Oral hygiene in dentistry, what it includes. Professional oral hygiene Oral hygiene budget way

Taking care of your teeth is very important. Proper oral hygiene procedures will help maintain strong teeth for a long time. There are two types of oral hygiene - professional and personal, by observing which you can make your smile very beautiful.

Professional care

At an appointment with a specialist, teeth are cleaned with ultrasound. A special device will remove plaque from the enamel and formed stones at the base of the teeth and under the gums. This procedure is virtually painless. You can't do this yourself. Stones and plaque appear after drinking tea, coffee, and cigarettes.

The doctor will check the oral cavity for diseases (), damage to the enamel (). If necessary, he will select the correct treatment and recommend proper dental care.

To strengthen tooth enamel, a specialist can perform fluoridation. It can be ordinary and deep, when special preparations are placed at the base of the tooth, which quickly restores the enamel.

Teeth whitening is carried out using the system. It allows you to restore the natural color of your teeth and destroys bacteria. A special sandblasting machine is used, inside of which there is a special solution and an abrasive mixture. With its help, plaque is removed and tooth enamel is polished.

Personal hygiene

Represents daily oral care using special products:

  • special brush;
  • toothpaste or powder;
  • floss;
  • conditioner balms.

The main method of hygiene is the daily removal of food debris that harms the enamel and tooth tissue. The mucous membrane is well supplied with blood and serves as a site of colonization and infection by bacteria. If you do not pay enough attention to hygiene, active reproduction of pathogenic flora will begin.

The importance of oral hygiene

Incorrect and negligent attitude to hygiene can lead not only to the destruction of teeth and gums. The proliferation of pathogenic flora will negatively affect the entire body. As you know, food first enters the mouth. Here the first stage of its digestion occurs with the help of saliva and thorough chewing. Then it enters the stomach. If, due to diseased teeth, it was poorly processed, then digestion will not be complete. This phenomenon will lead to the development of gastritis and other pathologies.

General hygiene rules

There are simple rules for caring for your teeth and oral cavity. They must be taught from early childhood. The best thing is the example of adults. Forming such a habit is a very important step in creating a “Hollywood smile” in the future. To do this you need:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly every morning. The second time must be before bedtime;
  • after snacks, clean with a special thread (floss);
  • use fluoride-containing pastes;
  • visit the dentist 2 times a year.

Proper nutrition is also important to keep your mouth healthy. A lack of fluoride can lead to premature destruction of tooth enamel. Products containing many chemical fillers (chips, crackers, carbonated sweet water) negatively affect the appearance of teeth and lead to darkening.

Daily brushing does not allow you to completely get rid of soft plaque on your teeth, which over time leads to the formation of stone and disease. For proper oral care, it is recommended to regularly visit a hygienist. Let's try to figure out how oral hygiene is carried out in dentistry: what is included in the complex of procedures and how painless this process is.

What is professional hygiene in dentistry?

Oral hygiene is an important part of individual care. The concept includes a long list of measures that are aimed at removing various types of deposits both on the visible part of the dentition and in hard-to-reach places where it is impossible to reach with a brush during regular brushing. Professional care ensures the prevention of caries, bleeding gums, pulpitis, periodontal disease, etc. All procedures performed by a specialist are therapeutic.

Professional hygiene is performed exclusively in the dentist’s office using tools, devices and materials that cannot be used at home. Cleaning is carried out before the installation of orthodontic structures, dentures, and is also considered a mandatory method in the treatment of gums.

Indications for professional oral hygiene

The use of professional hygiene methods in dentistry can eliminate tartar, yellow plaque on teeth and other problems. Basic procedures:

  1. Inspection to determine the number of measures required.
  2. Cleaning with an ultrasonic device (we recommend reading: Is it possible to do ultrasonic teeth cleaning for pregnant women?). The method allows you to get rid of supragingival and subgingival stone.
  3. Primary bleaching. A preparation is applied to the teeth that gently cleanses the enamel and gives it a natural color. The procedure can be part of comprehensive hygiene or performed at the request of the patient.
  4. Polishing. Using rubber rotating cups, the paste is applied to the teeth, after which the surface of the dentition acquires an attractive shine. On smooth enamel, stone growth is less intense.
  5. Detection of diseases of the oral mucosa. The specialist checks for inflammation and bleeding and prescribes therapy if necessary.
  6. Remineralization. Medications containing fluoride, calcium and phosphorus are applied to the surface of the teeth. The procedure allows you to reduce tooth sensitivity and increase the resistance of enamel to caries.

At the patient’s initiative, the doctor may perform additional procedures:

  1. Bleaching. A special composition is applied to the surface of the teeth, which makes them white. The technique requires the use of aggressive substances, but the effect lasts about 5 years. The disadvantage of the procedure is a possible increase in sensitivity to irritants (cold, sour, sweet foods).
  2. Implant installation. Used for tooth loss. A complex operation involves inserting a pin into the jaw bone and installing a crown.

Professional hygiene has a number of advantages:

  • safety and hypoallergenicity of the products used;
  • absence of pain during the doctor’s work;
  • restoration of the natural color of enamel;
  • elimination of all types of deposits that cause dental diseases.

Contraindications to the procedure

Professional oral hygiene, like any health procedure, has a number of contraindications. Cleaning cannot be carried out if the patient has diseases and conditions:

Visiting the dentist for sanitation is prohibited for young children and pregnant women. In other cases, the procedures will be beneficial to health.

Methods of professional hygiene in dentistry


Mechanical cleaning involves the use of special equipment and tools to remove soft deposits and stone. Sometimes plaque is removed manually, but more often machines with rotating brushes are used. Hand-held hook instruments are used only for areas that cannot be reached with the device. The procedure is usually cheap, but there is a risk of soft tissue injury.


Sandblasting teeth cleaning is carried out using special devices that eliminate pigmented and mineralized plaque. This procedure eliminates the possibility of injury to enamel and soft tissues and does not affect tooth sensitivity.

Using the device, a stream of water with soda dissolved in it is directed under pressure onto the tooth surface. The device nozzle does not come into contact with the area being treated. This is a method that is recognized as one of the most effective and safe for removing plaque. After the procedure, the enamel must be polished.


The ultrasonic hygiene method ensures the removal of tartar by vibration of a special device (see also: oral hygiene: tips for caring for dental units and methods for cleaning them). Mineralized deposits are difficult to remove mechanically, and the use of chemicals can lead to damage to the enamel (we recommend reading: chemical filling: what it is and its features). A device that emits vibrations of a certain frequency acts on the boundary separating the stone and tooth tissue.

The ultrasonic tip allows you to remove hard deposits above and below the gum. As a rule, such cleaning is not a separate procedure, but complements preventive sanitation of the oral cavity.


Recently, lasers are often used in professional oral hygiene. It allows you not only to remove stone from your teeth, but also to eliminate their yellowness. Modern technology does not allow the beam to injure the tissue surrounding the bone unit.

The essence of cleaning is based on the ability of the laser to affect water. Plaque absorbs liquid like a sponge - there is much more of it in stone than in enamel. The beam destroys deposits without affecting the hard tissues of the tooth. The advantage of manipulation is its noiselessness and the ability to destroy pathogens.

Special hygiene products

Before the procedure, each patient must clarify what materials will be used in the work. Dentists can use the following:

  • acids for enamel whitening;
  • special dental floss and pastes;
  • abrasive materials and attachments (brushes, soda, sand);
  • preparations with fluoride and calcium (for restoration of hard tooth tissues - Omega Dent, Belak F, etc.).

The use of these means ensures a high speed of achieving the desired effect and a long-lasting preservation of the results obtained. After brushing, you need to wait until the teeth are covered with the thinnest natural protective film. For two hours it is forbidden to eat “colored” foods, drink tea, coffee or smoke.

Algorithm for professional hygiene

Professional cleaning is performed according to the following algorithm:

Some cleaning steps may be omitted or added - it all depends on the condition of the patient's oral cavity. The procedure usually takes about an hour. For several days after the manipulation, your gums may ache, and you may experience discomfort when eating sour, sweet, hot or cold foods. The doctor sets an approximate next visit date to keep the teeth and mucous membranes healthy.

Cost of the procedure

Professional hygiene is not considered an expensive procedure compared to other dental services. The cost depends on many factors: the region of the country, the medical institution, the professionalism of the doctor, the condition of the client’s teeth and the quality of the equipment. Approximate cost of services:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning of one row of teeth – 1,700 rubles;
  • removing plaque from 1 row of teeth with a sandblasting machine – 2600 rubles;
  • fluoridation of two rows of teeth – 3000-3200 rubles.

A professional oral cleaning complex will cost 5-6 thousand; Moscow residents will have to pay up to 9,000 rubles for the services provided. Since many dental clinics often give discounts to clients, it is necessary to monitor prices - this will allow you to save money.

What is proper oral hygiene?
By following the rules of oral hygiene, your mouth looks healthy and your breath is fresh and pleasant. It means that:

  • Teeth look clean and free of tartar
  • The gums are pink and do not hurt or bleed when brushing or flossing.
  • Bad breath is not a constant problem

If your gums hurt and bleed when you brush or floss, and you have a persistent bad breath, contact your dentist. These symptoms may be a sign of illness.

Your dentist or dental hygienist will help you learn techniques for maintaining good oral hygiene and point out areas of your mouth that need special attention when brushing and flossing.

What are the methods for maintaining good oral hygiene?
The most necessary condition for healthy teeth and gums is maintaining proper oral hygiene. Healthy teeth are not just a part of looking attractive and feeling good. This is also a guarantee of good nutrition and clear speech. The health of your body as a whole largely depends on the condition of your oral cavity.

Daily preventative care, including proper brushing and flossing, can prevent the development of oral diseases, and these treatments are less painful, costly and problematic than treating lesions that could have been stopped at an early stage.

Between regular visits to the dentist, each of us should follow simple recommendations that significantly reduce the risk of developing caries, periodontitis and other oral diseases. These include:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss between your teeth daily.
  • Eat a balanced diet, limiting snacks between meals
  • Use oral care products that contain fluoride, including fluoride toothpaste
  • Rinse your mouth with fluoride rinses as recommended by your dentist.
  • If you live in an area where water is not fluoridated, make sure that your child under 12 years of age consumes fluoride-fortified water or a fluoride supplement.
Technique for proper use of dental floss

Take approximately 45 cm of dental floss and use a clean section of 3-5 cm long to clean the tooth each time.

Clean the interdental spaces with gentle movements, following the contours of the gums.

Be sure to clean the surface of your teeth below the gum line, while avoiding any sudden movements of the floss.

In the modern world, a beautiful, healthy smile is an indicator of a person’s general culture, part of his image. But first of all, it’s your attitude towards your own health. Fortunately, more and more people understand this now.

Poor hygiene leads to the accumulation of huge amounts of bacteria and their waste products (toxins). Plaque forms after every meal and accumulates on all surfaces of the teeth and in the gingival sulcus, causing bad breath.

If plaque is not removed on time, then under the influence of saliva and the minerals it contains, soft plaque turns into hard plaque and tartar forms. Tartar and the bacteria it contains constantly injure the gums, as it is located above and below the gums, causing inflammation, bleeding of the gums, and, as a result, the formation of periodontal pockets and tooth mobility, and subsequently their loss.

It is impossible to completely remove supragingival and subgingival dental plaque on your own. Therefore, professional hygiene should be carried out at least 2 times a year.

What is professional oral hygiene?

This is a set of special dental preventive or therapeutic measures carried out by a periodontist or dental hygienist. The activities are aimed at improving the health of organs and tissues of the oral cavity, as well as taking preventive measures against the occurrence and progression of dental diseases. After professional oral hygiene, the microflora improves, the number of pathogenic bacteria sharply decreases, and immunity in the oral cavity increases.

What is included in professional oral hygiene?

At the beginning of each professional hygienic teeth cleaning, the specialist determines the presence of supragingival and subgingival deposits, the presence of caries, gum disease and other possible oral diseases.

Then the gums are treated with an anesthetic gel; if necessary, the doctor can administer anesthesia.

First of all, dental plaque is removed using ultrasound or an ultrasonic scaler. When dental deposits are removed in this way, the hard and soft supragingival dental deposits seem to “peel off” or “knock off” without damaging the enamel. Soft plaque refers to food debris that accumulates along the edge of the gum or extends under the gum.

To remove subgingival plaque, as well as in the presence of periodontal pockets, a manual method is used to remove hard dental deposits using instruments. Special Gracey curettes are used, which, without damaging the tooth enamel, effectively remove tartar.

Pigmented plaque, which is formed under the influence of food dyes (coffee, tea), nicotine, is effectively removed using the “Air Flow” device - this is a jet aerosol stream containing water and sodium bicarbonate powder. After treatment, a clear clinical and cosmetic effect is achieved. The enamel quickly cleans, acquires a natural color and healthy shine. As a result of the procedure, the teeth become clean and their natural color is visible.

A very important step is teeth polishing. Without thorough polishing, all previous stages are ineffective. This is done to ensure that the surface of the teeth is as smooth as possible, since microorganisms are more difficult to attach to a smooth surface. This manipulation is carried out with the help of brushes and rubber bands, using polishing pastes, and on the contact surfaces of the teeth - with the help of special strips.

The process is completed by coating the teeth with fluoride varnish. This is another additional protection of teeth from the penetration of microorganisms, which, among other things, prevents the formation of caries. Fluoride-containing varnishes will help relieve excessive sensitivity of tooth enamel that may appear after such professional cleaning. This can happen because the stone has been affecting the tooth for too long.

After brushing your teeth, the doctor will tell you in detail how to properly care for your teeth, how to minimize the formation of plaque, caries and other dental diseases. Individually select oral hygiene products, which includes toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, tongue scraper, etc.

It is recommended to carry out hygienic teeth cleaning once every six months, but the frequency of the procedure depends on the characteristics of the human body and his lifestyle. In some cases, cleaning is recommended every three to four months. For example, if you are a heavy smoker or drink a lot of coffee and tea.

Dental health can only be guaranteed by proper oral hygiene. If you don't pay attention to it, problems will arise over time: caries, periodontal disease, loss of bone units. A clear symptom of poor hygiene is the smell, which is especially noticeable during a conversation. Diseases can develop due to ignorance of the rules of care.

Oral hygiene concept

If we talk about the definition of hygiene, then it includes measures for the care and removal of plaque from teeth, which help prevent oral diseases. The procedure must be carried out correctly, including superficial removal of deposits and deep cleansing of the interdental space and gingival grooves.

Proper hygiene includes:

  • brushing with a toothbrush and paste;
  • use of additional products (thread, rinse aid, etc.);
  • visiting a doctor for professional cleaning and assessment of tissue condition.

A visit to the dentist should be scheduled every six months. Without cleansing with special tools, hygiene will be insufficient, which can provoke the occurrence of inflammation and diseases.

Types of hygiene


High-quality home oral hygiene can reduce the impact of pathogenic bacteria on the body. The essence of individual dental hygiene is care using basic products:

  • brushes and pastes;
  • floss (dental floss) (we recommend reading: what is the difference between waxed and unwaxed dental floss);
  • rinse liquid.

Also included in the list of home oral hygiene measures is a self-examination to identify inflammation, plaque and caries. We'll talk more about hygiene products below.


Proper professional oral hygiene is carried out by a hygienist using special devices and materials:

  • hard and soft brushes with different bristle lengths;
  • irrigators;
  • ultrasonic devices;
  • abrasives;
  • therapeutic ointments.

Removing plaque from teeth is an excellent method of preventing periodontal disease. The specialist determines the level of hygiene; after cleaning the crowns, carious lesions and the natural color of the enamel become visible, which is important for the restoration of the bite. As a rule, the procedure is performed according to the algorithm:

Methodology for assessing the hygienic condition of the oral cavity

An assessment of the hygienic state of the oral cavity is carried out to select methods and materials for cleaning, caring for teeth and mucous membranes. The doctor uses special means (Lugol's solution, fuchsin, etc.) to identify dental plaque and evaluate the effectiveness of hygiene measures. The dye is applied to the enamel, after which the specialist determines the area occupied by plaque and its thickness.

Oral hygiene assessment is performed using a special table. The quality of hygiene is determined depending on the intensity of pigmentation of each tooth:

The enamel contamination index in each clinic is determined by its own methods. Scale used to measure deposits and coloring agents may vary.

Proper oral care

Dental care

Dental hygiene begins with the choice of toothpaste and brush. There are several types of pastes:

For proper oral hygiene, it is important to choose the right brush. It is better to buy a product with artificial fibers - the fibers in them have a smooth surface and the ends are rounded. You need to pay attention to such a parameter as the stiffness of the bristles - as a rule, brushes of medium hardness are suitable for most adults.

It is necessary to take care of your toothbrush, keeping it clean. After use, the product must be dried; it should not be left without a hygienic lid next to the toilet. It is advisable to purchase an ultraviolet sterilizer, which is designed to kill bacteria on the bristles.

To remove plaque and food particles between the teeth, flat and round threads are used in spools or on special holders. They are impregnated with a germ-killing composition and allow mechanical removal of deposits.

If there are orthopedic structures, implants, or wide gaps between teeth, interdental brushes and irrigators are used. These devices are selected by the doctor individually for the patient and allow you to remove plaque from all hard-to-reach places.

Mucous membrane care

Hygiene involves not only removing deposits from the interdental spaces, but also cleansing the oral mucosa. On the inner surface of the cheeks, between the villi of the tongue, microparticles of food accumulate, which create ideal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria.

To maintain a healthy mouth, it is necessary to clean the palate, buccal mucosa and tongue. To do this, you can use a regular toothbrush or a bandage wrapped around your finger.

Basic hygiene

Basic oral care products

The list of care products includes:

Your home arsenal can be replenished with hygiene aids - a tongue scraper and a toothbrush with a textured surface on the back of the head. These devices provide effective removal of plaque from soft tissues.

Maintaining good hygiene helps maintain oral health. For each person, the rules presented below should become a habit:

Instructions for daily cleaning of the oral cavity

To properly perform oral hygiene, you need to adhere to a certain scheme. Taking care of your teeth comes down to simple instructions:

You need to brush your teeth for 2-3 minutes, and then start massaging your gums, making circular movements with a brush or finger for 30-60 seconds.

The next stage is cleaning the oral mucosa:

  1. Using a toothbrush, brush the inside of your cheeks several times.
  2. Lightly pressing the scraper or the back grooved side of the brush head, run along the tongue, first from root to tip, then across.
  3. Rinse your mouth with water.
  1. Tear off about 30-40 cm and wrap it around your fingers.
  2. Having brought it into the interdental gap, press the floss to the tooth and move it up and down 3-5 times.
  3. To clean the next gap, rewind the thread on your fingers to use the clean section.
  4. It is important not to touch the gums - the soft tissue is easily injured.

Morning and evening oral hygiene ends with the use of a rinse. You should take 2 teaspoons of the product into your mouth and roll it for a minute.

The entire hygiene procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. Following the timing will allow you to maintain the condition of your teeth at a high level. With careful care, most periodontal diseases and bone loss can be avoided.

Consequences of poor hygiene

The oral cavity is an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms. It is humid and warm, so poor oral hygiene leads to serious consequences:

Having appeared in the mouth, the infection spreads throughout the body, penetrating the internal organs. Toxic waste products of bacteria increase the load on the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and heart. An infection in the oral cavity can in the future provoke the development of arthritis, hearing, smell and vision disorders.

Interesting facts about maintaining dental health

Conscientious oral care involves brushing your teeth daily. However, a person practically does not think about other points:

  • The enamel is subject to stress during food intake. Acids, as well as bacterial waste products, are especially dangerous for her - this is a fact (we recommend reading:). Fluoride copes well with caries - it “seals” microcracks, restoring damaged areas. It is important to use fluoride toothpaste at least once a day (preferably after breakfast).
  • The frequency of meals has a stronger effect on enamel than diet. Snacking simply destroys hard tissue, since a person usually consumes foods and drinks containing starch and sugar during lunch. This provokes the proliferation of microbes that produce toxic acids. They have a destructive effect on enamel.
  • Sweets on children's menus provoke the development of dental caries. A good option to combat the disease is to limit the consumption of sweets, cakes, sweet soda and replace them with fruits, homemade yoghurts and pancakes.

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