Physical training for weight loss at home. Diets and exercises for quick weight loss

Not everyone who wants to get rid of excess fat and make their body irresistible can resort to heavy physical activity and grueling hunger strikes. The latter, if not handled correctly, can cause serious harm to the human body. An effective option for solving the described problem are simple exercises for weight loss, which are an easy complex that allows you to activate the simple but quick process of losing weight.

Basic exercises for losing weight at home

Before you use simple exercises for losing weight at home, keep in mind that after some diets the weight begins to gradually return. Going on another diet without taking care to create a workout plan for your home will make it impossible to achieve an ideal figure! Without exercise, you will feel weak, drowsy and lethargic.

Cardio exercises

A quick and effective way to lose weight and form a beautiful figure is cardio training, thanks to which the athlete sweats profusely. They represent a whole complex of techniques that have a healing nature. An excellent option in this case could be light weight loss exercises. There are these:

  • An intensive complex for burning fat deposits, which involves long exercises with the same load without rest. An excellent option would be running on a home treadmill or cycling.
  • Dance aerobics, in addition to cardio exercise, helps improve coordination and posture. With its help, you can learn to better control your body.
  • If you don’t have any exercise equipment at home, then the simplest option is running in place and jumping up.

A set of strength exercises

Strength exercises are characterized by high muscle tension with short duration of movements and low speed. With their help, you can not only lose weight, but also get rid of depression. Complex strength exercises can trigger a kind of energy transformation mechanism in the muscles. Both men and women need to exercise regularly to achieve results! To get started, you can use this complex:

  • 2-3 sets of squats, 8-16 reps. To increase the load, use dumbbells.
  • Lying on your back, bend your legs and begin to lift your upper back, trying to reach your head to your knees. Holding your breath for a few seconds, gradually return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 8-20 repetitions.
  • "Boat". Lie on your back, lower your arms along your body, while keeping your elbows off the floor. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and lift your legs above the surface, keeping them straight. Repeat several times.
  • Exercise "Burpee". Take a squat position, jump your legs back and do push-ups. Return immediately to the reverse position and jump as high as possible. Perform 4 sets of 2 minutes. The break between approaches is 1 minute.

Simple and effective exercises for weight loss

When using simple exercises for training, keep in mind that their frequency, time, and intensity depend on the preparation and age of the person. You can achieve the desired effect and create a beautiful body by exercising 3 times a week. If you plan to perform them more often, then there is a chance that your body will not have time to recover from one activity to another.

For belly slimming

The most problematic place for people who are overweight is the stomach. To get rid of fat in it and solve many health problems, you need to use a set of special training. You need to do the exercises correctly, without being lazy, otherwise you won’t be able to create an ideal waist. Equally important is the diet, which should contain less fatty foods. The most effective exercises for losing belly fat:

Leg Raise

Lie on the floor, raise your legs; Tightening your abs, lift your hips off the surface (they should rise slowly), hold for two counts and return to the starting position.

The muscles of the lower abs are worked out. Number of repetitions: 10 times, 2 sets.

Abdominal vacuum

Lying on your back, bend your legs and exhale powerfully, drawing in your stomach with force; keep your stomach in this state for about 15 seconds. When performing, the transverse abdominal muscles are worked out. Number of repetitions – 3-4 sets several times a day.

Backbend with bent knees

Kneel down with your elbows on the floor; begin to lift your knees off the surface, holding for three counts, then return to the starting position. In addition to the abdominal muscles, the back muscles are also involved. You need to do two sets of 10 times.

For buttocks and thighs

The buttocks should have a convex, seductive shape and be toned. In this case, there can be no talk of cellulite. A well-chosen scheme and regularity of exercises will help tidy up any figure. The main thing is to sincerely want to change yourself! Pay attention to the following easy exercises that will help you quickly achieve your previously set goal.

Exercise #1:

  • The name is classic squats.
  • How to do it: squat while inhaling, moving your pelvis back until your knees form a 90-degree angle; as you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Number of repetitions – 2-3 sets of 8-16 repetitions.

Exercise #2:

  • The name is chair.
  • How to do it - the essence of the exercise is that a person sits on a chair, while stretching out his arms.
  • What muscles are worked – gluteal muscles and thighs.
  • Number of repetitions - try to achieve the ideal position of 90 degrees under the knees, since this is unlikely to happen the first time.

Exercise #3:

  • The name is bridge.
  • How to do it – lie on your back, bend your legs; palms should face down; place your feet so that the tips of your fingers can touch your heels; As you inhale, tighten your buttocks and lift your pelvis; As you exhale, slowly lower yourself down.
  • What muscles are being worked – gluteal muscles, thighs.
  • Number of repetitions – 10 times.

For slimming arms

The skin on your hands may sag over time, which will look very unaesthetic. Having gotten rid of cellulite on your buttocks and tightened your stomach, you won’t look perfect if you don’t pay the necessary attention to your shoulders and forearms. Strengthening them at home is not such a difficult task. See for yourself with the following set of workouts.

Exercise #1:

  • The name is arm curl.
  • How to do it – place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bending your knees; slowly raise your hands with dumbbells, gradually squeezing them at the elbows.
  • What muscles are worked – biceps.
  • Number of repetitions – 15 times.

Exercise #2:

  • Name – arm curl 2.
  • How to do it – raise your arm above your head, having first grabbed a dumbbell, then turn your palm forward; then slowly bend and straighten your arm towards your head.
  • What muscles are worked – triceps.
  • Number of repetitions – 15 times.

Exercise #3:

  • The name is regular push-ups.
  • How to do it – take the position “lying down”; start at a slow pace, going as low as possible.
  • What muscles are worked – the muscles of the arms and chest.
  • The number of repetitions is 20 times with a gradual increase in the bar.

Simple yoga exercises for weight loss

When performing simple weight loss exercises taken from yoga, be sure to get a mat or blanket. You need to do them on an empty stomach! Poses used for weight loss include standing, relaxing, inverting, bending, and twisting. One of the simplest exercises is Uttanasana. To perform it, you just need to stand straight, raise your arms up and begin to smoothly lower yourself down, trying to touch your knees with your head. In general, it is recommended to practice yoga under the guidance of an experienced mentor!

Video: A simple set of exercises for losing weight at home

To burn more calories, you need to use a lot of muscles. Isolated exercises, such as biceps curls, will burn far fewer calories than pull-ups, which require energy from the back and core muscles in addition to the arms.

All exercises from our workout involve several muscle groups at once, increasing calorie expenditure. At the same time, the movements are quite simple, so you can quickly master them and last longer at high intensity.

The second reason for efficiency is high tempo. These exercises must be performed with maximum effort, without rest until complete recovery. A high heart rate throughout your workout helps you burn more calories.

How to do the exercises

Perform the exercises for 30 seconds, interspersed with a 30-second rest. If the load is not enough for you, perform 2-3 circles. You can gradually increase the work time to 60 seconds, but leave the rest the same.

Combine the sequence as you like, but do not put exercises that load the same muscle group next to each other. By alternating the load on your arms and legs, back and abs, you will avoid fatigue and be able to maintain a high pace throughout the entire workout.

What exercises to do

1. Skier movements

This exercise is a great alternative to regular jumping. It stresses the entire body, especially the buttocks, thighs and back extensor muscles.

Bend your body forward, place your arms straight behind your back, bend your knees, but do not go into a squat. From this position, straighten up with a sharp explosive movement and simultaneously swing your arms. You can stand on your toes or jump a little, but not too high.

2. Dance of the Predator

The exercise warms up the hips and shoulder muscles well.

Stand straight, feet together, hold both arms straight in front of you, palms together. Jump into a squat, spreading your legs wider. At the same time, tilt your body forward, spread your arms to the sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Return to starting position and repeat. Gradually increase your speed and range of motion.

3. Ice skating

This dynamic exercise simulates speed skating. It perfectly loads the legs and core muscles, increases the heart rate.

Bend your body forward with your back straight. Make a sliding jump with your right foot to the right side, move both arms to the right, accompanying the movement of the body. Cross your left leg over your right leg, you can place it on the floor or leave it suspended. Repeat the movement to the left. Do not straighten your body, try to perform the movement quickly and without stopping.

4. Explosive push-ups

Even if you have mastered regular push-ups well, you will have to sweat a lot when performing this exercise. It will load not only the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but also the back, hips, and buttocks.

Perform the exercise only on warmed muscles, otherwise you risk injuring your shoulders.

Stand in a lying position, push your pelvis back, bend your knees - this is the starting position. From here, with a sharp explosive movement, go into a push-up. Go back and repeat.

5. Squat Jumps

This is a great alternative to regular squats. Jumping in a half-squat pumps up the leg muscles well and does not overload the knees.

Place your feet together, lower yourself into a squat with your back straight, and keep your arms in front of you. Jump your legs wide apart and then jump back together. Repeat the movement as quickly as possible.

6. Running on a step

Place your left foot on a small hill, step, stand, or even a stack of books. With a quick jumping movement, change the position of your legs to the opposite. Make movements springy and soft, keep your knees slightly bent.

Another variation of this exercise is jumping from side to side on an elevated platform. Alternate them with each other to improve coordination and diversify your workouts.

7. Burpee

This exercise will work every muscle in your body, get your heart rate up, and leave you out of breath faster than any other.

From a standing position, lower yourself into a lying position. Go down, touch the floor with your chest and hips, then push yourself up with your arms and jump with your legs towards your hands, trying not to bend your knees too much. Straighten up and jump up, clapping your hands behind your head.

8. Jumping while lying down

The exercise works well on the hips, shoulders, and core muscles.

Get on all fours, lift your knees off the floor, keep your back straight. From this position, push off with your feet and jump through a handstand to the other side. Go back through the same jump. If you are afraid to perform at full amplitude, do not jump high. Get used to the range gradually.

9. Steps onto the bench

The exercise loads the hips well and pumps up the calf muscles.

Step up with your right foot. Leaning on your leg, jump up while swinging your straight arms and switch legs while jumping. After landing, your left foot will be on the hill; start your next jump with it. Jump, alternating legs, try to put maximum effort into the movement, “explode.”

10. Frog jumps

This exercise will help you develop powerful legs and work your abs and shoulders.

Stand in a lying position, with a jump, bring your legs to your hands. Jump back into a prone position and repeat. If you don't have the mobility to do it at full range, jump as far as possible. Gradually your body will get used to it and you will be able to increase your range of motion.

11. Bear walk

Moving in such an unusual position puts a lot of stress on your arms, back, hips and calf muscles.

At the same time, move the opposite arm and leg, try to keep your back straight. During movement, the pelvis can go up, but not much.

12. Crab walk

This walk will put a lot of stress on your shoulders, back, buttocks and hips.

At the same time, move the opposite arm and leg, do not lower your pelvis to the floor until the end of the exercise. If you don't have much space to practice, walk back and forth.

13. Leg lunges while lying down

This challenging exercise works the muscles of the entire body and requires a fair amount of dexterity and coordination.

Get on all fours, lift your knees off the floor, distributing your weight between your palms and the balls of your feet. Lift your right leg and left arm off the floor, pivot to the left on your left leg and step your right leg straight forward. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

14. Walking in a half-squat

This is the favorite exercise of all Soviet coaches, and for good reason. This movement not only works your legs well, but also develops balance and endurance.

Lower yourself into a half-squat and walk forward, accompanying your walking with the movement of your arms.

15. Walking with a lunge

This movement will finish off the leg muscles that are tired from the previous exercise. Lunge forward with your right leg, touching your left knee to the floor. Stand tall and lift your left knee up in front of you, then lower into a lunge on your left leg. Keep moving this way.

Good luck with your training!

There is still ongoing debate about what is more effective: cardio or strength training. Study Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults Leslie H. Willis and his colleagues from Duke University showed that it is better to combine exercises.

Participants who did only cardio exercise lost more fat. But people who combined cardio with strength training not only lost weight, but also increased muscle mass.

The benefits of combined training are confirmed by research The effect of 12 weeks of aerobic, resistance or combination exercise training on cardiovascular risk factors in the overweight and obese in a randomized trial Suleen Ho from Curtin University in Australia. 12 weeks of combined training helped subjects reduce weight and body fat more effectively than either cardio or strength training alone.

It turns out that for maximum effect you need to do both cardio and strength exercises.

The former are more energy-consuming, but the latter will pump up muscles and, due to oxygen debt, will help burn calories not only during training, but also after it.

Lifehacker has found the most energy-intensive exercises for a combined workout. First, let's look at the options that require equipment: barbell, kettlebells, ropes, medicine ball, and then we'll move on to fat-burning exercises with your own weight.

Exercises with equipment

1. Thrusters

This exercise was clearly invented in the underworld. First, you front squat, and then, without stopping, do a push press. You can't move slowly: you'll lose speed and momentum, and you'll need an extra squat to push the barbell up. Therefore, thrusters are performed very intensively and expend a lot of energy.

Thrusters work well on the hips and buttocks, shoulders and back. The abdominal muscles are also involved in the work.

Choose a weight that allows you to perform 10 thrusters without stopping, or better yet, include them in interval training, and you will wish you were born.

2. Double wave rope

Study Metabolic Cost of Rope Training Charles J. Fountaine of the University of Minnesota at Duluth showed that a 10-minute workout with two ropes can burn 111.5 kcal - about twice as much as running. Participants in the experiment performed a vertical wave with both hands for 15 seconds and then rested for 45 seconds. And so 10 times.

During this exercise, the latissimus dorsi and anterior deltoids are well loaded, while the rear deltoids and trapezius act as synergists. Thus, the exercise not only helps burn calories, but also works the entire upper body well. The quadriceps and glutes are also involved, while the abs and back extensors stabilize the core.

This video shows rope exercises, including the double wave.

Try repeating Fountain's experiment and doing 10 sets of 15 seconds. If it’s hard, reduce the operating time to 10 seconds. You can also create an interval workout from the different rope exercises shown in the video.

3. Throwing a medicine ball at a wall

Throwing a ball against a wall is similar to thrusters. First you go into a squat, then you straighten up, but instead of doing a push press, you throw the ball at the wall. This exercise works the quadriceps and buttocks, shoulders, back, trapezius, and core muscles.

Throwing the ball needs to be done with high intensity, and the load can be scaled by increasing the weight of the ball and adjusting the height to which you throw it.

Do 2-3 sets of 20-25 reps or include throws in your interval training. For example, throw a ball for 30 seconds and do burpees for the rest of the minute, and so on until you count 100 throws.

4. Kettlebell Snatch

In January 2010, the American Council on Exercise ACE published the results of a study Exclusive ACE research examines the fitness benefits of kettlebells, showing how many calories you can burn with the kettlebell snatch.

Subjects performed six jerks in 15 seconds and then rested for 15 seconds. And so on for 20 minutes. Participants burned 13.6 kcal per minute aerobically, and 6.6 kcal anaerobically. It turns out 20.2 kcal per minute and 404 kcal in 20 minutes!

In addition to burning more calories, the kettlebell snatch is good for toning your back and legs, strengthening your wrists, and strengthening your grip. The exercise develops endurance and speed, and trains coordination of movements.

To burn more calories, choose five and complete three circuits of 15 reps of each, with 30-second breaks between each exercise.

Bodyweight exercises

1. Jumping rope

When jumping rope, the leg muscles, triceps and pectoral muscles work. Exercise can burn between 700 and 1,000 kcal per hour depending on the intensity. 20 minutes of jumping rope are equal in energy consumption to 45 minutes of quiet running.

Unlike running, jumping puts less stress on your knees because you land on both feet. This is an additional plus for overweight people.

You can start your workout with a jump rope: jumping will help warm up your body well for the following exercises. Then set a timer and jump for 45 seconds at a medium pace, and then 15 seconds at a fast pace. Rest for a minute and repeat nine more times.

If you want to burn even more calories, learn to double jump. Here's a good outline for learning:

  • two single jumps, one double - repeat 10 times;
  • two singles, two doubles - 10 times;
  • two singles, three doubles - 10 times and so on.

If you already know how to do doubles, try Annie's famous benchmark. First, do 50 double jumps and body lifts (from a lying position), then 40, 30, 20 and 10. And all this for a while and without rest breaks.

You can also diversify your workouts by adding other jump rope exercises. You will find 50 options for different levels of training in.

2. Burpee

High-intensity burpee workouts burn between 8 and 14 kcal per minute. That is, by doing burpees, you can burn 280 kcal in 20 minutes. You can also complicate the exercise by adding box jumps, bar jumps, pull-ups, etc.

You can see the burpee technique in. Here are some options for training:

  • Burpee descending ladder for beginners. Perform 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 burpees, resting a minute between sets.
  • 100 burpees. Complete 100 burpees, resting as needed.
  • Two minutes of burpees (advanced). Set a timer and do as many burpees as possible in two minutes. Make sure that your technique does not suffer: touch the floor with your chest and hips, and lift off the ground at the top point.

3. Exercise “Climber”

Take a lying position and bend your knees one by one, as if trying to reach your chest with them. “Climber” is performed quickly, but at the same time the pelvis and back are rigidly fixed.

The exercise pumps up the abs and hip flexor muscles well, and due to the intensity, calorie consumption increases. Depending on your weight, you can spend from 8 to 12 kcal per minute.

Of course, you won't be able to do Climber for 10-20 minutes straight. Instead, combine it with other interval training exercises. For example, 20 “Climber” jumps, 10 push-ups (can be done from your knees), 20 “Jumping Jack” jumps, 15 air squats. Perform 3–5 circles, resting 30 seconds between circles.

You can also do “Climber” according to the Tabata protocol: 20 seconds of active execution, 10 seconds of rest. The number of laps depends on how you feel.

4. Jump Squats

Squats without a barbell and dumbbells can hardly be called effective exercises. Another thing is jump squats. In this exercise, you go into a squat and come up with a jump. Due to this, the exercise becomes much more intense, and you burn more calories.

Perform three sets of 20–30 reps. And yes, you won't have to jump for very long before you really work your leg muscles.

How to do exercises without equipment

For bodyweight exercise to help you lose weight, it must be intense and long-lasting. Simply put, if you do 20 squats and then rest for five minutes, you'll certainly strengthen your muscles, but you won't burn many calories.

Therefore, perform exercises with high intensity, or even better, include them in interval training with a certain amount of rest between sets - from 10 seconds to one minute. This will keep your heart rate high throughout your workout and burn more calories.

Also, remember that no workout will help you lose weight unless you review your diet. Combine exercise with diet and you will see the first results very soon.

Every spring we begin the fight against excess weight. Strict diets and exhaustive workouts are used. Some even resort to miracle pills. But even babies know that the main role in the war against those hated kilograms is, of course, played by physical exercise for quick weight loss.

It's great if you can visit a sports club on an ongoing basis. Unfortunately, many people do not have enough time/money/patience. Training at home will give excellent results.
The optimal (recommended by doctors) duration of classes is 20–30 minutes.

Try the following set of physical exercises and surprise your friends with spectacular results.

Warm-up and exercises for quick weight loss

Each workout should begin with a warm-up. Muscles and joints should be warmed up. This will protect you from sprains and injuries of varying severity.

So let's begin. First, rub your palms together until they become hot. Warm your face, ears and neck with them. Then make a couple of rotational movements with each joint in both directions.

We stretch our shoulders and arms. We perform circular movements with our shoulders forward several times, then back. Your arms are straight, your palms are parallel to the floor and look in opposite directions (as if you were pretending to be a penguin). Next we twist in different directions with our elbows, followed by our fists.

Stand up straight, straighten your back. Make turns in opposite directions, keeping your lower body motionless. The head looks ahead all the time. Perform 25 repetitions.

Then make circular movements with your body. 10 rotations in each direction. The legs are still motionless.

A set of exercises for quick weight loss at home

Exercise for slim buttocks

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, bend them at the knees (the most effective is at a right angle). Stay in this pose for as long as you can.

Exercise "Squats"

Do 2-3 sets of 25-35 repetitions. When squatting, your knees should be directly above your feet.

Exercise "Jumping"

Squat down. From this position, jump as high as possible and return to the starting point. Repeat 20 times.

Exercise "Scissors"

Lie on your back, straighten your legs up, place your hands under your lower back. Cross your legs and spread them as wide as possible. Total 10 reps.

Exercise for slender legs

Get on your knees with your arms extended in front of you. Squat down on each buttock at a fast pace, tilting your body for balance. Repeat 20-30 times.

Exercise "Half plie"

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed in opposite directions. Do a half squat at a slow pace, staying at the bottom as long as you can. Return to the original position at the same speed. Perform 20 reps in 2 sets.

Exercise "Leg Swing"

Lie on your side. Bend your lower leg. Use your upper leg to lift smoothly with maximum amplitude. Do 20 swings. Repeat in the opposite direction.

Abdominal exercise

Lie on your back, place your hands under the back of your head, legs straight. Pull your knees to your chest, lift your shoulders and head off the floor and pull them towards your knees. Return to the original position. Perform 20 times for 2 approaches.

Exercise “Oblique twists”

Lying on your back, bend your knees. Place your hands to the back of your head. Now reach your elbow towards the opposite knee. Repeat 20 times. Now from the opposite side.

Exercise for lower abs

Continuing to lie on your back, extend your legs straight at an angle of 45 0 to the floor and hold as long as you can. Do 10 approaches.

Exercise to work all abdominal muscles

The starting position is the same. Point your arms out to the sides and place them on the floor, palms down. Straighten your legs straight up. Slowly lower your legs down, return them up, lower them alternately to the left and to the right. Do 12 times in all directions.

Exercise "Half Bridge"

Continue lying on your back. Place your legs bent at the knees on the floor and extend your arms along your body. Raise your pelvis as high as you can and lower it. Perform the movement 20-30 times.

Exercise for back muscles

Lying on your back, place your arms and legs perpendicular to the floor. Alternately lift your hips and shoulder blades off the floor as if trying to reach the ceiling with them. Do 20 reps.

Exercise “Swallow lying down”

Roll over onto your stomach. Raise your straight legs and arms at the same time to the maximum height. Stretch in opposite directions. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise "Push-ups"

Get into a plank position. Lower your knees to the floor. Do push-ups from the floor 10 times.

Exercise “Reverse push-ups”

Stand with your back to the chair. Sit on the edge and place your arms at the sides of your body. Bend your legs at a right angle and place your heels on the floor. Move your pelvis 5 cm beyond the edge of the chair, your back should remain straight. Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 0. Climb up. It is strictly unacceptable to move your elbows in different directions. Repeat 15 times.

Hand exercise

Stand straight, raise your arms in front of you. Stay in this position for as long as you can.

Exercise "Cool down"

Be sure to finish your workout with stretching. Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible; smoothly stretch your body forward, left, right. Lie on the floor and stretch your arms and legs crosswise in opposite directions (that is, stretch your left arm and right leg, and vice versa).

Doing exercises to lose weight at home keeps your muscles toned and improves the quality of your body’s functioning as a whole. You will achieve quick results if you perform the entire complex regularly.

Losing weight quickly is all about proper nutrition and exercise. The presented methods often do not work together, because people have some “disagreements” with physical activity. Why? Not everyone who wants to lose weight has enough time to constantly visit the gym, but it is precisely such training that helps in losing excess weight. Some people complain about lack of time, some talk about financial issues, some simply don’t have enough willpower.

In such cases they will help exercises for quick weight loss at home, which will be discussed further. Training is allowed only after the recommendation of a doctor - it is important to exclude the presence of serious pathologies that can be aggravated by gymnastics or strength exercises. The optimal time for training is 20-30 minutes - you should not bother yourself with serious loads, especially initially. As soon as the girl feels that the previously performed complex passes without difficulty, the number of approaches should be increased. It’s better to reconsider the type of training and still go to the gym. To get started, the following exercises for losing weight and strengthening muscles at home are suitable.

Even effective exercises for losing weight at home should be performed in accordance with the recommendations and the basics of warming up. The importance of warming up is determined by minimizing injuries while performing the main set of exercises. Warming up allows you to warm up your muscles and improve joint mobility. It should be carried out taking into account the mandatory heating from top to bottom.

So, in order to lose weight with exercises at home, you need to do a preliminary warm-up in the following sequence:

  • First, rub your palms - you need to bring your palms to a state of characteristic redness.
  • These palms are used to warm up the face, ears and neck at the same pace.
  • Then you need to make several circular movements with your head - one way and the other.
  • Afterwards, you can begin to warm up the shoulder girdle. Simple circular movements of the shoulder joints from the “penguin” position will help in this matter - arms straight along the body, palms facing the floor.
  • Next, you need to twist your elbows and fists in the specified sequence.
  • In a standing position, it is necessary to rotate the torso so that the lower part remains motionless. Repeat this way at least 25 times in each direction.
  • Make circular movements with your body in the same starting position - at least 10 repetitions.
  • Finally, stretch the feet - placing the toe on the floor, make several circular movements with the heel.

Warm-up will last no more than 5 minutes - there is no need to perform strength exercises, just stretch your muscles and joints. The presented warm-up is best performed daily in the morning. In combination with a diet, such warming up of muscles will allow you to quickly eliminate excess fat.

Complex for quick weight loss

To begin with, you should use a program for rapid weight loss in general. The program will help you lose weight, as well as strengthen your muscles, so that in the future, bringing your body to perfection with the help of home exercises will go faster. So, a set of exercises for losing weight throughout the body includes several types of movements that should be performed at home during the first 2-3 weeks.

This includes:

  • Slimness of the buttocks. From a standing position, squat down so that your knees make a right angle. Stretch your arms forward and stand in this position as much as possible.
  • Squats. An exercise familiar from school helps girls quickly lose weight. For beginners, weight loss exercise will seem difficult, but gradually you should increase the number of repetitions. Initially, you should perform at least 20-35 repetitions and 2-3 sets.
  • Bouncing. The exercise is not easy, but it is effective for overall weight loss. From the squatting position, you need to stand up, raise your arms to the sides, close them above your head, clapping your palms - the entire lunge is accompanied by a jump. Repeat 20 times.
  • Scissors. This well-known exercise helps strengthen your abdominal muscles. While lying on the floor, you need to raise your legs and cross them. Next, spread your legs as wide as possible and repeat at least 10 times per workout.
  • Semi-plie. This exercise is quite interesting because it gives you a chance to burn fat cells in your lower torso. Spread your legs apart, point your toes out. In this position, do a slow squat, forming a right angle at the knees. They also rise slowly to the top. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times - can be divided into 2 approaches.
  • Swing your leg. Lie on your side on the floor, bend your lower leg slightly. Swing with the upper leg with maximum amplitude. The minimum number of repetitions is 20.
  • For a slim belly. While lying on the floor on your back, you must simultaneously raise your upper body with your hands clasped behind your head and legs, forming a right angle at the knee. Repeat 20 times in 2 sets.
  • Twisting. In the same starting position, bend your knees and hold there. Raise your body while reaching your elbow to the opposite knee. Thus, perform the exercise at least 20 times for each side.

The presented exercises should be performed only on an empty stomach - 1.5-2 hours after a heavy meal. It’s better to follow proper nutrition and regimen so that training becomes easier and excess weight goes away faster.

Complex for strengthening the press

The abdominal muscles must be constantly strengthened to prevent sagging of the abdomen and the formation of hernias. The following is a super set of exercises that will help cope with the problem. Among other things, these actions perfectly burn fat cells in the abdominal area, and also form an attractive abs - the treasured 6-pack.

The most effective movements include the following:

  • Lying on the floor on your back, raise your legs so as to make an angle of 45° from the surface. You should spend as much time as possible in this position - with your legs straight. Repeat at least 10 times.
  • Working out all the abdominal muscles is ensured by lifting straight legs from the previous starting position. So, lying on your back, your arms along your body rest on the floor. Raise your legs, keeping them straight, lower them also slowly. Then raise your legs again and lower them in any direction. Do the exercise with 12 repetitions on each side.
  • The half bridge exercise will also help in strengthening all the abdominal muscles. When lying on the floor, your legs rest against the surface, bending at the knees. Their hips must be raised in this position and maintained for as long as possible.

All exercises are actively performed in the fitness room with instructors, but you can resort to home workouts. All movements are offered with pictures, which will make their implementation easier.

Strengthening your back muscles

Physical exercise is impossible without strengthening the back muscles. There is a complex for this, which includes:

  • Swallow lying down. Lying on the floor on your stomach, arms extended forward, legs straight. At the same time, raise your arms and legs up to the permissible limits. Maintain in this position for as long as possible.
  • Push ups. Rest your knees and palms on the floor, lower yourself to the maximum possible position, trying to form a right angle with your elbows.
  • Reverse push-ups with a chair. You need to sit on the edge of the chair, rest your palms on the side edges of the furniture and lower yourself down, forming a right angle with your knees.

It is also effective to perform exercises to strengthen your arm muscles. Here you need to sit on the floor, spread your legs and stretch your hands towards the foot of one leg. Repeat the movement returning to the starting position at least 20 times.

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