Hexicon during pregnancy 3rd trimester from thrush. Hexicon suppositories and tablets: use during pregnancy, indications and contraindications, side effects. Possible risks and limitations


  • the entire treatment process is accompanied by spotting
  • the price is high


Hexicon suppositories were prescribed to me when I was pregnant. The need for them arose after the installation of an obstetric pessary, since the body may begin to reject a foreign body, resulting in an infection.

At that time I was only in my thirtieth week, that is, there were still two months before giving birth, so it was too early to give birth. And so at the hospital I was prescribed these suppositories as a preventive measure, since there were no obvious signs of infection. Already the morning after the first suppository, brown discharge began, I was terribly scared, since there was already a threat of premature birth. My local gynecologist said that I still need to put at least 5 pieces on for prevention. Although I did, I was terribly worried because the discharge did not go away.

I don’t think that these suppositories are the best solution for fighting thrush and other diseases. There are cheaper options, and with much less risk for yourself and the child. I won’t buy these candles for myself again, I was disappointed.

General impression: Not the best remedy for female infections...


  • Relatively cheap


  • Causes irritation and bleeding


It is known that Hexicon suppositories for thrush are useless. And this problem haunted me constantly during my second pregnancy (during the first, too, but not so much). At 18 weeks of pregnancy, I complained to my gynecologist about the symptoms of thrush, and she prescribed me Hexicon: 1 suppository in the morning and in the evening.

I, as a disciplined patient, began to be treated as the doctor prescribed. The itching from the candles only intensified. And after the fourth candle, I discovered scarlet-colored bloody discharge. Of course, I got scared, called an ambulance, and I was hospitalized. At the hospital, I was examined by three different doctors: in the emergency room, my attending physician and the manager. department. And only one of them said that Hexicon could cause irritation, which caused bleeding. The others assured me that this could not happen from candles. Of course, as soon as I was admitted to the hospital, the suppositories were stopped for me. There were no more allocations. They did an ultrasound, took tests, and examined me. But the cause of the bleeding was not found and he was discharged.

The problem of thrush remains. I again complained to the gynecologist about her, and she again prescribed me Hexicon suppositories (I didn’t get treatment then). But I must say that since the doctors denied the connection between Hexicon and blood, I stopped suspecting them and began to be treated with them again. It was approximately 30 weeks. The itching from the suppositories became incredibly severe, but I endured it until I discovered blood again on the third day! This time there was much less blood, just a drop, and I realized that it was from the candles. I didn’t call an ambulance; just in case, I told the gynecologist and got checked. Everything was fine with the child.

I started googling and saw that such a reaction is not uncommon! Search engine queries on the topic “Hexicon and blood” are very popular.

But in the instructions for Hexicon there is not a word about possible bleeding. In anger, I wrote to Nizhpharm. We must give them credit - they responded quickly. They asked a bunch of questions: age, diagnosis, doctor’s name, etc.

As a result, they sent back something like “The check did not reveal any violations.”

I believe that since blood from Hexicon is such a common occurrence, more research needs to be done. But apparently Nizhpharm doesn’t think so...

General impression: During pregnancy they caused bleeding, although they were prescribed by a doctor for thrush. What did they answer me at Nizhpharm?


  • I find it difficult to name


  • This drug is not suitable for all pregnant women

So, I decided to tell my story, which happened to me when I was 9 weeks pregnant.

Just at that time I went to register. The doctor looked, took a swab, but said that there was a lot of discharge, and that until the results of the tests you need to undergo treatment with suppositories. Of course, as you may have guessed, Hexicon candles were prescribed.

Well, well, it must be so. The drug, in general, was familiar to me; I had already used it before pregnancy. There were no side effects, so I bought it without any doubts or concerns.

They need to be left overnight. I put it on once, put it on a second time... and the next morning I discovered pinkish discharge! I didn’t rush to the doctor, I tried not to panic and for now I decided to just watch what would happen next. But I put Hexicon in for the third time... only now, the very next day, a drop of blood and even some tiny clot were found on the napkin.

At this point, of course, I was scared. The first thing I suspected was that it was after Hexicon. I canceled it immediately! And the next day there was no pink discharge, much less bloody discharge.

This question interested me then, so I went online to look for information. And, as it turned out, such a reaction to Hexicon during pregnancy is not uncommon. Moreover, I, for example, canceled it immediately, but there were cases when girls used it until the last minute, resulting in urgent hospitalization (they were put on hold).

As you can see, “taking during pregnancy is possible,” but here’s what happens after this use...

So, girls, be very careful with this drug.

P.S. And, by the way, my tests turned out to be good even without Hexicon;)

General impression: During pregnancy you can, but be very careful!


  • not detected;


  • Provoked bleeding

During pregnancy, at 16-17 weeks, the gynecologist at the antenatal clinic advised taking Hexicon suppositories to prevent genital tract infections.

I obeyed, bought it and started inserting it. Somewhere on the second day, an incomprehensible spotting began, and on the third day bleeding began.

After the whole saga with the hospital due to bleeding, including an unscheduled ultrasound, examination and a bunch of nerves, it turned out that the bleeding was caused by Hexicon suppositories. They “corroded” the mucous membrane of the cervix and it bled. Then, while studying the forums, it turned out that I was not the only one who had this problem. So be careful with these candles! Health to everyone!

General impression: Be careful with them



  • cause bleeding
  • severe itching and burning

Thank God that these suppositories were prescribed to me after giving birth! Many people are prescribed them during pregnancy. I categorically do not recommend this drug to pregnant women - it too often causes bleeding!

In general, I love being treated with candles! If I can choose this method of treatment, then I always choose it - it is effective and safe. But not in this case!

When I went to see a gynecologist after giving birth, she said that she didn’t like the amount of my discharge, took a smear and prescribed Hexicon before receiving the result. She said “good candles.”

Some time after I inserted the first candle, I felt a wild itch! Simply unbearable! It was impossible to fall asleep (the first candle came just at night). I thought it was a coincidence. She continued to suffer.

On the third day, pink discharge appeared. I realized that it was time to quit with these candles.

Not a single candle caused any side effects for me at all! These are the first.

I gave up. The next day cystitis began. Cystitis gradually turned into pyelonephritis (although the kidneys were healthy all my life and the urine was ideal). I can’t understand where they could have come from. It is clear that the infection was in the body and the suppositories had nothing to do with it. However, I am not the first, nor am I the last, for whom such a situation happened after Hexicon. It's strange somehow. Especially when you consider that Hexicon’s indications are specifically for the fight against cystitis!

In general, never again! Even if cystitis with pyelonephritis is not taken into account, wild itching, severe burning and pink spots (and for many bleeding) are more than a good reason not to use these “MIRACLE” suppositories NEVER!!!

Pregnant girls! Be careful! Think a hundred times before being treated with these suppositories! Bleeding from Hexicon is too frequent. There are much safer remedies for thrush during pregnancy - for example, PIMAFUTSIN! For other ailments, ask your doctor to replace these suppositories with some other ones!

It seemed like ordinary chlorhexidine... Horror!

General impression: TERRIBLE candles! I haven’t seen anything worse for a long time!

I am 16 weeks pregnant, the doctor prescribed Hexicon 1 suppository, 2 times a day for 5 days, because of the itching, I thought it was thrush, but it was not confirmed. On the 4th day of treatment, there was pink discharge, I was so scared for the baby, I panicked, I already thought we were going to call an ambulance. My husband and I ran for an ultrasound. The doctor said that everything was fine with the baby, she saw no danger to the baby and saw no reason to call an ambulance. Tomorrow I will run to the doctor for a consultation.

I was prescribed suppositories for ureaplasma for 22 weeks... yesterday I put the first one on, today I am dying from terrible pain in my left side and lower back... ((I still didn’t know how they came out... I also thought my water had broken... I was very scared. ... I drank noshpa, now I’m lying in bed, it doesn’t help yet....

I was in storage at 33 weeks. so they prescribed them to everyone there, I didn’t put them on after reading the reviews, the girl in the ward put them on, her plug came out at night (34 weeks), so her doctor on duty looked, fortunately it was the head of labor at home, and said that they were so thermonuclear, they were better before give birth, and then 1 at night.

...I had a period of 5-6 weeks. prescribed from hr. thrush and on the 3rd day I was taken away in an ambulance with bloody discharge. All the doctors unanimously insisted that these were wonderful suppositories and that it was not their fault... I lost my child. What do you think? It gets worse! After the operation I decided to continue my treatment. The doctor warned that there would be no bleeding after curettage and that menstruation would begin in 3 weeks. On the second day there was bleeding again - scarlet blood. And indeed, if this is a side effect, then why don’t respected manufacturers warn about it!!! I wish them health with all my heart!!! Girls, do not treat thrush in the early stages; at 8-9 months you can be treated without harm to the child.

I only installed two, they leak a lot of water. I put it in at 33 weeks, I almost turned gray, I thought my waters had broken. They were all very dry. I didn't put it anymore

Neutral reviews


  • Safe during pregnancy


  • Questionable effectiveness

Hello my dear friends and readers of the Otzovik.com community!

Have a good day everyone!)

In my review today, I would like to tell you about one medicine that the doctor prescribed to me during pregnancy, namely, vaginal suppositories called “Hexicon” from the famous pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm.

As I noted just above, I became acquainted with these vaginal suppositories at the very beginning of my pregnancy, when I was admitted to the hospital with the threat of termination of pregnancy.

With a certain set of medications that the doctor prescribed for me, so to speak, to maintain pregnancy, in the general list, I saw just these suppositories

When I asked why I needed these suppositories, the attending physician replied that they were prescribed for prevention.

What kind of prevention?!! To be honest, I didn’t understand, maybe I don’t understand something.

Despite my doubts, I still purchased the Giksikon candles.

I was immediately reassured by the fact that these suppositories are safe if used during pregnancy...

From the instructions for use, I learned that Hexicon is, in fact, an antiseptic drug that is intended for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, as well as for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and various colpitis.

As I already noted at the very beginning of today’s review, Hexicon suppositories are safe if used during pregnancy, which is undoubtedly a huge plus.

After using suppositories during pregnancy, I can only say that they did not cause me any discomfort, itching, irritation, or allergic reaction.

After some time, I again had to resort to the help of Hexicon - this time, I was trying to cure thrush, which haunted me at the very end of my pregnancy.

But, to my great regret, these vaginal suppositories were only able to alleviate my condition for a while, the symptoms of thrush dulled a little...

To summarize all of the above, I can only say that Hexicon suppositories, in my opinion, are exclusively a preventive remedy, rather than a drug intended for the treatment of any diseases.


  • Can be used during lactation and breastfeeding
  • For the treatment of female genital diseases.


  • Ineffective against candidiasis
  • STD, not treated. I can't say anything about the effectiveness.

Fortunately, I found out what “thrush” is, being in an interesting position. After the test results came back, I was told that they found “candidiasis” in me. To my question and the fear in her eyes, she replied: “Don’t be afraid. This is thrush. All pregnant women have it. But we need to get rid of it.” And she decided to rid me of her with these candles. Having previously written out the application schedule. In general, I bought them, they cost about 300 rubles and began to use them as the doctor prescribed. I didn’t even read the instructions (but I should have). And like this for all 9 months. A slight relief comes when you maintain a certain diet, but it does not go away completely. That's all. I tell the doctor during the consultation that this medicine is not helping. And it’s as if she doesn’t even hear me. He says that we need to continue treatment. I continued. When my interesting situation came to a logical conclusion, I went to the maternity hospital. So to speak, “get acquainted” for now. The doctor on duty decided to look at me. After the examination, I will omit the details of this process, she was very surprised, saying that I have a very pronounced form of this female disease. And she began to scold me why I wasn’t doing anything. I said that throughout the entire period I was being treated with Hexicon. After which the doctor fell silent, apparently professional ethics, did not allow me to speak badly about the actions of my colleague and wrote me her recommendations. There were two drugs listed on the sheet. Candles and tablet. Moreover, the cost is much cheaper than the above. And as it turned out later, much more effective. In almost 1.5 months of use, all symptoms disappeared. As a result, I want to say that now I began to trust practicing doctors more. And now I go to the maternity hospital for preventive examinations in women’s health. More trust in these people. Health to you and your loved ones.

General impression: The theorist is not a practical friend.

I gave birth at 38 weeks, the doctor said to prepare for childbirth, although the smears were clean, everything was ok, but I didn’t give the whole course, but 5 pieces, if you put them they leak a lot, use daily diaries, I didn’t give birth a little earlier than my due date when at night it flowed out, and I decided that it was water)))))))


  • Acceptable price
  • help
  • don't leak
  • do not leave marks on clothes


  • Didn't find it


I first came across these suppositories during pregnancy. It was difficult for me in the third trimester. There was a threat of premature birth and the doctor decided to put a ring before the end of pregnancy. Hexicon suppositories were prescribed because the tests were bad. Personally, they suited me, no side effects were observed. Repeated tests were perfect))

The next time I also used them as prescribed by a doctor after cauterizing the erosion for quick healing and prevention of infections.

Now I use them on my own initiative, when any discharge or discomfort appears, reminiscent of thrush.

In my opinion, these are very good candles at a reasonable price. They do not leave stains on clothes and do not leak at night if used strictly according to the instructions.

I read a lot of bad reviews that they are dangerous during pregnancy. Yes, doctors have not proven that they are safe for the fetus, but the fact that women experience discomfort and other side effects indicates that there is an individual intolerance to some component of the suppositories and the doctor should replace them with others.

These candles are perfect for me, so I try to keep them in my medicine cabinet just in case.

General impression: Excellent candles, suitable for pregnant women.


  • most likely individual...


  • side effects
  • no result.


I have used Hexicon suppositories more than once. This mostly happened during pregnancy, I think. everyone faces problems that can only be solved by vaginal suppositories.

Usually the doctor prescribes which ones are needed in which particular case.

And sometimes during pregnancy I needed Hexicon.

Let me just say - it helped and it wasn’t even bad. There was no particular discomfort from use then. In any case, nothing that I remembered or paid special attention to...

And now, for several months, I have to undergo treatment, plus, in preparation for the operation, I was prescribed Hexicon suppositories.

They had to be used for 10 days, 2 times a day.

Well, this was certainly a test for me.

Firstly, during the treatment process, more than once I was glad that I could be at home... Because the suppository melts and flows very strongly. it gets dirty, let's put it this way... It leaves greasy stains on the laundry, which at least it's good that they wash off more or less... But the sensation is not pleasant... It's strange that I've never noticed such an effect from these candles before...

Secondly, after the full period of treatment, three days later it was necessary to take a test... While I was waiting these days, bleeding began. not strong, but it bothered me very much, since it was out of time and clearly not a normal phenomenon...

Third finally, the analysis turned out to be many times worse than it was before... And before that it was almost ideal, it was just necessary to bring it to complete ideal for the operation... What caused the deterioration and bleeding - the doctor did not really answer me - the main thing is that the first one began to be treated further, and the second one went away on its own - it seems like a side effect from using the Hexicon suppository...

Most likely, if I have to, I will refuse to use these particular candles and will ask them to replace them with something else.

And the course is not cheap, I would say...

General impression: my opinion is divided.

Positive reviews

During my pregnancy I placed Hexicon twice. The first time was at the very beginning of pregnancy, when bad smears came back during registration. The second time was before childbirth for sanitation. Both times the treatment gave results, the smears were clean. I placed candles in front of my dreams and additionally used a daily planner. The first two days there was slight discomfort, and then I did not experience any sensations. I liked the drug both in its effect and in the sensations; if it is prescribed, of course, I will take it.


  • Affordable price
  • efficiency
  • no side effects


  • does not help with thrush

When I was pregnant, in the first trimester I had a bad smear (leukocytes 15-20 units), and the doctor prescribed me these suppositories. Hexicon is one of the few drugs approved in the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation. These suppositories are also often prescribed before childbirth to prevent inflammation. The drug helped me, the smear became good and I was able to safely carry the baby. After giving birth, my leukocytes were again elevated, the doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics and Hexicon, and again it helped. And most importantly, no side effects, otherwise some write that they had bleeding and all that from Hexicon. But this drug is not particularly effective against thrush. And its price is quite reasonable: 250 rubles for 10 candles. There is an analogue, KLION D, which is cheaper, but I don’t think it’s very good.

General impression: Really helps


  • Effective


Greetings, my friends and site guests!

In today's review I want to talk about the Hexicon vaginal suppositories. This drug was recommended to me by my gynecologist before giving birth.

I apologize for the intimate details, inside the package there are vaginal suppositories, ten of them, one package is enough for a course of treatment.

For prevention, I was prescribed one suppository once a day, at night, for three days.

I would also like to note that the drug is used to treat various infections.

General impression: Antiseptic

The doctor prescribed me for thrush at 10 weeks, after the first use it felt better, I inserted 5 suppositories and after 2 weeks 5 more. I really liked Hexicon, there was no itching, no bleeding!

I'm 16 weeks pregnant. for ureaplasma I used Hexicon suppositories 2 times a day - 7 days. I still had to take antibiotics, but I didn’t. My smear was good every time. and urealp. didn't pass. but there was no harm from the hexicon either. 2 Ultrasound showed that everything was normal with the baby. And genecologists (I consulted with different ones) unanimously say that Hexicon is not harmful. so if you have a problem with smears (and there’s no problem with them!) - feel free to use them!

Hexicon is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy. It acts like an antiseptic and will not harm the doll in any way. But unsanitized vaginitis can come back to haunt you during childbirth: there may be consequences for the baby and for you in terms of endometritis and the like...

I was prescribed suppositories during pregnancy by a gynecologist to eliminate itching and burning. Literally after the first dose I felt relief.

Hexicon is a safe drug that is prescribed for identified infections. During pregnancy, conditionally pathogenic microflora, in conditions of weakened immunity, begins to actively multiply, provoking inflammatory processes, both new and those that were not treated before conception. Hexicon is on the list of drugs that are allowed to be used at any stage of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, women very often suffer from sudden onset infectious diseases. Treatment is complicated by the search for safe drugs. One of the remedies that can be used during pregnancy is Hexicon.

Hexicon is an antiseptic whose active substance is chlorhexidine. The product is effective against the vast majority of pathogenic microflora. The main feature of the drug is that it is not absorbed into the blood and does not affect the fetus.


What is the advantage of Hexicon over antibiotics?
An antibiotic eliminates the cause of the disease - kills the bacteria. An antiseptic stops the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the body, preventing the development of the disease. The advantages of Hexicon are as follows:

  • the drug affects only the area of ​​application and is not absorbed into the blood;
  • To date, not a single fact of the drug’s effect on the fetus has been recorded;
  • has a wide spectrum of action, the antibiotic is effective against a certain range of bacteria;
  • Chlorhexidine accumulates in the mucous membranes and continues to affect pathogenic microflora even after the end of the course of therapy;
  • allowed at any stage of pregnancy, unlike antibiotics, the use of which is prohibited in the first trimester, and subsequently they are prescribed with great caution;
  • does not affect the beneficial microflora of the vagina;
  • the antiseptic has no contraindications other than allergic reactions; antibiotics are contraindicated for kidney and liver pathologies.

Indications for use

For what infections is Hexicon taken?
The antiseptic does not cure, but prevents the development of infection and cleans the area treated with the drug. It is often used in obstetrics and for treating wounds in surgery. Hexicon is effective against the following microbes:

  • causative agent of gonorrhea;
  • gardnell;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma;
  • bacteroides;
  • gram-negative anaerobic rods.

If the disease - gonorrhea, chlamydia or ureaplasmosis - has already been identified in a pregnant woman at the time of Hexicon's prescription, therapy will not contribute to recovery. Treatment with Chlorhexidine stops the spread of the infection, however, the bacteria will remain in the woman’s body and over time their number will begin to increase, spreading over the entire surface of the mucosa. With gardnellosis (bacterial vaginosis), the vaginal mucosa is affected. The disease can be treated with Hexicon, and recovery can be achieved for many years.

The drug is often prescribed during pregnancy; the therapy is preventive in nature. Indications for use of Hexicon:

  • gardnellosis therapy;
  • therapy for vulvovaginitis;
  • suturing the uterus;
  • placement of the uterine ring (obstetric pessary);
  • the need for vaginal sanitation during pregnancy;
  • sanitation before childbirth, the procedure helps prevent infection of the fetus;
  • after an unprotected act in order to prevent infection;
  • after childbirth with heavy bleeding.

Note: to prepare for childbirth, suppositories are prescribed several weeks before the due date. Taking vaginal tablets is possible only after consultation with your doctor. If there is a threat of miscarriage, therapy with Hexicon suppositories and tablets is prohibited, as this can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

Instructions for use of candles

Suppositories are the most convenient form of the drug for therapy during pregnancy. Suppositories must be administered in a lying position. The procedure is carried out twice a day – in the morning and at night. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but on average it is ten days, and in special, most severe cases – twenty days.

Suppositories are often prescribed before childbirth to disinfect the birth ducts in order to protect the baby from infection. Suppositories are administered for five days, one per day. For preventive purposes, Hexicon is continued after childbirth.

Features of use by trimester

Throughout the course of therapy, it is necessary to limit the toilet of the genitals. The drug should not be used in combination with soap or any other surfactants. Otherwise, the effectiveness of Chlorhexidine is completely neutralized. Also, you cannot use brilliant green and iodine-containing substances together with suppositories, otherwise the risk of irritation increases.

1st trimester
Most often, Hexicon is prescribed in the first trimester, when the immune system is most suppressed and the risk of infection sharply increases. Today, Chlorhexidine is recognized as the safest and gentlest drug that can be prescribed in the first trimester.

Note: in the early stages, the gel is the least dangerous for the pregnant woman’s body and does not cause allergic reactions, like other forms of the drug. In the first trimester, Hexicon is prescribed for the treatment of dysbiosis, sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory pathologies.

2nd trimester
Prescribed for genital infections and inflammatory pathologies. The drug is also used to treat the vaginal mucosa before gynecological examinations and surgery.

3rd trimester
During this period, the drug is prescribed to eliminate the risk of infection of the fetus during labor.

Note: the instructions indicate that the drug in the form of suppositories is not effective against viruses, fungi and spores, as well as lactobacilli. Hexicon solution is effective against fungal microflora, but it is not prescribed during pregnancy due to the presence of auxiliary components in the composition.

Release forms

Hexicon is produced in several forms:

  • candles;
  • vaginal tablets;
  • gel;
  • solution.

Suppositories are available in two types – Hexicon and Hexicon D. The letter “D” means a smaller dosage of the active substance in one suppository; the product is prescribed to pregnant women whose symptoms of the disease are minor.

Vaginal tablets are used for infection of the vaginal mucosa. The tablet must be pre-wetted with water and then administered inside the body. The daily dosage is one or two tablets. The duration of treatment is from a week to ten days.

Gexicon gel is prescribed for infection of the external genitalia. The drug is used to treat the labia minora and the vestibule of the vagina. The product is applied two to three times a day for ten days.

Hexicon solution is a universal remedy, as it acts against viruses and fungi, but it is quite rarely prescribed during pregnancy. Douching with the solution can lead to miscarriage. Treatment with Hexicon solution is carried out in one case - before an examination by a gynecologist, and this is done by the doctor himself. In some maternity hospitals, the birth canal is treated with an antiseptic solution.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

No cases of overdose with Hexicon have been identified, since chlorhexidine, the main component of the drug, is not absorbed into the blood. Even with long-term therapy, no traces of chlorhexidine are found in the blood.

For thrush

The drug is effective against many infections that spread in the genitals, however, chlorhexidine does not act on yeast-like fungi. Hexicon, like all antiseptics, if the drug is used thoughtlessly, it is possible to disrupt the natural, beneficial microflora, which means that the treatment will provoke the development of thrush.

However, gynecologists still prescribe Hexicon for thrush, since the presence of the fungus Candida albicans indicates the presence and development of other bacteria. If a mixed bacterial-candida vaginal infection is detected, Hexicon helps eliminate swelling and inflammation.

To eliminate the direct source of the disease - yeast-like fungi - drugs such as Fluconazole, Duflocan, etc. are used.

Note: the treatment regimen, combination of drugs, and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene and diet plan - limit the amount of carbohydrates and diversify the diet with fermented milk products.

Bloody issues

Many patients note that while taking Hexicon during pregnancy, pink or brownish discharge begins. The basis of the suppository is polyethylene oxide - this substance softens the vaginal mucosa and removes pathogenic microorganisms that acquire a pinkish or brownish tint. Such discharge is not dangerous to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus, but it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

A normal reaction to taking Hexicon is colorless vaginal discharge and pink and brownish discharge. If heavy bleeding begins, you should immediately stop taking the drug and notify your gynecologist. Doctors explain the bleeding by individual intolerance to the drug. That is why, before prescribing treatment with a drug, it is important to ensure that there is no hypersensitivity to its components. After all, it is easier to prevent dangerous consequences than to eliminate them.

Other causes of discharge:

  • failure to comply with the instructions for use of the drug;
  • non-compliance with the prescribed course of therapy.

Protection from sexually transmitted infections is always an important issue for women. But during the gestation period, due to the increase in all the risks (both for the mother and the fetus), it becomes even more relevant.

For the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy, doctors often prescribe Hexicon. It is active against all pathogens sensitive to chlorhexidine biogluconate. This substance acts as an antiseptic, killing pathogenic bacteria and disinfecting.

Hexicon during pregnancy: instructions Hexicon is used for the treatment and prevention of syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, endocervicitis, vaginitis and other infections of the urogenital tract and inflammatory diseases of the vagina. During pregnancy, the drug is also prescribed to restore the vaginal microflora and prepare the birth canal before childbirth. Also after childbirth, Hexicon can be prescribed to prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory processes.

The administration of Hexicon suppositories to pregnant women for therapeutic purposes (and for prevention in the postpartum period) is usually prescribed twice a day - morning and evening - for 7-10 days. It is best to insert the suppository (deeply enough) while lying on your back, and then do not get up for an hour. Be careful when taking iodine supplements at the same time as using Hexicon - consult your doctor about this. Also, you should not insert other suppositories into the vagina along with these. During the course, you must refrain from shower gels and intimate hygiene products containing soap. In any case, when performing a toilet there is no need to touch the internal genital organs.

Can Hexicon be used during pregnancy?

Hexicon is considered a safe drug that has shown some effectiveness in obstetric practice. In addition, it does not disturb the vaginal microflora, but rather, on the contrary, restores it. Therefore, it is safely prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Suppositories act only locally, practically without entering the bloodstream.

The instructions for the drug say that treatment with Hexicon during pregnancy is possible at any stage. However, the safety of Hexicon for a developing fetus has not been fully proven, so the drug can only be used according to indications and as prescribed by a doctor.

As in any other case, an allergic reaction in the form of itching, rash or irritation of the vagina is not excluded. If you observe this in yourself, stop administering Hexicon.

How to replace Hexicon during pregnancy?

If signs of intolerance to Hexicon appear during pregnancy, the woman will have to replace this drug with an alternative one. Only the doctor who prescribed these suppositories can make a complete, safe replacement. The thing is that, firstly, you need to know for the treatment of what disease they were prescribed and, secondly, almost all alternative drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy, since their harmful effects on the fetus have been clinically confirmed. There are cases when Hexicon during pregnancy can be replaced with Miramistin, Nystatin, Pimafucin, Terzhinan or use Epigen spray, but this should only be decided by a specialist! Doctors say that there is no alternative to Hexicon, especially in the early stages.

If you are concerned about the unproven safety of Hexicon and similar drugs during pregnancy, then all that remains is to wait for the birth and start treating the underlying disease after the birth of the baby. But at the same time, the risk of infection of the baby during passage through the birth canal will increase disproportionately.

The so-called folk remedies for treating colpitis, vaginitis and other urogenital infections are ineffective, doctors assure. However, you can still try to address your problem to an experienced homeopath or naturopath.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I only know that this medicine is strong; I was once specifically prescribed Ecofemin after it to restore the microflora. It’s probably even dangerous for pregnant women to use it

From Guest

My vagina reacted very sharply to this drug; it never itched or burned like that before. You know, I just wanted to stick my hand in there and tear everything apart with my nails. The side effect lasted for about 2 hours, then, thank God, it calmed down. In general, as it turned out, the drug is possibly effective and works well, but alas, it is not suitable for everyone!

Hexicon during pregnancy is a universal drug, the action of which is aimed at preventing infection and treating inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, including sexually transmitted infections. During pregnancy, the protection of the immune system in a woman’s body decreases, and therefore the vaginal microflora changes, which can lead to the development of bacterial vaginosis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Hexicon suppositories, which are allowed to be used during pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor, can cope with the disease.

This drug neutralizes and destroys pathogenic microflora thanks to chlorhexidine, the active component that is included in its composition. This is an antiseptic to which many pathogens are sensitive.

It is active against gram-negative and gram-positive flora, including virus, trichomonas, candida fungus, ureaplasma and mycoplasma, chlamydia and treponema. Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy successfully treat bacterial vaginosis and many other diseases.

Candles are white, sometimes with a slight tint of yellow. Hexicon suppositories contain two active ingredients: chlorhexidine bigluconate and polyethylene oxide.

These components have a pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic effect, affecting the body gently but effectively. Thanks to chlorhexidine, protozoan microorganisms that cause sexually transmitted infections are quickly neutralized.

But at the same time, the active ingredients of the drug are ineffective against acid-resistant microflora (some viruses, fungi and bacteria), so self-medication and choosing the drug yourself without taking into account the pathogen is not recommended.

The greatest effectiveness of Hexicon is achieved at an early stage of the disease and for preventive purposes. The drug is completely eliminated from the body naturally through the digestive system and urine.

Hexicon suppositories begin to act when the number of lactobacilli decreases. The drug quickly eliminates the inflammatory process and reactions in the body caused by it (formation of mixed microflora, tissue swelling, itching, irritation of the mucous membrane, etc.). The product does not have pronounced activity against fungal infections, so it cannot lead to negative changes in the microflora.

Indications for use of Hexicon are:

  • initial stage of syphilis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • vaginitis;
  • an inflammatory process accompanied by the release of pus or blood;
  • preparation for childbirth.

Hexicon is available in two forms: vaginal suppositories (dosage 16 mg, 1 or 10 suppositories per package) and a solution of 0.05% (volume 100 ml, intended for external use). Suppositories during pregnancy are the most comfortable and safest form of release.

Use during pregnancy

A pregnant woman is susceptible to various infections. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, due to which the genitourinary system of the expectant mother primarily suffers. If the inflammation is not treated or treated late with inappropriate medications, there is a high risk of infection of the fetus.

Indications for use of the drug during pregnancy are:

  • disinfection of the vagina on the eve of childbirth if a woman has vaginosis or sexually transmitted diseases;
  • presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • disturbance of the vaginal microflora after cured bacterial or fungal infections;
  • prophylaxis after childbirth when suturing is applied to prevent inflammation and suppuration.

According to the instructions, Hexicon during pregnancy has a selective effect on pathogenic flora, without being absorbed into the body or entering the general bloodstream. That is, a negative impact on the course of pregnancy and the developing fetus is excluded.

Therefore, expectant mothers are allowed to use Hexicon even in the early stages of pregnancy. It is important to protect the unborn child by eliminating pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina in advance to prevent infection during labor.

The instructions for Hexicon suppositories state that during pregnancy, a woman should administer 1 suppository intravaginally in the morning and evening. The course of treatment can last from 7 to 10 days, depending on the recommendations of the attending physician.

If the need arises, for example, new discharge after using Hexicon during pregnancy, the specialist can extend the therapeutic course to 20 days. For prophylactic purposes against sexually transmitted infections, the drug is administered 1 suppository after unprotected sexual intercourse for 2 hours after it. The prescription of Hexicon immediately before childbirth is limited to 5 days of using the drug at night.

During the entire course of treatment with Hexicon suppositories, it is important to minimize toileting of the genitals and avoid sexual intercourse. The drug should not interact with soap and other surfactants. The fact is that Chlorhexidine is inactivated under their influence. You cannot use other vaginal medications at the same time as Hexicon, even if their principle of action is the same.

In addition, it is not recommended to use iodine-containing products and brilliant green solution simultaneously with the drug, otherwise the risk of local irritation of the mucous membranes increases. Contact of the drug with the mucous membrane of the eyes is not allowed.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of Hexicon during pregnancy are individual intolerance to the drug or hypersensitivity to it.

Side effects may include skin rashes, burning, itching and dryness of the vaginal mucosa. These signs of drug intolerance are reversible and go away on their own after discontinuation of the drug.

In general, Hexicon is considered a relatively safe drug, but sometimes, during its use, vaginal discharge mixed with blood appears. Such discharge indicates that the woman has increased sensitivity to this remedy or has certain contraindications.

Violation of the frequency of use and dosage of the drug can also cause such a reaction. If a woman has an increased number of leukocytes in her blood during pregnancy, then pale pink and brownish discharge in this case is considered normal.

Also, discharge when using Hexicon may indicate that a woman has bacterial vaginosis and. This is a dangerous condition that causes premature onset of labor or spontaneous miscarriage.

Sometimes Hexicon causes thrush. In any case, if any strange discharge appears, especially if there is blood in it, it is important to immediately consult with your doctor and change the drug.

Hexicon suppositories are suitable for treatment and prevention during pregnancy. Over the course of several years, this drug has proven itself on the positive side as an effective medication in the fight against inflammatory phenomena of the pelvic organs, sexually transmitted infections, thrush, etc.

It has been proven that Hexicon, unlike its analogues, does not cause disruption of the beneficial microflora of the vaginal mucosa. On the contrary, it restores the mucous membrane after damage. Therefore, doctors recommend using this drug during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Hexicon suppositories are not able to penetrate the general bloodstream and through the placental barrier, so they are considered harmless to the fetus. The only contraindication to their use is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

According to the instructions, Hexicon is allowed to be used in any trimester of pregnancy without risk to the unborn child. Only the attending physician can prescribe Hexicon suppositories.

Useful video about sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy

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