Digital fortune telling up to 100 value. Interpretation based on the meanings of numbers. True fortune telling without zeros to one hundred - how to do it

In the modern world there are a lot of different fortune telling. They are passed down from generation to generation, and some have come down to us from ancient ancestors. For centuries, people have used magic, and in a wide variety of ways. Some invoked the gods, some explored the stars, and there were those who performed fortune telling from 1 to 99.

Fortune telling by numbers is the most popular among others, as it is accessible and understandable to everyone

Feature of fortune telling “Weave” or “Hundred”

There are a lot of rituals and fortune telling, but “Sotka” is the most popular among both teenagers and adults. Maybe you remember yourself in school, and remember that you once used a similar method to find out whether a guy liked you or not. If this ritual is unfamiliar, we recommend preparing a piece of paper and a pen.

What to do before fortune telling

The fortuneteller needs to tune in well before the ritual, clear his head of extraneous thoughts. It is advisable to retire to some room and meditate. After which, having cleared your thoughts, you can begin to tell fortunes. Since fortune telling is carried out on paper, it is necessary to prepare a blank sheet of paper in a box. And take a pen, you can only have two in different colors. This will help you see if all the numbers are covered.

Numerology surrounds a person constantly and can tell the whole truth.

Numerology is a science that constantly surrounds a person. She is the one who can tell the whole truth

So trust the numbers and go ahead. Immediately imagine your loved one, and then start guessing. To do this, you need to remember all the details of his clothing and body. How to guess further?

How to tell fortunes for love

Fortune telling for love using numbers will allow you to find out how the mysterious guy feels and what his intentions are.

First stage of fortune telling

Therefore, before starting the ritual, you need to think about the desired guy. Try to imagine the subject's facial features in detail. After the image is clearly drawn, fortune telling can be carried out from 1 to 100.

  1. On a piece of paper, write all the numbers from 1 to 100 on a line.
  2. After the first line is completed, you need to continue counting to the second.
  3. There is one condition that must be strictly fulfilled. Each line must contain the same number of numbers.
  4. The number of lines does not play a special role; fortune telling by 100 in this case can be done as you like. But those who are not carrying out such a ritual for the first time advise that it is better to have more lines.

Most often, the quantity is determined individually by each person; the more lines, the more work. The last line should indicate the date of birth of the guy for whom you decided to tell fortunes.

Second stage of fortune telling

  1. Remove the numbers that add up to ten first.
  2. Next you need to cross out the same ones.
  3. Then write out all the remaining numbers in a new way.
  4. It is necessary to remove and write down numbers until there are only those left that cannot be removed.
  5. It is worth noting that the second time the numbers are written out in the same quantity as the number of letters in the guy’s name. Therefore, in no case should you put more than necessary in one line.
  6. When everything is removed from the field, you need to count how many numbers are left.

Third stage of fortune telling

Did you receive the numbers 1,10,19 during fortune telling? You guy is cute!

  1. 1,10,19 - this guy likes you, if you are still unfamiliar, then make a little effort and he will be charmed.
  2. 2, 11, 20 - he has no sympathy for you and even if you try, nothing will work.
  3. 3, 12, 23 - you can have a relationship, because the guy in question is fascinated by you.
  4. 4, 13, 22 - the mysterious guy breathes unevenly in your direction and is very worried about the fact that other men are paying attention to you.
  5. 5, 14, 23 - only good friendly relations can develop between you.
  6. 6, 15, 24 - the mysterious guy knows nothing about you, but is open to new acquaintances and communication.
  7. 7, 16, 25 - the guy noticed you and will soon take a step towards you.
  8. 8, 17, 26 – the intended object is offended by you, devote more time to it.
  9. 9, 18, 27 - you will be together and create a wonderful family.

This method of fortune telling using numbers from 1 to 100 will give you an accurate answer to the question. It can be carried out at any time of the day. You can even recommend it to your friends or acquaintances; they will be interested to know how their lover treats them.

The matrix of numbers allows modern man to find out the answers to many questions. There are a lot of fortune telling that will tell the truth.

A simple technique for fortune telling by 100 numbers

Take a sheet of paper with a pen, or you can use a pencil. Next, write down the name of your lover. The fortune telling process should be concentrated entirely on him. Remember some events related to this person, you need them to be bright moments. If you don’t have a relationship with this person yet, then imagine what it could be like.

This hundred fortune telling involves a slightly different number chick. You must enter the numbers that come to your mind. Only all values ​​must be without zeros. The last number you write down should be 99.

Then fortune telling 100 is carried out in the same way as the previous one. We remove from the field all the same numbers and those that add up to ten. Next we write down all the remaining numbers. The number of lines should be the same as the number of letters in the name intended for the guy. We do this until there are no numbers left that cannot be removed from the field. Then we add up the calculations and look at the answers by numbers.

  1. 1, 10, 19 – you will have great feelings.
  2. 2, 11, 20 – jealousy negatively affects relationships.
  3. 3, 12, 21 - he doesn’t love you.
  4. 4, 13, 22 - the guy has sympathy for you.
  5. 5, 14, 23 - your relationship depends only on your actions.
  6. 6, 15, 24 - you are not suitable for each other.
  7. 7, 16, 25 - you are just a friend for a guy.
  8. 9, 18, 27 - the guy wants to create a strong relationship with you.

The numbers 9, 18, 27 mean the seriousness of the guy’s intentions - he is ready to build strong relationships

These calculations will allow you to spend your time productively, and with their help you will be able to find out whether this person is worth spending your time on. Such predictions have already helped many and will help you. The main thing during fortune telling is to focus on the object of adoration, and then you will get an accurate answer.

A special way to tell fortunes by 100

Fortune telling on numbers from 1 to 100 is almost the same, in any way, but there are some differences.

In the first, it is necessary to complete the table with the date of birth of the person in question, and in the second, with the number 99. Let's consider the third option of fortune telling and find out the results.

Take a piece of paper and your hand, write down the full name of the intended guy on top. You need to trust the numbers, so relax and enter numbers from one to one hundred. The number of numbers in each row must be the same. The main thing is that they should all be without a zero. In the last line, indicate the date of the fortune telling.

Then everything is carried out like the first method. All identical numbers and those that add up to ten are removed. We write out and cross out, we do this until there are no numbers left that cannot be removed. Then we look at the value of the resulting number.

Fortune telling one hundred and its meaning:

First part of answers

  1. 1. You will be bored in his company.
  2. 2. You will have a great relationship.
  3. 3. The guy's heart belongs to someone else.
  4. 4. The mystery person does not love you.
  5. 5. He will trust and respect you.
  6. 6. The guy is deceiving you.
  7. 7. Jealousy destroys everything in your path.
  8. 8. You will travel together.

Second part of answers

  1. 1. Your relationship will not last long.
  2. 2. You will start dating soon.
  3. 3. You and your boyfriend will have a serious conversation.
  4. 4. You will get married.
  5. 5. The guy likes you.
  6. 6. He thinks about you constantly.
  7. 7. He doesn't care about you.

This fortune telling is very interesting and entertaining. Most of all, it is considered to be entertainment rather than a real method of obtaining information. But it also happens that what has been predicted comes true. Therefore, you should not be upset with a negative answer and rejoice with a positive one. Everything is in your hands.

How to use numbers to find out your future

Besides the “Hundred,” there is another good way to tell fortunes and find out your future. Anyone can do this and you don’t have to be an experienced magician to do this. This also fortune telling requires a piece of paper and a pen.

To find out your future using numbers, take a piece of paper and a pen

If you really want to know your future, then use one good technique. This kind of fortune telling based on numbers is called from 1 to 9. With its help, you can find out what will happen very soon, and not some ideas.

This ritual has some rules, and the main one is that you need to clearly pose the question before the numbers. Ask a specific question that concerns some area of ​​life. The better it is formulated, the more accurate the result will be:

  1. Take a piece of paper and cut it into 9 pieces.
  2. Write numbers from 1 to 9 on each piece.
  3. Collect all the leaves in some container.
  4. Then think for as long as possible about the question you have asked and pull out one piece.
  5. The number you get will be your answer.

Now let's look at the values:

  1. 1 – everything you have in mind can be brought to life. This will allow you to look at it from a different perspective. You can turn your life upside down.
  2. 2 – you will have to make an important choice, on which the implementation of your plan depends. Everything that was planned is not so easy to implement, so you will have to work hard. Try to prepare for the planned task, and then only carry it out.
  3. 3 – you have everything to realize your plans. There is a good foundation thanks to which everything will develop independently. To make this process go faster you need a little persistence.
  4. 4 – the meaning of this number depends on the question. It can mean both stability and stagnation.
  5. 5 – everything will suddenly decline, and today’s situation will be shaken. Everything planned may not come true due to some unexpected circumstances. Therefore, do not trust your emotions, but think with your head.
  6. 6 - the business you started will go smoothly and without any interference. But the result will be the same as you did. In the near future, trips are expected that can be both business and family.
  7. 7 – difficulties may arise on your path in the near future. So, pull yourself together and try to overcome them with pride. The final result depends only on you.
  8. 8 – the current situation is now developing in your favor. Expect financial gains. But this will only happen if your actions were carried out for the good.
  9. 9 – everything you thought will happen soon, but in what direction it is not known. It depends on how much effort you put into making it happen.

With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out whether it is worth taking a risk and starting a business, or maybe you need to wait.

Numerology is a very interesting science that allows you to learn absolutely everything about a person.

Therefore, if you decide to master it, then do not be afraid that the numbers will help you with this. There are many ways to tell fortunes, we offer only the most popular ones. Finding out your future or the attitude of a loved one will not be difficult.

These fortune telling can be done at any time of the day, the main thing is to focus on it. The result depends only on your thoughts. Therefore, carefully prepare for the ritual and carry out it with a pure soul. You can do both of these fortune tellings yourself at home, and you don’t need to go anywhere.

The relevance of various fortune telling among people of different ages does not go away over the years. For centuries, our ancestors trusted the results of this process, finding answers to the questions that tormented them.

Of all the existing fortune telling, “The Hundred” is considered the most harmless and exciting. The tendency for most girls to use it is explained by its simplicity and accessibility: only paper and a pencil (pen) are required.

The results of fortune telling can be interpreted in several ways. Everyone chooses the outcome that they like best.

Hundred numbers: fortune telling options

The main advantage of fortune telling “The Hundred” is its ease and accessibility. Young girls, like experienced ladies, are characterized by falling in love and having a large number of love questions. The answers to most of them can be found using the magic of numbers.

How to tune in

For successful fortune telling, you need to tune in to the right wave, namely the guy you are going to cast a spell on. First, you should take a comfortable position and relax. Then you need to mentally imagine your chosen one, his voice, clothes and other details.

Fortune telling conditions

First, you need to write down the numbers from 1 to 100 on a piece of paper. You should have a number grid. The number of its columns and lines does not matter.

This is done like this: write in one line, for example, 12 arbitrary numbers from the desired range (1-100).

The numbers must be indicated without zeros, i.e. if you decide to enter the number 40, then simply write 4. In the second line you also write any 12 digits you wish. Then write the third line, etc. Their number depends only on you. Practitioners argue that a larger number of columns and rows gives a more accurate result.

Important: the end of the last line with numbers should be the full date of birth of the hidden guy. Calculate in advance how many numbers it will take. For example, February 3, 1985 will be the following series of numbers: 321985. These are the last six numbers in the final line.

Next, you need to imagine that all the written numbers are single digits. Start crossing out identical numbers that are next to each other, as well as those that make up the sum of 10. Such actions can be performed both horizontally and vertically.

It's time to count the number of letters in your loved one's full name. For example, Alexey - 7 letters. Then start writing out the uncrossed out numbers from the table described above into the new grid. The number of columns must be equal to the resulting number of letters in the full name.

This is done as follows (following our example): write down the 7 uncrossed out numbers from the first line, then move on to the second and repeat the steps. This will create a new grid of numbers.

Explanation of meanings

Count the total number of remaining digits - this is the answer to your question. Find the resulting number in the interpretation table and find out what actions you should take in relation to your chosen one:

1 - 10 - 19 - your person is attractive to the person you were guessing about. If you have not yet had a specific relationship, then there is a high chance of its successful completion;

2 - 11 - 20 - your choice fell on the wrong guy. Most likely, you won’t be able to attract his attention and gain favor;

3 - 12 - 21 - together you already felt the light flash. It’s just one step until your meeting and tender hugs. We need to act!

4 - 13 - 22 - he likes you, but excessive jealousy on his part can ruin everything;

5 - 14 - 23 - he is interested in you only as a friend. The further development of the relationship will be in your hands;

6 - 15 - 24 - the chosen one does not mind getting to know each other better, because he knows very little about you;

7 - 16 - 25 - his interest is literally excited by you. Who will take the first step towards you?

8 - 17 - 26 - the misunderstanding that has arisen between you ruins everything. If you want to improve the situation, talk to him frankly;

9 - 18 - 27 - this guy is destined for you. Don't miss your soulmate.

Another variant

Take a piece of paper and a pencil again. Write the name of your chosen one at the top. In the process of fortune telling, you should concentrate on his person: remember your first meeting, the conversation that took place between you. If the relationship between you has not yet developed, imagine the circumstances in which you had to face.

You have to write down in the lines any numbers that come to mind from 1 to 100. Each line must contain the same number of numbers. Do not forget that zeros are not entered into the table; for example, if you want to write the number 70, enter it as 7. The last line must be completed with the number 99.

Let's start sorting. You should cross out in all lines (vertically and horizontally) identical numbers standing next to each other and those that add up to 10.

After this, we enter the remaining numbers into a new table in order from each line. Their number should be equal to the number of letters in the full name of your chosen one (you indicated it at the top of the sheet). We continue to do this until the numbers run out.

Let's start with a new numerical sorting. We repeat the steps to eliminate identical and 10-digit numbers. The remaining numbers are again entered into a new list. We continue these manipulations several times until we get single numbers that do not fit the exclusion rules.

During the fortune telling process, you need to think about your chosen one all the time. The result of mathematical calculations will tell you the answer to the torment that torments you.

Decoding the results of fortune telling

1 - 10 - 19 - love awaits you ahead;
2 - 11 - 20 - your or his jealousy can destroy the existing relationship;
3 – 12 – 21 – the chosen one does not have warm feelings for you;
4 – 13 – 22 – you are attractive to the person you are interested in;
5 – 14 – 23 – further development of the relationship depends on your actions;
6 - 15 - 24 - you won’t be able to be a couple;
7 – 16 – 25 – the chosen one considers you just a friend;
8 – 17 – 26 – the attraction you experience is mutual;
9 – 18 – 27 – your soulmate is in front of you, don’t miss your chance.

Another way

Take a notebook and pen, write down the full name of your chosen one at the top of the sheet. We repeat the manipulations with writing numbers in the range from 1 to 100 in lines. There is no need to enter zeros into the table. Each row must contain the same number of numbers. At the end of the last line you need to indicate the date of your fortune telling in the form of numbers (also without zeros).

We begin to cross out identical numbers next to each other in the horizontal and vertical direction and give the sum of 10. We write down those numbers that remain untouched in another table with a number of columns equal to the number of letters in the full name of the chosen one.

A very popular method for determining a guy’s relationship with a girl is the Hundred fortune telling. To carry it out, you do not need any specific knowledge or skills, but just a piece of checkered paper and a pen. After some manipulations, you can find out the result - what the young man thinks about the fortune-telling girl.

One of the most popular branches of prediction is love fortune telling. An example of such fortune telling is a universal layout that is available to everyone - fortune telling a hundred. For the result of fortune telling to be true, you must believe in it. This is an important condition for all predictions, especially for fortune telling by a hundred.

You must guess the name of the guy you want to tell fortunes for. Next we write a string of numbers from 1 to (99) 100 without zeros. This series should consist of any number of numbers at your discretion. But the next row should be the same size as the first. After all the numbers up to (99) 100 have been written, the day, month and year of the ritual should be written at the very end of the lines.

Next, you need to cross out two numbers, which in total will be equal to 10 (8 and 2, 7 and 3) or the same (6 and 6, 4 and 4). It's worth mentioning that there are several options for crossing out. In the first case, we cross out only the numbers that are adjacent vertically and horizontally, but do not touch the previously crossed out numbers. In the second case, numbers are also crossed out, but numbers that have already been crossed out are allowed.

The next thing to do is to write down the numbers in the order in which they remain. The number combinations in the line must be equal to the number of letters in the name of the person you are guessing for. Next, we cross out the numbers using the same system and rewrite them again. As a result, by the number of numbers that remain, you can find the appropriate answer and judge how the young man treats you. Fortune telling by a hundred, the meanings and interpretations of which are of two types, is primarily of an entertaining nature, so do not take negative meanings to heart.

Fortune telling Hundred - first interpretation

  1. The combination that promises deep and devoted love is 1 – 10 – 19.
  2. Jealousy – 2 – 11 – 20.
  3. Indifference and indifferent attitude towards you – 3 – 12 – 21.
  4. Showing sympathy – 4 – 13 – 22.
  5. Perhaps you will be noticed in the future – 5 – 14 – 23.
  6. They don’t have feelings for you – 6 – 15 – 24.
  7. You will communicate in the future – 7 – 16 – 25.
  8. A hundred confirms that they want to create a couple with you - 8 - 17 - 26.
  9. You will definitely be together - 9 - 18 - 27.

Fortune telling Hundred - second interpretation

So, the result of fortune telling 100 and its designation:

  • Loneliness and boredom – 1.
  • You will be a couple - 2.
  • He is in a relationship with a girl - 3.
  • He doesn't love you - 4.
  • You are loved and appreciated – 5.
  • Your lover loves another girl – 6.
  • He is jealous of you - 7.
  • Road – 8.
  • The number promises separation - 9.
  • You will meet very soon - 11.
  • A hundred promises a long and serious conversation - 12.
  • You will get married soon - 13.
  • He loves you - 14.
  • Misses and remembers – 15.
  • Does not experience any feelings – 16.

There should not be any difficulties or difficulties in carrying out this fortune-telling. Fortune telling The Hundred can be performed by any girl, regardless of her age.

By carrying out simple manipulations and studying the symbols, you can find out how the young man treats you. Using fortune telling, you can lift the veil over some secret in just a few minutes.

Love fortune telling “The Hundred” online

1) Think of a guy and a number from 5 to 15;
2) select today’s date and click “Tell Fortune!”;
3) a table will appear with numbers from 1 before 100 , written without zeros, and with the date added at the end of the table;
4) cross out adjacent numbers horizontally and vertically that coincide or add up to 10
If pairs of numbers are difficult to find, then click on the “Hint” button (if you don’t want to mark pairs of numbers manually or want to find out the boy’s feelings quickly, you can always click “Mark all” :)
Each time the table with numbers will become shorter and shorter until not a single pair can be crossed out.
5) Count the number of remaining digits and see the value!

During their school years, many teenage girls first become acquainted with the mysterious world of the unknown. And this acquaintance occurs most often through various fortune-telling. For example, one of the most popular types of divination is fortune telling with numbers.

Meaning of numbers

Numbers left Answer to fortune telling
1, 10, 19
2, 11, 20
3, 12, 21
4, 13, 22
5, 14, 23
6, 15, 24
7, 16, 25
8, 17, 26
9, 18, 27

Fortune telling by numbers on paper

Fortune telling by numbers has several synonymous names:

  • fortune telling from 1 to 100;
  • fortune telling by 100 numbers;
  • "A hundred";
  • “Sotka”.

Fortune telling by 100 numbers is incredibly simple. All that is required to obtain a prediction is a piece of checkered paper and a pen (pencil).

“Sotka” is aimed more at the teenage age category, because it is during these tender years that interest in the opposite sex begins to manifest in the hearts of teenagers, first love is born, and the bitterness of first disappointments is experienced.

Fortune telling from 1 to 100 cannot be called a serious type of divination. It is, rather, an exciting entertainment, with the help of which girls in love can get an interpretation of how the relationship will develop with the boy they are interested in, what feelings the object of their desire has - in general, slightly open the veil of matters of the heart. You can tell fortunes this way either alone or in the company of friends - this only makes it more exciting.

The relative frivolity of fortune telling by numbers, however, does not mean that it should be underestimated. “The Hundred” combines elements of numerology and classical divination, which in itself is a fairly weighty argument in its favor. There is still some truth in fortune telling from 1 to 100 - you just need to believe in the prediction.

Preparing for fortune telling by numbers

Fortune telling from 1 to 100 does not require any complex preparation. Everything a fortune teller needs:

  1. Take a checkered sheet of paper and a pen.
  2. Sit back and relax.
  3. Tune in to your lover: imagine his image in your imagination (facial features, voice, gait, manners, etc.).

After all these manipulations, you can start doing fortune telling.

How is fortune telling done with numbers?

Fortune telling “Sotka” has 3 main varieties, which differ from each other:

  • method of compiling a numerical grid;
  • the method of crossing out numbers;
  • interpretation of the results.

All available options are easy to implement, and the choice of one of them depends only on the preferences of the fortuneteller.

Fortune telling 100: first option

Having tuned in to fortune telling (see above), you need to write numbers from 1 to 100 on a piece of squared paper, but with some conditions:

  • zeros are omitted, that is, instead of 10, 20, 30, ... we write 1, 2, 3, ...;
  • the first line can contain an arbitrary number of digits, but the second and subsequent ones must be equal to the first, that is, if in the first line we wrote, say, 17 digits, in the second and subsequent ones there should also be 17;
  • We write the number 99 last.

The number grid must be completed with the date on which the fortune telling is performed, also without zeros. For example, a girl tells fortunes on January 17, 2017 (01/17/2017) - the numbers are written 171217. It will look something like this:

After the number grid is drawn up, the longest stage of fortune telling begins - crossing out numbers horizontally and vertically. Crossed out:

  • identical numbers next to each other: 1 and 1, 2 and 2, 3 and 3, etc.;
  • numbers standing next to each other and giving a total of 10: 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, 4 and 6, 5 and 5.

It should look something like this (in our example, the required numbers are circled in pairs):

After there are no more options left in the table to cross out, we proceed to the next stage: we write the full name of the beloved (in our example - ), and already under the name we begin to write out the remaining numbers from the number grid and also cross out the numbers, adhering to the above principle. You'll get something like this:

We write the guy’s name again, write down the remaining numbers, and cross them out. We repeat this action until there are no numbers left in the numerical table that can be crossed out. As a result, at the very end of the fortune telling the following will come out:

The final stage: we count how many numbers are left and look at the interpretation under this number. In our example, there are 9 digits left, the answer is 9.

A nuance: if there are more than 27 numbers left, we perform numerological convolution, that is, we add the two component numbers together. Let's say there are 32 numbers left: 3+2=5. We look at the value at number 5 - this will be the answer to our fortune telling with numbers.

Interpretation of the results according to the first option

The values ​​of fortune telling 100 according to the first option are as follows:

Numbers leftAnswer to fortune telling
1, 10, 19 The guy in question likes you and has a good chance of getting into a relationship with him, you just need to put in a little effort.
2, 11, 20 You won't be able to get his attention. Stop trying - this is not your betrothed.
3, 12, 21 A spark flew between you. Be bold - you have every chance to be with him and build a serious relationship.
4, 13, 22 He likes you and is jealous of others. This jealousy can ruin everything - don’t give reasons.
5, 14, 23 He treats you like a friend and nothing more. There is no sign of a serious relationship here yet.
6, 15, 24 The guy doesn’t know you well yet and doesn’t mind getting to know you better. Take action.
7, 16, 25 He became interested in you, all that remains is for one of you to take the first step.
8, 17, 26 There is some understatement and misunderstanding between you, perhaps resentment on his part. Talk frankly.
9, 18, 27 He is your betrothed. You can become a wonderful couple. Do not miss your chance.

As you can see, in our example (answer - 9) the most favorable scenario turned out.

Fortune telling from 1 to 100: second option

In the second version of the “Sotka” fortune telling, the number grid is compiled by analogy with the first option (numbers from 1 to 99, without zeros, date without zeros). Identical numbers and numbers whose sum is 10 are also crossed out in pairs, but there is one difference: it is permissible to cross out numbers in pairs through already crossed out ones - both horizontally and vertically (see the example given below).

Let's say the third row of our number grid is like this: 71819212223. First of all, in it we crossed out 8, 9, 1, 2, 2 (vertical pairs with other numbers, all this is clearly visible in the photo). What remains in the end is: 711223. First we cross out 1 and 1, then 2 and 2, and lastly 7 and 3. We do the same with the entire number grid.

When the possible number pairs in the grid are over, we write the guy’s full name (for us it is) and under it we write down the remaining numbers, again we cross out according to the same principle - the numbers located next to each other and the numbers through the already crossed out numbers. It turns out the following:

Again we write the name of the chosen one, write down the remaining numbers and cross them out. We continue until there are no paired number combinations left. Example:

When completing the fortune telling, we count the total number of remaining numbers and look at the corresponding values ​​in the table. If the remainder exceeds 27, we also carry out numerological collapse (see above).

Interpretation of the results according to the second option

The values ​​of fortune telling 100 according to the second option are as follows:

Fortune telling by numbers: third option

There is another version of fortune telling using numbers from 1 to 100. The principle of divination in it is almost completely similar to the first variety, the only difference is that first, not an arbitrary number grid is compiled, but numbers from 1 to 99 (without zeros) and a date (without zeros) are written down immediately under the full name of the hidden guy. Crossing out pairs is carried out in exactly the same way as in the first option - until there are no required numerical combinations left.

Fortune telling “Sotka” in its third variety ends with the total number of remaining digits being calculated, which will indicate the answer. If the remainder exceeds 16, a numerological collapse is carried out (see above).

Interpretation of the results according to the third option

Fortune telling values ​​100 according to the third option:

  • 1 - you will be bored with him;
  • 2 - you will be a good couple;
  • 3 - his heart is occupied by another girl;
  • 4 - he does not feel love for you;
  • 5 - he trusts and respects you;
  • 6 - he is deceiving you;
  • 7 - the chosen one is jealous of you;
  • 8 - the road awaits you;
  • 9 - separation awaits you;
  • 10 - you will soon be together;
  • 11 - you have to have a serious conversation with him;
  • 12 - you will become husband and wife;
  • 13 - he likes you;
  • 14 - the chosen one loves you;
  • 15 - misses and thinks about you;
  • 16 - there is no interest on his part in you.

Fortune telling using numbers from 1 to 100 is just a fun method of getting an answer about a possible option for developing a relationship with the guy you are interested in. If you receive a negative prediction, do not take it to heart. Man is the architect of his own happiness. And it depends only on you what the future fate of your couple will be.

A very common type of fortune telling with paper and pen is fortune telling "Hundred" or "100", with which you can get clear and truthful answers to any questions. However, most often this type of prediction is used when they want to tell fortunes about a person’s love and attitude.

Process Fortune telling by numbers "Hundred" consists of writing arbitrary numbers from 1 to 99 on a piece of paper, without using “zeros”. Numbers are written in a row without gaps, in the form of an arbitrary number of lines, so that the end result is a table on paper with a number in each cell. The number of table rows can be any, the main thing is that they must be the same size. Don’t forget - the more rows there are in the table of numbers, the more truthful and accurate the result will be. True, at the same time, the process of fortune telling “The Hundred” itself will become more labor-intensive.

In the last line of the table, write down the full date of birth of the person for whom you are guessing (without using “zeros”). After this, in the finished “Hundred” fortune-telling table, cross out the same numbers that are next to each other horizontally or vertically, and those that add up to “10.” When all adjacent numbers are crossed out, the remaining ones are written out again and the crossing out of the paired ones is repeated.

This fortune telling procedure is repeated until there are no paired numbers left that can be crossed out. To decipher the result, count the number of remaining digits, which is the result of the “Hundred” fortune telling.

How to tell fortunes using online fortune telling “The Hundred”? Below is an online version of fortune telling with paper and pen using the numbers “100”. To tell fortunes about a person’s love and attitude towards you, select two random numbers from 5 to 15, and the date of birth of the subject of your interest. Click the “Guess” button and a table with numbers will appear.

You can mark numbers suitable for crossing out by clicking on them with the mouse, and then clicking the “Next” button. If you find it difficult to find the numbers you need, you can click the “Mark all numbers” button, then the “Next” button. In both the first and second options, suitable numbers will be deleted, and the table will be rewritten taking into account the crossed out numbers. When all the suitable numbers have been crossed out, follow the instructions for the online fortune telling “Hundred”.

Select first
number from 5 to 15:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Choose the second one
number from 5 to 15:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Date of Birth: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Number of remaining digits:

Unfortunately, fortune telling cannot provide an answer.

Fortune telling “The Hundred” says that either the person you are fortune-telling already likes you, or you can easily arouse his interest and sympathy if you don’t hesitate and put in a little effort.

The person you are thinking about does not pay any attention to you and does not think about a relationship with you. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to be with him.

There are all the conditions and opportunities to start a serious relationship. The subject of your interest is either already secretly in love with you, or will fall in love in the very near future. All it takes is minimal effort or the first step on your part.

The person you are wondering about has been partial to you for a long time. Moreover, he is jealous of you, suffers because of this and is very worried when you pay attention to others.

The one you are thinking about is completely open to communication, friendship and companionship. The person is ready to communicate with you, but it’s too early to talk about something more, about a romantic relationship.

The person you are interested in knows very little about you and does not think about a possible relationship. However, he is not averse to getting to know each other better. What the future together with this person will be like, and whether it will be, depends only on you.

The one you are wondering about has already paid attention to you. He will probably soon take the first step towards starting a relationship. Try to understand this person better - perhaps he is too shy and is waiting for the first step or sign from you.

The object of your interest has been partial to you for a long time. He really likes you, but, although he tries not to show it, he is offended by you. Probably due to the fact that you pay little attention to him and make him feel the pangs of jealousy.

You are destined by Fate itself to be together, you are two halves of one whole. A long and lasting relationship awaits you. You will make a wonderful loving couple.

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