Quotes about darkness and darkness. Absolute signals move with ease in Darkness and Gloom

Scientists believe global dimming will be followed by famine

Lord, what have scientists been doing to scare people lately? Global warming, pole reversal, huge asteroids, powerful solar wind streams, awakened volcanoes, ozone holes, etc. All this, mind you, threatens the complete disappearance of life on Earth. And then there’s another attack. It turns out that global dimming is upon us. Exactly. Scientists say that planet Earth is getting darker and darker. The fact is that due to atmospheric pollution, less and less light reaches our planet. In recent years, its number has decreased by twenty percent. The notorious anthropogenic factor played a cruel joke on us. For those who do not know: the anthropogenic factor is the influence that a person has as a result of his activities on the biosphere, organisms, and so on.

Anthropogenic factors of direct action

One can only guess what the darkening threatens. One thing is clear, it will not bring us anything good. The problem of changing the growing season of plants immediately arises. That is, plants will no longer live as long as they are destined to, but will begin to bloom, grow and bear fruit in a completely different way. How? No one knows. In the worst case scenario, this threatens humanity with global famine.

VIDEO: Something terrible is approaching the Earth, which will lead to a reduction in the population of the planet

The nature of Darkness is Absolute Light, therefore Darkness is taken as a suitable allegorical representation of the state of the Universe during Pralaya or the period of Absolute Peace or Non-Being, as it appears to our ultimate mind. The "Fire, Heat and Motion" here spoken of are, of course, not the fire, heat and motion of physical science, but the abstract principles, numenas or soul of the nature of these material manifestations - "things in themselves" - and which are recognized of modern science completely elude the instruments of the laboratory and are incomprehensible even to the mind, although the mind can hardly avoid the conclusion that these substrata of things must exist. "Fire and Water or Father and Mother" can be understood as meaning the divine Ray and Chaos. "Chaos", having received consciousness from merging with the Spirit, shone with joy, and so it was

generated by Protogonos (primordial Light), says the fragment of Hermes. Damascius calls it "Dis", "Distributor of all Things*53).

According to the dogmas of the Rosicrucians, as this time correctly, although partially, explained to the uninitiated, "Light and Darkness are in themselves identical, they are separated only in the human mind"; and as Robert Fludd says: "Darkness received Illumination in order to become visible ""). In the positions of Eastern Occultism, Darkness is a network of a single, true reality, the basis and root of Light, without which the latter could never manifest or even exist. Light is Matter, and Darkness is pure Spirit. Darkness, in its fundamental metaphysical basis, is subjective and absolute Light; while the latter, in all its apparent radiance and radiance, is only a mass of shadows, for it can never be eternal and is only mere Illusion or Maya.

52) Amrita.

53) Cory's "Ancient Fragments" p. 314.

54) About Rosencrantz.

Even in the confusing and annoying book of Genesis *55), Light is created from Darkness - and “Darkness was on the Face of the Abyss”, and not vice versa. "In Him (in the darkness) was life; and the life was the light of men." The day will come when people's eyes will be opened and then they will understand better than now the verse in the Gospel of John that reads: “And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” They will then see that the word “Darkness” does not applies to the spiritual vision of man, but, in truth, to Darkness, the Absolute, which does not know (cannot imagine) the transitory Light, although it is transcendental to the human eye. "Demon e&t Deus inversus", the Devil is now called by the church "Darkness", while in the Bible and in the Book of Job he is called the "Son of God," the bright star of the early Morning, Lucifer. There is a whole philosophy of dogmatic art to explain the reason why the first Archangel, born from the abyss of Chaos, was called Lux ​​(Lucifer), the shining "Son of the Morning" or the Dawn of Manvantara. He was transformed by the church into Lucifer or Satan because he was higher and older than Jehovah and had to be sacrificed to the New Dogma.

STANZA III. - Continuation.

7. Furnit, O Lana "), the radiant child of those two, incomparable, brilliant greatness -spaceship of the light, the son of the space of darkness arising from the depths of the great dark waters. This is oeaonoo younger ***^) (a). It shines like the sun like the sun , HE IS THE FLAMED, DIVINE DRAGON OF WISDOM; EKA"") (ONE) THERE IS CHATUR (FOUR), AND CHATUR TAKES THREE FOR HIMSELF, AND THE UNION GENERATES SAPTA (SEMB), IN HIM IS SEVEN, WHO BECOME

Coming to the level where inferno zones operate, absolute creatures are shrouded in Darkness and Gloom.

Absolute Darkness devours the filling of contentment, and Darkness collapses control - and instantaneous annihilation of the dummies occurs.

Empties are afraid of Absolute Darkness and Gloom.

Absolute signals feel Comfort in the Darkness, perceiving the Beauty of the breath of Darkness.

note 3. stories about the battles of Darkness and Light. Darkness devours contentment, Gloom collapses control and Empties with the name “Purity” are annihilated.

The dummy "Purity" - an imitation of Light, forms the opposite of "hatred" - to the Absolute signal "real Light" - calling it Darkness in substitution, meaning Evil, recalling the Apocalypse, when there will be an end to the dummy "Purity" with its side: `imitation ` Light.

(...and those who hate Him will fall...)

clarification to note 3. The dummy "Purity"... and Hatred are opposites.

Hence the battles of the Empty -VS - with the active Light... condensing the filling of contentment, through profit, substitution and oblivion, outlining the inferno zone for oneself as the edge of Darkness and “Purity”.

As soon as you go beyond the inferno zone, Absolute Darkness will absorb the filling of contentment, and the dogs of Darkness will gnaw control... and if no one is left standing... after that, it means that the creature destroyed the core of Uniqueness long before... and came out in honesty before the Cosmos and the Source - to reveal reality.

The pacifier forms name and hatred, in contrast.

Between them is a filling of contentment.

As soon as there is not enough filling - agony begins, hatred begins to approach the name - the acid eats away the letters - the dummy is activated in mega mode in search of someone who will give it more satisfaction... literally runs around the population of the inferno zone and knocks on doors for alms or demands : you owe me.

Or... it takes feeding from those who have already put it inside, replaced the center with themselves, destroying the unique core, destroying the symphony.

She comes and eats... because this is now her kingdom (running and begging, threatening and demanding... is no longer required).

There is the chemistry of fields and particles, and there is physics.

Substitution is the physics of fields, and in the chemistry of particles there is profit - they (particles) decompose the nucleus, purely according to chemical principles. So that the Dummy can stand in the center and have constant nutrition and its own Home inside the creature.

note 4. The house is inside the creature at the pacifier - with reincarnation the creature carries it within itself. And he feels the inferno zone as his own home and is afraid of the apocalypse, because he senses the empty space in the center - if the pillars are removed and Darkness and Gloom enter - annihilation is instantaneous.



They form a convenient “X” - and then ask the population of the inferno zone who else likes, with the help of contentment, to support the function of this “X”.

Who wants this “X” to become a common reality?

Hands go up, subscribers are added - the feeding begins.

note "\" the general reality with dummies is not the Matrix - it is a field of energy signals for a certain number of beings.

Mechanics: the pacifier gets stuck in the spinal cord and the One is no longer heard, the Source and the butterflies on his eyelashes are no longer heard... - the pacifier, its name and filling, as well as twitching signals are heard: Give... more... more... ! If you don't give it, I'll die.

note 5. I’ll die without you... don’t leave... don’t leave me... and what if: I’ll kill myself if you leave!

And then the association comes with myself: if I don’t do it, I feel like I’m going to die and the pain and twists my joints: “Feed me and the discomfort will go away!” - the dummy broadcasts.

note 6. pacifiers stand on the spinal cord, instead of portals at the level of the vertebral cartilage.

I think about you, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat... so everything inside is hot, and aching, and twisting... and I seem to be happy, but.. only when you’re near (and not because you exist). And even when I understand that you exist and this thought makes me light... I still want to have you nearby... (to have).

And everyone receives instructions that are not placed in the spam folder and are not deleted (since they have already subscribed).

1. The obligation to replenish the filling of “X” with contentment is regular (otherwise “X” will dissolve and all those who did not add the filling will be accused of destroying the Beautiful).

The obligation (according to mechanics) will require a waiver (signed in blood) of the rights of the Interincarnate Personality to “like” and “want”. Because now, like and want, they are subordinated to providing “x” with filling, preserving and disseminating information about “x” and at any cost establishing “x” in the inferno zone as real.

note 7. reminder: if you want it, you won’t want it too much \ you never know what you want, etc. -> you are a subscriber to a dummy. You have deprived yourself (yourself) of the right to use “don’t like” and “don’t want.”

In addition, you now have energy fields and your exhortations about rights, this is just stamping your foot, which is helpful for replenishing the filling of contentment.

2. Each subscriber adds “their own” to the dummy (substitution for co-creation: energy fields and a plan “how to get more”, instead of force fields and a gravity pattern).

Those who place the dummy in the center, destroying the core of uniqueness through the use of profit (the symphony no longer sounds - does not disturb the neighbors - now I am “one of my own” in the inferno zone) - receive the right to form a replacement, at their discretion - inside the dummy.

note 8.“love is obedience” and recruitment of subscribers; “love - correspondence” - subscribers are being recruited; “love is sacrifice” - adding is open not only to subscribers, but also to friends; “love is freedom” (and freedom is: the one who loves has the right to refuse, but the one who is loved does not. Now, we prove to each other who loves whom more - the war for the right to refuse -> a full set is open and only as friends, because food comes here in large quantities.

And an SMS from the inferno zone to Space: “What?! Can only the One create? We can do it too! Behold! What beauty we have woven!”

3. The marketing scheme (give it to me and you will be rewarded) - methods for extracting the “precious energy substance” -> contentment - are growing and developing. As long as there is contentment, there will be dummies.

And the slogan: “Give Life to dummies! - Prevent annihilation! - Live your Dream!” - and an explanation: contribute enough content and you will receive admin rights to create a replacement in one of the dummies, and if you satisfy special conditions, then as a gift you will gain the right to create something new for all of us - your own dummy... from scratch, so to speak!

note 9. envy of the One.

Speech by the leader of the inferno zone: There is no access to force fields? No problem! We will create by name, through energies. There are a lot of us? - A lot of! (the crowd answers). And they will come again (they bring us here in batches - we ourselves fall). And we can fill ourselves (before we completely collapse... and if we don’t approach the inferno pillars, we will be reincarnated for a long time) - and things will exist that the One does not have! Things that the One is not able to create - but we can. And more beings will come to us - they will see that we have something different... but the One does not and will not have this - it is inaccessible to him - but we can!

(they invented “love” - so they fall in batches into the inferno zone... it’s stupid to find out, but what is “love”?)

We are stronger than him! - continues the leader. - And we will have more brothers, and there will be more creations, and we will flourish (until the moment when... as they do in every era - they remove the inferno pillars and... Darkness and Gloom march - annihilating lies).

Self-defense system

(precautionary measures - protection from wise guys)

approx 10. In the United World there is protection from fools - ejection into the inferno zone.

In addition to intimidation, beatings, brutal violence of various types, there is a clear mental pattern of actions.

1. Confirm the presence (presence is absent in this case... you hear, determine by the external form of actions, words - and if you go to the Unified Database, there is nothing like that): don’t even doubt it!

“Our sausage (religion\love\destiny, etc.) is the most delicious (correct, harmonious, happy) of all... don’t even doubt it!!! - drive cement boards like nails into the brain.

note 11. I give flowers, plant flowers under her window, think about her and don’t give up, even when she rejects me - this is romance and true love, in the form of manifestations. We go to a single database - and there: deafness to refusal is an inferno signal. O_o.... .

“And where can I put my feelings? I still have a dose of contentment this week! Where can I get so much? But here it’s easy and tons.”

2. Prove existence (interpretation of facts into a convenient conclusion): So it is! Because I said so!

[waves admin rights “I am the Creator”) or.. because that one over there said so (redirect to the admin card of “Creator”]

3. Shove it down your throat: Eat! I said Eat! If you don't eat, I'll beat you. Will you eat it yourself or what?

Soft method -> Seduce to try:

Try it, evaluate it, and then you’ll say that our sausage is the most delicious of all, you’ll see!

[... and the main thing is that... it will be so, and this is because the mechanics are as follows: it is enough to sell yourself once... that is, try a dummy... and the Administrator will say: I told you so! I knew you'd like it!]

Yes, take it, you, big piece - we are not greedy. Here, take another one and try it. If you didn’t like it, it means you didn’t try it - here you go - it’s free.

note 12. and after selling oneself, the free One is perceived as cheese in a mousetrap that will crush the head; and the warmth of the One is like a veil - behind which you simply cannot see what a cunning bastard the One is.

note 13. under force fields, if they push with “marketing offers”, deaf in advance to refusal, then because a car is knocked down, or another tragedy occurs, preventing the wholesaler from accessing the Being of the absolute signal. And the one (the wholesaler), if he doesn’t understand.. and rushes, they let him in... and the Darkness devours his contentment (and he quickly produces more - he ends up in shit, otherwise he annihilates - he saves himself and continues to stand by), and the Darkness brings down control (How could I do this? I didn’t want to. I... didn’t mean it that way. God, what did I do? I’ll fix it. I’ll do everything right!)

And if the mental map doesn’t work, there are two ways left under the slogan “it’s my own fault - I asked you in a good way - if you accepted the pacifier and this wouldn’t have happened!”:

1. Indifference to the “stupid wayward”: You are NOT! (ignore presence)

2. Destruction of the body of a “willful creature”: There will be only I! (destroy visible point of presence)

note 14. Such treatment only causes pain if there is already a pacifier inside, and then they offer one or more more. And refusal (and one thing is crappy, but they promised happiness) - and, to oneself or observing from the outside, clings to indifference or cruel violence.

And when there are already a lot of dummies inside, it responds with indifference or destroys it.

The Dummy will require Profit in order to chemically decompose the core of the creature and, according to the physics of fields, split the point of presence (not presence) - and stand in the center.

The choice to try a pacifier -> launches the mechanics immediately and to the end, where, as a result: You will not be there! It will only be me! (says the dummy - he notifies openly, by the way).

note 15. There are no intermediate levels “confirm your choice” - this is not good for the dummy and therefore... there is no such option: you chose once - that’s enough.


Profit will require a replacement.

Substitution will require a transfer of responsibility.

Yes, it's like MMM.

MMM is like this -> to destroy inside what is still capable of hearing the One... and at least through Him - to remember that the Source exists.

He decomposed, profitably, into pus, the core of the Essence -> destroyed the element and there is no access to the ability to recognize the Source.

Implementation of the principle: There will only be me! (since I don’t perceive it, that means I MISS YOU!)

note 16.

(about this in the fourth paragraph of the topic “proportionality” ... and in the topic “awe” ...)

Transferred responsibility<- сформировал подмену внутри (или перенял чужой зип-архив) - дышишь наживой - накачиваешься довольством - судишь по форме ->The dummy has already found you

(and you chose to try; if you refused to try, there would be no need to transfer responsibility).

And by the replacement you chose, you can find out what name is on the pacifier.


Substitution: love-sacrifice. So it's a pacifier with the word "love" written on it. Often in the mother’s tummy, so that the mother feels good - and the radiation does not hurt the mother’s lies, does not cause inconvenience to the mother - the glow is extinguished.

Substitution: purity - obedience. So it's a pacifier with the word "purity" written on it. Teenagers try this more often: I obey - and they hear me, they let me go outside, they feed me, they allow me my desires... they don’t beat me.

note 17. someone outside allows me my desires - he will sprout actions “for evil” in adulthood and don’t care about anyone.

Substitution: to be in the body is to live. So it's a pacifier with the words "life" written on it. They decide to try this as they grow up, when the stars no longer bring joy, but cause melancholy and bitterness. Bitterness, later, will grow into greed and then into lust - leading to the decay of the core in a rapid process (split personality, madness and complete deafness to refusal).

note 18. the body is glued to life - as a result, this is the fear of death (closed off from the circuit with the Planet, otherwise they would feel the Warm Breath of the Planet... and would know from the inside that leaving the body is not scary and they would know “why exactly” is not scary) and selling oneself for the sake of continuation of the opportunity to be in the body (to survive... at any cost or to come to terms with dying).

Hello again everyone!

I present for your consideration my new Blog entitled “Three Days of Darkness”. I have already created such a topic on the forum, but for some reason it did not attract attention, and it was placed in the archive. Currently, it is no longer there - I asked the moderators to remove it. All the necessary information from there has been transferred to this Blog.

The main information component of the Blog is represented mainly by channeling, but this does not deprive it of its importance.

The totality of the collected information creates an overall picture.

Therefore, you should start reading the Blog from the first chapter.

Chapter 1

In this chapter, we will find out why chaos is needed, why it is time for us to stop being afraid of such synonymous words as “darkness”, “gloom”, “darkness”, “haze” and what is the source of life and light.

Absolute Darkness is Absolute Light.

According to the ancient natural philosophical tradition - Indian, Chinese, Byzantine (John of Damascus), darkness was considered an independent substance (and not the absence of light, as is usually explained in modern educational and reference literature). The ancient Hellenes also considered darkness to be the primary principle: according to Hesiod, all the diversity of the world came from the intercourse of Night and Darkness, which, however, was preceded by Chaos; according to Hyginus, on the contrary, Darkness (Mist) first independently gave birth to Chaos, and only then, sharing the marriage bed with it, gave birth to the entire visible and invisible world.

Ancient philosophers - and, in particular, the Neoplatonist Proclus in his comments to Plato's Timaeus - substantiated the existence of “impenetrable darkness” as the last deep foundation of Nature. Darkness, from this point of view, is “a huge abyss, limitless in all directions,” “the final infinity,” embracing the entire world. She is “the abode of the primordial beings, in which there are no boundaries, no bottom, no support.”

“Darkness” is the strongest of all types of fire, and it was he who overwhelmed “tokha” [“chaos”]. “Darkness” is fire, but fire is not darkness, except in the case when it embraces “tohu”.

The refuge of darkness, however, is not only the cosmic distance or the cover of night. This is simply the illusion of a clear sunny day, that the whole world around us is filled with light, or that a person is exclusively a “child of light.” Already under your feet, in the bowels of the Earth, absolute darkness reigns undivided. And inside the human body there is by no means a kingdom of light, but mostly darkness dominates. What about sleep? He, too, is the kingdom of darkness, although it is disturbed by the images of dreams. Almost a third of a normal person's life is spent in sleep, which is a natural and integral state of life processes. . Darkness is a special form of movement of matter, its original primary state. She is a carrier, and in some cases, a source of light. It is also (but in interaction with light) the accumulator of the information field of the Universe.

Here is what E.P. writes about this. Blavatsky - theosophist, writer and traveler. Philosopher, occultist and spiritualist - in The Secret Doctrine (Cosmogenesis):

“Darkness is Father-Mother: Light is their Son,” says an ancient Eastern saying. Light is incomprehensible except as emanating from some source that is the cause of it; and since in the case of the Primary Light, this source is not cognizable, although reason and logic persistently require it, then, from the point of view of reason, we call it “Darkness”. “Darkness” is the Eternal Container in which Sources of Light appear and disappear. Nothing is added to darkness in order to extract light from it, or to light to make it darkness on our plane. They replace each other; and scientifically Light is only a form of darkness and vice versa. And yet they are both phenomena of the same numen, which is absolute darkness for the mind of the scientist and only gray twilight for the knowledge of the ordinary mystic, but absolute Light for the spiritual eye of the Initiate. The degree to which we discern light shining in the darkness depends on our power of vision. What light is for us is darkness for some insects, and the eye of a clairvoyant sees radiance where a normal eye sees only darkness. When the whole Universe was asleep - that is, returned to its primary element - there was neither a center of light nor an eye to perceive the light; and darkness inevitably filled the “Boundless All.”

...and Isis Unveiled:

“In the original state of creation,” says Polyer in “Indian Mythology,” “the embryonic Universe, immersed in the waters, rested in the bosom of Eternity. Emerging from this chaos and darkness, Brahma, the architect of the world, floated on a lotus leaf, carried along the waters, unable to discern anything except water and darkness.”

“After the creation of the universe, He, whose power is incomprehensible, disappeared again, being absorbed by the Supreme Soul... Having retired into the original darkness, the Great Soul remains within the unknowable and is devoid of any form...”


It will be interesting to note that the Masons have an interesting ritual of Initiation. In which it happens like this: at the beginning of the ceremony, the candidate for Freemasonry is taken into the Room of Reflection (“Dark Chamber”), painted black; there may be objects in it that remind the candidate of the frailty of existence, creating an environment that encourages the candidate to philosophical reflection. In it, the candidate will write on paper a moral and philosophical will, his wishes and vows regarding himself and other people, his country, family and humanity as a whole. Then he will be asked to reaffirm his faith in God.

“The original opposition of light and darkness... fills all human existence. The secret society believes that it has completely resolved this contradiction, and therefore the most painful mystery of life: light and darkness are one. Life is also death, darkness is also light! Through all the symbolism of mystery runs the desire to realize this incomprehensible statement of this concept figuratively, so that a person can empathize with it and gain experience from it; the struggle and union between light and darkness, between life and death - symbols announce this” (Lenngoff-Posner).

Now let's look at the epic book of Mesoamerican culture, the Popol Vuh (in the Quiche language - “Book of the Council” or “Book of the People”), it contains mythical and historical legends. The book is extremely important, being one of the few early Mesoamerican texts.

The book contains myths about the creation of the myth.

This is a story about how everything was in a state of uncertainty, everything was cold, everything was silent; everything is motionless, quiet; and the space of the sky was empty.

This is the first story, the first narrative. There was no man, no animal, no birds, fish, crabs, trees, stones, caves, gorges, grasses, no forests; only the sky existed.

The surface of the earth had not yet appeared. There was only the cold sea and the great expanse of heaven.

There was nothing yet connected, nothing that could make noise, there was nothing that could move or tremble or make noise in the sky.

There was nothing that existed, that could have existence; there was only cold water, a calm sea, lonely and quiet. Nothing existed.

In the darkness, in the night, there was only stillness, only silence.

Only the Creator and the Creator, Tepeu and Kukumats, the Great Mother and the Great Father were in the endless waters. Yes, they were there, hidden under green and blue feathers, and that is why they were called Kukumats. By nature they were great sages and great thinkers. This is how the sky existed, and there was the Heart of Heaven - this is the name of God and this is what he was called.

Then his word came. To Tepeu and Kukumats, gathered together in the darkness, it came in the night, and Tepeu and Kukumats spoke to it. And so they spoke, discussing and conferring; they agreed with each other, they combined their words and their thoughts.

And while they were thinking, it became clear to them that at dawn a man should appear. Then they distributed the creation of the world, the growth of trees and forest thickets, the birth of life and the creation of man. Thus it was established in darkness and in the night by the power of him who is the Heart of Heaven, who is called Hurakan.

The first is called Kakulha-Huracan. The second is Chipi-Kakulha. The third is Rasha-Kakulha. And these three are the one Heart of heaven.

Then Tepeu and Kukumats came together with them, then they consulted about life and light, about what should be done for light and dawn to appear; who should be the one who would take care of (their) food and sustenance.

So let it happen! May the void be filled!!! Let the waters recede and form a void, let the earth appear and be strong; let it happen, they said. - Let there be light, let there be dawn in the sky and above the earth! But there is neither glory nor greatness in this creation of ours, in our creation, until a human being is created, until man is created. until man is created! - That's what they said.


Chapter 2

Part 1

Well, probably no one is afraid of chaos and darkness anymore?

Remember the excerpt from the children's song “Antoshka”: Tili-tili trawl-vali We didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this Pa-ram-pam-pam, Pa-ram-pam-pam.”

So - we went through this, and they asked us this again and we will have to go through it soon. For those who are not in the “courses,” I’m talking about the quantum transition and the three days of darkness in it.

Let's repeat what we've gone through...


In all ancient cosmogonies, Light comes from Darkness. In Egypt, as in other countries, Darkness was the “beginning of all things.” H.P. Blavatsky

The Egyptian darkness was amazing, which enveloped only the Egyptians for three days, while the Israelites had light in their homes (Exodus 10:21). Also amazing was the darkness that stood over the whole earth for three hours at the death of Jesus (Matthew 27:45)

Drunvalo Melchizedek (“The Secret of the Ancient Flower of Life”, vol. 2.):

“Darkness fell on Egypt, but that darkness was an unusual darkness, for it was thick and dense, so that one could even touch it; and candles and torches could not dispel the darkness. Only the Jews had light, while the Egyptians were forced to move by touch. However, soon the darkness began to thicken, hindering the movements of the Egyptians, and now they could not even move.

And Pharaoh called Moses and told him that he was releasing the Jews, only they must leave their livestock. However, Moses told Pharaoh that the Jews would not abandon their livestock. Then Pharaoh ordered Moses to leave and not come again, promising that if he came, he would be executed. And then Moses said that he would not come again, but that Egypt would suffer a punishment more terrible than all the previous ones combined, for all the firstborn sons would perish in Egypt.

Every person who has ever lived on Earth has already experienced a transition. All people had to do this to get here on Earth. This is an indisputable cosmic fact. Wherever we came to Earth from, we had to go through the Void!!!, neo: “He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, one creation after another in three darknesses. It is (for you) Allah, your Lord; power belongs to him, there is no god but Him; How disgusted are you” (Sura “Crowds”, verse 6). to get here, and therefore, a change of dimensions had to occur. The day you were born on Earth as a child, you experienced a dimensional shift. You have passed from one world to another. It was only because of our defective memory that we forgot about it.

Mayan Codes:

These are ideographic manuscripts of the Mayan people. At the moment, it is customary to identify several surviving codices by the names of the cities in whose libraries they are located.

The themes of the codes were religion, astronomy and astrology, history, prophecies and fortune-telling practices, agricultural and calendar cycles, etc. With their help, priests interpreted natural phenomena and the actions of divine forces and performed religious rituals.

One of the three surviving "Codices", now kept in the Madrid Library, contains an interesting description reminiscent of Plato's story. This is the famous "Code of Troano", also known as the "Code of Tro-Cortes", or "Code of Tro". It was brought to Spain by the conqueror of Mexico, Cortez. And again an interesting contradiction: the same Cortez who destroyed Mexico saved the oldest Mexican document.

The Codex Troano was forgotten for a long time and only in 1866 it was accidentally found in the library of Don Juan de Tro and Ortolano. From the combination of this surname and the surname of Cortez, the current name of this document was formed. The Codex is written in Mayan ideographic script. Without a doubt, this is an original compiled in pre-Columbian times.

Brasseur de Bourbourg, who discovered the document, was struck by the similarities between the manuscript and the inscriptions on the ruins of Mayan buildings and tried to decipher its contents. It was he who first suggested that this document contained a description of the flood. His research was sharply criticized, however, the Frenchman Augustus Plongeon did not refuse to continue his work. The result was a translation into French published in 1900. Here are its contents.

“6 years K'an, on the eleventh day of Muluk in the month of Sak, terrible earthquakes began, which continued continuously until the thirteenth day of Chuen. The country of swampy hills, the country of My, fell victim to them. Having risen twice, she disappeared within one night. As a result of the continuous action of underwater volcanoes, the continent rose and disappeared many times. At the end, the earth opened up and ten countries were torn apart and destroyed. They perished along with a population of 64 million people 8060 years before the writing of this book.” Plongeon's translation is now considered unreliable by Maya Vedic scholars. Plongeon did not decipher the text, but solved it like a rebus. The author was obviously misled by the works of a number of atlantologists, so all his subsequent arguments in defense of this “translation” are largely controversial and debatable. The same applies to the country My. (neo: Lemuria - the country of MU)
For those unfamiliar with the secrets of the Mayan calendar, note that from the eleventh day of Muluk to the thirteenth day of Chuen - this means for three days.


This is what is said about this day in Megillat Taanit (מְגִלַּת which can be translated as `the scroll of [days prohibited for] fasting`), a work in Aramaic, written or finally edited, apparently shortly before the destruction of the Second Temple, at least , - no later than the Bar-Khokba uprising. Megillat Ta'anit is a list of 36 days marked by historical events favorable to Jews, including victories over the enemy, and therefore prohibited for fasting):

“On the eighth of Tevet, in the days of King Ptolemy, when the Torah was translated into Greek, darkness fell upon the world and did not cease for three days.”

Ref. 10:21: And the Lord said to Moses, Stretch out your hand toward heaven, and there will be darkness in the land of Egypt, even tangible darkness.

Ref. 10:22: Moses stretched out his hand to heaven, and there was thick darkness throughout all the land of Egypt for three days;

Ref. 10:23: They did not see each other, and no one rose from his place for three days; And all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.

Torah passage:

The Torah (or “Chumash”, also “The Pentateuch of Moses” in Christian translations) is the most important book for the Jewish religion. The books of the Prophets, Scriptures and even the Mishnah are a natural continuation of the Torah and would not be possible without it.

21. And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch out your hand to the heavens, and there will be darkness in the land of Mizraim, and the darkness will be tangible (impenetrable).

and the darkness will be tangible (or: and the darkness will become hopeless). And the darkness (which was mentioned earlier) will become more impenetrable for them than the darkness of the night; the darkness of the night will become even more gloomy and hopeless.

22. And Moses stretched out his hand to heaven, and there was darkness in all the land of Mizraim for three days.

and there was darkness (with) mist... for three days. Misty darkness (this is a conjugate combination); so (the people) did not see each other during those three days.

23. They did not see each other, and no one rose from their place for three days. And all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.


The prophets are prophesying that deadlines are coming, or what will happen will not be avoided


New Testament

38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said: Teacher! We would like to see a sign from You.

39 But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign; and no sign will be given to him except the sign of the prophet Jonah;

40 For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.


The French nun Marie de Faudais predicted the cataclysm caused back in 1819: “At that time there will be three days of continuous darkness. In this terrible darkness, only candles that are blessed will burn. One candle will burn for three days, but in a wicked house they will not shine. During these three days, demons will appear in the most terrible forms and terrible sacrileges will be uttered. The air will become sickening. Flashes of rays will hit city streets at this strange time of year. The earth will turn over and be enveloped by the foaming waves of the seas. Truly, our planet will become one huge cemetery. The corpses of the wicked, as well as the righteous, will cover the soil. The famine that will follow will be enormous. All vegetation on the globe will be destroyed, and three-quarters of humanity will also perish. The catastrophe will come suddenly and the disaster will be worldwide.”

Maria also mentions the shift in the axis of rotation of our planet: “The earth will turn over and be enveloped in the foamy waves of the seas.”

Alois Irmayer's prediction:

During the war there will be darkness, which will last 72 hours. During the day it will be dark, hail will fall, there will be lightning and thunder, earthquakes will make the planet twitch. At this time, do not leave the house, only burn candles. Whoever inhales the dust will go into convulsions and die. Darken the windows and don't open them. Water and food that is not tightly closed will become contaminated, as well as food that is stored in glass containers. Death caused by dust is everywhere, many people will die. In 72 hours everything will be over, but I repeat: do not leave the house, only burn candles and pray. More people will die that night than in two world wars. Do not open windows for 72 hours. The rivers will have so little water that they can be easily crossed. Livestock will die, grass will turn yellow and dry, human corpses will turn black or yellow. Then the wind will direct the clouds to the east.

Franz Kugelber

Source: Father Ellerhorst, prophecies of the future of Europe, 4th edition in 1952:

“Text recorded by Father Ellerhorst, based on personal interviews with the prophet in 1922. The visions occurred during sleep and later also while awake in color film-like images. A clear voice demanded to write down what he saw.
According to the prophet's statements, these visions occurred first in 1922 in a dream and were later encountered in the waking state, repeating like color images of a movie, and he heard a clear voice that reminded him of the written account of what he saw.

Symbolic picture: A beautiful little boy in white clothes moves away from the strong tidal waves of the flood. Christ runs away from the meanness of humanity, and leaves it to himself and the prince of darkness.

A great destruction of morals prevails. Girls and women are publicly raped and threatened with death. In some places there is such hunger that people grind tree bark into flour to make bread from it, and that they eat grass.

Overnight there will be a revolution of the Communists together with the National Socialists. A storm will sweep through the monasteries and among the clergy. At first people will not want to believe this, so unawares will it happen. Many will be imprisoned and executed. Everyone flees to the mountains. Pfänder (mountain) is full of people .
Like lightning from a clear sky, the revolution reaches first Germany, then France, Italy and England.
There are riots and destruction everywhere. The Prophet sees in one place a long, wide street, bordered by soldiers, everyone there without exception: women, children, old people... At the curb there is a guillotine, which the main executioner activates with a button, and 2 executioners help him on both sides. All these people are beheaded. Such a large amount of blood flows that the guillotine must be switched (brought to a state of readiness) from 2 to three times per minute.
This trouble will come completely suddenly from Russia. There is turmoil and destruction everywhere. The Rhine (Rhineland) areas are destroyed more by planes than by invading armies. Planes hover like swallows and drop bombs that look like raindrops. Also, the city of Munster is fighting the planes itself.
Fire in Paris. Marseille is washed away by the darkness of the sea wave into the deep pit that has formed around it.

Uprising in Austria. There is no more money. The employees, the police, the gendarmerie are no longer good for anything... No trial. A prison full of citizens and priests. Executions in the courtyard of Bregenz. Then the peasants from the mountains create order. Those citizens who love their neighbor will be saved miraculously; the one who treated him harshly is punished.

Murders in Rome. Mountains 3-4 m high of corpses of clergy and citizens. Pope Pius XII - as the prophet recognizes him by his facial features - escapes with 2 hierarchs by roundabout routes to an old car and in it through Genoa to Switzerland. He later arrives in Cologne, where he anoints the new emperor in the cathedral.

A young gentleman in civilian dress is introduced into the cathedral; he dresses in the sacristy in an officer’s uniform, similar to the Hungarian one. There are 2 thrones in the choir. The new monarch's head and hands are sprinkled with holy water. He receives a knight's blow with one broad sword (a knighting rite), an old imperial crown, a white coronation cloak with gold lilies, a scepter and an orb. The scepter is exchanged for a cross. He pledges loyalty and protection to the church. Te Deum with the jubilation of the people. The great monarch points his sword at all corners of the world as a sign that he wants to protect the church. The old gentleman's resignation is his right. An army of angels accompanies a large monarch under the leadership of Michael, who is seen by the prophet in magnificent armor and appearance. The monarch defeats all his enemies. When departing for Italy, the pope and the emperor meet where the prophet shakes their hands.

Three days and three nights of long darkness. It will begin after a terrible thunder or earthquake. No fire burns. You can neither eat nor sleep, but only pray. Only holy candles will burn. Anyone who looks out of the window with curiosity meets death. Lightning penetrates houses, you can hear terrible curses of devils... Earthquakes, thunder, sea noise. One part of the people will call on the Virgin Mary and Christ, while others will curse. In vain they plead for an extension of their lives. Sulfur fumes and stench will fill the air, as if it were hell on earth.

The cross appears in the sky. This is the end of darkness, the earth is a field of corpses, like a desert. People come out of their houses quiet and scared. The corpses are collected in vans and buried in mass graves. Neither railways, nor ships, nor cars function as in earlier times. Factories do not work because there are no people to operate the machines. The fast rhythm of former times has stopped.

The remaining people are like saints. God invites new priests like Christ and his apostles, you can hear the praise of God and the songs of the saints. Earth is heaven. The Liturgy is celebrated simply, as in the time of the apostles. Common Communion. The Prophet hears some parts of the prayer in German and also the words of consecration. In the evening there is a thanksgiving prayer.

Angels will help people with advice and action as needed. People pray more in 8 days than they used to pray in one year. At the sound of the bell, everyone leaves work and rushes to church.

The goods left behind will be distributed in a new way among the surviving people. In the great migration of peoples, people will rush to where they are needed. Mountain administrative areas with alpine meadows will be used as communities. People descend from the mountains to the plains, where work is not so hard...

Biernaki, Poland 1984: The Russian army will then strike against West Germany, right up to the French border. He was valued as Pope John Paul II's prophet of the Third World War and he spoke of darkness: It will be hell on Earth. Its worst phase will last 3.5 months. World War III will begin in Italy. There will break out a bloody revolution, which will have its very beginning in the Vatican. In fewer hours, the earth will be increasingly surrounded by darkness, even to the point of total darkness. But this will not be the end of the world, just a never-before-seen worldwide catastrophe. The darkness will continue for 3 days, and everyone must stay in the house, must recite the rosary and not open the door to anyone. The only light that will need to be seen at this time will come from the lit candles.

Austrian rural oral prophecy: Winter is coming, three days of darkness. Lightning and thunder when the earth breaks, pray at home, don’t go outside! And also don’t look out of the window! The evening will shorten this time. Poisoned air comes from the dusty night, a black epidemic, man's worst battle. The same thing threatens to affect all people, but good people will die a blessed death. Many believers will remain. A large city is consumed by mud, another is fighting fire, all cities have become deathly quiet. Weeds grow on Vienna's Stephanplatz square. If you count all the people in the world, you will find that one third have disappeared. What is left, look in each country.

Sister Elena Aiello, stigmatized nun, founder of a religious order in Italy (1919 –1961): If people do not return to God through a real Christian life, another terrible war will come from East to West. Russia with its secret weapon will fight America and devastate Europe. The Rhine River will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy will also be oppressed by the great revolution and the Pope will suffer terribly. Clouds with lightning rays of fire and a firestorm will pass throughout the world and this punishment will be the most terrible that the history of mankind has ever known. It will last 70 hours. The evil man will be crushed and destroyed. Many will perish because they persisted in their sins. Then they will feel the power of light over darkness. The hours of darkness are at hand.


In 1987, during the celebration of the Ascension of the Mother of God in Medjugorje, a certain Franciscan monk from Mexico, Brother David Lopez, appeared there. Despite the fact that he is a man with very poor physical health and a mentally vulnerable person, Our Lady chose him to convey to him the revelation of the so-called three days of darkness. This is a message about terrible events that will happen on Earth very soon, and it must be admitted that Brother David Lopez did not want to listen to the female voice that suddenly began to sound inside him while reading the Rosary in the Church of Medjugorje, due to the importance of the content of the message and the extreme responsibility that is imposed on him.
Later, Brother David Lopez told several friends about what he had heard, but contrary to the command of Our Lady, he hesitated to write down what he heard. He was looking for someone who would relieve him of this duty, but his direct superior, as well as the bishop, recognized that everything that Brother David heard came from God, and it needed to be written down. Many of you have probably also read the book by Father Albert Herbert, “Three Days of Darkness: The Foresight of the Prophets and Saints,” which contains exactly the same information as in the message of Brother David. It should be noted here that Brother David Lopez had never heard of this book. On September 11, 1987, in the city of San Antonio, where Brother David arrived to prepare for the visit of the Pope, he experienced a new apparition of Our Lady, during which he was finally ordered to publish the Message entrusted to him.
“First of all, Our Lady called not to worry about all those who inwardly ask for salvation and who live according to the commands of Our Lady. They will be warned about these upcoming events from within their hearts 3 to 7 days before everything starts. She also encouraged and encouraged those who are struggling with their grave sins, those who have not given up and continue to fight. The Lord takes into account their efforts.
Three days of darkness will be experienced by adherents of any religion, as well as people who do not belong to any confession, if only their conscience is clear and if they have accepted God in the sanctuary of their hearts. Shortly before these events, a red cross will be visible in the blue sky. All people will see this. There will also be a few martyrs, chosen directly by God, who will be killed, but whose souls will immediately be taken to Heaven by the angels.
For three days of darkness, which will last 72 hours. Time can only be counted by mechanical clocks and it will be so dark that people will not even be able to see their hands in front of their eyes. In these days there will not be a single demon who will remain in hell, since they will all be on Earth.
Those people who do not have clarity of heart and mercy will see demons and die of horror.
It will be most difficult for lonely people to survive three days of darkness, as demons will call them with the voices of loved ones and loved ones. Therefore, you should remember that these will not be your loved ones, but devils, and therefore in no case should you open the door and leave your home,
as there is a possibility of falling into the clutches of the devil. The doors and windows of the house should be tightly closed and all loved ones should be together if possible.
You need to learn to sincerely pray now and teach your children this, since the prayer of children these days will have miraculous power. The main thing to do is to renounce your sins and live, trusting in the mercy of the Lord.
Pray, read the Bible and take Communion!
Consecrate your homes, and let a lamp or candle always burn near the icon of the Heart of Jesus - this and your other deeds will help you to be in a state of a clear heart.
God wants people to return to Him voluntarily, not out of fear of punishment, otherwise the person will be lost.
Anyone who doesn’t know needs to be told about these especially important matters: about sin, about mortal sin, about repentance and forgiveness of sins.
People must learn to accept death as it is: they need to know that after death there is judgment, and then hell, heaven or purgatory, depending on the life a person has lived.

Priests, pastors and rectors need to prepare not only themselves, but also their entire community.
They need to be the main interpreters of the mentioned future events and explain what will happen. They will have to help people return to God and begin a life filled with purity. Their task is to convey the news about the three days of darkness to as many spiritual people as possible, because many holy people have been informed about the upcoming events and therefore there is no time to waste. Pastors must teach that money, fame, things, and work are not values ​​to worry about and put first. They must teach
people turn to the Holy Spirit and pray to Him.

Hello, I say hi to Piraty for Lukic’s Monologues.

From Lukich’s Monologues: “If you want to live in Paradise, live. If you can’t now - come up with a start date for Heaven, but don’t come up with an end date, you yourself know that it doesn’t exist... Heaven is already nearby, just choose it, and go until you realize that it’s already here... Love everyone, no one owes you anything , and you shouldn’t lecture everyone and drag them where they don’t want to go. Leave the Choice to others, then you too will have a Choice... Everything will happen very quickly if you allow it to happen: one minute, two minutes, three minutes... But first there will be three days of darkness. Do you know about this? And I know. And I know that you need to experience this darkness in your heart, so I ask you - try now, so as not to get bumps later... Be calm, don’t be afraid, keep Love in your heart, everything will be fine... And the dawn will come, and then you will understand that the darkness has dissipated... Everything will return to normal... With Love in your heart you will overcome any fears and difficulties, and with fear you will become dust (giggles)..."

Chapter 3

So, as We see, such ancient civilizations as Egypt, Lemuria, Maya, and also possibly the Aztecs, Incas, Sumerians and Atlanteans have already passed the stage of “darkness”. And we, Earthlings, must follow in their footsteps, without looking back.

This Chapter is like an “instruction” for passing to the Light. And there is very, very little time left, I hope that thanks to this Chapter, and indeed this Topic in general, the number of souls ready for the transition will increase.

p.s: Don't forget about meditation

Fred Sterling is a master medium, priest and messenger, a shaman from an ancient family of North American Indians, traveling between the human world of the third dimension and the limitless worlds of Spirit. He is often called Kahu (a title that means “spiritual leader” in Hawaiian). For over 20 years, he has served as the sole channel for Master Mentor Kirael, the seventh-dimensional spirit teacher, and shares Kirael's wisdom in books, articles and numerous audio recordings.

Kirael: This is one of the most important questions in this book (neo: Kirael. The Great Transition). If you don't remember anything else, let it happen.

If, as you read this book, you say, “I don't need to buy anything or enter into a long-term agreement, because when the Shift happens, I won't have anything to do with it,” then stop yourself. You couldn't make a more sweeping statement. Your life plan includes certain challenges, and each of them represents a transition to a new level of understanding. Each time you choose to shorten a lesson, it simply moves to a new reality for you to work on. Whatever it is, don't deny the possibility of a challenge.

Imagine, with your permission, that you are awakening in an energy where everything has moved into a space that you only dreamed of in the past. When you look around and see the potential of life, it is so beautiful it takes your breath away. You begin to understand your new body and possibilities in this new reality. However, due to the unfinished learning situation, your higher self makes a plan based on which you must repeat the test. Your whole being strives for new energy, but cannot move until everything is mastered. Therefore, do not leave any of the possibilities unfinished. Master whatever your higher self reveals to you with passion, for this is what takes you into the new millennium.

Try to rally around you people who are drawn to the Higher Knowledge. Tell, explain, conduct joint meditations. These can be your loved ones and acquaintances, as well as people who have come to the moment of realizing the truth. They have always strived for this, and you helped them see what they had been intuitively moving towards all their lives. Collective conversations can take place both at home, in an apartment, house, and in offices and halls.
Everything is determined by your ability to realize your Reality. And already on the approach to the hour “X” of the Quantum Transition, these close-knit associations of supporters of the Spirit, with you at their head, will be beacons of the Light of Consciousness of the Highest Level for Spirits.


Drunvalo Melchizedek “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”:

When a window into the fourth dimension opens, anyone can pass through it, but not everyone can stay there.

We have found that there are three types of people at this stage. Firstly, among those who have transferred there are people who are ready. They prepared themselves on Earth by the way they lived their lives. The second type includes people who are completely unprepared, they are so full of fear that they cannot allow themselves to leave the third dimension through the Void; they immediately return to Earth. Finally, the third group consists of those who are not quite ready for this experience. They have enough preparation to move into the fourth dimension, but not enough to stay there. These are the people Jesus had in mind when, at the end of one of his parables, he said: “For many are called, but few are chosen” (Gospel of Matthew 20:16).

There is another parable in the Gospel - about a farmer who was told by his servants that there were a lot of weeds in his wheat field and asked what to do. The owner ordered not to touch the weeds, to remove them and the wheat together during the harvest, and then to separate the grains from the chaff. Usually they try to get rid of weeds before they grow, but in this case it was decided to do something different. Jesus allegorically spoke of two different groups of people - those who are ready and those who are not ready. Insufficiently prepared people carry with them all their fears and hatreds. When they find themselves in this very strange world, all their fears and irritations rear their head. People are unaware that everything they think about immediately takes shape, so their fears begin to really manifest themselves.

Not understanding what is happening, most people try to reproduce familiar images of the old world, those things that are familiar to them. In this way they try to comprehend what is happening. They do this unconsciously, the instinct of self-preservation operates in them. They begin to create old images and structures. But the new world is so strange that all their fears come to life. They say: “Oh my God, what is this? This is madness, madness.” They see long-dead people, events from their past, from childhood. And they don’t understand anything. The mind is trying to somehow put everything in order.

Confused people decide they are hallucinating, and this only makes the fear worse. Thinking in an earthly way, they believe that someone is setting all this up on purpose, so they must defend themselves. Their ego thinks it needs a gun. The thought is immediately followed by its implementation, and here in front of them is a gun with an optical sight, just what they wanted. They pick up a gun and think: “We need ammunition.” They look to the left and see huge boxes full of ammunition. They load the gun and begin to look around in search of enemies who want to kill them. And who instantly appears? Of course, the expected scoundrels, and fully armed.

As a result, their worst fears, whatever they may be, come true, and then people start shooting. Everywhere they turn, other people are trying to kill them. In the end, their worst fear is realized and they are killed outright. After this, a kind of script comes into play that sends them from the Upper World back to where they came from. This is what Jesus meant when he said: “...all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Gospel of Matthew 26:52). But He also said: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Gospel of Matthew 5:5), which means if you came to the new world with simple thoughts about love, harmony and peace, trusting God and yourself, then this is exactly what will appear around you. You will create a harmonious, beautiful world. If you are meek, you will enable yourself to remain in this higher world through your thoughts, feelings and actions. You will survive here.

You may ask, what can you do here on Earth to prepare for the experience of life in the higher worlds? Of course, do not stockpile food or prepare underground shelters or anything like that. Not because it is bad, but such physical preparations have their limitations. In heaven, in the higher worlds, you are what you create. The same thing happens here, but most people don't know about it. This becomes clear starting from the fourth dimension.

Since we are what we create, it is very important and even necessary that everything that comes from us be in harmony with all life everywhere. We must understand that everything we think, feel and do creates the world in which we have to live. Therefore, ordinary life here on Earth can be considered a school, a place where every moment teaches us lessons that can instantly be transmitted to the next world. It is not surprising that Egypt and other ancient civilizations treated death with special respect. Death, no matter which way it comes, is a passage of darkness through the Void, leading to the shining light of the higher worlds of life. If we master this, we directly achieve conscious connection with all life everywhere - with eternal life.

So what are the earthly lessons? The truth is that the Source of all life is in the eyes of every created person. Even here on Earth, there is tremendous knowledge, wisdom and love present in every person at every moment. Once this is realized, it becomes clear that your thoughts, feelings and actions are the key. You know exactly what to do. Simply put, it improves your character. Its sparkling, diamond-like facets become a means of survival and ascension. Buddha, Virgin Mary, Lao Tzu, Muhammad, Jesus, Abraham, Krishna, Babaji, Saint Teresa and about 8,000 other Great Teachers of eternal life are your school teachers and heroes. By example, they show you how to build your character. They all understood that the main key was to love your neighbor. This brings order to the world you create. Gives you eternal life. Are you aware of this?

In the Melchizedek understanding, the only thing that will help you pass through what is called a stargate and move from one realm of existence to another is your thoughts, feelings and very specific emotional and mental patterns, which are usually made up of five or six elements. This is the model I used when entering this dimension - love, truth and beauty, trust, harmony and peace. There are many other models, and they are all codes or keys that allow you to get past the guardians. If the guardians feel that you are ready for the world they are protecting, they will allow you to enter. If not, they chase you back to the world you came from. This is their job - and you yourself created this order of things.

Love, truth, beauty, trust, harmony, peace, reverence for God - this pattern is necessary to enter stargates such as those at the center of the Crab Nebula in the constellation Orion. Only a person (or spirit) who already lives the listed qualities can enter this stargate. The pattern has a field of subtle energy that will help you in the future. If you don't understand this yet, you will understand later.

If you can just be there and chant these patterns of love, truth and beauty, trust, harmony and peace, you have nothing to worry about. This is a woman's way. There are other models, such as the masculine one: compassion, humility and wisdom, unity, love and truth. All stargate models include love and truth. Where there is compassion and humility, there is also wisdom; This is the male component. And as soon as there is love and truth, there is also unity - the female component. The first stargate model is structured differently: where there is love and truth, there is beauty, which is the male component. And wherever there is trust and harmony, there is always peace, a feminine component.

So these mental-emotional states or stargate patterns are the most important thing for you when you enter the higher worlds. Each time you go higher and higher, they will become more and more important. Where does this process lead us? When you reach the fourth dimension and begin to see and understand your situation and demonstrate your ability to control events, something funny begins to happen. Remember the drawing on the ceiling of an Egyptian temple called the egg of metamorphosis - that same orange-red oval above the heads of the Egyptians making a 90-degree turn as they transition to the next world? Like them, you will begin to undergo a metamorphosis. Your body will quickly turn into something similar, but radically different from before.


We must demonstrate the power of creation against destroyers.

Know how to call new ones for construction.

So, work for unification.

The Days of Darkness are approaching.

I tell you: keep your shield and show hope, for I have already shown My sign.

Happiness has come, I feel it, don’t spill it.

And wings carry over the world the happiness of the manifestation of Our decisions.

See the phenomena.

My shield is strong.

We bear the affirmation of the covenants of the prophets

We lead by pure steps, and no one will regret that he has approached the new race.

The first condition of the race is to bring the spirit into life.

And the fragments accumulated over centuries will fall into place.

A ray of understanding of a wonderful life will simply sparkle.

The spirit will fly around the world on a new flight.

Although it is a difficult time, it has not yet been experienced.

There are clouds all around, but My ray is with you.

Chapter 4

Photon energy

HOST: What is the reason for the three days of darkness that will begin on December 21, 2012?
FORCES: They will be associated with the transition of the Sun... With the photon flow that will go from the Sun to the Earth. That is, first with the Solar Eclipse, then with the stream. Accordingly, this will negatively affect the entire system, everything that exists on Earth. Both for living and non-living things, for communications and so on. This will be a kind of shake-up for everything that exists on Earth. But this will not mean the death of 100 percent of what exists on Earth.

KIRAEL: Long before measurement and time began, in the space you call "deep space", an energy source known as "Photon Energy" began its journey towards planet Earth. The outer edge of Photon Energy is called the "Belt" and is currently located just outside your atmosphere. This belt is not actually moving towards the Earth, but the Earth will move into and pass through this energy at the appointed time.

The outer edges of the Photon Energy Belt are extremely dense and determine the pattern shape of this unique energy.

Excerpts from the book “Galaxy Man” - Essen Virginia, Needle Sheldon (channeling)

For those who don't know what a photon light particle is, we can say that it is produced by the collision of an anti-electron (positron) with an electron. This instantaneous collision results in the mutual destruction of two particles, the mass resulting from this collision is completely converted into energy, known as particles of light or photons.

Since the Earth will enter the photon band, you should know what this means for human civilization... The photon band can be divided into three parts. First you will go through a blind spot. This will take, according to rough estimates, 5-6 days, and three of them will be immersed in darkness. Following this, you will enter the main part of the strip and find yourself in endless daylight, i.e. there will be no night at all - 24 hours of the day will be day. This journey lasts, as a rule, 2000 years and ends with the exit of your solar system from the other end of the photon strip, passing through the blind zone in 5-6 days.

Passage through the photon strip

1 day Entering the blind spot; changing the bodies of all living organisms; turning off all electrical appliances. Complete darkness.

Day 2 Reducing atmospheric pressure, everyone will feel swollen; cooling of the Sun; cooling the planet's climate; Ice Age cold.

3-4 days Illumination of the atmosphere, as if extinguished, dawn; the beginning of the influence of the photon band; turning on photon light devices; appearance of stars in the sky.

Days 5-6 Enter 24-hour daylight hours; leaving the blind spot and entering the photon strip; revitalization of all living organisms; warming. Space flights, the emergence of telepathy.

A total of 144 hours, or 5-6 days, of entry into the photon band.

Chapter 5

Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters are no longer uncommon. And the closer We move to the point of transition, the more acutely a person will feel it on his own skin. And in order to minimize the impending disaster, you need to be aware of the events taking place on planet Earth. Positive thoughts when reading Chapter 5 are welcome. There is no need to be afraid of changes, because we know from the first Chapter what Chaos precedes.

Signs of an impending transition

“The exhalation of the “Unknowable Essence” gives birth to the world, and the inhalation makes it disappear. This process continues from eternity, and our Universe is only one of an endless series that has neither beginning nor end.”

First let's start with what the prophets say:

Vision of Johann Fried (1204-1257), an Austrian monk of the Order of St. John: He describes an unusual cosmic cloud, which in its shape will resemble a Bear: “The Great Bear Nebula will appear in the immediate vicinity of the Earth and fill a space on the horizon of five hundred suns. Over the course of several days, it will block the light of the Sun more and more. At night, it will not be the Moon that will glow, but the constellation Orion, which will emit rays from the light of Jupiter and send it to the Big Bear. This constellation will illuminate the nebula with its rays.”neo: Photon strip???

Three days of darkness: “By this time, humanity will suffer from terror. The birds will be like reptiles and will not use their wings. The animals of the earth, in fear and anxiety, will make such a noise that it will make human hearts tremble. People will run to their homes so as not to see strange phenomena. And finally, there will be complete darkness, which will last three days and three nights.

During this time, people deprived of light will fall into a sleepy state, from which many will not emerge. Especially those who do not have a spark of spiritual life. When the Sun rises again, the earth will be covered with a layer of ash, like snow in winter. In addition to the ash being the color of sulfur, a damp fog will rise from the ground, consisting of volcanic gases.

There will be more dead people than those killed in all wars. In the monasteries of priests they will read the book “Apocalypse”; in churches they will wait for the approach of a great comet...”

Father Pio:

“The hour of My coming is near. Before the coming there will be Mercy and at the same time firm and terrible punishment. My Angels sent to carry out this task will be armed with swords. Their attention will first of all be directed against those who do not believe and scoff at the message of God. From the clouds there will appear many fiery jets falling throughout the Earth. Bad weather, storms, thunderstorms, floods, earthquakes will occur in different countries one after another. The fiery rain will fall tirelessly. It will start on a very cold night. This, first of all, will be proof of the existence of God.
So that you prepare for this, I will give you signs: the night will be very frosty, there will be a noisy wind, and after a while you will hear thunder. Then close the doors and windows, do not talk to anyone except those in the house. When the earthquake begins, do not look outside, for the wrath of My Father is worthy of respect. Whoever does not hear this advice will die instantly, because his heart cannot bear this sight.
On the third night the fire will stop, the earthquakes will stop, and the next day the sun will shine. Angels will descend to earth in human forms and bring with them the spirit of peace.”

Visions of the American Veronica Luken: “The last days of our era are coming. A fireball similar to the sun will approach the earth. Everyone will see him in heaven for two weeks. Then there will be three days of darkness. Before this, there will be an explosion in the Sun, and the sky will turn pink... A war will begin in Asia and Africa. People will panic. Those who are still alive will run through the streets like crazy. Smoke and dust will cover everything. And some voice keeps telling me: three days... three days... three days...

The Visible World is disintegrating, its materials are dissipating; and a single “darkness,” once again lonely, lies over the face of the “Abyss.”

On the planets of our Galaxy, everything usually begins with a drop in the magnetic field strength, which then becomes unstable. Next comes the destruction of civilization and the final stage begins. It takes no more than two years, but usually lasts three months. Even just being alive becomes extremely dangerous. All systems that support the existence of civilization are falling apart, and chaos rules the world. This is the time for which most religious concessions, such as the Mormons, are preparing. This is the period when we are still on Earth in the third dimension, but are ready to make the transition to the fourth dimension.

The process of Quantum Transition will be marked by the disintegration of artificially created matter. This means that plastic, aluminum and other materials of modern industrial production will disintegrate into the primary elements that make up the primary world of Mother Earth. Already several months before the onset of these significant days, economic and political storms will rage on Earth, in its public society. The governments of many countries will have difficulty keeping the population of their countries from mass strikes, demonstrations, street brawls, etc. World governments will not understand the reasons for the “general insanity” of the population. More frequent earthquakes, even in places where they have never happened, hurricane tornadoes or prolonged rains and other weather anomalies will lead many people, even those far from studying esoteric literature, to a sense of impending changes in their usual way of life. The migration of people to places that are calmer, in their opinion, will take on a massive, uncontrollable character. Human society will be seething.
And somewhere around the approach of the Photon Front, many people will feel a feeling of complete confusion from the changes that have come. The Earth of the 3rd Dimension will begin to shake especially frequently everywhere. This will characterize the beginning of its synchronization with new, high-frequency energies and its adjustment to new settings. The social world will fall into complete mass confusion everywhere under the rumble of the Earth.

Chapter 6

Here we come to the most important thing. The soul has made its choice...

And plunged into darkness...


A warning for those who do not sleep.


The next thing you choose to create will determine the direction of your destiny and the worlds you inhabit or the areas you inhabit. This is a critical moment.

Many, frightened by the darkness, prematurely move towards the light. And, without understanding, in their quest they create light. A portal opens before them like a tunnel, and they can move in this tunnel of light, meeting those they knew before, thus returning back to embodiment or other vibrational realms of existence without fully understanding the consequences. This is, of course, one option open to you, and one that is often accepted.

Another option, however, is to remain at the point of emptiness, located in the Void itself, realizing the Self as pure consciousness, transcendental to all phenomena. (neo: here, it seems to me, it is necessary to have the MERKABA technique)

If you remain in this state of awareness long enough without feeling the need to create anything, you will discover your identity as the great I AM. And from this point of awareness you will be able to choose the circumstances of your incarnation. You will be able to choose the world in which you will settle or the areas of consciousness where you will live.

This last method gives you the most power, although it is the most difficult for most people. And the reason for this difficulty is due to the fact that most people find it very inconvenient to not have a body. The desire for the body and experience of the material world often takes people out of the Void prematurely.

To summarize, due to the increasing intensity of the Chaotic Node, many of you will find yourself in transitional states of consciousness. Regardless of what level you find yourself on, personal life, collective experience or the transitional state called death, know that you are the creator of your reality.

Kirael. The Great Transition

First day.

At this point there will be a feeling of complete and utter confusion. This is not to create fear. Yes, fear is allowed by the Creator, but you don’t have to give in to that fear. Those of you who read this work will have a full understanding of the events that will take place during this period. You will say to yourself, “This is exactly what Kirael said would happen.” You will still, however, have to push fear away from you, as it will permeate the entire Earth plane. This is the awakening of a very deep cellular memory that needs to come to the surface. This is designed by the particles of light to ensure that everyone goes through the Shift, truly healing their fears. Again, because you live in fear for so long, you tend to do so many good things out of fear. Healing your fears is all part of the Creator's plan.

Here's another reason why you should try to deal with your current fears. As you become more experienced in dealing with and dispelling your fears, you will be better able to cope with the Transition. Some fears you face today are: Are my bills paid? Will I stay married, and if not, what will I do? Will I lose all my money from some stupid investment? They are, of course, very real, but when you really look at it, all you have to do is face the problem and be willing to solve it until complete clarity is achieved. Guess what happens then? She always turns out to be not such a scary monster as you thought. In fact, the problem is becoming, to a large extent, remarkably tractable. This is why I emphasize that you complete all your self-study projects on time. If you learn how to best manage your fears, you will make the Transition an adventure rather than a nightmare. Repetition is the mother of learning.

Thus, on the very first day you will vibrate with the illusion of mass disease and seemingly horrific destruction. You will literally leave the Third Dimension and be drawn into the Fourth Dimension with a dash of Photon Energy. You will feel the Earth shift, a massive shift, much greater than you have ever felt before this moment. Somewhere in the first 12 hours of the first day, you literally won't want to walk. You will, without exaggeration, be forced to remain motionless.

This is the process of Mother Earth approaching a grinding stop. During this period, She shakes Herself and adjusts many of Her aspects. All this has already been planned, and She knows how far to go so as not to completely lose the course. Thus, this will be one of your very first landmarks: the emergence of mass confusion, followed by the real rumble of Mother Earth.

Before this event, you will have a series of earthquakes. Earthquakes will become almost commonplace by then. I’m not talking about powerful earthquakes of magnitude eight or nine according to the Richter school, but about magnitude five, six and weaker, because Mother Earth will show that She is preparing. However, when She enters Her initial position before making the Transition, where the energy of your dimension moves from the Third to the Fourth, and Photon Energy is already beginning to absorb the Earth, She will prepare the way for Her final rotations through the Third Dimension. Therefore, for about 12 - 16 hours on the first day, it will be, without exaggeration, difficult for you to be in an upright position. Do not panic! Don't you know how many times you need to be reminded of this? Please don't panic! If you don't panic in those first few hours, things will start to settle down as the sway and roll begin to lessen.

Next, some other signs will begin to appear - a drop in temperature and a decrease in sunlight. The next two days will, in fact, be like late evening. From now on, you won't have to see much sun again until you emerge from this part of the Transition.

At this time, awe-inspiring awakening will begin to manifest. Depending on your psychic abilities, your friends and relatives who have passed on to the next world will be able to communicate with you. This will give you the opportunity to experience something that most have not experienced in their current incarnation. This is just another reason why, in the last few years, Guides who knew about the Transition recommended MEDITATION. My Truth tells me that this word should be written in capital letters, because what I put into it is very important.

Second day

The earthly plane will begin to be permeated by an ever-increasing darkness (if during the three days of darkness you keep your hand a few inches from your eyes, you will not be able to see it.) along with the cold, like you've never experienced. It will be a deep cold as it penetrates inside you. At this time you will be connecting with other non-carbon entities. Here is another reason why you cannot live your life based on fear: You will face what will be one of your greatest challenges. All you need to understand is that THIS IS A TEST. You will only need to hold yourself in the Light, for by using white light your awareness will rise to its highest point and the test will disappear.

(neo: remember what the prophets said about demons??)

The third day

On the third day, Mother Earth will completely enter the Photon Belt, and the actual Transition into the Fourth Dimension will occur. Photon Energy will surround the Earth plane and three days of darkness will begin. The outer zone of Photon Energy is very dense to clear the existence of the Third Dimension and ignite the energy of the Fourth Dimension. It will be dark because the light particles are so dense that it seems as if there is no light. It will take approximately three days to walk through this outer zone and will feel like you are in complete darkness. Now, don't wake up 72 hours later to go outside and say, "Right, I'm outside." You will have to pay attention to time and not obsess over it, because it will cheat and, as a result, the energy will take even longer to balance.

When you go into Photon Energy, it literally blocks out sunlight. It will be truly dark, my friends. The essence of Photon Energy, without exaggeration, is capable of blocking sunlight, so when I talk about darkness, I am talking about truly pure darkness. However, some of the sun's thermal energy will reach the Earth, so you won't have to experience an "ice age." It won't be that severe, but believe me, it will get extremely cold. Your body will undergo a vibrational shift to compensate for the lack of movement that most will experience.

There will be no point in trying to go out and settle anything. It wouldn't make sense to go down to the corner store to see if it's open. You will not die of hunger; no one will die of hunger in three days. First of all, your metabolism will change so much that you will no longer need food. You will only absorb the lightest substances. At first it will be only that into which the Creator brought light in the form of the plant world. This is what the Creator has always provided for you. For whatever the reasons, until now you have used plants unwisely. Now you will not only use them wisely, but also learn the true essence of their vibration. I'm sure some of you will spend a little time resonating with this, but most will begin to really enjoy this new food source.

How can people living in warm climates prepare themselves for this period? There is no need to buy a dozen blankets and build something like cold-proof rooms. My medium reminded me that when he was young, all people built shelters in the Earth and stocked them with canned food. This was a reaction to the fact that someone might drop something like a giant bomb, and the only safe place would be some kind of shelter. Let me assure you, my friends, that nothing of the sort will be necessary this time. By the time this event actually takes hold of your Earth plane, those who are destined to fully experience this event will have learned about the movement of the vibrational body and the unification of movement, so existence will be absolutely protected.

Do not doubt that the energy of the body will connect you with everyone. This is why it will be important to embrace your brothers and sisters in a loving embrace. You will not die from cold because you will learn about meditation and moving the vibrational body. All these things that you are learning on this purely mundane level are actually preparation for a time in the not-too-distant future.

In the middle of this three-day period of complete darkness and cold, most of the world's population will be immobilized. You will slow down to such a state that the three days of darkness will not feel the same as time feels now, my friends. It may seem like a thousand years have passed. This is how some fears will be relieved. You will hardly even remember going through this part of the density. Once this period begins and you enter the first of three days, you will literally go into hibernation within yourself.


But you’re not ready yet, and your brains will go all over the place. It’s better to let everything happen smoothly... Listen to your heart, it will tell you what to do... And the gold will fade, and gradually darkness will envelop everything. But don’t be afraid, this is how it should be! When everything is covered by the mob, this lived-in World will disappear forever. This is how it should be... It will seem that your feet seem to touch the ground, but due to the fact that there are no landmarks, everything floats and you fly... Just don’t be afraid! There is nothing to be afraid of! This is the border beyond which everything is New... And according to the fairy tale - Between the Worlds... There is nothing there. Nothing at all - peace and quiet, and even your thoughts will not pretend to be horses (smiles). Then you will feel a connection with God, your own father, who will never abandon you... And having understood this, you will fall soundly asleep in his arms... And you will sleep for three days like in a fairy tale... And it will seem like a hundred thousand years... And ding! The light hits your eyes! "Hello, beautiful, it's time!" The light is painfully unbearable...

Master Kirael. From my book, you already remember the 3 days of darkness, they will come, but you will mostly sleep, and you will not even notice anything, even that you have been sleeping for so long. At this moment you will not need anything - neither eat, nor drink, nor go to the toilet. You will not feel cold, you will have pleasant dreams, you will not worry about anything. There will be a majority of such people, this includes all Lightworkers and almost all their relatives, at least those who decided to accompany you in the Great Transition

Chapter 7

My Blog has come to an end. Chapter 7 is devoted to the “golden reality” into which all “awakened” will enter.

I note that the last chapter falls on the sacred number 7 (Seven). The blog is divided into seven parts.

So, having passed through the Void, we will enter the fourth dimension. Life will change dramatically. Next will begin the birth into a new world.


We are now giving you answers to all the questions that we read in your thoughts, whether you voiced them or not. This is what you need to know already in order to begin preparing and enlightening the people around you. We encourage you to start doing this immediately. There is a certain speed at which new, unusual information spreads. It passes the filters of the human mind through mistrust and misunderstanding, and it takes time for these ideas to become close to their owner, so that he considers them correct and not someone’s evil joke.

Agree that it will be extremely difficult for unprepared people to navigate the new conditions of the 4th dimension, which is why the way out of this situation is to educate as many people as possible. We will do this through you, and you will already influence your environment. So, we discussed the way to communicate and notify your family and friends. What are your next steps? What should you do? Yes you are right. You will need to make a decision whether to move immediately to the 4th dimension or whether you have some other matters that require a decision in the 3rd dimension.

What do we mean? Life in the 3rd dimension after 3 days of darkness will be very difficult. The usual systems of public communication familiar to you will be disrupted - transport, communications, water, gas, electricity. Essentially, all cities and towns will be de-energized, dehydrated, and will lack any of your usual means of communication. In essence, complete chaos will ensue. In this state of chaos, many people will consider themselves completely lost. In their opinion, the long-awaited Apocalypse will come. They are not far from the truth, with the only difference being that life will continue, albeit in a completely different form.

How do you deal with a situation of general panic and chaos? Don't give in to the general mood because you already know what happened and what you need to do. Closer to the Great Transition, all roles will already be distributed and all enlightened people will already understand where their workplace will be. What should your family and friends do, who follow you but are not as close as you are to understanding the current processes? You must persuade them to move to the 4th dimension. What is necessary for their own good. They can do this through time portals, which will be open in large numbers by that time.

Actually, we know that many Lightworkers, with their intentions, have already created Light portals for themselves and even tested them, moving into the 4th dimension without leaving home. Is it possible for several people to enter the time portal at once, or is it better to do it alone? This is a difficult question. On the one hand, your loved ones will be very frightened by what is happening, on the other hand, it is the choice of each person whether to move or not. You can enter the portal, for example, while holding a small child or pet. It's possible. In extreme cases, you can enter the portal with 2 people at a time, but no more. The main thing is not to make sudden movements and negative thoughts and fears while entering and staying in the portal. Your family must trust you completely. You are their guide to a new life and to the new 4th dimension. Here they must rely completely on you. You need to transport your family and friends to a new world as quickly as possible, where they will be received by numerous helpers and will be in comfort and complete safety.

They will not have to worry about housing and food. Everything will be ready for their arrival. Residents of the 4th dimension are doing just that, they are preparing for the arrival of a large number of guests.


Moving through the portal does not take much time, the main intention expressed must be clear: “I / we want / want to move from the 3rd to the 4th dimension in the most appropriate, comfortable, safe and painless way.” You can also add some phrases of your own, but in general the intention should be quite brief and extremely clear. The command must be a command, that is, extremely clear. The journey takes a few seconds. There will be no unpleasant sensations unless you are tuned in to them. This is a completely unique, essentially instantaneous, whole-body teleportation experience without any consequences to your biological body. Next, upon arrival in the 4th dimension, your friendly hosts will tell you everything you need to know. We will also be happy to tell you about what you need to live in the 4th dimension, but later.

The most important thing now is to give you an understanding of the processes that will follow 3 days of darkness. Those of you who will have to return back will definitely receive from us the appropriate instructions regarding your immediate work, your area of ​​responsibility and area of ​​work. There will be a lot of work, we promise you, it won’t be boring. Working in the 3rd dimension will be very stressful, because there will be people who are completely disoriented by what is happening, refusing to obey the voice of reason. It will seem to them that the whole world has gone crazy, and along with it the people who will tell them about the 4th dimension, about some new unusual life on Earth. It will seem to them that they are the only ones sane and sane, and everyone around them has become inadequate. Alas, this will be the reality. This will be accompanied by global destruction of buildings and structures in large cities, which will make it difficult to find people who may find themselves under the rubble of buildings. Special rescue teams will be created to pull out people trapped under the rubble. We must say that only those who have not yet made the decision to go to the 4th dimension will survive, or have made it, but only at the level of the Higher Self and do not yet know on the physical level what to do.

The same people who have already decided not to go to the 4th dimension, but to return to the Source of the Creator or move to the 3-dimensional experience of other planets, will disappear from the face of the Earth as if by magic. Their bodies simply disintegrate. There will be no horrific number of corpses on the streets. There will only be wounded, although some seriously, they will have to be provided with both medical and healing assistance. These will be specially trained people. We are glad that the number of doctors interested in healing practices is gradually growing, since this will be our medical and healing vanguard.

They will have a lot of work, but we are preparing them for this in advance. People who will be provided with medical and healing assistance will pass into the hands of healers and psychologists, who will conduct explanatory conversations with them and explain what is happening. This, in our opinion, will be the most difficult work. We will teach this, since there is already galactic experience of this kind of work during transitions on other planets that were local and did not have such large planetary scales. Thus, some experience has still been accumulated, but you may encounter situations that have not happened before.

We, however, rely on you, your ingenuity, your patience and your understanding of the ongoing processes. Let us make a reservation about this type of activity once again; we will talk directly with the people who will be doing this. By the way, this will be many of you; it is the Lightworkers who are mainly destined for this difficult mission. Further, after your work with these people, we hope that the majority, at least 2/3 of these people will be able to pass through the time portals into the 4th dimension. Those same people who will remain in the 3rd dimension will exist as long as their biological body and the ability to support them allow, which will be very difficult due to the destruction and chaos that is taking place.


I express my intention to leave my own fears and my own negative thoughts and ideas here in the 3rd dimension. I intend to free myself from the shackles of fear forever.
I express my intention to move from the 3rd to the 4th dimension in the most appropriate, comfortable, safe and painless manner.
I express my intention to establish contact with ……….
I express my intention to be in the right place at the right time


The word "Pharaoh" means "the one you will become."

Kirael: After 3 days of darkness, you will wake up. What will you see at this moment, will there be darkness or will there be light? It will be very, very light, even bright. You will be in a very strange feeling from what is happening, you will not understand what day, what time of day, what you need to do, because you will immediately understand that HE has happened, the Great Transition has happened. This will be clear to you at the cellular level.


If you want to know what you will become, look at Akhenaten and Nefertiti. The Sirian race, where they came from, is our paternal aspect, and we carry their genes within us.

Adults in the fourth dimensional world are much taller than here. The male is 4.2-4.8 m (14-16 ft) tall and the female is 3-3.6 m (10-12 ft).

Thanks to the characteristics of the lightbody, you will be less concerned about your waistline, for this will not be part of the test. You will approach beauty in a completely different way, considering it in its entirety.

When you leave your home and take your first step, you can suddenly fly into the air, like an astronaut on the moon, and even hover for a while. The body will be so filled with new energy that this state will be unusual, but nevertheless joyful and new. It will seem that your whole body is filled with youthful strength. But the body itself will already be rebuilt

Changes in the human body will occur during the first 15 years after the Transition. The years will pass much faster than at present, despite the fact that they are already flying by very quickly. Average life expectancy could increase to one hundred and fifty years


Suddenly, you will realize that you are breathing differently. You will breathe in through the crown of your head and fill your body in a way that is truly unfamiliar to you. You will learn the method of breathing prana through the crown chakra, which will supply the body with the energy it needs for the first time.


Will you be able to contact each other?, yes and no. It will not be possible to do this in the usual way - using the telephone, the Internet or other communication systems that are familiar to you; they simply will not function.

How can you ask, you will be able to contact each other. The question is very good, but the answer will calm you down. All the necessary communication systems are inherent in you, you already carry them with you. It is a kind of radio receiver that is located in your head. You will only need to tune it to the frequency and reception wave you need. How to do it? Elementary. By expressing intention. For example, by saying a simple phrase:<Я хочу установить связь со своей дочерью Мариной>. Having said this, you immediately switch to your daughter’s wavelength, and she begins to receive your messages in her head, as if she were talking to you on the phone. Life in the 3rd dimension after 3 days of darkness will be very difficult.

In addition, you will have the ability to communicate with plants, animals and Lady Gaia (Earth), and in addition, with previously deceased people and organisms.

Spiritual parents

One thing is almost certain to happen. Suddenly you will notice two bright moving spots of light near where you are. This is your mother and your father. Yes, in the fourth dimension you will have parents. However, for the last time, since in the next higher world they will no longer exist. In the space of the fourth dimension, where you have moved, there are no family problems, as on Earth. Your mother and father will love you the way you probably always dreamed of. Their love and care know no bounds. Since you survived here, they won't let anything bad happen to you. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. There will come a time of great joy if you just surrender to it all and let love guide you.

You will wonder why you don't feel like eating even though so much time has passed. Not only will you not have the slightest stomach pain from hunger, but most, if not all, of the fat deposits on your body will disappear. When you do eventually get hungry, you will realize that you need to eat something that God created. Then you'll look at plants that have always been there but you never really noticed before. You pick one, put it in your mouth, and it slowly dissolves. You will feel the energy of this plant radiating into your system. And there will probably be no more thoughts about barbecue in the 4th Dimension. The Creator thought out the conditions for carrying out the Quantum Transition in such a way that the existence of the animal world and humans will be protected!

Microbes, Bacteria, Viruses

Being such an evolving energy, Photon Energy does not support non-evolving species, so many species will not continue to exist. Everything that is no longer capable of evolving will be removed from the Earthly plane, for that which has reached the end of evolution no longer has a reason to exist. They will not be able to bear the Photon Energy due to the remaining density.


All cat and dog lovers can breathe easy, for cats and dogs are still learning and evolving, and will therefore go through the Transition with you.


After the Transition, even people working with lower vibrational tests will use 60 - 65 percent of their brain capacity, and then only temporarily until they also increase the percentage of use. The difference is only a matter of personal evolutionary choice

In addition, you are on the verge of discovering your true self, which is capable of using many psychic abilities. Yes, telepathy, telekinesis, superhearing, clairvoyance are psychic abilities preserved from the past, like heredity.


Anyone can use Photon Energy to provide a powerful source of energy that will permeate your entire planetary system. Photon Energy is currently the subject of research by only a few intrepid scientists, but they have not yet begun to explore even the smallest possibilities

You will not have to pay money to use Photon Energy, because it will be in complete abundance. No one can enslave and hold her. Therefore, no one person or group of people will be able to use it to control it or put any astronomical price on it, and again hold the population hostage. Those who try to gain control over it are in for a big surprise.

Additional information not included in the Blog:

1. What do the numbers say about the transition and the three days of darkness:

2. Those who are not familiar with the Zetas (grays) should go here:

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Entry: Three days of darkness
posted November 3, 2011 at 1:49 am and is in |
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Chapter 1
In this chapter, we will find out why chaos is needed, why it is time for us to stop being afraid of such synonymous words as “darkness”, “gloom”, “darkness”, “haze” and what is the source of life and light.
Absolute Darkness is Absolute Light.
According to the ancient natural philosophical tradition - Indian, Chinese, Byzantine (John of Damascus), darkness was considered an independent substance (and not the absence of light, as is usually explained in modern educational and reference literature). The ancient Hellenes also considered darkness to be the primary principle: according to Hesiod, all the diversity of the world came from the intercourse of Night and Darkness, which, however, was preceded by Chaos; according to Hyginus, on the contrary, Darkness (Mist) first independently gave birth to Chaos, and only then, sharing the marriage bed with it, gave birth to the entire visible and invisible world.

Ancient philosophers - and, in particular, the Neoplatonist Proclus in his comments to Plato's Timaeus - substantiated the existence of “impenetrable darkness” as the last deep foundation of Nature. Darkness, from this point of view, is “a huge abyss, limitless in all directions,” “the final infinity,” embracing the entire world. She is “the abode of the primordial beings, in which there are no boundaries, no bottom, no support.”
“Darkness” is the strongest of all types of fire, and it was he who overwhelmed “tokha” [“chaos”]. “Darkness” is fire, but fire is not darkness, except in the case when it embraces “tokha”.
The refuge of darkness, however, is not only the cosmic distance or the cover of night. This is simply the illusion of a clear sunny day, that the whole world around us is filled with light, or that a person is exclusively a “child of light.” Already under your feet, in the bowels of the Earth, absolute darkness reigns undivided. And inside the human body there is by no means a kingdom of light, but mostly darkness dominates. What about sleep? After all, he, too, is the kingdom of darkness, although it is disturbed by the pictures of dreams. Almost a third of a normal person's life is spent in sleep, which is a natural and integral state of life processes. . Darkness is a special form of movement of matter, its original primary state. She is a carrier, and in some cases, a source of light. It is also (but in interaction with light) the accumulator of the information field of the Universe.

Here is what E.P. writes about this. Blavatsky was a theosophist, writer and traveler. Philosopher, occultist and spiritualist - in The Secret Doctrine (Cosmogenesis):

“Darkness is Father-Mother: Light is their Son,” says an ancient Eastern saying. Light is incomprehensible except as emanating from some source that is the cause of it; and since in the case of the Primary Light, this source is not cognizable, although reason and logic persistently require it, then, from the point of view of reason, we call it “Darkness”. “Darkness” is the Eternal Container in which Sources of Light appear and disappear. Nothing is added to darkness in order to extract light from it, or to light to make it darkness on our plane. They replace each other; and scientifically Light is only a form of darkness and vice versa. And yet they are both phenomena of the same numen, which is absolute darkness for the mind of the scientist and only gray twilight for the knowledge of the ordinary mystic, but absolute Light for the spiritual eye of the Initiate. The degree to which we discern light shining in the darkness depends on our power of vision. What light is for us is darkness for some insects, and the eye of a clairvoyant sees radiance where a normal eye sees only darkness. When the whole Universe was asleep - that is, returned to its primary element - there was neither a center of light nor an eye to perceive the light; and darkness inevitably filled the “Boundless All.”

...and Isis Unveiled:

“In the original state of creation,” says Polyer in Indian Mythology, “the embryonic Universe, immersed in the waters, rested in the bosom of Eternity. Emerging from this chaos and darkness, Brahma, the architect of the world, floated on a lotus leaf, carried along the waters, unable to discern anything except water and darkness.”

“After the creation of the universe, He, whose power is incomprehensible, disappeared again, being absorbed by the Supreme Soul... Having retired into the original darkness, the Great Soul remains within the unknowable and is devoid of any form...”


It will be interesting to note that the Masons have an interesting ritual of Initiation. In which it happens like this: at the beginning of the ceremony, the candidate for Freemasonry is taken into the Room of Reflection (“Dark Chamber”), painted black; there may be objects in it that remind the candidate of the frailty of existence, creating an environment that encourages the candidate to philosophical reflection. In it, the candidate will write on paper a moral and philosophical will, his wishes and vows regarding himself and other people, his country, family and humanity as a whole. Then he will be asked to reaffirm his faith in God.

“The original opposition of light and darkness... fills all human existence. The secret society believes that it has completely resolved this contradiction, and therefore the most painful mystery of life: light and darkness are one. Life is also death, darkness is also light! Through all the symbolism of mystery runs the desire to realize this incomprehensible statement of this concept figuratively, so that a person can empathize with it and gain experience from it; the struggle and union between light and darkness, between life and death - symbols announce this” (Lenngoff-Posner).

Now let's look at the epic book of Mesoamerican culture, the Popol Vuh (in the Quiche language - “Book of the Council” or “Book of the People”), it contains mythical and historical legends. The book is extremely important, being one of the few early Mesoamerican texts.

This is a story about how everything was in a state of uncertainty, everything was cold, everything was silent; everything is motionless, quiet; and the space of the sky was empty.
This is the first story, the first narrative. There was no man, no animal, no birds, fish, crabs, trees, stones, caves, gorges, grasses, no forests; only the sky existed.
The surface of the earth had not yet appeared. There was only the cold sea and the great expanse of heaven.
There was nothing yet connected, nothing that could make noise, there was nothing that could move or tremble or make noise in the sky.
There was nothing that existed, that could have existence; there was only cold water, a calm sea, lonely and quiet. Nothing existed.
In the darkness, in the night, there was only stillness, only silence.
Only the Creator and the Creator, Tepeu and Kukumats, the Great Mother and the Great Father were in the endless waters. Yes, they were there, hidden under green and blue feathers, and that is why they were called Kukumats. By nature they were great sages and great thinkers. This is how the sky existed, and there was the Heart of Heaven - this is the name of God and this is what he was called.
Then his word came. To Tepeu and Kukumats, gathered together in the darkness, it came in the night, and Tepeu and Kukumats spoke to it. And so they spoke, discussing and conferring; they agreed with each other, they combined their words and their thoughts.
And while they were thinking, it became clear to them that at dawn a man should appear. Then they distributed the creation of the world, the growth of trees and forest thickets, the birth of life and the creation of man. Thus it was established in darkness and in the night by the power of him who is the Heart of Heaven, who is called Hurakan.
The first is called Kakulha-Huracan. The second is Chipi-Kakulha. The third is Rasha-Kakulha. And these three are the one Heart of heaven.
Then Tepeu and Kukumats came together with them, then they consulted about life and light, about what should be done for light and dawn to appear; who should be the one who would take care of (their) food and sustenance.
- So let it happen! May the void be filled!!! Let the waters recede and form a void, let the earth appear and be strong; let it happen, they said. - Let there be light, let there be dawn in the sky and above the earth! But there is neither glory nor greatness in this creation of ours, in our creation, until a human being is created, until man is created. until man is created! - That's what they said.
Chapter 2
Part 1
Well, probably no one is afraid of chaos and darkness anymore?
Remember the excerpt from the children's song “Antoshka”: Tili-tili trali-vali We didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this Pa-ram-pam-pam, Pa-ram-pam-pam.”
So - we went through this, and they asked us this again and we will have to go through it soon. For those who are not in the “courses,” I’m talking about the quantum transition and the three days of darkness in it.
Let's repeat what we've gone through...
In all ancient cosmogonies, Light comes from Darkness. In Egypt, as in other countries, Darkness was the “beginning of all things.” H.P. Blavatsky
The Egyptian darkness was amazing, which enveloped only the Egyptians for three days, while the Israelites had light in their homes (Exodus 10:21). Also amazing was the darkness that stood over the whole earth for three hours at the death of Jesus (Matthew 27:45)
Drunvalo Melchizedek (“The Secret of the Ancient Flower of Life”, vol. 2.):
“Darkness fell on Egypt, but that darkness was an unusual darkness, for it was thick and dense, so that one could even touch it; and candles and torches could not dispel the darkness. Only the Jews had light, while the Egyptians were forced to move by touch. However, soon the darkness began to thicken, hindering the movements of the Egyptians, and now they could not even move.
And Pharaoh called Moses and told him that he was releasing the Jews, only they must leave their livestock. However, Moses told Pharaoh that the Jews would not abandon their livestock. Then Pharaoh ordered Moses to leave and not come again, promising that if he came, he would be executed. And then Moses said that he would not come again, but that Egypt would suffer a punishment more terrible than all the previous ones combined, for all the firstborn sons would perish in Egypt.
Every person who has ever lived on Earth has already experienced a transition. All people had to do this to get here on Earth. This is an indisputable cosmic fact. Wherever we came to Earth from, we had to go through the Void!!!, neo: “He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, one creation after another in three darknesses. It is (for you) Allah, your Lord; power belongs to him, there is no god but Him; How disgusted are you” (Sura “Crowds”, verse 6). to get here, and therefore, a change of dimensions had to occur. The day you were born on Earth as a child, you experienced a dimensional shift. You have passed from one world to another. It was only because of our defective memory that we forgot about it.

Mayan Codes:
— These are ideographic manuscripts of the Mayan people. At the moment, it is customary to identify several surviving codices by the names of the cities in whose libraries they are located.
The themes of the codes were religion, astronomy and astrology, history, prophecies and fortune-telling practices, agricultural and calendar cycles, etc. With their help, priests interpreted natural phenomena and the actions of divine forces and performed religious rituals.
One of the three surviving "Codices", now kept in the Madrid Library, contains an interesting description reminiscent of Plato's story. This is the famous "Code of Troano", also known as the "Code of Tro-Cortes", or "Code of Tro". It was brought to Spain by the conqueror of Mexico, Cortez. And again an interesting contradiction: the same Cortez who destroyed Mexico saved the oldest Mexican document.
The Codex Troano was forgotten for a long time and only in 1866 it was accidentally found in the library of Don Juan de Tro and Ortolano. From the combination of this surname and the surname of Cortez, the current name of this document was formed. The Codex is written in Mayan ideographic script. Without a doubt, this is an original compiled in pre-Columbian times.
Brasseur de Bourbourg, who discovered the document, was struck by the similarities between the manuscript and the inscriptions on the ruins of Mayan buildings and tried to decipher its contents. It was he who first suggested that this document contained a description of the flood. His research was sharply criticized, however, the Frenchman Augustus Plongeon did not refuse to continue his work. The result was a translation into French published in 1900. Here are its contents.
“6 years K'an, on the eleventh day of Muluk in the month of Sak, terrible earthquakes began, which continued continuously until the thirteenth day of Chuen. The country of swampy hills, the country of My, fell victim to them. Having risen twice, she disappeared within one night. As a result of the continuous action of underwater volcanoes, the continent rose and disappeared many times. At the end, the earth opened up and ten countries were torn apart and destroyed. They perished along with a population of 64 million people 8060 years before the writing of this book.” Plongeon's translation is now considered unreliable by Maya Vedic scholars. Plongeon did not decipher the text, but solved it like a rebus. The author was obviously misled by the works of a number of atlantologists, so all his subsequent arguments in defense of this “translation” are largely controversial and debatable. The same applies to the country My. (neo: Lemuria - the country of MU)
For those unfamiliar with the secrets of the Mayan calendar, note that from the eleventh day of Muluk to the thirteenth day of Chuen - this means for three days.
This is what is said about this day in Megillat Taanit (מְגִלַּת which can be translated as `the scroll of [days prohibited for] fasting`), a work in Aramaic, written or finally edited, apparently shortly before the destruction of the Second Temple, at least , - no later than the Bar-Khokba uprising. Megillat Ta'anit is a list of 36 days marked by historical events favorable to Jews, including victories over the enemy, and therefore prohibited for fasting):
“On the eighth of Tevet, in the days of King Ptolemy, when the Torah was translated into Greek, darkness fell upon the world and did not cease for three days.”
Ref. 10:21: And the Lord said to Moses, Stretch out your hand toward heaven, and there will be darkness in the land of Egypt, even tangible darkness.
Ref. 10:22: Moses stretched out his hand to heaven, and there was thick darkness throughout all the land of Egypt for three days;
Ref. 10:23: They did not see each other, and no one rose from his place for three days; And all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.
Torah passage:
The Torah (or “Chumash”, also “The Pentateuch of Moses” in Christian translations) is the most important book for the Jewish religion. The books of the Prophets, Scriptures and even the Mishnah are a natural continuation of the Torah and would not be possible without it.
21. And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch out your hand to the heavens, and there will be darkness in the land of Mizraim, and the darkness will be tangible (impenetrable).
and the darkness will be tangible (or: and the darkness will become hopeless). And the darkness (which was mentioned earlier) will become more impenetrable for them than the darkness of the night; the darkness of the night will become even more gloomy and hopeless.
22. And Moses stretched out his hand to heaven, and there was darkness in all the land of Mizraim for three days.
and there was darkness (with) mist... for three days. Misty darkness (this is a conjugate combination); so (the people) did not see each other during those three days.
23. They did not see each other, and no one rose from their place for three days. And all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.
The prophets are prophesying that deadlines are coming, or what will happen cannot be avoided
New Testament
38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said: Teacher! We would like to see a sign from You.
39 But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign; and no sign will be given to him except the sign of the prophet Jonah;
40 For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.
The French nun Marie de Faudais predicted the cataclysm caused back in 1819: “At that time there will be three days of continuous darkness. In this terrible darkness, only candles that are blessed will burn. One candle will burn for three days, but in a wicked house they will not shine. During these three days, demons will appear in the most terrible forms and terrible sacrileges will be uttered. The air will become sickening. Flashes of rays will hit city streets at this strange time of year. The earth will turn over and be enveloped by the foaming waves of the seas. Truly, our planet will become one huge cemetery. The corpses of the wicked, as well as the righteous, will cover the soil. The famine that will follow will be enormous. All vegetation on the globe will be destroyed, and three-quarters of humanity will also perish. The catastrophe will come suddenly and the disaster will be worldwide.”
Maria also mentions the shift in the axis of rotation of our planet: “The earth will turn over and be enveloped in the foamy waves of the seas.”
Alois Irmayer's prediction:
During the war there will be darkness, which will last 72 hours. During the day it will be dark, hail will fall, there will be lightning and thunder, earthquakes will make the planet twitch. At this time, do not leave the house, only burn candles. Whoever inhales the dust will go into convulsions and die. Darken the windows and don't open them. Water and food that is not tightly closed will become contaminated, as well as food that is stored in glass containers. Death caused by dust is everywhere, many people will die. In 72 hours everything will be over, but I repeat: do not leave the house, only burn candles and pray. More people will die that night than in two world wars. Do not open windows for 72 hours. The rivers will have so little water that they can be easily crossed. Livestock will die, grass will turn yellow and dry, human corpses will turn black or yellow. Then the wind will direct the clouds to the east.
Franz Kugelber
Source: Father Ellerhorst, prophecies of the future of Europe, 4th edition in 1952:
“Text recorded by Father Ellerhorst, based on personal interviews with the prophet in 1922. The visions occurred during sleep and later also while awake in color film-like images. A clear voice demanded to write down what he saw.
According to the prophet's statements, these visions occurred first in 1922 in a dream and were later encountered in the waking state, repeating like color images of a movie, and he heard a clear voice that reminded him of the written account of what he saw.
Symbolic picture: A beautiful little boy in white clothes moves away from the strong tidal waves of the flood. Christ runs away from the meanness of humanity, and leaves it to himself and the prince of darkness.
A great destruction of morals prevails. Girls and women are publicly raped and threatened with death. In some places there is such hunger that people grind tree bark into flour to make bread from it, and that they eat grass.
Overnight there will be a revolution of the Communists together with the National Socialists. A storm will sweep through the monasteries and among the clergy. At first people will not want to believe this, so unawares will it happen. Many will be imprisoned and executed. Everyone flees to the mountains. Pfänder (mountain) is full of people .
Like lightning from a clear sky, the revolution reaches first Germany, then France, Italy and England.
There are riots and destruction everywhere. The Prophet sees in one place a long, wide street, bordered by soldiers, everyone there without exception: women, children, old people... At the curb there is a guillotine, which the main executioner activates with a button, and 2 executioners help him on both sides. All these people are beheaded. Such a large amount of blood flows that the guillotine must be switched (brought to a state of readiness) from 2 to three times per minute.
This trouble will come completely suddenly from Russia. There is turmoil and destruction everywhere. The Rhine (Rhineland) areas are destroyed more by planes than by invading armies. Planes hover like swallows and drop bombs that look like raindrops. Also, the city of Munster is fighting the planes itself.
Fire in Paris. Marseille is washed away by the darkness of the sea wave into the deep pit that has formed around it.
Uprising in Austria. There is no more money. The employees, the police, the gendarmerie are no longer good for anything... No trial. A prison full of citizens and priests. Executions in the courtyard of Bregenz. Then the peasants from the mountains create order. Those citizens who love their neighbor will be saved miraculously; the one who treated him harshly is punished.
Murders in Rome. Mountains 3-4 m high of corpses of clergy and citizens. Pope Pius XII - as the prophet recognizes him by his facial features - escapes with 2 hierarchs by roundabout routes to an old car and in it through Genoa to Switzerland. He later arrives in Cologne, where he anoints the new emperor in the cathedral.
A young gentleman in civilian dress is introduced into the cathedral; he dresses in the sacristy in an officer’s uniform, similar to the Hungarian one. There are 2 thrones in the choir. The new monarch's head and hands are sprinkled with holy water. He receives a knight's blow with one broad sword (a knighting rite), an old imperial crown, a white coronation cloak with gold lilies, a scepter and an orb. The scepter is exchanged for a cross. He pledges loyalty and protection to the church. Te Deum with the jubilation of the people. The great monarch points his sword at all corners of the world as a sign that he wants to protect the church. The old gentleman's resignation is his right. An army of angels accompanies a large monarch under the leadership of Michael, who is seen by the prophet in magnificent armor and appearance. The monarch defeats all his enemies. When departing for Italy, the pope and the emperor meet where the prophet shakes their hands.
Three days and three nights of long darkness. It will begin after a terrible thunder or earthquake. No fire burns. You can neither eat nor sleep, but only pray. Only holy candles will burn. Anyone who looks out of the window with curiosity meets death. Lightning penetrates houses, you can hear terrible curses of devils... Earthquakes, thunder, sea noise. One part of the people will call on the Virgin Mary and Christ, while others will curse. In vain they plead for an extension of their lives. Sulfur fumes and stench will fill the air, as if it were hell on earth.
The cross appears in the sky. This is the end of darkness, the earth is a field of corpses, like a desert. People come out of their houses quiet and scared. The corpses are collected in vans and buried in mass graves. Neither railways, nor ships, nor cars function as in earlier times. Factories do not work because there are no people to operate the machines. The fast rhythm of former times has stopped.
The remaining people are like saints. God invites new priests like Christ and his apostles, you can hear the praise of God and the songs of the saints. Earth is heaven. The Liturgy is celebrated simply, as in the time of the apostles. Common Communion. The Prophet hears some parts of the prayer in German and also the words of consecration. In the evening there is a thanksgiving prayer.
Angels will help people with advice and action as needed. People pray more in 8 days than they used to pray in one year. At the sound of the bell, everyone leaves work and rushes to church.
The goods left behind will be distributed in a new way among the surviving people. In the great migration of peoples, people will rush to where they are needed. Mountain administrative areas with alpine meadows will be used as communities. People descend from the mountains to the plains, where work is not so hard...
Biernaki, Poland 1984: The Russian army will then strike against West Germany, right up to the French border. He was valued as Pope John Paul II's prophet of the Third World War and he spoke of darkness: It will be hell on Earth. Its worst phase will last 3.5 months. World War III will begin in Italy. There will break out a bloody revolution, which will have its very beginning in the Vatican. In fewer hours, the earth will be increasingly surrounded by darkness, even to the point of total darkness. But this will not be the end of the world, just a never-before-seen worldwide catastrophe. The darkness will continue for 3 days, and everyone must stay in the house, must recite the rosary and not open the door to anyone. The only light that will need to be seen at this time will come from the lit candles.
Austrian rural oral prophecy: Winter is coming, three days of darkness. Lightning and thunder when the earth breaks, pray at home, don’t go outside! And also don’t look out of the window! The evening will shorten this time. Poisoned air comes from the dusty night, a black epidemic, man's worst battle. The same thing threatens to affect all people, but good people will die a blessed death. Many believers will remain. A large city is consumed by mud, another is fighting fire, all cities have become deathly quiet. Weeds grow on Vienna's Stephanplatz square. If you count all the people in the world, you will find that one third have disappeared. What is left, look in each country.
Sister Elena Aiello, stigmatized nun, founder of a religious order in Italy (1919 –1961): If people do not return to God through a real Christian life, another terrible war will come from East to West. Russia with its secret weapon will fight America and devastate Europe. The Rhine River will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy will also be oppressed by the great revolution and the Pope will suffer terribly. Clouds with lightning rays of fire and a firestorm will pass throughout the world and this punishment will be the most terrible that the history of mankind has ever known. It will last 70 hours. The evil man will be crushed and destroyed. Many will perish because they persisted in their sins. Then they will feel the power of light over darkness. The hours of darkness are at hand.

In 1987, during the celebration of the Ascension of the Mother of God in Medjugorje, a certain Franciscan monk from Mexico, Brother David Lopez, appeared there. Despite the fact that he is a man with very poor physical health and a mentally vulnerable person, Our Lady chose him to convey to him the revelation of the so-called three days of darkness. This is a message about terrible events that will happen on Earth very soon, and it must be admitted that Brother David Lopez did not want to listen to the female voice that suddenly began to sound inside him while reading the Rosary in the Church of Medjugorje, due to the importance of the content of the message and the extreme responsibility that is imposed on him.
Later, Brother David Lopez told several friends about what he had heard, but contrary to the command of Our Lady, he hesitated to write down what he heard. He was looking for someone who would relieve him of this duty, but his direct superior, as well as the bishop, recognized that everything that Brother David heard came from God, and it needed to be written down. Many of you have probably also read the book by Father Albert Herbert, “Three Days of Darkness: The Foresight of the Prophets and Saints,” which contains exactly the same information as in the message of Brother David. It should be noted here that Brother David Lopez had never heard of this book. On September 11, 1987, in the city of San Antonio, where Brother David arrived to prepare for the visit of the Pope, he experienced a new apparition of Our Lady, during which he was finally ordered to publish the Message entrusted to him.
“First of all, Our Lady called not to worry about all those who inwardly ask for salvation and who live according to the commands of Our Lady. They will be warned about these upcoming events from within their hearts 3 to 7 days before everything starts. She also encouraged and encouraged those who are struggling with their grave sins, those who have not given up and continue to fight. The Lord takes into account their efforts.
Three days of darkness will be experienced by adherents of any religion, as well as people who do not belong to any confession, if only their conscience is clear and if they have accepted God in the sanctuary of their hearts. Shortly before these events, a red cross will be visible in the blue sky. All people will see this. There will also be a few martyrs, chosen directly by God, who will be killed, but whose souls will immediately be taken up to Heaven by the angels.
For three days of darkness, which will last 72 hours. Time can only be counted by mechanical clocks and it will be so dark that people will not even be able to see their hands in front of their eyes. In these days there will not be a single demon who will remain in hell, since they will all be on Earth.
Those people who do not have clarity of heart and mercy will see demons and die of horror.
It will be most difficult for lonely people to survive three days of darkness, as demons will call them with the voices of loved ones and loved ones. Therefore, you should remember that these will not be your loved ones, but devils, and therefore in no case should you open the door and leave your home,
as there is a possibility of falling into the clutches of the devil. The doors and windows of the house should be tightly closed and all loved ones should be together if possible.
You need to learn to sincerely pray now and teach your children this, since the prayer of children these days will have miraculous power. The main thing to do is to renounce your sins and live, trusting in the mercy of the Lord.
Pray, read the Bible and take Communion!
Consecrate your homes, and let a lamp or candle always burn near the icon of the Heart of Jesus - this and your other deeds will help you to be in a state of a clear heart.
God wants people to return to Him voluntarily, not out of fear of punishment, otherwise the person will be lost.
Anyone who doesn’t know needs to be told about these especially important matters: about sin, about mortal sin, about repentance and forgiveness of sins.
People must learn to accept death as it is: they need to know that after death there is judgment, and then hell, heaven or purgatory, depending on the life a person has lived.
Priests, pastors and rectors need to prepare not only themselves, but also their entire community.
They need to be the main interpreters of the mentioned future events and explain what will happen. They will have to help people return to God and begin a life filled with purity. Their task is to convey the news about the three days of darkness to as many spiritual people as possible, because many holy people have been informed about the upcoming events and therefore there is no time to waste. Pastors must teach that money, fame, things, and work are not values ​​to worry about and put first. They must teach
people turn to the Holy Spirit and pray to Him.
Hello, I say hi to Piraty for Lukic’s Monologues.
From Lukich’s Monologues: “If you want to live in Paradise, live. If you can’t now - come up with a start date for Heaven, but don’t come up with an end date, you yourself know that it doesn’t exist... Heaven is already nearby, just choose it, and go until you realize that it’s already here... Love everyone, no one owes you anything , and you shouldn’t lecture everyone and drag them where they don’t want to go. Leave the Choice to others, then you too will have a Choice... Everything will happen very quickly if you allow it to happen: one minute, two minutes, three minutes... But first there will be three days of darkness. Do you know about this? And I know. And I know that you need to experience this darkness in your heart, so I ask you - try now, so as not to get bumps later... Be calm, don’t be afraid, keep Love in your heart, everything will be fine... And the dawn will come, and then you will understand that the darkness has dissipated... Everything will return to normal... With Love in your heart you will overcome any fears and difficulties, and with fear you will become dust (giggles)..."
Chapter 3
So, as We see, such ancient civilizations as Egypt, Lemuria, Maya, and also possibly the Aztecs, Incas, Sumerians and Atlanteans have already passed the stage of “darkness”. And we, Earthlings, must follow in their footsteps, without looking back.
This Chapter is like an “instruction” for passing to the Light. And there is very, very little time left, I hope that thanks to this Chapter, and indeed this Topic in general, the number of souls ready for the transition will increase.
p.s: Don't forget about meditation
Fred Sterling is a master medium, priest and messenger, a shaman from an ancient family of North American Indians, traveling between the human world of the third dimension and the limitless worlds of Spirit. He is often called Kahu (a title meaning "spiritual leader" in Hawaiian). For over 20 years, he has served as the sole channel for Master Mentor Kirael, the seventh-dimensional spirit teacher, and shares Kirael's wisdom in books, articles and numerous audio recordings.
Kirael: This is one of the most important questions in this book (neo: Kirael. The Great Transition). If you don't remember anything else, let it happen.
If, as you read this book, you say, “I don't need to buy anything or enter into a long-term agreement, because when the Shift happens, I won't have anything to do with it,” then stop yourself. You couldn't make a more sweeping statement. Your life plan includes certain challenges, and each of them represents a transition to a new level of understanding. Each time you choose to shorten a lesson, it simply moves to a new reality for you to work on. Whatever it is, don't deny the possibility of a challenge.
Imagine, with your permission, that you are awakening in an energy where everything has moved into a space that you only dreamed of in the past. When you look around and see the potential of life, it is so beautiful it takes your breath away. You begin to understand your new body and possibilities in this new reality. However, due to the unfinished learning situation, your higher self makes a plan based on which you must repeat the test. Your whole being strives for new energy, but cannot move until everything is mastered. Therefore, do not leave any of the possibilities unfinished. Master whatever your higher self reveals to you with passion, for this is what takes you into the new millennium.
Try to rally around you people who are drawn to the Higher Knowledge. Tell, explain, conduct joint meditations. These can be your loved ones and acquaintances, as well as people who have come to the moment of realizing the truth. They have always strived for this, and you helped them see what they had been intuitively moving towards all their lives. Collective conversations can take place both at home, in an apartment, house, and in offices and halls.
Everything is determined by your ability to realize your Reality. And already on the approach to the hour “X” of the Quantum Transition, these close-knit associations of supporters of the Spirit, with you at their head, will be beacons of the Light of Consciousness of the Highest Level for Spirits.
Drunvalo Melchizedek "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life":
When a window into the fourth dimension opens, anyone can pass through it, but not everyone can stay there.
We have found that there are three types of people at this stage. Firstly, among those who have transferred there are people who are ready. They prepared themselves on Earth by the way they lived their lives. The second type includes people who are completely unprepared, they are so full of fear that they cannot allow themselves to leave the third dimension through the Void; they immediately return to Earth. Finally, the third group consists of those who are not quite ready for this experience. They have enough preparation to move into the fourth dimension, but not enough to stay there. These are the people Jesus had in mind when, at the end of one of his parables, he said: “For many are called, but few are chosen” (Gospel of Matthew 20:16).
There is another parable in the Gospel - about a farmer who was told by his servants that there were a lot of weeds in his wheat field and asked what to do. The owner ordered not to touch the weeds, to remove them and the wheat together during the harvest, and then to separate the grains from the chaff. Usually they try to get rid of weeds before they grow, but in this case it was decided to do something different. Jesus allegorically spoke of two different groups of people - those who are ready and those who are not ready. Insufficiently prepared people carry with them all their fears and hatreds. When they find themselves in this very strange world, all their fears and irritations rear their head. People are unaware that everything they think about immediately takes shape, so their fears begin to really manifest themselves.
Not understanding what is happening, most people try to reproduce familiar images of the old world, those things that are familiar to them. In this way they try to comprehend what is happening. They do this unconsciously, the instinct of self-preservation operates in them. They begin to create old images and structures. But the new world is so strange that all their fears come to life. They say: “Oh my God, what is this? This is madness, madness.” They see long-dead people, events from their past, from childhood. And they don’t understand anything. The mind is trying to somehow put everything in order.
Confused people decide they are hallucinating, and this only makes the fear worse. Thinking in an earthly way, they believe that someone is setting all this up on purpose, so they must defend themselves. Their ego thinks it needs a gun. The thought is immediately followed by its implementation, and here in front of them is a gun with an optical sight, just what they wanted. They pick up a gun and think: “We need ammunition.” They look to the left and see huge boxes full of ammunition. They load the gun and begin to look around in search of enemies who want to kill them. And who instantly appears? Of course, the expected scoundrels, and fully armed.

As a result, their worst fears, whatever they may be, come true, and then people start shooting. Everywhere they turn, other people are trying to kill them. In the end, their worst fear is realized and they are killed outright. After this, a kind of script comes into play that sends them from the Upper World back to where they came from. This is what Jesus meant when he said: “...all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Gospel of Matthew 26:52). But He also said: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Gospel of Matthew 5:5), which means if you came to the new world with simple thoughts about love, harmony and peace, trusting God and yourself, then this is exactly what will appear around you. You will create a harmonious, beautiful world. If you are meek, you will enable yourself to remain in this higher world through your thoughts, feelings and actions. You will survive here.
You may ask, what can you do here on Earth to prepare for the experience of life in the higher worlds? Of course, do not stockpile food or prepare underground shelters or anything like that. Not because it is bad, but such physical preparations have their limitations. In heaven, in the higher worlds, you are what you create. The same thing happens here, but most people don't know about it. This becomes clear starting from the fourth dimension.
Since we are what we create, it is very important and even necessary that everything that comes from us be in harmony with all life everywhere. We must understand that everything we think, feel and do creates the world in which we have to live. Therefore, ordinary life here on Earth can be considered a school, a place where every moment teaches us lessons that can instantly be transmitted to the next world. It is not surprising that Egypt and other ancient civilizations treated death with special respect. Death, no matter which way it comes, is a passage of darkness through the Void, leading to the shining light of the higher worlds of life. If we master this, we directly achieve conscious connection with all life everywhere - with eternal life.
So what are the earthly lessons? The truth is that the Source of all life is in the eyes of every created person. Even here on Earth, there is tremendous knowledge, wisdom and love present in every person at every moment. Once this is realized, it becomes clear that your thoughts, feelings and actions are the key. You know exactly what to do. Simply put, it improves your character. Its sparkling, diamond-like facets become a means of survival and ascension. Buddha, Virgin Mary, Lao Tzu, Muhammad, Jesus, Abraham, Krishna, Babaji, Saint Teresa and about 8,000 other Great Teachers of eternal life are your school teachers and heroes. By example, they show you how to build your character. They all understood that the main key was to love your neighbor. This brings order to the world you create. Gives you eternal life. Are you aware of this?
In the Melchizedek understanding, the only thing that will help you pass through what is called a stargate and move from one realm of existence to another is your thoughts, feelings and very specific emotional and mental patterns, which are usually made up of five or six elements. This is the model I used when entering this dimension - love, truth and beauty, trust, harmony and peace. There are many other models, and they are all codes or keys that allow you to get past the guardians. If the guardians feel that you are ready for the world they are protecting, they will allow you to enter. If not, they chase you back to the world you came from. This is their job - and you yourself created this order of things.
Love, truth, beauty, trust, harmony, peace, reverence for God - this pattern is necessary to enter stargates such as those at the center of the Crab Nebula in the constellation Orion. Only a person (or spirit) who already lives the listed qualities can enter this stargate. The pattern has a field of subtle energy that will help you in the future. If you don't understand this yet, you will understand later.
If you can just be there and chant these patterns of love, truth and beauty, trust, harmony and peace, you have nothing to worry about. This is a woman's way. There are other models, such as the masculine one: compassion, humility and wisdom, unity, love and truth. All stargate models include love and truth. Where there is compassion and humility, there is also wisdom; This is the male component. And as soon as there is love and truth, there is also unity - the female component. The first stargate model is structured differently: where there is love and truth, there is beauty, which is the male component. And wherever there is trust and harmony, there is always peace, a feminine component.
So these mental-emotional states or stargate patterns are the most important thing for you when you enter the higher worlds. Each time you go higher and higher, they will become more and more important. Where does this process lead us? When you reach the fourth dimension and begin to see and understand your situation and demonstrate your ability to control events, something funny begins to happen. Remember the drawing on the ceiling of an Egyptian temple called the egg of metamorphosis - that same orange-red oval above the heads of the Egyptians making a 90-degree turn as they transition to the next world? Like them, you will begin to undergo a metamorphosis. Your body will quickly turn into something similar, but radically different from before.
1.358. October 3.
We must demonstrate the power of creation against destroyers.
Know how to call new ones for construction.
So, work for unification.
The Days of Darkness are approaching.
I tell you: keep your shield and show hope, for I have already shown My sign.
Happiness has come, I feel it, don’t spill it.
And wings carry over the world the happiness of the manifestation of Our decisions.
See the phenomena.
My shield is strong.
1.359. October 4.
We bear the affirmation of the covenants of the prophets
We lead by pure steps, and no one will regret that he has approached the new race.
The first condition of the race is to bring the spirit into life.
And the fragments accumulated over centuries will fall into place.
A ray of understanding of a wonderful life will simply sparkle.
The spirit will fly around the world on a new flight.
Although it is a difficult time, it has not yet been experienced.
There are clouds all around, but My ray is with you.

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