they think. And so on their feet they can endure the entire cycle of the disease without even noticing.
Not so with the flu. A person may not even have the strength to get out of bed. Body aches, severe headache? Definitely the flu!

When you have a cold, a debilitating cough, sore throat and runny nose are the main things on the agenda. But with the flu, these manifestations may or may not occur. And if they do appear, then much later, usually in the first 5 days a runny nose and cough do not bother you.

But the picture of the flu is complemented by red eyes, bursting blood vessels in the nose, severe weakness, and a feverish state. And in severe forms, even convulsions, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, and lack of air are possible. People with problematic blood vessels may even have increased blood pressure.

When you have a cold, your eyes do not turn red or water, and if this happens, it indicates a bacterial infection.

WHO has announced the composition of influenza vaccines for the epidemic. season 2018 – 2019 for the Northern Hemisphere. Quadrivalent influenza vaccines must contain the following components:

  • A/ /45/2015(H1N1) pdm09 - similar virus;
  • A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016(H3N2) - similar virus;
  • B/Colorado/06/2017-like virus (B/Victoria/2/87);
  • B/Phuket/3073/2013 is a similar virus (B/Yamagata/16/88).

According to experts, all forms of influenza do not have obvious differences in terms of symptoms, which means that prevention and treatment will be the same for all expected viruses.

Flu 2018-2019: symptoms of the disease

The infection can occur in an obvious or hidden (erased) form, but any form is contagious from the first hours of the virus entering the body.

An infected person releases the virus through coughing and sneezing, which means that all objects around the patient, including dishes and food, are dangerous, because The virus spreads easily through airborne droplets.

Influenza is often called the “family disease” because It is not possible to completely isolate one of the family members, and the virus is easily transmitted from one to another, as a result the whole family gets sick.

First symptoms

1. The first signs are coughing and soreness in the nasopharynx, caused by a feeling of dryness, causing a dry, tense cough and sneezing, and difficult, often painful, swallowing.

There is usually no mucous discharge from the nose at the first stage of infection, but the cough is accompanied by pain in the sternum.

2. At the second stage of the disease (from 5-7 hours to 3-4 days), a rise in temperature begins - fever. Fever appears only with the development of infectious diseases and this is a natural reaction of a normal body to the introduction of a virus, and the body’s defense by raising an elevated temperature.
It is necessary to fight a fever only when the body temperature begins to exceed a certain permissible limit, and it itself becomes pathologically dangerous to human life.

  • Fever can be divided into 3 stages: A sharp increase in body temperature. Maintaining temperature in the mode chosen by the body. Decrease in temperature.
  • With influenza, the fever can be subfebrile in nature - an increase in temperature from 38 * to 39 * (moderate fever) and pyretic - an increase in temperature to 41 * (fever), when it becomes life-threatening.

Note! All these stages of fever are typical not only for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza and other colds, but accompany such serious illnesses as malaria, typhoid fever and others. In case of a sharp rise in high temperature (pyretic fever), self-medication is unacceptable!

3. Sharp weakness, like a sharp rise in temperature, is also a sign of ARVI

4. “Turning” of muscles and joints with a growing headache is another symptom of influenza infection

Antiviral for influenza


An antiviral agent that inhibits the activity of the virus and stops its reproduction. Suitable as a preventative against influenza caused by some varieties of the A strain, but useless against respiratory infections, as well as A(H1N1), which is present this year. Remantadine should not be prescribed if there is intolerance to the constituent components, diseases of the liver, kidneys, or thyroid gland, or during pregnancy and lactation.


An immunostimulating drug that triggers the production of interferon. Can be used for a long time with courses (5 days every other week). Contraindications include: pregnancy, allergies, lactose intolerance, childhood (less than 3 years), malabsorption syndrome.


Antiviral agent and histamine receptor blocker. Used during the spread of influenza A, B, as well as acute respiratory viral infections, acts as an immunity modulator. Contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and those with intolerance to the components.

Oksolin (ointment)

Used topically, nasally, during a flu epidemic. It has an antiviral effect and can be used by pregnant and nursing mothers.


It is used in the treatment of influenza A and B, as a prophylactic against respiratory diseases. Inhibits the process of pathogen reproduction. Contraindicated in case of renal and liver failure, for pregnant women and children under one year.


Antiviral and anti-inflammatory medication, immune stimulant. Active against stamps of “swine” and “Hong Kong” flu, B, adenoviruses, ARVI. Cannot be used by minors or pregnant women.


An antiviral drug that affects viral enzymes and leads to a decrease in the number of pathogens. Approved for children over 5 years old, cannot be used for pregnant women (1st trimester) or lactating women.

Umifenovir ("Arbidol")

Immunomodulator and antiviral agent, suitable for the prevention of influenza types A, B, ARVI, SARS. It has controversial reviews among doctors.

It is advisable to purchase the following medications in advance before an influenza epidemic: antivirals, immunomodulators, antipyretics, vitamins, antibiotics. Personal hygiene products will also be useful.

How to treat the flu

As a rule, the working scheme for treating people infected with influenza is:

  1. Detoxification measures (drinking alkaline liquids or administering plasma-substituting solutions - while in the hospital).
  2. Antiviral therapy and the formation of immunity (taking drugs such as Relenza, Kagocel, Ergoferon).
  3. Elimination of fever, headaches, aches (taking paracetamol, drugs that reduce temperature).
  4. Selection of antibacterial medications (if the temperature persists, amoxicillin or azithromycin are indicated).

Flu shot 2018-2019

One of the effective measures against influenza is early vaccination. It involves the introduction of serum with biological components, which allows the formation of short-term immunity.

In Russia, when vaccinating in the 2018-2019 season, certified drugs from foreign and domestic manufacturers can be used:

  • "Influvac"(Abbott Products LLC, the Netherlands, from 270 rubles). Allows you to strengthen natural protection against viruses of groups A and B, prevents acute respiratory infections.
  • "Grippol"(Microgen LLC, Russia, from 170 rubles). It is distinguished by the absence of preservatives in the composition and the presence of polyoxidonium, which causes the active functioning of antigens. Suitable for people of all ages.
  • Sovigripp(FSUE NPO Microgen, Russia, from 1500 rubles). Approved for use by people over 60 years of age, patients with chronic diseases, people who spend a long time in a team (doctors, teachers), and has a minimum of side effects.
  • Fluarix(Pharmacological company GlaxoSmithKline, Belgium, from 350 rubles). It is used for vaccination in children from 6 months, schoolchildren, pensioners, school, hospital, and transport workers. Contraindications – intolerance to chicken protein.
  • Agrippalus(Pharmacological company Novartis, Italy, from 300 rubles). The vaccine, approved for use without age restrictions, has quite a lot of side effects (headache, drowsiness, chills, sweating, bruising).
  • Vaxigrip(Sanofi Pasteur LLC, France, from 570 rubles). An inactivated vaccine approved for use in children over 6 months of age, elderly people over 65 years of age, people with HIV infection and diabetes mellitus, and pregnant women.

A person can purchase any of the drugs independently at a pharmacy or go to the hospital for a free vaccination (usually it is done with medicines from the Russian companies Microgen or Petrovax Pharm).

  1. If possible, isolate (hospitalize) the sick person
  2. Treatment is prescribed mainly symptomatic (symptoms are relieved) with the use of etiotropic (aimed at eliminating the immediate cause of the disease) drugs. In the case of influenza – antipyretics, analgesics, antiviral drugs.
  3. It is mandatory to detoxify (cleanse from toxins) the body by drinking large amounts of liquid (up to 3 liters/day), excluding soda with artificial sweeteners.
  4. The use of traditional medicine is not prohibited. It is worth noting that popular raspberry teas cannot be taken at high temperatures!
  5. The use of water-salt solutions is indicated. For example - Regidron.
  6. The patient is given bed rest and complete rest.
  7. Drinking alcoholic beverages during the entire course of treatment is unacceptable!

Important: the disease is treated only under the supervision of a specialist. If there are no alarming symptoms, treatment is usually started on an outpatient basis. In the presence of complications, as well as in severe cases of the disease, people with influenza are hospitalized.

ARVI accounts for 95% of all infectious diseases of humanity. Diseases caused by influenza viruses account for no more than 8%. During periods of epidemic outbreaks, the numbers increase to 25%.

People are accustomed to the fact that every year at almost the same time we are warned about the flu, a possible epidemic, about methods and means of prevention, and are asked to be extremely careful. Schools, kindergartens, and some higher education institutions are closed. Government precautions are not enough - people get sick all over the world, there are often deaths, and this continues year after year.

Flu epidemic 2017-2018: Epidemic is coming

For 2017-2018, the World Health Organization promises the dominance of the following influenza strains: deadly influenza B - Brisbane, influenza A - H3N2-Hong Kong flu and H1N1 - “Swine” flu. Russian Health Minister Sergei Kraevoy said that the antigens of these viruses have already been introduced into the vaccine and it is being developed. The “viral” period has already begun, “outbreaks” are expected soon, and the epidemic is close.

Influenza epidemic 2017-2018: Winter epidemic

Winter epidemics are expected by the end of November - beginning of December, but since some of the above viruses have already visited the country, certain groups of the population have developed “herd” immunity. Last year there were several hundred known deaths. Therefore, people should be more attentive and careful about their health and the health of their loved ones.

Influenza epidemic 2017-2018: The difference between influenza and ARVI

— Flu is always a mass infection, people get ARVI all year round, and flu in “seasons”.

— Flu leads to complications and then death. The mortality rate from influenza is higher than from ARVI.

— There are special antiviral drugs.

— ARVI proceeds slowly, while the flu develops rapidly, it is even possible to indicate the exact time when a person feels that he is sick.

— With the flu, there is usually no severe runny nose; severe nasal congestion occurs with ARVI.

— A sore throat is more of a cold than a flu.

- Sneezing is more common with a cold than with the flu.

— Weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, headache, irritability persist for some time after the flu, and are absent after ARVI.

Flu epidemic 2017-2018: How to avoid getting sick

The most reliable way is vaccination. Experts believe that the vaccine can alleviate symptoms and, accordingly, to some extent protect against complications. Immunity acquired through immunization protects against disease. Also, do not neglect personal hygiene; you need to remember to wash your hands and try to avoid crowded places. During periods of epidemic, you need to take care of your immune system not only by vaccination, you need to take vitamins, drink more fluids and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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