Formation of the first political parties table. Political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of measures for internal and external optimization to increase the site’s position in search engine results for specific user requests, in order to increase network traffic (for information resources) and potential clients (for commercial resources ) and subsequent monetization (income generation) of this traffic. Typically, the higher a site's position in search results, the more interested visitors come to it from search engines. When analyzing the effectiveness of search engine optimization, the cost of the target visitor is assessed, taking into account the time it takes for the site to reach the specified positions and site conversion. Main directions of search engine promotion Search engines take into account many internal and external parameters of a site when calculating its relevance (the degree of compliance with the entered query): - keyword density (complex algorithms of modern search engines allow semantic analysis of text in order to weed out search spam in which the keyword appears too often (term slang “nausea”); - site citation index (“CI”), depending on the number and authority of web resources linking to a given site; many search engines do not take into account reciprocal links (to each other). Often it is also important so that the links are from sites on the same subject as the site being optimized - thematic citation index (TCI); - text wateriness - an indicator that determines the presence of unimportant words that do not carry any useful information and serve to dilute the text (stop words); - behavioral factors (internal) - a number of various user actions that they can perform on the site: logging in, viewing pages, clicking on links in the text, menus. As of July 2017, 200 Google ranking factors are known, but most likely the Google search engine uses a much larger source not specified 148 days]. All factors influencing the position of a site in search engine results can be divided into external and internal. Internal optimization (relating exclusively to the internal system of the site) includes work aimed at overall improving the quality of the site and the benefits it brings to the visitor. This includes work on the structure of the project, on making the content easier to perceive, and directly on the quality of this content. The value of the total number of such factors in most sources fluctuates around 200. The functional approach to search optimization, aimed at adjusting certain factors to their target values, has become a thing of the past due to the complication of search engine algorithms - the cost of “balancing” dozens of factors is many times higher than the cost of creating initially a quality resource. On-page optimization includes working with page titles, which are contained in code with tags, an inscription that is displayed on the browser tab - Title, and creating unique text on the same pages. It is also important to pay attention to the description meta tag, since this is what the user most often sees under the site url in search results. Methods of external search engine optimization: Registration in independent directories. It can be done manually or with the help of special resources; Registration in search engine directories such as: Yandex. Catalog, Rambler/Top100, Yahoo catalog and others; creation of satellite sites Link exchange. There are several methods of exchange - direct, circular, one-way (purchase of links); Registration in services: Google My Business and Yandex. Directory; Posting articles (“guest posts”, publication in the media); Social media; Press releases; Crowd marketing; Creation and maintenance of blogs; Creation of a network of sites (“satellites”) used to increase the number of mentions and links in search results. This method of website promotion is classified as “black”. Search engines do not advise using such optimization methods and may impose sanctions against such sites. A person who carries out work on website optimization is called an optimizer or SEO specialist.

At the end of the 19th century, the Russian Empire was considered a powerful state in the world with a strong economy and a stable political system. However, in the new century, the country faced a revolution and a long struggle to establish a specific model of statehood.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the country witnessed the dominance of various parties with completely different programs and political leaders. Who led the future revolutionary movement, and which parties waged the most intense and lengthy struggle for power?

The main political parties of the country at the beginning of the 20th century

Name of the political party and date of its founding

Party leaders

Main political positions

RSDLP (B) or “Bolsheviks” (date of formation - 1898, date of split - 1903).

V.U. Lenin, I.V. Stalin.

The Bolsheviks especially advocated the overthrow of the autocracy and the abolition of any class status. According to party leader Lenin, the existing monarchical power is hindering the potential development of the country, and the class division demonstrates all the flaws of the tsarist political views. The Bolsheviks insisted on a revolutionary solution to all problems in the country, and also insisted on the need for the dictatorship of the proletariat. Subsequently, the need to introduce universal, accessible education and carry out a revolution throughout the world was added to Lenin’s beliefs.

RSDLP (M) or “Mensheviks” (founding date of the party - 1893, date of split - 1903)

Yu.O. Martov, A.S. Martynov, P.B. Axelrod

Despite the fact that the RSDLP party itself split in 1903, its two directions retained mainly common views. The Mensheviks also advocated for universal suffrage, the abolition of estates and the overthrow of the autocracy. But the Mensheviks offered a slightly softer model for solving existing political problems. They believed that part of the land should be left to the state, and part should be distributed to the people, and that the monarchy should be fought through consistent reforms. The Bolsheviks adhered to more revolutionary and drastic measures of struggle.

"Union of the Russian People" (date of formation - 1900)

A.I. Dubrovin, V.M. Purishkovich

This party adhered to much more liberal views than the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. The "Union of the Russian People" insisted on preserving the existing political system and strengthening the autocracy. They also insisted that the existing estates must be preserved and government reforms should be addressed through consistent and careful reforms.

Social Revolutionaries (date of formation - 1902)

A.R. Gots, V.M. Chernov, G.A. Gershuni

The Social Revolutionaries insisted on the relevance of a democratic republic as the best model for governing the country. They also insisted on a federal structure of the state and the complete overthrow of the autocracy. According to the Socialist Revolutionaries, all classes and estates should be gotten rid of, and the land should be transferred to the ownership of the people.

Party of Russian Constitutional Democrats or “Cadets” (founded in 1905)

P.N. Miliukov, S.A. Muromtsev, P.D. Dolgorukov

The Cadets insisted on the need for consistent reformation of the existing political system. In particular, they insisted on maintaining the monarchy, but transforming it into a constitutional one. The division of power into three levels, the reduction of the existing role of the monarch and the destruction of the class division. Despite the fact that the position of the cadets was quite conservative, it found a wide response among the population.

D.N. Shilov, A.I. Guchkov.

The Octobrists adhered to conservative views and advocated the creation of a constitutional monarchical system. In order to increase the efficiency of the government, they insisted on the creation of a state council and a state duma. They also supported the idea of ​​preserving the estates, but with some revision of universal rights and opportunities.

Progressive Party (founded 1912)

A.I. Konovalov, S.N. Tretyakov

This party separated from the “Union of October 17th” and insisted on a more revolutionary solution to existing state problems. They believed that it was necessary to abolish the existing classes and think about a democratic system of society. This party had few followers, but still left its mark on history.

Russian monarchist party (founded in 1905)

V.A. Greenmouth

As the name of the party implies, its proteges adhered to conservative views and insisted on maintaining the existing political system, making only minor amendments. Party members believed that Nicholas II should retain all his rights, but at the same time consider ways to solve the economic crisis in the state.

The presence of various state parties, both with sharply revolutionary and liberal views on the future of the country, directly testified to the crisis of power. At the beginning of the 20th century, Nicholas II could still change the course of history by ensuring that all the named parties ceased to exist. However, the inaction of the monarch only further spurred political activists.

As a result, the country experienced two revolutions and literally being torn apart by the Mensheviks, Bolsheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries. In the end, the Bolsheviks managed to win, but only at the cost of thousands of losses, a sharp deterioration in the economic situation and a decrease in the international authority of the country.

By the beginning of the 20th century, political activity in Russia reached its maximum. All social party organizations that existed at that time were divided into three main branches: socialist movements, liberal and monarchical. Each of the movements reflected the mood of the main segments of the population.

Socialist parties: – Socialist Revolutionary Party – RSDLP Liberal parties: – Constitutional Democratic Party – Union of October 17 Conservative-monarchist parties: – Union of the Russian People – Russian People’s Union named after Michael the Archangel Political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Socialist Revolutionary Party (Socialist Revolutionaries) Year of foundation – gg. Year of foundation – yr. In the second half of the 1890s, small populist-socialist groups and circles existed in St. Petersburg, Penza, Poltava, Voronezh, Kharkov, and Odessa. Some of them united in 1900 into the Southern Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, others in 1901 into the Union of Socialist Revolutionaries. At the end of 1901, the “Southern Socialist Revolutionary Party” and the “Union of Socialist Revolutionaries” merged, and in January 1902 the newspaper “Revolutionary Russia” announced the creation of the party. The Geneva Agrarian-Socialist League joined it. In the second half of the 1890s, small populist-socialist groups and circles existed in St. Petersburg, Penza, Poltava, Voronezh, Kharkov, and Odessa. Some of them united in 1900 into the Southern Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, others in 1901 into the Union of Socialist Revolutionaries. At the end of 1901, the “Southern Socialist Revolutionary Party” and the “Union of Socialist Revolutionaries” merged, and in January 1902 the newspaper “Revolutionary Russia” announced the creation of the party. The Geneva Agrarian-Socialist League joined it. Later, the party split into right (V.M. Chernov) and left (M.A. Spiridonova) Socialist Revolutionaries. Later, the party split into right (V.M. Chernov) and left (M.A. Spiridonova) Socialist Revolutionaries.

The activities of the party were initially underground. The activities of the party were initially underground. Simultaneously with the establishment of the party itself, its Combat Organization (BO) was created. Its leaders - G.A. Gershuni, E.F. Azef - put forward individual terror against senior government officials as the main goal of their activities. Simultaneously with the establishment of the party itself, its Combat Organization (BO) was created. Its leaders - G.A. Gershuni, E.F. Azef - put forward individual terror against senior government officials as the main goal of their activities. The victims of this terror in 1902–1905. became ministers of internal affairs (D.S. Sipyagin, V.K. Pleve), governors (I.M. Obolensky, N.M. Kachura), as well as leading. book Sergey Aleksandrovich. The victims of this terror in 1902–1905. became ministers of internal affairs (D.S. Sipyagin, V.K. Pleve), governors (I.M. Obolensky, N.M. Kachura), as well as leading. book Sergey Aleksandrovich. During two and a half years of the first Russian revolution, the Socialist Revolutionaries committed about 200 terrorist acts. During two and a half years of the first Russian revolution, the Socialist Revolutionaries committed about 200 terrorist acts. Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs)

Working issue: – Providing workers with civil liberties – Creating local self-government – ​​Development of cooperation National issue: – Autonomy for communities and regions of the country – Federal structure of Russia and the right to self-determination, excluding secessions from Russia Socialist Revolutionary Program


RSDLP RSDLP - Russian Social Democratic Labor Party RSDLP - Russian Social Democratic Labor Party The first social democratic circles appeared in the Russian Empire in the late 1880s. In 1895, the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class” arose from the St. Petersburg Social Democratic group, for which V.I. Lenin was a great merit. In 1887, a meeting was held in Kyiv between the Kyiv social democratic group “Rabocheye Delo” and the social democrats of St. Petersburg and Moscow. The first social democratic circles appeared in the Russian Empire in the late 1880s. In 1895, the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class” arose from the St. Petersburg Social Democratic group, for which V.I. Lenin was a great merit. In 1887, a meeting was held in Kyiv between the Kyiv social democratic group “Rabocheye Delo” and the social democrats of St. Petersburg and Moscow. The social base and priority category for the RSDLP is the proletariat (industrial workers) The social base and priority category for the RSDLP is the proletariat (industrial workers)

1898 - I congress of the RSDLP party in Minsk, at which the creation of the party was proclaimed 1898 - I congress of the RSDLP party in Minsk, at which the creation of the party was proclaimed 1903 - II congress of the party in London. At the congress, a split occurred into the Bolsheviks - RSDLP (b) and the Mensheviks - RSDLP (m) (independent parties since 1912) and the party program of the city was adopted - the Second Party Congress in London. At the congress, a split occurred into the Bolsheviks - RSDLP (b) and the Mensheviks - RSDLP (m) (independent parties since 1912) and the party program was adopted. Bolshevik leader – V.I. Lenin, leader of the Mensheviks - Yu.O. Martov Leader of the Bolsheviks - V.I. Lenin, leader of the Mensheviks - Yu.O. Martov RSDLP

BOLSHEVIKS Gleb Maximilianovich Krzhizhanovsky Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya (Lenin's wife) Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov), chairman Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov Anatoly Ivanovich Lunacharsky Ivan Vasilyevich Babushkin

The party had 2 programs: The party had 2 programs: – The maximum program – the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the victory of the socialist revolution – The minimum program – the tasks of the democratic revolution In 1907, the number of the party was 160 thousand people, about 60% were workers. In 1907, the number of the party was 160 thousand people, about 60% were workers. RSDLP

The party originates from the Liberation Union group of liberal intelligentsia, which consisted mainly of zemstvo leaders and was organized in 1902 with the aim of agitating in favor of a constitutional order, against autocracy. The party originates from the Liberation Union group of liberal intelligentsia, which consisted mainly of zemstvo leaders and was organized in 1902 with the aim of agitating in favor of a constitutional order, against autocracy. In published the magazine “Liberation” abroad (edited by P. B. Struve, 79 issues were published). In published the magazine “Liberation” abroad (edited by P. B. Struve, 79 issues were published). In The movement grew at congresses of zemstvo and city leaders, as the party took shape at the founding congress of 12-18 October 1905. In The movement grew at congresses of zemstvo and city leaders, as the party took shape at the founding congress of 12-18 October 1905. Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)

Chairman – P.N. Miliukov Chairman – P.N. Miliukov Leaders – S.A. Muromtsev, F.A. Golovin, G.E. Lvov, V.D. Nabokov Leaders – S.A. Muromtsev, F.A. Golovin, G.E. Lvov, V.D. Nabokov Party members were: Party members were: -Scientists V.I. Vernadsky; P.B. Struve, A.S. Izgoev, A.A. Kornilov, A.A. Kiesewetter, M.O. Gershenzon, Yu.V. Gauthier – lawyers V.M. Gessen, S.A. Kotlyarevsky, L.I. Petrazhitsky, M.M. Vinaver, A.R. Lednitsky, V.A. Maklakov – prominent zemstvo figures F.I. Rodichev, I.I. Petrunkevich, A.I. Shingarev Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)

The main part of the party consisted of the intelligentsia and educated sections of the population. The main part of the party consisted of the intelligentsia and educated sections of the population. Legal methods and propaganda were used to fight. Legal methods and propaganda were used to fight. The Cadets expressed their views in the journal "Bulletin of the People's Freedom Party" and the newspaper "Rech". The Cadets expressed their views in the journal "Bulletin of the People's Freedom Party" and the newspaper "Rech". Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)

Cadet program Power: -Introduction of a constitution -Constitutional monarchy (with a predominance of parliament) -Reform path of development -Freedom of conscience, speech, press, assembly, unions -Responsibility of the government to parliament -Independence of the court -Equality of all in rights and before the law -Universal, direct , secret and equal suffrage – Universal primary education

Peasant question: – Alienation of part of privately owned lands for ransom – free transfer to peasants of state, appanage, cabinet and monastic lands – Creation of a land committee to resolve the land issue – Development of market and rental relations in the village and further destruction of the peasant community Cadet program

Work question: The right to: The right to: 1. 8-hour working day 2. Strikes 3. Insurance 4. Creation of workers' unions National question: Preservation of a single indivisible Russia Preservation of a single indivisible Russia Cultural autonomy of the peoples of Russia - the autonomy of any isolated ethnic group in addressing issues of organization of education, language and any forms of cultural life. Cultural autonomy of the peoples of Russia is the autonomy of any isolated ethnic group in resolving issues of organizing education, language and any forms of cultural life. Cadet program


"Union of October 17" (Octobrists) The party was founded in October 1905. The name of the party goes back to the Manifesto of October 17, 1905, issued by Nicholas II. The party was founded in October 1905. The name of the party goes back to the Manifesto of October 17, 1905, issued by Nicholas II. Chairman – A.I. Guchkov Chairman – A.I. Guchkov Leaders – M.V. Rodzianko, D.N. Shipov, Baron P.L. Korf Leaders – M.V. Rodzianko, D.N. Shipov, Baron P.L. Korf Among the party members were: Among the party members were: prominent zemstvo figures - Count P.A. Gayden, M.A. Stakhovich, Prince N.S. Volkonsky, prominent zemstvo figures - Count P.A. Gayden, M.A. Stakhovich, Prince N.S. Volkonsky, cultural figures - L.N. Benois, V.I. Gerye cultural figures – L.N. Benois, V.I. Guerrier lawyers F.N. Plevako, V.I. Sergeevich lawyers F.N. Plevako, V.I. Sergeevich representatives of business circles - N.S. Avdakov, E.L. Nobel, Brothers V.P. and P.P. Ryabushinsky and jeweler K.G. Faberge. representatives of business circles - N.S. Avdakov, E.L. Nobel, Brothers V.P. and P.P. Ryabushinsky and jeweler K.G. Faberge.

The bulk of the party is officials, landowners, large industrialists and financiers. The bulk of the party is officials, landowners, large industrialists and financiers. The main method of struggle is propaganda. The main method of struggle is propaganda. Views were expressed in more than 50 newspapers in Russian, German and Latvian, including: “Voice of Moscow”, “Slovo”, “Vremya”. Views were expressed in more than 50 newspapers in Russian, German and Latvian, including: “Voice of Moscow”, “Slovo”, “Vremya”. "Union of October 17" (Octobrists)

Octobrist program Power: – Constitutional monarchy (with a predominance of the monarch) – Local self-government – ​​Assistance to the tsarist government – ​​Reform path of development Peasant question: – Inviolability of land ownership – Sale of state lands to peasants – Development of market and rental relations in the countryside – Creation of a layer of “wealthy peasantry” . Support for agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin

Labor issue: - rationing of the working day, but due to technical backwardness from Europe it is not necessary to reduce the working day to 8 hours - Limitation of strikes - Introduction of labor legislation - Rights to create trade unions National issue: - Preservation of a single indivisible Russia - Denial of the possibility of granting autonomy to individual parts empires except Finland Octobrist program

Union of the Russian People (Black Hundreds) Created in 1905. Created in 1905. Chairman – A.I. Dubrovin, Chairman – A.I. Dubrovin, Leaders - N.E. Markov, V.M. Purishkevich Leaders - N.E. Markov, V.M. Purishkevich Later, part of the “Union of the Russian People” broke away and the party “Russian People’s Union named after Michael the Archangel” was organized. Later, part of the “Union of the Russian People” broke away and the party “Russian People’s Union named after Michael the Archangel” was organized. The party's printed organ is the newspaper "Russian Banner". Also, the “Union of the Russian People” expressed its views in the magazine “For the Tsar”, the newspapers “Kolokol”, “Moskovskie Vedomosti”. The party's printed organ is the newspaper "Russian Banner". Also, the “Union of the Russian People” expressed its views in the magazine “For the Tsar”, the newspapers “Kolokol”, “Moskovskie Vedomosti”. 32 The composition of the party is landowners, urban lower classes, petty officials, merchants, and the patriarchal part of the peasantry. The composition of the party is landowners, urban lower classes, petty officials, merchants, and the patriarchal part of the peasantry. Such outstanding figures as Sts. took part in the activities of the Union of the Russian People. John of Kronstadt, Archimandrite Anthony (Khrapovitsky), scientists D.I. Mendeleev D.I. Ilovaisky, S.V. Levashov, publicists S.A. Nilus, V.V. Rozanov, L.A. Tikhomirov, artist V.M. Vasnetsov. Such outstanding figures as Sts. took part in the activities of the Union of the Russian People. John of Kronstadt, Archimandrite Anthony (Khrapovitsky), scientists D.I. Mendeleev D.I. Ilovaisky, S.V. Levashov, publicists S.A. Nilus, V.V. Rozanov, L.A. Tikhomirov, artist V.M. Vasnetsov. All future first patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church in Soviet times (Tikhon, Sergius, Alexy I) participated in the work of the Union of the Russian People. All future first patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church in Soviet times (Tikhon, Sergius, Alexy I) participated in the work of the Union of the Russian People. Union of the Russian People (Black Hundreds)

Methods of struggle - legal, illegal, Black Hundred terror, pogroms. Methods of struggle - legal, illegal, Black Hundred terror, pogroms. Pogrom is mass violent action directed against religious, national or racial minorities. Pogrom is mass violent action directed against religious, national or racial minorities. The largest pogrom in world history took place on April 6-7, 1903 in Chisinau (then the Russian Empire) against local Jews - the Chisinau pogrom. Then 49 people were killed and 586 wounded. After this, the Russian word “pogrom” entered many European languages ​​and became a common noun for our country. The largest pogrom in world history took place on April 6-7, 1903 in Chisinau (then the Russian Empire) against local Jews - the Chisinau pogrom. Then 49 people were killed and 586 wounded. After this, the Russian word “pogrom” entered many European languages ​​and became a common noun for our country. In October 1905, another Jewish pogrom broke out in Yekaterinoslav (modern Dnepropetrovsk), which claimed the lives of 67 people. In October 1905, another Jewish pogrom broke out in Yekaterinoslav (modern Dnepropetrovsk), which claimed the lives of 67 people. Union of the Russian People (Black Hundreds)

Name of the political party Date of creation, party leader Social base, numbers Form of government, political transformations Agrarian question National policy Labor question
Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)
October 1905
Miliukov Scientists, creative intelligentsia, doctors, lawyers, middle and low-level employees, liberal bourgeoisie, landowners.
50-100 thousand people. Establishment of a constitutional system in the form of a parliamentary monarchy, abolition of class privileges, equality of all before the law, democratic freedoms Increase in peasant plots, partial alienation of landowners' lands Preservation of state unity, the right of nations to cultural self-determination 8-hour working day, reduction of overtime work, the right to strike
"Union October 17"
October 1905
Guchkov Big bourgeoisie, landowners.
50-60 thousand people. Constitutional-monarchical system Equalize the rights of peasants with other classes, strengthen resettlement policy, sale of state and appanage lands to peasants.
As a last resort - the possibility of alienation of landowners' lands. Unity and indivisibility of the Russian state. They denied the possibility of granting autonomy. They did not put forward demands for an 8-hour working day (Russian workers have a lot of days off during the year)
Socialist Revolutionary Party
(Socialist Revolutionaries)
(program - at the First Congress in December 1905-January 1906),
Chernov Teachers, engineers, agronomists, veterinarians, doctors.
50-65 thousand people. Overthrow of the autocracy, establishment of a regime of “democracy”-democratic republic Socialization of the land, i.e. abolition of private ownership of land without redemption and transfer of its public ownership Federal structure
(wide autonomy and self-determination) Socialization of enterprises
Russian Social Democratic Labor Party
Radical movement - Bolsheviks
(RSDLP (b). Reform movement - Mensheviks
(RSDLP (m). 1898
(Charter and program - at the II Congress in 1903)
Bolsheviks - Lenin (creation of a new type of party - a secret organization with strict discipline, strict subordination. The main force of the revolution is the working class, the ally is the peasants.
The bourgeoisie is a counter-revolutionary force.) Mensheviks - Martov (access to the party should be open to all segments of the population.
The main force of the revolution is the liberal bourgeoisie, its ally is the proletariat. The peasants are a reactionary force.) The proletarian-intellectual party,
150 thousand people Minimum program:
revolutionary overthrow of the autocracy,
establishment of a democratic republic, universal suffrage and democratic freedoms.
Maximum program:
Victory of the proletarian revolution, establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, transition to socialism Return of land plots to peasants, abolition of redemption and quitrent payments The right of nations to self-determination and their equality 8-hour working day, abolition of fines and overtime work
Right-wing, conservative parties
(Black Hundred)
Russian Assembly, Union of the Russian People (Dubrovin), Russian People's Union named after Michael the Archangel (Purishkevich).
Nobles, peasants, workers, small traders, etc.
Total number – 410 thousand people. Autocratic monarchy Strengthening peasant farms, preserving the community One and indivisible Russia without the right to self-determination of non-Russian nations, the dominant role is Russian. Without changes.

Attached files

I. Monarchical-nationalist parties

The largest and most famous are the “Union of the Russian People” (since 1905, leader - A.I. Dubrovin, Markov brothers) and “Union of Michael - Archangel” (since 1907, leader - V.M. Purishkevich). Social composition: very varied, mainly dominated by representatives of the petty bourgeoisie (shopkeepers, artisans, handicraftsmen, cab drivers, etc.), but there were also nobles, peasants, and workers.

The maximum number was 100 thousand people in 1907, but there was no fixed membership.

The program goals are the preservation of autocracy, the fight against revolutionaries, blaming foreigners and, above all, Jews for all troubles; extremely nationalistic, anti-Semitic slogans: “Russia for Russians”, “Beat the Jews - save Russia” (these slogans contain the essence of the party, which relied on the base instincts of the crowd). Methods: allowed violence and terror, pogroms.

These parties had great influence in the Third and partly in the Fourth State Dumas; by 1917, they actually disintegrated into smaller political entities, and after 1917 they ceased to exist.

II. Bourgeois-liberal parties

They can be divided into 2 wings:

1. Moderately conservative.

They were led by the Octobrist party (“Union of October 17”). It was formed in November 1905 and named after the Manifesto of October 17. Leader: A.I. Guchkov. Maximum number: 60 thousand people in 1907. Social composition: large entrepreneurs, intelligentsia. Program goals: further development of political freedoms granted by the Manifesto of October 17, the ideal is a limited constitutional monarchy, special attention was paid to the economic issue: freedom of enterprise, rejection of petty tutelage by the state; against the eight-hour working day; fully supported Stolypin's agrarian reform. She enjoyed particular influence in the Third State Duma. After 1917 they ceased to exist. Other parties: Commercial and Industrial (Ryabushinsky brothers), Progressive Economic Party. Methods: parliamentary only.

2. Liberal.

The largest party is the Cadets (“Constitutional Democratic Party or People’s Freedom Party”). Leader: P.N. Milyukov, was formed in October 1905 on the basis of the “Union of Liberation”. Maximum number: » 100 thousand in 1907. Social composition: intelligentsia. Program goals: the main focus was on the political block of issues: expansion of democratic freedoms, ideally universal suffrage; the principle of “non-predecision”: the future form of government must be chosen by the Constituent Assembly; the slogan of a “responsible ministry” before the Duma; for an eight-hour working day.

She enjoyed particular influence in the I and II State Dumas, then their influence fell, the size of the party decreased, then the initiators of the creation of the Progressive Bloc became more active in the IV State Duma; The “party in power” in March-April 1917 ceased to exist in the early 1920s. Methods: parliamentary struggle, allowed civil disobedience. Other parties: Progressive Party, Democratic Reform Party.

III. Socialist parties

The largest and most influential are the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs) and the RSDLP (Social Democrats).

What they have in common: a negative attitude towards the capitalist system, the ideal is a society without the exploitation of man by man - socialism; radical transformations of the social and political system (everyone advocated the overthrow of the autocracy and the establishment of a democratic republic). They differed in ways and methods of achieving goals.

In general, socialist parties can also be divided into two wings:


A. People's Socialists (Enes) - the right wing of the Socialist Revolutionaries, emerged in 1905. Leader - A.V. Peshekhonov differed from the Socialist Revolutionaries in their rejection of terror and emphasized legal methods of struggle. They enjoyed the greatest influence in the First and Second State Dumas, where their program was adopted by peasant deputies (“trudoviks”), then this party lost influence.

The B. Mensheviks (the right wing of the RSDLP) emerged in 1905 at the Third Congress of the RSDLP; Leaders: Plekhanov, Dan, Martov. Social composition: intelligentsia, workers. They almost always outnumbered the Bolsheviks. Program goals: disagreed with the Bolsheviks regarding the prospects for building socialism in Russia ® believed that in Russia there are no economic prerequisites for this, a long path of capitalist development is necessary, therefore during the revolution of 1905 - 1907. advocated an alliance with the bourgeois parties and opposed the independent role of the Social Democrats. Methods: a combination of legal and illegal with a predominance of the former.

The party ceased to exist by the mid-1920s.

2. Radical.

A. Social Revolutionaries - the party was formed in 1902 on the basis of populist circles. Leaders: V.M. Chernov and M.A. Spiridonova. Social composition: intelligentsia, peasants, workers. Maximum number: » 60 thousand in 1905 and up to 500 thousand in 1917. Program goals - considered themselves to be representatives of the interests of the peasants ® The main emphasis was on the agrarian program (“socialization of the land”). Methods: violent and, above all, individual terror, like the populists. A special feature is the presence of a Combat Organization.

B. Bolsheviks (the left wing of the RSDLP) received their name due to the fact that supporters of Lenin’s program received the majority of votes in the elections to the party’s governing bodies at the Second Congress. Leader: V.I. Lenin. Social composition: intelligentsia, workers. Program goals: they believed that, although in Russia there are no economic prerequisites for the transition to socialism, they can be artificially created ® for this, the Social Democrats must act as an independent force, seize power and, having established the “dictatorship of the proletariat,” carry out the necessary “from above” transformations hence the boycott of the elections to the First Duma, refusal to support bourgeois parties. They considered themselves spokesmen for the interests of the workers and focused on social issues (eight-hour working day, workers' control, etc.). Methods: a combination of legal and illegal with a predominance of the latter. Since October 1917 - “the party in power.”

Agrarian programs of political parties at the beginning of the 20th century

“Union of the Russian People” - for the preservation of the community as an original feature of the Russian people, to solve the issue of land shortage by organizing resettlement at state expense and organizing agricultural credit.

Octobrists - their agrarian program actually coincided with the program of the Stolypin government, so they fully supported the Stolypin agrarian reform.

Cadets - allowed the possibility of confiscation of part of the landowners' lands in excess of the established maximum, but with mandatory payments by the state of the value of the lands to the landowners. Then these lands were to be sold to peasants at preferential prices, including on credit. The principle of private property was considered unshakable.

Socialist Revolutionaries - the “socialization of the land” program: provided for the abolition of private ownership of land, the gratuitous confiscation of landowners’ lands and their transfer for free use to peasants according to labor (how much one family can work without the use of hired labor) and consumer norms (depending on the number of family members) . It was extremely popular among peasants and became the basis of the Decree on Land on October 26, 1917.

The Mensheviks - the program of “municipalization of the land”: the same as that of the Socialist Revolutionaries, but all the land was transferred to the jurisdiction of self-government bodies (municipalities), and then distributed among the peasants.

Bolsheviks - the “land nationalization” program ® also provided for the abolition of private ownership of land, the confiscation of landowners’ lands, but then all the land became the property of the state (nationalized) and only then distributed among the peasants, with preference given to large forms of farming (collective farms, artels) .

Conclusion: in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. There was a wide range of political parties and movements, from the far right to the far left. The peculiarity is that their activities were hampered in every possible way by the autocratic political regime. This predetermined the oppositional nature of most parties, the weakness of the political center, and the tendency towards increasing polarization and radicalization of socio-political forces.

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