Are psoriasis and cancer really incompatible? Is it possible for psoriasis to turn into cancer? Psoriasis can turn into cancer

Illness has always occupied not the smallest part in the life of mankind. Today, it is very common to meet people who suffer from a disease such as psoriasis. Many people who suffer from this disease are well aware that this disease has serious consequences in the form of cancer. But is it? Are these diseases compatible or not?

Psoriasis and cancer are different diseases

What does psoriasis provide?

This is a disease that has a rich history, and is no less mysterious in itself. Mention of the disease dates back to the 19th century. External signs of scaly lichen (psoriasis): peeling and redness of the skin, as well as severe scabies and causalgia of the skin. In addition to all of the above, a person experiences internal discomfort, confusion, and depression. But the problems don't stop there. If you look at the statistics, approximately 50% of patients experience an exacerbation, and only 1% of patients develop into more complex forms of the disease, such as cancer.

All patients are interested in the same questions: what types of diseases are there, what is the likelihood of developing cancer, the main signs of psoriasis and lymphoma?

Can psoriasis transform into skin cancer?

It is worth remembering that even after completing a course of treatment, patients still have a high probability of the disease returning. Many people are interested in the question of whether psoriasis can turn into skin cancer, and how to avoid this. The only thing that can be done is to control the disease process. To do this, you need to lead a correct and healthy lifestyle and regularly visit your doctor. For preventive purposes, treat your hands with individually selected ointments and creams. Another positive aspect is a special diet. Even this seemingly insignificant moment can significantly dull the activity of the disease.

To prevent the disease, you should use cream

You should not delay long-term remission, this is of course good, but later, a relapse is inevitable. In almost all cases, the rashes have clear edges. The inflamed area is pink, and the particles that fall behind the skin are silver. Similar symptoms can be found not only in lichen planus, but also in many other skin diseases.

Most sick people are interested in the question: can a sick person get skin cancer with psoriasis? In order to dispel any remaining doubts, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all types of this disease.

Classification and types of psoriasis

Doctors distinguish several types of psoriasis (lichen):

  1. Lichen vulgaris or plaque.
  2. Teardrop-shaped.
  3. Pustular lichen.
  4. Inverse lichen.
  5. Erythrodermic lichen.

Plaque or lichen vulgaris

The main affected area is the elbow and knee joints, the back, the back of the head and the entire abdomen. The affected areas spread across the skin forming large light pink spots. Severely affected areas are dark red in color.

Guttate lichen

Affected area: feet, knee joints. It is possible that it will appear on other parts of the body that are free from the disease. The manifestation phase, in its shape, resembles a drop, its color is pink.

Lichen inversus

The inflammation process is less widespread and develops only in areas of skin folds. As in previous options, peeling is not caused. There is not very noticeable redness, the affected areas do not have clear boundaries. Symptoms are accompanied by itching.

Pustular lichen

Affected areas: palms, feet, elbows, knees. Blisters and dropsy may also form on the patient’s body. The disease is accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the skin.

Signs of the disease: inflammation of the joints of the arms and legs, fingers and toes. The affected skin with arthropathic lichen turns red and shiny. If you look closely, the affected and twice enlarged joint is clearly visible from a distance.

Arthropathic lichen can spread throughout the body

Erythrodermic lichen

The likelihood of inflammation of lichen plaque throughout the body. There is physical discomfort: burning, pain, itching. Psoriasis of the neck and lower part of the head is possible. Manifestation on the forehead, back of the head, temples, and on the skin behind the ears. Clear borders with flaky red spots.

As you can see, many of the symptoms can confuse you and be mistaken for cancer.

Main signs of skin cancer

The main symptom can be considered the appearance of grayish nodules and reddish spots. Such small nodules after some time turn into ulcers and papillomas. It all depends on the melanoma. The most important thing is not to confuse psoriasis and cancer with each other. Psoriatic rashes and cancer are incompatible with each other. To dispel their worries, the patient urgently needs to go to a skin doctor, dermatologist.

At the slightest suspicion of malignancy of the disease, you should consult a dermatologist

What are the reasons for developing cancer?

Patients with psoriasis are seriously concerned about the compatibility of cancer and psoriasis. But strangely enough, in medical practice, there are many cases when one disease lives well with another. It would be more correct to say that one disease provokes the appearance of another. If you noticed, almost all types of psoriatic disease have the same symptoms, namely: peeling of the skin. This process is caused by the necrosis of the upper layer of the skin (epithelium). But the most important and fundamental role is played by the tumor. The appearance of lichen plaque or a blister at the site of inflammation is not a sign of a malignant tumor. Moreover, peeling skin cannot in any way “leak” into a cancerous tumor.

Remember! The appearance of psoriatic rashes on the skin is often confused by doctors with lymphoma. And as a result, such people do not get cancer.

What is lymphoma? This is an oncological disease of the lymphatic system. One type is skin lymphoma. The main cause of this disease is not known to medicine. The tumor appears due to the chaotic division of leukocytes. The initial manifestations of the disease are very similar to psoriasis. This includes peeling, scabies, itching, as well as causalgia of the skin. In other cases, redness and inflammation. This similarity gives rise to great concern among sick people. As soon as you suspect something is wrong, immediately consult a doctor. A specialist doctor will accurately make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Also, to be completely sure, get tested. Biopsy tests will immediately answer the question of whether there is a malignant cell in the tissue or not.

If certain methods of treating psoriasis are abused, a malignant formation may occur. Among the common methods, doctors identify: taking certain medications and conducting phototherapy. Phototherapy is the effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin. With excessive use of medications, rapid aging of the skin occurs. The skin gradually dries out and, as a result, has a provocative effect on cancer cells. The latest oncology provides one hundred percent safety to the patient.

Drugs of such groups as immunosuppressants strongly suppress the human immune system. But they are widely used in the treatment of lichen planus. But if you choose the wrong drug, the development of carcinoma is provoked.

To provoke a transition from psoriasis to cancer, a certain impetus is needed. A weakened immune system or external influence can manifest this.

Even with such unpleasant diagnoses as psoriasis, there are some positive aspects, one of which is that psoriasis and cancer are incompatible. That is, psoriasis itself is not capable of transforming into cancerous tumors.

be careful

People suffering from psoriasis often make one big mistake:

The patient is trying to eliminate the external signs of the disease, but eliminating the external manifestations of psoriasis does not solve the problem from the inside.

Roughly speaking, even if it is possible to remove the signs of psoriasis from the outside and put the skin in order, inside the body the disease continues to devour the autoimmune system, which provokes severe diseases, many of which are fatal. Particularly scary is the fact that psoriasis can provoke cancerous tumors.

The only remedy that is currently available for independent use by patients with psoriasis is the special product "PSORIDEL", which before issued at a reduced price - 1 ruble. Read details in official source.

Manifestations and symptoms of psoriasis

It is known about lichen planus that it is an autoimmune disease. That is, the immune system, under the influence of certain factors, begins to attack its own healthy cells, which leads to the development of skin pathology.

In addition, it was found that the tendency to develop psoriasis is transmitted genetically from parents who have a history of pathology to their children. The risk is greater if both parents have this chronic condition.

Factors that cause can be different, including psychosomatics, nervous shock and stress, as well as hormonal disruptions and changes, to which women are more susceptible.

Symptoms of psoriasis may vary depending on what form the disease takes. The bottom line is that there are many types of psoriasis, so the form of manifestation can be different. At the same time, it is important to carry out a timely and competent diagnosis from a qualified specialist who will not only make the correct diagnosis, but will also be able to select a comprehensive course of therapy. As you know, psoriasis cannot be completely cured, unfortunately for all those who are susceptible to this disease. However, with the right approach, it is possible to transfer the disease to the regression stage and achieve stable remission.

Features of skin cancer

One of the types of oncology is skin cancer, which exists in several types:

  • skin melanoma;
  • basal cell carcinoma;
  • squamous variety;
  • skin lymphoma.

Moreover, all three named types have no common features, except for classifying them as oncological formations. Consequently, the manifestation for them will be different.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about psoriasis

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Belyaev A.S.
Work experience in the field of treatment of psoriasis and dermatitis - 12 years.

Psoriasis kills! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger! Get rid of dangerous skin rashes in two weeks - with a product that costs 1 ruble.

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Thus, the rarest type of skin cancer, according to statistics, is melanoma, however, it is also the most severe in its course. Appropriate therapy helps to get rid of melanoma only in the early stages of the development of the pathology with timely diagnosis, otherwise treatment is unlikely to be successful. Literally two to three months are enough for melanoma to die.

A slightly less rare, but also aggressive type of skin cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. With the development of this form, timely diagnosis and appropriate therapy are also relevant.

The most common type of skin cancer is the basal cell type. Moreover, this is the least dangerous form for human life, since the distinctive feature of this variety is the lack of spread of metastases.

The significant disadvantages of skin cancer are that even a miniature formation on the skin, most reminiscent of a mole or small wound, can become deadly.

There is another type that does not quite fit into the general list of skin cancers - lymphoma. Initially, lymphoma is an oncological disease of the lymphatic system, the exact causes of which are still unknown. In this case, the initial development of skin lymphoma is similar in appearance to a psoriatic rash with scaly plaques and nodules that itch and cause active itching. In some cases, there is no peeling of the skin, but redness and inflammation of the epidermis are noticeable.

Cancer risk

Many patients believe that psoriasis and skin cancer are related. However, this statement is incorrect in direct connection. The fact is that psoriasis by itself cannot cause the development of cancer. Psoriasis is a non-tumor disease, which is why cancer does not occur with psoriasis.

However, to the question whether or not there is a relationship between the development of cancer and the presence of psoriasis, the answer is affirmative.

First, there are significant similarities between the symptoms of psoriasis and early stage cellular lymphoma. Therefore, it is extremely important, when the first symptoms of psoriasis occur, to contact a qualified specialist for diagnosis and the most complete examination and to exclude malignant formation as a diagnosis.

Secondly, a number of drugs and techniques that are used in the treatment of psoriasis cause a risk of developing skin cancer. The bottom line is the effect of treatment methods on the immune system, the weakening of which can provoke a decrease in the production of antibodies that resist the development of malignant cells.

Stories from our readers

Conquered psoriasis at home. It's been a month since I forgot about these terrible red spots and itching. Oh, how much I suffered. The plaques were in prominent places, so I constantly noticed strange looks on myself, and my self-esteem was correspondingly below par. And everything itches periodically. How many times have I gone to dermatologists, how many traditional methods have I tried - all to no avail. But everything changed when I came across this article. A must read for anyone with psoriasis!

Read the full article >>>

To prescribe the correct treatment for a disease, it is important to undergo a timely diagnosis so that therapy is aimed at curing the established disease and eliminating errors.

Therapies that can cause cancer

In general, the answer to the question of whether psoriasis can turn into skin cancer is no. Psoriasis was not found to independently develop into any type of skin cancer. However, the development of cancer not from psoriasis, but in itself can be provoked by certain treatment methods, for example, the abuse of immunosuppressants and phototherapy procedures.

During the phototherapy procedure, the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. The affected areas of the skin are irradiated using specially designed UV lamps for a few seconds. In some cases, to increase the effect on the skin, the drug psoralen is used, which significantly increases the degree of skin sensitivity, which makes the procedure less safe.

The problem with the procedure is that the effect is not targeted, but extensive, including unaffected areas of the skin. Excessive exposure to UV rays causes desiccation and skin aging occurs much earlier. At the same time, it has long been known that increased doses of ultraviolet radiation can become a factor that provokes the development of skin cancer, including its most dangerous types.

However, the existing risk of radiation during phototherapy is not a reason to completely abandon this technique. Since modern equipment is designed in such a way as to minimize possible risks for the patient and guarantees safety. At the same time, the positive effect of phototherapy procedures is difficult to overestimate.

There is also a group of drugs that are often prescribed to patients in the acute stage of psoriasis - these are immunosuppressants, otherwise called immunosuppressants. Since lichen planus is an autoimmune disease, the use of drugs from this group is conditional. However, it is important to find a balance here, to combine the positive effects with minimal risk to the immune system in order to prevent complications and diseases due to a weakened immune system as a result of taking immunosuppressants.

Of course, psoriasis is a fairly serious disease that requires an integrated approach to treatment. However, when attempting self-treatment and even conducting diagnostics on your own, rather than by contacting a qualified specialist, there is a risk of very, very serious consequences for the patient. That is why it is extremely important, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, to consult a doctor for a full diagnosis, based on the results of which appropriate safe methods of therapy will be selected.

In general, it can be stated that patients with psoriasis do not get cancer if they approach treatment correctly and do not abuse treatment methods that can act as factors in the development of malignant neoplasms.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones suffer from psoriasis.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for the treatment of psoriasis. The verdict is:

If all the drugs were given, it was only a temporary result; as soon as the treatment was stopped, the disease began to progress sharply.

The only drug that secured the result is PSORIDEL.

At the moment, it is not yet sold in pharmacies and can only be ordered online.

Attention! Cases of sales of counterfeit drug PSORIDEL have become more frequent. If you want to receive a guaranteed quality product, then you need to purchase it ONLY at official website.

In addition, when purchasing on the official website, you receive a money-back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to get rid of psoriasis? These plaques really bother me, especially if they are in visible places.

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article was I able to get rid of psoriasis (and on a very budget).

    P.S. Only I’m from the city myself and couldn’t find this product on sale here, so I ordered it online.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of psoriasis is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

Why does psoriasis develop?

Psoriasis is a non-infectious autoimmune disease that primarily affects the patient's skin. The process may involve internal organs, joints, and connective tissue. The pathogenetic substrates are the following reactions:

  • disruption of the immune system;
  • activation of T-killers and helpers;
  • migration of the above cells into the epidermis;
  • stimulation of the release of inflammatory mediators (mainly histamine) with an inflammatory response;
  • response of the dermis in the form of chaotic division of keratinocytes. They do not have time to ripen and are layered on top of each other;
  • as a result, typical plaques appear.

The severity and speed of the described reactions in psoriasis depends on the characteristics of each organism. The provoking factor plays a role.

Obviously, psoriasis is not cancer, but there are some things in common between the two. In both cases, one of the leading pathogenetic factors is dysfunction of the immune system. In the first case, it produces too many T cells, which attack the epidermis and divide somewhat uncontrollably; the keratinocytes do not have time to fully mature.

Malignant neoplasms develop against the background of insufficient functioning of the body's defenses. In both situations, improper cell division occurs. In psoriasis they retain their structure, but in oncological pathology they do not.

During malignant growth, immature cells begin to reproduce rapidly. They do not differentiate, that is, they do not mature or specialize. At the same time, new vessels develop. The tumor actively takes over all nutrients from the bloodstream.

Cancer can metastasize. It is the distant sites of reproduction of atypical cells that disrupt the functional activity of internal organs, which leads to serious deterioration in health.

Psoriasis remains a much more benign disease. People live with it for years and decades, and if it does not affect joints and internal organs, it does not affect life expectancy. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s orders and carry out therapy on time.

Is it possible to progress to cancer?

Sometimes patients say that people with psoriasis do not get cancer. This opinion arose in the early stages of studying this dermatosis. It has been proven that during its development there is a shift in the acid-base balance of the body to the acidic side.

The following changes occur in the body:

  • acidification of the vascular bed and tissues;
  • because of this, the activity of pathogens and pathologies may decrease;
  • cell division, including atypical ones, is inhibited.

Such metabolic changes have led to speculation about the incompatibility of psoriasis and cancer. However, now they are no longer relevant.

American and British scientists were able to prove that against the background of dermatosis, the risk of developing malignant skin lesions increases. With moderate psoriasis, the risk increases by 4 times, with severe psoriasis - by 11.

The reason for this is the following changes in the body:

  • Dysfunction of the immune system. It cannot provide reliable protection against the activity of atypical cells.
  • Skin damage. It becomes very dry, flaky, and easily damaged.
  • General weakness of the body.

Against the background of such changes, skin cancer can progress.

To stabilize the process and prevent the appearance of malignant neoplasms, you must follow the doctor’s recommendations. If new, incomprehensible symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for differential diagnosis.

Differential diagnosis

Psoriasis is not only a skin disease. In addition to it, there are many other diseases that clinically resemble the corresponding pathology. If any elements appear - nodules, tubercles, blisters, ulcers, growths - you must consult a doctor for diagnosis.

Types of skin cancer:

  • basal cell (basalioma);
  • squamous;
  • melanoma.

The first option is the most favorable. In the US it doesn't even refer to cancer. It is characterized by:

  • slow growth;
  • weak germination into adjacent tissue layers;
  • absence of metastasis;
  • small in size.

Basalioma does not affect the patient’s well-being in any way, except for a decrease in the quality of life due to a visual defect. She responds well to therapy. It looks like a small, smooth growth on the surface of the skin. Upon examination, a network of thin vessels inside is noticeable.

Over time, the tumor may become covered with small ulcers. In the absence of treatment, bacterial damage occurs.

Squamous cell skin cancer. This is a much more dangerous form of the disease. More often affects men. Has the following characteristics:

  • grows quickly;
  • affects nearby layers and tissues;
  • penetrates the lymph nodes;
  • metastasizes;
  • worsens health, causes cancer intoxication.

The squamous cell variant of tumor development is also called mushroom-shaped. It has a characteristic shape on a wide stem. The surface is villous and bleeds easily. Cancerous “pearls” can form inside. These are accumulations of dead tissue coming out.

The tumor spreads quickly and significantly worsens the patient's condition. In the early stages of its development, it is important to distinguish whether it is psoriasis or not. The type of treatment will depend on this.

Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. It is considered a rapidly progressing type of cancer. It looks like a brown spot that increases sharply. Grows into all layers of the skin and lymph nodes.

Tumor metastases quickly appear in other areas of the skin, bones, and internal organs. Only quick and radical treatment can help a person. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor to verify the diagnosis.

Aggressive methods of therapy

Also, the reasons for the increased risk of developing cancer in psoriasis may be:

  • taking immunosuppressants.

In the first case, exposure to ultraviolet rays has several effects, including negative ones, on the human body:

  • Changes in the rate of epidermal cell division. The proliferation of keratinocytes is inhibited. For nevi, moles or birthmarks, such therapy stimulates their growth.
  • Suppression of local immunity. UV radiation inhibits local defense mechanisms and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Aggressive exposure to rays. They have a physical and chemical effect on areas of the skin, which can lead to the development of the corresponding problem.

It has been proven that active solar radiation is a provoking factor for skin cancer. Phototherapy is artificially created solar radiation. Therefore, before using such treatment, you should first consult your doctor.

Taking immunosuppressants negatively affects a person’s health due to inhibition of the function of protective factors and inhibition of the activity of red bone marrow. With psoriasis, the immune system does not work properly. Its complete shutdown is fraught with infection and the development of tumors.

Psoriasis and cancer are related conditions. You can't be immune to any of them. The best method for preventing the occurrence of malignant neoplasms on the skin remains regular examination by a doctor.

Additionally, you should improve your diet, take antioxidants, eliminate stress and fully treat psoriasis. At the slightest suspicion of a malignant disease, you should immediately contact an oncologist.

Many patients wonder: are psoriasis and cancer compatible? Can a dermatological disease transform into oncology? Is it possible to prevent this process? For patients with a history of psoriasis, it is important to be aware of the first symptoms of skin cancer.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease. The complex pathogenetic mechanism of the development of the disease is externally manifested by red or pink spots with peeling.

Disruption of the processes of tissue growth and differentiation is accompanied by deterioration of tissue trophism. People with psoriasis know that it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease.

But not everyone knows whether pathology can develop into a more serious disease.

What do skin cancer and psoriasis have in common?

Both diseases are accompanied by impaired division and maturation of dermal cells. Unlike benign tumors, cancer grows into neighboring tissues and can metastasize. Factors that provoke malignant formations of the epidermis also influence the development of psoriasis. Triggers include:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • radiation;
  • microtraumas.

It is worth emphasizing that hereditary predisposition plays an important role in the development of these diseases. However, one disease cannot transform into another.

Symptoms of cancerous tumors on the skin

Changes in the skin rarely attract the attention of patients. The most common early symptoms of cancer include:

  • the appearance of a blurred edge of a mole;
  • peeling;
  • erosive areas of skin or moles;
  • skin nodules and thickening;
  • a spot raised above the skin with a crust that is easily injured.

In cases where patients are diagnosed with psoriasis, identifying the symptoms of skin cancer is quite difficult. And although people with psoriatic lesions usually pay a lot of attention to the condition of their skin, it is impossible to distinguish habitual plaques from cancerous lumps and growths without examination.

Important! Most often, malignant skin tumors are detected during routine examination, as well as during consultation with a specialist about another somatic disease.

Is it true that psoriasis eliminates the risk of cancer?

Quite often in online communities and forums you can find information that in patients with psoriasis, the risk of developing skin cancer is almost zero.

However, clinical studies refute this information and, on the contrary, indicate a high risk of developing cancer.

Scientific research

Recent studies by foreign specialists have revealed a relationship between cancer and psoriasis. The study involved people with psoriasis. To analyze the results of the study, a life history was collected from each subject.

The group of participants included smoking and non-smoking patients of different ages. Some of them were exposed to sunlight for a long time, while others, on the contrary, avoided ultraviolet irradiation.

All study participants underwent physiotherapy with ultraviolet light. The number of radiation sessions varied from 100 to 245. According to the results, it became known that of all participants, only 4.6% were subsequently diagnosed with skin cancer, which was confirmed by histological analysis. Solar keratosis or skin cancer was diagnosed in 12.6% of patients. In 1.1%, cancer of another localization was noted: cancer of the tongue, testicles, cervix, and intestines.

Important! Patients more often encounter problems with neoplasms precisely because of the use of ultraviolet irradiation therapy against psoriasis. Although prolonged exposure to the sun is as harmful as physiotherapy procedures in a medical center.

How to distinguish cancer from psoriasis?

Psoriasis differs from cancer in that its elements appear on the skin very quickly during an exacerbation. With appropriate treatment, the disease quickly goes into remission. In addition, chronic dermatosis differs from cancer in the following ways:

  1. Psoriatic plaques have a clear outline.
  2. Ulcerations can usually only be present if there is a secondary infection.
  3. The appearance of psoriasis may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature to high levels and general malaise, while oncological pathology of the skin occurs against the background of good health.
  4. Chronic dermatosis is accompanied by disorders of the immune system, which is manifested by frequent respiratory diseases.

Some forms of epidermal cancer are very similar to psoriasis, for example, basilioma. In the first stages, a nodule or group of them, a spot or thickening of pink or flesh color appears on the skin. There may be a thickened ridge along the edges, and peeling is noted. There is often a bloody crust in the center, and there are often erosions on it.

Other types of skin cancer can also be flaky and pink or red, which is why many people with psoriasis don't notice new things.

Important! It is absolutely forbidden to determine the diagnosis and begin treatment on your own! Only examination by a specialist and comprehensive diagnostics can accurately determine the nature of the disease.

Is it possible to prevent cancer in psoriasis?

There is such a thing as skin capital. It means the ability of the skin to reflect the harmful effects of environmental factors.

Unfortunately, under the influence of a number of factors, the capital of the dermis decreases and cannot be restored.

Interesting! Dark-skinned and dark-skinned people have skin capital that is many times higher than that of light-skinned redheads and blondes.

In order to maintain skin condition throughout your life, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, completely eliminate exposure to the sun during lunch hours.
  2. Use sunscreen.
  3. Use moisturizing and caring cosmetics.
  4. Reduce the risk of skin trauma.

In addition, compliance with medical prescriptions can reduce the risk of developing cancer in psoriasis. Competent treatment leads to long-term remission; treatment of exacerbations does not require the use of ultraviolet irradiation and drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids.


Cancer and psoriasis can occur in the same person, but chronic dermatosis does not always lead to cancer. It is also impossible to say that diseases are incompatible. Without proper treatment, patients diagnosed with psoriasis will suffer from frequent and severe relapses, which in turn increases the risk of malignancy.

Many people suffering from psoriatic rashes worry whether psoriasis can develop into cancer and how psoriasis and cancer are related to each other. The opinion of scientists involved in the research of skin diseases is still not unanimous. However, most studies do not support the theory that cancer is common in psoriasis. There may be oncological lesions of the skin during illness, but most often these diseases are not related to each other.

Types of psoriasis

At its core, psoriasis is a chronic disease. For various reasons, patients develop pink or red spots with a keratinized surface and scales. Often, skin formations appear in the form of red, bubbly blisters. Papules or plaques may change their color and shape. And although the main organ that takes the brunt of the disease is the skin, other parts of the body can also be affected. Most often these are nails and joints. The color of the nails changes their natural shade, and the joints affected by the disease begin to become deformed and painful.

There are such forms of psoriasis:

  1. Spot-like. Most often it is located on the scalp, in the lumbar region, on the elbows and knees, in the intimate area.
  2. Seborrheic. Favorite locations are behind the shoulder blades, in the ear area or in the groin. The disease is very difficult to treat.
  3. Teardrop-shaped. The main areas are the head, arms and knees.
  4. Nail.
  5. Erythroderma psoriatic. It has serious consequences and spreads to all parts of the body.
  6. Pustular.
  7. Various forms of psoriasis arthritis.

According to the level of severity, the disease is classified into the following types:

  • A mild form of the disease, the lesion spreads to 3-4% of the skin.
  • Moderate form, when psoriatic plaques affect no more than 10% of the epidermis.
  • More than 10% of the body surface area affected by the disease is considered severe.

Treatment methods for psoriasis directly depend on the type diagnosed, the severity of the disease and should only be recommended by a doctor.

Symptoms of cancerous tumors on the skin

There are several types of skin cancer, in particular:

  1. Melanoma is a rare but most severe form of cancer. If treatment is not started in the early stages, the patient may die within a few months. Malignant formations look like a mole that itches, hurts, bleeds and changes color.
  2. Squamous. Cancer cells of this type of disease are very aggressive and can lead to rapid death. A sign of squamous cell skin cancer is a growing red or white patch that may peel off.
  3. Basal cell. It is considered the most common type of cancer. Does not spread metastases to other organs. It is considered a non-life-threatening form. The appearance of malignant lesions of the basal cell type resembles a small bleeding wound that does not heal for a long time.

Only a qualified doctor can determine whether any skin lesions are oncology or symptoms of severe psoriasis.

What do skin cancer and psoriasis have in common?

A common feature of psoriasis and skin cancer is that both diseases are accompanied by serious disorders of the human immune system and a failure of the process of cell division. Many negative internal and external factors that influence the appearance of psoriasis can also provoke skin cancer. Doctors include these factors:

  • psoriatic plaques can be caused by prolonged aggressive exposure to sunlight;
  • radiation exposure;
  • microtraumas of the epidermis, which under certain conditions cause inflammatory lesions.

Can psoriasis turn into skin cancer?

Many patients with skin problems do not believe that psoriasis and cancer are incompatible.

Cancer with psoriasis does not threaten patients for the reason that psoriatic lesions do not relate to pathologies associated with the growth of tumors. Without certain circumstances, the problem does not tend to develop into oncology. These are two different diseases, but nevertheless, they can arise in the body of one person and develop independently of each other.

However, doctors are hesitant to definitively guarantee that psoriasis cannot develop into cancer. Some of the treatments cause the growth of malignant cells. Fortunately, such cases are extremely rare, and they are provoked by the unstable immunity of patients after treatment. This is why there is no cancer with psoriasis.

Despite ongoing research, the amount of evidence for such incompatibility has not yet reached a qualitative level. But some relationship between diseases still exists. It has been proven that improperly selected medications and various physical procedures provoke skin cancer. They harm the human immune system and can subsequently cause cancer. For example, lymphoma can appear as a result of a person’s weakened immune system, when the body does not have the strength to resist the growth of malignant cells.

Phototherapy and its effect on the body

The method is based on the effect of ultraviolet rays on the body. According to some information, this method of treatment was used in Ancient Greece. Nowadays, ultraviolet lamps are used in medicine for the treatment of psoriatic plaques, the exposure of which is strictly limited for the safety of patients. However, it is the phototherapy technique that is the factor that can provoke skin cancer.

The risk of a tumor increases if the patient is diagnosed with a severe form of psoriasis, because healthy areas of the body are also affected.

This rather unsafe procedure is carried out only after carefully weighing all the pros and cons. The doctor takes into account whether the patient has diagnosed cancer, conducts a number of laboratory tests, and collects complete information about the occurrence and course of the pathology.

Phototherapy cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • when there are already oncological problems;
  • a patient with skin problems is diagnosed with chronic renal failure;
  • there are problems with cardiovascular activity;
  • the doctor discovered atherosclerosis or connective tissue disease in the patient;
  • the patient suffers from tuberculosis;
  • The patient experiences increased bleeding.

A doctor treating psoriatic rashes must carefully study the patient’s entire previous test base. It will help indicate whether the patient has or does not have an increased risk of developing cancer.

Is it possible to prevent cancer in psoriasis?

In isolated cases, psoriatic skin lesions can cause cancer. The following reasons contribute to this situation:

  1. Medicines used in therapy. Some creams, ointments and tablets significantly increase the likelihood of tumor formation. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study information about all pharmacological agents that are used for treatment.
  2. In many cases, phototherapy also increases the risk.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to sunny places; in the hot summer, be sure to use sunscreens, moisturizing cosmetics, and try to avoid injury to the skin.

Psoriasis is a serious autoimmune disease that requires immediate treatment. Any suspicious skin rash is a good reason to consult a dermatologist. In order not to have to eliminate serious consequences, treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist and take place under his constant supervision.

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