Vacuum breathing exercise. Vertical exercise Vacuum. Classic version of the exercise, step-by-step instructions

A woman’s flat tummy always looks beautiful and sexy. With such dignity, almost all restrictions on clothing disappear, which allows you to create the most incredible and daring images. No matter how strong the desire to get a similar result without much effort, you will still have to work hard, and a lot, because it is not enough to just pump up your abs, you also need to fight fat deposits in this area. To achieve your goal, you need to act systematically and comprehensively, and on the physical side, for the best result, you need to use special exercises aimed specifically at this area. One of these exercises is called “vacuum”.

Why exercise is effective for weight loss

The “vacuum” exercise has come into widespread use in fitness and bodybuilding from yoga. Its meaning lies in a clear study of the transverse abdominal muscle, which is responsible for holding the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Regular exercises usually lead to the fact that due to pumping up the muscles, the waist increases, but thanks to the “vacuum” the opposite happens - centimeters disappear from the waist, and at the same time the stomach becomes flat and attractive.

As for losing weight, it is worth noting that fat in the body is divided into two types. The first is adipose tissue, which can be observed under the skin, and the second is visceral fat, which surrounds the internal organs, covering them with a layer of varying thickness. If there is a large amount of the second type of deposits, the stomach can be bulging even in thin people, as the muscles simply weaken. It is in this aspect that this exercise helps, tidying up muscle tone and ensuring a flat stomach.

Why is the exercise “Vacuum in the stomach” useful?

“Vacuum in the stomach” has become a popular exercise for quite some time; the well-known Arnold Schwarzenegger played a large role in its popularization. The benefits of this approach have been proven more than once; it helps to achieve a lot of positive effects:

  • by burning visceral fat, the functioning of internal organs improves;
  • the opportunity to get a flat stomach;
  • prevention of organ prolapse and hernias by training the muscles that support
  • abdominal organs in the correct position;
  • improvement of the digestive process - along with the improvement in the condition of the muscles of the abdominal wall, positive changes will also occur in the intestinal walls;
  • acceleration of metabolism and stimulation of the removal of harmful components from the body;
  • the exercise involves proper breathing, which will enrich the entire body with oxygen in the required volume;
  • improved posture;
  • increased strength and vigor.

Exercise secrets for getting a thin waist

There are several options for performing this exercise, but all options have the same positive effect on the body. To get the best result, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • it is very important to initially understand exactly how the exercises are done, otherwise there will be no benefit if performed incorrectly;
  • at the very beginning it may be difficult to hold your breath in this position, so it is recommended to take small breaths;
  • the load needs to be gradually increased - to begin with, it will be enough to hold your breath for a couple of seconds, but gradually you need to reach 12-15;
  • to practice the technique, the first time you should do the exercise while standing in front of a mirror to see if your stomach is retracted correctly;
  • To get a thin waist, systematic and regular execution is important;
  • If unpleasant symptoms arise during the process, you need to stop and rest.

Types of “Vacuum” exercise and technique with photos

There are several options for performing a “vacuum in the stomach” and they differ in body position. There is not much difference, the choice is usually made taking into account who is more comfortable, but individual positions may turn out to be more or less difficult in terms of physical activity. In general, the position should be as comfortable as possible so that you can focus on working your abdominal muscles and not be distracted by anything else.

How to do the exercise while lying on your back

The classic version of the exercise and the most common way to perform it is in a supine position. You need to lie on a flat surface, your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your arms should be down. To feel your movements, you can place your palms on your stomach, controlling the process.

The exercise itself is performed as follows:

  1. The lungs must be completely emptied of air and this can be done in two ways. The first is to simply take a smooth, deep exhalation, the second is using Bodyflex technology. To do this, a calm exhalation is done through the nose, after which the lungs are full of air, and a sharp exhalation of all the collected contents is made through the mouth with a characteristic sound;
  2. Next, you need to tense your abdominal muscles and try to pull them up, as if bringing them closer to the spine, and “pushing” your stomach under the ribs;
  3. in this position it is necessary to hold out for the recommended time;
  4. Afterwards, you can try to get some air without relaxing your stomach;
  5. then the stomach is relaxed and breathing is restored until the next cycle.

How to do it while sitting for the abdominal muscles

The complexity of this position is that the muscles that keep the spine in a straight position are also involved in the work. You can sit on a chair or any other comfortable hard and flat surface, the main thing is that your knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees and your back is straight. You cannot lean on the back of the chair.

How to do it correctly on all fours

An exercise in a position on all fours is considered more difficult, since here you will also have to “fight” with gravity. The position itself is not difficult to take: you need to kneel, placing them shoulder-width apart, rest your hands on the floor, without bending them at the elbows. Thus, the shoulder, elbow and wrist should form one straight line perpendicular to the floor. While holding your breath, you need to tilt your head forward and arch your back slightly.

How many repetitions should I do and how often should I do it?

The number of repetitions of the exercise is clearly not limited by any strict rules, since everything depends on the current state of the muscles and the desire to achieve results. The recommended number of repetitions is at least 7-10 per approach. Thus, the exercise can take on average from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the length of pauses between breathing cycles.

A good effect can be achieved if you do one approach per day consistently; to speed up the process, you can resort to the exercise twice a day, but always on an empty stomach (that is, in the morning before breakfast, and in the evening a couple of hours before or after dinner).

Is it possible to do a “Vacuum” after childbirth?

After childbirth, a woman experiences problems not only with the abdominal muscles, but also with the pelvic floor muscles - they are also stretched and not toned. Taking into account this feature, it is necessary to perform the exercise with certain additions, but it can and should be done - it will help quickly restore the condition of the muscle elements and return an aesthetically pleasing picture of the abdomen.

So, after pregnancy, the “vacuum” should be done only in a lying position, in order to avoid excessive stress on the internal organs and pelvic floor, and during the exercise, the arms should be spread apart from the body - this will help expand the chest.

Is it allowed to do this during menstruation?

There are two conditions typical for the female body when it is prohibited to resort to the “vacuum” exercise:

  • menstruation - in this case, muscle tension causes contraction of the uterine muscles, which increases bleeding;
  • and, of course, the pregnancy period for the same reason - increased uterine tone can provoke either a miscarriage or premature onset of labor.

Considering the reasons described, during these periods of life a woman should temporarily refuse to perform this exercise.

Harm and contraindications for implementation

There can only be harm from performing this exercise if contraindications are ignored. So, you should abandon the “vacuum” technique in the following situations (in addition to those already described above):

  • active inflammatory processes in the digestive system or bleeding;
  • circulatory disorders due to heart and vascular diseases;
  • lung diseases;
  • period of activity of an infectious disease or exacerbation of a chronic process.

Video: breathing exercise “Bodyflex”

Bodyflex is a special weight loss system, the basis for its success lies in proper breathing. Essentially, each exercise requires a “vacuum in the stomach,” and in this video you can find detailed information on exactly how to implement this breathing technique.

Both women and men dream of an athletic and toned stomach, regardless of age. To achieve the ideal, many people go on strict diets and exhaust themselves with physical exercise. But the result is not always pleasing. Few people among those losing weight know that there is one exercise that simply works wonders - a stomach vacuum.

What is a belly vacuum

This is an exercise aimed at training the internal abdominal muscles. It comes from ancient yoga practices and is based on a special breathing technique and simultaneous contraction of the abdominal muscles. At first it was distributed only among bodybuilders, but is now actively used in bodyflexing. It is also popular as an independent exercise that allows you to remove belly fat and significantly improve the quality and appearance of your abdominal muscles.

What muscles work

Contrary to the popular belief that in order to have a toned tummy and a thin waist you need to pump up your abs to the point of exhaustion, I would like to say that this is not entirely true.

The fact is that there are three layers of abdominal muscles:

  • external (external oblique muscles);
  • middle (internal oblique and rectus abdominis muscles);
  • internal (transverse muscle).

The vast majority of abdominal exercises put stress on the rectus muscles, as well as the internal and external oblique muscles, which form the relief. But despite all the efforts, the result is not always pleasing: the abs seem to be there, but the stomach still sticks out.

This is due to the fact that the deepest, transverse muscles are weak, because during training they hardly work, as a result of which they do not cope with their main task - to support the internal organs.

Benefits, contraindications, advantages

Benefits of exercise

When doing physical education, it is sometimes difficult to imagine what it can give us other than a slender body and toned muscles. So, when practicing abdominal vacuum, first of all, it is expected that it will become flat and the waist will be thin. But besides this, there are many effects that this exercise gives. Why a vacuum is useful:

  • the volume of the abdomen becomes smaller, and the waist becomes more graceful, which in turn forms a slender silhouette;
  • blood circulation in the abdominal organs, including the pelvic area, improves, which prevents congestion;
  • has a beneficial effect on digestion and intestinal function;
  • has a therapeutic effect in cases of prolapse of internal organs;
  • has a positive effect on the spine, improving posture and stabilizing the lumbar region;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system.


  • Doesn't require much time, just a few minutes are enough.
  • Not expensive. You don't need any gym equipment to perform this exercise.
  • You can train anywhere - at home, at work, on the road, standing at a bus stop...


In what cases is abdominal vacuum contraindicated:

  • Stomach and duodenal ulcers can cause bleeding.
  • Those who have problems with the cardiovascular system should be extremely careful.
  • You cannot do a vacuum during pregnancy, as this can lead to miscarriage.
  • On critical days, increased bleeding is possible.

After childbirth

Often the birth of a child is overshadowed by dramatic changes in the mother’s figure, not for the better. The skin and muscles of the abdomen are stretched and return very poorly to their prenatal state. When a girl is still very young, under 25 years old, and she has no problems with being overweight, this problem arises quite rarely - the body copes well on its own. But when a new mother is 30+ or ​​the baby is large, this is a common occurrence - the abdominal muscles do not want to return to their previous shape.

In this case, a vacuum will come in handy. With its help, you can quickly tighten your stomach and reduce your waist size.

After caesarean section

A caesarean section is a serious operation and after it a woman needs to protect herself from excessive physical exertion for at least six months. Already a month after giving birth, you can consult a doctor about physical training. Depending on how well the operation was performed and the characteristics of the body, the doctor will recommend exercises.

As in the case of natural childbirth, after cesarean, a vacuum in the abdomen will help strengthen the stretched abdominal muscles and tighten them, thereby speeding up the process of regaining your figure.

In any case, after giving birth, in order to start exercising, you need to consult a doctor.

How to do a stomach vacuum correctly

Despite the apparent ease of performing this exercise, there are several nuances that are worth considering:

  • correct execution technique;
  • exercise options;
  • sensations during training.

In order to start performing the “abdominal vacuum” exercise, you need to master the correct technique and understand its principle, then there will be no problems during training and everything will happen automatically. The technique is simple and will not be difficult to remember:

  1. To begin, you need to stand up straight and relax, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose.
  3. Slowly exhale the air completely through your mouth.
  4. Do several approaches to feel your breathing.
  5. Then inhale and exhale again, slowly at first, when it becomes clear that the lungs are almost empty, exhale sharply to get rid of the remaining air.
  6. Now you need to take a “false breath.” At the same time, the stomach begins to pull under the ribs. We pull it in and lift it up, under the chest.
  7. Hold in this position for 2-3 seconds to begin with.
  8. Slowly release the abdominal muscles so that they return to their natural position.
  9. We inhale the air, trying not to make sudden movements.

At first it will be uncomfortable, unpleasant, difficult. While holding your breath, you may feel dizzy and your vision may darken, then you should stop and sit down. This is normal at the beginning of training and will go away with time. For the first time, 2-3 approaches will be enough; more may simply not work, but do not despair, this is quite natural for an unprepared and untrained body. Once the technique is mastered, you can move on to regular training.

Execution options

Lying down

It is believed that this is the simplest option, since the organs are affected by the force of gravity and they themselves fall down to the ground. I. p. - lying on your back, bend your knees and place them shoulder-width apart, arms lie along your body, lower back pressed to the floor.


This option is a little more complicated, because the muscles responsible for supporting the back in an upright position are connected. I. p. - sitting on a chair or something so that your legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, with your palms resting on your knees.


This is an alternative to the sitting position. You can find out which is more convenient by experimenting, there is no difference in principle, the main thing is to feel comfortable. But here there are also two ways of starting position. In the first case, you need to stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms or place your palms on your waist. In the second case, lean forward slightly, rest your hands on something at waist level or on your knees.

On knees

This is the most difficult option, because gravity will pull the internal organs down, and it will be necessary to lift them up; it will be difficult for beginners to perform the exercise in this starting position, so it is better to leave it to more advanced exercise enthusiasts. I. p. - standing on all fours. Do not arch your back, but try to keep it straight.

Pain may be felt during the exercise. The main thing here is to correctly determine what character they are.

  • There may be discomfort during exercise. This is out of habit and usually goes through several training sessions.
  • When performing the exercise, pain may appear inside the abdomen. Perhaps something was done incorrectly and this caused the pain. It's worth stopping and resting, and then trying again.
  • Unpleasant pain inside the abdomen the next day of training indicates that the necessary muscles have been worked. This pain lasts no more than 3 days.

If the pain does not go away, you should stop exercising and, if possible, consult a doctor.

But the older, but no less legendary Arnie tells how to make a vacuum and generally remove the stomach.

Training program

It is recommended to do the vacuum at least 5 days a week. Even better, twice a day - morning and evening. But once a day is enough, preferably in the morning, immediately after waking up: make a vacuum and then get on with business.

For clarity, a table is provided that describes the number of repetitions and approaches in training during the month. This program is designed for beginners.

A week

Breath holding time

Number of repetitions

1st week

3-5 repetitions

2nd week

5-10 repetitions

3rd week

10-15 repetitions

4th week

15-20 repetitions

This table is approximate. It’s worth starting small: 3 repetitions with holding your breath for 15 seconds is enough to start training. As the body becomes stronger and copes better with stress, the time and quantity should be increased.

You should not suddenly give the body a large load, as this can be harmful to the general condition.


Usually the first results are noticeable within a couple of weeks: there is a feeling that the muscles are retracting themselves and the back is straightening. And if you run it for a longer time, you will notice:

  • a toned stomach and a noticeably thinner waist;
  • improved posture;
  • less severe pain in the lumbar region.

All this happens by strengthening the transverse abdominal muscle. Retraction occurs on its own.

In addition, fat deposits (visceral fat) around internal organs, which impair their functioning, are reduced.

Before and after photos

  1. Before starting regular training, it is good to understand how this exercise is done, otherwise there will be little benefit from it.
  2. The vacuum is always done on an empty stomach. At least 2 hours should pass after eating.
  3. If it is difficult to maintain the required time of holding your breath without air, you can take small inhalations and exhalations that do not affect the overall flow of the lesson.
  4. At first, the exercise can be done in front of a mirror to hone the technique.
  5. If dizziness and spots appear before your eyes, you should stop training and rest.
  6. The exercise itself will not give much effect, but in combination with classic exercises for the abdominal muscles, both lower and upper, you can achieve significant results.

Abdominal vacuum is sometimes called an exercise for the lazy. This may be true, because the training takes very little time, and the results are noticeably impressive. You just need to not be lazy and exercise regularly to have a beautiful tummy, and not a saggy belly.

Millions of people work out their abs every day, and they may even get six-packs, but in a relaxed state, the belly still sticks out. Or it hangs on very thin people, which cannot be attributed to fat. The fact is that all training for the press is aimed at pumping up the external muscles, and a completely different muscle is responsible for a thin waist and flat tummy - the transverse one.

In addition, the more you pump your abs, the larger the muscles become, especially the side muscles, and as a result, your waist size increases. The effect is exactly the opposite of what you wanted. For a flat stomach you need to do separate vacuum exercises.

Their technique is not new: vacuum belly breathing was once very popular in yoga, and in the 60s and 70s it became a godsend in bodybuilding. For the first time, bodybuilder Frank Zane, who was interested in yoga, told the general public about it, and especially popularized it by Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose V-shaped figure became the standard for many.

Until now, at demonstration performances, it is the thin waist that is valued, against which the shoulders visually appear wider. For some time, even doctors recommended vacuumization for weight loss, then the popularity subsided, and in recent years it has returned again.

Operating principle

The Abdominal Vacuum exercise strengthens the surrounding muscle, which is responsible for its tightness and supports the internal organs, preventing them from sagging. At the same time, other muscle groups also work, there are four in total:

  • Straight;
  • External obliques;
  • Internal obliques;
  • Transverse.

During any training, they are all involved, it’s just a matter of emphasis and strength of development. The rectus and oblique muscles are responsible for the abs, and the transverse muscle is responsible for reducing the volume of the abdominal cavity.

This does not mean that regular abdominal exercises are not needed for the waist, they form a beautiful relief, but in order to remove the belly, you need to pump up the transverse muscles. They do not give any relief and are invisible on the body, but you will see the effect yourself.


It would seem, what does a simple retraction of the abdomen give? Much depends on how you do it, how much, how often, but in general, you can soon count on the following effects:

  • Getting rid of prolapse of the abdomen forward;
  • Noticeable narrowing of the waist;
  • Reducing the layer of visceral fat that envelops the organs;
  • Strengthening the transverse abdominal muscles;
  • Reducing back pain and improving posture;
  • Prevention of hernias and organ prolapse;
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and getting rid of constipation;
  • Accelerates metabolism and effectively removes toxins from the body.

When should you not exercise?

We have already figured out how vacuum is useful, but like any exercise, it has some contraindications:

  • Lung diseases;
  • Exacerbation of a chronic or infectious disease;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Inflammation or ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

Important points for girls and women

Doctors categorically prohibit doing the exercise during menstruation and pregnancy, since the uterus is already in good shape. There are often questions about whether a girl can have a vacuum in her stomach during her period.

But after childbirth, vacuum gymnastics is even useful, as it allows a woman to quickly restore muscle tone and strengthen the muscles of internal organs. Of course, you need to start simple and small, only in a lying position and with your arms outstretched to the sides, and monitor your condition, but if everything is in order, your stomach will tighten in a short time.

Not everyone does a stomach vacuum correctly. Consider these tips to learn and do it with maximum effect:

  • For beginners, it is best to start by performing the exercise while standing, then you can make it more difficult when you master the technique.
  • It is important to master the correct breathing process: exhale, then inhale briefly and deeply through your nose, and exhale sharply through your mouth, completely releasing all the air from your lungs.
  • You may find it difficult to hold your breath for a long time: no problem, you can take small breaths through your nose while you hold the vacuum.
  • Try to pull your stomach not only straight, but also upward, pulling it towards the diaphragm.
  • Retraction is always done while exhaling.
  • To maximize tension on the transverse muscle, as you inhale, release your stomach slowly, and preferably not all the way.
  • The exercise is always done on an empty stomach, in the morning - immediately after sleep, and in the evening - before going to bed, or at least two hours after dinner.
  • If something hurts after pulling in, stop and rest. Perhaps you are doing something wrong. Like any other exercise, it can bring not only benefits, but also harm, so carefully study the technique. It shouldn't hurt a healthy person.
  • Try to hold the vacuum in your stomach for 15 seconds, do 10-15 repetitions, 2-3 approaches.

Execution options

You should always start standing or lying down, and then you will move on to other variations of the exercise. Why change position? Under the influence of gravity, the organs tend downward, and working out from different poses allows you to massage them qualitatively. So, let’s figure out how to do vacuum abdominal exercises at home:

In a supine position

Vacuum lying down is one of the simplest options, accessible even to beginners. Lie on the floor, bend your knees so that your feet are firmly on the floor. Your hands either lie on the floor or are placed on your stomach so that you can feel the retraction. As you exhale, pull your stomach towards your spine so that it sticks. Hold it and try not to breathe for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times. But don’t torture your body, and if you don’t have enough air, breathe. It will get better over time.


Also a good method, suitable for beginners. You can do it with a chair. Lean against a chair and bend over slightly. As you exhale, draw in your stomach. The back will most likely be slightly rounded, this is normal. Once you have mastered the chair technique, learn to do the exercise while standing upright and then raising your arms up to engage your upper abdominal muscles. Start with 10 repetitions, and then do 15 or 20, increasing the number of approaches.

On the knees

Sit on your knees, put your hands on them. Try to keep your back straight, your body should be slightly tilted forward. Inhale and pull your stomach towards your spine.

You can modify this exercise by performing it on all fours, this is a relatively difficult option, since you also have to fight gravity, which will require more effort than in other options.

In a sitting position

Having learned how to perform a vacuum while sitting, you can train anywhere: at home at the computer, at work, on public transport. This kind of physical education does not attract attention, but is very effective. Your back should be straight and your chin should be lowered towards your chest, otherwise you may experience a cough. If you want to make it more difficult, use a fitball or fitness ball instead of a chair.

How quickly will your stomach tighten?

The answer to the question whether a vacuum helps get rid of a tummy is clear: it will help 100% if you don’t feel sorry for yourself and master the correct technique. Practice and reviews on forums show that on average, one month of daily exercise is enough for the results to be clearly noticeable.

It's hard to believe that such a simple exercise can transform your figure so much, but it's a fact. The Internet is full of before and after photos in which people with initially quite large, saggy bellies happily show off their toned abs, and say that they achieved such impressive results at home, without any equipment, using just one movement.

Read the reviews and you will no longer doubt whether vacuum gymnastics helps. Try to personally hold out for just one month, and then you won’t leave her. Because you are guaranteed to notice a decrease in waist size and an increase in the overall tone of the abdominal muscles.

It's very easy to get started: you don't even need sportswear, just work out in what you're wearing. Stand up or lie down to try easier variations of the movements and do at least 5 repetitions.

Watch the video tutorial from YouTube:

When trying to lose weight, it can be very difficult to remove the hated fat deposits in the abdominal area. Abdominal pumping does not always allow you to achieve the desired results.

During physical activity, only the superficial muscles (rectus and oblique) work. But hidden deep in the muscle corset is the transverse abdominal muscle. It is she who is responsible for a narrow waist, a healthy back and correct posture.

Vacuum abdominal exercises were also used by bodybuilding athletes. Men acquired a triangular back shape (waist, chest, shoulders), and women acquired a tightened corset. Such trends in yoga as nauli and uddiyana bandha gave rise to the vacuum technique.

The essence of the vacuum exercise, its features

The best time to practice is in the evening before bed or in the morning on an empty stomach. The stomach should be completely empty.

Proper breathing is the basis of the exercise. To begin, take a deep breath.

As you exhale, the front wall of the abdomen approaches the spine as closely as possible. In this case, the abdominal organs are pushed under the ribs.

Basic moments:

  1. When choosing a position (lying, sitting, standing, on all fours), you need to understand that The more difficult the execution is, the more effective it is.
  2. The muscles retract as much as possible only after a thorough exhalation of oxygen.
  3. The time you hold your breath is individual for everyone. You shouldn’t over-exert your body, but you shouldn’t allow yourself any indulgences either. When doing the next approach, each time try to increase the fixation time.
  4. Do not suddenly drop your stomach after finishing the complex. The transverse muscle should always be toned during training.
  5. The load should also be approached personally. Some will prefer to do 2 sets (in the evening and in the morning) of 35 repetitions each. Others, by reducing the quantity, will complicate the technique.

Vacuum exercises: contraindications

Such loads are contraindicated for pregnant women. Diseases of the stomach (gastritis and ulcers), thyroid gland, frequent fainting, postoperative recovery period of 1-2 months, menstruation are also grounds for refusing this technique.

You should exercise with caution if you have heart or lung disease. You need to listen carefully to your body.

How to properly perform vacuum exercises for the abdomen

To achieve maximum effect when performing the exercise, you must follow the following recommendations:

In addition to the tightening effect, vacuum exercises for the abdomen help remove waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • lying position is ideal for beginners;
  • the chest is straightened, the shoulder blades are connected;
  • no need to rush, movements are smooth;
  • parallel to the exhalation, the stomach is drawn in and shallow breathing through the nose is allowed;
  • for the first time, to hone your skills, it will be useful to look at yourself in the mirror.

It is important to know! The minimum breath holding time is 10-15 seconds. Otherwise, all actions are useless. Vacuum exercises will have a tightening effect on the abdomen only if they are performed regularly and the time spent holding the position increases each time.

Classic version of the exercise, step-by-step instructions

Vacuum exercises for the abdomen are most popular in a horizontal position (lying on your back). In this case, you need to choose a flat surface, your arms hang along the body, your knees bent, shoulder-width apart, your head and foot do not come off the floor.

To control your actions, you can leave your hands on your stomach.

Exercise steps:

  1. Release the air from your lungs. There are 2 methods. The first is a deep, leisurely exhalation, the second is Bodyflex technology. According to the second method, after exhaling measuredly through the nose, you need to swallow as much air as possible and push it out sharply.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Pull them towards the spine, while the stomach tends to the subcostal space.
  3. This Fix the position and hold for the recommended time.
  4. Don't relax your stomach take a little air into your lungs.
  5. Relax, restore normal breathing to complete the next cycle.

Note! Talking while performing the exercise is not allowed. Lack of air can lead to unpleasant consequences. The complex must be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Constant concentration strengthens the neuromuscular connection between the human brain and the transverse muscle.

Vacuum while sitting on a chair: how to do it

This method is the most difficult. Abdominal stabilizing muscles prevent vacuum from forming. There is an additional load on the muscles that support the spinal column at the back.

Many bodybuilding athletes know how to perform a vacuum correctly, among them Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Only a backless chair or stool is suitable for training. And to complicate vacuum exercises for the abdomen, you can also sit on a fitball:

  1. Starting position - sitting, back straight, legs at right angles, palms on knees, chin pointing down.
  2. Exhale slowly through the mouth. As you pull in your abdominal muscles, fill your lungs with air through your nose.
  3. If you feel that you won’t be able to draw in any more, stop. It is advisable to stay in this state for about 1 minute.
  4. Then, with sharp pushes, release the air in the lungs and try to draw in the stomach even more. Fix for 15-20 seconds and take a break.

Carefully! If the exercise is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity, you should stop immediately.

Vacuum on all fours: exercise technique

In this position, the difficulty lies in overcoming the force of gravity, which so inexorably pulls the stomach down. Because of this, you should not only apply more diligence than in a lying position, but also achieve high results.

Step by step technique:

  1. Get on all fours, arms straight, slightly wider than shoulders, neck relaxed, head down.
  2. Inhale slowly, exhale the same.
  3. The belly tends to the spine, the back is round.
  4. Hold your breath for 15-30 seconds, then inhale and relax your muscles.

Do 3-5 repetitions in one workout. If performed regularly, extend the fixation time to 1 minute.

How to perform a vacuum while standing

Performed with or without support (difficult option). Your back is straight, your hands are on your hips, your legs are slightly bent at the knees and placed at shoulder level.

Execution steps Actions
Step #1Take a deep, controlled breath through the nose. Let as much air into your lungs as possible.
Step #2Exhale slowly, the navel seems to be glued to the back.
Step #3Hold the position for 10-20 seconds. Exhale in sharp bursts. Simultaneously with the release of oxygen, pull in the stomach as much as possible.
Step #4Hold the abdominal vacuum for another 5-10 seconds. After the exercise, relax your muscles.

Strength and cardiological training alternate perfectly with vacuum. The repetition is carried out only with a feeling of incomplete exhalation and a calm state of the body.

Vacuum exercises: what result to expect

After 30 days of daily exercise, the first successes in losing weight in the waist area will already be visible.


  • the hanging, voluminous belly disappears;
  • are in good shape, internal organs are gently massaged;
  • the power of the transverse muscles increases;
  • pain in the lumbar region stops;
  • the waist narrows;

  • the amount of visceral (internal) fat on the internal organs becomes smaller;
  • beautiful, correct posture;
  • enrichment of the whole body with oxygen;
  • acceleration of metabolism and removal of accumulated toxins from the body;
  • preventing the occurrence of hernias and organ prolapse.

Advice from professionals to achieve maximum effect

With the development of bodybuilding, the “vacuum” abdominal exercise appeared in the early stages. Frank Zane is credited as the originator, while Arnold Schwarzenegger and Corey Everson brought it to the masses. The well-known “terminator” made it difficult to draw in the abdomen while exhaling by twisting.

Corey Everson

The following tips will be useful for beginners:

  • constantly improve execution technique;
  • do not take breaks, dexterity will be lost;
  • The stomach will not become perfect without following the correct technique.

For a more visual representation of how to apply this technique, a video was recorded.

By tightening the natural corset of the body with the help of simple exercises, you can eventually get rid of hanging folds over clothes forever.

Flat, toned abs are achieved by vacuum loading without pumping. In combination with a healthy, proper diet, focusing on vegetables and fruits and excluding fatty foods from the diet, the curves of the waist will acquire beautiful outlines.

Abdominal vacuum exercise: useful video:

Vacuum exercises for the abdomen. How to do it correctly:

Summer is coming, and many are hastily starting to prepare for the beach season, signing up for fitness clubs or trying to tighten their stomachs at home. However, when working on problem areas, many are faced with the following paradox. The hardest thing to achieve is a flat stomach. It is believed that to improve its shape it is necessary to pump up the abs. But in practice, everything looks completely different: the more, the less sense. This is due to the fact that fat gradually turns into muscle, or a muscle corset is formed under its layer. But my stomach never goes away. What to do in this situation? A simple exercise - a vacuum in the stomach - will be a faithful assistant. Reviews about it are given by both athletes and amateurs. The exercise helped them cope with the problem.

Why is it effective?

When performing the exercise, the same one that holds all the internal organs in place is loaded. Usually the cause of a sagging belly is low tone. When playing sports, the main load falls on the oblique and external muscles. From overtraining they begin to bulge. As a result, the stomach stops hanging, but still protrudes forward.

This exercise forces the transverse muscle to work. Bodybuilders love to do a vacuum in the stomach. The exercise relieves them of the protruding “ball of nerves.” It helps to draw the waist.

  1. Consistency is the key to success. The “Vacuum in the Abdomen” exercise should be performed regularly. To obtain it you will need about a month of constant training.
  2. At first glance, the exercise seems very simple, but few people manage to perform it correctly the first time. Don't despair if things don't work out.
  3. The result directly depends on compliance with the exercise technique at all stages.
  4. Currently, several implementation methods have been developed. You need to start with the one that seems the most understandable and simple. Having understood the mechanisms of movement, you can move on to more complex options.

Simplified technique

For beginners, the most affordable option is offered.

I. p.: lying on your back with bent legs. The arms are extended along the body.

1. All the air is exhaled from the lungs, but not abruptly, but smoothly, gradually.

2. Then as deep as possible and held in this position for 15-20 seconds. You can gradually increase the delay time. The stomach should not move.

3. Relax your stomach, breathe in air.

A little more complicated

When the principle is clear and you know how to properly perform a abdominal vacuum in a lying position, you can try to perform the exercise while standing.

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1. As you exhale, the knees bend, the body moves slightly forward, as when roller skating. Palms rest on thighs.

2. When the lungs are empty, the stomach retracts and is fixed in this position. At the same time, the head is slightly tilted down, but the eyes look ahead, the back is straight.

3. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds.

4. Relax your stomach, breathe in air, restore your breathing.

Similarly, you can perform the exercise in a sitting position or on all fours.

Bodyflex breathing technique

Proper breathing is one of the most important components of success when performing a vacuum in the abdomen. The exercise goes well with the Bodyflex technique. Exhalation here is done as follows:

  1. First, the lungs are completely freed of air.
  2. They are filled again with a sharp breath through the nose.
  3. Then there is a full, sharp and noisy exhalation through the mouth. All the air seems to be pushed out of the lungs at once.
  4. The abdomen is pulled in and fixed under the ribs.
  5. After 20 seconds, relax and inhale.
  6. Restore breathing and repeat the exercise.

This method allows you to cleanse your lungs as much as possible. The respiratory system is also activated and worked out.

Vacuum in the stomach. Exercise for “advanced”, ideal technique

I.p.: lying on your back with bent legs. The arms are extended along the body.

1. Exhale. The lungs should be completely empty of air.

2. Abdominal retraction. Fix the muscles in this position for 15 seconds.

3. Take a small breath, followed by tensing all the abdominal muscles. At the same time, you need to continue to retract it. If so, at first you can take small breaths.

4. Relaxation and restoration of breathing. Inhale or exhale (depending on how the previous step was performed). However, the exercise is not over yet.

5. Exhale, draw in the abdomen.

7. Inhale, relax, restore.

Training rules

  • For the exercise to be most effective, it is recommended to perform it in the morning or evening, and preferably 2 times a day. In this case, at least two hours should pass after eating.
  • At first, 10-15 minutes per approach will be enough. Gradually this time can be increased to half an hour.
  • The number of repetitions is determined individually. The optimal level of load can be determined as follows: it’s time to finish at the moment when it becomes difficult to exhale.

Benefits of exercise

A vacuum in the abdomen will not only help pump up the abdominal muscles, increase their tone and endurance, it also has a healing effect. Due to constant retractions, internal organs and the gastrointestinal tract are massaged, which improves their functioning. The back muscles are also strengthened and posture improves.


It is very useful to regularly do a vacuum in the stomach. Exercise, however, may be prohibited in some cases. Main contraindications:

  • and duodenum. For any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - with caution.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Women's critical days.
  • Pregnancy period.

Tightening your stomach at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is to force yourself to study.

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