What is EDV (monthly cash payment) and who is entitled to it? What is included in the disability of the second group, the rules and conditions for receiving it What is the disability and to whom

As part of government measures to support citizens of social categories, veterans, disabled people and people affected by man-made disasters, they are given the right to receive a monthly cash payment in the established amount. In this article we will look at who is assigned a monthly cash payment of EDV, how a citizen can receive EDV, and what documents are required for this.

“Chernobyl victims” and people affected by man-made disasters

Subject to the availability of supporting documents, EDV can be issued citizens injured as a result of man-made accidents, nuclear tests , including persons who voluntarily left or evacuated from the territory of radioactive danger. The following citizens have the right to apply for payment in the form of EDV:

  1. Liquidators of the Chernobyl accident :
  • citizens who in 1986-1987 were involved in eliminating the consequences of the accident (including military personnel and those liable for military service);
  • persons engaged in work to evacuate the population from the exclusion zone;
  • military personnel (including conscripts) who took part in work on the Shelter facility;
  • doctors, nurses, orderlies and other health workers who, from April to May 1986, provided assistance to victims of radioactive radiation.
  1. Citizens affected by man-made disasters :
  • persons evacuated from the exclusion zone;
  • working citizens and children under 18 years of age permanently residing in the exclusion zone;
  • minors with diseases or disabilities caused by radiation exposure;
  • disabled people due to exposure to radiation as a result of the accident at the Mayak plant;
  • citizens who received occupational diseases due to radioactive exposure.
  1. Persons injured as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site .

The above-mentioned citizens can apply for EDV in the general manner, by contacting the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence with a package of necessary documents.

Widows and family members of fallen military personnel

How to get EDV: procedure and documents

A citizen has the right to apply for payment at any time, but not before the right to EDV arises.

Step 1. Preparation of documents.
To process the payment, a citizen will need to collect the following documents:

  • identification;
  • application (application form for receiving EDV can be downloaded here ⇒);
  • document confirming the right to payment.

Depending on the situation, a citizen can confirm the right to payment:

  • WWII veteran certificate;
  • an extract from the ITU act (for disabled people);
  • certificate of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant liquidator;
  • work book confirming work in the territory of radiation contamination, etc.

Step-2. Transfer of papers to the Pension Fund.
The citizen must submit the prepared documents to the territorial FIU at the place of residence, in one of the following ways:

  • personally;
  • Russian Post (letter with notification);
  • through a representative;
  • in the form of an electronic application on the Pension Fund website.

The date of application for payment is determined based on the date specified in the application.

Step-3. Receiving notification of the appointment of EDV.
15 working days after submitting the documents, the Pension Fund sends a notification to the applicant about the purpose of the payment or about the refusal of the EDV. In the latter case, the text of the notification contains explanations of the reasons for the refusal.

When payments are agreed upon, the EDV is transferred to the citizen along with the pension in the month following the month of application to the Pension Fund.

A monthly cash payment is provided to certain categories of citizens from among veterans, disabled people, including disabled children, former minor prisoners of fascism, and people affected by radiation.

If a citizen has the right to receive EDV on several grounds under one law, EDV is established on one basis, which provides for a higher payment amount.

If a citizen simultaneously has the right to EDV under several federal laws, he is provided with one EDV on one of the grounds of the citizen’s choice.

The size of the monthly cash payment is subject to indexation once a year from April 1 based on the level of inflation in the country for the previous year. For different categories of citizens, the size of the EDV is different.

Citizens entitled to receive a monthly cash payment are required to immediately report to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia about circumstances affecting changes in the amount of the monthly cash payment, as well as entailing the termination of the monthly cash payment.

Who is eligible to receive EDV

  • veterans;

  • disabled people, including disabled children;

  • former minor prisoners of fascism;

  • persons exposed to radiation due to radiation accidents and nuclear tests;

  • awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or holder of the Order of Glory of three degrees (full holder of the Order of Glory);

  • family members of deceased (deceased) Heroes or full holders of the Order of Glory (widow (widower), parents, children under 18 years of age, children over 18 years of age who became disabled before they reached the age of 18, and children under 23 years of age studying in educational institutions for full-time study);

  • awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees (full holders of the Order of Labor Glory).

Where to go

To assign an EDV, you must contact the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund at the place of registration (including temporary). If a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have a place of residence confirmed by registration, it is necessary to submit an application to the territorial authority at the place of actual residence. In this case, actual residence is confirmed by an application, and not by a passport or temporary registration.

If a citizen is already receiving a pension, he needs to submit an application to the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund at the location of the payment case, that is, where he applied for a pension.

A citizen who lives in a stationary social service institution must contact the Russian Pension Fund at the location of this institution.

When a monthly cash payment is assigned to a minor or incompetent person, the application is submitted at the place of residence of his parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee). Moreover, if the child’s parents live separately, then the application is submitted at the place of residence of the parent with whom the child lives. A minor who has reached 14 years of age has the right to apply for the establishment of a monthly cash payment independently.

What documents to submit

The assignment and payment of EDV are made on the basis of an application from a citizen (his representative) with documents confirming the right to receive EDV. Since there are several dozen categories of EDV recipients, you can find out about the list of documents that you need to submit specifically to the Russian Pension Fund at your place of residence.

The application for appointment of EDV must contain the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen applying for EDV, as well as the last name he had at birth;

  • details of the identity document;

  • information about citizenship;

  • postal address of place of residence or actual residence;

  • location of the pension file;

  • information about the citizen’s representative if applying through a representative;

  • information about the choice of basis for establishing EDV;

  • the obligation of a citizen to immediately notify the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about circumstances affecting a change in the size of the monthly cash payment, as well as entailing the termination of payment;

  • date of filling out the application;

  • list of documents attached to the application.

The application must be signed by the citizen, and if applying through a representative, by this representative. The following documents must be submitted along with the application to establish EDV::

  • passport;
  • documents confirming the right to receive EDV (certificate issued by the competent authorities, a certificate from a medical and social examination establishing disability, etc.).

If necessary, documents identifying the identity and powers of the legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee), confirming family relationships, the dependent status of the disabled person, etc. are attached.

Timing for appointment of EDV

The decision to assign or refuse to assign an EDV is made within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application. Another 5 days are allotted to inform the applicant about the decision. A monthly cash payment is assigned from the date of application for it, but not before the right to the specified payment arises, for the period during which the citizen belongs to the category that has the right to EDV.

EDV payment

Delivery of EDV is carried out for the current calendar month.

If a citizen is a pensioner, he will receive the payment simultaneously with his pension. Delivery of EDV will be carried out in the same way as delivery of pensions: either through Russian Post, or through a bank, or through another organization engaged in delivery of pensions. To change the delivery method, you must apply to the Russian Pension Fund office. For a citizen whose legal representative is a social institution, a monthly cash payment may be transferred to the account of the specified institution.

If a citizen is not a pensioner, then he must choose a delivery method (via Russian Post, through a bank or through another organization involved in delivering pensions) and submit an application for delivery of social benefits. A complete list of organizations involved in pension delivery in your region (including those delivering pensions to your home) is at the disposal of the Russian Pension Fund at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence.

A huge number of Russian residents improve their financial situation through monthly cash payments (MCA). Deductions are made from the federal budget. Let's consider who can receive this financial assistance and what actions need to be taken to achieve this.

Important information and legislation on EDV

Law No. 122-FZ, regulating all aspects related to EDV, came into force at the beginning of 2005. It spells out the process of providing certain individuals with benefits, which include the opportunity to receive payments every month. At the same time, the remaining rights that enable these citizens to receive assistance on other grounds are retained.

In the case when a person can receive EDV under different laws and legal acts, then it will be paid only according to one.

True, the choice remains with those to whom it is due. Usually the largest one is assigned.

Persons entitled to payments on the basis of laws No. 1244-1 and No. 2-FZ, which prescribe aspects of social protection of people affected by radiation exposure at Chernobyl and the Semipalatinsk test site, can receive EDV on other grounds.

Citizens entitled to a monthly cash payment

Regular financial assistance according to the law is available to certain persons:

  • veterans,
  • disabled people,
  • once minor prisoners of Nazi Germany;
  • citizens affected by radiation exposure (at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, during tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, etc.).

Convicts who have the opportunity to receive EDV must contact the Pension Fund authorities at the location of the prison. The mediator in the negotiations is an employee of the administration of the correctional institution.

Those who live in social institutions must submit a completed application and all necessary documents to the Pension Fund at their location. For minor children, all actions aimed at receiving EDV must be performed by parents or guardians. In the case of large families, according to local legislation, they can go. For children raised in orphanages and shelters, the paperwork procedure is carried out by employees of the administration of these institutions.

Bodies you can contact to request payment

To receive social benefits, you should contact the local authorities of the country's Pension Fund, to which citizens belong according to registration. You will need to write a statement on the spot.

Residents of the Russian Federation whose place of residence is not confirmed by registration must apply for the right to EDV to the Pension Fund body located in the area of ​​residence or actual residence. Those who receive pension benefits from a certain Pension Fund body also submit an application there.


To qualify for payments, you must submit the following documents:

  • passport (copy);
  • papers indicating the preferential status (certificate of “labor veteran”, “war veteran”, etc.);
  • certificate confirming registration (copy).

Appointment dates

After a citizen writes an application for the appointment of an EDV, employees of the District Administration are required to review the documents within ten days.

They must report the verdict, attaching justification, no later than 5 working days after the first stage.

At the same time, the citizen can confirm the possibility of receiving EDV or refute it and deny the benefit. Issues regarding suspension and extension of payment accrual are resolved within the same time frame.

Payment procedure and amount

The amount of the monthly payment every year on the first of April. It is calculated without taking into account the regional coefficient (accepted by the Government of the country for a certain area).

The amounts of monthly cash payments for 2015 are presented in Table 1.

The procedure for assigning a preferential payment is quite simple:

  1. From the moment the right to receive it arises or later, the citizen should write an application, attaching the above documents. You need to contact the Pension Fund.
  2. The day you apply for confirmation of your right to a benefit is the day you write an application to the Pension Fund.
  3. If the application and documents are submitted by mail, the date of consideration is indicated on the postal stamp from the place of departure.
  4. An employee of the territorial body of the Pension Fund is obliged to explain all the nuances, accept the application, checking its correctness and checking the original documents with copies.
  5. Applicants are registered in a special system.
  6. After reviewing the documents, a decision is made on the availability of EDV.
  7. The benefit is calculated according to the circumstances that influence its amount.
  8. The payment is made at the same time as the pension through the organization that delivers it.
  9. The method of transferring payments to the Pension Fund for persons who do not yet receive a pension is chosen by them independently. To do this, you will have to fill out the appropriate application.

How many accruals will be made is determined by the period for which the citizen belongs to the category suitable according to the law.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of various services to citizens who need to receive social assistance from the state. In addition to pension provision, this body also deals with payments for other preferential categories of citizens. In this article, we will look at what EDV and NSO are and how to apply for these types of social assistance in 2019.

What is EDV and NSU, how to get it in 2019

A monthly cash payment (MCA) is a type of surcharge that is assigned to certain categories of persons, such as disabled people, WWII and military veterans, and Chernobyl victims. If a citizen has the right to receive EDV according to several criteria at once, then he is given only one payment of his choice or based on the amount that will be greater than the rest.

NSO (set of social services) is an integral part of a single cash payment. However, unlike EDV, NSO is provided not in the form of cash, but in the form of intangible social support (medical care, the right to free travel, vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions, etc.).

Categories of persons entitled to EDV

EDV as a type of social assistance is paid to certain categories of persons, including:

  • Veterans of WWII, military operations and others;
  • Disabled people with a confirmed disability group, including disabled children;
  • Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  • Citizens who suffered as a result of exposure to radiation due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. became victims of man-made disasters or the consequences of testing nuclear, atomic and chemical weapons, workers liquidating the consequences of the accident on the Techa River and the Mayak production association;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • Former minor prisoners of fascism.

Combat veterans

Persons with the status of “combat veteran” can apply for EDV. These include:

  • WWII veterans;
  • Citizens who carried out combat missions on the territory of the USSR, the Russian Federation and other states at different times, for example, those participating in the process of demining the territories of the USSR and neighboring countries in the post-war years (1945-1951), serving in Afghanistan during hostilities, performing tasks in conditions of the armed conflict in the Chechen Republic (1994-1996), serving in Syria since September 30, 2015.

The listed veterans apply personally to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence or make a payment using the official website of the institution, based on the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • Combat Veteran Certificate;
  • Certificate of registration at the place of residence.

Ten days after the end of the period for consideration of papers, the applicant is assigned a payment or a refusal is sent with justification of objective reasons.

Disabled people

Disabled people with a confirmed disability group are entitled to receive EDV and NSU. In this case, a disabled person can refuse NSS in favor of receiving monetary compensation.

In addition, people with disabilities are entitled to certain privileges, such as dental prosthetics once every five years, paid travel to the sanatorium and back with an accompanying person to undergo therapy for medical reasons; free landline phone.

To assign a benefit, you need to fill out an application along with the following documents:

  • Applicant's passport;
  • Birth certificate of a disabled child, if he has not reached the age of fourteen and the payment is issued to him;
  • ITU Act on assignment of disability group;
  • Passport and power of attorney for the preparation of documents of the authorized representative, if the disabled person cannot independently apply to the Pension Fund;

The main basis for registration of EDV and NSU by a disabled person is an extract from the ITU act confirming the assignment of a disability group.

The benefit is accrued from the date of submission of the application, which is subject to consideration within 10 days. An account is opened for the disabled person to transfer funds, or a reasoned refusal is sent to him in writing within 5 days.


Pensioners who have retired due to age or have an insurance record have the right to apply for EDV only if they belong to any category of citizens entitled to EDV or NSO. All additional payments due to pensioners are added to the basic pension. To go through this procedure, you need to collect the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • Application for receiving EDV;
  • Medical insurance certificate;
  • Certificate of retirement.

Procedure for receiving EDV

Next, a correctly completed application along with a list of accompanying documents is sent to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the applicant’s place of residence. If a citizen is already receiving a pension, then you need to contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation that makes such payment.

Documents for receiving EDV

Along with a written application for registration of EDV, the following papers are also submitted:

  • Passport;
  • Pension insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • Documents confirming the citizen’s right to receive benefits. This may be a certificate issued by authorized bodies, an ITU certificate confirming the assignment of disability;
  • application for choosing a payment delivery method (the form can be downloaded here ⇒)

EDV size in 2019

The size of the EDV is approved annually by regulatory documents established by the budget fund for the financial year. The EDV is subject to constant indexation. The payment is assigned to the citizen from the date of filing the application with the competent authorities for the entire period during which the beneficiary has the right to receive such benefits. The amount of the assigned EDV differs for different categories of citizens; we will consider them in the table.

No. Challenger Sum
1 Combat veterans 2638.27 rubles before deduction of non-taxable income equal to 995.23 rubles The total is 1643.04 rubles
2 Disabled people of 1st group 3538.52 rubles
3 Disabled people 2nd group 2527.06 rubles
4 Disabled people of 3 groups 2022.94 rubles
5 Disabled persons affected by vaccination One-time assistance in the amount of 1000.00 rubles
6 Disabled Chernobyl survivors 2527.06 rubles
7 Disabled children 2527.06 rubles

To obtain a detailed list of all preferential categories entitled to receive EDV, as well as to clarify the amounts, you must contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The size of the EDV may differ in different regions of the country and is set by local administrations based on the capabilities of local budgets.

Indexation of EDV

EDV, like other types of pensions, is subject to constant indexation. So in 2019, the inflation index was 3.7%, so disabled pensioners have the right to receive:

  • 1st disability group – 3669.45 rubles;
  • 2nd disability group, disabled children and disabled Chernobyl survivors – 2620.56 rubles;
  • Group 3 – 2097.78 rubles.

NSO in 2019

NSO is a set of social services that a citizen can receive both in kind and in the form of cash. The total amount of the EDV includes the cost of the entire NSO, according to which each benefit has its own cost. NSO is also subject to indexation in 2019 in the following amounts:

  • Providing medicines and specialized medicinal food products for disabled children with a doctor’s prescription in the amount of 828.14 rubles;
  • A voucher for sanatorium treatment for medical reasons in the amount of 128.11 rubles;
  • Free round-trip travel on suburban and intercity railway transport to the place of treatment along with an accompanying person in the amount of 118.94 rubles.

Example. Disabled person of group 2 Egorov F.I. does not want to undergo annual sanatorium-resort treatment and improve his health at the expense of the state. He wrote an application for partial renunciation of the NSO in favor of the EDV to the Pension Fund at his place of residence. An authorized employee reviewed the application and made a decision to compensate F.I. Egorov. the cost of services for sanatorium-resort treatment in the form of EDV.

To apply for EDV and NSO, you need to carefully study the legislation so as not to miss out on receiving all possible payments from the state. The benefit amounts are indexed annually and brought into line with the market situation for a more comfortable living for benefit categories in society.

Since January 2005 it has been monthly cash payment(EDV). This payment is established for citizens by replacing certain benefits with their cash equivalent. The purpose of such a replacement is to ensure equal opportunities for all those entitled to EDV to take advantage of the benefits provided.

Social support for citizens of our country is provided at the expense of the federal or local budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; accordingly, the recipients of such payments are called federal or regional beneficiaries.

What is a monthly cash payment?

A monthly cash payment is financial assistance from the state, provided for the purpose of their social support and compensation in case of refusal.

Citizens receiving monthly social payments are also entitled to receive set of social services(NSU), which is an integral part of EDV in its natural form. NSU is a list of services provided to a disabled person free of charge.

In this case, citizens can choose: either to receive a set of services in kind, or by replacing it with money. Such replacement can be carried out in whole or in part. In case of refusal of the in-kind form of social assistance, it is necessary to submit an application for refusal to receive all or some of the services to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) before October 1.

NSU consists of several parts:

  • Providing necessary medical drugs and products.
  • Providing free travel on suburban and intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.
  • Providing vouchers to a sanatorium if such treatment is necessary.

Please note that to register a refusal to receive NSO in full or any part of it in 2020, it was necessary to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia until October 1, 2019.

The amount of money allocated to pay for social services from February 1, 2019 is:

  • 863 rubles 75 kopecks to provide necessary medications;
  • 133 rubles 62 kopecks for the provision of vouchers to sanatoriums;
  • 124 rubles 05 kopecks for free travel on suburban railway and intercity transport.
  • Full cost of NSO from 1.02.2019 - 1121 ruble 42 kopecks.

It is worth noting that current legislation provides for the complete or partial replacement of the NSO in financial terms.

Last year, citizen Ivanova, being a group II disabled person, received EDV in full, refusing the full set of social benefits. services. In 2018, Ms. Ivanova was issued a certificate by her attending physician regarding the need for sanatorium-resort treatment. The Social Insurance Fund provided her with the opportunity to receive such a voucher in 2019 in accordance with her treatment profile and the date of arrival. In order for gr. Ivanova was able to take advantage of the right to treatment in a sanatorium in 2019; she applied to the Pension Fund before October 1, 2018 with a request to refuse the provision of necessary medications and travel by railway transport, while retaining the right to sanatorium treatment.

Consequently, from January 1, 2019, the amount of EDV accrued to her was reduced by the cost of social services for the provision of sanatorium-resort treatment.

We calculate the amount of EDV paid by gr. Ivanova from February 1, 2019, taking into account the indexation:

  • 2701.62 - 133.62 = 2568 rubles.

Indexation of monthly cash payments

Starting from January 1, 2010, the size of the EDV was subject to indexation once a year from April 1 current year. This increase in the monthly cash payment was carried out taking into account the forecast of the inflation rate established by the law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.

This procedure for indexing the size of the EDV was changed from January 1, 2016 - now it is indexed in February. In 2019, one of the most massive social payments is indexed taking into account the inflation level of the previous year (2018).

According to Rosstat, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%. Therefore, indexation was carried out precisely by this value.

From February 1, 2019, the monthly cash payment was increased by 4.3%. Simultaneously with the increase in this social payment, the amount of funds allocated for the provision of social assistance in kind also increased, namely.

Assignment of monthly payments to pensioners

To assign a monthly cash payment to citizens entitled to it in accordance with Russian legislation, you need to contact the Pension Fund office with a corresponding application at the place of permanent or temporary registration. This application can also be submitted at the place of actual residence due to the lack of a place of residence confirmed by registration.

  • Applicants already receiving a pension should contact the Pension Fund of the area where their pension file is located.
  • Citizens living in a social service institution must contact the district office of the Pension Fund at the location of this organization.

Registration of EDV in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The assignment of a monthly cash payment and its subsequent payment are carried out on the basis of an application from a citizen or his representative who has submitted the necessary documents to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

To establish social benefits, depending on the category to which the citizen belongs, a number of documents must be submitted:

  1. Documents confirming the identity and citizenship of the applicant or the identity and powers of his legal representative.
  2. Documents confirming residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Documents that allow you to establish the fact that a citizen belongs to one or another preferential category.

The application for the appointment of EDV must also contain information about the choice of the basis for establishing EDV if there are several such grounds and the citizen’s obligation to promptly inform the Pension Fund about changes in circumstances affecting the amount of social benefits.

Appointment decision monthly payments are accepted within ten working days from the date of application. The applicant must then be notified of the decision within five days.

EDV is established from the day you apply for it, but not before the right to it arises. Such social assistance is assigned for the time during which the person belongs to the category entitled to social benefits.

Procedure for providing monthly cash payments

The citizen receives a monthly cash payment simultaneously with pension if he is a pensioner. In this case, the delivery of the EDV will be carried out in the same way as the payment of the pension:

  • through post offices;
  • through credit organizations.

If the citizen is not a pensioner, then he chooses the payment option that is convenient for him and submits an application for the delivery method.

If a citizen wants to change the payment method, he will need to apply to the district office of the Pension Fund. For citizens living in a social institution and having this organization as a legal representative, the amount of EDV can be transferred to the account of the specified institution.


  • A monthly cash payment is assigned to certain people, including disabled people, disabled children, citizens, and former minor prisoners of fascism.
  • EDV is assigned and paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether the citizen entitled to such payment has reached retirement age or not yet.
  • Amount of monthly cash payment for everyone different. The amount of EDV depends on which category the citizen belongs to.
  • Indexation of the size of the EDV is carried out every year based on the level of inflation in the country for the previous one.

When a citizen contacts the client service of the district administration of the Pension Fund with an application for the appointment of an EDV, he automatically has the right to receive. The applicant may refuse the NSO or its individual component in favor of the cash equivalent or vice versa at his own request.

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