Dosage of magnesium during pregnancy intravenous drip. Magnesium dropper and its purpose during pregnancy

Magnesium sulfate for cleansing, popularly known as magnesia or Epsom salt, is an “old-timer” on the pharmaceutical market. Its chemical and pharmacological properties have long been studied by science and confirmed experimentally. Magnesium salt has been used for decades in both traditional and alternative medicine to cleanse the intestines. This is a “cheap and cheerful” event: the affordable price of magnesium sulfate is successfully combined with its high efficiency.

Magnesium salt of sulfuric acid (that’s what magnesia is) was one of the first to join the list of osmotic saline laxatives. And although it has slightly lost its popularity in traditional medicine today due to the appearance of more modern products on the market, in alternative healing methods this drug is often used to cleanse the liver and intestines.

Mechanism of action and indications for use of magnesium sulfate

Magnesia is not a sorbent. Unlike, for example, activated carbon or natural fiber (apples, carrots, beets), it does not have adsorbing properties. Like more expensive drugs with similar effects (Fortrans, Lavacol, Realaxan, Osmogol), magnesium sulfate stimulates the contractile activity of the intestinal sections and thereby quickly evacuates their contents. The drug is poorly absorbed into the intestinal walls, due to which it causes fluid retention and increases the osmotic pressure in it, while irritating the receptors of the rectum and producing a choleretic effect.

There is a huge list of indications for the use of magnesium sulfate:

  • from epilepsy to a banal lack of magnesium in the body;
  • from mental disorders to primary and secondary hypertension;
  • from the toxic effects of heavy metal salts to the need to stop premature birth.

But most often, magnesium sulfate is used before the upcoming diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases and surgical interventions as an inexpensive but active laxative.

Release form of the drug

Magnesium sulfate is available in several dosage forms, the most popular of which are:

  • ampoules with solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration;
  • jars and sachets with white powder for preparing a suspension for oral administration.

It is the second option that is more convenient to use for the purpose of cleansing the intestines.

Colon cleansing regimen with magnesium sulfate

For error-free implementation of the cleaning technique, preliminary preparation is very important. So, two weeks before cleansing, thoroughly review your diet. Avoid fried, smoked, spicy, salty, “fast” foods, food concentrates, pasta, meat and meat products, white bread, alcohol; limit fish, rice, potatoes, cheeses, nuts, sour cream, bananas. Eat raw and baked vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals. Drink purified water, herbal teas, apple and carrot juice.

Method for purifying magnesium sulfate

A simple and affordable method of cleansing is based on a one-time dose of magnesia every morning for 3-7 days:

  1. On the eve of the procedure, purchase 20-30 g of magnesium sulfate. Be sure to check the weight of the active ingredient indicated on the bag or jar: different manufacturers package their product differently - from 10 to 30 g of powder in one bag/jar.
  2. Start the cleansing process no later than 7:00 am. Dissolve 20-30 g of magnesia in 100 ml of water, stir until completely or almost completely dissolved.
  3. Drink the solution. The taste of magnesia is, to put it mildly, unpleasant. To soften the disgustingly bitter-salty taste, stock up on a slice of lemon or grapefruit. For the same purpose, you can pinch your nose or use a straw.
  4. After 2-6 hours you will feel the urge to defecate. To completely empty your bowels, you will have to visit the toilet several times. The cleansing process may be accompanied by discomfort, bloating and pain in the abdominal area.
  5. Take the first meal earlier than 3-4 hours after the procedure (that is, breakfast will have to be excluded from the menu during the cleansing).

The answer to the question about the duration of the above-described cleanings at home is ambiguous. Some sources advise holding such events in the morning for seven days, while others suggest reducing this period to two or three days.

Forced one-day cleansing technique

To carry out the procedure, be sure to set aside a day off or any other free day. Taking a laxative, having multiple bowel movements and subsequent rest will take at least ten hours.

To implement this technique you will need:

  • clean filtered water – 2 liters;
  • magnesium sulfate – 25 grams;
  • juice of one lemon.


  1. The evening before cleaning, prepare a solution based on 25 g of magnesium sulfate per 1 glass of water. To do this, pour the powder into a glass of water and leave overnight until completely dissolved.
  2. In the morning at 6.00 (the time of greatest intestinal activity), drink the mixture in full, not forgetting to prepare a kind of lemonade (2 teaspoons of lemon juice per 1 glass of water) in order to neutralize the unpleasant taste of magnesia.
  3. Starting from this moment, begin to gradually drink water slightly acidified with lemon. Every 20 minutes you need to drink 1 glass of this drink and wait for the urge to defecate.
  4. The desire to visit the bathroom will arise 2-4 hours after taking a laxative, depending on the speed of the person’s general metabolism.
  5. After your first bowel movement, drink 1 more glass of water; continue to do this after each bowel movement. The fourth visit to the toilet indicates the need to stop drinking water. But trips to the toilet won't end there. If performed correctly, at the end of the procedure, almost clear liquid will come out of the intestines.
  6. An hour after your last bowel movement, you can eat some light vegetarian dish, like boiled vegetables or carrot and cabbage salad.

Despite the certain similarity of the two methods described above, they differ significantly in the technique of execution. The second method is more complicated and often ends in failure. Practitioners often complain of an incomplete laxative effect and fluid retention in the stomach, followed by its absorption and excretion by the kidneys rather than the intestines.

Safe cleaning instructions

Long-term magnesium sulfate cleaning is dangerous:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • leaching of beneficial microflora from the intestines;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • development of lazy bowel syndrome;
  • burning sensation in the anus.

Considering the property of saline laxatives (which is magnesia) to provoke serious health problems, safety measures during magnesium intestinal cleansing will come in handy. To minimize possible consequences:

  1. Lubricate the anus with vegetable oil or an emollient cosmetic after each visit to the toilet to avoid a burning sensation.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water for several days after the procedure to restore water-salt balance.
  3. Normalize your intestinal microflora by taking prebiotic medications for 10 days after cleansing.

An easy and carefree pregnancy is a rarity these days. Unfortunately, every year the likelihood of complications occurring during gestation is steadily increasing, which explains the overcrowded pathology wards of pregnant women in maternity hospitals. Naturally, staying in a hospital means prescribing drug therapy in the form of tablets, injections or infusion therapy (droppers). In some situations, it is possible to avoid needles and syringes, but in others, intravenous and intramuscular administration of the prescribed drug cannot be avoided. One of these medicinal substances is magnesium (magnesium sulfate).

Prescribing a magnesium drip during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence when it is necessary to reduce the tone of the uterus, thereby preventing the development of premature birth. Expectant mothers, concerned about the health of their baby, are often interested in what effect a magnesium drip during pregnancy has on a growing child’s body. Are there any contraindications to the administration of magnesium sulfate? What side effects can result from a course of intravenous magnesium during pregnancy? We will try to give answers to all your questions and explain as much as possible the situation with the prescription of magnesium sulfate during the development of pregnancy week by week.

Magnesium sulfate: what kind of drug?

Magnesium sulfate is a white powder that can be made into either a solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration or a suspension for oral administration. Depending on the method of application, magnesium has different effects on the body.

Magnesia suspension:

  • has a choleretic and laxative effect;
  • It is actively used as an antidote for poisoning with heavy metal salts.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy:

  • reduces blood pressure by dilating blood vessels (hypotensive effect);
  • calms, causes slight drowsiness (sedative effect);
  • helps reduce edema due to increased daily diuresis (diuretic effect);
  • reduces muscle tone of the uterus (tocolytic effect);
  • has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity (antiarrhythmic effect);
  • has an anticonvulsant effect.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. Main indications.

Magnesium sulfate during pregnancy is prescribed if:

  • there is a risk of developing premature birth;
  • pregnancy occurs with severe gestosis;
  • eclampsia developed;
  • an epileptic attack occurred;
  • edematous syndrome is expressed;
  • it is necessary to stop heavy metal poisoning;
  • convulsive syndrome is present;
  • laboratory data indicate a lack of magnesium in the body;
  • A pregnant woman suffers from hypertension with periodic crises.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. Contraindications.

Like any other drug, magnesium sulfate has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • low blood pressure;
  • bradycardia (slowing heart rate to 55 beats per minute);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • the period immediately before birth (2-3 hours before the onset);
  • malignant tumor;
  • diseases of the digestive tract during exacerbation;
  • lactation period.

IMPORTANT! The use of a magnesium drip during pregnancy is strictly prohibited in the first trimester, as well as immediately before childbirth.

A significant decrease in blood pressure is a reason to discontinue magnesium therapy.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. Side effects.

If you receive a magnesium dropper during pregnancy, a woman’s general well-being may deteriorate significantly.

Side effects of taking magnesium sulfate include:

  • the appearance of headaches;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive sweating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general weakness, drowsiness;
  • speech problems;
  • polyuria (increased daily urine volume);
  • drop in blood pressure.

As a rule, before starting magnesium therapy, the doctor warns the patient about the possibility of some side effects, which are quite common among pregnant women. If the above symptoms occur, the question of continuing treatment with magnesium sulfate is decided individually, depending on the severity of side effects and the severity of the disease.

IMPORTANT! During treatment with magnesium sulfate during pregnancy and the appearance of symptoms such as difficulty breathing, slow heart rate, a sharp drop in blood pressure, indicating an overdose of the drug, it is necessary to provide timely medical assistance and cancel previously prescribed treatment.

Hypermagnesemia is treated with calcium preparations (calcium gluconate, calcium chloride) by slow intravenous administration.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. Features of drug administration.

Magnesium sulfate is usually administered intravenously, since intramuscular injections of this medicinal solution are extremely painful and leave behind so-called “bumps”. For a magnesium dropper during pregnancy, use a 25% solution in a volume that is determined individually. If it is necessary to obtain calcium and magnesium preparations, different veins are used for intravenous administration of drugs.

The intensity and duration of therapy depend on the general condition of the expectant mother, as well as on the effectiveness of the treatment.

The drug must be warmed to body temperature before administration. The intravenous injection of a magnesium drug is extremely unacceptable, as this can lead to a rapid decrease in pressure, which entails disruption of the utero-fetal-placental blood flow with insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. How safe is it?

It is believed that the administration of magnesium sulfate during the gestational period is quite safe for both the mother and the unborn child. However, unfortunately, there is no exact data confirming or refuting the “innocence” of magnesium therapy. It is known that a long course of treatment with magnesium during pregnancy contributes to the accumulation of the drug in the body and the development of a hypoxic state in the fetus. Short-term treatment, on the contrary, does not pose any danger to the baby’s health.

If the choice is between continuing the pregnancy and no treatment, it is still reasonable to agree to magnesium therapy, which will help eliminate uterine hypertonicity and increase the baby’s chances of a healthy and happy life.

The effect of a magnesium dropper during pregnancy on the course of labor.

Most women mistakenly believe that the use of magnesium droppers in the last trimester of pregnancy has a negative effect on labor. In fact, several hours are enough to completely remove magnesium sulfate preparations from the body, therefore, prescribing magnesium therapy before childbirth does not affect their course in any way.

In some situations, a magnesium drip during pregnancy is the only way to extend the gestational age. Before writing a refusal to take magnesium therapy, you should think carefully about the consequences of your decision, which can affect not only your well-being, but also the health of your child.

Magnesia is called magnesium salt of sulfuric acid, the pharmacological name is magnesium sulfate, and it is popularly known as Epsom salt.

Due to the numerous therapeutic effects of magnesia, it is successfully used in a wide variety of branches of medicine.

However, to the average consumer, this medicine is better known as a remedy for cleansing the intestines and liver. Magnesia is a medical drug and, therefore, should not be used uncontrollably. To safely cleanse the intestines and liver, you should carefully study the information on how to drink magnesia correctly.

Mechanism of action

Magnesia has the ability to cleanse the liver due to its properties to enhance the secretion of bile and remove it from the gallbladder. Cleansing the intestines occurs by stimulating the contractile parts of the intestines and increasing asthmatic pressure in the digestive organ. The medicine is poorly absorbed into the intestinal walls, as a result, fluid accumulates in the organ, which helps to liquefy stool and remove it from the body.

Magnesia should not be confused with enterosorbents. It does not adsorb toxins and decay products, but only removes them with feces, which is the cleansing effect. You should take magnesium for cleansing strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the recommended dose of the drug. A pleasant “side” effect of such cleansing is weight loss. Fighting excess weight with magnesium is a very popular way.

Preparing for cleansing with magnesium

Before drinking magnesia, you should carry out a number of preparatory measures. The procedures for cleansing the liver and intestines are different, but preparing the body for them is similar.

How to prepare:

  • A few days before the procedure, exclude salty, canned, sweet (confectionery), smoked, spicy and fatty foods, as well as white bread from your diet. Instead, you should enrich your daily table with plant foods and freshly squeezed juices.
  • Increase your physical activity, increase its intensity. If you don't play sports, just take a walk in the fresh air every day.
  • Magnesia can cause nausea when taken, so stock up on lemon or orange in advance, which will help relieve nausea and vomiting.
  • The evening before the procedure, dilute magnesium sulfate powder in boiled water (this will dissolve it better) at the rate of 1 sachet (20 g) per hundred milliliters of water. If body weight exceeds seventy kilograms, then the dosage of powder and the volume of water should be doubled.

How to drink magnesium to cleanse the liver

Liver cleansing is otherwise called tubage, and should be carried out only after consultation with a hepatologist. If there are no contraindications, the procedure will not harm your health, but may cause discomfort.

An aqueous solution of magnesium sulfate should be drunk on an empty stomach immediately after waking up, having previously prepared a heating pad with hot water. If nausea or vomiting occurs while taking the medicinal solution, you can suck on a slice of lemon or orange, and the attacks will subside. After taking magnesium, you need to lie on your right side and apply a heating pad to your body in the projection of the liver. You need to lie in this position for one and a half to two hours.

Usually after such a period of time there is a urge to defecate. During the day, removal of feces can occur several times. Moreover, if the procedure is carried out correctly, their color will be greenish, which indicates a powerful outflow of bile. During the procedure, discomfort may occur in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. This is due to the contractile activity of the gallbladder, and this situation is normal.

If severe pain occurs, you should take an antispasmodic tablet. After the procedure, you should follow the same diet for several days as in preparation for the liver cleansing process. Liver cleansing with magnesium can be repeated only after three months.

How to drink magnesium to cleanse the intestines

The process of cleansing the intestines can be carried out in two ways. In the first method, cleansing is carried out over three days, drinking a medicinal solution every morning. Some experts recommend increasing this period to one week. The solution is diluted at the rate of twenty grams of medicine per half a glass of water.

You need to take magnesium in the morning, before breakfast, and it should be taken into account that in the first two days the process of bowel movements can occur several times. You can eat three hours after taking the medicine. To cleanse the intestines using the second method, you need one day free from work.

The solution is prepared the night before, at the rate of twenty-five grams of magnesium sulfate and two teaspoons of lemon juice (it will eliminate unpleasant taste and odor) per two liters of purified or boiled water.

After waking up, you need to drink one glass of medicinal liquid every twenty minutes. After the first bowel movement, you should drink a glass of the solution, and each subsequent dose of magnesium should be taken only after the next bowel movement. You can eat food an hour after the last bowel movement (when the solution runs out).

How to drink magnesia for children

Babies are often given magnesium salt as a laxative. The technique for performing the procedure is no different from that performed by adults. The only difference is the dosage of magnesium sulfate.

One gram of powder is calculated for each year of life. So, at the age of five, a child can take five grams of magnesium per day. For adolescents over fifteen years of age, an adult dosage is established, which corresponds to ten to thirty grams of magnesium per day.

Security measures:

  • to avoid a burning sensation in the anus from constant bowel movements, lubricate the anus with an emollient cream;
  • to restore the water-salt balance after procedures for several days, drink clean water at least two liters per day;
  • Take a course of probiotics to restore your intestinal microbiome.

Magnesium sulfate: general information about the drug

Magnesium sulfate does not contain auxiliary components. The drug is available in powder form for the preparation of aqueous solutions, or in ampoules for intravenous administration. This product can be easily purchased at your nearest pharmacy. Magnesia powder is used for cleansing procedures. The price of one sachet containing 20 grams of powder ranges from 35 to 47 rubles.

What does it help with?

Magnesium sulfate is used in gynecology, gastroenterology, neurology and other branches of medicine, so the list of indications for this drug is quite extensive. You can read this list in detail in the instructions for the drug. For some diseases it is administered intravenously, for others it is taken orally.

Indications in gastroenterology:


Not everyone can do colon cleansing and tubing with magnesium sulfate. An absolute contraindication is the presence of gallstones. Since under the influence of the drug the smooth muscles of the organ relax and fluid begins to be actively released into the intestines, stones may come out along with it. In this case, it is first necessary to carry out therapy with Rovachol.

If the stones are large, this can lead to blockage of the bile duct, injury to the gallbladder tissue, or even rupture of the organ and channel that drains bile. In addition to cholelithiasis, magnesium sulfate should not be taken by people suffering from cholecystitis in the acute phase, bradycardia, low blood pressure, renal failure, inflammation in the intestinal tract, dehydration, or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The drug is not used during pregnancy (only intravenous infusion is possible), menstruation, elevated body temperature, as well as rectal bleeding and increased levels of magnesium in the blood.

Side effects

If all contraindications are taken into account, then the cleansing procedure with magnesium sulfate is tolerated quite well. Minor nausea, bloating, and stomach upset may occur.

If magnesium sulfate is used without restrictions, then more severe side effects may occur, expressed in a sharp drop in pressure, arrhythmia, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region.

During pregnancy, emergency conditions can arise not only in the mother, but also in the fetus, and their proper treatment is undoubtedly the most important aspect, since many types of medications are prohibited during pregnancy. To maintain pregnancy, doctors quite often prescribe magnesia to pregnant women, which will be discussed below.

Why is a magnesium drip prescribed during pregnancy?

In the inpatient treatment of a pregnant woman, magnesium plays an important role, which is often prescribed intravenously or given as intravenous drips. There are cases when pregnant women receive magnesium sulfate intramuscularly for quite a long time, and the expectant mother begins to worry whether this method is safe for the child. The question of the appropriateness of such appointments will be discussed further.

Magnesia solution helps mainly in the treatment of neurological diseases of a pregnant woman, but it also has side effects and even contraindications, so the intake must be strictly under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible.

Pregnant women are interested in the question for what indications do doctors prescribe the use of magnesia, and this is, of course, important to know, since reading anything on the Internet and making a decision on your own is strictly not recommended.

Indications for use of magnesia:

  • Diseases of organs that excrete bile;
  • Poisoning with heavy chemical compounds;
  • High blood pressure, dilated blood vessels;
  • Sleep or central nervous system disorders;
  • Helps reduce swelling;
  • Relieves increased uterine tone;
  • Treats diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Helps relieve convulsive conditions.

The main indication for the use of magnesia in injections, tablets or in such a variation as a dropper is increased uterine tone, which without medical intervention can lead to early labor and prematurity of the fetus. Unfortunately, in modern times, many women, being pregnant, end up in hospitals in order to save their future child.

Indications for intravenous magnesium use

The period of pregnancy is a time when help is needed not directly for the mother, but for the fetus inside her, so it is very important to carefully monitor the general conditions of the baby’s pregnancy. If there are clear risk factors for losing a child, doctors put the pregnant woman in confinement and use magnesia, and in particular inject the medicine intramuscularly.

All medications have negative factors affecting the drug on the unborn child, but doctors may remain silent about possible risks, so as not to upset the expectant mother once again, but simply wait for the drug to take effect, which will relieve all serious conditions, negating all bad conditions.

Facts about magnesium treatment for pregnant women:

  • Instructions for using magnesia for pregnant women are simple in many cases, but they are prescribed to each patient separately depending on the disease and its stage, since an overdose of magnesia can result in drug-induced effects;
  • Magnesia is also prescribed for high blood pressure, which has an extremely negative effect on the body;
  • The duration of action of magnesia continues even when it is removed from the body, but, nevertheless, does not reduce its therapeutic effect;
  • Injections with magnesia cause very painful conditions, so before injecting, it is first warmed up and injected with a long needle;
  • During the first trimester of pregnancy, taking a course of magnesium treatment is strictly prohibited.

It happens that if there is a threat of premature birth, it is recommended to inject magnesium in parallel with taking the drug Drotaverine, which relieves the body of cramps and nagging pain in the abdomen, however, you need to be more careful when taking such drugs.

Dosage and contraindications of intramuscular magnesium

The dosage of the drug magnesium varies depending on the condition of the patient, the fetus and the level of development of the disease, which in turn is determined by the doctor and, as a result, makes medication prescriptions. However, magnesium is usually prescribed for increased uterine tone, under threat of miscarriage, it protects well against edema and can even be taken by drip.

In the early stages of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, the use of magnesia is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to poisoning of the baby.

Often, magnesia or its analogues are prescribed in the late stages of pregnancy and when severe pathologies appear, for example, epilepsy. It also happens that magnesia is prescribed to newborns. Along with the beneficial properties that any medicine brings to the body, contraindications may arise.


  • If the patient’s blood pressure reading was not within acceptable lower limits;
  • In cases of rapid decrease in blood pressure during consumption by the patient, as a rule, the medication is discontinued;
  • Concomitant intake of nutritional supplements containing calcium in parallel with magnesium injections;
  • An increased dosage increases the risk of a narcotic effect;
  • It is recommended to prescribe magnesium in short courses in the last trimesters of pregnancy - this will not harm the health of the unborn baby;
  • Prescribing the drug before the onset of labor is strictly prohibited.

The composition of magnesia is very rich in useful, but also heavy chemicals. However, along with this, magnesia is still useful and helps to relax all the muscles that maintain the tone of the uterus, improve blood circulation in the walls of blood vessels and relieve nervous tension.

Special indications for intravenous magnesium administration

From the early stages of pregnancy, doctors may talk about a high risk of not being able to maintain the pregnancy, and at this moment the main thing is to take action in time, that is, prescribe competent treatment, ensure peace and positive emotions, and also follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. One of the most common medications to maintain pregnancy is magnesium injections.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to pay great attention to the well-being of the pregnant woman and the details of the tests studied, and often many medications will be prohibited.

Magnesia is one of them, and it should be replaced with others during this period until the fetus finally moves into the active phase of its formation of all internal organs and systems.

Special indications for use:

  • It is prescribed for severe forms of migraine or headache, but sometimes it is harmful, and effectively helps with the help of an active enzyme group that actively circulates blood along the walls of blood vessels;
  • Used for gestosis;
  • Often the indication for use is uterine hyperactivity;
  • Water retention in the body can also lead to the prescription of magnesium;
  • Critical conditions leading to convulsions;
  • Magnesium sulfate deficiency;
  • Presence of hypertension;
  • Severe poisoning by chemical harmful elements with their subsequent removal from the body;
  • A state of general fatigue can also serve as a basis for prescribing the drug.

Many patients are interested in how many days the drug lasts, what can be replaced in case of individual intolerance, whether it is possible to take it during menstruation and overdose, since the summary does not contain extensive information, and everyone’s reviews are different.

Injection options and indications for the use of magnesia in injections

Injections with magnesium are given for many reasons and common diseases, since the active substance has a direct effect on the regulation of the nervous system, and only then on reflex activity, diuretic and cardiovascular, but all medications also have a strong effect on the fetus.

The drug magnesia does not adversely affect the fetus if prescribed after the first trimester for uterine hypertonicity.

Dry magnesia is not used for such pathologies - it is an external treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures, since the child needs support from within the body, which can only be obtained if the drug is injected intravenously. Rarely, the dietary supplement Magnesium can be prescribed in a dose and method of administration, which is determined individually by gynecological doctors.

Injection options:

  1. Intramuscular. During pregnancy, the administration of magnesium intramuscularly has relaxing effects on smooth muscles, as a result of which the increased tone of the uterus is reduced.
  2. Electrophoresis procedures. The chemical component of the drug reduces the excess of nerve impulses, thereby suppressing swelling, and pregnant women drink a lot.
  3. Intravenous. The medicine normalizes blood pressure and relieves seizures by influencing nerve impulses.
  4. Powder. Treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Magnesia dropper

The administration of magnesium is recommended to increase the effectiveness of improving a woman’s well-being during pregnancy and to force the cervix to properly reduce its tone. Treatment with magnesium in late pregnancy reduces the risk of abnormal fetal development, however, taking the drug is prohibited if infants are breastfed, as this can lead to disastrous consequences.

Treatment of pregnant women with magnesium can begin at 22 weeks, which guarantees normal further development every day. If your stomach begins to hurt, then you should stop at one symptom and consult a doctor for clarification, but before contacting you should carefully study the presence of possible side effects.

Side effects:

  • Speech function is impaired;
  • Are haunted by headaches;
  • There is weakness;
  • There is profuse sweating;
  • A sharp decrease in pressure;
  • Anxiety states;
  • Vomiting.

Eufillin is also effective in reducing swelling, as it helps remove salts from the diuretic channels, but magnesium in a syringe along with Papaverine, which is often prescribed in combination, will help relieve pressure. So, many people need magnesium, but allergies often occur if it is used for a long time. In this case, this treatment system is canceled, and the doctor begins to increase the indicators with other drugs.

Lack of magnesium in the body: symptoms, treatment, prevention(video)

All recommendations for the treatment of pregnant women by doctors are often aimed at the main problem: preserving the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, it is so important what medications the expectant mother takes and how she feels, since many seemingly insignificant factors in the future can affect the health of the unborn baby. If your health worsens, you should not engage in self-treatment, but consult a doctor to further normalize your overall health.

Not every drug can be used during pregnancy. A condition such as hypertension is difficult to treat during pregnancy, because almost all antihypertensive drugs are contraindicated at this time.

Obstetricians and gynecologists have long discovered the remarkable properties of a substance such as magnesium sulfate. Another, more popular name for this drug is magnesia. This medicine is used during pregnancy not only to reduce blood pressure, but also to treat late gestosis.


Magnesia during pregnancy can be prescribed for various therapeutic purposes. This is achieved due to the fact that the drug has many beneficial effects.

The mechanism of action of the drug can be represented as follows:

  1. Magnesium sulfate ends up inside the cell and displaces calcium ions from there.
  2. Calcium deficiency inside the cell leads to relaxation of muscle fibers inside the vascular wall and a decrease in blood pressure numbers.
  3. Relaxation of the muscle fibers in the wall of the uterus leads to a decrease in the strength of contractions.
  4. Magnesium sulfate is able to influence metabolic processes and neurochemical impulse transmission.
  5. Prevents the development of seizures by blocking neuromuscular impulse transmission.
  6. Reduces heart rate due to its effect on the conduction system of the heart.
  7. It affects the functioning of various centers in the nervous system; magnesium during pregnancy causes drowsiness and sedation.
  8. Magnesium sulfate can bind heavy metal salts and neutralize them in case of poisoning.

As a result of all of the above effects, magnesium during pregnancy can have the following effects:

  • Anticonvulsant – used to treat eclampsia in pregnant women.
  • Hypotensive – decrease in blood pressure numbers.
  • Sedative – calming, hypnotic effect.
  • Antiarrhythmic – eliminates the phenomena of tachycardia.
  • Tocolytic - relaxes the muscles of the uterus.

There are also adverse effects of magnesium sulfate, which lead to side effects.


Why do you take magnesium drops during pregnancy? The instructions for use of the drug allow administration of the drug during pregnancy intravenously (dropper) and intramuscularly. Oral administration has other indications for use.

Most often, the medicine is administered intravenously during pregnancy. A dropper with magnesium sulfate is indicated for the following conditions:

  1. Sudden strong increase in blood pressure. The drug is not suitable for the systemic treatment of hypertension.
  2. Eclampsia in pregnancy - convulsions.
  3. Low level of magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman. Often observed with poor nutrition.
  4. High need for microelements during pregnancy.
  5. Threat of miscarriage - the medicine relaxes the muscles of the uterus and eliminates the threat of miscarriage.
  6. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
  7. For the neutralization of heavy metal salts in case of poisoning of various origins.

Sometimes magnesium sulfate is not injected intravenously, but is used orally. Unlike a dropper, the systemic effect of the drug here is somewhat less, so the indications mainly include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Why do they do this?

The choleretic effect of magnesium sulfate has a beneficial effect on the course of the following diseases: constipation, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, bowel cleansing before diagnostic studies.


The instructions for use contain instructions not only on the indications, but also on restrictions on taking the drug. Magnesium injections are contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the drug - systemic allergic reactions that threaten the patient’s life are possible.
  2. Increased levels of magnesium in the body.
  3. Low blood pressure – collapse may develop.
  4. Central respiratory failure – depression of the respiratory center.
  5. Low heart rate.
  6. Atrioventricular heart block.
  7. Kidney diseases with severe renal failure.
  8. The period before childbirth is a few hours.

The listed conditions limit the use of IVs and intramuscular injections.

Instructions for use prohibit the use of magnesium orally for appendicitis, gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal obstruction.

Use during pregnancy

Although the drug is approved for use during pregnancy, such therapy is used only when necessary. Magnesia may have an adverse effect on the fetus because it crosses the placenta.

Features of use during pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester, the drug is used to relieve hypertensive crises. In the early stages, the medicine affects the fetus to a minimal extent. When administered in the first trimester, magnesium, blood pressure and respiratory rate must be monitored.
  2. In the early stages, any drug exposure is quite dangerous. In the second trimester, the risk of side effects decreases slightly. Compliance with the instructions for use of the medicine is required.
  3. In later stages, magnesia is used not only to relieve a crisis, but also to eliminate the phenomena of gestosis. In this case, the medicine can cause hypotension, hyporeflexia and respiratory depression during childbirth. Therefore, they try not to prescribe the drug before childbirth.

Monitoring maternal vital signs and blood magnesium levels is recommended with any parenteral injection of magnesium during pregnancy.

Side effects

The instructions for use also contain instructions on the side effects of magnesium sulfate. This substance has a fairly large list of unwanted reactions, but not all of them occur frequently.

Undesirable drug effects are:

  • Marked decrease in heart rate.
  • Flushing to the face and sweating.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Severe depression of the central nervous system and heart function.
  • Double vision.
  • Inhibition of deep reflexes from the tendons.
  • Depression of the respiratory center with the development of respiratory arrest.
  • Heart blockades.
  • Anxiety and headache.
  • Decreased body temperature.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased amount of urine.
  • A crawling sensation, loss of skin sensitivity.

These effects are most often the result of an overdose of magnesium. Therefore, it is extremely important to control how much microelement is contained in the body.

Mode of application

How and how much the medicine should be used is decided by the attending physician. Specialists focus on vital signs, indications, possible risks to the fetus and many other conditions.

For oral administration, magnesium is diluted in half a glass of water. For each disease, a different concentration of solution is recommended. To treat poisoning with such a solution, it is better to rinse the stomach than to take it orally.

During pregnancy, intramuscular, slow intravenous or intravenous administration is prescribed. The drug is administered 1–2 times a day. The doctor decides how many days to drip the medicine in each specific case; a hypertensive crisis is usually eliminated after a single injection, but the symptoms of eclampsia have to be treated for several days.

The indicators of the expectant mother are always monitored. If it is necessary to administer calcium salts, the injection is carried out into another vein.

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