If your period is brown. If there is scanty discharge. When brown menstruation is normal

Normally, your period should be dark red in color and have a slightly sour odor. The daily discharge rate is usually several tens of milliliters.

Dark and scanty periods - this means that the blood discharge has a brownish tint, it is very rare (less than 50 ml per day), and often takes the form of spotting, which is not normal for normal menstruation. Sometimes these are accompanied by an unpleasant odor. They acquire a dark color due to the fact that, starting to flow from the uterine cavity, the blood coagulates and as a result darkens.

Scanty periods are often combined with:

  • cramping pain in;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • a feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • vomiting.

It happens that scanty periods are passed from mother to daughter along the family line. In this case, we cannot talk about any pathologies; this is a completely normal phenomenon that will not affect either the woman’s health or the pregnancy.

Causes of dark, scanty periods

Why are periods black and scanty? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • disturbances in the production of the endometrium (due to acute or chronic inflammation, abortion, tuberculosis of the genital organs, etc.);
  • pathologies in the functioning of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland (as a result - hormonal imbalance);
  • anemia;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • suffered injuries or;
  • metabolic disorders (weight loss or weight gain);
  • pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • psycho-emotional experiences, stress, nervous diseases;
  • interruption of sexual activity for a long time;
  • incorrect selection of contraceptives.

Very scanty periods are a common occurrence with infantilism, which is characterized by improper maturation of the genital organs, a stop in their development at the teenage level, or with congenital defects of the genitals. Infantilism must be treated, otherwise a woman will never be able to give birth to children.

Sexually transmitted diseases can be the reason why menstruation becomes scanty. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms that often accompany sexually transmitted diseases:

  • pain when;
  • itching or burning sensation in the perineum or vagina;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • strange smell.

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During pregnancy, scanty dark-colored discharge with a simultaneous increase in temperature, malaise, and pain in the lower abdomen require urgent consultation with a gynecologist, as they often foreshadow an imminent miscarriage.

Scanty discharge can also begin in a practically healthy woman due to banal hypothermia or nervous stress.

Whatever the cause of scanty periods, it is impossible to determine their cause, much less try to treat them on your own. If the phenomenon is left unattended, infertility may develop. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

How does this relate to age?

Most often, age can cause light periods without compromising health standards. The main age categories when this phenomenon occurs are associated with the periods of formation and attenuation of a woman’s reproductive function. This:

  • teenage years;
  • menopause

Approximately From the age of 12, a girl’s body develops much faster, but during this period the reproductive organs are only at the stage of formation. Ovulation may not occur at all in the first months, and the menstrual cycle may present various “surprises”, such as instability, the duration of more or less the normal 4-5 days, the presence of scanty dark-colored discharge, which is caused by the endometrium, which in its development differs between adults and adolescents, and the formation of hormonal levels. If the girl does not feel other signs of discomfort, the presence of brown discharge should not be considered a pathology.

At the age of about 50 years, a woman begins her period, hormonal levels change, and reproductive function fades away. In this regard, the menstrual cycle changes: it becomes irregular, menstruation is light or active, and can be normal or dark (even black) in color. It is always better to consult a gynecologist. Sometimes serious pathology can be hidden under the guise of the onset of menopause. By the way, in recent years there has been a tendency towards an earlier onset of menopause, the first signs of which may appear after crossing the 40-year mark.

In connection with the formation of the menstrual cycle, scanty ones are also possible after childbirth, especially when breastfeeding, since prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation, suppresses the production of other hormones important for the normal course of the cycle, and the endometrium develops during the first three months slowly. After stopping breastfeeding, it may take up to six months for the cycle to fully recover. If the cycle has not recovered within a year or unusual symptoms appear, you should urgently visit a doctor.

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Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent the appearance of scanty discharge than to cure it later. Preventive measures include:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • frequent changing of pads and washing, avoiding unnatural products;
  • protection during sexual intercourse using a condom;
  • refusal of low-quality or excessively tight underwear;
  • visiting a gynecologist at least once every 6 months;
  • preference for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Compliance with these simple measures allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the female body, and to a certain extent prevent the occurrence of disorders, pathologies, inflammations in the reproductive and other systems and organs. If scanty periods appear, it is categorically impossible to independently identify their cause, much less begin therapy, this also applies to treatment with traditional methods. We must not forget that ignoring significant signs and symptoms of serious diseases can cause the most severe consequences for the functions of reproduction and childbearing. Therefore, you should be careful about your health and visit a gynecologist on time.

Having no deviations, normal menstruation has a number of signs:

  • they must occur regularly every month;
  • blood has a certain color;
  • the discharge should not have a sharp or strange odor;
  • menstruation (both the cycle and menstruation) should not be too long;
  • There should be no severe pain that interferes with your normal lifestyle.

If any of the above processes occur, you should contact a gynecologist immediately. Scanty dark menstruation and menstrual irregularities are possible signs of many female diseases. If you have such violations, you should not ignore a visit to the doctor.

Doctors recommend following preventive measures, taking good care of your health, and carefully monitoring your cycle and the nature of your menstruation. After all, even if menstruation began on time, but is characterized by scarcity, discoloration and short duration (less than 3 days), this can be caused by the onset of a disease, from ordinary vitamin deficiency to endometriosis and cervical erosion. And if the situation is ignored, more dangerous consequences are possible, for example, the development of cancer.


Preserving a woman's health largely depends on her observation. The appearance of dark, scanty periods, which in certain cases can be both the norm and symptoms of the development of various diseases, should not be ignored.

As you know, in gynecology there is a certain kind of norm that characterizes such a phenomenon as menstrual flow. So, according to her, menstruation should be:

  • absolutely painless or slightly painful;
  • last no more than 5 days;
  • the duration of the cycle should fall within the range of 21-35 days;
  • the volume of bloody discharge should not exceed 150 ml.

However, in practice this is rarely observed, and women, for certain reasons, encounter certain cycle disorders. Thus, representatives of the fairer sex often complain to the doctor about scanty brown periods, the reasons for which they have no idea. Let's try to understand this disorder and talk about why periods can be scanty and brown.

Why and when can light brown periods be observed?

In gynecology, this kind of disorder, when a woman experiences scanty menstrual flow, the color of which can range from light brown to dark brown and even black, is called hypomenorrhea.

As a rule, such a violation is observed in two age periods of a woman: during the formation and decline of reproductive function. This is primarily due to disruption of a process such as ovulation. If we talk directly about girls who are experiencing the formation of the menstrual cycle, then a similar phenomenon can be periodically observed for 1-1.5 years, because This is exactly how long it takes to normalize the cycle.

Also, light periods can occur in women when the functioning of the ovaries is fading. Fewer hormones are produced, as a result of which ovulation does not occur in every cycle, and sometimes disappears altogether.

The cases described above do not require correction, because are physiological in nature. However, it is still worth seeking medical advice at this time to rule out a disease with similar symptoms.

What diseases can cause scanty brown periods?

First of all, the doctor must determine which form of hypomenorrhea (primary or secondary) occurs in a particular situation. So, with primary, scanty periods are observed almost from the moment they begin. As a rule, in such cases, girls are diagnosed with congenital pathologies of the reproductive organs.

In the secondary form of the disorder, women cannot understand why their periods have become scanty and dark brown in color, because up to a certain point everything was normal. The reason for such a change in this violation may be:

For many women, disruption of the menstrual cycle is a standard phenomenon that is simply not paid any attention to. Of course, a delay of 2-3 days in menstruation is acceptable, but what to do if brown clots pass instead of menstruation? There are times when it is no longer possible to delay contacting a doctor.

Change in the color of your period

Normally, the discharge should have a rich red color, which indicates the separation of the endometrium from the walls of the uterus, exiting together with the unfertilized egg to the outside. It is the separation from the mucous membrane that leads to damage to small capillaries, ultimately -. As the hemoglobin cells progress and exit the vagina, they are completely destroyed. The blood takes on a darker hue.

The danger may be a violation of the integrity of the endometrium, when damage and rejection from the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity can provoke a miscarriage. If the discharge goes away before your period, then it’s not a big deal. But the appearance of brown menstruation with clots in the middle of the cycle is a reason to consult a doctor. This is not normal. Menstruation during pregnancy, in general, should be absent in the 2nd month.

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Causes of brown discharge with clots

The menstrual cycle is a purely individual physiological phenomenon in the body of women. Brown blood clots can be caused by:

  • the age of women after 40 years as menopause approaches;
  • abortion as a surgical intervention, when the appearance of brownish discharge precedes the arrival of the next menstruation;
  • systematic stress, which provokes a change in the volume, consistency and color of outgoing menstruation, a slowdown in the production of hormones against the background of a lack of oxygen in the cells of the intrauterine cavity as a result of impaired blood microcirculation, and disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • anemia, low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • rapid blood clotting, causing menstruation with large clots;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • abuse of contraceptives, which contributes to a delay, up to the complete cessation of menstruation;
  • trauma to the pelvic area, leading to impaired blood flow and discharge of spotting brown discharge;
  • surgical intervention on the cavity of the peritoneum of the uterus, causing scanty brown discharge;
  • strict diet leading to dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • lifting weights, not dosed physical activity;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun, sunburn;
  • development of diseases (endometritis, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia) with an infectious course, sexually transmitted.

REFERENCE! Dysfunction in the body may be indicated by the release of flaky brown clots in large quantities. It's worth seeing a gynecologist.

Attention! Dark brown menstruation is not dangerous in itself. The main thing is to identify the provoking causes. So, for girls during puberty, this is a completely normal phenomenon until the hormonal levels are fully formed; for women of reproductive age, this is a reason to think about it. If there is a yellow-green discharge with flakes and particles of pus, it can become the first signs of endometritis. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist and take a smear for microflora for examination.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

The main diagnostic method is ultrasound to examine the kidneys and reproductive system in women in order to exclude or confirm the presence of pathology in the ovaries, uterus, and pituitary gland.

If it starts, then an MRI may additionally be prescribed to examine the thyroid gland.

It is important to identify the true causes accompanied by negative symptoms, the main symptom being dark periods. Diagnostic methods may vary. First of all, the gynecologist will study the anamnesis and medical history of the patients, conduct an external visual examination of the genital organs using mirrors, take a smear for cytology in order to study the vaginal microflora for the possible latent course of an infectious process or gynecological disease.

Brown discharge instead of regular periods is the reason why many women panic. However, in reality, such a phenomenon does not always indicate the presence of any disease. Naturally, this is not an ordinary process, but in order to understand what it threatens, you definitely need to know the reasons for brown, scanty periods.

Unfortunately, not all women have a normal menstrual cycle. Some representatives of the fair half of humanity have certain disorders, which leads to both minor and serious disruptions. Menstrual problems are much more serious than many people think. Women's health, including reproductive function, directly depends on this.

Scanty brown periods are a pathology. Normally, during menstruation, a relatively large volume of blood and secondary impurities are released from the vagina, and the color is usually red or dark red. Modern medicine knows a sufficient number of reasons why this problem may occur. All of them can be divided into several groups:

1. Hormonal disorders

This is the most common provoking factor that the vast majority of the fairer sex encounters in their lives. Almost 25 percent of all reported cases of unusual discharge during menstruation are associated with hormonal problems. An imbalance of hormones is provoked by insufficient or excessive functionality of the glands and organs that produce these biologically active substances - the ovaries, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland. This situation can also be caused by the uncontrolled use of contraceptives, hormonal contraceptives and other drugs that directly affect hormonal levels.

Also, the balance of these substances may change for the following reasons:

  • disease of the genitourinary system - endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, cervical hyperplasia, etc.;
  • infectious diseases - tuberculosis, influenza, sore throat;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • brain injuries;
  • blood diseases;
  • genetic disorders affecting the female reproductive system;
  • poor nutrition;
  • sudden loss or, conversely, weight gain;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • bad ecology.

In the case of hormonal disorders, for example, deficiency or, scanty periods of unnatural color appear as a result of a direct effect on the organs and systems that regulate the menstrual cycle, as well as damage to the genitals.

2. Pregnancy

Surprisingly, sometimes scanty brown periods can indicate not only some problem, but also such a joyful event as the conception of a new life. Very often, menstruation passes even after the fertilization of the egg, but now they will have a completely different character.

After the union of the egg and sperm, a zygote is formed. She goes on a “journey” through the fallopian tubes in order to gain a foothold inside the uterus on one of its walls. In the process of solving this issue, the zygote is transformed into an embryo. Its attachment to the wall of the uterus provokes the appearance of scanty discharge of a pathological shade.

From a medical point of view, such bleeding is called implantation bleeding. Its main difference from normal discharge during menstruation is its small volumes, as well as its short duration - on average no longer than three to four days.

Implantation bleeding is a clear sign of the early stages of pregnancy.

It occurs one to two weeks after fertilization.

3. Secondary diseases

The functioning of a woman’s reproductive system is influenced by many, even the most insignificant factors. What can we say about serious diseases of an infectious or bacterial nature. In this case, the presence of scanty discharge may indicate the presence of significant ailments.

As a rule, we are talking about sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia. But sometimes this can also indicate the presence of oncological processes, which is already extremely serious. Most of these diseases have already been diagnosed, and therefore brown discharge does not cause significant concern to the woman, since she understands where it comes from. But if this has not happened yet, you definitely need to visit a specialized doctor in order to eliminate the possibility of developing such dangerous diseases that threaten not only health, but also life.

Scanty discharge that is not accompanied by any negative subjective sensations is most likely associated with a bacterial or fungal infection. Such a diagnosis is almost always confirmed if menstruation has a characteristic unpleasant odor and is released in significant volumes.

If the problem with discharge is connected precisely with the ailments described above, then other symptoms will certainly be present. This may include discomfort after sexual intercourse, a feeling of vaginal dryness, itching and burning inside or outside the vagina.

4. Pelvic inflammatory disease

Very scanty brown periods very often indicate that a woman has an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs - the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, etc. Inflammation may be associated with any characteristic disease, or it may be sexually transmitted. Very often, the cause is a bacterium that enters the vagina in any convenient way - through sexual intercourse, failure to comply with hygiene requirements, or installation of an intrauterine device.

Any inflammatory process in the body must be treated immediately. This is especially true for the reproductive system. The lack of proper therapy will almost always lead to the development of pelvic organ dysfunction, chronic infections, and the inability to bear a child.

5. Menopause

If the discharge during menstruation becomes more and more scanty, and its natural shade changes, it’s time to think about such a physiological process as menopause. The harbinger will sooner or later become relevant for every woman who has reached a certain age. Brown discharge in this case will be associated with a constantly decreasing level of estrogen in the blood. The ovaries produce ever smaller amounts of biologically active substances, and this leads to a decrease in the functionality of the entire reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle is disrupted, ovulation becomes unstable and may disappear altogether. Pathological discharge during menopause is usually accompanied by hot flashes, sudden mood swings, and increased sweating (especially at night). This condition is also characterized by persistent sleep disturbances and a feeling of vaginal dryness.

What do we have to do

It goes without saying that if brown discharge appears in small quantities during menstruation, you should definitely visit a specialized doctor. But you should also understand that certain actions will need to be carried out at home. Here's what's required:

  • wearing high-quality underwear made from natural materials, such as cotton;
  • careful adherence to personal hygiene rules, especially during menstruation;
  • in the presence of any infectious processes, tampons should be excluded - it is better to use pads;
  • hygiene products should not contain substances that can irritate the delicate membrane of the vagina and labia;
  • take a responsible approach to choosing sexual partners - this will help avoid many problems in the future;
  • Do not scratch the inflamed area of ​​skin near the external genitalia;
  • If a cream is used to treat fungal infections, it is also used during menstruation.

Sometimes the symptoms of scanty discharge of an unusual color persist even after completion of the course of treatment. In this case, you will definitely need a comprehensive examination in the clinic, with all the necessary tests, specific research and diagnostic procedures. This will help to accurately establish the cause of this pathology, which, apparently, is quite serious.

Scanty discharge during menstruation, which is brown in color, can indicate both physiological and pathological processes occurring in the female body.

Each woman's menstruation is different; for some, it is not heavy and lasts quite a long time, while for others there are only three or four days of scanty periods. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body, in addition, hormonal levels and general health play a big role.

In general, as doctors say, a woman’s health can be judged by the quality and quantity of her periods. There are times when menstruation takes on an unusual consistency and color. They can turn brown, burgundy, or completely black, which somehow worries the woman and gives rise to disturbing thoughts. In fact, there is no need for panic here; you just need to understand what caused such changes and what they mean.

What are periods for? Everything happens because an unfertilized egg remains inside a woman after ovulation, which enters the uterus. Under the influence of hormones, the egg breaks down into the endometrium and leaves the woman’s body in the form of menstruation. As a rule, critical days are accompanied by mild cramping pain, the intensity of which may change over time.

There are a number of symptoms that indicate a deviation from the norm:

  • the discharge becomes intense, it turns red, clots come out from inside;
  • menstrual bleeding lasts longer than 6 days;
  • menstruation occurs together with severe pain attacks and spasms;
  • brownish tint to menstruation;
  • different cycle lengths;
  • After the end of menstruation, white discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.

Normal menstruation lasts from 3 to 6 days, while no more than 100 ml of blood is released from inside the woman’s body.

There should be no clots in the menstrual discharge, the smell remains typical monotonous, the shade of the blood discharge should be scarlet, burgundy.

Causes of dark brown periods

This question is easy to answer - the blood released may include particles of clotting blood. Dark brown menstruation is considered safe and typical if it occurs in this form at the beginning and at the end of menstruation. This phenomenon can also be accompanied by taking hormonal drugs, for example, oral contraceptives.

But sometimes a woman’s brown discharge accompanies the entire period of menstruation. In fact, you shouldn’t give in to anxiety and panic; you don’t need to suspect any serious abnormalities or diseases. Perhaps the woman is simply taking medications that somehow affect hormonal levels. To make sure of this, simply consult a doctor.

Only a physician can confirm for sure that dark brown discharge during menstruation is not a consequence of serious diseases, such as fibroids, cervical dysplasia, endometritis or endometriosis. If the disease still exists, you should immediately take measures as prescribed by the treating gynecologist.

Dark menstruation as a result of diseases

It happens that the cause of such black and dark brown periods can be certain diseases, for example:

  1. Endometrial hyperplasia- a disease of a hormonal nature, when the intrauterine epithelium grows more than normal, involving the deep tissues of the organ in this action. All this leads to heterogeneity and increased thickness of endometrial tissue, which is considered a pathology. In this case, dark discharge can occur not only during menstruation, but also in the middle of the cycle. This disease can lead to oncology, polyps, benign formations, loss of reproductive function, at a time when the woman is not even aware of it. Treatment is carried out surgically, medicinally, with hormonal supplementation.
  2. Genital tuberculosis- an infectious disease when, due to improper hygiene and care for cleanliness, bacteria enter the genitals. In this case, the woman feels dull pain in the lower abdomen, her periods acquire a dark tint and an atypical unpleasant odor, and the nerve endings of the pelvic organs are affected by infection. Diagnosis and treatment are time-consuming and complex.
  3. Metabolism problems- a hormonal phenomenon, which subsequently causes cycle disruptions, the formation of fibroids, and increased endometrial growth. Metabolic disorders can be provoked by special diets that severely limit a woman’s diet, as well as by intense exercise.

Malfunctions of the hypothalamus (it is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, the regularity of the cycle, the woman’s weight) leads to the acquisition of a brown tint to menstruation, they become scanty and occur irregularly. A typical situation occurs in a woman with heavy weight. It is worth reviewing your diet, filling it with healthy vegetables and fruits, essential foods containing carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Physical activity should be normal; lack of activity or, conversely, intense training is harmful to women’s health.


Ideally, menstruation should be like this:

  • regular and stable;
  • a certain shade;
  • with slight pain;
  • average duration.

However, the normal menstrual cycle lasts no less than 21 days and no longer than 35 days.

If everything is not quite so, you should not immediately think about all the above diseases, worrying and giving in to panic. Dark brown menstruation is just a signal that you should pay attention to your health and general well-being. If menstruation is regular, then a slightly changed shade is not a cause for concern. But if the cycle is constantly going astray, menstruation does not occur as planned, earlier or with a delay, and there is an unpleasant odor and dark color, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps unfavorable changes are occurring inside the woman, which can be prevented only by seeking qualified help in time.

Alternative reasons for dark periods in the video

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