Smooth Fox Terrier (photo) – White fidget with intelligent eyes. Smooth Fox Terrier: description of the breed History of Fox Terriers in Russia

Dogs of this breed amaze with their energy and curiosity, and the intelligence of the Smooth Fox Terrier allows them to solve complex problems independently. Their purpose is to hunt burrowing animals and live next to their owner.

Height at withers: males 36-41 cm, females 33-38 cm;

Weight: males 7.5-8 kg, females 7-7.5 kg.

  • Colour: Solid white, red, black markings or a combination thereof on a white background. Markings of other colors (liver, brindle) are acceptable, but not desirable.
  • Eyes: dark brown.
  • Nose: black.
  • General appearance: a strong dog of small stature with strong limbs, coarse and short hair.

Disqualifying signs:

  • Excessive aggressiveness;
  • Cowardice;
  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Physical or behavioral abnormalities.

Differences between the Wire Fox Terrier and the Smooth Fox Terrier

There are also . They have common roots, and in the recent past they were the same breed.

Smooth-haired cats are distinguished by a short coat that fits tightly to the body, while their counterparts have a hard and elastic coat that can be trimmed. There is a difference in color - for smooth foxes, solid white is acceptable.

History of the breed

The ancestor of fox terriers was turf dog, which lived in the British Isles. Over time, the British bred a small dog with hunting abilities. Fox terriers with smooth and light coats were very popular among the nobility and experienced hunters. They were kept en masse on estates.

Fox terriers traveled to the hunting site on horseback, hiding in the owners' special bags.

Their fiery disposition and insensitivity to pain from bites helped them gain fearlessness and fight the beast in cramped conditions. The anatomy of the Fox Terrier contributed to the development of hunting dog breeding in England. The chest was not too wide and made it possible to easily penetrate the hole. Their legs served as good support during significant physical activity.

Smooth Fox Terriers gave way to Wire Fox Terriers at the beginning of the 20th century. Until these years, their population amounted to 18 thousand individuals. The Second World War greatly reduced the number of fox terriers, but they managed to spread throughout Europe and even beyond its borders.

Some of the first owners of smooth fox terriers in Tsarist Russia were family members Golitsyna. The prince fell in love with these hunters and soon brought new puppies from their historical homeland. He bred purebred pets and actively hunted.

By that time, in Germany, smooth fox terriers had attracted the interest of the local canine community and received official recognition. The breed developed in this country, but retained excellent working qualities.

Character and temperament

Positive character traits of the Smooth Fox Terrier:

  • Devotion;
  • Energy;
  • Tirelessness;
  • Playfulness;
  • High level of intelligence;
  • Sociability.

Negative traits:

  • Hot temper;
  • Tirelessness;
  • Fights with other dogs are possible;
  • Barks frequently;
  • Exorbitant appetite.

Most of the listed traits are inherent in almost all dogs from the terrier group. Their work requires qualities such as excitability and healthy malice.

Who is the dog suitable for?

Smooth Fox Terriers are suitable active people with a decisive character. These dogs love to work, so it is advisable to direct their energy in the right direction. For fox hunters and other burrowing animals they will become the best helpers.

There is never a dull moment with Foxes, so they are taught the basics of dog sports during their teenage years. Exercise in the form of long hikes over rough terrain will strengthen the muscles and allow you to throw out excess energy.

In families with small children, smooth foxes are rare due to their hot temper. The same applies to cats, ferrets and birds. Even on walks, fox terriers are not averse to chasing an animal passing by. Therefore, it is necessary to teach these wayward hunters how to communicate politely with other pets from the first months of life.

The guard qualities of smooth fox terriers are weak, but they are capable of barking at a stranger. Hunters live with them year-round in enclosures, so in the house. In the city, these dogs are kept in apartments without problems.

Smooth Fox Terriers carry any weather conditions. White wool prevents the body from overheating, and its thickness provides thermoregulation. Therefore, you cannot cut or shave such Foxes.

In severe frosts or snowstorms, it is advisable to dress your pet in overalls made of waterproof fabric.

They take long walks with foxes, 2 times a day, and more often with puppies. On the street they practice commands, throw balls and toys. Regular walks in the forest or fields are advisable.


An approximate diet for a Smooth Fox Terrier consists of the following products:

  • Beef, chicken meat and offal – up to 70% of the total portion;
  • Fermented milk products – 15%;
  • Cereal porridge – 10%;
  • Vegetables – 5%;
  • Chicken or quail egg – 1-2 times a week;
  • Sea fish – 2-3 times a month.

Meat and vegetables served to dogs raw. From cereals, it is better to choose rice and exclude corn and oatmeal. To feed eggs, the whites are removed. The shell must be washed. The food should not be too fatty or contain a large amount of grains.

You should not skip feedings or significantly reduce portions - due to their small size, Smooth Fox Terriers need regular food intake.

For puppies, vitamins and minerals are selected individually, because they do not have active growth spurts, like large dogs.


Caring for the coat of these fox terriers is not difficult. Wash them with deep cleaning shampoo or foaming product for white wool. Before the exhibition, the fox terrier's coat is treated with balms and conditioners. In this case, washing is necessary 2-3 days before the event, in other situations - 1-2 times a month.

Their coat does not suffer from dust, sun or precipitation. However, the whiteness can easily be lost if fed incorrectly or washed with the wrong product.

Clip, trim or shave smooth-coated fox terriers without medical indications it is forbidden. At shows, such dogs do not stay in the ring. Before going to the exhibition, traces of discharge under the eyes are removed with hydrogen peroxide, and then sprinkled with powder or similar cosmetics for animals. Tinted shampoos are also used.

The fox terrier's teeth are the main weapon. Therefore, caring for them is important. Many veterinary clinics and grooming salons offer cleaning of enamel from plaque and tartar. But this can be done at home, when the condition of the enamel is not critical. For cleaning, take a special tool in the form of a curved spatula and mechanically remove plaque. This is possible if it is soft enough. The second option is to choose a product from a veterinary pharmacy to remove tartar and use it according to the instructions.

The ears of the Smooth Fox Terrier are cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in lotion or hydrogen peroxide. To prevent insects from getting into shells, special drops with the appropriate effect are applied to the pet’s withers. They save from fleas and ticks that carry piroplasmosis.

Fox Terriers' claws wear off gradually. You can shorten it with animal tongs, choosing them according to size. If there is redness on the skin or fur, or a bad smell from the ears, a consultation with a veterinarian will help.

Education and training

Fox Terriers tend to stubbornness And fast reaction to what is happening. Therefore, the owner needs to have excellent reaction time and keep an eye on his pet outside the house.

For overall development, Fox Terriers benefit from training to develop obedience and become a civilized dog. Socialization begins immediately after quarantine. A dog living in an urban environment must have an adequate attitude towards people, transport and restrain excitement at the sight of its relatives.

Fox Terriers do not need protective or guard duty. For hunting dogs there are special bases with enclosures and wild animals. On their territory, under the supervision of an experienced instructor, burrowing dogs are trained. There is an opportunity to receive a diploma and the honorary title of a representative of the working class in your breed.

Smooth Foxes undergo working tests not necessary.

Not every fox terrier is born with innate working qualities. The passion for hunting must be in the blood, and subsequent activities only develop skills and add precious experience. Puppies learn faster by watching adult dogs.

Many Smooth Fox Terriers have voracious appetites, which can help with training. These dogs are easier to motivate with treats.

Smooth fox terriers are frequent guests at competitions in various sports. These include agility, obedience. They also love simple games with balls and rubber ducks in the presence of the owner.

According to the Canadian scientist Stanley Coran, the fox terrier average learning ability. It will take up to 40 repetitions to memorize new commands, and execution on the first return can be expected half the time or a little more often. The excitability and curiosity of smooth fox terriers are to blame for such results. However, for non-service breed dogs the indicators are satisfactory.

Choosing a nickname

For girls: Liz, Darcy, Megan, Foxy, Lisa.

For boys: Henry, Absinthe, Berg, Dudley, Lew.

Health and life expectancy

On average, Smooth Fox Terriers live 13-16 years old. With proper care and genetic health, dogs die at an older age. Hunters' foxes die earlier.

Smooth Fox Terriers most often suffer from:

  • Dislocation of the kneecap;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Vision dysfunction;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Cataracts;
  • Allergic dermatitis;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Congenital myasthenia;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Respiratory tract diseases.

How much does it cost and where to buy

This is a small breed, but there are nurseries in Europe and the USA. The National Fox Terrier Breed Club is registered in the RKF system, which unites the wire-haired and smooth-haired varieties.

Puppy price: from 15,000 rubles.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of smooth fox terriers and their puppies.


The Smooth Fox Terrier is a small, but very energetic and cheerful dog. It is simply impossible to remain in a bad mood around him, since he charges those around him with his optimism. After reading today's article, you will learn about the main features of representatives of this breed.

A little history

The first mentions of these animals appeared in books dating back to 1617. They were described as earth dogs that could easily deal with foxes. The same sources indicated that these animals were very different from representatives of other hunting breeds. They could remain underground for a relatively long time, thanks to which they gained enormous popularity.

About a hundred years later, targeted work began on breeding this type of hunting dog. They were obtained by crossing representatives of several breeds. The result of this selection was the so-called burrow terriers. After some time, they were separated into an independent breed. The smooth-haired Fox Terrier, a photo of which will be presented below, quickly turned into a permanent participant in exhibitions. But, contrary to forecasts and fears, he did not lose his hunting qualities. His successes at exhibitions only complemented the excellent results of field tests. As a result, the breed gained even greater popularity. Today these dogs are bred almost all over the world.

Fox Terrier Smooth: description of the breed

These are small, strong dogs with a fairly dense, proportional body. The height of an adult does not exceed 41 centimeters, and the weight ranges from seven to nine kilograms. Under the compact body of the animal there are two pairs of smooth and strong limbs. The distance between the front paws parallel to each other should be relatively small.

The small head has dark, close-set eyes and relatively small ears close to the cheekbones. The dry, long neck has no dewlap and slightly widens in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The dog's body is covered with short, straight and pleasant to the touch hair. As for color, it can be white with black or brown markings. Spots of any other color are considered defective, therefore such dogs are not allowed for breeding.

Smooth Fox Terrier: character description

These cheerful, mischievous dogs have a rather complex disposition. They have a well-developed sense of self-esteem. Therefore, they will defend their rights in every possible way. Any attempts to show the dog that he has neither rights nor freedom will be perceived by him as a personal insult.

In general, these dogs are friendly, active and energetic. With proper upbringing, the Smooth Fox Terrier will become a loyal and devoted protector of its owner and his family. Representatives of this breed are very temperamental and react almost instantly to any actions of the owner. This feature slightly complicates the training process and has a bad effect on developing self-control and calm behavior.

These animals are quite unpretentious in everyday life. They do not require complex specific care. It is recommended to bathe smooth fox terriers no more than twice a year or when they become very dirty. This should be done using special shampoos sold in pet stores. From time to time, the dog's fur should be brushed with a stiff brush. This helps maintain the direction of hair growth and quickly get rid of shedding undercoat.

Representatives of this breed need long, active walks. But it is advisable to take them outside only on a long leash attached to a well-fitted harness. Otherwise, the dog may run after an object of interest and get run over by a car or accidentally get lost.

If the Smooth Fox Terrier is kept not in an apartment, but in a private house, then the owners should take care of a fairly high fence. Otherwise, the dog will easily jump over the fence and chase after some moving object.

What to feed such a dog?

The diet of the Smooth Fox Terrier can consist of industrial or natural food. In the first case, it is advisable to give preference to quality products of at least premium class. A dog eating dry industrial food receives all the vital vitamins and microelements along with it.

Those who plan to give their pet natural food will have to make sure that most of the dog’s diet consists of meat, fish or offal. In addition, the animal must receive a sufficient amount of fiber. In addition to beef, chicken, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, the dog’s menu should include carrots, pumpkin, zucchini and a little cabbage.

If it is enough for an adult dog to feed twice a day, then Smooth Fox Terrier puppies, depending on age and body weight, should receive food from three to six times a day.

Breed diseases

The Smooth Fox Terrier is characterized by fairly good health. But, like any other living creature, he can get sick. Representatives of this breed are prone to epilepsy, deafness, diabetes and cataracts.

As a rule, these diseases are hereditary. Therefore, before purchasing a puppy, be sure to check it for the above health problems.

Features of training

The Smooth Fox Terrier breed is interesting because its representatives are prone to stubbornness and quick response to everything that happens. Therefore, their owner will have to show maximum attention and make every effort to raise the puppy correctly.

In order for a controlled and civilized dog to grow from a small touching lump, you need to educate him from the day he appears in your home. A dog living in an urban environment must be taught basic commands and socialized in a timely manner. The animal must react adequately to strangers, transport and its relatives.

Fox Terriers do not need to undergo protective or guard training. There are special bases for hunting dogs, equipped with enclosures with wild animals. Qualified instructors work on their territory, under whose guidance the baiting of burrowing dogs takes place.

Smooth Fox Terriers can often be seen at sporting events. They take part in obedience or agility competitions. With no less pleasure, representatives of this breed play with a regular ball or rubber ducks.

Possible difficulties

Often, novice owners who have bought their first puppy are not even aware of the existence of some pitfalls. To avoid such troubles, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the characteristics of the dogs of the breed you like. For example, owners of fox terriers should understand that these dogs love to eat, and if they are not controlled, they will quickly gain excess weight and develop health problems. To keep your pet in good shape, it is recommended to provide him with sufficient exercise.

Also, some difficulties may arise during the training stage of the puppy. In this case, you should not give up and give up on your idea. Show maximum persistence, or even better, take classes with a qualified instructor.

Most representatives of this breed can bark shrilly, so they need to be weaned from this bad habit from an early age. In addition, it is not advisable to leave Fox Terriers alone with other pets.

It is better to house dogs kept in the local area in covered enclosures. This is due to the fact that fox terriers are very jumping and can easily jump over a fairly high fence. In addition, representatives of this breed constantly make attempts to escape outside the fenced area. To do this, they are ready to make tunnels and dig deep holes.

Breed name: Fox Terrier

Country of origin: Great Britain

Time of birth of the breed: late 18th century

Type: companion dog

Weight: 6 – 8 kg

Height(height at withers): 35 – 40 cm

Lifespan: 12 – 14 years

ICF classification: Group 3, Section 1, Number 12/169

Fox Terrier puppies price: 120 – 1100 $

History of the breed

The first information about the ancestors of the fox terrier dates back to 55 BC, when the Roman conquerors who arrived in the British Isles discovered small dogs there hunting game in holes. Smooth Fox Terriers have been known since at least the 18th century, as evidenced by illustrations in ancient hunting books. And the painting, painted in 1790 by the English artist Sawry Gilpin, depicts a dog of this breed named Pitch.

Based on a study of the history of the origin and development of fox terriers conducted by scientists, it was concluded that the smooth fox terrier and the wire fox terrier are breeds of different origins. While the former is a direct descendant of the Old English Black and Tan Terrier with the addition of Beagle, Bull Terrier and Greyhound blood, the latter was the result of a much later crossing of Welsh Terriers and other wire-haired English Terriers with a small infusion of Smooth Fox Terrier blood to achieve a lighter color.

At the end of the 1850s, the first fox terriers appeared in Russia, where one of the first admirers of the breed was Prince Boris Dmitrievich Golitsyn. In the 1860s, the breed was known in France, Italy and Holland, and by the 1880s it gained recognition in Germany and Norway. The first smooth fox terrier came to the Australian continent in 1868, where 10 years later a club for fans of this breed was founded in Melbourne. A similar club was organized in 1885 in the United States of America.

In 1875, the breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club (the official standard was approved a year later) and was called the Fox Terrier. Under the name Smooth Fox Terrier, she first appeared in the club's stud book in 1883. In 1885, the breed was registered by the American Kennel Club, and in 1912 by the United Kennel Club.

Although for many years the Smooth Fox Terrier and the Wire Fox Terrier were considered the same breed, crossbreeding between the two stopped in the early 1900s.

Both types of fox terriers are equally popular, although previously smooth-haired dogs were valued more, since during the hunt they did not get their fur dirty, driving the animal into holes. But in the 20s of the 20th century the situation changed, and the Wire Fox Terrier became a favorite. Fox Terriers have always faithfully served humans not only in hunting. During the First World War, there were dogs that were even awarded medals for service to the fatherland. And a fox terrier named Igloo in 1928–1930. was a member of the expedition to Antarctica in the command of Admiral Byrd.

In 1993, the Smooth Fox Terrier was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale and classified as a terrier, section of large and medium terriers.


Appearance The dog of this breed is medium in size. She is not long-legged, but not short-legged either. Short back, build like a sports riding horse, capable of energetically pushing with the hind limbs and carrying the forelimbs far forward - in accordance with the length of the body. Compactness, not burdened by a rough physique, is the main feature of the animal, which can easily be considered the classic standard of a dog. The color is predominantly white with brown or black spots, sometimes without them.

The description of the dog is as follows:

  • The eyes are dark, medium in size, set deep and close together. The expression of the eyes gives the impression of an intelligent and energetic animal.
  • The ears are small v-shaped. They are rather adjacent to the cheekbones, not directed to the sides, but, on the contrary, to the muzzle, their protruding part is placed on cartilage.
  • The jaws have a scissor bite and are powerful.
  • The muzzle is elongated, the nose is black.
  • The tail is strong and set high. Usually part of it is stopped at birth. The tail is an indicator of the dog's condition - in a fox terrier it should not curl or dangle. We can safely say about such a tail that it is “pistol-shaped”.
  • The coat is straight, smooth and close-lying. The fur coat is hard to the touch, the undercoat is thick. The color has a peculiarity - a predominance of white with or without brown or black spots. The white color of the dog was valuable because it was easier to spot during the hunt.


Smooth Fox Terriers are very attached to their family and can often be very demanding, especially if they do not get enough exercise. A lack of busyness and attention can just as easily lead to destructive behavior and excessive barking.

Indeed this breed needs a lot of love and affection. It’s good when it is possible to share such requirements among all family members. In addition, these dogs are usually tolerant with children of all ages and are always ready to play with them.

Smooth Fox Terriers can be jealous, so they feel best when they are the only pet in the house.

Like most terriers, Smooth Fox Terriers are big fans of running after everything that moves. They can easily get lost if you don't watch them carefully.

Dogs of this breed can be quite aggressive, so it is not recommended to leave them with other animals without supervision. They are always ready to get into a fight with other dogs, even much larger ones, sometimes for no apparent reason. Cats and other small pets should be kept away from this breed of dog.

Dogs of this breed make good guard dogs, despite the fact that they can be quite stubborn and headstrong. It is better not to get Fox Terriers for people who do not have enough strength, time or desire necessary to train dogs of this breed. This breed will also be difficult for older people to handle.


Most Fox Terriers are healthy dogs and remain active for up to 10 years or more, with an average lifespan of 12–15 years.

Hereditary diseases that representatives of this breed may suffer from include:

  • digestive system (reduced mobility of the esophagus, achalasia cardia),
  • cancer (histiocytosis, breast sarcoma),
  • endocrine system (goiter, hypothyroidism),
  • organs of hearing and balance (deafness, disorders of the vestibular apparatus),
  • cardiovascular system (endocarditis, esophageal diverticulum, pulmonary stenosis, aortic stenosis, tetralogy of Fallot, ventricular septal defect),
  • immune system (atopic dermatitis, T-cell defect),
  • skin and mucous membranes (contact dermatitis, inguinal and umbilical hernia, seborrheic adenitis),
  • liver and pancreas (copper toxicosis),
  • muscular system (cramps (cramps) of Scotch terriers),
  • nervous system (cerebellar degeneration, cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, congenital bulbospinal palsy, epilepsy, hereditary ataxia, lissencephaly, spinal muscular atrophy),
  • eye (vitreoretinal dysplasia, corneal dystrophy, iris erosion, dystrichiasis, entropion, narrow-angle glaucoma, lens luxation, persistent pupillary membrane, progressive retinal atrophy, trichiasis),
  • reproductive system (cryptorchidism, hypospadias),
  • skeleton (limited calcification, cleft lip/cleft palate, hip dysplasia, Legg-Perthes disease, patella dislocation, shoulder dislocation, oligodontia, spinal osteochondrosis, undershot and overshot, premature closure of the epiphyses of the ulna and radius, spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine ),
  • urinary system (ectopia of the ureters).

The Smooth Fox Terrier does not require special care. Short fur needs to be brushed occasionally. During shedding, this should be done twice a week. You rarely need to bathe. After bathing, puppies should be dried thoroughly, otherwise they may become ill. After walking, the fur and paws should be wiped with a suede cloth to remove dirt. The animal's claws should be trimmed twice a month. Clean your ears once a month using a cotton swab. You only need to dock your tail if your pet will participate in exhibitions. If not, then this procedure is optional.

The dog has a rather stubborn character and can be aggressive towards other animals, so it needs to be walked on a leash, which should be taught to it from an early age. The element of these dogs is hunting. Therefore, at home they do not get along with cats or dogs, mistaking them for prey. It is better not to leave Foxes alone with them.

Reviews from owners about this dog are full of positive emotions. They call their pets inexhaustible batteries and actively share videos of their games and fun.


The Terrier's smooth coat only needs occasional brushing with a firm-bristled brush to maintain the direction of hair growth and to comb out any shedding undercoat. There is no need to use a furminator. This type of cover protects the animal from the heat; dirt almost does not stick to it; this advantage was convenient when the dog participated in the hunt. The top layer of hair is so dense that it does not allow the undercoat to dry quickly enough after bathing. Smooth fox terriers take a long time to dry and this must be taken into account when letting them walk in cold weather.


It is advisable to walk the terrier on a leash and using a harness, because he is partial to chasing everything that moves. When keeping it in the yard, it is important to take care of a fence that the terrier cannot jump over. If you let him go for a free walk, he can get carried away and easily get lost. Fox Terriers are predisposed to training and are capable of performing a wide variety of commands and tricks; they love agility.

Dog food

For an adult dog, it is very important that there is a sufficient amount of protein in the diet. Give your dog beef, lamb and poultry - both raw and boiled. In addition, the smooth fox terrier should eat: berries, greens, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, cereals, sea fish (without bones). Most of the diet should consist of protein, the rest - vegetable fats and fiber.

Your pet should not eat: fatty foods, sweets, canned food, beans, spices, potatoes, overly seasoned dishes. The pet should also have free access to clean and fresh water.

Feeding with special foods is also allowed. The main thing is to choose a really high-quality product. In general, it would be a good idea to consult with breeders or veterinarians regarding nutrition. Then the animal will definitely receive all the substances its body needs.

Training and education

Fox Terriers can be difficult to train. These dogs are very independent, so you will have to show all your leadership qualities. Training must begin as early as possible. In this case, it is necessary to show firmness, but in no case aggression. Consistency and perseverance are important in training a Fox Terrier. Praise is a good motivator for these dogs. When the fox terrier understands that he will receive a reward for a correctly executed command, then he will have a special incentive for his efforts. Once the fox terrier has mastered the basic commands, you can move on to teaching more serious commands. Exercises must be selected in such a way that the animal works not only physically, but also mentally.


Smooth fox terriers are ready for mating after the third heat occurs - this way the animal’s body is strong enough to bear cubs. In order for a male dog to be active, it is better to bring a female to his territory, and not vice versa. The pregnancy of a fox terrier goes smoothly, but the birth of a dog is best carried out by a specialist. Puppies are born completely helpless, so you need to arrange a special dry and warm place in the house to keep them. Vaccinations for children are given as usual, after the worms have been removed.

Choosing a puppy: what to look for?

What should you pay attention to when choosing a Smooth Fox Terrier? Appearance, character of the parents, price - these are the main points that should guide you when looking for a puppy. You can find an advertisement on the Internet, there will be information about the parents, their photos, and a description of the litter. Some sellers even take videos of this breed to showcase their best qualities, whether for hunting or training.

If you need a puppy whose element is hunting, look at his parents and evaluate their qualities such as activity and anger. They play an important role. The price of such a puppy can be high.

You can purchase a puppy from a special nursery. On the Internet you can find the address of the nursery, as well as photos and videos of dogs.

The price of a puppy may vary depending on its pedigree. It can also be influenced by the dog's character. Thus, future hunting requires from the animal not only excellent physical data, but also a lively mind and quick wits - these qualities are why the price of a puppy increases. In general, the maximum price for representatives of this breed is about $500.

Whatever the price, by paying it, you acquire something that money cannot buy: a devoted and loving pet, an excellent hunter and a cheerful friend. The Smooth Fox Terrier is what novice dog breeders need. Minimum requirements for care and maintenance and maximum emotional return - these are the features of this breed, reviews of which are only positive.

Some interesting facts

  • Fox Terriers are food lovers and therefore prone to obesity. Monitor your diet and give your dog enough exercise.
  • It is difficult for an untrained dog breeder to achieve results in training, so it is better to contact a specialist.
  • Fox Terriers love to chase small animals. They are also not averse to starting a fight with their relatives. It is better to use a leash while walking.
  • If your pet is not socialized, you should not leave it alone with other pets.
  • Dogs of this breed are very energetic. They need up to 45 minutes of daily vigorous exercise. If the animal does not realize all its energy, then interior items and decor in your home may suffer.
  • Despite the fact that fox terriers are very loyal and adore children, when playing with children, the dog can inadvertently harm the child.
  • The Fox Terrier is a fairly rare breed. Therefore, to purchase it you will most likely have to spend a lot of time. Not even every nursery has a puppy for sale. You may have to order it in advance.

The Fox Terrier is a small dog whose calling is to hunt the cunning animal fox. Of course, today interest in such an activity has faded significantly, but the popularity of fox terriers has not decreased at all. There are two breed types - wire-haired and smooth-haired fox terriers; they are similar to each other, but still not devoid of individuality. What does a future owner need to know who wants to get such a four-legged friend?

The first mention of representatives of this breed dates back to 1617. They were described as earth dogs that were excellent at taking down foxes. But only a century later did people begin targeted breeding work with these hunting dogs. The result was a new species - the Burrow Terrier, and after some time it was separated into an independent breed.

The representative of the breed created a sensation at exhibitions, and many experts predicted that fox terriers would soon lose their excellent working qualities. However, these fears were not justified; in field tests, smooth foxes showed excellent results.

Description of the Smooth Fox Terrier breed

The peculiarity of fox terriers is their stance, it is similar to that of a horse, this is especially noticeable when the dog is standing, but is about to take off and run. A purebred dog has a harmonious build, a clearly defined body, well-developed bones and harmonious length of limbs.

You can distinguish a male from a female by the expression of the muzzle, but by size, males are often larger than females, but not always. The standard does not indicate which growth there should be individuals, but more often their height is 33-41 cm. It is advisable that the working dog is no higher than 38 cm. Weight it is clearly regulated: males weigh from 7.3 to 8.2 kg, females - 6.8-7.7 kg.

The official document describes the dogs as follows:

Coat color and quality

If we compare dogs with smooth hair and wire-haired dogs, the latter look more impressive, but the first type of coat has a number of advantages - it gets less dirty and does not require trimming. The spine of the Smooth Fox Terrier is dense, hard, of the same length throughout the body, only in the area of ​​the muzzle and on the limbs it is slightly shortened.

The color of purebred dogs is tricolor - the main tone is white, on it there are spots of black, black or brown. Spots of bright red, pure brown are undesirable, as is the presence of brindle on them.

Characteristics of fox hunters

If we talk about temperament, the Fox Terrier is a lively, friendly dog, bold and very courageous. The Fox Terrier naturally has hunting instincts, he is energetic, hardy, easy-going and courageous. He has a very sensitive nose and increased activity; the dog cannot sit still for a minute.

Working tests for representatives of this breed are not mandatory, but the dogs must have anger towards the beast - this characteristic is considered fundamental. Outside the house, dogs are vigilant; they carefully examine everything around them, not missing details.

Such a pet equally needs regular physical activity and attention from the family. The dog endures prolonged loneliness very hard; it negatively affects both his mood and character.

A bored fox terrier turns into a pest, but he begins to bark for no reason, chew furniture and damage property not out of spite, but in order to show his owners how sad and lonely he is. That is why such a pet should be given to a family where someone is always at home.

The dog is very loving and friendly, it quickly gets used to its owner and household members, especially children. The dog is patient, playful and active, so it will be an excellent companion for a child in all mischief, pranks and games.

These little hunters do not have good relationships with other animals. Foxes, most often males, become fight starters, proving their superiority. And an animal running past, be it a cat or a mouse, inevitably becomes an object of hunting. Another nuance - the dog does not get along well with other animals for another reason - he is quite jealous.

It is not recommended for older or too busy people to have such a four-legged friend - the fox terrier needs training, active walks and frequent exercises on the playground. And if the owner is not going to go hunting, then you can involve the pet in sports - this dog is very successful in many disciplines.

The pet is distrustful of strangers, vigilant, he is capable of being a fearless defender, so he can perform the work of a watchman. A loud bark will immediately notify all household members that a stranger has entered their territory.

Raising and training a four-legged friend

Many people mistakenly believe that small dogs do not require training. But even a small dog can become a big problem if he leaves puddles all over the house, spoils things and barks for no reason. Therefore, a compact pet should be trained to obedience and socialized in a timely manner.

Representatives of hunting breeds are not as flexible as shepherds or service dogs. They can be very willful and stubborn, so the owner will have to be patient and devote a little more time to education and training.

The baby should be trained from the first days, as soon as he gets to his new home, initially devoting 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing this time and the number of lessons to 3-4 per day. Longer, monotonous activities will quickly get boring for your pet.

You cannot use physical punishment or rudeness, but sometimes you cannot do without strict suggestion. You should not forgive the dog for disobedience, otherwise in the future he will shirk at the first opportunity that comes his way - not out of laziness, but purely out of stubbornness and self-will.

The Fox Terrier is not a dog that obeys commands unquestioningly and the first time. At first, he will have to repeat them many times. But with proper consolidation of knowledge, he assimilates it for a long time. The dog very happily accepts any encouragement, so you should not skimp on praise, affection and treats, but they should only be deserved.

Features of care and health

As already noted, the coat of this type of fox terrier is easier to care for. Bathe your pet once every 4-8 weeks, usually less often in winter, and brush it with a massage brush once a week. The dense coat takes a long time to dry, so your pet should take this hygiene procedure long before walking.

Fox terriers shed their hair twice a year; during this period, the fur will need to be brushed more often. In harsh climatic conditions, the owner should worry about a set of winter clothes. But if the temperature does not drop below -20°, then this is not necessary - an active dog will not freeze.

The dog's ears should be examined monthly; if the dog is a working dog, then this should be done every time after a hunt. If necessary, they are cleaned with antibacterial wipes or lotions. Experts also advise removing hairs from the ear canal to reduce the likelihood of inflammation and infections.

The pet's teeth also require attention, since representatives of this breed often develop tartar on the enamel. You can brush them once a week with toothpaste designed for dogs. For preventive purposes, the dog is given pieces of solid food or dental treats. If rocky deposits appear, you need to visit a veterinary clinic.

The paw pads and claws are subject to inspection, excess fur from these areas is trimmed, and the claws are trimmed as they grow - usually 2-3 procedures per month are required.

In winter, the roads are sprinkled with mixtures that can irritate the skin of the animals’ paws, so after walking it is recommended to wash the paws, wipe them with a cloth and lubricate them with fats. If cracks appear, they can be treated with propolis tincture.

The complex of care procedures necessarily includes systematic vaccination, treatment against helminths and regular examination by a veterinarian in order to prevent various pathologies.

Breed diseases

With proper care, Fox Terriers live an average of 16 years. But representatives of this breed often develop hereditary diseases. More often they suffer from the following pathologies:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • allergic reactions, often food;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • Perthes disease;
  • eye problems - distichiasis, cataracts, glaucoma;
  • neurological disorders - dogs often suffer from epilepsy.

Feeding regimen and diet

The owner can feed the pet with natural products or choose a suitable balanced food. When feeding naturally, you should create the most complete diet, which will include enough protein and other elements. But even in this case, it is recommended to give the dog vitamin supplements.

The dog should receive protein food, which is at least half of the total amount of food. Moreover, 2/3 is animal protein and 1/3 is plant protein. Sources of fiber are cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, and vegetables - carrots, pumpkin, cabbage. Porridges are seasoned with fresh herbs and vegetable oil.

It is advisable to give your adult pet a fasting day once a week. You can give your dog pieces of raw vegetables and rye crackers. For normal functioning of the digestive system, you should definitely give fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, etc.

When choosing dry food, you should pay attention to premium and super-premium brands - they contain high-quality ingredients and are better balanced. The Fox Terrier is suitable for a menu designed for dogs whose weight does not exceed 10 kg and leading an active lifestyle.

During any feeding, the pet must have round-the-clock access to clean drinking water, and it must be changed to fresh water daily. Adult dogs are fed twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening, puppies - about 4.

Conditions for keeping fox terriers

This compact dog is suitable for living in an apartment, but in this case you will have to devote much more time to walks and active leisure. If the dog lives in a country house, then in the local area he will be able to spend some of the excess energy without the intervention of the owner. But even then, the pet must be walked in the morning and evening.

During walks, you should not let the dog off the leash; if the area is not safe enough, the fox terrier can get into trouble, as it will not refuse to chase some animal.

Photo of a smooth fox terrier

Video about the Smooth Fox Terrier

Buying a puppy

Before buying a Smooth Fox Terrier puppy, it is important to decide for what purposes the pet is needed - for hunting, as a pet, for a sporting career or for participation in exhibitions and shows.

A puppy for hunting should be taken from working parents. Usually, such offspring at the genetic level have enough anger towards the beast, and they are characterized by increased activity. But litter from a successful hunting pair is usually not cheap.

It is best to purchase a puppy of pure blood, with documents and good characteristics, from a specialized nursery. Especially if you need a baby for subsequent breeding and participation in exhibitions. In addition, breeders provide all possible assistance in raising their ward.

Unfortunately, in Russia there are not many kennels engaged in breeding short-haired fox terriers; more often they work with their wire-haired counterparts. However, there are still similar establishments - Nikon Fox (Moscow), which breeds smooth-haired, wire-haired, toy fox terriers and Jack Russell terriers. You can also find an experienced breeder who has a good reputation and is familiar with the specifics of the breed.

Puppies with a pedigree and excellent characteristics from titled parents cost on average about 30,000 rubles. The price of babies intended for the soul or breeding, with documents, is 15,000-20,000 rubles. You can buy a puppy from random sellers for less than 10,000 rubles, but in this case the purity of the breed and working qualities are in question.

The Fox Terrier is a positive, cheerful and very active dog that will not let the family get bored. And if the house does not have such a four-legged friend, then you can start looking for a suitable puppy.

The Smooth Fox Terrier is an ancient dog breed and one of the first terriers to be recognized by the Kennel Club in 1875. The scale of popularity can be assessed by the fact that they became the ancestors of many breeds. Since at least the 15th century, they have been used to hunt foxes and rodents, and were kept by peasants to control pests and small predators.

  • Fox Terriers love to eat and can easily become overweight. Regulate the volume and caloric content of food, load the dog.
  • They bark a lot and loudly.
  • Tirelessly and with pleasure they chase rabbits, birds, cats and even small dogs. They are fearless and will fight with another dog, even if that dog is several times its size. Walk your dog on a leash if you are unsure of the safety of the area.
  • Do not leave your dog alone with other animals. Even if he previously treated them neutrally.
  • This is a very energetic breed and requires 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily. If they don't find an outlet for energy, they can chew furniture and bark endlessly.
  • They love children and love to play with them, but can be a bit rough for small children.
  • They are escape artists, capable of jumping higher than you can imagine and digging out entire tunnels under fences.
  • This is a fairly rare breed, if you are buying a puppy, then spend time searching for a suitable kennel and it is better to wait in line for a while.

History of the breed

Smooth Fox Terriers originated in the 17th century when they were selectively bred for fox hunting. At this point in British history, hunting had become a sport and a pastime for the wealthy, most of whom kept their own packs of hounds and greyhounds.

Hound dogs were designed to pick up and chase a fox while hunters pursued it on horseback.

As soon as the fox hid in the hole, it was time for the terriers to work. They climbed into her hideout and either drove the fox out or strangled her. There is a portrait of a Smooth Terrier named Pitch, drawn in 1790 and very similar to modern dogs.

Breed historians believe that both wire-haired and smooth fox terriers are from the same origin; moreover, the first breeders often crossed them with each other. As a result of this crossing, modern dogs are similar in size, build, character and differ only in the type of coat and head shape.

They stopped crossing them only at the beginning of the 19th century. It is believed that the ancestors of the breed were the Manchester Terrier.

During the 18th century, there were many different types of fox terriers, differing from each other in size, color, build and character. It was only in 1862 that they first appeared at a dog show called “smooth-haired English terriers, white and other colors, with the exception of black and tan.”

However, already in 1863, at an exhibition in Birmingham, they were called fox terriers, and the smooth-haired ones were separated into a separate group.

There was a lot of disagreement about the size, appearance and colors, since there was no breed standard, and there were many variations of dogs. The situation was changed by the emergence of amateur clubs and the creation of a unified breed standard.

One such club was the Fox Terrier Club of the U.K. (FTC), created back in 1876 and still existing today. In 1913, the Wire Fox Terrier Association (WFTA) was created, the Wire Fox Terrier Association and the breeds were separated, after which they were no longer crossed with each other.

The popularity that the breed had at first faded away over time. Still, this is a hunting dog, and today's society needs companion dogs more. Thus, in the USA, smooth fox terriers are in 110th place in terms of the number of dogs registered in the AKC, with a total of 167 breeds on this list.

And in 2010, only 155 dogs were registered. In the post-Soviet space the situation is no better, although these dogs cannot be called rare.


Males should not exceed 15 ½ inches or 39.37 cm at the withers, females slightly less. Males weigh about 8 kilograms, females about 7 kg.

The main color is white, it can have spots of any color, with the exception of brindle, red or brown. Common colors: white with reddish-brown, black and tan (saddleback) or black spots. The fur is thick and covers the belly and the inside of the paws. They feel hard and thick to the touch, but at the same time smooth.

The eyes are round, deep-set with a playful expression and playful sparkles. They are dark in color and quite small. The ears are small, V-shaped, hanging. Prick ears are highly undesirable.


Smooth Fox Terriers are playful, friendly and very, very energetic. Moreover, according to the standard, this is one of the liveliest and most active breeds among all terriers.

They are loyal, devoted defenders of their family, but if you do not like activity and cannot make your dog’s life complete, then this breed is not for you.

Puppies need to be introduced to different people as early as possible, especially since they love companionship and family. Such socialization will lead to puppies growing up to be brave and friendly and not be afraid of strangers.

They treat children well and are friends with them, but it is important to teach children to respect the dog, not to hurt it and not to violate its boundaries. The company of children is an outlet for the Fox Terrier and an opportunity to have fun while other family members are busy.

We have dealt with the attitude towards people, now we will deal with the attitude towards other animals. Again, you need to introduce puppies to other dogs and house cats. Since these are typical terriers, other animals will be in great danger under the same roof as them.

These are hunters; if they can still get used to cats, then rabbits and hamsters are prey. Moreover, outside the house they will chase all small animals. They should not be let off the leash while walking in places where there is someone to chase.

Cats can either be chased or not be bothered at all. This point depends on the dog’s character and socialization. In general, they can live peacefully with cats they know.

Their cocky character leads to conflicts with other dogs, especially since they do not yield even if the enemy is several times larger. If you want to keep two dogs at home, it is better that they are of different sexes, in order to avoid fights over the hierarchy.

Smooth Fox Terriers are very curious and love to explore everything around them. On the one hand, this makes them lively and funny, but on the other hand, they are destructive to the home. And yes, if you keep a dog in the yard, then make sure that there are no holes in the fence or undermining anywhere.

They love to dig and do it professionally, so digging a hole is not a problem for them. If this is not possible, then simply dig the ground. At some point, you may see how your flower garden has changed shape, and instead of it there is a deep hole. Don't blame the dog, it's his instinct.

These dogs need high physical activity, preferably work. Their energy is adapted for long walks, jogging or the company of the owner on a bicycle ride. This is a dominant, energetic breed and requires daily exercise, both physically and mentally. Otherwise, the energy will go into destructive behavior and will be destructive to your life.

Smooth Fox Terriers are average in terms of trainability and are not easy to train, but not difficult either. On the one hand, they want to please the owner, on the other, they are independent. Obedience training can be problematic, since in addition to independence, they are also characterized by stubbornness.

Since this is a dominant breed, you need to be the leader and master in your relationship with the dog. Training and education should not be harsh, but firm and consistent. Set rules, boundaries and limits and don't let your dog break them.

If you eat, the dog should eat only after you. If you forbid climbing onto the sofa, then she should not violate the ban. Behaving too softly will result in the dog sitting on your head and ruining the relationship. For this reason, it is not recommended for beginners and inexperienced dog owners.

Smooth Fox Terriers are well adapted to apartment life, provided they have sufficient daily exercise. A private house, especially for a hunter, is much better, of course.


Hunting dogs are rarely picky about their care, and this breed is no exception. They need trimming once a year, if not less often, and can be brushed once a week.

They shed lightly, but they need to be brushed more often twice a year, as seasonal shedding occurs. You can clean the coat with a damp towel, as they can be quite dirty after walks.


The lifespan of Smooth Fox Terriers ranges from 12 to 15 years, although some live up to 19. They are a healthy breed, without the genetic diseases typical of purebred dogs.

If you provide them with the necessary level of activity, they live a long time and do not get particularly sick.

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