Everyone should know this! Dog walking from A to Z. Walking modes for dogs of different breeds Commands required for walking

Dog walking is a topic where the issues of comfort and health of both owners and their pets are closely intertwined.

That is why the first thing that is important in resolving this issue is to set the right priorities.

Dog walking routine. Priorities. The owner or the dog.

I will immediately and without hesitation declare that in this moment I am entirely on the side of the owners, and I believe that the dog needs to be adjusted to the owner’s comfortable regime, and not vice versa.

Dog walking routine. Owner's comfort.

In my deepest conviction, a dog exists for the benefit and joy of the owner, and not the owner for the dog!
Because only with such a fundamental invective does cynology have the prospect of further development.

After all, if a pet- not pleasure and joy, but a generator of problems and headaches, then who would want to have such, if I may say so, “happiness”?
Who, tell me, needs all these “nerves”?

Therefore, having weighed everything wisely and put a year of the dog’s life on one side of the scale, and ten years of its owner’s life on the other, I somehow to a greater extent, I find myself on the side of the owner.
After all, an acquired dog is not a “broken mirror”, which, according to popular belief, promises seven years of misfortune! Otherwise, with this approach, any cynology will quickly come to naught.

Dog walking routine. "Dog toilet"

“Dog toilet” is another important component of the dog’s walking regime and health, so we will not leave this issue without attention.

Defecation, apart from intestinal upset, is a fairly easily controlled process, including by a dog. There would be a desire.

Regarding the endurance of urination, this process is “trainable”.
The fact is that bladder- the same muscular sac of smooth muscle as the stomach. Therefore, like the stomach, it gradually stretches, accommodating larger and larger volumes and allowing the four-legged pet to withstand longer and longer periods of time without problems and stress.

That is why, starting from puppyhood, the dog needs to be “trained” in this direction very gradually.
And there is nothing to be afraid of here.
Remember! By itself, the bladder will never burst!
In case of extreme overflow, the sphincter reflexively relaxes, and the process of urination occurs “automatically”.
So a dog physiologically cannot “endure to death.”

Of course, no one will argue that the regime is beneficial for a dog, just as it is for a person! But life is a complicated thing and doesn’t always fit into planned schedules.
Therefore, if, in addition to all the existing everyday problems, you are also a hostage to your dog’s regime, then this, in my opinion, is a completely depressing prospect.
But a properly trained dog is a source of owner’s joy and comfort!

Accustomed, if something happens, to walking according to a “broken” schedule, and if absolutely necessary, even once a day (!), such a pet gives the owners enormous “operational freedom”. And, in case of any unforeseen circumstances, he will honestly and faithfully wait for the owners without a scandal.

To achieve this result, we systematically and methodically, every 3-4 days, increase the interval between walks by 10-15 minutes.
Thus, gradually, five walks turn into four, four into three, three into two.

Having reliably established a confident two-time walk with a 12-hour interval in a grown-up puppy (with my approach, already from the age of six months (!)), we do not stop there and begin to walk the dog according to the “broken” schedule: after 13,... 14, ... 15,... 16 hours... Etc.

Let me say, as an example, that my dogs can easily withstand a regimen of three walks in two days, that is, 16-hour intervals. And, in case of emergency, even without changing their diet, they can go for a walk once a day.
Of course, all these are extreme, so to speak, extreme modes used in case of temporary time pressure! But, you see, such a solid time reserve is a good help for all occasions.

Dog walking routine. Time for a walk.

Walking time is again and again a controversial issue.
For puppies of large and giant breeds, regular long-term walking exercise is the main “medicine” for strengthening joints and ligaments.

Therefore, while the giant baby is growing, on average, three times a day, five kilometers of daily marching exercise is extremely necessary for him.

Small and medium-sized breeds do not have such an urgent need for prolonged walking loads. So the duration of their walking depends entirely on the desire and free time of the owner.

Dogs dwarf breeds, trained at home to use a litter tray, thanks to such a wonderful skill, are generally independent of both the mode/duration of walking and weather conditions.

As dogs grow older, the picture doesn't change much.
Adult large and giant breeds still depend on quality, long-term exercise, but now to maintain good physical condition.
For example, At the peak of the popularity of Rottweilers among dog breeders, the phrase that “a Rottweiler is a dog that needs to be chased all its life” became a cliché..
A completely fair remark, which the fundamental principle of maintaining shape applies to all mighty giants!

I remember how a three-year-old, but already quite decrepit from inadequate walking, St. Bernard “died” after half an hour of moving at a not particularly fast pace.
However, after only a month, the guy “pulled up” and remained in good spirits during an hour-long active walk, which was also combined with special training loads.

This is not a problem with adult dwarf, small or medium breeds. Quite the contrary. Due to improper upbringing, owners have difficulty moderating the excessive agility of the “restless” quadruple pet.

Attempts by owners to “let such pets run away” are just a pathetic attempt to avoid solving this problem. The only thing effective medicine emerging “hyperactivity” - through training, gently but persistently and methodically adjust the dog to your individual, comfortable style.

Because in my approach, as I already said, the dog must adapt to the owner’s regime and mood. That is, a person has the time and desire to communicate with a dog - a four-legged pet clings to its owner “with all its soul”...
The owner is busy - pet neither seen nor heard... But! Just call...
And all this, thanks to competent training, is real and achievable. There would be a desire.

Dog walking routine. Urgent walk.

In addition to an arbitrary walking schedule, it is extremely useful to accustom four-legged pet do your “business” immediately upon going out.
This technique will be useful in case of any temporary time pressure in life, as well as in case of illness of the owner or extremely bad weather.

On the one hand, this is best facilitated by gradually increasing time intervals, teaching the dog to endure, as they say, “until the end”. In this case, the pet that jumped out into the street has no time to “admire the beauty”...

Sometimes it is also useful to do three-minute walks according to the principle: if you do it, if you don’t do your “things”, then time is up.
True, in this case, we conduct the next (also, by the way, short) walk not according to the usual schedule, but after a quarter or a third normal deadline. This will at the same time allow the pet to endure it, and will definitely make him rush to “relieve himself” outside next time.
(!) Such targeted training, taking into account the game with the timing of walking, is better to coincide with weekends or holidays.

A good example of how proper walking skills make life easier is the following story.
When I met my wife, she had already had a mongrel dog named Duke for four years.
In addition to all the other “standard charms” of an ill-mannered dog (and the dog chewed things, stole from the table, ran away on the street, picked up garbage, snapped, howled...), this dude of noble blood also categorically did not want to tolerate...
Ira, like a clockwork, walked him three times a day, literally, by the hour: in the morning, exactly at six and not a minute later, then at lunch she ran home from work at one, and in the evening at 8:00 she again had to be home like a bayonet. .
In general, it turned out not to be life, but a continuous “walking feat”. Which, by the way, did not at all stop the “nobleman,” whenever the mood took him, from shitting on the sofa, where he, like a pan-baron, decorously reclined in his free time from walks.
But that's not so bad.
Because having fallen madly in love with Ira, I was plunged into this most eternal “walking feat”.
Just imagine, the very peak of falling in love, the reverent coffee-flower period, the most intense feelings, a romantic evening, dinner by candlelight... And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue - stop - it’s time for Dyushka to go for a walk!
Naturally, I order a taxi like a gentleman. My love rushes through the city to walk the dog, and also returns back by taxi...
When, two months later, I estimated the costs, I simply saw how dearly the bad manners of a charming courtyard were costing me!
Therefore, it is not surprising that as soon as Ira and I began to live together, and, in addition to the bull terrier, I also got a mischievous mongrel as a dowry for my beloved, I categorically stated that Duke should also be properly trained.

“But this is a mongrel, not a bull terrier,” the wife was indignant.
- Whether it’s a bull terrier or a mongrel, it’s still a dog. Oh, I will never allow my child to communicate with an ill-mannered dog! Therefore, either the Duke yard, like the bull Rasp, will be perfectly educated, or we will never have children!
The argument, I agree, is tough... But, as a specialist, I am fully aware of what any (!) untrained dog can do to a child, and therefore categoricalness in this matter is simply inevitable!
Fortunately, such a clear and uncompromising argument had an effect, and my wife completely agreed with me...
As a result, after some two months, Duke not only performed the entire arsenal of commands synchronously, in tandem with the bull, but also: no longer reclined on the sofa, no longer chewed things, did not steal from the table, did not run away on the street, did not pick up garbage, didn’t snarl, didn’t howl... And, most importantly, he endured as long as he was supposed to, easily, without scandal, enduring not only 16-hour intervals, but, if necessary (for example, when his wife was in the maternity hospital), even daily intervals!
On the other hand, if we had a free day, the dogs joyfully and tirelessly accompanied us on walks of any length and waited patiently on picnics of any length...

But the most amazing thing is different!

Having trained Duke, I became his favorite owner!

I remember my wife saying in surprise:

- I thought Duke would hate you! And he, the “traitor,” instead always waited for you from work like that!

What is especially wonderful is that the example of Duke in my twenty years of practice is by no means an exception. This is an ironclad rule for any competent dog breeder.

So, I was once contacted by an employee of the Czech embassy, ​​whose charming one-year-old beagle was destroying an expensive rented apartment on I. Franka Street.
The poor housewife, so that the dog would not completely chew up and ruin the apartment, was forced to take the “little terrorist” for a walk at five in the morning; then at nine before work; then be sure to rush in for lunch; in the evening, God forbid you be late, go for a walk right after work; and, to top off this whole nightmare, do not forget the obligatory night exercise at half past twelve at night.
“It’s not enough that I walk the dog all day long, not being able to go to a restaurant with colleagues after work, or go on vacation without the dog on the weekend,” the owner complains. - So I’m already scared to return home, wondering how else my four-legged “charm” managed to “distinguish herself”: either the telephone wiring is cut in three places, then the linoleum is chewed, then the carpet is messed up, then a torn off door falls on me right at the entrance to the apartment platband... It’s not much yet and I’ll either have to buy the apartment or part with the dog... But how can I leave her “bastard”! I love her so much!
They took it - they did it, because competent training is a panacea for all “dog troubles”!

Achieve such obedience from your four-legged pet and forever forget about any problems in communicating with him.

A month after training, I contact the owner and ask how she is doing?
- Things are great! - the client reports happily. - In the morning I wake up whenever I want. On days off, I can lie in bed until 1 o’clock in the afternoon - Coffey won’t even make a sound!
In the evening, after work, I can also take my time going home, take a leisurely stroll through the shops, or at the end of the week sit with colleagues in a restaurant...
Upon returning home, I’m in no hurry to praise the girl...
First, as I was taught, I meticulously inspect all the once “hot” places - aren’t I doing something wrong?! Then (laughs) I get down on my knees and feel the carpet to see if it’s crap. Coffey, who had been humbly following me all the time, at that moment lies down and literally crawls next to me, timidly “waiting for the verdict.”
Ay, hodná holka! (good girl) - I praise her, because the house is in complete order again.
Coffey rolls over onto his back, exposing his belly to be sniffed as a reward, and rolls his eyes blissfully...

Definitely be obedient dog good for both the pet and its owner!

Instructor-dog trainer Sergey Shargorodsky, Kyiv

Everything is bad. Two dogs: Snowball - 1.6 years old (labrador mix) and Ushastik (shepherd mix) - about 3 years old. Both were found on the street. Snowball has been living in the house since he was 1.5 months old, Ushastik is 4 months old. There are two difficulties: dogs are woken up early (they run their paws along the back and whine) to go for a walk - at 03.30 in the morning. If you don’t get up, they go to the toilet right in the apartment. Snowball goes to the toilet on the street and at home, Ushastik (the owner apparently refused the dog, although the dog is exemplary and drank a lot) at first did not shit in the apartment, now he began to repeat after Snowball. I walk my pets twice: at 4 am and late in the evening at 21:30. There is no opportunity to go out anymore because of work. What to do? We tried everything: lectures, spankings, rewards and treats. The result is zero.


Hello! The inconvenience of the wave can be removed. The main thing is perseverance and patience. This also applies to cases where the dog has been trained to walk outside, but periodically the pet defecates at home. The walking regime is important, being a priority in raising a pet.

You should not poke the dog’s muzzle where it hurts or beat the poor dog. Pointless activity will worsen the situation. It is not the pet’s fault that it requires constant attention. Of course, the situation causes inconvenience to the owner.

Basic mistakes in parenting

Adult dogs that continue to litter the house should be re-educated. It is appropriate to punish a dog only when the dog is caught in the act of mischief. Say “Ugh” in a loud, commanding voice and lightly slap the navel area. You can't hit a dog!

Despite the owners' desire to stay at home and lack of time for their pet, the dog is walked 3 times a day (minimum). It happens that dogs pee from sudden fright or too harsh punishment. Be kind to your pet, do not punish without reason. A patient and consistent owner will solve the problem four-legged friend.

Training mode

The main thing is not to give up and not loudly declare that there is no time to walk the dog today. As for endurance during urination, the process in dogs is quite trainable and amenable to adjustment. In addition to the existing everyday difficulties, becoming a prisoner of the dog’s regime is a negative prospect.

Right trained dog– a constant basis for owner satisfaction and convenience! A dog trained to walk around in any situation established schedule(if absolutely necessary - once a day), will give the owners greater independence in life. If various situations and unforeseen circumstances arise, the dog will patiently and obediently wait for its owners without incident.

To get results, you need to purposefully and systematically increase the interval between walks by 10-15 minutes after two or three days. Five paddocks will smoothly turn into four, three and two.

Having established a constant two-time walk with a 12-hour interval for the dog, we do not stop at the result obtained, we walk the dog according to the established schedule: after thirteen, fourteen, fifteen hours and so on. Systematicity and diligence are important. The pet will feel cared for and will return it with interest. Dogs on extreme case maintain sixteen-hour walking intervals. This is an emergency mode, but it will give a temporary gain, allowing the owner and dog to find a compromise in the walking mode thanks to competent training.

Time and mode of walking

Walking time - second the most important moment. It is important to teach your dog to go to the toilet immediately after going for a walk, without delaying it. The dog must adapt to the owner. This is facilitated by gradually increasing time intervals, teaching the dog to endure until the last, without creating unnecessary trouble. Once outside, the dog has no time to look at local beauties and females. From time to time it is useful to take five-minute walks according to the principle: you either had time or did not have time to do “things”, the allotted time has passed. Correct method education will teach your pet not to delay using the toilet.

Subsequently, we walk our beloved pet not according to the traditional schedule, but after a quarter to a third of the usual interval (maximum 5 minutes). This method of training will simultaneously allow the dog to endure it and absolutely force the pet to go to the toilet outside faster in the future.

Targeted dog training is best done on weekends or holidays for the full implementation of the methodology in practice, if we take into account the game with walking time.

Of course, dogs large breeds harder to educate. Purposefully achieve obedience and you will be able to forget about the difficulties in communicating with your pet. Effective walking skills eliminate most difficulties.

This article is intended primarily for lovers of service and custom breed dogs who want to maintain active contact with the dog and achieve good results in training, but will be useful to a wide range of readers.

Very often, the future owner, just about to acquire a four-legged companion, vividly imagines daily long walks together and exciting activities, during which his dog will show intelligence and a desire to learn, and other joyful pictures of spending time with an intelligent and devoted animal. IN real life However, such an idyll becomes a rare exception, and quite often one has to observe a sad picture of a walk “together”, when a person and a dog stay more or less close only thanks to the leash with which either the owner holds his companion, or vice versa. The dog, as a rule, is exclusively occupied with its own affairs and remembers the owner only when he pulls the leash. But a daily walk, even a short one, provides enormous opportunities for developing active contact, for learning and consolidating various skills.

If we talk about general training(for example, about obedience), then working only on the training ground will never provide reliable results and controllability in places with a complex environment and active conditions, and a dog, even having honestly passed the OKD or BH tests, may remain an unreliable and poorly controlled companion that is capable of to unpredictable behavior, and therefore it is better not to let him off the leash.

In my opinion, a long walking leash, and even more so a tape measure, are often an obstacle to the development of the necessary contact between the dog and its owner, and while creating the illusion of controllability, in fact, over time they develop unwanted and poorly controlled independence.

Unfasten this leash and... wait for trouble.

What is the problem, why don’t the owner and the dog “walk together”?

The main mistake is that the owner perceives and uses most walks as a walk, that is, to satisfy the dog’s physiological needs. During such a walk, any alternative in the form of games, training exercises, etc., as a rule, is not offered. Over time, the dog gets used to not expecting anything interesting from its owner on the street and directs its activity to exploring the territory, other people’s marks, and best of all, communicating with other dogs. The interval between going outside and the moment when the dog has done all its business and, finally, you can return home, is increasingly stretched. It is clear that we are no longer talking about any joy of spending time together.

How to make a walk interesting for both and useful from a learning point of view?

My opinion is that any walk with the dog, even a walk for the purpose of “peeing”, is a small exercise in strengthening contact, and sometimes an opportunity to learn something new. The owner should always have something with him to encourage the dog, and not miss suitable situations. When I take my dog ​​out for a walk, regardless of the length of the walk, I always have a ball in one pocket and some dry food in the other.

Since puppyhood, whenever possible, I unfasten (or throw on the ground) the leash and allow the dog to freely follow me. Of course, this is permissible in places that are safe for the dog and taking into account local rules. Most puppies under three months of age exhibit following behavior, that is, the desire to follow other members of the pack. By rewarding this behavior, a good foundation can be laid for subsequent controlled free movement around the owner.

During a walk, various situations arise that can and should be used to develop the desired behavior in the dog, including responding to control commands - not in the artificial environment of a training area - but in a real situation. The puppy hesitated, becoming interested in something in the nearby bushes - I walked away from him a dozen steps, attracted his attention by loudly calling his name, and then defiantly ran away a few steps further. As soon as the puppy came running to me, he immediately gave me a treat or played a little with a ball or grip. We met another dog on the way - he took it on a leash, took out a good portion of a treat from his pocket, demonstrated it and, holding it in his fist, brought it to the puppy’s muzzle. If he kept his attention to my hand, and did not switch to his brother, he fed everything that was in his palm. Of course, all this is quite applicable to adult dog, you just need to take into account her interests and passions, and select the appropriate reward. A regular walk in the park, or just in a residential area in a residential area, can offer us a lot of different exercises; you just need to know how to find them. And such a walk will be much more interesting for both the dog and the person.

Of course, it is not always possible to take a full walk, for example, in the morning before going to work; and there is no need to turn every walk into a full-fledged activity. Walks can be short or long, and for different purposes. My dogs have three types of walks:

1) walking when needed - it takes no more than 5 minutes, and this is enough even for an adult male, since he learns that he must first quickly rid the body of excess, get his ball, and then whatever happens;

2) free walk with elements of obedience - the dog is given the opportunity to move freely over a large area, but in the process we from time to time learn and consolidate obedience skills using natural situations;

3) walk with working training. Here, after going to the place of training, in accordance with the established ritual, the dog is introduced (turned on) to work and, upon completion, is switched off from it. Between switching on and off, the dog is not allowed any free movement and loss of attention, its behavior is strictly controlled.

Typically, these types of walks alternate in different combinations, but each of them occurs multiple times during the week.

Owners often have questions about the benefits or harms of playing with other dogs while walking. Without claiming to be the truth, I will express my personal opinion - I am against playing with an indefinite circle of other people's dogs. Without even raising the issue of possible fights and the risk of contagious diseases here (unfortunately, not everyone takes proper care of the health of their pets), I must note that an owner who regularly allows and supports such communication creates competitors for himself in the form of his dog’s friends . And if he is not a professional dog handler who devotes a lot of time to work and contact, then it will be very difficult for him to compete with another dog. If his dog creates a bright positive image of playing together with his brothers, it will be extremely difficult to switch attention to himself in any distracting situation. Of course, if the owner is ready to satisfy all the whims of his “pet,” everything is permissible, but it is unlikely that most owners dream of this. Of course, a dog may have a brother - a regular communication partner, or a couple of friends, but their communication should be allowed and regulated by the owner, and not vice versa, and the dog needs to be explained that you are issuing a ticket for such a pastime, and you are limiting its duration. Even for adults service dogs with a good training school, it can sometimes be difficult not to react to each other while working at the same time if they are used to playing with each other. What can we say about teenagers who have not yet fully developed contact with their owners.

And finally, about the duration of the walk. There is an opinion that you need to walk your dog for a long time, otherwise it does not receive the proper physical and emotional stress. And if this is a temperamental breed (for example, a Malinois), then when left alone at home, it will demonstrate destructive behavior, splashing out its unspent energy on the home interior.

This is not entirely true. The point is not in the duration of the walk, but in its quality and intensity of the load. An athlete spends significantly more energy in a five-minute workout than a pedestrian spends an hour of leisurely walking. The same applies to walking/exercising your dog. If the owner takes care of the proper equipment - toys and equipment for active exercises - then, literally without leaving his seat, he can “wind up” his dog in 15 minutes much more than in 2 hours of a dull walk. And, by the way, once again strengthen contact and interest in spending time together. For each breed and individual dog, of course, there may be something different, but for most dogs with pronounced prey behavior good option are rubber balls with a cord or pullers.

This kind of toys can be thrown far; they “jump” well, activating hunting instincts, and many dogs really like it. You just need to make it a habit to take them with you on every walk. Another good thing about a rubber ball with a rope is that it takes up little space and can always be kept in the pocket of a walking jacket. 10-15 minutes active play– and the dog “ran out”, perhaps having mastered something new. But you need to learn how to play with a dog; not every owner is able to offer the dog active and interesting game.

But more on that another time.

So, the right walk:

Promotes the development of active contact between dog and owner;

Allows you to master and consolidate the skills of general obedience and other types of training;

Provides the necessary physical and emotional stress for the dog;

Not tiring and interesting to the owner.

One of the most enjoyable pastimes for owner and dog is walking together during the day. Walking releases energy, stretches and strengthens joints. These walks are effective for dogs of all ages. This is the most best view"sport" for your pet. But not only for him! Walking your dog will help you too (calorizer)! Walking with your pet, you train the muscles of the whole body, especially the heart muscles, and you are in the fresh air. To ensure that the walk is beneficial for both you and your dog, here are some recommendations from veterinarians.

Every dog ​​needs daily walks, three per day is enough. If their number is reduced to two, morning and evening, this can lead to kidney disease and urinary system. You don't have to take too long of a walk every time. In bad weather, the duration can be reduced to 15-20 minutes. However, dogs are recommended to take a long walk at least once a day. Young, energetic animals require longer distances than older animals because they move faster. If your pet is in bad physical fitness, to begin with, it will be enough for him to walk no more than 20 minutes a day. You should start slowly, and do not increase the speed until you feel that your pet can handle it without much difficulty.

Usually all dogs love to go for walks. If your pet is a homebody, he is reluctant to leave his favorite rug, then you need to interest him in something. Bring toys with you and organize outdoor games. You can find friends for your pet so that he can “socialize” and frolic with them. You can also conduct classes on the street to teach your pet various commands.

Suitable for different dog breeds different types load and physical activity. Some (for example, Pekingese) are more suitable for quiet walks. For others (for example, Dobermans), jumping, running and all kinds of active games are suitable.

Here is an example of such a game. It's called "Hunting Fleeing Prey." Almost all dogs love to chase moving objects. Although they do not always bring the find to the owner. You can use a tennis ball, a ball, or a toy mouse as prey. This object should be large and preferably round so that the animal cannot swallow it or get injured.

Large dogs like the St. Bernard prefer quiet walks, trotting, or quiet games. The most best places for walking with dogs - parks and squares. But only in areas specially designated for walking. It is not allowed to walk dogs near playgrounds and child care institutions (schools, kindergartens). In summer it is good to take your pet out into nature; dogs love to run in the fresh air and swim in the water.

Dog walking rules:

  1. Large and aggressive dogs Must definitely walk with a muzzle! Absolutely all dogs that are walked in residential areas or parks must be kept on a leash.
  2. Every decent owner should have a shovel or a special bag with him to clean up after his pet.
  3. Your dog must know and follow the main commands: “Come to me!”, “Stop!”, “Ugh!” or “You can’t!”

More details about the rules of walking are written in the law on keeping and walking dogs in your city; it also indicates the places where pets are allowed to be walked.

There are seasonal recommendations for walking with pets. In winter, be sure to ensure that your pet does not get too cold. You shouldn’t let him roll around in the snow or bark loudly in the cold. If the ground is covered with ice, we advise you to wear special shoes for your pet, as otherwise he may get frostbite on his paws. You yourself also need to remember to dress for a walk according to the weather, so as not to catch a cold, but at the same time, expect to be active and not wrap yourself up too much.

IN summer heat Don't forget that long walks in the sun can be exhausting for both you and your pet. Take 2 bottles of water with you for yourself and for the dog, because in the heat,...

For animals, a daily walk is a kind of fitness. So why don’t you go in for sports with your pet, and the time will not be wasted and the benefits are obvious! During this time, you can get some sleep, ventilate your lungs, and stretch your muscles. For a walk to bring maximum benefits, it must be regular and moderate (calorizator). Such walks with your pet can become your hobby, which will benefit both the health of your pet and yourself. After all, fresh air has beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the entire body as a whole. They can replace training in the gym and help cope with the problem. excess weight, lift your spirits.

Dear friends, it’s no secret that a dog is one of the pets that cannot do without regular morning and evening walks in the fresh air. Every owner, when making a four-legged friend, must be prepared for the fact that a walk is important and necessary for the dog. How to organize this process so that it is pleasant, safe and useful? To do this, it is enough to follow the basic rules of walking with a dog.

Why does a dog need a walk?

One of the first reasons that is obvious and understandable to everyone is that dogs, unlike other domestic animals, do not go to the toilet at home. Even if the owner is delayed, the pet will endure and wait outside.

But this is far from the only reason. For every dog general development And healthy life physical activity required. It is necessary for absolutely all pets, regardless of age.

Thanks to moderate activity, puppies develop their musculoskeletal system harmoniously. It is worth remembering that if there is insufficient physical activity growth lag may occur muscle mass from growth skeletal system. As a result, deformations appear in the skeleton, which can make themselves felt in adulthood.

Older dogs thanks daily walks keep in shape. As a result, everything physiological systems work harmoniously in the body and the overall aging of the body slows down.

There is a third reason for walking your dog regularly. A change of environment has a beneficial effect on mental development animal. A dog by its nature is a “bloodhound” - this is inherent in its instincts. Therefore, the more natural scenery in life, the better the pet’s intelligence and character develops.

The fourth reason is the socialization of your four-legged friend. Live in confined space at home and contact with only a few people limit the dog’s communication and can provoke its inappropriate behavior in society. The pet must be able to communicate with its own kind. This develops a good character and the ability to behave “in society.”

Rules for walking a dog

For a walk to be beneficial, you need to know and, most importantly, follow the basic rules. They indirectly follow from the reasons mentioned above.

Number of walks

There should be at least two of them - morning and evening. If there is a need for an additional walk for health reasons, then sometimes another one is added outside of the “plan”.

Duration of walking

This indicator is determined based on several factors: age, breed, health, weather. For puppies, this time is reduced due to their still fragile body. The first walks for a very young creature should last no more than 15 minutes. As you get older, the duration can be gradually increased. For an adult healthy dog it can range from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Load level

It is also determined according to the age, breed and health of the dog at this period life. In this regard, you need to remember that increased stress is harmful for very young pets. For example, you should not allow a puppy to run after a bicycle - this is dangerous for its heart. Young animals benefit from playing with their peers and taking a leisurely stroll.

Similar restrictions apply to older dogs. A leisurely pace is more suitable for them. If an elderly gentleman makes it known that he is tired, it is imperative to give him the opportunity to rest.

But a young dog in its prime should not be limited in physical activity. And it is even recommended to deliberately provoke her to move. This can be done using a game. For this purpose, it is advisable to purchase a suitable toy that will arouse interest in your four-legged friend.

Every owner knows the characteristics of his dog's breed. It is also necessary to focus on this indicator when determining the degree of load. There are breeds in which nature and selection have increased activity. These include, for example, the Golden Retriever, Yorkshire Terrier, beagle and other hunting breeds.


Dog walks should not be carried out on full stomach, which means that a hearty meal should be after, and not before, walking. During physical activity, this can cause unnecessary problems.

In hot summer weather, it is necessary to think about drinking for the dog, since during a long walk the animal will definitely want to drink. Bottle with clean water and will completely solve this problem.

In some cases, you may also need a muzzle. Most often, dog owners use this attribute to avoid collecting edible scraps on the street. If this thing is necessary, choose a muzzle.


It is better not to walk along the same trajectory. Dogs are inquisitive creatures and a change of route is only good for them. intellectual development. If it is possible to make a detour to a pond, then that would be great. Most dogs love to get their paws wet.

Communication with other dogs

Contact and friendly games with your own kind can only be welcomed. “Catch-up” and harmless dog flirting turn the dog into a friendly creature, devoid of aggressiveness towards its fellows. Such games require a lot of strength and energy from the dog, but this is a guarantee that your pet will come home healthy and tired. However, at the same time, it is better to avoid contact with dogs that are unfriendly and are clearly showing signs.

Walking with your beloved pet should not be considered a duty or obligation. After all, this is a great opportunity not only to communicate with true friend, but also to spend time usefully for yourself - to breathe fresh air, meet like-minded people. Walking your dog always brings mutual benefits.

Have a nice mood for you and your pets!

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