What is cutaneous lichen. Ringworm - types of disease, features and methods of treatment

What is lichen in humans? With this concept, dermatologists define a number of diseases, the specific signs of which are elements of the rash. They look different, but they have itching and flaking in common. Pathology is caused by viruses or fungi whose activity coincides with the influence of the following factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • tendency to allergies and colds;
  • poor resistance to stress;
  • malfunctions of internal organs;
  • heredity.

How is lichen transmitted? Damage to the skin occurs after contact with a sick person or animal. But this doesn't always happen. Modern specialists are still unable to find the reason why one person quickly catches an infection, while another remains healthy after close contact with an infected or already sick person.

Despite the variety of forms of lichen in humans, some symptoms of the pathology are common. Doctors call these:

Let's look at each type of dermatosis in more detail.

Ringworm Zhibera

One of the common types of lichen in humans is pink. It is also called Giber's disease and pityriasis. The pathology is expressed by large pink spots that are prone to peeling. It often affects people between 19 and 40 years of age. Children and old people rarely suffer from Zhiber's disease.

The exact cause of the disease is not known. But doctors prescribe it to be of viral origin and call the provoking factor the activity of the herpes virus (strains 6 and 7). The theory of the allergic nature of the disease is also being considered, but it remains unconfirmed.

What does lichen in a person, diagnosed as pityriasis, look like?

A clear sign of the development of the disease is the maternal plaque, which looks like a conspicuous pink spot. The lesion cannot be ignored, because its diameter reaches 3–5 cm. The disease develops rapidly within 7 days, and its peak is expressed by multiple small rashes, which are localized on such parts of the body as:

  • hips;
  • limbs;
  • shoulders;
  • stomach.

The diagnosis of Gibert's disease is facilitated by the fact that the elements are formed along the Langer lines. These are conditional straight lines along which maximum extensibility of the integument is achieved.

As the disease progresses, the spots rapidly grow in size. Their center becomes yellowish, and the stratum corneum of the affected skin begins to reject small scales. After about 2 to 3 weeks, pityriasis resolves on its own, leaving behind discolored or hyperpigmented areas on the body.

Most of the patients who come to the dermatologist about this do not notice any clear discomfort. But some patients complain of mild itching or severe burning. Such symptoms are familiar to people with increased emotional and nervous sensitivity.

Tubular, multi-colored, sunny - different names for pityriasis versicolor

Under the guise of tubular lichen, a chronic disease of the horny part of the dermis occurs. It is called solar, pityriasis and. The disease received the latter definition because of its clinical picture, because its characteristic symptom is the appearance of spots of brown, brown, pink and yellow shades. The so-called leopard skin is prone to peeling.

Sun fungus rarely appears in young children. Typically, patients aged 25–35 years old go to the doctor with pathology. You can get a sore if there are favorable factors that promote the activity of a yeast-like fungus - the pathogen:

This form of cutaneous lichen manifests itself as a rash on the chest, neck, back, sides and abdomen. Multiple rounded elements do not rise above the integument and do not become inflamed. But as they grow, they unite into scaly lesions with curved, delimited contours.

Problem areas do not cause any discomfort to a person. Itching, burning or pain occurs only when tissues are re-infected with bacterial microflora.

Clinical features of herpes zoster

Herpes, also known as shingles, develops in people who have ever had chickenpox.

The pathological process is triggered by the Zoster virus, which can lie dormant in the body for years and hide in the nerves. But under the influence of favorable factors for it, the viral agent is reactivated and moves along the processes of the nerve cell. Having reached the axon tip, Varicella Zoster infects the dermis at this point.

Why does such a disease develop? There are many reasons for it:

  • blood diseases;
  • injuries;
  • tumor processes;
  • overwork;
  • hypothermia;
  • organ transplantation;
  • frequent stress;
  • chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • infectious and somatic diseases;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs or immunosuppressants.

Ringworm (the Ukrainian name for the disease) initially occurs with a slight rise in temperature, headache, and chills. Intestinal disorders are possible. But subsequently the person experiences pain, burning and itching in the areas where the nerve trunks lie and notices a number of health abnormalities:

The live vaccine Zostavax will help prevent the development of the disease. We hope that our database with photos (presented in the article) of various manifestations of lichen in humans will help you promptly recognize the disease and determine the type of its course.

Do not delay visiting a doctor, because only he will be able to determine the specific form of lichen and select adequate therapy. Despite the similarity of symptoms of different types of lichen, treatment may differ.

Psoriasis as a type of lichen

Experts diagnose it as psoriasis.

The pathology affects not only the skin, but also the nails and joints of the patient. The exact cause of its appearance has not been studied, but researchers compare the mechanism of its triggering with the influence of genetic, neurogenic and infectious elements.

The risks of getting an unpleasant sore increase in the following categories of the population:

  • patients with problems in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • patients with chronic skin lesions due to streptococcal infection;
  • persons who abuse alcohol.

The clinical manifestation is the formation of gray, silvery or whitish spots on the skin, similar to frozen drops of wax. Plaques appear on the palms, buttocks, soles and scalp, as well as in the area of ​​​​the bends of the knees and. In addition to skin reactions, the patient may experience neuroendocrine disorders, immunodeficiency states, muscle atrophy and asthenic syndrome.

Psoriasis is very easy to recognize. But sometimes, to confirm a preliminary diagnosis, dermatologists take scrapings from diseased tissues and submit them for histological analysis. The pattern of the affected integument resembles a topographic map, and problem areas become like fish scales (that’s what the disease is popularly called).

Psoriasis affecting the joints is a complication. Patients complain of pain in the sacrum, joints between the phalanges of the fingers and the spine. Swollen joints become immobilized and, if untreated, become deformed and make a person disabled.

How to recognize lichen planus

Along with the skin, it can also affect mucous membranes. But in the classical course, the disease has a number of typical signs that facilitate its differentiation from similar pathologies of the dermis. Thus, lichen planus on the skin appears as flattened papules with a depressed center. Their color ranges from dark pink to red and even purplish red.

Shiny plaques tend to merge to form large zones, which subsequently peel off into small lamellar scales. The process of rashes is accompanied by unbearable itching, which leads to deprivation of sleep and proper rest.

Also, lichen planus is determined by Koebner's symptom. This means that new papules form in the scratching area. The Wickham sign also facilitates diagnosis - a specific mesh on the lesions resembles a web of dots and stripes. It is easy to notice during a visual examination of the patient.

Red plaques can pop up all over the body, but the favorite places to localize the pathology are inguinal folds, armpit areas and flexion-extension surfaces of the joints.

If ringworm affects the nails, the patient notices the following changes:

Lichen planus can occur in forms that are characterized by the absence of symptoms. These include warty, erosive, pointed, atrophic, linear form.

Ringworm, what is it?

Trichophytosis, or develops due to excessive activity of the fungi Trichophyton and Microsporum. A person can catch a contagious disease from another person who is already sick, or from an animal. The second variant of infection is dangerous due to significant complications. In addition to skin tissue, fungi damage nails and hair.

With a superficial form of the course, signs of lichen in humans (trichophytia) are:

  • pink and red lesions up to 3 cm in diameter on the skin and up to 2 cm on the scalp;
  • itchy sensations;
  • surrounding large spots by smaller ones;
  • peeling of bright spots, covering them with crusts;
  • blistered purulent papules popping up along the edges of the spots;
  • breaking off hairs at the root with covering of the remains with fungal spores.

In the infiltrative-suppurative form, the disease occurs with inflammation of the hair follicles and the acquisition of red-blue spots. The patient's temperature rises, swollen lymph nodes are palpated. Lesions on the skin fester and become ulcerated. The deep form of ringworm develops 2 months after infection.

Prevention of ringworm is the observance of personal and public hygiene standards. Thus, a person should not take personal items for his needs and play with stray animals. In addition, precautions should be taken when swimming in public places.

The danger of ringworm for patients is its possible transformation into a chronic form and damage to the deep layers of the skin. In case of suppuration, patients are diagnosed with trichomycosis.

Video: how to protect yourself from lichen.

P.S. Regardless of the characteristics of the course of skin lichen, it always causes anxiety to a person with itching, causes psychological trauma and irritates the nervous system. Advanced types of pathology are dangerous due to baldness, the occurrence of pustular infiltrates and damage to the brain or bone tissue.

Although such cases are rare, dermatologists sometimes have to deal with them. Therefore, it is so important to recognize and treat lichen in a timely manner.

IMPORTANT! Before you begin treatment for shingles at home, you should consult a dermatologist to ensure that you have correctly diagnosed the disease. A specialist will help make sure that the disease is caused by a fungus and not a virus, which must be combated in other ways.

Symptoms appear quite a long time after interaction with the patient. On the body, signs of lichen can be observed after 4-10 days, under the hair - after 10-14 days.

It is important to know what signs indicate the appearance of a fungus:

  • rash in the form of circles or rings. The skin in these areas may be drier than the surrounding tissue, may be flaky, but may be slightly moist;
  • Growths appear between the toes. The skin of the foot thickens and peels;
  • redness, rash in the groin, accompanied by itching;
  • round plaques that have a clear border with healthy skin;
  • cracks appear on the palms and between the fingers;
  • peeling red spots on the face;
  • yellowness and increased brittleness of nails.

Very often, lichen appears in more than one place. Therefore, if you see a rash in one area, you need to check your entire body in search of lesions.

The greatest danger of infection to others with ringworm persists for 48 hours. You should not come into contact with the skin of people around you, at least for this time.

Treatment with sulfur ointment

Using a 10% ointment can relieve minor skin blemishes, pimples and wounds.

Sulfur ointment should be used for 7 to 10 days, applied daily to skin lesions. It should be applied twice a day. When using it, you should remember that sulfur leaves a light yellow coating and a specific odor, so you should not use it before leaving the house.

Most often, all manifestations of lichen disappear without a trace. If more than two weeks have passed and the spots on the skin do not go away, the help of a specialist is needed.

Creams in the fight against lichen

Most often, you can get rid of lichen with over-the-counter medications. They successfully fight the fungus, preventing it from spreading throughout the body. Today there are many creams on sale that are easy to use, inexpensive, but very effective.

IMPORTANT! The parallel use of fungal ointments and steroid creams will quickly get rid of itching, inflammation and redness.

Ringworm creams
Ketoconazole Used for infection by yeast-like fungi that cause pityriasis rosea, onychomycosis, dermatophytosis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, etc. Prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, liver disease during exacerbation. Apply daily for two weeks
Econazole Used for fungus of the scalp and skin. Rub in when applying. Lesions on the feet, hands and torso are lubricated daily; treatment of lichen versicolor requires twice-daily use. The course can take from 3 to 6 weeks
Clotrimazole Broad spectrum antifungal agent. Used when affected by various types of fungi. Allowed for pregnant women. Apply 2-4 times a day to affected areas. The course lasts from 21 days. After the symptoms disappear, it is recommended to use it for another 2 weeks.
Apply to dry and clean skin
Terbinafine Used for onychomycosis, mycoses, fungal skin infections, lichen versicolor. Cannot be used by children. Apply to cleaned and dry lesions twice a day. The course lasts 7-14 days
Miconazole Antifungal, antibacterial agent. Used for fungal infections. Allowed for pregnant women. Apply to clean skin and rub in. Use twice a day. Course from 2 to 6 weeks

Ringworm in children

Most antifungal, antiviral, and steroid-containing drugs are prohibited for use in children. The skin of babies can be treated with riodoxol ointment, preparations based on sulfur, salicylic acid, tar, and iodine.

The child is treated with ointment with sulfur for about 5 days. It is important to remember that sulfur is quite toxic; it can damage mucous membranes or cause allergies. Cannot be used by children under 2 years of age.

The sooner you start treatment for deprivation, the faster you can get rid of it and the less consequences there will be. If left untreated, cracks in the skin may appear. Secondary infection can lead to scars and spots.


Even dermatologists often recommend using this remedy to get rid of lichen. The active ingredients of Tsindol are glycerin and zinc oxide. In addition to them, the mash contains alcohol, starch, medical talc, and purified water. This product heals and disinfects. This is an antiallergic, analgesic drug with an antiseptic effect.

Apply the solution with a cotton swab or swab three times a day. Shake the bottle with the drug thoroughly before use.

Chatterbox can have unpleasant consequences:

  • skin may itch;
  • a rash may appear;
  • redness occurs;
  • causes hyperemia.

Do not use this product if you are highly sensitive to its components.

IMPORTANT! The product can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women.


If lichen is detected at an early stage, it is easy to cure it with ordinary iodine.

Iodine is an effective remedy for the treatment of lichen

“Populists” know several methods of using it in the fight against lichen. The following are considered the most popular:

  1. The lesions are lubricated with a monochloride solution of iodine. The course of treatment looks like this: the skin is treated and washed with green soap for three days. The crusts are removed without damaging the skin. They are treated with iodine. You can repeat the course only after 5 days.
  2. Alternating iodine with brilliant green. Lubricate the skin four times a day, the final one should be before bedtime. The funds are alternated according to two different schemes:
  • One day the skin is treated with iodine, the second with brilliant green. Continue this way for 10 days;
  • alternate these solutions on the same day. In one day there should be at least three applications of brilliant green and three of iodine. There should be at least an hour between procedures. Before each application, rinse skin lesions well.


This plant is used to treat many diseases. One of them is scaly lichen. Its treatment requires taking baths with herbs. You can use a certain bouquet of medicinal plants: celandine, oregano, knotweed. Blue cyanosis and chicory roots are also added here. A good addition are hawthorn fruits. In order to make a decoction, you need to take 50 grams of each ingredient and add 2 liters of water. Then the collection is boiled for 10 minutes, left for 30 minutes, and added to the bath. To reduce the manifestations of scaly lichen, the water temperature should be about 25 degrees.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to drink 20% celandine tincture at lunchtime and in the evening. To do this, ten drops are diluted in thirty ml of water. This treatment should last 30 days.

By making an ointment from equal amounts of celandine juice and lard, you can get rid of various types of lichen. To do this, you need to mix the ingredients in equal quantities. Foci of infection are treated twice a day for 60-90 days. It is best to apply the product after bathing, on steamed skin.


This remedy is recommended not only by traditional healers, but also by representatives of traditional medicine. This is the most effective natural antiseptic: it not only disinfects the skin, but also heals it. Tar promotes rapid renewal of skin cells. A tar compress is made as follows:

  1. Tar and butter. The tar is mixed with an equal amount of butter, rubbed into the skin, and covered with a cloth. This mixture has a very specific smell, so it is best to apply the compress before going to bed.
  2. Tar with ash. Until now, specialists have not been able to cure psoriasis. However, ointments with tar show good results for relieving its manifestations. Research shows that this substance stops the synthesis of defective DNA. To treat scaly lichen, you need a mixture of tar and ash from a burnt birch log. Proportion: 3 parts tar and 1 part ash. Apply the mixture to areas affected by psoriasis.
  3. Tar and fish oil. To make a compress for psoriasis, you need to mix the tar with fish oil, apply it to gauze, and attach it to the skin with psoriasis. After 30 minutes, remove the gauze. Such applications must be repeated daily for at least 10 days. If the skin turns red or becomes moist upon contact with the product, it should be treated with zinc paste. This can be done two hours after removing the compress.

Tar is an effective natural antiseptic

Before applying birch tar, consultation with a dermatologist is required, since this product contains carcinogens.

Traditional methods of getting rid of lichen

Traditional medicine is quite effective, but many patients prefer to use natural remedies. Those who prefer to be treated with folk remedies have a huge selection of different recipes.

Apple cider vinegar with garlic

You should take 500 ml of apple cider vinegar, add four large cloves of garlic, crushed with a masher. The resulting mixture must be soaked in a soft cloth compress and applied to the lesions. This compress is made every night, secured with a bandage for convenience. This compress can be done every evening until the symptoms disappear.


An ordinary raw egg is very effective in the fight against lichen. You need to break one piece and use the contents for your needs. A thin film is found under the shell: there is liquid between it and the shell. It is used to lubricate rashes. Even a single use brings noticeable changes. It is optimal to lubricate the lesions once or twice a day for at least seven days.

Ashes of the newspaper

This method requires the use of newspaper, folded and secured so that it does not straighten out. This lump must be placed in a plate and lit. After complete combustion, a brownish liquid can be found at the bottom of the plate. It is necessary to treat the lesions with a still warm substance. Repeat such manipulations daily. After 3 days the improvement will be obvious. Continue until the lesions disappear.


First you need to make a medicinal composition. A very small piece of rubber is enough for this. Burn it, add vegetable oil to the resulting substance in the same amount. The composition is used to lubricate areas of lichen. The spots lighten, dry out and may disappear after a single application. However, the procedure should be repeated within three days.


For lichen, raisins are an excellent healer. Rub seedless berries onto the affected areas and healthy skin around them. This product contains a large number of fungi, which are killers of the infection that causes shingles. This does not cause harm to the human body. Raisins often treat lichen faster than medications.

Propolis with alcohol

This remedy perfectly fights various types of lichen, even aggressive spores of the ringworm.

To prepare the medicine, you need 200 ml of alcohol, add 50 g of propolis to it. This substance is infused for a week. After seven days, the tincture is applied to the lichen. It is necessary to treat the skin 1-2 times a day for 5 days. If there is no improvement, then the liquid is being used incorrectly. In most cases, after two to three applications, the spots fade and peeling decreases.

Solid oil

Ordinary grease is used to lubricate the areas of lichen. The wounds heal almost before our eyes. However, you cannot treat all areas at once; you need to lubricate them one by one.

Use the product every day before bed until the symptoms of lichen disappear completely.


This recipe uses three ingredients in the following quantities: 50 g of pig fat, 50 g of bone marrow, 3 g of salicylic acid. The components are thoroughly mixed and melted in a water bath. Apply the resulting ointment to the skin and wrap it with film. After three hours, remove from the skin with soap. Repeat this procedure weekly until complete healing.


Calendula tincture - a remedy for fighting lichen

Mix calendula tincture with castor oil in equal proportions. Apply to skin by rubbing. The procedure must be repeated once daily. Use three times a week.

Herbs in the fight against lichen

Good results are shown by the use of plants that have a healing and antiseptic effect.


50 g of plant leaves are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled under a lid for up to 40 minutes. Take a bath or foot/hand bath with this decoction. The nut kills fungus and fights irritation and itching. Repeat every two days until all lesions are healed.

Warty birch

30 g of plant buds are poured with a liter of vodka and infused. Use in the form of compresses or lotions daily for seven days.

White mustard

Compresses made from vodka and white mustard are an effective remedy for combating lichen.

The seeds are poured with water and allowed to brew. Grind to a paste. Apply to skin in the evening. If possible, repeat the procedure in the morning. Continue the course for 5-10 days, depending on the result.


2 tablespoons of herbs 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave to cool. After this, filter. Can be used in the form of lotions or baths daily for up to a week.

Original methods

Sometimes very unusual methods of treatment can save you from lichen.


They wet their finger with saliva and “stick” grains of salt on it. Apply to the affected areas. The results are noticeable after the first use. You can do this as often as the opportunity arises.


A very old method: foci of inflammation are smeared with moisture from the windows. To do this, you need to bring a bowl of hot water to the window glass, allowing the steam to settle on the glass. After 3 days of daily use, the rashes disappear.


It is necessary to set fire to a splinter of resinous pine. After this, it is extinguished by directing the smoke to the foci of infection. These manipulations are performed three times a day for 10 days.

Video - How to treat lichen at home


Following simple rules will help avoid infection or speed up the healing of existing lesions.

  1. It is necessary to use a personal comb, clothing, and a hat. You cannot give your things to others.
  2. Once the rash appears, you should not scratch it - this increases the risk of the fungus spreading throughout the body.
  3. Frequently change and wash the patient's clothes, bedding and towels.
  4. During illness, wear clothes made from natural materials; underwear should be loose. Change at least once a day.
  5. Wear your own shoes in public baths/saunas/showers.
  6. Do not allow the epidermis on the legs to remain wet for a long time.
  7. Do not contact stray animals
  8. Strengthen immunity.
  9. Try to eat right.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is necessary not only during treatment, but also as a preventative measure for various diseases, including fungal diseases. The infected area must be clean.

The appearance of lichen on the human skin is a fairly common problem that brings a lot of discomfort. There are different types of lichen in humans, which are divided into types that are transmittable and those that are not transmitted to other people.

An advanced disease can cover a large part of the body and negatively affect the functioning of internal organs. Very often children suffer from deprivation, since children's immunity cannot cope with such types of infection.

Treatment of such diseases must be carried out comprehensively using external medications and means to increase the resistance of the immune system.

In order to correctly determine the type of lichen and the cause of its occurrence, a person must undergo appropriate diagnostics from a specialist who, after establishing the diagnosis, will prescribe the correct treatment.

What kind of disease is lichen?

What causes the disease?

A disease occurs in a person as a result of a viral infection that the immune system is unable to cope with.

The most common pathogens causing lichen in humans are the following pathogenic fungi:

  • Zooanthropophilic– most often the cause of such an infection is an infected animal. This type of disease in humans is contagious and can be transmitted through close contact from one person to another, as well as through the use of shared hygiene products;
  • Anthropophilic– are formed on human skin as a result of reduced immunity, and can affect surrounding people upon contact;
  • Geophilic– this type of pathogenic fungi is present in the soil and can infect humans as a result of failure to maintain proper hygiene;
  • Herpetic viruses- can occur as a result of an exacerbation of any disease and can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one.

Many viral infections that cause lichen in humans can be present in the body for a long time and manifest themselves only as a result of a decrease in the protective barrier of the immune system.

For many years, patients with psoriasis and eczema have been hostage to their illnesses. There were remedies that could alleviate the course of the disease, but not eliminate them completely. After the appearance of this gel, dermatologists recognized that this was a completely new word in medicine.

Types of lichen

A person can develop the following types of lichen on the skin:

  • Pityriasis rosea or Zhiber's pityriasis;
  • Shingles;
  • Ringworm;
  • Pityriasis versicolor;
  • Lichen planus;
  • Ringworm;
  • Scaly;
  • Lichen nodosum;
  • Sun lichen;
  • Tubular;
  • Feline ringworm.

All types of lichen can manifest with various symptoms, and also have their own treatment characteristics and incubation period.


In order to determine the type of skin disease a person has, it is necessary to contact a medical facility.

Go through the following diagnostic steps:

If a person has symptoms of lichen, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist, who will prescribe the necessary tests and, if necessary, refer to the right specialist.

If skin lesions occur in childhood, you should contact your pediatrician, who will issue a referral to the appropriate specialist.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about skin diseases

I have been working in a private clinic for many years and giving consultations on skin problems. You can’t imagine how many people come to me with different types of dermatological skin diseases; as a rule, these are all kinds of rashes, redness and suppuration on various parts of the body.


This type of lichen occurs as a result of skin infection by a fungus; most often, the first symptoms appear within 5 days. It is the most dangerous of all types of lichen.

It most often occurs in adolescence and manifests itself in the scalp, however, if neglected, it can also affect other areas of the body.

As a result of the formation of plaques, hair damage occurs, causing it to break off and fall out.

Symptoms of lichen:

  • In places where lichen forms, hair thins;
  • Itching and redness of the skin appears;
  • A crust appears, possibly with the presence of blisters and purulent formations;
  • An unpleasant odor is formed.

This type of lichen in humans can manifest itself in the following forms:

  • Superficial trichophytosis– this type of lichen appears on the smooth surface of human skin without the presence of hair. It appears in the form of red, scaly spots that tend to quickly spread throughout the body;
  • Superficial trichophytosis of the scalp– is a classic type of lichen, in which plaques form on the scalp;
  • Chronic trichophytosis– manifests itself as minor skin lesions in the scalp area and is most often ignored by patients. It tends to appear in an adult and preferably in a female;
  • Infinitive - suppurative– this type of skin lesion appears on almost any area of ​​the skin and manifests itself in the form of plaques with the presence of a small number of blisters that contain a purulent substance.

Infection with this type of disease occurs most often under the following factors:

  • Upon contact with an infected person;
  • In contact with animals;
  • When using other people's personal hygiene items.

This type of lichen is contagious and requires isolation from healthy people during treatment.



Herpes zoster occurs as a result of damage to human skin by a herpes type of viral infection. It most often appears in the form of small blisters with purulent content, most often in the area of ​​the ribs and abdomen.

Ringworm is manifested by the following symptoms:

This type of lichen tends to be transmitted as follows:

  • In close contact with a person;
  • When using general personal hygiene products;
  • Use of shared clothing.


Treatment of such lichen is carried out as follows:

  • Painkillers- prescribed for increased symptoms of pain, for example, the use of Ibuprofen is prescribed, one tablet is used when pain occurs.
  • Antiviral drugs— prescription of medications against herpes, for example, it is recommended to take them twice a day for a course of no more than 7 days.
  • Antibacterial and antiviral drugs external use— means for external use with an antibacterial effect, Pentsivir is applied 7-8 times a day for 4 days. Not for use during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.
  • Antibiotics- in the presence of an infectious lesion, the attending physician prescribes the use of antibiotics, for example, Ciprofloxacin;
  • Immunoboosting drugs- prescribed to restore the resistance of the immune system, these include the herbal drug Immunal and the synthetic drug Lykopid.

During the appearance of such a fungus, it is forbidden to use brilliant green, as this can contribute to the development of complex consequences.

Tired of dermatitis?

Peeling of the skin, rash, itching, ulcers and blisters, cracks - these are all unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis.

Without treatment, the disease progresses, and the area of ​​skin affected by rashes increases.

It has the following properties:

  • Relieves itching after the first use
  • Restores, softens and moisturizes the skin
  • Eliminates rashes and peeling skin in 3-5 days
  • After 19-21 days, completely eliminates plaques and traces of them
  • Prevents the appearance of new plaques and an increase in their area

Pityriasis versicolor

This type of lichen is also called multicolored or colored. Most often it can occur in adolescence and appear as red and brown spots. Accompanied by itching and burning.

Most often it affects the back and abdomen of a person. It begins to manifest itself in the form of small spots with the presence of a small rash, after which it quickly spreads and can occupy large areas of the skin.

Ringworm tends to be transmitted to another person as follows:


To treat this type of lichen in humans, the following medications are prescribed:

  • Medicines containing terbinafine– necessary for the destruction of fungal cells. Most often, such products are produced in the form of a cream for external application. The most popular of them is Lamisil. It is recommended to apply twice a day;
  • Antifungal agents– prevent the risk of further skin damage. For example, Zalain - must be applied twice a day to the damaged area until the symptoms disappear. Not used for children and during pregnancy;
  • Immunoboosting drugs- for example, Viferon - has the property of boosting the immune system, used once a day. Allowed for use from the age of 1 year.


A skin disease that tends to affect not only the epidermis, but also the mucous membranes.

This type of lichen manifests itself with the following symptoms:

The reasons for the appearance of this type of disease in humans:

  • Disturbances in hormonal balance;
  • In case of skin damage and infection;
  • Malfunctions of the liver;
  • Diabetes.

This type of damage to human skin is not contagious and does not pose a threat to a healthy person. It can manifest itself in absolutely any area of ​​the human body.

Ringworm can manifest itself in the following forms:

  • Ring-shaped– rashes appear on the genitals and on the inside of the thighs, have the shape of rings;
  • Erytemptous– manifests itself as a bright rash and is accompanied by peeling and itching;
  • Warty– a large number of flat warts appear on the skin;
  • Pemphigoid– manifests itself as a rash in the form of blisters, after which pigment spots form;
  • Ulcerative– with this type of lichen, small ulcers form on the skin, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.


For treatment, complex therapy is most often used, which consists of taking the following medications:

  • Antihistamines– aimed at eliminating itching and burning. In addition to Suprastin, drugs such as Cetrin and are used, which are also available in the form of syrup for children. Take once a day, regardless of meals, for 5 days;
  • Vitamin complexes to boost the immune system;
  • Hormonal drugs- for example, Prednisolone, which is used for severe symptoms, helps reduce the spread of the disease in healthy areas of human skin. Used once every two days, 25 mg;
  • External use– products that contain are used, the course and method of use depends on the complexity of the disease.
  • Enterosorbents- drugs aimed at cleansing the body. The most prescribed of them is Polysorb. It is taken in the form of an aqueous suspension, that is, the powder is mixed with 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water, and is never taken dry orally, the amount of powder depends on body weight.

During treatment, a special diet is followed, which is aimed at cleansing the body of harmful waste and toxins. It is prohibited to use cosmetic preparations for lichen erythematosus in humans.


This type of lichen most often affects the upper layer of the epidermis, and manifests itself in the form of a large number of small blisters with liquid inside.

The initial sign of weeping lichen appears in the form of small spots. Blisters then form. When a blister is damaged, a crust forms in its place, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

Most often, this type of lichen is based on a person’s face, arms and legs.

The reasons for the appearance of this type of lichen in humans:

Ringworm in humans has the following forms:

  • True– appears as acute symptoms and very often affects the area of ​​the face and hands, accompanied by severe itching and burning;
  • Microbial form– this type of lichen manifests itself as a result of infection in the skin lesion, due to which bacteria multiply. This type of lichen is very often accompanied by the release of pus and the formation of a wound;
  • Seborrheic weeping lichen– this type of lichen manifests itself in humans as a result of skin damage by a fungus; it very often appears on the face and in the area of ​​hair growth;
  • Professional– formed as a result of contact of the skin of the hands with chemicals. Accompanied by peeling of the skin and pain.

This type of lichen in humans is not a contagious type, but experts recommend avoiding contact with people who suffer from this type of disease.


Treatment of deprivation is carried out using the following method:

  • Antihistamines- relieve itching and redness, use strictly according to instructions, Suprastin and Diazolin are most often prescribed;
  • Sedatives– helps reduce nervous tension, using tinctures of Motherwort and Valerian;
  • Sorbent agents- for example, Enterosgel or other drugs, they help eliminate toxins from the body. Used once a day for 7 days;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs— there are specially developed products for the treatment of weeping wounds, for example, Protopic and Elidel. Apply twice a day.
  • Vitamin preparations- to maintain human immunity.

Prohibited in the treatment of weeping lichen:

  • Scratch out skin lesions;
  • Apply the cream in the standard way; if necessary, soak a bandage with ointment and apply it to the formations;
  • Wet the skin with formations;
  • Wear synthetic clothing;
  • Consume highly allergenic foods.

Squamosal lichen

This type of lichen is popularly referred to as psoriasis; there are no specific causes for the formation of this disease; it should also be noted that this type of lichen is not transmitted to other people and cannot be completely cured.

This type of lichen manifests itself as red and pink plaques of various shapes that can affect the entire body.

The causes of the disease are considered to be:

The following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Plaque– the most common type of disease, manifests itself in the form of plaques on the body;
  • teardrop-shaped– most often occurs between the ages of 8 and 16 years, and lichen most often appears in the area of ​​the arms and legs;
  • Nail– lichen, which damages a person’s nail and leads to gradual destruction of the nail plate;
  • Intertriginous– manifests itself most often in obese people; it has an inflammatory nature in the folds of the skin;
  • Exudative- manifests itself in the form of plaques that have liquid contents;
  • Joint psoriasis– appears as a rash in the joint area and disrupts their functioning.

Squamous lichen is most often accompanied by:

  • The formation of small, round, light spots on the surface of the skin. The spots can quickly increase in size;
  • The plaques become rough and may develop cracks;
  • Itching and burning, especially after contact with water.


Treatment of lichen () consists of blocking further spread and relieving discomfort on human skin.

Most often prescribed:

  • Non-hormonal drugs for local treatment-such as Zinocap and Daivonex;
  • Hormonal drugs for local treatment- have the fastest effect, as well as a large number of contraindications. Hydrocortisone and Dermovate are considered the most effective. Used twice a day, it is worth noting that such drugs are addictive.

If you have this type of lichen, the use of any medications during pregnancy is prohibited. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, special baths with string and celandine are used. As well as special moisturizing creams that reduce skin dryness.

Solar lichen

The appearance of solar lichen refers to skin pathologies; it occurs as a result of damage to the epidermis by a fungus that tends to multiply in the hot season, which is why this type of disease is called solar lichen.


This type of lichen in humans can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of brown or white spots on the human body;
  • When exposed to sunlight, the spots begin to itch;
  • Swelling of the skin may occur.


To treat this type of lichen, antifungal drugs are prescribed for topical use:

  • Mycozolon– eliminates fungal spores and helps block further destruction of epidermal cells. Apply twice a day and rub into the skin with light movements. Not for use during pregnancy;
  • Exoderil– used three times a day. Has the ability to eliminate swelling and reduce itching.

In addition to antifungal drugs, special vitamin complexes are prescribed to enhance immunity.

Solar lichen is not transmitted to another person; it most often forms on the chest and shoulders.


  • Visit baths and saunas;
  • Limit prolonged contact with water;
  • Do not use preparations containing alcohol.

With timely treatment, this type of disease is eliminated within one week.

Lichen simplex, which is also called white lichen, is a fairly common type of disease in humans. It most often manifests itself as spots that are much lighter than the natural tone of the skin.

It can occur completely without any unpleasant symptoms. However, many patients complain of itching after contact with water. Lichen alba in humans tends to go away on its own.

Causes of pityriasis alba in humans:

Most often they occur in the face, elbows and knees; the disease is not contagious and cannot be transmitted to another person.

  • The appearance of white spots in the knees and elbows;
  • When you press on the plaque, it does not change its color;
  • Minor peeling of the skin.

No special medications are used for treatment.


Treatment consists of the following:

  • Consumption of a complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • Taking a bath with chamomile and string;
  • Using detergents with high levels of glycerol;
  • Rubbing moisturizing baby cream into areas where stains accumulate;
  • It is very important to maintain proper nutrition and eliminate foods that are allergens.

If a person’s lichen has acquired additional symptoms, such as burning and swelling of the skin, it is necessary to use antifungal drugs.

It is prohibited to use during treatment:

  • Alkaline detergents;
  • Medicines that contain alcohol;
  • Avoid direct sunlight.

Lichen tubularis is similar to pityriasis versicolor and is caused by damage to the skin by a fungal infection. It may not manifest itself for a long time and appear only after failures in the protective functions of the immune system.

The disease can occur for the following reasons:

Tubular lichen in humans manifests itself as follows:

  • Itching at the site of the spot formation;
  • Burning;
  • The appearance of spots varies from flesh-colored to red.

The disease is most often based on the back and abdomen of a person. The disease is not contagious, but it is recommended to reduce close contact with an infected person.


Tubular lichen is treated with the following drugs:

  • Local treatments– used to eliminate unpleasant sensations. The most commonly prescribed sulfur ointment is used twice a day on cleansed skin. The course of treatment is up to 10 days;
  • Antifungal agents– aimed at destroying the cell membrane of pathogenic fungi. Apply once a day, course of treatment is 10 days. The following drugs are prescribed:
    • Mycosporus;
    • Travogen;
    • Ecodance.

In addition to medicinal products, special attention is paid to maintaining hygiene rules and keeping the premises clean.

To do this you need:

  • Carry out wet cleaning twice a day;
  • The patient's bed linen should be changed twice a week, washed in hot water and be sure to iron;
  • Change your home clothes and personal towel daily.

Prohibited during treatment:

  • Use cosmetics;
  • Be in direct sunlight;
  • Be exposed to stressful situations;
  • Visit public places with high humidity levels.

During pregnancy and lactation, medications are not prescribed for treatment, the only exception being individual cases when lichen manifests itself with acute symptoms.

This type of disease in humans most often affects the area of ​​hair growth on the head. The infection breaks the skin and causes a lot of discomfort.

Ringworm appears in the form of plaques, releasing a large number of scales that form a crust on the skin with a large number of irregularities.

Causes of the disease:

  • Decreased immune system;
  • Frequent stressful situations;
  • Scalp injuries followed by infection;
  • Advanced types of allergic reactions;

The disease can infect a healthy person when using personal hygiene products, primarily combing brushes.


Treatment of such deprivation in humans consists of the following methods:

  • – necessary to reduce the amount of infection and eliminate itching. Tavegil is most often used for this disease;
  • External treatment– such drugs have the property of reducing the risk of further spread of the disease. Products with tar and sulfur are used, for example Berestin solution or Sulfur-tar ointment. Apply twice a day to the damaged area;
  • To remove scales- use salicylic acid or ointment to soften them, then you can easily comb them out with a comb;
  • Tar soap— it is recommended to wash your hair every two days with this particular soap or use mild shampoos intended for children;
  • Vitamin A and B complex, for example, the Complivit Radiance complex.

During treatment it is prohibited:

  • Use medications that dry the skin;
  • Use cosmetics to style your hair.

With this type of lichen, a person’s hair is not damaged, but the disease has an unpleasant appearance and requires urgent treatment.

Ringworm Piedra

The disease damages the hair column and appears as a result of a fungus that destroys the hair scales and forms a kind of nodules.

May manifest itself in the following forms:

  • Acute form– at this stage of development of the disease, nodules appear on most hairs, and bring itching to the person;
  • Chronic form– manifested by the temporary formation of the disease in a small number of formations on the hair.

The disease is classified as contagious and can be transmitted as follows:

Most often, the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • The presence of white nodules with a solid structure on the hair;
  • Poor hair condition.


Treatment for this type of lichen:

  • Antifungal agents- means to reduce fungal damage, such as Nystatin ointment; it must be used twice a day, thoroughly rubbed into the hair. The course of treatment is 21 days. Clotrimatozole spray is used once a day for 2 weeks;
  • Special shampoos- such products are used to eliminate pathogenic fungi of various types. The most popular are Mycozoral and Keto Plus.

The most effective treatment for this type of lichen in humans is complete hair cutting and the use of antifungal medications. It is prohibited to use any cosmetic products.

Feline ringworm

This type of lichen is manifested by the formation of plaques on the skin with a rough surface with the release of a cloudy liquid.

It can form in any part of the body, but most often in the area of ​​the hands and face; when it comes into contact with the area of ​​hair growth, hair damage occurs, which leads to hair loss.

The disease is a contagious disease and can be transmitted in the following way:

The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Severe itching at the site of the lesion;
  • Peeling of the skin;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Weakness;
  • The appearance of spots on the skin with a rough surface.


Treatment of such a disease requires an integrated approach:

  • Antifungal agents— high-quality and effective drugs include Itraconazole for oral administration and ointment for topical use;
  • Non-hormonal agents- the main treatment of skin diseases is carried out using a variety of creams, pastes, ointments, which are prescribed by a dermatologist depending on the severity of the disease. The most common remedy is Sulfur-salicylic ointment;
  • Hormonal agents- prescribed if previously used therapy is not effective. The following ointments are used: Advantan and Celestoderm, applied twice a day in a thin layer;
  • Iodine-containing solutions - well-proven solutions include:
    • Iodoform;
    • Iodopyr;
    • Iodinol;
  • Drugs that increase immunity levels— for this type of lichen, the herbal drug Aflubin and the drug of microbial origin Imudon are more often prescribed.

For productive treatment of feline lichen in humans, it is necessary to reduce, or better yet completely eliminate, contact with an infected animal.


Anyone can become infected with lichen; to reduce the risk of infection, the following rules must be followed:

Following these simple prevention methods will reduce the risk of skin lesions from lichen.


The appearance of lichen in a person not only has unpleasant symptoms, but can also negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.

Lack of timely treatment can cause the infection to spread throughout the body, which can lead to death.

Ringworm in humans is a generalized name for a dermatological disease that requires immediate treatment. The causes of its occurrence are very different, so treatment is prescribed on an individual basis. Often the disease appears due to fungi.

Dermatological diseases are the result of a malfunction of the body and are often infectious in nature. Therefore, immediate treatment is imperative. In addition, lichen does not look aesthetically pleasing, especially if it appears on the face. What are the features of this problem?

What is lichen, causes and symptoms?

Ringworm is an infectious skin disease in which some areas of the body are affected by spores of fungal etiology.

Most often, lichen appears on the body and face of a person after contact with animals. People with weakened immune systems and children are most susceptible to this pathology.

The causative agents of the disease include:

  • zooanthropophilic (found in both animals and humans);
  • anthropophilic (affect only humans);
  • geophilic.

The causative agents can be viruses and bacteria; more complex cases, for example, eczema, are also classified as lichen.

Many people are interested in the question: what does lichen look like in a person, its symptoms, treatment, photos. It can look different, it all depends on the etiology of the disease, but still, there are several common symptoms:

  • appears in a certain area of ​​the skin;
  • itching appears and;
  • The temperature may rise and general health may deteriorate.

Ringworm can affect both a specific area of ​​the epidermis and cover the entire human body. It all depends on the type of pathology and the general health of the person, his immunity.

You can see in the photo what lichen looks like in a person above. But the appearance of the skin with this pathology directly depends on the type of disease.

That is why if a rash, strange spots, itching and peeling appear on the skin, you should consult a doctor. Remember that many types of lichen are transmitted from person to person, so you become a possible threat to your family and friends.

7 main types of lichen

There are a huge number of types of lichen, but several main varieties can be distinguished:

  • encircling;
  • (aka solar, pityriasis or multicolor)
  • ringworm;
  • scaly.

Many species are contagious. Non-contagious include eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, multicolored.

In any case, if symptoms appear, go home and do not expose other people to danger. Consult a doctor to find out the causes of lichen and its type. Only in this case will the most adequate treatment be prescribed, which will lead to certain results.

Treatment is prescribed individually and if you follow all the doctors’ recommendations, you can get rid of such a dermatological disease in the shortest possible time. The principles of therapy will be discussed below.

Pink lichen of Zhiber

One of the most common types of lichen is pink. It is also called Gibert's disease. The cause is unknown, but scientists believe that the causative agent is the herpes virus (type 7).

The disease develops gradually. First, one or several pink spots appear on the skin, which peel off in the middle.

Then the scales fall off, and a spot is formed that looks like a medallion. After a few days, others appear around the primary spot and spread throughout the body.

If left untreated, pityriasis rosea very quickly takes over the entire human body. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, since treatment is much easier in the initial stages of the disease.

Pityriasis rosea appears only on the body. The appearance of spots on the patient’s neck and face is excluded.

Atypical forms of lichen

In rare cases, the patient is diagnosed with an atypical form of lichen. It is characterized by an unusual form of the disease, although the symptoms are largely the same.

First of all, the primary stain does not appear. It is possible that such lichen may occur on the neck and face, but in very rare cases. It is very difficult to tolerate the appearance of lichen in places where the skin rubs: on the bends of the limbs, in the armpits, in places of contact with clothing.

In rare cases, the disease is not caused by a virus or fungus, but by improper medication use. The person experiences severe discomfort: itching, irritation, the skin becomes inflamed, and body temperature rises.

Features of lichen in children (for different types)

Most often, lichen in children appears due to fungal and viral infections. Infection occurs in groups, through close contact with animals, and failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

Karen Beasley


The doctor creates all treatment methods on an individual basis. It is important to find out the cause of the pathology and its type. The fact is that each type of lichen has its own treatment characteristics. For example, for pink deprivation, antihistamines are prescribed. For ringworm, antifungal ointments and other medications are needed. Only after establishing the correct diagnosis can competent therapy be prescribed.

If you follow simple precautions, constantly strengthen your immune system, and take the necessary vitamins and minerals, then the risks of this disease can be minimized.

Lichen is a group of diseases characterized by the appearance of flaky and itchy rashes on the patient’s skin. The question regarding the causes and mechanisms of occurrence of these ailments remains open to this day. Various versions continue to replace each other, but today none of them is recognized as the ultimate truth. The opinions of dermatologists only agree that the factors contributing to the occurrence of lichen are stress, genetic predisposition, decreased immunity, emotional and physical stress, as well as a superficial approach to compliance with hygiene requirements.

There are several forms of the disease, differing in the degree of infectiousness, types of pathogens, localization and appearance of the loose elements. Some types of lichen occur hidden and do not require specific treatment. However, in most cases, people suffering from this disease require complex therapy.

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