What happens to the female genital organs with age. What changes occur to the female organs after childbirth and how to avoid complications

Organism, then imagine gray hair, crow's feet and changes in the body. You cannot even imagine that the genitals will also undergo changes due to age. And guess what? The vagina ages just like the rest of the body.

The author of the article, intern Catriona Harvey-Jenner, spoke with obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Karen Morton to find out the whole truth about what to expect from the body as it ages. During the conversation, it became clear that with age, a number of changes occur that directly affect the vagina and external genitalia.

How female genital organs change

You are probably waiting for facts about how the female genital organs will lose their shape, how the labia minora and majora, the entrance to the vagina and the clitoris will change color... As for their appearance, they are getting smaller. If it changes, it changes too. The fact that the genital organs are shrinking is definitely surprising, because usually over the years a person gains weight in everything else.

Just as your skin loses its elasticity over time, your vagina also experiences changes, and hormones are to blame, says Dr. Morton. “The labia surrounding the vaginal opening and the vagina itself are healthy thanks to the estrogen produced in the ovaries.

"The skin inside the vagina is as pink and moist as the inside of the mouth - estrogen production decreases. The vaginal mucosa gradually loses its bright color due to the fact that the blood supply decreases. In addition, the vagina thins and becomes less elastic," he continues to explain doctor.

Women are designed to be "elastic" by nature so that they can have sex and produce children, but the elasticity is lost as hormones decrease due to age.

What are the risks of genitourinary infections

Dr. Morton also notes that older women are more prone to bacterial infections and may experience candidiasis (thrush). “The vaginal microflora (the millions of healthy bacteria that live there) suffers as a result,” says the gynecologist.

Older women are more prone to bacterial infections such as thrush.

In old age, genitourinary tract infections are common as the bladder is also affected by estrogen deficiency, making urination more frequent and therefore more susceptible to infection.

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Yes, the prospects for natural aging of the body are far from rosy... I would like to note that the issue of taking hormones during menopause should be discussed only with a gynecologist and risk factors taken into account. Also, do not forget that many products contain phytoestrogens, which help prolong youth in all respects. In addition, pay attention to Japanese women, whose menopause surprisingly occurs after 60 years and does not bring any discomfort. Perhaps this is due to the peculiar diet of the inhabitants of the Japanese islands. In any case, we think about the good, hope for the best, and choose what suits us.

Gender reassignment surgery is an extreme serious step, which is not shown to everyone. For example, young children may have problems with self-identification - boys begin to try on their mother’s shoes and dresses, and girls become interested in purely male activities. Growing up, most reach inner harmony and stops thinking about changing gender, however, a small percentage of people still realize that their outer shell is not a reflection of their inner world, and decide to undergo surgery.

The first stage of preparation for surgery is visiting a psychiatrist, who, through the necessary research, will verify that the surgical intervention is, in fact, is a necessity. If this is indeed the case, the person will be given a certificate stating that he is transsexual and at the same time absolutely healthy mentally.

If the operation is necessary for a full life, a person who has decided to change sex is prescribed course of hormonal drugs. In women, after such hormone therapy, menstruation stops completely, hair growth increases, and the voice becomes low. In men, facial features become more feminine.

According to doctors, changing gender from female to male is much more difficult than from male to female, and the number of successful operations is several times lower. This fact is due to the fact that male genital organs are much easier to transform into female ones - for this, a semblance of a vagina is recreated from the penis, and the labia are created from the scrotum. If such an operation is performed with high quality and is successful, even gynecologists will not be able to guess about the sex change during the examination.

Hormone therapy is one of the most important stages of preparation for surgery. To reduce the level of sex hormones, transsexual women are prescribed antiandrogens and estrogens; in some cases, additional intake of other female hormones is required. For men who decide to change gender, it is very important to reduce testosterone levels to a minimum.

Hormonal therapy must be prescribed to the person at least nine months before the procedure. One month before gender reassignment surgery, hormones are stopped.

For men who decide to undergo this type of surgery, the procedure will be as follows:

  • creation of the vagina and labia from the tissue of the scrotum;
  • breast augmentation with implants;
  • plastic surgery to give the face feminine contours.

It should be noted that gender reassignment surgery requires quite a long preparation. In order for a person to be given permission to reincarnate, he will need to spend at least 3-4 years in consultations with psychologists and psychotherapists. During this period of time, he will not only undergo appropriate examinations, but also prepare psychologically for a sex change.

By the way, the first sex change operation from male to female was performed in 1931 on the husband of the Danish artist Gerda Wegener, Einar Wegener. After that, he officially changed his name to Lili Elbe and after some time divorced his wife. Lili Elbe really wanted to carry and give birth to her own child, for which she underwent a series of operations aimed at implanting a uterus. The result of the fifth operation was rejection, which resulted in the death of the transsexual.

This procedure is many times more complicated than the previous one, since the following manipulations will be required:

  • completely remove the mammary glands, making the breasts similar to those of a man;
  • remove all female genital organs - uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries;
  • create the most natural resemblance of male genital organs.

It must be borne in mind that the creation of male genital organs (phalloplasty) is this is a complicated procedure, which is not always successful. At the same time, the maximum possible length of the future penis is no more than 9 cm, which in the future can be fraught with serious psychological complexes for a transsexual.

Similar to the case with men, a woman will need long-term preparation for surgery and communication with psychotherapists and psychologists.

Gender reassignment in children

In some cases, problems with gender identification appear at an early age and cause abnormalities in the intrauterine development of the fetus. In such children, the structure of the brain is close to that of the opposite sex, and the desire to change gender is very pronounced. Some go so far as to mutilate themselves in an attempt to get rid of the genitals they hate. In this case with gender reassignment would be the best way out of the situation.

A child who wants to change gender is prescribed hormone therapy from the beginning of puberty until adulthood, and then undergoes gender reassignment surgery.

Sometimes it happens that newborn children are born with deformed genitals or with signs of both reproductive systems (hermaphrodites). In this situation, the baby’s gender is immediately selected and surgery is performed. Mostly these children are turned into women. It goes without saying that in the future a person will not be able to have children, but at least he will live a fairly full life.

Thailand is considered the leader in carrying out procedures of this kind - in this country, gender reassignment operations are widespread and do not require such lengthy preparation as in other countries. At the same time, the price for surgical intervention is almost three times lower than in European countries.

So, if you have firmly decided on the procedure, get ready for the following activities:

Gender change (or, scientifically speaking, transgender transition) is an extremely serious step that must be thought out to the smallest detail. A woman has such an operation will forever deprive him of the opportunity to have his own children, so it’s worth thinking about other options for solving the problem. However, if a person is one hundred percent sure that surgical intervention is his only chance to get rid of the feeling of gender non-identity, it is quite advisable to have the operation.

During pregnancy and childbirth, significant changes occur in a woman's body. The reproductive organs and adjacent tissues are most susceptible to restructuring. Often these changes do not go away without a trace after the birth of the child, causing the development of postpartum complications. What changes do a woman’s genitals undergo after childbirth and how to prevent the occurrence of various diseases.


The vagina is one of the main reproductive organs of a woman. It is through him that the conception and birth of a baby occurs. The average depth of the vagina is 9 cm, and in an excited state it increases to 16 cm. This occurs so that the man’s sexual organ can freely enter the vagina without causing pain and discomfort to the woman.

Some believe that the size and depth of this female organ directly depends on the woman’s height. However, many years of research have proven that there is no direct connection with a woman’s height and the size of her vagina.

Also misleading is the common belief that after childbirth the size of the vagina changes. Since this organ is made of muscles, its size cannot change. Only the surface of the vaginal walls changes. Before childbirth, the walls are more prominent, and after the birth of the child they are smooth. If after childbirth a woman or partner has decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse, the situation can be corrected with the help of special Kegel exercises, which will restore the former elasticity of the muscles.

The vagina cannot hurt. There are no nerve endings here, so this organ is not familiar with pain. Nature specifically provided this so that a woman could give birth to children. Sometimes women can still feel pain in the vaginal area, but it has nothing to do with the organ itself. Pain may appear from muscle spasm or mechanical damage to the perineum.

Vagina after childbirth

After the birth of a child, a change in hormone levels occurs in the body of a young mother. This can cause changes in the vaginal microflora. The inner surface becomes drier, and the young mother may feel discomfort. This phenomenon is considered normal if the sensation of dryness is not accompanied by itching or an unpleasant odor.

After completion of lactation, when the level of hormones finally stabilizes, the dryness will go away on its own.

If you experience itching in the vagina after childbirth, you should consult a doctor. This symptom may indicate an allergic reaction to medications, suture materials, or the onset of an inflammatory process.

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Particular attention should be paid to the smell. If you experience an unpleasant odor from the vagina after childbirth, you should immediately visit a specialist. This symptom may indicate developing inflammation of the uterus or rotting of the suture. In this case, doctors will conduct a thorough examination, identify the cause of the smell and prescribe adequate treatment.

You should also keep a close eye on your vaginal discharge. Discharge after childbirth for 2 months is considered normal. In the first days they are profuse, bloody with dark clots. Gradually, the lochia becomes more colorless and less abundant. By the end of the 8th week, the discharge should stop. If your discharge is still heavy, foul-smelling, or itchy after 8 weeks, consult your doctor immediately. You also need to visit a specialist if the discharge stops abruptly or if bleeding continues for a long time.

Vaginal prolapse

Postpartum prolapse of the vaginal walls is a rare but quite dangerous complication. It occurs due to a strong weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, which are no longer able to hold the female organs, as a result of which the vagina may droop and its edges will extend beyond its boundaries.

Today, experts distinguish three stages of this disease:

  • Partial prolapse of the vagina without going beyond the boundaries.
  • Protrusion of the vaginal walls beyond its boundaries.
  • Complete vaginal prolapse.

In the first stages of complications, you can correct the situation with the help of special exercises that are aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises are recognized as the most effective exercise today. Simple exercises effectively restore the elasticity of the necessary muscles and bring the woman’s condition back to normal.

For more severe stages of the disease, doctors recommend surgical treatment. The essence of the operation is the implantation of a special surgical mesh, which should support the woman’s organs in the correct position, acting as weakened muscles. Today, surgical treatment is performed primarily using low-traumatic methods. This allows you to significantly reduce risks during the intervention such as infection, bleeding and a long recovery period.

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How to maintain your health

In order for the recovery period to pass without complications and for the woman to quickly return to normal after childbirth, she should be more attentive to her health and help herself. In the first 2 months after childbirth, you should follow several recommendations that will help you avoid unpleasant diseases and give health to your female organs.

  • Sexual rest. Many women, following the wishes of their husbands, resume intimate life ahead of schedule. Under no circumstances should this be done. Failure to maintain sexual rest can lead to infection of the uterus, which in turn can result in a serious illness. The most common disease of the uterus is endometritis. The seriousness of the disease lies in long-term treatment, which may prohibit breastfeeding. Improperly treated endometritis leads to infertility and chronic miscarriage.
  • Exercise for the vagina. A set of Kegel exercises will help quickly restore the elasticity of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor. This will protect you from vaginal prolapse, involuntary urination and displacement of internal organs. These exercises are so simple that they can be performed anywhere. You just need to understand which muscles need to be trained. To do this, take a basic test. When going to the toilet, hold urination and resume it again. These are the muscles that need to be squeezed during exercise. Squeeze and unclench your muscles in any free time. You need to hold the muscles contracted for several seconds, gradually increasing this time. Daily exercises will very quickly bring your genitals back to normal after childbirth.
  • After resuming intimate life, monitor the microflora of the vagina. If you feel dryness and discomfort, you can use special lubricants. Lubricants should be chosen as neutral ones without additives or flavorings. After cessation of lactation, the vaginal microflora will be restored, and you will forget about this unpleasant phenomenon.

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If you follow all the rules, you will quickly recover from childbirth and your vagina will return to its original shape. Avoid hypothermia and intense physical exertion, take care of yourself, and in this case you will be able to avoid postpartum complications that require long-term treatment. The happiness of motherhood should not be overshadowed by the mother’s illness, otherwise your baby may not receive the most important thing - mother’s smiles.

Gender reassignment is a serious operation that is not suitable for everyone. Problems with gender identity usually go away with age, but a certain percentage of people in adulthood continue to feel uncomfortable in their own body.

It all starts from childhood. The boy wears dresses, and the girl plays football and wears trousers. In order for the shell to reflect the inner essence of a transsexual, they take this risky step - gender reassignment. The average age of those who decide to undergo surgery is 35 years.

Don't confuse transsexualism and homosexuality. Homosexuals feel normal in their body and, as a rule, do not want to change their gender.

How is gender reassignment done?

Gender reassignment always begins with obtaining a psychiatrist's conclusion that the person is indeed transsexual. It is necessary to be examined and assess your health status. Such lengthy preparation is necessary for the reason that nothing can be done if the person suddenly regrets it after the operation.

If gender change is really the only way, and this is determined by a medical commission, the person is prescribed hormonal drugs. Women's periods immediately disappear, hair growth increases, and men take on the characteristics of women. The civilian gender has to be changed before surgery. This, of course, is quite humiliating; some look at the “pretenders” with pity, and some openly despise them.

It is always more difficult to transform a woman into a man; the percentage of successful operations in this case is lower. It is very difficult to replace female genitals with male ones. But nevertheless, many people who need surgery gain mental balance only after it is performed.

In Israel, the waiting period for a decision has already been reduced to 9 months. Many countries are accommodating to transsexuals. The permitting commission consists of several people: a plastic surgeon, a psychiatrist, an endocrinologist, a gynecologist (or a urologist for men). The operation lasts 7-9 hours. Doctors use part of the penis to create a vagina. The labia are created from the skin of the scrotum. As a result, men have no external differences - even gynecologists mistake them for women. Of course, if the operation was completed successfully.

After surgery, a liquid diet and plenty of sleep are recommended. Discharge occurs after 10 days. If the operation is performed in a good clinic, the risk of bleeding and infection is minimal.

Sex-change operation

Some people feel very uncomfortable in their body. Such people are called transsexuals. Transsexualism is a behavioral disorder. But thanks to modern medicine, such people have a chance to change their lives. Gender reassignment is a long and labor-intensive process. And such patients require an ethical and careful approach. Gender change requires a lot of money, permission from the authorities and a passage, it seems, through all the circles of hell, because those who want to change their sex face not only several painful operations, but also a long paperwork. Life expectancy after surgery is reduced, until the end of days the person who has gone through this takes hormones, which causes a blow to the internal organs.

Thailand is the leader in the number of such operations. Thailand has the lowest cost of gender reassignment surgery. Officially, there are 15,000 transsexuals in the country.

Why do people decide to do this? Because gender determines individuality. Before the operation, a person will have to go through several stages of preparation. Over the course of a year, a person takes hormones and lives as a representative of the other sex. Permission is given only if a person from an early age feels sexual incongruity that causes him suffering. At the same time, the “candidate” should not have other mental disorders.

If the operation is successful, the person receives new documents. Family support is very necessary for adaptation.

Any operation carries a risk of bleeding and infection, and death from anesthesia. You need to weigh all the risks before deciding to do this, because there will be no turning back.

Hormone therapy for gender reassignment

Hormonal therapy in transsexual women includes taking estrogens and antiandrogens. In some cases, progestogens are also prescribed. Basically, estrogens are taken in the form of tablets or a special patch containing them is applied to the skin. Tablets suitable for hormone replacement therapy: Diane 35, Logest. The dosage of these drugs is individual. Do not change the dose or stop taking it.

Hormone therapy begins 9 months before surgery and is stopped one month.

Prescribing hormone therapy begins with a blood test to determine the initial amount of hormones. Examinations are carried out every 2 months. This frequency is minimal; if necessary, analysis should be taken more often.

Of great importance for MtF transsexuals is a decrease in testosterone close to the lower limit of normal in women.

After 6 months from the start of female sex hormone therapy, tests are taken for hemoglobin, lipid profile and liver enzymes.

After surgery, once a year you need to check the level of hemoglobin and free testosterone (for men who have changed their gender to female).

Change from male to female

Gender reassignment from male to female is common. The surgeon is faced with the task of forming a vagina from the tissues of the scrotum. In addition, they perform breast augmentation and give the face a more feminine look by changing the cheekbones and chin, and rhinoplasty.

Before the operation, the patient undergoes a long (about 3 years) preparation period. It includes psychological adaptation to a new gender role and the use of hormones. The absence of a confirmed diagnosis of transsexuality, homosexuality and childhood (before adulthood) are contraindications for changing the male to female gender.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for 5-6 days.

The external genitalia are formed either by grafting skin from the penis and scrotum, or using tissue from the sigmoid colon.

Why have cases of gender reassignment from male to female become so frequent? In recent years, women have become increasingly stronger, while men have turned from fearsome lions into cats. But it's not only that. Scientists have proven that the causes of transsexuality should be sought during the period of intrauterine development. Sometimes a woman experiences a hormonal imbalance. This becomes the reason for the “substitution of consciousness.”

Even after a person goes through these many sufferings, sometimes the problems do not end. For many representatives of the stronger half of humanity, it is difficult to cope with the condemnation that society constantly expresses to them in connection with gender reassignment. Relatives and friends may simply be in shock.

The success of the operation depends on age and health. After the operation, the patient is under the supervision of a surgeon.

Over the years of practicing such interventions, medicine has developed special methods for managing transgender patients. The problem is that gender can be mental, genital and physical. The purpose of the operation is to eliminate the contradiction between biological and mental sex.

Hormonal therapy before surgery suppresses secondary signs of the “original” gender - the one that the patient wants to change. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed for life.

How is the vagina recreated? There are several methods:

  1. Penal inversion method. The vagina is modeled from the skin of the penis in 5 hours. The method is the simplest and is widely used. After surgery, there are minimal side effects and quick recovery. The method is indicated if the length of the penis is more than 12 cm.
  2. Method with skin transplantation of the penis and scrotum. A lengthy operation allows you to create a vagina and labia of normal size. The operation is long - about 7 hours. The skin of the forearm can be used if there is not enough material. The method is practiced with a small penis size.
  3. The most complex method is modeling using a fragment of the sigmoid colon. After this operation there is no danger of vaginal tightening. But nausea and subsequent bowel complications may occur.

Change from female to male

Gender reassignment from female to male involves removal of the mammary glands, enlargement of the uterus and fallopian tubes, and creation of a penis. The procedure for changing gender, both from male to female and from female to male, always occurs in several long stages. The presence of transsexuality is confirmed by a psychiatrist. Then the patient takes hormones for a long time. And only after this a series of operations is performed.

First, the mammary glands are removed, then the ovaries and fallopian tubes, then the testicles and penis are formed. Rehabilitation after breast removal lasts about 3 weeks.

The operation to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes is performed laparoscopically or abdominally. Rehabilitation after it takes about a week.

A penis with a length of about 8 cm can be formed surgically. Phalloplasty is a very complex operation. For transplantation, skin is taken from the thighs or abdomen.

Gender reassignment in children

The number of teenagers whom doctors help with gender reassignment is growing. In such people, the structure of the brain is always closer to that of the other sex. Some children try to get rid of secondary sexual characteristics, mutilate themselves, and are ridiculed. Therefore, from puberty to 18 years of age, such adolescents take medications to stop sexual development, and then, as adults, undergo sex reassignment surgery.

If a newborn has deformed genitals, you need to immediately select his gender and operate on him. Usually, hermaphrodites are turned into women. But, of course, such children become infertile in the future.

Forced gender reassignment

History knows cases of forced gender reassignment. Similar experiments were carried out in Nazi concentration camps. Josef Mengele is a doctor who used thousands of Auschwitz prisoners to conduct humiliating experiments, cut off parts of the livers of children, infected people with typhus and performed forced sex reassignment operations.

Unfortunately, such savagery still flourishes in some countries. Due to cultural characteristics in India, it is better for the family when a boy is born. Therefore, some parents find doctors committing a crime - changing the sex of a child who was not born with signs of both sexes.

Sex reassignment clinics

Gender reassignment is carried out in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow, the service is provided by SM Clinic. Surgeons with many years of experience work here. The clinic has a modern operating room with high-tech equipment, and the hospital stay will be comfortable for the patient. SM-clinic is a universal family clinic with a plastic surgery department. In the clinic, before the operation, you can undergo diagnostics of the body using MRI, CT, endoscopy, and you can undergo all the necessary tests. People from all over the CIS undergo surgery here.

Also in Moscow, gender reassignment is performed at the Medstyle Effect medical center. It is located in a picturesque corner of the city. At the center, doctors provide everyone with a very attentive reception and help solve the most delicate problems. Gender reassignment surgery is performed by candidates and doctors of science.

In St. Petersburg, gender reassignment is performed by the Rami clinic. This is a multidisciplinary clinic. Here, about 79% of patients are satisfied with the surgeon’s work. Doctors will not undertake the operation unless you have a certificate from a psychiatrist stating that you are a transsexual. You must also take hormones for a year and a half before surgery. It is impossible to go back after gender reassignment surgery, so weigh your decision.

Such operations are also carried out by City Hospital No. 9 of St. Petersburg. The Department of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery employs qualified surgeons. Before the operation, you will need to register with a psychiatrist for a period of 1 year and obtain a certificate stating that the person is diagnosed with transsexualism. First, reconstruction of the genital organs is performed, then both men and women require mammoplasty. If a woman wants to change her sex to male, her uterus and fallopian tubes are removed, the vagina is closed, a scrotum, penis and testicles are created, and subcutaneous fat is removed from the thighs using liposuction.

The operation is performed upon reaching adulthood - 21 years. You will have to undergo a comprehensive psychiatric and somatic examination and 1 year of hormonal therapy (sometimes more).

Gender reassignment in Thailand

The leader in gender reassignment operations is Thailand. Thai surgeons have a lot of experience in this field. In Thailand, gender reassignment surgery will cost three times less than in the United States, and the quality will hardly suffer. In Thailand, gender reassignment surgery is performed on people over 18 years of age. More often men want to change gender than women.

The patient spends a month in Thailand after surgery for rehabilitation.

Gender reassignment is successfully carried out by doctors at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital clinic.

The starting price for gender reassignment surgery in Thailand is $5,000. Medical tourism in Thailand has become very popular in recent decades. Here people combine relaxation with useful activities.

Plastic surgeons in Thailand are professionals in their field. The low price is due to high competition. Many surgeons lecture at US universities. The hospitals have excellent service and clean rooms. The climate of Thailand speeds up recovery after surgery: it is warm here and the sea is nearby.

Gender reassignment in Russia

Gender reassignment in Russia is not carried out for everyone. First you need to register with a psychiatrist for up to 3 years. At the end of this period, the medical commission must issue him a certificate stating that he is indeed a transsexual. Only after this can you begin hormonal therapy and preparation for surgery. This takes about another year.

If a woman wants to become a man, she needs to undergo several operations: remove the breasts, close the vagina, lengthen the clitoris, remove the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus, create a scrotum, testicles and penis. As a result, there are at least three stages.

In Russia, gender reassignment is not performed on patients under 21 years of age. Elderly people, people with alcoholism and children are not subject to gender reassignment.

The idea of ​​gender reassignment occurs among homosexuals and patients with schizophrenia. Therefore, only one out of 4 requests is granted.

Gender reassignment in Belarus

Gender change in Belarus is free for its citizens, but for foreigners the price is $3,000. To change gender, you need to be observed for a long time by a psychiatrist, and then go through a commission of 15 people: it includes doctors and lawyers. About 50% of applicants receive permission to change gender. In Minsk, sex reassignment operations are performed by Ukrainians and Russians.

Gender reassignment in Ukraine

Gender change in Ukraine is possible for persons over 18 years of age who do not have children or families after a psychiatric examination and hormonal therapy. A person must have a job and housing, and not abuse alcohol.

The number of people wanting to change their sex is growing. However, in no country in the world does anyone undergo gender reassignment. Doctors first find out why a person needs it. In the presence of schizophrenia and other mental disorders, surgery is refused. The commission that decides whether or not to undergo an operation includes a psychiatrist, surgeon, gynecologist, endocrinologist, and lawyer.

How much does gender reassignment cost?

Gender reassignment is carried out in many countries around the world and, of course, it depends on how much this operation will cost you. Operations are carried out in Iran, Thailand, Europe, Russia. In Russia, the operation will cost about 600,000 rubles. It is necessary to carry out several stages of reconstruction. 600,000 rubles - this is only an operation on the genital organs. In Germany the price can reach 30,000 Euros. You should also take into account the high cost of mandatory hormone therapy.

Free gender change

In Russia, women who want to become a man undergo phalloplasty free of charge. Men transitioning into women have their vaginas shaped for free. Only hospital stay, hormonal therapy, and mammoplasty are paid. Foreign citizens undergo gender reassignment for a fee. The cost of the operation is 600,000 rubles or so.

The same applies to the Republic of Belarus. Gender reassignment surgeries are also performed free of charge for Brazilian citizens. True, in this country the period of observation by psychiatrists is very long - 3 years. Since 2000, 300 gender reassignment surgeries have been performed. The authorities believe that if transsexualism is a violation of sexual identity, the only possible treatment for which is often sex reassignment surgery, then not giving citizens the right to change their sex for free means ignoring the Constitution. In these countries, medical care is free for residents.

At state expense, gender reassignment operations are performed on native Israelis. As of 2014, 27 citizens are waiting for permission to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

The decision is yours - maybe, if you think carefully, you will understand that there are many other ways out of the situation, not just gender reassignment.

Sex after gender reassignment

Sex reassignment, if carried out normally, has little effect on the quality of sex; it is close to normal. However, it still happens that such an experience ends in disappointment.

A transsexual girl is not a man. Gender identity always depends not on the genitals, but on the brain. Transsexual women are not homosexuals. They are women in every sense of the word, born in a male body. We all fall in love not only with the body, but also with the soul. You can assume that nature mistakenly imprisoned a transsexual in a body of the opposite sex, and with the operation he only corrected this mistake, finding a path to harmony with himself and the world.

Problems can arise when the partners' desires do not coincide. The sexuality of transsexuals differs from that of men in the same way as that of women.

If a woman turns into a man, then the base of the penis is formed from the remains of the genital organs and during the next operation a prosthesis is attached to it, or the penis is formed from its own tissues. The “grown” penis has only slightly reduced sensitivity.

Orgasm after gender reassignment

Changing sex makes orgasm possible. This can happen immediately or after some time, sometimes several years. Most patients are satisfied with the results that can be achieved.

Gender reassignment is a serious change; many people who go through with it build illusions about their new body, have their head in the clouds, and do not understand what they will face after the operation. If you have such a desire, be prepared for hatred, aggression, and rejection of others, even relatives and friends. Be prepared for a job change. All the necessary tests and examinations will take one and a half to two years. It will cost you a pretty penny, about a thousand dollars. Hormonal therapy begins 9 months before surgery and is prescribed for life. The operation costs $7,000-20,000, but some countries have made it free for their citizens. After the operation, you will have to change your passport, diploma, medical insurance, and go through a huge number of bureaucratic procedures. It's still about a year away.

If you experience sexual gratification from wearing women's underwear, this is fetishism, not transsexualism. You don't need to change the gender in this case.

Your libido and even the direction of your sexual desire will change after surgery. As a result of taking hormones, your kidneys and heart will fail faster. Hormones in such quantities in any case cause harm to the body, even if you have excellent health. Hormones are poison. They cannot be poison only when they are produced naturally. There is no need to get away from problems in life with the help of gender reassignment, because psychologists and psychiatrists will definitely notice this when they give you a “verdict” - to have or not to undergo surgery. And no problem can be solved by changing gender. If you are a man and want to become a woman, then we will answer you that you will never become a woman in the full sense because of infertility. The entire transformation takes 2-5 years. Sometimes a lot of facial surgery is necessary because hormones cannot make you a woman, they can only help you become like a woman. Relatives and friends always react negatively to this, that is, by solving one problem, you can acquire many other psychological problems in addition. And again you will knock on the thresholds of the offices of psychologists and psychotherapists.

It is important to know!

Gender identity disorder is a state of persistent identification with the opposite sex, in which people believe that they are victims of a biological mistake and are harshly confined to a body that is incompatible with their subjective perception of gender

Gender reassignment is a fairly serious matter and is not suitable for everyone.

During puberty, problems with self-identity may still arise, but by about 25 years such thoughts disappear. Only a small percentage of people of conscious and mature age adhere to the desire to change their gender.

As a rule, such desires come from childhood. Boys, when they are at kindergarten age, begin to try on their mother’s dresses and high-heeled shoes. Girls, in turn, are absorbed in interest in typical male activities: football, boxing, etc. Having matured, such people begin to understand that their outer shell - the body - does not reflect the inner world and true desires.

Gender reassignment: the process of change

The first step to gender reassignment is to visit a psychiatrist who can verify the need for such an operation. Next, a medical specialist will issue a conclusion that the person’s general condition is normal and he is indeed a transsexual.

In cases where gender reassignment is absolutely necessary for a normal existence, doctors prescribe a course of hormonal medications. In the case of women, a restructuring of the menstrual cycle occurs, which subsequently completely disappears. Next, hair growth increases, and gradually the female voice acquires lower masculine notes. As for men, during hormone therapy their facial features become more feminine.

According to doctors, gender reassignment from women to men is much more difficult and the number of successful operations is much lower. The main reason for the problem is that replacing female genitals with male ones is incredibly difficult. When making a semblance of a vagina from male genitals is much easier. For this procedure, part of the male penis and the scrotum are used, from which the labia are recreated. When a sex reassignment operation is completely successful and all procedures are performed to the highest possible quality, then even gynecologists upon examination cannot suspect a sex change. On average, the duration of operations of this nature is from 7 to 12 hours.

Sex reassignment and hormone therapy

Taking hormonal medications during gender reassignment is an integral part of the path to change. Transsexual women are prescribed the use of estrogens, as well as antiandrogens, which will reduce the level of sex hormones in the body. At the same time, other female sex hormones can be prescribed, for example, progestogens, which are an analogue of gestagens.

Taking hormonal drugs begins at least 9 months in advance, and 4 weeks before the gender reassignment procedure, use is stopped.

During the period of hormone therapy, it is necessary to check the level of hormones every month; for this, a blood test is performed. For men who decide to become a woman, the level of testosterone is very important, which should approach a minimum during hormonal treatment.

Gender reassignment: turning a man into a woman

As mentioned above, men more often decide to change their sex, feeling like a woman and trying to quickly discard the male shell. Male gender reassignment surgery will include the following:

  • reproduction of the vagina and labia using scrotal tissue;
  • breast augmentation using implants;
  • facial plastic surgery to give a more feminine appearance.

It is worth noting that preparation for sex reassignment surgery is quite lengthy. At least 3-4 years must be spent in consultations with psychotherapists and psychologists in order to be allowed to make such a transformation, as well as to understand it and adapt to future changes.

Gender reassignment: from female to male

It’s worth saying right away that this procedure is difficult, both psychologically and physically. In order to perform an operation to change the sex of a woman into a man, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations:

  • breast removal;
  • complete removal of the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes).

As is the case with men, women will also need long-term preparation, communication with psychotherapists, and adaptation measures.

The creation of male genital organs is quite difficult. Phalloplasty is a very complex procedure and is not always successful. In addition, the maximum length of the penis after surgery cannot be longer than 9 cm.

Today, Thailand is considered the leader in conducting such operations. Surgeons in this country have extensive experience in gender reassignment operations, in particular from male to female. In Thailand, such operations are widespread among the local population, do not require lengthy preparation as in other wounds, and the price is almost 3 times lower than in Europe.

Gender change, or scientifically, transgender transition, is a fairly serious decision that must be fully conscious. A person must be 100% sure that there is no other way out, and this is his only way to get rid of the constant feeling of gender non-identity. Gender reassignment surgery from a woman to a man will make it impossible for her to ever have children, so it is worth considering other options to solve this problem.

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