Effective pills for insomnia. Inexpensive pills for insomnia

Help yourself. How to improve the quality of sleep and get rid of insomnia?

Sleep is a natural physiological process, which in the modern rhythm of life, not every person is complete and restorative. Depending on the degree of sleep disorders, doctors recommend the use of various homeopathic medicines. An effective set of exercises is that, at the level of self-hypnosis, helps you relax and leads to sleep. Alternative medicine recommends water treatments using essential oils, herbs and pine needles.

Signs of sleep disorders

Before you choose sleep pills without prescription, you should figure out what the main symptoms of this popular neurosis of our time are:

  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • previously, uncontrolled awakening;
  • for sound sleep you need a sedative or sleeping pill;
  • it is impossible to concentrate on the work process during the day - drowsiness, loss of energy, irritability and fatigue interfere;
  • spontaneous awakenings at night.

The degree of the disorder is determined by the duration of sleep, its quality, time to wake up and how you feel during the day. Properly selected medications for sleep disorders, analysis and elimination of the causes of insomnia will help relieve you from anxious nights.

Does insomnia prevent you from getting proper rest? Where to start treatment

Sleep disturbance significantly worsens well-being, affects the exacerbation of chronic diseases, provokes emotional aggressive outbursts, a person’s concentration decreases, and a constant feeling of fatigue and the desire to sleep interferes with working productively and enjoying life. Many of those suffering from lack of sleep are in no hurry to see a doctor: some consider the problem to be temporary and do not see it as a health hazard, others do not have enough time or desire to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. Effective sleep medications are available over the counter without a prescription. Finding safe and effective medications at an affordable price is not difficult.

If you decide to take your health seriously, it is recommended to start treatment with a polysomnographic study, the results of which will help the somnologist develop a treatment strategy and select the necessary pills to improve sleep.

The intense rhythm of life, an unstable economic situation, irrational time management, difficulties in communicating with superiors and colleagues lead to the development of stress, mental and physical fatigue. The consequence is a sleep disorder, which often develops into a form that requires drug treatment. As a rule, the first pills to improve sleep are prescribed, which have a mild effect and are available without a prescription due to minimal side effects and contraindications.

Tablets for normalizing sleep are popular remedies and are included in any home first aid kit. As a rule, they are commercially available because they have a low psychoactive inhibitory effect, and in case of overdose they do not cause serious side effects. Such medications can help you fall asleep quickly with simple sleep disorders.

Purposes of application

Unlike most medications, any remedy for insomnia, usually tablets, does not have clear indications, so it can be used either once after suffering stress or a nervous disorder, or over a period of time. In the latter case, they are prescribed by a doctor in the presence of the following conditions:

  • jet lag leading to sleep disturbances;
  • on the eve of an important event, when nervous tension prevents you from falling asleep;
  • persistent insomnia.

Advantages and disadvantages

Regardless of the mechanism of action, good sleep tablets or capsules help you fall asleep quickly and ensure proper rest at night. The duration of the pharmacological effect may vary, but most medications remain effective for an average of 6-8 hours.

Some products can be used in case of allergies because they contain antihistamines. And yet, despite the quick help in restoring performance and well-being, when choosing, you should take into account the delayed consequences, as well as the half-life and elimination from the body.

In addition, many of the drugs, especially barbiturates or benzodiazepines, cause physical or psychological dependence and rapid addiction. With prolonged use, they reduce effectiveness, as a result of which the patient has to increase the dosage. This leads to fatigue, impaired coordination of movements, weakening of memory and mental abilities.

Attention! We should not forget that uncontrolled use of sleeping pills can cause a lot of other unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous, conditions in both adults and children.

Possible side effects

As a rule, side effects occur if you take strong drugs, but sometimes mild herbal remedies also have a negative effect on the body. Systematic excess of the dosage increases the likelihood of negative phenomena:

  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • dysfunctional kidney disorders;
  • liver dystrophy;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • acute allergic reactions.

It is important to know! Often, refusal to take light medications with a sedative effect causes a “reversal of action” syndrome, manifested in the form of prolonged depression, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, headache, loss of coordination and slowed reactions.

Possible restrictions

Some evening sleep pills that help normalize the process of falling asleep are strong and should be prescribed with great caution. Contraindications to their use are the following conditions:

Alcohol compatibility

The inability to get enough sleep in an adult man causes irritation and aggression. Feeling tired and overwhelmed, the thought of drinking a glass of wine or a stronger drink often comes to mind. If the saving sleep does not occur, then already drunk, he can take a sedative pill, considering it harmless. But the combination of any sleeping pill, even a small dose of alcohol, is deadly because it leads to the following consequences:

  • to constant drowsiness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • loss of control over the body;
  • depression of the central nervous system;
  • intoxication;
  • stopping breathing during deep sleep, often leading to death;
  • pain and aches in muscles;
  • nausea, incessant vomiting;
  • the appearance of nightmares;
  • disturbances in the process of falling asleep in the long term.

It is important to know! Against the background of a combination of alcohol and sleeping pills, positional compression syndrome appears, in which the vessels are pinched and gangrene develops.

Despite this, some drugs are used in narcology for the treatment of alcoholic psychosis and withdrawal syndrome.


In the huge list of pharmacological products, sleep aids, namely tablets, make up the following list:

Barbiturates. A group of potent drugs that make it easier to fall asleep, but can affect the change in the ratio of the phases of slow and fast sleep. They have a wide range of side effects such as lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, and depression. They reduce blood pressure, and with long-term use they provoke the development of sleep apnea syndrome and cardiac arrest. Available with a prescription, they are quickly addictive. Phenobarbital is considered a prominent representative.

Benzodiazepine derivatives. They are much easier to tolerate by the body and have a minimal list of side effects. Resistance is practically absent, which increases effectiveness in the treatment of insomnia and other sleep disorders. The drugs help you fall asleep quickly and have deep and restful rest. Some of them, such as Temazepam and Thiazolam, reduce the functional activity of the brain.

Products based on herbal ingredients. Affordable, light and safe herbal tablets for relaxation and sleep, which contain plant extracts. They are rarely addictive, and are well tolerated and have a minimal set of side effects. The best sellers are “Motherwort”, “Valerian tincture”, “Lofant”, “Novo-Passit”, “Persen-Forte”.

Ethanolamine derivatives. They make it easier to fall asleep, while ensuring long-term, quality rest, and without disturbing the sequence of phases. You can take pills with your doctor’s permission, since they provoke anxiety, increased restlessness, rapid fatigue, and cause hand tremors. “Rozerem” and “Donormil” are considered popular.

Histamine receptor blockers. Medicines in this group suppress the activity of H-receptors - neurotransmitters of wakefulness, which causes a sedative effect. Side effects include drowsiness, increased heart rate, and decreased performance. These include "Doxylamine", "Diphenhydramine".

Herbal tablets

Natural herbal tablets for insomnia exhibit their effect due to the biological activity of medicinal herbs. The properties of drugs in this group can be found in the table.

NameAdvantagesFlawsPrice, rub.
"Sonylux"Natural ingredients
No addiction
Long-term use required300
"Persen"Has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, heart and blood vesselsCourse application required210
MotherwortQuick effect, herbal ingredients includedPossible allergic reactions40
DreamZzzPossible development of tachycardia, arrhythmia170

Synthetic drugs

Artificially synthesized drugs, freely sold in pharmacies, help normalize sleep. They have a gentle effect on the central nervous system, restore all important functions, and normalize sleep. The following medications are considered the most popular.

NameActive substanceAdvantagesFlawsPrice
"Donormil"DoxylamineQuick effectAddictive
Prohibited during pregnancy and lactation
Large list of contraindications230
"Ambien"Zolpidem tartrateMild hypnotic effect
No addiction
Large list of side effects
"Melaxen"MelatoninFast acting
Causes drowsiness during daytime hours400
"Sonata"ZopicloneNo post-somnia effectsNot recommended for long-term use290


Despite the fact that sleeping pills are fraught with many dangers, there is a certain list of drugs that are freely available without a doctor’s prescription. They do not have a pronounced effect and do not lead to the development of complications in case of overdose.

NameAdvantagesFlawsPrice, rub.
"Corvalol"Combination drug
Has a sedative and antispasmodic effect
Not recommended during lactation
Causes drowsiness, depression
Bromine poisoning
"Barboval"Fast action
Affordable price
Causes drowsiness, addiction
Reduces concentration
"Tanakan"Plant composition
Strengthens the heart
Improves intellectual abilities
Only after 18 years
Sensitivity to the components of the drug

Sold by prescription

There are several groups of drugs that are effective and are available only with a doctor's prescription. They are potent medications and are used under the supervision of a specialist.

Barbiturates. They normalize sleep without disturbing the order and structure, but cause conditions characteristic of drug intoxication.

Benzodiazepines. Consuming in moderation reduces anxiety, irritation, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Helps restore sleep, but long-term use leads to breathing problems and intoxication.

Z-drugs. Third generation drugs are suitable for treating insomnia. The peculiarity lies in the instant action and quickly manifested expected result.

Medicines for children, pregnant women, the elderly

Children, as well as pregnant women and the elderly, should take sleeping pills only as prescribed by a doctor. Basically, these are drugs with a minimal list of side effects and no contraindications, as well as any effective folk remedy.

For children

  • "Tenoten for children";
  • "Glycine";
  • "Phenibut";
  • "Persen";
  • "Magne B6".

For the elderly

  • "Valerian Forte";
  • "Valocordin";
  • "Phytosedan";
  • "Afobazole";
  • "Melatonin."

For pregnant

  • "Passiflora Extract";
  • "Notta";
  • "Motherwort";
  • "Nervohel".

Description of the best tablets


Homeopathic remedy. Improves mood and memory. Relieves anxiety, does not cause drowsiness and addiction even with long-term use. Prescribed 1 tablet twice a day.


Normalizes sleep, relieves anxiety, restlessness, irritability. Fights fears, improves mood. Has a fast effect. Prescribed for adults: 1 pill three times a day.


The active ingredient is doxylamine succinate. It has a calming effect, gently and effectively relieves anxiety, facilitates the process of falling asleep and ensures a high-quality and long night's rest. Convenient administration - 1 tablet before bedtime.


The active ingredient is fabomotizole. Effectively fights anxiety, fear, irritability. Improves memory, normalizes sleep, increases concentration. A three-time dose of one pill is recommended.

Danger of overdose

Drugs to restore sleep are often chosen as the easiest and most painless way to die. Based on the concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma, the doctor can determine the speed at which a person goes through the stages of poisoning. Doctors distinguish 4 stages, each of which is characterized by specific symptoms.

Stage 1. The person remains conscious, but there is increased drowsiness and lethargy. slow pulse, hypersalivation (excessive salivation).

Stage 2. The main indicators are: partial loss of consciousness, sluggish response to external influences. Weak reaction of the pupils to light, vascular and muscle tone is maximally reduced. Periodically, attacks of nausea and vomiting occur, and the tongue sinks.

Stage 3. A deep coma ensues. The patient experiences complete inertia, thread-like pulse and lack of pupillary response to light. Blood pressure drops to critical levels, breathing becomes shallow and infrequent. The risk of developing kidney and liver dysfunction increases.

Stage 4. The last terminal stage, which is characterized by cessation of the functioning of all organs and systems, lack of breathing, despite intensive resuscitation measures.


Despite their apparent harmlessness, sleeping pills are fraught with many dangers, even if they are freely sold. Before purchasing any of them, you should consult with a specialist. And, before resorting to the help of any of the medications described above, it is recommended to pay attention to safer and more affordable options for combating insomnia. These are walks in the fresh air, physical activity, massage, physiotherapy.

A person needs sound sleep for effective rest. The causes of disturbances in this area can be stress leading to overexcitation of the nervous system, illness or changes in the usual way of life.

Let's consider the types of medications, methods of administration and the expected effect of their use. It is also necessary to mention traditional medicine, especially for insomnia in children.

Types of medications and their effects on humans

Based on their effect on the human body and chemical composition, medications are divided into types. Each medicine for the purpose of improving sleep gives a calming effect, this also applies to folk medicine. The difference lies in the way it affects the body.

If you have insomnia, then medications will help normalize your night's rest, but they should be taken on the recommendation of a doctor, excluding self-medication.

To choose the right remedy for you, you need to understand what medications there are and what their differences are. Based on their effect on humans and their composition, medications are divided into the following groups, namely:

  1. Tranquilizers belong to the benzodiazepine group and have a psychotropic and somatotropic effect, which is expressed in reducing feelings of fear, anxiety and other emotional stress;
  2. Milder sedatives, which include barbiturates, herbal products, and bromides;
  3. Antihistamines, which are characterized by antiallergic properties, but they are characterized by normalization of the activity of the central nervous system.

Choice of drug:

  • creation of a physiologically normal sleep cycle that is stable over time;
  • during wakefulness, lack of drowsiness, memory impairment, decreased reaction speed;
  • absence of dependence and addiction to the drug.

Medical indications, including age, determine the choice of medications designed to normalize the patient’s daily sleep and consolidate the positive effect over time.

It is very important that the side effects from taking a sleep pill do not affect productive life while awake. In addition, the course of treatment should not be too long so that the normalizing effect does not lead to dependence on the drug and does not require an increase in the dosage of the drug.

The effect of tranquilizers on the human body is to suppress excessive excitability, feelings of fear and anxiety, as a consequence of stress loads on the psyche.

You need to know that the use of these medications excludes the simultaneous use of alcohol and drugs.

The course of treatment should be from small doses to a gradual increase in the amount of the drug in order to improve sleep. It is necessary to achieve normalization of rest under the supervision of the attending physician in order to exclude the occurrence of addiction to the drug and the formation of persistent dependence on the drug.

Side effects when using this type of medication are a decrease in reaction speed, some lethargy and decreased activity. Benzodiazepines are taken half an hour before bedtime and these include drugs such as phenazepam, radedorm, nitrazepam and eunoctin.

Sedatives that increase sleep duration include barbiturates, bromides, and herbal sleep medications.

It should be noted that long-term use of barbiturates leads to addiction in the body, but they have a more gentle effect on humans than tranquilizers. This group includes cyclobarbetal, pentobarbital and phenobarbital.

In addition to barbiturates, there is a wide range of bromine and magnesium-containing drugs with a mild hypnotic effect, and herbal drugs include valerian, tincture of hawthorn and motherwort. But even herbal medicines should not be used for more than 30 days in a row.

The effects of antihistamines include antiallergic properties, but the hypnotic effect of these tablets is also well known. A striking example is a drug such as diphenhydramine.

Donormil, Sonmil and many other medications that should be taken 20-30 minutes before bedtime, half a tablet, also increase sleep time.

The body gets used to external influences and it is necessary to increase the dose of the drug to obtain the desired sound sleep, so strict medical supervision is necessary.

Preparations based on medicinal herbs have less negative effects on humans, and we will talk about them.

Traditional medicine and drugs for insomnia

For older people, children, pregnant and nursing mothers, the use of potent sleeping pills is often contraindicated. The undeniable calming effect on the nervous system, both individual herbs and their combinations, has long been known and is widely used in the treatment of insomnia.

In severe cases of postoperative rehabilitation or in various chronic diseases of the nervous system, folk remedies are unlikely to help, but in mild forms of sleep disturbance they are effective.

Self-made tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and their mixtures are very popular. Lily of the valley drops, tincture of peony and lemon balm in alcohol, passionflower extract, and fireweed are also used.

More effective are medicinal mixtures based on several herbs, such as:

  • novopassit, which includes guaifenzin, elderberry, valerian, St. John's wort, hops, passionflower and lemon balm;
  • Persen Forte, which contains mint, lemon balm and valerian;
  • phytosedan, it includes oregano, valerian, sweet clover, thyme and motherwort;
  • sleep formula, it combines B vitamins, hops, motherwort and magnesium.

In this range of drugs for normal sleep, homeopathic remedies occupy a special place.

They do not cause addiction or other negative side effects and consist of the following medications:

  • hypnosed for migraines, insomnia, irritability, nervous tension;
  • the drug calms you down, makes it possible to fall asleep even with frequent awakenings at night;
  • Passidorm helps cope with fatigue and nervous tension.

When taking alternative medications, you need to wash them down with plenty of clean water, this promotes better absorption of the medications. Acupuncture, yoga, and breathing exercises are also used as alternative treatments for insomnia.

You need to realize that disturbances in the rest process are a consequence that can be temporarily eliminated with the help of a pill, but you still need to treat and eliminate the cause, which may be the following:

  1. a rigid work schedule requires the mobilization of a person’s moral, psychological and mental resources, which can result in nervous exhaustion;
  2. insomnia can occur due to vascular diseases, including those of the brain;
  3. The cause of sleep disturbance may be osteochondrosis;
  4. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. skin diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases;
  6. Parkinson's disease;
  7. chronic diseases.

In the case of such diseases, insomnia can serve as one of the diagnostic symptoms, and a visit to the medical office should not be put on hold. Self-medication will not bring any benefit, and can cause significant harm.

If the cause of sleep disturbance is stress, then you should first try to do without medication.

You can relieve nervous tension in many ways, namely:

  • spend more time in the fresh air, walks, fishing, mushroom picking;
  • ventilate the room and take a shower before going to bed;
  • turn off all irritating sources of sound and image while falling asleep;
  • using self-hypnosis, clear your brain of negativity and focus on positive thoughts and feelings;
  • proper nutrition;
  • sports, especially outdoors;
  • spend time with animals, they are a great stress reliever;
  • Do the “five Tibetans” exercises for half an hour a day or do yoga.

Of course, everyone will find their own way to relieve stress and tune in to positive emotions, normalizing their sleep, but a healthy spirit lives only in a healthy body. In the vast majority of cases, sound sleep is not in the hands of doctors, but in your own hands.

Chronic sleep disorders, expressed in the form of insomnia and difficulty waking up, lead to negative consequences for the functioning of the body. Therefore, in many cases it is necessary to use pills for insomnia, but it is important to know which of them are not addictive.

Features of the effects of drugs for insomnia

Modern medications for insomnia do not cause addiction, irritability or daytime sleepiness. They act on the body in a complex manner:

  • mild sedative and sleeping pills;
  • reduction of anxiety and irritability;
  • falling asleep quickly;
  • improving night rest by reducing the number of awakenings during sleep.

Self-administration of sleeping pills is acceptable if sleep disturbances are not observed so often. In case of long-term, persistent disorders, consult a doctor.

In what cases are they used?

A non-addictive insomnia medication used for recurrent sleep disorders. They are prescribed for disorders of mental functions and daily routine.

Indications for use

The prescription of tablets and other drugs is indicated in specific cases:

  • insomnia;
  • shallow, superficial sleep with frequent awakenings during the night;
  • emotional disorders, imbalance, including those caused by a stressful lifestyle;
  • constant anxiety, fear, attacks of causeless panic;
  • irritability and other character deviations.

It is possible to diagnose the disorder yourself only in obvious cases - for example, with severe nervous shock from unpleasant events or incidents. However, it is often impossible to determine the cause of the violation on your own. Therefore, first consult a doctor, and then purchase the recommended pills for insomnia without addiction.

Symptoms of insomnia

Symptoms can be defined as a deviation from normal sleep, day and night routine. They appear as follows:

  1. Sleep disturbances that recur regularly and recur for 3-4 weeks in a row.
  2. Sensitivity to quiet sounds, frequent waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason (other people sleep peacefully).
  3. Inexplicable mood swings, obvious changes in the psychological perception of others and behavior: irritability, expectation of the worst, fears.
  4. Nightmares that recur regularly and interfere with sleep.

Non-addictive drugs

Non-addictive medications for insomnia are available in the form of tablets, infusions, drops, and less commonly, powders and mixtures. They are not produced in the form of injections, since the substances are effective when taken orally, and not through injection.

  1. Natural medicines. All sleeping pills are divided into several groups depending on the composition of the medicine. Natural remedies based on plant materials are popular among patients. They are produced mainly in tablets, help against insomnia and are not addictive.
  2. . The drug is available in tablets. It is intended for patients who have problems falling asleep due to anxiety, constant worries and unreasonable fears.

    Positive dynamics of treatment are normally achieved after a week. If there are no results, you should consult a doctor.
  3. . This is a sedative based on natural substances.

    "Persen" is available in the form of tablets for insomnia, and even with long-term use it is not addictive. It is indicated in cases of nervous excitability, mild sleep disorders, and problems falling asleep. The medicine has virtually no side effects.
  4. Novo-Passit. The medicine is available in both tablet and syrup form.

    Acts as a sedative and helps cope with stressful situations. At the same time, during the course of treatment it is advisable to exclude alcohol, try not to visit the solarium and not sunbathe.
  5. Motherwort. The drug is available in the form of infusion, tablets, and dry raw materials, which are brewed and drunk as tea.

    It acts as a sedative, and thanks to its effective effects, the result is noticeable after the first use. The dosage should be strictly observed, since with an increase, drowsiness, general weakness and deterioration in concentration are observed.
  6. Z-drugs: non-benzodiazepine hypnotics. These are new generation sleeping pills that are often recommended by somnologists. The tablets really help with insomnia and are also not addictive.
  7. Zolpidem. These tablets are intended to treat insomnia, improve sleep, and are not addictive when used correctly. Acts as a sleeping pill and sedative, relaxes muscles, prevents spasms and convulsions.

    The medicine is available only by prescription, since its prescription must be agreed with a doctor. Side effects include decreased concentration, inability to concentrate, periodic confusion and even nightmares in 15-20% of cases.
  8. . These insomnia pills are also available by prescription. Used to treat restless sleep, constant awakenings during the night, and early morning awakenings.

    It is also used for problems falling asleep, constant or episodic insomnia, as well as sleep disorders due to mental disorders of the body.
  9. Zaleplon. These insomnia pills are also called “Andante”. It is only available by prescription as it is potent.
    Used to treat severe sleep disorders that persist over several months or years. The disorders are accompanied by a significant decrease in ability to work and daily activity.

Rating of the most popular non-addictive drugs

The most popular tablets and drops for insomnia, which are not addictive, are presented in the table. They are arranged sequentially, without regard to rating. All these medications are purchased only with a prescription.

Name of medicineRelease formReception by childrenReception by the elderlyReception by pregnant womenCombination with alcohol
Imovanpills- + - -
Reslip+ carefully- -
Phenazepam- + -
Ivadal- + - -
Phenibut+ + carefully-
Reladorm+ - - -
Sanval+ + carefully-
- + - -
Doxylaminedrops- carefully- -
Tritticopills+ + - -
Nozepam+ carefully- -
Diphenhydramine+ carefully-
Anvifen+ + - -
Noofen+ + - -
Sonapax+ + + -
Teraligentablets and solution+ + - -

Contraindications for use

Almost all non-addictive insomnia pills have certain contraindications. Therefore, before starting to take pills with or without a prescription, they clarify in advance exactly what contraindications there are, and whether it is possible to use the medicine for a particular patient.

Here are the restrictions for specific groups of medications for insomnia:

  1. Herbal preparations are not recommended for young children (under 12 years of age), as well as for those with an individual intolerance to certain components of the tablets, which can cause allergies. Patients with various diseases of the digestive system and alcoholism take herbal remedies with caution.
  2. Chemical preparations (for example, Zolpidem) are prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as those with individual intolerance to the components. Their use by all minor children and adolescents is unacceptable. Also, the tablets are contraindicated for those suffering from severe respiratory and liver disorders.
  3. Tranquilizers are not used by patients with respiratory disorders in the early stages of pregnancy (first trimester). Such tablets are used with caution by patients suffering from brain damage, severe kidney and liver diseases.

Possible side effects

Most non-addictive sleep pills have side effects. This applies to both herbal drugs and other groups of drugs described in the table:

Group of medicinesSide effects
plant basednausea, vomiting, disorders of the digestive system, weakness, drowsiness, heaviness in the head, allergies
chemicalsdrowsiness during the day, lethargy, headaches, dizziness, disorders of the digestive system, allergies, confusion
tranquilizersas a result of long-term use of sleeping pills, dependence, decreased attention, lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, liver dysfunction and decreased sexual activity occur

If, after using tablets for insomnia without addiction, similar symptoms occur, the course of treatment is stopped immediately. Then they contact their doctor to get advice about a possible change in medications.

How to choose/select?

It happens that even after a hard day at work a person cannot fall asleep, and sleeping pills help to cope with such a problem. There are various medications for insomnia. However, many of them, if used incorrectly, negatively affect the body’s condition, especially if a person has any pathologies.

Only a doctor can prescribe any sleeping pill after preliminary diagnosis. However, to alleviate your condition, you should carefully observe sleep hygiene before going to a specialist.

If such measures do not help to cope with the problem, then you can use herbal-based sleeping pills, which are sold without a doctor’s prescription.



All sleeping pills and medications are divided into prescription and over-the-counter. In the first case, sleeping pills are purchased only as prescribed by a doctor, in the other, they are available for purchase to all citizens.


  • Barbiratures These are drugs that have many side effects. Such remedies are prescribed only as a last resort. The advantage of the product is that due to its pronounced sedative effect, it quickly neutralizes insomnia. The downside is that addiction occurs after the first dose. These include: Andipal, Corvalol, Valocordin.
  • Histamine receptor blockers- These are sedatives used to treat allergies, some of them fight insomnia. The advantages are that the drugs can be taken even by pregnant women. The downside is that when combining such a medicine for insomnia with alcohol, death is possible. These include: Reslip, Donormil.
  • Agonists of melatonin processes- sleeping pills that act on brain receptors, causing sleep. The main advantage is that insomnia is quickly neutralized. The downside is that such a sedative affects testosterone production. These include: Melaxen, Rozerem.
  • Non-benzodiazepines (z-hypnotics)- sleeping pills that allow you to cope with such ailments as insomnia. The main advantage is that such drugs have a short-term effect, which is important for this disease. The downside is that continuous use can have a negative effect on the body. These include: Zolpidem, Zopiclone.
  • Benzodiazepines- sleeping pills that have an anesthetic effect. They are used for surgical intervention, as well as for advanced neurological disorders. The main advantage is that this medicine can achieve quick results. The downside is that if you abuse such means, a person will constantly feel a loss of strength.


  • facilities are made on the basis of natural ingredients and have a safe, calming effect. The advantage is that any herbal preparation normalizes the functioning of the entire nervous system. The downside is that such drugs have a weak sedative effect in case of serious neurological abnormalities. These include: Motherwort, Valerian, Persen.
  • Homeopathic remedies to improve sleep are made on the basis of natural ingredients. The advantage is that such drugs even treat sleep disorders in children after 6 years of age. The downside is that it is not the best sleeping pill for patients with serious problems. These include: Coffea, Valeriana-hel.
  • Synthetic products used for insomnia and depression. The advantage is that such a drug helps to quickly cope with the problem. The downside is that some drugs from this group are addictive. These include: Lunesta, Ambien.
  • Combination drugs for a good sleep, they are made on the basis of plant and synthetic components. The advantage is that such drugs have a more pronounced effect on sleep disorders than herbal-based medications alone. The downside is that taking such sleeping pills is not suitable for some people with an allergic reaction. These include: Dormiplant, Novo-Passit.

Non-medicinal products

Non-drug methods to combat sleep disorders:

  • Sleep hygiene includes several rules. Limited time in bed; if you suffer from insomnia, you should not force yourself to fall asleep. For sound sleep, you need to remove the clock from the accessible area. Stop drinking caffeine and drinks containing alcohol. Before going to bed, you need to load yourself with a lot of things to do in order to feel tired. It is necessary to consume the last time no later than 3 hours before bedtime. You should only stay in bright rooms during the day. It is advisable to avoid daytime naps. This technique is especially relevant for those people who do not engage in physical activity during the day, which is why insomnia occurs in the evening. Getting up early in the morning also helps to cope with the hated problem. Using this technique, you can normalize the correct rhythm of life, which will help you fall asleep in the evening.
  • Acupuncture is a method of introducing special sterile needles into biologically active areas of the human body. This therapy has a strengthening, calming effect on the body. In this way, even serious pathological diseases of the nervous system can be treated, as well as sleep disorders. This method can be painful, especially if performed by an unqualified person. It is strictly prohibited to carry out such therapy on your own.
  • Encephalophonia– this is a method in which a person listens to a certain melody, an encephalography is performed, an EEG of the patient’s brain is recorded, and then converted into a melody. After which, a person listens to the “melody of the brain”, this allows him to cope with anxiety and insomnia without any medications. It is used for obstructive apnea, as well as for other pathological changes that provoke sleep disturbances.
  • Phototherapy– the method involves influencing the human body using sunlight or artificial light. Depending on the particular diagnosis, the light source and wavelength are individually selected. However, the effectiveness of therapy is short-term, so it must be used regularly. It is used mainly for patients with biological rhythm disturbances. For example, a person sleeps the required 8 hours a day, but not from 11 to 8, but from 3 to 11. And he needs to wake up at 8 in the morning, it turns out that he does not get enough sleep for several hours.
  • Sleep restriction is a behavioral method of sleep control. So, in order to fall asleep, a person needs to feel tired. To induce sleepiness in the evening, reduce the amount of time you spend in bed by 1 hour over a period of weeks or a month. It is allowed to stay in bed only for the time when a person is actually sleeping plus 15 minutes. In the morning you need to wake up at approximately the same time. This method gradually normalizes the regime, and the patient begins to sleep the prescribed 8 hours. The technique is suitable for people with minor neurological disorders. Not suitable for vehicle drivers.
  • Training in relaxation techniques is a method where the patient is taught to relax through the use of meditation and hypnosis. To do this, it is necessary to imagine visual images, establish a connection with them, while relaxing the entire muscular system. This technique is great for people whose insomnia is caused by nervous stress.
  • Psychotherapy is also a behavioral method of sleep correction. Various factors that may interfere with sleep are corrected. These include: pets, too low or high room temperature. In addition, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is controlled, as well as physical activity immediately before bedtime. This technique helps to normalize sleep for adults with primary manifestations. Because in some patients such deviations appear due to self-hypnosis.
  • Phytotherapy– used as an auxiliary treatment of insomnia in severe psychoneurological disorders. This technique is also relevant for people with primary manifestations, as a preventive therapy. A cure for insomnia involves collecting medicinal herbs with a calming effect that can be added to tea. In addition, the pharmacy sells ready-made herbal teas. They have a mild sedative effect, so they are available without a prescription.
  • Auto trainings originate from childhood, when parents advised children to count elephants to fall asleep faster. Now such therapy has a higher level; it includes the technique of self-hypnosis. So, in order to prepare for the training, you should thoroughly ventilate the sleeping area and lie down comfortably on the bed. Next, the person mentally fills one or another part of the body with warmth and energy, while freeing himself from extraneous thoughts. This method of treatment even sometimes helps to avoid taking tranquilizers. Suitable for people with varying degrees of depressive disorders.
  • Supplements– are a remedy for insomnia with an alternative hypnotic effect. Such preparations contain only natural ingredients that normalize sleep. These drugs are prescribed for use by people who do not need potent tranquilizers.

New generation drugs

Drug treatment in most cases is the most effective method that improves sleep status. However, medicine does not stand still and new pharmacological agents are constantly being developed. Such substances are considered to be a new generation of drugs.

Classification of the latest generation of sleeping pills:

  • Z-drugs. This category includes all hypnotics, which are united by the fact that they all begin with the letter “Z”. The sleeping pill acts selectively and is also quickly eliminated from the body. However, this insomnia drug comes in a variety of forms, with alternative mechanisms of action.
  • Melatonin based. Such remedies will help you control your sleep in a natural way. This is because melatonin is produced in the human body in the late afternoon. However, if there is a deficiency, there is a need to take such active agents. Such new generation drugs do not have a hypnotic effect due to the use of synthetic substances, but rather contribute to the natural regulation of sleep.
  • Blockers. This drug blocks the regulatory system responsible for wakefulness. The need to take it arises when there is a disruption in the biological rhythm.

IMPORTANT! Any substance that affects the human nervous system is not recommended to be taken without prior diagnosis. And it doesn’t matter whether the drug is produced in a new generation or an old one.

List for adults

List of sleeping pills that combat sleep disorders in adults:

Drug name Action
Valerian The drug in tablets is based on the natural herb valerian, has a mild sedative effect
Persen This product also contains auxiliary components of plant origin that help with sleep disorders of varying degrees.
Motherwort Tablets based on natural motherwort, have a mild sedative effect
Novopassit A product that has a good calming effect during the initial manifestations of insomnia, due to its natural composition
Valocordin Drops of plant origin to combat sleep disorders

You can receive a complete table with more than 50 drugs for insomnia to your email by leaving it using the link. The tables contain complete information about all drugs.

If you have doubts about which sleeping pills are best to buy for insomnia, then you should opt for natural drugs. It can be bought in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Which ones are better and why

To choose the best remedy for insomnia, you must first consult with a specialist. You can also buy sleeping pills that do not require a prescription based on reviews from other patients.


Refers to medications based on melatonin. Helps naturally normalize sleep.

Plus The drug is that it has a rapid effect on the body. The downside is that the patient is not recommended to drive a vehicle during treatment with such drugs.

Price for medication ranges from 650 to 700 rubles.


  • Constantly suffer from disturbed sleep due to frequent flights. I took the remedy at night if I couldn’t sleep. In the morning I felt cheerful.
  • I have never seen a more effective remedy than this. The next morning I noticed an improvement in my mood. In addition, I began to see vivid and positive dreams.


A sedative sedative based on natural herbs.

pros The fact is that the product not only eliminates insomnia, but also relieves spasms. The downside is that it is not suitable for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Price for the drug ranges from 370 to 600 rubles


  • Drink Persen when there is a stressful period at work. If you take it at night, a sound sleep is guaranteed.
  • Due to constant nervous stress, I stopped sleeping peacefully. Every morning I felt broken. I've tried all the best sleeping pills, but Persen is unrivaled.


A drug that affects the system responsible for wakefulness.

His plus The fact is that it has virtually no side effects and does not provoke dependence on the drug. The disadvantages include the fact that when using the product in excess of the prescribed norm according to the instructions, dizziness, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Price The drug depends on the dosage, but is not yet known. Because it has not yet entered Russian pharmacies.


  • The doctor helped me choose this drug. Already on the first day of treatment I was able to sleep fully.
  • Mom constantly suffered from insomnia and did not sleep at night. The doctor prescribed us to take these inexpensive pills and the problem went away. Although before I didn’t even know the name of the medicine.


Plus is that it has an impact. The downside is that it is not used to treat children.

Price ranges from 300 to 370 rubles.


  • I'm constantly tired at work and can't sleep. The doctor prescribed me this good drug. Immediately after using it I fell asleep like a baby.
  • My daughter is 18 years old, studies at the institute and constantly suffers from insomnia. It became unbearable to live like this, we went to the doctor, and he prescribed this remedy for us. Now he sleeps at night and feels great.


Soothing drops with sedative action on a natural basis.

Refers to the new generation of sedative drugs. Has a calming effect on the human body

TO pros refers to the fact that the product has a minimum number of contraindications. Its disadvantage is that in some cases individual intolerance to the components of the composition occurs.

Price The average cost for the drug is about 1,990 rubles.


  • My daughter studies at a gymnasium, where she has to do a lot of homework every day. Insomnia appeared, only with these best drops we were able to overcome the problem.
  • I worked on an urgent project for several days and had to go to bed late. As a result, the rhythm was completely disrupted, and insomnia occurred. I started taking this remedy, and it really works.


Refers to the new generation of sedative drugs. Has a calming effect on the human body.

TO pros It can be attributed to the fact that the product is not addictive. The only downside is that the drug cannot cope with serious sleep disorders.

Price The price of the drug fluctuates around 990 rubles.


  • This drug is the best. I have long been looking for a remedy that is not addictive. I drink it constantly, my sleep has returned to normal.
  • My husband began to get nervous and his sleep was disturbed. He went to the doctor and was prescribed this remedy. Takes the medication before bed.


A sedative that affects the central nervous system.

His plus in that it helps cope with insomnia and relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. The downside is that in some cases it provokes an allergic reaction.

One of the cheapest drugs, it price fluctuates up to 100 rubles.


  • I suffer from insomnia, but I prefer to be treated only with natural remedies. The pharmacist advised me to purchase this product. I don't understand how I previously didn't know about the best method for dealing with sleep disorders.
  • I am 18 years old, sometimes I have trouble sleeping, I suffer from nightmares and insomnia. I bought this product at the pharmacy, I’ve been drinking it for a week now and I’m happy with the result. I will continue to use the best tablets.

Motherwort forte

A natural remedy for combating insomnia based on motherwort.

Plus The fact is that the drug has a natural composition and has a pronounced sedative effect. The downside is that in some cases it provokes allergies.

Price the drug ranges up to 200 rubles.


  • I heard about the healing properties of motherwort as a child; my grandmother used an infusion of this herb to treat insomnia. Since I don’t have time to prepare decoctions and tinctures myself, I bought this product. Great for helping normalize sleep.
  • I don’t use synthetic products, even good ones. Therefore, I purchased the well-known motherwort. The drug helps cope with stress and fatigue, which cause insomnia for me.

Imovan (Zopiclone)

A drug from group “Z”, a new generation. It provides quick sleep after consumption.

Also belongs to the category of new generation products. The drug has a rapid effect on the body

Main plus it is that it is eliminated from the body in 3 to 6 hours. Therefore, with its constant use there is no drowsiness. The downside is that it is still not recommended to use the product for more than 4 weeks.

Price fluctuates around 310 rubles.


  • I am happy that I found out about this best remedy. Previously, I couldn’t sleep all night, and after using the drug I slept until the morning.
  • This is the most effective sleep aid. It was prescribed to my mother, she is 70 years old and constantly does not sleep at night. With this drug everything returned to normal.

Ivadal (Zolpidem)

His plus is that it not only allows you to fall asleep quickly, but also helps prevent sudden awakening. The downside is that when using the drug for more than 4 weeks in a row, drowsiness may occur.

The drug has a very high price more than 3000 rubles.


  • I am 50 years old, and with age, insomnia began to develop. I tried all the best adult pills for sleep disorders. The doctor prescribed Ivadal, a name I had never even heard of before. But in vain, because the drug really helped.
  • I can't sleep too often. I walk around the house until 4 a.m., somehow fall asleep, and then get up at 8 a.m. for work. They prescribed me to take this drug and said it was one of the best. I did not regret that I purchased it, my sleep returned to normal.

Andante (Zaleplon)

A new generation drug that is rapidly absorbed.

Plus The fact is that the product helps normalize sleep. At the same time, in the morning, patients noted vigor. While many other sleeping pills acted on the contrary.

Minus The fact is that the drug, strictly according to the classification, is approved for use by patients only up to 75 years of age.

Price The average price for the drug is about 200 rubles.


  • Suddenly, insomnia began. I decided to look on the Internet which product is better and how long it takes to work. There were many drugs on the list, but I chose this one. I consulted with a doctor first and he approved the appointment.
  • I have been using this drug periodically for a long time. Helps cope with insomnia, and also costs a penny.


Combination type sedative. It contains plant components together with auxiliary substances.

His main plus is that it does not establish dependence on taking the drug. The only downside is that it is not recommended to drive during the therapy period.

Price the drug ranges from 250 to 320 rubles.


  • These are very good tablets. I first started using them several years ago on the advice of a friend. At that time she suffered from depression and insomnia. I still buy medication immediately when necessary.
  • With age, my grandmother became very restless, sleeps poorly, and then suffers from headaches all day. The doctor prescribed me to take a drug, this remedy is an achievement of pharmacology. After several uses, we already noticed results.
  1. All hypnotic drugs of group “Z” are permissible for use for no more than 4 weeks in a row.
  2. It is prohibited to take more than 10 sleeping pills per month.
  3. Sleeping pills should be taken only when it is impossible to fall asleep on your own.
  4. For adults and children, it is necessary to observe a sleep and rest schedule.
  5. Don't force yourself to sleep;
  6. If necessary, use sleep reduction therapy;
  7. Do not drink alcoholic beverages.

IMPORTANT! When treating insomnia, you must strictly follow the rules described above. Then, the condition will quickly return to normal.

For the elderly

Reasons for violations:

  • Decreased melatonin production;
  • Withering of the body, a person in old age needs to spend much more time sleeping.
  • Cardiovascular abnormalities.

The effects of drugs on the body of an elderly person:

  • Donormil is a sleeping pill with a pronounced sedative effect.
  • Persen is a herbal preparation that is used as a prophylactic for sleep disorders.
  • Novo-passit - this combination drug is also allowed for use in old age. Its effect is due to the fact that due to the content of auxiliary components, plant components are much better absorbed by the body.
  • Motherwort is a safe herbal-based sleeping pill.
  • Passidorm is a mild, herbal homeopathic remedy.
  • Hypnosed is a homeopathic medicine that contains natural ingredients.
  • Valocardine, Corvalol - taken when insomnia is caused by disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  • “Calm” is a homeopathic medicine that effectively relieves nervous tension.
  • Tanakan is necessary for insomnia in older people, because in addition to normalizing sleep, it allows you to improve blood circulation in the brain.
  • Memoplant is a bladeless herbal preparation with a calming effect.

Since the body of an elderly person is weakened, it is not necessary to use any potent drugs during the primary manifestations of insomnia. It is worth giving preference to drinking herbal tea.

For children

Reasons for violations:

  • Eruption of baby teeth;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Poor adaptation;
  • Neurological disorders due to fright.

The effect of drugs on the children's body:

  • Magne B-6 is a drug that has a sedative effect in case of magnesium deficiency.
  • Glycine is a mild drug. Used for insomnia and autonomic disorders.
  • Bayu-bai are safe drops that make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Calming tea Babushkino Lukoshko is a tea based on natural herbs, which is used to combat insomnia from 5 months of age.
  • Dormikind is a sedative lozenge that has a safe sedative effect.
  • Citral is a sedative that is used even in the treatment of infants.
  • Notta are drops used for excessive excitability before bed.
  • Nervohel - homeopathic tablets, the composition of which includes plant substances.

Only a doctor can determine the method of drug therapy for sleep disorders in a child. Even safe, herbal remedies should not be used without medical supervision.

For pregnant

Reasons for violations:

  • lower back pain;
  • stretching of the skin that causes itching;
  • convulsions;
  • excessive activity of the baby;
  • shortness of breath;
  • heartburn.

Folk remedies

Some patients believe that traditional medicine has the best treatment method. It is based on the use of various herbal remedies for the treatment of insomnia.

Benefits of herbs:

  • Honey is a safe sedative. Allows you not only to fight insomnia, but also relieves headaches. Sometimes it provokes allergies.
  • Sleep herb – has a sedative effect and lowers blood pressure. Recommended for tachycardia, which also causes sleep disturbance.
  • Motherwort – contributes to the overall strengthening of the human nervous system.
  • Wormwood – used in the form of a tincture to treat sleep disorders.
  • Hawthorn – eliminates neurological disorders, normalizes heart rhythm.
  • Valerian is a herb with sedative properties that helps fight nervous stress and insomnia.
  • Melissa is a plant that contains healing essential oils that help normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Passion flower extract – has a calming, regenerating effect.
  • Mint - tea based on this plant helps calm the nervous system.
  • Peony - a tincture based on this plant helps not only neutralize insomnia, but also normalize sleep.

Other treatments for insomnia:

  • Sleep pillow - contains various herbs as a filler that give aroma. This method can be appreciated by both an adult and a child.
  • A bath before bed is one of the possible ways to relax. For better effect, you can add sea salt to the water.
  • Aromatherapy allows you to cope with the primary manifestations of insomnia. Healing oils that are used in the lamp have a calming effect.

Herbal Recipes:

  1. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over valerian roots and let steep for 30 minutes. Strain and add a little honey to the resulting broth. Use before bed.
  2. Add a small amount of chopped elderberry root to boiling water and leave on the fire for 15 minutes. Then the broth should infuse for 20 to 30 minutes. Serve warm.
  3. Brew 20 grams of fireweed tea in a container with boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, then use 2-3 times a day.
  4. Mix in equal proportions (20 grams) lemon balm, motherwort and valerian. Then pour in a small amount of boiling water and leave for up to 30 minutes. Use throughout the day.
  5. Pour 20 grams of dried dill into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes and consume before bed.

Contraindications for use

In recent years, pharmacology has made significant progress in the development of new drugs that cause minimal side effects. However, some types of sleeping pills are not recommended for the following reasons:

  • with alcohol abuse;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • pathological changes in the liver and kidneys;
  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • when taking other drugs.

When choosing a particular drug, you need to pay attention to the classification. This will help you choose the right treatment method.

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