Diana Shurygina in a psychiatric hospital why. Mother took Diana Shurygina to the hospital

Rape victim turned TV star faces long treatment

Today it became known that Diana Shurygina is from Ulyanovsk at the insistence of her mother. According to media reports, the girl has now been examined by a neurologist and a psychiatrist, and they plan to prescribe her treatment for a period of two months. Shurygina’s mother began to sound the alarm due to her daughter’s unstable mental state; doctors confirmed that the girl had some kind of disorder, without specifying the diagnosis.

17-year-old Diana Shurygina became a star after participating in the popular Channel One talk show, which discussed the story of the rape of a girl that happened a year ago. Then 21-year-old Sergei Semenov beat and raped Diana at a party in a private house. The court sentenced the rapist to 8 years and 3 months in a maximum security colony. But then, after an appeal, the sentence was reduced to 3 years and 3 months in a general regime colony. However, after the verdict, Semyonov’s relatives and friends, trying to save the guy from prison, brought the story to the television court. After the program aired, Diana Shurygina became a victim of severe bullying and hatred. The girl was accused of being drunk and agreeing to have sex with Semyonov. They constantly wrote nasty things to Diana on social networks, they even threatened to pour sulfuric acid on her. The Shurygin family had to change their place of residence several times due to attacks and threats from hooligans.

However, Diana agreed to film in several more Channel One talk shows, after which she finally “woke up famous”, began advertising clothes, and planned to run her own channel on YouTube. Even before the news that Shurygina was admitted to a psychiatric clinic, experts said that the hype around the girl could seriously affect her mental health. We tried to find out what disease the doctors found in Diana, what caused the mental disorder - rape or bullying of the girl by society - from psychiatrist Elena Loseva, who specializes in childhood and adolescent diseases.

“Of course, I don’t know Diana’s exact diagnosis, but I can assume that the girl has a severe form of depression, and also, most likely, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is possible that Diana’s mother could even notice some suicidal reactions in her daughter’s behavior, which is why she decided to admit her daughter to a psychiatric clinic for examination. In our country, such hospitals are treated with extreme caution; if the mother agreed to this, it means, in her opinion, that her daughter was in serious, possibly mortal danger. Rape for any woman, and especially for a young girl, is a huge mental trauma. Not everyone can cope with stress after it without the help of specialists. For many, a year after the incident the condition becomes even worse than immediately after it; this is PTSD.

In addition, in just one year, Diana faced not only abuse of herself, but also sudden fame, and then persecution from society, threats against herself and her family. Most likely, recently the degree of Diana’s popularity began to noticeably decline, the girl began to be alone with herself more, and this was the final blow to her shattered psyche. I think that now the girl’s condition is already very advanced, so her treatment may take a long time; after leaving the clinic, she will have to take medications and go to see doctors. In this situation, excessive public attention to her fate is extremely contraindicated; Diana must be left alone. Depression is a very serious illness, it is not easy to cure, and besides, relapses occur very often with this disease.”

Child psychologist Irina Shcheglova said that Diana is in such a mental state that she no longer understands the instability of her situation. That is why the girl’s mother insisted on hospitalization.

« In itself, rape, threats, attacks on parents - all this could lead to severe mental disorders. And subsequent events worsened the condition. In principle, the whole situation is quite difficult. In acute form, it is worth starting with drug treatment, supporting the body, and restoring sleep. In parallel or after, it is worth undergoing counseling with a psychologist, similar to post-traumatic treatment. It’s better to change your place of residence for a while or, at a minimum, stop communicating with people who provoke pain, both in real life and on social networks. In this situation, increased attention from the press and public could have caused even greater trauma to the fragile psyche. And popularity always has two sides: love and hate. In the story with this girl, few people remained indifferent; the attention to her person was truly overwhelming. Of course, this could provoke instability of the mental state at the moment. Mental disorder can also be triggered by much less extreme events than rape, if a person is not prepared for them, and the reaction of others, which does not coincide with the person’s expectations for this event, aggravates the disorder. It seems to a person that not only did something out of the ordinary happen, but that the world has generally gone crazy.”

Now two months of imprisonment await her, writes Dmitry Grib in his LiveJournal. - My first reaction to this news was “Justice has triumphed,” but then I realized that everything is not so simple in this soap opera.

I wondered when the network diva's money would run out. Or when greed takes over. The first bell was simply amazing news: Diana Shurygina’s DJ set costs almost 700 thousand rubles. This news was wonderful for absolutely everyone, but especially because I discovered that an ordinary TV TP had become a DJ. Very quickly, without registration and SMS, of course.

At first I thought, damn, it’s probably all just like that. But then the whole puzzle came together when I realized that new news about Diana appeared exactly when there had been none for a long time. What does this mean - this is all a continuation of PR. Well, yes, they don’t call me on TV anymore, but there was a lot of money there. Now the girl was engaged in online consultation on how to achieve success. Well, you understand what she was saying and why.

I kept wondering when the thirst for profit would leave the bodies of Diana and her mother, but it seems that we will never wait for this to happen. And the story with the psychiatric hospital, of course, is also part of PR. In general, learn to do business in Russian. Dirty, wretched and inhumane. But, unfortunately, it is legal. Just wretchedness. That's all I wanted to say.

Raped Diana Shurygina turned to doctors for help. Her own mother referred the girl to the clinic on suspicion of a mental disorder. According to Shurygina’s mother, the girl’s mental state has been extremely unstable recently. Diana Shurygina is currently undergoing a full medical examination.

The girl has already been examined by a neurologist and a psychiatrist, writes Life.ru. According to preliminary information, the girl has already been prescribed a course of treatment for two months. Netizens reacted violently to information about Shurygina’s mental disorder and also advised specialists to pay attention to many deviations in the behavior of the young girl. Thus, users noted Shurygina’s uncontrollable outbursts of anger, hyperactivity, sudden mood swings, signs of nymphomania and attention deficit disorder.

As the site learned, footage of Diana Shurygina in one of the medical clinics in Ulyanovsk appeared online. You can see how a girl with a whole package of medicines is at the entrance of a medical institution.

Previously, the site wrote about how Diana Shurygina talked about her first sex on video. The girl published a new video on her official YouTube channel, in which she answered fans’ questions about Shurygina’s life. A 17-year-old girl gained scandalous fame after reporting rape to the police. As a result, 21-year-old Sergei Semenov was sentenced to 8 years in prison, later reducing the sentence to 3 years and 3 months, and Diana Shurygina became a participant in many television shows, blogger videos and articles in the media.

Having become famous throughout the country thanks to such a dubious event as rape, a native of Ulyanovsk, Diana Shurygina, was taken to one of the clinics with a suspected mental disorder. The girl is currently undergoing a full examination to determine the course of treatment.


According to Life.ru, Diana Shurygina’s mother Natalya insisted on contacting doctors. According to her, the girl has an extremely unstable mental state, which greatly worries the woman. Diana has already been examined by a neurologist and psychiatrist. According to preliminary data, Shurygina will be prescribed treatment for two months.

As Internet users suggest, Diana is no longer able to withstand public pressure due to the dubious fame that has fallen on her, which came to her thanks to five episodes of Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to rape, and then to the phenomenon of Diana Shurygina’s popularity.

The 17-year-old girl is trying to make the most of her success. For example, she became a video blogger. In the next video, which is posted on her YouTube channel, Diana answered questions from fans under the hashtag #first time. In a short video, Shurygina talks about her first job, her first tattoo, her first girlfriend, her first love and her first sexual experience.

By the way, she never answered the question that most worried Diana’s subscribers. “I know that you are interested in knowing how it was for me the first time, but I won’t tell you about it. It’s too personal. Girls, the first time is very responsible, so take it seriously,” advised experience Diana.

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A girl from Ulyanovsk, Diana Shurygina, turned to doctors for help. She was taken to one of the clinics with suspected mental disorder

Raped Diana Shurygina turned to doctors for help. Her own mother referred the girl to the clinic on suspicion of a mental disorder. According to Shurygina’s mother, the girl’s mental state has been extremely unstable recently. Diana Shurygina is currently undergoing a full medical examination.

She has been living in one of the Orthodox monasteries in her native Ulyanovsk region for a week now, where she was noticed by pilgrims, informs poluostrov-news.com. We are talking about the Novo-Kharitsky monastery in the Baryshsky district, a hundred kilometers from Ulyanovsk, reports.

Endless filming on talk shows and bullying on social networks took their toll. The teenager's unbalanced psyche was on the brink. The parents understood that their daughter needed to communicate with a specialist. And, as the girl’s father Alexey Shurygin said in correspondence, work is underway.

Netizens reacted violently to information about Shurygina’s mental disorder and also advised specialists to pay attention to many deviations in the behavior of the young girl. Thus, users noted Shurygina’s uncontrollable outbursts of anger, hyperactivity, sudden mood swings, signs of nymphomania and attention deficit disorder.

Let us remind you that 17-year-old Diana Shurygina became famous throughout the country after participating in the “Let Them Talk” program. On a TV show, a resident of Ulyanovsk stated that last year, during a party, she was raped by 21-year-old Sergei Semenov. The court found the young man guilty and sentenced him to eight years. Later the term was reduced to three years.

Most Russians did not believe that Semenov was guilty and criticized the girl. According to viewers, Diana behaves too relaxed for a rape victim. Now professionals in the field of psychiatry will understand this issue.

As media reported earlier, Diana’s mother turned to doctors for help. The parent of the scandalous star of the show “Let Them Talk” is concerned about the unstable mental state of her child. According to the latest information, Shurygina has already been examined by a neuropathologist and a psychiatrist, reports this. Treatment may take two months.

Well-known video blogger Dmitry Ivanov (aka “Kamikaze Di”) said that, together with other bloggers, he filed a complaint with Roskomnadzor about Channel One and, in particular, about the talk show “Let Them Talk.” The reason was a violation of the media law in issues about the Ulyanovsk “celebrity” Diana Shurygina.

As previously reported, Diana Shurygina accused her 21-year-old friend of rape after sex at a party. The court found him guilty and sentenced him to 8 years in prison, but later the term was reduced to 3 years and 3 months in a general regime colony. He himself insisted that he did not use violence. This case received wide resonance, and the girl took part in a whole series of “Let Them Talk” programs, and then tried to monetize her notoriety in media projects.

“She has a mental disorder. The question arises: did she have it in disguise since childhood or did it arise under the influence of the situation? There are people who spend their entire lives being seriously mentally ill, and none of those around them know this. They live an ordinary life. More often, of course, a little strange, but nothing more than that. They work, often successfully. “We have many prominent scientists suffering from schizophrenia,” said Vinogradov.

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