Quotes about dogs. Man and dog. Stories of the most selfless friendship Josh Billings shared the same opinion

Yachmenev Dmitry

The abstract presents materials on the topic "Dog and Man"



MBOU "Taseevskaya" high school No. 1"


"Man's Faithful Friend"

Completed by: Dmitry Yachmenev

1st grade student B

Head: Eremenko A.V.


Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………. 3

1. How a man tamed a dog……………………………………4

2. Breeds of dogs………………………………………………………...6

3. Famous dogs………………………………………………………9




A dog has been living next to us for thousands of years - true friend and human assistant.

She protects herds of sheep and cows, searches for criminals, detects drugs, helps hunters track and shoot game, guards state border- you can’t list everything. I have a dog too. Every day when I come to feed her, she looks at me with a devoted look, wags her tail and seems to understand everything that I tell her.

Dogs know how to calm us down after any troubles at school or at work. Here we open the gate to the courtyard, the door of the apartment.... A joyful squeal, a devoted dog's look. And when a shaggy muzzle lies on our knees, it becomes completely good. And when we are sick, doesn’t he lie next to the bed for hours? shaggy friend? And if there is a scratch or cut on his hand, doesn’t he try to heal this place with his licking?

We all know how devoted our mongrels are to us. And how happy they are when we return home after school! And they wag their tails and jump merrily on hind legs, squealing and whining with the joy of meeting! Dogs are our faithful friends!

I became interested in learning more about our four-legged friends.

1. How a man tamed a dog.

A dog has been man's faithful friend and assistant since ancient times. Ancestor domestic dog The wolf is considered to be the first animal that man accepted into his home. This happened 20 thousand years ago. Primitive man feared for his life. He listened to every rustle, to an unfamiliar sound: whether the enemy was creeping up. And the dog hears what a person cannot hear, smells various smells that are inaccessible to a person. She is especially sensitive at night, because in the past the dog was a nocturnal predator.

It took thousands of years before the predator forgot its distant habits and became a true friend to man. Gradually, man tamed the dog to guard the cave house and, in case of danger, to sound an alarm. She began to help the man on the hunt: she looked for game, brought it to the owner, and helped the man defend himself. And when man started raising livestock, the dog began to guard the livestock.

In ancient times, special fighting dogs, Molossians, were bred in Greece and Rome. There was a detachment of such dogs in the army of Alexander the Great. In the Middle Ages, during the siege of Valencia, 5,000 dogs, chained in armor, took part in the battle.

In Rus', dogs have helped hunters since ancient times. Peter I had a messenger dog. She carried his letters and orders.

In Czechoslovakia, a postman dog delivers letters and telegrams to tourist centers and holiday homes located in hard-to-reach places.

Dogs have a very good sense of smell. The dog is able to sort odors, selecting the only one needed from hundreds. The world of smells, one might say, is the main thing for a dog: it doesn’t see well.

Scientists have found that dogs have color vision. But she can only see a person at a distance of three hundred meters. Another feature of dogs is their ability to cover distances of tens of kilometers.

So why is a dog considered a man's friend? It turns out that dogs of any breed are distinguished by sincere affection for their owner. And if he repays the dog in kind, a special kind of feelings arise between them, which are called fidelity and love. A man fell in love with a dog for its devotion and affection. And the dog became his best four-legged friend. Many people become kinder, better and calmer after interacting with dogs.

2.Dog breeds.

All dog breeds are divided into three main groups:

  1. Service (military, guard, shepherd, sled)
  2. Hunting (trade and sports)
  3. Room decorative

TO service dogs include shepherd dogs, huskies, boxers, great dane, collies, etc.

Service s obaks have different professions:

  1. Bloodhound dogs
  2. Dogs are shepherds
  3. Guard dogs
  4. Dogs are border guards
  5. Dogs are divers
  6. Not long ago, dogs mastered the profession of gas workers. They walk along the gas main, checking for gas leaks.
  7. Geologist dogs discover minerals at a depth of several meters.
  8. Now dogs are used to search for crashed planes.
  9. Dog service at airfields is widespread: four-legged customs officers have become excellent at finding explosives, weapons, and drugs.

Let's talk about some breeds of service dogs.

Shepherd dogs - German and Caucasian Shepherd dogs and reliable guards, and loving pets simultaneously. They communicate well with children, as well as with other animals. It is not advisable to leave them alone for very long long time, because they need constant communication with a person. This breed has a very calm character. A properly trained German Shepherd will always behave appropriately depending on the circumstances. German Shepherds They are well suited for work and have been used as working dogs for many years.

They serve in the police, help rescuers, help blind and deaf people as guide dogs, and also participate in military operations. Their intelligence and sense of smell and efficiency help them perform almost any task.

Collies are very friendly and sociable. They need to pay a lot of attention. If the owner is away for a long time, the collies may get sick or change their behavior. They don't like loud sounds. This breed needs large quantities physical exercise. Therefore, when walking with her, you need to pay attention to games and walks without a leash.

Diver - Newfoundland. This dog does not have snorkeling equipment. But she dives and swims no worse than a master of sports. The owners try not to take her to the beach with them, because, obeying instinct, she begins to independently fish her out of the water in order to “rescue” people swimming peacefully.

Hunting - dogs that are used as hunting assistants. Russian tsars especially often organized such hunts. This species includes the Russian hound, Russian greyhound, setter, spaniel, and pointer.




Room and decorativeDogs are bred for decoration and recreation. They are called decorative because they decorate our life, making it not so gray and monotonous. These dogs are absolutely adorable! For the most part they small size. She is always with her owner, maybe even in her arms or even in her pocket. They're fun to be around, they're funny. And they also have a very worthy quality - they are very jealous - they do not let anyone near their owner. This means they are good watchmen. Such dogs include poodle, lapdog, toy terrier and others.


Toy Terrier


3. “Dog” work and famous dogs.

The dog is not only an excellent watchdog, it also copes well with various jobs.

  1. The role of sled or sled dogs is great. In the north, dog sleds run across the snow of the tundra. 8-10 dogs harnessed to light sleds can cover a distance of 150 km per day. How many polar explorer heroes have dogs helped explore hard-to-reach areas of the Far North? The famous polar explorer Sedov fell ill with scurvy during his heroic attempt to reach the North Pole and died on February 20, 1914. The companions buried their captain and moved on. But the leader of the team, Fram, did not go with them. He lay down on the owner’s grave and died on it.
  2. Who doesn't know border dogs? Day and night they help guard the borders of our country. By the behavior of the dogs, border guards learn about the approach of infiltrators. Fearless and brave shepherd dogs chase criminals and help detain enemies. It is difficult to do without dogs in maintaining public order. The dog helps not only to catch up with the robber, but also to find him by the smell of something that belonged to him. The sniffer dog is the threat of all criminals.

Doke - from the detective police of Rome. He has 400 detained thieves and bandits, Doke took part in 160 fights, received 7 gunshot wounds and several stab wounds.

A dog named served in the St. Petersburg police Sul tan. He returned to the victims the valuables stolen from them totaling two million rubles. Now the effigy of the Sultan stands in the Museum of Forensic Science in St. Petersburg.

Customs dogs have learned to find explosives and even weapons that bandits and terrorists can use; These dogs find drugs.

Doberman pinscher named the best bloodhound Sauer . In 1925, he tracked a thief at a distance of 160 km by smell

  1. For a person who has lost his sight, a guide dog replaces his eyes: he brings him to work and home, and protects him on the way. The All-Russian Society of the Blind has a school where guide dogs are trained.
  2. During the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War The dogs, together with the fighters, went through a difficult battle path. They were also messengers, and helped nurses carry the wounded from the battlefield, and laid mines. Dogs were successfully used in the destruction of German tanks. Shepherd sapper Dick discovered 1728 Nazi mines. Signalman Jack transferred 2932 combat documents. 900 wounded were taken from the battlefield by Sergeant Major Fedulin’s dog team.

The dogs accounted for 300 destroyed enemy tanks. The dogs were signalmen. They delivered important messages. There were mine detecting dogs. There were sled ambulance dogs. But the most important service of dogs in war is the clearance of roads, buildings, villages, and cities.

  1. Dogs also played an important role in space exploration. This is the husky that prepared Yuri Gagarin's flight into space. Her flight brought information about the effect of weightlessness on a living organism. On August 20, the first “cosmonauts” returned to Earth, each weighing 5.5 kg. They made 18 orbits around the Earth. The successful space journey of Belka and Strelka showed: there is a practical possibility of human flight into space.
  1. And how many people have been saved by dogs during fires and search operations?

A St. Bernard named Barry saved 40 people in the Alpine mountains. This dog went out in blizzards and blizzards to find people who had lost their way. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote a story about fire dog named Bob, who carried 12 small children from the fire.

  1. Man learned to use dogs in various fields own life. The dog Christa (GDR) walked along the entire 7-kilometer gas pipeline, checking for gas leaks. If the dog detected a gas leak, it would bark and lie down near the emergency area. After some time, the dogs learned to patrol 18-
    kilometer track in Tallinn. A dog from Finland identified mineral deposits in 1962. And our shepherd dog Karat found ore at a depth of 12 meters. Now they are training dogs that in the future will find sunken boats and ships underwater.

Monuments to dogs.

In gratitude for their loyalty and devotion, humanity has erected monuments to dogs.

  1. It is believed that the very first monument to a dog was erected in the 4th century BC near the city of Corinth. According to legend, a dog named Soëtre woke up the city garrison when the enemy silently crept up on it. The enemy was repulsed, and Soëtre was awarded a monument during his lifetime and a silver collar with the inscription: “Defender and Savior of Corinth.”
  2. The monument to Barry the dog is the most famous. It was built almost 190 years ago and stands in one of the cemeteries in Paris. Barry saved more than 40 people during snow drifts in the Alps.
  1. There is a monument to a guide dog in Berlin.
  2. A monument to a dog who served science was erected in St. Petersburg.
  3. There is a monument to a dog named Faithful in Italy. For 14 years, he came to the station every evening and met his master there, who was killed in the war.


This is how we live day after day next to true true friends. We all know how loyal our mongrels are to us. And how happy they are when we return home after school! They wag their tails and jump merrily on their hind legs, squealing and whining with the joy of meeting them! And they are the most faithful guards of our yard! No wonder the proverbs say:

  1. A good dog will not be left without an owner.
  2. A dog is a man's constant friend.
  3. At faithful dog The watchman is sleeping.
  4. A good dog does not bark at the wind.
  5. Honor for the owner and the dog.
  6. Loyal like a dog.
  7. And you won't find dogs.

However, if you want to get a dog, you need to remember some rules.

  1. Walk with the dog.
  2. 2. Wash occasionally.
  3. 3. Take care of the coat.
  4. 4. Check your mouth regularly; dogs can also have toothache.
  5. 5. Place to sleep - away from drafts.
  6. 5. Clean your ears.
  7. 6. Teach rules of conduct.

    The popular saying “A dog is man’s best friend” exists for a reason. The dog will always be a faithful friend, he will not deceive or betray, any pampering is forgiven. It is not entirely clear why such friendly relations developed between this animal and man, perhaps because earlier, thanks to such a union, it was easier to live or it became less sad. These creatures are smart, incredibly kind, playful, always ready to help, and not much is required from us. Thanks to this, that a dog is a man's friend, quotes , words said by characters in popular films and stories began to be often used in everyday life.

    About friendship

    Wilfred P. Lempton said: " Anyone who says you can’t buy happiness has never bought a puppy.”, but will you agree that he is absolutely right? Now there are various shelters for dogs, as well as for other animals, where you can take home your four-legged friend completely free of charge. Imagine how much happiness you will not only gain yourself, but also how much joy you will give to the animal! But everyone will agree with the words of Luis Sabin: “ If a dog is all you have, you're still a rich man».

    « A dog is not the meaning of life, but thanks to it, life takes on a special meaning», skazad R. Karas. Become happy man much simpler than it might seem. A dog in the house means constant protection and positive emotions. Sometimes, of course, she likes to play around and can disturb her owner’s sleep, but all this is just an expression of love for him. The dog takes care of the home, maintains a friendly atmosphere in the home, and in return it needs to receive affection and attention.

    Relationship between dog and person

    The fact that a dog is man's best friend is said by many who have connected their lives with the most devoted creature on earth. As the French artist T. Charlet said: “ The best thing a person has is a dog", with which it is difficult to disagree. Of course, people managed to domesticate many species of animals, but best friend there will always be a dog. Let's remember the famous drama "Hachiko", in which a dog at a train station waits for the return of its owner, not giving up hope. This story reminds us once again that even after a long time, the dog misses its owner and waits for him until the last moment. It is difficult for them to come to terms with separation, they may refuse to eat and even die. Don’t leave your dog to the mercy of fate, because this is a friend who will never leave you, will support you at any moment.

    J. Billings once said: “ A dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than itself“But it’s true, it’s hard not to notice because of how she meets the owner of the house. Their self-sacrifice is legendary. After all, the animal not only served well as a guard, but also saved people drowning or wounded on the battlefield.

    “The dog is the only animal whose loyalty is unshakable», - said J. Buffon. It will be faithful to the owner, no matter what the situation happens.

    Many words have been said about the fact that this animal is the most devoted creature on earth. Quotes about this have gone through the entire history of mankind. But no matter how sincere their feelings are, one must always remember the words of the Fox from “The Little Prince” by A. de Saint-Exupéry: “ We are responsible for those we have tamed».

    Research “A dog is a man’s faithful friend”

    Student of 4th "B" class

    Head: Natalya Vladimirovna Likhtner,

    Teacher primary classes

    • Topic: “A dog is a man’s faithful friend.”
    • Target: revealing the variety of relationships between humans and dogs; focusing on human responsibility for domesticated animals.
    • Tasks:
    • 1. Study the literature on this topic.
    • 2. Show the importance of dogs in human life.
    • 3. Collect information about people’s attitudes towards dogs.
    • 4..Give recommendations to those who want to get a dog.

    She protects herds of sheep and cows, searches for criminals, detects drugs, helps hunters track and shoot game, guards the state border - you name it.

    Hypothesis: If we can cultivate a sense of love and responsibility for our smaller brothers, the problem of abandoned animals will lose its severity.

    A set of problems associated with homeless animals:

    1) The appearance of stray dogs on the city streets.

    2) Diseases dangerous to people.

    3) Attacks on people (aggression).

    4) Cruelty to animals.

    Subject of study: dogs

    Research methods:

    1. Analysis of literature about dogs 2. Observations of your dogs 3. Mini survey

    • The dog is the first animal domesticated by man; this happened back in the Stone Age, when ancient people obtained food and clothing by hunting wild animals.
    • Primitive man feared for his life. He listened to every rustle, and the dog hears what a person cannot hear, smells various smells that are inaccessible to a person. Gradually the man tamed the dog. He taught me how to guard the cave house and, in case of danger, sound an alarm. She began to help the man on the hunt.

    • During the Great Patriotic War, about 70 thousand dogs served in the Soviet Army, which saved the lives of many soldiers. The dogs served as scouts, sentries, signalmen, carried dispatches across the front line, laid telephone cables, and also helped deliver ammunition to soldiers. They worked as orderlies, found and pulled out the wounded from shelling; determined the location of the mines.

    • All dog breeds are divided into three main groups:
    • 1.Service (military, guard, shepherd, sled)
    • 2.Hunting (trade and sports)
    • 3. Room decorative

    • Service dogs include shepherds, huskies, boxers, mastiffs, collies, etc.
    • Service dogs have different professions:
    • Bloodhound dogs
    • Dogs are shepherds
    • Guard dogs
    • Dogs are border guards
    • Dogs are divers
    • Not long ago, dogs mastered the profession of gas workers. They walk along the gas main, checking for gas leaks.

    • Shepherds - German and Caucasian shepherds are reliable guards and loving pets at the same time. They communicate well with children, as well as with other animals. It is not advisable to leave them alone for a very long time, because they need constant communication with a person.

    • A monument to the dog Laika stands in Moscow. It was Laika who went down in history as the first earthly inhabitant to ascend into space.

    • I conducted a survey among adults and peers I knew. As it turned out, 58% of respondents have pets. Moreover, 54% of them have dogs.
    • A person has lived with a dog for so long and owes it so much. Many people become kinder, better and calmer after interacting with dogs. There have been cases when people's stress was treated with the help of dogs, and such treatment gave better results than treatment in clinics.

    • Homeless animals are domestic animals left without human care. These are animals born on the street, lost, abandoned by cruel owners.
    • They are very dangerous.
    • ♦ They are sources of road accidents.
    • ♦ Damage to nature.
    • ♦ are carriers of diseases.
    • ♦ create psychological problems.

    1. Opening shelters, helping shelters.

    2. Mass sterilization of animals.

    3. Registration of stray animals, vaccination against rabies.

    4. Increasing the responsibility of pet owners.

    • Reading special literature I realized how much dog owners need to know:
    • 1) How to properly provide veterinary first aid,
    • 2) Know the laws of dog behavior,
    • 3) Know the peculiarities of feeding dogs,
    • 4) Know the features of training,
    • 5) Know dog diseases, dog hygiene,
    • 6) Know the methods and methods of treating dogs.

    • 1. From literary sources I found out that dogs can be faithful, devoted, and trusting. They can console, caress, cheer, protect, help. I think that the proverb “ Dog is a friend person." 2. Thanks to this work, I was able to get to know my faithful four-legged friends better. Each of us, before taking home a dog, should think about what responsibility he takes on for raising a pet.

    • My hypothesis was confirmed. I learned a lot about dogs. A dog helps a person in everything: it saves people in a fire, helps with police work, helps people who have lost their sight, and serves as a guide for them. A dog is a special animal. She has an excellent sense of smell. Able to travel long distances in search of her owner, she senses her owner’s mood and much more. Now I can tell the guys about why a dog is considered a man’s friend. While working on my topic, I understood where a person’s love for a dog comes from and why a dog is so devoted to its owner.

    “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    I kindly ask you to be responsible for your pets and not throw them out into the street!

    Since time immemorial, dogs have lived next to humans, sharing food and protecting the home from uninvited guests. And these days, many would agree to have a reliable and devoted friend who will come to the rescue in difficult times and share the joy with his owner. About attitude loving people Numerous quotes about dogs, short and long, funny and sad, testify to faithful pets.

    There are many stories about the devotion of dogs both in war and in peacetime. These noble animals amaze even the most indifferent people with their devotion. They not only help with extreme situations, but also make life easier for disabled and blind people, replacing their vision, arms and legs. Any dog ​​subtly senses the mood of its owner: it can joyfully jump around its owner in anticipation of a game and a walk, or it can lie motionless for hours, protecting his sleep. Therefore, meaningful quotes about dogs, as well as sayings, are very popular famous people, lovingly treating four-legged creatures.

    Orhan Pamuk said:

    “Dogs are great at talking, but only to those who can listen to them.”

    And Elchin Safarli also correctly noted:

    “Dogs, unlike people, are great at remembering all the good things and quickly forgetting all the bad things.”

    Numerous aphorisms and quotes only confirm that a dog is a man’s friend.

    J. Buffon:

    “The dog is the only animal in the world whose loyalty to man is unshakable.”

    Josh Billings shared the same opinion:

    “The dog is considered the only animal that loves its owner most and itself least.”

    “A dog is a faithful friend who understands everything, but cannot say anything. The advantage of a dog is that it sympathizes and empathizes silently.”

    Lewis Sabin once remarked:

    “No matter how much money you have in life, a dog makes you many times richer.”

    And Mark Frost wrote:

    “A dog is an amazing creature. No animal gives up its freedom so easily for the sake of faithful service to man. Most people are completely incapable of such an act.”

    Funny quotes about dogs

    We can recall a lot of sayings of great people about our little brothers. But today you can find not only meaningful quotes about dogs and people. There are some pretty funny quotes about the relationship between owner and pet, as well as about the relationship between dogs and other animals.

    From the statements of Gennady Malkin:

    • “Dogs are loved because they are in no hurry to become owners.”
    • “If you don’t have a dog, get a friend.”
    • “A dog has many friends because he moves his tail more often than his tongue.” (James Thurber)
    • “Regardless of the time, eventually the dog’s owner becomes its servant.” (Robert Morley)
    • “The more I get to know people, the more I start to like dogs.” (Heinrich Heine)
    • “Dogs lift their legs at will, but figure skaters lift their legs out of necessity.”
    • “Babies and dogs are considered the best actors in movies.”
    • “Unlike people, dogs can’t pretend. They love their friends loyally and bite their enemies hard.”
    • “If a dog and a cat unite, then it is nothing other than an alliance against the cook.” (Stefan Zweig)
    • “Dogs laugh too, but with their tail.”
    • “No dog can lay a pig on a man.”
    • "To see yourself in in the right light a person needs to get a dog that will adore him and a cat that will not notice him.”No.

    Short sayings about dogs

    On the Internet you can find a wide variety of statements about devoted four-legged pets, but there are also short quotes about dogs are simply funny and meaningful.

    • “In a dog you can find all the best that can be in a person.”
    • “Even when all your friends leave you, the dog always remains.”
    • “Anyone who doesn’t believe that money can buy happiness shouldn’t have had to buy a puppy.”
    • “The dog will always be with its owner in joy and sorrow, in health and illness.”
    • “Gratitude is a disease of dogs that cannot be transmitted to humans.”
    • “When people learn to love like dogs, the world will become a paradise.”

    Cool aphorisms about dogs

    Feeling love for your shaggy pets, it is impossible to take their antics seriously. That's why quotes about dogs and people appear, full of humor and jokes.

    • Announcement: "Missing" clever dog. Tuzik, if you are reading these lines now, please call home!”
    • The inscription on the fence: “Caution! In the courtyard kind dog! We kindly ask you not to offend!”
    • Announcement: “A smart dog has gone missing!” But if she's smart. That means she simply ran away and didn’t disappear!
    • If you are bitten by a dog, then get to work! However, there is no need to bite her in revenge!
    • A dog is kept by attachment to its owner, a cat is kept by benefit.
    • Eastern wisdom: “There is no need to be afraid of dogs, their owners can be much more dangerous than their pets!”
    • IN Lately a friend extends not a hand to a friend, but a paw!
    • Anyone who gets up early walks the dog.

    With all the abundance of aphorisms and sayings about dogs, it is difficult to find quotes that each of them is considered a dog in the manger. After all, this expression is not applicable to four-legged creatures, but to people.

    Known wise saying Ernest Seton-Thompson, who said:

    “If you love me, you must love my dog, because we are one, and the connection between us can only be broken if one of us dies.”

    Indeed, dogs were and remain the only loyal creatures in the world. She is ready to sleep on the bare cold earth, endure hunger and hardship, if only her owner is nearby.

    A dog is a faithful friend and devoted assistant to a person. She has proven this for many millennia and continues to prove it every hour to this day. “A dog is the only creature on earth who loves you more than himself,” said writer Josh Billings. On July 30, Friendship Day, RIA Novosti offers users three touching stories relationship between man and dog.

    Loyalty until the end of life

    At the beginning of the last century, first all of Japan, and then the whole world, learned about a dog named Hachiko. The Akita Inu dog accompanied his owner, a university professor, to work every day, to the entrance to the bus station, and then at 3 o’clock in the afternoon he returned there again to meet his owner.

    On May 21, 1925, the professor had a heart attack. Doctors were unable to save his life, and he never returned home. Hachiko was eighteen months old at that time. That day he did not wait for the owner, but began to come to the station every day, patiently waiting for him until late in the evening.

    They tried to place the dog in the homes of the owner's friends and relatives, but he invariably returned to the station. Local merchants fed Hachiko, admiring his persistence.

    The dog became known throughout Japan in 1932 after the publication of the article “Devoted” in one of the largest newspapers in Tokyo old dog awaits the return of his owner, who died seven years ago." The story won the hearts of the Japanese, and curious people began to come to Shibuya station to look at the dog. On April 21, 1934, a monument was unveiled to Hachiko, and the Japanese brought the dog himself to the opening of the monument.

    Hachiko came to the station for nine years until his death on March 8, 1935. Hachiko was found dead on the street near the station. After his death, due to the wide resonance, a day of mourning was declared in the country.

    During World War II, the monument to Hachiko was destroyed - metal was needed for military needs. But Japan did not forget the dog - and after the end of the war, in August 1948, the monument was restored. Today, the statue of Hachiko at Shibuya Station is a meeting place for lovers, and the very image of the dog in Japan has become an example of selfless love and loyalty.

    "A lesson for us all"

    In Scotland, in Edinburgh, there is also a monument to a dog - the Skye Terrier Greyfriars Bobby, who guarded the grave of his owner for fourteen years. The dog's owner was a night police officer for two years; he died of tuberculosis.

    Bobby outlived his owner by fourteen years; he spent all these years at his grave, only occasionally running to a restaurant near the cemetery, where he was fed, or to nearby houses to wait out the frosts.

    In 1867, they wanted to destroy Bobby, like a dog without an owner, but the Lord Provost (Mayor) of Edinburgh, Sir William Chambers, took the dog under the responsibility of the municipality. Bobby received a collar engraved from a thick brass sheet with the inscription "Greyfriars Bobby from the Lord Mayor, 1867, authorized." This collar is currently on display in a museum in Edinburgh.

    The Bobby Monument was created while the dog was still alive in 1871 and was unveiled after his death in November 1873 in front of the local bar, Bobby's Greyfriars. Buried faithful dog not far from the grave of his owner. In May 1981, a red granite stone was placed on the dog's grave. The inscription on the stone reads: "Greyfriars Bobby - Died January 14, 1872 - Age 16 - Let his loyalty and devotion be a lesson to us all."

    © Photo: Michael Reeve / wikimedia

    A man is a friend to a dog

    One photo in social network recently made 49-year-old American from Wisconsin John Unger and his dog Shep famous throughout the world. And the story of their friendship began about 20 years ago, when Shep saved his owner, who was having a hard time breaking up with his fiancée, from committing suicide. One day, while walking the dog, John, unable to cope with depression, approached a cliff with thoughts of suicide. Unger said that it was Shep’s gaze that sobered him up and brought him back to reality. The young man thought about who would take care of Shep. As he grew older, the dog developed severe arthritis. The dog's joints hurt so much that she could not move on her own. The veterinarians offered to put Shep out of his misery and euthanize him, but John did not want to do this to his friend and tried to make his life easier.

    A very long friendship: 70 years as one dayFive friends - Boris, Ilya, Arkady, Vladimir and Anatoly - have known each other for 70 years, their friendship has survived the war, and moving around the USSR, and serious illnesses. They are already over 80, but to each other they are still cheerful boys.

    Every day for many years, the American took his dog to the lake and held him in the water in his arms for several hours. Shep felt better in the water and could sleep a little. Pictures of John holding a 20-year-old pet in his arms, standing shoulder-deep in water, went around the entire Internet, and people began to donate money for the dog’s treatment.

    “What is this dog to me? Words cannot express it. When you give love, it comes back to you tenfold. I want people to remember this when they look at these shots,” said John Unger.

    Two weeks ago, on July 18, Shep passed away. Its owner reported this on his Facebook page. John Unger received more than a million condolences from all over the world.

    The material was prepared based on information from open sources

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