Old Russian tribes and places of their settlement. Settlement of the Eastern Slavs. Territory of settlement of the Eastern Slavs

As are the ages, so are the people.
Russian proverb

Lesson objectives: Understand what qualitative changes occurred in the life of the Slavs in the 6th–7th centuries; be able to determine the territory of the ancient Slavs on a map; be able to characterize the features of classes; relations with neighboring tribes and peoples, the general level of socio-economic development.

Lesson plan:

  1. Slavic tribes.
  2. Settlement of East Slavic tribes.
  3. Classes. Development of the economy of the Eastern Slavs

Basic concepts: tribal unions, tribal community, neighboring community, the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”

During the classes

I. Frontal conversation on the main issues of the topic of the previous lesson

II. Learning new material

Teacher's explanation.

The first mention of the Slavs dates back to the 1st–2nd centuries AD. Tacitus, Pliny, Ptolemy report that the Slavs inhabited the Vistula basin.

So, briefly, the essence of the problem of the origin of the Slavs can be reduced to the following provisions:

  1. Slavs are the indigenous population of Eastern Europe. They have a single root and date back to the earliest stages of the formation of the Indo-European community and are an integral part of it.
  2. The Slavs appeared as a result of a mixture of various ethnic elements at the turn of AD and do not have a single root, that is, the basis of the Slavic community is multi-ethnic.
  3. It would be too bold to say that the Slavs do not have a single ethnic root. However, on the other hand, the presence of such a root does not deny the certain role of other peoples in Slavic ethnogenesis (in the origin of the Slavs).

The Slavs are part of the Indo-European community, they have a single ethnic root and are the indigenous population of Eastern Europe.

Slavic language belongs to Indo-European language system. Having formed around the 5th-4th thousand. BC, this language group in the IV-III millennium BC. experienced a time of collapse associated with the settlement of Indo-European tribes. This settlement occurred during the Neolithic - the New Stone Age. It is no coincidence that historians talk about neolithic revolution, that is, about the transition of man from hunting and gathering to a production economy - agriculture and cattle breeding. Neolithic tribes became more independent of nature and mobile. In search of new habitats, they left their ancestral home and dispersed throughout Asia and Europe. In the course of development, the Eastern (Indians, Iranians, Armenians) and Old European language groups. The latter served as the basis for the emergence of Western European (German, French, Italian) and Slavic groups.

Our ancestors called themselves Slavs, also Slovenes. What words did the names “Slavs” and “Slovenes” come from? ( Slavs from the word “glory”, meaning the same as praise, and Slovenes meaning “those who understand the word”)

By VII-IX the eastern branch of the Slavs inhabited a significant part of the great Russian Plain, reaching in the north almost to the Gulf of Finland, and in the south to the Black Sea. The placement of the East Slavic tribes is described in detail by the chronicler Nestor ( All historical works of Ancient Rus' began with the words “In the summer...”; later they were called chronicles.). Moreover, the settlement of tribes given in the Tale of Bygone Years is confirmed by archaeological material.

Working with the textbook: Students ( work in groups), using a map and a textbook, make a table

Settlement of East Slavic tribes

Name of the tribal union Place of settlement
Glade Middle reaches of the Dnieper (Kyiv)
Drevlyans In the Pripyat River basin, the city of Iskorosten (northwest of Kyiv)
Dregovichi On the territory of modern Belarus (left bank of Pripyat)
Polotsk residents The middle course of the Western Dvina at its confluence with the Polot River, the main city of Polotsk (Western Dvina basin)
Ilmen Slavens (or Slovenians) Around Lake Ilmen. Main city Novgorod
Northerners In the basins of the Desna, Seim and Sulla rivers. Chernigov city (left bank of the Dnieper)
Radimichi Along the Sozh and Seim rivers (between the Dnieper and Sozhzh)
Krivichi The upper reaches of the Western Dvina and Dnieper, the main city of Smolensk (upper reaches of the Volga, Dnieper, Dvina)
Vyatichi In the forest thickets between the Oka, Klyazma and Volga rivers, the cities of Rostov and Suzdal (region of Oka and Moskva rivers)
Volynians (Buzhanians) Along the Bug River (upper reaches of the southern Bug)
Ulichi Lower Dnieper region, Black Sea coast (Dniester)
Tivertsy Between the Dniester and Prut rivers (Dniester)
White Croats Transcarpathia

Conclusion: The zone of settlement of the Eastern Slavs was devoid of natural boundaries, therefore it was “open” both to invasions and to the cultural influences and influences of neighboring peoples.

We remind you that after the second social division of labor, the clan community is replaced by the neighboring one. (territorial)

Entry in notebooks:

Tribal community - a group of blood relatives who have common property and run the household together.

(Teacher's explanation: One of the reasons for the transition to the neighboring community was the change slashing agriculture arable.

Arable farming is a type of agriculture that did not require labor-intensive work to cultivate the land, since the land had already been cleared by previous generations, but restored its fertility. One family could cultivate such a plot)

Entry in notebooks:

Neighborhood Community - a more fragmented association based on the separation of individual small families from the clan.

(Teacher's explanation:In society, the importance of the individual, the individual family is gradually increasing. The right of private ownership, private property was born.)

Entry in notebooks:

Private property - a form of ownership in which the means of production and products of labor belong to private individuals.

Classes. Development of the economy of the Eastern Slavs

The Middle Dnieper region is the most favorable region for economic activity. But at the same time, there were differences in the agricultural system of the Eastern Slavs living in the south and in the north.

Working with the textbook: Students ( work in groups - south and north, at the end of the lesson they exchange selected data, finally form a table - homework), using the textbook material, make a table

Development of the economy of the Eastern Slavs

Settlements South North
There was a lack of water and constant dangers, people settled in large numbers, crowded into huge villages.
There were many cities in the South that served as centers of trade
Swampy and wooded area, there were few dry places. Villages with a small population (3-4 households) predominated.
There were few cities
Agriculture In the southern regions there was more fertile land, and free areas were simply sown. When, after a few years, the land was depleted, they moved to a new site. Later, in the 7th-8th centuries, arable farming appeared with two-field and even three-field.
They used the land for 2-3 years, and when the soil was depleted, they moved to another place
Large forest areas prevented agriculture.
Slash and burn system:
1 year: forest was cut down
Year 2: dried trees were burned and grain was sown directly into the ash, using it as fertilizer. After 2-3 years the land was depleted and it was necessary to move to a new site.
agricultural crops agricultural: rye, wheat, barley, millet
garden: turnip, cabbage, beets, carrots, radish, garlic
technical: flax, hemp
Guns Plow, ralo, plow with iron share Axe, hoe, plow, spade
Cattle breeding Livestock breeding was closely related to agriculture. The Slavs brought out vines, cows, and small cattle.
Oxen Horses
Trades Gathering and hunting continue to play a significant role in the life of the Slavs. Main trades: lykodery, fur hunting, salt making, beekeeping, hunting and fishing The farmers of the north had no incentive to expand ploughing, because... the land was poor, it was difficult to plow it, they were far removed from large markets. To make up for the meager income from arable farming, residents turned to trades: lykoderstvo, fur hunting, salt making, beekeeping, hunting and fishing
Trade The main thing in the economy was foreign trade.
Traded bread, wax, honey, fur with Rome and Byzantium
Too far from coastal markets, foreign trade has not become the driving force of the national economy
The path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”(late 9th century)
Along the Dnieper near Smolensk portage to Lovot in the lake Ilmen to Volkhov in the lake Nevo to Varyazhskoe (Baltic) sea to Rome to Constantinople (Constantinople - Byzantium) Pontic (Russian, Black) sea.
The domestic market was poorly developed; mainly there was an exchange of agricultural products for handicrafts

Working with the map: Show on the map the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.”



  1. Create a table “Development of the economy of the Eastern Slavs”
  2. Read the tables carefully choose the main thing and learn.


Answer questions and complete assignments in writing.

  1. Ancient Russians greeted each other: "Oh you goy..." What did they want in this way?
  2. What was the name of the Baltic Sea in Ancient Rus'?
  3. The Slavic tribes of the Dregovichi lived in the swamp, the glade - in the fields, and in the gley they lived Drevlyans?
  4. Was the territory of the modern Moscow region inhabited by the Drevlyans or the Vyatichi?
  5. Which major chronicler owns the words that are more than eight centuries old: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it...”?
  6. What did the number mean in old Russian proverbs? "seven"?
  7. Ancient authors used the word “Rus” to refer to the state formation that had developed in the region
    1. Volga
    2. Prykarpattya
    3. Middle Dnieper
  8. The main occupation of the Eastern Slavs in the VI-IX centuries. was
    1. agriculture
    2. weaving
    3. beekeeping
    4. spinning

“Slavs” is a formation, a concept only linguistic, not anthropological. Its basis was precisely the Gothic ethnosubtract. In Polyabye, where the Goths and Gepids completed their campaign by the 6th century, the Proto-Slavic language appeared. The settlement of the Slavs into increasingly vast territories naturally led to the formation of Slavic nations/nationalities, the development of local dialects and the rejection of the Slavic-Latin languages ​​as non-national languages ​​for a given country (until the 16th-18th centuries, European countries used two languages ​​as state languages: Latin and Church Slavonic-Thessalonica, both extinct), some of which then underwent transformation into independent languages ​​- official national languages ​​were created: Polish, Czech, Slovak, Lithuanian-Belarusian, Ruthenian-Ukrainian, etc. Church books were translated into national languages .

However, in relation to the ancient Slavs, we would like to know where the so-called ancestral home of the Slavs was located.

The ancestral homeland (of the Slavs, and not only the Slavs) should not be understood as the primordial area of ​​residence of a single people with a single language. An ancestral homeland is a conditional territory with blurred boundaries, on which, as a rule, a confusing and difficult to define ethnogenic process took place.

In matters of Slavic ethnogenesis, there is significant disagreement: the process of formation of a nationality is so complex and diverse that, of course, one cannot expect complete definiteness, accuracy of ethnic boundaries, clarity of ethnic characteristics. Anthropology, which studies the diversity of human physical types, has shown that there is no complete coincidence with linguistic areas, that language and physical type may coincide, but may not coincide.

Historical and linguistic materials alone, on which scientists of the 19th century relied, were not enough to solve the problem of ethnogenesis. Much more stable data was obtained by combining linguistic materials with anthropological and archaeological ones. Such a serious generalization was the work of L. Niederle. The ancestral home of the Slavs, according to Niederle (in relation to the first centuries AD), looked like this: in the west it covered the upper and middle Vistula, in the north the border ran along Pripyat, in the northeast and east it included the lower reaches of the Berezina, Iput, and Desna and along the Dnieper it reached the mouth of the Sula. The southern border of the Slavic world ran from the Dnieper and Ros to the west along the upper reaches of the Southern Bug, Dniester, Prut and San. Subsequently, other researchers preferred the western half - to the west from the Bug and Vistula to the Oder (i.e. in the territory of modern Poland). The degree of persuasiveness of the arguments of the Vistula-Dnieper and Vistula-Oder hypotheses is approximately the same. Hence the idea arose about the possibility of combining both hypotheses with the fact that the entire space from the Dnieper to the Oder can be considered the ancestral home of the Slavs.

Ancient Europeans and the formation of the Slavs in the 2nd and early 1st millennium BC

Cloud of ethnogenesis of the Slavs during the period of their origin and their neighbors - ca. 1000 BC

Ancient map of Europe → Enlarge.

Areas inhabited by Slavs at the beginning of the Middle Ages on a German map.

Slavs in the High Middle Ages - around 800-950 → Enlarge.

Archaeological cultures of the eastern part of Europe in the V-IV centuries. AD

Settlement of tribes in the V-IV centuries. AD → Enlarge.

VI century

Slavic formation and their neighbors

The beginning of a big settlement of the Slavs. V - first half VI century AD. The map highlights the events that led to the conquest proto-states Ostrogoths by Huns. → Enlarge.

Kievan Rus in the 9th century.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania XII-XV centuries. AD. See more → .

ON under Gedymin, 1341. See more →.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania until 1462 → Enlarge. See more →.

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1572. See more →.

Ethnographic map of the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) tribe, 1903 → Enlarge.

Territory of Ukraine before 1954 → Enlarge. See more →.

Ethnographic map of the Belarusian tribe, 1903 → Enlarge. Read more → Belarusians are the oldest inhabitants of Europe.

Available historical-linguistic, archaeological, anthropological materials and modern genetic research, on which scientists rely, do not reducediscussions and disputes concerning formation and ethnogenesis Slavs

Horde Muscovy/Russia’s pulling over everything Slavic and so-called “Russian” - the exaltation of the invented “Great Russian” nation, can be explained simply: in order to seize the territories of Europe, to deprive the Slavic peoples of Europe of national identity, to guard them from the height of their “high-born” position and assimilate them into the metropolis "" with the rights of younger brothers - the colonial peoples.

It has been proven that the so-called . It is impossible, on the basis of some Slavic features in the so-called “Russian” language, to mix Finno-Ugric, Turkic, and other languages ​​with the Bulgarian (Church Slavonic) book (introduced by religion from the outside, by no means predominant in the vocabulary and grammar of the so-called “Russian” language), classify it as “Slavic”.

No single Slavic community and/or “Old Russian nationality” has ever existed. The formation of Slavic peoples took place in different territories and with the participation of different ethnic components. There were no “Russians” in the past. The ideologists of Horde Muscovy/Russia in the 19th century invented the word “Rusich”, because in reality, a person’s belonging to Rus' was determined in the Middle Ages by a completely different word: “Rusin”. It did not mean Russians at all (then Muscovites), but only Rusyns (Ukrainians) - residents of the Kiev region, Podolia, Volyn, and Galicia. This scientific fact is not advertised in Russia only because it completely refutes the myth of the “Russian World” and some common origin of Finno-Ugric and Asian Horde Muscovy/Russia with the historical formation of the Slavic peoples of Europe.

East Slavic union of tribes living in the basin of the upper and middle reaches of the Oka and along the Moscow River. The settlement of the Vyatichi occurred from the territory of the Dnieper left bank or from the upper reaches of the Dniester. The substrate of the Vyatichi was the local Baltic population. The Vyatichi preserved pagan beliefs longer than other Slavic tribes and resisted the influence of the Kyiv princes. Disobedience and belligerence are the calling card of the Vyatichi tribe.

Tribal union of the Eastern Slavs of the 6th-11th centuries. They lived in the territories of what are now Vitebsk, Mogilev, Pskov, Bryansk and Smolensk regions, as well as eastern Latvia. They were formed on the basis of the incoming Slavic and local Baltic population - Tushemlinskaya culture. The ethnogenesis of the Krivichi involved the remnants of local Finno-Ugric and Baltic tribes - Estonians, Livs, Latgalians - who mixed with the numerous newcomer Slavic population. The Krivichi are divided into two large groups: Pskov and Polotsk-Smolensk. In the culture of the Polotsk-Smolensk Krivichi, along with Slavic elements of decoration, there are elements of the Baltic type.

Slovenian Ilmenskie- a tribal union of Eastern Slavs on the territory of the Novgorod land, mainly in the lands near Lake Ilmen, adjacent to the Krivichi. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, the Ilmen Slovenes, together with the Krivichi, Chud and Meri, participated in the calling of the Varangians, who were related to the Slovenes - immigrants from the Baltic Pomerania. A number of historians consider the ancestral home of the Slovenes to be the Dnieper region, others trace the ancestors of the Ilmen Slovenes from the Baltic Pomerania, since the legends, beliefs and customs, the type of dwellings of the Novgorodians and Polabian Slavs are very similar.

Duleby- tribal union of the Eastern Slavs. They inhabited the territories of the Bug River basin and the right tributaries of the Pripyat. In the 10th century The association of Dulebs disintegrated, and their lands became part of Kievan Rus.

Volynians- an East Slavic union of tribes that lived on the territory on both banks of the Western Bug and at the source of the river. Pripyat. In Russian chronicles, Volynians were first mentioned in 907. In the 10th century, the Vladimir-Volyn principality was formed on the lands of the Volynians.

Drevlyans- East Slavic tribal union, which occupied in the 6th-10th centuries. the territory of Polesie, the Right Bank of the Dnieper, west of the glades, along the rivers Teterev, Uzh, Ubort, Stviga. The area of ​​residence of the Drevlyans corresponds to the area of ​​the Luka-Raykovets culture. The name Drevlyans was given to them because they lived in forests.

Dregovichi- tribal union of the Eastern Slavs. The exact boundaries of the habitat of Dregovichi have not yet been established. According to a number of researchers, in the 6th-9th centuries the Dregovichi occupied territory in the middle part of the Pripyat River basin; in the 11th-12th centuries, the southern border of their settlement ran south of Pripyat, the northwestern - in the watershed of the Drut and Berezina rivers, the western - in the upper reaches of the Neman River . When settling Belarus, the Dregovichi moved from south to north to the Neman River, which indicates their southern origin.

Polotsk residents- a Slavic tribe, part of the tribal union of the Krivichi, who lived along the banks of the Dvina River and its tributary Polota, from which they got their name.
The center of Polotsk land was the city of Polotsk.

Glade- a tribal union of Eastern Slavs who lived on the Dnieper, in the area of ​​​​modern Kyiv. The very origin of the glades remains unclear, since the territory of their settlement was at the junction of several archaeological cultures.

Radimichi- an East Slavic union of tribes that lived in the eastern part of the Upper Dnieper region, along the Sozh River and its tributaries in the 8th-9th centuries. Convenient river routes passed through the lands of the Radimichi, connecting them with Kiev. The Radimichi and Vyatichi had a similar burial rite - the ashes were buried in a log house - and similar female temple jewelry (temporal rings) - seven-rayed (among the Vyatichi - seven-paste). Archaeologists and linguists suggest that the Balt tribes living in the upper reaches of the Dnieper also participated in the creation of the material culture of the Radimichi.

Northerners- an East Slavic union of tribes that lived in the 9th-10th centuries along the Desna, Seim and Sula rivers. The origin of the name northerners is of Scythian-Sarmatian origin and is traced back to the Iranian word “black”, which is confirmed by the name of the city of northerners - Chernigov. The main occupation of the northerners was agriculture.

Tivertsy- an East Slavic tribe that settled in the 9th century in the area between the Dniester and Prut rivers, as well as the Danube, including along the Budjak coast of the Black Sea in the territory of modern Moldova and Ukraine.

Ulichi- East Slavic tribal union that existed in the 9th - 10th centuries. The Ulichi lived in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, Bug and on the shores of the Black Sea. The center of the tribal union was the city of Peresechen. The Ulichi for a long time resisted the attempts of the Kyiv princes to subjugate them to their power.

The habitat of the East Slavic union of the Vyatichi tribes was the basin of the Oka - upper and middle and the coast of the Moscow River.
The Vyatichi settled, leaving the territory of the Dnieper left bank or the upper reaches of the Dniester. The Vyatichi substratum was represented by the local Baltic population. The Vyatichi managed to preserve pagan beliefs longer than other Slavic tribes, resisting the influence of the Kyiv princes. And the calling card of the Vyatichi tribe was disobedience and belligerence.

Map of the settlement of Slavic tribes

The Krivichi were a tribal union of the Slavs of the East, which existed in the 6th-11th centuries. Their place of residence was the territory of modern regions, such as Vitebsk, Mogilev, Pskov, Bryansk and Smolensk. This list also includes eastern Latvia. The basis for the formation of the Tushemlinskaya culture was the past of Slavic and Baltic society. The ethnogenesis of the Krivichi took place with the participation of the remnants of the Finno-Ugric and local Baltic - Estonians, Livs, Latgalians - tribes, mixed with the large newcomer Slavic population. Krivichi are divided into two huge groups: the Pskov and Polotsk-Smolensk groups.
In Slovenia, the Ilmen are considered a tribal union organized by the Eastern Slavs in some of the region of Novgorod territory, including the territory near Lake Ilmen, adjacent to the Krivichi. As the Tale of Bygone Years says, together with the Krivichi, the Ilmen Slovenians took part in the calling of the Varangians, related to the Slovenes, who were considered refugees from the Baltic Pomerania. According to a number of historians, the ancestral home of the Slovenians was the Dnieper region, others derive the ancestors of the Ilmen Slovenes from the Baltic Pomerania, since according to legends, faith and traditions, the type of housing, the Novgorodians and the Polabian Slavs are very close. Subsequently, the Vyatichi, Krivichi and Ilmen Slovenians were formed into the Great Russians.

Territories of settlement of Slavic tribes.

The Dulebs act as a tribal union of the Slavs of the East. They inhabited the area of ​​the river basin called the Bug, as well as the right tributaries of the Pripyat. The association of Dulebs fell apart with the onset of the tenth century, and their regions were part of Kievan Rus.
The East Slavic union of the Volyn tribes lived in the territory, the location of which was the two coasts of the Western Bug and the source of the river. Pripyat. The Volynians were first mentioned in Russian chronicles in 907. The 10th century became the period of formation of the Vladimir-Volyn principality on the lands of the Volynians.
The Drevlyans represent the East Slavic tribal union, which they were occupied with in the 6th-10th centuries. zones of Polesie, Right Bank Dnieper, places along the Teterev River, Uzh. They acquired their name according to their place of residence - they lived in the forests.

residence - they lived in the forests.
Tribal union of Dregovichi. The exact boundaries of the habitat of the Eastern Slavs belonging to this union have not been established. But according to some researchers, in the 6th-9th centuries the Dregovichi occupied the territory in the part located in the middle of the Pripyat River basin; later the southern border of settlement passed south of Pripyat, and the western border - in the upper reaches of the Neman. When Belarus was settled, the Dregovichi moved north to the same Neman River, and this indicates the southern origin of the Dregovichi tribal union.
The Slavic tribe of Polochans is considered a component of the tribal union of Krivichi living on the coast of the Dvina River and tributaries of the Polot. Hence the name of the tribe. The center of Polotsk land is the city of Polotsk.
The habitat of the Polans, the tribal union of the Slavs of the East, became the Dnieper, approximately the area of ​​modern Kyiv. The origin of the glades remains unclear, since the location of their territory of residence became the border between several cultures in the area of ​​arechaeology.
Radimichi acts as a union of the tribes of the Slavs of the East, who lived in the east of the Upper Dnieper region, along the Sozh River in the 9th century. The lands of the Radimichi became the site of routes along the rivers connecting them with Kiev. The Radimichi and Vyatichi carried out burials in a similar way - the ashes were hidden in a log house. According to archaeologists and linguists, the material culture of the Radimichi was created with the participation of the Balt tribes who lived in the upper reaches of the Dnieper.

The East Slavic union of northern tribes lived around the 10th century on the coast of the Desna, Seim, and Sula rivers. The name northerners comes from the Scythian-Sarmatian direction, and is traced back to the word “black”, which is confirmed by the name of the city of northerners - Chernigov. The northerners were mainly engaged in agriculture.
Tivertsy represent an East Slavic tribe that was settled in the 9th century in the area between the Dniester, Prut, and Danube rivers, off the Budzhak coast on the Black Sea.

Ulichi act as an East Slavic tribal union that existed around the 10th century. The place where the streets lived became the territory located in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, Bug, and on the coast of the Black Sea. The role of the center of the tribal union was performed by the city of Peresechen. The streets for a long time managed to successfully resist the actions of the princes who wanted to subordinate the union of the tribe to their power.

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