Respiratory system of a cat: possible disorders and their causes. The cat is breathing rapidly The cat is moaning and breathing heavily

Shortness of breath in a cat or dyspnea is a disorder of the breathing process, expressed in changes in the frequency, depth and rhythm of respiratory movements. It can be both physiological and pathological in nature. In the latter case, dyspnea is a symptom of serious diseases.

Due to some differences in the physiology of dogs and cats, it is quite natural for a dog to have an open mouth with a protruding tongue during extreme heat. Thus, it regulates temperature (the body cools through the evaporation of saliva from the tongue). After all, animals do not have sweat glands on their bodies.

For a cat, an open mouth is an unnatural position, and she rarely resorts to it. In most cases, this indicates that the animal has health problems. That is why the owner should show concern in response to the appearance of this symptom in his pet. Let's take a closer look at what this phenomenon is.

As mentioned above, shortness of breath in a cat can be physiological or pathological.

In turn, pathological shortness of breath, based on the type of breathing disorder, can be divided into the following types:

  • bradypnea - slow breathing when the functions of the respiratory center are suppressed;
  • tachypnea - rapid shallow breathing. This is a characteristic symptom of fever, as well as anemia and other blood diseases.

In addition, there are several forms of shortness of breath, depending on which phase of breathing is disturbed:

  • inspiratory dyspnea - the inspiratory phase is disrupted;
  • expiratory shortness of breath - the expiratory phase is disturbed;
  • mixed shortness of breath - both inhalation and exhalation are complicated.

Physiological dyspnea

Shortness of breath is almost always a sign of oxygen starvation of the body, which arises for various reasons.

Physiological shortness of breath does not require treatment. It represents the body’s reaction to certain unfavorable factors or extreme conditions. After their action ceases, the cat's breathing gradually becomes calm.


Physiological shortness of breath is characteristic of:

  • severe stress;
  • chest injury;
  • overheating of the body.

Stressful conditions

During stressful conditions, the hormone adrenaline is automatically released into the blood, which has the ability to stimulate cardiac activity. The body's need for oxygen increases sharply. To compensate for this deficiency, the cat actively breathes with its open mouth.

Chest injury

Shortness of breath during chest injury is a normal physiological response of the body to pain. If the chest is bruised or the ribs are broken, deep breathing becomes impossible, as it can cause pain to the cat. In such situations, rapid shallow breathing through the mouth is observed.

Great physical activity

During fast running, hunting and games, cardiac activity is stimulated. Active blood circulation automatically leads to accelerated combustion of oxygen. The animal stimulates gas exchange in the lungs, increasing the number of respiratory movements.

But if the cat is overweight, then even a small load will be accompanied by pathological shortness of breath. After all, obesity in a cat is a disease. A heart covered with a layer of fat is unable to cope even with a moderate load. This situation needs to be corrected urgently.

Overheating of the body

During the heat, the cat overheats, which is why “dog” breathing can be observed - rapid, with an open mouth and a protruding tongue. A cat, like a dog, does not have sweat glands on its body. The sticking out tongue helps her to further cool her body.

Symptoms of physiological shortness of breath

Physiological shortness of breath may be accompanied by behavioral characteristics of the animal characteristic of a particular situation:

  • active games and physical activity, overheating of the body - increased thirst;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun - lethargy, an attempt to lie on a damp surface, hide in the shade;
  • stress - fear, dilated pupils, anxiety, tossing.

How to help a cat

In case of physiological shortness of breath, the animal, first of all, is given complete rest, relieved of stress, protected from bright sun, and provided with a sufficient amount of drink.

Pathological shortness of breath

Pathological shortness of breath is a sign of many quite dangerous ailments. If rapid breathing is not associated with external factors and appears regularly, there is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Symptoms of pathological shortness of breath

The main symptoms of pathological shortness of breath are:

  • difficulty inhaling, exhaling, breathing too often or too rarely;
  • the animal adopts a posture of lack of air (the cat sits on half-bent legs with its head down and its mouth open);
  • hoarse breathing;
  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the lips, tongue, nose (evidence of hypoxia).

Main reasons

Pathological shortness of breath in a cat has various causes. They depend on which body system is affected. Basically, breathing problems can occur due to:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Respiratory system diseases

They can be divided into two types:

  1. Upper respiratory tract diseases. Shortness of breath occurs when the airways are blocked by mucous secretions due to sinusitis, rhinitis, and allergic reactions. The cause may also be nasal polyps or foreign bodies stuck in the respiratory canals.
  2. Diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Severe forms of pneumonia lead to filling of the alveolar spaces with purulent exudate. In this case, shortness of breath is accompanied by severe intoxication and high fever. Asthma attacks are characterized by their frequency and are caused by exposure to allergens - asthmatic pathogens in the allergic mood of the body.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The most common cardiovascular disease is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats. The walls of the myocardium thicken, simultaneously reducing the size of the heart chambers. In this regard, blood flow is disrupted, which causes the development of hypoxia. Due to the mild symptoms, the disease is often diagnosed only at a late, life-threatening stage.

Noting lethargy, blueness of the mucous membranes, and increased drowsiness of the animal, an attentive owner should be wary. Particular concern should be caused by the fact that a cat of normal build breathes with an open mouth after running or playing. This is a clear indication of poor heart function. The animal must be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Diseases of the central nervous system

Shortness of breath may be a symptom of a cat's brain tumor affecting the respiratory center. Such pathologies are usually accompanied by coordination problems, dizziness, and vomiting. Such conditions are characterized by slow breathing - bradypnea.

Disease of the hematopoietic system

Severe anemia in cats—a critically low hemoglobin content in the blood—leads to shortness of breath. This disease is characterized by drowsiness, lethargy, cold extremities, metallic odor of saliva, and muscle weakness.

Diagnosis of the disease

A pet with pathological shortness of breath should definitely be shown to a doctor. The diseases of which it is a symptom are usually classified as severe and cannot be cured with home remedies.

After interviewing the owner and auscultating (listening) to the animal’s breathing and heart sounds, the doctor prescribes a set of diagnostic measures, the main ones being chest x-ray, laboratory blood tests, and echocardiogram. If a brain pathology is suspected, an MRI or CT scan of the head should be done.

Treatment options

Since shortness of breath is not an independent disease, but a symptom, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of dyspnea. The doctor selects his tactics based on the diagnostic results.

In case of actively progressing respiratory failure, preliminary therapy should be carried out to improve the general condition of the pet. He is placed in an oxygen chamber, and in severe cases artificial ventilation is started.

The main treatment measures are as follows:

  1. In case of pathologies of the upper or lower respiratory tract, the following are prescribed according to indications: bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs, broad-spectrum antibiotics. If the reason is the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract, then the animal is prepared for surgery to remove it. An asthma attack can be controlled with special medications (glucocorticosteroids, bronchodilators).
  2. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, treatment is prescribed based on the results of the examination. Cardiomyopathy requires the use of beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and diuretics.
  3. Pathologies of the central nervous system. If a diagnosis is made of a brain tumor, then the cat begins to be prepared for surgery, and in the meantime a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy is administered.
  4. Anemia must be treated with iron supplements and vitamin supplements. In severe cases, a complete blood transfusion is prescribed.

Since there can be many causes of respiratory problems in cats, preventive measures boil down to maintaining the good physical condition of the animal. If the body has high resistance, the cat gets sick much less often and becomes more resilient. In addition, the cat is less likely to develop any hereditary diseases.

It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not overheat in the summer, do not overload it beyond measure, and do not overfeed it. It is very good if, from childhood, the kitten is surrounded by a calm, friendly environment.

When we take a pet into our home, we must understand that this is a big responsibility. Owners must ensure that the pet eats well and creates optimal living conditions for it. And, of course, every owner must monitor the health of their pet. Cat owners face many problems and situations, and sometimes they don't know what it means or how to react to them. Let's consider one of these situations.

Sometimes cat owners notice that their pet is breathing heavily. At the same time, his mouth is open. If such a symptom occurs quite often and does not go away over time, it is necessary to determine its cause. Most likely, this is due to some changes in the animal’s body.


Normally, a cat inhales and exhales approximately 20-40 times per minute. But sometimes the owners notice that the breathing process goes beyond the norm. For example, a cat breathes not from its chest, but from its stomach. This sign indicates that there are disturbances in the functions of the chest. If everything is in order with the animal's breathing, a vacuum should appear in its chest cavity, which gives the organs the free space they need. If the functioning of a cat’s internal organs is disrupted, not only air, which is necessary for life, but also a certain amount of blood can enter this cavity.

Why might a cat wheeze while breathing? This may be due to intense physical activity. This phenomenon can be observed if the climate is not suitable for him or he is under stress. It can also be caused by various pathological processes in the body.

Heavy breathing in a cat indicates that he may be developing some kind of disease. Experts say that the reasons for changes in breathing in cats can be both physiological and pathological. After all, the main function of the respiratory organs is to ensure that the body receives oxygen in the amount it needs. If this process is disrupted, the organ system does not function well. As a result, the body changes the type of breathing in order to somehow obtain oxygen.

Features of the phenomenon

We often see a cat washing itself. At the same time, she sticks out her tongue. This situation is quite common. But sometimes the pet begins to breathe with its mouth open, not only while washing, but also in other situations. This should alert the owners.

Should such a phenomenon always cause concern among owners? No. There is no need to worry about the cat's health in such cases.

  1. An animal may simply forget to hide its tongue after washing itself. This is typical for all cats.
  2. When a cat sleeps, its muscles are relaxed and its mouth may be slightly open.
  3. A cat may stick out its tongue when it is hot outside or indoors. There's nothing wrong with that either.

It is important to remember that cats, like people, can suffer from heatstroke. If your pet is in an environment where it is too hot, it is better to move it to a cooler place. Make sure he has access to water.

If the cat opens its mouth in the above cases, this should not be a cause for concern. But, if this phenomenon occurs frequently, and you see no reason for it, you need to take action. After all, in order for normal gas exchange to occur and oxygen to flow in sufficient quantities, it is necessary for the cat to breathe frequently and deeply. When the cat cannot do this in the normal way, she has to open her mouth. There may be different reasons for this, but they all require solutions.

This phenomenon can occur as a result of serious illnesses. Among them, experts identify heart failure, food poisoning, and even various disorders of the brain. Signs of poisoning will also include other symptoms. This is a gag reflex, diarrhea, etc. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the brain, this is more serious. After all, it becomes difficult for the animal to control the movements of its body.

If your cat's heavy breathing with her tongue hanging out and her mouth open is seriously bothering you, and you notice it happening for no apparent reason, take your cat to the vet. In this situation, only he can determine the problem. This symptom can only be eliminated if the cause is correctly identified. After all, there can be a lot of them, and you can’t act at random.

Deterioration of condition: symptoms

Breathing problems in an animal are characterized by accompanying symptoms.

  1. The animal adopts strange postures that make you uneasy.
  2. The pet began to drink little fluid and eats poorly.
  3. He may make various strange sounds that you have never heard from him before.
  4. The animal's lips turned blue.
  5. Breathing is frequent and heavy, while the mouth remains open.

This may be a consequence of castration, some kind of heart disease, or metabolic disorder. The chest cavity can contain bacteria, harmful substances, and even objects. For example, a cat inhaled part of a plant or food.


Before making a diagnosis, the veterinarian must examine the pet and get acquainted with the medical history. To assess the condition of the lower respiratory tract, an x-ray is usually prescribed.

In order to examine the upper pathways, veterinarians use devices specially designed for this purpose. If he has suspicions, the trachea is washed, and then the contents are analyzed.

If a lot of accumulated fluid is found in the pleural area, it must be immediately pumped out with a needle. This liquid is sent for analysis to determine its nature. If a lot of such fluid accumulates, it is most likely caused by heart disease.

Diseases in cats can begin due to unsuitable climatic conditions. They can get sick if the house is very damp and drafty. Often illness is a consequence of stress.

To avoid many problems, it is necessary to vaccinate in a timely manner. The animal must be well fed, kept clean and in good conditions.

First aid

How to provide first aid to a cat if the situation becomes critical:

  1. First, secure the animal's body so that the neck is straight. Clean the animal's mouth with saliva and close it.
  2. After this, take a deep breath and exhale into the animal’s nose, while placing your hand folded in the form of a tube to its muzzle. You can cover your pet's face with a piece of cloth.
  3. If your pet's heart has stopped, it can still be saved. If artificial respiration does not produce results, you should perform a heart massage for 12-15 minutes. After this, the heart rhythm is restored.
  4. Wrap your hand around the animal's chest so that it is squeezed on both sides. In this case, the thumb should squeeze it on one side, and all the others on the other. The pet's chest area should be squeezed with your fingers 5 times, after which we need to blow air into the cat's nose. These steps are repeated until the heart rate and breathing return to normal.

If you react in time and do everything correctly, you will save your pet.

Video: pulmonary edema in a cat - main symptoms and causes

From time to time, cats can catch a cold and experience quite serious respiratory (breathing) problems. If you notice breathing problems in your pet, it is very important to promptly contact your veterinarian so that he can find out the exact cause of the airway congestion and prescribe appropriate treatment. This article will tell you how you can identify problems with your cat’s respiratory system and how to make it easier to breathe. You can also learn about the most common causes of respiratory problems in cats here.


Identifying upper respiratory tract problems

    Pay attention to nasal discharge. Cats often have a runny nose. If you notice nasal discharge from your pet, it can be simply mucous or mucopurulent. Such discharge is often yellow or green in color.

    • Some cats with allergic rhinitis may have a clear, moist nasal discharge, but this may be difficult to notice because the cat regularly licks its nose.
    • If you notice your cat has nasal discharge, try to find out whether it is affecting one or both nostrils. Bilateral discharge (from both nostrils) is more likely to indicate an infection or allergy, while unilateral discharge may be due to the presence of a foreign body or a unilateral infection in the nose.
  1. Pay attention to whether the cat is sneezing. If a person has a stuffy nose, he can calmly take a tissue and blow his nose. However, cats do not know how to do this, and the only way out for them in such a situation is sneezing.

    • If you notice your pet is sneezing regularly, you need to make an appointment with a veterinarian so that he can help find out the cause of the problem. It could be an allergy or an infection, so your veterinarian will need to take a sample of the mucous secretions to make an accurate diagnosis.
  2. Try to find out the cause of nasal congestion. In cats, nasal congestion is quite common due to rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal passages accompanied by mucus production), infection (including viral ones, such as cat flu) and due to inhalation of foreign bodies (for example, the guard particles from spikes of grass that hit the cat in the nose while she was sniffing grass).

Identifying lower respiratory tract problems

    Measure your cat's breathing rate. Respiratory rate is the number of times a cat takes breaths in one minute. A normal breathing rate is 20-30 breaths per minute. Both your breathing rate and pattern can tell you that there is a problem.

    Pay attention to your pet's heavy breathing. Normal breathing movements of a cat are quite difficult to notice, so if you see that the cat has to strain to breathe, it may have problems with the respiratory system. When panting, a cat makes pronounced breathing movements with its chest and abdomen to inhale or exhale air.

    • To understand how your cat is breathing, you need to fix your gaze on one place on her chest (perhaps a curl of fur on her chest) and watch how it moves up and down.
    • The abdominal muscles should not be used while inhaling. If a cat's stomach expands and contracts when breathing, this is abnormal. If the cat's chest is visibly heaving and you see increased breathing movements, then this is also abnormal.
  1. Pay attention to the “oxygen fasting” pose. A cat with difficulty breathing often takes the “oxygen starvation” pose. She sits or lies down so that the elbows of her front legs do not touch the chest, and the head and neck are extended so as to straighten the trachea.

    • In the “oxygen starvation” position, the cat may also open its mouth and breathe with shortness of breath.
  2. Identify symptoms of physical pain in your pet. A cat with difficulty breathing may experience physical pain. To understand whether this is so, look at the expression of her muzzle. She may look nervous, with the corners of her mouth pulled back in a sort of grimace. Other signs of pain include the following:

    • dilated pupils;
    • flattened ears;
    • pressed mustache;
    • showing aggression when you approach;
    • tail pressed to the body.
  3. Pay attention to shortness of breath. In cats, shortness of breath after exercise is acceptable, as it helps the animal cool down its body. Shortness of breath in any other situation is considered an abnormal symptom. If you frequently notice your cat panting while at rest, contact your veterinarian as this is a bad sign and indicates a breathing problem.

    • Sometimes cats may experience shortness of breath when they are anxious or frightened, so when assessing your pet's condition, try to take into account the surrounding environment.

Caring for a cat with a stuffy nose

  1. Discuss the use of antibiotics with your veterinarian. If your cat is showing signs of an infection (yellow or green mucous discharge from the nose), talk to your veterinarian about whether antibiotics are appropriate for your situation.

    • If the veterinarian says that the infection is viral in nature, then antibiotics are useless. In addition, if your cat is prescribed antibiotics, it may take 4-5 days for your pet's condition to improve, during which time you will have to help her breathe easier in other ways.
  2. Use steam inhalations. Warm, moist steam helps thin mucus secretions and makes them easier to expel when sneezing. Obviously, you will not force your cat to hold its head over a bowl of boiling water, because if it gets nervous and knocks over the container, then you and it may get scalded. Instead, fill an entire room with steam to make your pet's breathing easier. To do this, follow the steps below.

    • Bring the cat into the bathroom and lock the door. Turn the shower on to the hottest setting. Make sure that there is a reliable barrier between the cat and the boiling water.
    • Sit in a steam-filled room for 10 minutes. If you manage to carry out 2-3 similar procedures a day, it will become a little easier for your cat to breathe.
  3. Keep your cat's nose clean. It is quite clear that if a cat’s nose is clogged and dirty, it needs to be cleaned. Wet a cotton ball with tap water and then wipe the cat's nose with it. Wipe away any dried mucous secretions that may form a crust around a sick cat's nose.

    • If your cat has a profuse runny nose, then regularly wiping the nose will provide your pet with greater comfort.
  4. Ask your veterinarian to prescribe a mucolytic medication for your cat. Sometimes the mucous secretions are so thick and sticky that they tightly clog the nasal sinuses and make breathing through the nose impossible. In such a situation, the veterinarian may prescribe a mucolytic drug to the animal.

Common Causes of Breathing Problems in Cats

    Take your cat to the vet for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Breathing problems can include infections, pneumonia, heart disease, lung disease, tumors, and fluid accumulation in the pleural area (pleural effusion). These conditions require the attention of a veterinarian.

    Know that difficulty breathing can be caused by pneumonia. Pneumonia is a serious infection of the lungs. Toxins released by bacteria and viruses cause inflammation of the lungs and lead to the accumulation of fluid in them. In such a situation, oxygen exchange noticeably deteriorates, which forces the cat to breathe more intensely.

    Breathing problems may be caused by heart disease. A diseased heart works less efficiently and pumps blood through the body less efficiently. Abnormalities in blood pressure in the lungs can cause fluid from the vessels to leak through their walls into the lung tissue. As with pneumonia, in this situation the efficiency of oxygen metabolism decreases, which can lead to shortness of breath.

    Difficulty breathing can be caused by lung diseases. Lung diseases include conditions such as asthma, where the airways become compressed and prevent air from flowing in and out of the lungs. Asthma is similar to bronchitis (another lung disease) when the airways lose their elasticity, their walls thicken, and oxygen is blocked. Asthma can affect allergic cats who inhale allergens.

    • For asthma, many cats are prescribed corticosteroids (either as intramuscular injections or tablets). Steroids have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so they quickly relieve inflammation in the cat’s respiratory tract. However, there are also salbutamol inhalers for cats; they are used if the animal is calm about the face mask.
    • Bronchitis is also treated with either steroids or bronchodilators, which stimulate the inelastic airways to open better.
  1. Be aware that lung hookworms can also cause breathing problems. Check to see if pulmonary nematosis is causing your cat's breathing problems. Lung nematodes are parasites that can invade a cat's respiratory system and remain there undetected for a long time. Severe lung nematode infestation (pulmonary nematosis) can result in nasal discharge, cough, weight loss, and pneumonia.

Dogs are able to breathe through their mouths - this is how they cool their bodies, but for cats this condition is very rare. Typically, if a cat's mouth is open, it means that it is either overheated or suffering from shortness of breath. As in humans, shortness of breath in a cat is an indicator of a disease or extreme condition of the body, so it must be diagnosed and treated, with the exception of physiological manifestations.

Characteristics of the problem

Shortness of breath is rapid, difficult breathing with an open mouth associated with insufficient oxygen supply to the body. This condition leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Shortness of breath in a cat can be physiological or pathological. The condition caused by physiological reasons is reversible and in most cases does not require treatment at all, only changes in the living conditions of the animal. The pathological form is a sign of the presence of a disease, so it will not go away on its own and requires good treatment of the root cause of its appearance.

Treating this manifestation of physiology without due attention can be very risky, since sometimes such a seemingly insignificant symptom can hide a life-threatening disease. Shortness of breath never appears just like that, without a reason.

Reasons for appearance

All existing causes of shortness of breath in a cat can be divided into two large groups:

  • extraneous, that is, physiological;
  • those that are provoked by the disease. With them, shortness of breath becomes one of the symptoms of the disease.

Natural reasons:

  1. Overheating. Because of the heat, the animal opens its mouth and breathes frequently, sometimes sticking out its tongue. Since cats do not have sweat glands, they can only cool themselves in this way.
  2. Extreme fatigue after a long period of running, playing, or other physical exertion. Heavy breathing is a sign of “turning on” the compensatory functions of the body.
  3. A stressful condition of any origin can cause shortness of breath.
  4. The pain syndrome can also cause rapid difficulty breathing.
  5. Shortness of breath in an older cat is a sign of wear and tear on the entire body, a natural aging process.
  6. When an animal is exhausted, it suffers from weakness, accompanied by shortness of breath at the slightest effort.
  7. The same phenomenon is observed with overweight and obesity in a domestic cat.

Dyspnea may indicate the presence of:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, primarily hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This disease in cats is difficult to diagnose, since it is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms, for example, like dry heart cough in dogs;
  • diseases of the respiratory system. It could be a common cold with a runny nose, an allergic reaction, and many other equally dangerous diseases;
  • consequences of anesthesia. If, after surgery, the cat breathes frequently and with difficulty with its mouth open and its tongue hanging out, this may be an indicator of the development of complications after the anesthetic drug;
  • poisoning, including CO. It is usually accompanied by a whole range of different symptoms;
  • progressive anemia. This dangerous disease occurs due to too low hemoglobin in the blood. With it, the animal weakens, constantly freezes, hides, eats poorly - it has no appetite.

Any manifestation of shortness of breath, if it does not go away on its own, being caused by natural causes, requires contacting a veterinarian for modern diagnosis and initiation of treatment.


If your cat has shortness of breath, it may be accompanied by the following additional signs:

  1. When overheated, tired, severely stressed, or in pain, the animal tries to hide, lies, sometimes on a wet and cold surface, breathes with an open mouth with its tongue hanging out, making the same movements as a dog.
  2. A cat can drink a lot.
  3. Her pupils are dilated, she is scared and nervous.
  4. If dyspnea is caused by a disease, the cat may have nausea, vomiting, severe weakness, lethargy, apathy, refusal to eat, or a decrease in body temperature.
  5. An animal may sleep a lot if it has circulatory problems or heart problems.
  6. In diseases of the respiratory organs, shortness of breath may be accompanied by sneezing, noise in the lungs, mucus from the nose, inflammation and the appearance of mucous or purulent discharge.

Only an experienced veterinarian with extensive experience who has modern equipment in the clinic can recognize which disease or physiological disorder caused the development of dyspnea. This is especially true for hard-to-diagnose heart diseases, so if owners want to help their pet, the best thing they can do is take him to a veterinary clinic.

How to treat

At the hospital, the animal will be examined and a number of examinations and tests will be performed. Only by accurately establishing the cause of the condition will the veterinarian know what to do in a particular situation. Treatment is always aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of shortness of breath, that is, the underlying disease, so it is never the same for all cats. Only by coping with it can you count on the disappearance of shortness of breath.

If this condition is associated with natural causes, then it is important for the animal owner to eliminate the source of shortness of breath. If the cat is overheated, it needs to be given water and placed in a cool place. If weakness is severe, you will have to wet her head and limbs with water. If the cat gets worse, it is necessary to take him to the clinic.

When stressed, you need to talk to the cat as softly and quietly as possible, without trying to forcefully pick it up or stroke it if it avoids. In this state, she can even bite the owner. We need to protect her from unnecessary attention and allow her to calmly come to her senses by eliminating the source of stress.

An exhausted animal is shown to a veterinarian and a diet enriched with vitamins and nutrients is developed for it. For an obese cat, everything is done exactly the opposite, that is, they cut back on calories and portion sizes, gradually introducing more active movement and weight loss games into his life.

Elderly cats need proper nutrition, immune support and a lot of attention and love.

Once you are sure that the owners have done everything for their pet, you can be confident about its future. You should always remember that in domestic cats, symptoms of heart disease can be mistaken for laziness and personality traits of the animal. If your cat is fat, inactive, and short of breath, take him to the vet before it's too late.

Many cats, especially young ones, love to frolic and run around, and after that, tired, they lie lazily spread out and breathe frequently. However, what should you do if the cat is breathing heavily, but has not run before? This should alert every attentive owner.

Reasons for changes in respiratory rate in cats

1. Physiological reasons - a natural reaction of the body, which is the norm. It can be caused by:

Physical activity. In healthy animals, respiratory rate depends mainly on the level of physical activity. The calmest breathing in cats is during sleep;

Stress. When nervous, angry, or excited, the cat's breathing quickens. For example, while traveling in a car, when moving to a new place, during various medical procedures. This is a short-term phenomenon and goes away as soon as the source of stress disappears. In pregnant, giving birth, lactating and estrus cats, breathing also often noticeably increases, but this is not a cause for concern, since this is a normal reaction of the body to additional stress;

Overheating or hypothermia. When overheated, a cat breathes through its mouth, often and heavily. He tries to spread out his whole body on the coolest surface in the house - tiles, linoleum or under the bathtub. If the temperature in the room is too high, wet a towel with cold water and wrap it around your pet, or simply wet his ears and underbelly, and make sure he drinks enough. When hypothermia occurs, on the contrary, breathing is barely noticeable, the pet curls up into a ball, and the fur stands on end for better thermal insulation. In this case, wrap him in a warm blanket.

2. Pathological causes - caused by various diseases or abnormalities. Among them:

Injuries to the chest, spine and ribs. If your cat sticks out his tongue and breathes frequently, taking small, shallow breaths, then breathing may be causing him pain. He may try to hide away from everyone, walk carefully, as if his movements are constrained, and eat poorly. In this case, the animal must be carefully examined. If there are wounds, torn hair, or some areas of the body are extremely painful when touched, take him to the vet immediately;

Foreign body in the throat or nose. Look into the cat's throat. If you notice an object stuck in your larynx and making it difficult to breathe, try to remove it. If it doesn’t work the first time, go to the clinic immediately, otherwise repeated attempts can only push it deeper. If the cat wheezes when breathing through the nose, or a whistle is heard, then it seems that a foreign body is stuck in the nasal passage;

Deterioration of health due to the development of various diseases and pathologies. In such cases, a change in breathing rate is accompanied by other alarming symptoms - an increase or decrease in the cat’s body temperature, signs of dehydration, vomiting, coughing, discharge from the eyes and nose. Wheezing in the chest is a symptom of stagnation of fluid or mucus, which occurs with pneumonia or heart disease. When a cat breathes with his tongue hanging out, it is possible that the nasopharyngeal mucosa is so inflamed that breathing through the nose is almost impossible.

The most common diseases:

    excessive weight (obesity) - the cat breathes with its mouth open even after minor physical activity;

    allergic reactions, asthma (accompanied by coughing, sneezing, swelling of the larynx);

    infectious diseases (for example, bronchitis if the cat has a fever and cough);

    various pathologies of the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity (then the cat breathes with its “stomach”).

There are many accompanying symptoms, and you should carefully monitor the animal to inform the veterinarian of all the details. In such serious cases, only a specialist will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

How to help at home?

First of all, examine the cat’s oral cavity and look into the throat:

If your cat is breathing heavily with his mouth open, and there are strong wheezing, gurgling, whistling sounds in his chest, or fluid is flowing from his mouth and nose, take him to a specialist immediately. There is nothing you can do to help, and a delay may cost the animal its life;

If the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums are too pale, with a purple or blue tint, then the cat is suffocating. If he has almost stopped breathing, you need to give him artificial respiration.

How to give artificial respiration to a cat

1. Place the animal on the floor. The neck and spine should form a straight line.

2. Clean the cat’s mouth from secretions with a napkin and close his mouth.

3. Place your palm in a tube, apply it to the animal’s nose, and exhale air there (you can inhale directly into the nose, covering the mouth with a handkerchief).

Frequency - approximately 20 times per minute for medium-sized cats (the smaller the pet, the more often). Monitor the intensity of exhalation so as not to damage the cat’s lungs (this is especially true for kittens). To do this, hold your hand on the cat's chest - with a suitable volume of air, it only expands slightly.

4. Feel your pulse every 20 seconds. If it suddenly stops, you need to try to restore the heartbeat with indirect massage. With one hand, take the cat's chest, pinching it between your thumb and the other four fingers, and quickly squeeze and release 5 times. After this, exhale 1 air into the cat’s nose, then squeeze again. Check every 2 minutes to see if there is a pulse. It is best to do this together, when one does massage and the other does artificial respiration. Continue until you regain your breathing or see a veterinarian.

The respiratory system of cats is naturally very vulnerable, so the only right thing to do if a cat is breathing heavily is to immediately take him to a veterinary clinic, where he will receive qualified assistance. Among the many diseases whose symptoms include shortness of breath, there are none that you can cure on your own.

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