Hemorrhoids in women to which doctor? Therapeutic measures and recovery. What other doctor can cure hemorrhoids?

Recently, hemorrhoids have become a real life companion for many people.

This is a kind of fate that haunts them with a certain constant.

What to do? How to deal with it? In order to answer these simple questions you need to know its nature.

Unpleasant acquaintance

Hemorrhoids are a condition of the rectum that causes pain, inflammation, and bleeding from the anus.

Recently, this disease has become permanent. Statistics show that 40% of the population suffers from diseases of the rectum. This is mainly the working population.

Surprisingly, the majority of those suffering from hemorrhoids are men, and only a quarter of this fate is attributed to women.

Unfortunately, many of them go to the doctor only in emergency cases, because they are either embarrassed or prefer to endure it. And only the progression of the disease makes one think seriously about the cause and nature of the disease.

The purpose of this article is to provide the most complete information about specialists who can provide full medical care for hemorrhoids.

Briefly about the causes and symptoms

Only when faced with the disease itself does a person begin to think about the causes of its occurrence. It turns out that not only older people suffer from hemorrhoids; it is common to all age categories.

The reasons for its occurrence are varied:

  • lifestyle associated with sedentary work;
  • improper and irregular nutrition;
  • work involving heavy physical activity;
  • excessive consumption of spicy foods;
  • genetics;
  • failure to comply with safety regulations for certain sports.

In order to start treatment on time, it is necessary to know the symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  • feeling of discomfort in the rectal area;
  • heaviness during bowel movements;
  • discomfort in the anal area, reminiscent of a burning sensation;
  • the appearance of pain during bowel movements and physical activity;
  • development of constipation;
  • the formation of nodes and their protrusion outward;
  • presence of elevated temperature;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool.

Any pain in the rectal area should immediately alert you and force you to consult a specialist. If these requirements are ignored, the inflammatory process will develop further, the skin of the intestine will begin to deplete and this will cause the formation of hard-to-heal anal fissures.

From the newfound pain, it will seem to a person that life has ceased to exist. Isn't it easier to do everything on time?

When asked which doctor to contact for hemorrhoids and related diseases, the answer is simple: it should be a proctologist or coloproctologist. Only a specialist in his field can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Determining the cause of bleeding plays an important role, since this symptom can hide a large number of unpleasant diseases, which include oncology.

Proctologist or coloproctologist?

More recently, a doctor treating hemorrhoids was called a proctologist, and covered all diseases affecting the rectum.

According to the new nomenclature, the responsibilities of the proctologist were supplemented by the treatment of diseases of the colon.

It was from this time that a specialist in the treatment of hemorrhoids began to be called a coloproctologist.

Before examining a proctologist, it is necessary to carry out preliminary evening and morning bowel cleansing. The most effective method to date is an enema.

A backup option is a microenema with the drug Microlax, which must be done on the day of administration.

Items to take to your doctor's appointment:

  • napkins;
  • a disposable towel or diaper, which can be bought at a pharmacy kiosk.

Why shouldn't you be afraid of a coloproctologist?

There are many more reasons to see a doctor than to avoid it:

  1. The inspection is unpleasant, but necessary. Does not cause pain.
  2. In some cases, minor pain is possible, which is associated only with the patient’s negligence due to his late contact with a specialist. A highly qualified doctor will conduct a proper examination, and the amount of pain will be minimal.
  3. Do not be afraid that you will immediately be offered to resort to surgical intervention. This is unlikely. Modern treatment methods make it possible to cure hemorrhoids without surgery. In some cases, only the use of suppositories is sufficient.

Basic responsibilities and rights of a specialist

The responsibilities of a proctologist include:

An attending physician working in a hospital has the right:

  • admit the patient to the hospital and confirm the preliminary diagnosis;
  • carry out diagnostic measures;
  • prescribe the correct treatment and independently monitor its implementation;
  • change the treatment method at your discretion depending on the stage of the disease;
  • to give first aid;
  • a practicing coloproctologist surgeon has the right to perform surgery.

Any highly qualified coloproctologist should provide full consultation on the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The patient must independently understand what disease he has contracted, what caused it, whether it can be treated, and how his life must change further in order to completely cure the disease.

Doctors with positive energy are usually experts in their field.

Only this specialist has the right to perform the operation.

Typically, a specialist is consulted in cases where previous treatment has not brought any results and surgical intervention is required.

Who will help little patients?

Pediatric surgery deals with this age category. But get ready for the fact that the surgeon will not be the only specialist with whom you will have to collaborate in the process of treating and combating hemorrhoids.

You may be referred to a pediatrician and gastroenterologist for examination. This is necessary to reconstruct the full cause of the disease.

Who else can help?

Which doctor should a man or woman go to with hemorrhoids if there is no coloproctologist in the hospital?

Sometimes it happens. In small rural areas such specialists have never been seen. What should a patient do in this situation? Which doctor can he get qualified help from?

These doctors exist! In the absence of a proctologist, any patient can confidently turn to:

  • local therapist or family doctor;
  • gynecologist (if the woman is pregnant);
  • surgeon

Of course, a coloproctologist can provide the most complete consultation, but these doctors can also diagnose hemorrhoids and prescribe effective treatment.

Practice shows that these doctors, when treating hemorrhoids, use the classic treatment regimen and do not like to experiment.

Final argument

This information is for those who nevertheless ignored the article and decided to remain unconvinced.

Remember that self-treatment and treatment using grandmother’s methods are ineffective. There is little or no one who can write about the treatment of hemorrhoids; its therapy should be carried out exclusively by specialists in their field.

The lack of competent prescription for the treatment of hemorrhoids will contribute to its further progression, which will subsequently lead to many complications. Therefore, a trip to the doctor is inevitable!


To a proctologist or coloproctologist

Today, a specialist who deals with this type of disease is called a colonoproctologist. Until 1997, in domestic medicine there was only one specialist who treated hemorrhoids - a proctologist.

Later, the range of his responsibilities was expanded, and the profession began to be called a colonoproctologist. The doctor deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with the rectum and large intestine.

The main responsibilities of a colonoproctologist:

  1. Make a plan and conduct the necessary and timely examinations to make an accurate diagnosis.
  2. Determine the type of treatment required - conservative or surgical.
  3. If necessary, carry out preoperative preparation of the patient.
  4. Carry out postoperative measures for the fastest rehabilitation of the patient.
  5. Identify and prescribe anti-relapse measures.
  6. The specialist’s responsibilities include consultations and drawing up a risk group for pathology.

There are two types of specialization of a colonoproctologist:

  1. A surgeon is a specialist who provides urgent medical care.
  2. Therapist. Provides consultations and prescribes conservative treatment.

It should be remembered: the same doctor who treats hemorrhoids in women is the same in men.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

The disease is considered hereditary, but hemorrhoids can also be caused by poor diet, lifestyle, and intimate hygiene.

Having decided which doctor treats hemorrhoids, you need to pay attention to the presence or absence of the following symptoms:

  1. If blood, mucus or pus appears in the stool, then this is a “bell” that hemorrhoids are most likely progressing.
  2. The presence of the disease may be indicated by problematic defecation, which occurs in several stages, with pain. Pain can be observed even while sitting.
  3. A hemorrhoid or rectum may prolapse after straining.
  4. The disease is characterized by anemia, alternating constipation with liquid diarrhea.

If one or more symptoms are present, you should immediately go for examination.

Inspection Features

After the patient contacts the specialist treating hemorrhoids, he collects an anamnesis. After this, the doctor at the clinic examines the perianal area. You should not be afraid of doctors and such an examination: it does not cause any pain.

Many clinics conduct video diagnostics, which gives a complete picture of the condition of the rectum, the presence or absence of pathologies. And for patients, both men and women, such diagnostics do not cause any pain.

Who should be examined by a colonoproctologist?

Every woman who is in the last trimester of pregnancy needs to be examined by a proctologist. It is necessary to contact a specialist after the birth of the baby.

Naturally, if a person has undergone surgery to remove hemorrhoids, he will have to be periodically examined by a colonoproctologist.

Which doctor can you go to with hemorrhoids? As a rule, in a small city there is a small hospital where there is no full-time colonoproctologist. As a result, when it is not possible to go to a paid clinic, you can get advice from a gynecologist, therapist or surgeon.

Preparing for an examination with a doctor

First of all, when going to the proctologist for an examination, you need to calm down and cast aside all doubts and shyness.

The doctor who treats hemorrhoids will definitely ask about the nuances of nutrition, so first remember what kind of diet you have, whether you are fond of fried, sweet and spicy foods.

When visiting a doctor, tell everything honestly, for example:

  • do you do exercises, how physically active are you, do you walk;
  • Are there any bad habits?
  • what kind of work - sedentary or not;
  • about what kind of stool – dry or liquid, lumpy;
  • Information is also important about whether your parents had hemorrhoids and whether they suffered from varicose veins.

All this information can influence the correct diagnosis.

You must make an appointment in advance to see a doctor. It is recommended to take shoe covers and a diaper, although each medical institution has its own rules.

When preparing for a proposed hospitalization, when hemorrhoids worsened, and which doctor to go to, you know, take a minimum set of things and documents. You may need them at first.

Contacting a specialist requires early bowel movement. The procedure is performed once in the evening, the other in the morning. The most effective way to cleanse the intestines is an enema.

There are also special medications on sale, for example, Microlax, a microenema from which is given on the day of visiting the doctor. This is exactly the procedure that is performed before rectoscopy.

When may a referral to a colonoproctologist be necessary?

The patient is referred to a surgeon if conservative treatment does not help and the person’s condition worsens.

Don't be afraid of the surgeon. The specialist, first of all, looks and gives preliminary advice. Then inpatient treatment is carried out, and only if it does not produce results, a decision is made to perform surgery. As a rule, they are treated using minimally invasive treatment methods, but the patient will have to stay in the hospital for some time.

Basic methods and purposes in the treatment of hemorrhoids

There are three treatment options:

  • conservative;
  • minimally invasive;
  • surgical intervention.

At the first stage of the disease, hemorrhoids are very easy to treat using conservative methods. The specialist examines and determines which ointments, medications and suppositories should be prescribed. You will have to give up your previous bad habits, smoking and alcoholic beverages.

You will need to change your diet and constantly prevent stagnation. Simply put, you won’t be able to be lazy, you will need to go in for sports.

If the disease has developed into a chronic form, it is not always possible to cure it even with the help of minimally invasive treatment methods. Surgical intervention in the case of hemorrhoids is quite painful and is characterized by a long recovery period.

Today, medicine has come a long way in the field of proctology: there is where and who to turn to for the use of new methods that are not so painful and dangerous. For example, sclerotherapy, latex rings or photocoagulation of nodes are considered effective against hemorrhoids.

And in the countries of the European Union, only about 26% of patients, if they have advanced hemorrhoids, undergo surgical treatment.

Why is treatment with folk remedies dangerous?

Like any other disease, hemorrhoids are a dangerous disease and must be treated comprehensively. No one will argue that herbal tinctures or dietary supplements cannot alleviate the patient’s condition. However, to avoid the chronic form, such treatment will not be enough. Medicinal herbs can only reduce pain, but nothing more.

In addition, in any medicinal plant the active substance is in the very minimum concentration, and if the decoction is diluted with water, then there are even fewer of them.

It is impossible to treat hemorrhoids using alcohol tinctures, because the hemorrhoids are already weakened and are at the stage of inflammation, and alcohol can cause a burn, which will only lead to complications in the future.

The same can be said about ointments, in which it is recommended to put lard or butter. The extent to which such an ointment maintains the concentration of active and beneficial substances is unknown. Therefore, it is not recommended to use ointments made with folk remedies, especially since it is not even clear how much should be applied to achieve a positive effect.

As a result, most often treating hemorrhoids at home without consultation and supervision of specialists can worsen the course of the disease and lead to further complications.

In order not to waste time, you should not only know which doctor treats hemorrhoids, but also contact him in time for professional help.


Why do hemorrhoids occur?

The risk of developing the disease increases when exposed to the following unfavorable factors:

    Regular retention of stool (chronic constipation);

    Lack of physical activity;

    Features of professional activity (truck drivers, programmers, builders, salesmen, accountants, etc.);

    Lifting heavy objects;

    Adherence to various dietary patterns;

    Passion for certain sports;

    Hereditary predisposition;

    Errors in the diet (consumption of spicy and fatty foods), alcoholism.

Which doctor should I go to for hemorrhoids?

A person who has noticed bloody discharge from his anus, having discovered nodes and lumps there, will, for obvious reasons, ask the question: is this hemorrhoids? Only a doctor can dispel doubts, but to do this you need to know which doctor to go to with hemorrhoids.

The fact that the patient has manifested hemorrhoids will be indicated by such signs as: prolapse of nodes of varying degrees of severity, pain during movement and in a sitting position. In this case, the pain may not bother the person much, manifesting itself only in unpleasant sensations.

If you experience one or more of the listed symptoms, do not postpone your visit to the doctor. The doctor you should contact for hemorrhoids is called a coloproctologist or proctologist. This is a highly specialized doctor who can competently understand the existing problem, find out and eliminate the causes of hemorrhoids.

Every person who detects blood in their stool should remember that hemorrhoids can often be confused with other serious diseases of the rectum, for example, anal fissure or cancer.

Not so long ago, a specialist who treated hemorrhoids and other pathologies of the rectum was called a proctologist. Now the scope of activity of a proctologist has expanded and his competence includes the treatment of diseases of the colon. In this regard, the nomenclature of specialties was revised and at this point in time, a specialist involved in the treatment of hemorrhoids is called a coloproctologist.

    How to prepare for a doctor's examination? Before visiting a coloproctologist, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory measures. First of all, this concerns cleansing the intestines. To do this, you should give an enema. For high-quality cleansing, an enema is given twice in the evening and after sleep. As an option, use the drug Microlax in the form of microenemas. The procedure is performed once - in the morning, on the day of the visit to the specialist. Bowel cleansing is mandatory for performing rectoscopy.

    Can there be hemorrhoids without blood? At the first stage of development of the disease, blood loss may be absent. However, bleeding is a symptom specific to hemorrhoids and can be quite heavy. Blood appears even with internal hemorrhoids, however, this is not the only sign of the disease.

    Can hemorrhoids go away on their own? The disease cannot go away on its own. Moreover, nodes without therapy are prone to constant growth. Treatment with folk remedies can only somewhat slow down the pathological process, as well as reduce its symptoms.

    Is pain inevitable after hemorrhoid surgery? Modern surgery can treat this pathology of the rectum using minimally invasive operations. Nodes can be removed without pain or other unpleasant consequences of the operation.

    For pain in the anus - a diagnosis of hemorrhoids? Pain in the anus does not always indicate hemorrhoids. Sometimes there is no pain at all, and begins to bother a person only in the later stages of the development of the disease. They usually occur when the nodes become inflamed and fall out. Pain in the rectum can indicate a variety of diseases. Finding out the cause of their occurrence is within the competence of a coloproctologist.

    Is an examination by a coloproctologist always painful? Pain can only occur when the patient has certain intestinal pathologies. Against the background of complete health, the examination by this specialist is painless.

    Are hemorrhoids a disease of older people? Statistics clearly indicate that the disease often occurs in people under 30 years of age. However, hemorrhoids are often diagnosed in patients over 45 years of age. The first symptoms of the disease may occur at a young age, and as maturity approaches, hemorrhoids will progress.

    Can hemorrhoids be treated with laxatives? Getting rid of constipation does not mean getting rid of hemorrhoids. In addition, diarrhea can only provoke the development of the disease.

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Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies?

Treatment with herbs and dietary supplements can alleviate the patient’s condition in the initial stages of pathology development. However, therapy must be carried out in combination.

You should not try to get rid of hemorrhoids on your own. It has been proven that the nodes will increase in size as the disease progresses; their reverse growth is impossible. In addition, if the rules of dietary nutrition are not followed, if there is a tendency to constipation, the disease will worsen again and again. The longer a person delays visiting a doctor, the higher the risk that conservative treatment alone will not be enough and that surgery will have to be resorted to.

How should hemorrhoids be treated?

Only a doctor can prescribe treatment. It is impossible to select the optimal therapeutic regimen without seeing the patient, without having information about his state of health, etc. Treatment of hemorrhoids is an individual process, it depends on many factors: the stage of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies, the nature and causes of the disease, etc.

In an outpatient setting, it is possible to implement the following modern methods of treating hemorrhoids:

    Photocoagulation of nodes;



    In European countries and the USA, no more than 25% of patients with hemorrhoids undergo surgery; the remaining patients manage to get rid of the problem thanks to modern minimally invasive treatment methods.


1Stages of the disease

There is a hereditary predisposition to hemorrhoids. In addition, hemorrhoids are promoted by:

  • overweight, obesity;
  • sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle;
  • intense physical work;
  • chronic stress;
  • infectious intestinal diseases;
  • bowel irregularities, constipation and diarrhea;
  • a diet with a lot of foods that irritate the rectum;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine;
  • insufficiency of venous blood supply to the lower part of the body, disruption of the venous outflow of blood from the pelvic organs and rectum;
  • tumors and inflammatory processes in the intestines.

Hemorrhoids in men are often combined with an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, so men should go to a urologist and proctologist with hemorrhoids.

In women, hemorrhoids are especially common during pregnancy, just like varicose veins in the lower half of the body. To prevent hemorrhoids from affecting the course of labor, you need to consult a gynecologist about this. By what symptoms can a person suspect hemorrhoids? There are 4 stages of this disease.

  1. The first stage is the easiest. Internal, deep-lying venous vessels are affected. Externally, the violation is invisible, the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations. The formation of hemorrhoids begins on the inside of the rectum. As the condition worsens, itching in the anus and discomfort during bowel movements appear. Only a proctologist can detect hemorrhoids at an early stage. Treatment is painless and quick, using sclerotherapy or photocoagulation.
  2. Second stage. The victim complains of burning and itching in the anogenital area, difficulty and pain during defecation. Blood may appear on toilet paper and underwear from anal fissures or injuries to hemorrhoids. The nodes begin to protrude; a person can detect external manifestations of hemorrhoids on their own. As the disease worsens, the nodes fall out during bowel movements. Bowel movement is accompanied by pain, blood and mucus discharge. These symptoms may indicate not only hemorrhoids, but also rectal cancer, proctitis, and intestinal polyposis. What is the name of the doctor who treats all diseases of the rectum? Proctologist, and according to new medical terminology, coloproctologist. After diagnosis, if tumors are found, the help of a surgeon or oncologist will be required. Conservative methods of treating stage 2 hemorrhoids include ligation and sclerotherapy.
  3. The third stage of hemorrhoids. The more the veins subside, the more the nodes protrude. At the third stage, you can straighten the knot only with the help of your hands; it just won’t retract. During physical activity, for example, when lifting a heavy object, the knots fall out and create a lot of inconvenience. Defecation is accompanied by pain, bleeding, and after defecation the patient suffers from burning, stinging and discomfort in the rectum. Conservative treatment carried out by a proctologist may no longer help at this stage. What is the name of the doctor who treats external hemorrhoids? Surgeon-proctologist. He performs node resection, an operation to remove all pathologically deformed areas of the rectum.
  4. The last stage of hemorrhoids. The knots fall out at the slightest tension in the abdominal muscles. It’s impossible to straighten the knots even by hand. Blood clots form in the venous vessels, blockage of small vessels occurs, and tissue death occurs.

Hemorrhoids are a progressive disease; without treatment, each victim moves at an individual speed towards the 4th stage. To avoid adverse consequences, you need to contact a coloproctologist who treats hemorrhoids. How are hemorrhoids treated at each stage? Is it possible to use traditional medicine methods?

2Incorrect actions and complications

You should not use any products that contain irritating or corrosive substances to the rectal mucosa to treat hemorrhoids. Among the recipes of traditional medicine there are many dangerous and harmful:

  • Do not inject laundry or any other soap into the rectum;
  • you cannot make enemas from vodka, tinctures of medicinal plants and other solutions containing alcohol;
  • Do not use onion juice, garlic juice or hot pepper tincture for lubrication;
  • It is undesirable to introduce cucumbers, carrots and other vegetables into the rectum: there will definitely be no benefit for the treatment of varicose veins;
  • It is completely pointless to apply raw potatoes, burdock leaves and other plants to hemorrhoids.

Folk recipes have become widespread among illiterate people because of their cheapness. Currently, pharmacology provides many inexpensive, very effective and safe drugs for hemorrhoids. And those patients who rub their anus with onion juice and hot pepper are admitted to the ambulance with burns to the rectal mucosa. Caustic substances cause severe pain and do not provide any progress in recovery. If hemorrhoids appear, which doctor will choose quality treatment? Only coloproctologist. Improper treatment of hemorrhoids leads to the following complications:

  1. Vein thrombosis. The veins sag, and in places where the walls protrude, blood stagnates and quickly clots. Blood clots block blood vessels. The surrounding tissues begin to experience oxygen starvation. An acute inflammatory process occurs. Without immediate qualified help, tissue death begins.
  2. Eczema and ulcers. Necrotic changes lead to the appearance of wounds on the mucous membrane and on the skin in the anogenital area. Ulcers take a long time to heal, cause excruciating pain and serve as open gates for infection.
  3. Fistulas in the anogenital area. The inflammatory process occurs with the separation of pus. To allow pus to escape from the deep layers of tissue, fistulas are formed - passages through which pus flows out under pressure. Chronic and non-healing fistulas cause extreme pain in the victim.

To protect yourself from these extremely unpleasant consequences, you need to visit a medical facility in a timely manner. Which doctor should I go to if hemorrhoids are already in an advanced stage? A coloproctologist will help. How does a doctor treat hemorrhoids?

3Therapeutic measures and recovery

At stages 1-2 you can still do without surgery. So that the patient can empty his bowels without pain and discomfort, rectal suppositories are prescribed. All medications for hemorrhoids can be divided into 3 groups according to the active ingredient:

  1. Pain-relieving suppositories. Contains lidocaine, anesthesin, benzocaine, neomycin. Eliminate burning, irritation and itching, relieve painful sensitivity. The use of lidocaine suppositories should not exclude a proper diet. For those suffering from hemorrhoids, only neutral, non-fatty foods are suitable. A typical mistake made by many patients using lidocaine suppositories is that as soon as the pain goes away, they forget about the diet. As a result, hemorrhoids quickly progress to a more severe stage. Examples of pain-relieving suppositories: Relief Advance, Olestezin, Nigepan, Proctosedyl M, Emla.
  2. Thrombolytic suppositories. The main complication of hemorrhoids is thromboembolism, the formation of attached and freely detachable blood clots. To prevent blockage of blood vessels, suppositories include substances that prevent blood clotting. Rectal suppositories with heparin and heparin ointment are currently considered the best preventive measures against thrombosis. Examples of drugs: Hepatrombin G, Nigepan.
  3. To stop bleeding. Discharge of blood from the rectum may indicate a tumor or polyps, so if you have such a symptom, you should definitely go to a doctor who treats hemorrhoids and other diseases of the rectum - a coloproctologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and the cause of the illness will become clear. A large number of people die from colorectal cancer because they were not screened on time. To narrow blood vessels and stop bleeding, drugs such as Relief and Procto-glivenol are used.

It is not advisable to use medications without consulting a doctor. Which doctor treats hemorrhoids and prescribes medications? Only proctologist. Most manufacturers use a combined composition of suppositories, that is, the drug simultaneously contains analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-irritation components. The doctor will help you choose the best option for each patient.

4Advanced disease

Proper treatment of hemorrhoids at stages 2 and subsequent is not limited only to rectal suppositories. If hemorrhoids bulge outward and fall out, surgery is recommended. Main directions:

  1. Ligation. Using a latex ring, the deformed vein is compressed so that the blood supply to the node is cut off. As a result, the tissues die and are rejected. The entire process takes from 2 to 3 weeks. Blood flow is directed through healthy vessels.
  2. Sclerotherapy. Pathologically deformed veins are blocked and blood is directed through the least damaged vessels. This method has contraindications; sclerotherapy is not used for hemorrhoids complicated by infections or acute inflammatory processes. Each hemorrhoids are complicated by infections over time, so at the 4th stage other methods are selected.
  3. Photocoagulation. The hemorrhoid is exposed to infrared radiation to reduce bleeding, constrict blood vessels and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Resection. Surgical removal of a section of the rectal mucosa that is located above the nodes. Due to this, the blood supply to the node is suspended, the node stops growing, and then dies.
  5. Hemorrhoidectomy. The simplest and most effective method. It is usually used at the 4th stage of hemorrhoids. All nodes are surgically removed with suturing. The operation has contraindications, so a preliminary examination is carried out.

Hemorrhoids in men are in most cases accompanied by varicose veins of the spermatic cord. Which doctor should I see for hemorrhoids and varicocele? You will need the help of a urologist and proctologist. In the later stages, both diseases can only be treated surgically, therefore, in order to avoid surgical intervention, you should take care of your health as early as possible.


Anyone who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle needs to think about prevention. The formation of hemorrhoids occurs gradually; at first, a person is unaware of the impending problem.

Which doctor should I contact for hemorrhoids that are already making themselves felt? To a qualified proctologist. Poor blood supply to the lower part of the body leads not only to hemorrhoids, but also to a number of diseases of the pelvic organs. If hemorrhoids have already occurred, in order to stop the progression of the disease, you need to regularly ensure blood flow to the anogenital area using simple exercises:

  • squeeze and relax the sphincter at a fast and slow pace;
  • keep the sphincter compressed for 10-15 seconds;
  • perform pushing and pulling movements with the sphincter.

If you exercise for at least 10-20 minutes daily, you can prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids and stop the pathological process that has already begun.


Who should I contact first?

A proctologist is a fairly narrow specialization, and not every hospital can meet a specialist in this profile. In this case, you must first contact a therapist - and he will already refer the woman to a doctor, depending on the specifics of the disease. It can be noted right away that in this case it is useless to contact a gynecologist; treatment of hemorrhoids is not the specialization of a doctor in this area.

If the process is acute, then the therapist can refer the woman to a surgeon. A phlebologist (vascular doctor) is also competent in this matter. This is due to the fact that inflammation of hemorrhoids is directly related to pathologies of the veins of the colon.

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is important for a woman to visit a nutritionist who can recommend a gentle diet in order to prevent constipation, which often causes exacerbations of hemorrhoids.

Of course, the best option is to immediately make an appointment with a proctologist. He will be able to carry out all diagnostic measures, prescribe effective treatment, and if the need arises, then refer the woman to other specialists. Many are sure that a doctor who treats hemorrhoids in women is necessarily a man. Due to excessive shyness, women are afraid to contact a specialist, worry that they will be uncomfortable at the appointment, and are ashamed of their problem. In fact, for a doctor, the most important task is to help the person who turned to him. As they often say, doctors have no gender; they see a patient with a specific problem and consider all options for solving it.

If a woman cannot overcome herself, you can always find a female doctor. The most important thing is that the doctor is a true professional in his field and helps eliminate hemorrhoids forever.

Briefly about the responsibilities of a doctor

The specialization of a coloproctologist is diagnosis, treatment, as well as taking preventive measures to prevent diseases of the lower intestine, rectum and colon, anorectal area, and anus. Today, doctors use the most modern equipment, which allows them to correctly establish a diagnosis and, therefore, prescribe effective therapy.

The specialization of a proctologist is deservedly considered one of the most difficult professions. The responsibilities of such a doctor include not only the ability to recognize and cure diseases. Also, the proctologist must have knowledge in oncological, venereological, and gynecological fields. However, this is not enough. Due to the fact that proctology is a very specific activity, the doctor must be sensitive, attentive, and careful. It is important that the specialist can find an individual approach to the woman. Not every patient can overcome her shyness and talk about the problem - and this means that the proctologist must also help her with this.

Symptoms that require consultation with a proctologist

So, we have already found out what the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids in women is. Now let’s figure out in what cases it is necessary to visit a proctologist.

The very first signs of rectal disease:

  • diarrhea;
  • discharge from the anus of unknown etiology;
  • incontinence;
  • the appearance of blood from the anus.

All these symptoms indicate that there are already some problems, and they need to be eliminated as quickly as possible. The disease itself will not go away, hemorrhoids can only subside for a while, but without proper treatment, the acute form will turn into a chronic form, and then the disease will be very difficult to cure. During the consultation, the proctologist will create a trusting atmosphere, find out what exactly the problem is, and conduct an examination.

You should also consult a doctor if:

  • troubled by pain in the rectum;
  • anal fissures appeared;
  • constipation is accompanied by the appearance of blood from the anus;
  • hemorrhoids often occur in women during pregnancy and after childbirth - therefore, at this time it is also necessary to carefully monitor your condition;
  • flatulence and colitis can also cause hemorrhoids.

You need to tell the doctor about everything - even about seemingly insignificant things. For example, tenderness in the lower abdomen, abnormal bowel movements, lack of appetite and weight loss are all factors that can play an important role in the diagnosis. You also need to report the presence of allergic reactions (if any), pregnancy, and taking pharmacological agents.

Do I need to prepare for the appointment?

At the appointment, the doctor will definitely conduct a conversation (collecting an anamnesis), and, if necessary, a digital examination and sigmoidoscopy. The last diagnostic measure is necessary in order to find out whether there are foci of inflammation, neoplasms and other pathologies of the lower intestine. There is no need to be afraid of the examination - a good doctor will carry out all manipulations painlessly and carefully.

Before going to the proctologist, the patient will need to prepare in advance.

It is necessary to cleanse the intestines - for this you can give an enema or use laxatives. At least three days before the examination, you need to exclude all foods that can cause bloating:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • roots;
  • milk;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • black bread, etc.

Perineal hygiene also plays an important role. Before going to the doctor, it is important to thoroughly rinse the anorectal area - for this you can use any suitable cosmetic product.


Who treats hemorrhoids in men?

In medicine, there are specialists such as proctologist and coloproctologist, who, in fact, deal with one specialization - problems of the anorectal area. The fact is that in 1977, a decision was made in domestic medicine to comply with international standards and requirements. Therefore, the specialty of proctologist was renamed coloproctologist.

A coloproctologist is both a male and female doctor. You should contact him if the following disorders are observed:

  • if there are problems with emptying the rectum - constipation and diarrhea of ​​a prolonged nature;
  • if there is discomfort in the anus, as well as in the rectum, especially after bowel movement, when the feeling of a foreign body in the anus persists;
  • in case of hemorrhoids coming out or rectal prolapse during defecation;
  • if a person begins to notice that mucous or bloody discharge comes from his anus;
  • in the presence of pain, itching and similar discomfort in the anus and inside the rectum.

All these signs are symptoms of dangerous diseases such as hemorrhoids and rectal tumors. Therefore, you need to know the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids and make an appointment with this specialist in order to undergo an examination and exclude the possibility of a cancerous tumor.

Appointment with a coloproctologist

The specialist first conducts an examination and asks a number of questions that interest him, which will help determine the symptoms. The patient must remember, and if possible, then provide medical documents about what diseases he has. Based on this, the coloproctologist will be able to prescribe a diagnosis.

Before going to the doctor, the body must be prepared for this. To do this, a cleansing enema is performed in the evening and morning on the day of admission. For this procedure you will need an Esmarch mug, boiled water (1 liter) and Vaseline. The patient is placed on his knees and elbows, a mug pre-filled with water is fixed at a height of 1.5 meters. Before inserting the tip into the anus, lubricate it with ointment and open it a little to let out excess air.

You must have a clean towel and wet wipes with you at your appointment. At the end of the examination, the doctor will draw up a course of treatment.

If the patient promptly found out the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids and did not hesitate to turn to him for help, then getting rid of the problem will be much faster. The initial stages are always easier to stop than to wait for serious development and then remove hemorrhoids through surgery. First of all, the fight is against the reasons that caused this situation, otherwise hemorrhoids may return over time.

It is important to know that during the course of taking medications, a man must comply with the following requirements:

  1. completely give up bad habits - alcohol and smoking;
  2. do not neglect sports;
  3. adjust your diet;
  4. monitor the condition of your vascular and digestive systems.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at the initial stage is successfully treated through conservative medicine, but if the disease is in an advanced stage or medications do not have the desired effect, then a coloproctologist may prescribe surgery. But the treatment method is chosen only after a thorough diagnosis.

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine the stage and form of hemorrhoids, a specialist can use the following diagnostic methods:

Palpation. The coloproctologist carries out this diagnosis at the first appointment, when the anorectal area is examined using the fingers.

  1. Sigmoidoscopy. This method allows you to accurately determine the progress of the disease. It uses special equipment that allows you to examine the rectum and lower part of the sigmoid colon from the inside.
  2. Anoscopy. Using an anoscope, an internal examination of the lower intestine is performed.
  3. Colonoscopy. Aimed at diagnosing the inside of the large intestine.

In parallel with instrumental methods, the patient will need to have stool and blood tested.

Depending on what the results show, the coloproctologist may prescribe one or another treatment. In order to alleviate the patient’s condition, the doctor performs the following manipulations:

If hemorrhoids are in the acute stage, conservative treatment methods are used. Since the patient constantly experiences pain in the anus, he is given general and local anesthesia. For such purposes, Ketonal, Diclofenac or Movalis can be used. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which can be used in the form of dressings treated with ointment (Vishnevsky ointment, “Gepatrombin”), or in the form of tablets for internal use.

If the patient experiences bleeding, they are treated with adrenaline-containing suppositories.

For stages 1 and 2 of hemorrhoids, minimally invasive methods are used. But if there are cracks, thrombosis or inflammatory processes in the perineum, the doctor should not prescribe such treatment.

In advanced stages and chronic forms, more radical methods of treatment are used - sclerotherapy, photocoagulation, cryodestruction, infrared coagulation and ring ligation. Each method involves its own effect on hemorrhoids.

If none of the above methods help, the patient is referred for surgery.

Regardless of the scale of the disease, a man’s diet must be adjusted so that his meals contain fiber. It is also worth giving up products that strengthen for a while.

To prevent the disease from returning, it is worth remembering the following recommendations:

  • if the work involves constant sitting, it is necessary to take short breaks for physical exercise;
  • a daily shower with thorough washing of the anorectal area is mandatory (preferably with cool water);
  • control your diet;
  • immediate response in situations of constipation;
  • in the evening and in the morning you need to perform exercises to train the pelvic muscles.

If you experience any discomfort in the anorectal area, you should immediately ask which doctor to contact. Otherwise, such a disease can lead to bleeding from the rectum, blood clots and paraproctitis, when rotting of nearby tissues begins. All these complications not only bring discomfort to the patient, but also pose a certain threat to life. Therefore, maybe it’s still worth putting aside your embarrassment and making an appointment with a coloproctologist? After all, your own health is more valuable.


The most important information in the article: “What is the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids?” and correct interpretation.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids? This question arises for every person faced with the symptoms of such a delicate and unpleasant disease.

At first, patients are embarrassed to contact a specialist, since it is not customary to tell either family or even professional doctors about hemorrhoidal disease.

Meanwhile, delaying treatment can lead to worsening of the condition, increased symptoms and the development of complications. That is why proctology patients need to know which doctor to go to with hemorrhoids and what awaits them during the treatment process.

In the initial stages, varicose hemorrhoidal veins practically do not bother patients, occasionally reminding themselves of drops of blood on toilet paper, itching sensations, and discomfort in the rectal canal.

Most often, those patients who experience pronounced signs of the disease:

  • unbearable pain syndrome;
  • massive bleeding;
  • prolapse of nodules.

Moreover, before visiting the proctology office, patients themselves try to get rid of hemorrhoids by using suppositories and ointments. However, their choice is not always verified and corresponds to the characteristics of the pathological process.

A patient’s visit during an exacerbation makes it much more difficult to carry out diagnostic procedures, since most hardware examinations prohibited due to:

  • delivering unpleasant and even painful sensations to the patient;
  • high risk of aggravation of the abnormal process due to mechanical impact on the anus.

In such a situation, the doctor treating acute hemorrhoids initially relieves the symptoms of exacerbation, and only then prescribes the necessary diagnostic procedures and therapeutic or surgical measures.

If hemorrhoids no longer show acute symptoms, this does not mean that they have gone away on their own. The disease has become chronic, so if unfavorable factors occur, another exacerbation is possible.

That is why, at the first signs of varicose hemorrhoidal veins, it is necessary not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist who will determine all the nuances of further treatment.

Which doctor should I contact for hemorrhoids?

So, it is necessary to treat hemorrhoidal disease in order to prevent possible worsening of the condition and the occurrence of various negative consequences. All that remains is to understand who to contact if unpleasant symptoms develop.

A doctor who professionally treats hemorrhoids is called a proctologist, or coloproctologist. There is an opinion among patients that the latter is dealing with something else - for example, more serious conditions. However, this point of view is largely erroneous.

Proctologist and coloproctologist are names of the same medical profession. In the late 90s, the Russian Ministry of Health brought the name of the specialization “proctology” into line with international standards.

Since that time, it has been customary to call the science and field of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of diseases of the colon, anal canal and pararectal area proctology.

Accordingly, a specialist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of these pathological conditions, including those specializing in hemorrhoids, can equally likely be called a proctologist or a coloproctologist.

In general, the responsibilities of a proctologist, who can work both in a clinic and a specialized medical institution, are the same. In accordance with job descriptions, the physician must:

  • receive patients in the office and conduct consultations;
  • prescribe and carry out special diagnostic procedures (manual examination, using instruments), other additional examinations;
  • establish an accurate diagnosis after carrying out diagnostic measures and studying anamnestic data;
  • prescribe conservative treatment for hemorrhoids (and other proctological diseases) to the patient;
  • carry out various surgical procedures, determine the features of the rehabilitation period;
  • monitor the course of the disease, adjust (if necessary) the therapeutic course.

Medical practice demonstrates that each case of hemorrhoidal disease is individual.

In each patient, the course of the disease differs in the provoking factor, severity of symptoms, and the presence/absence of contraindications. That's why you need to take an individual approach.

Responsibilities of a coloproctologist surgeon

A few words need to be said about the proctologist who performs the duties of a surgeon. This is a more subtle specialization that places serious demands on the doctor.

Patients are usually sent to the surgical department only when conservative methods of therapy have not brought the desired results, and the person’s well-being begins to rapidly deteriorate.

Thus, to the question of which doctor treats complicated hemorrhoids in the last stages of the pathological process, there is only one answer - a proctologist surgeon. The expert objectively assesses the patient’s condition and chooses the most preferable surgical treatment method.

A specialist, taking into account the complexity of the case and the stage of hemorrhoidal disease, can perform the following activities:

  • surgical interventions in an outpatient setting. In this case, the patient leaves the medical facility almost immediately after the procedure. This usually occurs with minimally invasive hemorrhoid treatment techniques;
  • classic hemorrhoidectomy in an inpatient setting, when the patient needs to lie in the ward for several days after the operation so that the wound surfaces heal a little;
  • prescribing special pharmaceuticals and alternative medicine recipes that will reduce the duration of the rehabilitation period and speed up the patient’s recovery.

Due to the deeper specificity and high requirements for the qualifications of doctors, proctological surgeons are most often found only in regional and regional central medical institutions.

What other doctor can cure hemorrhoids?

Many patients living in the outback are worried that it is not always possible to contact a proctologist, since such specialized specialists are not available in every clinic.

If hemorrhoids develop, which doctor should I contact? This will depend on the staffing level of a particular medical institution. The patient can use the services the following doctors:

  • therapist. Naturally, this specialist is simply not able to conduct a high-quality medical examination of the rectal canal, however, based on the symptoms, he can prescribe medications that will relieve the aggravation and alleviate the condition. Then the therapist will write out a referral to a proctologist;
  • surgeon. The doctor can carry out certain diagnostic measures (nonspecific), also determine the initial treatment regimen and give a referral to a specialized proctology office;
  • gynecologist. A “female” doctor regularly encounters signs of hemorrhoids, especially in expectant mothers. That is why the question of which doctor treats hemorrhoids in pregnant women can be answered this way: including a gynecologist.

Of course, in case of hemorrhoidal disease, it is better to contact a specialized specialist - a coloproctologist. However, under certain conditions, you can make an appointment with the above-mentioned medical professionals.

Necessary diagnostic procedures

The patient's appointment should begin with the collection and study of anamnestic data. A coloproctologist or other specialist needs to listen to the patient’s complaints, understand when the initial signs appeared and in what ways the person tried to eliminate the disease before going to the doctor.

In addition, the physician needs to identify the factors that provoke hemorrhoidal disease, and then, if possible, eliminate them from the patient’s life.

Hemorrhoids in men and women usually occur in the same way, but the triggers may be different. Thus, it is more common for a man to abuse alcohol and lift weights, while a woman is more likely to suffer from the disease during pregnancy and childbirth.

Then the doctor conducts a visual examination, which is especially informative for external hemorrhoids. You can also detect internal cavernous formations that have come out.

But with internal hemorrhoids, the nodules are located deep in the rectal canal, which is why they cannot be detected during a standard examination, unless, of course, they begin to fall out of the rectum.

In such a situation, the doctor uses the palpation method. Wearing gloves, the proctologist feels the walls of the rectal canal. With severe hemorrhoids, the nodules become dense and increased in size, so they can be easily detected by digital examination.

To clarify the diagnosis (and varicose anal veins are not the only disease accompanied by pain and bleeding from the rectum), a more in-depth, instrumental study is required.

These examination methods include:

  • anoscopy. The proctologist, “armed” with an anoscope, examines the mucous membrane of the rectal canal to a depth of 10-12 centimeters from the anal ring;
  • sigmoidoscopy. This method examines more distant areas of the lower intestine (approximately 25 centimeters) using a device called a rectoscope;
  • colonoscopy for hemorrhoids. This method is a variant of endoscopy, in which the doctor examines the features of the lower part of the digestive tract using a special probe;
  • irrigoscopy. With this type of x-ray, a special contrast solution is used to obtain images of the mucous membrane of the rectal canal.

The specialist decides which method to choose to establish an accurate conclusion, focusing on the features of the clinical picture of the pathological process.

How to prepare for the appointment?

So, now it’s clear which doctor treats hemorrhoids. All that remains is to figure out what you should take with you to the proctology office.

First of all, you will need to capture:

  • standard set of documents (policy, medical card, certificates);
  • a diaper (it must be placed on the chair during examination);
  • shoe covers.

In case of aggravated hemorrhoids or at the last stage of the disease (when the process has started), you should prepare for hospitalization. Therefore, the patient should take with him things (clothing, hygiene items) that may be needed in the ward.

Since the above-described studies are carried out when visiting a coloproctologist, before the visit you need to empty your bowels: naturally, with an enema, or with a laxative medication.

It is best not to eat anything before your appointment, as the doctor may send you for a blood test.

Determination of therapy method

The choice of the preferred treatment regimen is influenced by several important conditions. So, the doctor will be guided certain factors, including:

  • degree of pathological process;
  • form of the disease - acute or chronic;
  • localization of cavernous formations - external or internal;
  • the presence of complications and concomitant diseases;
  • patient's age;
  • individual characteristics of the body (allergies, weakness, etc.).

At the very beginning of the disease, only conservative therapy is used. The specialist prescribes venotonics that eliminate vascular weakness, local medications - rectal suppositories, ointments and creams.

A qualified doctor will not base a therapeutic course on dubious drugs that have not been licensed. In addition, the doctor will try to avoid referral for surgery.

If drug treatment does not help, the doctor prescribes minimally invasive surgical techniques, among which are especially popular methods such as:

  • ligation with latex rings;
  • disarterization;
  • cryotherapy;
  • sclerotherapy for hemorrhoids;
  • laser coagulation.

In the case of severe forms of proctological disease and complications, serious operations are prescribed - open or closed hemorrhoidectomy. However, they are used less and less often, since they are characterized by high trauma.

Why doesn't the disease go away?

Sometimes patients, even after visiting a proctologist, do not notice any visible improvements. Varicose veins continue to bother you, and signs of complications begin to appear.

This can happen for reasons such as:

  • low qualification of the specialist (therapy does not take into account the degree of the disease, incorrectly selected medications);
  • non-compliance by the patient with medical instructions (for example, the patient does not dare to engage in physical exercise, does not comply with the mandatory course of treatment);
  • characteristics of the body (chronic venous insufficiency does not allow you to completely get rid of negative symptoms).

In addition, some patients are keen on unconventional methods of therapy, which are largely useless in severe cases of varicose hemorrhoidal veins.

The question of what is the name of the doctor who helps with hemorrhoids is really relevant. An experienced proctologist will determine the degree and type of disease, detect complications and select the correct methods of therapy.

Self-medication is a dangerous and unproductive path. It’s easier to trust doctors and forget about negative symptoms than to fight pain and bleeding from the rectum on your own.

Hemorrhoids are treated by a coloproctologist or proctologist. There are known diseases for which patients are in no hurry to go to medical institutions. Hemorrhoids are among them. A common reason for reluctance to get help is shyness. I don’t want to talk about sensitive problems to a stranger. Many people do not know who to turn to for hemorrhoids and try to get rid of unpleasant symptoms on their own. The result of “false modesty” is hospital treatment and surgery.

Hemorrhoids are a common disease characterized by varicose veins in the rectum and the formation of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids often occur in young people and children. Primary causes of the disease:

  • Sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • Bad habits – smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • Fad diets leading to problems with peristalsis;
  • Poor nutrition. Eating fatty, fried, spicy foods. Consumption of foods containing coarse fiber;
  • Some sports and professional activities involving heavy lifting;
  • Genetic predisposition.

Reasons to see a doctor:

  • The appearance of bloody discharge from the anus;
  • Itching, burning in the rectum, near the anus;
  • Painful sensations;
  • Prolapse of nodes from the rectum;
  • Feeling of discomfort when walking, heaviness, presence of a foreign body in the rectum.

If you notice these symptoms, contact a medical facility. Hemorrhoids develop quickly: from the first stage, which can be treated with medication, it passes into the second and third, where surgical intervention is necessary. These symptoms are signs of hemorrhoids and other pathologies. Indicate proctitis (inflammation of the rectum), polyps, cancer.

Proctologist and coloproctologist

Proctology is a science that studies diseases of the rectum. In recent decades, problems of the large intestine have been added to the field of interest. It began to be called coloproctology, the doctor is called a coloproctologist. Science is a subdivision of surgery. Coloproctologists use conservative and surgical methods for treatment. A coloproctologist is a therapist, anesthesiologist, and surgeon rolled into one. Treats patients with understanding and respect, listens carefully, tries to examine and treat carefully and delicately.

Clinics do not always have a coloproctologist on staff. Applies to medical institutions in small towns. Contact your general practitioner. The therapist will prescribe medication to alleviate the patient's condition. It is better to contact a surgeon - hemorrhoids will be cured and operated on.

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the venous vessels. It would be useful to consult a phlebologist - a doctor who treats blood vessels. We recommend that you make an appointment with a nutritionist and get recommendations on your diet and regimen.

Preparing to visit the doctor

It is necessary to prepare for a visit to a coloproctologist. It is advisable to come on an empty stomach - the doctor will order blood tests. The doctor will conduct an examination and will need to empty the intestines. Enemas are given the evening before and on the morning of the appointment. Use ready-made Microlax microenemas. Bring a towel, wet wipes, and shoe covers to your appointment.

You need to prepare in advance for answers regarding diet, lifestyle, physical activity, and bowel habits. It is advisable to remember whether relatives suffered from hemorrhoids or varicose veins. The doctor recreates the picture of the disease and makes an accurate diagnosis.

How is the inspection carried out?

Don’t be afraid of the examination: an experienced doctor will make the procedure comfortable and will not cause pain. Most often I examine the rectum rectally. The patient undresses and stands on the couch in a knee-elbow position. The doctor examines the anus from the outside to detect microcracks or prolapsed nodes, then examines the rectum from the inside with his fingers. Upon examination, it is possible to detect hemorrhoids, polyps, and narrowing of the anus. In men, the condition of the prostate gland is assessed.

It is practiced to examine the rectum using a special apparatus - a rectoscope. The proctologist checks the color, shine, relief of the internal walls of the intestine, features of the vascular pattern, and pathological changes. This is how motor function is assessed. The procedure has no contraindications; in case of pain, the patient is given anesthesia.

Treatment methods

Having diagnosed hemorrhoids, the doctor prescribes treatment. Depending on the stage of the disease and the timeliness of the patient’s treatment, hemorrhoids are treated using several methods:

  • Conservative – with the help of medications;
  • Minimally invasive - there is a direct effect on the nodes;
  • Surgical – prescribed in extreme cases.

Most patients consult a doctor when the disease is in the last stages during an exacerbation. It is advisable to start treatment with minimally invasive methods. They do not require anesthesia; if necessary, the patient is prescribed anesthesia. For hemorrhoids, minimally invasive methods include:

  • Sclerotherapy – injection directly into the node of a substance that causes blood vessels to stick together;
  • Photocoagulation - devastation of nodes using thermal energy;
  • Ligation with latex rings - cessation of blood flow and nutrition to the node by squeezing at the base;
  • Cryotherapy – exposure of the node to low temperatures;
  • Laser removal of hemorrhoids.

The choice of method for a particular patient is determined by the doctor. They give a 90% guarantee of getting rid of the disease. Patients receive safe, low-traumatic, painless treatment, carried out on an outpatient basis, which does not take much time. The resulting micro-wounds heal quickly and there is no risk of infection. The downside of the procedures is the risk of relapse after 3-5 years. The percentage of patients experiencing recurrent symptoms is small.

Features of hemorrhoids in women

In women, additional causes of hemorrhoids are identified: changes in the body that occur during pregnancy. The child grows in the womb, puts pressure on the internal organs, complicates the flow of nutrition and oxygen through the vessels. During labor, the load on the pelvic organs increases, which provokes the formation of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids develop after childbirth. The cause of hemorrhoids is the menstrual cycle, associated with a rush of increased blood flow to the organs.

A proctologist treats hemorrhoids in men and women. During pregnancy, a woman is advised to consult a gynecologist so that the prescribed treatment does not harm the unborn baby. Doctors recommend not to stop leading an active lifestyle during menstruation and pregnancy, to move to prevent stagnation of venous blood and the formation of hemorrhoids.

About the dangers of self-medication

People prefer to treat themselves, rather than rushing to see a doctor. They use folk remedies, buy advertised drugs, and the disease progresses. This is explained by the fact that the drugs are intended to treat a different stage of the disease than the one formed in the patient. As a result, the funds are wasted and there are no results. Inflammation of nodes, thrombosis, bleeding, anemia - this is an incomplete list of problems that patients face when they refuse to turn to medicine. In the later stages, treatment is transferred to a proctologist-surgeon - if there is a delay, blood poisoning begins, other complications appear, including death.

Put aside doubts, shyness, shame - at the first signs, consult a doctor: proctologist, coloproctologist, surgeon or therapist. They will relieve you from an unpleasant disease, recommend dietary nutrition, and physical activity.

Expert answer:

In this case, putting aside false shame, you need to contact a proctologist. After all, “proctos” means “straight.” Consequently, proctologists are doctors whose specialization is the issues of diseases of the rectum. Hemorrhoids come into play here. If you feel discomfort directly in the anus, it is advisable to rush to the proctologist. The initial symptoms of the disease are pain, itching, burning, bleeding from the anus, both during defecation and independently of this process. The reason to consult a doctor should also be the sensation of a foreign body directly in the rectum or the feeling of incomplete emptying. Of course, prolapsed hemorrhoids should not be ignored. It should be understood that proctologists will not make fun of the problem that has arisen. They treat every patient with respect. But not all hospitals now have proctologists. Therefore, if the disease is chronic, it is advisable to consult a therapist. In case of acute hemorrhoids, it is better to go to a surgeon. Sometimes patients require consultation with a phlebologist or angiologist. Such vascular doctors help solve a number of important issues. This is significant, because hemorrhoids, in fact, arise as a result of certain pathologies of the veins. In most cases, you will also need to visit a nutritionist. It will help you choose a balanced diet, which is important for hemorrhoids.

Before visiting a doctor, you need to prepare. First, you should think about your usual diet, remember which products the patient prefers. It will also be important to answer honestly how often a person does exercises, plays sports, or walks. It is worth mentioning both the place of work and bad habits. It is also important to determine the frequency of stool and its character. Such information will help the doctor assess the relevant situation and select the optimal treatment regimen.

Doctor treating hemorrhoids - proctologist

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids? Basically, people who are faced with pronounced symptoms of this disease, which they cannot cope with on their own, begin to ask these questions. You should not put off going to a specialist; under no circumstances should you think that the disease will go away on its own. This won't happen. Inaction will result in worsening symptoms and progression of the disease. Over time, hemorrhoids will still develop into a more acute stage. Experts divide the disease into 4 stages. If you find out in a timely manner which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women and men, and immediately begin therapy, then in the first two stages you will be able to defeat the disease with medications. If you put off going to a specialist, then hemorrhoids will progress and it is very difficult to cure it at stage 3 with tablets, suppositories and ointments, and at stage 4 it is impossible. In advanced cases, you will have to get rid of the disease by resorting to the help of a surgeon.

Why do hemorrhoids appear? Who is at risk?

Like many other diseases, hemorrhoids appear due to genetic predisposition. In addition, a number of negative factors can cause the development of the disease. In particular, poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking, sedentary office work or, conversely, work associated with heavy lifting. All this provokes the development of the disease.
When you find out which doctor treats hemorrhoids in men or women and seek help from a specialist, almost certainly the first thing he will advise to speed up the healing process is to review your diet and exercise.

In principle, anyone can acquire this disease. However, women of childbearing age are at risk. Since during the period of bearing a child, the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the vessels, problems with stool (constipation) often arise, and as a result, hemorrhoids appear. Even if hemorrhoids did not appear during pregnancy, it is quite possible that the disease will begin after childbirth.

Who treats hemorrhoids in women, which doctor? If the disease is mild, then the pregnant woman can be treated by a pregnancy specialist. As a rule, a gynecologist may well recommend medications that are safe for the expectant mother and fetus and will tell you how to adjust your diet. If the disease progresses, the pregnant woman will be given a referral to a proctologist.
If a woman is at risk of acquiring hemorrhoids during pregnancy, then men suffer from hemorrhoids due to their professions. Almost all professional drivers sooner or later encounter hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of the disease. When to start sounding the alarm?

Symptoms of different stages of hemorrhoids and treatment methods

The most obvious symptom of the development of the disease is the appearance of blood in the stool or on toilet paper. If you don’t immediately find out who treats hemorrhoids in men, which doctor, and don’t start a timely fight against the disease, then other symptoms will appear. Severe pain may begin, itching in the anus, swelling in the anal area, external hemorrhoidal cones will appear, hemorrhoids will begin to fall out, over time the bleeding will intensify and anemia may develop. What symptoms will bother you depends on what kind of hemorrhoids started - internal or external.
The sooner you find out which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women and men, and begin therapy, the faster you will get rid of the disease.

Which specialist deals with this delicate problem?

Colonoproctologist - proctologist with broader qualifications

A specialist who treats hemorrhoids is called a proctologist. However, not every clinic has a doctor who treats hemorrhoids for men and women. Sometimes, to begin treatment, you will first have to see a therapist. Depending on the complexity of the disease, the therapist will begin treatment independently or write out a referral to a proctologist in another clinic.
Sometimes the referral may include a consultation not with a proctologist, but with a coloproctologist. In fact, the qualifications of these two specialists are almost the same, only that of a colonoproctologist is somewhat broader.
Now that it is clear which doctor treats hemorrhoids in men and women, you should figure out what you need to prepare for.

What to expect from visiting a doctor?

If you decide to make an appointment with a specialist, you must immediately prepare yourself psychologically for what awaits you.

  • At the first appointment, the doctor treating hemorrhoids in men and women will interview the patient.
  • Based on the data obtained, he will create an individual examination plan. Most likely, referrals will be issued for tests - blood, urine, feces, ECG, FGDS. A colonoscopy will also be performed. Tests will also help determine whether surgery is needed.
  • Having received detailed information about the patient and his state of health, the doctor treating hemorrhoids in men and women will write out a treatment regimen.
  • If surgery is necessary, the coloproctologist will be able to perform it himself. If drug therapy is sufficient, then throughout the course, the specialist will monitor the patient and adjust the treatment regimen if necessary.

The sooner you find out who treats hemorrhoids in women, which doctor, and the sooner you seek help, the greater the chance of avoiding surgical intervention in the fight against hemorrhoids.

Who should be examined first?

The following categories of citizens should primarily contact a doctor treating hemorrhoids in men and women:

  • Women during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • Women during menopause;
  • People with excess body weight;
  • People who work in sedentary jobs for a long time;
  • Men aged 40 years.

Even if you do not belong to any of these categories, consult a specialist at the first manifestations of the disease. There is no need to self-medicate, because other diseases may have similar symptoms. Only a qualified specialist will be able to correctly diagnose, determine the stage of the disease, and prescribe the most effective therapy in a particular case.

Hello, my name is Anastasia, I am 46 years old. For 4 weeks I have been bothered by painful sensations in the anus, and about three days ago I began to notice spotting after going to the toilet. At the same time, small nodules appeared, somewhat painful to the touch. There weren't any before. The pain gets worse when I sit down or walk quickly. I suspect that I have hemorrhoids and would like to ask, who should I contact with such complaints? Which doctor treats hemorrhoids and is it possible to do without surgery in this case? P.S. My job is sedentary.

Hello, Anastasia. The answer to your question, which doctor treats hemorrhoids is a proctologist or coloproctologist, depending on the type of medical institution. In district and regional hospitals and clinics, as a rule, there are no highly specialized doctors, and all patients with diseases of this nature are observed and treated by a proctologist. The reason for contacting him is any of the above symptoms, and consultation and examination by a doctor should be carried out as early as possible. Early diagnosis ensures early treatment, and therefore a greater likelihood of cure.

Which doctor should I contact if there is no proctologist in the clinic? An alternative option is to see a primary care physician or family doctor, who can also conduct an examination and determine the presence of hemorrhoids.

After the examination, the therapist will write a referral for further examination and explain which doctor you should see.

The difference between a proctologist and a coloproctologist is that the former provides consultation and treats patients with diseases of the rectum, while the functional responsibilities of the latter additionally include diseases of the large intestine. Therefore, if you have other complaints in the form of pain in the lower abdomen, diarrhea, nausea, it would be more appropriate to contact a coloproctologist.

First, let's determine if you really have hemorrhoids

The symptoms you describe are characteristic of the chronic course of hemorrhoids with periods of exacerbations. For its occurrence, there is always a need for some reason, which is revealed during a thorough medical examination. If any, even minor, manifestations of hemorrhoids appear, you should immediately go to the doctor. An experienced specialist will prescribe the necessary examination for you and provide the necessary treatment. For hemorrhoids to occur, there must be a specific cause or a combination of several causes, which will not be difficult for a good specialist to determine. These may include:

  • Varicose vessels of various locations;
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Sedentary work;
  • The presence of congenital anomalies in the structure of blood vessels, similar diseases in close relatives.

The likelihood of hemorrhoids increases when two or more factors are combined.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids are characterized, as you described, by a gradual onset with increasing pain in the anus, enlargement of hemorrhoids, which can periodically fall out of the intestines and then reset on their own. At this stage, the effectiveness of conservative treatment (without surgery) is quite high. The transition to more severe stages of hemorrhoids is characterized by the loss of large nodes that are painful to the touch and do not disappear on their own. Also, the progression of the disease is indicated by an increase in the amount of blood released during bowel movements.

Preparing for an examination with a proctologist

When contacting a proctologist, the doctor will definitely conduct an examination. Like any other procedure, an examination by a proctologist requires preparation. The main requirement is to cleanse the intestines on the eve of the examination. It is most convenient to use the Microlax cleansing enema in the evening and morning on the day of the study.

Be sure to have a towel and wet wipes with you. Remember all the manifestations of the disease and the order in which they occur. Take with you your outpatient card containing records of chronic diseases, previous operations, etc.

This is necessary to determine the cause of hemorrhoids and conduct differential diagnosis with other diseases of the rectum.

After the examination, the doctor will determine which scenario requires treatment. Hemorrhoids in the early stages are well treated conservatively. But it is important to consider that treatment should be aimed at combating the cause of the disease. Without identifying the cause and eliminating it, you risk only temporarily relieving the symptoms with the subsequent development of a relapse of the disease with renewed vigor. The use of medications for hemorrhoids should be accompanied by:

  • Giving up bad habits;
  • Compliance with a physical activity regime;
  • Rational nutrition;
  • Treatment of diseases of the vascular system, infections, including intestinal ones.

The question of surgical treatment will be raised by the doctor only if the drug treatment is ineffective.

Many men and women perceive hemorrhoids as a very delicate problem, which they are embarrassed to tell not only to strangers, but even to close relatives. Therefore, not everyone rushes to see a doctor when symptoms of the disease appear. Many people search for information on the Internet or other sources and self-medicate. As a result, the disease continues to progress and reaches such a stage that it is no longer possible to postpone a visit to the doctor. However, not everyone knows which doctor treats hemorrhoids.

Let's find out who to contact about hemorrhoids and how a doctor can help with this delicate problem?

Why is going to the doctor preferable?

In most cases, only those patients whose illness has reached its peak turn to doctors and experience painful symptoms that literally force them to seek outside help. In milder phases of the disease, people prefer to ignore hemorrhoids and periodically save themselves with ointments and suppositories, which they independently purchase at the pharmacy.

Meanwhile, the doctor, as a person with experience and specializing in the treatment of hemorrhoids, knows better which medications are suitable in each specific case.

While the patient can only guess what is bothering him, the doctor has clear test results and a complete picture of the patient’s disease, on the basis of which he draws up the optimal treatment plan.

Patients turning to a doctor during exacerbation of hemorrhoids significantly complicate the diagnostic process. The fact is that during an exacerbation period, many instrumental studies are difficult to carry out:

  • Firstly, they cause suffering to the patient himself.
  • Secondly, there is a risk of aggravating the course of the disease even more due to extraneous mechanical irritation of the anal canal.

In this case, the doctor’s task is first reduced to eliminating the acute condition and only then the necessary types of research are prescribed.

However, it often happens that patients, having barely felt relief, stop visiting the doctor, not realizing that hemorrhoids have simply become chronic and continue to progress. But at the time of the next exacerbation of hemorrhoids, a visit to the doctor is again inevitable.

Isn’t it better to treat hemorrhoids right away, especially since in the first and second stages they can easily be treated with conservative methods, than to constantly consult a doctor in those moments when things get worse? But as the pathology progresses, it will be much more difficult to achieve an improvement in the condition and over time you will have to resort to surgical treatment.

Thus, early contact with a doctor is always preferable, as it guarantees the effectiveness of therapy. All that remains is to find out which doctor treats hemorrhoids.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids?

If you begin to be bothered by sensations such as discomfort, itching and burning in the anus, and after defecation you notice traces of blood, know that these are most likely symptoms of hemorrhoids. They should not be ignored, since the disease will invariably progress, over time, hemorrhoids will begin to fall out of the rectum, and complications in the form of thrombosis or paraproctitis are possible.

Therefore, discard unnecessary modesty and shame and go to the doctor, having first found out which doctor you need. A doctor who treats hemorrhoids is called a proctologist or coloproctologist. He not only deals with the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids, his area of ​​specialization also includes other diseases of the rectum - proctological diseases.

As a rule, a proctologist works in every district or regional clinic. He consults and examines patients, prescribes treatment for them and monitors the progress of therapy.

Early diagnosis ensures timely treatment, and, consequently, quick relief from the disease.

Who should you contact if there is no proctologist in the clinic at your place of residence? In this case, it is recommended to contact a local physician or family doctor, who is also able to examine the patient and determine hemorrhoids.

After a thorough examination, the therapist will write out a referral for additional diagnostics and explain which doctor to contact for hemorrhoids. So, in case of acute hemorrhoids, the therapist can write out a referral to a surgeon. And some patients may additionally require the help of a phlebologist or angiologist, who will help improve blood circulation in the veins of the rectum. You may also need to consult a nutritionist who can help you adjust your diet and avoid unwanted constipation.

Another doctor who treats hemorrhoids is a coloproctologist. In fact, the responsibilities of a proctologist and coloproctologist are largely similar. The only difference is that a proctologist specializes in the treatment of diseases of the rectum, and a coloproctologist also specializes in pathologies of the large intestine. So if your hospital does not have a proctologist, but there is a coloproctologist, feel free to contact him.

What to take with you to your appointment

Now that you know which doctor to go to for hemorrhoids, it is important to decide what may be required of you at the doctor's appointment.

Bring with you to your appointment:

  • documents: identity card, insurance policy, pension card, war veteran card (if any);
  • diaper and shoe covers.

If you feel severe pain and suspect that your hemorrhoids are at an advanced stage, it makes sense to take a minimum set of things that you may need in the hospital for the first time.

It should be borne in mind that during a visit to the proctologist you may be prescribed various types of tests, so before visiting the doctor it is recommended to have a bowel movement or a cleansing enema.

It is also advisable to come on an empty stomach, as the doctor may need your blood picture.

What to expect from a visit to the doctor

Hemorrhoids are not the only disease whose symptoms include itching, burning, pain and bleeding in the anus. The same symptoms can occur with rectal polyps, proctitis (inflammation of the final section of the intestine) and even malignant intestinal lesions.

For all these diseases, different treatments are prescribed, therefore, for the most effective therapy, the proctologist must conduct a differential diagnosis.

What does the examination include?

A medical appointment begins with taking an anamnesis. A proctologist or another doctor (coloproctologist, surgeon, therapist) listens to the patient’s complaints, tries to find out when the first unpleasant symptoms appeared, how the disease progresses, and what methods the patient used to eliminate the manifestations of hemorrhoids before going to the doctor.

During the consultation, the doctor must find out how the patient eats and whether there are factors predisposing him to hemorrhoids in his life.

It is important to know that risk factors may be different for men and women. Thus, in men, hemorrhoids can occur due to an irrepressible craving for alcohol, and in women, hemorrhoids can develop during pregnancy.

This is followed by an examination by a doctor - a so-called visual examination. During this procedure, the doctor may detect prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. The specialist evaluates their size, density, pain, and the possibility of reduction.

Please note that not every patient may have external signs of hemorrhoids. For example, with internal hemorrhoids, the nodes are located internally, so they are not visible.

To identify internal plexuses, the doctor performs a digital examination. If hemorrhoids are accompanied by node thrombosis, the patient feels severe pain during this examination, so anesthesia may be necessary. If there is bleeding, blood remains on the proctologist's glove.

If necessary, the patient is referred for instrumental diagnostics, which allow the doctor to determine the stage of hemorrhoids and exclude or confirm the presence of complications.

Instrumental studies include:

  • anoscopy - study of the rectal mucosa at a distance of 10-12 cm from the anus. The study is carried out using a special instrument - an anoscope;
  • sigmoidoscopy – allows you to examine distant areas of the mucous membrane (at a distance of 25-30 cm) using a rectoscope device;
  • colonoscopy - an endoscopic examination in which the doctor examines and evaluates the condition of the inner surface of the rectum and colon using a special probe;
  • irrigoscopy is an X-ray examination of the rectum using a contrast agent and taking pictures.

As a rule, all of the listed types of diagnostics are quite sufficient to make the correct diagnosis and determine the optimal treatment tactics.

Choice of treatment method

The treatment tactics chosen by the attending physician depend on many factors:

  • stage of hemorrhoids;
  • its forms – acute or chronic;
  • places of localization of nodes - inside or outside the rectum;
  • presence or absence of complications.

In the initial stages, conservative treatment is usually sufficient. The proctologist prescribes medications for local treatment - rectal suppositories, gels and ointments, which help to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease, as well as angioprotectors and venotonics, which strengthen the vascular wall.

A proper diet and elimination of risk factors play an important role in the treatment of hemorrhoids. For this purpose, patients are referred to a nutritionist and other specialists as needed, depending on the problems they face in the process of treating hemorrhoids.

In later stages of the disease, preference is given to minimally invasive surgical interventions, such as ligation of nodes with latex rings, disarterization, cryodestruction, sclerotherapy, etc.

Radical interventions are used today quite rarely and only in very severe cases.

Why is self-medication dangerous?

Have you tried all the folk recipes you know, but hemorrhoids continue to bother you? This happens for the following reasons:

Treatment does not correspond to the stage of hemorrhoids. Accordingly, the expected therapeutic effect is not visible.

You are simply wasting time by providing inadequate treatment. As a result, the likelihood of developing complications increases, and treatment will subsequently be much longer and more difficult than now. Anemia, excessive bleeding, thrombosis, inflammation of nodes, perirectal fistulas - this is how hemorrhoids can result if untimely and inadequate treatment is used.

We hope we have convinced you that hemorrhoids should be treated by specialists. Only an experienced doctor is able to assess the stage and form of the disease, identify complications and select the most effective treatment. And you already know the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids.

Every year, hemorrhoids become an increasingly common disease among the world's population. This is due to the modern sedentary lifestyle, although quite often people who are overly active in terms of physical activity also get sick. For example, young people “swing” on exercise machines or do weightlifting. In this case, there is a high risk of inflammation of the hemorrhoids. Factors that provoke the disease are also the characteristics of professional activity, for example, for loaders or drivers, unhealthy diet leading to constipation and genetic predisposition.

Many people quite often make the following mistakes when early signs of this disease appear: they wait until “everything goes away on its own” or begin to treat themselves. This is caused by embarrassment and the fact that many simply do not know which doctor to consult for hemorrhoids. Delayed consultation with a doctor or lack thereof may lead to the disease progressing and the condition to be aggravated by complications or associated infections. If a person is an infrequent visitor to the clinic, then he may not even know which specialist to contact for hemorrhoids and how to make an appointment. Let's try to clarify the situation.

First of all, you should know that the doctor who treats inflammation of hemorrhoids is a proctologist or coloproctologist. There is no significant difference between them, since a proctologist treats hemorrhoids, and a coloproctologist also treats all other diseases of the colon. A narrow specialist can only be found in large medical centers. Regular clinics employ a wide range of specialists.

A proctologist can diagnose hemorrhoids

If you find any abnormalities in the anus and anus, then you need a doctor who treats hemorrhoids. It is highly inadvisable to diagnose yourself. This is due to the fact that pathologies such as oncological tumors, anal canal fissures, etc. have very similar symptoms. Only a proctologist, for whom the treatment of this disease is a narrow specialization, can accurately determine the pathology, its form and prescribe an effective course of treatment. In addition, periodic consultation is necessary for those who are in a certain risk group with a high likelihood of developing hemorrhoids.

Those who have been diagnosed with acute hemorrhoids at least once know which doctor to contact. But few know that you need to visit a doctor not only during an exacerbation, but also for preventive purposes. Once a year you should undergo an examination, during which the doctor will make a prescription if necessary. This will allow timely detection or even prevent the development of the disease.

Proctologists who treat hemorrhoids in different groups of patients recommend that people who have not previously encountered rectal diseases, but who are over 40 years old, must undergo a preventive examination. It will assess the condition of the rectum and hemorrhoidal veins. If the hemorrhoid doctor finds nothing, the next similar examination can be repeated in 2.5 years.

It should be noted that the earliest signs of hemorrhoids are mild enough to see a doctor for help, and usually people do not pay attention to them. And even if there is a suspicion of hemorrhoids, many do not know which doctor can help them solve the problem. The easiest way (and the surest) is to find out at the clinic at your place of residence who to contact. At the reception you can find out not only the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids, but also his work schedule. If you are embarrassed to ask the receptionist who to go to with such a delicate problem, you can find out on the specialized website on the Internet which doctor to contact for hemorrhoids, both in a clinic and in a private medical institution.

If the district clinic does not have a proctologist, you may be referred to another doctor. For example, men often go to a urologist, and women turn to a gynecologist with this problem. This is not entirely correct. If you have hemorrhoids and there is no proctologist on staff at the clinic, it is best to consult a general practitioner. It is he who will be able, after familiarizing himself with complaints about health and examination, to tell exactly which doctor to go to with the problem in each specific case. This could be a phlebologist or angiologist who deals with vascular pathologies, a gynecologist (especially for pregnant women and women who have just given birth) or a surgeon.

Is it possible to go to the gynecologist with hemorrhoids?

If the disease manifests itself during or after childbirth, or while breastfeeding, do not hesitate to tell your doctor about hemorrhoids during a routine appointment. Awareness will allow him to make a timely appointment, which will prevent the occurrence of complications in the future. It should be understood that the gynecologist himself does not treat hemorrhoids, but refers the patient to a proctologist or his substitute doctor. The effectiveness of treatment is facilitated by the fact that the prescriptions of both doctors are consistent with each other, which completely eliminates the risks of allergic reactions or the presence of contraindications.

How to prepare for an appointment with a proctologist for hemorrhoids?

Before starting treatment, the doctor must ask the patient in detail about the complaints and signs of the disease, inquire about his working conditions and lifestyle, about what infectious diseases and surgical operations he has had. During the interview, you should not be shy, because the more information a specialist treating hemorrhoids learns about his patient, the greater the chances of successful and rapid treatment of this disease.

For many, a very significant factor is whether the doctor treats hemorrhoids - a man or a woman, since for most patients it is easier to talk about this delicate disease with a representative of the same sex. However, if your request cannot be satisfied, you should not refuse to see a doctor out of false modesty. It is important to understand that a doctor is, first of all, a physician, and then a representative of one of the genders.

It is strongly recommended that you make special preparations before visiting a proctologist. This means natural (defecation) or forced (cleansing enema) cleansing of the intestines, as well as performing hygienic manipulations in the anal area.

Treatment methods for hemorrhoids in women, how to properly treat hemorrhoids?

Which doctor should a woman see for hemorrhoids? If this issue has become relevant, it is worthwhile to understand it thoroughly. Hemorrhoids are part of the group of diseases of the rectum. Therefore, all the manifestations that make up its clinical picture belong to the field of proctology. If a woman has discovered characteristic painful formations in her anal canal and has recorded bleeding from the anus, then she should ask a coloproctologist all questions about her condition. This is exactly the doctor who treats hemorrhoids in both women and men, regardless of gender. According to international standards, this is now the customary name for proctologists. And most of them are men. Here you need to forget about awkwardness and false shame, discard all unreasonable embarrassment and go to a specialist who not only knows how to treat hemorrhoids, but will also be able to cure them, at any stage. A doctor treating hemorrhoids will treat his patient with great attention and will not allow any jokes about her condition.

Who should a woman contact if she has hemorrhoids?

“Hemorrhoids doctor” is a narrow specialization; not every clinic and hospital, especially in villages, has employees in this profile. In this case, the woman needs to see a therapist if the disease is chronic, or take a referral to a surgeon if the process is acute. But you shouldn’t go to a gynecologist - this doctor does not treat hemorrhoids in women. A vascular doctor is also competent in the treatment of female hemorrhoids. Inflammation of hemorrhoids is a pathology of the rectal veins. Therefore, you can safely contact a phlebologist or angiologist, which is the same thing. Effective treatment is directly related to a woman’s nutrition. Consultation with a nutritionist will also be useful. With an adjusted diet, symptoms will quickly subside. After the acute process has subsided, an instrumental study should be performed. In order to properly treat hemorrhoids in a woman in each specific case, the doctor will need data on the extent and nature of the disease. Treatment requires an individual approach. After all, the doctor’s task is to correctly diagnose, select the right technique and successfully apply it to obtain a good result. In proctology, they don’t shoot sparrows out of a cannon; treatment of hemorrhoids in women at an early stage differs from help with an advanced form.

Treatment methods for hemorrhoids in women

Conservative, or drug therapy, is used in the first two degrees to alleviate the condition during an exacerbation, that is, as a temporary measure. This is mainly a local treatment for internal or external hemorrhoids. In cases of thrombosis, ointments such as Venobene, Gepatrombin, Gelpan, containing thrombolytic components, are used. It is important for women to remember that they can cause bleeding. It is better to treat inflamed hemorrhoids with hormones containing Aurobin, Ultraproct, Posterisan Forte, Proctosedyl. The last three drugs are also available in the form of rectal suppositories, indicated for internal hemorrhoids. The swelling will decrease and the pain will go away. For bleeding, applications with the hemostatic sponge Spongostan or Tachocomb have a good effect. Gauze lotions with Androxon solution are also convenient for women. But these are not budget drugs. If you are limited in funds, it is better to pay attention to suppositories and Relief Advance ointment, which contain quickly healing shark oil. You can stop minor bleeding with lotions with Etamsylate, Dicinone, Vikasol and even calcium chloride. The anesthetics Anestezol, Olestezin, and Anuzol are suitable suppositories for pain relief and treatment. What to do if hemorrhoids came out unexpectedly, the woman is staying with her grandmother in the village, and in the medicine cabinet there is only old methyluracil ointment? Definitely use it. A proven effective remedy will relieve inflammation and heal the wound. If a woman has chronic venous insufficiency and, in addition to hemorrhoids, has problems with dilated veins in the legs, the doctor may recommend taking venotonic drugs (angioprotectors): Detralex, Phlebodia, Troxevasin, Venoruton (in tablets), Procto-Glivenol (suppositories or ointment).

Minimally invasive, otherwise with minimal penetration of the doctor’s hands, interventions are carried out using an anoscope and are used only for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. The condition for their use is the absence of inflammation and anal fissures. At the early (first) stage, when the bumps are still small, sclerotherapy has proven itself well. A drug is injected into hemorrhoidal formations with a syringe, the action of which is aimed at stopping the blood supply to the cones with their further death and falling off. This method of treatment is low-traumatic even in the case of fragile veins, and is also suitable for older women. It is convenient when you need to process several plexuses at the same time.

Recently, infrared photocoagulation has become popular, effective for grade 1 and 2 complications of bleeding. Treatment consists of spot cauterization of the stalk of the formation with a coagulant. During one procedure, only one lump is affected. The manipulations are quite painful; pain relief is required.

No less popular is ligation with latex rings. It is also performed in a clinic setting at 2nd and 3rd degrees. An elastic ring tightly wraps around the stem of the prolapsed hemorrhoid, blocking the access of nutrition to the blood vessel. Within 14 days, the process of death of the tissue of the cone occurs and ends with its rejection together with the ring. Ligation is not used if the internal hemorrhoid is closely adjacent to the external one.

The new Japanese method of treating hemorrhoids in women - disarterization or suture ligation - gives a minimal percentage of relapses. An ultrasound probe (Doppler) detects the arteries supplying the plexuses. The surgeon's task is to stitch them and bandage them. The prolapsed lumps are straightened, stitched and secured in the rectum. After a month, the suture material dissolves. The operation requires local anesthesia, most often spinal anesthesia is used. Desarterization allows you to cope with hemorrhoids of 1-3 degrees.

Know-how of proctology - Longo's hardware method. During the operation, part of the rectal mucosa is excised and sutured with titanium staples. In this case, the plexuses are not removed, but are pulled up. Deprived of blood supply, they quickly shrink and later become overgrown with connective tissue. The anal canal is anatomically restored. The Longo intervention is considered gentle, there is usually no pain, analgesics are not required in the postoperative period, and the woman can go to work on the 5th day after treatment. All minimally invasive interventions can cure internal hemorrhoids quickly, provided that the doctor’s work is correct and the recommendations are followed during the recovery (very short) period.

A thrombosed hemorrhoidal node causes hard-to-bear suffering for a woman. First aid for complicated external female hemorrhoids is to remove clotted blood from the prolapsed plexus. The doctor makes a 5 mm incision and removes the clot. 7-10 minutes of surgical time will be required to remove the lump and relieve acute pain.

Doctors usually advise treating external hemorrhoids with conservative therapy for as long as possible and using a scalpel only if there is a significant decrease in quality of life. One can understand a woman who wants to remove a bump for aesthetic reasons, even if, apart from its size, it doesn’t particularly bother her. But the doctor most likely will not support her in this and will offer therapeutic treatment. How long does it take to treat hemorrhoids with dosage forms? Recovery may take 2 weeks, or maybe a month.

Hemorrhoidectomy is performed in a hospital setting strictly according to indications in late (4th) and advanced 3rd degree. During the operation, all altered tissue is radically removed, and the vessels supplying blood to it are ligated. This treatment method remains the most popular today, despite the active introduction of new minimally invasive technologies. A woman of working age is certainly concerned about how long it will take to recover after surgery? On average, the rehabilitation period lasts up to 3 weeks, wounds heal longer - 3-7, sometimes 10 weeks. But experienced proctologists give the best guarantees of recovery in favor of this method.

Who to contact if you develop hemorrhoids

At the first stage of development, the disease is asymptomatic or with mild discomfort.

Every person needs to know which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women and men. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to visit a medical facility. Initially, the patient must come to see a therapist, after which he will be redirected to another specialist. Doctors who treat hemorrhoids are proctologists and coloproctologists.

When bleeding and discomfort appear in the anus, the person begins to worry. In this case, he is interested in the name of the hemorrhoid doctor and who to turn to for help. This issue is dealt with by a proctologist or coloproctologist. Before you get an appointment with him, you need to visit a therapist, and based on his referral, you will go to a specialist.

Independent attempts to find out the causes of the disease are dangerous to health.

Only a specialist can assess the patient’s condition based on a comprehensive examination. After the examination, it is recommended to resort to diagnostic techniques. Based on the data obtained, the specialist prescribes treatment.

Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant and camouflaged disease. In some cases, it is impossible to diagnose the presence of the disease without accompanying diagnostic measures. Often hemorrhoids are disguised as other processes affecting the rectum. Therefore, visiting a proctologist is a must.

What symptoms should you visit a doctor for?

Before you consult a doctor for the treatment of hemorrhoids, you should understand what this disease is. The disease occurs due to poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle. Genetic predisposition and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids.

At the first stage of development, the disease is asymptomatic or with mild discomfort. Therefore, most people do not seek help from a specialist. In the second stage, the symptoms are more pronounced; the following appears:

  • pain syndrome;
  • burning;
  • slight bleeding;
  • feeling of fullness.

At this stage, a person begins to think about his condition. But many people “delay” until the last minute and turn to a specialist when hemorrhoids prolapse. Eliminating hemorrhoids in the early stages of the disease is simple. It is enough to use drug therapy. In the third and fourth stages, surgical intervention is used in most cases.

Therefore, it is necessary to know which doctor to contact for hemorrhoids for women and men. This may be an experienced proctologist or coloproctologist. It is impossible to prescribe treatment without an examination; information about the examination and the responsibilities of specialists will be presented below.

Coloproctologist and his responsibilities

A specialist of this specification provides consultation within the walls of a public or private hospital. Initially, he collects a complete history of the patient. It includes the disturbing clinical picture, concomitant diseases and information about when the first symptoms appeared.

The inspection may be:

  • visual;
  • palpation (manual);
  • instrumental.

In most cases, a comprehensive inspection is carried out using all the presented methods. If other diseases are suspected, the doctor may refer the patient for additional tests. This will allow you to obtain reliable data and make the correct diagnosis.

After collecting the results, the doctor treating hemorrhoids in women and men draws up an individual treatment regimen. In the early stages of the disease, this is drug therapy. If there are complications and prolapse of hemorrhoids, surgical intervention may be necessary. It is based on the use of minimally invasive methods that allow painless removal of the lump. After prescribing treatment, the specialist monitors the patient’s condition. If necessary, drug therapy is adjusted. The further state of a person depends on its course.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women and men when complications develop? In this case, the therapist refers the patient to a proctologist. He uses minimally invasive treatment methods in a day hospital setting.

How is the inspection carried out?

It’s clear which doctor to go to with hemorrhoids, but how to prepare for this procedure? A visit to a specialist in this profile is always accompanied by a rectal examination. This procedure is a digital examination of the rectum. To do this, the patient needs to expose the lower part of the body and take a knee-elbow position on the couch. The doctor may ask the person to lie on their left side.

The inspection is carried out exclusively with gloves.

If there are external hemorrhoids, it is easy to notice; a visual assessment of the condition is sufficient. The specialist can feel the hemorrhoids to determine their density and determine pain.

During a digital examination of internal hemorrhoids, the doctor applies Vaseline to the finger and the anus and injects it into the rectum. During this procedure, a person needs to relax as much as possible. This type of examination will assess the condition and identify the presence of polyps in the rectum. If there is severe pain, a rectal examination is not performed at the first visit to the doctor.

Often, specialists resort to instrumental examination of the rectum, called rectoscopy. It is carried out using a special device, which is inserted into the anus. In this matter, the main thing is to properly prepare for the procedure. It is necessary to do two enemas the day before the test, and one in the morning. The procedure is not complicated, but it is informative.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in the clinic

Hemorrhoids are a disease that some suffer for a very long time, self-treat, are embarrassed to see a doctor at the clinic, and lead to the need for surgery. Timely diagnosis, implementation of doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations for lifestyle changes, as well as treatment in a sanatorium can stop the pathological process without resorting to hospitalization.

In the initial stages, hemorrhoids are treated on an outpatient basis. You should come to an appointment with a proctologist or a surgeon at the clinic if the symptoms cannot be eliminated by the independent use of special external remedies, diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Outpatient therapy consists of prescribing oral and external medications with anticoagulant, venotonic and anti-inflammatory effects and monitoring the effectiveness of their action.

In addition, in a specialized clinic, it is possible to carry out such minimally invasive manipulations as the application of latex ligatures to dilated rectal nodes or their thermocoagulation (cauterization). In the absence of severe concomitant diseases and complications, these procedures are well tolerated, and outpatient treatment of hemorrhoids is sufficient to obtain stable improvement in the patient's condition. The clinic doctor may also recommend treatment at a sanatorium.

Recognized healing factors for improving the condition of patients with hemorrhoids is the use of mineral waters and medicinal mud. The physiotherapeutic effects of general baths, microenemas and intestinal irrigation with mineral water and its ingestion are to improve intestinal motor function, generally strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and normalize venous blood flow.

The use of hydrogen sulfide mud for microenemas and applications also improves intestinal motility, relieves inflammatory reactions, and has a resolving and immunostimulating effect.

In addition to the well-known Matsesta and Sernovodsk, local sanatoriums with suitable water and mud, where hemorrhoids are successfully treated, are available in many places in Russia.

Contraindications to treatment of hemorrhoids in the water and mud baths of the sanatorium are strangulated nodes, polyps in the intestines, cancer, severe cardiovascular pathology and some other conditions that the clinic doctor should know about when filling out the voucher.

How are hemorrhoids treated in hospital?

Complicated hemorrhoids in the later stages are treated in a hospital setting. Incarceration and necrosis of nodes, severe bleeding, thrombosis of external nodes, severe pain may require emergency hospitalization and surgery. It is better not to bring the disease to such a state. If a doctor at a clinic offers to promptly treat hemorrhoids in a hospital setting, you should not delay in agreeing.

The sooner the necessary manipulations are carried out, the better the result of therapy will be.

The answer to this question depends both on the degree of the disease and on the conditions of the hospital where the treatment will be carried out. In a specialized proctology department, equipped with modern equipment, where doctors are constantly improving methods of treating hemorrhoids, there are fewer cases. There you can expect better and faster results than from the surgical department of a district hospital, which performs such operations only from time to time.

For example, the use of a minimally invasive technique for suture ligation of the rectal arteries under the control of Doppler ultrasound makes it possible to reliably fix the nodes and stop the flow of blood into them. They stay in the hospital after this procedure for no more than three days.

The gold standard for the treatment of hemorrhoids of the fourth stage, as well as the third in the presence of large, constantly prolapsing nodes, is considered to be a hemorrhoidectomy operation. First of all, it is indicated for young patients and middle-aged people in whom severe blood loss and seasonal exacerbations lead to significant anemia and decreased ability to work.

The long-term consequences of this operation do not always remain good if health recommendations or heavy physical activity are not followed.

But for elderly patients, people with severe concomitant pathology, the fourth stage of hemorrhoids is not necessarily an indication for surgery. The fact is that healing processes at this age are slower, and complications such as urinary and fecal incontinence can significantly worsen the quality of life. In addition, older patients are more likely to follow recommendations for improving their health through diet, exercise, and hygiene rules. Such careful attitude towards oneself during outpatient observation in a clinic gives a result no worse than surgery.

The statistics on the incidence of hemorrhoids is not reassuring: for every 10 people there are 8 patients. But such an intimate problem should not cause a blush on your cheeks; you should definitely consult a doctor and not self-medicate. The symptoms of hemorrhoids are similar to those of other proctological diseases, which are easily confused.

Therefore, only a doctor can establish the correct diagnosis, prescribe adequate treatment and avoid surgical intervention. But let’s try to figure out which doctor to contact for hemorrhoids and what is the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids in men and women.

Today, a specialist who deals with this type of disease is called a colonoproctologist. Until 1997, in domestic medicine there was only one specialist who treated hemorrhoids - a proctologist.

Proctologist Lobanov:

More than 30 years of my practice have shown that there are no miracles in the treatment of hemorrhoids, and at the same time, there are remedies that can help many people with this delicate problem.

Later, the range of his responsibilities was expanded, and the profession began to be called a colonoproctologist. The doctor deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with the rectum and large intestine.

The main responsibilities of a colonoproctologist:

  1. Make a plan and conduct the necessary and timely examinations to make an accurate diagnosis.
  2. Determine the type of treatment required - conservative or surgical.
  3. If necessary, carry out preoperative preparation of the patient.
  4. Carry out postoperative measures for the fastest rehabilitation of the patient.
  5. Identify and prescribe anti-relapse measures.
  6. The specialist’s responsibilities include consultations and drawing up a risk group for pathology.

There are two types of specialization of a colonoproctologist:

Proctologist Kolesova:

Hemorrhoids are a serious disease that causes a lot of anxiety, fortunately, there are remedies that help both relieve symptoms and help heal. One of them...

  1. A surgeon is a specialist who provides urgent medical care.
  2. Therapist. Provides consultations and prescribes conservative treatment.

It should be remembered: the same doctor who treats hemorrhoids in women is the same in men.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

The disease is considered hereditary, but hemorrhoids can also be caused by poor diet, lifestyle, and intimate hygiene.

Having decided which doctor treats hemorrhoids, you need to pay attention to the presence or absence of the following symptoms:

  1. If blood, mucus or pus appears in the stool, then this is a “bell” that hemorrhoids are most likely progressing.
  2. The presence of the disease may be indicated by problematic defecation, which occurs in several stages, with pain. Pain can be observed even while sitting.
  3. A hemorrhoid or rectum may prolapse after straining.
  4. The disease is characterized by anemia, alternating constipation with liquid diarrhea.

If one or more symptoms are present, you should immediately go for examination.

Inspection Features

After the patient contacts the specialist treating hemorrhoids, he collects an anamnesis. After this, the doctor at the clinic examines the perianal area. You should not be afraid of doctors and such an examination: it does not cause any pain.

Many clinics conduct video diagnostics, which gives a complete picture of the condition of the rectum, the presence or absence of pathologies. And for patients, both men and women, such diagnostics do not cause any pain.

Who should be examined by a colonoproctologist?

Every woman who is in the last trimester of pregnancy needs to be examined by a proctologist. It is necessary to contact a specialist after the birth of the baby.

Naturally, if a person has undergone surgery to remove hemorrhoids, he will have to be periodically examined by a colonoproctologist.

Which doctor can you go to with hemorrhoids? As a rule, in a small city there is a small hospital where there is no full-time colonoproctologist. As a result, when it is not possible to go to a paid clinic, you can get advice from a gynecologist, therapist or surgeon.

Preparing for an examination with a doctor

First of all, when going to the proctologist for an examination, you need to calm down and cast aside all doubts and shyness.

The doctor who treats hemorrhoids will definitely ask about the nuances of nutrition, so first remember what kind of diet you have, whether you are fond of fried, sweet and spicy foods.

When visiting a doctor, tell everything honestly, for example:

  • do you do exercises, how physically active are you, do you walk;
  • Are there any bad habits?
  • what kind of work - sedentary or not;
  • about what kind of stool – dry or liquid, lumpy;
  • Information is also important about whether your parents had hemorrhoids and whether they suffered from varicose veins.

All this information can influence the correct diagnosis.

You must make an appointment in advance to see a doctor. It is recommended to take shoe covers and a diaper, although each medical institution has its own rules.

When preparing for a proposed hospitalization, when hemorrhoids worsened, and which doctor to go to, you know, take a minimum set of things and documents. You may need them at first.

Contacting a specialist requires early bowel movement. The procedure is performed once in the evening, the other in the morning. The most effective way to cleanse the intestines is an enema.

There are also special medications on sale, for example, Microlax, a microenema from which is given on the day of visiting the doctor. This is exactly the procedure that is performed before rectoscopy.

When may a referral to a colonoproctologist be necessary?

The patient is referred to a surgeon if conservative treatment does not help and the person’s condition worsens.

Don't be afraid of the surgeon. The specialist, first of all, looks and gives preliminary advice. Then inpatient treatment is carried out, and only if it does not produce results, a decision is made to perform surgery. As a rule, they are treated using minimally invasive treatment methods, but the patient will have to stay in the hospital for some time.

Basic methods and purposes in the treatment of hemorrhoids

There are three treatment options:

  • conservative;
  • minimally invasive;
  • surgical intervention.

At the first stage of the disease, hemorrhoids are very easy to treat using conservative methods. The specialist examines and determines which ointments, medications and suppositories should be prescribed. You will have to give up your previous bad habits, smoking and alcoholic beverages.

You will need to change your diet and constantly prevent stagnation. Simply put, you won’t be able to be lazy, you will need to go in for sports.

If the disease has developed into a chronic form, it is not always possible to cure it even with the help of minimally invasive treatment methods. Surgical intervention in the case of hemorrhoids is quite painful and is characterized by a long recovery period.

Today, medicine has come a long way in the field of proctology: there is where and who to turn to for the use of new methods that are not so painful and dangerous. For example, sclerotherapy, latex rings or photocoagulation of nodes are considered effective against hemorrhoids.

And in the countries of the European Union, only about 26% of patients, if they have advanced hemorrhoids, undergo surgical treatment.

Why is treatment with folk remedies dangerous?

Like any other disease, hemorrhoids are a dangerous disease and must be treated comprehensively. No one will argue that herbal tinctures or dietary supplements cannot alleviate the patient’s condition. However, to avoid the chronic form, such treatment will not be enough. Medicinal herbs can only reduce pain, but nothing more.

In addition, in any medicinal plant the active substance is in the very minimum concentration, and if the decoction is diluted with water, then there are even fewer of them.

It is impossible to treat hemorrhoids using alcohol tinctures, because the hemorrhoids are already weakened and are at the stage of inflammation, and alcohol can cause a burn, which will only lead to complications in the future.

The same can be said about ointments, in which it is recommended to put lard or butter. The extent to which such an ointment maintains the concentration of active and beneficial substances is unknown. Therefore, it is not recommended to use ointments made with folk remedies, especially since it is not even clear how much should be applied to achieve a positive effect.

As a result, most often treating hemorrhoids at home without consultation and supervision of specialists can worsen the course of the disease and lead to further complications.

In order not to waste time, you should not only know which doctor treats hemorrhoids, but also contact him in time for professional help.

A person who suddenly experiences sharp pain during a bowel movement, discovers a prolapsed hemorrhoid, or suffers from bleeding from the anus should not be at a loss in search of help. All these, and many other problems can be successfully solved by proctology.

Proctology is a field of medicine for solving delicate problems

Word Proctos means “straight”, respectively, proctology- This is the field of medicine that deals with diseases of the rectum. Thus, the answer to the question of which doctor treats hemorrhoids is obvious. This proctologist.

At the first suspicion of hemorrhoids, anal fissures and similar problems, you should contact a proctologist. This is exactly the doctor who will help solve the most delicate problems.

When is it necessary to visit a proctologist?

You should go to a proctologist at the first feeling of discomfort in the rectal area, during bowel movements or regardless of it. The reason for the visit may be a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, pain during bowel movements, burning and itching around the anus and, of course, bleeding from the anus, as well as the detection of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are an insidious disease; its early symptoms can be practically imperceptible to a person. Therefore, timely contact with a specialist, when the problem can still be solved conservatively, is extremely important. A competent proctologist will make the correct diagnosis even at the initial stage of the disease.

Who should I contact if there is no proctologist in the clinic?

Consulting a proctologist for hemorrhoids is the only correct decision. If it turns out that it is not possible to use the services of a proctologist, then you can contact a therapist with the problem of hemorrhoids.

In the case of acute hemorrhoids, first aid and general advice can be provided by a surgeon.

If you want to get rid of hemorrhoids completely, then you need to consult a proctologist in any case. You will need to look for opportunities to visit this specialist. A patient with hemorrhoids may additionally be prescribed a consultation with a phlebologist or angiologist, who will help normalize the functioning of the venous system.

Is preliminary preparation necessary before visiting a proctologist?

Having decided which doctor to go to with hemorrhoids, now prepare yourself psychologically. A proctologist faces similar problems every day. Don't be shy or hide your symptoms. There is nothing shameful about your illness. Be sure to remember the names of medications, including multivitamins, that you take.

The doctor must know your daily routine and working conditions. You shouldn’t embellish and tell how you do your morning exercises if this doesn’t actually happen. To more accurately diagnose a disease, the doctor will need information not only about your health status, but also about hereditary diseases in your family.

What to take with you to an appointment with a proctologist?

First of all, do not forget to take documents, without which you may not be able to get to the appointment. You will need:

  • insurance policy;
  • passport;
  • SNILS pension certificate (plastic);
  • War veteran's ID, if available.

If you are going to a public medical facility, then bring a clean diaper and shoe covers. In private clinics they are included in the cost of admission. If you go to the doctor with an acute attack of hemorrhoids, or call an ambulance, then you may be recommended to be hospitalized in an inpatient department. Take with you a change of clothes and shoes, personal hygiene items.

It is better to plan a visit to the proctologist on an empty stomach, because you may need laboratory tests of urine and blood. The intestines must be emptied before going to the proctologist. If it was not possible to do this naturally, then a microenema will come to the rescue.

External examination and palpation are mandatory. An experienced proctologist will perform this procedure painlessly. In some cases, instrumental examination may be prescribed.

When should you not postpone visiting a proctologist?

Hemorrhoids in the later stages are an unpleasant painful condition, accompanied by bleeding, acute pain, and in acute form, fever. In order not to bring yourself to a period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, you need to visit a proctologist at the first signs of the disease. The doctor will conduct a painless examination and prescribe a course of effective therapy.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that at the time of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is very problematic to examine the patient using an instrumental method. At this stage, the doctor’s task is to relieve painful symptoms. After this, some patients are in no hurry to see a doctor again. The disease remains untreated and gives new relapses.

Hemorrhoids in the early stages can be treated quite effectively conservatively. In an advanced state, the only method of therapy is surgery, which is always associated with a certain degree of risk. Modern medicine also has effective invasive surgical techniques in its arsenal.

Every person suffering from a similar problem should understand that early consultation with a doctor for hemorrhoids is a guarantee of getting rid of the disease quickly and without complications.

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