Ciprofloxacin tablet dosage for dogs. Ciprovet tablets for dogs for oral use. Instructions for use

The article provides introductory information about one of the drugs frequently used by modern veterinarians, thanks to which it is possible to cope with a certain group of health problems in puppies and dogs.

Do not forget about the need to consult with an experienced specialist, who is not difficult to find, because today there are many veterinary clinics open where you can receive professional veterinary care or call a veterinarian to your home.

Ciprovet for dogs: indications for use, side effects, composition, characteristics

Tsiprovet is prescribed for acute and chronic infections of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory diseases, and disorders of the genitourinary system.

The main components of Ciprovet are lactulose and ciprofloxacin hydrochloride.

The side effect of the drug is expressed in the animal’s refusal to eat and loss of coordination of movements. Sometimes the dog may vomit. Tissue swelling may also occur.

Eye drops for dogs and cats Tsiprovet description, reviews, where to buy, price, analogues

Ciprovet eye drops are most often prescribed for cats and dogs suffering from conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcers, blepharitis, as well as after eye injuries or foreign bodies.

The drops have no color or have a light yellow tint, but remain transparent. Sold in bottles of various capacities. Used within 7 days, then discarded.

The price of “Tsiprovet” is around 90 hryvnia or 170 rubles; it is also possible to order it via the Internet.

An analogue of “Tsiprovet” is “Desacid” or eye drops for people – “Tsiprolet”.

Ciprovet eye drops for dogs instructions for use

How to use "Tsiprovet" is indicated in the instructions. It is usually prescribed to instill 1 drop of this medicine into each eye of the animal at least 4 times a day.

The course of treatment is at least 5 days.

Tsiprovet for dogs in tablets: what is the price, where to buy, instructions, reviews

Ciprovet tablets are prescribed for bacterial infections of the biliary tract, skin, bones, joints, respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract, the pathogens of which are suppressed by ciprofloxacin.

You can buy “Tsiprovet” for dogs in tablets at a veterinary pharmacy or online.

Fortunately for pets and their owners, serious cat diseases can now be fought not just by relying on immunity. Veterinary medicine keeps up with the times, and treating animals with antibiotics has become common practice. Ciprofloxacin for cats is an effective antibacterial and antimicrobial drug for the treatment of many diseases.

General information about ciprofloxacin

When treating diseases of cats and dogs, veterinarians do not always resort to antibiotics. Chemotherapy drugs of this group are prescribed in such cases:

  • Infectious lesions of the ears and eyes;
  • Purulent lesions and skin infection;
  • Treatment of diseases of a bacteriological nature (cystitis, piloeniphritis, pneumonia, pyometra and others);
  • Diseases caused by various microorganisms - chlamydia and intestinal infections. Tuberculosis and leptospirosis, salmonellosis and pseudomonosis, staphylococcosis, enterococcal infection.

Ciprofloxacin has a number of benefits. If used correctly and strictly following the dosage, the drug is slightly toxic. Treatment with an antibiotic will proceed faster. Even when used in the smallest dosages, it is effective.

Ciprofloxacin has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. During the life of microorganisms that enter the animal, they release toxins that are poisonous to the body. The drug easily neutralizes and removes them. During the treatment process, the substance, entering the environment of microorganisms, does not lose its antibacterial properties.

There are some negative aspects to the use of Ciprofloxacin, which every cat owner should be aware of when treating the animal.

If you use this antibiotic whenever you want, without following the instructions, your pet’s body will get used to it and there will be no effect from the treatment. “Caring” owners begin to double the doses of the medicine, which can only lead to decomposition of the liver structure. Due to uncontrolled intake, the animal’s body will stop fighting even the slightest infectious inflammation.

One of the most common side effects of any type of antibiotic is dysbacteriosis. In case of individual intolerance, anaphylactic shock may occur against the background of an allergic reaction.

The description of the drug Ciprofloxacin states that it should not be used by pregnant or lactating cats, small kittens, or animals with kidney disease. Veterinarians strongly do not recommend treating cats that are involved in breeding with this drug.

Very important: cats can only be given Ciprovet; they cannot be given the human drug Ciprofloxacin, since the second contains too much of the active ingredient.

Description of Ciprofloxacin

Instructions for use of ciprofloxacin for cats is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. During chemotherapy treatment, the active substance entering the bloodstream begins to work actively within a couple of minutes. It remains in the cat’s body for another day.

The antibiotic is produced in the form of film-coated tablets. The dosage can be 250 milligrams, 500 and 750 mg. The solution for injection is transparent, with a yellow tint. It is contained in glass one hundred ml bottles. Each of them is necessarily closed with a stopper made of rubber and an aluminum cap.

Ciprofloxacin drops for cats (Ciprovet), which contain the main active ingredient antibiotic. They are used in the treatment of inflammations such as:

  • Purulent conjunctivitis or infection in the eye;
  • To restore the ocular cornea after surgery;
  • With blepharitis of the eyes;
  • For ulcers and keratitis on the cornea;
  • To relieve inflammation after injury or removal of a foreign body

Cat owners often ask whether they can give their cat Ciprofloxacin. It is possible, Ciprovet is practically a non-hazardous medical drug, so it can be used not only by adult cats, but also by the smallest kittens.

Before putting drops in an animal's eye, you need to first clean it. To do this, soak a piece of cotton wool in a warm chamomile decoction and wipe the area around the eyes. Then, slightly pulling back the cat’s lower eyelid, drop a drop of the drug. You should not immediately release the cat, you need to hold it for a couple of minutes.

For cats and dogs of small breeds, Ciprovet is produced in tablets. The main active ingredient of these tablets is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. The amount of Ciprofloxacin in tablets for cats is 15 milligrams/tablet. For dogs - 50 mg/table.

The dosage of Ciprofloxacin for cats is 15 mg for every 3 kg of animal weight. They must be given orally, once a day. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days.


Treatment of bacterial and viral infections in dogs must be carried out with effective antibiotics that can act on a wide range of microorganisms. One of the most popular antibiotics in veterinary medicine is ciprofloxacin. On its basis, the veterinary drug Ciprovet is produced in the form of tablets and eye drops.

A distinctive feature of Tsiprovet is the presence in its composition prebiotic lactulose. The prebiotic protects the intestines from dysbiosis, the risk of which appears when taking any antibiotics. Lactulose promotes the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which increase the dog’s immunity and help fight pathogenic microflora.

Ciprovet is active against a number of bacteria: Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, Chlamydia, Salmonella, Mycobacterium, Enterobacter, Proteus, Listeria, Klebsiella and other gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Thus, Tsiprovet can be prescribed for almost any disease in dogs caused by a bacterial or viral infection.

Indications for use

Ciprovet tablets prescribed for treatment:

  • Infectious diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Infections of the urinary and reproductive system.
  • Biliary tract infections.
  • Infectious diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Inflammation of bone and connective tissue caused by infections.
  • Infectious skin diseases.
  • Secondary viral diseases.

Ciprovet drops prescribed for treatment:

  1. Ophthalmological diseases: conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, blepharitis, keratitis, septic iridocyclitis, chlamydia.
  2. Prevention of infections in case of eye injuries, in case of foreign bodies, before and after surgical interventions.

Release forms

The medicine Tsiprovet is produced in two forms: eye drops and tablets. There are two types of tablets: for large breeds of dogs and for small breeds and puppies (and cats).

Drops are available in bottles of 1, 5 or 10 ml. Tablets – 10 pcs. packaged.


Tablets for dogs contain 50 mg of the active substance ciprofloxacin per tablet, prebiotic - lactulose, excipients.

Tablets for small breed dogs(and cats) contain a lower dose of ciprofloxacin - 15 mg.

Eye drops contain in 1 ml 4.5 mg of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, and excipients Trilon B, benzalkonium chloride and water for injection.


Ciprovet tablets for dogs 50 mg given depending on body weight - 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight once a day. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days.

Tablets 15 mg (for small breed dogs) Use at the rate of 1 tablet per 3 kg of animal weight once a day. Treatment also lasts from 3 to 5 days.

Eye drops you need to instill 1 drop for small dogs and 1-2 drops for large dogs, up to 4 times a day. Use the drops until the dog has completely recovered; on average, the treatment period is 7-14 days. If the dog's eyes fester or become very watery, then the eyes need to be washed, drops of 3 drops of Tsiprovet and wiped with a napkin or cotton swab, then drop the drug into the eyes. The recommended dosage should not be reduced. In case of relapse of diseases, the course of treatment can be repeated.

When treating a dog with several types of eye drops and eye medications, you need to wait 5 minutes before using Ciprovet.

When using the drug, it is necessary to observe safety and personal hygiene measures. An opened bottle can be used within 30 days and then disposed of. Consult your veterinarian before use.


Tsiprovet tablets for dogs are not recommended for use in combination with certain antibiotics (tetracycline, levomethecin, macrolides), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and theophylline. Those drugs that contain magnesium, calcium or aluminum cations reduce the effectiveness of ciprofloxacin.

Tsiprovet should not be given to pregnant or lactating dogs, animals with diseases of the nervous system in which convulsions are present, or animals with noticeable disorders in the cartilaginous tissues. The drug is contraindicated for puppies during the entire growth period.

If you are sensitive to fluoroquinolones, the drug is contraindicated.

Ciprovet eye drops should not be used on puppies in the first seven days after birth. Drops are also contraindicated in animals sensitive to fluoroquinolones. If a dog has atherosclerotic processes in the vessels of the brain and cerebral circulation is impaired, use drops with caution.

Side effects

When using Tsiprovet tablets in recommended doses and duration of use, no side effects were identified. However, if the dog has intolerance to fluoroquinolones, swelling, vomiting, refusal to eat, and impaired movement and coordination may occur. If such symptoms occur, use of the drug should be discontinued and measures taken to reduce sensitivity to fluoroquinolones.

When using Ciprovet eye drops, as a rule, no side effects are detected. Sometimes, immediately after instilling the drug, an animal may experience a short-term burning sensation in the eyes; at this time, it is necessary to ensure that the dog does not touch the eyes with its paw. It may be necessary to wear a special collar when using Tsiprovet drops. If the recommended dosage is followed, no other adverse reactions are observed. If you are sensitive to fluorochitolones, vomiting, refusal to eat, swelling and uncoordination may also occur.

Tsiprovet is a popular medicine in the treatment of dogs, because... has undeniable advantages: fast and effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, good tolerability and affordable cost.

Ciprovet tablets contain ciprofloxacin hydrochloride as an active ingredient: tablets for cats - 15 mg/tablet. and tablets for dogs - 50 mg/tablet, as well as auxiliary components (lactulose, calcium stearate and polyvinylpyrrolidone).

Ciprofloxacin, which is part of the drug, belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones and has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action; Active regarding gram -positive and gram -negative bacteria, including Echerichia COLI, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Klebsiella spp., EnterobaSter spp., Proteus spp., HaemoPhilus spp., Pseuu. DOMONAS AERUGINOSA, PASTEURELLA Multosida, Plesiomonas Shigelloides, Campylobaster jejuni, Brucella spp., Chlamydia trachomatis, Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacterium spp., Corynebacterium diphtheriase, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptosoccus spp.

Ciprofloxacin, which is part of the drug, belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones and has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action


The mechanism of action of ciprofloxacin is based on blocking the enzyme DNA gyrase, which affects the replication of the DNA helix in the nucleus of the bacterial cell, which leads to disruption of protein synthesis and death of the microorganism.

After oral administration, ciprofloxacin is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (mainly in the duodenum and jejunum) and distributed in the organs and tissues of the body (excluding fat-rich tissues), penetrates the pleura, peritoneum, lymph, ocular fluid and placenta.

The maximum concentration of ciprofloxacin in the blood serum is observed after 1.5-2 hours, the therapeutic concentration remains for 24 hours after oral administration of the drug.

Ciprofloxacin is excreted from the body mainly unchanged and partly in the form of metabolites with urine and bile, and in lactating animals also with milk.

Indications for use

Ciprovet tablets are prescribed to dogs and cats for therapeutic purposes for chronic and acute bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, respiratory organs, genitourinary system, skin and soft tissues, bones and joints, as well as for secondary infections due to viral diseases caused by sensitive to ciprofloxacin.

Dosage and method of administration

Ciprovet tablets are administered to animals individually orally once a day for 3 to 5 days in the following doses:

  • cats - 1 tablet “for cats” for every 3 kg of animal weight;
  • for dogs: 1 tablet “for dogs” for every 10 kg of animal weight.

Side effects

Side effects and complications in dogs and cats when using Ciprovet tablets in accordance with these instructions, as a rule, are not observed.

In case of increased individual sensitivity of the animal to fluoroquinolones and the appearance of side effects (refusal of food, vomiting, swelling, loss of coordination of movements), the use of the drug is stopped and desensitizing therapy is carried out.


The use of Tsiprovet tablets is not allowed for females during pregnancy and lactation, animals with severe developmental disorders of cartilage tissue, with lesions of the nervous system accompanied by convulsions, as well as puppies and kittens until the end of the growth period.

Ciprovet tablets should not be used simultaneously with bacteriostatic antibiotics (chloramphenicol, macrolides and tetracyclines), theophylline and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as with drugs containing magnesium, aluminum and calcium cations, which, by binding to ciprofoxacin, prevent its adsorption.

special instructions

When working with Ciprovet tablets, you should follow generally accepted personal hygiene and safety precautions prescribed for medicines.

Release form

Ciprovet tablets are produced packaged in blister packs of 10 pieces, individually packaged in cardboard boxes along with instructions for use.

In some cases, the veterinarian prescribes the dog to take antibiotics, which have a certain set of contraindications, as well as dosage. Popular medications include Ciprovet, as well as Amoxicillin and Marfloxin. It is these antibiotics that will be discussed further.


Features of the drug Ciprovet

The main active ingredient of the antibiotic in the form of eye drops is ciprofloxacin; in the form of tablets, in addition to ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, the composition includes a prebiotic in the form of lactulose to protect the gastrointestinal tract. This product shows high effectiveness in the fight against most microorganisms that cause various diseases in the dog’s body.


Ciprovet tablets for dogs are used to treat the respiratory and biliary tract, skin, joints, bones, soft tissues, stomach and intestines, as well as the genitourinary system from infectious diseases in both acute and chronic forms. The drug is also prescribed for viral infections, against the background of which secondary infections develop. Caused by pathogens sensitive to the active substance.

Ciprovet eye drops are prescribed for inflammatory processes that occur in the organs of vision. These are mainly keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and corneal ulcers. The drug can also be used for inflammation of the eye appendages. In surgery, these drops are used to prevent diseases before and after surgery. The antibiotic is also effective when foreign bodies get into the eyes and when the organs of vision are injured.

Dosage and contraindications

Ciprovet tablets are not recommended to be given to pregnant and lactating bitches, growing puppies, as well as to individuals with lesions of the central nervous system and cartilage tissue. The active substance does not combine with bacteriostatic antibiotics, theophylline, non-steroidal drugs, aluminum, magnesium, as well as calcium cations in the composition of other drugs. Antibiotics should not be given to animals with individual intolerance to fluoroquinolones.

Eye drops are not prescribed to animals with atherosclerosis or impaired blood circulation in the brain, as well as to puppies before the age of seven days. In most cases, there are no side effects from using eye drops. Sometimes conjunctival tenderness, itching, tearfulness, hyperemia and trembling may occur.

In animals sensitive to fluoroquinolones, when taking tablets, vomiting, loss of coordination of movements, trembling, refusal to feed and swelling occur. If symptoms occur, use should be stopped. The dosage calculation is 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. The dose is taken once a day for three to five days. Eye drops are given two in each eye for dogs weighing more than ten kilograms, and one drop for animals weighing less.


The drug against infections is aimed at combating various microorganisms. Excellently absorbed and sensitive to stomach acids. Available in the form of tablets (250 and 500 ml) and injection suspensions (15% and 20%).


In veterinary practice, the drug Amoxicillin is used for infections that were caused by microorganisms sensitive to this substance in the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, as well as for respiratory diseases and in surgery.

This drug is effective for the following common diseases:

  • leptospirosis;
  • bronchitis, rhinitis;
  • cystitis, endometritis, pyelonephritis;
  • gastroenteritis.

Dosage and contraindications

When using an injection solution (intramuscular), the calculation is based on the principle of 1 ml per 10 kg of weight (15 mg of the main active ingredient amoxicillin per kilogram of weight). Tablets are calculated in the same way.

The drug is not intended for intravenous administration, is not combined with bacteriostatic and chemotherapeutic substances, and is not mixed with other prescribed drugs in the same syringe. Amoxicillin is not prescribed to animals with a sensitive reaction to the active ingredient, as well as to other substances of the penicillin group. Remember that trembling when administering the drug is a sign of fear in your pet!


A broad-spectrum antibiotic used to combat microorganisms that cause infections and inflammation of various organs and systems in dogs. The active ingredient is marbofloxacin, the release form is tablets or solution for injection.

Dosage and contraindications

Marfloxin is not prescribed to animals with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as to animals with damage to the nervous system (shivering), as well as when the microorganism is resistant to other representatives of the fluoroquinolone group. Marfloxin should also not be given to puppies under the age of one year in medium and small breeds, and up to 18 months in large dogs.

The drug is given to the pet once a day (orally or intramuscularly) at a rate of 2 mg of active substance per kilogram of body weight. The duration of treatment depends on the type of lesion and can range from five to forty days. Marfloxin does not combine with calcium, macrolides, iron, tetracyclines and chloramphenicol. If the technique causes trembling in the dog, then it is first necessary to calm the pet.

How to give your dog a pill

Most often, tablets are given to dogs in crushed or whole form, mixed with food. First, the animal is given a little food or treat without medicine, so that the pet does not suspect something is wrong. Then you can give a piece of biscuits, meat, food or something else tasty with a piece of tablet.

You can also place the tablet on the root of the tongue, after which the pet will be forced to swallow it. This route should be chosen if the medicine cannot be given with food. The instructions for use of Tsiprovet, Amoxicillin and Marfloxin do not include contraindications in this regard. The dog needs to be called in a gentle voice in a convenient place, carefully secured and a tablet placed in the mouth. Once you place it on the back of your tongue, close your jaws and pet your dog. If your pet begins to tremble throughout his body, then it is necessary to calm the animal in all possible ways.

Video “How to give a dog a pill”

In this video you can see how to give a pill to a dog correctly.

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