Dironet for dogs instructions tablets dosage. Dironet for cats: an effective drug against parasites. Dironet tablets - instructions for use

The product is produced in the form of tablets, drops on the withers and suspensions (the release form is chosen in accordance with the age of the puppy and its individual characteristics).

Indications for use

Pharmaceutical action

Mode of application

It is important to strictly adhere to the required dosages when using Dironet for dogs. The instructions recommend giving your pet one dose of the described medication once before morning feeding. If it is not possible to feed the drug to the animal in this way, the drug should be forcibly administered using a specialized dispenser. The dosage should be determined based on the following calculation: one tablet of medication for every ten kilograms of the pet’s weight.

There is no need to give your dog laxatives or follow a special diet before using this medication.

As a preventative measure, it is recommended to take Dironet every three months.

To treat microfilariaemia, the dog should take the drug once every thirty days.

In the event that the region of residence is unfavorable in terms of the incidence of dirovillariasis in animals, it is necessary to use the following regimen for the use of the drug "Dironet" for dogs (instructions): suspension or tablets should be taken once in March or April, monthly during the period from April and until October and the last time a year - once in November.

Side effects

If the drug is used in full accordance with the instructions, the occurrence of any side effects is practically excluded.

However, sometimes some undesirable side reactions occur, such as allergies, which can be caused by the animal's individual intolerance to certain components of the Dironet product for dogs. The instructions (the tablets should be stopped) informs that alternative treatment options should be agreed with a specialist.

Features of application and analogues

It is important to strictly observe hygiene and safety measures for handling chemicals when using Dironet for dogs. Instructions for use and dosage must also be followed properly.

It is important to note that this drug has no analogues on the market.

Maximum concentration the active substance is achieved just two to four hours after taking the medicine orally. It persists for about 12 hours; after a day, almost all of the drug is eliminated from the body. For the most part, excretion occurs in the feces, but some of the drug is excreted in the urine through the kidneys and bile.

But still There is nothing more universal than tablets. Each pill contains 150/50 and 60 mg, respectively. pyrantel, praziquantel and ivermectin. The drug is colored yellow or grayish-yellow, each tablet is divided exactly in the middle by a deep line. Please note that on the reverse side there must be a logo in the form of a shield with a cross. The pills are packaged in blisters made of aluminum foil and food-grade plastic, and are packaged in cardboard boxes, which indicate the name of the medicine, expiration date, and information about the manufacturer.

Directions for use and dosage

First, let's look at how to use it correctly. There is nothing complicated about this - one pill for every 10 kg. live weight of the dog. Thus, only one tablet is used to treat the average dog. The manufacturer recommends carrying out preventive maintenance (in the autumn-summer period) monthly. Preliminary fasting and prescribing laxatives are not required.

How are the drops used? Let us immediately note that they can only be applied to clean, dry and undamaged (!) skin! Do not use the medicine under any circumstances if there are abrasions, scratches or bruises on your pet’s skin. Under no circumstances should the product be rubbed into the skin! If all these conditions are not met, an overdose is possible.

Description Dironet for dogs, pack. 6 tablets:

Dironet, instructions for use of which are included with each package, has a fast period of action. The maximum effective therapeutic concentration occurs in the pet’s blood 2-4 hours after administration.

Experts recommend prescribing Dironet for dogs in case of diagnosed nematodes, as well as cestodes. The optimal dosage is considered to be 1 tablet for every 10 kg of dog weight. The drug should be given in the morning at the time of feeding with a small amount of usual food. Place the tablet on the root of the tongue.

No contraindications or side effects have been established in clinical studies. In case of individual intolerance, you should stop using the drug.

ATTENTION! The given description of the drug is not an instruction.


Complex anthelmintic drug for dogs


The widest spectrum of anthelmintic action.
High efficiency.
Convenient dosage for animals of different body weights.
An aromatic flavoring additive in the preparation: the taste of fresh meat for dogs and salmon for cats.

Prevention of dirofilariasis, as well as treatment and prevention of nematodes and cestodiases in dogs and cats.

Do not use the drug together with piperazine derivatives, as well as pregnant and lactating animals, puppies and kittens under three weeks of age. For collie, sheltie and bobtail dogs, use the drug under the supervision of a doctor.

For nematodes and cestodes of the gastrointestinal tract: once, individually in the morning feeding, at a dose of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight or 1 ml of suspension per 1 kg of animal weight. When deworming animals weighing less than 0.5 kg, immediately before use, add 0.3 ml of boiled water to the measured dose of the suspension, shake thoroughly and give to the animal orally. A preliminary fasting diet and the use of laxatives are not required. For preventive purposes, dogs and cats are dewormed quarterly at the above dose, as well as before each vaccination.
To stop microfilariaemia in infected animals, the drug is prescribed in a therapeutic dose, once a month. In order to prevent dirofilariasis in dogs, Dironet is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: once before the start of mosquito flight (March-April), then monthly throughout the entire period from April to October, and the last time in the season - 1 month after end of mosquito flight (October-November).

When using the drug according to the instructions, no side effects or complications are observed.

“Dironet tablets” and “Dironet suspension” are stored in the manufacturer’s sealed packaging, protected from light and moisture, separate from food and feed, at a temperature of 0°C to 25°C, inaccessible to children and animals.

"Dironet" tablets - blisters of 6 tablets. Outer packaging: cardboard box.


  • The widest spectrum of anthelmintic action.
  • High efficiency.
  • Convenient dosage for animals of different body weights.
  • An aromatic flavoring additive in the preparation: the taste of fresh meat for dogs and salmon for cats.

Composition and pharmacological properties.

Dironet® 500 tablets for dogs of medium breeds as active ingredients in 1 tablet contain pyrantel pamoate - 150 mg, praziquantel - 50 mg and ivermectin - 0.06 mg, as well as excipients. Dironet tablets are intended for dogs.

The mechanism of action of praziquantel is based on disruption of glucose transport and microtubular function in cestodes, inhibition of fumarate reductase activity and ATP synthesis, increased permeability of cell membranes and disruption of muscle innervation.

Indications for use.

Prevention of dirofilariasis, as well as treatment and prevention of nematodes and cestodiases in dogs and cats.


Do not use the drug together with piperazine derivatives, as well as pregnant and lactating animals, puppies and kittens under three weeks of age. For collie, sheltie and bobtail dogs, use the drug under the supervision of a doctor.

Doses and order of application.

For nematodes and cestodes of the gastrointestinal tract: once, individually in the morning feeding, at a dose of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight or 1 ml of suspension per 1 kg of animal weight. When deworming animals weighing less than 0.5 kg, immediately before use, add 0.3 ml of boiled water to the measured dose of the suspension, shake thoroughly and give to the animal orally. A preliminary fasting diet and the use of laxatives are not required. For preventive purposes, dogs and cats are dewormed quarterly at the above dose, as well as before each vaccination.

To stop microfilariaemia in infected animals, the drug is prescribed in a therapeutic dose, once a month. In order to prevent dirofilariasis in dogs, Dironet is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: once before the start of mosquito flight (March-April), then monthly throughout the entire period from April to October, and the last time in the season - 1 month after end of mosquito flight (October-November).

Side effects.

When using the drug according to the instructions, no side effects or complications are observed.


Dironet® 500 and stored in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, protected from light and moisture, separate from food and feed, at a temperature of 0°C to 25°C, inaccessible to children and animals.

Release form.

Dironet® 500 tablets for medium breed dogs – blisters of 6 tablets. Outer packaging: cardboard box.

> Dironet Spot-on (drops)

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!
Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

For whom: for cats and dogs.

Leave form: This medicine is a light yellow solution with a slight specific odor. It is packaged in 1 ml portions in special dropper pipettes, which are then packaged in 3 pieces in cardboard boxes.

Dosage: The drops must be applied to dry, undamaged animal skin (after parting the fur). It is recommended to treat pets in places inaccessible to licking. For large dogs, the drug should be distributed in several areas of the skin. After treatment, the animal cannot be washed for 4 days.

The minimum therapeutic dosage of the drug for kittens and puppies is 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight, and for adult animals - 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight. In order to destroy lice, lice and fleas, pets are treated once, and to prevent such infestations, the drug is used monthly throughout the entire season of insect activity. To cure ear scabies, the medicine is also used once, repeating the treatment after a month if necessary. For the treatment of demodicosis, sarcoptic mange, and notohedrosis, the drug is used 2-4 times. The interval between treatments of the animal in this case is 10-14 days. For intestinal invasions, Dironet Spot-on is used for therapeutic purposes once, and for prophylactic purposes - quarterly.

Reviews about “Dironet Spot-on (drops) for cats and dogs”:

I can’t remember these days, they are the most terrible days of my life ((((I asked for a flea collar, but they recommended this damn Dironet to me, and didn’t say that the kitten should not lick((I dripped, then he didn’t eat, not enough drank, in general became very weak, then we went to the vet, they gave us I don’t know some kind of crap, this made it worse, two days later the kitten was taken to the vet again) late in the evening))))) the kitten ate absolutely nothing and became completely weak

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Dironet drops are a good remedy. It is impossible to give a pill to my cat: he spits it out, fights, etc. Drops save the withers! One pipette is effective for approximately 3 months.

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Doesn't help at all. Money down the drain. Leopard is much better from fleas and ticks... Boska is suffering.
And they made it universal, or rather they tried. It didn’t work out!
And the positive reviews are clearly custom-made. Both the style and manner are the same. Written by one person..

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Terrible. The cat had an itch that was not slowly washed off. They stink of acetone.

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My cat accidentally licked the dironet. The treatment was carried out in the evening, there is no way to contact the veterinarian. What should I do? What is its toxicity?

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And now the story itself: literally that year we first encountered the problem of worms. They took the cat from friends (they went to another city and asked to take Musya from them, since they felt sorry for giving her to a shelter or throwing her out onto the street). I fell in love with Muska back then when I first saw her at their house and therefore there was no problem taking her to my place, especially since I live alone. But she didn’t take into account the fact that she needed to take preventive measures against worms, etc. And my friends didn’t focus on this. Therefore, when I first saw a disgusting trace of worms on the table after the cat, I felt sick, to put it mildly.

First of all, she took Musya in her arms and took her to the veterinary clinic, where she was tested and prescribed Dironet Spot-on potassium. They began to do everything according to the instructions, I liked that it was convenient to apply + at the same time, the drug protects it from fleas and lice. The very next day, worms began to come out in the form of mucus. A week later we took the test again and, thank God, no more helminths were found. Now I’m taking drops for prevention and I’m confident in this drug

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If I understood correctly from the description, these drops do not act on iscod ticks (carrying piroplasmosis)..

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We have a cat, the Canadian Sphynx breed, in 10 days vaccinations and vaccinations are coming up, first we bought a suspension for worms, but at that very second she starts slurping and her whole mouth fills with foam, they advised Dironet spot-on, they dripped it, the cat gets it in one place, licks it off and then drools again, foam - is this normal?
Thank you in advance

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We use Dironet for both dogs and cats. We prevent both of them (dogs more often, once or twice a quarter, cats less often, once every six months, but he stays at home). They are happy with the drug, because it once removed worms from dogs (we used drops on the withers), and now it maintains their health. I confidently recommend him to my friends.
True, they correctly write that it is better to do everything under the supervision of a veterinarian, because you never know what else happens to the animal, and it would be better to know about it.

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Dironet spot-on became a real salvation for our cat. Our Barsik has never taken pills, and every time I try to pour something into his mouth, he scratches intensely and does not give in, so giving us anthelmintic drugs always causes a lot of problems. Dironet acts immediately on fleas, ticks and worms. At the same time, it is inexpensive and really helps. There are no difficulties with processing this product - you just need to drip Dironet onto the withers and it immediately begins to act. A very good and effective product.

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Dironet Spot-on is so effective that it has never been used for medicinal purposes. By the way, the drops also help dogs. They have their own packaging.

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