Where is medical and social examination carried out? ITU certificate - what is it and how to get it? ITU - what is it

Strength and health are far from eternal values. However, life does not end with the passing of youth. Retiring for disability is associated with paperwork, and quickly and successfully passing a medical examination depends on your knowledge. This article will review the ITU certificate. What this is will become clearer.

ITU certification

This is a medical examination of a person’s condition, determining his ability to work and the degree of limitation of his capabilities. In other words, the commission determines whether a person is disabled and to what extent he needs social support from the state. Defining the category of “disabled child” is also within the competence of the ITU. The study of the causes of disability and the identification of factors influencing the degree of disability is also within the competence of medical examination.

Disability commission

Why do you need an ITU certificate, what is it? These questions interest many. More on this below.

ITU bureaus are divided into territorial, federal or main. A citizen can undergo examination at any location. A referral to ITU can be issued:

  • municipality;
  • the clinic or hospital where the candidate received therapy recently;
  • By the tribunal's decision;
  • it may be a person's own decision.

The commission must provide certificates and conclusions that confirm loss of ability to work. The citizen himself or an authorized representative (having a power of attorney certified by a notary) submits an application and finds out the time of the ITU meeting.


In addition to the application, the following documents are required:

  • direction according to the established form No. 188-u;
  • patient's outpatient card;
  • tests, x-rays, certificates;
  • conclusion of the referring institution, medical commission;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • or original;
  • conclusion of departmental examination;
  • act in form N-1 (about an accident at the workplace);
  • education diploma (or other document);
  • power of attorney if documents are not submitted in person.

Only after passing the commission is a certificate of disability issued by VTEK ITU.

It is possible to call the commission to the home of a patient who is unable to arrive on his own, provided he provides a doctor’s conclusion that the person cannot move independently.

Is it possible to undergo VTEK without registration?

The ITU bureau can issue a sick leave certificate to a person who is not recognized as disabled and who will return to duty. In this case, sick leave is issued with an extension period of at least 30 days or until the next examination.

There is no need to be nervous while waiting for an expert examination. The state does everything to help citizens live, not exist. But you shouldn’t remain indifferent; if you have questions or doubts, contact specialists, they will check the completion of the ITU certificate.

A person recognized as disabled, based on the results of a medical and social examination (MSE) by federal state institutions of MSE (hereinafter referred to as the MSE Bureau), is issued a certificate confirming the fact of the determination of disability. If you lose this certificate, you can receive a duplicate of it (clause 119 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 29, 2014 N 59n; clause 9 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 24, 2010 N 1031n).

In order to obtain a duplicate certificate of disability, we recommend following the following algorithm.

Step 1. Prepare an application for a duplicate of the ITU certificate and submit it to the ITU Bureau

To obtain a duplicate of the ITU certificate, you (your legal representative) must submit a free-form application to the ITU office at your place of residence (place of stay, actual residence, location of the pension file in case of leaving for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation). The application must indicate, in particular, the circumstances of the loss of the certificate and the place of its issue (paragraph 1, paragraph 2.

List of documents required for MSEC when registering disability

9 Order).

Step 2. Obtain a duplicate of the ITU certificate

A duplicate certificate is issued on the basis of the inspection report in accordance with which the lost certificate was issued. In this case, without additional examination of you, a new examination report is drawn up at the ITU bureau, in which a record is made of the issuance of a duplicate certificate to replace the lost one, and a protocol is drawn up.

In case of loss of the inspection report, in accordance with which the lost certificate was issued, its duplicate is issued on the basis of a copy of the extract, the original of which is stored in the Pension Fund (a copy of the extract is issued upon request of the ITU Bureau) (paragraph 3, 5, clause 9 of the Procedure).

Note: Check the deadline for obtaining a duplicate certificate from the ITU office to which you submitted your application.

A duplicate of the certificate is issued on a certificate form of the established form, valid for the period of its issuance. In the upper right corner of the certificate form on which the duplicate is drawn up, the entry “Duplicate” is made, below the line “Date of issue of the certificate” the entry “Duplicate issued” is made and the date of issue of the duplicate is indicated. The conclusion on the nature and conditions of work, as well as other forms of social protection, included in the lost certificate, is entered in duplicate in the line “Additional conclusions” (paragraphs 6 - 8 of clause 9 of the Procedure).

If the lost (damaged) certificate (extract) was issued in the period from 01/01/2004 to 12/31/2009, in the duplicate certificate below the line “Cause of disability” an entry is made in words about the previously established degree of limitation in the ability to work (paragraph 9, paragraph 9 Order).

Note: Starting from 01/01/2017, information about established disability, ongoing rehabilitation or habilitation measures, cash payments made to a disabled person and other social protection measures is entered into the Federal Register of Disabled Persons (Article 5.1 of the Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ; Concept, approved By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2016 N 1506-r).

Sample certificate of disability from VTEK

According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2010.

How to restore a lost ITU certificate of disability?

N 1031n “On the forms of a certificate confirming the fact of establishing a disability, and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social examination, and the procedure for their preparation” form of a certificate confirming the fact of establishing a disability, and a form of an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social examination, approved by this Order, belong to security printing products of level “B”.

In case of loss (damage) of the issued certificate (extract), federal state medical and social examination institutions at the place of residence of the disabled person (in the absence of a place of residence - at the place of stay, actual residence, at the location of the pension file of the disabled person who has left for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation ) issue a duplicate certificate at the request of a disabled person (his legal representative), a family member of a deceased (deceased) disabled person (his legal representative) in cases where the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of social support measures to the family of the deceased (hereinafter referred to as the family member), a duplicate extract upon request body providing pensions.

The application (request) shall indicate the circumstances of the loss (damage) of the certificate (extract) and the place of its issue. The family member (his legal representative) attaches to the application a copy of the death certificate of the disabled person and a document confirming the family relationship to the deceased (deceased) disabled person (a copy of the marriage certificate; copies of birth certificates of children; a copy of a certificate confirming the fact of disability since childhood, - for children over the age of 18 who became disabled before reaching this age).

A duplicate certificate is issued on a certificate form (a duplicate extract - on an extract form) of the established form, valid for the period of issuance of the duplicate certificate (duplicate extract).

If the lost (damaged) certificate (extract) was issued in the period from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009, then in the duplicate certificate (extract) below the line “Cause of disability” an entry is made in words about the previously established degree of limitation in the ability to work.

The state has created an entire system of assistance for the social protection of those individuals who have persistent health problems, injuries, cannot work, and have limited opportunities for socialization. Its goal is to reduce the distance between a sick person and society. It consists of several components:

ITU - what is it

To resolve some of these issues in relation to each specific person requiring state support, a medical and social examination (MSE) was created. Strictly speaking, ITU is a state examination designed to resolve the issue of establishing disability for a specific person.

Among the main tasks of carrying out MSA is determining the degree of damage to the basic functions of the body of a particular person, identifying possible ways of rehabilitation, and legal recognition of him as disabled.

ITU structure

For each specific person who needs to establish a disability, the examination is carried out at the ITU office at the place of residence. They are branches of the Main Bureaus located in the regions.

There are city and district branches of the Main Bureaus, where you should come with a referral and documents. A disabled person can apply to the ITU at his place of residence (this may be his place of residence) or at his location (if he has left the Russian Federation). For example, to conduct ITU in Moscow, you should contact one of the 95 branches of the “GB ITU in Moscow” (their addresses are posted on the official website of the Head Office).

In case of disagreement with the decision of the local branch, the person (or his guardian) can appeal it to the Head Office, as a rule, these are regional structures. Then the examination will be carried out here (in our example, this will be the ITU GB for Moscow).

The main structure is the Federal Bureau of ITU. In difficult situations, in case of disagreement with the decision of the Head Body, the examination is carried out here; its decision can be appealed in court.

The Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise is subordinate to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Tasks and powers

One of the main functions of the ITU is to establish a disability group. This procedure is a factual overall assessment of the health status of the person contacting the bureau.

To conduct examinations of persons with various diseases, special expert groups have been created:

  • mixed-profile groups will examine patients with general diseases;
  • special groups are created to consider issues related to persons aged 18-1 years.

Specialized groups have also been created for examination:

  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • persons with mental disorders;
  • suffering from visual impairment.

The examination will be carried out by an expert group depending on the disease that the patient has.

When passing the ITU, the issue of rehabilitation is also resolved and an individual rehabilitation program (IRP) is issued (or adjusted).

Place of examination

At the same time, in accordance with the Rules for recognizing a person as disabled (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95), an examination is possible:

About disability groups and criteria for their establishment

The ITU examination involves determining the disability group (its extension) or refusing to establish it. All and there is also a category “disabled child”. The ITU Bureau can set disability for 1 or 2 years, 5 years or for life (this is determined by the relevant criteria of the Rules).

The group specification contains a detailed list of health disorders of the person being examined. These criteria form the basis for establishing the disability group by the examination.

For example, when persistent moderate impairments lead to a decrease in the ability to perform previously familiar professional duties or to a decrease in the volume or intensity of work, and also cause the inability to continue activities in the main profession, but at the same time the person remains able to perform duties of lower qualifications under standard conditions. This indicates the presence of 1st degree limitation of the main categories of life activity, and there are grounds for assigning a III disability group.

If persistently expressed disorders of body functions arise, requiring special devices or the creation of specific working conditions or any special technical equipment to perform work activities. funds or assistance from outsiders, they qualify as the second degree of restriction. In this case, disability group II is assigned.

When persistently expressed health disorders are detected, leading to the impossibility (even contraindication) of work or absolute inability to do it, grade 3 occurs. These are signs of disability group I.

The assignment of the group depends on the general health of the person undergoing the examination. Here, many factors are taken into account that limit the main categories of life. Among them will be his ability to self-care, orientation, communication, movement, ability to control himself and learning ability (which is very important for children and young people).

When all these factors are taken into account, the group will be established. The criteria themselves are approved specifically for each group and have uniform, very clear recommendations for all ITU branches of Russia.

About the possible purposes of the examination

In addition to the main goal - maximum adaptation of a disabled person into society - MSE also pursues more specific goals. These include:

  • determination of a person’s disability group (category “disabled child”);
  • establishing the degree of loss of professional skills and ability to work;
  • development (or its correction);
  • development (or its correction) of a rehabilitation program for the victim.

The commission may also be held to establish:

  • stages of loss of professional skills from an occupational disease or industrial accident;
  • the need for outside care of a close relative, a citizen undergoing military service;
  • signs of persistent health disorder for employees of internal affairs bodies and other structures.

How to get directions

To undergo the examination, you need to receive a referral (to the patient himself or his guardian). This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Contact a medical institution healthcare of the Russian Federation , where the person requiring testing is being observed or treated.
  2. Apply to the Pension Fund office. Here you will need to submit the necessary medical documents certifying your illness, injury or disability.
  3. Apply to the social protection authorities, and there must be signs of a person’s disability and his need for social protection.

The medical institution issues a referral in form No. 088/u-06. In which there will be information about the state of health of the person referred and the recovery capabilities of his health, about the rehabilitation measures taken, their results, and necessarily the purpose for which the person is sent to MSE (disability and group are not indicated in it).

Social protection authorities and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation issue a referral in a form approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2006 No. 874, which contains information about signs of disability (as a rule, based on a fact established by them) and the need for social protection, the purpose of the referral.

If a person has been denied a referral by all of the listed institutions, he has the right to appeal directly to ITU branches .

What other documents are needed for examination?

Documents are attached to the received referral. Their list will depend on the purpose for which the referral is issued. And you can get it along with the direction.

Common to all types of examination will be:

  • a written application for an examination from the person who requires it;
  • Identity document of the disabled person and his guardian (if available). For children under 14 years of age, documents of one of the parents are required;
  • medical certificate confirming health problems.

Most likely, you will also need the following documents:

Who are the legal representatives

In some cases, a person who requires the establishment of disability is due to his illness and cannot be fully responsible for his actions or is physically unable to collect certificates and go to authorities. This will be the basis for their interests to be represented by legal representatives. They may be parents, children, other relatives, spouses, or strangers caring for the disabled person (in this case, a guardianship decision will be required).

When examining children under 14 years of age and adolescents under 18, their legal representatives will be their parents. The law provides for their mandatory participation in the process (without them the examination will not be carried out). If the child does not have parents, then guardians replace them.

In all these cases, legal representatives for the ITU are an important component of the process. They must present documents that certify kinship or marriage, and can carry out a number of actions for the patient. So, they collect the necessary certificates, bring the patient for examination, and organize the commission to go home if it is impossible to deliver him. In fact, they represent the interests of their ward at the ITU.

About the results

During the examination, a protocol is kept. Then an inspection report is drawn up, which consists of 2 parts. It is stored for 10 years. The person in respect of whom the examination was carried out is given:

  • Help. It indicates the disability group, the cause and the period for which the disability was established, and there must be a link to the examination report and its details.
  • Individual rehabilitation program.

An extract from the act, which must be drawn up, is sent to the regional branch of the Pension Fund no later than within 3 days.

If a person disagrees with the results of the examination, he must write a statement to the same regional or head office no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the certificate. The period during which the re-examination must take place is 1 month.

If you disagree with the commission's conclusions, you can also go to court.

What is a medical and social examination and what is the procedure for conducting it? What types of problems does the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise solve? How does the medical and social commission determine the disability group?

Good afternoon, dear readers! You are on the website “HeatherBober.ru” and I am with you, Maria Darovskaya.

Today we will talk about medical and social examination, its nuances, goals and features.

First, let's find out what is commonly called a medical and social examination, and how it differs from other types of examinations.

1.What is a medical and social examination and who conducts it?

ITU- this is a procedure according to the results of which experts recognize a person as disabled or deny him this status.

If experts have determined that a person is truly disabled and in need of social protection, then they determine which disability group to classify him as and what rehabilitation measures are necessary.

The assessment is carried out comprehensively, clinical, everyday, functional, psychological indicators of the person are analyzed (see also “” and “”).

The analysis is performed based on criteria approved by the Federal authorities. The procedure itself is regulated by Federal Law, Articles 7 and 8.

Federal institutions - in particular, the ITU bureau - are responsible for conducting ITU. The study referral form was approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Task 3. Determination of the disability group

There are several categories of disability: groups I, II, III and the category “disabled child”.

Disabled people of groups I, II, III receive a labor pension. If a person has no work experience, then a social pension is established. This norm is regulated by Federal Law.

Task 4.

The decision to recognize a citizen as disabled or to deny him this status is made after receiving and reviewing the data.

A re-examination must be carried out in advance, before the period for which the disabled status was granted has expired.

Examination deadlines:

Task 5. Determining the causes of death of disabled people

To use the state service of determining what caused the death of a disabled person, a family member of the deceased must submit an application.

In addition to the application itself, you must provide a document confirming the identity of the applicant, a copy of the medical death certificate, an extract from the examination card of the pathologist, and a copy of the disability certificate of the deceased.

The causes of death are determined by the bureau in absentia.

The application is submitted and recorded in the journal immediately upon submission. If an application has been submitted but not provided all the necessary documents, the applicant must provide them within 10 working days.

The decision is made by the majority of experts. When carrying out, an act is drawn up and a protocol is kept. The conclusion is drawn up in paper or electronic form.

You can read about determining the causes of death in the article “”.

3. How to pass a medical and social examination - step-by-step instructions

Now we will look at the main steps that need to be taken to obtain disabled status.

Please note that if there are no grounds for obtaining disabled status, you will be denied.

Step 1. Getting directions

Your first action should be to make an appointment with your doctor. At the appointment, you must indicate that you want to receive a disability.

The doctor will record everything necessary in the medical record and write a referral for examination. After this, you will be scheduled for an inpatient examination. Do not hide your illnesses and injuries while undergoing it. You need to communicate with doctors, tell them in detail why you have this or that disease.

All information obtained during the examination will be included in your card.


Vladimir had health problems sufficient to qualify for disability. But he didn’t go to the doctor, and he didn’t keep an outpatient card. When Vladimir wanted to receive the social status of a disabled person, he was refused.

After the refusal, he had to register and undergo regular medical examinations. A year later, during a re-examination, he was given the status of disabled person.

To obtain the status, you need to regularly visit your local doctor and have notes about this in your medical record. Inpatient treatment and examination will follow only after a long outpatient visit to a medical facility. If there are no regular requests for an outpatient treatment card, the status will be denied.

It is the lack of success in outpatient treatment and then inpatient treatment that is proof of persistent pathology. Extracts from the hospital must be certified by department seals. The referral is certified with the seal of the institution. The signatures of at least three doctors are also required.

Step 2. Compose an application for examination

A citizen can submit an application independently or entrust this to his representative. It indicates the name of the institution to which the application is being submitted, information about the applicant, formulates the request for an ITU, its goals, and sets the date for filing the application.

The recipient must sign the received application, thereby confirming its receipt.

A statement is also written when a referral to medical examination in a hospital is refused.

Documents for ITU are prepared by the clinic at the place of residence. The chairman of the medical commission is responsible for this aspect of the work. You need to contact him when preparing documents to obtain disability.

Step 3. Receive an invitation from the ITU Bureau

After submitting your application, you must wait until you receive an invitation. It can be compiled both in written and electronic form, including by publishing it on a specialized Internet portal.

Step 4. Collect the necessary documents

It is better to prepare the necessary documents before receiving the invitation. This way you will definitely have time to collect the entire package. You will need a passport, a referral to an ITU, and medical documents that confirm your health status.

If you did not have all the documents when submitting your application, you must submit them within 10 days.

Step 5. We are waiting for an assessment of the body’s condition

The study is carried out in the office at the place of residence or, if there is a conclusion, then at home. MSE can also be carried out on a permanent basis or in absentia. The subject expert may invite a specialist who will have the right to vote to perform the examination.

The specialists’ task is to study the documents, conduct an examination and decide whether to grant disabled status.

Step 6. We receive a medical and social examination report

The decision is made within 30 days from the date of registration. If the examination was carried out in absentia, then the decision and explanations for it are drawn up on paper or electronically. Based on the results, a report is drawn up, it is signed by specialists and the head of the bureau, and certified with a seal.

All documents, including the report, as well as the protocol and rehabilitation program, are entered into the personal file of the subject. You will receive certified copies of these documents if you write an application.

4. Where to get advice on solving ITU issues - review of the TOP 3 companies

When obtaining the status of a disabled person, legislative and bureaucratic obstacles may arise.

For this reason, we recommend that you obtain legal advice before completing the necessary paperwork. This will help reduce the processing time, simplify the procedure, and save you from multiple trips to government agencies.

1) Lawyer

“Pravoved.ru” provides legal advice and services for document preparation in various areas. From almost 17 thousand qualified and experienced lawyers from all over the country, you can always choose the right specialist for your situation.

The company offers both free and paid services. But even paid services have prices below the market average. After all, Pravoveda’s lawyers do not need an office to provide advice to clients.

You can get advice without leaving your apartment. When submitting a question on the website, you will receive the opinion of several experts, which is equivalent to a collegial meeting and eliminates the possibility of errors.

The site operates 24 hours a day, without days off or breaks. If necessary, you can meet with specialists offline if the case requires the direct presence of a lawyer.

2) Legal consultation “Your personal lawyer”

Experts from the legal consultation “Your Personal Lawyer” provide advice on legal issues. You can contact the company for help by leaving a request on the website or by calling. Responses to requests are sent within five minutes.

Experts also prepare articles on topics of their profile - real estate, social security, property, family and labor, civil, tax corporate law and others.

The Docexpress company provides advice on legal issues around the clock, using a 24-hour hotline. Legal assistance is provided to both individuals and legal entities.

The company also provides a free newsletter, and the website has a forum where you can see expert answers to questions already asked. The list of the main advantages of the organization includes the reliability of the information provided, speed, and quality.

5. What to do if you are refused an examination - 3 useful tips

It may happen that the assignment of disability is denied. This can happen for many different reasons.

If you are sure that the refusal is illegal, then let's look at what needs to be done to protest it.

If you receive a refusal, be sure to request a certificate of this in writing. You will be able to contact the bureau yourself for an examination if you have it in your hands.

If the examination shows that all signs of disability are present, then they will issue a certificate with which you need to go to the clinic and receive a referral form.

Tip 2. Use the services of a professional lawyer

A professional specialized lawyer will help with the procedure for challenging the refusal. The lawyer must have experience in such cases and the necessary level of qualifications.

Important information update!

The Pension Fund and Social Security can issue a referral to the ITU in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 874. If all of the listed organizations refuse a person a referral, then he can file a complaint with the ITU office.

The next step in the examination procedure is. Moreover, a list of them is most often issued along with the referral. This list includes:

Then, you need to write to the bureau and register it along with all the necessary papers. Registration of such an appeal is made on the day it is written.

Reference! If a person has not provided all the necessary documents to the bureau, he is given 10 days to bring them. If he managed to provide them within the given period, then the disability fee will be charged from the date of the first application.

After ITU bureau staff have examined all the documents, they will set a time for the examination and send an invitation to the applicant. He is sent within 24 hours after the decision on the date of the examination. Such an invitation must indicate the date, time and address of the organization that will conduct the examination.

After receiving an invitation from the bureau, the person needs to appear at the place of examination. If the applicant cannot come for the examination himself for health reasons, then the organization’s employees can come to his home or hospital. Besides, in some cases, a decision can be made even without the presence of a person, based on the documents provided.

During the ITU, a person wishing to formally register a disability undergoes an examination. When conducting such an examination, bureau employees evaluate and study a person’s everyday, labor, psychological and social abilities. Everything that happens during the examination must be recorded in the protocol.

Making an expert decision

After conducting all the necessary examinations and studying documents, the commission begins to make a decision. This procedure takes place in the form of discussion and voting. The members of the commission make their decision by a majority vote.

After this, it is announced in the presence of the person who underwent the ITU, and all the specialists who took part in the examination. This must be made no later than 30 days after the date of application.

Statement of results

So, what kind of certificate is this and where can I get it? A citizen receives such a document after undergoing an examination at the ITU bureau. It contains information about the examination and a professional verdict. Such a certificate is issued to all people who are recognized as disabled. In addition, such an act indicates the degree of ability to work that was awarded to the person, as well as whether he needs to be transferred to easier work.

Important! Such a document is issued immediately after the decision is made. The ITU certificate is given to the person who has undergone this examination, and the extract is sent to the social security department or the Pension Fund.

Document requirements

This certificate must contain:

  1. Number and series of the certificate.
  2. Full name, date of birth and place of residence of the person to whom the certificate was issued.
  3. Date of disability determination.
  4. Disability group, degree of disability and cause of disability.
  5. The date until which the disability is valid.
  6. Seal of the ITU Bureau and signature of its head.

This is what a blank certificate of passing the ITU looks like in the photo:

The act is a document that contains the following data:

This act is sent to the Social Security authorities or the Pension Fund.

The bureau can also issue sick leave, which is also called a certificate of incapacity for work. It is issued if a person is not recognized as disabled and he can still work. The duration of such a sheet is at least 30 days. Also, its validity period may last until the next disability examination.

If a person needs to obtain official disability status, this is a prerequisite. There is no need to be afraid of such a procedure; the most important thing in this matter is to collect everything that is listed in the article.

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