Miracle of fasting of the Bragg field. Miracle of fasting by Paul Bragg Water fasting by Paul Bragg

Paul Bragg is an author, fasting advocate, naturopath and ardent supporter of a healthy lifestyle. The book “The Miracle of Fasting” became the treasure of my life. It describes the harm of a number of foods to the body, the benefits of avoiding them, and methods of balanced nutrition to restore strength, health, and increase life expectancy. Bragg lived to be over 81 years old. Died of a heart attack in Miami.

The main idea of ​​the author's system is a special diet. A person's diet should consist of 60% vegetables and fruits in unprocessed form. The list of other products is wide, allowing you to eat varied and tasty. It is not advisable to heat-treat dishes; exclude refined sugar, table salt and synthetic ingredients.

Bragg has no strict prohibitions. Meat lovers are allowed to eat it safely, but 3-4 times a week. It is not recommended to satisfy your hunger with canned processed foods, sausages, fatty meats, and fried meats. Eggs are acceptable, 2-3 pcs. in Week. Paul advises older people and adults not to get carried away with sour cream, dairy products, butter, cheeses, and other animal fats.

Particular emphasis in the Bragg system is on fasting. Cleansing the body of dangerous poisons formed inside decay products should be carried out once a week. When refusing food, it is important to drink large volumes of water to improve the functioning of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, joint condition, nervous system, and heart. And every 3 months, cleansing should last 7-10 days.

Refusal to eat is an escape from self-poisoning of the body as a result of abuse of medications, poisoned water and air, and poor nutrition. People regularly pollute themselves and do not suspect it, and as a result suffer from diseases, among which cancer predominates. Fasting helps you get healthier.

The main proof of the effectiveness of the technique is the state of Paul Bragg’s internal organs and well-being at the age of 95. He worked 12-hour days, surfed, and was active in the community.

Fasting options

The doctor has developed several options for fasting for the purpose of cleansing. They involve treatment in solitude, to rest when feeling unwell. During this period, it is important to be in the fresh air and bask in the sun. But bed rest should not be ignored.

One-day fasting

For ardent adherents of fasting and beginners, Brag advised the practice of a weekly one-day refusal of food. At this time, distilled water is allowed for consumption. The period of abstinence is 24-36 hours. Thanks to short fasts, you can cleanse yourself of toxins.

The day before entering a therapeutic fast, you need to give up solid food and not drink juices from vegetables and fruits. No enemas or laxatives! It is better to carry out the procedure on the weekend in order to calmly endure all possible ailments, especially if you are a beginner.

During a 24-hour fast, an exception is allowed - add 1 tsp to a glass of distilled water. lemon juice or high quality honey. This will enhance the removal of toxic substances and mucus.

The kidneys play an important role in short-term cleansing. They filter substances and actively work against the background of a complete refusal of food. At first, daily hunger is difficult to bear, while toxins are contained in the body, dizziness and nausea are observed. As harmful substances are released, your health will improve, and every week it will be easier and more pleasant to fast.

Paul Bragg regularly practiced daily abstinence from food for the purpose of self-cleansing and rejuvenation of the body.

Ten-day fasting

Three-day, four-day, week-long and longer periods of fasting should be carried out in comfortable conditions. It is important to ensure rest and recuperation when poisons leave the body. It is not recommended to listen to music, watch TV, talk on the phone a lot, or read.

If you feel unwell, stay in bed and sleep. Any physical activity is excluded, except for sunbathing and walking in the fresh air.

A beginner may experience fear for the functioning of the body and internal systems. The intestines have their own antiseptics, under the influence of which incoming food dissolves. Nature has given man a perfect elimination system; it knows where to put toxins, how to dissolve them, and one should not be afraid to disrupt the natural course by performing enemas.

Fasting for 21 days

Paul Bragg is against long periods of abstinence from food. His Miracle of Fasting does not provide a system for how to act during a 21-day cleansing fast. This is dangerous, you can undermine your health, develop gastritis, provoke a latent disease to actively progress and transition to an acute form of the course. Three weeks, a month is difficult, not every healthy person is able to withstand the process.

Improper preparation and exit can damage the functioning of internal organs and systems. During a long period of fasting according to the Brag system, patients must be under strict medical supervision, and a thorough diagnosis must be carried out beforehand. The kidneys receive special attention; they experience serious stress, as they remove the bulk of poisons and toxins. If the doctor finds that the indicators are at the limit, a break from fasting is necessary.


The Bragg method is based on gentle preparation of the body and a gradual transition to long fasts. First, daily is practiced, then 3-4 days or weeks. A 10-day fast can be practiced after 5-6 short-term courses. Extend periods to 21 days or more after 1-2 years of regular practice. The miracle of the system, longevity, weight loss are the result of hard work on yourself and adherence to the correct diet.


Bragg fasting does not require complex preparation. The main thing is an internal positive attitude. Only confidence in your strength will help every cell of the body accept cleansing and cope with the task.

When entering the process, do not notify a large number of people, do not ask for recommendations, advice, do not study other people’s experience, and stay alone.

A day before the start, stop eating solid foods, juices from fruits or vegetables.


During the period of abstinence from food, rest more, lie in bed, conserving vital energy and strength for cleansing. The right attitude will help you survive all the unpleasant sensations.

Avoid dry hunger, it's dangerous! Water is a life-giving force and the more thirsty a person is, the better it is for the body; it will quickly cleanse itself of poisons and toxins.


It is important to eat properly after the end of the fast, otherwise problems with the gastrointestinal tract will arise. The first allowed food is carrot salad with cabbage and lemon or orange juice. Next, boiled vegetables are introduced.

For long-term abstinence, the following menu is offered:

  • on the last day, eat 4-5 tomatoes of medium diameter, wash them in boiling water;
  • the next day, salad, greens stewed with wheat flour bread are allowed, and for lunch - boiled pumpkin, cabbage with green peas and carrots;
  • then for breakfast, take 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat, honey up to 10 g and fruit. For lunch, steamed or boiled vegetables. Tomato dinner;
  • after 3 days, switch to vegetarian cuisine.

People who adhere to the principle of eating natural products in their diet are called naturopaths or naturists. One of the founders of the movement advocating the use of only natural products in food was Paul Bragg. Paul Bragg's book "The Miracle of Fasting" was a real bestseller of its time, and Paul Bragg himself lived to be 95 years old, leading an active lifestyle and having no chronic diseases. Every day he jogged, took long walks, played tennis, danced and could even surf. He believed that a person was able to lengthen his life by leading a reasonable lifestyle and, in particular, by eating in a certain way. His nutritional system was based on miracle fasting.

While a person is not fasting according to Paul Bragg, he must still adhere to certain rules in food. At least 60% of the total food should be fruits and vegetables, mostly raw. Chemically processed foods should be avoided whenever possible. All food is preferable in its natural form and should contain a minimum of salt and sugar, as well as any synthetic components.

However, Bragg did not insist on the complete exclusion of such products. It’s just that their volume should be minimal.

In most cases, the nutrition he advocates corresponds to the recommendations of any nutritionist. But it was Bragg’s fasting that was the basis of his healing method. According to Paul Breguet, only during such fasting is the body cleansed of all decay products and poisons that are formed in it every day. And that is why miracle fasting must be done weekly, and once every 3 months it is worth fasting for 7-10 days. During such fasting, the body completely changes its energy supply mode, using internal energy reserves instead of those obtained from food. However, the restructuring of the body does not go the same way for everyone. In many cases, it is very difficult to adjust to such a regime (in the form of a crisis), people are frightened by their condition, and they are simply forced to stop the miracle of fasting.

Preparing for miracle fasting according to Paul Bragg

Bragg himself said that when a person is internally disposed to fasting positively and views it as a method of cleansing from waste and toxins, then success is guaranteed. In his opinion, such an attitude will lead to the fact that every cell of the body will “meet” fasting with joy and accept it.

When starting a Bragg fast, you should not inform many people about it, and you should not ask for unnecessary advice. You just need to tune in correctly, listen to your body and sensations. And the main thing is to firmly believe in the success of the miracle of fasting.

Fasting according to Paul Bragg

Those who are fasting for the first time should not refuse food for more than 10 days at once.

Miracle fasting should begin with a complete 24-hour fast, during which you can only drink distilled water. The first time during fasting you need to see a doctor.

According to Breg, one must prepare carefully for more than ten days of fasting. Fasting for 21 or 35 days can be fatal even for a practically healthy person. Therefore, during such fasting according to Paul Bragg, not only medical supervision is necessary, but also a number of specialized studies. Mainly, it is necessary to control the functioning of the kidneys, because they are responsible for removing toxins and poisons from the body. If the doctor notes during the study that the load is extremely high, then the fast must be interrupted. During miracle fasting, you also need to monitor your feelings. Naturally, it is impossible to fast and feel 100%, but there should not be a sharp deterioration in your general condition.

According to Paul Bragg's book The Miracle of Fasting, you need to gradually approach a long period of fasting. First, you can practice a 24-hour fast, then a 3-4 day fast once a month. And only after completing 5-6 such courses, you can easily reach a week-long fast, and after a year or two move on to lengthening this period.

Bragg's 24-hour miracle fast

You can fast at any time: from dinner to dinner, or from breakfast to breakfast. You can only drink distilled water. If it is absolutely impossible to stay without food all this time, then a small indulgence is allowed: 1/3 teaspoon of honey or 1 spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, dissolved in water. Bragg believed that the greater the thirst and water consumption, the better the body rids itself of toxins.

Also, during the miracle of fasting according to Bragg, it is important to constantly be in high spirits. He advised repeating certain words several times and tuning in for the good. These phrases can be found in Paul Bragg's book The Miracle of Fasting:

On this day I handed my body into the hands of nature. I turned to higher powers for internal cleansing and renewal.

Every minute of fasting I expel dangerous poisons from my body. Every hour I fast, I become happier and happier.

Hour after hour, my body cleanses itself.

How to get out of fasting

After the end of fasting, a correct transition to normal nutrition is important. The first food eaten is a salad of fresh vegetables: cabbage, carrots with lemon or orange juice. Salad will stimulate the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

After this, you can prepare boiled vegetables (for example, tomatoes).

And only later can you eat some meat, milk, cheese or butter. But it’s worth remembering Bragg’s attitude towards these products in general.

Long-term fasting according to Bragg

Any long-term fasting must be carried out in a state of complete psychological comfort and calm. It is necessary to stop watching TV, unnecessary conversations and actions, i.e. from everything that prevents you from concentrating on the miracle of fasting. If possible, privacy in comfortable conditions is desirable. Physical activity and even walking, as well as sunbathing, should be completely excluded. This can only be done if you are in stable good health.

You should listen to yourself, but try to drive away fear and self-doubt.

A thoughtful way out of any prolonged fast is necessary. Bragg suggested the following option: on day 7 of fasting, eat 4-5 medium-sized tomatoes, scalded with boiling water or thrown into boiling water. Tomatoes should be peeled and eaten cold.

On the eighth day, for breakfast you can prepare a salad of fresh vegetables: carrots and cabbage with the juice of 1/2 orange. After that - some stewed greens with wheat bread.

For lunch, the same salad and 2 vegetable dishes: you can boil cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, green peas.

On the ninth day, any fruit with 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat with honey (up to 1 tablespoon) is suitable for breakfast. Lunch may consist of a salad with boiled vegetables. Dinner is similar to lunch on the seventh day.

From the tenth day you should switch to regular vegetarian cuisine.

It should be remembered that after a long miracle of fasting there may be no appetite. There is no need to be afraid of this. After some time, everything will fall into place.

Also, after fasting, it is important to properly “start” the bowels. According to Breg, laxatives or enemas should not be used. With a balanced and proper diet, the body itself will cope with this task.

Bragg Paul

The Miracle of Fasting


Paul Bragg at the age of 85

In Soviet and foreign literature, the terms “naturopaths” and “naturists” are becoming increasingly popular. This is the name given to people who prefer natural, natural nutrition. Thus, they seem to express a protest against the modern food system with a predominance of canned and refined foods, with an abundance of carbohydrate, meat, fatty and sweet foods. Paul Bragg was one of the first to proclaim the need to abandon this style of eating. His voice sounded loud and was heard all over the world, including in our country.

The most famous of Bragg's books, The Miracle of Fasting, was published in the West in millions of copies.

And the best illustration of Bragg’s lectures, articles and books was himself, his own experience, his way of life. At 90 years of age, he was strong, agile, flexible and resilient, like a young man.

He jogged three to five kilometers every day, swam a lot, hiked in the mountains, played tennis, danced, went on long hikes, worked out dumbbells and weights, and was fond of surfing - riding a special board in the waves of the ocean surf. His working day lasted 12 hours, he did not know illness or fatigue, and was always full of optimism, cheerfulness and a desire to help people.

“Since the time of Adam and Eve,” he wrote, “the most important problem has been the extension of human life. Not a single person has managed to avoid death, but each of us, by observing certain hygienic and dietary rules, can prolong our lives. And everyone is obliged to do this - for themselves, for the sake of family and friends, and, finally, for the sake of their country. The care of every person about his health, about his body is extremely important for society, which urgently needs people to live to the natural limit of their lives in vigor and good health. I believe that every person has the right and obligation to live to 120 years or more. You cannot buy health, you can only earn it through your own constant efforts. Only hard and persistent work on oneself will allow everyone to become an energetic long-liver enjoying endless health. I earned my health with my life. I am healthy 365 days a year, I do not have any pain, fatigue, or frailty of my body. And you can achieve the same results!”

Throughout his life, Paul Bragg encouraged people to improve their physical capabilities and explained ways to improve their health.

Paul Bragg died in December 1976 at the age of 95. But he did not die of old age. This man's death is a tragic accident: he was hit by a giant wave while boarding off the coast of Florida. Bragg could not be saved. He was mourned by five children, 12 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren and thousands of followers. The pathologist stated that the heart, blood vessels and all internal organs of this person were in excellent condition. Bragg was right when he said about himself: “My body has no age.”

Bragg attached the main importance to rational nutrition in his health system. The essence of his views on nutrition can be summarized as follows. Approximately 60 percent of the daily diet should consist of vegetables and fruits, mostly raw. Otherwise, the choice is quite wide, but you should avoid products that have undergone industrial processing with all kinds of chemicals. Food should be as natural as possible, containing a minimum amount of table salt, refined sugar, and various synthetic components. Bragg was not orthodox and believed that if a person is accustomed to meat, then let him eat it, but no more than three to four times a week (and not three times a day, as many prefer). He did not recommend getting carried away with sausages, canned food, fried and fatty meats. Bragg didn't mind eggs either, but no more than two or three a week. He believed that adults should not overuse milk, sour cream, cheese, butter and other animal fats. (“You may not like what I eat at all. Each person is unique, so it is impossible to follow any absolute diet,” he wrote. “The main thing is to exclude all perverted foods, and there are not so many of them.”)

Bragg was stricter with himself than with those to whom he gave his recommendations. He almost did not eat meat, and very rarely ate fish. And this does not prevent Bragg from being called a vegetarian, meaning here by no means an ascetic who has an aversion to any food if it is not plant-based. Vegetarianism is a fairly common phenomenon and is not necessarily associated with absolute abstinence from a non-plant diet. The rationale for this seems quite physiological. Vegetarians argue that the structure of the entire digestive tract, from the teeth to the excretory system, indicates that meat is not a natural human food. Moreover, eating meat causes intestinal sluggishness, contributes to the clogging of the body with toxic substances, overstimulation of the feather system, and the emergence of a number of diseases. “The frequency of deaths from coronary diseases in any country is directly dependent on the consumption of meat products: the more, the more often,” wrote academician P. Anokhin. There has been a lot of debate and debate about vegetarianism. This topic is not simple and unambiguous. Let us limit ourselves to just one statistical comparison: it is believed that for every vegetarian there are 1000 “meat eaters”, and among those who have crossed the line of 80 years of age, there are already 100 vegetarians per 1000 people.

Among those who call themselves vegetarians, special mention should be made of people who eat only raw plant foods - raw vegetables and fruits, nuts, honey, oilseeds, leaves of wild plants. From this seemingly limited range of products, they manage to prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. “Raw foodists” believe, not without reason, that any heat treatment of food reduces the quality of food and lowers the content of vitamins and microelements. The Bulgarian scientist T. Todorov in the book “Sun food on our table” writes: “Raw plant food supplies the body with the highest potential of chemical energy necessary to maintain the processes that continuously occur in each cell. Therefore, when the body receives cooked food with reduced energy value, cell function is disrupted and inhibited.”

There are optimists among the “raw foodists” who claim that one day the entire earth will be covered with orchards, vegetable gardens and walnut groves, which will replace pastures and grain fields. This is still a long way off. But the fact that today raw vegetables and fruits can and should make up 40–50 percent of every person’s daily diet is confirmed not only by Bragg, but also by many other experts. It would be useful to make one meal (breakfast or dinner) completely raw vegetables and fruits. An interesting idea was made by E. Wiloch in her book “Vegetables are Always Healthy”, published in the GDR: “Children often do not get enough raw vegetables, although they instinctively strive for them. A child who eats a lot of raw carrots, cabbage, and fruits, upon becoming an adult, as a rule, does not strive for tonics - coffee, tobacco and alcohol, since the charge of energy received through good nutrition in childhood will not require artificial stimulants in adulthood " It has been noticed that adults who consume a lot of raw vegetables and fruits also need tonics much less often.

Bragg assigned a very important role in his system to health-improving fasting. He said that in order to cleanse the body of decay products and all kinds of poisons accumulating in it, it is necessary to carry out daily fasting every week and, in addition, seven to ten days of fasting once every three months. During fasting, you can only drink water.

The health benefits of complete fasting have been known for a long time. In the book “Fasting for Health,” Professor Yu. S. Nikolaev writes: “When there is no food, the body uses its internal reserves, internal (endogenous) nutrition begins. At the same time, the expenditure of reserves by various organs and tissues is uneven: the least losses are suffered by the tissue of the nerve centers and the heart, the largest by adipose tissue. The feeling of hunger appears only in the first days, and then completely disappears. It was also found that with complete fasting with weight loss of up to 20–25 percent, no pathological changes are observed in organs and tissues.”

Another quote: “During forced (not health-improving, but we emphasize forced) long-term fasting, the body of animals and humans dies, often without reaching a deep degree of exhaustion, as a result of self-poisoning with decay products. When, in the process of therapeutic fasting, these products are removed from the body through a number of procedures (cleansing enemas, baths, massage, increased ventilation, walks), then the body tolerates long-term fasting without any manifestations of self-poisoning. With complete fasting, when the body receives only water, no degenerative phenomena are observed. The body adapts for a certain period of time to nutrition with its reserves of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts, which satisfies all the needs of the body and is complete.”

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Paul Bragg, Patricia Bragg
The Miracle of Fasting

From the publication: BRAGG THE MIRACLE OF FASTING (Proven Through history for Physical, Mental and Spiritual rejuvenation) by Paul c. Bragg, n.D., Ph.D. and Patricia Bragg, n.D., Ph.D.

© by Health Science

© Translation. Decor. Edition in Russian. Potpourri LLC, 2014.

Words of gratitude for the “Miracle of Fasting” and a healthy lifestyle according to the Bragg system

Every year we receive thousands of messages from people who, thanks to fasting, have been able to reap the wonderful benefits of rejuvenation - on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. We present just a few of them and hope to receive the same message from you over time.

Your book on fasting brought back my youth. I'm 58 years old, but I feel like I'm 18. I can run faster than 18-year-olds! Thanks to your fasting plan and healthy lifestyle, I have lost more than 40 kilograms, and now I feel renewed youth and happiness.

Donald Day, Florida

When I was an aspiring gymnastics coach at Stanford University, Paul Bragg's words and example inspired me to live a healthy lifestyle. I was 23 years old and now 62, and my own health and fitness are living proof of Bragg's wisdom, which his daughter Patricia continues to impart to people, selflessly devoted to the goals of the health crusades.

Bragg saved my life. At age 15, I attended a health crusade meeting in Oakland, California. I am eternally grateful to his system for my long, happy life and the opportunity to share my health with everyone!

Jack Lalane, Bragg's follower

Bragg's book The Miracle of Fasting inspired me to become healthy, lean and fit. I have run the Boston Marathon 8 times. I used to be sick often and weighed 160 kilograms, but now I am a healthy, lean and strong 70-pound health crusader.

Dick Gregory

Fasting helped me cleanse my sick body and mind. I feel like a new person. Thanks to fasting, I was born again!

Joe Scavens, South Carolina

Fasting with distilled water will help you very quickly flush your liver, kidneys and colon, cleanse your blood, lose weight, get rid of gas, flush out toxins, clear your eyes and tongue and freshen your breath. Bragg's books put me on the path to health.

I have known Bragg's wonderful health books for over 25 years. They help me, my parishioners and everyone who reads them to make this world a healthier place.

Mike McIntosh, Lead Pastor, Horizon Christian Fellowship, California

Thanks to your books on fasting and healthy living, we stay healthy, stay fit, eat better and feel younger than ever!

Musicians of the group "Beach Boys"

I thank health crusaders Paul Bragg and his daughter Patricia for their many years of tireless service to humanity. They changed my life and the lives of millions of people around the world.

Pat Robertson, member of cBn's 700 Club

I don't have enough words to express my feelings. The book “The Miracle of Fasting” completely changed me physically, mentally and spiritually.

Richard Sego, Georgia

Bragg's books on vinegar and fasting helped me lose 35 kilograms, restore my menstrual cycle and increase my energy levels. I take Bragg's vinegar drink 3 times a day plus every time before I get ready to sing. It helps get rid of a sore throat. I fell in love with the vinegar-honey mixture, and now it has become my favorite drink!

Noni Hilgesen, music teacher, California

After 5 ambulance calls and a weekend spent in the hospital, I began to feel unbearably sick! An endless series of doctors with their prescriptions... Name any medicine, and I will say that they stuffed me with it! I knew that the cause of this pain and suffering was not in my head. The medications made me constantly sick, unsteady, and I couldn’t eat, drink, sleep or breathe normally. I was rapidly becoming a helpless burden to my husband and children, who were 8 and 10 years old. In the midst of one of the night attacks, I dragged myself to the computer and typed a text describing all my symptoms and information about myself. Using a search engine, I found several similar scenarios and a link to a site where people had left rave reviews of Bragg's Organic Vinegar with Vinegar Mat and described almost incredible results from using it. Until the wee hours, I read story after story and thought, “If it looks too good to be true, it must be a lie.” However, at that moment I had nothing to lose. We found Bragg's Miracle Vinegar at our local health store. I mixed 1 teaspoon of vinegar in 150 grams of water and drank it. Literally after 20 minutes I felt that I could walk on a wheel! Over the next 24 hours I stopped taking ALL medications and started taking Bragg's 3 times a day. Since then I have never experienced any symptoms again! For the first time in almost 10 years I slept peacefully all night! Never before had any doctor even hinted to me that there was a natural way to get rid of my pain or alleviate it. Now I need to make up for everything that was missing in my life. There is a smell of spring in the air, and this gives me confidence that I will soon experience rebirth myself. Thank you very much!

Laurie Prouty, Connecticut

At 91, I feel young, take no medications and never have. I am as healthy as can be. I have been using Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar for over 45 years and telling everyone about the amazing benefits of this product.

Joseph Hurwitz, Nevada

I experienced a wonderful, amazing spiritual awakening. After reading your book on fasting, I will never be the same again. God bless you!

Sandy Tuttle, Ohio

Our entire family used to have health problems. Over the past year and a half, the Lord has revealed His will to us, showing us the path to healing. In our case, that meant eating healthy, a little fasting, and a complete lifestyle change. We tried Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar and I can assure you it has been one of the most rewarding changes we've made to our habits! This is an amazing product! I can't express how good we feel! I am so grateful for all the good things God has given us - for this journey, for the wonderful results and for Bragg's apple cider vinegar as the means to achieve them. Thank you for sharing this invaluable health information with us. God bless you!

Rhonda Jackson, Oklahoma

The pain in my right knee was unbearable. I bought Bragg's book on vinegar and began taking 2 teaspoons per glass of water an hour before each meal. In less than a month, the pain disappeared without a trace. I tell all my friends about this.

Evelyn Sutcliffe, California

Thank you and your wonderful father. I first read The Miracle of Fasting in 1965, after meeting your father on the beach in Santa Monica, across from my lifeguard tower in Sorrento Beach. Since then, I have no problems with excess weight, my mind remains clear, my vision remains sharp, and I feel closer to my Creator than ever before. Fasting is truly a miracle! What an invaluable gift your books on health and nutrition have become for us. At 67 years old, I am especially aware of all the benefits of good health that I can enjoy thanks to the work to which you and your father dedicated yourselves!!! I wish you all the best.

Wes Herman, retired captain, Santa Barbara County Fire Department

I recently bought several of your books and am now making delicious apple cider vinegar drinks. The effect is amazing! My brain fog has completely disappeared! I have tried many other products and medications, but none of them compare to this remedy. I am forever grateful for what you do for me and others throughout the United States and around the world. God bless you.

Heather Hayes, Colorado

Beloved! I pray that you will be healthy and prosper in everything, just as your soul prospers.

3 John 2

A healthy lifestyle according to the Bragg system, combined with fasting, changed my life! I've lost weight and my energy levels are through the roof. I look forward to every new “fasting” day. My head works great, and I cope better with the responsibilities of a husband and father. Thank you, Patricia, for this priceless gift. In addition, thank you for speaking about the Bragg healthy lifestyle system at the conference of employees of our media holding.

Byron Elton, Time Warner AOL Vice President of Interactive Entertainment

Dr. Patricia Bragg is a dedicated health crusader. She is happy to tell millions of our radio listeners about how to properly lead a healthy lifestyle according to the Bragg system. Personally, I have been taking Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar daily for 2 years now. Thank you, Patricia.

George Noury, Coast To Coast AM Radio Host

I bought the e-book “The Miracle of Fasting” and read it twice (planning to do it many more times). I thank fate for sending me your website and e-books about a healthy lifestyle according to Bragg. I have successfully done two 36-hour fasts and plan to do this a few more times before it's time for my first 3-day fast. I plan to buy all your e-books next week. By the way, I really liked your organic amino acids and vinegar. Thank you very much.

Rick Cratty, Massachusetts

Let their days be a hundred and twenty years.

Genesis 6:3

We receive a ton of emails every day at our headquarters in Santa Barbara. We would be pleased if you also write to us about any positive results and healing that a healthy Bragg lifestyle combined with fasting will bring you. You, too, are capable of achieving the cherished heights of health. Follow the recommendations in this book, and you will be rewarded with excellent health and a happy, long, active life! It's never too late to start. Read on p. 347, what experiment scientists conducted with people who were over 80 and 90 years old, and what amazing results they got! With proper nutrition, exercise and fasting, you can create miracles for yourself! Get started now!

We send our prayers and love to all of you daily, your hearts, minds and souls!

Miracles can happen every day to those who follow the right path and pray!

Patricia Bragg

Paul Chappius Bragg, Doctor of Naturopathy and Physiotherapy. Creator of the world-famous system of fasting and healthy lifestyle.

Paul Chappius Bragg, his daughter Patricia and the activists of the wonderful “Long Life, Health and Happiness Club” they created exercise daily on the beautiful lawn of Fort Derassi Park in the famous resort area of ​​Waikiki Beach near Honolulu in Hawaii. Membership in the club is completely free and anyone can join people performing a set of breathing and health exercises developed by Bragg. On Saturdays, lectures are often held there on the topics of prolonging life and promoting health. The group size averages from 50 to 70 people, depending on the time of year. From December to March it increases to 125 people. Thousands of people travel from all over the world to attend club events and take home the message of the Bragg Health and Fitness Crusade to share with friends and family. If you happen to be in Honolulu, take advantage of Patricia's invitation to join her and the club members for an inclusive, friendly, healthy collaboration. In addition, she recommends visiting other islands of the Hawaiian archipelago (Kauai, Hawaii, Maui, Molokai), where you can spend a vacation with the same great pleasure and health benefits.

Darkness will not drive away darkness - only light can do this. Hatred will not drive away hatred - only love can do that.

Martin Luther King

We need your support!

Your support will help health crusades spread Paul Bragg's message even more effectively

Our movement has been popularizing Paul Bragg's teachings about a healthy life for over 80 years! Millions of people who have adopted Bragg's principles of a healthy lifestyle have changed their lives forever! Every day we receive messages, emails and calls saying, “Paul Bragg saved my life!”

When you sell a book to a person, you are not just selling paper, ink and glue, but a new life! This book contains heaven and earth. The main purpose of books is to inspire you to think for yourself.

Christopher Morley (1890–1957), journalist, writer, poet

Fasting will help you stay healthy and young

Fasting is an effective and safe detoxification method that ancient sages have used for centuries to heal the sick. Regular fasting will help your body heal itself and stay healthy. Give all your organs the opportunity to rest. Fasting can reverse the aging process, and if you use it correctly, you can live a longer, happier life. To achieve this goal, it is enough to fast for only 3 days a month. Each time you complete the next stage of fasting, you will feel much better. Practicing regular fasting will give your body a chance to heal and restore its immune system. You will successfully cope with the ailments and degenerative diseases that are widespread in our chemically polluted environment. When you feel the approach of a cold or any illness, or simply become depressed, it is best to resort to fasting!

James Balch

Happiness is a rainbow in your heart. An inexhaustible source of sparkling health.

Patricia Bragg

The Miracle of Fasting

Maintaining health is our moral and religious duty, since health serves as the basis of all social virtues. When we feel bad, we lose our ability to be useful.

Samuel Johnson, compiler of A Dictionary of the English Language (1755)

Let me name the names of our favorite teachers:

Auguste Rollier, MD is the father of heliotherapy (sunlight treatment).

Bernard McFadden is the founder of the movement for the development of physical culture.

Professor Arnold Ehret is the creator of the mucusless diet healing system.

St. Louis Estes is one of the leading advocates of dynamic nutrition.

Benedict Last is the founder of naturopathy in America.

John Harvey Kellogg, M.D., director of the Battle Creek Health Resort for 60 years.

Henry Lindlar, MD, is a renowned internist and advocate for a return to natural healing methods.

John Tilden, MD is a great naturopathic healer and pioneer of the health movement.

Fasting brings believers and families together more than anything else.


Fasting cleanses, renews and rejuvenates

Each of us has a natural self-cleaner that can ensure the purity and health of the body and its “river of life” - blood. If you don't want anything to break, your entire body, from head to toe, needs to be healthy and in good working order!

Fasting is the best detoxification method. This is the most effective and safe way to increase the amount of waste eliminated and enhance the miraculous process of self-healing and self-restoration, which preserves health and youth.

If you prepare for fasting by eating certain foods for 1-2 days, you will make the cleansing process much easier for yourself. A variety of fresh, organic vegetables, fruits and fruit juices, as well as smoothies and green drinks (containing alfalfa and barley sprouts, chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, etc.) are especially good for stimulating waste elimination. Natural foods and juices can literally pick out dead matter from your body and carry it away. It is best to start fasting after such a cleansing period.

You are what you eat, drink, breathe, think, say and do.

Patricia Bragg. This statement became known to the whole world after the founder of the Crystal Temple Church, Dr. Schuller, said it on the television program “The Hour of Spiritual Strength.”

Every day, even on most days of fasting, we take 1000 to 3000 mg of vitamin C powder diluted in liquids (which includes vitamin C concentrate, Malpighia pomegranate, rose hips and bioflavonoids). This product has powerful antioxidant properties and flushes out deadly free radicals from the body. In addition, it promotes collagen production to form new healthy tissue. Among other things, it helps detoxify the body from prescribed medications or alcohol.

Our favorite treatments are a carefully planned fast with distilled water or a preparatory fast with diluted fresh juices (plus 35 percent distilled water). Both are effective in flushing out excess mucus, old fecal matter, stuck cellular, non-food waste from the body and help remove inorganic mineral deposits and dirt from blood vessels and joints.

Start today by eating foods pleasing to the Lord, drinking plenty of purified water, keeping positive thoughts in your head, saying them out loud, and doing positive things! And then all your tomorrows will be healthier, happier and brighter than you thought possible!

Robert Schuller

Fasting is based on the biological process of self-digestion. During a cleansing fast, the body intuitively breaks down and burns only damaged, diseased, or unnecessary substances and tissues, including abscesses, tumors, excess fat deposits, excess water, and stagnant waste. Even a short fast (1-3 days) accelerates their elimination from the liver, kidneys, lungs, blood and skin. Sometimes, as a result of removing accumulated waste, you may experience unpleasant phenomena (a cleansing and healing crisis). During the first sessions of fasting, when the body is doing a spring cleaning, you may experience short-term headaches, fatigue, unpleasant body odor, bad breath, coated tongue, mouth ulcers and even diarrhea. Please be patient!

Fasting works wonders

In historical documents of all times, including the Bible, one can find much evidence that fasting, or fasting, has long been used as a means of intensifying prayers and strengthening faith. By combining fasting and prayer, you can achieve the highest spiritual benefits.

The freedom and ease you experience during abstinence allows you to discover an incredibly deep understanding of the meaning of life.

Herbert Shelton (1895–1985), eminent American scientist, leading representative of the school of natural hygiene

Those who knew the secrets and miraculous results of fasting as one of the most important aspects of drawing closer to God include Jesus, the Apostle Paul, Old Testament religious leaders Daniel, Elijah, Ezra, Esther, Job, David, Anna, Isaiah, Zechariah and many others . Prominent fasters in Christian history included John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Knox, John Wesley, David Brainerd, George Muller, and hundreds of other church pioneers. They discovered that giving up food not only gave them the freedom they needed to focus entirely on God, but also opened up direct paths to spiritual perception and truth that were not available in everyday life (filled with activities such as gathering and preparing food). ). They experienced that when they focused on God, consciously praying and limiting themselves, God responded by giving them His undivided attention, giving them clear direction and strengthening their spirit.

Patricia Bragg is just like her father, a passionate health crusader and a living example of the power of his healthy lifestyle system. She speaks on radio and television, at conventions, prisons, schools, colleges, churches and seminars around the world.

Bragg Paul

The Miracle of Fasting


Paul Bragg at the age of 85

In Soviet and foreign literature, the terms “naturopaths” and “naturists” are becoming increasingly popular. This is the name given to people who prefer natural, natural nutrition. Thus, they seem to express a protest against the modern food system with a predominance of canned and refined foods, with an abundance of carbohydrate, meat, fatty and sweet foods. Paul Bragg was one of the first to proclaim the need to abandon this style of eating. His voice sounded loud and was heard all over the world, including in our country.

The most famous of Bragg's books, The Miracle of Fasting, was published in the West in millions of copies.

And the best illustration of Bragg’s lectures, articles and books was himself, his own experience, his way of life. At 90 years of age, he was strong, agile, flexible and resilient, like a young man.

He jogged three to five kilometers every day, swam a lot, hiked in the mountains, played tennis, danced, went on long hikes, worked out dumbbells and weights, and was fond of surfing - riding a special board in the waves of the ocean surf. His working day lasted 12 hours, he did not know illness or fatigue, and was always full of optimism, cheerfulness and a desire to help people.

“Since the time of Adam and Eve,” he wrote, “the most important problem has been the extension of human life. Not a single person has managed to avoid death, but each of us, by observing certain hygienic and dietary rules, can prolong our lives. And everyone is obliged to do this - for themselves, for the sake of family and friends, and, finally, for the sake of their country. The care of every person about his health, about his body is extremely important for society, which urgently needs people to live to the natural limit of their lives in vigor and good health. I believe that every person has the right and obligation to live to 120 years or more. You cannot buy health, you can only earn it through your own constant efforts. Only hard and persistent work on oneself will allow everyone to become an energetic long-liver enjoying endless health. I earned my health with my life. I am healthy 365 days a year, I do not have any pain, fatigue, or frailty of my body. And you can achieve the same results!”

Throughout his life, Paul Bragg encouraged people to improve their physical capabilities and explained ways to improve their health.

Paul Bragg died in December 1976 at the age of 95. But he did not die of old age. This man's death is a tragic accident: he was hit by a giant wave while boarding off the coast of Florida. Bragg could not be saved. He was mourned by five children, 12 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren and thousands of followers. The pathologist stated that the heart, blood vessels and all internal organs of this person were in excellent condition. Bragg was right when he said about himself: “My body has no age.”

Bragg attached the main importance to rational nutrition in his health system. The essence of his views on nutrition can be summarized as follows. Approximately 60 percent of the daily diet should consist of vegetables and fruits, mostly raw. Otherwise, the choice is quite wide, but you should avoid products that have undergone industrial processing with all kinds of chemicals. Food should be as natural as possible, containing a minimum amount of table salt, refined sugar, and various synthetic components. Bragg was not orthodox and believed that if a person is accustomed to meat, then let him eat it, but no more than three to four times a week (and not three times a day, as many prefer). He did not recommend getting carried away with sausages, canned food, fried and fatty meats. Bragg didn't mind eggs either, but no more than two or three a week. He believed that adults should not overuse milk, sour cream, cheese, butter and other animal fats. (“You may not like what I eat at all. Each person is unique, so it is impossible to follow any absolute diet,” he wrote. “The main thing is to exclude all perverted foods, and there are not so many of them.”)

Bragg was stricter with himself than with those to whom he gave his recommendations. He almost did not eat meat, and very rarely ate fish. And this does not prevent Bragg from being called a vegetarian, meaning here by no means an ascetic who has an aversion to any food if it is not plant-based. Vegetarianism is a fairly common phenomenon and is not necessarily associated with absolute abstinence from a non-plant diet. The rationale for this seems quite physiological. Vegetarians argue that the structure of the entire digestive tract, from the teeth to the excretory system, indicates that meat is not a natural human food. Moreover, eating meat causes intestinal sluggishness, contributes to the clogging of the body with toxic substances, overstimulation of the feather system, and the emergence of a number of diseases. “The frequency of deaths from coronary diseases in any country is directly dependent on the consumption of meat products: the more, the more often,” wrote academician P. Anokhin. There has been a lot of debate and debate about vegetarianism. This topic is not simple and unambiguous. Let us limit ourselves to just one statistical comparison: it is believed that for every vegetarian there are 1000 “meat eaters”, and among those who have crossed the line of 80 years of age, there are already 100 vegetarians per 1000 people.

Among those who call themselves vegetarians, special mention should be made of people who eat only raw plant foods - raw vegetables and fruits, nuts, honey, oilseeds, leaves of wild plants. From this seemingly limited range of products, they manage to prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. “Raw foodists” believe, not without reason, that any heat treatment of food reduces the quality of food and lowers the content of vitamins and microelements. The Bulgarian scientist T. Todorov in the book “Sun food on our table” writes: “Raw plant food supplies the body with the highest potential of chemical energy necessary to maintain the processes that continuously occur in each cell. Therefore, when the body receives cooked food with reduced energy value, cell function is disrupted and inhibited.”

There are optimists among the “raw foodists” who claim that one day the entire earth will be covered with orchards, vegetable gardens and walnut groves, which will replace pastures and grain fields. This is still a long way off. But the fact that today raw vegetables and fruits can and should make up 40–50 percent of every person’s daily diet is confirmed not only by Bragg, but also by many other experts. It would be useful to make one meal (breakfast or dinner) completely raw vegetables and fruits. An interesting idea was made by E. Wiloch in her book “Vegetables are Always Healthy”, published in the GDR: “Children often do not get enough raw vegetables, although they instinctively strive for them. A child who eats a lot of raw carrots, cabbage, and fruits, upon becoming an adult, as a rule, does not strive for tonics - coffee, tobacco and alcohol, since the charge of energy received through good nutrition in childhood will not require artificial stimulants in adulthood " It has been noticed that adults who consume a lot of raw vegetables and fruits also need tonics much less often.

Bragg assigned a very important role in his system to health-improving fasting. He said that in order to cleanse the body of decay products and all kinds of poisons accumulating in it, it is necessary to carry out daily fasting every week and, in addition, seven to ten days of fasting once every three months. During fasting, you can only drink water.

The health benefits of complete fasting have been known for a long time. In the book “Fasting for Health,” Professor Yu. S. Nikolaev writes: “When there is no food, the body uses its internal reserves, internal (endogenous) nutrition begins. At the same time, the expenditure of reserves by various organs and tissues is uneven: the least losses are suffered by the tissue of the nerve centers and the heart,

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