Physiological and pathological discharge in girls. Discharge in girls, causes of discharge in girls

Vaginal discharge occurs not only in adult women, but also in little girls. Already from the neonatal period, physiological discharge appears from the child’s genital tract. Vaginal leucorrhoea in girls is divided into 2 groups: physiological and pathological.

Physiological discharge (present normally) is light, mucous in nature and may have thread-like inclusions.

Pathological leucorrhoea is most often profuse, mixed with blood and pus, and has an unpleasant odor. And in most cases they are accompanied by inflammatory diseases of the vulva - vulvitis and vagina - vaginitis. These pathologies are most common in young girls. The acidic environment of the female genital tract is a barrier to all kinds of infections. In a girl’s vagina, the environment is alkaline, containing a small amount of lactobacilli, which perform a protective function. And therefore, any decrease in immunity due to any diseases can provoke vulvovaginitis.

Causes of discharge in girls

  • Very often, bacterial vulvovaginitis occurs against the background of previous respiratory tract diseases.
  • With frequent use of antibiotics and dysbiosis, the vaginal microflora is disrupted and bacterial vaginosis develops.
  • Frequent use of antibiotics in the treatment contributes to the pathological growth of fungal flora and, as a result, fungal (mycotic) vulvovaginitis.
  • Many childhood infections can be accompanied by the development of vulvovaginitis.
  • Cases of vulvovaginitis, in which the causative agents are ureaplasma, chlamydia, virus, and mycoplasma, have become more frequent. The reason for this is the prevalence of all these infections among the adult female population. In this case, infection can occur already in the prenatal period. Infection is also possible during childbirth and through household means.
  • Vulvovaginitis is often accompanied by allergic manifestations. At the same time, the resulting atopic vulvovaginitis is protracted and with frequent exacerbations.
  • Fungal vulvovaginitis often indicates diabetes mellitus.
  • Inflammation of the vagina can be traumatic. Small objects can get into a child’s vagina during play and damage the mucous membrane.
  • Worms (most often pinworms) can cause inflammation of the external genitalia.
  • Little girls can spread the infection with dirty hands.

Symptoms of “bad” discharge

  1. The main manifestations of the inflammatory process are itching, hyperemia of the vulva and pathological discharge from the vagina. The nature of the discharge directly depends on the causes of the disease.
  2. If there is a foreign body in the genital tract, the discharge will have an unpleasant odor and even streaks of blood.
  3. Trichomonas infection is characterized by copious foamy discharge and redness of the genital tract.
  4. If the inflammation is caused by a fungal infection, a cheesy discharge accompanied by itching is observed.
  5. If the discharge is not abundant, but there is redness and severe itching, then this may indicate a helminthic infestation.
  6. Herpetic vulvovaginitis is characterized by blisters and ulcers on the external genitalia. There is hyperemia and pain in the vulva area. With an atypical course of the disease, scanty vaginal discharge and redness appear. If the mother has manifestations of herpes or the child has frequent colds and herpetic rashes on the face, it is recommended to conduct a targeted examination.
  7. With bacterial vulvovaginitis, a yellowish discharge appears, accompanied by itching and redness.
  8. Infections of ureaplasma, chlamydia and mycoplasma nature are characterized by minor mucous discharge. But at the same time, exacerbations of diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys are possible.
  9. With allergic vulvovaginitis, slight discharge and characteristic thinning of the mucosa are observed.
  10. If the microflora in the vagina is disturbed and bacterial vaginosis occurs, a milky or grayish liquid discharge appears, emitting the smell of rotten fish.


  • To identify the cause of inflammation, bacterial culture of the vaginal flora is performed.
  • Using the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and RIF (immunofluorescence reaction) methods, it is possible to detect mycoplasma, chlamydia and ureaplasma.
  • The herpes virus is isolated from the lesion. The presence of antibodies in the blood is also determined.
  • Be sure to do a stool test
  • When the intestinal microflora changes, a stool test is performed.
  • If there is a foreign body in the vagina and in order to exclude tumor formations, the vaginal walls are examined using a special device - a vaginoscope.


  1. The specialist prescribes general or local drug treatment only after determining the cause of vulvovaginitis (the causative agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics). To do this, an individual approach is used, which takes into account the child’s age, the presence of chronic diseases, etc. Treatment uses antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral drugs.
  2. Mechanical irritants of the genital tract are eliminated.
  3. With concomitant helminthiases, the underlying disease is first treated not only in the child, but also in all members of his family.
  4. Allergens are completely excluded.
  5. If your child is obese or

There is an opinion that diseases associated with the genital organs affect only adults. However, even little girls have problems with the reproductive system, and they do not immediately turn to their parents. Mothers discover strange yellow discharge from their 10-year-old baby and begin to panic.

Unusual spots on panties in girls, boys and teenagers indicate the presence of inflammation of the external genitalia, ureaplasma chlamydial infection, bacterial vulvovaginitis, etc.

Even wen and tartar are the cause. First of all, study the issue in detail before taking your child to the gynecologist and creating unnecessary stress.

Normal discharge in girls that you don’t need to be afraid of

Feeling upset

Dangerous discharge on a child's underpants

It is worth distinguishing between physiological and pathological discharges: the former were described in the table above, but with the latter the situation is more complicated. The girl’s discharge indicates infectious diseases and disruption of the pelvic organs.

Mom must understand that discharge cannot be ignored, even if this is the norm. If they appeared suddenly, and before that the girl had been ill with something or was in a stressful state (even if a little, but this is common in excited children), then you should contact a gynecologist.

The doctor will identify the presence of diseases, the causes of these infections in the girl’s body and advise on this matter. For diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to know the nature of the discharge. H3: Purulent

Many mothers do not know what to do if a girl has purulent vaginal discharge. This cannot be called normal, because... vaginal pus is a sign of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

This can be caused by a recent cold, dysbacteriosis, or in some cases a urological infection (this is detected through tests). Purulent discharge in a 9-year-old girl often occurs due to weak immunity. As a result of such disorders, the microflora in the vagina changes, which affects reproductive abilities in the future.

What does white vaginal discharge mean?

White discharge in girls under 16 years of age is the norm or symptoms of the development of vulvovaginitis. Also, curdled discharge can be caused by fungal infections.

If the disease is medically confirmed, in addition to taking prescribed medications, it is necessary to treat the child’s external genitalia daily with a decoction of chamomile or nettle and monitor the hygiene of this area (especially for girls under ten years old - the age at which puberty begins).

Yellow color, odorless

Discharge from the genital tract in girls is also a consequence of pathological processes in the external genitalia. Children easily introduce bacteria into the intimate area, which is why girls may develop yellow discharge.

If this is accompanied by burning and itching, and the vaginal secretion itself has no odor, then the child has bacterial vulvovaginitis. In girls, yellow discharge most often appears at the age of 12-17 years, when there is a period of hormonal surge in the body.

Little baby

Why does brown mucus appear?

If you find dark mucus in your child's panties, it may be pathological discharge from the reproductive system or menstrual discharge. Brown discharge in girls 11-13 years old most often occurs during the first period. However, a brownish spot in a 5-year-old girl should alert parents.

In this case, self-medication is ineffective and dangerous, because such discharge from the vulva in a little girl indicates the presence of a pathogen of a severe infection that has not yet manifested itself. If the skin around your vagina is dry or has a rash, go to the hospital immediately.

Abundant greenish color

Green discharge is a sign of a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, gynecologists take a stool test for dysbacteriosis. This can be treated with antibiotics, and to prevent trouble, be careful about baby food and girls' hygiene.

Smelling, heavy discharge in adolescents is a sign of non-compliance (in such cases, it is recommended to change underwear and take a shower more often). H3: When blood appears
The presence of bloody discharge in girls is associated with a foreign body in the vagina. Foreign objects in the genitals damage the cervix, cause pain, and create cracks in the vaginal walls.
In such cases, the child’s life is in danger, because every movement of the body increases the risk of damage and rupture of soft tissues. Any unwanted body in a child’s vagina is dangerous not only due to physical deformation, but also due to infection. To prevent serious consequences, immediately visit a pediatric gynecologist.

Reliable protection - mom

Causes of pathological discharge

Female diseases in girls 12 years old seem unusual, but in practice they are common. The causes of white, yellow, greenish and even bloody discharge are described above.

The most basic:

  • infection caused by hygienic carelessness or ingestion of foreign objects;
  • digestive problems;
  • urological diseases, etc.

General information about vaginal pathologies in children is presented on our website and will be useful to all mothers (even those who have not encountered the problem of unusual discharge). Some of these problems lie in the child’s sex education, which is important during adolescence.

If at the age of 12 something incomprehensible is secreted, then the disease is caused by insufficient hygiene. Teach your young girl to value all parts of the body equally and not to neglect taking care of her intimate parts. H2: Main symptoms

Good uncle - doctor

The main signs of pathologies of the reproductive system:

  1. Mucous or cheesy discharge with a pungent odor, accompanied by itching.
  2. Girls also complain of pain during urination or active activities.

If your child talks about such symptoms, then immediately go for a consultation. Keep in mind that not every child will tell mom or dad about this kind of problem. If children under 6-7 years old have an easy attitude towards physicality, then school-age girls have certain limits in liberation.

Possible diseases

The most common pathologies of the genital organs in girls are divided into four types:

  • vulvovaginal;
  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

It is impossible to identify most diseases on your own, so get tested and see a doctor who will prescribe treatment and introduce you and your child to prevention methods.

Treatment strictly as prescribed by the doctor

If an adult woman, knowing her body, selects medications for herself (for candidiasis or oral contraceptives), then only a doctor should prescribe the drug to a child.

Listen carefully

If a girl secretes mucus for the first time at the age of 8, then the nature of its appearance is difficult to understand even for a specialist. Self-diagnosis in this case is inappropriate and will only worsen the situation. H2: Diagnostic measures
Diagnosis of vaginal discharge in the prepubertal period (9-10 years) is important from the point of view of studying the child’s body. It is recommended to visit a gynecologist once a year (if nothing worries you, you can reduce visits to one visit every 2-3 years) to identify the characteristics of the vaginal microflora and track changes in the reproductive system.

Attention to the child’s health eliminates the risk of serious diseases and their progression (which usually happens when the child is not examined for more than two years).

Mom's wealth

Prevention and hygiene of little girls

Let's consider the main methods of disease prevention:

  • caring for the external genitalia (girls under 1 year of age need to be washed after each diaper change, and older children should be taught to do this in the morning and evening);
  • timely change of linen (for children under 1 year of age this occurs as it gets dirty, for older children - at least once a day);
  • choosing underwear made from natural fabrics (cotton panties will help avoid irritation and chafing of the child’s genitals);
  • use of special hygiene products (when washing, do not use ordinary soap. Buy a special gel for intimate hygiene that will not disturb the vaginal microflora);
  • proper washing (avoid washcloths and any foreign objects - their hard surface damages the labia and soft tissues, and also accumulates many microbes that are dangerous to the child);
  • correct selection of diapers for babies (choose only proven and tested brands; try different types of diapers to see the skin reaction and irritation);
  • clean genital towels (after washing, pat your child's genital area dry with a clean, soft towel, but do not rub or touch the soft tissue).

All family members should monitor the child's health. Despite the fact that little girls are not sexually active, this does not exclude the presence of diseases of this system. There are known cases where the pathology was transmitted to the child at birth (during passage through the infected birth canal), so it is important for pregnant women to monitor the condition of their body.

Any mature woman perceives menstruation as a natural and familiar phenomenon in her own body. But the first menstruation is a purely individual situation that can become both a pleasant and a terrible memory for any girl. The first menstruation with normal development of the body begins in the period from 11 to 14 years, subject to the correct development of the genital organs and stable hormonal levels. Early or late periods often occur, and hereditary factors play a significant role in this (the onset of menstruation in girls coincides with their onset in mothers).

The appearance of menstruation at 12 years old is a generally accepted norm

Age norm for first menstruation

Over the last decade, there has been a significant decrease in the threshold for the onset of the first discharge due to the rapid maturation of adolescents, so the onset of menstruation at 12 is the most optimal option, indicating the health and successful subsequent development of the female body. With normal nutrition and a proper lifestyle, estrogen is fully produced, which is responsible for the sexual development of adolescents, and in older age, for reproductive function. The successful entry of a girl into adulthood is the correct moral preparation for the first menstruation on the part of her parents. After all, the further perception of the most important manifestation of female nature depends on the general mood.

In the era of the development of the Internet and the availability of any information, a girl is able to independently learn about the intricacies and primary symptoms of the first menstruation, but electronic pages cannot explain the changes in the girl’s body using experience and maternal affection.

What is menstruation and what to expect from your first period?

The menstrual cycle itself is a hormonal and physical change in the female body, leading in the future to a full pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, the body returns to its normal state, repeating the same processes. From the day of birth, up to one hundred “young” eggs are stored in the girl’s ovaries and after a “signal” from hormones, one of the eggs begins to mature. After 8-15 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs, it is at this moment that a full-fledged egg falls into the fallopian tube. After ovulation, the egg enters the uterus, and if fertilization does not occur, the thickened uterine lining is rejected, leading to uterine bleeding.

In girls 12 years old, the menstrual cycle is established no earlier than two years, it is then that the release of eggs and the body’s preparation for pregnancy is called completely completed.

Girls' periods should not be an unpleasant surprise.

The first period should not confuse the girl

When do the first critical days occur in 12-year-old girls?

Even in the last millennium ago, the first menstruation appeared in girls at a fairly mature age - 18 years and older. Over the years, puberty among adolescents has accelerated significantly, and at the moment, the appearance of the first menstruation at the age of 12 is called the most optimal and correct option. It is difficult to calculate the exact time, because the maturation of female organs is a purely individual and unique process, but monitoring the delay of the daughter’s first menstruation is a must for every caring parent. The occurrence of menstruation depends on a number of general factors, such as:

  • diseases suffered in childhood;
  • hereditary characteristics;
  • improper and irregular nutrition;
  • non-compliance with the girl’s living standards;
  • obesity, anorexia, other problems with normal weight.

Heredity plays an important role in the development of a girl. If mothers and grandmothers have experienced early menstruation, then there is a high probability of the situation repeating in their daughter. If a girl grows up frail and sickly, her puberty will occur later than her peers. Lack of vitamins and microelements necessary for the growth of the body contributes to a delay in the first menstruation. About the position of the hormonal background, its disruption leads to early menstruation (8–9 years).

Deviation from the norm (months later than 12 years) up to 17 years is called tolerable, but later it is a signal for a quick response from parents, because the list of reasons for the absence of the first discharge is huge (from insufficient functioning of one or two ovaries to disorders of the pituitary gland). Delays in such cases are inappropriate and extremely dangerous for the health of the girl, the expectant mother.

Unhealthy diet affects when your period starts

Preparing in advance will ensure peace of mind for your young daughter.

Until recently, there were many rumors about menstruation, which led to an inexplicable fear among girls about the appearance of menstruation. Some girls were forbidden to leave the house while their body was cleansing itself, others hid the fact of their periods from their family and friends. The lack of truthful information gave rise to crazy rumors and superstitions, but today such situations are sadly rare, nothing more. The mechanism of menstruation has long been studied and described down to the smallest stages, and in sex education lessons for teenagers, changes in their bodies and processes in the body are described in detail. Relying on the fact that your daughter herself will understand all the intricacies of becoming a woman is unjustifiably stupid and dangerous, especially for the girl herself.

The mother should have casual conversations about the woman's future, how she reaches childbearing age and share the importance of such an event as her first period. Many problems in adulthood can be avoided if you correctly perceive and respond to any kind of changes in a girl’s body.

If deviations are not observed in girls, then at the age of 12 there is a high probability of menstruation. Signs of impending menstruation are visible to the experienced eye of the mother, and can be completely ignored by the girl herself. It’s all to blame for children’s naive views, when an immature psyche deliberately does not attach importance to frightening metamorphoses. The first thing that becomes unusual is the daughter’s figure (by about 12 years old), the hips are noticeably rounded, small breasts appear (a layer of fat appears on the mammary glands), and the first hair begins to grow on the genitals. Another unpleasant sign of approaching menstruation can be a rash on the face and back. Having noticed all the signs, the mother, like the girl herself, should prepare for the first discharge.

A couple of months before the first discharge, girls begin to experience atypical discharge on their underwear (minor). Clear, brownish-yellow marks are considered normal and should not cause panic or concern. But a strange smell and itching is by no means a good sign, and if such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Three or four before the start of the first critical days, girls 12 years of age and older experience the well-known PMS syndrome (premenstrual syndrome), accompanied by sudden changes in mood, excessive tearfulness, an aggressive or too passive state, causeless headaches and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the lower abdomen can begin 3-4 days before the start of menstruation

First menstruation and its features

The first menstruation proceeds completely differently from the long-established critical days in women. For girls, this is a dark, brown discharge that looks like blood. Their quantity on the first day can be abundant or meager. The first menstruation is 150 ml of blood (small volume). The second day of the first critical days is called more significant in terms of the amount of discharge, and then menstruation slowly ends. The duration of the girl’s first discharge is from three to seven days without severe blood loss. The general condition during critical days is weak, with a constant feeling of discomfort and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Subsequent menstruation can be absolutely painless and calm. Another feature of the first menstruation is a strong odor (strong functioning of the glands of the vulva).

To avoid fear and nervousness in girls (12 years and older), the mother should explain in advance what is normal during menstruation, including pain and unpleasant-looking and smelling discharge.

In a gentle, calm tone, the mother can talk about what the menstrual cycle is - a critical cycle occurs every month (with normal functioning of the body) with an average period of 28 days. It is also worth mentioning that after the first critical days, the cycle “jumps” for about two years and there is no need to be alarmed by such inconstancy.

The mother should tell her daughter in advance about the specific aspects of menstruation

Forewarned and forearmed

Conversations with adults greatly simplify the life of a girl who will soon have her period. The most suitable option is, of course, a mother with whom her daughter has a trusting and warm relationship. In no case should an explanation of the essence of menstruation and its features be strict and instructive; the task of parents is to prepare their child for inevitable changes, thereby preventing unwanted fear and neglect of important rules of behavior during menstruation. First of all, the mother should calm her daughter down by telling her about her own first discharge, because this is how the girl will feel that metamorphoses in the body are not a disease or a defect, but completely natural things and processes.

Next we should talk about personal hygiene products. Choosing pads and tampons for the first time, accompanied by a patient mother, will teach the girl to wisely monitor her own health and not be ashamed of her feminine essence. Many complexes can be avoided at a young age, without delaying “for later.”

The blood released from the female genital organs is a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms and bacteria, therefore the regular change of pads or tampons, as a ritual, should be observed by girls unquestioningly. Stagnant blood with prolonged interaction with the genitals also harms the genitourinary system. Finally, the topic of the first menstruation concerns the risks of sexual relations. During her period, the girl is actually ready to conceive and bear a child, so the girl should know about the consequences of sometimes rash actions.

The girl should be explained the difference between pads and tampons

First visit to the gynecologist

There is a cliché that the need to visit a gynecologist arises only after a girl has started having sexual relations. This is a dangerous misconception, and since parents do not take a 12-year-old girl to the doctor, she herself, for obvious reasons, will not make an appointment with him. Parents are the main link between their daughter and mentors who can protect her women’s health. While the reproductive system is being formed, serious diseases of a woman’s genital organs in the future can be identified at an early stage. Getting a teenager used to visiting a gynecologist is not so difficult, but then putting up with deliberate delays with undesirable consequences is not easy. The gynecologist, as an outsider but an informed person, can answer the girl’s questions that she is afraid to ask her parents due to embarrassment or fear. The choice of contraceptives or personal hygiene products remains a sensitive topic even in modern society.

The first critical days are not easy in any case, because it is stressful for the body and psyche. Even though preparation for them takes place over a long period of time, in the end such a process cannot be called simple. This is a little panic and anxiety, and the accompanying pain and discomfort makes you completely despondent. The girl cannot be left alone with the unknown, because her growing up is just beginning.

And although for mothers menstruation is a familiar and boring phenomenon, for her young daughter everything is new. The time spent talking with a girl at 12 or 17 are minutes that cannot be neglected under any circumstances. Girls' periods are a wonderful part of growing up and support can never be too much. Such an attitude on the part of parents will only strengthen the bond with the child. Take care of your own daughter’s future while she herself has no clear idea about it, and one day the new life she gives will become the highest reward. Don't turn away and be tolerant of your own children as they grow up.

Aliya asks:

Good afternoon, what should I do? I’ve been having white discharge for about a year now, but at night, on weekends and after school it’s getting smaller. I haven’t had my period yet, but I’m already 13.5 years old. For about 2-3 months I’ve been having dark-colored discharge. about a week or more. Mom said that this means my period should come soon. But as I observe, there is no pain, there is no pain in the lower abdomen. All this discharge is without itching and odor. My weight is now 42.5-43 kg. Am I sick with anything and when should I be ready and wait for my period? Thanks in advance!


Hello Aliya! Your vaginal discharge indicates normal puberty. They usually appear approximately 1-1.5 years before the onset of the first menstruation. Normally, menstruation begins in girls under the age of 15, so there is no reason to worry yet. Read about the correct course of puberty in girls in the article on our medical portal. It is best to discuss any problems that arise with the reproductive organs at a face-to-face appointment with a teenage gynecologist. Take care of your health!

Vika asks:

Hello, I’m 16 years old, my periods started at the age of 10, they always come in different ways, sometimes they may not come for a month. I’m a virgin.
At about 9 years old, white “curd” discharge began with an unpleasant odor, but not purulent, it continues to this day and constantly, but nothing hurts, only sometimes it “grabs” very strongly in the lower abdomen and below, so that you cannot move. I have never gone to a gynecologist and I don’t want to.
what could it be? Thank you

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Victoria! The cause of an irregular menstrual cycle and unpleasant vaginal discharge may be hormonal imbalances in combination with an inflammatory process in the vagina. Since it is impossible to understand your condition, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment without examination, examination and conversation, you have two options. Or overcome your dislike for doctors and go to a gynecologist - then you will solve your problem and forget about it forever. Or stand your ground and refuse to visit a doctor - then a problem that does not bother you much today will over time take on the dimensions of a tragedy when you are faced with such concepts as infertility and miscarriage. But you will have no one to blame for this but yourself. Take care of your health!

Ekaterina asks:

Hello! I will be 13 in two weeks. I started having white and yellowish discharge from the vagina, about 1.5 years ago it was slightly whitish in color. At the moment it began to stand out more and began to cause discomfort. Also, before, the discharge had no odor, but now it has a rather unpleasant and pungent odor. Please tell me what to do! I’m starting to be afraid because I’m thin (I’m only 27 kg) and my breasts are small. I haven’t had my period yet. Is it necessary to go to a gynecologist?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Ekaterina! Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. The exact cause of vaginal discharge can only be determined after examination and examination by a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. You also need to find the cause of underweight - for 13 years old you weigh very little, and this may be the cause of health problems. You need to go to the doctors with your mother. Take care of your health!

IRINA asks:

I AM 17 YEARS OLD. I HAVE SOME DISCHARGE. And my period has NOT started yet. It is white and has an unpleasant odor. I don’t want and am very afraid to go to the doctor. Maybe you can recommend some drug for treatment without going to the doctor?

Answers Mikityuk Alexander Vladimirovich:

Hello. Dear Irina. You can’t recommend treatment if you don’t know what to treat! Such discharge can occur during infection, thrush, and dysbacteriosis. Treatment is different in each case. You don’t write whether you are sexually active or whether you have a permanent partner. Your period hasn't started - are you talking about a delay? Not quite clear. Today you have the opportunity to choose a doctor, talk to your friends, find a good doctor whom you can trust. Not a single modern woman has ever lived without a gynecologist, so sooner or later you will still get to him. But it’s better earlier, believe my experience. Time in treatment is a very important factor, and your health is one thing and you cannot neglect it, especially at such a young age. Be healthy!

Ksenia asks:

Hello. I am 15 years old, I started my period at almost 14. I have been sexually active for 4 months. Not so long ago after the appearance of my period, I began to secrete mucus, at first it was transparent and odorless, and then white and with an odor. And the first question is what does this mean, please tell me?
Lately, sex has not been protected, but the partner is sweaty and says that everything will be fine. But today is May 3rd and I should get my period, but it’s not there, and only white mucus takes its place. Second question, could it be that I'm pregnant?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Ksenia! Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. The exact cause of vaginal discharge can only be determined after examination and examination by a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. Unprotected sex is the main cause of unwanted pregnancy, no matter what your experienced partner says, so pregnancy in your case is quite likely. Take care of your health!

Nastya asks:

I’m 14 years old, I don’t have a period, I can’t tell what color it is, transparent white, so you say the itching may be from inflammation of the sexual life, I don’t have it, but could the itching be due to the fact that hair grows on the pubic area, please help

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Anastasia! The discharge you describe is absolutely normal for your age and status as a virgin. You can read more about the nature of discharge depending on age, phase of the menstrual cycle, and the presence of sexual activity in the article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology, posted on our portal. Itchy pubic skin can actually be associated with hair growth. If you have any questions related to your women's health, then remember that the answer to them will always be given to you by a teenage gynecologist, whom girls and women need to visit at least once every six months. Take care of your health!

Lisa asks:

Hello, my 12-year-old daughter has yellow discharge and smells like rotten fish from her vagina, she admitted that she has been masturbating since she was 10 years old in the shower under running water, could the smell and discharge be associated with masturbation under running water, what is it? help me please

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Elizaveta! Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. The exact cause of vaginal discharge can only be determined after examination and examination by a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. Masturbation can cause inflammation and/or disruption of the vaginal microflora, which leads to unusual discharge with an unpleasant odor. Take care of your health!

Maftun asks:

Hello, I’m 19, and I have yellow discharge and blood (a small amount, like a streak) with discharge, and an unpleasant smell, yesterday about 5ml of blood came out like water, but the smell is terrible, and I always discharge in large quantities, and The menstruation cycle is scary, it goes normally for 5 days, stops after 2-3 days, it comes again, and my kidneys, stomach, and vagina often hurt, what should I do?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello Maftuna! Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. The exact cause of vaginal discharge can only be determined after examination and examination by a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. The peculiarities of the menstrual cycle make a visit to the gynecologist even more necessary. Also, contact a therapist for examination - you need to find out what is wrong with your kidneys. Take care of your health!

Julia asks:

Hello. I am worried about constant clear discharge. It's probably been a week now. There was menstruation. And this morning there was a stringy transparent discharge. Thick. Is this an infection? Or does this always happen before menstruation? I'm very afraid. Another question... I had my period twice. a month later. And the third time only after 3 months. And that was very little. It looked like a discharge, but it was red and there was very little of it... it was 3 days and it was just very little in quantity.. I was very worried, Suddenly something was wrong... Please tell me what it could be.. Is this normal or does it happen to everyone when Is your period just starting?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello! For a year after your first period starts, your menstrual cycle may be irregular. Menstruation delays of up to 3 months are allowed, as well as changes in the amount of menstrual flow. Before your period, you may experience thick, clear discharge - this is normal. Detailed information about normal vaginal discharge and possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular scientific article Vaginal discharge: normal and pathology on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

Irina asks:

My daughter is 15 years old, she has a very long break between periods and doesn’t want to see a doctor.

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello Irina! If the break between menstruation is more than 35 days (counting from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next) - this is the norm. If the interval between menstruation exceeds 35 days, but less than 1 year has passed since the arrival of the first menstruation, this is also the norm. If the break between menstruation is more than 35 days and menstruation has been going on for more than 1 year, this is a clear deviation (possibly of hormonal origin), which shows that the girl needs examination and treatment. In this case, you must insist on visiting a gynecologist, using all your parental influence. Explain to your daughter that irregular periods are the first sign of future serious gynecological problems - miscarriages, infertility, etc. Take care of your health!

Vika asks:

Good evening! I am 14 years old. I had my periods twice, about 3 months apart. Until now, my discharge has been normal, almost transparent with a slight sour smell. 2 days ago their color changed. They turned light brown, without a pungent odor, and had the same consistency. Now they have become light yellowish, also without a pungent odor and the same consistency. There is no itching, and no signs of irritation either. I absolutely don’t want to go to the gynecologist. What could it be?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Victoria! Since you are now in the period of formation of menstrual function and it is quite difficult to predict the time of the next menstruation, it is possible that a change in the color of vaginal discharge indicates the approach of menstruation. The normal smell of discharge and the absence of discomfort in the genital area makes the presence of inflammation in the genitals unlikely, so perhaps there is no great need for an urgent visit to the gynecologist. However, now you need to get used to the fact that women’s health is a very fragile condition, and if unusual phenomena (sensations, discharge, etc.) appear, it is best to immediately contact a gynecologist, without waiting until the problem becomes catastrophic. Take care of your health!

Alena Ivanchenko asks:

Please tell me I haven’t had a period for 14 years and not long ago I started to see fluid that is NOT CLEAR, BUT WHITE, everyone says that my period is coming soon and I would like to know what this discharge is for and if it is for my period, how soon will it start?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Alena! We cannot say how soon your period will begin, since there is no clear relationship between the timing of the appearance of discharge and the timing of the onset of menstruation. Detailed information about the possible causes of unusual vaginal discharge in girls and women is contained in the popular science article

Normal vaginal discharge in girls should not be a cause for concern. By their number, smell and color, one can judge the presence of inflammation in the genitals, hormonal imbalance or the presence of an infectious disease.

Vaginal discharge is the norm not only in adult women and puberty girls. This feature is also inherent in little girls. Immediately after birth, a newborn girl produces physiological leucorrhoea from the genital tract, which is divided into normal (physiological) and pathological (associated with one or another abnormality or disease).

What kind of discharge is normal for girls?

Vaginal discharge is characteristic of the female body of any age and occurs as a result of the normal functioning and cleansing of the organs of the reproductive system. This specific secretion contains:

  • epithelial cells;
  • mucus secreted by glands located in the vagina and its vestibule;
  • lymph;
  • leukocytes (blood cells);
  • microorganisms of normal vaginal microflora;
  • some other components.

The amount and composition of secretions depend on the state of the body and the general hormonal background.

A secret secreted by the organs of the female reproductive system is considered normal if:

  • it is transparent or light;
  • is mucous in nature;
  • includes stringy threads or impurities of a crumbly consistency;
  • does not have a specific, sharp, unpleasant odor.

In some cases, during the neonatal period (in the first few weeks of life), a girl may discharge a bloody, fairly copious secretion from the vagina, similar to menstruation. This is also accompanied by swelling of the nipples and the release of colostrum from them. This is a completely normal phenomenon associated with the entry of too many maternal hormones into the newborn’s body: first through the placenta, and then with mother’s milk. This condition goes away on its own and does not require any treatment.

Approximately a month after birth, a period called “neutral” begins in the girl’s development. It lasts until about 7-8 years, and is characterized by hormonal “rest”, and the girl has practically no physiological discharge from the vagina. Upon reaching prepubertal age, the activity of the gonads is activated, and the secretion of vaginal discharge becomes more active, right up to the first menstruation. Then the discharge becomes cyclical.

Causes of discharge in girls

Pathological discharge from the genital opening in girls may occur due to infection with various types of infections, which are activated for the following reasons:

  • suppression of local and general immunity by respiratory and other diseases of a bacterial and viral nature;
  • improper and insufficiently frequent genital hygiene;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • diabetes mellitus (can provoke fungal vulvovaginitis);
  • transfer of infectious agents from the rectum to the vagina and vulva;
  • hypothermia;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina and vulva.

Little girls do not have lactic acid bacteria in their vaginas, which are characteristic of the microflora of adult women. These microorganisms are one of the steps in protecting women’s health, therefore, in their absence, infections develop especially quickly. In this regard, the introduction of pathological agents into the genital organs very often ends in vulvovaginitis in girls, accompanied by abnormal discharge.

Symptoms accompanying discharge in girls

Non-physiological discharge from the genital tract in little girls is most often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching, redness of the vulva, burning;
  • the discharge has an unpleasant (fishy) odor, this may indicate bacterial vaginosis;
  • discharge becomes or when infected;
  • vaginal candidiasis () - distinguished by discharge from the vagina;
  • Blisters, redness and sores may be present on the external genitalia, which indicates the presence of infection with the herpes virus.

In addition, with illness and other diseases of the genitourinary system, a girl may experience frequent urge to urinate and pain in the lower abdomen. In particularly advanced cases, the body temperature rises. Urination becomes painful.

Diagnosis of pathological discharge

A pediatric gynecologist diagnoses diseases associated with pathological vaginal discharge in girls. After contacting this specialist, a number of examinations and tests are prescribed:

  • general tests - blood and urine;
  • culture (smear) from the vagina to identify bacterial agents that provoked inflammation;
  • stool analysis to determine intestinal dysbiosis and the presence of worm eggs;
  • examination of the genital tract for the presence of a foreign body;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which allows you to identify the type of pathogen (mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia), as well as determine whether antibodies to these agents are present in the child’s blood.

Treatment of vaginal discharge

Treatment directly depends on the results of the child’s examination. There are such options:

  • if necessary, foreign objects that irritate the mucous membrane of the vulva or vagina are removed;
  • After determining the type of infectious agent, local and general drug therapy is carried out. In each case, an individual approach to treating the patient is used, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease, medical history, chronic ailments and the girl’s age. For treatment, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral drugs may be prescribed, as well as drugs that relieve inflammation and normalize the vaginal microflora;
  • if a helminthic infestation is detected, in addition to the child, all family members are also treated to prevent relapses;
  • hormonal therapy for hormonal imbalance;
  • All foods that can provoke an allergic reaction are excluded from the girl’s diet;
  • Local treatment is prescribed, consisting of baths, washing with antiseptic solutions, and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Therapy may also be prescribed in the form of ointments or creams;
  • The key to a speedy recovery is regular change of underwear and bed linen;
  • the acute stage of the disease may require bed rest;
  • if the discharge is caused by diseases of the excretory (urinary) system, appropriate treatment is carried out, more often with the use of antibiotics. In addition, a special drinking regime is required: the patient drinks at least 2 liters of liquid per day, including fruit drinks and decoctions that have antiseptic properties.

Prevention of discharge in girls

To avoid the appearance of pathological discharge from the genital fissure in a girl, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of prevention:

  1. Proper intimate hygiene. You need to wash your genitals after each bowel movement; make sure that movements are made only from front to back, that is, from the vagina to the anus. This will prevent bacteria from entering the genital tract from the rectum. It is not advisable to carry out water procedures using soap. You should wash only the areas of the genital organs that are visible to the eye and do not try to go deeper with your fingers. It is also not recommended to use washcloths and sponges for hygiene of little girls, as this can damage delicate thin skin.

Older girls should wash their genitals every morning and evening.

  1. Very little girls need to change their diaper as often as possible. Arrange “ventilation” of the genitals, that is, leave the child naked several times a day.
  2. After washing, you need to use a soft, clean towel or diaper. The movements should not be rough, but only blotting.
  3. Underwear must be changed daily, after the morning toilet. Panties should be made from natural fabrics and should not compress or drag on the body.
  4. Treatment of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
  5. Regular testing to monitor your health.

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