What tastes better: wine or champagne? The best Russian champagne: photos and reviews

Nothing creates a happy holiday mood like sparkling cold champagne poured into thin, elegant glasses. Sparkling wine began to gain popularity back in the Middle Ages, and today in many supermarkets and wine boutiques we can perhaps even get lost among the wide range of sparkling wines from various regions of the world.

We tell you how not to make a mistake with your choice and find exactly the champagne that will create the warmest New Year's atmosphere and will not bring a severe headache the next morning.

Champagne, sparkling or sparkling?

First, a little simple theory.

(vin de Champagne) proudly refers exclusively to wine that was made using traditional technologies in the province of Champagne. The most famous wine houses in this region are Moët & Chandon and, of course, the legendary Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin.

Other sparkling wine do not fall under the “champagne” category, but they are often in no way inferior to the French original, either in quality or taste. Among the best representatives are wines from other French regions called Crémant, Italian Spumante and Asti, German Sekt and Catalan Cava. Among worthy Russian sparkling wines, Abrau Durso boasts the best price-quality ratio, but it is better to avoid “Sovetsky” and “Rossiyskgo” champagnes - most of these wines are artificially carbonated, which, of course, affects the quality of the drink.

Read the label and be careful: some manufacturers even produce special ones at a ridiculous price sparkling wines(sometimes called carbonated), which are simply artificially saturated with carbon dioxide. As a rule, these are lightly carbonated alcoholic drinks that can hardly be called full-fledged sparkling wine.

Read the label and back label

Reading champagne labels is, by and large, no different from reading wine labels. The champagne label must include:

  • manufacturer's name;
  • name of the wine;
  • appellation - classification of quality and place of origin;
  • vintage year;
  • alcohol content;
  • wine category based on sugar content.

On the back label you will find information about the individual qualities of champagne or sparkling wine - about its taste and combination with various dishes.

If you decide to buy real champagne, do not hesitate to ask for help from a consultant in a special wine store - he will help you navigate.

Having chosen a good sparkling wine, check whether its label indicates that it was made using the traditional method (méthode classique) - this will give you a guarantee of impeccable quality of the drink.

Sparkling wines in the mid-price category are usually made using a simpler tank method: these are the extremely popular Italian Asti, Prosecco and Lambrusco.

A bad producer can follow all the rules and make bad wine; a good producer makes decent wine in almost any circumstance.

Dry or sweet?

The most popular and traditional type of champagne is, of course, brut. This is a dry, light, but at the same time rich sparkling wine, suitable for most dishes.

Wine connoisseurs advise choosing brut, because it is this category of wine that best conveys the entire flavor bouquet, and sweetened champagne, most often, is quite inconspicuous.

But not just brut. If you prefer something more dessert-like, check out the following categories:

  • doux (sweet);
  • demi-sec (semi-sweet);
  • sec (semi-dry);
  • extra sec (extra-semi-dry).

They all differ in sugar content and, as a result, calorie content. But no matter what kind of champagne you prefer, wine experts highlight common features that both sweet and dry good sparkling wines should have.

Good champagne has a nutty, bready aroma, apple freshness and very fine bubbles. Don't buy the cheapest champagne - it's usually too sour to even drink, let alone enjoy.

White or pink?

Champagne can be white or pink: the choice of one or the other depends not only on your personal preferences, but also on the dishes that you are going to serve on the festive table.

All dry sparkling wines, rosé or white, are quite versatile: they pair equally well with seafood, cheeses, poultry and fruits.

The best combination for white brut is red caviar. It's as classic as pineapple. Fish, nuts, cheese plate - all these are excellent companions for white sparkling wines. But pink champagne is recommended to be served with duck and fruit or berry desserts (especially strawberries), but it will look best as an aperitif.

Meat dishes are perhaps the only exception, which should not be combined with light wines (and champagne falls into this category). But if your soul craves both meat and champagne, try Australian sparkling red wines or the legendary red Lambrusco champagne. The juicy, rich taste of such champagne will definitely surprise you and will certainly be remembered for its unique velvety richness combined with soft bubbles.

Historically, France is the birthplace of champagne. Therefore, the phrase French champagne is synonymous with the quality and classic taste of a real sparkling drink.

In the article:

Real French champagne

Real champagne has certain criteria:

  1. The Champagne Province has been the birthplace of the largest producers of champagne wine in France since ancient times and to this day.
  2. For real French wines, the following grape varieties are used: Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Chardonnay.
  3. Special production technology using the Champenoise method. This method is a final fermentation over a long period of time (more than a year) in a vessel from which it will subsequently be bottled.

Also, wine from the famous province of France has a certain label, which must indicate:

  1. Information about the name of the champagne.
  2. Brand name or manufacturer.
  3. Each bottle is marked with a specific number.
  4. The presence of any of the following abbreviations: “NM” (wine made from purchased grapes), “CM” (wine produced by a cooperative of winegrowers), “RM” (wine from grapes grown by the manufacturer), “MA” (wine under the brand name is only bottled in bottles).

French champagne production technology

Champagne is produced using a special technology - champagneization. The author of this technology is Pierre Perignon. This method is the main process for producing champagne from any variety of grapes. There are two ways to age the future drink: the first method is classical fermentation followed by bottling, the other method is the complete fermentation of the noble drink in a darkened bottle.

Champagne production is a complex process. In accordance with the precepts of the first winemakers, the berries, like centuries ago, are picked by hand, after which they are sent to a special press.

There are several stages of pressing:

  1. First spin. Obtaining better quality juice (cuvee). This juice is used to produce the best champagne wines. This champagne has sophistication, freshness and can last a long time in the bottle.
  2. Second spin (thai). Third-press juice. Also used in production.
  3. After obtaining the juice, primary fermentation occurs. It is carried out in specialized tanks, which include stainless steel. Next, to reduce acidity, secondary fermentation is performed (most often it is malolactic). At the end of the process, the finished champagne is bottled. And the most important thing is the addition of lotion liqueur. This is a liquid based on cane sugar and yeast. This liquid is added to move the drink to the next stage - champagne.
  4. After this, the most important stage in the production of champagne occurs. The vessel is sealed and stored in the basement. When secondary fermentation occurs, the alcohol concentration increases by 2%. Carbon dioxide is formed and the future sparkling drink is saturated. The formation of sediment indicates the fermentation process. In order for champagne to acquire a unique taste, it must infuse for at least 10 months..

When the required period has passed, each bottle is placed in specialized stands, neck down, and an angle of 45 degrees is maintained. Every morning you need to turn each bottle 90 degrees. This causes the yeast residues to settle slowly. When each bottle is standing upright (neck pointing down). The sediment moves to the plug and the next stage occurs - opening. The neck is immersed in cold liquid (-29), and some of the champagne will freeze. When the bottle is opened, this frozen part will be removed. After this, the bottles are corked again. A natural cork made of cork is inserted. Before closing the bottle, dosage liquor is added.

Types of French champagne by amount of sugar

  • « Extra Brut" This type of champagne contains the least amount of sugar.
  • « Brut" The drink contains no more than 14 g/l sugar.
  • « Sec" Dry type of champagne. Contains 16-34 g/l sugar.
  • « Demi-sec" Semi-dry. The amount of sugar is 32-49 g/l. It is considered a dessert drink.
  • « Doux" Sweet champagne wine. It is very rare and contains more than 50 g/l of sugar.

French champagne brands

Expensive French champagne is produced by elite producers. To make such wines, only selected wine materials are used. Therefore, expensive champagne has a unique taste. Brands of expensive French sparkling wine:

"Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin"

It is the most popular brand of champagne in the world. produced since 1722. The founder is considered to be Philippe Clicquot. After Philip's death, his son took him in, but died soon after. His widow invented a new method of producing champagne. With this technology, the drink turned out transparent. The bottles were stored with the neck down, this was necessary to collect sediment towards the neck, after which they froze and removed the ice cap.

Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin

The widow always monitored the quality of the products and bought more vineyards. Several types of varieties (Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay) were used to produce champagne; their combination gives a unique and harmonious taste.

Using individual technology, a blend was produced that combines Pinot noir and Chardonnay. Thanks to its high achievements, this drink today occupies second position among the giants of world trade.

This wonderful drink is best served with cheeses, desserts, appetizers or seafood dishes. The average price is 2,500 rubles per bottle.

"Moët and Chandon"

For more than two hundred years, the company has been producing the best drinks on the world market. It is difficult to overestimate the dignity of the drink, which was once served on the dinner tables of the rabbits and queens of France and England. During the prosperity of cinema and various pop cultures, champagne also occupied its leading position.

Proof of this is that Moët & Chandon has been the official drink of the prestigious Golden Globe Awards for three decades now. The taste of this champagne is amazing. The drink, like other noble sparkling wines, should be served with dessert or appetizer.

Since 2016, the brand has been the official sponsor of the “royal” Formula 1.

Depending on the year of harvest, the price varies from 2000 to 7000 rubles.

"Dom Pérignon"

This exclusive drink is named after the man who stood at the origins of the champagne production craft, Monk Perignon. The world-famous company Moet and Chandon has been producing this drink for almost 100 years. Over such a long period of time, the taste qualities have not lost their former glory, they have only strengthened the names among the most popular brands of champagne on the international market.

The unique taste of this wine brings bliss to anyone who tastes it. Therefore, it can rightfully be considered the most refined and expensive drink. The price ranges from 7,000 – 22,000 rubles per bottle.

"Louis Roederer"

Another great champagne brand, taking its origins from the depths of centuries. In addition to the general recognition of quality in Europe, at one time it was supplied to Russia by personal order of the emperor. Perhaps producer Louis Roederer is the only wine producer in the Champagne region who has not sold to companies and is running a family business.

Since this wine has a soft, deep taste and is produced in small batches, its price starts at 4,000 rubles. However, there are specimens with a certain vintage, the price of which reaches 35,000 thousand rubles.


Marilyn Monroe's favorite drink and the official drink of the Oscars. A very well-known brand with its origins and history of more than 50 years. The wine has excellent taste, a delicate and refined aroma, reminiscent not only of grapes, but also of flowers.

Despite the fact that the brand is world famous and well promoted, its price is quite reasonable for such a drink. A regular bottle of this champagne can be purchased for 1,500 rubles, which cannot be done with an exclusive gift set. Since it is produced exclusively to order and its circulation is limited. The affordability of the price for a regular bottle is due to the gigantic scale of production, exceeding several million bottles per year.

"Mumm" (G.H. Mumm)

This drink takes an honorable third place among the largest wine houses in France in terms of sales and supplies. The drink originates in the 18th century in France. Even then, it acquired a unique style - a red ribbon, which became its symbol and makes it recognizable among other drinks.

The history of the Mumm drink is closely connected with sports, which is why it is the “champagne of sports.” Sponsoring various extreme sports, the wine has long been the official face of Formula 1, but in 2016 it passed the baton to Moët. The exquisite taste of champagne is best conveyed when cooled to 8 degrees and, complemented by desserts and ice cream, will not leave anyone indifferent. The price for one non-gift or non-collectible bottle starts from 2,500 rubles.

There are literally a couple of days left before the onset of the New Year, so many of our compatriots are actively addressing the issue of purchasing food for the holiday table. At the same time, not the least place here is given to the choice of a sparkling drink, which will make the holiday truly memorable and fun. And to make this task as easy as possible, experts have compiled , having familiarized yourself with which you can easily purchase a quality drink at an affordable price. The relevance of the issue of choice lies in the fact that the modern market is simply replete with offers, greatly increasing the consumer’s chances of purchasing surrogates.

Champagne is synonymous with fun, joy and victories, so it can always be seen as a decoration for a romantic meeting or other festive event. And if this best Russian champagne, rating which occupies high horizons among similar products, then the holiday can definitely be called a success. It is important to understand that the best sparkling wines are produced in regions that grow special varieties of grapes. If we talk about Russian manufacturers, then best Russian champagne rating 2017 indicates that these are products from the enterprise ZAO Abrau-Durso (Krasnodar Territory), whose main brands are the wines “Victor Dravigny”, “Specific Department” and “Imperial”.

Rating of Russian champagne 2017

According to experts, JSC Abrau-Durso is the largest domestic producer of sparkling wines, which forces its specialists to jealously monitor the quality of drinks supplied to the market. It is for this reason that its products top , especially since the company’s pricing policy allows us to talk about the availability of low-alcohol drinks for the majority of the population. In general distributed as follows:

  • JSC "Sparkling Wines" (St. Petersburg). Main brands: “St. Petersburg”, “Rossiyskoe”, “Bourgeois”, “Lev Golitsyn”.
  • ZShV "New World" (Crimea). Main brands: “Krymskoye”, “Pinot noir”, “Novosvetskoye”.
  • OJSC "Moscow Champagne Wine Factory" (Moscow). Main brands: “Moskovskoe”, “Rossiyskoe”, “Golden Standard”.
  • LLC "Kuban-Vino" (Krasnodar region). Main brands: Chateau-Taman.
  • Rostov Champagne Wine Factory LLC (Rostov-on-Don). Main brands: “Rostovskoe”.
  • OJSC "Tsimlyansk Wines" (Rostov region). Main brands: Tsimlyanskoe.
  • In this context, correspondents of our news agency place emphasis on the fact that this rating of Russian champagne producers was compiled not on the quality and taste characteristics of drinks, but on their popularity and demand among the population. Well, since people tend to buy products only from trusted manufacturers and at affordable prices, the rating compiled by experts can be considered as the main criterion for choosing champagne, including for the purpose of decorating the New Year's table.

    Some nuances of purchasing drinks

    Despite the fact that experts compiled rating of champagne produced in Russia, allowing you to make an accented choice, it is important to understand that you need to buy it only in specialized stores or in large supermarkets. As a rule, employees of retail chains of this level very scrupulously check the supplied goods for quality and delivery time, and their pricing policy is based on a more flexible schedule. And of course, their marketers track positions such as rating of champagne wines from Russian producers, striving to purchase only popular drinks. This means that here you can always buy a bottle of quality sparkling wine and celebrate the New Year fully armed.

    Special attention should be paid to the cost of the drinks offered. So, if we are talking about products that are ranking of Russian champagne 2017 occupies the highest positions, then its price cannot start at an amount below 300 rubles. Of course, if we talk about global manufacturers, their drinks can cost up to 5,000 per bottle, but not everyone can afford these products. Well, for the average Russian, a bottle of sparkling wine at a price in the range of 300-500 rubles is quite acceptable. By the way, for comparison you can consider rating of Russian champagne 2016, which is practically no different from the current situation on the market for low-alcohol products. For our part, we can only add that the question is how to choose the right champagne for the New Year, is actually not difficult at all. You just need to follow your priorities and take into account information regarding the manufacturer’s rating.

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    On the eve of the holidays, a reasonable question arises - which good champagne to buy? And is it true that only white wine can rightfully be called champagne, and other foamy semi-sweet drinks of pink and red colors are just sparkling wine?

    Let's figure out which champagne is better, dry, semi-sweet, elite or Soviet.

    Which champagne is real and which is fake?

    The bulk of sparkling wine, which we call champagne, is produced using a simplified method. Without reading the label and being tempted by the affordable price, the buyer risks buying, at best, wine artificially saturated with carbon dioxide instead of real champagne. And at worst - a fizzy, flavored drink that was made from sugar, alcohol and water.

    So, how does real champagne differ from beautifully foamy wines bottled in graceful “curvy” bottles?

    Real champagne is made from three grape varieties: Pinot Noir, Pinot and white Chardonnay in the Champagne region of France. Only such sparkling wine can be called champagne. The rest of the alcoholic drinks labeled “champagne”, produced in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world, are nothing more than a good analogue of the famous French product.

    The estimated cost of real champagne wines in Russia from the world famous brands Louis Roederer, Pierre Gimonnet & Fils, Chanoine ranges from 3,000 rubles to 500,000 per bottle. At the same time, numerous reviews indicate that the majority of our compatriots prefer Russian semi-sweet champagne to foreign ones. It is also produced using old French technology, but domestic products are several times cheaper.

    The prices of champagne wine depend on the production technology, grape varieties, aging and range from 200 rubles for semi-sweet white wine to 2,300 rubles for extra brut white sparkling wine.

    Champagne is usually classified not only by sugar content (brut, ultra-brut, semi-dry and dry), but also by year of production - vintage. Thus, more affordable and light drinks do not age for several years and are ready for consumption within a couple of months after production. (“Sparkling quality” is achieved by producers of such wines by mechanically adding carbon dioxide). And vintage champagne wines, produced from a single grape harvest and having passed the strictest controls, are aged for 5 years or more. In this case, the entire process of “champagneization” occurs naturally.

    Which champagne is better, brut or semi-sweet?

    The purest taste is in dry champagne with a minimum content of added sugar. Those who once chose brut nature for themselves are unlikely to ever be able to drink anything else. Dry sparkling wine is an ideal accompaniment to seafood and white meat. Brut goes well with peach and pear.

    But in our country there are many who contemptuously call brut “sour” and happily drink semi-sweet brands of champagne wines during the holidays. This unfair treatment of dry champagne is partly due to the wrong choice of product. Authentic Brut with a rich palette of flavors and an amazing aftertaste a priori cannot be cheap.

    Cuvee Royale AOC Joseph Perrier, Brut Rose Deutz, Ayala Blanc de Blancs and many other bruts must be drunk correctly, without simultaneously eating herring, chocolate and chops. For, knocking down its amazing taste with rough food, it is easy to spoil all the gastronomic pleasure.

    But in the countries of the post-Soviet space, consumers give the main preference to brands of champagne wines from the economy segment. Bottles costing 200 rubles sell much faster than expensive and elite wines, and occupy about 80% of the entire market.

    Champagne for the New Year

    On New Year's Day, a bottle of semi-sweet on the table is a tradition. And most often the glasses are filled not with elite Moët & Chandon, Dom Pérignon and Piper-Heidsieck, but at best with affordable Lambrusco dell’Emilia and Martini Asti, at worst with “Soviet” white semi-sweet for 170 rubles. Although, if it’s original, not everyone will pay attention to its contents.

    Rating of the most popular inexpensive champagne in Russia:

    1. ABRAU-DURSO champagne made in Russia.
    2. Bosco champagne, white and sweet. The range of the Italian manufacturer Bosca includes both inexpensive sparkling wines and innovative drinks.
    3. Champagne wines “New World” are rightfully called one of the best examples of Crimean champagne producers. Everyone especially loves Novosvetsky Pinot Noir.
    4. Asti champagne. Asti Martini is a light sparkling wine with natural fruity sweetness and a whole range of flavors.
    5. Soviet champagne. When buying it for your next holiday, you need to keep in mind that Soviet champagne produced in the classical way tastes much better than a sparkling drink made using the quick bottle method. You should focus on price.

    What good quality champagne doesn't give you a headache in the morning?

    Why do you get a headache after drinking champagne? Manufacturers often disguise bad sparkling wine with insufficient taste by excessive sweetening. One bottle of sugar can contain three times more than lemonade! And sugar is known to increase fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract and inhibit the processing of alcohol. That is why the toxic effect from semi-sweet and sweet champagne is higher (and therefore the headache is stronger) than from dry brut. In addition, surrogate production of sweet pop in Russia in 2015 broke all records. Draw conclusions.

    Of course, champagne wines are one of the most expensive categories of alcoholic beverages. And if you want to try them, you have to choose a decent option. For those who are not very well versed in the range of sparkling wines, this can be difficult.
    The list below is a kind of reminder for lovers of champagne wines.

    Most people use the term “champagne” to include sparkling wines from other regions. In fact, it is fair to call only drinks from the Champagne region of France “champagne.”
    Often, when people talk about “champagne” wines that are not related to the Champagne region, they mean sparkling wines made using the “champagne method” (Méthode Champenoise).

    Names of champagne wines

    Champagne producers typically produce more than one brand: they are differentiated by price and style. For example, the world-famous premium vintage brand Dom Perignon is produced by the house Moët et Chandon, the same house that produces the quite ordinary White Star and the American sparkling wine Domaine Chandon, which is made using the champagne method, but is not champagne.
    Within the brand, different types are created, differing from each other in belonging to a specific harvest (vintage or single), sugar content (for example, brut) and the types of grapes used in production (for example, blanc de blancs or rosé). .

    • AR Lenoble (A.R. Lenoble)
      AR Lenoble produces relatively inexpensive champagnes that have fairly high ratings. The line includes both single and vintage drinks, there are pink versions and banc de blanc.
      What to try: Try Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru, which is made from Chardonnay grapes. This champagne costs around $35 and generally receives good reviews from critics.
    • Krug
      Krug is the name of the most respected producer of sparkling wines in France. This brand of champagne wine is one of the top brands and is distinguished by its high cost. For example, one of the Krug champagnes is included in the Forbes list of the most expensive champagnes: the cost of a bottle of this manufacturer's Clos du Mesnil Blanc de Blancs 1975 is $750.
      What to try: If you decide to celebrate in full, a relatively inexpensive option is the Krug NV (non-vintage) Grand Cuveé, costing just under $200. This expensive wine has the characteristic features of champagne: biscuit aroma, delicate and fresh bubbles.
    • Moët et Chandon

      This champagne name is famous primarily for its Dom Pérignon brand. Dom Perignon is a vintage champagne wine that is produced only in years when the harvests are considered good or great. In the mid-price segment, Moet et Chandon produces White Star and NV (non-vintage) champagne wines.
      What to try: If you're dying to try Dom Pérignon but are on a budget, keep in mind that different vintages have different prices: good vintages are cheaper than great years. For example, Dom Pérignon 1998 costs from $150, while the 1996 vintage costs from $350.

    • Salon
      Salon is a small manufacturer that pays special attention to quality. Salon produces exclusively vintage wines from white grape varieties (blanc de blancs).
      What to try: The 1997 vintage is considered the most famous. The cost of one bottle starts from $250 from the manufacturer. But the 1996 harvest is no longer so valuable. A bottle of this wine will cost you only $30 per bottle.
    • Veuve Clicquot (Veuve Clicquot)

      The name “Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin” is another one of the most famous brands of French champagne producers. Veuve Clicquot is known for its relatively affordable and high-quality Yellow Label brands, as well as its premium line of La Grande Dame wines, which are produced only in good and great years.
      What to try:“Yellow Label NV Brut” is a very worthy drink, combining the highest level of taste and not too high a cost (for champagne). The cost of this drink is about $50.
    • Louis Roederer (Louis Roederer)
      This producer is known for the names of its expensive vintage wines “Cristal”. However, Louis Roederer also produces affordable wines such as NV Brut and NV Rosé (costing about $50)
      What to try:“Louis Roederer Brut Rosé” 2004 is an excellent option for your first acquaintance with excellent high-quality rosé champagne. There are flowers, caramel and notes of fried wheat bread. Cost of pleasure: about $65.
    • Perrier Jouet
      Perrior Jouët is a producer known for its Belle Epoque Cuvée (floral bottles) and Fleur de Champagne vintages. The lines also include pink, NV (non-vintage) and blanc de blanc.
      What to try: A very worthy option that will allow you to get acquainted with the wines of this producer is “Perrier Jouët NV Grand Brut”. This drink has good expert ratings, and its cost is about $45. The appearance of a bottle of this drink is in no way inferior to its contents, and the wine itself will not disappoint you.
    • Bollinger

      Bollinger is a treasure of France. While the major champagne producers have fallen under the influence of large corporations, Bollinger remains independent and is still managed by the descendants of the family that created the brand.
      Bollinger offers both affordable NV wines and premium vintage wines (for example, Vieille Vignes Françaises blanc de noirs).
      What to try: Bollinger Champagne Special Cuvée with the aroma of baked apples and orange blossom. Cost from $80 per bottle.

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