Pet parrots are a page in life for us, how to care for them. How to properly care for budgies

In this section, you will find answers to all questions regarding the care of parrots: choosing a cage, the correct diet of the bird, bathing, how to build a nest and house for parrots, safe living with other pets and the needs of a parrot, according to its species. To prevent keeping a parrot at home from becoming burdensome, it is better to study the maximum amount of information about the type of bird and its care before purchasing.

A suitable cage size, access to sunlight, good nutrition, daily walks with games and your attention will provide the bird with a decent life with the opportunity to show all its talents and become your true friend. By initially accustoming your parrot to the correct regular rituals: cleaning/feeding, etc., you will ensure that the bird reacts adequately to what is happening in your home, which will undoubtedly affect the parrot’s balance and strengthen its trust in you.

How to care for a parrot if you are not its first owner, if the bird is wild, sick, in adulthood, or if it is a chick before its first molt? An endless number of questions arise, since cases are always unique, no matter how trivial the appearance of a parrot in your home may seem. The fact is that living conditions and attitude towards the bird affect its character and perception of the world around it. In this case, parrots, like people, have many-sided characters, so caring for parrots at home requires enormous patience from you and a willingness to study in detail the character of the bird, its psychological and physical health.

Regardless of the type of parrot, there are clear requirements for compliance with all rules for keeping birds. Experiments with nutrition and living conditions for birds are extremely dangerous; you should not draw parallels with your lifestyle. What is acceptable to you may not always be acceptable to the bird. And also the concept that if a bird likes it, it means it’s good/useful/correct—it’s absolutely not true!

Caring for parrots implies great responsibility; when purchasing a bird, it is important to realize that now its life is in your hands and its well-being and longevity will depend only on you.

This article, first of all, will be useful to those who are just thinking about purchasing a parrot. Our goal is not to dissuade you from purchasing, although that may seem exactly what you think. We will not embellish the “life of birds” and our proximity to it. The purpose of this hundred...

Like any pet, parrots require care and certain costs. You will spend much more money on expensive species of these birds, since they are most often allocated a separate room, a large cage/aviary and an assortment of exotic fruits, maybe ...

Perches for parrots are a mandatory attribute of any bird cage or aviary. Perches can come in all shapes and sizes, depending on the type of parrot and the size of the room. If you can install a piece of wood or a piece on the walking area...

Feeders and drinkers for parrots are mandatory and necessary elements in a bird’s cage. To decide which of the attributes will be relevant and most convenient for your parrot, you need to know the tendency of your bird species to roll over, chew...

Caring for a budgie begins long before its appearance. You should bring the bird into the house after purchasing everything necessary to make your friend feel as cozy and comfortable as possible in his new family. If you take into account all the requirements for...

Our feathered favorites are very mischievous and playful. Their curiosity sometimes borders on self-destruction. There are often cases when a curious budgie gets stuck somewhere, eats the wrong thing, or goes in the wrong place. In order to protect your parrot from troubles, ...

The fluff and feathers on the bottom and around the cage indicate that your parrot is shedding. This is a natural process of renewing a bird's plumage. For parrots, molting is an excellent way to maintain a bright and colorful appearance, which, of course, when ...

When a person wants to have a pet, he simply goes to the market and chooses the one he likes. But before you make such a purchase, you should decide in advance on the animal or bird. We need to collect as much information as possible about him. If you have to choose a parrot, then you should find out everything about its contents. After all, once the bird is home, it won’t be so easy to give up on it. Therefore, you need to find out in advance how to care for a parrot. The life and health of the bird will depend on the owner.

First stay in a new place

The question “How to care for a parrot?” quite popular in our country. A lot of people have them in their home. After all, proper care for a parrot is the key to a long and healthy life for the bird.

The main components of keeping a pet are certain items. For example, perches and a feeding trough, a bathing area and a drinking bowl. It is also important to know the diet of parrots.

When a purchased bird is brought into its home, it should not be placed with other birds. She needs to be alone for a few weeks (two or three). It is worth maintaining a close relationship with your parrot at all times. Have nice conversations in a pleasant voice. So that the bird gets used to its new owner and sees him as its patron. If you know how to properly care for a parrot, your beloved pet will always be happy.

Choosing a place to live

The main detail in keeping birds at home is the presence of a cage. It is sold in pet stores or markets. The cage in the room should be placed in a place where there is a lot of daylight, but there is no direct sunlight (this is very harmful for parrots). It is also impossible for it to be in drafts. Before caring for your parrot, you should buy and install the cage correctly. His house should be at eye level. This approach will help bring the pet and owner closer together. Also, heating devices should not be installed near the cage.

At first, parrots may have indigestion or poor appetite. There is no need to worry about this. This behavior is associated with a change of environment and getting used to it. Also, at first there is no need to create conditions that will act as an irritant. For example, you should not listen to loud music, let other pets get close to the bird, or intrusively try to pet it. You need to wait a little while the adaptation period passes. It is not only important to know how to care for a parrot, but also to communicate with it correctly. The voice should be gentle and quiet, you can call by name. Especially when cleaning the cage or changing the water.

Symptoms of diseases

In the first days of your budgie's stay in a new place, you do not need to immediately start raising it. First you need to establish close contact with the bird. It should take a little time. Also, for several weeks after purchasing a parrot, you need to carefully monitor its general behavior. Some actions may indicate that the bird is sick and needs specialist help. Then caring for the parrot will require more careful care.

So, what behavior can tell an owner that his pet is unwell? Firstly, if he doesn't eat well. Secondly, he drinks fluids very often. Thirdly, he moves little around the cage, mostly sits in one corner. Fourth, he looks sleepy. Fifthly, it is in a sitting position with its wings lowered and ruffled.

If such symptoms are noticeable, it is better to consult a veterinarian for advice. After all, its future life will depend on how to care for a parrot. Animals and birds are not things; they cannot simply be thrown away the first time you don’t want to keep or care for them.

Cleaning the cage

Cleaning a parrot's home is an essential part of caring for them. Some things need to be done every day, while others need to be done once every thirty and ninety days. Now in this article, existing cleaning options will be discussed.

Every day it is worth removing litter and food debris. They can be on the floor of the cage, under the bedding, on the sides. The tray must be pulled out and wet cleaning done under it. It is better to replace the litter daily. It is important to wash the drinking bowl and feeder well, using soda or detergent. Then the dishes need to be wiped with a dry cloth.

Once a month, after regular cleaning, the parrot's house is disinfected. You need to soak a sponge in an infusion of chamomile or wormwood and wash the cage well. Then wipe it dry.

Once every three months, you must first wash the bird’s home, then wipe it with a soda solution (3 teaspoons of soda per 1 liter of water), and then with chamomile (wormwood) infusion. After all procedures, wipe with a soft cloth. Caring for budgies is not very difficult. The main thing is to know what actions need to be performed. Then healthy and happy birds will live in the house.

Food for budgies

The diet of budgerigars does not contain refined wheat cereal, but millet. There are also oats in the grain mixture. These two grains complement each other. Thanks to them, budgies receive useful amino acids. In addition, birds can be given sunflower seeds in small quantities. Also green types of herbs: dandelion and clover, spinach and alfalfa, lettuce and sprouts of young plants. Some other budgies eat fruits and berries. They are useful, but not all birds want to eat them. In addition to all these ingredients, you need to place a container with river sand and crushed eggshells in the cage.

Precautionary measures

Caring for a boy budgie is no different from caring for a female bird. All birds require attention and special conditions for living at home.

Drinking for budgerigars should be fresh every day. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water. It will add beneficial substances to the bird’s body. Also important for budgies is the ability to fly. All sources of fresh air in the room should first be closed. Otherwise, the birds feel it and fly towards it. It is better to curtain all windows and the balcony so that the parrot does not break against the glass. You can place a tree branch in the cage, on which the bird will sharpen its beak. The suitable temperature for staying is about 20 degrees Celsius.

Cockatiel care

If a person takes a cockatiel parrot into his care, then he must understand that these birds require special attention. Birds are very proud, it is more difficult to establish close contact with them. You need to communicate with cockatiel parrots very affectionately, without raising your voice.

Birds love to bathe, so having a bath in the cage is necessary. Spraying can be used. Caring for a cockatiel parrot involves proper food, free flight and regular cleaning of their home. It is recommended that birds have their wings trimmed (the procedure must be carried out by a specialist).

Corella parrots need to be fed with a grain mixture, dandelion and plantain leaves, birch and willow branches, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, and bread.

Caring for lovebirds

Different types of birds differ slightly in maintenance and care. Lovebirds have a very cheerful character. They are responsive and freedom-loving. Birds love to fly, so in a cage the birds only eat, drink water and sleep. Caring for lovebirds involves feeding them properly, choosing a strong iron cage and creating room for flight. Birds often suffer from obesity due to lack of exercise.

The cage must be constantly cleaned, this must be done in the same way as in the homes of other parrots. The water for bathing should be warm; you should not be forced to undergo bathing procedures. Food for lovebirds is no different from food for budgies.

If you have information about the proper care of birds, then communicating with them will be a pleasure for a person!

Parrots enliven our home, filling it with melodic and joyful sounds. According to Darwin, by their presence, birds improve a person’s mood and well-being and provide emotional pleasure. Budgerigars are less demanding in terms of care and feeding conditions than their large counterparts (greys, cockatoos).

An undoubted advantage is the absence of smell in the apartment from a pet, which cannot be said about a dog or cat. Birds live a long time (15-20 years) and rarely get sick, have a tenacious mind and a strong personality. How to care for a parrot: tips for caring for a new family member and interesting everyday activities.

The diversity and colorfulness of its plumage allows the budgerigar to be included in the list of the most beautiful parrots, and there are more than 300 species. In nature, the wild parrot is grassy green - for high-quality camouflage from numerous enemies. The domestication of parrots has led to the successful breeding of birds of various colors. Bright yellow, all shades of blue, rich green, ash-gray, soft pink - all this beauty against the backdrop of transverse wavy lines.

Joke: The sparrow found herself in a parrot's cage. “No, I can’t do that,” said the parrot. – Give her light makeup!

In a new house

We will guide you on how to care for a parrot in the first days of adaptation to a new home, after purchasing or moving. Bring a shipping box (often transported in cans or cut plastic bottles) into a pre-prepared and equipped cage, with food and fresh water. Open the door and wait, let the parrot cross on its own.

Attention! You cannot reach the fragile bird with your hand; you can seriously injure it.

The first few days the parrot will get used to the new environment. Provide him with decent living conditions, safety, and silence. There is no need to vigorously show interest and rush to him to teach him to talk, as you will scare the already frightened bird. Care for your budgie with tender compassion and a desire to help. Any move is a stressful situation for him; he may not eat, feel sad about his former many feathered friends, and sit in a corner, ruffled. The adaptation period largely depends on the owner, his observation and desire.

During daily cleaning and feeding procedures, talk to your parrot calmly and affectionately. Usually in the evening, when the family members calm down, the wavy begins to slowly look around, explore its home and toys. You should not suddenly turn on the light, come close and closely monitor it. Let the calmed bird be alone at such moments, make it easier for her to get used to your orders and routine. Soon, the accustomed parrot will make contact and amuse you with its cheerful chirping.

To create and maintain eternal spring in your home, read the following sections of the ABC of owning a budgie.

Instructions - how to care for a parrot

  1. Choosing a cage for parrots must be done with all responsibility and knowledge of the matter. It should be spacious enough, and the shape (semicircular, rectangular, square) does not matter. It must have a door with a secure latch so that the parrot cannot open it on its own and fly away. Avoid guillotine doors. The tray should slide out and slide in easily – it will make everyday cleaning easier. A drinking bowl without sharp edges, preferably made of porcelain or plexiglass. Because plastic drinkers contain dyes and technological additives that get into the drinking water and poison your parrot.
  2. Place the cage in a bright room, close to a window but not on a windowsill (due to drafts), approximately at eye level. It simplifies caring for him at home and the superiority of the owner, in the eyes of the daddy, is undeniable. Place the parrot's apartment away from the TV, speakers, and computer to avoid the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
  3. Add toys to the house - swings, ladders, mirrors (big fans really think that the reflection in the mirror is a specific parrot), bells.
  4. We recommend attaching mineral pebbles, chalk, sepia (part of the cuttlefish skeleton) between the rods - sources of calcium and trace elements necessary for the formation of a strong skeleton and bones, and also help sharpen the beak.
  5. Provide regular water treatments for your daddy - especially in the summer, every day, because the body temperature ranges from 40°C to 43°C.
  6. Take care of the mischievous man's nails - the cage should have wooden perches (thicker than a pencil), not plastic ones, then they will wear off on their own. If the overgrown claws are very long, trim them with pliers, after looking at the light where the blood vessels end
  7. Let him out for a walk and play with him - an excellent companion in noisy games, and sometimes an interlocutor.
  8. Clean the cage regularly - fallen feathers can harbor fleas.
  9. Keep the water in the drinking bowl clean - change it daily.
  10. For proper rest, the parrot needs at least 10 hours - at night it is advisable to cover the cage with thick fabric, but not the front part, so that it can breathe normally. He will rest on his own and will not wake you up with the first ray of sun.

If you follow all the points in the instructions, then you are definitely caring for your parrot correctly.

A world of fun and carefree

Parrot lovers willingly get not just one bird, but several, and try to buy young ones. This is true, because young animals are easier to tame and instill good manners and your way of life. When bringing home chicks that have recently left the nest, owners are faced with the problem of determining the sex of the parrot. Up to 3 months, their cere is the same pinkish color. As the parrot matures, the cere either turns blue (male) or brown (female).

You wanted a couple, but ended up with two boys? It doesn’t matter, caring for a boy budgie is easier and more joyful than caring for a couple of lovers. No one is in charge of the cage, but the girls have it in their blood—throwing away twigs, treats, toys. The boy parrot will show a real show of water splashes when he bathes. He is more talented in onomatopoeia than the female and learns human speech faster.

Keshka is a golden bird, take care of the parrot! – insert the name of your butt and you get an easy phrase to improve your vocabulary.

How to care for a talking parrot? - Yes, just talk to him purposefully, repeat the words that you want to teach the smart wavy. With persistence and patience, you will achieve a funny result and earn a lot of positive emotions.

The talking bird takes the mirror image for a representative of the opposite sex and begins to show sexual interest in her, gets excited, and chirps nervously. He doesn’t remember that it’s just a picture, he’s angry that he’s being ignored. Okay, give your parrot a girlfriend, a real relationship cannot be replaced with a surrogate, and you will witness a fascinating story of how a budgerigar courtes a female.

Your wavy has a cheerful disposition, then it won’t be too difficult to let him dance playfully. How to care for a parrot at home to teach it to dance. First of all, choose music - rhythmic, but not loud (deafening music will scare the bird, since parrots have very acute hearing). Watch, suddenly he begins to move his head to the beat of the music, luck is on your side.

If the parrot does not understand what they want from him, take the initiative into your own hands. Place it on your finger, turn on the music and move it in strict accordance with the rhythm, remembering to shake your head and convey a cheerful mood to the bird. The handsome guy may start to bite, it’s okay, pull him away and continue moving again. If he flies away, let him take a walk, return later (the curiosity of parrots knows no bounds) and resume training. Don’t forget to treat your pet with something tasty (an apple, some bread) at the end of the lesson, and the grateful student will soon delight you with a kind of hip-hop.

Freedom for parrots!

Flying is vital for a bird, but losing the ability to soar upward will radically change the nature of the parrot. If you don't let him out of the cage, you'll end up with a sad bird with a dull look and a dystrophic appearance. Please! Release the parrot into the wild, despite the scattered husks from the food and feathers, do not keep the bird in prison.

Safety precautions during flights and during wing warm-ups:

  • Windows - you may not notice the glass and crash into it at full speed, which can lead to a tragic ending. On your first walks, curtain the windows to get used to it. Mosquito nets are a must. It will fly out and not come back.
  • Doors – likes to sit on top of an open door (interior, closet). Check for the presence of the mischief maker when closing the doors. The front door is dangerous because it can slip into the entrance or onto the street.
  • The kitchen - a hot stove, open pots of borscht - are insidious components of a serious threat to the life of your parrot.
  • Bathroom - raised toilet lid, air fresheners (contain aromatic oils that are fatal to birds), household chemicals - close, hide, to avoid trouble.
  • Living room - bookshelves, books, decorative figurines, photo frames - it’s great if they have glass doors, but what if the book falls on a spoiled person who has a low weight (about 50 grams) and you won’t end up in grief.
  • Wires - an inquisitive bird, armed with its beak, begins to bite them and play with them. Your task is to monitor the carefree actions of the parrot.
  • Air conditioning, fan - can catch a cold or get caught in the blades.

Take care of your budgerigar with endless love and care and you will find a true friend and fan, because he considers you the leader of the flock.

If you want to have cheerful talkers in the house, budgies are suitable, the care and maintenance of which will not bring much trouble, but must be systematic. Birds need conditions that do not pose a threat to their lives, and that contribute to the favorable flow of their life processes - adaptation, communication.

What does a budgie look like?

The bird has the following characteristics:

  • size about 18 cm without tail, wings 10 cm each;
  • tail – elongated, stepped, 8-10 cm;
  • limbs - reddish or bluish, with 4 long fingers and curved claws;
  • eyes - dark blue, with white or yellowish edging;
  • the beak is strong, curved, like that of birds of prey. A cere with nostrils is noticeable at its base;
  • the tongue is short and thick; if caring for budgies is accompanied by their upbringing, then the birds begin to copy human speech.

The bird attracts with its catchy, beautiful outfit and cheerful, sociable disposition, ease of maintenance, and the ability to make it tame. It’s always interesting with such a pet - he is noisy and talkative, plays with toys (bell, mirror), imitates the singing of birds and human speech. The most gifted remember up to 600 words and small phrases.

Colors of budgies

Wild wavy flowers are lemon-colored. The wings, back and head are covered with stripes of yellow and a little black, the lower part of the back is brilliant green, the tail is blue, and there are dark spots on the throat. Budgerigars, the care and maintenance of which are carried out in captivity, are divided into two color groups:

How many years do budgies live?

Owners are concerned about the question of how long budgerigars live in order to adjust their menu, for example, when caring for and maintaining an elderly individual, a lighter diet may be needed and. In the wild, with many dangers and epidemics, their lifespan is 8-10 years. Budgerigars, which are cared for and maintained at home, with high-quality food, constant access to fresh greens and fruits, and the possibility of daily flights, can last up to 10-15 years of age.

How to determine the age of a budgie?

Before that, you need to find out his age. A young bird is better tamed, speaks faster and gets used to a new environment and owners more easily. The difficulty is that a pet at 5 years old looks the same as at 15. Only by purchasing a young chick before the first moult can you be sure of its age, then it is difficult to determine it.

Young males have a violet cere; in females it is beige or blue with a light border around the nostrils. The plumage of chicks is more faded, there is no white iris on the eye (up to 6 months), the wave goes all over the head (after molting at 4 months, it disappears in the front part), their beak is darker than that of adults. Birds purchased from breeders have rings on their paws with the year of birth - they are used to determine the exact age.

Domestic budgies are not picky, but their care and maintenance require compliance with light and temperature conditions. Chronic lack of sleep or hypothermia can cause colds, molting, self-plucking, and loss of appetite in birds. Keeping budgies:

  1. Lighting. Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours in winter and 12-14 in summer. At night, the cage is covered with a cloth.
  2. Ultraviolet. UV rays favor the production of vitamin D3 in birds and the absorption of calcium by their bodies. If properly maintained in the summer, the pet should be given sunbathing for 30 minutes a day. In winter, artificial UV lamps are placed above the cage.
  3. Temperature. Optimal - +22-25Gdeg;C, sudden changes and drafts are not allowed. When caring for and maintaining a pet in a sick state, it is heated with 40 W lamps.
  4. Activity. Birds should fly for 20-30 minutes a day. It is important to close the windows and ensure that the pet does not bump into dangerous objects.

Budgerigar Cage

It is recommended to keep parrots in a rectangular cage made of metal rods. Its minimum size is 40x25x40 cm, when you plan to breed budgies and buy a couple of pets, the dimensions of the home must be increased. Until a nesting house is installed for them, they will not reproduce. A home for budgerigars, which are cared for and maintained at home, is equipped with:

  • retractable bottom;
  • perches 1.2 cm thick;
  • feeders for grain and additional feed;
  • drinking bowl;
  • Coarse calcined sand is poured onto the bottom.

House for budgies

As a rule, a budgerigar does not reproduce at home in a species enclosure. In order for a couple to have an instinct for procreation, another house needs to be inserted into it. When keeping several pairs in an enclosure, each needs to build such a structure, otherwise the females can beat each other to death. For one couple, a horizontal plywood house with a height of 15 cm and a bottom of 25x15 cm is suitable; it is hung at the top of the house. Arrangement:

  • The lid of the box is removable to put things in order;
  • a tap hole with a diameter of 5 cm is cut on the side at a distance of 3 cm from the top;
  • A perch is attached under the hole for lowering and raising birds into the house.

Nest for budgies

A convenient nest for budgies is built inside a plywood box. To keep the female and chicks, sawdust is placed on the bottom of the house in a layer of 2 cm, a special recess for laying is made in the litter - 8 cm in diameter and 1.5 cm deep. Otherwise, the eggs will roll out all over the box or the girl will throw out all the shavings when arranging the nest. To ensure proper skeletal growth of chicks, calcium powder is poured onto the bottom.

Caring for budgies at home

Caring for birds does not take much time. How to care for a budgie:

  • change the water in the drinking bowl daily;
  • take care of feeders and drinkers every day - wash them with hot water and baking soda, wipe them dry;
  • Place the bathing suit in your home once a week and remove it after the procedure;
  • With proper care, a thorough cleaning should be carried out once a month - the cage and equipment should be washed with chamomile decoction and dried.

What to feed your budgie?

Birds have a fast metabolism, so the main food should always be present in the home; with proper care and maintenance, it is important to diversify it with herbs, vegetables, and fruits. What do budgies eat:

  • the basis of the portion is grain mixtures, consisting of approximately 70% millet of various types, 10% oats, 20% wheat, canary, hemp, flaxseed;
  • fresh vegetables: cucumbers, sweet peppers, beets, carrots;
  • greens: parsley, radish tops, lettuce, dandelion, spinach, clover;
  • fruits: pineapple, apricots, quince, cherry, grapes, bananas, watermelon, strawberries, plums, raspberries, citrus fruits.

Reproduction of budgies

A young couple over the age of 1 year can be allowed to breed; the process begins in the summer, when there is a lot of green food available. The couple is provided with 16 hours of daylight, a week before mating they are saturated with vitamins - they are given egg mixtures with semolina and carrots, greens, and chalk. How to determine the gender of a budgie (after 3-4 months):

  • in males the cere is bright lilac;
  • in females it is beige or brown with white edging of the nostrils.

When keeping a pair intended for reproduction, a nest box is placed in the cage; within a month, the female lays 4-12 eggs and incubates them for 20 days. After this, the chicks hatch - blind and without feathers. A week later they begin to see the light, after 10 days the fluff sprouts. During the first weeks, the mother takes care of them - she feeds the chicks with crop milk, then gives them softened adult food. After 30-35 days, the babies leave the nest. They are kept and cared for in a separate cage when they are already eating on their own. After 1-2 clutches, the nest is removed so that the female can rest.

How to tame a budgie?

Wavys are very smart and friendly. They are careful, but even a distrustful pet quickly makes contact. The main thing in training is patience; everything must be done without haste. How to tame a budgerigar to your hands:

  1. After the store, your pet does not need to be disturbed for several hours so that he gets used to the environment.
  2. The house is placed at human eye level, so the bird can better see who is approaching it.
  3. The taming process begins by offering the pet his favorite treat through the bars, affectionately calling his name. In case of failure, attempts are repeated the next day. As a result, the bird will take the treat out of curiosity.
  4. Next you need to try to feed the bird from your hands in the cage. It is better to do this in the morning when she is hungry.
  5. Afterwards, you need to teach the parrot to sit on your finger by slipping it under the perch. They soon understand what they want from them.
  6. Then you can offer the bird treats outside the cage. There is no need to chase the parrot - he should come to the hand himself as soon as he gets used to the situation.

How to teach a budgie to talk?

Wavys are able to repeat human words, each individual has its own degree of talent - some talk a lot, others less. How to teach a budgie to talk:

  • It’s better to buy a young male and conduct lessons in a quiet place;
  • first you can learn his nickname, repeat the word clearly and legibly. When he remembers it, move on to the next one;
  • start with easy words, lessons become more difficult gradually;
  • it is important not to forget to praise the bird and give treats;
  • the more time spent on training, the more extensive the parrot’s vocabulary;
  • You can record several phrases on the player and place them near the bird.

Diseases of budgies

Domestic budgies that are not properly cared for and maintained may become ill. This happens due to poor quality food, non-compliance with hygiene rules, lighting, and temperature conditions. Budgerigars - common diseases and treatment:

  1. Cold. Symptoms are sneezing and runny nose. Care in this case: irradiate the bird with a 40 W table lamp, give vitamins, put a chamomile decoction in the house.
  2. Damage by ticks and feather eaters. Signs: itching, self-plucking, feathers spoiled by holes. Moving insects are visible in the tray. Down-eaters are expelled with the drug Frontline, applied to the back of the head. Ticks are destroyed with aversectin and novertine ointment, applying the product with a brush to the paws, beak, cere, and cloaca.
  3. Delayed oviposition. Sign: the female does not leave the bottom of the cage, breathes heavily, and a swelling forms near the cloaca. Girls rush even in the absence of a male. A stuck egg can be released if you drip Vaseline oil into the anus and place a heating pad covered with a cloth at the bottom. If it doesn’t help, you need to take the female to the doctor, otherwise she will die.

When a person wants to have a pet, he simply goes to the market and chooses the one he likes. But before you make such a purchase, you should decide in advance on the animal or bird. We need to collect as much information as possible about him. If you have to choose a parrot, then you should find out everything about its contents. After all, once the bird is home, it won’t be so easy to give up on it. Therefore, you need to find out in advance how to care for a parrot. The life and health of the bird will depend on the owner.

First stay in a new place

The question “How to care for a parrot?” quite popular in our country. A lot of people have them in their home. After all, proper care for a parrot is the key to a long and healthy life for the bird.

The main components of keeping a pet are certain items. For example, perches and a feeding trough, a bathing area and a drinking bowl. It is also important to know the diet of parrots.

When a purchased bird is brought into its home, it should not be placed with other birds. She needs to be alone for a few weeks (two or three). It is worth maintaining a close relationship with your parrot at all times. Have nice conversations in a pleasant voice. So that the bird gets used to its new owner and sees him as its patron. If you know how to properly care for a parrot, your beloved pet will always be happy.

Choosing a place to live

The main detail in keeping birds at home is the presence of a cage. It is sold in pet stores or markets. The cage in the room should be placed in a place where there is a lot of daylight, but there is no direct sunlight (this is very harmful for parrots). It is also impossible for it to be in drafts. Before caring for your parrot, you should buy and install the cage correctly. His house should be at eye level. This approach will help bring the pet and owner closer together. Also, heating devices should not be installed near the cage.

At first, parrots may have indigestion or poor appetite. There is no need to worry about this. This behavior is associated with a change of environment and getting used to it. Also, at first there is no need to create conditions that will act as an irritant. For example, you should not listen to loud music, let other pets get close to the bird, or intrusively try to pet it. You need to wait a little while the adaptation period passes. It is not only important to know how to care for a parrot, but also to communicate with it correctly. The voice should be gentle and quiet, you can call by name. Especially when cleaning the cage or changing the water.

Symptoms of diseases

In the first days of your budgie's stay in a new place, you do not need to immediately start raising it. First you need to establish close contact with the bird. It should take a little time. Also, for several weeks after purchasing a parrot, you need to carefully monitor its general behavior. Some actions may indicate that the bird is sick and needs specialist help. Then caring for the parrot will require more careful care.

So, what behavior can tell an owner that his pet is unwell? Firstly, if he doesn't eat well. Secondly, he drinks fluids very often. Thirdly, he moves little around the cage, mostly sits in one corner. Fourth, he looks sleepy. Fifthly, it is in a sitting position with its wings lowered and ruffled.

If such symptoms are noticeable, it is better to consult a veterinarian for advice. After all, its future life will depend on how to care for a parrot. Animals and birds are not things; they cannot simply be thrown away the first time you don’t want to keep or care for them.

Cleaning the cage

Cleaning a parrot's home is an essential part of caring for them. Some things need to be done every day, while others need to be done once every thirty and ninety days. Now in this article, existing cleaning options will be discussed.

Every day it is worth removing litter and food debris. They can be on the floor of the cage, under the bedding, on the sides. The tray must be pulled out and wet cleaning done under it. It is better to replace the litter daily. It is important to wash the drinking bowl and feeder well, using soda or detergent. Then the dishes need to be wiped with a dry cloth.

Once a month, after regular cleaning, the parrot's house is disinfected. You need to soak a sponge in an infusion of chamomile or wormwood and wash the cage well. Then wipe it dry.

Once every three months, you must first wash the bird’s home, then wipe it with a soda solution (3 teaspoons of soda per 1 liter of water), and then with chamomile (wormwood) infusion. After all procedures, wipe with a soft cloth. Caring for budgies is not very difficult. The main thing is to know what actions need to be performed. Then healthy and happy birds will live in the house.

Food for budgies

The diet of budgerigars does not contain refined wheat cereal, but millet. There are also oats in the grain mixture. These two grains complement each other. Thanks to them, budgies receive useful amino acids. In addition, birds can be given sunflower seeds in small quantities. Also green types of herbs: dandelion and clover, spinach and alfalfa, lettuce and sprouts of young plants. Some other budgies eat fruits and berries. They are useful, but not all birds want to eat them. In addition to all these ingredients, you need to place a container with river sand and crushed eggshells in the cage.

Precautionary measures

Caring for a boy budgie is no different from caring for a female bird. All birds require attention and special conditions for living at home.

Drinking for budgerigars should be fresh every day. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water. It will add beneficial substances to the bird’s body. Also important for budgies is the ability to fly. All sources of fresh air in the room should first be closed. Otherwise, the birds feel it and fly towards it. It is better to curtain all windows and the balcony so that the parrot does not break against the glass. You can place a tree branch in the cage, on which the bird will sharpen its beak. The suitable temperature for staying is about 20 degrees Celsius.

Cockatiel care

If a person takes a cockatiel parrot into his care, then he must understand that these birds require special attention. Birds are very proud, it is more difficult to establish close contact with them. You need to communicate with cockatiel parrots very affectionately, without raising your voice.

Birds love to bathe, so having a bath in the cage is necessary. Spraying can be used. Caring for a cockatiel parrot involves proper food, free flight and regular cleaning of their home. It is recommended that birds have their wings trimmed (the procedure must be carried out by a specialist).

Corella parrots need to be fed with a grain mixture, dandelion and plantain leaves, birch and willow branches, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, and bread.

Caring for lovebirds

Different types of birds differ slightly in maintenance and care. Lovebirds have a very cheerful character. They are responsive and freedom-loving. Birds love to fly, so in a cage the birds only eat, drink water and sleep. Caring for lovebirds involves feeding them properly, choosing a strong iron cage and creating room for flight. Birds often suffer from obesity due to lack of exercise.

The cage must be constantly cleaned, this must be done in the same way as in the homes of other parrots. The water for bathing should be warm; you should not be forced to undergo bathing procedures. Food for lovebirds is no different from food for budgies.

If you have information about the proper care of birds, then communicating with them will be a pleasure for a person!

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