Treatment for hemorrhoids in women. Therapeutic exercises and diet. Clinical picture of acute and chronic forms

Hemorrhoids or anal fissure is a common and unpleasant phenomenon and is a pathological process in the anus and rectum in the form of varicose veins. Violation of the venous outflow of blood leads to its stagnation in the veins of the rectum, followed by thickening and coagulation. And this, in turn, contributes to the development of pathological expansion of hemorrhoidal veins, their thrombosis and tortuosity, in other words, the formation of hemorrhoids, which shrink at rest, and when straining, swell and enlarge.

It is believed that hemorrhoids are a purely “male” disease. However, according to statistics, women’s bodies are susceptible to this disease just as often as men’s, but they seek professional help much less often. Of particular importance in this case is false shame, when women are embarrassed and begin to panic at just the word proctologist. In most cases, a good proctologist is a man. That is why they are so afraid to go to see them. Meanwhile, by delaying going to the doctor, you are thereby aggravating your condition. Remember for the doctor - a woman is an ordinary patient who needs help in solving a serious problem. There is nothing shameful in this and there cannot be. The more you endure inconvenience and pain, the worse it will be in the future when the disease reaches a severe stage. Today, to eliminate embarrassment for patients, special diagnostic underwear has been developed, which makes examination by a doctor easier for patients.

Hemorrhoids in women gradually develop into a chronic form, aggravated by acute attacks.

There are several types of this disease:

  • Internal hemorrhoids are inflammation of the veins inside the anal canal. This type of disease is not particularly painful due to the lack of pain receptors in the anal canal. If the case is advanced, then bleeding occurs.
  • External hemorrhoids are inflammation of the veins in the anal area. As a rule, patients experience itching, pain, and discomfort.
  • Hemorrhoids with anal fissure. The crack is shallow and therefore accompanied by itching and pain during bowel movements.
  • Hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes - refers to the internal stage of development and manifests itself in the form of prolapse of hemorrhoids and severe pain.
  • Hemorrhoids with node thrombosis - manifests itself in the form of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, accompanied by intense bleeding.
Hemorrhoids are a serious disease, the treatment of which cannot be delayed, since in an advanced state the disease is accompanied by severe complications in the form of purulent paraproctitis, swelling of the anus, heavy bleeding, necrosis of hemorrhoidal tissue.

Causes of hemorrhoids.
The main reason for the development of this disease is a dysfunction of the vessels of the lower rectum of a congenital nature, which contributes to excessive blood flow and its stagnation in the cavernous veins of the rectum, which easily expand under unfavorable conditions.

The following factors can provoke the occurrence of hemorrhoids:

  • heredity;
  • inflammatory and tumor diseases in the pelvic area;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • vigorous physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • unbalanced diet, namely, lack of foods rich in fiber in the diet, abuse of alcohol, hot and spicy foods;
  • natural aging of the body.
All these factors lead to the fact that the cavities become filled with blood, increase in size and subsequently become deformed, which causes the formation of hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Enlargement of hemorrhoids leads to their inflammation, periodic bleeding and their prolapse. The very first warning sign of the disease is the appearance of a feeling of discomfort, itching, burning, heat in the anus, heaviness in the groin. Later, as the disease progresses, severe pain, swelling, increased body temperature, hyperemia in the anal area, and difficulty in bowel movements accompanied by pain occur.

Symptoms of the disease increase significantly due to the influence of provoking factors as the course of the disease progresses.

Hemorrhoids and pregnancy.
According to ongoing research, about 30% of women develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy and childbirth, and about half went through childbirth, already having this disease. During pregnancy, especially at the end of the second and third trimesters, the uterus greatly increases in size, occupying most of the abdominal cavity by the time of birth. Because of this, the stomach, liver, and loops of the small and large intestines shift upward. And the rectum, since it does not change its position, is pressed down by the uterus. The pressure of the uterus interferes with bowel movements, resulting in constipation, which already contributes to the development of the disease. In addition, under the pressure of the uterus, the venous vessels are also compressed, which is why blood stagnation occurs in the pelvis and the number of cavernous bodies increases. This also contributes to the development of this phenomenon.

During childbirth or immediately after it, manifestations of hemorrhoids may occur. As a result of pushing, there is a sharp increase in pressure inside the abdomen, in the veins of the pelvis and rectum. After delivery, the pressure disappears, but the manifestations of the disease do not always disappear, since there has already been a circulatory disorder in the vessels.

Menstruation and hemorrhoids.
During menstruation, some women experience symptoms of this proctological disease: discomfort, pain in the anus, bleeding during bowel movements, sensation of a foreign body. This is due to the fact that during menstruation there is an increase in blood flow to the pelvic organs, as a result of which the hemorrhoids become overfilled with blood, which provokes an exacerbation of this disease.

Patients suffering from this disease, as well as those who want to prevent its occurrence, are advised to follow a proper diet that promotes easy and timely (preferably at the same time) bowel movements, which should not cause discomfort. The daily diet should exclude spicy foods, since their frequent consumption contributes to excessive blood filling and irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to congestion in the vessels of the submucosal layer, and, as a result, hemorrhoids.

In addition, you should avoid eating fast food, dry food, monotonous food, as all this strains the digestive system, as a result, constipation occurs, as well as inflammatory changes in the intestines. All this leads to disruption of blood flow from the veins of the rectum and can provoke the development of this proctological disease and its exacerbations. It is no secret that our diet should be balanced, that is, combine a certain ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins. In addition, an important role in the diet is given to foods that are rich in indigestible plant fibers and fiber, since their lack leads to a reduction in the amount of feces, intestinal weakness, and, as a result, constipation. These products include: oats, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, herbs, beans, seeds, citrus fruits, berries, bran. Intensified efforts during bowel movements with stool retention also provokes stagnation of blood in the veins of the rectum and can lead to the development of hemorrhoids.

It is worth noting the effect of excessive alcohol consumption on the occurrence of hemorrhoids. When alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages enters the human body, irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines occurs, as well as persistent reflex vasodilation, which includes the rectum. Vasodilation causes blood stagnation in hemorrhoids and provokes their inflammation. Medical research has revealed that most patients, after drinking alcohol, no longer suffer from a hangover, but from an exacerbation of this disease and pain in the anus.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids.
Diagnosis of this disease is not difficult. At first, it is simply a visual examination of the skin of the anal area, the presence of bleeding and its degree.

Another diagnostic method is digital rectal examination of the rectum. If there is severe pain, this method is not used. Instead, an anoscopy is performed using painkillers.

Another diagnostic method is sigmoidoscopy, which is carried out to examine the mucous membrane of the rectum and the lower part of the sigmoid colon. This method makes it possible to determine the presence of high-lying internal hemorrhoids and determine the condition of the internal nodes.

Colonoscopy makes it possible to visually determine the condition of the rectal mucosa.

Stages of hemorrhoids and its treatment.
There are conservative or therapeutic and surgical methods for the treatment of hemorrhoids, in which hemorrhoids are surgically removed using anesthesia. As a rule, conservative treatment methods are most often used, while surgical methods are used in advanced stages of the disease, when there are large prolapsed nodes, therapeutic treatment does not help and heavy bleeding is observed.

It should be noted that the more advanced the disease, the more radical the method used to treat it. The development of hemorrhoids occurs in four stages. As a rule, at the first stage of the development of the disease, its signs are practically absent, or appear in a weak form and rarely (bloating, pain or mild bleeding during bowel movements).

At the second stage, the disease is accompanied by slight bleeding, blood drops on toilet paper, pain before and after defecation, itching, burning of the anus, prolapse of hemorrhoids when the press is tense. At this stage of the disease, the nodes can still retract on their own. Most often, it is at these two stages that therapeutic treatment is prescribed: gymnastics, a diet high in dietary fiber, treatment of constipation with special drugs to normalize light stools (laxatives should not be used too often, since diarrhea increases the symptoms of hemorrhoids), suppositories, ointments and their combination, phlebotropic drugs, hygienic care, cool water baths. For infectious complications, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.

The third stage of the development of the disease is expressed in the prolapse of nodes with each bowel movement, and they can only be set by hand. Subsequently, the nodes begin to fall out at the slightest tension or lifting small weights.

In the fourth stage, the nodes begin to fall out even when the body is at rest, thrombosis develops, and frequent and heavy bleeding is observed, leading in some cases to anemia. Late stages of hemorrhoids cannot be avoided without invasive treatment methods: hemorrhoidectomy, infrared photocoagulation, ligation with latex rings, injection sclerotherapy, surgery using the method of Professor Longo. It is worth saying that the disease develops quite slowly; years can pass between the first and fourth stages.

Despite a significant number of methods for removing hemorrhoids, not all of them guarantee one hundred percent elimination of the problem. Treatment of this proctological disease should be carried out comprehensively. Nowadays, a lot of drugs are advertised for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but not a single drug today can immediately and permanently get rid of this disease. Even surgical methods cannot eliminate the main cause of this disease – excess blood flow.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in the later stages of development is quite difficult. The rehabilitation period after surgery takes only a few days, and in the first hours and days after surgery, bed rest is not a necessary condition.

Prevention of hemorrhoids.
To prevent the development of this unpleasant disease, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Make sure that your intestines are functioning normally (no constipation or diarrhea), so include first courses and dishes rich in fiber in your diet;
  • no straining during bowel movements;
  • exclusion of alcohol, spicy and spicy foods;
  • observe the drinking regime, that is, drink at least two liters of clean drinking water daily (mineral water is possible);
  • if you are an office worker, you need to get up and make active movements every fifteen minutes of sitting on a chair;
  • do not drive a car for more than three hours in a row, you need to warm up;
  • replace with hard soft chairs in your home and office;
  • After bowel movements, you should definitely wash yourself with cold water;
  • avoid excessive physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • During pregnancy, women need to take daily walks and do gymnastics.
The sooner the disease is diagnosed and the diagnosis is made, the simpler and painless the prescribed treatment will be. An integrated approach to the treatment of this disease at the initial stage of disease development will prevent its further progression and relapses.

Do not try to diagnose or self-medicate yourself, as this is very difficult. In addition, this disease can be confused with other serious diseases of the rectum, so treatment should only be prescribed by an experienced specialist in this field using the appropriate equipment.

Hemorrhoids are a disease in which pathological changes occur in the internal venous nodes of the rectum. Like any other ailment, hemorrhoids develop gradually. Starting small, its symptoms gradually increase and ultimately can make a woman’s life almost unbearable. Moreover, if you seek help at the very beginning of the disease, you can easily cope with it in just 2-3 weeks.

It is important to remember that hemorrhoids will not go away on their own. Whatever stage it is at, you need to see a doctor. Even if you are not sure that you are suffering from this particular disease, it would be a good idea to contact a proctologist to rule out or promptly begin to treat hemorrhoids.

First of all, I would like to note that a permissive attitude towards the problem can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences. These include heavy bleeding, which in the early stages contributes to the development of anemia, and later can lead to large blood losses and can only be eliminated surgically.

In addition, if hemorrhoids are not treated, sooner or later thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal veins will lead to partial necrosis of the intestine, that is, the death of its tissue. Another dangerous complication of hemorrhoids in women is paraproctitis, during which the surrounding tissues become inflamed. It is fraught with the formation of fistulas, as well as the possibility of pus penetrating into the abdominal cavity, vagina, and so on.

As you can see, it is necessary to treat hemorrhoids. And if you have not yet encountered this disease, you need to understand what factors can trigger it and how to recognize the signs of the disease at an early stage.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

The very first manifestation of hemorrhoids in women is feeling of discomfort in the anus . It may occur during bowel movements, sitting or walking. Itching, burning, sensation of a foreign object - all this indicates inflammation of the venous nodes.

Another characteristic symptom of hemorrhoids is discharge of blood from the anus . As a rule, it can be found on toilet paper after a bowel movement. Please note that if you notice bleeding, but no longer feel any disturbances or discomfort, contact a specialist. Such a signal can indicate many intestinal diseases, including cancer.

Over time, the signs of hemorrhoids intensify. Swelling of the anus and heaviness in the groin appear. Become it's hard to walk and painful to sit . If a hemorrhoid is pinched, a woman experiences sharp, very severe pain. The nodes themselves can be detected if you touch the anus: they feel like tubercles under the skin. In advanced cases, the nodes may fall out.

It is noteworthy that the symptoms of hemorrhoids intensify during menstruation. This is due to blood flow to the pelvic organs during menstrual periods.

Why does the disease occur?

The main reason is stagnation of venous blood. This phenomenon can be triggered by factors that are often present in the life of a modern woman.

Sedentary lifestyle

Most of us work in offices, sitting in front of a computer and papers almost the entire working day. And many modern city women prefer to spend their free time in front of the TV or sitting in a cafe. Naturally, in this case, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is disrupted, the blood stagnates, stretching the veins, which leads to the formation of pathological nodes.

Poor nutrition and stool problems

We are not going to talk in detail about how bad the abuse of fatty, sweet foods, debilitating diets and improper drinking regime can have on the intestines. One way or another, all this leads to constipation. Feces accumulate in the intestines, putting pressure on the veins, blocking the blood flow, which leads to blood stagnation and the formation of nodes.


It is known that the disease can be triggered by psychological factors. Women are very emotional. Stress, psychological trauma, depression - all this can cause hemorrhoids.

Childbearing and childbirth

The most wonderful time in a woman’s life is fraught with several factors that can cause illness or complicate the situation if the illness already exists. Firstly, blood flow increases. The increasing size of the uterus begins to put pressure on all pelvic organs, including the intestines. Secondly, during pregnancy women show less physical activity, especially if there are any pathologies. Also, the body experiences enormous stress and stress directly during childbirth.

In addition, the following factors can lead to the development of the disease:

  • lifting weights, including intense strength training in the gym;
  • frequent anal sex;
  • unnatural or too intense bowel cleansing: regular use of laxatives, enemas;
  • heredity
  • the presence of other provoking diseases or anatomical features.


Any treatment begins with diagnosis of the disease. If a woman suspects hemorrhoids, she should contact a proctologist who will conduct an examination. Sometimes the disease can be detected visually, but more often it is necessary to palpate the anus. In order to leave no doubt that the patient is complaining specifically about hemorrhoids, and not about any other disease, an instrumental examination must be carried out. It is performed, as a rule, on a gynecological chair, using rectoscopic instruments. It doesn't feel too different from the standard gynecological examination that every representative of the fair sex is familiar with.

Stages of the disease and appropriate treatment

Treatment of hemorrhoids is possible using several methods or a combination of them. Let's look at each in more detail and clarify which treatment is used in which case.


This method is also called conservative. It is usually used in the early stages of the disease - this, in turn, is another reason to consult a doctor at the first suspicion and not delay until the moment when only surgery can help.

So, conservative treatment is prescribed at the following stages:

Stage 1 - the woman feels only mild discomfort; mild bleeding may be observed during bowel movements.

Stage 2 - itching, burning appears, bleeding intensifies. Hemorrhoids can fall out when stressed, but retract on their own.

Drug treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, the patient does not need to go to the hospital. It involves the use of drugs and therapeutic procedures.

Local medications. This includes ointments, creams, gels, rectal suppositories. All these drugs are aimed at alleviating the condition. They relieve irritation, itching, and pain.

Preparations for oral administration. Pain relief tablets, medications to strengthen the vein walls, antibiotics if there is an infection, anti-inflammatory drugs, laxatives if there is constipation.

Minimally invasive methods

Similar methods are used to treat the second stage of hemorrhoids or in cases where conservative treatment has not brought tangible results.

Sclerotherapy. It is an injection of certain medications. They are carried out directly into the hemorrhoids and lead to their shrinkage.

Infrared photocoagulation. This method involves exposure to infrared radiation, which causes the nodes to glue together.

Cryotherapy. Exposure to low temperatures, leading to the death of the node.

Node ligation. During this procedure, a latex ring is placed at the base of each node, cutting off the nutrition and causing it to die.

Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids

Home healing with grandmother's recipes is a good help in treating hemorrhoids. Traditional methods alone cannot cope with the disease, but they can make the treatment process more effective if used in combination with medicinal methods. However, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor about this.

Alternative medicine knows many recipes, including baths, ointments, tampons and suppositories, microenemas.

Considered to be an effective treatment for hemorrhoids sitz baths based on medicinal herbs and infusions, for example, burnet or chamomile.

Steam baths can also be made. One of the effective recipes: take 4 large onions, insist on 2 liters of milk. You need to sit over the vapor of this infusion for 10–15 minutes.

Do candles. To do this, use raw potatoes. In the first case, you need to cut a candle from a tuber. It should be no more than 1.5 cm wide and 3.5 cm long. Make sure that the entire surface is perfectly smooth, without roughness - this will avoid unpleasant sensations during insertion. Introduce the suppository before bedtime. For better glide, you can lubricate it with honey or vegetable oil. The next morning the candle should come out on its own. Course – 10 days.

Radical or surgical treatment

Surgical intervention is resorted to if other methods have not given the desired results or the patient has already presented with an advanced disease in the following stages:

Stage 3 - hemorrhoids fall out constantly, even if the woman does not strain at all and is in a relaxed state. However, they can still be adjusted manually. The nodes can be felt if you lie down or take a knee-elbow position. At the same stage, vein thrombosis often develops, pinching of nodes with subsequent inflammation.

Stage 4 - falling out nodes can no longer be put back in place. This stage is often complicated by thrombosis, necrosis, and heavy bleeding, which in turn provoke severe anemia.

There are several surgeries to remove hemorrhoids.


As a rule, this operation is prescribed when the patient suffers from grade 4 hemorrhoids. It is especially relevant if the nodes fall out + there are blood clots in them. The method consists of making incisions in the skin in the anal area, as well as in the mucous membrane of the rectum above the node. The excised tissue is then fixed to the underlying areas of the mucosa.

The operation is very effective, but relapses occur. Basically, hemorrhoids make themselves felt again 3–5 years after surgical treatment. In addition, it is possible that some complications may occur, for example, acute pain when the anal canal is injured or difficulties with urination.

Classic excision

Excision, or hemorrhoidotomy, is performed under general anesthesia and is by far one of the most traumatic operations to remove hemorrhoids. It is prescribed only in the most serious cases, when there are large prolapsed nodes with a real threat of bleeding, as well as concomitant diseases of the rectum.

During the procedure, hemorrhoids are excised, followed by ligation of their vascular pedicles. After the operation there is a long rehabilitation period, during which the patient is required to strictly follow medical recommendations and take painkillers.


One of the most modern and effective methods of getting rid of hemorrhoids at any stage of the disease. The essence of the operation is that the specialist crosses the exact artery that feeds the node. As a result, it dries out and stops bothering the woman. Removing the very cause of hemorrhoids, pathological vessels, reduces the risk of re-development of the disease to a minimum.

The operation is performed using ultrasound so that the surgeon can accurately see the artery that needs to be treated. The procedure takes less than half an hour and is completely painless. After 1-2 days, the patient can return to normal life.

Transanal mucosal resection

Otherwise, this operation is called the Longo method. The essence of the method is that a circular resection is performed at the site of prolapse of the nodes, followed by suturing of the rectal mucosa. Unlike classical surgery, with the Longo method, resection affects only a small part of the intestine above the dentate line. To put it simply, hemorrhoids in this case are not removed, but “pulled” higher. Subsequently, they dry out, as blood flow decreases, and become overgrown with connective tissue.

The operation is quite effective and allows the patient to quickly recover and return to her usual lifestyle, minimizing the risk of relapses.

Contraindications for hemorrhoid surgery

There are not many factors due to which it is impossible to perform surgical interventions, but they exist:

  • reduced ability of tissues to regenerate;
  • threat of disruption of the urination process;
  • the possibility of developing anal sphincter insufficiency, that is, incontinence.

After operation

It is quite difficult to predict how quickly the recovery will occur. Each body has individual recovery abilities. However, almost all patients can get up and walk within a few hours after the operation, and after a couple of days they return to their normal lives, being discharged from the hospital.

In the first days, stool may be painful, and background pain will continue to bother you for some time. In order to relieve the patient of discomfort, painkillers, emollients, wound healing and laxative suppositories are prescribed. In addition, the doctor may prescribe lying baths to help relieve pain. In the future, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations and follow a healthy lifestyle, not forgetting the constant prevention of hemorrhoids: moderate physical activity, a diet that provides daily bowel movements, careful hygiene.

During the treatment of hemorrhoids, a woman needs to adhere to a certain diets . First of all, it is necessary to exclude fried, spicy and fatty foods from the diet. It is advisable to steam food.

You also need to exclude smoked foods, canned meat and fish, and pickled foods. Fried, hard-boiled or raw eggs must be replaced with an omelet or cooked soft-boiled. Dairy products are preferred mainly in the form of yoghurt, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, and kefir. You should not eat sour cream and cheeses with a high percentage of fat.

Vegetables are used only fresh, baked or boiled. Porridges should be chosen depending on whether the patient suffers from constipation or diarrhea. In the first case, you need to limit the consumption of rice and semolina porridge, in the second - wheat, barley and pearl barley. It is better to replace butter with vegetable oil or use it in small quantities.

Pay special attention hygiene . Firstly, it must be regular. Secondly, if you can already feel the knots or bumps on the outside, you should not use regular toilet paper. Try to wash yourself after each bowel movement, and when this is not possible, carry soft wet wipes with you.

. To prevent hemorrhoids, it is necessary to lead a moderately active lifestyle. Do not lift heavy objects, even for exercise purposes.

As you can see, there are many methods for treating and preventing hemorrhoids. However, if the disease has already begun, it is easier and less painful to cope with in the early stages. So stick to a healthy lifestyle and don’t delay in seeing a doctor at the first symptoms.


According to statistics, more than 70% of proctologist’s patients are men, which is why you can often come across the question: do hemorrhoids occur in women? Unfortunately, it happens. Moreover, the disease more often manifests itself in congenital intestinal anomalies and during pregnancy. According to official data, the ratio of sick men to women is 77% to 23%. However, in reality it is 55% to 45%, respectively. Doctors explain such differences by the fact that women are less likely to turn to a proctologist when the first signs of the disease appear, and this leads to a severe course and complications.

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum that form convoluted, clotted veins called hemorrhoids (HG). Most often, the disease manifests itself at a young age - the age group of 21–30 years accounts for 43% of patients. A pressing problem is the development of hemorrhoids in girls during pregnancy and after childbirth. If there is a hereditary tendency to this disease, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures, especially during gestation.

Hemorrhoids in women can be classified according to various factors: etiology, form of occurrence, type of hemorrhoids, concomitant pathologies, degree and stage of the thrombotic process. According to the morphology of the disease, there are 3 types of female hemorrhoids:

  • internal - hemorrhoids are located relatively far from the anus;
  • external - the nodes are located near the anus, they can bleed and ulcerate, causing severe pain and forming perianal fimbriae;
  • combined - nodes are localized in the upper and lower venous plexus.

There are several basic answers to the question of why hemorrhoids occur in women. First of all, this is a burdened heredity and a tendency to thrombotic processes. Various trigger factors can contribute to the manifestation of characteristic symptoms: a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, heavy physical labor, a sharp decrease in body weight and uncontrolled use of laxatives and enemas for the purpose of losing weight.

One of the causes of hemorrhoids in women is the frequent practice of anal sex. Physiologically, the rectum is not designed to accommodate foreign objects, so doctors advise completely avoiding this type of sexual contact.

The lack of timely treatment for hemorrhoids leads to various serious complications: thrombosis, paraproctitis, cryptitis, spastic colitis and rectal cancer.

First signs

Regardless of the cause of hemorrhoids in a woman, this disease develops gradually, undergoing four stages:

  1. blood is released from the anus;
  2. GU prolapse occurs, but they are automatically retracted into the anus when the inflammatory process subsides;
  3. manual repositioning of dropped out GUs is necessary;
  4. impossibility of repositioning prolapsed nodes and the need for urgent medical attention.

These stages are not always accompanied by bleeding and ulceration of the node, but this is not a reason to delay contacting a specialist.

You should also pay attention to these first signs of hemorrhoids in women:

  • discomfort, tingling and pain;
  • constipation and severe straining;
  • swelling and hyperemia in the GU area;
  • blood clots and mucus in the stool;
  • swelling and loss of GU.

Clinical picture of acute and chronic forms

The characteristic symptoms of the acute form, forcing a woman to see a doctor, are bleeding, pain and prolapsed GU, which cannot be straightened on their own. It has 3 degrees of severity, which determine the type of therapy required:

  • I- GU are small and located outside, but their palpation is painful; main symptoms: discomfort during bowel movements and severe itching; It is often possible to get by with the use of local NSAIDs;
  • II- patients complain of severe hyperemia and swelling of the venous plexus area; main symptoms: severe pain while sitting and walking; treatment involves the use of minimally invasive methods and physiotherapy;
  • III- nodes have a bluish and purple color, and inflammatory edema occupies the entire area of ​​the anus; symptoms of degrees I and II are observed in severe form; In the absence of timely treatment, nodes may become visible, which leads to a severe purulent complication - paraproctitis.

After relief of the acute form, in most patients the disease becomes chronic. That is, when exposed to pathological factors, the symptoms of hemorrhoids in women may resume, although often the clinical picture is limited to slight itching and discomfort.

An important sign of internal hemorrhoids in women is heaviness in the stomach, bloating and increased temperature against the background of developing inflammation.

Drug therapy

There is no etiological therapy for hemorrhoids, since it is not yet clear what microbiological mechanisms trigger the pathological process. However, the use of symptomatic remedies turns out to be quite effective, and compliance with preventive measures helps avoid re-exacerbation of the disease. Most often, doctors prescribe this drug treatment for hemorrhoids in women.

Classic remedies

Analgesicshave a quick pain-relieving effectKetonal, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Nise, Movalis
Ointments for applicationsindicated for severe inflammation of the subcutaneous fat layer around the nodesLevomekol, Levasin, Vishnevsky ointment
Phlebotonic agentsrestore damaged vascular walls and increase their toneDetralex, Troxevasin
Hemostatic agentscontain adrenaline and stop bleeding from the anusAdroxon, Beriplast, Spongostan
Candles and ointmentsfor external hemorrhoidsRelief, Hepatrombin, Aurobin, ichthyol ointment
for internal hemorrhoidsRelief, Natalsid, Procto-Glyvenol, Relief Ultra

Homeopathic remedies

Esculusdiscomfort, itching in the anus and pain in the sacral region for topical and oral use
Aloehemorrhoidal incontinence and pain
Graphitessevere itching in the anus; recommended for obese people
Chelidoniumconcomitant liver diseases
Hamamelisbleeding and ulceration of nodes
Paeoniaburning pain in the anus and accompanying anal fissures
Anacardium orientaleconstipation, when there is a feeling of fullness in the rectum
Zincus valerianicushemorrhoids that occur against the background of neuroses and hormonal imbalances (pregnancy, menopause)


  • A - is an antioxidant that restores mucous membranes and blood vessels
  • B - vitamins of this group normalize calcium metabolism and improve digestion, relieving the load on the intestines
  • C and E - improve blood clotting


  • Ca - normalizes coagulation factor and prevents the development of colorectal cancer
  • Mg - promotes calcium absorption
  • K - prevents the development of constipation
  • Coenzyme, Dimethylglycine - supply cells with oxygen
  • Shark cartilage - relieves pain, inflammation and swelling


Drug treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids in women is usually carried out during exacerbation of the disease. And in the chronic form, doctors recommend physical therapy, in particular, “warming up” the rectum with a magnetic field. It has a beneficial effect on the hemorrhoidal area, reducing inflammation and normalizing blood circulation.

The procedure is carried out using the UTMpk-01 “Para” apparatus. The working probe is heated to a certain temperature (for the chronic form, the third mode with a temperature of 38–41°C is recommended) and is inserted into the rectum for 10 minutes. Up to 10 sessions are performed daily, and with this rhythm, positive dynamics are observed already on the third day of treatment. Since the first time inserting a probe into the area of ​​​​the swollen nodes causes pain, anesthesia with lidocaine is performed.

Doctors note that magnetic physiotherapy enhances the effect of drugs and rectal suppositories, accelerating the patient’s recovery.

Minimally invasive methods

Since there is no etiological therapy, and conservative treatment gives only temporary symptomatic results, it is possible to use minimally invasive methods of therapy. These include:

  • sclerotherapy is the injection of a special substance into the node that causes flattening of the veins. It is recommended to treat only one node during the procedure, but it can be repeated every 2 weeks;
  • doping with latex rings - this method is used to eliminate the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in women. A special tightening latex ring is placed on the node, which disrupts the nutrition of the tissue of the node and causes its necrosis;
  • cryodestruction - the node is exposed to liquid nitrogen, as a result of which it freezes and dies after thawing. It should be noted that after the node is rejected, an open wound appears in its place, which must be treated with anesthetics to prevent infections;
  • infrared coagulation is a very simple and effective method of treating acute hemorrhoids when surgery cannot be performed for some reason. Its essence lies in the thermal effect on the base of the node, as a result of which it falls off, and a minor burn forms in its place. During one procedure, up to 4 nodes can be removed;
  • laser coagulation - this procedure is used less frequently than infrared therapy, because it has a high cost. Moreover, during the session the patient may feel pain and heat, and due to the specificity of the equipment, complications may develop. The carbon dioxide laser cuts only the superficial layers of tissue, which increases the risk of internal bleeding. A neodymium laser is difficult to accurately target the affected area, so its use increases the likelihood of developing purulent processes;
  • electrocoagulation (mono- and bipolar) is a very promising and promising treatment method. Using current at different voltages for 10 minutes, you can remove all pathological nodes, and in their place only small white scabs will appear. The method is attractive due to its low cost and lack of need for anesthesia and preparatory measures.

Latex ring banding is one of the most popular treatments for hemorrhoids in women, as this procedure avoids open hemorrhoidectomy in 80% of patients.


Regarding how hemorrhoids are surgically treated in women, it must be said that three types of hemorrhoidectomy are now possible:

  1. open - involves a one-time removal of external and internal nodes with a coagulation knife. This operation is recommended for complicated disease with paraproctitis and anal fissures;
  2. closed - restoration of the mucous membranes is carried out with catgut sutures and is used for stages III and IV of hemorrhoids in women;
  3. submucosal - involves electrocoagulative excision of nodes with arcuate incisions of the mucous membrane. As a result, after removal of the node, a small stump remains, but recovery will be faster than with a conventional hemorrhoidectomy. So far, such operations are rarely performed due to their high cost.

Folk remedies

When thinking about how to treat hemorrhoids, women often resort to folk remedies. They do have a beneficial effect, but only temporary. The initiation of a pathological process will lead to the need for surgical treatment, when even minimally invasive methods cannot be used. However, to relieve the unpleasant symptoms and pain of hemorrhoids in women, you can make lotions, baths, ointments and enemas using herbal decoctions.

The following extracts have shown excellent results in the treatment of rectal diseases: cloves, chestnuts, flax, millet, and burdock. Decoctions and infusions prepared on their basis can not only be taken orally, but also used to lubricate the anus. When hemorrhoids prolapse, traditional healers also advise applying compresses of boiled vegetables to the anus: potatoes, carrots and beets.

However, folk recipes should be treated very carefully. While drinking herbal teas looks very harmless, especially since such products are even sold in pharmacies, some medications can only aggravate the course of the disease. For example, doctors do not recommend inserting beeswax tampons, garlic cloves, or ice suppositories into the rectum. Not only will they not relieve the symptoms, but they can also increase irritation. Therefore, before treating hemorrhoids with folk remedies, a woman should consult a specialist.

You can use enemas with medicinal liquids and herbal decoctions only on the recommendation of a doctor, since they are contraindicated in acute inflammation of the anus.

Therapeutic exercises and diet

In the chronic form of the disease during remission, it is recommended to perform 15 minutes of sphincter exercises daily. It will not only prevent the appearance of symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in a woman, but will also help strengthen the muscular system. The following well-known exercises will be the most useful:

  • “scissors” with legs while lying on your back;
  • squats;
  • tension in the buttocks while standing;
  • pulling up the knees while lying on your back;
  • tension and retraction of the buttocks while sitting;
  • exercise "bicycle";
  • pelvic turns.

A mandatory measure to prevent exacerbations is diet.

Therapeutic nutrition is compiled on an individual basis, but there are some general recommendations:

  • Fermented milk products should be present in the daily diet, and whole milk should be excluded;
  • it is necessary to consume plant fiber daily: raw vegetables, bran and black bread, porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, barley);
  • It is recommended to drink daily mineral water with sulfate and magnesium ions - “Essentuki” and “Moskovskaya”;
  • junk food and alcohol are prohibited.

If a person still suffers from constipation during a diet, doctors do not recommend using laxatives. It is better to replace it with products that have a mild laxative effect: kefir, prunes, plums, and drink more clean water, as this helps cleanse the intestines. Fasting days are very useful, but concomitant diseases of the digestive system are a contraindication to them. If hemorrhoids are accompanied by diarrhea, then an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary, since diarrhea may be a sign of complications.

It is believed that hemorrhoids rarely develop in women and are typical for the stronger sex. However, in fact, this is far from the case. Female hemorrhoids are much more common in medical practice than male hemorrhoids. The reason for this phenomenon lies in female anatomy and the lifestyle that is prescribed to them by nature itself. Before moving on to a description of the prerequisites that cause hemorrhoids, it is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with the etiology of this unpleasant and dangerous disease. This will help answer the question of whether hemorrhoids occur in women, what are their symptoms and treatment.


Hemorrhoids are varicose veins located in the anal area. Since the veins are located inside and outside the rectum, the disease is conventionally classified according to the location of inflammation.

Depending on what hemorrhoids look like in women, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Interior. With this form of the disease, one node enlarges or the entire rectum becomes inflamed. Direct contact with feces leads to rupture of the walls of blood vessels. When incipient hemorrhoids are not treated promptly and professionally, the nodes grow so large that they impair the functionality of the sphincter.
  2. External. First, one hemorrhoidal anal node becomes inflamed and enlarged. As the disease develops, the entire outer area of ​​the anus becomes covered with bumps and bumps. If the treatment of hemorrhoids in women is left to chance, the nodes will acquire gigantic dimensions, making even simple and easy work impossible.
  3. Combined. It is a large-scale lesion of the veins located inside and outside the rectum. Patients suffer from bleeding, spontaneous bowel movements and mucus discharge.

Many people consider hemorrhoids a shameful disease and are embarrassed to seek medical help. However, this disease has an unpleasant tendency to steadily progress. That is why treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids must begin immediately. To do this, you need to know what signs indicate the onset of the disease.

The disease begins without bright and sudden manifestations. Its development can take several months. In this case, a person may not experience any particular discomfort. This is the insidiousness of the disease: if at the initial stage it is easy to cure completely, then in an advanced state it is almost impossible to do this. The first signs of hemorrhoids in women appear individually, but have a general tendency. As a rule, ladies do not pay much attention to them, attributing the unpleasant sensations to fatigue, bruises and digestive problems.

Signs of internal hemorrhoids in women can be as follows:

  • discomfort in the anus that occurs after defecation (slight burning, tingling);
  • the occurrence of swelling in the sphincter area;
  • the appearance of blood on toilet paper and underwear;
  • difficulty defecating, causeless constipation;
  • discharge of mucus from the rectum;
  • development of lumps and lumps around the sphincter.

The detection of even one of these symptoms indicates the onset of the disease. You should not wait until they begin to manifest themselves more strongly. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women vary individually, depending on factors such as age, body type and lifestyle. In addition, people's pain thresholds can vary greatly. Even advanced internal hemorrhoids cause symptoms in women with varying degrees of pain and levels of discomfort. However, the general trend is approximately the same for everyone.

Common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in women may include:

  1. Feeling that there is a foreign object in the anus. This sensation does not go away after a bowel movement or cleansing enema.
  2. The appearance of soft bulges around the anus and in the rectum. A close examination of these formations reveals that they are dark red in color with a purple tint.
  3. Increasing burning sensation in the anus area. It hurts more after prolonged walking, sitting and difficult bowel movements. After washing the sphincter, a pain is felt in the soft tissues.
  4. The appearance of blood in the stool. Bleeding can occur not only after bowel movements. They can begin after strong physical and nervous stress or sudden movements.
  5. Severe constipation. They occur with internal hemorrhoids, when the venous nodes in the rectum greatly enlarge. Eating right, patients cannot understand why they experience such problems.
  6. Prolapse of pathologically enlarged veins from the rectum. Depending on the stage of the disease, this occurs after exercise or spontaneously.
  7. General deterioration in health. Severe pain from hemorrhoids causes insomnia and nervousness. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Regardless of how the disease manifests itself, you should not delay your visit to the proctologist until later. Self-medication is also a mistake - drugs that are useful for one woman can harm another. If internal hemorrhoids in women are not treated, the consequences can be catastrophic for health and life-threatening.

The rate of development of the disease can be influenced by a variety of factors. Under favorable circumstances, relief of the disease is observed. However, even a minor disruption in the body is enough for the process of deformation of the venous nodes to continue.

According to the medical classification, there are hemorrhoids, which are divided into the following stages of development:

  1. There is discomfort in the anal area. Determining deviations from the norm by touch is not possible. After bowel movements, there are traces of blood in the stool. Determining the presence of inflammation is only possible in a clinical setting.
  2. There is a noticeable increase in hemorrhoidal veins. They are identified by the fingers as soft bumps. During defecation, the nodes come out, then retract back. As a rule, emptying is accompanied by the release of a few drops of blood.
  3. Enlarged nodes begin to hurt very much. Unpleasant sensations are constant, intensifying during physical activity and defecation. Bleeding becomes more and more prolonged. Loss of nodes can occur at the most unexpected moment, even at rest. They are inserted into the rectum only by hand.
  4. At this stage, patients can no longer describe in ordinary words what pain they experience. Only analgesics can somewhat reduce pain. The clinical picture is complemented by constantly falling out venous nodes that do not stay in the rectum.

If qualified treatment is not started, serious complications may occur.

Complications of hemorrhoids

Knowing how to treat internal hemorrhoids, you can achieve significant success in this direction. But in most cases, treatment is episodic. As a rule, it stops once the pain subsides and inflammation decreases. Despite the fact that modern medicine knows exactly how to treat hemorrhoids in women, almost all women, without knowing why, do not follow the recommendations of specialists.

Neglect of your own health is fraught with the following complications:

  1. Thrombosis of nodes. A similar phenomenon may occur due to poor circulation in the rectum.
  2. Paraproctitis. It is suppuration of soft tissues in the rectum. When the veins become inflamed, the glands are damaged and fluid stagnates. For these reasons, numerous ulcers may appear on the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Spastic colitis. This disease is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal walls. Spastic colitis is one of the signs of hemorrhoids. It is provoked by purulent and stagnant processes in the rectum.
  4. Ulcerative colitis. It is a consequence of the destruction of the walls of the rectum. Over time, ulcers form on it, which are very painful and bleed.
  5. Rectal cancer. Women on the eve of menopause who suffer from chronic hemorrhoids are at risk. Science has not yet found an effective means of combating cancer.

This list presents only the most common complications that arise in the presence of hemorrhoids and the lack of qualified treatment. Knowing the causes of hemorrhoids in women, you can prevent this disease, saving yourself in advance from unimaginable suffering.

When hemorrhoids are detected in women, the causes of this problem can lie in the most unexpected areas. No proctologist can say exactly why the enlargement and inflammation of the venous nodes begins. Modern medicine has systematized a number of factors that provoke the onset and progression of the disease.

The causes of hemorrhoids in women can be:

  1. Sedentary work. Today, a sedentary lifestyle is considered the main factor that provokes the development of the disease. Strong pressure arises in the pelvic organs, disrupting blood circulation and metabolism.
  2. Constant constipation. This problem occurs due to poor nutrition or disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Fecal masses exert strong pressure on the walls of the rectum and poison the soft tissues with decomposition products.
  3. Eating excessively fatty, spicy and salty foods. It has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, weakening and destroying the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Inflammatory processes that cause disruption of the functionality of the genital organs. The infection affects the rectum, which is in close proximity to them.
  5. Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol abuse provoke an increase in blood density, its stagnation in the pelvic organs, and a deterioration in their supply of nutrients.
  6. Genetic factor. Several generations of close relatives can suffer from hemorrhoids. Even a healthy lifestyle is not a guarantee against this disease.
  7. Injuries sustained during childbirth or during rough anal sex. Because of this, the integrity of the mucous membrane and blood vessels is disrupted.

When there are several unfavorable factors at the same time, the risk of disease increases many times over.

Before treating hemorrhoids in women, you need to make sure that it is an enlargement of the venous nodes. In addition, the attending physician must determine the type of disease and its stage. Only having a complete clinical picture of the patient’s illness can a proctologist prescribe the most effective treatment.

Diagnostics is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Initial examination in a specialist’s office. The doctor finds out information regarding the nature and intensity of symptoms, possible causes and time course of the disease. After this, an external examination is carried out, during which the doctor visually and by touch determines the stage of the disease.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. A probe equipped with a light and a video camera is inserted into the anus. After pumping air into the rectum, the proctologist visually examines its internal surface and assesses the degree of damage to the veins and mucous membrane.
  3. Anoscopy. Using an anoscope, the doctor receives accurate and detailed information about the degree of pathological changes that have occurred in the anus. The device takes soft tissue samples for biopsy. This procedure allows you to detect cancer in its early stages.
  4. Colonoscopy. This procedure is performed for a detailed examination of the anus and the adjacent intestine. The data is sent to a computer monitor, which helps make a diagnosis with high accuracy.

Before prescribing a course of treatment, the patient is examined by specialized specialists.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the stage of hemorrhoids, the presence of concomitant diseases and the individual characteristics of each patient. As a rule, when diagnosing the first and second stages of the disease, drug treatment is prescribed, which is carried out at home.

The patient is prescribed the following medications:

  1. Painkillers in the form of tablets, capsules and injections. Pain relief helps the woman regain mobility, proper sleep and the ability to perform therapeutic procedures.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Taking them eliminates swelling and reduces the pain of defecation. To reduce the pressure of feces on the walls of the rectum, a laxative is taken.
  3. Rectal suppositories and ointments. Drugs in this group have a complex effect. They not only relieve pain and inflammation, but also strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminate blood clots and clots.
  4. Medicinal herbs. They are used in the form of decoctions that are added to baths. The procedures are carried out both in a sitting position in the broth itself, and over its steam.

Therapy is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated. After relieving the pain symptom, patients are recommended to do therapeutic exercises. Exercise should be done daily throughout your life.

Hemorrhoids in the third and fourth stages are treated surgically. The type of operation is prescribed by the attending physician.

Preventive actions

To avoid problems with the anus and relapse after curing the disease, you must adhere to a few simple but necessary rules.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in women involves:

  • decisive abandonment of all bad habits;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle, doing physical exercise;
  • regular and nutritious nutrition, maintaining water balance in the body;
  • careful attitude towards anal sex;
  • keeping the rectum and genitals clean;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • replacing soft sofas, armchairs and chairs with furniture with a hard seat;
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • avoiding heavy loads and strains during bowel movements.

All this will allow you to forget about hemorrhoids forever.

As is known, it is a venous disease, and it is associated with such an unpleasant symptom as hemorrhoids near the anus. But most often, the first alarm bell is blood and pain during bowel movements, even before the appearance of lumps. After some time, the pain subsides, but with the next bowel movement it occurs again. As the disease progresses, the number of symptoms increases.

The feeling of an unemptied bowel is one of the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

So, what symptoms can hemorrhoids cause in women?

  • Pain during bowel movements. In the initial stages, the pain is not sharp, it rather resembles a burning sensation in the anus. If the disease is neglected, in the final stages the pain becomes constant and quite severe. If a woman is pregnant, this can cause additional stress. Some people can’t stand it and ask for surgery themselves, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.
  • Perhaps this is the most frightening symptom that forces women to consult a doctor. If they are ready to endure pain, then at the sight of blood, women’s imagination draws terrible pictures of cancer, tumors and other things. And this is not entirely wrong, blood is an alarming symptom, bleeding is especially dangerous for pregnant women due to possible anemia.
  • Prolapse of hemorrhoidal cones. If the presence of pain and blood can be a sign of anything (anal fissure, hemorrhoids, polyp in the rectum), then the presence of nodules immediately indicates hemorrhoids. External nodes appear with the external type of hemorrhoids, they can increase as the disease progresses. These painful bumps cause a lot of discomfort while sitting and even walking. At first they can be straightened, but at the last stage the nodules constantly fall out even without straining and can no longer be straightened back.
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement. Usually this symptom appears with internal hemorrhoids. Be careful when diagnosing yourself. The feeling of incomplete bowel movements can be a sign of a polyp or even a tumor in the rectum. If such a symptom appears, you should immediately see a doctor.
  • Itching and burning in the anus. Itching can be either an independent sign of hemorrhoids or a symptom that often accompanies hemorrhoids. The fissure spreads when you have a bowel movement, and then gradually “shrinks”, causing this same itching.
  • Fever, blue discoloration of hemorrhoids. This is a sure sign that inflammation has begun. In this case, medical attention is simply necessary. Under no circumstances should you endure and lower your temperature; consult a specialist.

Treatment Options for Hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids can be conservative or associated with folk remedies. Drug treatment usually begins with drugs that reduce inflammation and pain in the rectum. These can be suppositories and ointments for local use. They relieve pain, itching, have an antiseptic effect, and have a hemostatic effect. Suppositories are inserted directly into the anus only after hygiene procedures. The ointment can be applied to a cotton swab and applied to the bumps. There are ointments with special attachments for more convenient use for internal hemorrhoids.

Along with topical medications, the doctor sometimes prescribes anti-inflammatory, analgesic or laxative tablets. There are other, more radical methods of treating hemorrhoids. One of them is sclerotherapy. It is usually used to treat varicose veins, but in the initial stages this method can be very effective. It involves injecting a special substance into the nodules, causing the walls of the hemorrhoid to stick together. If the size of the nodules is too large, sclerotherapy will not give the desired result.

Ligation is also used as a treatment for hemorrhoids without surgery. A special latex ring (ligature) is placed on the stem of the hemorrhoid, which prevents blood from entering the lump. Within two weeks the nodule disappears. This procedure is performed at stages 2,3 or 4 of hemorrhoids. At stage 1, the nodules are still weakly expressed.

If the disease is advanced and no medications or other treatments help, surgical intervention is possible at the last stage. Laser removal of hemorrhoids is almost painless and very fast. This method does not require general anesthesia. However, the operation does not mean that you can return to your previous lifestyle, which led to hemorrhoids. It is necessary to follow a diet, drink and regularly see a proctologist.

– an effective way to combat hemorrhoids. The blood flow to hemorrhoidal cones is stopped using special equipment. After this, the nodules decrease in size and disappear. It is not painful because nothing needs to be removed or cut during this procedure.

Folk remedies in the fight against hemorrhoids

Despite the abundance of popular advice on the treatment of hemorrhoids, self-medication is extremely dangerous. The doctor himself can advise you on some decoctions or baths, but it is undesirable to believe everything that traditional medicine advises. Before choosing one or another treatment method, consult a specialist and make sure that you do not have allergies.
In addition, the difficulty in treating with folk remedies is that it takes time to prepare them. And the necessary ingredients are not always at hand, and they are not always available in the pharmacy. It will take a long time before you find cedar oil or borage juice. Therefore, more often women prefer to buy traditional medicinal suppositories at the pharmacy.

  1. Medicinal baths made from herbal decoctions or onion peels are quite acceptable. A decoction of water pepper has a hemostatic effect. Chamomile and St. John's wort will help relieve inflammation.
  2. A cool bath of a weak solution of potassium permanganate will also help.
  3. You can apply a cotton swab moistened with sea buckthorn oil, honey and sunflower oil, burdock oil, and St. John's wort infusion to the cones.
  4. To narrow the blood vessels and strengthen their walls, you can apply ice, regular ice or chamomile infusion. Ice cubes should be placed in clean gauze and applied briefly to avoid hypothermia.
  5. Our ancestors used candied honey and potato blocks as candles. You need to be careful with these funds. Honey is a strong allergen. After all, now in pharmacies you can find a huge number of candles with the same natural ingredients, but in a more convenient form. Potatoes can also be used in grated form.
  6. To improve blood circulation, traditional medicine recommends self-massage of the cones. If the doctor diagnoses the last stage and you have bleeding, you should not touch the nodules with your hands unnecessarily. In the first stages, massage will not hurt if your hands are clean and the pressure is very light. It is even more dangerous to damage the surface of the nodules with your nails.
  7. Enemas with a decoction of blueberries or chamomile are used as a remedy against hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to get carried away with enemas, otherwise you can harm yourself. Everything is good in moderation.

If suppositories with an analgesic effect act quite quickly, you cannot expect an instant effect from folk remedies. However, with regular treatment, the symptoms will begin to subside.

Why are hemorrhoids dangerous in women?

Hemorrhoids are a rather dangerous disease.

Before you let the disease take its course and self-medicate, it is worth asking what the consequences of inadequate treatment or its absence may lead to. In addition to such troubles as swelling of hemorrhoidal cones, constant bleeding and pain, there are also more dangerous consequences.

  • Thrombosis. Hemorrhoidal nodules swell when pushing, blood circulation is impaired, this leads to the formation of blood clots in the nodules. In this case, constipation, pain in the anus, discharge with an unpleasant odor, and heavy bleeding occur.
  • Paraproctitis. This is suppuration of the tissue around the anus. It occurs due to improper treatment of hemorrhoids, lack of hygiene, or anal fissures. Paraproctitis always occurs suddenly and is accompanied by fever, weakness, and sharp pain in the anal canal.
  • . The formation of polyps in the colon is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to cancer. They can only be detected with careful examination. Symptoms include bleeding and severe pain.
  • Rectal cancer. It sounds scary, but alas, it is possible. There is no need to immediately prepare yourself for the worst. With adequate treatment, hemorrhoids can be overcome. But the older a person is, the more likely it is to develop cancer. This is especially true for post-menopausal women.
  • Ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. The walls of the rectum and colon become covered with ulcers, which provokes bleeding.
  • Anal fissures. Often occur together with hemorrhoids. Their cause may be chronic constipation. Anal
  • cracks not only cause pain, but can also become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and infections.
    Cryptit. This is an inflammation of the rectal mucosa, leading to paraproctitis and sometimes cancerous tumors.

These are not all the consequences of hemorrhoids, but only the most common ones. It is especially dangerous, since it affects not only the mother, but also the child. Stress and bleeding negatively affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, it is important to prevent hemorrhoids from appearing or to begin treating them as early as possible. Don’t forget about preventive measures, such as proper nutrition, physical activity, and daily hygiene.

Diagnosis and symptoms of hemorrhoids in women - this video will tell you about it:

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