Ancient Slavic gods: list. Pagan gods of ancient Rus'

Veles is the god of wealth and harvest. Guardian of all living things, patron of clairvoyants and prophets. People of various crafts revered him and brought him gifts.

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The meaning of Veles among the Slavs

In the Rig Vedas, the Sacred Books of Knowledge, the glorified Volos is the guardian of lovers, the sower of prosperity, the connoisseur of talent. From the beginning of the World, Volos-Veles gave people animals, taught them to feed them, take milk from them, and raise them for meat, leather and wool.

He gave a pipe to shepherds and herd keepers and became their guard against wild animals. Having taught a man to harness animals to a plow and carts, Volos became a real mentor for the farmer. He is not only the guardian of a line of cattle on earth, but also the shepherd of his brother’s heavenly flock of cloud cows.

God Veles

The confrontation between Perun and Veles is told in the myth: who lives on the top of the mountain, in the sky, pursues his snake-like enemy, who lives below on the earth. The reasons for their discord are given differently - Veles’s abduction of cattle, people, and in some versions of the legend, the wife of the Thunderer.

The importance of the god of the harvest in Slavic mythology is evidenced by the fact that, for example, when concluding a contract, the princely squad swears by weapons and Perun, and the common people - by Veles. It was believed that the first ruled in heaven, and the second ruled in the lower part of the world and in the underworld.

The image of Veles underwent significant changes. He was considered the god of fertility, wealth and cattle breeding. Found in chronicles as the ruler of the underworld. Later mentioned as the patron of magicians, singers and art in general.

In Slavic pagan mythology, the deity appears in the form of the Serpent, the enemy of Perun. Veles the serpent, as a hypostasis of a broader archetype - Chernobog, embodies the forces of primeval Chaos, violent, unsettled, uninhabited nature, hostile to man.

Veles-Chernobog, possessing such a powerful destructive force, but also being the god of wisdom, knows how to keep Chaos in obedience and direct it in the right direction. But the evil principle of Veles began to dominate in human consciousness after the adoption of Christianity. Over time, having passed on his good traits to the Christian saints Nicholas and Blasius, Veles, like his animal forms - a snake, a goat, turned into the ruler of dark forces.

Researchers still do not know whether Volos is a form of the name Veles, or whether they are two different gods. Mansika claims that the first form is northern, and the second is southern, although no documentary evidence has been found for this.
The word Veles comes from the Indo-European word *wel, what does it mean?"to die", or Sanskrit v'elaa- time, from which it follows that this is the spirit of ancestors, the ruler of the other world.

The name Volos is, of course, Slavic. There is a theory that it comes from the ancient Slavic word “vol”, that is, ox, but there is no exact data. G. M. Baratz argued that Volos is the Semitic Baal, the god of fertility, waters, sky and sun. Veles and Mansik are identified with Baal. This is primarily a “cattle god”, the patron of animals and wealth. Most likely, Volos and Veles were initially two different spirits, but over time they merged into one person.

Veles protects and replenishes the acquisitions inherited by the ancestors - land, livestock, house, wealth. The good God taught man not to kill animals, but to look after and use them. He patronizes them in forests and meadows. With its all-seeing eye, the spirit closely monitors the well-being of animals and birds.

Veles helped the good owner increase his wealth and harvest. Our ancestors believed that the beard of Volos reaches the earth, and in it, entwined with silk and silver-gold, is the “earthly draft”, the source of vegetation, life and all kinds of forces. For this, every owner revered him, leaving pinches of ears of corn at the end of the field during harvesting - “For Veles for his beard.”

And when the time came to drive the cattle out to pasture, people from everywhere walked along different paths to the abode of the deity along with herds of cattle to bless them and bring generous gifts. Veles is the patron of the Magi, poets who inspire with their strength. Anyone who knew how to compose songs and retell them to people was already a sorcerer. In short, the ancient clairvoyants and prophets were able to express the will, passion and desires dictated to them by the starry sky of their ancestors.

In songs, the Magi told about the glorious grandchildren of Veles, about their exploits, rituals and customs, they taught people to live righteously, to praise God, to respect the clan, to improve the soul through prayers and labor. They thank Veles for their skills in the construction of temples, buildings, and fortress walls. Songs, translations, rituals, holidays, dances, which were born from the kind soul of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, were sent to them from heaven by Veles.

All poets, along with the glorious singer of the Russian land Boyan, about whom in the “Tale of Igor’s Campaign” it is written: “Prophetic Boyan, Volos’s grandson,” are the grandchildren of Veles. All of them were bearers and creators of the heroic epic of their native land.

Who and how revered the god Veles

This spirit received the greatest honor from the Trypillians when the earth was under the constellation Taurus. Sometimes his ancestry is traced to a shaggy bear, which is believed to influence successful hunting. In ancient times, there was a cult of the bear's paw, half-man, half-bear. Therefore, for hunters and trappers, the bear was a totem animal; it was appeased by the solemn offering of sacrifices.

For warriors, Volos, together with Perun, is the main one among the gods. Standing up to protect the land of their parents, Veles’s grandchildren took an oath:

We swear to the gods we believe in, Perun and Veles.

Idol of Veles

In treaties with the Greeks, Perun is perceived as the deity of weapons, and Volos - of gold. People of various trades also considered him their god: blacksmiths, potters, candle makers, mead makers, leather makers. He taught people to make musical instruments: domras, bugles, whistles, pipes, harps and endowed them with a good body, tall stature, voice and hearing.

Volos himself plays all musical instruments wonderfully. Once, when a bloody battle rose beyond the “limit” between the glades and the Drevlyans, which even Perun with his lightning could not stop, Veles appeared with a pipe in his hands and played it so much, he charmed the warriors of both sides with heartfelt sadness that they lowered their swords and fraternized.

Since Veles was the deity of animals, prayers were offered to him for the protection of livestock. Therefore, shepherds were sometimes called “Veles”. He was also considered the guardian of hunters due to his ability to transform into a bear. Sometimes his name was given to the spirit of an animal killed during a hunt. In addition to the protector of animals, this deity had several other important functions. So, he “grazed” souls in the afterlife. In sources the name of the day of remembrance of the dead is found as the time of Veles. According to legend, then a ritual was carried out to burn animal bones.

Volos was revered in many places, but he was especially revered in the Novgorod, Kyiv and Rostov lands. Chronicles say that earlier his idol was erected on Podol. When the ancient Slavs entered into important deals, they called upon not only Perun, but also Volos to confirm their words. Previously, wealth was calculated by the number of livestock, so it is not surprising that it was so popular.

Tsaritsyn pagan temple

Our ancestors celebrated Veles days, the timing of which coincides with the modern holidays of Christmastide and Maslenitsa. People dressed up in casings and turned their clothes inside out. Maslenitsa, which marked the spring equinox, was considered an important holiday. It’s funny, but it was precisely this day that the saying “The first pancake is lumpy” was born. At first, this phrase sounded different: “The first pancakes come to us.” They believed that it was on this day that bears (komas) first came out of their caves.

Birth of Veles

The legend about the appearance of Veles is associated with the name of the ancient goddess Lada, the wife of Svarog, who could not give birth to a child. Then she asked the wise goddess of the Ta clan for help and advised Lada to go to Smetanoye Lake, which is located in Iria, catch a magic fish, cook it in a special way and eat it. This was supposed to help Lada with her trouble.

And Veles’s wife Azovushka weaves a flying carpet for her husband.

Lada listened to Beregini’s advice. Having completed all the actions, she took the fish bones and took them away from the house. After some time, the Divine Cow grazed in the meadow where the scraps were left and accidentally ate them. A short time later, Lada delighted her husband with three daughters, future goddesses, and Zemun gave birth to Volos. He had the strange appearance of a half-man, half-bull, but from birth he possessed magic and knew how to give himself any appearance.

The deity is depicted in different ways, but there is still a certain established image. He usually appears as a handsome man with a long gray beard and hair. An owl always sits on his shoulder as a symbol of wisdom and peace. In the right hand there is a wooden staff, on the top of which a figure of a bear or the rune of Belobog is carved.

Attributes and symbols of Veles

Like all deities, u and. Its number is considered to be six, and its attribute is a bear’s paw and a hexagonal star, whose name otherwise sounds like “Veles’s Shield”. The Wind rune is also considered one of its attributes.

Bear paw symbol

The animals that accompany him are a bear and a bull. Often he takes on their appearance. The bull is also a symbol of the birth of a deity from a sacred cow. The ancient Slavs revered yew, ash, spruce, pine and walnut as sacred trees of Volos. If you decide to make one, choose these types of wood. Of course, you must first ask permission from the tree and God.

The temple of Volos was built in a lowland, in a damp and quiet place, or in a spruce forest on a hill. Oddly enough, an important condition was the presence of a crow's nest near the temple. The shape of the temple should resemble a cross or tetrahedron.

The cult of Volos is now being revived in the Rodnoverian tradition. This is a neo-pagan religious movement, whose members are trying to give new life to ancient Slavic rituals. According to Rodnovers, the beliefs and rituals of our ancestors are sacred knowledge. That is why they are trying to revive and recreate them.

More than two thousand years ago, scientists of ancient Greece and Rome knew that in the east, between the Baltic Sea and the Carpathian Mountains, numerous peoples lived with their own religion. Our ancestors lived side by side with Indo-Iranian tribes, Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Scythians, Vikings, Taurians and many other peoples. Such proximity could not but affect the religion of the Slavs, and this is how the pantheon of Slavic gods arose. The list is quite impressive; pantheon implies diversity, totality, multitude. The pagan religion did not arise spontaneously; the proximity to various peoples had a great influence on it.

Primordial gods of Slavic mythology (list)

The genus is the creator of the whole world, the progenitor of the gods and the beginning of life for everything. Beregini-Rozhanitsy - his assistants, patroness of children and the elderly, newlyweds. Guardians of the home. Bereginya-Rozhanitsa, in turn, also had assistants - a brownie, a bannik, and a barn. The symbol of the goddess is the duck.

The Slavs also believe that Rod sends souls to earth when a child is born. Rod's second name is Stribog, representing Saturday, which today is called parent's day.


A good god with many names, he was also called Svetich, Svyatovit. Belobog gave fertility to the lands and souls of people. He was presented as a white horseman, dispelling darkness, accepting the laws of good and light.

The symbols of Belobog are a horn, a sword and a bow. The day of the autumn solstice is considered the holiday of God; on this day, sweet pies were presented to him as a gift.


Veles is considered the guardian of antiquity, the patron saint of animals. Most often, God is represented in the form of a bear. Veles was especially revered, like all the ancient Slavic gods. The list of his knowledge is inexhaustible; he has the wisdom of his ancestors and animals. The day is his holiday. On the last night of October, our ancestors saw off their deceased relatives.


What female Slavic gods existed? The list of names is headed by the goddess Myakosh, wife of Veles, goddess of the earth. Patronizes fertility, this and witchcraft. She is also considered a conductor between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The goddess helps housewives, imparts the ability to raise and raise children, work in the garden, field, and house, reveals healer secrets, and teaches them to understand herbs.

October 28 is considered a holiday (according to the Christian calendar, Paraskeva Friday), on this day Myakosh protects housewives and wives. One of the symbols of the goddess is a headdress with horns; her tree is aspen.


The second name of God is Krat, the ancestor of Svarog, the lord of sacrificial fire. Patronizes sacred and sacrificial places. Crodo was represented in the image of Frost, cold and darkness follow him, they believed that God brings death with him.


What are they, the male gods of Slavic mythology? The list is headed by Svarog, perhaps the most famous of all pagan gods. He is considered an ancestor, a progenitor. This is who gave people speech, knowledge.

This wise god is depicted sitting in a chariot, surrounded by ancestors, intelligent animals and birds. Svarog is everywhere around, you can hear, see, and touch it.


The first son of Svarog is Dazhdbog. Gives warmth and light, vitality. Patron of light and warmth. Commands the rains, gives life-giving moisture and fertility. Sunday is considered Dazhdbog's day, its stone is yakhont, and its metal is gold. The Russians considered themselves descendants of Dazhdbog, and in every house there was certainly a sign of the deity - the Solstice.

There were also kind and patient Slavic gods. The list is crowned by the goddess Lada, the patroness of love and family well-being; she protects the hearth. The symbol of the goddess is the swan and the dove; we associate these birds with fidelity, tenderness, and affection. The time of the goddess Lada is spring, the time of awakening of the spirits of nature, mermaids, mermans, and goblins.


Morena comes from the words “haze”, “mara”, “haze”. Goddess of cold, winter, snow. Brings bitter cold, darkness, death. But this goddess is not so scary; she personifies the harsh Russian winter, which, as it were, tests people's strength. Morena's symbols are the Moon, the lynx and the owl.

Our ancestors were very sensitive to faith; Slavic gods and their meaning were inseparable from everyday life. The list of gods is very diverse, it is difficult to divide them by seniority. Each was important, they lived side by side with each, because the gods were, as it were, symbols of nature, the elements and were inseparable from the lives of people.


God of youth and fertile land, lord of the sun. Some consider him one of the faces in his spring form. Its month is March, day of the week is Tuesday. Symbol - iron, stones - garnet, ruby, amber.


Perun is the god of war and thunder, lord of the elements. Thunder was perceived as the voice of Perun, lightning - his arrows. They imagined God racing across the sky in a fiery chariot, with a mace in his hands. Our ancestors believed that Perun protects the visible world from the invisible world, the navy.

Perun's day is Thursday. His holiday was celebrated on August 2 (according to the Orthodox calendar - the day of Elijah the prophet). Of the metals, God prefers tin, his stones are sapphire and lapis lazuli.

Here, perhaps, all the main Slavic minor ones are even greater. Although it is difficult to call them secondary. Rus' is a northern land with a harsh climate, cold winds and severe frosts. And the gods of the Slavs personified the forces of nature.

Slavic pagan gods: list

Khors, Khoros - the lord of the solar disk, maintains world order. Depicted in the form of the sun. Its day is considered to be the winter solstice - December 22. According to the Slavs, on this day the old sun completed its course and gave way to the new sun, as if opening the beginning of a new year. Sunday is considered its day, and its metal is gold.


There were also dark Slavic gods. The list, perhaps, can be enumerated for a long time; the struggle between good and evil has always occurred. The personification of dark forces is Viy, the god of the underworld, the ruler of sinners. According to legend, Viy had a deadly gaze; not a single person could withstand it. They imagined him in the form of an old man with huge heavy eyelids that he could not lift on his own. The legend of Viya was preserved in Gogol’s story, and later a film was made based on it.


Kolyada, the son of Dazhdbog, embodies the New Year's cycle, he is a festive god. Symbolizes the departure of the old and the arrival of the new year. The celebration of Kolyada began on December 20, and with that began the festive ritual dedicated to God - Kolyadki.


There were also humorous, playful Slavic gods; the list is headed by Poludnitsa, the goddess of Slavic myths. She appeared in the form of a playful spirit. They believed that she was fooling travelers, putting them in a dark place. It was also Poludnitsa’s responsibility to ensure that no one worked at noon. She severely punished those who violated the ban, and could tickle them to death.

So, we can conclude that the gods were not good or bad. They were the personification of nature and the surrounding world, in all its manifestations. Each god had two hypostases. So, for example, Yarilo gives warmth, warms the earth, but on occasion it can also punish (sunstroke). The moraine, although it brings cold and severe cold, has helped Rus' more than once; for example, the cold stopped Napoleon’s troops in 1812, and during the Great Patriotic War it significantly complicated the movements of Hitler’s troops. You can also recall the Russian folk tale, where Frost generously gifted a good girl and punished a bad one. Not all Slavic gods are listed here; it is quite difficult to compile a list. Each phenomenon, each aspect of life had its own deity, who was responsible not only for its space, but also for life as a whole.

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In Slavic pagan religious beliefs, there was a hierarchy among the gods, characteristic of many peoples who worshiped several gods. The ancient Slavs also had their own pantheon of gods, although out of the total number, different Slavic tribes had “their own” gods, the most revered by their clan-tribe.

The most ancient supreme male deity among the Slavs was Rod. Already in Christian teachings against paganism in the 12th-13th centuries. they write about Rod as a god who was worshiped by all peoples.

Rod was the god of the sky, thunderstorms, and fertility. They said about him that he rides on a cloud, throws rain on the ground, and from this children are born. He was the ruler of the earth and all living things, and was a pagan creator god.

In Slavic languages, the root “rod” means kinship, birth, water (spring), profit (harvest), concepts such as people and homeland, in addition, it means the color red and lightning, especially ball lightning, called “rhodia”. This variety of cognate words undoubtedly proves the greatness of the pagan god.

The Slavs believed that God Rod the Progenitor created all living things and ordered the Worlds, and then retired from business and began to rest. But even though the Rod has stopped creating new things on a large scale, it still, no, no, will come up with something beautiful, useful, and necessary. The ancestors of the Slavs understood that they could turn to Rod for support, help or advice at any hour and day. Therefore, they used His sign and attributes in order to unite their thoughts and souls with Him. All our ancestors are present in this Supreme God, therefore God Rod is our main deity.

Attributes God Rhoda:

  • Bird - stork, duck.
  • Tree - oak.
  • Treba (offering) - now the Slavs continue to offer demands to God Rod when they honor their deceased parents and relatives - they bring colored eggs or Easter cakes to their graves.

All Slavic gods that were part of the ancient pagan pantheon were divided into solar gods(four hypostases of the sun god) and functional gods:

  1. The supreme deity of the Slavs was Rod. There were four hypostases of the Sun God, according to the number of seasons: Khors (Kolyada), Yarilo, Dazhdbog (Kupaila) and Svarog (Svetovit).
  2. Functional gods: Perun – patron of lightning and warriors; Semargl - the god of death, the image of the sacred heavenly fire; Veles - black god, lord of the dead, wisdom and magic; Stribog is the god of the wind.

Since ancient times, the Slavs have celebrated the change of seasons and the changing phases of the sun. Therefore, each season (spring, summer, autumn and winter) was responsible for its own hypostasis of the Sun god (Hors/Kolyada, Yarilo, Dazhdbog/Kupaila and Svarog/Svetovit), especially revered throughout the season.

God Khors (sun-baby Kolyada) was worshiped during the period between the winter solstice and the spring equinox (from December 22 to March 21); to the youthful sun Yarila - between the spring equinox and the summer solstice (from March 21 to June 22); to the sun-husband Dazhdbog (Kupayla) - in the period between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox (from June 22 to September 23); to the wise old sun Svarog (Svetovit) - between the autumn equinox and winter solstice (from September 23 to December 22).

To denote share, luck, happiness, the Slavs used the word “god”, common to all Slavs. Take, for example, “rich” (having God, a share) and “poor” (the opposite meaning). The word “God” was included in the names of various deities - Dazhdbog, Chernobog, etc. Slavic examples and evidence of other most ancient Indo-European mythologies allow us to see in these names a reflection of the ancient layer of mythological ideas of the Proto-Slavs.

All mythological creatures responsible for one or another aspect of human life can be divided into three main levels: highest, middle and lowest:

  • Thus, at the highest level are the gods, whose “functions” are most important for the Slavs and who participated in the most widespread legends and myths. These include such deities as Svarog (Stribog, Heaven), Earth, Svarozhichi (children of Svarog and Earth - Perun, Dazhdbog and Fire).
  • At the middle level there were deities associated with economic cycles and seasonal rituals, as well as gods who embodied the integrity of closed small groups, such as Rod, Chur among the Eastern Slavs, etc. Most of the female deities, somewhat less human-like than the gods of the highest level, probably belonged to this level.
  • At the lowest level were creatures that were less human-like than the gods of the highest and middle levels. These included brownies, goblins, mermaids, ghouls, banniki (baenniks), etc.

Read more about the main patrons of the ancient Slavs

God Perun

An ancient Byzantine author wrote that the Slavs consider their ruler to be God, the creator of lightning. The thunder god Perun was represented as a middle-aged, strong man with a gray, silver-plated head, and a golden mustache and beard. He rode across the sky on a horse or chariot, armed with lightning, axes or arrows. Perun was the ruler of the upper part of the world - the top of the World Tree, he was the master of the sky and the mountains, he commanded the clouds and heavenly waters. It was in his power to water the earth with life-giving rain or punish it with drought or storm. Perun's arrows could hit anyone on earth.

Over time, Perun becomes the patron of the prince and his squad, their assistant in military affairs. Perun was especially revered by the East Slavic princes. Prince Vladimir the Red Sun installed a wooden image of this god with a silver head and a golden mustache in Kyiv, on a mountain next to the princely palace, and proclaimed Perun chief among the gods.

Bulls and roosters were sacrificed to Perun; they were placed near the idol of god or near the sacred oak tree. In especially important cases, when they wanted to ask God for help in defeating their enemies, human sacrifices were made to Perun. They killed captives or even fellow tribesmen by lot: “We cast lots on a boy or a maiden; Whoever it falls on, we will kill him for God’s sake.”

God Veles

No less than Perun, the ancient Slavs revered Veles (or Volos, that is, hairy, shaggy) - the “cattle god”, the patron of domestic animals, trade and wealth. The word “rich” originally meant “having God”, “enjoying the protection of God”; poor, “wretched” - on the contrary, meant “deprived of God.” Originally one of the epithets of the cloud suppressor Perun (thunderous Tour); subsequently, when its root meaning was forgotten, it became isolated and accepted as the proper name of a separate deity. As "cattle god"(Laurentian Chronicle) Volos was in charge of the heavenly, mythical herds, was their ruler and shepherd, but then, with the loss of the people’s conscious attitude to their ancient ideas, he was assigned the patronage and protection of ordinary, earthly herds.

For the sake of the dependence in which earthly harvests are on heavenly milk shed by herds of rain-bearing clouds, Volos, along with his shepherd character, is given the meaning of a god who helps the labors of the farmer. There was a custom to leave on the compressed field “I’ll harvest the ears of hair on my beard.” Herbs, flowers, bushes, trees were called "hairs of the earth"

Since ancient times, cattle have been considered the main wealth of a tribe or family. Therefore, the bestial god Veles was also the god of wealth. The roots “volo” and “vlo” became an integral part of the word “volode” (to own).
The concept of “magi” is also associated with the cult of Veles, since the root of this word also comes from “hairy”, “hairy”. When performing ritual dances, spells, and rituals in ancient times, the Magi dressed in the skin (dlaka) of a bear or other animal.

“In Oleg’s agreement with the Greeks, Volos is also mentioned, in whose name and Perunov the Russians swore allegiance, having special respect for him, for he was considered the patron of livestock, their main wealth” (N.M. Karamzin. “History of the Russian State”).


Mokosh(Makosha, Makesha) - one of the main goddesses of the Eastern Slavs, the wife of the thunderer Perun. Her name is made up of two parts: “ma” - mother and “kosh” - purse, basket, shed. Mokosh is the mother of filled koshes, the mother of a good harvest.

This is not a goddess of fertility, but a goddess of the results of the economic year, a goddess of the harvest, and a giver of blessings. The harvest is determined by lot, fate, every year, so she was also revered as the goddess of fate. A mandatory attribute when depicting her is a cornucopia. This goddess connected the abstract concept of fate with the concrete concept of abundance, patronized the household, sheared sheep, spun, and punished the careless. The specific concept of “spinner” was associated with the metaphorical one: “spinning of fate.”

Mokosh patronized marriage and family happiness. She was represented as a woman with a large head and long arms, spinning at night in a hut: superstitions forbid leaving the tow, “Otherwise Makosha will get dressed.”

A direct continuation of the image of Mokosh was Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. Since she had all the fruits of the earth at her disposal, she also knew the fate of the harvest, i.e. distribution of products, raw materials, handicraft items. It was she who managed the trade and patronized trade.

In Novgorod in 1207 the Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa on Torg was built, the same churches were erected in the 12th-13th centuries. in Chernigov, Moscow in the shopping and hunting row.

Mokosh is the only female deity whose idol stood on the top of the hill in the pantheon of Prince Vladimir. “And Volodimer began to reign in Kiev alone. And place the idols on the hill outside the tower courtyard: Perun is wooden, and his head is silver, and his mustache is gold, and Khursa, and Dazhbog, and Stribog, and Smargla, and Makosh.”(sources of the 12th-14th centuries). Among some northern tribes, Mokosh is a cold, unkind goddess: “On the damp, surfy shore, the prophetic Mokusha, guarding the lightning fire, clicked her spindle all night and spun a burning thread from sacred fires.”(A.M. Remizov. “To the Sea-Ocean”).

Gods of fire, sun and wind

The ancient Slavs populated the upper part of the world with a whole family of solar gods. Among them, the main one was the god of fire Svarog. He gave birth to fire, which was called “svarozhich”. He, Svarog, was a heavenly blacksmith who taught people to use fire and process metals.

The son of Svarog was the sun god Dazhdbog - the giver of good, warmth, wealth. He moved across the sky on a fiery chariot. This god was considered the patron and ancestor of all inhabitants of Ancient Rus', who called themselves “Dazhdboz’s grandchildren.” Khors was also a solar deity, a double of Dazhdbog. Apparently, under this name he was revered by representatives of the Iranian peoples who met among the population of southern Rus' and Kyiv. (In Iranian, the name Khors means “sun”). Next to them, another celestial being is mentioned - Stribog, the god of the wind, who spread divine blessings across the earth.

All the highest gods among the Slavs had a human form, except for the winged dog Simargl. The name and appearance of this god, in all likelihood, were also borrowed from the Iranian peoples, who revered the prophetic bird Simurgh. In Russian folk legends, the bird Div had a similar appearance, which, sitting on the top of a tree, screams like an animal, foreshadowing defeats and troubles.

Among the Western Slavs, the fiery Svarog was known under the name Radogost or Sventovita. He was considered their main god. Local priests turned him into a deity of war. In the Baltic city of Arkona there was a temple of Sventovit, crowned with a red roof (everything in this temple was red). The temple contained a wooden idol with four heads and a weapon dedicated to it. In his right hand, the idol held a horn, which was filled with wine every year. By the amount of the remaining drink they guessed about the future harvest. If there was little wine left, a crop failure was expected. At the temple there was a sacred white horse, which was used for fortune telling.

Main Slavic gods and patrons by date of birth

The Slavic Patron Gods were the very first to whom our Slavic ancestors turned for help and thanked. Each of our ancestors knew from birth which Patron God was in harmony with him. It was believed that a person, even in the womb, began to acquire the character traits of his Patron God, carrying a piece of his spiritual formula. Therefore, the patron was in an inextricable connection with the person and tried to protect him in any situation.

They tried to live in harmony with their personal Patron, to maintain peace of mind and ritual traditions. Although it was not a big deal. After all, in essence, the Patron God had the same character traits as the man himself. And this energy was inherent within the human soul and destiny from the very beginning. After all, she came precisely from her family, from her ancestors.

How did you recognize your patron before? Slavic temple. The soft rays of the sun slowly open a new day... Gray-haired, in an unusual, ground-length white robe. He calls the Gods for advice. Calls to one single person to understand what kind of God will give him his protection. This was a special action, even sacred, because in this way our ancestors were revered and their memory was honored. To do this, grain demand was thrown into the fire burning in the middle of the temple. Be sure to monitor the behavior of the fire. A strong, rising fire indicated that the Gods had heard the call and were ready to answer the people and the very person calling his patron.

Stribog from January 21 to February 20

People born between January 21 and February 20 are very strong individuals who are not accustomed to bending under the weight of life's problems and troubles. After all, their patron is Stribog, the god who controls the winds. The dark side of such people is considered to be greed, ambition and hypocrisy. They love power very much and use all possible methods to achieve it. People around them very often feel this negative influence and treat such individuals with hostility.

Mokosha from February 21 to March 22

The period from February 21 to March 22 is reserved for the goddess Mokosha. The ancient Slavs associated her with the keeper of the hearth. People born under her leadership are very attached to their family, but do not like to reveal their soul and inner world to others.

Yarilo from March 23 to April 20

The period from March 23 to April 20 is considered the main blooming time of spring. This most wonderful time of the year is rightfully given to Yaril, the sun god. People born during this period of time are considered to be unusually friendly and kind individuals. Making new acquaintances and friends is easy for them. But, like the sun, such people do not tolerate oppression, preferring constant freedom in their actions.

Lada from April 21 to May 21.

Lada patronized in Rus' those born between April 21 and May 21. The goddess personified life and love, being the female embodiment of the Family. With her arrival, warmth and harmony reign on earth. During this period, the Slavs celebrated Ladodeniya, dedicated to the spring awakening of nature. Birthday people under the protection of Lada are in good health. They know how to create a pleasant homely atmosphere and get along with others.

Lelya from May 22 to June 2

In the first month of summer, those are born whose protector Letnitsa (or Lelya) becomes. She was considered the wife of Perun and was also called Gromovitsa or Perunitsa. This symbol is typical for the summer season from May 22 to June 2. Those who have a birthday at this time have developed intelligence and a good sense of humor. They are always the life of the party and strive to provide any possible support to those in need.

Kostroma from June 2 to June 13

Only 10 days, from June 2 to June 13, at the beginning of summer are reserved for Kostroma - a symbol of fertility and spring. In honor of her farewell, a celebration was held, similar to the surviving tradition of Malenitsa. Her hat and clothes were burned because the ancient Slavs believed that this would make the land more fertile. People whose birth occurred during this time are distinguished by their talents in the literary field.

Dodol from June 13 to 21

Dodola ruled from June 13 to 21. She patronized youth and beauty. It was believed that those born at this time retain a youthful soul throughout their lives, but are somewhat lazy due to their tendency to contemplate the phenomena of nature and life.

Kolyada from June 22 to July 6

The arrival of Veles (or Kolyada) was celebrated from June 22 to July 6. This cult had a central place in the culture of the Slavs. He determined the time of sunset and the course of the night. People whose birth occurred at this time were characterized as practical, wise, and were characterized by an interest in the occult sciences.

Dazhdbog from July 23 to August 23

Dazhdbog ruled on Earth from July 23 to August 23. In Rus', this cult was represented in the form of a tall man moving across the sky in a chariot. He had an open mind, and the concept of lying was unknown to him. He became the symbol of the ruler of destinies and the ruler of weddings. Babies born under the sign of Dazhdbog were predicted to have leadership qualities and achieve high social status through their flexible mind and determination. They included the founders of dynasties and great empires.

Woman in labor from August 23 to September 23

The period of the year from August 23 to September 23 belongs to Rozhanitsa. Her cult symbolizes fertility and the beginning of life; she is also the patroness of the family. People whose birth date falls during this time are calm and value a quiet and measured life. They often spend their lives alone, but if they find their soul mate, they are able to stay with her until death.

Morena from September 24 to October 24

From September 24 to October 24, one of the strongest goddesses of the Slavic pantheon, Morena, dominates the Earth. It symbolizes fading, the end of the path. It is not clear why, but people born during this period cannot understand themselves, decide which path to follow in life. Their only joy is work. Such individuals carry out assignments of any complexity in a short period of time and very quickly occupy high positions.

Mara from October 25 to November 22

The peak of the power of the goddess Mara falls on the period from October 25 to November 22. She is considered the personification of the forces of winter. People under her power are extremely cruel in nature and solve all their problems through the use of brute force. And they really love it when there is not a single opponent left on the way to their goal.

Vyrgon from November 23 to December 21

Vyrgon is the goddess of death, usually depicted as a woman with snakes instead of hair. The exact same mystical creature can be found in ancient Greek mythology in the guise of Medusa the Gorgon. She controls the period of time from November 23 to December 21, and people born under her leadership are distinguished by strong independence. Such individuals cannot obey, they are only capable of ruling. Also, Vyrgoni children must constantly see that their work is appreciated by others at the proper level. This usually comes in the form of flattery and praise.

Perun from December 22 to January 20

Not all Slavic patron gods were named by date of birth. Perun occupies a special place in paganism. People born between December 22 and January 20 are believed to have special powers. They are purposeful, courageous and unusually devoted to love. But very often such strong personalities remain lonely for the rest of their lives.

The Slavic pagan god Veles has several names. He is called Volos, Veles Svarozhich, Veles Korovich. He is not only the most famous, but also the most mysterious God from the pagan pantheon of the ancients.

Veles - patron of cattle

The most common version is that the god Veles is a cattle god and the patron of cattle, and this is his main hypostasis. At the same time, one should not be surprised that such a seemingly prosaic and not very prestigious occupation as cattle can be elevated to such a high pedestal. After all, judging by the written sources that have reached us, our ancient ancestors put him in second place in importance after Perun. But this is not surprising, given that in the Ancient World the role of livestock was of great importance. Livestock was not a source of entertainment, but a source of a prosperous life. Clothing, food, movement - everything depended on healthy livestock.

The successful outcome of the war, like trade, was also largely determined by the healthy condition of the horses. That is why in ancient times the pagan princes swore by the god Veles. Therefore, the origin of the word Veles or Volos itself has several explanations, and they all have a basis in reality. Some researchers translate it as “great” or “great,” which justifies its meaning for people. The meaning shaggy, hairy, hairy is also acceptable. In some rural areas, the ram is still called valukh. Maybe these are all roll calls at the genetic level, although it may just be a consonant coincidence.

Veles - God of poets

But such a great god could not be responsible for only one function in life, so some scientists believe that the god Veles was the patron of wealth and poetry, and the legendary poet Bayan was his great-grandson. Well, with wealth it’s more or less clear. He who is healthy himself and his livestock must be a rich man. With poetry it’s a little more complicated, although if you keep in mind that Veles was depicted as a large elderly man dressed in fur clothes, and always with the fur facing out, and many researchers believe that the Magi, who once replaced scientists, doctors, poets for the ancient Slavs, that is, who led the whole their intellectual life, are continuers of the work of the god Veles. Well, or at least the word sorcerer comes from the name of the god Veles.

Veles - god of the dead

There is also a version that the god Veles was entrusted with the mission of meeting the souls of the dead after their death, and accompanying them to the afterlife, as happened in Scandinavian mythology. In it, the god of oxen transports the dead across a funeral river. Indian mythology, in which there is a god who devours cattle, is consonant with this version. In Slavic mythology, there is a well-known myth about how God Veles is at enmity with Perun and steals his heavenly herds. The legend of the ancient Slavs is also well known, how Veles meets the soul of the deceased on Kalinov Bridge and escorts him to the world of the dead across the Smorodina River. In this myth, or rather in its names, there is another confirmation of the reverence with which the ancient pagan Slavs treated nature.

Veles was always depicted as a wise, horned old man with a crooked, gnarled stick, or a bunch of cut ears of corn. In other cases, the person had the head of a bull, because his mother was the sacred cow Zemun. Hence Veles has a respectful attitude towards all living things. But images of Veles in the form of a bear were not uncommon, because he patronizes forest animals and lands. Therefore, all the forest evil spirits - goblins, foresters, witchers, these are all warriors of Veles. They will never offend a person with good intentions and will show them the way, but they will punish an evil, cruel person. That’s why the travelers who set off on the road cajoled Veles.

It can be assumed that Veles were eternal opponents, fighting with each other for their influence on people. It’s not for nothing that so many myths tell about battles between these two gods. And yet, they were equally important to our ancestors. It was not for nothing that the pagan princes placed the names of these gods side by side under their treaties.

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