What does the name Elvira mean for a girl: full description

The female name Elvira has either German-Scandinavian or Arabic roots. In Europe it is believed that it comes from the name of the elves, who in ancient times were also called Elvars, and the Arabs say that this is a variant of their name Ilfira, which translates as “patriot”. The name Elvira is found in many countries around the world. In Russia it is also familiar, although it is not very popular.

Characteristics of the name Elvira

Elvira's character is somewhat masculine - imperious, hot-tempered, prone to aggression. This is a very strong woman, who often does not find support and understanding from people, and therefore is accustomed to being independent and acting independently. As a child, Elvira will be just as difficult. One can sympathize with her parents, since the owner of this name does not recognize authorities, relying solely on her perception of the world. Raising her is a waste of time, and Elvira especially moves away from her parents in adolescence, when her conflicted disposition is fueled by youthful maximalism. The adult owner of this name is determined, assertive, energetic and enterprising. There are no half-hearted emotions in her: she is either joyful or furious. At the same time, Elvira knows how to control herself in business and is able to achieve positive results even in the most hopeless situations. In society, the owner of this name behaves somewhat coldly and diplomatically, will not allow herself familiarity and will not allow such an attitude towards herself. However, she has friends, and with them Elvira can relax her iron grip a little and demonstrate a good sense of humor.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Elvira is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, that is, from October 24 to November 22. Scorpio is similar to the owner of this name with a strong character who loves to overcome difficulties and go straight to his goal. But at the same time, he will make Elvira more open to life, liked by people, loyal to friends and family.

Pros and cons of the name Elvira

What are the pros and cons of the name Elvira? On the one hand, this is a strong in its energy, quite rare and sonorous name, which will certainly draw attention to its owner. In general, it sounds good in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, and has many cute abbreviations and diminutions (for example, Elvirka, Elya, Elyunya, Elyusya, Elyusha, Vira, Elvi, Elva, Elechka, Elenka, Virochka, Elvirochka). But the character inherent in most owners of this name may alert parents who do not want to have problems with such a daughter in the future.


Elvira's health is very good. She is strong physically and mentally, she can endure heavy loads, forgetting that her body needs rest and nourishment. The owner of this name should pay attention to the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system, and most of all - to maintaining the spine.

Love and family relationships

Elvira is most often married several times. It is difficult to get along with her, since she is very domineering and demanding, which not every man can tolerate. The owner of this name should choose a spouse with a phlegmatic disposition - such a marriage will be stronger and will be able to give Elvira what she needs.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Elvira is suitable for employment that allows her to reveal all her practicality and prudence. She can become an excellent business leader, economist, administrator, tax inspector, politician, manager, accountant, personal assistant to a high-ranking official.

Name day

The one who protects everyone - this is what the name Elvira means in translation from the ancient Germanic language. The female name Elvira is quite attractive in different countries. There are several versions of the origin of the name Elvira. The most common version has ancient Germanic roots. In this case, the meaning of the name Elvira is translated as “all-truthful.” Another variant of the origin of the name Elvira is the formation of the masculine Allovera, which is translated as “benevolent”, “virtuous”, “faithful”. Other linguists suggest that the origin and meaning of the name Elvira is associated with the German-Scandinavian spirits elvars and elves.

The origin of the name Elvira, according to another version, has Spanish roots. In this case, it is translated as “protector” or “protector.” In Muslim families, daughters are often called this name; translated from Arabic it means “patriot”.


The meaning of the name Elvira for a girl lies in the child’s restlessness and curiosity. This girl likes active entertainment and will happily attend sports clubs and dance clubs. The meaning of the name Elvira gives the girl impulsiveness, but she lacks planning. She may be interested in absolutely any activity, but not for long. Ever since her birth, Elvira, which means the name “benevolent,” has been endowed with a strong inner core. This little girl is quite proud and proud; it is often difficult for her to contact new people. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the development of such character traits of the girl as generosity, friendliness and kindness. According to the meaning of the name, Elvira has been a restless child since childhood. She tries to do everything everywhere and in time. This girl is of little interest in studying; for her, games with peers, as well as various educational clubs, look more interesting.

Elvira Nabiulina

Intractable, principled, proud - this is what the name Elvira means for a child. Fate is preparing for the girl an ambiguous and complex character, which also makes her relatives and friends suffer. At first glance, this child seems quiet, calm and balanced. But the more people get to know Elvira, the more they realize that she is unpredictable, brave and demanding. For her, the authority of her parents means almost nothing, she does not listen to their moral teachings, her own beliefs are more important to her. All his life, from childhood, conflicting feelings are fighting in the child’s soul, which cause confusion.

If parents can correct the upbringing process in time and find the correct use of the girl’s restless energy and assertiveness, then at times her bad character will still manifest itself. The whole reason is that it doesn’t just go against generally accepted rules, but acts according to its own principles, which differ from established norms. This little girl has been a leader since childhood. She always strives to protect the weak, to defend truth and justice to the end. People whom Elvira considers enemies will never receive mercy from her, but they can just as easily turn into her friends. For the sake of friends and loved ones, she is ready to sacrifice a lot and wants the same reciprocity and dedication from people.

Business and career

According to the meaning of Elvira’s name, most often the professional activities of such a girl are connected with the fields of politics, finance or management. Positive traits such as diplomacy and practicality can guarantee success in business, trade, economics and social activities.
According to the nature of the meaning of the name, Elvira can become an excellent and responsible performer, a hardworking employee. But this will not last long, as her ambition and reluctance to obey will force her to move further up the career ladder until she herself becomes a leader. Having become the boss of Elvira, which means the name “protects everyone,” he turns into a meticulous and demanding leader, prone to tyranny. To please such a leader, you need to perform your own duties and assignments with exceptional quality.

The meaning of the name Elvira has prudence, practicality, and intellectual abilities. They help the girl achieve a good, stable financial position. She walks a fine line between economy and greed. The girl is used to carefully planning expenses and saving money, but she does it without fanaticism. She appreciates expensive things of excellent quality. She is also suitable for professions where these qualities can be fully revealed. For example, she can become an administrator, accountant, executive assistant, tax inspector or politician. The girl also has a keen sense of the psychology of other people, which will help her successfully realize herself in teaching.

The meaning of the name Elvira makes business a natural element for this woman. In any matter related to business, Elvira will be successful.

Personal life

Although the meaning of the name Elvira gives a positive description of the girl in translation, communicating with other people is very difficult for her. When communicating with friends, she is a patron, incapable of betrayal. At the right time she will be able to help out with practical advice and support, but her difficult character threatens any relationship. She always tries to take a leading position in them and often neglects the interests of her partner. But in such a woman’s house there will always be order, she will be able to clearly distribute responsibilities between family members.

Once married, a woman again becomes a leader. She approaches the choice of a spouse very seriously, chooses a gentleman for a long time, looks closely at him, determining whether he can get along with her imperious disposition. And a man must match her in inner strength and intellectual abilities. It is important that they have common interests. But this partner must also be able to give her the dominant role. Family life with Elvira can fluctuate from one extreme to another. One day it’s a perfect marriage, and the next it’s a living hell. If this girl has strong feelings for her chosen one, then such a marriage can become perfect. But as soon as discontent and indifference appear in this family, the marriage immediately begins to collapse.

Few people know that the name Elvira for a girl means several marriages. The reason for this is the complex, principled character of the girl. It is very difficult to get along with Elvira in everyday life; she is demanding and principled. To create an ideal couple, she should look for a balanced and flexible man. Otherwise, Elvira is a wonderful housewife, an excellent mother, but at the same time she is also a careerist. It will be difficult for her to choose between family and professional activities. Although a girl strives to get married for love, she does not forget about calculation. She doesn’t think that being with a sweetheart is heaven in a hut, so she looks closely at wealthy young people who are ready to obey her and indulge her whims.


Adult Elvira is a confident woman, sometimes even domineering. The character of the name Elvira endowed this girl with a stormy temperament and diplomatic abilities. She will not be scattered over trifles, showing nervousness. Soberly assesses the situation. If she understands that a scandal will not do any good or will cause harm, then she is able to pull herself together and control her emotions. According to the meaning of the name, Elvira is quick-tempered, but is not able to harbor grudges against people for a long time. She is quick to respond and understands perfectly well that all people are not ideal and have their own shortcomings, so she does not take offense at them for a long time. This woman is very susceptible to flattery. Therefore, the older he gets, the more he feels superior to others. At the same time, people are drawn to her because of her ability to understand them, her subtle sense of humor and her ability to adapt to any life situations.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Elvira is considered to be the following astrology:

  • zodiac constellation – Virgo;
  • patron planet - the Sun;
  • talisman stone – jasper, amber, agate;
  • totem animal – dolphin, peacock;
  • lucky color – orange, brown;
  • suitable plant - cinnamon, violet, mint;
  • Favorable day is Thursday.

The secret of the name Elvira lies in the combination in this girl of iron willpower, determination and determination with femininity and gentleness.


Favorable compatibility of the names Elvira and Sergey, Evgeniy, Boris, Alexander, Victor. Unfortunate compatibility of the name Elvira with Semyon, Oleg, Peter, Pavel, Eduard.

The name Elvira means “all-truthful,” “benevolent,” “true,” “cautious,” “protecting everyone.”

Origin of the name

Elvira is a female name that has several versions of origin. According to one of them, the origin of the name Elvira is associated with the ancient German word meaning “all-truthful.” According to another version, this name comes from the male name Alvar and can mean “benevolent”, “true”, “cautious”. Some researchers point to possible Spanish roots of the name Elvira. In this case, it is translated as “protecting everyone,” “protecting.”

Characteristics of the name


From early childhood, Eli clearly exhibited leadership traits. The baby knows how to defend her point of view and get what she needs from others. Although, at first glance, she seems to be a quiet, calm child. But this impression is very misleading. Eli's character has enough stubbornness, iron will and cunning.


Adult Elvira is usually a powerful, self-confident woman. Having a stormy temperament, the girl does not show nervousness in petty situations. She has diplomatic skills. And if she understands that a scandal in a certain situation will only harm her, she is able to control herself.

Elvira, although quick-tempered, will not hold a grudge for long. She has a wonderful character trait - quick turnaround. She understands that all people have their own shortcomings, and she shouldn’t be offended by them for a long time.

In friendly relationships, Elvira also tries to be a leader. At the same time, she is distinguished by great loyalty and will never betray her friends.

She is too susceptible to flattery, and with age she increasingly feels superior to other people. At the same time, she attracts people with her ability to understand others, subtle humor, and the ability to adapt to any circumstances.


As a rule, he is looking for a profession that involves movement and frequent travel. She can be an excellent sports coach and manager. In addition, Elvira often strives to occupy a leadership position, which in many cases leads to conflicts among her subordinates. The girl knows how to turn people against each other.

Personal life

A woman with this name is able to devote herself entirely to family life if she truly loves a man. Otherwise, she will make both her life and the life of her husband unbearable.

Name compatibility

The name Elvira goes well with the patronymics Ivanovna, Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Rinatovna, Maratovna, Alekseevna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Alexey, Leonid, Kirill, Dmitry, Daniil, Vyacheslav.

Name day

Elvira's Orthodox name day:

  • June – 14;
  • July – 11, 16;
  • August – 21;
  • December – 26.

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Elvira: Elvira Danilina, Elvira Repetto-Trisolini, Elvira Lindo, Elvira of Castile.

Some scholars argue that the name Elvira originates in Ancient Germany. It is believed that it used to be especially popular in German-Scandinavian legends, which dealt with elves, gods of fertility. But there is another opinion that Elvira is a form of the ancient male name Alvar. The interpretation of the meanings also varies; some say that Elvira means “truthful,” while others claim that the name translates as “bright.” Let's try to figure out what the origin of the name Elvira is and what awaits the girl in adulthood.

Elvira: meaning, character and fate

If the parents firmly decided name your daughter Elvira, then they will need to prepare in advance for her character. No, she’s not a bad girl at all, but some difficulties may arise. Primarily because of her independence. Since childhood, Elya has strived to do everything herself. She believes that she will cope well with all difficulties and does not need the help of her parents at all.

Besides that, she cannot be forced to do anything. No matter how much her parents scream, no matter how many threats are thrown, Elya will not do anything she doesn’t want. But there is a way to outwit the baby. You can try to persuade her to do it as if she herself wanted it. However, you need to be careful here too, since Elichka senses the motives of her parents very well.

This is not to say that Elya will not love school, but not all subjects will attract her. The girl will study the disciplines that interest her “back and forth,” but she will be reluctant to take on the rest. Hence the conflicts with teachers, who, in addition to the lack of passion for their subjects, will also encounter the difficult character of the student. At an older age, Elya may be interested in sports, or rather, team games.

What does the name mean?

Eli's character becomes stronger with age. She often enters into conflicts, even in situations where there might not have been a quarrel at all. Almost never listens to other people's opinions and strives to do everything his own way. It is impossible to control Elvira; any attempts to impose your opinion on her will be crowned with failure. However, she is a very good friend. He always enjoys walking in the company of family and friends; he can truly relax in such an environment, although he does not lose his iron grip.

The secret of the name Elvira lies in the girl’s determination. If she chooses a goal for herself from a young age, she will go towards it by any means throughout her life. No one is saying that this will not necessarily be a career dream. Perhaps she will want to travel to all the countries of the world, and, believe me, Elya will be able to bring a magnet even from the most forgotten country, which no one has ever heard of.

Elvira is ambitious and pays great attention to her appearance. She is self-confident and simply loves when people compliment her. But flattery is her weak point, since Elya forgets about her natural vigilance and becomes very vulnerable. Most of her friends are men; it is easier for a girl to establish contact with them. She is also friends with women, but much less and rarely finds a common language with them.

Positive character traits of Elvira:

  • good-heartedness;
  • heat;
  • determination;
  • determination.

Negative traits of Eli:

  • often disappears in the world of his fantasies;
  • unbalanced;
  • a real dictator;
  • doesn't listen to others.


Despite all Eli’s determination and craving for power, it will be difficult for her to achieve success in her career. This is due to the fact that no one becomes a big boss right away. To do this you need to spend a little time under someone else's control. But this is precisely what a girl with an ancient Germanic name cannot do. Therefore, in order to achieve career heights, Elvira will have to overcome her temper, learn to make compromises and control her emotions.

Elvira is a beautiful and feminine name that has such a “severe” interpretation. Women with this name often draw well and can achieve heights in creative professions, but they rarely take it up. This profession is not at all for Eli. She is more suitable for a job that involves prudence and practicality. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you can become an economist, tax police officer or accountant.

With this girl’s high sense of purpose, she will quickly become the head of a department, and then the director’s chair is just a stone’s throw away. Elvira will make a good but strict leader. She will keep everything under her control, and some employees will even be afraid of her.

Quite a few Elviras have achieved success, whose names are known to almost everyone. Among them are such surnames as: Avakyan, Khasyanova, Danilina, Ramirez, Pustarnak and many others.

The health of the “German” beauty

Elvira can boast of her good health. Even as a child, she rarely suffers from colds and almost always attends school, which does not always please the owner of the ancient German name. But unfortunately, Eli has a weak point - his spine. It may not bother you at a young age, but it should be given attention throughout your life. There may also be problems with the gastrointestinal tract and joints.

But if you take vitamins, rest more often and work with less physical activity than Elya is used to, then excellent health will remain until old age. And Ilvira will be quite an energetic and active grandmother.

Love and relationships

Elya is an unromantic person. She extremely rarely shows tenderness and generally talks about love. However, the girl does not demand this from her partner, which simplifies the relationship a little. This woman has a very complex character, and she strives for power not only in work, but also in relationships. Therefore, if the chosen one has a weak character, then their union will not last long. After all, she will want to dominate, command and completely control her partner, and no man will like this.

If Elvira doesn’t have a boyfriend, then she is absolutely not worried about it. A girl can easily do without a permanent relationship.

Marriage and family

It’s unlikely that Elya will get by with just one wedding. Most often, owners of this name find female happiness only after a second trip to the registry office. The second time, Elya will already gain life experience, realize all her mistakes from her previous marriage and be able to analyze them. She won't do the things that ruined her previous relationships again.

It is quite obvious that most of the conflicts in her marriage stem from Elvira's inflexibility. After all, there are not many men who can live a long life together with such a domineering nature that does not tolerate criticism and does not listen to the opinions of others at all. It turns out that the man must completely submit to her. The most successful union will be with a phlegmatic person. They are non-confrontational and quickly agree with other people's opinions.

Eli's future husband should also remember that his wife will never forgive him for cheating. This will mean only one thing - immediate divorce. Elvira will not even listen to any excuses or explanations; she will immediately go to the registry office with a statement. And also the cause of serious conflicts can be everyday life. Elya is a good wife, but she won’t devote her whole life to pots. Therefore, the spouses will have to share household responsibilities.

With the birth of children, Elya becomes softer. She pays enough attention. She is always ready to listen and support them, and give practical advice. In addition, despite their dislike of routine, Elvira’s children are always well fed, and their shirts are washed and ironed.

The most successful marriage will be with such men:

  • Damir;
  • Oleg;
  • Rustam;
  • Adam;
  • Bartholomew.

It is better to avoid relationships with men named:

  • Gennady;
  • Eldar;
  • Arkhip;
  • Elizar.

Name Astrology

Key points:

Attention, TODAY only!

The name Elya has several versions of origin and meaning, but most often it is used not as an independent name, but as a shortened form of other names. These are names such as Eleanor, Eliana, Eliza, Elina, Ella, Hellas, Eloise, Elvina, Elvira, Elsa, Elmira, Elnara, Aelita, Gabriella, Elizabeth. Each of these names has its own meaning, which you can find out by clicking on the link.

There is also a version that the name Elya has Arabic roots. Fans of this version claim that Elya's name means "ruler of the world". Unfortunately, a detailed etymology that would confirm this version could not be found.

The meaning of the name Elya for a girl

In childhood, Eli is characterized by some stiffness and caution. She is wary of everything unfamiliar and tries to avoid surprises. Elya is also quite contradictory, because she acts first and thinks later. Her actions are often illogical and, over time, surprise even Elya herself. At the same time, Elya is still quite sociable and makes good contact. If at first she is somewhat tense, then over time she will definitely relax. In a familiar and calm environment, Elya is a cheerful and active child.

Elya can study quite successfully, but this will very much depend on the teacher and other students. Elya has a hard time with any kind of competition during the learning process, so it is better to eliminate this technique if possible. She is a diligent and diligent girl, so with the right approach she can learn almost anything. Elya is rarely interested in sports, and when she is, it is rarely team sports. It is worth noting that there are sports where such a character is optimal.

Unfortunately, Eli’s health is often poor. She gets sick noticeably more than other children, but as she gets older, this situation changes a little. Most often, her problems are related to the respiratory system.

Abbreviated name Elya

Elka, Ellie.

Diminutive pet names

Elichka, Elyushka, Elochka, Elyusha, Elyusya, Elchik.

Elya's name in English

In English, the name Elya is written as Elea (Elea), Ella (Ella) or Elly (Ellie). All these names are abbreviations of the name Eleanor, but over time they received the rank of an independent name.

Name Elya for international passport- ELIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Elya into other languages

in Belarusian - Elya
in Hungarian - Eli
in Spanish - Ele
in Italian - Elè and Eli
in German - Elia, Ella and Elli
in Polish - Ela
in Ukrainian - Elya
in French - Eléa
in Czech - Ela

Church name Elya(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. This name as an independent name is not in the church calendar.

Characteristics of the name Elya

Having grown up, Elya does not change much in her character. Outwardly, she is friendly and sociable, but some tension is still noticeable in the event of any surprises. It is worth noting that Elya is a sincere comrade and a true friend. She is one of those people who is truly ready to help. But in her actions, Elya still uses intuition more. As before, Elya does not like long thoughts.

Elya prefers to work where there is a clear daily routine. She is an efficient and diligent employee. It is worth noting Eli’s desire to improve working conditions without demanding anything from his superiors. She will certainly find several options to make her work easier, which will greatly surprise employees much more experienced than herself.

Elya is in no hurry to build family relationships, and she is not the initiator. Only over time will she allow herself to think about family and let another person into her life. Despite his natural modesty, it is typical for Eli to take the place of leader in family relationships. Or rather, Elya will have the last word in the family. She is a good housewife and a wonderful mother. Sometimes she pays so much attention to the children that even her husband becomes jealous.

The secret of the name Elya

Elina’s motives for her actions are usually a mystery to others. Considering that Elya herself rarely thinks about this, they often remain a mystery to her. Elya will, of course, be able to find out her motives, but she definitely won’t talk about them.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

Totem animal- Eagle.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Sycamore.

Plant- Mac.

Stone- Chalcedony.

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